HomeMy WebLinkAbout68 E Meadow Dr Unit 503 - HajimProject Application -7,2y,7L Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and phone: I orr-^ N J l' . A=12 Legal Descripiion: Lot O , gtoct 5) , riting Com menls: Zone - Design Review Board Dale Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPBOVAL Su m mary: f|^,', /"1#(;,*r, 4,2v,?z StaJf Approval n'UilnttfP'llr F ..lij^! ''' .\1F]- itzler.r PiBrqe Er i ner 38.=4?54981'i Vrrro", ru* ilozA coNDoMrNruM ellocrerroN 100 East Meadow Drive, Vail, Colorado SI6ST Ln*-&, Aprll 1.8, 1992 Laura NashFritzlen Plerce Briner ArchitectePost Office Box 5?Vai1, Colorado 81658 REi Proposed Expansion of the Deckfor Unit #503, Villag.e rnn plaza Condomlnium Sincerely yeurs, Dear Laura, I-lr. and Mrs. Edmund Haji,rn, owners of unit #503, vil_lage rnn plaza condomlnium, have received permission from the Board 6f M.r,agersof vilrage rnn Plaza condomi-nium Associatlon to expand theirUolt's deck per drawlngs and other naterial senr +n each mernber- -.the Condomlnlum Associatlonrs Board of Manager. ., rJu on -:.-1992, provided that the Board of Managere oi virrige rnn praza condorninium Assoclation and the Hajimi are abLe to reach agreementon terms (1) for a lease or purchaoe of the necessary common areaflom the Condomir-rlum .Association and (2) for making the owners ofunit #503 (present and future) futly responsibre 16r any probtemswhich nray affect any other units in rhe builcllng or any olhetcommon areas from any occurrences ln the common area to be leased.or purchased from the condominium Assoclation for the deckexpansion. No constructl-on may begln on the deck expansionproject until the matters in (1) and (2) above receive finalalrpnoval from the Condomlnlunt Association Board of l{anagerg, P. B? D. Deane HaI ,Jr.Pregldent, Board of Managers cci Mr. and Mrs. Hajim and members of Board i of Managers ' - .,i trl {i* F o r itzler.t Pierce Br irrer gE34?64981 Frl t zlcnPlerc eBrlne-r ARCH ITEC TURE PI.ANN INE INr€ RIORg @oepnrs@ ro, /A,rEe tbmcn' re T,o.V. FAo* l.gut/6t@ f'P'fr DArEr +'12,IL FAx: 411,nAA PHONE i ptcntop 2 pAGEs fuoY Mtu, I lrwyu tlru aroM,V aya wdw, 11,w ts l4tyl&e,t W,-ft,a V,v,l C{nd.o ayntattrm W +,q'r e\yraooP {* ttary de& *fY,o^ \ilrth lhe' ConhnTT,.'u, tlro Yr*"?'h dvatq*ed - Tpase adA h Ha'6w+ DKh matouatE fhank,4w, PosT oFFtcE Box s7 roQo UoNsRDet L00p vAtL cq-mao6 a t 6s6 SENT BYi XER0x Teteccpier ?01?] 0-gz i 1:1oplvl ;zlzsf+0" R,evlsed 2/10/01 DRB APPI,ICATION - IIOWN OF VAIL,, COIORADO Mon. Aprll 6, I99Z 3034.I64901iS 1 -L-!"^ \99u. ^ORQ.d$ h' DATF APPI,ICATION RECEIVEDI DATE OF DRB I.fBETINC.Wcal. May 6, r99Z T al rt*lttrt lctg rDDtJIclBrOr rl&! NoT l! lccEDrED mtIID AIr! Rl0uI*L.tY.o.HJIotl Is IUBHIrIED PRoJEc{ +{FoludAflo{' A. DEgCRrptIOlt! _. ccclr e:tp.?ns,Iou of unlt #,503 V{LIEI? lqn ," Plera Condonlol.uae B.TYPE OI.RIVTEW! Ncrr Conttruction l{lnor Alt.ratlon :r Addltlon - Concsptual Ravlew ADDRE'qB I O3 LTEGAIT DEBCRIP:IIONI LOt 0 . - Eloolc J!'-- Bubdivlglon Vail ltllege let Flllns c. D. El t. If property la degorlbed.by a llrests and bounde legal dEsorlptlon, pleacc provld. on a l6parate ahact andattach to thle appllcaLion. EONINOT SDccLnl ])llgJl,lqlsurt D{xrrl,!+ -L,oT AREA! If requlred, appllotnt nust provlde a current H. NAME or ^"tt lTn,t rHtFft$IffnllRiffiuaillng Addt"""t Earbar8 /or Ed IIeJtm stanpcd rurvoy shawlnt lot area. G.NN'|E oF Appr,rcAllt, Barbara aod Ed Hallo r.ralllnE ^uufiffi I, NN.'E OF .8ICNrTUil (9, r MalIlng t Phone Conaonlnlurn lpprovel If appllcable'J, t(. FEE SCFEDUITET VAIJUATtrON $ o-$ 1o,ooo $10,041 -$ sorooo 95o,oo1 -$ r50r000 $tso,ool - $ oo0rooo s500,001 - $1,000r000S ovsr $1r 000,000 *No AP?IICABIOII tllr EE DloClASlD rlEnou! of,u8nrS srolnlunE FEE $ 10. oo $ au,0o $ so.oo $too, oo $200.00 9300.00 o with the design gruldellnes. The DRB does not vote on conceptuat reileis. The property owner or his;6;;iliitl.'" shatt be piesent et the DRB hearins' NN{E OF PROJECTS LIST OF I.IATERIALS llaJtn Deck Addition LEGAL DESCRIPTION: I'T- BINCK - SUBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS: 100 East lteadow' Plaza Condominluns (V'V'a') /f503 DESCRIyTION OF PROJggl3 Deck expanslon of Unit /1503 The following infornration ls Review Board before a final reguired for subnl-ttal to the Design appioval can be given: A. BUILDING T.IATERIAI,S: Roof siding Other WaLI Materials Fascia Soffits Iilindows Window Trirn Doors Door Trirn Hand or Deck Rails F1ues Ftashings ChimneYs Trash EncLosures Greenhouses other PI.ANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES TYPE OF MATERIAI., e COLOR @would uratch existing match exlsting nood'.doors at storaqe to match wood sidlng match exlstlng nla nla n/a wood decking to match existing slding B. TANDSCAPING:Name of Designer: n I a Phone: Botanlcal. Name n() wegef af {.rn f o EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED fl-oor: connon Name be-.d:srsrledlr ouantitY Size* removed for deciduous trees. 7 wood to rnatch existin wood to match exlstlng rt/a *Indicate caliper Mininun cAIiDef for Existing Southeast Elevation Exlsting Southeast ELevation Projecl Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Project Application 'e5,Jp,rc vvr f\" 25O z ft' -.L/i Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: O Block > \_),r.n 3J- $,' L V' ( /eg<gD ef 14 t ,:uo'fc u9 Legal Description: Lot Comments: -l-1.9 , Zone €( t (e,:- - .rnt4 v tevs( hsad hgt+ a re s,; 1gJ"?;nRgs"fr tJal is <VNic L / --' I I - | AT ke p<,s < plrrv Jcr-rr H - y /t<vef lle lu,e;ed J e L,'uo{-r oloots Le, o.r*e 4,<' '-i (( (ou,-i as GA n4.-i (( nl,-'tt - u {I_ '-,, tv?1 ,t- t , ( /L^,c<,.- r*7 3Se. -= Motion by: ,- ', seconded or, P (/ ffiffi)\--:-::'=-il< ,-2 < ul'rn e l<o(co hb< o Date DISAPPROVAL Iap ql€q Llevro -e p 1,t < -a LeV ( G"u €fftc ,(( Ln ceP ,noJ* [q*arL a{,q4 }h'" Joo,* [os ato{ Lqq k(-r.a{-, I.,Approval SENT "t.4. Y: XEROX TSIECOPiET ?or?i11-1;z ; b:o1pt.t i 21255?g1401 APPLII, r0l,l tOR ADDITl0ltAt 0RFA FOR PIOPIRTII$ III H(CIS$ OF ALLOhIABIi ORFA tlate of Appl lcatlonJ; 22'4? Drte of DRB lasr|"lnl 4.7.3? pre-appllcat{on conference wfth a member of the plannlng stltouriili ii:dlidil the ppvrsrons under whrch addrtronrr cnll :i.'lfl:]{l,l j*:-.It,:Rolld !! yl!1,,loig_t[ai-inil"iiai.iiii'tiis uresed to discu,ss the provtstons uniii ir,riii-.iiii'idillsite. lt should be uhderctn".l-ri'iJ-ixia a-r{---r^ -r-GRFA crn be lddld;:ri!ii.l!^1i9";irii.;ii!'ii:Ei';:'hllil":'ll!'lll'fllil.'li'lil'ifne!!hogroncrtvallows ror gg.!bsqg!re.tggg ff certaln conditions rre-riet. IiFiiiii':ifil,itlifi.t'lii illillillin.!ilt,^t!'ol.lgn Revlew Borrd submittal requiril;i;. accepted unlcss thqythls fonn oi wall as PRNECT DESCBIPTIONI areoJ i cofrdof cn lhn furdomtiuns ubutd nd atlar aA cxfrxi f Wafia l. L0CATI0N 0F PROPOSALr Il euu' rtt *Z | ::r:t-::scrrpilon: .ror__C__Eiock*ep .rrri"o.!rarlVr|)agaleth !1[_ I zonc }lttr;ct frcent &,ttela(yyrQltr ?wtnoT cl. ilAllt gF arnrcnnv tA * ,brrqra-.i4\i,l.. - .. I Add"" t,t,,,Jzq?) aoL ?qq0i. NArfE oF ^ppLrc^lr'$ nEnncsENTArrvc, ,fvilt)gn, firyr,fuirw N),:it(*_l, ooor"tr honc !16-_Q"fz #,-1il'i.il.i Addrrrt. A 4rw PJ.,, 4mui,e[. , :z-p6*@_k+*44 rj. Flltns Fee of fz00.o0 tr requtrrd rt unre of rubrnttrat v.t?!? TZfh>fA)-t - ;. -'5,n",ife fol1o*'!l.g lnformatlon, ln rdd{tion to ORB rubrnf tts'l requtrernentr, shrl I berFqulreO wlth thlr rqbmlttat: . l, Vsrlflcatlon that the unlt has recelvrd a ftnal ccrilf{cate of occupnncy.2, l{rmes and,malllng lddrcsses of ldJacent property owners and of owneri ofi unlts on the sami 1ot. Tltis {rrfoi'rr,iLiun'ii'i'iiti[ii iriii-tli rlilil'CiuntvI Assessor's orfice. P. Condonlnfum associafion approvrl (if 6rpilcrblo). if, Exlstlng lloor plrn of structureI'q, Your proposal wltl bc rcvlewed for compllance l{th Vall't Comprehenslva plan. rylart.l I 3034?04901if, 3 bi x6 tvt lht, opo%. r@+dvdowe e( dare. ARCHITECTURE PI ANI{ IN6 INTERIORS 2-22-93 Town of VaiI Community DevelopmentPlanning Dept. Re! Request for Additional 250 for V.V.I. Dear Planner, Enclosed is a subrnittal for Barbara and Edadditional 250 square feet of G.R.F.A. forfnn Plaza Condominiun #503. rr|ltt"onerceBrlner O Unit #503 Hajin for antheir Village Page 1 91L3222 . doc 21-Feb-93 The 250 request is for enlarging their entry by enclos-ing connon corridor space. The proposed conunon area en-closure would not alter any existing exterior waIls,roof or windowsi nor would it interfere with any exist-ing access or egress passages. The corridor serves onlytheir unit. We are requestj-ng 48 square feet of the 250for this purpose. Since we are applying for the additional G.R.F.A. anywaywe would like to use an additional 36 square feet offloor area for the closet at the expanded deck. Thedeck expansion was staff approved on 4-28-92 with thecontingency that the closet not exceed 5,-0,' headheight. Our total propoaal for additional G.R.F.A. is 84 squarefeet. Currently the Hajims condominiurn is 2400 squarefeet therefore, the additional request for G.R.F.A. willnot increase the reguired parking. Please call with any questions. k-You, 'ail*Nh{, Nash PosToFFlcEBox57 1000LIoNSRIDGEL00P vArLcoLoRADoEt65E 3034766342 FAX30347649olPtrqFMi rf,.6^ itttt rttc tial AdJacent Property Owners: Palner Development Co.c/o Leo Palmer2701 Iris Ave., Suite ABoulder, CO 80304 Amoso OiI Co.P.O. Box 3428 Oak Brook, IL 60522 Holiday rnn13 Vail- Roadvail, CO 81652 Holiday llouse Condoniniun Association9 Vail RoadVail, CO 81652 CoLorado Departnent of HighwaysP.O. Box 2107 Grand Junction, CO 91502 Tall.sman Condominlum Association62 E. lleadow DriveVail, CO 81652 Sonnenalp PropertJ_ee20 VaiI RoadVaiI, CO 81552 Crossroads Center Management Conpany143 E. lfeadow DriveSuite 360Vail, CO 81652 qglqs- octbcr-.rrs srt o-rJ Qt I Page I AJOI{NERS. DOC +' NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Staff will be reviewing a Design Review Board application on March 17th, 1993, in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. 1. A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for the Grisanti Residence located at 2039 Sunburst Drive/Lot 16, Vail Valley Third Filing. Applicant: Mike Grisanti A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area tor the Hajlm Residence located at 100 East Meadow Drive, Unit 503/Lot 0, Block 5D, Vail Vlllage First Filing. Appllcant: Ed and Barbara Hajim The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the VailTrail on March Sth, 1993. tz lGn P i er caof (303) it?2-6J3S Fri Br i nar 3434?6499 r ft4/?/rt os:roPM . P.Ot Dt€l',lountain Media Villaee Inn Plaza Condominium Associatlon 100 EasfMeadow Drive, Vail, Coloradn 81657 COPY for Lraura Nash Mflrtotland$ul TOr Joe Stauter FRoMI Deane HalI suB,tEcf r Hajlm Entry Hallway Approval DATEI March 28' 1993 I have talked by phone with sylvan Tobin concerning the I{c'il-m,e ha}Inav requcst, and I wil l eontinue to try to reach iifiney ;ohnson- 1wh6n r ipore with her yesterday, ganet thought he wae li vail), dylvan eays that he wi'l 'l get his.approval of the Hajirn proJeit toyou tomorrow (Monday). qh? Hajim request- ls o.K. *iin.i. -rf you ipprove, wc wiLl havd a majorit-y even if I am not able to reach Xinney perionally (though he rnay have been in ValI to get my fax of ycatcrday and nay g6t hie votc to you). Irr tlre t:veuL Ll.rat rre have a majoriLy votc favorable to the HaJlm's request, I am faxing to you (the second page of this trinsnlsston) an approval Ir:LLer whj-uh I wr:uld ask you-t'o get to I.,aura llash ai Fritilen Pierce Briner as soon as possible after receiving a maJorlty vote j_rl ravu,, c.rf the pr-oject--sho needs to proceed ifgnt iway in getting Town of VaiI approvals_f,or the work. iter office phone ie 476-6342 and her office Iax is 476-4901' I wiII try to toucn ba6e wlth you at the vl]lage Inn tQlttQl'zqw rorning. I heir from Sylvan Tobin that l,tr. Rionda is now ln town' --ie the remodeling work there finished? If you need me, I can be reaohed as followsl Maljsh 27 to 29t in Dolray Beach, Plorida at (407) 272-4615. departing De1ray Beach on Monday afternool Marr:h 30 to April fr on tho road from Plorid: to Maryland hope to arrive Chevy Chase by Thursday eveling, Aprif JAprll-2 le 7: irr CLevy Chale, Maryland, at (301) 652'1243 Thank you vEry much. {\\,\aJl,n^c- Mond*y, Marcb 29, and he had receivedI renlndrd hirn of thc need to get to you nIGRf AWAY. r regret that he-- Drene lhl93 Leura--I spokr witb Joe oneufflolent YE8 votes.tho folLowlng lettcr dronord the bell. Fo EE E fi & Eg I .!! Fr I tz l.n P i erca Br I nar (00o) 0ae-09c0 3054"6490 I **r,roO sr.rsPl6 P.62 Mgu)rlaiD MorXa J2t2 Vlllage Inn Plaza Condomtnlum Assoctatton 100 Fast lvfeadnw Drtve. Vall Colorado 81 657 Marulr 30, 1993 Ms. Laura Nasltl'ritzlen Plerce Briner 1000 Lionsrtdgo Loop' Vail, Colorado 81658 Deer Laure, The Board of Manaqars of ViIIage fnn Plaza Condominium Assoclalion has voted ln favor of Mr. Hajints requesL to uge gome Condominiumgssoclatlon corunon araa oulcide hls presenh condominirun (tlnlt #503) t-o expan<i.hln antry hallwey tn the existing fift.h floorelevator door. 'This appmval i's contingent upon Mr. I{aJimrs elgnlng a leaee wibh bhe Condominlum Aeeooiation for uoo of tho' E'ace ' t t- I , f $9 a* & ,4=ec c Jc< st leet'S v [,"]/ca- s,rcke ,".) &eacf/, lk'L;,e hi ;= o+,!qx4n* +1^r J*rf w( ( b<- /'.rr"ot- ocrf k f#+ T'f^e e|*.tq{o/'qs S(,aua,-, Ly Leuf 4 f [*-= t-te, p*6/c-ur---. '"-^;/L[, /Y . (- Gincoroly youra, \,*,- D. Dean6 !{a1I, ,Ir. Freei dent Foerd of |nenegRrs - Dcpvett'g--zzz- Fl58 '-JF%=._ VZO- EOa=- ae( ) .]\' TOlrtF,t ElF LrFl I l- Hiscellaneous Csh 62-23-93 13:48: B9 Receipt * 116765 nccouni * EK t+ 5283 FRITZLER' PIERCE' BEINER finount lendered ! It€r Ptid 6tEA694l338S8B Ch*rge returnFd '-rHF|Fll< ?ffi.44 Rm.lnt Prid ?:sr8.88 E.68 Vour cashier STEPHfiNIE ! a T't't I t TOWN OF vAlir- D EPA RT;\{ E}i T OF C Olvt;vtLiNITY D EVEL O P}IENT' S,!,LES ACTION FORI{ 0l 0000 4 t510 ZC\E\G .{,}D A D DR.ESS T'A.I,S 0l ctoo424l5 LINTOL\{ IuILDL\*G CODE 0l ot00 {2415 UM TO&\,I PLUI'G I\G CODE 0t 0000 42.1l5 UM FOR\'! :\fECH,lJ\lCr.L CODE 0l co00{?{t5 UNIFOfu\' FIRE CODE OI OOOO12]15 I N,\TIONAL ELECTRICALCODE 0l 0000 .{2{ t5 oTliEn coDElooKs 0l 0000{t5{3 SLUE PRDTTS OIYLA,TIS 0t 00crl {2112 }:EROX COPES/STUDIIS 0l 00c{ j237t PENA I.TY FEE S / R E.I.,.,-'S PECT] ONS OI OSCO{!-132 I PL,L\ REVIE\VRE.C}.IECK FEE IS<O FER,HR.I 0t 00co 12321 OFF IIOURS NSPECTION FEIJ 0l 0000.11112 coNTit lcToRs LICL\SES FE]S 0t 0000 { r330 SIGN APPL]CATlO].T FEE.01 c$00 41413 0t 0000414t3 ADDITIONAI. SIGNAGE FT.E ISI.OO PER SO.IT. 0l 000c 12.:40 lTC AR,T FROJECT DONAT]ON 0t ocpo.rt33l lpRE p,^..to DEsrcN REVIENBoARD FEE 0t 0000{1330 ON;L USE PER\{IT 0l 0000.1t 330 :RAT]ON IIIORE THN.N IOO SO.FT. 0l 0000 .t I 330 L DEvELOP.\IENT DISTRICT ll'l,{)OR 0l 00cr041330' rspEcl4L DEVELOPIfENT 0l 0000 { I nrlztenPlerceBrlner O ARCHITECTURE PI, ANN IN6 INTIRIORS 3-29-93 Town of Vail Corununity DevelopmentPlanning StaffAttn: Jim C. Res Entry Enclosure for V.V.I. plaza Unit #503HaJim Residence Dear Jim, Enclosed find revised plans for the Hajin entry enclosure. TheHaJims propose to enclose a larger percent of the conmon coridorthan originally thought as we discussed on the phone. They will how-ever, keep the door to the atriun and put in a new door to acceEs thestairs. They will also put in a fire door to close off the elevatorin case of fire. We want this fire door to look as discreet as pos-sible. Therefore, we are creating a "pocket" to contain the door sowhen it is in it,s tlpical open position it will be flush with the ry?Il (like at Michaels Restaurant). Thus, the void area shown on thefloor plan. f would also like to give you some additional information on the el-evator. Currently the elevator is a corunon el_eurent. It is a spacewhich all tenanti in the building contribute toward the upkeep-andmaintenance of and is not used for an ernployee working area(18.04.120). Currently when going to the 5th floor the elevatoraervea unit #503, the atrium space (for changing flags), the stairand the other exit. vihen the proposed remodel is done the elevatorwill serve unit #503, the atrium space, the stair and the other exit.The elevator will still be used by the maintenance people to accessthe atrium. l'urthermore, and most importantly the elevator will 6ti11be used by any person going to the lst, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th floor. Inessence the elevator wiII be used in the sErme rday it is being usednow with one exception: The access to the 5th floor will be re-stricted to maintenance people and occupants of unit #503. (pleasenote that the elevator is currently restricted. you rnust call thefront desk and get permission to board the elevator. It will not comeby slnpfy pressing the up button. ) By further limiting the access tothe 5th floor we would be making the elevator a limited common eI-enent. The elevator will still be maintained by all the tenants inrhe building. Please review this with the staff and if you do not agree please ad-vise me in writing and. site reasons. Thank-you. Singerely,, rXwt'ke'b- ' Laura Nash 1;7ok< t*, [*rry @u4/ fl" t-b*S i',1;i * " a !*,! : m,fffi:Ptt/6/,= * 'i''a k:a,*tcf Qecfte*'' r4{-fvt' et ;i-. -,.rffi1=a*d. L* :b c-*tcc6ffl - .A-1c, C-rr/&r Pec"L€ooY'Page 1 3299113 . doc 29-t4ar-93 posToFFtcEBOxST r000LloNsRlDGEL00P VAILC0L0RAD06r656 5034766342 FAX3054764901 POC itlli x.D^ rFtllirlq rc lwew W.ov't fo foar AvrNe Ta Ft(F 4itrIa eK, c22p 10 Y1^tNTEi"JrP- ta6('e e$(7{ (o be reweD , -0t - ?Fa?o6ep FNfFY ibo latbrie TevT Ylvtli'{,,aFI P(F$ TolaFa vA.rTht( II > ,8'6 tt'6I rc3 l/ aE6.?5 of Nl< r-r \ P. OlE634?6490IFr I tz leh P larca. Br Inar s\$d-vq It- *--- 'i. f;* | $:S1lrq) :\_,l i! u'\l,\ ,t ir r'\ lr )-|! i{-ti Ftt z.li ilr ! i(- - ---"ri t{ff,r iLll etttl , -.-._ --J L_._. _----^.. -_. .---.---"-.,lr.r. - .!L. "ar l^I t$!rt=',-j i.'t$. v \ I |...'' u \r ri:t$ 'l I lt'(li-i$.-il+ll | \l- / j/il I lttfI I I f\'-'-*-*l',1 | lit i i l$t | | ln{ | | t$i I illr/I r i lS,/ I \\' s2 $\ F E iI FLt( zx h \ FI t\!:t,. {s ljl(9 D P .D/-----, t :/ '.: I I 3 ftz +?h, ut{}E:l$A- $E-'f" ;'--l-'* "'-'-- I . q-' r!lililllrl I I I I ---\ JF-l d^ fr u F g i* T[- {H\\P sl\q# ;l"l'.-v .{.l :.:1-'-_* -,.o FI Et E(!!r EEtr E! T . .- I Project Application "^," {c/q= Project Name: Proiect Description: 'r'{;.t o €= :--,ft=y(,y's Lqutq A la= L, 17 e - 6z'(7Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: o gr€, ? | Cr,,,e ^- Pl. , Gr*er,,ni. [', C-T (>€g3O Architect, Address and Phone: Legat Descriptio n: tot f) , atocr 50 , ritins .2on. 9D Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by:,l) 1!€{4I*FFEFIF Sum mary: 6i-epprorut r€via€d e/4let APPLICAIION - TOrW OF \TArL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED :DATE OF DRB MEETING: COI.ORADO I.PROJECT INFORI"IATION : A. DESCRIPTION: above unl-t #503 TsD lue 5 w3 813[93 *****t*tt* IETS TPPLICIAION I|ILI. NOI BE ACCEPIEDUNTTL AI.L REQUIRED INFORTATION IS SI'BT'IITEDr********r B.TYPE OF REVTEW: New Construct,ion ($200.00)x Mi.nor Alteration ($20.00) _Conceptual Review ($0)Addltion ($50.00) ADDRESS: 100 East l"Ieadow Drive Village Inn Plaza Condomintun /1503 LEGAL DESCRIPTIoN. T .i+: .LoL o Block 5D Subdivision a meets and bounds legalon a separate sheet and c. D. ff property is described bydescription, please provid6at,tach to this application. ZONING: Special Devel t DistrictE. F. I. NAME OF *STGNATURE (S) :Mailing Address. must provide a current REPRESENTATIVE:BiI-l Pierce Phone A FEEs 20.00s s0.00 s100.00 s200.00 $400.00$s00.00 ONE IE"AR .II'TER FINAL ISSI'ED AIID CONSTRUCIION IS LOT AREA: If required, applicantstamped survey showing lot area. NAI4E OF APPLICANT; Barbara and EdG. H. Mailing Address: Greenwlch, CT 06830 NA},IE OFMailing APPTICANT' SAddress: Box .t. v STERIED. **NO APPLICATION IIII.L BE Greenwich, CT 06830 phgns Condoninium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe time of subniftq+ of DnB appricarion. L;t;;, whenapplying for a building perrnit,'lt".s. ioenriiy-iireaccurate valuation of the proposal . The rown 6f vailwilt adjust the fee according- to the table U"fo*, -uo ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE SCHEDULE: $ Xo:utttofo, ooos 10,001, - s 50,000s 50,001 - s 150,000$150,001 - $ 500,000$500,001 - $1, O0O,000$ Over $1,000,0OO r DESIGN RSVIE}' BOARD APPRO\IAI AXPIRES }PPRO\TAI. UNI.ESS A BUrIDING PER}TIT IS PROCESSED WTTEOUT OI|NER' S SIGNATT'RE 1 -{ Druwings lpr ll llo*hd tr-ltt *rur h nrlrrtlc Frpo.s 4, nlds sh€(llhing bolle 'ir, r lrr i; lP11 VEIUX heoo ',.flosnrng\ /,'.\\ vSboricr lNoh: Sho.ilrf br 'sdto ovoit:l.ndduDj fnter|or hnn bloct rng (or rcqurcd") krulotr corefulb ,:round wlndow. honzonroisollit linmg (Nofer Whn ptporng lirc honxng wc t*atswnald tOLCbt.t $q.q . .. hortzontol sollit or rhorun. h dolf,o |or ballor ciistribulb^ ol dqlfhl ond oit rnor.ltr.rs to herp r6,6lv6g poibb condcnslion. ) htq6f -./ ,a'' Q u verlicol rill linrng (Noto: When proporing the lronring u,c reconrnrend you oilow lor rr ilorcd rill os shown. lt oilows lor bottcr dist(ibur'o,, of doylgl* ond ok movernrnl to heip :ed(r!e Do6siblc cond6n3otion s' ^twa-f \/ "e"t') ^{.^ff 75 south lronlrge road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 off lce ol communlly developmenl August 25, 1988 RE: Unit # 503, Vail Vi'l1age Inn Ptaza To Whom It May Concern: If the owner of this unit wishes to add sky'l ights, he must first obtajna 'letter of agreement from the homeowners' asiociation. This letter, plus an application for a building permit must be presented to the Town of VailBui'lding department. It is possible that the applicant must appear beforethe Design Review Board. If so, this is done before the building permitis issued. There will be about a 2-3 week waiting period for a building permi t. Si ncerely o =E =G, UJo-ar) OO F.v an UJ IJJu- E =E,uJI iffitt., CNo\ IN I ,!o &r d uJF--oi I I o.P +J <5Ci (J i:-'-\u-(!ooz;6iJW qtF E I =: z2 U'UJFozozoJ5 @ .6 o =z6 Io {r !l Pi : T qlI>tdIHI: FIqrl ;l Erl I I + 4 + o cdo 1r(d oB FiFl xqt oq,loX F{ F{.'t B ! 'Fl ttuJz3o J UJo: CEolt e.oFo GFzoo G,o EIIJz3o l!o J" I o Eoc -9.o(! .9 o-o.6 toFo)stRo,{,(,cho-{ 6E6>.- EtrooEoo o) .E =o E.. etr'= fi{ -a/DaPo YBi9Eo.o.Fr6p EE> r-i {-(DcEtiEP gEE: E;s€E.! G r-EZ.E6E EEEc-o> E;:;EE! sc96i.l oE or3Ea= E E-F; gE:E $; ge $E; e <a=-o-o)*€e€ EEtE - CL JJ () -+, C Ict O'- .!c; (D oP'.c .. EE:: Ifi E;96.o - iFH'E rrFta { F. .ir CN(n \t A 1'l\' rr)c.)aa \+ r..) C! ln|.\ttl trlN 7 'n (n @ ts =UJ z J o Y C)UJ (Jz o F uJ u, 2 J = (Jul: ut UJl!z tr llJ llJ BuJ uJ z qJ F att o-u,o o. 2 tu) x F uto (n LullJlJ. tr =E IJJo-J l-oF (Jz = co J d,F urJIJJ (9z ao =Jo- z (lJt NO[VnlVA J + t JJc;o::;x'z"Yq- o-- fii6u <q 2XUJF =>E -EctEu3 =CO(\I zzool--A li -r'.8 6 .to6b()zr!<oqH6;oFO;(\i lj t-li t:ldlg1l il cn rls il tH ll o II)l pit (0tl (sil''l' g) .r{ 'o o z tr J cc UJ F e, o-ttlc. ) z E FX5 E UJFJ =uJz t1tl Ilt tszlz9.n<oo< =Pxu-5o<z (!)Fz, 9z do=trOI llJf J aq)lltzY i 3 F UJ o 3 a -l JI<(l =_l zl .. >louloltlnJz <J)tr =(E LrJo- J z Eo tl 2 I& u trr. T z F J@ I t;,; P(lF Fq H tr+J Irl -$ -$O(o _9 * uJF.o c0o-zo FL UJY I!o oFt =E(f)l|J o\O- oru-lo{atl8hlrElrlPu,2E E =E,lrlo-z9F C) :)E 6zo() I-- Nr\F\ IF\ c\,1@ I I r'r I;lnl-l I cil =.1ol Hl 3t IlIolzl3lolFI oFl (d 0,FI b(d =dlr o\ @cr) I\oe'lo\ I I il =l sOl ulFI F' 6t $ I 5 >ltr.J € ot{o (!oXEl Uo 'Fl.n (d ii =zo .-) (! OJ N I J.rt 'm$ Tdt{nl4t{(rl 1 "1{TduJlE 4 C.l.if, \o I ln\o .r{ cS 6 glf lol@ |r I.o IFi l-r I.r.{ | |9t I;t I Ul el6l olI lllol crlcll rl Et 3l''| lllloltzl =l 3l *cl 9l E-:o<FG(Jl!<zt!!F.ozo o E,oF Fzo() g"g s3>Fd6 z t C)[U = L.E i.tg b2 o() - €oro Quslon !unoep -tf5'ffi! luli 30- June 29, 1993 Town of VailBuilding Department 111 South Frontage RoadVail, CO 81657 RE: Aajirn RemodelPerrnit * 6044 Per.your request-we are forwarding a retter from our structurarEngineer _-regarding. the structuril instaltation at the HajiutRemodel , Unit 502, in the VaiI Village Inn plaza Condos. rf we can be of any further assistance please cart 926-3202. Sincerely,Boles Custom Builders, Inc. /// 64 /John Bolee Pregident .lB/rnw POSr OFFTCE BOX 7279 AVON, COLORADO 87620 (303) 926-3202 (3O3) 926-2078 FAx I ZECHERCHARLES L. CONSULT//VG ENGINEER 6812 Wcst Eldorsdo Placo Oonver. Colorado 802?7 Tei€rhons 303/987-3739 Jwe27,1993 Ms. Laura Nash Fritzlen Pierce Briner 1000 Lionsridge Loop Vail, CO 81658 Re: Vail Village lwtPlaza Condos Unit #503 Hajim remodeline Dear Laura, I have received and reviewed the pictures of various welded connections made on structural members in the course of doing this remodeling. I looked in particular at the welds made on the existingWl2x26 spandrel beam E6-F6. Since there were only two single-shear bolts in the existing end connections they needed to be welded all around to support the new heavier loads caused by the remodeling. This was to be done in accordance with the detail sketches and notes I sent you for inclusion in the contract documents. According to the pictures these "all-around"' fillet welds have been made. Also, on Friday, June 18, 1993,I visited the job site and discussed these welded connections with Rodney Twete of Boles Custom Builders. The welds had by this time been covered up by subsequent construction but he assured me that the welds were made all around the existing connection plates as required by tlte contract documents. To the best ofmy knowledge and understanding, based on a review ofthe photos you sent me and on my discussion with Rodney, it is my opinion that the required welding has been done in accordance with the structural sketches and notes prepared by my offrce. Yours truly, Charles L. Zecher Consulting Structural Engineer CLZ|cz U' uJ uJtL F =tUJ \sx s i!F zoz = .6 =z I l"', IE I I I I l. IFt< l6zl=to lotz [!IF lo I I I I I I l- r(JrtrlrJ- tzro t* v h z E F utz3 uJ F z IL Go =.r o Eo tuz3 t!o llJ zI o' IDA(g\ a.o-\ (o(. €...A. \ o K ; 0)E (g o) 9 o E : l E(D o o 3.; '6 q) a; oo o'.4 .:!I) o (6 a,c.^'- or.A -(1,;oF o cb ooo(o 0) f o ql .9 I II T' o;(u o::(E'=O(o*irrE8E F.9 E-9 9E:E o xEc-oef;:€Fd 5=c96 B5t E EEFOO E;E F€ c.Y- do-(6 0.sEE .t, e o_E€eE6:gE Eo(E= Es E- o.;eeC6 0'- ? * -c.s*;E:E =6>O6= x:E3i 8 .3't s9Eorc5g -o(! z6 lJo- UJ u--z.IF uJ ;tlJ>tucz 6uJ U)LU LrJLt- E =E uJ oF z =Jo- NOrM]VA zHHat) Xrrl F.{ ts HNN h .A E (n -'G :Z!L 6zto d UJo J z =>E = ,,, zIi:o- '@O 1>(J()ozt!<oqul-o- !.?-5 zoF f IL[ut z E o z tr UJFJ =t!z X X X X F: F ztr lll zYE a!o uJo IJJuJzo = uJ J z Eo IJ,JlJ CE lt,l))u,zY i z F J faz I U' r!Eii oz zFIotrI zf,zo F- o (Jol zl(rlz =d-o =.1ol HlJl<l>Itrlol zl 3lotFI I I I I ?l('lutlElJl<l>l 5l rol uFI F oc\l(n.v Ich.ifo\ ."l zll-tl Eal EIi EI 14lr{l2l<l&l<l*l =lr! I Iel<l El Iffl =zt*Hl tv.-l I Hc.tlBlz!/, rlf s.?l rdH&docIci><=Eo UJ z co cno* 2zH FI(9 Ffl-{ t.It{ rno(f).v I F\{ -lriF<lrol-l I 3|u,tl 1t <l>l u-iol fl z FH p ts aJ)z FA tltz tr F Fz z I tlJ = E irg \JZ EoF C) Fz t(Jozt-;# 4Zqo llJFrOE t <F r!<zt (nZo oz ts e.UJo- z zn )i >_eoo =z (L t! L::' L-I L I J..i5\J \-., =zd.ft Qh--J; (J-r "i tucoil= F =ruo-|r LUoz oI 9(E JFuJ-h= duJ>(LO|!9o5uJx(Lx>Er-J!t! qJ oF co E Io q,tt .E 3 E Eoo o trtrtr cr)c\l-:'-if(f ul F g)oo-'z FI LUY uJdl Ft deb-l>J(Llo r4loElt-l LIJt-rybEzo ts =Elrlo-z9Fc)f E,Fozo() t_] n --nrAL IIISPECTIoN'S CO!{PLETEI)U The Ltens beloy need to be conplete beforegivlng a permlt a flnal C of O. Please check off in tbe box provlded. FINAT PLI'I{BING DATEs rINAL }IECEANICAL DATE: IilPROVEUEI{T SURVEY RESID. NAME: FINAI. BUILDING EAST SIDE: WEST SIDE: 1-z7tZ TEMPORARY C OF O l-, I i CERTIFICATE OF OCCI'PAIICY DATE: I.AI{DSCAPIT{G DT'E DATE: FILE NAI{E: