HomeMy WebLinkAbout68 E Meadow Dr Unit 701 - BSC of Vail Biscayneo2 ==E r,uo- rn(\| 4 o (r)@ ooo @ N a al)uJ uJu- F = UJ 01 N v FTH B Fl HE o\ N!! \\acoo <F{6-ltrooE 2ta614 =H uJF o F FL = zz H H r'l(Ja at) rJ) H L] YIHIel au,F z =J dl o6 zzo Ff ,-.1 u) t/l|-\ ";c{ \ ; HH <n z ;z HF(> H] HIu)l 14lxl tltEH F{ a vi FFz c) F].1 Irl F 4oC) d:ee d= EEEii$E ;i*iF$; iEEiEEiIEii!.;teC= lga sEasi.o;d9E5€Eii :o'"ooiia E !'l O :eE;= €E9(/)E sE ii5 iEgEiE+ 6 O'l In rn (f)F(\r-.1 r\rn(! 4 ==e.u,(Lozo l(D Yo UJ oz 9(l UJ u, z f o- z (J uJ = tzo UJEc)uJ 3g UJ z9 uto F -l)', t! lz x F uJo) F F ()', uJllJt! =E, IJJ(L J F z (D EFoUJJUJ z = oz C)LU = NOrlvn'lVA F F c c 2FFuFxr! z F u. z ; izz!- tr ^ 6zg 5 >ee9 0E aoe.z.>(JRq 3,E<oq itU :':9XuJaxz dN(.' (\I =>E -I I 'lil rl it! it:lz)t Hil Fl rl 14IB ilotr]lFlrl (9tlztF{ il:'l c)il <rl a 'l - z tr !L cc rri o. e UJ F @ a c z Eoo atE2 tr FJ =uJz l.ltltstl izlzou);: ur<Qo< =HR''ii ,o<Ea,qIHIXIrqIYei =.$z, 94 do3t!OI =l =l zl UJo UJ UJ2o =trlu(L J z E Or co CN IHIzl<lt-{ | al&io dl3 tct trl^J lur O- LL>o at) N F1 H FCIH Pq = =F oo l E zY(JrF z F)loz rr{a f\No\ crl Lc)o--J*J O ul EU'(Ilo1zo F luY UJ(o oFF CEul ttl I>olO- o\lO "-l | '\l, f_l uJ 2E z.-o =4(DO =z Ol! .-i5 ZEr.oi- dd= = ul u- uJ z loIoF I (L JF |;="1 (IduJ>(LOu9o - llJ6O-x>fiF =tr IJJ F o Ea -9o otl .E f E Eo|J AO =l +. .E o -Ef=E -o.=o:! E =E,lrlo-z9FC) -El-azo() nn! I I I "l=.1otuJl :t<l>l :l =ol uFI F r\F.F. Io\.rfo\ Icr'l CO *l ()lzlt{l F4lEI }JI*l FIr{lFtlFll #l .lHIHI<lol =ltrltrl FFF\ Io\.if I(aocn *l .51 =l otzl olullccl JI <lilolzl 3lolFI .a p{ ts FlFl H =tr IdrlFJ-11.lolzl olull 5lal>l blzl3l9lFI z t-{H' H.t)zoo rn\o.ir Io\\'o\ I tltlI r'r II rltol| -rl| .-r I-.t.1 al zl ul sl Hl 5l-t <l =l flFl xlzt "ltzl =31qol r! Fl tolco | 'tllF\INzl NHl --{<l c3Et *t*.l trI(/:l (J ,,nl Eol F4-11 ZlkltdUr{?t (J Hl cdFanI<==o FJH F{ U) uJ z N A FI Flt{ t-l CN HHz u; =z -) z =tr o- H H Ec) tlI t:r ItFltHlI(als:l >lr4t zlHt zl<t FlHl U)l(.)t Iot .l(,)I FItat I<l F-l ot @l(tl -{ |3t fl Et 3l<l>t Jel atr|=E F Fz Eirg-(r Fo2 J 9 ul t2? 33fF d- zo o E --.r O<F uJ<ZE,!!F(tZo F ulEt(Jmtrt] of{ic{ r" fy 75 south lrontage road Yall. colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) 47$,2139 olllce of communlly development Plan Review Based onthe 1988 Uniform Codes PROJECT NTTTTBER: 7 / L3/9O ADDRESS: UNIT 30 VAIL VILI,AGE PI,AZA OCCUPANCY: R-3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-IHR. NAME: VAIL VILI.,AGE #30 DATE:8/8/eO CONTRACTOR: V.G. CONSTRUCTION ARCHITECT: CHICAGO ASSOCTATES ENGINEER: JAl,lES THOMPSON JR. PI,ANS EXAUINER: MICHAEL WHITAKER t-. 2. CORRECTIO}Is REQUIRED AII doors to corridor to be 20 min. with closer & smoke seal .AII repair to corridor to enclose existing openings to bet hr. rated. Minimum of one wood burning fireplace per unit within the Townof Vail. lll other upits to b€ gas aPP1l.anees witb rtBrr ventg onlv. Enclosure for rooal burnlng fireplace chiuney to be of t hr. fire resistive construction. Mechanical venting of bathroorns and laundry rooms required if no openings (windows/doors) to outside exist. UBC L2o5. Guardrail around balcony, at exterior doors off 2nd level and at stairwelt to be as per UBc 171-L (35't nin. ht.-no opening larger than 6"). Mechanical equipnent in attic area to be installed as per tllC 7o8. Equiprnent shatl be listed for such installation. Access opening and passageway shall be a roininun 30rrX30rr or large enough to remove largest piece of eguipnent. A pernanent electric outlet and lighting fixture controlled by a switchlocated at the reguired passageway opening sha1l be provided at or near the equipnent. 3. 4. 5. 6. A floor drain shall be supplied for the mechanical room. 7. Cross connection control for dishwasher, hose bibbs, boilersand spa shall be as per UpC 1003. 8. Provide access panel for inspection and naintenance of spaequipment. UPc 904(b). 9. All electrical work to be completed as per 1987 NationalElectrical Code. 10. All skylights to meet reguirements for materials and installation aB per UBC 3402-3405 and UBC 5207. l-l-. A11 glazing in hazardous locations shall be safety glazingas per UBC 5406. L2. All construction of walls and floorlceiling assenbties, colunnand beam protection, shall be t hr. rated assemblies. z fttSt hL3. Provide attii v'entitation in concealed attic areas as peruBc 3205. L4. Provide combustion air for rnechanical- equipnrent in attic areaas per tilF cn. e . 15. Engineer desigmed shop drawings or fire alarn system and firesprinkler system to be subnitted to Town of VaiI BuildingDepartment for review and approval. 15. Provide conbustion as per tntc 6Ot & 607 for all heating equip-ment located in attic area. r -" L J;TS; :.,*k'P'> | sEcrloN 15000 , GENERAL pROVTSTONS l.0r scoPE t{ork shall consist of furnishing all labor, materials, and design necessary for the installation and start-up ot a conplete and operating mechanical gystens. The contractor shall coordinate work under this section with all other trades to assure that all other systems are complete and operating. 1.02 Co0e$ ANo $rANoARos conply nith all applicable codes, Ians, industry standards and local utility company regulations. This project is under jurisdiction of the Iorn of vail Building 0epartment. Public $ervice company of colorado (949- 5781) i$ the gas supplier- 1.05 MoolFICATloNs llake resonable modifications in layout, arrangements, attachments, etc. to: A- l,laintain naximum clearance for head room to expoeed work. B. Establish adequate clearances for the installation of suspended ceilings and similar rork. C. Verify shaft, chase and double partition cLearance. $pace to be adequate for installation, but minimal. 0- Notify Architect irnnediate)y of any conflicts rith work of other . trades. E- Conform to code or standa rd requlrenent$" I.04 SUPPORIS ANO VIBRAIION ISOLA]ION Furnish and install aI) bases, hanger, anchors, guides, supports, and vibration isolation for mechanical equipment and piping. 1.05 AccEss 0c()Rs General Contractor to provide access doors as necessary to pr@erly service nechanical equipnent. 1.06 EALANCING A. the balancing and adjusting of the systens shall be part of the work. B. Furnish and install such items as thermoneter wells, pressure te$t cocks, air vents, etc., as required to allow tests and adjugtments to be nade. 1.07 OPERAIING AND MAINTENANCE IN$II{UCIIONS Deliver operating and maintenance instruction manuat to the o*ner on conpletion of the work and instruct the owner in use of equipment degcribed in the manual. I.08 WARRANTY A. A1I naterials and equipnent shall be new unless otherwise specified. Guarantee all workmanship, material and equipnrent and replace any found defective without cost to the owner for one year after final acceptancc. (systems failure due to misuse, abuse, or lack of proper maintenance not included). 8. Each warranty for longer than one year described above (that comes with equipnent used on the job) shatl be passed on to the owner with dateg of start and end of warranty- sEcltoN 15100 HEAT ING/PLUT,IBING I..01 HYORONIC HEATING PIPING A. Above and Belo{ sl;b: i) Piping above grade: Iype "H" copper, 9S*5 solder ii) Fittings: wrought copper with solder joints. iii) Unions: Standard rlrought copper solder joints with copper to copper seats. Use insul.ating unions for non similar metals. B. ln-Floor Heating ,rprt i) Pipi6g; Provide Entran tt xith nitrile inner tube, braided fiber r^einforcing, and neoprene cover, pipe to have' a manufactur€r's limited parranty of trenty years. t/2" nominal tube. ii) Spacing/lnstallationt Refer to notee on dratingE for pipe spacing, Refer to manufacturer's reconnendations for installation/attach- ment instructions. Pipe lengths rithin slab ehould all be 200 feet +/- fog. iii) leating: piping nust be under a mininurr of 50 psi during concrete/gypcrete pour. C. l'liscellaneous Piping Notes i) Pipe eupport: Hire or string will not be pernitted. tber plaEtic gronmete for hydronic piping paeeing through nood joists. soldering of pipe to pipe or pipe to etructure is not pernitted. ii) Provide accessable nanu,al air vents ae neceseary. I.02 SHEET NETAL A. Provide 26 ga. ductwork for combustion air, bathroorn exhaust, dryer . venting and range exhaust systems. Conform t{ith the requirenents of S|'IACNA in regard to materials and methods of construction. B, Provide approved flex duct connection to donestic clothes dryer and run solid ductwork to termination point- C,. Provide and install listed type "8" atnoopheric vent systetns for boiler and water heater. Installation to be conplete from appliances to an approved vent cap. conform with code and nanufacturers listing for clearance to construction. 0, All bathrooms and range exhaust systems shall have a barometric back draft dampener installed at either the trall (or roof) cap. I, 05 PLUI,IBI NG A. lnterior hot and cold domestic piping to be type "tl" copper, hard, Provide 1/2" thick fi.berglass pipe insulation on donestic hot water pipes only. 8. l{a6te and vent piping above s}ab to be hubless cast iron with approved no-hub couplings, or Dt{v copper. C. Refer to drawing for notes on natural gas piping materials and installation. 0. provide and insta]I 4* lead sheet flashings at all plumbing ventstack penetrations through the roof. i-linimize plumbing vent penetrations through the roof E. Refer to stean generator manufacturer's installation instructions for, recommended materials and nethods of piping (if applicable). 1 .04 t txruRE $cHE0uLH A. lhe Contractor shall furnish and install all fixtures and rough-in according to the fixture schedul^e on drawings. B. AII fixtures and accessories shall be bolted securely to waII and floors in accordance with the manufacturerng roughing-in and $etting requirements" C. Stop valves shall be furnished and installed at all fixtures and Iocations, See Architectural drawinqs. tlrG. - r.-- -htl'| rq. RE3IERTS SDI,IPouIT cHrlr llllS DEED. E ttl. ttt ot ittrE 29, 1990 llff.rrtrre rrur, tlt., t @ralDo qmRArrot ot th.Ccnty of EIGIA rd tt.t. of HiHfr;fuW'gHS, 1.P., A @toR;AD r.rilxrD |.|oG r.9r &.. lr 105 s(ttEl IAIN St..r- BREC^trE[lRIDqqr gO .80^l2lat th. Ci,rty cf -- rd itrtr ol Cotor6, ot th"tqd p' r-' --lt ff ffef f . fbt th. ..ld Frty oi g1e tlrrt Frt. tor rd In canl&r.tlqr of t;e rr ol FORrY-rrYB TEOI'SAIID AND XO,/r00-------- to th. r|ld F?t(l.r) ot t'hc flr.t p.rt In hr|d pld by ttrc ..id Frt( 1..) - of^the^t Grd Frt.- thr rc.lPt dr.r.of lr he|t' by cofrcrrd rd *rrut.t d. hl iolrd, rrtriltcc, ioia cinwria rd utl clAlED. -td. ly thd. pltratrt. O(.r)-r-1.., Stllli,-iiif. ..t rq fdEti GUtl rnto ilr rrld girt(lel) of forc lccrd Frt,-(th.lr' heltl. rrcoon-.td ...1t!, iil;: ili-irt liifit. itiir, immt, ctrtr rd brrr *rtet-tr rrld. Fri(|rl) ol t{tc tlrrt-Frt h.(., In ]d to th. i;ii;ifo-a;;;ilo-roi r Fr..t ot trd .ltr.tG, tvrte na rertr in tti cqntv of EIGIE ffiffigw:w'#Hm*H'dmffi+ rtro lnon.s.tnrrt rrd nrrter CNEIINIII-| ID{IIE ?01, 763, & 765, \IILLAGE INN PLIZA IO il Vt lxD to tot D thr rdE, tog.thcr rith ttl rrd siniplrr thr.pF,rtc'|.lEcs rd privi tcgcs thcrqtrto bctaeiry or ln rrwl rc thcrcurto prtainlrp, rni ctt thc cstatc, rldrtl titlc, initrcst nd clair dtatso.Ycr. of thc 3rid Frt(ic3). ;;il-;;";;"i,-iii[|. in lar-ir Gq/ity, to thc anly propir use,-br:fit rd blrof of the 3.id Frt(ics) of thc t€cotd Frt, (thcir) hoirc rd e1.i rr !9rcw1t itrs hrnd l'rd aclltI IIITIESSth. iY ld F.r id psrt(ic8) ot the first Frt h.(3) bcrcrr'lto tct 3lgncd, rh.Jor.eorFAtSfiIt)!-iSS?,3El,aEIr"{.rrthr3d.vof firE 29, 1990 ,V \IAIL \IM',IGE INN, INC., A @IrmF @RFRnftCN f.y ct.t3.l., .,*lFGs //, urE lllu c.fn rrEE odP rY !051 E !r trrsr tYE. f600 DCrrEt. @LOt DO t0206 .gitncas ry hrrd rrd offi OTUTER c.'II CLITT DEED E3c?d ,\It5378 rtrtrf 15378\t. I oz ts =E UJo- .J. (/, IJJuJu-F = UJo- $*$ s oool € z zH a t >1 lO\ Ol lH.<rno 7p H<-9btEo.-, Yt<-_HOE = o EoF EFq, =: zz ;; UJ z z6) o .6 o =z t^ kazpt{FFt E r l<tsFrr aYY \\t Julo =t G.ot! croFo GFz J g z trl c) -i- o cd*6.9i;;: F.c *€'*t e aF'i I c E EPEc-o> iiEi€ >=:c96E.l05o35== E EEB*.o ot g.;;E g-;Eg $E; so!E-olEfie€ E6:F :EEHi;Ee.-e =;_ o..! oe+EPd o'- .=c=o(,)--E,-.||OY.ggE€5 *81=9 6E5 if;s;9Eo -eEg: ll,z3 UJTF z \ ${. I \ \ ; 0) tu -9oo(J CLo(! c3o (f)\'.tr N4. =uJL z v uJ ()z J F UJ tIJ 2 = z tu = qJ UJ 2 tr uJ uJt 3llJ5 z ul o.UJoc z uJ x F ulo U'ulultl- L = uJo- |-o zoJ fo J uJ !! z ao =J ) = uJt ErllA NOtM'lVA IFt? t> *cOir tt ti zo2tr< Eia nE il (\I N z.zo9F^(a9it'*66E(r.1, oz>-ooQZlr<v= o-YIE.;ni =>E = llJ =@ z tr (r UJ $ o- LUd. z Eo z E uJ 3l!z L2l2Oo <oo< >dY(!Eo<z atrz, 9z"-i F do =tr tul n) z iF zI J oz I z z I J 3i o o 3 _l "l ,-l :l6l Jl<l 2l zl .. >lout uJ IJJzoF =t!d z Eo Al z lt)F llJI Oc!.$ --?() 7 .1'^ 2. /1t2 /.t4 LIJ ts <t>dIo-zo FclrJY ul(D oF F =EOIu o\o_ o\b:ttolaEt t-l'lHuJi^F2E zo F<k zE r'-_EnI ;Ei ;H= (,z m =) ! E Iuo.tt utoz U)o F E Jt-l! :-h=o- uJ>[OL9o-uJxcx> uJ'JJ lt uJdtoF co Ettoo ot 'Et E Eo(J AO t=6>EEt =t:o.- tt ts =E, lrJo-zoF(J e.l-(tzo(J Io.'r I "ilFrl-l I .lol =,|Ol -rgl F.*l FJl t\al I>l c u-l 'nol o =lH zt-{EE F Ff H tr I I I I ?lol Hl 3lttl Elr FF\r\ Ic''l.afo\ (9lzlHI >ltfl*l tl rErlFllFll<lilr-.!lHI<t>l Ia H FlH rx) =z (o azH Fit-l FfH ui z -t F\ Ir']|-\c\It.- H ;i EIpl alBI Iil IF. I col-t adul odsJ - =lt-{lHI(Jl &lE{lull21ol'l()l I cJ\o.if Io\.ito\ *lJl 1 =.1(,l uJl:l H E-t rrrFf B z : tr z t(Jul = o F() EFz () o*5 =itFl-o2 o E2? =Ed' zo E <FE()r!<zE (sZo F UJEI(JEnEf c/tlD/l I Chicago Associates Planners and Architects 1807 W€st Sunnyside Chicago, lllinois 60640 Phone: 312. 275 1AO7 Fax: 312. 275 1858 May 24, 1990 Mr. Gary Murrain Town of Vail Gommunity Development Department Dear Mr. Murrain: The following is to confirm our telephone conversation of May 22, 1990. As we discussed we are planning to perform demolition of the interior of Unit 30 between June 4th and June 15th. Prior to this time we will move merchandise from the second and third floors to storage areas and temporarily halt the retail operation in Unit30. Upon completion of the demolition we will move the merchandise back into the southwest section of the second floor. The stors will then run a clearance sale until approximately mid-August. There will be some overlap between the beginning of construction and the final move out of the retail operation. You said the town would have no objection to the store moving back into the second floor area, after demolition, as long as adequate safety measures were taken and the stores business license remained in effect. We are therefore proposing to do the following: Safety Precautions: 1. Maintain the two existing exits from the second floor. 2. Installtemporary smoke and heat detectors. 3. Provide fire extinguishers at the second and third floors. 4. Install dust barriers and barricades separating areas which will be under construction from the active retail area. 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81 Page 2 Schedule: 1. June 1st - Move merchandise to storage closets within Unit 30 and/or basement storage room. 2. June 4th - Begin demolition of all interior partitions, ceiling and wall finishes, floor finishes, etc. No demolition for exterior work will be done at this time. 3. June 15th - Gomplete demolition and move merchandise back into southwest portion of second ffoor. 4. July 16th - Begin construction in sectioned off area of Unit 30. 5. August 15th - Closeout retail operation in Unit 30. Should any part of this letter be contrary to your understanding of our conversation, please contact me immediately. Very truly Kou.rs, Chicago Associates Planners & Architects Rick Lukasik Project Architect Edward Noonan Frank Cicero Jr. Thomas Bartnik ENA Edward Noonan & Associates, Ltd, 1807 West Sunnyside Chicago, lL 608|0 Phono: 312.275.1875Fax: 312.275.1858 May 14, 1990 Mr. Joseph Norris Building Inspector Community Development Department This is to confirm our understanding of the approval process under which we may proceed with the renewal of Vail Village Condo #n. We have submitted design drawings (approved by DRB), scope of the work drawings and specifications to your offices through Vic Gallina. He will take out a demolition permit to dismantle the drywall and open up the space for renewal per the demolition drawings. This work will be coordinated with the existing tenants. The work is scheduled to start June 1st and be finished by June15. When demolition is complete the existing 2nd floor store will continue to liquidate its stock until mid-July. ln the meantime, the architects and engineers will complete their drawings based upon what we discover when the walls are opened. We will then submit for permits, per your fast-track process, in order to start renewal in midJuly for a completion in mid-December. The schedule is tight,but possible due to the cooperation between that the your otfice, Vic Gallina and the architects. I will see proper documents are submitted to your office prior to each stage of the work. Vic Gallina Frank Gicero 75 S. Frontage Road 0/llD/l Chicago Associates Planners and Architects 1807 Wesl Sunnyside Chicago, lllinois 60640 phone:312.275 16sfluQust 15, 1990 Fax: 312. 275 1858 Mr. MichaelWhitaker Town of Vail Gommunity Development 75 S. Frontage Road VailCO.,81657 RE: VailVillage Inn Unit 30 Remodel Dear Mr. Whitaker: Enclosed please find 2 corrected sets of working drawings for the above referenced project. I have highlighted one set of the architectural drawings, A1 & M, to indicats the corrections you requested per your letter of August 8, 1990. The architectural revisions cover the following items listed in your f etter: '1,,2,4,10,11,12,13. The remaining corrections will be submitted by the mechanical/f ire protection and electrical contractors. Please advise us if you require any further information or corrections. I have also included a set for Mike Mollica showing the 45 S.F' reduction in the G.R.F.A. Please forward this to him and let me know if this is satisfactory Rick Lukasik Chicago Associate Planners & Architects 0081sMW.1W t_-] (y rNsPucrrorrs coMPLETED The ltene below need to be conplete beforeglvlng a pernit a flnal C of 0. Please check off ln the box provided. FINAL PLI'}$ING FINAL MECHANICAL tl | | rMpRovEuENT suRvry REsrD. NAIIE: DATE: BUILDING TEMPORARY DATE: CERTIFICATE OF EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: -ZZ LANDSCAPING DITE