HomeMy WebLinkAbout100 E Meadow Dr Unit 7B - Staufer Commercialo ur o 'tKtfu'l tl,1 b SY -> tt' qbwu or verr, ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT v\n-- NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALIJ TIMES eoo/ltl coMM BUrLD PERMT Permit *: 896-0184 Job Address: 100 E MEADOW DR Status" ': ISSUED Location...: 100 E. MEADOW DR # 7 B2 Type II Fire Resistive Locarion...: 100 s. Meapow DR # 7 Applied" z g!/,99/,!226- parcel No..: zLoT_oBz_61-007 Issued. .., 97/,\?/,\222parcel No..: 2Lo7-082-61-007 riiued" 'z o-t-/.ll/.\ls^! Project No.: aA Expires.*' 2 0L/08/L997 TOV/Com'-' Lr€V' owNER rAMM LrD clean-up Dep luri'ffefund 100 EAsr MEADow DRIVE, VAIL co er6flpp;9y961 -*-Description: al'flount **f REDECORATE AND BUILD NEw PARTITION wALLs flate ll4qt , -lr #of uood/Psl't.t: FEE SUI'lltARY *ffi lrt*rti***ir*M****** Occupancy: 82 Type construction: II FR Type Occupancy: Valuation: FireDtac! Inforhation: Rcat ri ctcd: 5r000 flof Gas Appt iancca: Add Sq Ft: #of Grs Logs: .OO Totat Catcutat.d F!Gs-> 20.00 AdditioneL F.es---_-> fotat Pcrni tPsYDents-----------> BALAI{CE DUE-_----> Bui tding--) Ptln Chcck--> lnvest i gltion> {i tt catt---> .m 3.00 .00 100.00 279.75 279.75 .00 279.75 279.75 .00 95.00 Restuarant Plan Rcvicrr-->61.75 DRB F Rccrart'ion FcF--------> C lcrn-Up Deposi t-------> TOTAL FEES_-_**** t***********t** Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 99p!:-BUILDING Divj.sion: dl7dh/10t6-cHARi,tE- -A--iont llore pLANs ro cHABLTE 6't769'/7g9Ft eiilRtlE Action: APPR CHARLTE DAVrsit6i;' 65400-i;-tirNNruc--DeFARTMENI-- - - _ _Dept: PLANNING Divj-sron: 6i7db /Lii6-citEhl,Ii-'-e6Eiiiii]- Ndie pLANs ro LAUREN 07'/L0'/L996 LAUREN Action: APPR -:--.ii'efi;'05600 FrRE DEPARTI{ENT "--" Dqpt; -!'r!!-- Divieion: 617d6/1tt6-cHnRt rE--ACEi;na NorE PLANs ro Mr-KE AND JEFF 6271677-996 eHAdtrE Actlon: APPR PER MrKE MCGEEit,em;,65500-i;ilslic wiinxs-- " - .-- ----'- - DeFE: PUB woRK Division: oi7I6 /19t6i-cranr,ie "[-CUIon: APPR N/A **r**********rl*** See Page 2 of thie Document for any conditions that nay apply to this permit' DECLARATIONS I hcreby rcknoHtcdgc that t havc read this eppl.icatim, fil.ted out in futt the infornatim. rcqu!:dl .Yl!_"11.!n rccur'tr ptot ptan, i'nO stlte th;t att thc inforoatim provided as requircd is conrect. I agrcc to coPl'y vith the inforDatim end ptot P[an, to colpty vith au, ToHn ordinanc!3 and state tavs, and io buitd this structur! according iothc Tovn's zoning and subdivieim codes,'disign rcviev approvcd, Uniform BuiLding code and other ordinances of the Toun applicrbts thcrcto. REOI'ESTS fOR INSPECTIONS SHALL 8E IIADE TIIENTY-FOUR Hq,RS III ADVAI{CE 8Y scnd Ctcan-up Dcposit To: IIICHAEL 6RANT {' t ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: Be6-oL84 ai ot ot1tZl\l'' status: ISSUED *****************i*************************i************************************ Permit Type: ADD/ALT coMM BUILD PERMT ApPlicant: JAMM LTD Applied: 07/08/L996iisued: o7/t2/!ee6 To Expire: 0L/08/I997 Job Address:Location: 1OO E. MEADow DR # 7 !-ia'-: 'glPIJt" Parcel No: 2L01-082-61-007 .. .. .: oe{dqiptiqn: '''-ii'DBcbEFiF.AuQ aurr,o NEw PARrrrroN wALLs . ctliairdfot ru' 1r:"ii:.it[;-oe"e*runror AppRovAr, rs RE9uTRED BEFoRE ANY woRK cAN BE J .^qTARTED.2.-Titil;lNspgcrroNs ARE REQUTRED To cHEcK FoR coDE coMPLTANcE' 3.ALLWALLSaxopanrrtloNsMUSTcoMPLYWITHlgglUBccHAP.lg AND TABLE I7-A 4.FIREDEPARTMENTAPPRoVALREQ,DPRIoRToBUILDINGFRAMING INSPECTION 5.ANELEcTRIcAtPERMITMAYBEREQ,DfoINSTALLVENTILATIoNFAN6. LOCKERS ARE iNTENDED TO ONLY BE USED FOR DAILY OR WEEKLY USE ?. BEFORE FrNAi rNspECTrON, ALL TNTERToR FINTSHES MUST coMPtY wrTH THE SKI SHOP REGULATTON (ARTTCLE 14) Eagre uounEy AaaeqtQrs offlcet\8;8 6 40,.i;i' j i;,;; -'gKl; I}Il,:lffiF,# r. | --------- -' t I********r**r**********rr***f Eeneral. contractor: 4i. Z PERI.IIT ii.rr--. DATE: - t APPLrcarroN uusr BE FTLLED our coI.tPr.ErELy oR rT uay lfor BE AccEgtED.T X**************t************i* PEIUIIT fNFORI.IATIoN *.*******r****r***********i*7l [ ]-Euilding J ]-Plunbing I J-Electricat [ ]-]techanibal I J-other Job Nane:Job Address: IcAal Description: Ipt ohrners Name: @.Sr*u Ph. Architect:Ph. ceneral Description:ffiNunber of Drrelling UnJ.ts: Nnrober of Accomodatlon Units:(lann 'tsrr'e -D ^ N'nber and Tlpe of Fireprace': Gas Appriances- Gas rogs_ rfood/perretV -- r-- l_f*******.*M!*6t6ir****t********* "ryTf:x ttq*************************r**** ^ili"Tiil8: +@ iltffiiffiii?o'; 9IH:I: INFORI,IAIION *********************r**** Address z 2?s2/, .1u,cru Town of Vail Reg. no.Lgb-___ _ _E:a< ,,J'<. v -/Lt C4Lo '//6.f7 phone Nunber: _z^ ffiElectrical Contractor:Address:a-.Town of VailPhone Nunber: Toryn of VaiIPhone Nunber: ReE; No.?/{-F ReE. NO. Pfrrrnhing Contractor:Address: Mechanical contractor: rtl/ZAddress: * ****t******* *** tBurLDrNe pERr.rrr ;;;:**.*****r*** FoR Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Nunber: - oFFrcE usE ** * * ** *** ***r*****************r BUTLDTNG PI.AN CHECX FEE: lLtlrBrNG Pr.Alf cIrEcK FEE:UECITANICE,L PI.AN CTIECK FEE3RECRE.ATION FEE:CI.EEN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PER}IIT FEES: PLI'UBTNG PERITT FEE: I'TECIIAI{ICAIJ PER}IIT FEE:EI.ECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OT FEE:DRB FEE: BUTI,DTNG: STGNATTIRE: 3ixilfr1*, lottn TO: EROM: DATEs SU&IEefs 75 routh trlnt.gr rordrtll. colondo tlGST (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2t39 rn s''"ilary, ordinance No. 6 states tbat it is unrawful for anyperson to titter, track "r-a"po"i1.nil"irl-"Jli, sand, debrisor nateriat, inclua:.ng tiasi'-tiip=t"rsr portable toilets andnorknen vehictes.-:.p:".-.dt;!;;; siaewaiil ;i;y or pubric$lii"=::":lI ::flon.trreieoi. --ii," rigr,t:l,i_iii-e" a' rown orrh* ;;ei;;;;' ;iiiT! ::d:8il-:lii:i{"';t{!'i.ffi*f;ii "'Public t{orks o.""rt .rrt. --ilrlins found rrfirotlrrg ttris ordinancewitt be siven a- ze rroui-rri;G;';otiJe-to-ilioilt=.id nareriar.rn the event the pers-on so notitiea.does not conpry with tbenotice within tr5-31 rrou"-tliJ-=iecified, trre pGric r{orksDeparEaent wilr renove saia-uatlli.r -Ji-irrJ !r.i&=e of personnotified' The orovi"i"il-irTiil orainance stritt not beapplicable to cins.ttEii""]-dli:llnge g-r repair projects ofany street or alley or any utiflires in the right_a_way.to.review ordinance,Io..6. in full, prease stop by tn" ior"n ot:::i":lii3i"g,":f;if*:*"::""iiii; ;-;;;;. -';f,Jil you ror your ottlc. of corrmunlty dcvclopmcnt AI.L CONTRAqIORS CT'RREIIILYL REGISTERED I{IIts THETOI{N. OF VAIL TO'IN Or VArL PT'BLIC ICORKS/COIIIMT'NITY DBIIEIDPMENT UARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUqIION PARKTNG & }TATERIAI, STORAGE (i.e. contractor, owner) ?osit luwn t3 routh tront,lg. ro.drrll, colondo tt65z(3o':1 479-2138 or 479-2139 offlco of communlty dcv.iopma||l EUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUAI,ICE TI',IE FMIIE If this permit ""qrilg:_? Town of Vail Fire Deparhent Appruval,Ensineer's (publ ii pliri ;ili;'.;l'ippron.i,'" iii.,'iiri'i"p."on"ntrev r ew or Hea't th Dep_a rtmint "eu iew, -, ni' a- ""uier, fv-tijl',iri r ut ng3:rilH:rft .the es tinra ted time' fo'"'.-io-tur ;;;il,r-*y,,Li!,., r ons A'l'l comnerciar f'rarge or sma'r'r) and at nurti-famiry permits wi'have to fotow dhe iuove ffiii6"il;xirum ""qrrrements. Residentialand small projects strorio'.u[e-i-i"i!!i'.rnunt.of time. However, ifresidential or smal te",p"ojiJ[r-i,i,iiii' the various above mentioned li3; "ff :tn!t ll"!Enii:_ t"lij:: ; iiii' i.u i",, - il;;; iii j E.,i! *y Every attempt will be nrade by this department to expedite thispermi't as soon as possible.' -"'- r-r'ir i;.*!l undersigned, understand the pran check procedure and time Date-TorR 3;eeiffi Develooment Departrnent. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL COI{TRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBUC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demotition work being performed that requires the use of the right ol way, easements or public foperty? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4l ls the driveway being repaved? 5) fs difierent acc,ess needed to site other than exisiling driveway? 6) ls.any drainage work being done affeclir.U the right of way, easements, or pubtic property? 7) ls a'Flevocable Right O Way permit. . requted? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements orpublic property to be used for staoino,parking or fen-cing? - ---v--'wr - B. lf no to gA, is a parking, stagingor fencing plan required by Comminity Development? Please answerlhe tottowhg qGEionnffiElarding lhe need fora.public Way permit.: YES p It-r9u- a19yet9d yes to any of lhese questions, a'Pubtic way permit. musl b6 obtained.?ublic way- Permit' ap_plicationi riy be obtained a tne'puutic work,s office or al9,o.TTrlrty Developmehil!ryq !1,j-"llJresrions ptease cail Chartie Davis, rhe Townof Vaif Construction Inspectoi, at 479-216A: I have read and answered altthe above questions. . FEBRUARY,196 DIRECT LINE TELEPEONE LIST: ADMINISTRATION Susan Connelly, Director of Commmity Dorelopment Lorelci Donaldso!, Dcpcment Seoetay Judy Rodriguoz, Pleing Socr€tily BI]ILDINGDIVISION Charlie Davis, Building Insp€ctor/Plans Examiner Chuck Feldmann, Building Inspector/Plms Examincr Ernst Glatzle, Electical Inspector Dan Shel Buildi4g T iaiseP Q5s€r ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTTI DTVISTION Russen Forcst, Scnior Envirnmental Policy Pluner Paul Reeves" Environm€ntal Health Officer HOUSINGDIVIS|ION Andy Knufuen, Senior llousing Policy Planncr PI-AI'INING DIVISION Jim Cumutte, Senior Town Planer Dominic Mauriello, Tovm Planner Mke Molica, AssishntDireclor of Comnnmity Dw. George Ruthcr, Toqm Plann€r Randy Stouder, Tw,n Planer Ianneir Waterton, Planning Liaism Officer Fa"rNumber Inspection Reqtress 479-2140 479-2t49 479-2139 479-2t43 479-2325 479-2t47 479-2321 479-2146 479-2333 479-2M0 479-2142 479-2t48 479-2144 479-2145 479-2150 479-2t28 479-2452 479-2t49 o DEVELOTOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT 1OO E MEADOW DR VILLAGE INN PLAZA # 7 2101-082-61-007 P9Jqtt- odl3 81657 81657 JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES /.-__--.-..--.\-Permit #1 896-0158- ISSUED 07 /L8/tee6 07 /L8/tee6.oL/L4/ree7 66272 PMENT Status. , .applied..Issued, . .Expires.. Phone t 30347 Phonet 3034766272 5t.00 .m 55.m> 53.m .00 Job Address Location. . .Parcel No..Project No. APPLICANT DOUBLE DIAMOND SERVICES 211_1 N FRONTAGE ROAD WEST, VArL CO CONTRACTOR DOUBLE DIAMOND SERVICES 2111 N FRONTAGE ROAD WEST, VAIL CO OWNER JAI4M LTD 1OO EAST MEADOW DRIVE, VAIL CO 81657 Description: RUN POWER AND 220 LINE FOR RETAIL SPACEVaIuaIion: FEE SUIII{ARY E Iectri ca!-->50.00 500 .00 DRB Fee .00 3.00 55.00 Tota[ Catcu(ated Fers---> Additiona( Fees------> Total Pernit f cF----->Investigati on> si L l. caL l.---> TOTAL FEES-_>BALA CE DUE---- rLe.m: O6OOO ELECTRICAI DEPARTMENT DepT: BUILDING Division:07/L8/]-996 CHARLIE Action! APPR CHARLIE DAVIS CONDITION OT APPROVAL DECLARATlONS I hcrcby acknowl.dgc that I havr feld this apptication, fiLl,.d out in fuLt the inlormation rcquircd, conptetld an accurat. plotptan/ and state that atL the infornEtion providcd as requi rcd is corrlct. I agree to conpl,y yith thc infomation and pl,ot pl,an,to compty with al,L lorrn ordinanccs and st.tc tars, and to buil,d this structure according to the Toun's zoning lnd subdivisioncodcs, design reviev approved, Uniform Buil,ding codc and other ordinances of the Toun appticabte thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL gE IIADE TI,ENTY-FoUR HouRs IN ADVAT{CE BY TELEPHoNE AT 179-2136 0R AT otR oFFICE FRoll 8:00 Ar 5:00 Ptl \-\ Inl "/: >' '^t* ,r:'II I I a (. t t oo s I\iil, \---* ---=-J- -- 806 l .D6Pt Jlfn€A J,l*, [ --.. t\ I =J e F ocr/ Cf \s 4/.'1<f Sr s li 4.1 C,. r{ | 4.c.t,nt.at J l. c. Dt! REPTT3I tDgf3o/96 O6:5€ REBUESTS TOHN OF UAIL, CULORADO FOR INSPECTION I|ORK SHEETS FOR: 8/3A/96 PAG€ AREA: EG 29 Activity: Address: Locat i on: Farce I : Descri pt i on r Appl icant r Orrn er :Contraetor: E96-Ol5A g130/96 Type: B-ELEC Status: ISSUED Constr: ACOiI lOO E HEADO}T DR UILLAGE INN PLAZA I} 7e1S1-Oge-6L-AO7 Occr RUN PtrI.IER AND EEO LINE FOR RETAIL StrAtrE UT'ALE DIAI{TIID SRUICES PhONE: JAltlltl LTD Phonel DOUBLE DIAiIBND SERVItrES Phone: Use r 31034766e72 3rd34766"?? Inspeetion RequestRequestor: ltlIKE Req Tire: O8:OOIters requested to 06190 ELEC-Final Inforration..... GRANT/TXIIJBLE DIAMOhI Phone:476-O668 INN PLAZA I}7 (EAST END}Gorrents: VILLAGEbe Inspeeted...Tire Exp Inrprction History. . . . .Iter; OOIIO ELEC-Terp. PowerIterr Ogle0 ELEG-Rough67/19f96 Inspector: EGIter: Ogl3O ELEtr-ConduitIterr OOIiO ELEC-Hisc.Iterr Oel9S ELEC-FinalIter: OID??4 FIRE-ALARII ROUGHIter: OO53S FIRE-FINAL C/u "?c - 76- Action: AtrPR APPROUED HC-12 o euick Response Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler Manulaclured by: Central Sprinkler Company 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 lrJl Product ;;;,;"-;m;-m.*;;;; fl Description 1""J"il'"n"'n"d in a desisned frow F Technical Model: HEC-12 Style: HorizontalSidewall Orifice Size: 1/2" K Factor: 5.6 Thread Size: 1/2' N.P.T. Temperature Rating: 145'F/63"C 160"Fn 1"C 200.F/93'C Approvals: U.L., U.L.C., BS&A (Cal. No.375-75-SA) Maximum Working Pressure: 175 psi Factory Hydro Test: 100o/o at 500 psi Standard Finishes: Sprinkler: chrome plated, brass olated and white Painted Escutcheonl chrome plated, brass plated and white , Painted 'Length: 2 3/8" Width: 1 3/8" Weight: 4.5 oz. The Omega Model HEC-12 sprinkler is an extremely versatile horizontal sidewall sprinkler. lt is a low profile, aesthelically pleasing, wall mounted sprinkler that operales five to six times fasler than a standard sprinkler. lt offers a high degree of prolection for human life and features a spray pattern that has been shown to be effective in the control or exlinguishment of fire. The Model HEC-12 carries a Listing" by Underwriters Laboratories for use as a Quick Response Sprinkler that is listed for installation in light hazard and ordinary hazard occupancies in accordance with current NFPA 13 Standards. The Model HEC-I2 is available in three standard finishes, chrome plated, brass plated and white painted. lts mating escutcheon plate is available in three standard finishes, chrome plated, brass plated and white painted, with additional special finishes available upon request. Operatlonr A fusible alloy pellet is compressed with a bearing disc into a copper housing by a ball plunger. Heat is absorbdQ by the heat collecting fins and.conducted to the alloy pellet. At th'e rated temperature the alloy melts, causing the ball plunger to drop, freeing balls from the retaining groove. This movement allows system water pressure to force ' For specilic lisling roquiromonb Be€ the appropdaie inlormation contaln€d in thia broohure.Ho. 1.5.O oomega G-lA Quick Response Commercial Automatic Sprinlder Manufactured by: Central 451 North Cannon Avenut I I Product EEgesstintion The Omega Model C-1A Quick Response Commercial Pendent Aulomatic Sprinkler is a low profile, aesthetically pleasing, ceiling mounted sprinkler that ofiers a high degree of protection for human life. lt operates five to six times faster lhan a standard sprinkler and features a spray pattern that has been shown to be elfective in the control or extin- guishment of fire. The Model C-1A incorporales a significant cosl saving featuro; a sp€cial escutcheon assembly thal provides for %" ol field adjustment resulting in an easily accomplished, tight fit against the ceiling. The Model C-lA carries a Listing' by Underwriters Laboratories for use as a Quick Response Commercial Sprinkler lhat qualilies lor installalion in accordance with current NFPA 13 and NFPA 13R Standards. The Model C-lA is available in lhree standard finlshes. lts matinei escutcheon plate is available in three standard finishes with additional special linighes available. Operatlon: A fusible alloy pellet is compressed by a bearing disc int6 a copper housing by a ball plunger. Heat is absorbed by the heal collect- ing fins and conducted to the alloy 'For speclfio lisdng requirements, ss€ the apprcp,iele inlomallon contaln€d in lhls brochure. pellet. At the rated temperature, the alloy melts, causing the ball plunger to drop, freeing balls lrom the retain- ing groove. This movement allows system water pressure to force the orilice sealing mechanism and deflector assembly open. Water is then discharged in a designed llow pattern. nTechnical Model: C-1A Style: Pendenl(adjustable) Escutcheon: Flush Wrench: Omega Adjustable Model A Sprinkler Wrench Oritice Size: 3/a" ot 1/2" K-Factor: Ve" =2,7 lz" = 5.6 Thread Size: %" N.P.T. Temperature Rating: 145'F/63'C 160'FU 1"C 200'F/93'C Approvals: %" - U.L. only 7a" . UL, ULC, MEA (375-7s-SA) Maximum Working Pressure: 175 psi Factory Hydro Test: 100o/o at 500 psi'standard Finishes: 'Sfrinkler: chrome plated, brass plated, while paihted Escutcheon: chrome plated, brass plated, white painted Adjustable Range Below Ceiling: %" lo 1%' Highest Allowable Ambienl Temp:. 1 O0'F/38'C for'l 45"F rating 100"F/38'C for 160"F rating 150"F/66"C for 200'F rating Length: 2%e" Width: 1'h' Weight: 3.2 oz. _. !' ilo. 1.2.0 oOmegaEG2OA Residential Extended Coverage Quick Response Extended Coverage Manufactured by: Central Sprinkler Company 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 I I Product EEDescdntion The Omega Model EC-20A Sprinkler is a low protile, aesthetically pleasing, ceiling mounted sprinkler that offers a high degree of protection for human life. lt operates five to six times faster as a quick response sprinkler than a standard sprinkler and features a spray pattern that has been shown to be more effective in the control of lires. The Model EC-20A incorporates two significant cost-saving features: a unique deflector that provides a much greater area of coverage than mosl olher sprinklers and a special esculcheon assembly thal provides for %" of field adjustment resulting in an easily accomplished, tight fit against the ceiling. The Model EC-20A carries a triple Listing by Underwriters Laboratories for use as a Residential Sprinkler, an Extended Coverage Sprinkler and a Quick Response Extended Coverage Sprinkler. lt qualifies for installation in residential and light hazard ' occupancies in acgordance with current NFPA 13, NFPA 13D, or NFPA 13R Standards. The Model EC.20A has a maximum wprking pressure of 175 psi. :: The Model EC:20A is available in three standard finishes, chrome plated, brass plated or white painted. Its mating escutcheon plate is available in three standard linishes, chrome plated, brass plated or white painted. The Model EC-20A is shipped with a protective plastic cap. This cap should be left on during installation to help protect the EC-20A. The plastic cap musl be removed before placing the sprinkler system in service. Operatlon: A tusible alloy pellet is compressed with a bearing disc into a copper housing by a ball plunger. Heat is absorbed by the heat collecting tins and conducted to the alloy pellet. At the rated temperature the alloy melts, causing the ball plunger to drop, freeing balls lrom the retaining groove. This movement allows system water pressure to force the orifice sealing mechanism and deflector assembly open. Water is then discharged in a designed flow pattern. Model: EC-20A Style: Pendent (adjustable) Orifice Size: 112" K Factor: 5.6 Thread Size: 1./2" N.P.T. 160'F/71"C Extended Coverage: 145"F/63'C,. 160'F171'C* Quick Flesponse Extended Coverage:145'F/63'C 1600F 1"C Approvals: U.L., U.L.C., M.E.A. (Cal. No.375-75-SA) Maximum Working Pressure: 175 psi Factory Hydro Test: 100% at 500 psi Standard Finishes: Sprinkler: brass, chrome plated, white and otf-white painted Escutcheon Plate: brass, chrome plated, white and otf-white painted Adlustablq Range Below Oeiling: . 3/8.. to 11/4tr . Highest Allowable Ambient Storage Temoerature:'l 00'F/38oC Lenglh: 2 ?ro" Width: 11/+- Weight 4.7 oz. nTechnical ilo. l€.O IOTGtl ' COPPER TUEE PRICE EA,SIZE PLAIN '.;'! i.i t:r,rl .; l.ir .i ?ll-l;,i ;.54t.l./? i ii2 :' ii '2 i t',) . t - wIJ100 I(APPn0x.) | IVW-H.I71E IYPE 1 [,1SS SP.69 TYPE 2 r,@o Aiso availabl€ in Stainless Stsel P.0.A. . Available to accomodate rod scheduie cer National Fire Protection Association Pampht€t 13, 1973, j.e. I "-4,', 3/8 rod, 5,6 & 8' ,112" t1d. Specily Fig. 1 NFPA and pipe size. COPPER TUEE' i slzE ' .t il j,.l I I .1,,1 1.1/3' 'r l r:2 ... J- IIJ 'i wT./100 (APPn0x. ) : 'm o$;!;11',il?:' wui -H-17r [ ;YPi ]2 'iil :l !j I i, -!l-li.l irt',-ti2 ' iirs2 'ta 2-1t? 1.l2'-; 1',) J i,'?' 1.'tww.l-t.titI lir[ l(j MSS SP't13 1 , p1' '9 ?441 1182 5460 PIPE .,:ROD ' ,PRICE EA. SIZE 'SIZE P.-GALV.1i2" 3r?, Si 6!l $T (O) N0N.CANCEttABLE N0N.RETtJhNAUi.t itii,l r" 5i8 ]].t;' pe Central Sprinkler Company 45 ! llgrth Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, pennsytvania 1 9446 lntroductiq cenlral spiinkler company is proud to offer its own tine ot domestic high-qua|ly AsrN/ A continuous rolling cycles and high inventory levels, your cuslomer sal stalctrol rs r.rssrLrred. roduct highest quality domestic carbon steel. euality rs i .rsurecj ritru.ritr, j,,.r.i:r , (Taken trcm Table 4-3-2.3, NF?A. I g. Gallons ,.. Scheiiule,40'Sch€dule 10 1Y." 1%', 2', 2Yz' 4' 8" 1: 0.045 . 0.078 0.106 0.17 4 0.248 0.383 0.660 1.501 2.660 0.049 0.085 0.1 15 0.190 0.283 0.433 0.740'L649' 2.776" l,fdrU0nJ Hazen.Willianrs C Values ' 0,134 wall plpe "0,188 wall plpe ffifack Fainted Domestic '135 and A 795 spnnkler pipe Wirh All pipe pfoalucts are rn:l(ic. i]::r. lne Standards. Central Sprinkler steel sprinkler pipe is manulactured to ASTN4 A I35 ;:ric: .\ , -i r (-,',,(i,: t\, l\il Spe ciirceitions. :i.icr: p r,:r or !lectr,cResistanceWelded (ERW) pipe is Eddy current tested and rs coateo arrlr $rercr.o cxcrusrvery ior the lire proreclror'l rclusrry anomeets all NFPA requirements for the sprinkler industry. All 6" anrl B" schedule tu sprinkter pipe meets AS]M A .135, A 795 or ASTL4A 53' specificalions, hydrostalically or Eddy Current tested, black painted and rs domesticallv manulactured. Certlflcate of Conformance C€ntral's Steel Sprinkler Pipe is dom€stically manutactured exclusivety for the lire protection industry, inctuding schedute rtO anctschedule 10;'With the material as spBcified, Central Sprinkler Compaiy cerlilies thc producl rs tested and accepled irr Llccoroancewith ASTM A 135 and A 795 standards. Additlonal.Services With the Contral 'Roll Your Own Prograrn' Custom lengths af e oasity accron rptlilrco i.olt I s,zes 1 s'.0,' to 30'.0" (a t /g"). pluasear{ow additional lead lime lo custom roll your order. A minimum order wrll be .e(pi ioai lo ionrplete your ouslorn appr/ca(rorr, addLlorrrilchafges may be required. Standard stock lengths of 21' and 25' are avartr,o,e uv ulil ng any Central Sprinkter Disrributrojr ceqrer orcall us directly at 800-529-6512 or 215-962.0700, Steet pioe Djvision. Boll Srootilng Rgll grooving is available on any oi our sch"edule t o standaro.stock s zes. ptease seerollgrowing chart lor additional charges for this sertice.,. Rdditionat r"Jrr,".-,"uy Lurequired tor roll grooved material. Capacity ol One Foot ol pipe Based on Acrual Internal Pipe 0lameter Roll Grooving (S/tt) eip-g _CI-T.r1l)L: C V.ituc.' BlaCk StcC ((1i)t J/:)!a:It:: ltciLtilug ptciiatilri, li-r! biaLei :ii(iifl ii:'(,: i.i.y.:rt (.:/ / /.j ItClLtCling,.ttti.^)tt i:?C Giilv i; r,;,t .1 r,rt, -:::i.'r;//rr,, 12L Utr'irted C;rst ur Lt.crite lrorr tUU 'The Aulhor ity l-l.tvi g Jurisdrction may recomdterrd other C Values No. 24.1.O Dimensions & Weights 135 and A 795 Grade A, I\lli. E(ld,i C1.!!:ut Tested, Theoretical Weight Per Foot (lb/tt) Pieces Fc.erPer Per B undle I Bundle Ptitrt En:!, Elltcli P:tir:lital 'Iheoretic:rl Weighl PerStandard Lengths Bundle (lb)Approvals 1.315 | 133 ldTS -r":' 1 .660 | 140 , 2 273 21,':::,: j r 1.900 L145 | 2,718 21',/25 -r:; 2.375 | .154 I 3.653 | 21'/25'.t 37 1.660 | .109 r800 1 .900 | . r09 2.0tJ5 2.375 | .109 ? U'JiJ 2.875 | . 12U 3.53'j 3.500 .12U .l.lr3l 4.500 | .12Q 5.610 | 2t lz> 6.625 | .134 9.290 | zt 8"' | 8.625 | .188 I 16.940 i 2l 'ASTM A 135 or A 53, eddy current or hydrostatic tested, btack pa|'rlcd, iJih r I s|u l:llJl.Ilirt' 1281'11525' 924 /1100', 777't925', :? I51i:J(,() 2912/340C 251t12990 2838/3379 !l i-!.: UL : l',,1 UL, F l!4 uL, l-l\'l '?LJ1 .11 525', :t..it.1,,J;5.1 uL ::i.' ''J21 'l l00 tv? ii JZ'J i Ul r:1. ',/7: t\".tai ?0iui:2,trlr) uL, : t,.t ',''.''! e li t71.i! Jz.Cr . Jl :,1.: )Ujl ,'riU,J ?l83iil!ve , Ji.. itt,t 399 475 2238/'?6Oi JL-, .lvr 21O',1950 2490 UL. Ff,.l Wananty All Central Sprinkler Company manufactured produols are warranted against defects in material and workmansh,p soiety lu original purchasers. This warranty will continue for ii periocJ oi one year kom the shipping date. Materials found to be detec- tive by Central. will be repaired or replaced dt Central's option. Central Sprinklei Company will not be responsible lor labor charges or consequential expenses or.damages incurred as a result of detectiv€ products. This warranty is expressly made in lieu ol any and all other warrantibs, expressed or implied, includ;ng the warrantios of merchantability and fitness 0rdering tntoinatlon Please indicatg the type, size and llnish when oroerr rlj sleei pipe. Be careful to specily plain-end or grooved.end as v.,elt iis custom cutting when applicable, Make sure to Indicare if the shipping address is different than tha billing addr?rss, Fo1. additional technical or ordering inlormation ptebse contatt oii Steel Pipe Division at 800-523-6512. f errns & Conditlons L1nppngllabW- Shipping or delivery date.s. ar.q approxr ,nrate only; Central Sprinkler assumes no p€ndlty oitiaoility lor delays under any circumstances. 1._ t]plLU r-.>,14tt ) r!,/7ri -- li)ert: sltall i)i rlo crb,lil ,-.1 \rcr; roi lrl:ilCr't:il rrl!rfn,jit v,,lillO.ll ,yritign ilUlfl.Jfll.::: i_,lt lr.jriLri:!..; rrl :jtl!ll i.. -.|,., ..r.,r i :ti'.t Ji-l; lr:e (ji-its :irtij lt]'.,-.jij r:.,11 lrr.r ,,)l lt-rl^ 0li9rr,lrl i.i!., -i,:rjs r-lcti..rits wrll ug crcutlect Iof tr'te Srit!,urll o'jI lrle puf eltaisc lrrrc,r less 20'.,1 ior nartrcJlir)g, llspeotiol i.,',0 rc.,--U lestiDg lirov ueo tlre goods ate In resallalble conottrori Bctuir.s olust be shrpped lrerght prepald 3. Method pIShAAet! - Unless shiprnenl rrlethod rs desigrtatco by lhe Buyer, Cerrtral wtll nrake thrs setection at Buyer's ris[. -4,.--)'pef:i..,,]] l(:1/.j1,9--. Sl)LrCrill t;itL:f tal OrosrS ii (: i;t(j,-,.i,_,.ui0il tJr(),.r(:Jl:r trt:r) i,-l lreJ cilltccllL.rJ r_rtlle:js Jrj!ei(, li_t !,i;g:.li:1t ,.: .",::.i | .. I :..Ij'.i: ||,_rI rltt,.jiji:,lji.t:.i:lil.l.l-\; ;,:_:- -: ,i.r,-l . 1 .:, r.. 5. Prtcl !).t;;;tges ,--- lir ces are suiJjecl to cnariige !\,rli iij!ri ijrror not c,_ OJaaigry *- Ar.l exlfa cnarge nlay be irlcuriL'd lor ii(lJrtiur;.. frandl r"rq, irll)er work arld cuslclt clrarges Aijijitrol)ai iil:icl lirnc r iit5r ittso De f€Jq!ireCi to coinblete sl.rrprrrer)l ol tile. or0cr 7 ..Nlir)it1u .) O!!7el , , [jUr)dte qJantiites only on a dLrect srtr;-: casis. Or 994 Contral Sprinktor Company Pr|nted in U,S.A. Central Sprin kler Co rrrpa n y 451 N Car)rton AveitLle. LiritJ.:ri..r_ Irhone 121 5) jr? rt-lt:AX i2 15) 3ij?.{r,jrj:, TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9'2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUN]TY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT JobAddress...:100EMEADOWDR Status''' Location : VAIL VILLAGE IN SUITE #7 OFF PAPPlied" Parcel No.....: 2101-082-61-007 Issued" 'Project Nunber: ExPires" ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Perrnit #: M96-0143 I SSUED soe /Lo /Lee6 oe /L6/tee603/t5/ree7 APPLICANT FIRE SPRINKLER SERVICES 0151 PONDEROSA DR, GLENWOOD CONTRACTOR FIRE SPRINKLER SERVICES 0151 PONDEROSA DR, GLENWOOD OWNER JAMM I,TD 1OO EAST MEADOW DRIVE, VAIL Descriptj.on: ADD AND RELOCATE SPRINKLER HEADS Fi reotace lnformation: Rast ri cted:#0f Gas Appliances: Phone: 3039289163 SPRTNGS, CO 81601 Phone: 3039289163 SPRTNGS, CO 81601 co 816s7 Valuation: fof Gas Logs: 1,450.00 fof [,ood/Pal, tet: **rrffi FEE SUlll'IARY *t***ffi#***ffi****ffi cchanica[---> 4O.OO Restuarant Pl.an RcvicH--> .OO Total' CalcuLated Feca---> 53.00 Pl,an ch!ck--> 1O.OO DRB FrF------ Invcstig8tion> ,OO TOTAL FEES------ tli ll, ca[t----> 3,OO Paynents------- BALANCE DUE-----***** **tnHr*t*ffrHrln#****J*'r**ffffi ITC,TTT: .O51QO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DCPI: BUILDING DiViSiON:09/10/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/Ait'efr:' 05660-FiHs-DepiiRfMEN Dept: FIRE Division:09/IO/1996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO FIRE DEPTo9'/L371996 JEFF_A Action: APPR fire sprinkler approved CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE 1991 UMC.3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS ANDTO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 ANDSHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 OF'THE 1991 UMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AND703 0F THE 1991 UMC-6. BOILERS SHALL BE MOI'NTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.UNI,ESS LISTED FOR MOT'NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATERSUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.2119 0F THE 1991 nMC. * * t * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * DECLARATIONS t hcrcby .cknorl,.dgc that t h.vc rc.d thi3 apptlcetion, fltl,cd out in futt thc inforoation rcqui red, comtctsd-m !caur!t. ptot ptsr, iira rirto ttrit ltt th. infom.tim proviaca.r rcquircd,i.r oorrlct. t rsncc to.conPty,llt! t!? l{9ptla !f.?.1I.{*,io cirryty vith ltl Torn ordin ncca rnd st.t!- tav3, _end to buitd this 3tFuctur.ng to th. Toun'r :cting and rubdivlrion codcs,'disign rcvi cr approvrd, thlforr &i tding Codc .nd othcn ordin nc.s of thf/Toun eppticabtc thsr.to. oFftcE FRofl E:00 AI 5:00 Plt0n ATREOUESTS FOR II{SPECTIOI{S SHALL BE IIAOE ITENTY-FOUR HOUNS STGNAIURE OF OUI{ER OR CON{TRACTOR FOR HT SELF AI{D OUNER DEPARTMENT OF COI'S{UNITY DEVELOPMENT ;?q.'l-Kll"" *ooo 'il'o!'nr1o-"3luut NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT }N'ST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT Permit #: ALt TIMES M9 6-0 14 3 Job Addres""': 1l?"t"l;ttg3g ?*Location... ... : Xtoi_i,;t:ur_ootParcel No"-" '' z Pro ject Nun'ber: Appr.rcANr illt |B*i|[i|l 3'.1":i,3iloooo spRrNGS, coNrRAcroR ;llt ;eft|l[|!] ;R]"li'ri'ooo spRrNGs, owNER ifftll? MEAD.I{ DRrvE' vArL co 8165? Status"': ISSUEq -- surrE #? oFF 't!!iii:: .,"'rYi'rl,iZl'2 e"Pii;" ' ''! 03./t5/teez Phone: co 81601 Phone: co 81501 303 9 28 916 3 3039289163 DescriPtion:;;;-A$-RELocArE sPRTNKLER HE'qDs Fi rcptacc lnlornation: Resiri cted:;of Gas APPt i ances: Rcslurrant Ptan Revi er-> 53.00Totct Ca I'cul'ated tces-> Additionat tees--_--> Tgtat Pcrnit Fee---t Valuati-on: fof 6as Logs: 1,450.00 #of uood/Pat tct: echani cat--) Ptan chrck---> tnv.stig.tion>tJitt crtt--> 40.00 10.00 .@ 5.00 DRB 'ioiru rees---------> .00 51.00 .00 53.00 53.00 .00 ffi9l!fiagil:Effi:n;;mt'illi ffii ;1 fi tff if ? a E: :"Hffi?jj};*ttEliffi ;ttFtftbt"orrtFbr-tEiit ar 5 s ''l " DeDt: F SE#lH"'SilS* : Ig$R ?t+:'.3?'[[T'",o'"F veE e' vv- /A nann: FTRE !*!'.9?r[[TE,i'"Eg'" Dept: BUILDING Division: Division; !!roved CONDITION OF APPROVAI.'' ffiffiwmffiru ******************************-..-.;;:;,1;;;;:..-****************************** o On Ar 9UR OfttcE fRolt 8:00 lrll 9:00 tl{ st6rAruRE of ollt{ER ol cot{TR Cron roR filllsElF AllD otlllEt TOWN OF VAIIJ75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-479-2L38 N/<rrtrED NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -76 ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M96-0 143 oq-/0/ Job Address...: 100 E MEADOW DRLocalion : VAIL VILLAGE IN SUITE #7Parcel No.....: 2101-082-61-007Project Nunber: Status. . .oFF PAppIied..Issued...Expires.. APPROVED s}e / r0 /Lee6 oe /16/Lee6 03 / L5 /Lee7 APPLICANT FIRE SPRINKLER SERVICES0151 PONDEROSA DR, GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CONTRACTOR FIRE SPRINKLER SERVICES 0151 PONDEROSA DR, GLENWOOD SPRINGS,OWNER JAMM LTD 1OO EAST MEADOW DRIVE. VAIL CO 81657 Description: ADD AND RELOCATE SPRINKLER HEADS Fi reotace Infornation: Restri cted:#0f Gas App I i ances: Phone: 81601 Phone: 81601 3039289L63 3039289163 Val-uati-on:1r 450 . 0o fof tlood/Pattet: **|l*******ffirr|tir*ff***|h*rffi*trrtl"|l**ffir#ff***ffffi FEE SUllllARY ffir***#$tffir**rt*lnffiffiffir#****40.00 Restuarant Ptan Revie!r-->10.00 DRB Fee--------.OO TOTAL FEES----- 5.m #Of Gas Logs: .00 Total Catcutated Fees--->.00 Additional, Fees--------->53.@ Total Perrit Fee--------> Paynents------- BALANCE DUE---- llechani cat---) Ptan Check---> lnvestigat i on> tli l,L caLt----> 53.00 .00 53.m .00 53.00**rh*ttlrt ffirffiffffi*ffi*rrffi** Ite4ri .q5Iq0_EU_TI,DING DEPARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:09/LO/L996 CHARLIE ecEion: AFpn w/aItQn:'.05600_EIRE DEPARTI.{ENT ' Dept: FIRE Division:09/.Lo/.7996 CHARLTE Acrion, NoTE pLANs ro FrRE-DEi,f---09'/13'/1996 JEFF_A Action: AppR fire sprinkler approved CONDIT]ON OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.?. coMBusTroN ArR rs REQUTRED pER SEC. 607 0F rHn-rgg1--uMe;- --'3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES TIISTNUEITOIIS_AWOTO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 ANDSHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.906 OF THE 1991 IIME_._s. AgqEss To HEATING EQUTPMENT MUST COMpLy WrrH SeC.5OS-AlrO703 OF THE 1991 I,IMC:6. BQI EBS SUALI, BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTTBLE CONST._ UNLESS LISTED FOR MOI]NTING ON COMBUSIIBLE-FLOORiNG;- ---'_--7. pEBllrTrplANg^aND qqDE ANALYSTS MioST eE FOSfED- iu-r,,recHaNrcar_,ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST:8. DRATNAGE OF MECUANICAL ROOMS eor,riAillruc HEATTNG oR HoT-WATERguppl-,y BorLEB.g-SHALL BE EQUTPPED WitH-A FtdoR tnarH--Fun'iincl2Ll9 0F THE 1991_ nMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hcp.by .cknort.dgc th.t I h.v. r.ad thiE +ptic.tim, fittcd out in futl, th. infonEtion r.qui rcd, corptctd fl.ccur.ta plotpttr, dtd 3!.t. that ltt thc lnfo?nticr prorrid.d 13 rcqui rcd is corrlct. I rgrcc to coety yith th. intorratlo fid ptot pl,m,to coTty vith att Toun ordinancaa and atata [av3, ard to build this structurc accolding to thr Torrn's loning and aSdiviaiottcodcr, dc.ign rcl/irr,.pprovad, lrnitor. Euitding Cod. and othcr ondinanccs of thc fo|,n.ppticrbLc thcrcto. REAUESTS fOR II{SPECTIOI{S 9HALL BE I{ADE TUEIITY-FOIJR HoURS I}l ADVANCE BY TELEPHOT{E AT 4?F213E OR AT OtR OFFICE Fi0fl E:OO A|| 5:m Pil SIG ATUNE OF OI EN OR CO{TRACTfi fOT HIIISELF AI{D OUI{ER