HomeMy WebLinkAbout68 E Meadow Dr Unit 304 & 404 - LarioVAL!t Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: wwwci.vail.co.us Project Name: Larrea exterior changes DRB Number: DR8030513 Proiect Demription: Re-build patio: remove flagstone, add drains and waterproof system with new electric boiler, replace flagstone; replace stainless 8' slider doors with same-for-same / doors Participants: OWNER LARIO INC 11/1V2003 Phone: O/o VAIL VILLAGE INN 1OO E MEADOW DR VAIL CO 81657 License: APPLICANT |ARIO INC 1V11l2003 Phone: % VAIL VILLAGE INN 1OO E MEADOW DR VAIL CO 81657 License: ProjectAddress: 68 E MEADOW DRVAIL Locatlon: 1OO EAST MEADOW DR L€gal Description: Lotl O Block: 5D Subdivision: Vail Village 1st filing Parcel Numben 2LOLO8254O26 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: SIAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApprovah lIll2l20A3 Conditions: @nd: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Tovvn of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PI,CN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activiUes. Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: S25O.OO T0t4,[,m Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2t39 tax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review. cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departrnent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description ofthe Location of the Proposal: Lot: D B lorUt 5D b) e o0R Physical Address: parcet No.: a tO \O8aSq 6A6 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zonang: Name(s)of owner(s): G*"^n n / alt,"o Owner(s) Signature(s) : Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr SignsE Conceotual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition qqn No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 +4U $20 / Minor Alteration (multFfami lylcommercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Desian Review Board. For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: Check No.: 3JJ+t3 Ftr(. 1.8. : ,,*m I, (P|lnt narne tFraip&o) provlit! dui tattrr !s wrtlen !F0t$,rl of thc Flang doted bee,' 'ubfltftlgl !o the Too'n of vatl csnmurfty Dev?hp,lht t gr.ro,*il Itr the o,*ood t'.O,ercnts b bG .odpts'd ar e. rd*r* nubc rbovc. t unrftnrnd ttr* the pqoscd rnprorrcnrnB hdrre: I ttrthcr m4nErrl sat rnhci rrotf,tlc'trils ',|ar bc r&b [E ca.t3 q\r., tha ow* or d..,.i.hs, ptEcc$.lo c,t3trc @rrrDtortc! rili the yoiln.r rrpflc&G codEs ard Egdat s|s.W toill PiotEftTowT{a W.f,TITEf,DilOT,lLt.:TlCi whkh havu Proe2ot lj/OV07fr2 a The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation.o Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Architectural Floor Plans:o Scale of 1/8' = 1'or larger; 1/4" is preferredo Floor plans of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale.o Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building.o Label floor plans to indicate the proposed floor area use (i.e. bedroom, kitchen, etc.).o One set of floor plans must be "red{ined" indicating how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. See Title 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for regulations.o Provide dimensions of all roof eaves and overhangs. Architectural Elevations:o Scale of 1/8" = 1'or larger; 1/4" is preferredo All elevations of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. The elevaUon drawings must show both existing and finished grades. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale.o If building faces are proposed at angles not represented well on the normal building elevations, show these faces also.D Elevations shall show proposed finished elevation of floors and rooE on all levels.a All exterior materials and colors shall be specified on the elevations.D The following shall be shown graphically and fully dimensioned: fascia, trim, milings, chimney caps, meter locations, and window details.e Show all proposed exterior lighting fixtures on the building.B Illustrate all decks, porches and balconies.D Indicate the roof and building drainage system (i.e. gutters and downspouts).D Indicate all rooftop mechanical systems and all other roof structures, if applicable.D Illustrate proposed building height elevation on roof lines and ridges. These elevations should coordinate with the finished floor elevations and the datum used for the suruey.D Exterior color and material samples shall be submitted to staff and presented at the Design Review Board meeting. Lighting Plan:D Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.D Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous areao Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. II. IMPROVEMENT TOCATION CERTIFICATE (ILC) Once a building permit has been issued, and construction is underway, and before the Building Department will schedule a framing inspection, two copies of an Improvement Location Ceftificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registered professional engineer must be submitted. The following information must be orovided on the ILC:o Basis of bearing and tie to section cornero All propety pins found or seto Building location(s) with ties to property corners (ie. distances and angles)o Building dimensions, including decks and balconies, to the nearest tenth of a footo Building and garage floor elevaUons and all roof ridge and eave line elevationso All drainage and utility service line as-builts, showing type of material, size and exact locationo All easements Page 5 of t2ll2l!7lO2 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name Ouantiil Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. IYP9 Square Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGANON TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specifu other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc,) Page 7 of 12102107102 Survey/Site Plan Review Checklist Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us *This cltecklist must be submitted prior to Public Works reuiew of a proposed development Applicant: Submittalo Stamped survey of propertyo Civil/Site plans Survev Requirements: o Surveyor's wet stamp and signaturetr Date of surveyo North arrowo Proper scale (1"=10' or t"=20)o Legal descriptiona Basis of bearings / Benchmarka Spot Elevationsa Labeled right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information.o Lot Sizea Buildable Area (excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40ol0, and floodplain) Site Plan Reouirements: I. Access (check all)o Driveway type and finished surface are shown on the site plan.tr Unheated n Heated (portion in ROW in a separate zone)D Snow storage areas are shown on the site plan within property boundaries (30% oF driveway area if unheated; 10o/o of driveway area if heated)n All driveway grades, dimensions, radii are clearly noted on the site plan and conform to Development Standards, p. 11. Steepest Section Driveway Grade (not the average grade):_D Parking spaces and turning radii are noted on site plan and conform to Development Standards, pp.12&14 IL Construction Site (check all)tr Location of all utilities and meter pits are shown on the site plan,D Limits of disturbance construction fencing is shown on the site plan.D I am aware that approved Staging and Construction Tratfic Control Plans, as per the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, will be necessary prior to construction.a I am aware that a Revocable Right of Way Permit will be required prior to construction. Page 11 ot 12102/07102 phone Number, ( o\ o t{ttcl o Landscape plano Title Repoft (Section B) a Environmental Hazards (ie. rocKall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils)tr Watercourse setbacks (if applicable)o Treeso Labeled easements (i.e. drainage, utility, pedestrian, etc...)o Topographyo Utility locationso Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250'in either direction from propefi. -r9t87t2663 68.28 9764764901o FPS FRITZLEN PAtr 82 ITECTS cotoFAoo o PIERCE ARCH v^tt, Lr-i:i Fril:ii'iir. {L\, 'J: l'il!.1 \1i;ll;r,rrr T. i'r't. r' \|.( l'lii(!1 I (.rlhr,i I l: .r,irlS.J. l'llrr.itt1rr, i\1,!tllltilli Octobcr 6, 2003 Village Inn Plaza Condominium Association c/o Joe Saufcr 'l00 E. Meadow Or. Vril, CO. 61657 RE: Waterprocillng d Sou0r Deck, Unh 404 Cendemcn, At your tequctt I rwierrved the exisbn6 conditioB er 6€ above rc{enncd property end met with Paul Smith (paul smiltr con*ruarorri, uariann nenin6on o"ak proFrtica), Geoqe Snneroe {TCc [*iril, ina f rrn Boyh (Boybirytneering], to dl-tcure Potentiai solutionr tD dtc leaking deck' Exlsfihlc CONDITIONS At this time the decft 65 bcfn srrip@ down ro drc sructwrl oncrcE slab at the onginal decl and *re larger d€ck adtu in tggo. ifiJvo *"u "lp"..t lwel ehhouah ],re t-"8'li-tf.!lsomc slope b $e south and is about I "- rrd" fr[frer Gn tri leqer aecl tttris will presem sonrc problems that *i[ be raAresseO l.rer an drir l€@rf . There aru r' fiqi the underde of drc doot thrcsttdd o the concrcte decl There is one drain in the soudreaS corner o{ the deck' RTCOMMENDATIONS Add Orains: ldditlonrl draim at€ t*€ded b tnaximtle tic sloPe to ihe draim' With 0re curcnt drarn' very li6b sboe can bc sin€d doe to di$ance fto.tr fre door to the dnin' In Se laqer deck' a minirnum of 4 ffi;;;. -;&;JG;; % of the distance from the wab of the deck)' Inltirt studies indicrte that n lfi 6" and %" pcr foot of rlope can be achieved with dris byout whil€ lttnilg." 1 " droP at the door. A minimum of l/E per fooi ls required. A dnin'rs ako needed in the "link" between the larre deck and the original deck' ii ii O" Conr"oots oilon, based on rtructrrral rwrw, to dnin drc orfinal decl to tre louth or lo install a dnin for this arc"a. All dnim must be dual inht, allowing waer to entet at the watEryroofing level and at the toP of the drein, He.t tape jhould be reinstalled ln the drain slntem widroot p€netrilin8 the waterproofinS sysl€m. SnorrY Meh S)ttcm: The tnow meh rystem rhould be a hydronk (wcrsbo) sJdern nrouoted on the undeaide of the sbuctural dcck ti porent pet cfalo"s ln *re naUtf"otift8 5),5lem, Thc Owner can edd an electric boihr to prwide tr. hot "tater. Proper inrula$on in the co$ry below the derk can diretl tfp heat from the 'hydronk system upnatd. h b th€ Cofit'|gb'/r opion a to the location of the snor melt boiler as br6 as dre wabrproo{int tysbf|| ri not Pe[dtated. Watetpmofing Assembly: On dr6 h6e deck arc4 the slructural concrcle dcd ir gpnerally lht. l recommend tlrat two lallers of 6o mil. Bttuthane be instatled. Thir matedd shall be "centcd" at the baffiition to r€n'rcal su rr;es and t li:!:) f.rtr \./.r;ir.,;,lir,.,lJri.- tiillrt, liJ. t: . l 'r;t .l , (: il i, '| ftrj r; ,l I l,':: i ir' rr,'r:. i;',.', l"i r:l. riir..i ill ,i',/, i [] :tl,,t|i.ird.r'i!!!..{:r..r,iri \\'4\t. '. r!l;rr,r'!rin i F... -1 r' TRITZLEN ffiRCE ARCHITECTS v^rLcotoR^DO mcnd updtvenical surfacct 2'r indrcs' Arcn $rt -t * ffi*X;ltffi:rtffiSl"*tlon "".m'ph) ,h"ll be F@cd wrft 22 Ef' nel Sashing' Th drreghold so drat dre exrtn6 rOiu can-bc ttt*ltO arO- trnt rntctp"iUrng ln*allcd beneath the i"-.'ift" g,trOane wifi biinstrlled b 0tG hisl*f, strnd'N*.o' fie itdrtfry' It b e$cnbtl that dre diftrcntd rrocment bcunen dte odSlntf O"* "nl 'U6t deck be rccognired in $;nffifr,m:Ho*4 porecion boed sJrotrrdie incared wnrr rninDrain e000 or e9o0 aborrc that The MinDnin will allm* rvater thrt penemre Ure *alklry rurfrce to dnrn Hy' without fttOri*.ti Pressurc. to the lolet inlct ol thp nqi' dnim' i##tr ffi snished ualkiq surlae bc concrec' perheps widr colo" tTftl th" d;#:l, iiil;; l; ;"t ; ;;t-ffi F;;r ; d;dedr.' and th* rbpe p dre nc", dcains -*iU"'t-t *..4, ilrcrak irruffklcr* deqft lor odtet-ft:rt.rn1151a--* -r^.u }b . ,-.n.m'l.aG49[alrd th"td* rwut/ cofft€e shaid bea min'mum o( 2 ancies lhi(*. Stnrcnrral Retraew: It i! cleemial d|.r a rcviern ol dre orkfitt and popoead derd end hte tddr becomfleed beloc wotk beglnsinth*r6cordn ldecl';Airflr.ai"t;."t"ann&lnrsurfacetwlthbrrcrdcedlord6)' I have enga6ed nm Soyh o coJl-d"tnveeigdi.xr rnd O e*t wil ctucttnl modifkztiom needed o add d,.in pping r;'.t ;Gim.-Ti*t iniu* ."vicw andlca$i x'at up to 3 1/2" o{ . concrr& c.n u" .ao.o to * L-#'io[ iJ r- *^ bc addcd o sr origiTld: .ltr eindet at the nor$ eod ol d," t r,or dcck ,,ili;;i o. *i"f"'A I any eddirrioml lid rh o<lt'" suilaca of the ffililt. i;;f,1i|n Lr rm," lnorrnton qr rh's metcr and in$rdbns forcunin6 rud bcars lo inst ll additio€l drains' P|erse|etmeknowifthG'GBanydrhgindr|rrepottlratrscorrtuylocrea6n.EaPer'na'|ent. wrt€Droof solution .o this FoHern. ["- a'o'i ilttt dtc,. an Actaib Oar sd1 nGGd to be wortcd out (s'€ 5tep betricc" t c orqimr ilJ;fifif-ft";;ph) tnd I am happy to rwiarv detaib and idcar 'withpu. ,/1 l1!:ir t -r.i, ttiil!.,1,. .. lit:ri l.ik,,!St.-t vr,!. (.:ir:t.iri,4; r:;: " t,. :t," t. {:a r,ir- i; 'l, r:..!::. l li'! l; |ni,ij\iilr..'"|li. t,' r -|rl ..r$ r: .r,:!r i. ir'.i ri . .t t . . . . ri r o PoulSmifh Conslruction, Inc. Poul Smlth P.O. Box 3462 Voil, Colorodo Fox (970) 845-1062 Cell (9701 904{a44 404 VILLAGE II\IN PI"A,IZA PATIO CROSS SECTION TOWN OF VAIL DESlci\t qqvlEW STAFF /rir"I,OVAL /l I U /l EXTERJORWALL MORTAR SETFLAGSTONE PROTECTIONBOARD BITUTIIENELAYER SNOW MELT WIRSBO #3 REBAR, I' CONCRETE PAD PROTECTIONBOARD BITUTHENELAYER TAPERBOARDTO FOURDRAINS 't /_U 6I t a ,MS-IAFF: ?'- ------- ::>:= oo t {:i; {.4" SLAB INPLACE gbis c-b Project Application L*r r?lncn Lq o^," B/rs/qa Proiect Name: Project Descriplion:7-b ^oJ ttrtAe {,o qp*S /*a owner, Address and phone: L otie / G. rnroo, Lq^foq. TfuL&x sr V*i(ce gras;z' ./€AS oArchitect, Address and Phone:Set vri{s 3eq*cle{ tBlock w Contact Person and Phone Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPBOVAL Su mmary: o^,. t4tg/qa SITE VTSITS 12: tl5 p.n. DESIGN REVTEW BOARD AGENDA DECEMBER 16, L9923:00 P.M. Gordon - 2632 Cortina Lane.llaterford - Generally located at the corner of WesthavenDrive and tbe South Frontage Road in Cascade Village.lionshead Center - 52O E. Lionshead Circle.Vail Associates Cappuccino Stand - 600 E. LionsheadCircIeChristiania at Vail - 356 Eanson Ranclr Road. Bader,/Melnick Gallery Sign - 143 E. Meadow Drive. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Aqenda 1 Gartonts SaLoon - Sign variance.143 E. Meadow Drive,/Lot P, Block 5-D,MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Mike Recommendation of approval-. SMVaiL Village Lst.Arnett VOTE: 5-0 SM2. 3. 4. Kaiser/Hall - Change to exterior4916 Juniper Lane,/Lot 3, Bl-.,ck 3,MOTION: SECOND: materials.tr^.i 1 D.:,.t-^'v .r r -! ^\r\f 9s . VOTE: JCvail Village 1st. VOTE: on lst level ;: J TABI.,ED IO .'A}IUARY 2OTII MEETING. Lario, Inc. - fnt.erior 250.100 E. Meadow Drive/Lot O, Block 5-8,MOTION: SECOND: STEI'F APPROV-ED. 3.True divided windows to be usedwindows, grid dividers ok upstairs. Alpenrose Restaurant - Exterior Modifications. JC100 E. Meadow Drive/Lot, O, Block 5-D, Vail Village 1st. MOTION: Mike Arnett SECOND: Bob Borne VOTE: 5-0 Approved with conditions:L. Copper musL be acid treatedi2. 21" is maximum protrusion of bay; 5-" Christiania at Vail - New signs.- '. ' - JC. 355 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot D, Block 2/ vail village 1st. MOTION: Bob Borne SECOND: Mike Arndtt VOTE: 5-0 Approved with conditions. 6. Har1ey Residence - New single family. AK 1873 Lionsridge Loop/Lot 2, Block 37 Lionsridge Loop3rd Filing. MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Mike Arnett VOTE: 5-0 TESLED TO JA}{UARY 5TH MEEEING. 7. Lionshead Center - Addition. AK 520 E. Llonshead Cj-rcle/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead i3;t5ilt"fli.n, Lansenwalrer sEcoND: Mike ArnerrVOTE: 4-0-0 Approved with conditions.. (George Lamb was absent for thj-s item) 8. Vail Associates Cappuccino Stand - New sign. AK500 E. Lionshead CircLe/Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1sts Filing. MOTION: Bob Borne SECOND: George Lamb VOTE: 4-1-0 Approved 4-1--0. Kathy Langenwalter dissenting. 9. Gordon - Restricted 2nd unit with primary unit.. TD2632 CoxLina Lane,/LoL 5, Block B, Vail Ridge.MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABT-,ED TO JA}IUERY 6TII MEETING. 10. Vail Ski Rent.als/Curtin HiIl Sports - Sign variance. TD254 Bridge Street/Lot I, Block 5-A, Vail ViIIage l_st. MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: TABTED TO .'ANUARY 6TII MEETING. 11. Bader/MeLnick Gallery - New Sign TD143 E. Meadow Drive,/Crossroads. Shopping' Center.MOTfON: George Lamb SECOND: Kathy LangenwalterVOTE: 5-0 Consent approved. :. . L2. Waterford - New multi-family building. (Conceptual) SMGenerally locat.ed at the corner of Westhaven Drive and Conceptual review. . MEMBERS PRESENT: EIEEBE--SEN!: Bob Borne George Lamb Ned GwathmeyMichael ArnettKathy Langenwalter (PEC) STAFF APPROVALS: tarrea - Window change.VaiI Village Inn, Phase III. Sonnenalp HoteL - Temporary Sign.20 Vail Road/tot I, Block 5-E, Vail Village lst. 1 ?.1 F'R pRilt:ffi[ft]'I'il';i]J:il ,-,p nrc'oroy 16 pnv 16 bQ Oate of DRB Heeting //'6 PRE-APPL ICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with a member of the planning staff {s stronglyencouraged to discuss the provisions under which additlonit GRfR can be aididto a site. It shou'ld be understood that this ordinance does not assure each propertyan^addjtionl] 25Q_square feet of GRFA. Rather, the ordinance allows for gg tb250 square feet if certain condit.lons are met. Applicat-ions for additlons under thls section wi'l I not be accepted unless theyare-complete. This inc'ludes all information required on thjs iorm as wel'l aiDesign Review Board submittal requirgnents. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:-) B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Elock_Fil ing C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Address E. NAHE OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: OIU PI*A hone 476'64+2-Address b,Veu NAI'IE 0F 0!lN ER ( S ) ; ** Signature(s) Addres s n" 476'aq4/- F. Filing Fee of 1200.00 is requlred at tinre of subm{ttal The foll.ow!19 lnformation, in addltion to DRB submlttal requiremenrequlred wlth thls submtttal: l. Verlflcatlon that the unlt has received a final certlflcate of occupancy. ' -42. Nanes and mailing addresses of adJacent propcrty owners and of owners ofunits on the same lot. This information is available from the Eagle CountyAssessor's office. --- 3. Condomlnium associatlon approval (if applicable). 4. Existing floor plan of structure. G. Your proposal will be revlewed for compliance wtth Vall's Comprehensive Plan. ,116 - \6atz- - '{o( - u'- 'f Address Legal Description: Zon€ 0istrict Lot PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board of the Town of Vailwill hold a public hearing on December 16, 1992 at 3:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. 1. A request for a sign variance at Crossroads Shopping Center, for the Gartons Saloon located at 143 E. Meadow Drive/Lot P, Block 5D, Vail Village Fkst Filing. Applicant: Garton DevelopmentPlanner: Shelly Mello 2. A request for an additional250 square feet of Gross Residential FloorArea for the Lario lnc. residence located at 100 E. Meadow Drive, Lot O, Block 5D, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Lario lnc"A/ail Village lnn Condominium Association.Planner: Jim Curnutte 3. A request for a second unit on a Primary/Secondary zoned lot which is less than 15,000 sq. ft., located a|2632 Cortina Lane/Lot 5, Block B, Vail Ridge. Applicant Alex & Mary Ann GordonPlanner: Tim Devlin 4. A request for a sign variance for Vail Ski Rentals, lnc. DBA Curtin Hill Sports localed at 254 Bridge StreeVlot l, Block 5A, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant Jack Curtin & Teak SimonettPlanner: Tim Devlin ' The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's otfice during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the VailTrail on November 25,1992. \t ,*;-:. J'revised COIPRADO 9/4/9t rrntut ee DRB APPI,TCATION : IOWN Oi' VZ|IL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** TSIS .EFPTICEEION WILI, NOI BE ACCEPTEDITNTIL ALL REQUIRED II{EORMATION IS STTBMITTED********** w PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION: C. ADDRESS: D . LEGAL DESCRIPTION: t*Uftrrt subdivisio n VhlL. U ltJ.t%€ $l'vnl PL&Z4' PtmSEg If property is described by a meets and bounds legaldescrlption, please provide on a separate sheet andattach to this application. zoNING I QD F-LOT AREA: If required, applicant must provide a currentstamped survey showing 1or area . EKgfrffb- AlO C*te{V6 NAME OF APPLICANT I I*+Ad ./A/C,Mailing Address: F. B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New ConstrucLion ($200.00)Minor Alteration ($20. 00) Addition (S50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) Phone H. NA.I.4E OF APPLICANT,S REPRESENTATIVE:AlUt*rn P/&4Mailing Address:7 Phone FEE $ 20.00s 50.00 9100.00 $200.00 s400.00 $500.00 ,T I.NAME oF owNERs. e*aal /AeeA /a*STGNATURE (S) : 9/rr-=--Mailing Address:' Phone Condornj.niun Approval if applicable DRB FEE; DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe time of submitt.al of DRB application. Later, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify theaccurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of Vail_will adjust the fee according to the table below, loensure the correct fee is paid. I'EE PAID: SFEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION$ 0 - $ L0,000$ 10, 001r - $ 50, 000$ 50,001'- $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 s500,001 - s1,000,000S Over 51, "^0, 000 r DESTGN REVTEW BOARD APPROVI\I EXPTRES OI{E YE,AR AFTER FTNAT APPROVIIL UNIJESS A BUTLDING PERMIT TS ISSqED AI{D CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. **NO APPIJICATION WII,I. BE PROCESSED IgIIEOUT OI{NER'S SIGNATT'RE jt Page L DRBEX.doc FtitzlenPlerceBrlner ARCH ITEC TURE PLA}INING INTER,IORS Shelly I'lello Town of Vai-lConnunity Development Departnent @o rut 22 w RE: DRB Extension of the Larrea Remodel Dear Shelly: Attached is a copy of the new front page of the DRB ap-plication to apply to extend the pretious approval ofthe Larrea Remodel in the units 304 and 404 of the VailVillage Inn Plaza. As can be seen in the new plans, therernodel is essentially the same on the exterior, theonly difference would be the window proposed on thethird floor. (If this window cannot be ipproved by thestaff, we will eliminate the window and perhaps applyfor an approval by the DRB at a later time. ) Thaoriginal approval occurred in January of 1991 and theaqproval was by consensus on the site visit. In hopesof saving everyone involved here the ti:ne and effort to !"lgS another DRB case through the process, we respect-fully reguest that the Etaff extend the DRB approvlt tothis ti:ne in order to begin the building permil process. The remodelled area of the exterior was consideredoriginally by the DRB as appropriate, we hope that ourrequest to extend approval is seen as reasonable. Ray Nielsenfile Posr oFFlcE Box s7 1000 Ll0NsRlD6E L00P vAlL coLoRADo 01656 303 476 63.42 FAX303 476 4g}l 'l|l! A|ltlx lt(. [A iltllt tttlt lill . .,i:" -:t i Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Project Application Owner, Address and Phone: Archilect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing , ron" t$) b Comments: Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL Summary{ E staff Approval Ef0 y46 i 41991 APPLICATI0N DATE: Januarv 14. lqql -- DATE 0F ORB l4EETIl'lG: -Janua DR8 APPLICATION *T.***THIS APPLICATION |llILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI1ITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with-a planning staff member is strongly suggested t0 determine if any 'ua'aiiional information is needed. No appl i cation wi I I be.acceptec unless it is compiii"-i*ttt i1c!y{e all items required by the zoning adnrinistraror) It is the appriclni;i iesponsibility to make an appointrnent with the staff to find out about aAOitionif-suOmittal requirements. P'lease note that a C0MPLETE applica- tion wilt streamii;; ih; approval process for-your.proigg! by decreasing the number of cond.it.ion, ot'ipi.o"ir--thii ine'ona-miy sti'pulatb. ALL cbnditions of approval r'ust ue reiofved before'i uuitoing permit is issued' A. PR0JECT DESCRIPTIoN: Larrea Remodel at Vall V{llage rn. /l/r0/r B. LOCATION Add res s OF PROPOSAL: 100 East Meadow Drive Condominlums Legal Descri pti on /.'0ftl--319-c-z+1p- Bl ock Zoning spp l-i1ing Vail Vtltnge Pl.aza C. NAME OF APPLICANT:German Larrea Industrial Minera Mexico, Baja California 200 Address Slxth Floor Mexi.co. D.te1 ephoneoos-sc4-6739 D. NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESTNTATIVE: Lvnn Fritzlen -- Addres s tel ePhone 47 6-6342 E. NAl,lE 0F O}INERS: S ignature Addre s s F ORB FE[: The fee wil'l be Paid at VALUAT ION $ o-$ lo,ooo $10,001 -$ 5o,ooo $.50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,00I - $I,000,000$ Over $1,000'000 the time a building permit is requesLed FEE $ i0.00 $ 25.00 $ 5o.oo $1oo.oo $2oo. oo $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: l. In addit.i on to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the stte to indicate p"op.ri'-'iin"l .na building corners. Trees that will be removeo should also be mirtiA, This work rust-be completed before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The review process for NEtl BUILDINGS wi'l I normally involve tt'ro separate meetings of the gesign Review Board, so plan on it i.utt tio meetings for their apprcval ' to appear before the Design Review g??t9 ut their scheduled have'not asked for a post[onernent will be required to be3. PeoPie who fail meeting and who rePub) i shed. tel ephone o LIST OF MATERIALS Cedar Shinele N"t"-"I Cedar Match Exl orr''g NAl'lE 0F PROJECT: Larrea Remodel aE.Vail Village lnn Plaza lE'enu-bEiCnlPTI0N:-condos ?r o & 410 STREET A0DRESS: 100 E. Meadow rrrive. IlnJts 310 & 410. Vail. C0 DESCRIPTI0N 0F PROJECT: cornbine 2 condominium that stack: /1310 & /1410 This does not chanEe area. The following information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING I'IATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR lt Roof Sidi ng Other l,lall Materials Fasc i a Soffi ts !{i ndows llindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Phone: Botanical NamePLANT MTERIALS: PROPOSED TREES ---I@".d EXISTING TREES TO BE REI'IOVED *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees' Common Name Quan i ty Si ze* NA Indicate height for coni fers . (over) Galvinized Iron Matching ntistlng Desi gner: " t-,r! 11a o DATE: January 14, l99l LEGAL @10 &'#4lo- - Filing 0l'tNER Gprn^n r,^rre^ . !l10ne-905-S8a-673S ARCHITECT Frltal an. proraa n*+* YnOnet.74*4jAZ- ZONE DISTRICT Vail Vl11aee lin p1a-a PR0POSED USE Residential (sarne) LOT SIZg AODRESS: He i ght Tbtal GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retai ni ng'ila11 Heights Park ing Credits: Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage So]ar Heat Drive: Slope Rermitted Envj ronmental lHazards : ZONE CHECK FOR sFR, R, R P/S ZoNE DISTRICTS Al I owed (30)(33) Proposed No Change NA NA No Change/No Additional Area Nene--Prq)osed NA NA NA NA NA l,'1A NA 20' 15' 15' (30)(s0) (3oo)(600) (eoo)(1200) (so)(1oo) (2s)(50) (2oo) (4oo) T\A Slope Actual Aval anche Flood Plain Sl ope ;hetl ands Geol ogi c Conments: ffi Hazards Zoni ng: Date: Approvedl0i saPProved MINUTES OF ANNUAL PIAZA CONDOMINIUM Deceurber 29, LggO 4r00 P.M. MEETING OF UNIT OWNERS & MEMBERS OF :THE VILLAGE INN ASSOCIATION. Meetlng was called ro order by Mr. xr.nney L. Johnson, presldent, Thefo1low1ng units were repreeented 1n person: r09 206 404 101 r02 105202 203 205301 304401 402 403sol 502 503 The followlng un1t6 were repregented by proxles: 103 ro7 r ro ]i I 201 Also in attendance. were Mr. Josef staufer, A1len Gentry, and lran MoreEEllepresentlng the Vall Vlllage Inn. For the. record, be.tween attendees and proxles, a total of gt.5l0lZ ofownershlp was represented, Nomlnatlone for lhe Board of Managers were laken from the froor. The ipresent Board of Dr. cohen, Mr. Nordl1ng, Mr. Johnson and Mr. staufer$tere relalned, and the followlng nehr Managers were nonlnated and secondedae follows: Mr. Toblnr Mr. Hall, Mr, Rlonda. The new Board of Managers are now gs follows i Cless A -- elected for ope year Eernt Mr. Johnson , Mr. Nordllng i Dr, Cohen ','Claqg I -- eleeted for 3'yesr lerrnt Mr. Tobin: Mr. Hall Mr. Rlonda ,.,Cla,ge C -- elected for 4 year terdti Mr. Staufer DiEcuselon followed regarding our annual neerlngs, slnce our flseal yearende on.D,ecenber 3let',lt.w4e suggesBed thar ou; by-raws be amended to l?lc,oul.,"nnual mqet.lng elther wtthln 30 days prlor ro, or wlchln 120 daysafter, the end of the year. The by-l4ys.ehourd pls.g provlde cha! lhe Board of Managers has rhe ab1l1tyto nake declslon on behalf of.the ownershlp. Alr actlvltles taken by the Board of ManagerB durlng the year 1990 wereepproved unanlurously. Dtscusslon of the flnanclal report foLlowed. A guestion was ralsedthe anount of inceres! incone reported on the Incorne Scat.ernent from accounlants.. There seens go deflnicely be an error, and Mr. Staufer regarding ourwilI check lnto thle. Regardlng lnsurance coverage, Mr. Dtekln nade e motlon Lhat our Lnsurance cgverags be increased by a.flve mlllton dollar unbrel1a. The notlon nag seconded by Mr. Harmon and unanlmously passed. Dlscuesion followed regardlng the proposed SONNENALP development. Everyone seemed to be ln agreemenl rhat 7 storlee ls too hlgh and could lrnpact vlews fron some of the un1ts. Mr. Nordllng suggested thac a letler be wrlrten to thB Town of Vell by the Condorninlun Aqsoclatlon expresslng the view- polnt felt by the maJorlty of the or{rner8. Mr. NordLlng also suggested that ag nany owners as poselble attend the neecinge of uhe Town Councll. Even though the natler has been tabled by the Councll, he feels we should go on record votclng che objections of the Aseociatlon, New bualneEs dtscugsed as follo\rsr Mr, Tobln, Unlt /1403 would llke to lnstall an 8-foot satelllce dish on the roof. Slnce he ls an owner of the Phtladelphta Hockey team, he would very rnuch 1lke to get reception of the games whlle he 1s ln Vall. The dtsh would be localed on the eas! side of che bulldtng beEw€en the peak and Ehe chlmney, and wlll not be vislble except pe?haps from thb top of tha mounEain and fron che hlghway, abou! a mlle ar.ray. He w!11 have co have permlsslon from lhe Assoclatlon before presenttng the plan to the Town of V411. He wtLl provlde a Certificate of Ineurance to the Assoclatlon, as rrell as any other lnformatlon that may be neceesary. It nlght also be posslble (and rnosL of che owners ln 4ttendance seened lo approve) to 1nst81l a 2nd eatelllte dish Ehat could be hooked lnto by the rest of the bulldln!' for a nonlnal monuhly fee. A motion was made by Mr. Tobln for approval of an 8-foot saEellite dtsh wlth all necessary safeguards, lnsurance, etc., being taken. Motlon seconded by Dr. Cohen, and appro-va1 was granted unanlrnously. Mr. Dlek!,1 brought up the matter of conuron area nalntenance and upgradlngof che bu.lldtng. Everyone agreed thst palnting the exlerl.or of the bulldlng ls ln'order. Mr. Staufer has already Eecured a bld of approxloately $56'000r €nd slnce the reserve for rnaJor nslntenance ls over $120,000' there doeg not 6eem to be € prgblen. llowever, he w111 secure other bids 89 Soott a8 pg8stble. Everyone pre8enl agreed Chag we have a wonderful facll1ty and that every effolt should be nrade to welr-matnlatn the bu{ldtng. A cowrltte€ gf Mrs. Dlekln snd Mr8. Cohen was named co lnvestlgate and make re cornmend at tons to lhe Board as to whac they feel should be done regardlng the outstde palntlng and .interlor lmprovemen!s !o Ehe common areas. o Page ffi,agalnst the renodel Ttre neettng wa8 i, t3382 adJourned atr approxinately 6145 P,M, o LnffrP*ANP @ V.VI. o \\t44NO) i !(!-.t:"lt.S SortfA havrfl. ci2 b =t UJo- o u1N o r|N o o r^N a.t UJUJlJ-t =EuJ -< Ir,<, o/ L't-/6: /Lhhot +'U2 e{O\ \o vtrlz HU) z N F- O\ Opl Itt FfFl 5=!+ro- zfrov)J5 rJii<uJ> zgl rn Or 6,-JP ro6fr,^ rrl :e.l2oo< t!F G F <4z zz ll.lz3 l!IF z o U I I UJo:i t! o cF2oo &14z3o o tu l z9o $ i\ '6;oyE0) gg 9g /!,! IsE/,q3w5Ey 3i.Z fleF LFe so)- \co s 53a$; F\: 3; 13,{ lNF9\sile-O - ar.lgsg;EiE F,b l,E= TIi =5 Hi;E:6 eP e!o-c(6*3 p ;.= z=7\ 4.::g td d oii (I' '=Q.4*ioE8Ecooo: qEXYg.: ;5Ftc-o .3: 5- 6.o = trF3'l =c96 85t_E >3Ea =!Ecc-o'- Ot9-F! c.Y- 6o-(! o-PE; qr+ O.Eg.'" E6:EEE OO: E$-E veC((' 0'- ,-E dr O)# =!-;,8 Ao)f>;6> -Y=E9; e'-xvBteI O- 0)OEEr-oct \t .d. F.1r1.$ (n .ir oco + !nr\ oo.l ln o\\oo\ (f) g E =Etll zo!l@ Y z d .J tF LIJJuJ z6 d - (J = ul u,J(!z tr ttJE uJE o d) =LU tu z 6 UJo F LUJ6(L ?z x IJJ(tl U)uJuJtl-t =E t,rJ F F zo =l J o e.FollJJuJ oz6 .J z I = 43 t NO[Vn1VA l-l\r ls IE lr-rtz EH 6 6BEF^AZH:3 =FE66 e.266 8-(JzxJrL < si-iox i6Eg EE rN (\l GI E IlrrlHl-lEllcat< t:INt<l|ll*tvtzl* l14l(9t< IHl"Pl.$loF FF.lHz FV F]n F|< rla z tr l) I tr (L E UJ(! F oo C\ E o- E z Eoo xX z tr duJ =L!z I Llttl hzlz <Oo< =ft>cERd6o<z az 9z -F;o =trOI illlL-r il'll'tzllor-r rl|__+-I teI i<-LEI3l:t; f E z 9I o. F z F 5az oo(! X X X X f(J F z F 6 zY(E o dli-l zl z .. >lo tlJot!UJz u)F E TJJo-) zI =o o x I h HH @ (.o CfO rli-Y rl-*l I F1U) zH v,z ri LrJF U) -z Fo- IJJY llt@ ONF(h;o\F r-{ =(f -rUJNII r.r- >1o5 1- r-: ^zuorZIH luFPoEzo HTN z =z(Do2z O- rJ- ."i3 =F= -.':.\ -! =:E6Er F uJ TLo UJ 2 loo F d JFL!-|:= o.- E>(LO|!9orUJxo-x> uJ'JJ UJ o o ECIo {, c,! E ot o F =ElrJo-zoF(J EFazo() olrul.clJI <lilol zl3lolFI I I I I I ctl =.1(,l uJl 5l<l>lttlolZt ..;BI fOl rJJFI F .itft\o I\oF\.v - FlH Eo *l "nlXI Fql rnuJl CIcI<l --l = FlF] ttr{ E FJ ii =z rtlI(Jl4lJIJIiil;rl FfH =Jtr Icc{\€)<\|(n I\oc!o\ X6q '|fi9tl}(td t4F{IoEi6FOXFt4t4xxxxt{EF'ta ctr I It4 l.tlo'l I I I I cilz:l (9l Hl (n*l orJI Fal .o>l Itr.l L1ol -"zl * 3lolFI H FT llEI t4 HF FT H.A tr o\.irN Irn.$( IEIrlFll{rl-l I I olz:l oluJl 5l sl u-lolzl3lolFI CAE Hu) !ArJ) E HHHE U) =cG N.if, CN\o I\oF\.d. FlH L rr X rq rrl &trlH zFlFlNtsH&F{ =E OO,z* =E]F!z|ro E F Fz z. 'f UJ E irg \JZ <F(ts()uJ<ZEt!F(tzo F UJ ='r allral. I[sPBCTroNf S COUPLSTED rbe ltcog uroY] to be coplerc beforeglvlug a pcrult a flual C of O. Please cbeck off lu tbe box provl.ded. ol FINAL PLN{BilC DATE: rINAL t{ECBAtUc^r, DAIE3 IUPROVEMEIrI ST'RVEf,RESU}. NAUE: DATE! FMAL BUILDINC EAST SIDE: IIEST SIDE: DATE: TEUPORARY C OT O DATE: lll_J GERTTFTCATE OF OCCITPAT|CY ITNDSCAPING DI'E DAIE: rrr.r nllc,\,=\Stsq\\, \t\t\S\ \\f\