HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH 1 & 2 100 E Meadow Dr Vail Village Plaza Condos COMMONV&(fiftetL {#lof d, othEo C{ari.bfllr€8f'g.Slt t{ Doeign Review Soand ACTIOn FORtil D€pertnsnt of Community $svslopment 75 So{rth F ont.oo *oed, Vail, Cdordo 81657 tsf:970.{?9.2139 f,,,r2970.479.2452 ?u6bi wvw.vallgov.rcm Project l{ame: VAIL ULLAGE PI-AZA CONDOS STUC Proiect Description: DRBNumber: DR8070563 FINAL APPROVAL FOR THE VAIL VTLLAGE PLAZA CONDOS SruCCO REPAIRS SAME FOR SAME Participants: owNER SIAUFER COMMERCIAL LLC LOlO9l20O7 1OO E MEADOW DR VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT SYI'ITHETIC SIDING, INC. L0l09l2W7 Phone: 970-328-5474 VANCE CARROLL PO BOX 1330 EAGLE co 81631 ProJect Address: 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL VAIL VILIAGE PI.AZA CONDOS location: Legal Description: Lot: Elock Subdivision: VAIL VIUAGE PLAZA CONDO Parcel Number: 2101-082-5600-1 Comments: lloUon By: Second By: Vote: Condldons: BOARD/STAFF ACTIOII Action: STAFFAPR Date of Apprcvalz L01o912007 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Buildlng personnel prior to construction activiths, Cond: 201 DRB apprcval shall not become valld for 20 days folloaring the date of approval. @nd:202 Approval of this prcject shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Joe Suther DRB Fee Paid: $25O.OO '-t- Tum{h-vlr/ ^'i"t!*:lBT#k"ilJffi1X$"llun1 ocT.rzz00? r,!l A ffiffiillrtfffffii:l;" review must receive approvar prior to submittins . uulrllsu#@IrFrgqnw+f I n' Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Department of Community Development beilgn reiri". approVal lapses unless a building permit is issued and const.uction commenes wlthin fl)oneyearoftheapproval. l/. DescriptionoftheRequesu S'Fuc-co t\€tFbiu-S - reu^^6v* t - . V (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.)?"*74 Location of the Prcposal: Lou-Block:- SuMivision: - Va\ I V \ \l?.\a- r leza La?l Mailing Address: Phone: refer to the zubmittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. AtfEFFItetUOn for Deslgn t(err'lew .-2 t cannot be accepted untii all required information is received by the Communify Development Department' The (aJ project may also need to be rdewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmenbl Commission. \1F Physical Address: Name of Applicant: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review D New Constructiontr Addition fuMinor Alteration / (multi-Family/commercial) E Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request ;;;;;ffi.- n Name(s) of owner(s): C' ' -rJ MailinsAddress: ?O Bnr l3]n €a,Sl-- Co 81631 * - Phonet" qlo - 328 :5-9fi cetl - Xt +i br d6P \r-4-!r5"rL'"c' 5e11 TDVi/N OF VAIL ptus 91.00 per square root or total elt$ N! EJ! EW STAFF APPROVAL (qn No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 For consfuction of a new building or For an addition where @mmercial building For minor changes to buiLdings I re-roofing, painting, whtdow' such as,ftnc€ffir|6_ retaining walls, etc. -.\-J For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re.roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fen@s and retainlng walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Sbff or the Design Review Board. No Fee VEF\ iill2007 lllla nV,frt[hse tEAT-NIq\/LEU OCI oz tfrrPrtrWo/# Deslgn Review Board |tfa! b/k-5? Acrron Fo;; Atp,rufiak- Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 Lef: 970.479.2139 tax: 97A.479,2452 web: www.vailgov.com Qlr,"- ( tl- osr&HlY DE\GroHr€fir Prcject Name: ALPINE BANK ATM Proiect Description: Participants: OWNER DRB Number: DR8070611 RNAL APPROVAL FOR THE INSTALLATION OF AN ALPINE BANK ATM STAUFER COMMERCTAL LLC 1012212007 1OO E MEADOW DR VAIL co 81657 APPLICANT ALPINE BANK-MIKE GLASS Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: L0l2zl2007 Phone: 970-476-8700 12 VAIL RD sum 200 VAiL co 81657 1OO E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: ALPINE BANK Lot: Block SubdMsion: VAIL VILLAGE PLAZA CONDO 2101-082-5603-1 Staff Approved with Conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPP Date of Approvalt lUO2l2007 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0009577 Applicant to submit light fixture cut sheets and installation details for any new Motion By: Second By: Vote: CondiUons; Conf ll.m lon I Job nunber Date To Report - Memo ry Send i il?l u ,,,. L ine 1 E-nai I Machlne lD I\271 llov-02 04: | 8pn 498275401 003 Nov-02 04: | 8pm Nov-02 04:l9pnr 003 OK 00r Nov-02-07 04: I 9pm 9704792452 T0llli 0F VAIL C0lifrlJf{lTY DEVEIOP[ENT \ \ I t l{unber of pages Start t l|tle End t ime :""'*l :;T,,.| \ I t 271 **+ 'l I I IIR-o€d. SEND SUCCESSFUL +** I co at?9-213eeTt-4ae-24s2 . ForunlfrrNTl.:r DE\aEI-OFTVIEI\:r FAX TFIA.NSn/TTTTAL SEEET icctlrllP FAX AIL rcforvE}[Itr!.:fftf I]E\-EI..tplttEl\IT F1|:E,* s.to'...zq.aaz 'AIL CrolttllrzfItl{rfY DE\ZEIJOpl\trE1\|:r TEr-ElI'IIOr\rE # crolt4fltfiEr\rTs AIiII> €4A\.r- v--L/ {+n-rl C}$€'e-fr <.r\s: -t'..2 Application for Design Review Department of Cornmunity Dqrelopfirent 75 South Frcntag€ Road, Vail, @lorado 81657di 970.479.2128 ta(i 9m.479.2452 rrr,eb: www,rnilgor.corn Gereral Information: A[ pmjects requiring deign rwiew must ]€eive appwal pfur to suhninirg a hrilding permit appllcation. Please r€fer b the clbniEal rcquirements for the pafti hr apFoval that is requested. An appliratim for Design Reirierv camd be aaepted until all requircd infsrnation is rcceived by the Gommunity DevebprrEnt DepartrEnt. Tfre projed may abo need to be reniewed by the Town CourEil and/or the Planning ard Environmental Commission. DeCgn r€uiel app.ovd lapes unlese a buaklng pcnnit is asfl€d ard @nstruction commencs within one year of tte apprcual, of the Minor Exterior Alterations &g -oz oo G5 \ l-ocation of the Propocal: Lot: Block:_ SnMiMsion: Phyical Address:fto e. .,8&, DR. uqt vrttJc- Parel No.:ZlotoAEi'oo)l (Contact Eagle Co. Ass€ssor at 97G328-86,10 for parcel no.) >DD t+-biZoning: llame{s) of {hrner(s):3rterrtq ttte*tl- lJ-L llailing Address:la e rysao..o ul, Vat-Plrone: Owne(s) Signahln{s): tarnoof Applicant Aua^x' afdt - MtE UA5,5 ifailing Addrcss:12 rluc b.golr ?fr vtt-, cn gu/51 Ptrone:11o, 17b. 81oo E-mail Address: Mr cHtE Larra! i 4r.ernt€6tlrR. cprfax: flDe of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr C-onceptual Review D New Constructiontr Addition Ef Minor Alteration (multi-family/mmmercial) D Minor Alterdtion (single-famiV/dudex) ! C-hanges to Appw€d Plans O Separatbn Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For mnstruction of a ne$, building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition wherc square foobge is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to bulldings and site improvements, such as, rercofir|g, painting, urirdorv addtions, landsping, fences and retaining uralls, eE.$20 For minor changes b buildings and site improvemenb, such as, reroofing, painting, windov{ additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For re\rlsions to plans already approved by PlannirE Staff or the Design R6rie Board. No Fee tr"58l **7343w, Dane: lt' Lt- 07 rxBr{o.: IIIIIIIOR EXTERIOR ALTE RATION S TO BUILDII{GS AND SITE IMPROVEMET{TS suBHrTTAr REQUTREMEfl TS General Infiormation: This application is required for proposals invofvirE mirpr e)derior alterations and/or site impro/ernents. hoposals to add landscaprng do not require DRB appro/al unless they involve the addition of patios, waH ftatures, grading, or the addition of retainirg walls. I. SUBIIITTALREIOI,IREHEI|TS** a Stamped Topographic Suruey* Site and Grading Plan* Landscape Plan* Architectural Elevations* Exterior color and material samples and specifications. Architectural Floor Plans* Lighting Planx and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures Title report, including Schedules A & B to verify ownership and easements* Photos of the odsting site and adjaent structuret where applicable. Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable* The Administrator and/or DRB may require ttre sr.rbmission of additional plans, dra$,ings, specifications, samples and other materhls (includirE a model) if deerned necessary to determine whether a project will omply with Design Guilelines or if the intent of the proposal is not dearly indicated. Pfu,y,carnllrtrcc(J)copiiaa/tterrulcnblraaledmttoauteriyt(*). **For interior conversions with no ederior cfEnges, the submittal requirements indude a @mdete set of existing and proposed flmr plans, a tide report, and written approyal from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I hil€ r€ad and understand the above lirsbd subnittal rcquirenrents: PTorect ilame:Ar-gtrr €ura Anrr contractorshnwre fu k- (wwrr,^clr) oaesisna 16 ,6 . 01 o a,d o{ O D o o oq F: \d6AFORPIS\Pemib\F,lanniE\Old fonTrs\drb_nf nor_alt_8-28-2007.doc Pag€ 3 of 13 PROPOSED I,IATERIAIS Buiklin.t Haterials TVpe of l,laterla!Color Rmf Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Winclo^rs Windor Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Fhshing Chimneys Trch Endosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls E(terior Lighung Otlrer l{otes: V ' og tn c';Ex|l, atptu, , gerr - rnerrsnrc^f *.oorr ( -p ilt,r./(a (w *r<tt a::ora,uq)e *rsrrrr4 ) Phase speciry the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. F: \odel^FoRfas\Perrtts\PhnntuU\Od forrE\drb_rinor_alL8-28-2007.doc Page 6 d 13 BLUE LINE af.hite,,:is LETTER OF T RA IIS I I TTAL r o Mike Glass F Ro M Ken Bridges DATE 9-28-07 roB * 0707 n E Alpine Bank ATM Permit Drawings vrl Hand . arracHED ! Shop Drawings fl Prints E Plans E Samples E Specifications tr Copy ofletter I Change Order E Other GOPI ES I'ATE DE3CRtP"TOX3 9t18t07 Stamped Permit Submittal Drawinqs TRAt{sti TrED EForYourUse El As Requested E For Review and Comment /Approval REIIARKS Mike. I've included (3) sets of Stamped Permit Drawings, as well as, the permit application. lt should be complete except for the two signatures required and the application fee. Call if anything else is required. GOPY TO 3IGIIED BLUELttaE AiCH ttECtSr P.C. 421 Main St. C1, PO 8ox 574, Minturn. CO 816,15 970-827-5400 fax 970-827-5401 info@bluelinearchitects.com Proposed ATM Photo Rendering 8"e'-5" Aldne Bank Sign Left window of existing 3 to lemain Nerv 9" Cedar trim to match existing texture and semi-transparent stain color Vertical 4" Cedar Siding rvith 'V' groove joints ATM Machine (23' width x 38" height) Accsunt Number: Parcel Numberl Tax Ar€a: /MillLeW: /olilnetNatfietNdd tesal Dfcriotion euslcat\aaress ::* \ Property Tax Valui R0'11931 \ 210108256031 sc103 49.625t) STAUFER COMMERCIAL LLC 1OO E MEADOWDR vAlL, co 81657 CONDO: VAIL VILLAGE PLAZ UNIT:3@K{388 PG{85 R79 06-2+02 \ "z000100 E MEADOW DR Unit: 0 C CONDOS 3788 QCD 3,I VAIL AREA Actual Value Assessed Value Value l"end 30180 8750 lmprovements 146290 42420 Total 176470 51170 Sale History lmprovement Information ResidentialBuildings: 0 Commercial Buildings: 1 Heated Areas MAIN FLR AREA 419.OOO Total 419 All Areas MAIN FLRAREA 419.OOO Building Characteristics (First lmprovment In Account) ABSTRACT-CODE COMMERCIALCONDOIMP ACT-YEAR-BLT 1976 AIRCOND NONE ARCH-STYLE RECREATION BASEMENTFINISH NOBASEMENT BATHS O.OO BEDROOMS O.OO BUILDING-TYPE MERCHANDSNG CONST-OUAL V.GOOD. DEPO3 YEAR - 1976 EXTERIOR-WALL FRM STUCCO FIXTURES O FLOOR CARPET INV FRAME WOODFRAME GARAGE NO GAMGE HEATING-FUEL ELECTRIC http ://fcs.eaglecounty.us/patie/printable_details. cfrn 9n8/2007 21-0fiT-07 }I0 9r04 I{0TEr GH. I',a(41G Iit;G ' lrLPrNE oANK VAll STE IN}IIAURER Al'rlne Btnk vEl +43 7612 70488 3L 0: dg 58 p rI 10' 18-:0C? iAi NR S.LL #-}Alpine Eank It Vrll Ro||d Sultc 2Oo Vrll, Colorrio SlsJl Dtooct # 07tL7{}6?4O Fnr #: O7O"l762tiG Jose{ Starter 'ofit l$abqcher lax: Flrcne: [rt U Urbmt El For lcvrur E FL|||. Com.rfir tl Etruc nrnb l..l Flrua lrrryero Corfinront|l Please sign ag or,rrer and fax back lo 920,476.A966 I honk you! ffi f s.I!3,Hrp#*T:t"il%H#r#*tsrTsg-*'mHxffi lffi ff thltl?,trsperson addn-esod, thbn you_ mey not cort-t ddtft;ih66A;;6by nlrotiakc, thal f,lsese riotrty ua immedhlCy by tdepircne. Ttia-rdi you. 10/21/2007 1 :014M 2l-cl(T-07 I ./ ()4i r. :,;t,! l\,fO 9: 05 I]OTEL ,/\L|tNE er{!b Yr,-GII. STEiNI'{AURER FAX NR. -43 ?612 ?0489 it c0a, L i.'.:,0.{li'|t}fr FsrdrF.} hr an ldfrrr {'lttt stltsm l .c rit 'ffi ts |!f F#ffi| fr €fynE'drl t|JihItr fiEh(56 i' r, r :ru r,' fi lilBlr Erufil|l). tor mmr d[m?r b buffis ' v ',', ,1,vmeG, qr(frb r+rotllqr" pdnhO !trft.I.in.',' {.*fi-l4 El06 xrt rtt.hlrt il!ft, eE For fihtr dvttcr to !{iui.|ry' . ... . :oHft|Er'|drq ta|ooiflg, Flnthni *irslf, ',trr '' flrb|ng, [rt* ti ES$1,00pff qunE aootot t(.' Foa dldtlxtbt d r tEw hrikti, ,Stfd. fl n -ffi "ffiffSffi'nb! f tl.v*0ov'lfri'l ffiww*mj*''ffi . .._**:_._**_E;*r *f"-. 4F|o..Efi, . ,ts fcs *)tuL.aL tdr*lo|r of fh. Hofml; 1pg- ' * -lflodc;* Subflug0'li- ' rs'e.=.Fr"* tlinor Eitertor Altlratit'rr' " opPfirrU* fior Dcsign ftP'; r':v ;frrricd rdfiG -- rdq E' ''r+il S'-" ," ' -' t.rsf rfo.r LtEo!f5trtlJ-(cot|bd cilh 6' isEE6ax Flfln {r) of Otxir(r} --* irr.a+''. /,fffltu,*,,.lJ.p- --'' H|linf, rddrs **y.r4*j4--9w+1- Ori.r(Dl Si|rEtrt$F ,tmre dlfrs.n*: *. l$,ar quE ;J[.gdEf,- - -- - TtDt {a REi{fl;ttd fu! n Sqrnn qlfE ond Rltfir, ( , itfJr, (trfirrr$ lJ Addtson isn tb F{r t650$m t?50 fr0 ctrln||}o rd+ fi-feo FOr rwiCotr b pldr$ atr$r r r , { p|flth gt I Ur D?c9n f,rr,for BqIl. l{o tcc '{HS_- /um.lt*tti.,,(ffi,t {ilt$/cururlarr:|0D t'l|lr,. tltmtbn {Cngb.lrinly/ddd) Cmng$ b Aosuild ntE $sfrretrrh R.qfi* 10/21/2OOl 1 :014M cflff,.t{TY D€lEliptEt*t Design Review Boad ACTIOI{ FORM Department of Coramunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657, tel:970.479.2139 far:970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name wI SIDING REPAIR Prciect Description: Participants: REMOVE AND REPLACE DAMAGED STUCCO SAME FOR SAME DRB Number: DR8080203 06/09/2008 Phone: (970) 328-5474 06/09/2008 Phone: (970) 328-5474 l-ocation: EXTERIOR OF #31 owNER STAUFERCOMMERCIALLLC 06i09i2008 1OO E MEADOW DR VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT SYNTHETIC SIDINGS INC, PO BOX 1330 EAGLE coLoMDo 81631 License: 823-C CONTMCTOR SYNTHETIC SIDINGS INC. PO BOX 1330 EAGTE coLoMDo 81631 License: 823-C 1OO E MEADOW DR VAILProfirtAddress: legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: LOT O BIOCK 5D SUbdiViSiON: VAIL VILTAGE FIUNG 1 2101-082-s503-1 Modon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTrOrl Action: SIAFFAPP Date of Apprcval: 06/tl9/2008 Cond: I (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (P|-AN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town @e, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond:202 ' l' " (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become vold one (1) year following the date of final approral, unless a buildlng permit is issued and construction ls @mmenced and is diligenUy pursued toward completion. Planner: MCHEL FRIEDE DRB Fee paid: $O.0O New Construction Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2t28 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive apprbval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particr.rlar approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rcview approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request:,,f,tAV<-- dr >fr Physical Address: Parcef No.: TloLoSLw% Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Name(s) of Owner(s): b CowrU^€r L.L.C Mailing Address:3l Location of the Proposal: Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) E-mail Address: q?6 \16 51=o Fax: 116 3^* 53"73 $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an additon where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans Design Review Board. already approved by Planning Staff or the Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs Conceptual Review New Construction Addition Minor Alteration (mulU-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-fa mily/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request D n D { o tr $20 No Fee re/^rennnm"lq \\, l- ll \V/ l=F\ llii i4 AIL ,r-m JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITIEN APPROVAL LETTER n^n fetter as written a.pproval of the plans dated lle(frll\ which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: ( E iF <\ S'i-r,.. o u-<-*ar'c. s - Sa""v t-r' Slw.*- I, (print name)Yrt U.ft&aioint owner of propeo tocated at provide this 6- 1- r( (Date) Additionally, please checkthe statement below which is most applicable to you: nItil I understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review Wocess to ensure compliance with the Town's appliable codes and regulations' A (Initial here) APPROVAI- (nitial here) SATE:joint prcperty owner btter rettisd I0/l8/2006 Er It 1H I rquest that alt modifications, minor or otherwise, which are made, YLE;:r;y;r::z,Ei;";l[ for:,uo*'" bv the appticant for addi#, STAFF F:\cdev\FoRMS\PermiLs\Planning\Old forms\drb-new-constru€tion-8-28-2007.die i'n'F S:-.-Page 2 of 14 $ ?t { ui o0 f $t 1 g) ,,6vt 0 JI v) L 4 J,v vJ (,D =3\D\L- u!t -1 I\ I .T ct If 3 _t :a 8a- cb P !--r qJ Ts@w w*l o MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: PLANNING COMMISSION DEPARTTIENT OF COIIIIUUNITY DEVET,OPI,IENT lvlAY 19 , L977 VILLAGE TWTV PUAir II \AIL The Department of Community Development has reviewed theproposed plans for Phase rr of the vait village rnn special Develop-ment District, The proposed building is in conformance with allregulations of the special Development District zone. phase rrwtll contain 7,918 square feet of commercial, spac@,2,91? sq. ft.of GRFA in three divelling units,ancl 1,600 sq. ft. of storage whlchbecomes part of the undergrouncl parki-ng when phase rrr is buitt. There is one problem associated with phase If whj_ch is notaddressed j.n the special Development Distriet ordir..ance, but wasdiscussed at the time approvar was given for the sDD. parki-ng w111be approximately 5O spaces too few until phase IfI begins. Ourstaff suggests two conditions for approval of phase fI: 1. That the parking be controlled. ej,ther with a gate orby a parking attendant so that the available parking wilf be usedonly by guests and customers of the complex. The available park-ing will also have to accommodate construction vehicLes and materials.and this use should be closely supervised. 2. In the event that Phase III i-s not constructed within atwo year period fronr the completion of Phase rr, that the planning commission and rown councll review the parking which exists (approxi-mately 114 spaces) and determine if tha,c number is adequate. Ifthe Planning commission and ccluncil deter:mine that parking is notadequate, an alternative plan to provide the required parking besubmitted. 3,' Duri-ng this intervening time, Vail Village Inn shoulddocument parking usage in as much as practical. This will assist ;1";::l&'i"?f4h?4:;lll*"::3"i;:T;::"i:i-'l;"f "ii:";"3 j":l* does n7rt, 'n:*,.-h,* -o z-za,:"f,% r';.,//* /)*t 7J- (*,-J Ile would strongly recommend. the approval of {n^3,u II of the Vail 'a^-t'.t*--vitlage rnn. tzffi. "-/2j-4-t4i-,.1' f,,?"f4--t-^4 ( t.*ff.-,Jfu, '// f._J f ' '7t )z "t;': -r+*14 a ,- ilil a I I . . --tL/, q lrftrr:'I w 3 lyr._...Pp q C+-,I aW 1 U,rl,J}'r. i t ,4,' 'I l ? ^'l .t'(-rL'r,{{ 100 30 73+ .".'.,'..'-''! il .. :..: i u^1; CPF'-,f.i i>*a 1gg I wv\Ue. 'l!.<. ;\c/w{-r,,. t ll .. _- ..ai,t.-+Lut- 6$In.M"/n*vt;'- '': 0 )lin tt-?,v trrtte sg -_---,1 ,A'-ir I n'fao - I l,'s-.-r 1q,3.5.r .i 6gg._i €4, ++lsll PA t 4".,,,,. i -.i 3, ? iitl i Rovston Hairamoto -aI ApriL 25, 1977 Beck & Abey Mx. Ross Cooney Cooney Wadman Dalton 1737 15th Street Boulder, Colorado 80 302 l4r. William J. Ruoff, AIA Drawer 2L78 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Re: .. yltt Village Inn z P}j.ase 2,,.'' Dear Ross and Bill: Thank you very much for sending drawings, slides and the black and white photographs. I contj-nue to be impressed with the project and the emergence of a contemporary village with a strong historic flavor. rt's very difficult to create something that fits well in either the 17th or 20th century, but it seems to be happening. My conments are very few for overall it feels good: 1. The base of unit H feels abrupt. I cannot read well where the Iower fLoor windows are- It seems that this is an important facade and should be quite open - the view in and out can be ^t6i+ How a-bout pull.ing the steps out and n:n them along Lhe southface? This might relieve the abruptness and create a nicer plaza space. 2. The buildings all seem a bit bulkier than the original model (orawing,/t"toder "D", dated Aprir 6,7 , L976), and the central plaza space a bit tighter. You might look at that space very carefully, and consider widening it by about 4'. Please check sun angles, try to determine where a few key trees might be placed and judge its scale with all ingredients present. The slight step back of the second story in some pl-aces does help. Landscape Architects: Principals: Ass(rciates: 225 Miller Avenueland Planning Robert Royston FASLA tlarold N. Kobayashi ASLA Mill Valley Urban Design Asa Hanamoto ASLA Robcrr T. IJ.ltterton ASLA Calitorniag4g4lRrrk Planning Eldon Beck ASLA George W. Girvin ASLA 41.5 38J-7900 Environmenral Planning Kazuo Abcy ASI-A Roberr S. Sena ASLA Louis G. Alley Ala Patricia Carlisle ASLA a -2- I ApriL 25, L977 l.,lany windows at the lower level will open the space greatl.y. That is hard to read from the photographs. Any balconies or dorrners at the second level to chanqe scale? That is all. ft feels very good and I recommend that the Design Review Board, Planning Commission and Town Council aI1 gj-ve their respective stamps of approval. The Phase Two is consistent with the previous special Devel-opment District approvals. Best of luck- Thanks for keeping me posted. Vail, but will let you know if plans chanqe. I have no schedule to appear in Mr. lls. Mr. -itr. Ross Cooney lr!r. William J. Ruoff Lamont Toughill Stauffer James Diana JOSEI .. r.q* t t ?Project Application Proiect Name: Proj€ct Description: Conlact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board i Motion by:1 .'li ' ',.- Setonded by:*+DISAPPROVAL vrr! / ', hwn 75 south tronlag€ road vail, cotorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 July 25, 1984 Fred Hiller III Box 3863Vail, Colorado 8.|658 Dear Fred: Enclosed is a which includes I nn. ofllce of clmmunlly developmenl Re: Vail Village Inn Statement from }Jinston Associates statement from tl|inston Associates dated November 9, l9g3a bi'l'l of $'1,592.25 for services on the Vail Villige Vail has paid the rest of this statement, and requestl,linston Associates direct'ly. The Town ofthat you pay Thank you. Si ncerely, A. PET PATTEN, .]R APP: bpr Encl. o I WINSTON ASSOCIATES PLANNING AND LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Mr. Dick RyanDept. of Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage RoadVail, C0 81657 WINSTON ASSO CIAT E S, INC9IO TWENTY EIGHTH STREETBOULDER, COLORADO 8O 303 (3031440-9200 November In.voi ce Project: Project q., 4. PROFESS IONAL 3.5 hrs. @13.0 hrs. @4.0 hrs. @4.0 hrs. G3.0 hrs. G DETAILED REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES Mileage - @ 25dlmite VVI - 739 mites Golden peak - ]76 miles Long Distance Telephone Travel Time: VVI Gol den peak SERVICES THROUGH OCTOBER I983 $65.00 Genera'l Consultation (General)q!.00 Design Review (VVI)65.00 Public l4eetinss (VVI)65.00 Design Review-(Go'lden peak) 65.00 Design Review (Sonnena'lp) 1983 83-560Vail Project Reviews 505 $ I,787.50 620. 53 2,408.03 262.10 $ 227.50 845.00 260.00 260.00 195.00 184.75 44.00 1 .78 292.50 97. s0 TOTAL DUE THIS INVOICE UNPAID BALANCE FROM PREVIOUS STATEMENTS TOTAL DUE I,IITHIN I5 DAYS OF BILLING zl Vo! ot - lt 9y L,1.t__:--.---"'''- Sr-f.? I $ 2,670.'t3 General : $227.50 $ B45.oo I 260. 00 184.75 29?.50il,59m5 Vail Vil'lage tnn:./Golden Peak: $ 260.00 44.00 97. s0 940-r.E0 Sonnenal p: $ .l95.00 /', t, ,. t ' i1 t- __:.iI-'\.. ((.t-o -fe-.' t-t1 t-L2,7'?- ?o ;o I Vrul VIuace NN Village Inn Plaza Condominiums 10 July 1984 l,tr. Rodney Slifer Mayorr Tqdn of Vaif 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, c0 81657 Dear Rodney, Just a rpte to tJnnk }'ou for yrur ooncerns on my belralf during the closing of our Phases I ard II sa1e. Being faced w-ith a potential $3000 + damages ;:er day, I hope you can rnder- "tutE *n forgive n{t over-reaction when r was told by my attorney that the town staff \"Ias extrsrely r:ncrcoS:erative. As it turned out, ttre problant- was entirely with us. naa i not sEen it myself I wouldnrt have belierred that orre dociment v*rictr was reguired as a condition for the Plarurilg @nnission's approval was not delivered to Iarry until l"londay nrcrning vrhen closing was oiigjxauy scheduled o'ver tvio nottt-i.ts ago for FYiday afternoon' Peter ard frri' f"ti, just about made the impossi6le happen with the zero lead tirne we gave then. By coHr of this letter I'd like to thanl< everyone concerned, especially Peter and larrT, wiro nnde yesterday's closing possible' Sincerely Josef President l4anaginq Director JS/ban cc: !1r. l4r. Mr. Paul Joturston Peter Patten I,arry EsJauith 100 East Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81557 (303) 476-5622 Rm'Dl'.,4A.tt251uuu SECOND AMENDMENT TO CONDOMINTUM DECI,ARATION FORVAIL VILLAGE PI.AZA CONDOMINIUMS RECITALS 1. F & L Vail Village partnership. a Colorado ceneraLPartnership caused to be recorded the Condominium Declaration for VailVillage Plaza Condominiurns (the I'original Declarationl) on NovenberL9, 1-984, in Book 40o. at Page 2o2 in the real property records (therrRecordsrr) in the office of the cLerk and necoidei of Eagle county,CoLorado. 2- The frownerstr, as defined in the Declaration, of 100? of thettgeneral conmon elernentstr, as defined in the original Declaration, andall |tfirst tienorst', dS defined in the original Declaration, caused to.be recorded a First Amendment to condominium Declaration for VailviJ-lage Plaza condorniniums on December 27, 1989 in Book 52o at page306 in the Records, and Ratification thereto recorded on March g,L990, in Book 524 at page 1-13 of the Records (col1ectively cal_Iedherein the t'First Amendmentu). 3. The original Declaration, as amended by the First Amendment,is called herein the rtDeclarationtr. eff capitalized terms not definedin this Second Amendment shall have the same meanings set forth in theDeclaration. . 4. Subparagraph 2(e) of the Declaration provides, in part thatthe Declarant reserves unto itself, or successor owners or any otherperson or entity at any tine owning a unit, the right, without theconsent of any other ov/ner or the Association, to conbine, divide orpartition such unit or units, to create spaces either larger orsmaLler than such unit or units, as shown on the Arnended CondominiurnMap for Vail village plaza condorniniums, for the purposes of using,conveyancing or leasing. Declarant further reserved unto itself orsuccessor owners the right to appropriately alrocate undivid.edpercentage interests in the generaL conmon elements among the dividedor partitioned units. 5. The purpose of this second Amendment to condominiumDeclaration for Vail village Plaza condominiurns is to divide Unit 6into units 6A, 58, and 6c and to divide unit 7 into units 7A and 78pursuant to subparagraph z. (e) of the Declaration, in conjunction withthe_ filing of the Second Amendment to the Amended. Condominium Map forvail village Plaza condorniniums showing the Location of units 6A1 68,6c, 7A and 78, and to appropriatery allocate to units 6A, 68 and 6c aportion of the undivided percentage interests in the general commonelements allocated to unit 6 in Exhibit B of the Declaiation, and toallocate to units 7A and 7B a portion of the undivided percentageinterests in the general conrmon elernents allocated to u;it I j.nExhibit B of the Declaration. Declaration of Amendment The undersigned owners, who constitute L00? of the owners of Units6 and 7, and the undersi-gned first lienor, who constitutes all firstrienors of units 6 and 7, do hereby consent and agree and do herebyarnend the Declaration as follows: l-. subparagraph 2(a) of the Declaration is arnended in itsentirety to read as follows: . " (a) The real property is hereby divided into 34 condominiumunits designated 1 through 5, inclusive, 6A, 68, 6Ct 7A, and 78and 8 through 31, inclusivef each consisting of a unit, drlundivided interest in the general conmon elemenis appurtenant tosuch ulit, which interest is set forth in Exhibil- B, and theexclusive or non-exclusive right to use and enjoy limited commonelements, as set forth in Exhibit B.rl . 2. Page L of 2 of Exhibit B of the Decraration is amended inits entirety to read as set forth on Schedule f attached hereto andmade a part hereof. As nodified herein, the Decraration remains in ful-1 force andeffect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Amendment to Condominium 1,990. OWNERS: UNrT 6 /'i ,t . / /, 1/L//4h4(441flt_ lT .//a-&q4^ ', .f -' ELIZABETH /MEYERtA. OWNERS: UNIT 7 the undersigned have duly executed this FirstDeclaration effective the J-2osaay of March, JAMM LTD., a Colorado LirnitedPartnership general partner STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE - Tlre.foregoing instrument was subscribed and sworn to beforethis ,JJ44$ day of March, l_990 by Luc Meyer and ElizabethlMeyer. Witness rny hand and official seal . ss. this JAMM The foregoing instrunent was subscribed and sworn to before2znday of March, .1990 by Josef Staufer as general partnerLTD., a Colorado Lirnited partnership. Witness my hand and official seal . My commission expires on: ->ruq/_g. t qq| meof My cornmission expires on! 7-r^ryA q, tQ Qj STATE OF COLORADO )) ss. couNTY oF EAGLE ) CONSENT OF FTRST LTENORS The undersigned holder of a certain deed of trust upon theCondominium Units covered by this Second Amendment to conhorniniumDeclaration, recorded in Book 518 at page j_6, of the records in theoffice of the Eagle county, colorado, - crerk and Recorder, herebyconsents to the foregoing Second Amendment to Condominiurn Declarationand subordinates its interest in the condominium Units describedtherein to the riqhts and obligations created thereby.Notwithstanding such consent and subordinition, arl the rights of theowners in and to such condominium units shall remain enlunbered bvsuch deed of tru FTRSTBANK OF VAIL Vice President STATE OF ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing instrurnent was subscribed.and sworn to beforeEhis2Ar4 dav of .March. -1990 Ay Yo.ut^ ( H<_bar*_Lo\8Z".-Tfce Fresid.ent of rirst'aait of vail. me AS Witness ny hand and official sea1. My comrnission expires on: tl->.{-t l+ (tt-c e" f fufl- SCHEDULE T EXHTBTT B (Attached to and made a part of CondominiumDeclaration for vail village plaza Condominiurns) Interests in General Cornmon Elements Unit 1 2 2 4 5 6A 6B 6C 7A 7B 8 9 l_0 LL L2 t-3 L4 15 L6 L7 18t9 202t 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Percentage Ownership inGeneraL Common ElementsAppurtenant to the Unit 2.57 o. 1,3 o. L8 0. 1,9 9. 693.40 l_.40 L.20 2.75 0.55 5. L9 t_. 53 o.29 0. L3 o.4L 3 .02 L.40 8. O6 1. 63 3.54 5. 36 0.9L 2 .68 2.L5 2.37 5, 6L 9.59 3.692.I9 2.08 2.99 L. 16 krkll n/"' r,'v" t -\,w' lv * / - [,r t)/i ,)^u \ ',/-,Y'[ /n\t'..fl " APP A-o'oI' DATE A'\ ,,/-,Y'h\M ' APPLTCATToN FoR;';iffi U (4 on fewer lots) LUC MEYER AND ELIZABETH A. MEYERS. fltC''J [4AR; r1UUU d\{ NAMEA.0F APPLICANT JAIo.t, LTD.. a Colorado LimiEed parrnershio PHoNE 476-00e2 MAILING ADDRESS c/o Otto. PeEerson & Posc Box 3149. Vail. CO 81658 B.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE Jav K. Peterson MAILING ADDRESS Box 3149, Vail. CO 81658 PHoNE 476-0092 NAME 0F PROPERTY 0WNER(S) (print or ttp€) Luc & Elizabeth A, Meyers and JAMM, Ltd,, a Colorado Limited Partnership Ol.lNER'S MAILING S IGNATUR PHoNE 476-0092 ADDRESS c/o Box 3149. Vail. co-81658 c. D.LOCATION OF LOTS PRoPoSAL (ADDRESS) BLOCKS UniEs 6b and 6C Vail Village Plaza Condominiums SUBDIVI S ION E. F. FEE $100 MATERIAL TO 8E SUBMITTED The subdivider sha'll submit three (3) copies, two of which must bemylars, of the proposal following the requirements for a final plat as found in Section .|7..|6.130 of the Subdivision Regulations. Certain of these requirements may be waived by the zoning admlnlstrator and./or the Planning and Environmental Conmission if determined not applicab'l e to theproject. An environmental report may be required if so stipulated under Chapter.|8. 56 of the zon'ing code. H. The Department of Community Development will be responsible for seeingthat the approved plat is promptly recorded with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. Include a list of all adJacent property owners (includjng those behind and across the street) with their majling addresses. Your proposal wil'l be reviewed for compliance with VaiI's Comprehensive Plan. \ F,'\'/ "'d" I \zs l<o rlf l ^ NPAID-S j4- -, tr^l\la+n/* -d)' <1 IO ) ( G. I. ,J. It .)-f/"-"L , b3{t \{a(' - COVER SHEET FOR VAII- VILLAGE INN SDD #6 PLEASE KEEP IN EACH FILE PLUS I,IASTER VVI FILE. Ord I of 1985 stipulates 120,600 sf of GRFA 9/88 reduce by 430 sf due to condo plat amendment 5/89 deduct JiI sf given to unit #26 of Phase IItn o,C luwn 75 south tlontage ?oad Yail. colorado 81657 (3031 476-7000January 8,1986 Mr. Tom Morelv Cl ub 1520c/o Jim FlaumP.0. Box 1027Vail, C0. 81657 Re: Teen Djsco .in Vaii Viliage phase II Dear Tom: in!.]3"J1.1";;T:]!:.1_the-preiiminary review^of the ptans submitted forsrb,ii;;; ;;;";;;=;"fiiii!ili,"JJ"3;"1,3;"':';;T,xiln,ljl,il;"lim"';;,..Therefore, I have out togethe"-i'rirt'Ji .orm"nt, that need to beaddressed and resubmitt.i-in-print'Ji lp".ifications of each item. The Teen Disco constitutes a^change of use of that space from B-2 with anoccupant road of ress than so to ih.-n""_ur" which ii nrs wi tn caiculatingfloor area ailowino an.occupant road of 21'; therefore as per section 502,of the 1e85 unifori erriJinl-iJail"irrli space of rhe buirdins shalr comoriwith all requirements of il'ir-ioai.-"itre toilowing are areas of concern -that need to be addressed: L. Section 3305 (C) Corridor needs a clear height of not lessthan 7 feet measured to t[e toweii-projection from the ceiling. 2. Section 3303 (D) The. required width of corriciors shall beunobstructed. 3. Section 3305 (E) Exit in corridor needs to go in eitherdirection and dea.d ends nci -,,.i",rli.ns zOfeet jn length 4 . Sect.i on 3305 ( c )Construction of corridors and building needsto be of t hour f.i re res.istiue ionitri.tionthroughout 5. Sect'ion 3303 (E) Exits through adjoining roons shall not passthrough store rooms, rest rooms, closets orspaces used for similar purposei. f-{O page two r/8/86 Teen Disco 6. Section 3304 (B) Swing and opening force of doors shall not exceed 30 lbs applied at the latch side and open in the direction of exit travel with panic hardware. 7. Section 3306 (C) Stajrs rise and run with rjse no greater than 7 inches and no less than 11". 8. Section 3314 (C) Exit illumination and E.M. lighting required 9. Section 4201. Need a L hr. cei'l ing in space and corridorfor smoke and flame soread. 10. Section 605. Ventillation shall be capable of supplying a minimum of 5 cubic feet per minute of outside air with a total circulation of not less than 15 cubjc feet per minute per occupant jn alI portions of the bujId'i ng during such t'ime as the build'i ng is occup'i ed. The fol'lowing are the concerns of the Fire Department and the conditionsfor approval at the 211 occupant load: 1. UFC 12.103(3) Remove storage from egress corridors 2. 12.103(c) Aisles shail be provided from alI portions 3. 12.104(c) Panjc hardware must be jnstalled 4. 12.1005(c) Height maintain minimum 7 ft. clearance from floor 5. 12.105(e) Access and exit - both exit corridors must comply 6. 12.109(b) All corridor doors to be t hr- 7. LT.LLZ Exit passageways - no opening a1 iowed other than required exits 8. 12.113(a) Exjt illumination is required 9. 12.11a(a) Exit signs are required 10. 10.206 Obstnuction of fire sprinkler valve is prohib'i ted. 11. 10.302 Fire sprinkler must be maintained. Install tamper swi tches. 12. 11.404(d) Clearance and separation of gas fired hot water heaters and boilers must be in conformance with the iJnjform Building Code (corridors) n ,:r a page three u8/e6 Teen Disco 13. 14. 15. 16. t7. 18. 19. 25.103 25.103(b) 12.t07 25.107(h) 25.t09 25.tL[ Decorations shall be fire resistive 0vercrowding is not permitted Aisles shall be in conformance Illumination of steps is required Hazards in corridors not permitted 0ccupant load shal 1 be posted and compliance is requi red Reconmended fire/smoke detection and evacuation system: SeeAppendixIIIC9(a) Chi ef Bujlding Offjcial *a4/Z-?-=r' Michael McGee Fire Marshal I - -tA 4l luwn dilartmenl nl luiics box 567 . vail, colorado 81658 . 303-476-5671 TEEN D I SCO CONCERI.IS : I.. ALARI'IED PUSH BARS AT BOTi.i EMERGENCY EXITS TO ELIMINATE NON-EI'IERGENCY TRAFFIC THROUGH THE BACK HALLS. ONE YEAR TEST ON THE BARS AND SPOT CHECKS }IITH PROBLEI"IS IN THE HALLS I. AD!$UATE LIGHTING IN THE ENTRY STAIRWAY TO DETER pnoslEl'ls, ALSo AT THE ENTRv oN THE MALL LEVET- ( orue Foor cANDLE MTNIMUM AT GRouruD tEvet,) J. TRAINING FoR STAFF To DETECT SUBJECTS UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL OR DRUGS, htu^- - 75 south tronlage road vail. colorado 81657 {303) 476-7000 January 7, 1986 Tom Morely Cl ub 1520 c/o Jim Flaum Box 1027 Vai1, Colorado 8.l658 Re: Teen Disco, VaiI Vi1Iage Plaza Dear Tom: The planning staff has had the opportunity to d'i scuss the parking sjtuatjon forthe teen disco at the Vajl Village Plaza. 0riginal 1y when the parking calculations were computed for thi s space, the total square footage of the space was divided by 300 souav'e feet tc cone uD with the allcrrabrc number of par'l<inr spaces. Three hundred represents the amount of net square footage equai to i park'i ng space according to Vail parking regulations. Assuming that 2,270 squarefeet is the totr'l 5.tLtsrr flctaqe for this leased space, th: origina1 park.in;that was allotted for the area was 8 spaces. Given your proposal to turn this area into a teen d'i sco, the staff would divide the number of occupants by 8 toarrive at the number of parking spaces for your change of use. Our parking calculations require that for every 8 persons, I parking space be prov'i ded. A deduction of 8 spaces would be made from the number of spaces for the change of use, as you have a credit of 8 spaces from the orjg'i nal parking calculations. Staff would also require that the net parking requirement be met at the time you request a building permit. |r|e suggest that you discuss the possibility of using the park'i ng below Phase IIi. Staff would also consider the possibility of aparking arrangement with the First Bank of Vai|. Regardless of how you decideto handle the parking, it must be addressed at the t'ime of bui'l d'i ng permit review. Staff would also require that Jim Flaum enter into a parking agreement with Joe Staufer concerning the additional spaces. In thjs part'i cular SDD, the parking requirements for Phase II were allowed to be postponed until the fina1 phase ofthe Vail Villaqe Inn project was completed. Ve feel that it is important that Joe Staufer agree to the additional parking that he wil'l have to include for the teen disco in the Phase IV parkjng or within the existjng underground parking beneath Phas,: Iii. I ha,;e also enclosed the "Declaration Concerning Parking I'Jithin Special 0evelopment 0istrict 6" for youli nformat;i;r :;i:r r-.. outl inescleariy the parking agreement for Phase II. If you have any questions about the parking situat'i on, please feel free tocontact me. Si ncere'ly, K*-'.[h Kri s::.i lli tz Town Pl anner KP: br cc: Jim Flaum, Joe Staufer, John Perkins, Jay Peterson 'it-' / .t oo I^;HEREAS, phase III of the Vail Village InnSD6 has been previ ousJ_y subdivi-ded ana wnici-p;;;"for the parking requirernents within SD6; and k-iiEREAs, Declarant is presently the owner of ar"1 propertyco;npr:sirg ile existing phasei Ir IIr IV and V of the Vail Village Inn(SD6) develcpnenti and h'-uERE],s' the Decrarant desires to clarify and give notice topresent and future owners of parcelg of gr-oqert! within sD6 "or,..ir,ingparking obtigations and rights wirhin uuio ii"iii".. development withinprovides partiallv l{CW, TiiEREFCRE, j,t is agreed as follows: ,u. oi' I '**/' t.t.''t .-. /rr/rr/Q.'z;a/ // //i I4l' / | DECLA.RATION CONCiF,NING PARKING WITHIN SFECTAL DEVELOPMENT DISTR:CT 6 ?Hrs DECL.etATroN is made and entered into this 6th day of{9ry' ]984 by VAIL VILLAGE INN, INC., a Col_orado corporation,'an-JAIIM' trD., a par',-nership (Eogether hereinafter ref eired to as"Declarant ") hIEEREAS, Ordinance No. 7r Series of I97G established Spec:-aiDevelopnsnt District 6 ("sDoo) pursuant to the zoning orei;";;;-lt *,uTown of vair, colorado, for the purpose of ensuring the unified andcoordin'ted development and u"e bf Lhat site *riiirin the Town of vailbeing a pari of Lot o, Block 5-D of vai.l village First Filingr;*iichis ccninonly known as the vail Village Inni and- nr..j . h'HERiAS, said ordinance treats the entire property as a,;aor.ein regard to the parking requirements of SD6; and h-EEREAS' the above mentioned ordinance establishing sD6recognizes and antici.pates that the developn,unt-ot sD6 wilL be ic;:e inphasesi and h'HEREAS, Declarant has requested approval of the Town of vailfor a minor =ooui:i"1:1_?f," pari of Lor a; Brock 5_D of Vail VilJ.ase:l:_":.1-rlil?, _",hi:i,. properry ionsrirures the SD6 zone or deve1op.,:::rorst rr-ct ' to subdivide said orooerty so that the exi_.sting luasei i anarr ("ParceL r") of the vair iiriuge-rnn deveropment would be regarryseparated frorn the remainder of tlie p.op.itV; i"J- IfHERiAs, the proposed development plan as referred to in saidordinance has conrenprulea trrai irr'p"ir.iig.-iuquii"a f or rhedevelopnent of sD6 b; containeJ "i.tti'the phases of vair village rnndenominated as phase III, phase IV and pfrasi-V;-and I'EEREAS' t!" existing property comprising phases r and rr of!!: Yqli vilrage rnn, when coirsr'aered as a separate propertyr does nor.provide secarately for parking for oi{ners, ienants and users of taebusiness aid resiientia]. uniti urittrin saiir pr,iies-r ana rr of the Va:.rViIlage Inn; and l- - pcl.gratrt^ as the present cr.rner of that poriion of the-.,l-la-Xalt.dh' t't t oc described properiy which:comprises. Phases IV and V .(nParcel II') ofthe Vail Village Inn development ptan ioi SD6, acknowledges and a;reesti:at any additionaL parking required to saiisfy the overall park:::grequireinent f or- the SD6 district Under ihe development pli; ;i::,-: beincluied in the developrnent.plan-9f Phases_IV-and V of the Vail"Villa-oe Inn.. --::.:-:... .: 2. In accordance with the agreenent that such additionalparking, as-may be: required pursuant: !o Paragraph.1._aboye will pro;iCefor. tbe. parking- for- Phases..I and_Ifr:9\{n€ES;qf property. w!thin Fhases1-and:II and users"of the businesses or the.resi.dential units wii::inPhases:.1 and.-II. shall' bave: a right to. use such parking spaces providedon.thcse terns and conditions as are reasonably established by ire oh';rer: or- owners of Phases IV. and V, which use shall not unreaso::::l_ydi scrriainate a_cainst Phases I and II incluoin_c, without specif iclimitaiionr-.the ri.ght t9: pharge a :ee f o.r th,e. gFe gf such parkirre:sPace: or. spaces. :::.-_:- :.-: ,::. 3:..-..The provisions of this. Decl-arAtion gha1l be deemed re"-rcovenanis, shall: ruo*with the: landr and shalL benefit and burden -_herespeciive parcels describeo herein. 4._..Tbe provisjons of, thiS-Declaration shal-l be binding upcn theDeclaranti. its- Fuc-ce-sFor.s., gssigns_ Fn_d transferees,.. ::::-- -'.--:... t..:,-- ::.* i.l r:.-: Ca::,i:.:,_::,_ .-- . .-.- :_.-::'-:':-5. -The-gr.ovisions. of this. Declaration_shal1 not be amendedwitho.ut. the prior wr.itten_ consent' of the_town-bf Vai1, a municig:eIcorporation, which gonsent_ sha11_,not be unreasonably withhel-d. ,fN-WITIiESS WHEREOFT- !his a.gre_ement-.i.s signed this 6th day of 3's'l y., L984...\.-..-: : VAII VILLAGE INN, INC., A . Col-orado Corporation r es ident JAI'IM, LTD.r a partnership ose\iltt { erreraL Pa r i'ner }. OC n rN THE couNTy oF laa Jlllr,l '- lQAd Frrr rr--{.4ltlt{ ' 1984 by vat't vitlare' Josef Stauf er I i.us presi dentl Notary . .Rhonda L. FettliAddress: Box 1?t_-i;Zi? "raci;.rabbi-tcsz Edu,ards, co g1532 I ntn STATE oF Col-orado) , ::.3:":.:' --.:- :_.*-_. ) -sscoUNTy--oF Ea;:1e-_ ) :: par'rnershi D. b:l iosef Subscribed and sworn.to- before .me fN_THE COUNTYSTATE: OF. Col_o:.acip this OF by .t11- l*tr*d,o. r. Pffi-Notary Rhontia L. Fertir. -'. Address I Eox 374-i;?57 Jac -r'asbi.t, JAi1!.j, LTD., a Edrvards, CA U.orzcsz lu 'jti,day of Julv ,l9g4Staufer. $eneral partner 75 south lrontage road yail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 August 13, 1986 offlce of communlty developmenl Mr. Craig Denton Christopher, Denton and Sheehan 288 Bridge Street Vai 1 , Col orado 8.|657 Re: Teen Bar,/Disco at the Vail Vi11age Inn Bui] ding Phase II Dear Craig: 0n August 12, 1985, at a work session meeting, the Town Council gave final approval to the joint use parking agreement between the Vai'l Village Inn andFirst Bank of Vail. The First Bank of Vail will provide 1l parking spaces for the--fee-n barfdiffi --5y-He rman n Stati f e F an d -seao; dei Uy-Oan- Corcoran to approve the request. The vote was 5-0. The motion included thefollowing provisions: 1. The joint use parking arrangement only app'l ies to the teen bar,/disco.If, for some reason the teen bar/disco is turned into an alcoholic baror regular restaurant, the joint use parking arrangement would no longer be val id. 2. If, for some reason, the Finst Bank withdraws thejr offer alIowing the teen bar to use 11 bank parking spaces, the Council has the option to ca1 1 up the parking arrangement for review. The staff wishes you the best of luck with your your patience during the review process. If you please feel free to call me. Si ncerel y, Kil.nP'.'b Kristan Pritz Town Pl anner KP: br Mr. Roger Behler Mr. Jay Peterson Mr. Jim Flaum new business. Thank you for have any further questions, cc: 1 i.{ TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Town Council Community Development August 12, .1986 Joint use parking agreement between the developers of the VailVillage Inn Teen Bar/Disco and the First Bank of VailApplicant: Mr. Craig Denton I. APPLICANT'S REQUEST The applicant, Craig Denton, is request.i ng approval of a joint useparking proposal for the teen bar/disco located in the Vail ViltagePlaza Condomjniums Phase II. The teen bar/d.isco is proposed to belocated in Unit #6 which was previous'ly the Nauti'l us center. Due to thechange in use of Unit #6 from genera'l retail to a proposed teenbar/disco, the Town of vail zoning ordinance requires additiona'l park'ingto be provided for this space. A general retail use requires one spaceper 300 sguare feet of net floor area. A restaurant bar use requinesone space per each 8 seats based on seating capacity or build.ing codeoccupancy standards, In order change the use from a Nautilus center tothe teen bar/disco, ll additiona't parking spaces are needed to meet the Town of vail parking reguirements. The applicant wishes to use section'18.52.060 of the zoning code to jointly use parking facilities locatedat the First Bank, 17 Vail Road which is adjacent to the Village Innsite- In Section 18.52.060 of the Town of Vail zoning code, it states that: "A1 1 parking and loading facilitjes required by this chapter shal'l be located on the same site as the use for which they arerequired, provided that the Town CounciI rmit off-site or useo Dar use served...Prior to permitting off-site or joint pailingftTTTmE, the Councii shall dEtermine that fhe proposed tocationof the parking faci'l ities and the prospective operation and majntenance of the facilities wi'l I fu1 fill the purposes of thischapter, wi I I be as usab'l e and conveni ent as park.ing faci'l i ti eslocated on the site of the use, and wjll not cause traffic congestion or an unsightly concentration of parked cars. TheCouncil may require such 'l egal instruments as it deems necessaryto insure unified operation and control of joint parkingfacilitjes or to insure the continuatjon of such facilities,including evidence of ownership, long term lease, or easement.rl lvlr. Roger Behler, president of F'i rst Bank, has agreed to cone to the work session to indicate his support of the proposal . However, he wouldprefer to not enter into a written agreement for the joint use parking arrangement. The bank has 19 surface spaces and 20 covered sDaces. S.i xprivate surface spaces also exist on the south s.i de of the bank. AlI ofthese spaces would be availab'l e to the teen bar/djsco, except those thatare necessary for the con.dominiums. The First Bank is open trom SrlOAMto 5:00 PM Monday through Friday and on Saturdays from B:30 AM to noon,The new teen bar/disco would operate (approximately) from 7:00 PM to mi dni ght. n 300 feet o II. lh9 applicant has agreed to post a sign inside the teen bar/discoindicating the location and availability of parking at First Bank forguests of the teen bar/disco. No signs are proposid to be actuallyIocated on site at First Bank. The appljcant has a1 so agreed torestrict the joint use parking arrangement so that it only applies tothe teen bar/disco. If for some reason the teen bar/disco was turnedinto an alcoholjc bar or regu'lar restaurant, the joint use park.i ngarrangenent would no longer be valid. APPLICANT' S JUSTIFICATION The applicant states that: "It has become increasingly evident that loca'l kids and kjds whocome to visit Vail with their parents need a p1 ace to hang out.The results of a student survey conducted at Battle Mountiin HighSchool , Minturn Middle School , and Vail Mountajn School showedthat kids in Vail need something to do once the sun goes down.They want somewhere to eat and dance in an atmospheri which allowsthem to get together without being hassled by parents, po'l ice, orother merchants who are anxious to clear their'busineisbs orparking lots of loitering teenagers. Currently, many of thestudents gather at the Crossroads Shoppjng Center parking lot on weekend nights just to hang out. The teen center in the-LjonsheadParking Structure does have games.and TV, but local students sayit js too smalI and doesn't offer the activities they want. Thefacility that would meet the needs and desires of the teens would -i-ncTudeETa?ifiEy with tTar type-aTm-osphere, dance fliror, andthe fac'i lities to serve light snacks and sandwiches." Theapplicant believes such a facility should be located in the heartof VaiI where most of the students currently congregate. The fo1 lowing reasons justify this request: l. The parking faci'l ities would be as usable and as convenientas the ones located on the site and would not cause trafficcongestion or an unsightly concentration of parked cars. 2. The location for the facility js in the center of Town andparking is readily available on site, at the First Banksite, the Village Parking Structure or in the Ljonsheadparking structure. None of these parking facilities areful 1y util ized during the evening hours. 3. Because of the age of many of the customers, many would notbe able to drive and would either be riding with otherstudents or be dropped off by their parents. Compared tothe typical restaurant and bar operation, this use wouldgenerate fewer cars than normal because of thjs fact. 4. The teen bar/disco is located adjacent to a major Town ofVail bus stop located on the corner of Vajl Road and East Meadow Drive."t -2- III. IV. BACKGROUND ON THE REQUEST The Vail Village Inn Plaza is broken into four different phases. Presently, Phases I through III have been constructed. The parking requirements for many of the uses 'i n Phase I and Ii (the commercia'lportion of the project) have been passed on to Phase IV which is yet to be completed. This was a'l lowed as the project is a special developmentdistrict. Phase IV of Vail Vi'l lage Inn which was reviewed approxjmately two years ago provides the additional parking necessary to meet the requirements for the entire project. Until Phase IV is completed, it isnot possible to provide all the parking that is necessary for theexisting project. A joint use parking arrangement between phases was exp'l ored. However, due to the different ownerships and 1egal difficu'l ties, this possibi'l ity was not feasible. (A list of on-site parking spaces is included at the end of the memo.) REVIElll CRITERIA Prior to permitting off-site or joint parking facilities, the Councilshall determine that: A. -Th elurpose of Th e of f jStree-tFarkin$-an d -1 oad i ng--sect i on-o f th e Town of Vail zon'i ng code states: 18.52.010 Purpose In order to alleviate progressively or to prevent traffic congestion and shortage of on-street parking areas,off-street parking and loading facilities shall be provided incidental to new structures, enlargements of existing structures or a conversion to a new use which requires additiona'l parking under this chapter. The number of parking spaces and loading berths prescribed in this chaptershall be in proportion to the need fon such facilities created by the particular type of use. 0ff-street parking and loading areas are to be designed, maintained and operated in a manner that will ensure their usefulness,protect the public safety, and, where appropriate, insulate surrounding land uses from theirimpact. In certaindistricts, all or a portion of the parking spaces prescnibed by this chapter are required to be wjthin the main buildingin order to avoid or to minimize the adverse visual impactof large concentrations or exposed parking and of separate garage on carport structures. Staff's opinion is that the parking does meet the intent of the purpose section of off-street parking and loading in the Town ofVail zoning code. It is agreed that the applicant does have somewhat of a hardship due to the unusual parking situation at the Vail Village Inn project. -3- The proposed location of the parking faciljties and theprospective openation and maintenance of the facilities will R e proposed I o ion of the arkinq faciano conveni ent as rK] ng Tac es use. will be as usabl e on the site o e These facilities are located within a reasonable distance fnom theteen bar/disco. The joint use facility is required by the Town ofVail zoning code to be "located within 300 feet of the useserved." This proposal meets that distance requirement. ( This area is presently used as a parking 1ot, staff does not feelthat any negative'impacts will increase due to the use of thearea in the evening for parking. presently, many people park onthis site in the evening after the bank js closed.' The teenbar,/disco visitors should have no greater adverse impacts thananybody e'l se using the parking lot. However, staff believes thatsignage should be posted at the First Bank in order to.i ndicatethat these spaces are allocated to the teen bar/disco in the even'i ng. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff necommends denial of this request due to the fact that ay1]tte1 agneement veri fying the joint use parking arrangement .i s notpart irf -the pTopoSal .-- The -FirEt Bahk bu-flding 'inc'ludes s.ix condo:minjums. Staff believes that it is important to get condominiumassociation board approval so that there is an assurance that thearrangement will not be revoked due to condominiurn owners objecting tothe request. Signage js also needed on First Bank's parking area tomaintain these spaces fon the teen bar,/disco vjsitors at night. Staff recognizes that the teen bar/disco is a very much needed use forteens who visit our community and for teens who live in vai'l . The mainproblem is the fact that there is not a written assurance of the jointparking arrangement. It is true that a written agreement is notmandatory according to the joint-use parking section of the code. TheCouncjl has the option to require a written agreement. Due to the factthat a condominium association exists at First Bank, staff,s opinion isthat condo board approval js necessary and should be formal .i zed in awritten agreement to insure the contjnuance of the parking arrangements. l'ljthout the written agreement, staff must recommenddenial . c.The proposed loca n of the rki nq fac'i I i ti es not causetraffic conqestio an uns tlv concentratio arKed cars. -4- ( +g tu:D Bga-EPz H B F,arl ?d6 Ir)E, \L) #Bj =l-,-A-ltl r54 a vs \..2Y SUq INN TO: FROII: DATE: RE: I"IEMORANDUM KRISTEN PRITZ JAY I(. PETERSON JULY 23, 1986 i'OINT USE PARKING AGREEMENT FOR THE TEEN CENTER BO BE LOCATED AT THE VAII, VILLAGE INN Pursuant to our conversation the following are the uses forthe parking spaces located at.the Vail Village Inn: l. The Swiss Hot Dog Company has three spaces tocated infront of the store. 2. The Liquor Store has eight spaces in front of the SwissHot Dog company and fronted on East Meadow Drive. - 3. High Country property has three spaces fronted on EastMeadow Drive. ar__{ -2. Margol-is cEflerilesL' Drive. 5. Total Meadow Drive. 6. There 7. ThereVail Road. 8. Food and 9. There arethe Food and Deli. I hris one spaEe_tronUecI on-EegilM-6edo$, Beauty Centre, Inc. has one space fronted on East one unnarked space on East Meadovr Drive. ten chained off spaces (unrnarked) fronted on Deli has eight spaces in front of their store. five chained off spaces (unrnarked) next to is are L0. To the north adjacent to the gas station are four.spaces marked for Alpenrose, Ericke, Koleclsi and Total BeautvCentre Ll. The Fancake House has fourteen spaces in front and tothe vrest of their restaurant. : L2. There are tqrelve spaces jointly marked for thesteingarden and Pancake House to the north of the vail VllrageInn Lobby. )k AII surface spaces are either narked or chained off. 1. VAIL TOWN COUNCIL tloRK SESS I0N TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1986 12:00 p.m. AGENDA between Town Council and P'l anning and EnvironmentalJoint Meeting Commi ss i on Discussion of Presenta Entryway f Dobson Design Parameters Ice Arena Usage Analysis Discussion of Proposed Marmot Contract for Discussion with Vail Associates on Status Redevel opment P'l ans Information Update by Town Manager 0ther the Library of Golden Peak 7. 8- Discussion of Joint Use Parking Agreement between the Teen Dis-Village Inn and FirstBank of Vailroposed at the Vai 1 o VAIL TOh|N COUNCIL t,lORK SESSION TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1986 12:00 p.m. EXPANOED AGENDA Joint Meeting between Town Council and P'l anning and Environmenta'l Commission Action Requested of Council: Review Land Use Plan project progress to date and give comments and input to proposal . Background Rationale: Agenda: Review Conputer Model and Land Use Demand Review Goal Statements Review Land Use Map There is information enclosed Discussion of Entryway Design Action Reouested of Counci'l : proposal for redesigning the Presentation of Dobson Ice Arena Usage Analysis 4gtion Requested of Councjl: Receive presentation and q't scuss. Background Rationa'l e: The Recreation Department has prepared an analysis of usage patterns of the jce arena since it was built. This js the beginning of this type of analysis of recreation programs leading up to the Recreation Strategic Plan- (Information wjll be delivered to you Monday. ) Discussion of Joint Use Parking Agreement between the Teen Disco proposed at the Vail Village Inn and FirstBank of Vaj'l Action Requested of Councjl: Determine if the joint useparking agreement should be approved/denjed. Background Rationale: The teen djsco is proposed for thesite formerly occupied by Vai'l Nautilus. The change of useresults jn an increage( demand for 11 additional parking spaces. At th;fAseiE time there is little opportunity toprovide these spaces on-site. This is primarily due to thefact that Phase 4 of VVI has yet to be constructed. The applicant has appljed for a joint use parking agreement with FirstBank, as perm'i tted under Sectjon 18.52.060 of the Municipal Code. Staff Recommendation: The staff recommends denial of this request due to the fact that the two parties are unable to submit a wrjtten agreement confirming the joint use parking arrangement. Staff strongly supports the concept of a teendisco, however, it is felt that the wrjtten agreement is essentjal to insuring that the parking situation is addressed. Discussion of Proposed Marmot Contract for the Library Actjon Requested of Council: Discuss contract provisions prior to the next Evening Meeting consideration. Background Rationa'le: The Marmot program is in final stagesof development and participating entities are required to act on the contract by August 21- Larry and Charlyn wil'l 12:00 2: 00 Jim Morter 2:30 Pat Dodson Vicky Garnsey 3:15 Kristan Pritz ?. ?E Larry Eskwith Charlyn Canada 1. z. 3. in your packet. Parameters Jim Morter w'i I I di scuss hi s entryway and the fee. 4. F djscuss the provisions of the contract and Council is encouraged to discuss it thoroughly. This item will be considered for formal action at the next scheduled Evening Meeti ng. 6. Discussion with Vail Associates on Status of Golden Peak Redevelopment Plans 3:50 Tom Braun Joe Macy 4:20 Ron Philljps 4:25 7. 8. Action Requested of Council: At this time, this topic isffionly. Background Rationa'l e: A two year lnterim development plan ffiacility was approved by the Council in 1985. The plan was proposed primarily to allow for the placement of an additional modular trailer on the site. A condition of approval established by the Council required VA to update the Council of the status of this project after one year from the tjme the plan was approved. Staff Recommendation: No reconmendation at this time. Informatjon Update by Town Manager 0ther -?- a The \bll Rellglous bundoion August 11, 1986 Mayor Pauf Johnston Town of VailVail colorado Re: vail villaqe Inn Teen Bar and Di="o Parking Dear lrlavor Johnston and Membersof the Town Council It was not until Sunday, August 10, that I received the noticeconcerning the above subject. It was adrlressed to the managerof the Chapel and not to the Board or the President. In thisshort a time I have not had the opportunity to either reviewthe entire file nor discuss the matter vrith the parties thatare concerned. The Vail Religous Foundation does have an interest in thismatter inasmuch as we have a joint parking agreement with theFirstBank of VaiI for the use of the parking facilities ownedby the Bank and those constructed on land owned by the VRF.During the pastwinter we had some problems with other personsusing the parking areas during the time that religous serviceswere scheduledr which created some parking problems. Unfortunately I am our of town on Tuesday and will not be ableto attend the meeting that is scheduled on this matter. Atthis point in time it appears that before the VRF can adequately conment on the proposal , we would need to know the times anddays the teen bar would be operated and just how many parking spaces are to be utilized at the FirstBank and what type ofcontrols will be employed. I{e do believe that anything along the lines proposed for theteen age youth of our community will be a positive asset andshould be encouraged. OUr concern is however that the youthswill possibly interfere with the joint use garking arrangementthat is already in place between the FirstBank and the VRF. I will attempt to get someone who is knowledgeable on behalfof the chapel to attend your meeLing. ai1 Rqf,igous Foundation Ed DrAEer, President 19\bll Rood. \{cll. Cotorodo 61657 ..7 ._ +' .'. I APPLICATION FOR OFF-SITE PARKING FACILITY A. B. c. D. EAME OF APELICANT: ADDRESSI E,E.EE4EE: OTONER OF PROPERTY: A9P.BEEE.:. TELEPEONET SIGNATURE: APPI,ICANTS REPRESENTAIIV8 : ADDRESS I !ELEB!9NE.: LOCATION CRAIG DENTON ANd RALPH DOCKERY 575 Lionshead PlaceVail., Colorado 81657 475-3453 F & L VAIL VILLAGE PARTNERSNIP P.O. BOX 1027Vail, Colorado 81658 47 6-6 JAY K. PETERSON P.O. Box 3149vail, colorado 81.558 47 6-0092 Unit No. 6Vail village Plaza CondominiumsVall, colorado 81657 a ADDENDUM TO APPI,ICATION FOR oFF-SITE PARXTNg F'ACItITY A. EE9UE.$[: Application is being made for an off-site joint use parkingfactl.ity to be located at the First Bank, 17 Vail Road, Vail, Colorado 81557. Because of the change of use of Unit No. 6r VailVillage Plaza Condominlums, from general retail to a proposedTeen Facility, the Town of Vail Zoning Ordinance requiresadditlonal parking to be provided for such space. Article 18.52.100 requires one space per each 300 square feet of netfloor area for retail use of the Condoniniun Unit. The sarnesection of the Town Zoning Ordinance, however requires one spaceper each eight seats for a eatlng and drinking establishnent based on seating capacity or building code occupancy standards. Because the new use has a greater parking requirenent anadditional eleven parking spaces are needed to meet the Town ofVail zoning requlrenent. Until Pbases 4 and 5 for Vail VillageInn are conpleted there is no place to put additional parking onthe VaiI Vi).J.age Inn site. It is therefore our reguest to useArticle 18.52.060 of the Town of Vail Zoning Code to jointly usethe parking facilities located at the Flrst Bank' 17 VaiI Road' which ls adjacent to the Vail village Inn site. The proposedlocation of these new parking facilities and the prospective operation of the new Teen Center would fulfill the purp_oses oftiis Chapter in that the Bank is open from 9:00 a.m. io I:OO p.rn.daily and the new Teen centers hours of operation would not conmence untiL T:00 p.rn. daily. &The parking facilities would beas useable and as convenient as the onee located on the site and would not cause traffic congestion or unsitely concentration ofparked cara, B. JUSTLF.[9AjX!9N: It has become increasingly evident that local kids and kids who come to visit Vail with their parents need a place to hang out. The results of a Etudent survey conducted at Battle l{ountain HighSchool, llinturn Hiddle Schoolr and Vail t4ountain Schoo1 showedthat kids in Vall need sonething to do once the sun goes down. They rant sornewhere to eat and dance in an atnosphere whichallows then to get together without being hassled by parentstpolice or other rnerchants who are anxious to clear their businesses or parking lots of loitering teenagers. Currently nany of the students now gather at the Crossroads Shopping Centerparking lot on weekend nights, just to hangout. The Teen Centerin the tionshead Parking Structure does have games and T.V. butIocal students say it is too small and doesnrt offer the ,l activities they want. The facility that would meet the needs anddesires of the teens would include a faeility with a bar typeatmosphere, dance floor and the facilities to ierve light snal-ksand sandwiches. The applicant berieves such a facility should be located in theheart of ValI where nost of the studenls currently congregate. rt would appear that the selected site is welL situated for suchfacility in that it is the center of Town and parking is readilyavailable on site, at the Firgt Bank site, the Village parkingstructure or in the tionshead larking structure. None of theseparking facilities are fu1Ly utilized during the evening hours.In addition, because of the age of many of the custoners nanywould not be abte to drive and would either be riding with otheistudents or be dropped off by their parents. Conpared to thetyplcal restaurant and bar -operation this operltion wouldgenerate fewer cars than nornal because of this fact. whlle First Bank is reLuctant to glve written assurances of thejoi.nt parking arrangement a representative of the Bank wouldappear at any meeting in order to lend their support to theproject and the parking agreenent. ee' qv 'iifr - 6f- fr <-E TU =a e E P6 zd6 hJE, uJ Z*!tr 81 zu 0Uq ^tml\ TO: FRO}I: DATE: RE: 4.Drive. I"IEMORANDUT! KRISTEN PRITZ JAY K. PETERSON JULY 23, 1986 JOINT USE PARKING AGREEMENT I'OR THE TEEN CENTER TO BD LOCATED AT THE VAIL VILLAGE INN Pursuant to our conversation the following are the uses forthe parking spaces located at the Vail Village fnn: l. The Swiss Hot Dog Conpany has three spaces located infront of the store. 2, The Liquor Store has eight spaces in front of the SwissHot Dog company and fronted on East, Meadow Drive. _ 3. .High Country property has three spaces fronted on EastMeadow Drive. Margolis Galleries has one space fronted on East Irteadow 5. Total Eeauty Centre, Inc. has one space front,ed on East!{eadow Drive. 6. There is one unmarked space on East Meadow Drive. 7. There are ten chained off spaces (unmarked) fronted onVail Road. 8. Food and Deri has eight spaces in front of their store. g. There are five chained off spaces (unrnarked) next tothe Food and Deli. 10. To the north adjacent to the gas station are fourspaces marked for Alpenrose, t'rickel Koleclsi and Total BeautyCentre. 11. The Fancake House has fourteen spaces in front and tothe vrest of their restaurant. : 12. There are twelve spaces jointly narkecl for thesteingarden and pancake House to the north of the vail villagelnn Lobby. )k ALl surface spaces are either rnarked or chained off. .j a oJI fM-Design Revjew Board Community Development Department December 17, '1986 Sign variance request for the Total Beauty Total Beauty Centre: Brenda Le Grange I. Special Provisions Centre ",\) V from thefor the wal kway TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: APPLI CANT: I.REQUEST 0n November .l9, .|986 the app'l icant tabled the variance untilDecember 17, .|986 meeting. The request has not leen-ifrinteaoriginal proposal . In general , members favored the viriiiieawn'i ng but did not support the additiona'l sign in ttre covereaoff of Meadow Drive. Total Beauty centre is in phase- I & II of vail village Inn. Thebusiness is located on the second floor above ntpine"eoia.- To reachTotal Beauty, a pedestrian enters off of rast Nelaow D;i;;, passesthrough an outside covered stairway between A1 pine Gold and vail villageInn Sports, and goes through a common door at ln" top ot-itt" stair'ay.The applicant is requesting variances from the foltowing i.itlon of theTown of Vail sign cooe: section 16.20-090 projecting and Hanging Signs--Individuarbusiness within a mu'l ti -tenant bu.i 1d.i ng.- - ( \3. In a case where a business or organization locatedabove or below street 'l evel fronis directly onto anexterior balcony, deck, wa'l kway or stairway which is' utilized as the busiress' own entrance and forunrestricted publjc access and use, the alIowable signarea for any sign to be located at the build.ing leveishall be based upon the portion of the businesifrontage which abuts directly upon the ba1 cony deck, wa1 kway or stairway with a maximum size allowed not to ( exceeci 5 square feet. A sjgn of a maximum area of 3square feet shal I be al I for businesses hivJinsufficient frontaqe The applicant is requesting approval for the fo11ow.i ng signs: l A black and white awning. the awning and one on the Side signage: 8" x 2' =Front signage: I' x 3' = ?. A hanging black and white walkway leading up to thesq ft. which has one sign on the front ofside..|.3 sq ft 3.0 sq ft wooden sign located in the coveredentrance. This sign is I'x 3' = 3 t At this time, Total Beauty centre has three signs (two on the awn.i ng)with a total square footage_of 7.3 square feetl unuer ttre-sign coaii asecond story business is allowed 3 square feet at the entry point iniothe building. Therefore, the applicant is requestint iwo'iaa:tionulsigns beyond.the one sign that is allowed as weil ai-an iaJ.itlonat q.r,square feet of signage for the busjness. The applicant has submitted the following statement as to why she feelsthe sign variance is warranted: "Total Beauly centre has over the past 5 years had 2 enrrances--our main entrance being where Goods, main entrance is now andour back entrance was just west of A1 penrose' back fatio. lde nowhave only one entrancel-that being thi back entrin.i *r,i.r, i; ffiour marn entrance.. The visibility to the entrance.i s difficuit,'having to walk under a covered waikway and then upstijrs. The signage used now is without a doubt a lot more tastefur thanwhat was-originally being used--a bright yellow and-f.r.n "unshaped sign also larger ihan what we have-now. rhe 6ro sign was. jn a more strategic position--on the front corner ot-tn.building. lde have now moved our new sj gn further u..t off thestreet. hlith regard to the awning, we basjcally replaced the old polocolours--green with orange stripes--wiin oirr corours--brack andwhite. The sign next to our entrance was removed when the newawning was instailed. Both the sign and awning travt-our 'l ogo andare a vast improvement to what was previously lhere. As we have decreased the signage and done a more subile andtasteful job on our new signs, I am sure you wi.l .l agree inJ tnu"approve the new sign and awning.,, II.FINDINGS AND STAFF RESPONSES Before the board acts-on a.variance .ppii.iiion, the appricant mustprove physical hardship and the.board'must fjnd'that: A.There are speci a'l c'l rcumstance or condi ti ons lvinq to theqnd, buiIdinqs topoqraphv. ve etat i on n structures or oth rmatters on a taahi t-o chwoutd substantia estrict the e ecE'l veness o suesti on:r0v1 ed. however t such special c ces orcondi ti on unique to the lticular business or enter se toch the cant des i res to IsU attention. an o n0 rcums I Staff Response: Total Beauty centre has a visibil ity problem due to severarfactors: '1)^The sa'l on is- }ocated on the-second floor of the era t^ -.. ' r'J1i;,,,. I I busi nesses or nterpr i se -2- ,-1.r.- : I { building, 2) the entrance is located off East Meadow Drive on thesecond (or rear) tier of shops, and 3) in order to get to Total _ Beauty.Centr:e, _you,must walk through a covered walkway whichblocks the visibility of the awning signage and entry. staffbelieves that this is a speciar ciicumitaice wh.i ch wirranrs some:- ' additional signage to identify the business. Our opinion is thatthe awning signage which incrudes one sign of r.3 square feet andone sign of 3 square feet is warranted. l'|e do not feel that it isnecessary for Total Beauty centre to have a separate sign at theentrance to the covered wal kway off East Meadow Drive. If TotalBeauty centre is allowed this sign, then all the businesses on thesecond tier of shops in the vail vi'l lage Inn commercial areashould be a] lowed to have a sign at this entrance. To allow theapproximate ten retail spaces to have signs at this entrance wouldcreate unnecessary sign clutter. For this reason, it is felt thata variance is warranted for the awning signage, but not for thehangi ng si gn. B. That spgcia] .circumstances were not created by the appany c. Special .ctr.cunstances were not created by the appl .i cant. ittlt,,lttt qrattit wi'll be, ilseq.."l h.rmonv wjthth. or"ootb mentalto the persons residinq-d-work-n the vicinity. to adiacentroperty. to the neiqhborhood 0r to the pub l i c wel fare i ngenera | , ( Staff Response: 9gl.tllly, th9 proposed signage is in harmony with the purposes ofthis t'i tle which state in Section .|6.16.010, that "sign'lolation,configuration, design, materials and colors should be-harmonious-with the majestic mountain setting and the a'l pine village scale ofthe town-" staff agrees that the signage is very tasteiully done,however there is concern with the 3 square foot i.i gn being iocatedin the covered entry way into the second level of ihoos- 'Our op'i nion is that signage should be'l ocated in the area of thebusiness and should not be scattered throughout a project to _djrgq_t_a_-pg!-e-stljan to the business. A vaiiance is wirranted forthe awning, which is a request that will st.i ll be in compliancewith the sign c6de in the sense that the signage is ldcaied at th-eeltra!_ce tq_!hg shop. _S_tgff gqp.ot support the request for thesign in the covered entry way of the Vail V.i llage Inn phase IIcommercial area. t ;.: J -3- -1 ;..5ipf .; , ' D.(The variance applied for does not depart from the orovisions of u s'l ness 0r use. III. IV. ReSP-oh.se: s io"'r':i In' respect to the awning, it is felt that the requested signage isnecessary to'identJfy the applicant's business. However, [hets.i gnin the-covered entryway-does go beyond the amount of signage thatis really necessary to identiiV thi busjness. Such other factors and criteria as the Des.i gn Review Board deemsapplicable to the proposed variance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff supports the variance for the awning, however, we are unableto support the request for the additionar sign'in the c6verea entryway.For thjs reason, the staff recommends denia'|._of:_ite v".iinse_ Lequest.l.Je would recommend to the appligant that a jo-int use-dirJCiorv be placedadjacent to the covered entryway up to the iecond tevet oi-snops at vailvillage Inn to direct pedesti'ians into this area. The purpose of thislvne of sign is "to list all tenants within a multi-i.nint-uuitding and!9 ouiae the pedestrian to an individual tenant within the bu.i 1dini.;,(Section i6.20.040) This approach to the visibil itv probiems for thebusinesses on the second lever of the vail village ini iorr"r.i;i ;;;"will provide additional signage for all the shopi on the iecona level ina manner that will not create sign clutter. The staff prefers thisgpproach to the alternative of a1 lowing many of these businesses t,olocate indivjdual signs out on the Easi Meaiow Drive entnywiy. Staff ( 'r7:v -. 'r I ( ' ..-'-,j J , -4- ,'*t{t:'.*r1 ;,xi+"-r. r\ '',' .9 4,y "g P't t c^f !.t. tcltt so9.to'oo"wl?.54'o arF !,s. t6att \.(//f //'l 'lN a ctlL.S. 16!?t -"0,", - aao,*",*n I,- p o 50rIita5Tcoi[i lQt o Cclculor.d: F ! 545.gg' L '1541!'A: t6"lo,J9,'f'?75A'ch.s 89ot9'4o"w t55.6 2 R.54586'6 .16"00 1d'L'15?3tCn:l6r'ar.t', EAST MEADOW DRIVE (40,I q 5 t50?t t, t'o evtrtt.{o t ovfi{trto I,l ll|o 'lott airtf lt{oslucc0lut!ottrd ;rl'. i\o^z' \ '?"V. X /. 6.c... ;-"{ -{\\\\\?\ \E\$ \\ cfis Y 16p'tf" .-f-rsI tf,o lroiy riru€ iirdo SluCCo lri lfo lroiY frrr.€ o: t {\ ::.- :: ffi ( \ I 75 soulh fronlage ioad yail, colorado 81652 (303) 476-7000 0ctober 6, 1986 offlce ol communlty developmenl Ms. Brenda LaGrange Total Beauty Centre 17 East Meadow DriveVail Vjllage Inn PlazaVai1, Colorado 81657 Re: Signage at Total Beauty Centre, Va.i 'l Vjllage Inn phase II Dear Brenda: 0n July 22, 1986 I sent you a letter concerning your signage at Total BeautyCentre. I asked that you remove the sign in the covered entry connecting East Meadow Drjve to the second tier of shops in the Vajl Village Inn plaza byAugust l, 1986- At this time, the sign has not been removed. In addition, a new canopy has been erected over the entrance to your shop. The canopy.i sconsidered to have two signs, as you have "Total Beauty centre" written on thefront of the awning and on the side of the awning. For this reason, you will need to request a sign vari ance. If you do not wish to request a signvariance, one sign on the awning must be removed. I have enclosed al] of theforms necessary for a sign variance. Please submit this information by October14, 1986, so that I may schedule the variance for November 5, 1986- The DesignRevjew Board meetings are he1 d in the Town counci1 chambers and begin at 3:00 PM. The illegal sign in the covered entry way between East Meadow Drjve and thesecond level of Vail village Inn shops must be removed by October 14th. I hadalso mentioned to you that you may be able to get permission from the Good's management to locate a smal 1 sign inside the door that would indicate thataccess to your shop is now sole1y through the east entry. Right now, this s'ignis in the window of the door. By inside the door, I mean that the sign shouldbe inside the entry to Good's on the wall so that jt cannot be cons'i dered anytype of signage. If this alternative is not acceptable to the Good's store,the sign must be removed by 0ctober 14, 1986. You can reach me at 476-7000, ext. ll'l if you have any questjons about anyforms or sign code requirements, I hope we will be able to solve this issue ina cooperative manner. Si ncerely, r I llrV'.L V,,f-l\ltr145 [l l' k-|., Kri stan Pritz '' Town Planner o0 75 soulh tronlage toad vail, colorado 81657 (s03) 476-7000 ottlce of communlty developmenl July 22, 1986 Ms- Brenda LaGrangeTotal Beauty Centre 17 East Meadow DriveVaiI ViI Iage Inn P1aza Vai 1 , Co'l orado 81658 RE: Signage at Total Beauty Centre Dear Brenda, After reviewing the signage for the Total Beauty Centre, I am asking thatyou remove the sign'l ocated in the covered entry connecting East MeadowDrive to the second tier of shops at the Vail Village Inn plaza. As Iexplained on the phone, sjgnage needs to be located in the same'locationas the actual store. If you wish to put up a canopy, you will be allowed3 s.f. of s'i gnage on the canopy. The small sign to the right of the door may remain. However, once the canopy is up with signage, the hanging signby the door must be removed. You a'l so asked me if it would be possible to p'l ace another sign on the oldentrance over by the new Good's Store. The sign code does not allow for asign in this area as it is no longer your access. I suggest that you askthe managers of Good's if it might be possible to put a small sign insidethe door that would indicate that access to your shop now is sole1y through the east entry. Please remove the illegal sign jn the public entry by August 1, 1986. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter. If you have any furtherquestions please feel free to call me. Sincerely, l{+'^ ft[Kristan Pritz Town Pl anner KP:jlt t .., -t Wv z'<4 CONDOMINIIIM DECLAMTION FOR VAIL VILLACE PLAZA CONDOMINIIJMS RECITAI-S F & L VAIL VILLAGE PARTNERSIIIP, a Colorado generalpartnership_("Dec1arant"), is the oltner of the real piopertyinterests situate in the County of Eag1e, State of Cbloiado,described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. Declarant desires to establish a condominium proiectunder the Condominium Ownership Act of Colorado ("the Ait") and todefine the character, duration, rights, obligations andlimitations of condominium ownership. Buildings and related improvements have been constructed on the real property interesEdescribed in Exhibit A, which buildings and impiovemenls sha1lconsist-of separately designated condominium units. A condominiumnap will be filed showing Ehe location of said buildings andi.mprovements on the real property interests, which is hereby madesubject to Ehis Declaration.- Declarant does hereby establish a plan for the ownershipof real property estates in feb siurple consibting of the air spacecontained in each of the units in the buildings and theco-ownership, by the individual and separate owners thereof, astenancs in conmon, of all of the remaining real propertylnterests. DECLARATION Declarant does hereby subject the real properEyinterests described in Exhibit A to this Declaracion and publishand declare that the follo\ding terms, covenants, conditions,easements, restrictions, uses, reservations, limitations andobligations shall be deemed to run with such land, shall be aburden and a benefit to Declarant, its successors and assigns andany person qcquiring or owning an inEerest in the real propertyi-nterests which is or becomes subject. Eo this Declaration andimprovements built thereon, their grantees, successors, heirs,personal representatives, devisees or assigns. 1. Definitions. As used in this DecLaration, unless o the rwi s e e xp reFlyl-ffiide d : (a) "Uni!" means an individual air space unitcontained within the perimeEer walls, floors, ceilings, windowsand doors of a unit in a building construcEed on real property which is subject to the provisions of this Declaration, and as shown and descrlbed in a condominium map recorded in the realproperty records of Eagle County, Colorado, together with (i) allfixtures and improvements Eherein; (ii) the inner decorated orfinished surfaces of such unit I s perimeter walls, floors andceilings; (iii) the doors and windows of the unit; and (iv) theinterior nonsupporting hralls within the unit. The term does notinclude, howevli. the-undecorated or unfinished surfaces of theperimeter walls, floors or ceilings of a unit, any utilitiesrunning through the unit which seive more than one unit, or anyother general cornrnon element or part thereof located within theunit. (b) "Condominium unitt' means a uni-t together wichthe undivided interest in the general coumon elements appurtenanEthereto and the right to exclusive or non-exclusive use of lirnited conmon elements associated therewith. (c) "Owner" means any individual, corporation,partnership, association, trust or other legal entity, orcomblnation of legal entities, which is the record owrrer of anundivided fee simple incerest in one or Eore condominium units. (d) "General common elements" means (i) the landincluded in the real property which at any time is subject to this Condominium Declaration; (ii) the foundations, coluuns, girders,beams, supports, perimeEer and supporting walls, roofs, balconies,halls, corridors, lobbies, stairs, stairways, fire escapes,entrances and exits of the buildings; (iii) the basements, yards,gardens, automobile parking areas and storage spaces; (iv) theinstallations, equipment and materials making up the centralservices such as power, light, Bas, hot and cold lrater, heating,refrigeration and air conditioning and incinerating; (v) thetanks, pumps, motors, fans, compressors, ducts, and in general allapParatus and installations existing for common use; and (vi) allother parts of the real property which is not part of a unit. (e) "Limited cornmon elementst'means the part ofthe general common elements assigned for the exclusive ornon-exclusive use and enjoyment of the owner or owners of one ormore, but less than all, units. (f) "Common expenses" oeans: (i) all expensesexpressly declared to be common expenses by this Declaration or bythe by-laws of the Association; (ii) alt other expenses ofadministering, servicing, conserving, managing, mainEaining,repairing or replacing the general cornmon elements; (iii) insurance premiums for the insurance carried undel Paragraph 9herein; and (iv) all expenses lawfully determined to be corunonexpenses by the board of directors of the Association. (g) "First lienor" means the holder of a promissory note paymenC of whlch is secured by a first mortgage-oriirst deeii of trust encumbering an interest in a condominium unit.ttMortgagett shall include a deed of truet, and "morlgageett shall include the beneficiary of a deed of trust (h) "Association" means Vail Village PLaza Condominium Association, a Colorado nonprofit corporation. (i) "Building" means one of the building improvements containing units located on real Property subjecE tothis Declaration, and ill other improvemenls constructed on theproperty subject to this Declaratibn, and "buildings" means all of such improvements. (j ) The condominium units subject to this Declaration shall be known as Vail Village P\aza Condominiums. (k) "Dec1aration" means this instrument and all Amendnents or Supplements thereto hereafter recorded in the records of Eagle County, Colorado. (1) "Sharing Ratio" of an owner is his pereentageinterest in the general conmon elements aPPurtenant to his unit, as set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and made a Parc hereof. (n) t'Map" Beans the original condorninium Map required to be recorded hereunder and all Amendments or Supplenents thereto hereafter recorded in the records of Eagle County, Colorado. 2. Division of Real Property i.to Est"te Occupancy of Coffi (a) The real proPerty is hereby divided into 32 condominium units designated 1 through 32, inclusive, each consisting of a unit, in undivided interest in the general comnon elements appurtenant to such unit, which interest is set forth in Exhibit B, and the exclusive or non-exclusive right to use and enjoy limiced cournon elements, as set forth in Exhibit B. (b) Each condominium unit shall be inseparable and may be conveyed, leased, devised or encumbered only- as- a- -coirdorninium unit. Title to a condominium unit may be heldindividually or in any form of concurrent ovtnership recognized inColorado. in case of-any such concurrent ownership, each co-oltnershall be jointly and sevlrally liable for performance and observance of ait the duties and responsibil:-ties of an "owner"with respect to the condominium unic in which he owns an interest. (c) Any contract of sale, dqqd, Iease, deed of-trust, mortgage, will br other instrument affeeting a- condominiumunit nay desciibe it by its unit number as shown on the Map, foLlowe-d by the name of the condominium units and reference tothis Declaration and to the Map. (d) Declarant shall give written notice to the assessor of Eagle County, Colorado, in the manner provided in-the.Act, so that each condominiuu unit will be separately assessed and taxed. (e) Notwithstanding anything contained herein Eo the contrary, Declarant reserves unto itself and the successor owners, to be held by Declarant or any other person or elcity at any time owning a unit, the right, withoul the consent of any other oltner or-the Association, to combine, divide or partition such unic or units to create spaces either larger or smaller than such unit or units as shown on- the Map for the purposes of using, conveyancing or leasing; provided, however, (i) that the owner doing-such conbining, diviaing or partitioning obtains, at his sole-cost and expenie, all require<t governmental approvalsincluding, but n6t liuited to, subdivtsion app{ova1 and issuanceof a building permit and a final certificate of occupancy for all. work performed- in such combination, dividing or partitioning, (ii) thac the integrity of all coFmon elements servicing any- other Partor the remaining lart of the building in which such combined'divided or partltioned units are locited are properly,- safely and reasonably lrotected at the sole cost and exPense-of the owner doing such tonbining, dividing or partitioning, (iii) that no chan[es or modificafions are made to the exEeriors 9{ ?"y of thebuildings, (iv) that the exercise of such right sha1l in no way increase or decrease the percentage ownership in the cosmon elements of, or the percentage of cormon expenses to be paid by' any owner not involved in such combining, divi4ing orpattitloning, and (v) that the owner doing such combining, diviai-ng or-partitioning sha1l, ac his sole cost and expense, file in the iecords of Eagle-County, Colorado, a SupplemenEal Declaration and a Supplementai Map appropriaEely allocating undivided percentage- interests in the general comnon elements to and depicting such-combined, divided or partitioned unit or units. (f) The condominium units numbered 25, 26, 27 and 28 shall be used and occupied solely for dwelling or lodging PurPoses and the condominium units numberLd 1 through 24, inclusive, and 29 through 32, inclusive, shall be used and o-cuPi_ed solely- foroffic6 or cornrnercial purpose, all as permitted by and-subject to the appropriate and alplicable governmental zoning ald useordiniircei, rules and-iegulations from time to time in effect. An ouner shali have the rtgFt to lease his condominium unit upon -suchterms and conditions as-Ehe owner may deem advisable; provided, however, that (i) any such lease sha1l be in writing and shall provide that the lease is subject to the terms of thisDeclaration, (ii) a condominium unit may be leased only for the uses provided hereinabove, and (iii) any fail-ure of a lessee to eomply with the terms of this Declaration, ArEicles ofIncorporation, Bylaws of the Association, or the {ules of EheAssociation shali be a default under the lease enforceable by the Association. (g) Notwithstanding anything contained in thisDeclaration to the contrary, (i) ttre pitios appurtenant to unit No. 5 as linited cormou ellments shall be used by the owner ofunit No. 5 solely as uncovered patio restaurant seating, and, in the event that unit No. 5 is ever not used as a restaurantoperatlon, such patios shall no longer be deened linited colmon elements for the exclusive use of the owner of unit No. 5, but sha1l be deemed to have been converted to non-exclusively usedgeneral corrmon elements to be used by all owners as general comon element pLaza areas; and (ii) the interest in the ingress and egress easement and right of way and the six exclusive parking spaces through May 31 , L997, or such shorter time period, all asprovided for under the Access and Parking Easement described inthe Conveyance of Easements listed as Parcel III on Exhibit A,shall be deeued to be limited connon eleuents apPurtenant to uniENo. 13, with the owner of unit No. 13 having the exclusive use(except as provided hereinbelow) of such ingress and egress andparking spaces for such llnited period and havlng all of theobliga-ions of Declarant with respect thereto as set forth in said Access and Parking Easement and as othentise provided herein with resPect to an owner's obligations with resPect to linited common elements appurtenant to his unit. Notwichstanding anything contained in this subparagraph 2(g) to the contrary, Ehrough May31, L997, or such shorter-tine period that the six parking spacesare exclusive, as set forth in said Access and Parking Easement,all owners shall have the righE to use said ingress and egress easement and right of way for delivery and service vehicles andthe right to use two of such parking spaces for such periods as such vehicles are actually roaking deliveries or service calls tothe real property covered by this Declaration, and after such timeperiod as such parking exclirsivlty under said Access and Parking Easement has expired, said ingress and egress easemenc and rightof way and parking spaces shall be deemed to be general conmon elements, with all owners having the right to use said ingress and egress and parking spaces for delivery and service vehicles as provided for in said Access and Parking Easement. NeitherDeclarant nor the Association shall have the obligatlon to the or{,ner of unit No. 13 of enforcing the exclusivity of the parkingrights granted herein or under said Access and Parking Easement. 3. Condominlum Map. Upon substantial completion of abuilding, and piior-To any-cGveyairce by Declaranc of a condominium unit therein,- Declarant shall cause to be filed for record in Eagle County, Colorado, the Map, which shall contain:(a) The legal description of the surface of the land; (b) rhe linear measurements lnd location, with reference to the exterior boundaries of the land, of the buildings and all other improvements built or to be built on the land; (c) the floor plans and linear dimensions of the interior of the buildingsincluding the units, the general cormon elemenEs which are not apart of any unit, and the limited conmon elements; (d) the designatioir by nunber or other synbol of each unit; (e) the elevation plans of the buildings; and (f) the elevation of theunfinished interior surfaces of the floors and ceilings of thebuildings, including the units, as established from a datum p1ane, the disEances beEween floors and ceilings, and the linear measurements showing the thickness of the perimeter walls of thebuildings. Declarant reserves the right to aBend the Map- ftgqtime to-time to conform it to the actual location of any building(including all parEs thereof) and to esEablish, vacate and relocate easeurents, access road easements and off site parkingareas. In addition, DeclaranL reserves unto itself and the successor o\dners the right to amend or supplement the {"P !odescribe alterations resulting from the combination, division orpartition of a unit or units Pursuant to che reservaEions seEforth in subparagraph 2(f) herein. 4. General Connon Elements; Encroachments (a) The general conrnon eleuents shall be owned in cornmnon by all che owners and shall remain undivided. No owner sha1l assert any right of partition with resPect to the general coumon elements. Eich owner waives any and all rights ofpartition he may hold by virtue of his ownership of an undividedinterest in the general'cgrrmgn elementS as a Eenant in cOnrmOn with the other ordners . ttris Paragraph sha1l noE ' ho!,tever, limit orrestrict the right of partition of a single condominium unit am!!gthe owners thereof, whLreby the owners petition the courE to sell the condominium unit and to allocate the sole proceeds among the owners, but such right of parEition shal1 not be construed to mean a physical division-or partition of a condominium unit, nor shall such right of partition affect any other condominium uniE. Notwithscanding anything contained herein to the contlary'_r-rothing conrained in this iubpaiagraph 4(a) shal1 be construed to limit orprohibit a proportionite id5irstrnent in the percentage ownership in the general- coumon elements in connection with the combination,division or particion of a unit or units Pursuant to thereservations set forth in subparagraph 2(f) herein' provided that any such combination, division or partition shall not increase or delrease the percentage o\^mership in the general conmon elemenLsof, or the percenEage of conllllon expenses Eo be paid by, 4nI ownernot involved in such combinacion, division or partition. (b) Each owner shall be entitled to use thegeneral counon elements in accordance with the purpose for whichthey are intended, without hindering, impeding or imposing uponthe rights of the other owners and in accordance with the rules and regulations duly established from time to time by theAssociation and subject to the provisions of Paragraphs 20 and 21herein. (c) There is hereby created an easement' uP_on'across, over and under all of the general conrmon elements foringress and egress, installation, replacement, repair andnaintenance of all utilities, including but not lirnited to water, se$rers, Bas, telephones and electricity. An easeuent is furthergranted to all police, fire protection and ambulance personnel ,and all similar persons to enter upon the general cotImon elementsand condominium units ln the performance of their dutLes.Further, an easement is hereby granted to the Association to enterin, onto, above, across or under the general comon elements andany condominium unit to perform the duties of maintenance andrepair to any condominium unit or the general cornmon elements.Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in thisParagraph, no sewers, electrical lines, water lines or otherutilities may be installed or relocated on the general corrmon elements except as approved by the Association, and any utility or company in the use of the utility easement granted herein shall beresponsible for any damage to any general common elernent or costlncurred by the Association as a result of such damage and shallbe required to promptly restore any of the general comton elemenEsdisturbed or damaged by such uEility or company in the exercise of any of their rights under the utility easement granted herein. Should any utility or company furnishing a service covered by this easement herein request a specific easement, including a vehicular easement, the Association may grant such an easement to thegeneral cournon elements by a separate recorded instrument withoutconflicting with the terms hereof and without consent of the oe,rlers being required. The easements provided for in this Paragraph shall in no way affect any other recorded easement tothe general comron elements. (d) If any portion of the general comnon elements now encroaches upon any unit, or if any unit no\r encroaches upon any other unit or upon any portion of the general cornmon elements,as a result of the construction of any building, or if any such encroachment shall occur hereafter as a result of settling orshifting of any building, a valid eesement for the encroachment and for the maintenance of the saue so long as the buildingstands, shall exist. In the evenL any building, any unit, anyadjoining unit, or any adjoining general cornmon element' shall bepartially or totally destroyed as a result of fire or othercasualty or as a result of condennation or erninent domainproceedings, and then rebuilt, encroachments of parts of Ehe general coutnon elemencs upon any unit or of any unit uPgl-:ll ).-^Sther unit or upon any poition of Che general 99qmon elements ' due to such rebuilding, "t"it be pernictedl and valid easements for such encroachments and the maintenance thereof shall exist so long as the building shall stand. 5. Mechanic's Liens; Inderrrification. (a) If any owner shall cause -any material to be furnished to his unit or iny labor to be performed therein or thereon, no ordner of any otfier condominium unit shall under any .it"mrirnces be f iaUfe" for the payment of qny exPense incurred or iJ. if," value of any work done ol fiaterial fuinished. A11 such work shall be aE tha expense of the owner causing it to be done, and such owner shall be- solely responsible to -contracEors 'i.borer", uaterialmen and othlr persons furnishing labor,or Earerials ro his ;;i; oi .ny improvements therein. Nothing- herein contained shall authorize airy oi-er or any person dealing Ehrough' with or under any owner to cirarge the ger-rbral connnon elemencs or ""i ""it oift.. tiran that of sucfr owner-wiEh any mechanic's lien or otirer lien or "rr"umbt"tt"" whatever. On the contrary (and notice is hereby given) the right and Po\,ter to charge any lien or encumbraircE of any kind-against the general common elements or against ar,y orn.i'oi ^ny [*n"r's uniE for work done or materials firnished to "ny other i,rter's unit is hereby expressly denied- (b) If, because of any act or-omission of any -owner, dny mechani-c,s or other l1en oi- order for the payment of Boney'shai1 be filed against the general comnon elements or agaiirst any other ownei's unit or any improvements therein, or "[.inst any other owner (whether or not such lien or order is vitta or enforceable as such), the owner whose act or omission forms the basis for such lien-or order shall aE his ortn cosf and ;"p;r; ;ause tfre same to be cancelled and discharged- of record or Uoiraea by a surety company reasonably acceptable. to the Association, or t6 such o-ther ollner br otmers, wiqlri1 20 days after rhe dare oi-fiii"g thereof, and further shalt, indemnify and Jave all the other unit owners and the Association harmless from and against any and all costs' exPenses, claims, Iosses or e;.;E;; incfuhinl-reasonable attbrney's fees resulting therefrom. (c) Labor performed or materials furnished for the eeneral conmon "i.t"ttC", i'f duly authorized by the Association, in ;;;;;;;";"'*iltt-ittis Declaratioir or its bvlaw-s, shall be deemed to U" p"iiot*ed or furnished with the express consent of each owner and'shall be the basis for the filing'of a lien pursuant to law "g.i""t-"r"fr oi the condominium unit6. In the event a lien is "Ei""t.a against two or more condominium units, the owners of the ;;;;;;;; c8ndominium qnits qay remove their condominium units from ItL fi"" by payment of the frictional or proportional amount attributabie't6 each of the condominium units affected. Indlvidual payment shall be computed by referen-ce to tle -SharingRatios. SuLslquent to pa)rment,'dischalge or other satisfaction, the condominiuri unit shili be released from the lien paid, satisfied or discharged. Partial Pa)nnent' satisfaction or ai"-tr"rg. shall not firevent the lilnirr from proceeding.to enforce his rig6ts against airy condomlniun unit not so released or discharged. 6. Administration and Management. (a) Vail Village PLaza Condominiuurs sha1l be administered and manaqed pursuint to this Declaration, the Articles of lncorporaEiott'and the Bylaws of the Association. Each owner shall be a irember of the Association and shall remain a member until he ceases to be an owner. As members of the Associatlon, all of the owners collectively are entitled to a total of 10,000 votes, with each owner being entitled to the nunber of votes equal ro his Sharing Ratio nultiplied by 10,000. Each member shall'comply strlctly with the provisions of this Declaration and of ttrl irticles bf Incorporition and Bylaws-of the Association. The Association shall have- the right to pfomulgate and enforce rules governing the use, maintenance and appearanee of the general conmon-element! and shall have the _right to assign any parking spaces in the general cormon elements that have not been hesignited as linited Eonmon elements. Each member shall be bound ly afia shall comply with rules, resolutions and decisions of the A-ssociation duly'mide or adopted in the manner set forth in this Declaration or in the ArticlLs of Incorporation'or Bylaws 'Failure of the member to conPly with such p-rovisions, rules 'resolutions or decisions shal-l be grounds for an action to recover damages or to obtain injunctlve relief, or both, by the AssoEiation on behalf oi the other oqrners or, in a ProPer case, by an aggrieved owner. In addition, the Association's !l|1ws may auth6iize the Association, during the period of any d-elinquency to suspend a member's voting prtvileges; however, no such suspension shail affect the rights of a first lienor. (b) The Association may employ or contract for the services of a manager provided that su-ch- employment shall F" by- contlact having " Eert'of no more than three years and each such contract shall"be subjecg to cancellation by the- Association on ninety days notice, with or without cause. The board of directors iit.-ngo.i.d"i *ry not delegate to a manager the authorlty to make expenditures for- capital additions o! improvemelts chargeable agiinst any portion- of the annual budget, as defined in ;;bt;;;g;;in'etul herein, other than Ehat por-tion specificallv designaEed' for capital expenditures. The members of the Board of the Xssociation shall not- be liable for any omisslon or improper exercise by a manager of any such duty, -P!wer, or function so delegated 6y wrirtEn instrument executed- by a maJority of the Board. 7 . Maintenance and Repairs. (a) Each owner shall be responsible for maintenance and repair of his unit, including fixtures and improvements and all utillty lines and equipment located therein and serving such unit only. In performing such maintenance orrepair, or in improving or altering his unl"t, no owner shal1 do any act or work which impairs any general coumon element or thest,ructural soundness of any bullding or which interferes with any easement. (b) The general connnon elernents (including thelimited conmron elements) shall be adrninistered, conserved, managed, maintained, repaired and replaced by the Association,which may have access to any unit from time to time during reasonable hours for such purposes, or at any time for the purposeof naking euergency repairs therein necessary to prevent damage tothe general comon elements or to another unit or units. Thecosts of repairing any damage to a unit resulting from eqtrytherein for any such purpose shall be a comrnon expense of all theowners. However, if the need to make such entry results from the negligence or intentional act of any owner, his family, agent orinvitee, such o\,Jner shall reimburse the Association for all thecosts of repairing such daraage and shall be liable to the other owners for all additional losses or damages suffered, including reasonable attorney's fees. (c) Notwithstanding the foregoing, (i) each ownerhaving an interest in limited comon elements shall pay theproportion of the costs and expenses of maintaining, repairing andreplacing any limited connnon elements of which such owner has anyuse and enjoyment, the numerator of which is his Sharing Ratio andthe denominator of which is the total of the Sharing Ratios of allpersons having any use and enjoyment thereof, and (ii) each ownershall pay all costs of repairing any damage Eo the general cortrnon elemenEs (including the linited cornmon elements), or to any unitother than his own, resulfing from the intenEional act ornegligence of such ordner, his family, agent or invitee. 8. Assessments for Comrnon Expenses. (a) Except as set forth in subparagraph 7(c)herein, each owner shall pay his pro raca share of the conmon expenses, which proration shall be made on the basis of theSharing Ratios in effect on the date such conmon expense is assessed, except that with respect to unoccupied units ovmed byDeclarant, the Association shall assess Declarant only if the assessments assessed with respect to all condominium units not owned by Declarant or occupied by Declarant are insufficient, in which case DeclaranE shall be assessed for all condominium units owned and unoccupied by it in the aggregate, an amount equal to 10 the anount required to meet actual expenses of the Association notto exceed an amount equal Eo the pro lata share of the comnon expenses DeclaranE would be requlied to pay if all of the condominium units owned by it rrere occupied. (b) The Board shall fix, determine, levy andcollect annual and special assessrnents to be paid by each of the owners to Eeet the conrmon expenses and to create a contingency _reserve therefor. Prior to the beginning of each fiscal year ofthe Association, the Board shal1 adopt a budget for that year. The budget shall include, but shall not be lirnited to, an estimateof the costs of maintenance, repair and replacement of the general cormon elements, the cost of utilities and other services to be provided by the Association, the cost of insurance requlred by Paragraph t herein, and proposed capital expenditures. The budgetshall include an adequate reserve fund for the maintenance,repairs and replacement of those general counnon elements chat must be replaced on a periodic basis in order that such maintenance,repairs and replacement may be paid for through regularinstallments rather than by special assessment. For theAssociation's first fiscal year, the Board shall adopt the_budgetat the first meeting of the- Board and designate the date of cornmenceuenE of rhe-first annual assessment, with the costs for maintenance, repair and replacement of the general cormon elements and any reserve fund needed therefor based on a good faith estimaEe of those costs; said estimate may be based on the cosrsincurred by sirnilar associations in the general locale.Thereafter, the cost of Baintenance, repair and replacement and any reserve fund needed therefor shatl be on the basis of theprevious year's costs with such adjustments therefrom as the Board considers appropriate. The budget shall also include the annual assessment for each condominium unit. Special assessnents may belevied whenever in the opinion of the Board it is necessary oradvisable to do so (i) to meet increased operating or maintenance expenses or costs, (ii) to provide for additional capital expenses, or (iii) because of emergencies; however, if the proposed additional capital expenses at any given time are or i^rouia be in excess of $s0,000.b0 in the agfr-egate for any calendaryear, such expenses may be incurred only after the owners, by thevote of the owners of at least. 75 percent of the general cormon elements, approve sueh expenses. A1l annual assessments shall be based upon an approved budget; all other assessments sha1l be initemized staterirent form and shall set forth the detail of thevarious expenses for which the assessnents are being made. (c) The Board shall prepare and provide to each owner a statement for the annual assessment and any special assessment against his condominium unit. Annual assessments for the budgeted comon expenses shal1 be paid in quarterlyinstallments, each such installment due and payable in advance onthe first day of each calendar quarter, or more frequent 1l installments as uay be determined by the Board. Special assessments shall be due and payable as specified in Ehe written notice of such assessment provided by the Board. (d) The Board shal1 have the right to add to any owner's assessment as provlded in this Paragraph those amounts expended by the Associltion for the benefit of any individual condominium unit and the owner thereof, including, but not limitedto, fines (pursuant Eo ruLe adopted by the Association), rePairs and replacementa (to any condominium unit or the general cornmon elements) caused by the negllgent or willful acts of said ordner'his faurily, guests, employees, licensees, lessees or invitees; maintenance, repair, care of and replacement of general cormon elements appurtbnant to a condominium unit; and all other expenditurL3 or charges provided for by this Declaration or the bylaws. (e) If any assessment shal1 remain unpaid- ten daysafter the due date thereof, the Board may impose a late charge on such defaulting owner in a reasonable amount or an amount- equal to 1.5 percent of-such assessment, whichever is greater. Likewise, a late- charge in a reasonable amount or in an amount equal to f.5 percent of the unpaid assessment, whichever is greater, may be- imposed on the fiist day of each calendar month Chereafter so long as-such assessment sha1l be unpaid. Failure to make payment, --within 30 days of the due date- thereof also shall cause the full amount of suth owner's regular nonthly assessments for the remainder of that year to become due and owing at once, at the option of the Board. In the event it shall become lecessary forthe Board to collect any delinquent assessments or fees, whether by foreclosure of a lieir hereiriafter created, by comtencing of a court action or otherwise, the delinquent owner shall pay' in,_ addition Eo the assessment and late Charge herein provided, all costs of collection, including a reasonaSle attornly's fee and costs incurred by the Board in enforcing payment. (f) A11 sums assessed but unpaid for the share of coumon expenses assessed to any condominium unit shall consEitute a lien on- such uniE in favor o-f the Associat,ion prior to all otherliens and encumbrances, except: (i) liens for general Plopertytaxes and speeial assessments; and (ii) the lien of any first- mortgage or- first deed of trust of record encumbering such unit. - -The Lsiociation's lien shall atEach from the date when the unpaid assessment shall become due and may be foreclosed by the Association in like manner as a mortgage on real proPerEy upon the recording of a notice or claim thereof exec9ted by the Association setting Eorth the amount of the unpaid indebtedness, the name of the owier of the condominium unit,-and a description of the condominium unit. If any such lien is recorded by theAssociation, the owner shall be required to Pay the cosEs and expenses of'rhe preparation and reCording of the Association's t2 lien, including reasonable attorney's fees, or $100.00, whicheveris greater. In any foreclosure of the AssociaEion's lien, the owner shall be required to pay the costs and expenses of such proceedings, including reasonable attorney's fees. During theperiod of foreclosure the oerner of the condouinium unit subject Eo such action shall be required to pay a reasonable rental to theAssoeiation. The Association shall be entitled to purchase the condominium unit at the foreclosure sa1e, and to acquire, hold, lease, mortgage or convey the same. Each owner, by accepting a deed to a unit, waives any applicable homestead exemption as to Ehe assessment lien. (g) No owner shall exemPt himself frorn liabilityfor payment of his share of the conrmon expenses either by waiverof the use or enjoyment of any of the general coulllon elements orby abandonment of his condominium unit. (h) In case of sale or other transfer of a condominium unit with respect !o which sums asaessed for couulon expenses shall be unpaid,-the purchaser or other transferee of aninterest in such unit shall be jointly and severally liable withthe se1ler or transferor thereof for such unpaid assessments.Notwithstanding the above, atry first lienor who obtains title to a condominium unit pursuant to the remedl-es provided in the mortgageor foreclosure of- the mortgage will not be liable for such unit's unpaid dues or charges which accrue prior to the acquisition oftitle to such unit by the first lienor. (i) Upon written request of any or.,ner, mortgagee, Prospective mortgagee, purchaser or other Prospective transfereeof a condominium unit, the Association shall issue a written staEeEent setting forth the amount of the unpaid corllmon expenses,if any, with respect Eo such condominium unic, the arnount of thecurrent monthly assessment, the date on which such assessment became or shall become due and the amount of any credit for prepaid expenses. Such statenenE, for which a reasonable fee may be charged, is binding upon Ehe Association in favor of any Personwho may-rely thereon in good faith. Unless a request for such staEeuent shall be couplied wich within ten days afcer receipt thereof, all unpaid comrnon expenses which became due prior to the date of making such request shall be subordinated to the Ilen or other interest of the person requescing such statement. (j ) Any party in favor of whom a lien on a condominium unit has bLen crbated rnay but shall not be required to pay any unpaid cornmon expense with respect to such unit, and upon such payment such party shall have a lien on such condominium unitfor the- amount so paid- of the same rank as the lien theretofore existing. 13 9.Insurance. (a) The Association shall, on behalf of the o$ners: (i) keep a1-1 buildings (includinS-all of the units and all fixtures therein, but not includingfurniture, furnishings or other personal ProPertysupplied or installed Uy condominium unit owners)iniirred against loss or- danage by fire, with extended coverage Tincluding insurance agLinst loss or damage by vandalism or malicious mischief), in at least the amountof the naximum replacement value thereof, determined in accordance with subparagraph 9(c) herei-n; (ii) provide and keep in force, for the Protection of the Association, its-officers anddirectors, and all the owners and first lienors, general publ-ic liability and property damage insurance.against tlaims for bodiiy injury or death or ProPerty damage occurring upon or in the general cortmon elements, in liuriEs oE nbt less than $f,000,000 for bodily injury or death to any number of persons arising out of one accident or- disaster, oi for damage to proPertl , and if higher linits shall at any time be cgstomary to Protectagiinst possible tort liability, such higher limitsshall be carried; (iii) carry insurance in such amounts as the Association may con-sider necessary or advisable agains! such other insurable hazards as may from cime to time be comtonly insured against in the case of similar ProPerEyin sinilar locations elsewhere. (iv) carry directors and officers liabiIity insurance in such amounts as the Association may consider necessary or advisable. (b) A11 insurance required to be carried under this Paragraph shall be carried in favor of the Association, the onners and all firsE lienors, as their respective interests may appear. Each policy of insurance sha11 contain a standard rnbltgagee clauie in- favor of each first lienor of a condominiumunit \r[ich shall provide that the 1oss, if any, thereunder shall be payable Eo such first lienor, as its interest may-aPpear'subjelt, however, to the loss payment-provisions in favor of the AssociaCion hereinafter set foith. A11 policies of insurance against damage to any building and fixtures shall provide.that l5sses shall--be payatle to and adjusted with the Association' as attorney-in-fact'for the owners. -The Association shall hold and apply the proceeds of such insurance as set forth in this T4 Declaration. Each insurance policy shall provide that nocancellation thereof may be made by the insurance carrier without having first given 30 diys' prior written notice thereof to theAssociation, the orrners and all flrst lienors. Each insurancepolicy shall also contain a "severability of interest" endorsement, that provides in case of violation of any provisiol thereof by the Association or one or more (but less than all) of the owners, the coverage of such policy shall be suspended orinvalidated only as to the interest of the Association or the owner or owners conuritting the violation and not as to theinterest of any other olener. A11 policies of physical damage_insurance shali contain waivers of subrogation and of any defense based on co-insurance. Duplicate originals of all policies ofphysical damage insurance and of all renewals thereof, togetherwith proof of payment of premiums, shall be delivered to all firstlienors at least ten days prior to expiration of the then currentpolicies. (c) The maximum replacement value of the buildings(which shall indicate the maximum replacement value of each condominium unit contained therein), without deduction fordepreciation, shall be determined by the Association prior Eoobtaining any policy of fire insurance or any renewal thereof by means of one or more written appraisals made by competent,disinterested appraisers; however, appraisals need not be obtained more frequently than at one-year intervals. Copies of such appraisals sha1l be furnished to each owner and each first lienorof a condominium unit. (d) Each orqner shall be responsible for all insurance covering loss or damage co personal property in his unit and liability for injury, death or damage occurring inside hisunit. Any such policy shall contain waivers of subrogation and shal1 be so written Ehat the liability of the carriers issuing insurance obtained by che Association shall not be affected or diminished thereby. 10. Appointment of Attorney-in-Fact. Each owner by his acceptance of tEE dEEtl or-other cornreyanCe vesting in him aninterest in a condominium unit does irrevocably constitute andappoint (a) the Association with full power of substitution as histrue and lawful attorney in his name, place and stead to deal with such interest upon damage to or destruction, obsolescence, or condemnation of'any building or real property as hereinafterprovided, and (f) Declarant with full power of substitution as histrue and lawful attorney in his name, place, and stead to dealwith such interesE in order to effectuate the reservationscontained in Paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 herein, each \tith full power,right and authoriiac-ion to execute, acknowledge and deliver any concract, deed, proof of loss, release or other instrumentaffecting che interest of such owner, and to Eake any other 15 action, which the Association or Declarant Bay consider necessaryor advisable to give effect Eo Ehe provisions of this DeclaraEion.If requested to do so by the Association or Declarant, each o$nershall execute and deliver a written instrunent confirroing such appointment. The action of the Association in settling any damageor condemnation claim sha1l be final and binding on all owners. No owner shall have any rights against the Assoiiation or any ofits officers or directbrs with respect thereto except in case of fraud or gross negligence. 11. Damage or Destruction. In case of damage ordestruction of @rt thereof by any cause whatsoever: (a) If in the reasonable judgrnent of theAssociation, the proceeds of insurance shall be sufficient to payall the costs of repairing and restoring che building, theAssociation (as atEorney-in-fact for the ol^,rlers) shall cause thebuilding to be repaired- and restored, applying the proceeds of insurance for that purpose. (b) If in the reasonable judgurent of the Association the anticipated proceeds of insurance are notsufficient to pay the costs of repairing and restoring thebuilding, and if the excess of such costs over the anticipated insurance proceeds, are less than 202 of the minimr:m replaceuent value last determined under subparagraph 9(c) herein, then the Association (as attorney-in-fact for the owners) shall ProqPt1ycause the building to be repalred and restored, and the difference between the insurance proceeds and the costs of repair and-restoration shall be a- corunon expense to be assessed Eo all units and paid by all olrners as provided in Paragraph 8 herein. (c) If in the reasonable judgment of the Association the anticipated proceeds of insurance are notsufficient to pay the costs of repairing and restoring thebuilding, and if ttre excess of such costs are 20I or more of the maximum-replacement value last determined under subParagraph 9(c)herein, then the Association (as aEtorney-in- fact for the owners)shall prourptly cause the building to be repaired and restored, andthe differLnce between the insurance proceeds and the costs ofrepair and restoration shall be assessed and paid as hereinafterprovided; provided, however, Ehat if within 100 days afEer_the date of such damage or destruction a plan for repairing andrestoring Ehe building shall be disapproved and a sale of suchbuilding-is approved 5y the owners oiriring 757 or more of the general-co-qon-elements and by 752 of all first lienors, the Association (as attorney-in-f-act for Ehe owners of condominiumunits) shall execute and record in the Eagle County, Colorado,real estate records a notice of such facts, and thereafter shallseII the entire real property on which such building is located 76 (including the building) together with reasonable easements for ingress and egress, if required, as designated by the Association,free and clear of the provisions of this Declaration and the Map, which shall wholly terminate and expire wich respect to suchproperty upon the'closing of such slle. This Detlaration and the Map, however, shall remain in fuIl force and effect with respectto all other property and buildings, and the percentage interestsin general counon elements appurEenant to all units remaining subjecE Eo this Declaration shall automatically be increased bythe amount of the percentage LnteresEs in general contrnon elements appurtenant to all units in the building sold free and clear ofthis Declaration, such increase to be allocated among units in accordance to each unit's respective appurtenant inlerest in general contrnon elements appurtenant to units in the buildings not being sold. The proceeds of insurance and the proceeds of such sale of the real property shall be collected by the Association, applied first to the payment of expenses of the sale, and then aiviaea among the owners of units in such building so sold andpaid into separate accounEs, each representing one unit. The insurance prbceeds shall be divided lccording to such owners' respecti-ve percentage interest thereln as shown by the insurancepolicies, if so shoin, othentise according to such owners' respective interest in general common elements aPPurtenant tounits in Ehe building so sold, and the proceeds of sale shall be divided according to-such oh,ner's respettive undivided interestsin the general comon elements appurtenant to units in thebuilding so sold. The funds in each account (without contributionfrom one account to another) shall be applied by the Associationfor the following purposes in the order indicated: (i) for pa)rment of the balancL of the lien of any first mortgage or deedof trust on the condominium uni-t.: (ii) for payment of taxes andspecial assessment liens in favor of any assessing entity; (iii) for payuent of unpaid coumron expenses; (ir') for payment of_juniorliens and encumbrances in the order of and to the extent of theirpriority and (v) the balance remaining, if any, shall be paid tothe owner. The provisions of this Paragraph shall not be construed as lirniting in any \day the right of a first lienor (in case the proceeds all.ocated- under (i) above shall be insufficientto pay the indebtedness secured by his lien) co assert and enforce the personal liability for such deficiency of the Person or persons responsible fbr payment of such indebtedness. If within iOO days after the date of such damage or destruction a plan forrepairing and restoring a damaged or destroyed building is-not dilapproved pursuant to this subparagraph 11(c), the Association(as Lttorney:in-fact for such owners) shall promptly cause such ,repairs and restoraEion Eo be made according to such plan, and,thedifference, if any, beEween the amount of the insurance proceeds and the costs of repair and restoration shall be a conrmon expenseto be assessed to ail units and paid by all owners as provided in Paragraph 8 herein. I7 construed asto pay all or 12. (d) Noching contained in thisiuposing any liability whateverany part of the costs of repair 0bsolescence. Paragraph shall be on any first lienoror restoration. (a) If at any time the owners of 757" or more ofthe general conrmon elements appurtenant to units in any building covered by this Declaration and 752 of all first lienors withinterests in such building shall agree that such building has become obsolete and shall approve a plan for its renovation orrestoration, the Association (as aEtorney-in-fact for the otmerswith interests in such building) shall promptly cause suchrenovation or restoration to be rnade according to such plan. A11 owners of units in such building shall be bound by the terms of such plan, and the costs of the work shall be an expense of such owners only and shal1 be assessed and paid by such owners in theproportions of their respective interests in general eonnnon elements appurtenant to units in such building. No owner of aunit in any other building shall be required to pay any of the costs of such renovation or restoration on account of such ownership. (b) If at any time the owners of 757' or more ofthe general cormnon elernents and 752 of all first lienors shall agree that any of the improvements constitut.ing general coEmonelements have become obsolete and shal1 approve a plan for their renovation or resEoration, the Assoclation (as attorney-ln-factfor the owners) shall pronptly cause such renovation orrestoration to be made according to such plan. All owners shallbe bound by the terms of such plan, and the costs of Ehe workshall be a conrnon expense, to be assessed and paid as provided in Paragraph 8 herein. (c) If at any time the owners of 757, or nore ofthe general cormon element,s and 757. of all first lienors shall agree that all of the buildings have become obsolete and should besold, the Association (as attorney-in-fact for the owners) shallpromptly record in the real estate records of Eagle County,Colorado, a notice of such facts, and shall sel1 the entire realproperty, free and clear of che provisions of this Declaration andthe Map, which shall wholly terminate and expire upon the closingof such sale. The proceeds of such sale shall be collected,applied and divided among the owners by Ehe AssociaEion in the manner provided in subparagraph 11(c) herein. 13. Condemnation. (a) If the entire real any public or quasi-public use, undereminent domain, or by purchase in lieu property shal1 be taken for any statute, by right ofthereof, or if any parc of 18 any building covered by this Declaration shall be so taken, or if any part of the land shall be so taken and the part remainingshaIl be insufficient for purposes of Vail Village PIaza Condouiniums, the Association (as attorney-in-fact for the ouners)shall collect the award made in such taking and shall selI thepart of the land remaining after the taking, if any, free andclear of the provisions of this Declaration and the Map. Such provLsions shilt wholly terminate and expire upon the iecording ofa notice by the Association setting forth all of such facts. The award and the proceeds of such sale, if any, shall be collected,applied and divided among the owners by the Association in the manner provlded in subparagraph 11(c) herein. (b) If such taking shall be partial only, and ifthe remaining part of the land shall be sufficient for thepurposes of Vail Village PLaza Condominiums, Ehe condominiumownership hereunder shall not terminate. Each owner shall beentitled to a share of the condemnatlon award to be determinedunder the following provisions: (i) The total amount allocated to taking ofor injury to the general cortrnon elements shall be apporti-oned among owners on the basis of each owner'srespective percent.age interest in the general conmon elements; (ii) The total amount allocated to severance damages shall be apportioned to the owners of thoseunits which were not taken or condeuned on the basis of each such ownerts respective percenEage interest in thegeneral courmon elemenEs ; (iii) The respective amounts allocated to thetaking of or injury to a particular unit or to improvements an ov,rrer has made within his own unir shall be apportioned to the owner of that particular unitinvolved;and, (iv) The total amount allocated to consequential damages and any other taking or injuriesshall be apportioned among the ovrners in proporti-on totheir respecEive percenEage interest.s in Lhe general cormon elements. If an allocation of the award is already established in negoLiation, judicial decree, or otherwise, then in allocating the award the Associationshall employ such allocation. Distribution of apportioned proceeds shall be made by checks payablejointly to the respective owners and their respectivefirst lienors. 19 (c) In the event a partial taking results in thetaking of a unit, the owrrer thereof shall automatically cease tobe a member of the Association, and his ownership interest in thegeneral coumon elements shall Eerminate and vest in the owners ofthe remaining condominium units. Thereafter, the Associationshall reallocate the ownership and assessment ratios determined in accordance with this Declaration according to the same prineiples employed in this Declarati-on at its inception, and shall submit such reallocation to the owners of the remaining units for the amendment of this Declaration. (d) In the event ofremaining part of the land shall beof Vail Village PLaza Condominiumsthe date of such partial taking thegeneral cornxnon elements and 752 ofthat the remaining part of the landfor pruposes of Vail Village Plazathe remaining part of the land for13 shall be deemed insufficienE for Condominiums. a partial taking, the deemed sufficient for purposes unless within 100 days after owners of 757" or more of theall first lienors shall agreeshall be deemed insufficient Condominiums, in which eventall purposes of this Paragraph purposes of Vail Village Plaza (e) In the event Ehat any portion of Vail VillagePlaza Condominiums shall be made the subject matter of any condemnation or eminent domain proceeding or is otherwise soughtto be acquired by a condemning authority, then timely writtennotice of such condeumation shall be given by the Association Eo each or^mer and first. lienor. 14. Quality of Work. Any repairs, renovacion orrestoration of the real property or any building covered by thisDeclarat.ion by the Associat,ion as attorney-in-fact for the ownersshall be done in such manner as to make the real property or thebuilding at least as valuable after such work as ic wasimmediately before the occurrence requiring the work co be done. 15. Amendmenl or Revocation. This Declaration mav be amended or revo@ any EiEe prior to thefiling of the Map, and (b) upon the written approval in recordableform of Ehe owners of 752 or more of the general cournon elements and 757" of all first lienors, except that the provisions of thisParagraph 15, the provisions of subparagraphs 2(a) and 8(a) hereinand Exhibit C relating to interests in the general corunon elements and the limited common elemenEs may be amended (except asotherwise specifically provided for in this Declaration in theevent of a permitEed combination, dividing or partitioning of aunit or units) only upon such approval of the or^rners of 1002 ofthe general carnmsn elements and all firsE lienors. It shall alsobe revoked in whole or in part upon sale of all or part of thereal property pursuanc to subparagraphs 11(c), 12(c) or 13(a)herein. 20 16. Property for Common Use. The Association mayacquire and ho1ffiit of all owners, reaiproperty, as long as such real property is purchased aE aforeclosure sale or if such property is to be used as a manager'sunit, and tangible and intangible personal property and maydispose of the same by sale or otherwise, and the beneficialinEerest in any such property shall be owned by the olrrrers in the same proportion as their respective interests in the general cosmon elements and shall not be transferable except with atransfer of a condominium unit. A transfer of a condominium unitshall transfer to che transferee otmership of the transferor'sbeneficial interest in such property without any refereneethereto. Each owner may use such property in accordance with thepurpose for which it is intended, wlthout hindering or encroaehingupon Ehe lawfu1 rights of the other owners. The Eransfer of titleto a condominium unit under foreclosure shall entitle the pur-chaser to the beneficial interest in such property associated withthe foreclosed condominium unit. 17. Reeistration bv Ornrner of Mailins Address. Eachowner shall reg iation, andexcept for monthly statements and other routine notices, all othernotices or demands intended to be served upon an owrler shall besent by either regiscered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed in Ehe name of the owner at such registered urailingaddress. All aotices, demands or other notices intended to beserved upon the Association shall be sent certified mail, postageprepaid, to the address of che Association as designaEed in theBylaws of the Association. 18. Duration of Condominium Ownership. The separate estaEes created shall continueuntil this Declaration shall be revoked or until its provisionsshall terminate as provided herein. 19. Architectural Control.No building, fence, wall orother structure@erected or maintained upon theproperty covered by the Declaration, nor shall any exterioraddition co or change or alteration to any building be made untilthe plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape,height, color, materials, and location of the same shall have beensubmitted to and approved in writing as to harmony of externaldesign and location in relation to surrounding sEructures andtopography by the Board or by an architectural cornmictee composedof three or more representatives appointed by the Board. In theevent the Board, or its designated commiEEee, fails to approve ordisapprove such design and location within thirty days after saidplans and specifications have been submicEed to it, approval willnot be required and this Paragraph will be deemed to have beenfully courplied vrith. 2T 20. Easement. Lease. License and Use of General Coumon Elements e AssociaEion s ve the right to granc by easeneEt--IeasA, license or permit the use of, by less than all owners or by nonowners and with or without charge as the Association may deen desirable, aoy portion of the general conmon elements or any condominium unit owned by the Association. Therights granted- to the Association in thib Paragraph 20 shall only be used in the promotion of the collective best interest of the owners. 2L. Restrictive Covenants and Obligatsions. (a) No Imperiling of Insurance. No oldner and no owner's invitees sha thing to be kept inor on the condominium project which uright result in an increase inthe premiums of insurance obtained for che condominium project. orwhich uright cause cancellation of such insurance without the priorwricten consent of the AssociaEion first having been obtained. (b) No Violation of Law. No owner and no owner'sinvicees shall do an@ing in or on the condominium projecE which-would be iuriroral , improper, offensive orin violation of any statute, rule, ordinance, regulation, peruitor other validly imposed requirement of any governmental body. (c) No Noxious, Offensive, Hazardous or Annoying Activities. shall be @ part of the condominium project nor shallanything be done or placed on or in any part of the condominiumproject which is or may become a nuisance or cause embarrassment,disturbance or annoyance to others. No activity shall be conducted on any pai:t of Ehe condominium project and no improvements shall be made or constructed on any part of the condominium project which are or might be unsafe or hazardous to any person or property. No sound shall be emitEed on any part ofthe condominium project which is unreasonably loud or annoying. No odor shall be emitted on any part of the condominiurn project which is noxious or offensive to others. No light shall be emitted from any part of the condominium project which is unreasonably bright or causes unreasonable glare. The owners ofunits numbered 25, 26, 2-l and 28 acknowledge that business and corunercial activities will be conducted in and on the other units and the general conmon elements and thaE some annoyance and inconvenlence is to be exDected and toleraEed. Thb owners of all remal-ning units acknowledle that the units numbered 25, 26, 27 and28 are to be used for residential purposes and that excessivenoise, unsightly displays, unpleasant odors and all other excessive nuisances are to be avoided. Reasonable noise, smoke, odors or light during hours specifically permitted by the Town ofVail ordinances, rules or regulaEions adopted from time to time, 22 or by rules and regulations adopted from time co Eo Eine by the Board shall not be subject to complainc by any owner. (d) No Unsiehtliness. No unsighEliness shall beperrniutedonorinaffindominium-project.Withoutliniting Ehe generality of the foregoing; nothing shall be kept or stored on or in any of the general colmon elements; nothing shallbe hung or placed upon any of Ehe general cormon elements; and noEhing shall be placed on or in windows or doors of the condominium project, which would or night create an unsightly aPPearance. (e) Restriction on Animals. No animals,livestock, horses or@all be kept, raised or bred within any condominium uniE or within the general cornmon elemenEs including, but not limited to, dogs, cats or other domescicated household animals. (f) Trash and Unsightly Uses. Unsightly objects and materials shall @eneral comton elements and no part of the general conmon elemenEs may be used as a dunping ground for garbage, trash or other lraste, and the sameshall be disposed of in i sanitary manner. The Association shall have the righc to enEer upon any general cormon elements and to remove such refuse piles or other unsightly objects and materialat the expense of che owner causing the same, and such entry shallnot be deemed a trespass. (g) Parking Areas. No vehicle of any tyPe nay be parked on the generaT-Effi6iTfem-ents except in parking sPaces designaEed by the Association. No cormercial type of vehicle andno recreational vehicles shall be stored or parked on the general couulon elemenEs except in areas designated by the Association. Arecreational vehicle shall include for purposes of thisDeclaration, moEor homes, motor coaches, buses, pickup trucks with camper tops or similar accessories, boats, camping trailers ortrailers of any type. Parking spaces shall be used only forparking autonobiles and motorcycles and not for any other storagepurposes. Motorcycles shal1 not be stored on patios, balconies or porches. (h) No Violation of Rules. llo owner and noolJner's invitees shaffiand regulations adoptedfrom time to time by the Association, whether relating to the useof units, the use of general conmlon elements, or otherwise. Determination with respect to wheEher or not aparticular activity or occurrence shall constitute a violation ofthis Paragraph 21 shall be made by the Board and shall be final. 23 22. Effect of Provisions of Declaration. Eachprovision of th ise, covenant and undercaking to comply with each provision of this Declaration, and any necessary exception or reservation or grant of title,estate, right or interest to effecEuate any provision of thisDeclaration: (i) shalL be deemed incorporated in each deed orother instrument by which any right,, title or interest in any condominium unit is granted, devised or conveyed, whether or nocset forth or referred to in such deed or other instrument; (ii)shaIl, by virtue of acceptance of any right, EiEle or interest inany condominium unit by an owner, be deemed accepted, ratified,adopted and declared as a personal covenant of such owner and, asa personal covenant, shall be binding on such owner and his heirs,personal represent.atives, successors and assigns; and, shall be deemed a personal covenant to, with and for the benefit of theAssociation and of each owner of any condominium uniti and, (iii) shal1 be deemed a real covenant by beclarant, for itself, its successors and assigns, and also an equitable servitude, running,in each case, as a burden with and upon the title to each and every condominium unit. 23. Enforcement and Remedies. Each provision of thisDeclaration sha@ Association or by any owner by a proceeding for a prohibitive or mandatory injunctionand/or by a suit or action to recover damages. If courtproceedings are instituted in connection wiEh the rights of enforcement and remedies provided in this Declaration, theprevailing party shall be entitled to recover its costs and expenses in connection therewith, including reasonable attorneys'fees. Failure by the Association or by any owner to enforce anyprovision, covenant or restriccion herein contained in no eventshall be deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter. 24. Special Amendments. Declarant herebv reserves and+is granted che @ record a special amendment (a "Special Amendment") to this Declaration at any cime and from time Eo time which amends this Declaration (i) to comply withrequirements of the Federal l{ational }tortgage Association, the Governmental National Mortgage Association, the Federal Home Loanllortgage Corporation, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, or any other public, quasipublic or private entity which performs (or may perform in the future) functions similar to those currently performed by such entities, and/or (ii) to induce any of such agencies or entities to make, purchase, sell, insure,or guarantee a mortgage covering the condominium units. Infurtherance of the foregoing, a polrer coupled with an inEerest is hereby reserved and granted to Declarant to make or consent to aSpecial Amendment on behalf of each owner. Each deed, mortgage,trust deed, other evidence of obligaEion or oEher instrumenEaffecting a condominium uniE and the acceptance thereof shall be deemed to be a grant and acknowledgement of, and a consent to Ehe 24 reservation of, the power of Declarant to make, execute and recorda Special Amendment. No Special Anendment made by Declarant shallaffect or impaLr an existing deed of trust or mortgage upon a condominium unit or any warranties made by an oliner or mortgageein order to induce any of the above agencies or entities to make, purchase, insure, or guarantee the mortgage on such ogmer's condominium unit.. 25. General. (a) If any of the provisions of this Declarat.ionor any paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word, or theapplication thereof in any circumstance be invalidated, suchinvalidity shall not affect the validity of the remainder of thisDeclaration, and the application of any such provision, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word in any other circumstances shallnot be affected thereby. (b) The provisions of this Declaration shall be inaddition and supplemental Eo the Condominium Ot^rnership Act of theState of Colorado and to all other provisions of law. (c) Whenever used herein, unless the conEext shall otherwise provide, the singular number shall include the plural,the plural- the singular, and the use of any gender shall includeall genders. IN WITNESS I{HEREOF, Declarant has duly execuced thisDeclarat.ion this 2EA day of NOue*., o- ^ , 19 84 . F & L VAIL VILLAGE PARTNERSHIP, Colorado general partnership BY: 25 STATE OF COLOMDO COUNTY OF EAGLE )) ss ) h The Jgregoing .instrument lras ,Alt^* day of lWtt--.tv-tt44t, 1984, by -.:, General Partner oE-FT-t-Tafl Villagegeneral partnership. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires:4-n -{r- '-&il--^-A The undersigned holder of a deed of crusE upon theproperty covered by this Declaration, recorded in Book 388 at Page 859 of the records in the Office of che Eagle County, Colorado,Clerk and Recorder, hereby consents to the foregoing Declaration and subordinates its interesE in the property described Eherein tothe rights and obligations creaEed thereby. Notwithstanding such consent and subordination, all the rights of Declaranc in and to such property sha1l remain encumbered by such deed of trust. STATE OF COLORADO couNTY ot .fl-un ry-e'<l )) ss ) Witness my hand and official seal My corunission expires, /-)b'82 acknowledged before me James G. Flaum, as aPartnership, a Colorado this ..dg"a before me this r - 3-S P. o. BOX 3r vAlL, co 81658 hA| -/,,APtub# -t'l C""^rq ed-Zd' 86G- EXHIBIT A AI1 of Declarant's right, title,to and under: CONVEYANCE OF EASEMENTS,recorded July 10, 1984, in Bookof the real property records of PARCEL IV of CondominiumPIaza Condominiums. ) interest and obligations in, 388 ac Page 86I Eagle CounEy, Colorado. (Attached toDeclaration and madefor Vail a partVillage LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL I Phases I and II, VILLAGE INN PLAZA PHASES I AND II, A part of Lot O, Block 5-D, Vail Village First Filing, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, according to the plat thereof recordedJuly 10, 1984, in Book 388 at Page 855of the real property records of Eagle County, Colorado PARCEL II A11 of Declarant's right, title, incerest and obligations in,to and under: DECLARATION CONCERNING PARKING WITHIN SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT 6, recorded July 10, 1984, in Book 388 at Page 856of the real property records of Eagle County, Colorado. PARCEL III Al1 of Declarant's right, tirle, interest and obligations in,to and under: CONVEYANCE OF EASEMENT,recorded July 10, 1984, in Book 388 at Page 862 of the realproperty records of Eagle County, Colorado. Page 1 of 2 t )] PARCEL V A11 of Declarant'e right, title, interest and obligation in,to and under: I APPLICATION FOR REVOCABLE PERMIT TO ERECT OR MAINTAIN AI STRUCTURE ON A PUBLIC RIGttT OF WAY, recorded July 26, 1984,i in Book 390 at Page 746, of the real property records ofEagle County, Colorado. i pancru vr l g1l of Declarant's right, title, interesE and obligation in,. to and under: RECIPROCAT EASEI'IENT AGREEMENT,recorded January 3, 1983, in Book 351 at Page 324, of thei real property records of Eagle County, CoLoredo. Page 2 of 2 EXITIBIT B (Attached to andDeclaration for of CondominiuurPlaza Condoninlune.)made a part Val-l Vlllage Interests ln General Comron Elements Percentage Ownership in General Connnron Elements Appurtenant to the UnitUnit_--T--_- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13r4 15 L6t7 18 19 202t 22 23 24 25 z6 27 28 29 30 31 32 2.57 0. 13 0. 18 0.19 9.69 6 .00 3.31 5.19 1. 53 0.29 0. 13 0.41 3. 02 I .40 8. 06 1 .63 3.54 5.36 0. 912.68 2.L5 2.37 5. 61. 9. s9 3.692.t9 2. 08 2.99 2.51 5.99 1. 16 2.45 Page 1. of 2 The owner of each unlt shall have the excluslve rightto use any stairs, porch, balcony, deck, patio, planter or parking space referenced on the Map with the numerical designation corresponding to the unit nnmerical- designation of his unit, ald each such stairs, porch, balcony, deck, patio, planter and parking space shall be a linlted cornmon element, as designated on the MaP, appurtenant to the unit with the correspondLng unit numerieal- designation. Page 2 of 2 , @VER STIEET FOR VAIL '/IL[AGE IIIN SDD #6 'DPLEASE K,EP II{ EACH FILE PLUS I{ASTER VVI FILE. g/88.reduce by 430 sf due to condo plat amendment -/5/89 deductffi.t given to unit #26 of Phase II $,prtiftrutr uf (Drrupunrg @umn (Df lilutl fruililing lBrpurtnrnt .THE CF,R'TIFICATE iSSUED PL/RSUANT TO THF, REQUIREMENTS OF THE UNIFORM BUII,DINC CODE CERTIN'INC -THAT AT THE TIME OF /SS{,/ANCE THTS STRUCTURE \VAS IN COMPI-JANCE WITH THE VARIOI.JS ORD,INANCES OF THE TO\I/N REGUI-AT/NG BUII-DING CONSTRUCTTON, AND OR USE. TO rHI:, BEST OF OT/R Nlrrrc [.lsc Classif ic Bu ilding, I)crnrit No.654 Tl pc Construcrion JOSEPH STAUFER II 1 HOUR AND lFR Orvner of Building Building Address lOO EAST MEADOW DRIVE APRIL 11 r997 Thc building official may, in writin& srtspend or revoke s Crnificate of Occupsncy issucd under the provisions of this code whenetrr the ccnificrb is issucd in enor, or on the basis of ioconect information supplied, or when it is dctermired that tbe building or sructurc or portion thcreof is in violatiotr of any oldinancE or regulatior of thc Town of Vail or any of thc provisions of this code. VAIL VILLAGE INN t\POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE I lswn box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 47Gs613 Hyder Construction 4850 Jackson Street De.nver, Colorado 80216 ATTi'l: Ms. Bonnie Thompson Dear Bonnie: Thank you for your proinpt responseconstruction costs related to theValhalla Projects, VAIL VILLAGE IIIN PHASE I original permit valuationactual cost (per your records)variation additional building permitadditional plan check feestotal due (WI) VALHALLA LODGE NEI{ODEL original permit valuationactual cost (per your records)variation additional building permit dueadditlonal plan check duetotal due (VALHALLA) due due off ice of the town manager June 2, L977 regarding the updating of Vai.l Village Inn and the $628,000, 00 791,000. oo 163,000. o0 163. 00 105.95 -6E:5',5- $600, ooo. OO 782 ,000. OO 182,000.0o 182.00 118 .30-366:30- 569.25GNAND TOTAL total due V\tftotal due Valhalla 268. 95 300. 30 i' '*ai. -l-lrt O of Vail would elsothe above proiects any questions <rn this matter' please contact me at Slncerely, DEPABTITENT OT Building Offici Constrrrction2, lg77 2 request that You break out actualfoi reassessment of Electrlcal Permlt rFP/Jek ra f I I 1[ I luwn u box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-s613 office of the town manager June 25, 1976 Zoning Administrator "W Mr. Josef Staufes c/o The Vail Village Inn P.O. Box 157 Vail , Colorado 81657 RE: PHASE I, VAIL VILLAGE INN DEVELOPMENT Dear Joe: This letter is to confirm that Phase 1, the commercj-al building, of the Vail Village Iun redevelopment meets al1 tne requirements of the Special Development District and the Town of Vail Zoning Ordinance' Further, the Town Council has reviewed the proposed development and has given their approval' If I can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact me. SincerelY, DEPARTMENT OF JK BOX f57 / VAIL, COLORADO 81687 / TELEPHONE 303 476-5622 J:ur.e 7, L976 Mrs. Dj.ana Toughill Zonlng Adminlstration Town of Vail Vail, Colorado 8\657 Dear Diana: I understand that Ehe Environmental Impact Study for the total development distrlct is still in need of further infornation. I also understand that everyone agrees that Phase I is of li.Etle impact. Inorder for me to be able to complete constructlon as planned, I am requesting approval of Phase I at this time'th the understanding that r^7e rri1l ffi1ear up the remaining question on the total project by l$g1y 3L, 1976. Sincerely, Rrc[.rAR Ds Eilrcr*t, riuc. P. O. 8ox 643 Vail, Colorado 81657 Phone 475-5072 Dcnver Line -l{iFS€lB 9 3-15 31 LECAL I]ESCRIPTION _ VAIL VILLAGE INN A11 of T,ot I'I and Parts of Lots N, O, and P, Block 5-D, Vail VillageFirst Fil.ing, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, more particularly described as f o11or.rs: Commencing at the Northwesterly corner of Lot N, said Block 5-Dr thence S 79"46t00r' E and along the l{ortherly line of said Lots N and O, 175.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing along the aforesaid corrrse 327.6i feeL to the Northwesterly corner of said Lot P; thence continuing along the aforesaid course and along the Northerly line of saidLot P 44.90 feet; rhence s 08017t43" l{, 65.12 feet; thence S 50o11t32" \'1, 44.41 feet to a point of intersection wlth the lrtesterly line of said Lot P; thence S 00o23t00" E and along said Westerly line 276.28 feet Lo the SouthrvesEerly corner of said lot P; thence N 82"35r00" I.J and along the Southerly line of said Lot O 192.17 feet to a point of curvel thence along said Southerly line of Lot 0 and said LoE M and along a curve to the left having a radius of 545.87 feet, a central angle of 2Io32! 00", an arc distance of 205,15 feet to a point of tangent; thence along the Southerly line of said Lot M and along said cangent S 75'53t00" W 71 .39 feet to a point of curve; thence along said Southerly line and along a curve to the right having a radius of 20,00 feet, a central angle of 103"44'00", an arc di.stance of 36.20 feet co a point of tangent; thence along said tangent and along the i,lesterly line of said LoE.s M and N, N 00'23'00" 1,1, 243.27 feet; thence S 79'46'00" E l.47-36 feet; thence N 10"14r00" E 747.43 feey to the Erue point of beginning, conEaining 3.455 acres, more or less, together wj-th a1l improvements located thereon and subjeet to a 10 foot uEility easemenE along the ){ortherly boundary thereof. Sunvw uo. V5- /,/ 7 pa1r Feb,5,, /?7t \ C'lrl Februaiy 12, 1976 I. -ZONING SUMMARY COMPARISONVAIL VILLAGE INN SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT Dj-stance between 2Ot minimum plus 11 60r minimum Lot Area Setbacks fronproperty line buildings on adjacent sites Height Density Control: GRFA Permitted/Required by Proposed by Developer Zoning Ordinance P.A. for SD? 10,000 Minimum 3.455 Acres - 150,499.8 10' minimum plus I' 25r minimum for lodgeof setback for each 3' 10' minimum for comrnercialof height over 15' of distance for each 3'of height over 15' based on average ofthe buildings 45' maximum plus 3' 60' maximum for 22%additional for 6:a2 of lodgeroof piteh .8/1 = L2O,299.8 max 66/L = 10O,OOO max.approx. 174,O00 sq. ft.87 units per acre if all. acconunodation unitsapprox. 58 unlts per acreif L/2 GRFA allocated to 1,000 sq. ft. condominiums Building Bulk Control Maximum wal1 length 57O' total wall length with Site Coverage 175'wi-th 10' offset longest segment I9O'for each 7O' of length Diagonal 450' Maximum diagonal 225t 55% of site maximum 35% of site excluding commercial and parking which is all underground. Useable Open Space 1OO sq. ft. per A.U. 80,30O sq. ft. + Landscaping Parking 15O sq. ft. per D.U.approx. total 30,OOO 30% of total site 50% of total slte 327 spaces, 75% eovered 327 spaces plus bus parking 246 required covered 302 covered, 90% covered. \\ i'\, Gross square feet No maxj-mum statedUnits per acre No maximum stated 'l Rovston Hairamoto Beck & Abey Associates: 2?5 Miller Avenue Harold N. Kobayashi ASLA Mill Valley Robert'l'. llatrerton ASLA California 94941 Gc()rgc VV. Girvin ASLA 415 383t900 Robert S. Sena ASLA February 23.'1976 Mr. James F. Lamont Director, Department of Community Development Town of Vail Box 100 Vail, Colorado 8l 657 RE: Vail Village Inn Dear Jim: Enclosed are typed copies of my handwritten notes prepared for the Planning Board meeting of February 12, 1976.. These notes should be a part of the review record of the project. Several thoughts came to mind after leaving and l would like to pass them on to all concerned. l. The entrance to the hotel is important to the Vail Village Inn and to the Town. lt should be inviting and friendly, perhaps part of the smaller portion of the building should be moved west from its present location. The entrance de- sign, as proposed, has a formality and pretentiousness which does not feel comfortable. lt may be that the en- trance lobby is not necessarily below the meeting room/ restaurant combination. The upper level restaurant could remain in the center of the project at a higher level. I guess that the essence of my suggestion is to look very hard at the apparent mass and great roof form of the entrance and of the view of the project from the north slde. Consider the scale of the village and the importance of this location as an important aspect of the Town entrance. 2, The apparent length of the hotel building can be alleviated by glazed links at stairways or other logical break points. l:ndscape Architects: land Planning Urban Dcsign Park Planning Environmental Planning Principals: Robert Roysron FASLA Asa Hana[roto ASLA Eldon Bcck ASLA Ka?uo Abey ASLA l.ouis G. Alley Ala htricia Carlisle ASLA a Mr. James F. Lamont February 23, 1976 Page 2 This was discussed by Bill and Ross but not recorded as a possibility. The more that the building can become a rrvillagerr rather than a large building, the better will be its scale in the Town. 3. Phase I is a difficult design problem because it must anticipate the development of the future upper levels and must anticipate a future connection to the designated plaza area. lt seems necessary to begin a study of the total commercial complex to understand how Phase I works with the eventual totality. lf design funds are limited I suggest this as the point of beginning rather than trying to solve the hotel design. Most important is analysis of all major levels. lf those work then the remainder will work. George and I will be in Vail for the presentation to the Counci I on March 2nd. I enjoyed our session with Joe, Bill, and Ross very much and appreciated the willingness of everyone involved in reaching the best solution for both the owner and the Town. Too often these objectives are not shared. See you soon. HANAM Encl. cc: Mr. Terry Minger Mr. Joe Stauffer Mr. Bill Ruoff Mr. Ross Cooney\Planning Board ",ffi,7s ABEY WFL* o RHBA REVIEW: VAIL VlLlJcE lNN February 12, 1976 l.The Vail Village Inn site ls unusually important to the lmage of the Town of Vail because of its location in relationship to entering visitors. Every vlsitor to the village area coming from the interstate must pass by either the west or north side of the site. Currently there is an excellent view of the moun- tain and ski area over the Vail Village Inn, blocked primarily by Conoco when you are on the frontage road. lt is vital to retain a large portion of the mountain view thus a view cor- ridor is designated, The buitding height must not exceed three stories In this zone. Base grade for purposes of measuring the heights of buildings is elevation 93. This grade was determined by averaging the elevations at property corners plus five additional mid-elevation locations . The average height of the buildings proposed will not exceed overall height limitations. The formula proposed permitting 20 percent of the coverage to be five stories, or 60 feet, is acceptable, At no phase of construction can the average height be exceeded. Commercial uses should be restricted to the portion of the site indicated. The commercial should be concentrated, an aggregate of shops clustered around a plaza, rather thana lineal arrangement. Two level spaces are recommended to intensify the cluster and to effect a transition from street elevation up to the upper plaza level. Probable elevations are 85 at the street and 96 or 97 on the upper level . The site massing must be such that it emphasizes the visual relationships of the Vail Village Inn to the village core. The scale and quality of the buildings at the corners of the site, and particularly the southeast corner, must be particularly sensitive and consistent with the predominant village archi- tectural forms. This is characterized by broad roof over- hangs, wooden balsonies, attention to window scale and framing details, in effect, those visual qualities related torrAlpine villagerr design. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.The proposed plaza fronting onto Meadow Drive has rich community visual potential and in form and materials should be an integral part of the future improvements of Meadow Drlve. The proportioning of the plaza should acknowledge the shopping at the Kiondra and we urge the Town to look creatively at the total space in terms of pavements, land- scape. bus shelters, and perhaps a small commercial building on the south side of Meadow Drive. This area should be the terminus of commercial use along Meadow Drive with no further extension to the west. Zero lot lines for a portion of the commercial will be valuable. The southwest corner of the site is important visually to both the applicant and the Town. The buildings should decrease in height as they near the streets and be set on earth, not on structures such as parking. This is one of the few places on the site where soft landscape surfaces. tree plantings of scale, and building to ground relationship ls possible. Thus, the corner is designated as a special landscape zone. The grade in the area does not exceed 85 and it is suggested that this be kept. The hotel operations in Vail indicate that cement parking requirements exceed actual needs. Parking must be pre- dominantly underground. Major service is also under- ground and hopefully buses can be housed underground. Both national statistics and Vail Village lnn statistics in- dicate that a ratio of.5 to .7 cars per room is generous. Thus, the recommended action is that 200 cars can be considered as the parking requirement. The phasing of the project is an important concern of the Town. Criteria must be established that each phase is complete, workable, visually successful, and able to stand by itself. Modifications to both locations and the phasing of Phases I and ll is suggested. Phase I should be in front of the existing Backhouse structure, thus retaining the valuable area of landscape along Meadow Drive. Phase ll would modify the landscaped area but would then be a quality cohesive commercial complex.All phases should have similar detailed review as we are now doing. 7. 8. 9. lim ,i PLANNING COIVIMISSION Summary February 12, L976 MEMBERS PRESENT: Garton . Hanlon Abbott SagePierce White OTHERS PRESENT Jim Lamont Cindy LamontToughillBil-1 Ruoff Ross Coonie Eldon Beck George GirvinJosef Staufer Diana Toughill went through the Ordinance establishing Special Development 6 as it relates to the Vail Village Inn DevelopmentP1an. She outlined all of the terms and conditions as relatedto any development. She then $rent on to ,dlscuss the zoning sunmary comparisions(attached) between the Zoning Ordinancerequirements and tehat was proposed by the developer/owner. The meeting was then turned over to Eldon Beck, from Royston, Hanamoto, Beck & Abey, who had done a review of the project forthe Town of Vai] and had various recommendations. Attached areEldon's recommendations. Highlights of his recommended changesare as follows: view impacts, height of buildings, commercialuses, site massing, phasing of the project, and parking. Jim Lamont, representing the Town of Vail staff, agreed withMr. Beck's recommendations and he urged the Planning Commissionto j.ncorporate them into the Master Plan of the project. Hisonly disagreement with Beck's recommendations related to theparking issue, He felt that the parking should not;be reducedas Mr. Beck suggested. IIe then went on to explain why. Dave Sage made a motion to recommend approval of Special Development6 to the Town Council incorporating Eldon Beck's reconmendations and keeping the proposed parking at the level suggested by thedeveloper/owner. Gordon Pi-erce seconded the motion. A unanimousvote was recorded in favor of the motion. 'rr 1 ) t ti I IbE COPY June22,20OE Christopher J. Green, AIA Aeo Studios. Inc. PO Box 18457 Avon, CO 81620 Re: Vail Village Inn development potential 100 South Frontage Road Lot 0, Block 5DA/ail Village 1" Filing, SDD No. 6 Dear Chris, Thank you for meeting with members of the Town of Vail Staff last week to discuss the potential of converting some of the existing spa space at Vail Village Inn Phase lll into Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) as an addition to a private residence. Per our discussion, such conversion would not be allowed by the Town without a "major amendmenf' to the Special Development District (SDD #6) in which the Vail Village Inn is located. According to the text of Special Development District No. 6, Ordinance No. 7, Series of 1976: A Special Development Districf ls esfab/ished fo assure comprehensive development and use of an area in a manner that would be harmonious with the general character of the Town, provide adequate open space and recreation amenities, and promote the objectives of the zoning ordinance of the Town. Ordinarily, a special development district will be created only when the development is regarded as complementary to the Town by the Town Council, Planning and Environmental Commission, and Design Review Board, and there are significant aspecfs of fhe development which cannot be satlsfied under the existing zoning. Simply put, a Special Development District is a development within the Town which, when proposed for construction, did not fit "neatly" into the regulations of the zoning district for which it was proposed. In such instances, the Town of Vail together with the applicant (or developer) proposing the project, essentially drafts a unique set of regulations or development standards for the subject property. The prescribed set of development standards which define the parameters of such a development compose what is referred to as a Special Development District, such as Special Development District No. 6, which was drafted by the Town and the original developer in '1976 for the entirety of the Vail Village Inn development. A "major amendmenf' to a Special Development District, which would be required as a part of the aforementioned proposal, is defined as follows: "any proposal to change uses; increase Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA); change the number of dwelling units or accommodation units; modify, enlarge or expand any approved special development district (etc.)' The submittal requirements and order of review defined by the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-9, have been attached for your convenience. Please note that any applications for amendment are reviewed by the Design Review Board, the Planning and Environmental Commission and the Town Council and require approval by each reviewing body. Furthermore, please note that because the Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) within the SDD would be changing, an analysis of the GRFA within the entire SDD would be required in order for the Town to verify that the following text was either fulfilled, or needed to be amended: "The Gross Residentiaf Floor Area (GRFA) of all districts in the SDD shall not exceed 124,527 square feet of which 64,267 shall be allotted to accommodation units within Phases lV and V" (Ord. No. 2, Series of 1992). Additionally, Ord. No. 2, Series of 1992 states that "Any remodel or redevelopment of any of the remaining portions of SDD #6, shall include an overall parking analysis as set forth in Section 9". Additional regulations or standards affected by the proposal may also warranl revision/amendment. Finally, any plats of the Vail Village lnn which would be affected by the proposal for a change in use would be required to be amended following the review process conducted by the aforementioned reviewing bodies. Please feel free to contact me at any time with further questions or concerns. I would be more than happy to meet with you again to research thefiles and plans that exist in conjunction with this SDD. lwill wait to hear from you regarding how you and your client choose to proceed with the proposal. enclosure: Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-9: Special Development Districts cc: JR Mondragon, Town of Vail Senior Building Inspector Greg Denckla, Town of Vail Building Inspector ?"ign Review Action lrt TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Proiect Name: Building Name:Vv/ ) projecr Descriprion' fil r,tj ?t "! C d,r ' uv' ! t,l I Legal Description: Lot - Block- SubdivisionVtiLlllLLii Projecl Street Address: Zon€ District Motion by: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapproval '4'stafi Approval 'l; \DRBFeePre-Paid l'z "''t ./,r;r DEsrcN **o BoARD ApplrcArroN *"l"ff " DATE OF DRB MEETING:********** PROJECT INFORMATION: 990 I. A. i[V,[uiUM. uiV, rrllP i AII,, ********** DESCRIPTION 3 !F'ISrALL B.TYPE OF REVIEW: a meeLs and bounds on a separaLe sheeE legal and atEach New const,ruction ($200.00) X uinor Alteration ($20.00) Addition ($50.00) ConcepEual Review ($0) c. ADDREsS, tOO E A\e^-do..,r brirr<- D. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: I.,ot.4 Block 5- b Subdivision If properLy is described bydescripEion, please provide Lo Lhis application. ZONING:E. NAME OF APPLICANT:+* I \JL Mailinq lddress: '.J^l-\ -co gtas{ H. G.NAME OF APPLICANT' S REPRNSENTATIVE: Phone .{1t"-torr3 FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 s100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER TINAI{ IggUED Al\rD E6NSTNUETION MaiLinq Address: U^iJL ao Srvsi i {.c NAME OF OWNER(S):Jd I. ,I . OIWER (S) STdIA?URE: Mailing Address: APPLIEAIIIONS WILL I\'OT 8E PROCESSED hIITHOUT OI{ITER'S STdJUTURE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submiLE.al of Ehe DRB applicaLion. Lat,er, when applying for a buildinq permiL, please ident,ify Lhe accuraLe valuat,ion of the proposal. The Town of vail will adjusL the fee aeeordinq to che t.abLo below, Lo onsure t.he eofrect feeis paid. VALUATION $ 0 $ 10,000 $ 10, 001 - $ 50, 000 $ 50, 001 - $ 150, 000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1_,000,000g Over $1, 000, 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPTRES APFROVAI, tII{I,Egg A EUII,DING PENMIT IgIS STARTED. ir\-yt=h it iI ic. o t-o 'i /' / 4"'sL b'$t', (g.--- N 0,)F7<' Y) $ I n{U o 'ita # Eg -dl l'z-< V4 9e q:a =:a;Fdr'd i01 d' oo$ =r>F--r Oit,l'tlt tv ,itA,ta/ i-:71 i5Fi i,*gs ; t;nZ l.tsw Fznrlx q 4 3e,.69 wor< F(fsfF.|t Cpr{8tr-B + WALL EC(lEglDe- T" ilNifc$ Ftlr.rP Llil{,€ ;oslcarf. avlq P*,y Elj5l6 HAl.lPr.,'-ru Hzw 3e *69raoe-/ w/ lo" qrP9,|,|Ra,€ ,r2UL ru*m.P94,{$r( slE e.3. Ry I l+u' rzr,.lEr2 x,o" WtgE qqu] WAuu FU+xtstEs'-t" . r I ttS/\LE l/1 'l'->"zle(tc TOWN OFVAIL 4 a .r./ra 'i ^,'s,ltvur- i Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 MX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us March 28, 2001 Joe Hanlon Fax: 476-8484 RE: Travel olfice located within Special Development District #6, Vail Village Inn/ Lots M, N, O, P, Block 5D, Vail Vlllage 1" Filing. Dear Joe: After review of both the underlying zone district (Public Accommodation) and Ordinance 7, Series of 1976, staff finds that replacing the exisling travel office with retail is an allowable use. In addition, as the travel office was an original approved use slaff finds that should you choose lo return this location into a travel office, it is a permitted use. According 1o Special Development District No. 6: The permitted uses in Phases I, ll, lll, lV, IV-A, and V of Special Development District No. 6 shall be as set forth in the development plans referenced in Section 4 of this ordinance. I recommend that you relain a copy of this letler for your files. In addition, a copy of this letter will be placed in the legal file for the Vail Village Inn. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at970-479-2369. Sincerely, A ilrh,"6r- Allison Ochs Planner ll Town of Vail {p**uor ru, August 8, 75 soulh fronlage foad vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 1983 Jim Lamont Box 73 Red Cf iff, Colorado 81649 on Associates Dear Jim, Enclosed is a statement we have rece'ived from Winston. The Town is obliged to pay the $5.20 for the Lionshead reimbursable expenses, leavins $446.25 payable to Winston from the Vail VillageInn project. You shou'ld pay them directly. Si ncerly,,/3J; BETSY ROSOLACK Secretary nt from l,linVail Vi1lage o WINSTON ASSOCIATES PLANNING A.\O LANDSCAPE ARCtllTFCrr nE :STRVICES THROUGH JULY WINSTON ASSOCIATES INC 910 TWENI Y FiGI.tIIt STR€ET BOULOEn. coloRAOO 80303 (303) 440-9200 t'lr. Dick RYan gspt. of Commun'itY DeveloPment'Town of Vai'l '-75 S. Frontage Rd. .Vail , Co. 81657 Date: Name: Acct #: August 4, 1983 Va j'l Proiect Revi ews 50005 31, 1983 PROFESS.ITEN HOURS ONAL SERVICES RATE 65.00 AMOUNT 260.00-1.4.0 Vai 1 Vi'l 1 age Inn DETAILED RElMBURSABLE EXPENSES Reproducti on l.li l eage Travel Time TOTAL $96;"spt 130.00 (VV inn) 191.45 t*; $451 .45TOTAL August 8, 75 soulh lrontage road vail, colorado 81652 (303) 476-7000 1983 Mr. Jim Lamont Box 73 Red Cliff, Colorado 81649 Dear Jim, After our meeting on Friday morning, I through again what is needed for Planning staff review and the Planning and Environmental Commission and Town Council. F'irst, you would need to rezone the old Conoco site to a compatibie zone, probably Public Accommodation. Second, there would have to be a minor subdjvisjon to remove the lot line. Third, there would need to be an amendment to Special Development Djstrict #5 to include the old Conoco property and come up with plans to 'include a redesign. The requirements for a new phase that are detailed in SDD#6 would apply. A complete application for all three must be submitted 30 days before the public hearing at the Planning and Environmental Commission and Town CouncjlIf you have any quest'ions, please call me. Si ncerly, tr/../4. t/ . l:. fce=--,.__(-\ DICK RYAT--' Community Development Director DR: br il Vjllage Inn SDD#6 and 0ld Conoco Service Station P'l anning and Environmental Cormission July 11, l9B3 12:00 pm Site inspections l:45 pm Discussion of pedicab company 2:00 pm Pub'l ic Hearing Approval of minutes of meeting of June 27. l. Request for a conditional use permit for a day care facility on'lot 34, Buffehr Creek Subdivision. Applicants: Mike and Debbie'Dawson 2. Request for an amendrnent to Sections ,|8.04.030, .|8.22.090, and18.24.130 in order to increase the number of accommodation units allowed in the Cormercial Core I and the Public Accormodation zone districts. Applicant: Lodge Properties, Inc. 3. Request to amend Sectjon .l8.64, Nonconforming Sites,,Uses, Structures and Side Improvements, to'include'l anguage which will allow for interior expansion of pre-existing lega1 non-conforming uses for additional Gross Residential Floor Area. Applicant: Richard S. Baldwin q. Request for a condjtional use permit to construct a water collection system in'Gore Creek immediately below the effluent discharge point of the sewer treatment plant, and between the Glen Lyon office building and the Chevron service station. Applicants: Vail Associates, Inc. 5. Request for a conditional use permit to place a Inn P1aza, Special Development District No. 6. .. popcorn wagon in the Vail Appl icant: Van Ewing 6. Requests for exterior alterations or modifications for the following buildings: A. P1 aza Lodge - Christy Sports: Enclosure of space on eastern side of Pioneer Plaza. B. McBride Building - (Gorsuch, Ltdi: Facade and brjck paver treatments, redesign of entryways. C. Gore Creek P'l aza Building: Enclosure of north side outdoor decks for Sweet Basil and Blu's Beanery. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMOMNDUM Pl anning and Environmental Conmission Department of Community Development July 7, 1983 Pubj ic hearing and consideration of a conditiona'l use request for a popcorn wagon in the lower level of the Vail Vi1lage Inn plaza off East MeadowDrive. Appf icant: Van Ewing The applicant in June came before the PEC with a request to permit by conditiona'l use a popcorn outside vending wagon that conforms in style with those existingin Corrnercial Core I and II. The PEC recommended approval of the request and Town Council approved the amendment on July 5th. Now the appf icant is requesting aconditional use permit to a'llow this activity to take place at the lower levelof the Vail Village Inn p'laza. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon rev'iew of Section .|8.60, the Department of Conrmunity Deve'lopment recommendsapproval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: Consideration of Factors : Re'lationship and impact of the use on development objectives qL the Town. The Town is look'ing for selected areas for street 'l ife activity. The proposed location seems to be appropriate and would not confl ict with bus travel on East Meadow Drive. T=he=gtfect of the use on liqht and air, distribution of population, transportationfacilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation fai'ilit'ies, and other publicffi No impact. Effgc-.! upon the character of the area in which the proposed ule'is to be'located, ]r'c]uElng-the scaTt . The proposed use should be compatible with the exjsting commercial uses. Actuallvit should attract more peop'le to the area and possibly increase the number of peopleinto the shops. Effect upon tr{f_lc, with partictlaf pedgstrian safety and convenience, traffic fl_ow and control , a ,and renoval of snow from the streets and oarkinq area: The popcorn wagon is concern would be with off the public snow remova] ri ght-of-vray which is the in a pri vate pl aza , The on'lyproperty ovrner's problem. The Planning and Environmental Conmjssion shal'l make the following findings beforegrant'ing a conditional use permit: 1. That.the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes ofthe district in which the site.is located; 2, That the proposed 'locatjon of the usebe operated or maintained wj'l I not beor welfare, or materially injurious to 3. That the proposed use wi1l comply withthis title. RECOMMENDATION: The Department of Conrnunity Development use request for a popcorn wagon 'l ocatedare that the applicant be responsible topopcorn wagon in the immediate vic.inity, use request reviewed by the Pianning and impacts of the use at the 'location.- FINDINGS location of the use is insite is located. location of the use and thewill not be detrimentat toinjurious to properties or PEC Popcorn tlagon -2- 7/7/e3 dnd the conditions under which it woulddetrimental to the public health, safety,properties or improvements in the vic'inity; each of the appl icable provisions of recommends approval of the conditionalat the Vail Village Inn Plaza. Two conditionspick up all trash that may come from the and that the appl icant have the conditjonal Environmental Conmission to review the accordance with the purposes of the district conditions under which it would be operated the public health, safety, or we'l fare, improvements in the vicinity. The proposed in which the The proposed or nnintained or materially O RE: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT DATED JUNE 21, 1983 DescrlpEion oF precise nature of proPosed use: Installat_ion of popcorn I^tagon conforrning in appearance sith those presently existing ln Vail and similar to that pictured below: €, r p€ rk r.r9 €ioa 1" t,,,, .(: ?LAZA aaghal9 EAST MEAtrl(]W trlFlIVE %E1('ec}3('aG|s;o SITE F]LAI\I o,r/"6 o Onin Tues-day, July 5, 1g!3,,a regular meeting ofthe Vaj.1 Municipal Buildingl IdINUTES VAIL TOIIN COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 5, 1983 7 :30 p. m. MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: the VaiI Town Council was held Rodney E. Slifer, MayorBilI Wilto, Mayor Pro-TemChuck AndersonPaul JohnstonHermann StauferRon ToddGail Wahrl.lch Richard Caplan, Town ManagerLarry Eskwith, Town AttorneyPamela Brandmeyer, Town CLert< First item on the agenda was the. second reading of ordina nee #2!, serles of1983, an ordinance'adding conoiirona.r uses irr--Eo*."""iar core rr -*g9rggr".ial*storage" Peter Patten "Itt.a itr"t no changes had been made to this orolnance- from first reading' Paul Johnston maoe a motion to approve ordinanc e #zL and,*l T;:.":i?:l*:: *j- ^il1_:?t+, iT .i;i,i ;;;^;;" motion passed una.nimouslyand the ordinanee was ordereo puuiisned by title "fi;-;; ::il;; The next item on theof 1983, an ordina.nceDist ric agenda was the second read.ing ofadding to conditional use slctio Or{-i-nance #22, Sern'"in Soeeial Dewc'ln in the Va"i1 Vi1 . Dan an owners:13.I:": in favor ot -tne pop"orrr-*ag;;: ";;;"; ;;;: ng, applicant, presented i scusslon Ro shop and prope d made aT:: r:l _ t_9 approve ordinan^ce' it " ";a'cli r fr iili, lt"'!.X vote was takenl?9, lh:_Totion passed unanirousrv--r"J*ii"";;;i;;;.;1;'j ordered published bytitle only. The next item onthe agenda was ord.inanee #23, series of 1gg3, first reading, anordinance amending the numericaL order of certain sections oithe vaiL l[unicipalcode' Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney,. explained that this was merely a ,'house-keeping" ordinance to correct a typograprricar error i.n the code. Hermannstaufer made a rnotion to approve broinanee #zB-on-tirst reading and paulJohnston seconded the rnotion- A vote was taken and^the motion passed unanimousl5and the ordinanee was ord.ered published in ruir on first readj.ng. The next item on the agenda was the first reading of ordinance #24, series of1983' an ordinance amend'ing the fi.replace oroinaice of the Vail Municipal code.Di-ck Ryan, conmunity Devel6pment Director, p""r*"i"a the ordinance to the counciLGail wahrlich stated she teit the term "rubb1e" should be defined before secondreading' Ryan stated that this ordina,nce--"rr-p"t^'into effect some-air pollutionreductions' After some dlscussion, Rod slifer rn"a" u motion to approve oridnance#24 and' chuck Anderson seeonded. the motion. A vote was taken and the motionpassed unanimously and vras ordered publishea in-i"rr on first ..rai.rg. under citizen Participati-on, B<-rb Ruder expressed his frustration in the couneil;scha'nge of procedure for parking in the viitage-ior construction work on Bridgestreet' There was some ai..nslion tottowingl silr wirto then raou u. suggestionthat Rick captan, steve patterson, curt ufkEs urra-sou Ruder get together andsome up with some solution to the parking proUiem.' sheika Gramsha'mmer, owner of Gasthof Gramshammer, expressed her concern overseveral restaurants in the village requesting permission for encrosures fortheir outside restaurants- Ther-e rr/as some d-iscuss;.on fo11owi.ng. ShEika wasinformed that this item wourd be coming up for Ji=.rrs.ion at next yonday,s pECmeeting and the Council could take no action until after that meeting. sheal-so expressed a-eoncern relating to assigned parking spaces in the virrage.Rod srifer stated that this would be addr6ssea'ai--next ruesday,s rvork sessiou. APPLICATION FORM FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT is required f,or any project reguired to obtain a Permit. will not be accePted untiL all infornation is ',1 APPLICAI{T I S REPRESEN :f}sW1 ,!*NA TB 48A r'A- o I.This procedure Conditional Use The applicationsubnitted. A. NAI,IE OF APPLICANT -4 B. ADDRESS NA!'IE OT' ADDRESS c.NAME 0F 0WNER (prl Jis*r SIGNATURE ADDRESS PEONE PHONE D.I,OCATION ADDRESS OF PROPOSAI, E: t/t"F. A llst of the name of o\dners of all proPerty adjacent to the LEGAI, DESCRIPTION Lot E.FEE $50.00 Plus an anount rate for each Property Block I'llin then current first-class Postagenotified heretmder. equal to the ouner to be G^ ,-/strbject property J O-<afzf'r.*U7a"q t{er the r.'rdersigned, rrish to voice our protest against t}e instarration of a Popcorn Wagon at ttre Village Inn plaza: T',7 Proiect Name: Proiect Description: rrolecr APpilGauon IL l-z , ,/'4'' JT Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architecl. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: ft'l(W Seconded ny: A><tJ t*Ac".r'- - F:)r,tqt-- iilriouof t\_=*-____-,DISAPPROVAL Stt+'l-lt rt(134s *1 La.nl ,.,t t y .,2 ,.- {_;c_4} t4 /4 Summary: E Statt Approval Popcorn WagonVail Village Inn Plaza approved the popcorn wagon may be 'located in either and DRB. lstrn 75 soulh fronlage road Yail, colorado 8165t (303) 476-7000 July 25, 1983 Yan Ewing 100 E. Meadow Dr. Vai'|, C0 81658 Re: Dear Van: 0n July 20, 1983, the Design Review Boardfor the Vail Village l-nn P'laza. The wagon spot discussed by the P'lanning Conmission Si ncerely, ,4- 'lf#-Jirntsayre Town Planner JS/bb a Popcorn Wagon at the Village Irur Plaza: Itler the urdersigned, wistr to voice our protest against tlrc installation of TO: FROM: OATE: SUBJECT: EMOMNDUM Town Council Department of Conmunity Deve'lopment June '15, I 983 Public hearing and consjderation of a request to amend- Special Devel6pment District #6 to add as a conditional uie a popcorn vending wagon to conform in appearance with those existing in Vail. Applicant: Van Ewing tal Commission tinq on Monda.y, June l 3th, -rJJLie$e4 The Cornmi ss io!_ras ncerned with the qeneral vend i n r'r c s wo of outside with those existing in de vending wagon con appearance J=-** MEMORANDUM T0: P'lannfng and Environmental Commission FROM: Department of Community Development DATE: June 6, 1983 SUBJECT: Public Hearing and Consideration of a Request to Amend the Zoning for Special Develoment District No. 6 to Add as a Conditional Use 0utside Vending. Appl icant: Van Ewing The applicant has requested an amendment to Special Deve'lopment District #6to add outside vending as a conditional use. Currently the Town of Vail does not permit any outside vending, except for the two popcorn wagons that have been operating in Vail Vi'l1age and Vail Lionshead for several years. If the Planning and Environmental Commission recornmends approval and Town Counci'l approves . the zoning admendment, it wou'ld be poss'ibl e for co4ditional use permit requestsfor outsiie vendinq to be approved in S.D.D. #6. The discussjon'of outside v'ending in Vail ViIlage and Lionshead has been going on for several years with Town CounciI. Concerns of the Council have been how to control , locationn number, competition wjth existing shops, restaurants, and do we want this typeof street life activity. Again the policy of Town Council has been to not permit additional outside vending. A' The Department of Conrnunity Development considers that with proper controls\"-' 'limited outside vending is pos'itive for the street life activity with'in Vail Village and Vail LionsHead commercial areas. Both popcorn wagons currently add to Pioneer Plaza and the LionsHead mal'l by developing a smal'l activity area for people to congregate and enjoy food, and by having something happen outside on the street. RECOMMENDATION: The Department of Community Development recglqmends approval of the amendment-to ga4nrt-oy condttlonat uie*revi6i^rrc*uESl,ittenAing t'o- $peciat Development-TTtfriet--f6; PET7]3/83 -7- c Request to amend Snccial Develo nt ll j strict No. lpl1plgx, to add outside vendinq as conditiona Dick Ryan explained that if the mental Cormission, and then by come back with a request for a added that the staff felt that'l ife in Vai'l , and was in favor 9. &gqu_c:llqlg minor subdivision for lots 15 and Appl icants:andy Guerriero an nge la Leighton Mi nor Van Ewing suggested changing his request to a specific use, and Trout wonderedif there would be anyth'ing wrong rvith that. Trout noved and Viele seconded to e!Plqf9_g-g rqqygst to nayg an 9 !o conform jn appeawrf,n tnose elrstlng ln Valt. The vote was 4-0.in favor of @ App amendment is approved by the Planning and Environ-the Town Council, the applicant will have toconditjonal use permit for a specific use. Htra certain amount of vendinq added to the streetof it when it wasn't in coiflict with other uses. van Ewing said that he had the support of the surrounding shops. Trout said hehad thought this was iliegal in the Town of Vail. Dick explained that this vrouldbe reviewed on a case by case basis. Diana wanted to know'what controls the Town had over_the other popcorn wagons, and Ryan replied that the agreement with the Town included control of trash, type of menus,'etc. Donovan rett ttrat a popcorn wagon would be good, but how could the town control vending of baked goods, icecream, etc.' and she fe'l t that criteria should be listed. Ryan descrjbed howthis was handled in the Boulder mall: Certain areas were set-as'ide for certaintypes of vending with_on1y one year leases. Donorran felt vending t,ias a gold minebecause the owner would not have to pay rent, and she would support the popcornwagon,,but not much else. Viele shared Donovan's concern, and he anticipated anexpansion of this type of condjtional use jnto other districts besides SbnO.Ryan.admitted that he had received 4 or 5 other requests for various types ofvending including a 1ow frequency radio station for skjers. corcoran stated that under conditional use permits, only a few criteria had tobe met, so if an appficant met the criteria, the PEC woirld have to grant the request. .l6" Buffehr Creek. Peter Patten explained that this was a mjnor subdjvision and that there were twoconditjons of approval . Randy Guerriero, one of the applicants, stated that hr'splans did include cleaning up the parking 1ot, Patten added that he had a letterfrom a survey company whjch indicated that this was an equal trade-off. Trout To-vgd a!d Yieje second.ed to approve the request wjth -tie- words, "thelot"in condjtiona1 #z o"_dCngun-To ."ed-,-loI-TtT-Tn.-*t. "* 4-_O-ln-T F.-- 10. lfe-Hq1g.qlX-rgIfg{ of exterior modj_f rcation proposajls CI and CCI resulte{in the fo1 1 owi n_q--dq{gnaTTons . --- Gorsuch Christy Sports Purcel I 's L'ionshead Arcade Vil'laqe Center Sweet Bas i.l un6 81 u ' s Lodge at Vail A & D Building Beanery io,7 o Planning and Environmental Cornmission June .l3, .l983 9:00 am Site Inspections 10:00 am Publ ic Hearing l. A request to rezone Treetops Condominiums from the High Density Mu1 tiple Family (HDMF) zone district to Commercia'l Core II zone district and a request for an exemption to allow a loading space within the requiredfront setback. Applicant: Treetops Condominium.Association 2. Request for a conditional use permit for a day care faci'l ity on lot 34, Buffehr Creek Subdivision. Applicants: Mike and Debbie Dawson 3. Request for a conditiona'l use permit in order to build an antennae onthe top of the Chamonix Corners building, part of Tract C, Vail das SchoneFiling No. 1 Applicant: R and L Communications, Inc. (KVMT-FM) Approximate'l v"""'-"l2iOil '"noon Lunch (approximately 45 minutes) 4, Request for an amendment to Sections 18.04.030, 18.22.09n, and .|8.24.130 in order to increase the number of accommodation units allowed in the Commercial Core I and the Public Accommodation zone districts. Applicant: Lodge Properties, Inc. 5. Request for a variance from Section 18..|3.080(A) which restricts onednit in a Primary/Secondary zone to 40% of the allowable GRFA. Thc application concerns lot ll, Block E, Vail das Schone Fi'ling #.|.Applicants: I.M. and T.K. Turnbull 6. Request for an amendment to Section I8.26.040 of the Vail Municipal Code, Conditional uses in CCII, in order to add: G. Commercial storage as . long as 'it is basement leve'l , not having any exterior frontage on any public way, street, wal kway or ma1 'l area. Applicants: Bradley Quayle and Michael Arnett 7. Request for an amendment to a conditional use permit in order to allow the Vail Mountain School to use the Baldauf Cabjn as a general purpose classroom and smal 1 rneet'i ng assembly room. Applicant: Vail Mountain Schooi 8. Request to amend Special Development District No. 6, The Vail ViIlage Inn complex, to add outside vending as a cond.itional use. Appl icant: Van Ewing 9. Request fora minor subdjvisjon for lots l5 and .l6, Buffehr Creek. App'l icants: Randy Guerriero and Angela Leighton (Conti n ued ) ,'a PEc oilr 6/7/83 10. Preliminary review of Exterior Modification proposa'ls in CCI and CCIIfor the following buildings: l. Lodge at Vai'|. 2, McBride .Bui'lding - Gorsuch Ltd. 3. A&D Building 4. Plaza Lodge Building - Christy Sports 5. Lifthouse Lodge - Purcell,s 6. Lionshead Arcade 7. Village Center 8. Gore Creek Plaza Bui'lding - Sweet Basi'l and Blu,s Beanery \ June 8, 1983 :, Torsn of Vai 1 75 So. Front a ge RoadVail, C0 Dear Sir: We wish to supportto the conditionalVtllage Inn P 1az a. the request of Van Ewing in reference use of a Popcorn Wagon in the Vail We feel it would fit in nicely and wouldof the area whj-ch has a high pedestrian It would also be of value in generating shopping pLaza. We encourage the Town of Vail to approve add to the appeal usage. interes t in the his request. Thank you,za//c /t r"t Erlc Fetsch 6<- 7i'"t- C.',,' -, I C.*, Dz u . t<: af^Jc ;k^ fr ?-t<f FOT'R}AL$ N'RNITUR€'# Ann Fet s ch EF/AI/dw Vlloge Inn Plozo 17 Eosr l'4eodow DrMe Voil. Colorodo 81657 |3A$476-2202 o MEMORANDUM T0: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Department of Community Development DATE: June 6, '1983 SUBJECT: Public Hearing and Consideration of a Request to Amend the Zoning for Special Develoment District No. 6 to Add as a Conditional Use 0utside Vending. Appl icant: Van Ewing The applicant has requested an amendment to Special Development District #6to add outsjde vending as a conditional use, Currently the Town of Vail does not permit any outside vending, except for the two popcorn wagons that have been operating in Vail Village and Vail Lionshead for several years, If the Planning and Environmental Commission recommends approval and Town Counc'i I approves the zoning admendment, it would be possible for.conditional use permit requestsfor outside vending to be approved in S.D.D. #6. The discussion of outside vend'ing in Vail Vil'l age and Lionshead has been going on for several years with Town Council. Concerns of the Councjl have been how to control , location, number, competition wjth existing shops, restaurants, and do we want this typeof street life activity. Again the policy of Town Council has been to not permit additional outside vend'ing The Department of Community Development considers that with proper controls'limited outside vending is positive for the street life actjvity within Vail Village and Vail LionsHead commercial areas. Both popcorn wagons currently add to Pioneer Plaza and the LionsHead mall by deve'l op'ing a small activity areafor people to congregate and enjoy food, and by hav'ing something happen outsideon the street. RECOMMENDATiON: The Department of Communityto permit by conditiona'l useDistrict #6. Development recommends approval of the amendment review outside vending to Special Development Petitieate Mav 13, 1983 Cr",t "tin^tl \)-,- PETrrroN FoRM ro@iEw OR REQUEST FORA CHANGE IN DISTRICT BOUNDARIES I. This procedure is reguired for any amendment to the zoning ordi.nance' or for a request for a district boundary change A. NAII{E OF PETITIONER Van Ee/ins ADDRESS 100 E. Meadow Dr. Suite 7 val-r CO 81657 PHONE 476-472r B.NAME OF PETITIONERIS ADDRESS saue as REPRESENTATIVE abo ve same as above PHONE C. NAME 0F 0l,lNER (print or type) SIGNATURE ADDRESS D. I,OCATION OF PROPOSAT PHONE476-5622 ADDRXSS 100 E. Meadow Drive. Vall co Phase 2. Villape InnLEGAI-, DESCRIPTION lot 0 -block -5o po rt ion of Vail Vil1ag 1 PLaza. af ilihs E. F. FEE A list subject $100.00 plus an anount equal to the then current first-class poslage rate for each property offirer to be notified herer.nder. of the names of owners of al} property adjaeent to theproperty, and their roailing addresses. {osep,/ ,fr*uru? /0o €. tqe*pot ft<4, tr/6t?th,;, z( aatI .gt aa utaa!t tIt t T( llI a I!( t .,a,a itlF-' \, r.\. :,3v,(i !iel I OJ IoIt ! II(I3 t z, !tt i:a3a! t t FOR Petitiolate Mav 13, 1983 I. PETITION 8OR!,7 AI-IENDIJIENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OR REQUEST FORIN DISTRICT EOT'NDARIESA CHNTGE This procedure ls reguired for any anendment to the zonl,ng ordinanceor for a request for a district boundary change A. NAME OF PETITIONER Van Ewlng ADDRESS 100 E. Meadow Dr. Sutte 7. Vail co 81657 PHONE 476-472L B. NAI'IE Of PETIIIONERTS REPRESENTATIVE sane as above ADDRESS same a6 above PHONE C. llAl'lE 0F OblNER (print or typeL SIGNATURE ADDRESS PsoNE4 76-5622 LOCATION OF PROPOSAI ADDRESS 100 E. Meadow Drive. Val1, D. co Phase 2. Vlllas,e InnLEGAL DESCRIPTION lot 0 -block -5D FEE $100.00 plus an amount equat to the then current first-class postagerzte for each property owner to be notified hereunder. A list of the names of owners of all property adJacent to thesubject property, and their nailing addresses. Plaza. af ilihq lortloo of Vall Vllla1 E. F. {oscpt ,fr*uru( pA €, /Ve-,flu;'t kr', (/4r?lhi, @NDITIOIIAL USE PER!{IT REqUTTIT I equest for a condltlonal uee pernlt for tfie purpose of ,:u'fslde vendlng tn Speclal Ibvelopnent Dtstatet #5, fot the tnstallatlon of and operatton of a Fopcorn Uagon. Iat!asaa ,a.J { ,,iiir I ,.| ,,, r. I ' lllll., :'' tl I.' i' ,l, 'rlr'lt I Il'tii.t,,r,-ll '"t,il ti il f. !3t aIaaI 1i toI ItIat a!)!Tt 2 lltr, \r {,s Petitf$ate uav 13, res3 PEIITION FORM FOR N,IENDT{ENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OR REQUEST FOR A CTTAI{GE IN DISTRICT BOT'NDARIES I. This procedure is regulsed for any arnendment to the zonlng ordinance' or for a reguest for a district boundary change B. A. NAI'IE OF PETITIONER ADDRESS 100 E. Meadow Dr. Sulte 7 Vatl co 81657 PHONE 476-472L NE}!E OF PETITIONERIS ADDRESS sane aa REPRESENTAfIVE saDe ag above PIIONE C. t'lAl'lE 0F 0WNER (print or type) , SIGNATURE ADDRESS FHoNE-{J-6:L6.?.2. TOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS 1OO E. Meadow Drlve, Vall, CO T.EGAL DEscRrprro"jlt"S t'olltt"iotnn t ttt' --- FEE $100-00 plus an anount equal to the then cwrent first-class postagc rate for each property omer to be notlfied hereunder. A list of the names of owners of all property adJacent to thesubject property, and their rnailing addresses. above D. E. r. JoscPtr ,fnureR l0a €. fie'*tva-t k4' (rasqt/ti/ I colfDrrrolAl, usE tEnurr REffi e# C + f*f-fi ***-..-0 S,p..--/t A-,,t,f .-,.,c"- D,''t;"c*r- <e r Aeqtrcylfcr2a condlttonal uee gernlt f€EE{F?rlnF!f, outslde vendlnt for the lnstallatlon of anrl operatlon of a topcora Ua€on. z II!tII IaoI IItitI I 2 !II It -t ,i' ':rqa ilrt wllat box 100 vail, colorado 81557 {303} 476.s613 tuwn n the townApri 1 manager8, 1983 Ilr. James Coirper'r,l-tu ai te llan agin g Pa.rtn er Co*'pert1:r'aite & Co. 35?5 Cher15, Creek North Drj-r'eSuite 2OODenter, CO 8O2Og Dear Jim: _ I n'as disappointed to receive your letter of )'iarch 9, 1983, regarding your continued {rustration with the Village Inn P) aza. I must respectfully disagree u'ith you that ihe problem was "srvept under the rug"- l,lembers of the Torrn staff and m5 se1f have spent considerabl.e time discussing this lssue \Yith you in obtaining a complete appreciation for your concerns and criticisms, I do regret that a stamped set of approved drawings \r'as never returned. iievertheless, through the entire process members of our building and fire department staffs continued to provide feedback and clarification to you and your architects. As I also expressed to you oraIly, thanks to your raising the issue we will be more diligent in stamping plans upon review anci approval so that future misunderstandi.ngs can be artoided. I also befieve that b!' postponing payment on the due transfer taxes, rve sho'ried good faith to studl, this problem. f do not rneen rcl srrc'c'esi. tha-u even a nominaf amount of monef is too sma1l a probiem to bother wlth. I simply meant to inier that in proport j. on to ti-re en'L ire scope of the proj ect cost and in lieu of manv otber change orders initiated as part of the project' the amount was a relativell' minor amount i,n comparison to other projects of such scale. <tl'lrt office of _ -/, ,-, 6 Mr. James CouperthwaiteApril 8, 1983 Page 2 r regret if any words or statr.'ments r have made were aD insultto you- r rvould have hoped that tbe dirigence in which this_ matter has been reviewed would convince you that rve did nottake your criticisms 1ightly. rn closing, w€ g'ant to continue to uork with you as future phasesof the Village Inn oceur or other project_slvhich you may beassociated rr'ith here in Vail. Richard Caplan Torvn lrlanager cc: Charles Coii'perthrvaiteJosef Staufer Sincere).y ]:ours, i/,/, .-+ /'- k lr'f I ' 75 6outh trontage road vrll, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 February 25, 1983 l.lr. Van Ewing Ewing-Bachman Real ty East Meadow DriveVail, Colorado 81657 Oear Van: Enc'losed is a copy of Special Development District 6 (SDD6) approved by the Town of Vail for the Vail Vi'l'lage Inn property. You have requested information, as to the remaining gross residentia'l floor area and comnercial space for phases four and five. Our abi'lity to provide accurate infor- mation is limited at this time, as we have not checked floor plans for theolder lobby building, Panca*e House building and Food and Deli bui'lding.In addition, our plans for Phase I and Phase II of the new constructionare not in our files. This information will be needed to provide you withtota'l accuracy on how much can be constructed in future phases, Some estimated square footages were provided at the time of Phase II approval by the Planning and Environmental Commission.and Town Counci'l . Before any new phase is approved, the above information wi1l be required. Limitations for gross resldential f'loor area are on page 431 of the ordinance. Co'nmercial space is'limited to 40,000 square feet. These are the two uselimitations for residentia'l and cormercia'|. 4pproved for Phase III by the Planning and Environmental Conmission and Toran Counci'l are 50,000 square feet of gross residential floor area and 9,328 square feet of commercial . A memorandum dated May 19,'1977 stated that proposed for phase II square feet of conmercial and 2,917 square feet of residential. have a memorandum on Phase I. are 7,9.|3I do not Our staff will be willing to'look at plans and calcu'late accurate residential and connercial square footage when plans are provided. At this time I donot want to speculate what might be there. I want to be accurate so that you can te'll your c1ient the facts. ,,ru,r{l I stlll do not have to uork with You to SincerelY' 'Eulng -2- a recormendation for the Conoco site' i"i'iui'ii ihe'best solution for Vail' .tI am wllllng ,4// --/tz tt" Li7/uw- -.-r. \.DICK Fffr!_ CmmwritY DeveloPnent Director DR:br Encl. .\ .i ''t 416336 B-S€O Fr-167 i,E/€€/89 1l:O4 JOHNNETTE FIHILLIF'S EN6LE COUNTY CLERX, ENCROACHI{ENT A}ID F.GIOFT RECcoLoRADO 35. OA VIET{ AGREEI{ENT DO': o. ora THIS AGREI|MENT is lade and entered into this 3sr day of - october, 1989' by and betnee;"pl* freriilra-i'*"mbL€OlAUtCx. @ct#-ire-i""ia"i, c"f"..J- lnereinafter rel:erred to asrtt---- - E;il:;;i'ii',a ttorr, vIIrJAcE l;xl-ixil'.;-!:t:.t:go corporatJ'on' o! vaif , coioiaao (tr-relnalter referred to as hwrrr)' BEEJII.T{S 1. T1:e parties have adjoining real estate situated ln tho Toun of vail , bounty of Ea91e, State of coloraoo' -?tr/.\ z. wr is the current owner of the developnent.:igh!:--^.,- ,.1t tnereinarter reterred to as "aeveropnen! rights'r) on that Parcert krorr. as the Vall Villag" rtt.rl-V"fil-C"f"."6". Said proper--y (the iwr ii#;it'1-i;-;P;;iii;;iii descrlbed-as set forur on ExhlbltAattachedheretoandnadelparthereof. 3. Palner is the current og,ner of that parcel of property forlerly kiltrn is the Anoco i"""ii""-station'- iz s' rrontage Road ,'.t' E., vail, cororado and "ttttiiii-;i;; ;;;p;tei site of the vail \. Ga|;eway Plaza proJcct trrereiniitei-re?eriea to as the xcater,ay \\t, proJectrf).--;"ia-;;op"itv ttrr-e';iiri"i-iiopertY") is speclficarrv describeril aa set forth on e*hiuii-B att"crrla hereto and nade a Part hereof. 4. WIts developnent r!'ghte ' as appro-\'ed bv the Toetn of valr, allotr-ioi [tt" uuitaing oi stiuctures up to Lhe wr Property Ilnes on the east and south "faet-or the Gataway Project' 5. Palner intends to have resi'dential and connerclat units lthe ;Unttsrl in the Gateuay Project' 6. on o! about septenber 18' '1999' 11-:!""f piles (the ,steer pirl""i-rl-t"-pri"!a ii-i "iif"ity' approxirnatlrv four feet (4'i ontc iiu''niiltii-iio" "e-ttt"-wi i'roitrtv that abuts the PalnerProperty.Thesteelpiri=-""'.prui.a-toprovidelateralbracing eo|=l.il."'i"ti'g-.i'fi.;;.;;;;'rin9. the parking and building ii""d"ti"" for'the Gateutay Project' 7. vVI has received the sun of Thre(t Thousand Oollars (S3,ooo'ooi 'roi the p'Iacent"t-"I-[n"-steel' pires on the wr Property.i,du"paytnentro'inl-"Jsisottlrlrernovalofthe6teel Piles ' AGREEMENT In consideration of- the recitals and the mutual covenants and obligaEions hereinafter ":;-;;;;;,-[ne parties hercto hereby agree as fol l ows: n "( ;- V i\ tr-o c, .9 r.l, A. *-he event any Unit in the Gateitay Project. is sold' as a conl l-uD or othe*ise, as part of the sale to the i"t.rt""iil ,.."iJnift.r referred to a-3 the ,hrrchaser,)' hlrchaser ;h;ii-;;-r,irry incitila-ui-p"i."i, i" vritlns, or the approved developnent rights belonglng to wI' B.PriortothesaletoanyUnlttoaPurchaser,PalnerghalL obtain fron tfr"-nr""ft.=tt i'signerl uaiver of any interest' claia or rlght tr'e-nrrltrai-r t"y rravE in an unobstructed view iiJr tn. ca€eway ProJect across the wr Property' c. PaLner shall indennify, defend and hold WI harmless froro any objection,-ii.iT or lnlirresi lfr.t any Purchaser rnay have in an unobstructea'viett frou the Gateuay Projlct across the wI Property. D. l rr consents to the presence of tlra steel plles uiCeneath the WI ProPerty' E. Tne steel piles nay be renoved by wl o!--:":h tfune that vvlcoDrrrenceganyexcavagionconstructiononthewlProp€rtyorat any true after ;il;-i;-i;go,-'rtl"rt"ver flrst occurs' and the S3.ooo.oo payrnent pi"if""=ry nriae to'-wr shall' be applled towarde WI's cost of r""oilng-iie lteet plles. v1/I agrees to pay any costs over and u.yorra-tne s3,ooo.bo i"i tt" rcrioval of the steel piles. F. In the event that WI strould ever comnence conetructlon of a proJect on tft"-wr-Fioperty^ unaer tne developnent rlghtg (lncruding, ,rtno.r[ iiiriiii"",'uuitJinq to the pioperty Ilne betseen the Palrner-P;;;;;tt-ana tn* wr Property) ' Palmer rlarrantsi and repres."t't to-wI that ttr- pfaternent o.f-the eteel piles otr the wr ;;il;;ti ana the construction of-tlre-Gateway irroject do nu't and eilatl-not cause,or create any engineering' archltectur"r, "oi.i'tiiiifiii-"i-u.,fraine coets oi expenses' except for thr: expense oi-i"io"ing the.-"t""i"itita' to wr that t'oL'ld not otherwlse exlst except for the "ii5ion"i of the steel plles iia/ot the Gaterray ProJect' G. This Agreenrenb ls binding upolr Ehe successors and assigns of the Partiee hereto' H. Each provision of this Agreement' and agreenent' promise. "ot"n.nt]'i;;;;tl;' -ina"""iii"ation and undertakinq to tornply with each ;t;;i;;;;'ie-cr'is Aoreement' and anv necessarv exception ot ..="[I;i;;-;t'grant.of'titfe' estate' rioht or tnteiesL to errecillii"l'.i-pio,ri"ion ;;"i;i.-;;;9;131i; (i) shalr be deened in"orpoillii in'.-="rl aeea'oi-oiit.r iistrument bv lthlch any right, titre "t-i"tti"=t.in-any Ji trt"-p"lter Property or the wr Properay r.= gi""i"J ' -att'i ted .or con*'oyea ' r'hether or not s€'t {orth or referred ft'-in'=uct' aeea or-oilre'r instrurrrent; (ii) slrarl, bv virtue ";"t;;t;i;nce of "tiv'i'igrtt' iitl" ot interest in €o oq' t., nJ F.rl, I afrjl,'l {[ (lItt.l rO {l any o! the Pa1ner Property or the wI Propelty !y-a subsequent ofier, be daened accelteal ratifled, adopted and declared ag a peraonal covenant of iluch'owner and, as a-pereonal covenant' itrall le blnding on such ouner and his heirs, person-a1 idpi"t""tiilvt=, Euccessors and assignsi andr. Eharl be deened a peisonal covenant to, with and for the benefit of each such 6rn"i;-i"a-iiiit shail be deened a real covenant by Palrner and wir-ioi thinseives, their successors and assJ'gns, and also an "q,titibi" servituae, t"""i"g in sach case' as A-burden rrlth and ufon the title to tire Palnei Property and the wr Property' Dated this 3!sr day of octol)er, 1189. VATt VIIJAGE INN, INC. ' A colo!:ado corPoration STATE OF COIFRADO COI'NTY OF EAGLE ss: TheforegoinginstrunentrrasacknowleclgedbeforenethlsEhJday of october, 198;;-;i-toset it"urer' as iresldent of vall viirig" Inn, rnc., a co-lorado corporation' rF? - witness rny trand and of ficial seal ' [s;.Qrlrf) Notary Publird Hy conmission exPires: hly Commision erpires lhcember 8, 1992 P. 0.80r 656 Yril, C0 81658 Presldent 41f;33|- f{-'r"i'O i-'- l6? lJ'l;:/ftg Il:kr4 I:,G :.; llf- / STATE OF CIIORADO ) ss: couNry oF F$ULDER_ _) 3'3'13 416335 B-SPO F-167 l?/ee/A? I l:tt4 9G4oF7 aca F_t of fl.clal rriosE poRrroNs or r,ors'M' *, *''of,l3i:gl-'ag.^ygl Hlso'' FrRsr FrIJrNc, lcconpiuc io inn uep ri{EREoF REcoRDED UNDER REcEprroN No. gersz-il rxn oFFrcE oF THE EAGLE couNTY' corrR.ADo, cr,sRK AND iicoiosn (cLERKs REcoRDs) DESCRTBED As F0LL09IS I BEGI}'NTNG A[ A POI}IT ON TIIE NORTHERI.,Y LITIE OF SATD I,oT O IIHICH rs g'HE NoRrHEAsr coiusi oF-e pencnr., oescnlasD rN BooK 23o Al pAcE ss6 oF rHE clsi?;l- Gcbhos, r'nrNii-riie NoRrHIfEsr coRNER oF sArD rrr tt BEARs uoiill-z-g oscnsiis le-Mim;rss oo sEcoNDs +lEst rz5. oo FEEI DrsrAllti-ilnixcs-niory9-s11{-lioinrenlv LINE sourH ?e DEGREES {6 MTNUTES oo-diioxos eesr rzd.lo--iinr To rltE NoRTHI{EST coRNER or vrtIAGE rff picit, -n conoourxrul'l' AccoRDrNG To rHE r.fAp rnEREoF neconosi"uioii ieCePTrou r'lii' zLstst oF rl{E crJRK's RECORDS: THENCE IHE FOLI,OWING THREE COURSES AISNG THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID VTI,I,AGE TNN: 1) SOUTH 09 DEGREES 30 I{IM'TES OO SECONDS WEST 190'4{ FEET (igo.tr FEET cALcULATED 2) souTH 80 DEGREES 30 MINUTES oo sEcoNDS EAST 56'60 FEEr 3) SOUTH 09 DEGREES 30 MINUTES OO SECONDS I'IEST 7'46 FEET' TO THE NoRTHERTJy LrNE oF vriin-Ci- illu pr.,lze pHases r AND rr AccoRDrNG To THE l{AP THEREoT nildi6sD iN- eoox res en PAGE 855 oF rHE CLERN'S RECORDS: TTiENCE THE FOL' WTNG FIVE couRsEs l!9NG THE NORTHERty AIID r{EsrERtv BouNDARY oi il'io viil'lcs rxlt ir,,ezl PHASES r AND rr: 1) NORTH 80 DEGREE5 22 MINUTES 22 SECONDS WESr 12s'59 FEET 2) souTH 42 DEGREES 32 HTNL'TES 21 SECONDS wEsT 46'0L FEET i) SOUIH 82 DEGREES 06 MINUTES 46 SECONDS WNST 49'48 FEET 4) souTH 10 DEGREES 13 HINUTES 02 SECONDS lfEsT 81'53 FEET 5) SOUTH OO DEGREES 23 HINUTES OO SECONDS WEST 15'83 FEET TO rirs sourHeAs, "onro"n-6r"siiio-Lor- I'-rrii[-e ins rolrpwrNc FouP' couRsEs ArpN6 rrrs "Suiieiii-r[o wrirsii-i-8ouNDARv oF SAID Lor M: 1) s1.o3 FEET ArtrNG THE ARC or A gl]ly-E ro rHE LEFT HAVTNG A niprus oF 545.r, """i,"'tiilliini elc# oi 6-s-oecnens 20 HrNUrEs 2r sEcoNDs, N{D A JoiD wri;Ai !fg:-:luii ii orcnres 33 MrNUrEs ;; ;;;oilG'wrss sr'or FEEr (cALcuLArED) 2) souTH 75 DEGREES 53 MTNUTES oo sEcoNDS I{EST ?7'39 rEET 31 36.21 FEET AI..ONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT IIAVING A niorus oF 20'00 re"r'i-c;ilinel-excl,e..6r-ioi oecnsrs 41-MTNUTES oosEcoNDS,ANDAcioio-iliiibianlasl,6;lti-izoecReesls}lINlJTEs 6o iEionos'wEsT 31'46 FEEr d)d 415336 8-geo tr-167 re/?e/?',? l1:o'1 tt63|JF7 I 4) NORTH OO DEGREES 23 UTNUTES O0 SECONDS WESf 193.21 FEET (ige.rs FBET cAtcuf,ATED) To rHE NoESHwEsr coRNER oF sArD r,or ir T11ENCE AIONC fXA SEST LINE OF SAID IOr N, N9RTH gO_D-EGREES 23 MTNUTES OO SECoNDS WEST 5O.OO FEET (50.05 FEET CALCTTLATED) TO THE SOUTHTTEST COR}TER OF TIIE PARCEI,6ESCNISEO IN BOOK 23O AT PAGE 556 OF TTTE CIJRK,S RECORDS' THSNCE IHE TDLIPT{TNG TWO COURSES AIFN6 TI|E SOU?HERLY AND EASTERI..Y AOUNDARY OF SATD P}RCEL: 1) SOUTH 79 DEGREES 't6 lIfNLrTEs Oo SECoNDS EAST 147'36 FEEt 2) NORTH 10 DEGREES l{ MTNUTES OO SECONDS EASI 147'43 FEET TO TIiE POINT OF BECINNTNG. EXCSETTNG THEREFRO:{: VILIAGE INN PIAZA-PIiASE V CONDoMrNrIr}ts, AccoRDrNg 19 III coNInl{INIUl.t MAP THERE9i nrcORoeO FEBRUARY 4, 1988-IN-Boox 478 er pece 379 AltD FInSi II{ENDUENT THERETo RECoRDED SEPTEI{BER le, iias iN BooK {91 AT PAGE {00 erID As DEScRTBED rN TttE coNoollrurrn oucranerioi rrrenror RECORDED FEBRUARY 4' 1988 rN ioi'i 4'b IT PAGE rii_UO FXRSI N'IENDI{BNT TtIEREtrO RECORDED sEprEuBER 19, 198s irioox 491 AT PAcE 399, couNrY oF E:aGtE' STATE OF COIOR,ADO. ot.t 4r6336 E-seO p-rg7 l?/??/89 ll zgt4 F'6 6 0F 7 Exhibic A-Ptge2 A PART oF tprs-N.-N{D o' BIpcK !"9r-Ylftexlll^8F',"Elliioo,?rifiii, -rorns-6r- vul,, dot'nrrv oF-E191* i6G";iRiiciir.,enr,v oeicniauo AS FoLIoHs : coM!,ENcrNG rr-TH-!-X?%yli# :lilEl,il,3iflffix'3toi?3iil!" :331il'.1 il93*33'.:iluilviii ;i:'l$iiii,*l"U3 |33[fi Tyitii"r"iiu-on smo srcrrox 8' 35'eB FE DEcnEEs {5 llNurEs"6i'iiioi6s-iiil-zs' ll I*3 1fuTitt eorNr :9.#1ffi.*tlFn'g"tlfi*$iixi qqii ;; ;ffid;-I;-rryn1[3 oo sncoros srsr AN6-!';5ffi-ii; iontn l'rm oF sArD Lor N' AipNG rHE rurERsrril-fiiiimi-lb,-19L. iic'oo rszrt rttENcE fiiufiir*ll:$ffi;mftiff{lrffirffi EXHIBIT B t?/?2/89 lr:o4 trG7oF7 , It ("' )a. ... r{f! I 416336 B-seO 9-167 I I oz E =EIIJc FI (nulu.ttLF =E, UJo- 61688/8tlb ttffi *u)@@orr{ N ts tn .AH&4 z oF) zJ<SE() F.{Eio 9U 1_E 9JEo llJ GoF g,FIz =o zz 'inuJFoz(, z_oI ao€o =z v(J IH lr.r1l14 t;l-lFlt<IHtd l!.1 l3l(9lz IElu)IHIX t: Itrlze. HtrlE fL it( l{a uIz;o luIFoz 'si TN It ^) 0 \\ U-. -1d rLJulo =7 oIt o Eulz3ott uttlF 0 b il H z trlFf c; Eo.c -9.odc)6q lE tr3oF o.c t-q(,\oocr!cg ol ID o E 6oE o dt .E =:tlo o =f Ertt o 6 3.9 o .9oott si 0) o o.'6r .:E.cl5o Gd .E oN -oc]oF o o CD Eo ()6 Ef ()l th .9-c =.o o ttc(t oiC' (D?:6'=0ro rbE e.o.t.9; IE9cc,= (E i B'E.=;oe*5 :gP; >=c9G'- clE E.E E E E-F-OoiEo3egg;s sEtoe o.E€: 861 E E.E E o-6 FFE:E9 e+,C6 0'-5ae $gEEE;.9 6 -o- E{E E'.E": sEg -o6 o (\) 0 'Ul s o aJ $ 5 { q) Ol@\o co.it.{f,\'rr F\l.- + E uJ <tz6J :<ollJE()z o J F ulJuJ (,z co =J J =EouJ = uJuJIIzo tu ()uJe oE oto =uJ IJJc,z 6 IJJ F attoo-uJoo- z uJJ x F ulol at UJ UJlt E =E IJJo-J FoF z J ao () e [!Ju, z6 =Jo- 9z ouJ- Fl H ts NOTJ.Vn]vA 2 IE IEItrIEItL lE.: rE EE -a|,LEo!i g3 E=62H; d3-ev gF z=9o =3 eatoz>89lr<oqttt J^CUFO.i o,i E>E =ut v d &p ts() u) zI J c o .5 UJ .if A.Xt$ TEi uJ J z E z9 E IJJF 3UJz tltltltlp 2 zOaKUo< =HEct<z at)F2. 9z -:F EO3EOI ull G at)at)!JzY =F I zoz I ;J 3 F uJ o3 .D -l*l ,lol Fl Jl<l;-| zl zl .. >lo UJ UJltz F =rJl J zI = oztrU) 5EI I I.lq .-,ri;C)eg lt l-t4o}fAr IFTIN $,<, r--J L-r z ..t 9 =4oo =zf:ldP "3q =f'f=rrlXdd=Err UJFocooazo Fo. uJY uJlooF E fi@d3t! ilolirlo.loHllHlUu,h.Fvzo tr uJ ttoti ruE9E<ql60EoB9!ir 5EE ;tE b=o =.r i1:; =tIOtr-E oo9 ltuE XO_t x>t q-o=T'E tu @oF ./ \ .a\, \{tultr\ztt= = ts =E lrJo-zoF(Jf E, 6zoo oz Jtr I JJdl F J ff ul =z o zHxz Fq es tr1 Fl a u.l =4 q) XrJlE ol(n u,leo = 6tF Io\ F\ HEI z = 4 Hh zt4 Eg rd (JHN E o c'\(n vlaIue ) = z14 F c;() z Hts r.az c) ttEH B*G Ic\oq-l I ozl .;l tul.ElJI <I>lr.lolzl;l FI F CN Ie.tr\ro uiJutF =g oz,i uJ.E J tl.oz3oF z FCt FJp{ F.lH& 14U) =E, l! Fq I@I dz (9utc -rt tt z3oF tfl 1..\o INe.l.i. g ct uli >lt!lq zl3olts =c d =.Jolutl :l <l t!oz 3l9l uiJl,u I t UJz3o FOIu E-()E E -rO<FEOuJ<zG.t,! F,J zo C) J I F C)tuJ.tuI Y ; =)) (,z co =Jc -(r z dE =3-?,, =g IE Eh UJ+Eo2 o() aciftfr=l tnuJ UJr! ==uJo- -Bg9Q);b0rstr-ooUEr-|! O.O 3E 5(Efct3uorF:NsE- :o\.vt)0) | .!\;Po o 6 -t .!. oDoo ctt E Io tr o ,f;6 trr SDDF;oP3UC()Ct-.= o.:.9o> i: lt: ,.i -!rt(!:l ipl3.! ( >E IqN ( F.,r$u 5fcoi iel.,=-ov) -!ro)ct.S G ;EE i3t::(!O: | 6'5:f,co,ie.tor- .= E-' 'E o'ogo9 CLDo.COt; .rt Ot3'tgE (, ::0r9''!E9C().E ,2RDdOc ,: Q' EX :r 3'ooDF5='9(!clc d 3. = >\.9= i ? oi-a!-o(9-F:i. :l! js cL- ;-o.c ;Et;(!E:oci= G.(E., == -:Q) u,'5.g =p>'= o-9Doc c'-(|,q,:3rsJ Eg65E E3 F.3 EF x6;o) o.E -0)=!13'5 r-o- cl. o.9 U Pi =-11--: r f '- (- 9-!=ri;i}E: l-.19t l; o ie F|- .:' .o--GcF3!i o-;o--co- i: -=d3(r> a!: :6io E-oEE () r!, l!'rqt l5ISt;t.9lcf E'!5TEt.-te.li'l:r I olI o: =!l cte;(El.:--oio-!!F E9-(tr E(/)o!Lc cro .!c€g ;6 99 E'SE8o(! tE.gE>g.o q).o; !aErEo .n UJ H ts =u,o- J F F uJ z u, () =UJ UJ z UJ u,u,l!2oF UJ ou, :< o =t!ozo FG CT() u,Ol =>c .'IErs,S EE8sg -Eg 6ge 8Tr!<o4g8 FOj a\j sl .. >louJoutuJz(a ts UJ( J zo F6o q,o- lrao ul ri al, zY9 vtFz)zI o =ooo I tt,trzfoz u,3 o UJ o =x f oz Fu, @ Io.lqJl' It:t<lz IE :i 5l EIFtl <tl rl J @ F J ,sAr\- s(".. .i $l \ililotl $l ,du{E 4 E -rO<F(r()uJ<zEUJF6Zo() oFo cFzoa z ?-() UJ = 9F SEJZ C) <o sg ooa i) 9J.lEFFoz o zo9 =<c)O2Z fiefur J.^i5YY;;r3 =o*tl -i l!eE=EDD fr-f Ec<><.EuJu.t E#b 5EgF^. _ig=g : trJ O;= F-FE .= r.! = =::G= :_! > E=E =I€5$ Fl E=i HI5rr6 sl EsQ cl 3<=,LrlE i!,!3jrF* .ts F =E,lrto-zoF C)f,El-U)zo C) J oz E =e,ulo- ooro @(\I ro oo r-l oo o(f, tnuJuJu-t =uJo- .v?// /g,e.g aL tdlh -{) l\ Ol OlN E 5 frd. = d. r\ Ol 6c\ = -e € @ Ro = IIJF oF FIz = =z U'uJF zoz .6 =z c LIa F LIo u CI F lJ. c LI (- ** uJ23 uJ't- oz bd;\-- II IIIIIIIII t!Ju,lq, =T E.ot! tr,lz3 lt llJ {(F d+sol'It vt E olEI oEcol tJrc.l\ PC5gr d)lETb"i'E el))rao". b. PtctI(E^l '=l9=lEDI dl gol a,, @ (t)(ltpo\ oo o! o (ll olCr oN oFIoF o o O) Eoo (! E o .9 3 ll o t,c(E o '6 E .!0r; o'=OU| g8E Ef s EgEo Y!tc-o e$; =98E >=c96'- o. -c E s5 EEE .i: o E;g.gi F O.(g CL aEEg)r cLEf;e E6: E E.EOo: ET F - cL; '+,c(! 0'-5ac ETE *81I6a EgE,ii ePE oeEg -o(! to (\l f, -l oo +-+ o $ o o C\| !ro (\ EE uJ z I ao z uJ z c F gJ JUJ z = 2 ogJ = l,rJUJu-z tr uJ ouJ oE oo3g UJ z 6ulo FU' IIJ z urJ(, x F uJo at IJJullt-t =Ell,o J Fo F ('z6 @ 9G.F() uJJuJ z6 =Jo- 9z tlJ- J F F NO[Vn]VA e l- l= lz. l=tr-l<.:F-* 9stL- 7+ =(trz EE s"< rZ.<(lGr- =L;t- c ol 2ZooF^a^q5 z890ooZt-89l!<oq CUFOj<ri ->g .Jt lJ.la -tOz. C$ IJtt) .r u- JJ = Fdoz. lsz l= lE l= t:IF l'1 t,_,o lr,, Elil z tr J t! ECo uJo- F o (f) uJG ><It zoF6 z tr EuJFJ 3uJz aFzlzQ!a<oo< >E.(Exrr6o<z oE2,. 9= d63trOI u,llJ IL oq) u,lzY iF -= = =t ul l-.rl<l:-l ?l 2l .. >l llJ uJqJz F UJo- J z E / ; z F J@ {n i{ cDt\r)O I- .-)-./t2f .tzla)L't1, ,/ t1 /1/)2 -/..| -,' '/t/ IJJFoooazo Fo-ulv uJo oF b Sho-6trnol o-N9J\,rE'IguJbkzo tr gJo.II ;!{EZE<ilf606o39rrk CEI .,-F-J, = IIJ :-E b=(, dtr: >o-I Ou-E ooI \ t-trE XO-t x>t q-o-i!E uldl F z rn !J =< =z Cl! EEi AHE E =E lrJo-z9FofEFazoo 'i I Ec, t\r\t\ Iolsfor Jd 1 ol 1loluJl 5l al>lruolzl3lolFI .i2ri Iu -J t! z3 F IJJ I(5l1l;l = o =tr I I FoJ !qJr+- aoP (u o IJJ =z t:u)zJsi!cll =o> a:a3 =t !.,!!l F llJJ Itr I l.i I'l '-{ Iol I =tl-l "l=l z.l =l olirl gl5 _rlLdt <lt>l =l |rl =l 3l!Bl04 0lILI FI z T uJ = Eir =o2 E -..r O<(FEO IJJ <zfLII Fo6 o 2? 3Ed6 O €nn ffin AJDDY.VIE.E @ STRITTIq{, NC. rfay 27, L987 I([^N OF VATI 55 S. Flcontage bad, W.vail, @ 81557 AflI: Ihlest Gletzle, Brgheer FE: \IAIL VILtAm INN -PHASE IIetaining Stncture ovrrer: Joseph Staufer FINDIIiGS: A.s per plans tlated Oqtober 30, 1984, prepared by WiXian J. Rtoff,Arctdtect A.I.A., the l'lcrtlrest ard }brttr lEIt seotions flstt reference lirrc *1 to reference ljrle #7 v'iere onstrusted as 2 x 10 strrd valls*. Tttey are, vertically, rpn-load bearing walls hrt aEiEurE a significant lateral load due to a 12 Ft. backEil] aga-inst the 1411. It is our opinion that this design fails to neet its interded use structurally ard strould rbt have been constn:sted as such (Please refer to Slpet l,Fl). \bte: As per detail # *r these drarcings, tJ:e waII was b be constnrcted. as fol1ov,rs: 2 x 10 strrds @12" O.C. 3,./4" pressuretreated pllthmd at exberior V2" ecterior plymod at interior !,lhat nas achrally fourd vns the follorirg: 2 x I0 strrds @12" O.C. 3/4" p11trcod at exterior (sqre slreets were CDI(, scrre rlel€ pres$rre-treat€d,) 5/8" G\psun r,el-lboard at interior @nclusiqs to Firdin<rs: It is evident that tlp factorsffi of tluis wa1l: Design arxl onstrucLlon. We intend to desigrr a stnctrre t}tat wiJ-l adeqr:ately handle the ecistinq soil-bearirq ondition. IESIGTI: Based on tbe Soils Report frqn Grerr c associates, dated 5/A5/87, ouri design criteria is based on a sil unit r,reight of 45 pcf.. General Contraciors, Engineers . 1000 South Frontage Boad West, Suite 202 . Vail, Colorado 81657 . (303) 476-3082 TqO{ OF VATL I{ay 27, 1987RE: \ZAIL VIITAGE INN - PIIASE II Retaining Stnrctrrre Page tr,lo (DESTGN: ) ontinued We then calcul-ated the rnarcinu.un lateral- earth plessure creat€d ftqna 12 Ft. backfill of ttr-is nateri"al (see Sleets tF2 tltough lF4). V0e tlten used ttre exisLing post-tensiorred beane arrd thickened slabto achieve tlre necessary l-ateral bearjnq oorditions (see Streets rvF5 & l"F6). @nclusions to Design: For detail A on Sheet l\tsz, we sr:hrnit tbeFo.iffiffi_9E$-a@ElEeria (see sheer rrF5): - 11 Ft., 3u High 8" C.M.U. wall (approx. 29 Ft., 6" long)- 6out solid with 3,000 psi concrete mix- Vert. reinf. rtlith #5 bar e 2 Ft. O.C. drilled and g:outed, rrct less than 4" into ecistirg ttr-iclcened slab- Iiorizontal- r.einforce with Drarrall ladders at eve4/ otler oourse- Use o<isting 3" x 3" argle as top lateral support- Appfy bituthene and rairadrain to o<terior of wal-l surface- trcorporate a 6" (perforated pipe, r'ratrped with mirafi, snbedded in 3/4" screered gravel) perineter drain to run too<isting drlzvrdf. For Detail B on Street f2, voe sutmit the following design criteria(see Steet 1ts6): - 10 Ft., 7" tLigh 8" C.M.U. r,rall (approx. 47 FL., 0" Iong) over an 8" x 24" pogred @rcrete curb - renpve eve4r 3rd sill plate f:om existj-ng joist spacre. - clout solid with 3,000 psi orcre@ mix- Verticalty reinforced with #5 bar G16' O.C. drilled ard grputedrpt less ttnn 3" into e><isLing slab.- Orrb :eifforcenent sha1l be ontirrtrous #5 bar G16" O.C., drilled and g:outed rpt less than 4" into thickened slab ard tied to verLical rsall reinforcelrErrt.- I{eId 5/8" t}rreaded rcd @2 Ft. O.C. to o<isting 3" x 3" angle and continue tb:ough vial1 course and 4" x 4" x 1rl8" tie back steel plate at least 2". Bolt securely.- Horizontal reinforce (bond beam) C.M.U. r,rall w:ith tr,rD +5 bar @3 Ft. o.c.. - Horizontal reinforce wittr Durar,all tadders G eveq' ottpr course.- Apply Bituthene ard Mjradrajn to octerior of rarall surface.- Scterd 6" 5:erileter drain ttrrough.- Backfitl beth,een C.M.U. uall and exisLing wa1I wittr 3/4" screened g::avel. ITN E \AILw 27, L987 RE: \,AIL VIIJAGE INN - PIIASE IIktainjrrt Stnrlrue Paqe three - Sm--crrt irfto exi.ELing slab (beureen rnl C.l,[.U. lntt atrt eoristirry stilcl $alJ-) a keyvny for installatjon of a watetrtop. E.I.T.Ddl-Vneb Onstructiqr h Attac.Ms $ N \ N l| tr8$ F\s> 4rl m $ N. s s ht \\N $ \s \ \s * N $\) R-' '{ N s s. \d $\ s $ N $d \ $y <l \st f(l\t$ --J.r$<€3S ii'> UJt{s3 S\)\x8iss $- h "!ts ,N. \ s \ \1. IN $sto I .{ ss v U<,i- SA J 4Fsi?J S: ]N2-{\ uns"Jj J s rallt ir! ,t \Ni(\ --s d\f. '\ a$\ \s 3 #-'ffiUf'* [; - : .--'l, .. I.ldll'-1,.':0 :l- " Ia.' ';l eYt+ttlhgl/tfr" con"r'vut q 5 Q,^.,*. \'-thtL &AanA €t*w<Q?op+t tiv) -t4'5 --, * tr-'t >--L.- r ,A' v I i r{tl-#5 b&I o.c', ADUD9a|{as,'lL EoilD%.Dr^r{bDD4 pr Ir'l I s tl ' rl I ll g rl I I I bott?.t9 f utn. 'r, stDQt\?-&p ^lv :4 ,utn. rr.lfD ltuata am q fl $l o..t b4 GJ- --i 0I7o tr.p'f- I _i o ,..i uJ j-* q.i QI -r. \+.-JF - lo /-.l*-af'zil o{- axorDq Heu1u144 tlJLu- Dxre> Oc-ohffi- bo, tg6L ) rbrst Tg,.]s,oJgl c_:)|._. 6Ea,/A hRrc( ?Av!v. ,.. lrt .gETrr.iC 3E; /.*;E ,--:-.. h2o5 f lEib.:\iB.) :_i.,r.-. i 5tAe) CqJT, i3r1rA d>F ?_. ,- .I 3d inoepce: z* ;, 6aa/n \ *): ,ig ;xr-1,,:..i:1. ::i ..ii / .,e E.,-. q'yiyD. ? xio .1'-,rQ5 Q i?' ,, tt4 E xI . r.eg/a:, JiF-rqt/I-Er, +c/ izpLt v.r)D cofb bLAS 9 rCC- rL I l.i:;ts: Tilr: AFlS6/a + +-': 9?-T i <i .. t b -.:-,\ .r;C.i:, .l:.'- 1, . . OO lr'. tt'O I | "' : ,,*j l:sfl H#fi gE$ H$g c; FcH H 3$ 5o 3-fi 5g gsfi .'2,,-t.l-" t..i"i ", ! t : I $r $b-nD ' Marc Ctrurcfrill Engin€€r un s. |E-deb_rrv. gr|. an2Vril, Colo..do gt657 t, Onic€ (906) a7G3OB2fbne (A@) g4e.4SO6 oo .o FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belol iterc need to be complete beforegiving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off jn the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMP0MRY C of 0 oz E =Eluo- oO oOO ro 1A O r,.c)FI4 (t UJIIJltt =EuJo- sg tt'9, 'u4X -Z t't ge gJ I *i\rA^l r\xq)r =(.'.\ll cl.) $,lJl Ni $r\,El,< =ll0; $E;#tE o< TJJF Ee. t/,z = z ollJF z z6!fd) .6oz EllJz3o utIF t\ C\Ioco .oo(J o.L.PP (Ua> JOOJ(-)O ro .'- |(Uo-,- O- Or >t\E INL >t F-{ =!+J+)X@ooLO-CO ltJuto =I o o o g!6 .9 cto.(E 'oFo.cl F. o FE o ID-co T' (lt 0)ttoo ot E o o =l do o o.ct '.9 o c('t ato atoooac .9.9 .u o o (l CD o\an 3 F o.c o o) o o od 0, o o .2 I ftl o o 6 at '6 E .i:ot: (! '=O|,' sbE 5ffr EgE b F,'5c-o c$: :geg >=c96'- o. -c EEE EEA ==E,FOO i:() E;sF! i.Y- rEct(! cL sEE <r, P o-Ef;eE6: E E.Eo(E= EEE - o"li9+,c6 0'-.c; oe-G lrr c)r FEEoi3 '6>,o 6= H; E ag: EEE- o lr) rif\ cc cLT Oa =uJc(9z @ Y()uJ 2 Jo. oEF uJJuJ z E 9z IJJ UJujt!zo F gJ uJ oE .D3UJ5u,lEz -tt IJJ F u,J z |rlJo x F ulU' anulult! ==EuJL FoF <5z6 6 IEFouJJul 0z ao- d Iz ouj- F F NO[Vn]V Id;k) EE;: ;$; A I etE;\-,1 ': C.,E:: ;=Z Z 4;o o o- E s 9a;E P OE'= oog,5b fl= 3 E :5Eg gE ; oi 6'= q- 5- r-(u +Jrtt = zoF {t!c o. (J UJ lr) x E o-uJE, zoF6o zo F gJ =uJ2 @ =z .z9sai6o<oi =Ex rr-6o<z ot<i9z dG}EOI llt J otuz:a iF z tr z { > I =F Iu 6 3 a =rl2lt I ,\ 'rlI F Fo oul UJulza = ul z E oz Fo J s-T l I I olzl!l t<lto-l (\l I = .f,rlo C\JOo IIJFoooazo t-ILulV uJo oF tr =,^cE6H3bJ E;ItslgulbEzo z oPze =z=, 1JO(L l! "3q::-1i-r -'i uJ6il= t EutGtloEqE3€uB9tt ir 5EE drE !E: >o-E 8b9 lu.tt ai €= HoF I-- E =Elrlo.zoF C)3E. 6zoo !!n =.1olull :l <l BI fl I El |lJlEIJIal>lttlol pl p: ol Llol'l =lEItrt .u F6 EG. +J!lr- .J' oo o (o I(\Io)@ I I<l(oldlF{l .lot =.1olullcEl JI <l>l bl FI (o> It{-) =tr J zl FI o) .o+)(u (u (6 .6 u; =z co -) €l sl 4JltJtl.gl-lolol-l al.4tu E 3 to o tFz l-& ir =+EFt-Oz )E<o(JF trsfiF-zilo t2?E?>ar d6o E-rO<F0.(JuJ<ztUJFs6 (J I E!! I' \,,-, l u I .lt -,i.c \\ Gordon R.Pierce Architect A.I.A. March 13, 1985 Mr. Steve PattersonBuilding Department Tordn of Vail75 South Frontage Road WestVaiI, CO 81557 RE: Vail Village Inn Phase 2I,ilall Monitoring Program for Lower Level North Wall Dear Steves As per your request, Tim Boyle will be making monthlyinspections of this north wall as he agreed to in his March61etter. we shall submit to your office at the first ofeach nonth a wall condition report using data collected ateach of the knock out areas and any other areas which may become affected. However r w€ cdnnot stress enoughimportance of the maintenance staff of the Vail VillageInn, Ty Weddyl & Company, to monitor this condition on adaily basis, especially in the ensuing wet spring months. I feel that the measures we took to correct the problem were the best under the given circumstances. Should you have any questions, please call me. S incerely, KAS/1r t Kurt A. SegerbergArchi tect 1000 South Frontage Road West'Vail, Colorado 81657'303/476-6776 Gordon R. Pierce Architect A.I.A. March 26, L985 Mr. Steve PattersonBuilding Department Town of Vail75 South Frontage Road WestVail, CO 81657 RE: .Sail Villaqe Inn Phase 2wa_-fffiAffitnfg program for Lower Lever North wal1 Dear Steve: As per our agreement to monitor the Vail village Innlower level north wall, I recently made a fieldinspection of the effected area. The knockouts, madeby Tye Weddyl , appeared to indicate no additionalmoisture from our first inspection on February 28,1985. The floors in each of the two storage areaswere dry with no sign of water. The new concrete wall with waterproofing has been setin place leaving only the sump pump and back fill workto be conpleted. I must note that the excavated area appeared much drier than on previous visits. Tye Weddyl indicated that he is making weekly inspections and he has noticed no changes to the wood frame lowerlevel wal1. Yours truly, 6nt%"q Kurt A. SegerbergProject Architect KAS,/lrt 1000 South Frontage Road West . Vail, Colorado 81657 ' 303/476-6776 n Gordon R.Pier0. Architect . A.I.A. O llarch 7r 1985 !lr. Steve Patteraon Town of, VailBuildtng DePartnent 75 South.Frontage Road WegtVailr Co 81657 RB: Vail Village Inn Phase I e 2 Water Leakage of North l{all Dear Steves Enclosed are gur recormendatione for the repair work on the Vail Village Inn Phase I e 2 north wall at the area east of.the iool running to the Phase 3 parking structure wall. l{e feel that these rernedial- measures should correct any future probl'erns in this area ' Should you have any guestione regardlng ttris matter' please call . Slncerelyr fu!,"mArctlitect KAS,/lrt €llC o tt 1000 South Frontage Road West . Vail, Colorado 81657 ' t03/476'6776 I Boylc En9tncortng r Inc. 143 E. llcador, 0r. Suttc l{-leVall, Colorado 8165? fitt1?6-2175 To:llr. Stcvc Pattcrcon Torn o? Urll Eurldrng Dcpt. 75 S. Frontcgc Rd. tfcct Uatlr Colorado 81657 Dats, l'larch 6' 1985 SubJcct.t llator Lcakagc Uillagc Inn Arcads Vatlt C0. Ocar Stcva: Thrc urtl conftrn that I havc rcvlcucd thc aituation at thc north cids of thc Vlllagc Inn Arcadc rrrhcrc the uood rctaining uall has failcd and r,lator pcnctratlon hcr occurrcd. Thc cnclosed dctail dcscnibcs thc noo concrctc rctrlnlno uall to ncplcce the urood uall in thc rogion uhcrc thc cxcavatlon oxtctcd thc day you visitcd the aite. This uallt togcthcr r,lith ths draln syctcr,r to bc installcdt should colvc thc pro- blcn in that rcgion. fic pcr your rcqurltt, lho ouner hac oponcd uP thc rrlall in a nunbcr of locations to thc uost of thic rcaion. Today I ln- cpcctcd thc uatl through thocc holcr and this is a 6unnary of t'ly findingc. lhc lcll rrras built o? uoaaniecd plyuood ln thc arca inmrdiatcly adJaccni to thc ltatnring pool and no 619nt of dccay or noisture gcnctration havc occurncd. In thc roctton ucst of iho pool tho r,lall uas built of convcn- tlonal plyr,lood rini16r to thc rcctlon that har f aiIed. l'loisturc ponctrat- ion lr prcacnt on thc ingldc facc of thc plyttood and sonc uarping uas notcd. Houcvorr thero uar not ncarly tho anount of tqoiaturo pcnctration pncacnt that oar in thc r€gion that failed. Al:o, the Plyuood appcars to bc in bottcr chapc than tho rcglon to thc oact. I fccl that thc lifc of thc asctlon adjaccnt to ths sui ming pool could bc ar nuch ac flvo to tcn ycr6. I r,lould cstinatc that thc lifc of thc lcctlon at thc ucct cnd i! onc to tuo ycars' As this uall is not a bcaring r.lall and docr not prcscnt a Iifc aafcty aituation' I agrec uith your nonl- toring conccpt and ruggcst that I nakc nonthly inspectionl of thc condrtion to dctcrninc if the cituation hac dcgcncrated. If I find this to bc thc casc I r,rill notlfy your offico inncdiatcly and r,rill insist that thc concrctc rcplaccrcnt uall bc inplct'tontcd. Hopcfully, thc nou construction utll trhr pl.cc thl..uni.n or ?all ond thlr.ltu.tton nill br ccmrctrd rtthrt tlm. Trnothy Prcat dcnt I I Ploarc Rcply txl No rcply nrcsscory '',rli!,? a tr @ q*cz2 fr*l 4F.rr# ry :: &ofLkWf- uFlrJFeF6r $q VgFl tcf v 4l u2 g 1t"ylcrtpatlTt v 'orfiKwxle' lANeEFoafq$ f7*+l Wlon P+4 af avTqq wwflIw tAlclil -:' ' tl+,tl t\c' 1.'s1-t* ltrFtN :tFhvVL 1.o t-l{P.c-f to ,_> Q 117 4,( ,rf b t4 FVYIE?)fV L,JrvU_ \l^l L utrl,*Av tNN&s (Vpf-e r..fl plf" tWF"r rgl*li fr9rto,llTrU&ttt P gc.l lq fro(fq Vt Xt-t t?t',-.?VYaA? bt4Llt+bP . t^I y1/2,.1 t,H? trosrrffqw- p^{r-r.I6totl" Do/le erprneeflng. rrc 143 e rrreodo,v d suile n-10 crossroods strcppirq cenfer nrl. colsodo 81d57 n3/a76 21/0 lq" * 4 vadrw s,'-r,'o!. 1rc' Ao I, + y,tt tT ct y1 |-'F:VV * 4*uqt i{a1u ?X l',,f lt'l ,1 11t:1tl'-F eq e hi tfH pftkY Jrt c,41' fu*frvv YODER ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, tNC. P. O. 8ox 5740 AVON, COLORADO 81620 (303) 949.rr91 JO3 3HEET NO. cALcuL^rED ,^',, +[Elb6 "DA'EOHECXEO 8Y : I :'fti> Dt€{.HA?fte tO'HrnrnroYt N\t&rt-Jc'Br-E F@un GeRArrtoEPs '. . tt , - a i.. 'L.ttle6rut*" ,8.c,F,A , ..:i.l,I:' i ' r' -- IS,lD{r-prcrp:rll tu1t/ffiEab ciz ts =e, UJo- cIcL'F\ U' IJJ UJlt- F =E IJJo- -s/re/s t th€.€47?"-V'- elZA -'/-22Y? \irdl \ - t_,, )tf;I ltEI .t ;o\.t l(,\i. rZ\9 UJF GoF EFIz = o = ouJF z z J dt .d z? ulz3o uJIF z r!Julo i Gou. tr UJz3 u- uJ F o os, -(l,o(5 .()E.o(o c =oF ooo o € o o 6oo O o) ==o E o l o0) o (5 'Q' E .9ooE af;oooo .9o E -ct ao E (' -at =oF It) o) E o (E c, o an .9E =tt o Ec6 g; =6 -.: - 0)o'i (0 '=O(,' sbEcoo.e; I EgFiBE e:5:€P.:; _-c96 B3t EEE'FOO;Eo easF! i.:- (! CL(u CLsEto-o.E*: E6: E E.EO(!: EE E eeC6 0'-.c; of *-c E't €-9i]]6>.9.!a.Y:E ;Eg9E or :EE- -oo Tr) CO (n F =ul z lo YoIJJ ()z o_ 9tF() uJJuJ oz =J oz UJ = ulult!zIF lUE C)UJE oc o.D =g uJEz 6uJ F o. UJ z llJ x F uru,l tt UJ UJlt b =EuJo- J FoF z J C0 9 (J uJ uJ (,z ao = o- J 9z gJ- NOT.tv lVA J =I =13qf :q : 'q .E e .9L+J(Ju cJ ;to3ll.oz9FcG,o ltl UJzrlJ ,Ag'y: c_ll'' =t$ zz9oQs 3e90vroZt-89l!<o*HF-5 dni zo F J l! t,'l & u, rr)N 6E o- UJE z9Eo z9 e uJ J =UJz I 2lz tr o: o() I <t tszlozlJUJ =o q) IJJo J ut tr z Fl!z FI trI (,)l <(t) |IJJ IzlYI9l rII-l It-- HIal I I ..1zr-oli__l<l oozd ul) ql <lil,,- xlOlultE s'-c\a o)'o lo Fa <lFI zl zl A, >l uJouJulzotr uJ zo Eo oz Fa 6 ol<r4t*rrltu) 1!9bF (\.1 I= o,r{O C\JOo u,F o UJFoooazoFo- IJJY ltl c0 oF F CE uJotto-loa@=\\\r@ C) c\l | (') uJFoz z ,.t 9 =<dro>z a!- rJ- EEi =t!l:,'idd= ts =IIJGt! }. IJJEO2ZE<alf606eE9?ir 5s-9it- =ul--E h>I :*E >o--c Ub9 lurE XO-t x>t q- €= l,u6oF II- E =E, lrJo-zIF()fE 6zo C) !trtr ol =.1ol IJJI 5l<l>l.Uolzl3lolFI I el dl HI a'l>l t'r-lol il gol utFI F .lz.l olull :t <l>l u-lol fl o oo trl (u o G'lrl tr .q I =fc| =lt- E:to- 5v, ct I,J,J =z (Do-) t(\(o<NIJsr rrtf)(o .c' Fn oC)!(u (5 =g tt Eot-o (rFzoo z oIu = -e_ iJ =+Eo2 EoF EFzo E2e =<>(r d6 O G, -rO<FdoIJJ <zEUJFe6 o tuE? C) 2 !tstr oz E =c IJJc oooo@ U' IJJ UJll- ts =tlrJc ')l'8-l'l-8 5hb2 vJ2- {FJr $ )t 6-{6= ltE.s $a= $ toi IIJF o F F2z o oz i! o+l ollrF z z r)J @€ =z IIJz = utIF z o EoE -9o6o sc'!oF 0,.c oo()c(s .s'E o o.c oo 6oqoO o) =Jo E o =f, Eq, o o.o.G] .g o -:- o c6*8.9 BEE: €$ s€c.= 6 - = =.s 6,9 6P:Ec-o> ef:E =sf;c966.l o5 orrEt: E E-s: 6:;E g.; E-g sEieo!Eors*e€E6:i EEE E - o-.!a a 60'-tt= o .,' et; e E E;; Bg;i iEH'E orlt sfFl (\Isf O! oIoFi \ c!q (n cr) F Ec,ulc z -J Y u, z J 9 FouJJllJ z tot J J Iz !! = UJgJ z llJ (.) UJ .D =g uJ z 6u,o Foo uJ 3z IuJ x F uto U' IJJuJt! tr =uJL J. FoF ozoJf,co J oEFoqJ UJ z co =fJo z IJJ = NO|rvn]VA Itr tE-c l!tc, 9: ; lEt;*l.J E8= =xq p a : E:l/,(,clF e t fiFu-<o*ioig F== dN !a)+)o an(5 !cat' zotr ) t! Ed E |l uJ zo Eoo x zotr u.lFJ 3IJJz oFz zIF. o o(J I aFz zf trio u,o J uJ(E oz I Ez F tr ul JJ (E (t, IJJzY9IF 29 5 z IJl I<t IEt Iztl I_l zl >l Ff Fa ol!outIIJz F uJ ) z E o (f) I v,J =F uJ -c rorl@ c)o uJ ts(t,tro?zoFo- uJY UJo oFF =E IJJo-bJrqB{t-l HFJi\F\Jzo z,n9za.coo =z=rfJO(L LL "39 =r,iiHo-! -i ul6E> = H EgEActl€vE9?a 5EF-Jr = lll r- E FE: >o-E 8bE :HE 6tEq€= lLloo -I- ts =E. UJo-zIF C) EFazoo !D! rltltltlt.l lelI ctlI tlJll:ll<ll>lI ltlloltzl Eil I I I .l zl ,dl Hl JI?l>l tI-lol Fl i zl cil r.lJl 1l al>lttlolzl 3lotFI tltltltl l?ltolI urll5l l3llbltzla3l HPI (\lst I(c) F\st JIqco I Ct c\l I E=lT cilIzlr'',1 dl-t uJl^a trl Et il:l sl ;;l (U U' o.r I(U+,(l, = (u(t)(d ru rii =z (Do (\t(\t(0 LO I(gr\!<-L o(-) (q tro ! =oo(o(u =Ic(F(| =+v - IJJ z I I Itl l" I JaJlu.|qolq dEE() Fli1 c) =l-o2 o (,zo =Jo- JE<oOF;()F=YF-ziloo E -rO<FG(JlJ,l <zEt!F-<.lf, cn 'i' UJ-JO !!n I 42 W. Meadow Dr. Vall, Colorado 81657 Vail Fire Department CORRECTION NOTICE Date of original insp6ction:' /,--- z',Building addres sr /t o +-.2. -:/ *{.-/ ./'7/ .' 1 '- ,/J'Z s- 476-221m ,/Z-z,z' 3 "?/' ?4/a az,. -.':1s. ./- 'u 4 n ;--"t-(c-4 THIS SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT COVERS THE FOLLOWING: tr uNrFoRM FIRE CODE (U.F.C.) VIOLATIONS tr o NATTONAL ELECTRTC CODE (N.E.C.) VIOLATIONS O B NATIONAL FIRE CODES (NFPA) VIOTATIONS //"/ SAFETY VIOLATIONS UNSAFE PRACTICES OTHER DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION: /) Carz7e ,/1 <<4:;ss 6 dazzr/.-a c. <alJf:f 2) 4..., <" Z'n<- t Fzzzz*y' zr,4 I't r.--7--' 3 ) s, * ,t i1 rR.,Yt.-t,7 t, =J z!.*o- i ^12zrz"'4 /Z^'.'u, ,Z!7pt- 7ft.t zze-, C--z--a.9 4u/ /.1; q .t4 a F//az...?4-r--=,. €F<-,-/1 .7 / ^ J,/' J z/. <u- ,t 4'>J/)r.,.:a.-/-..J- './ ,nro7V1/:7. e1"ze-s .4t-'-.-.-- a-?a> J 4/zr-- C-/? /{'r"'.'1 .larl ACTION REOUIRED TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS: I t\ ,A-.-u.- ,--4r>,--Y. ./vp.z/2. zr - ? ) .z^,J.-,-...9 1-Z 4 t .4.'.-. t "-/ A *-bu"""e"z \.',-.o- ..-zSc=- /o ) -ferzz z-'d-N. :Ve- --7 ?..-r' J e- ZrZa<-- ala -a-2LS ,/l i>r< 4u--J € 3 1- 4'z€'( ,/ ,:" ) 1i)-.r./2 1-'. //./'--n:,J 2n CITED CORRECTIONS SHALL BE COMPLETED BY:-.,-.< o A.M./P.M. Date: lll accoRDANCE WITH C.R.S. 3,I-5-g'? THROUCH 32-s-343 (1973t rF yOU FA|L TO COilpLy WrrH THIS COARECTIOil r'rOTrCe O OR IEFORE IHE AEOVE STATED COT'PLETION DATE YOUR FAILURE TYILL RESULT II{ FUATHER AGTIO?{ EEIT'IC TAI(ETI UIIDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE U.F.C. 1982 EDTTIOIII. WHICH MAY II{CLUDE YOUR BETNG ISSUED A SUTIIMONS TO APPEAF IIT MUNICIPAL OR COUIITY COURT FO8 THE VIOLATIOI{S AEOVE SPECIFIED. UPOII A FINOING OF GUILTY OF SAIO VIOLATIOIIS YOU WILL BE SU}' JCCT IO THE PENALTIES PROVIOED BV LAW. BUILDING OWNER/MANAGER: FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICER:--?)4-<'- - -)P-:'Y' (f/'t.t ,dl. ''E' lgleadu'a) a a+I t tVaif Fire Departmen CORRECTION NOTICE ./z-,. a Oat€ ot originat insp€ction: /.rn t. ,. t'.,, -. :-./ Euifding addres ", / o o c ,L' a1>jk /o.,.' -.- t7,z-' Time served: 42 W. Meadow Dr. Yall, Colorado 81657 176-22@ ?/': Dat€ lerved: Building name: Building owner:. THIS SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT COVERS THE FOLLOWING: o uNrFoRM FIRE CODE (U.F.C.) VIOLATTONS tr tr NATTONAL ELECTRTC CODE (N.E.C.) vroLATroNS tr tr NATIONAL F|RE CODES (NFPA) vIoLATtONS tr .SAFETY VIOLATIONS UNSAFE PRACTICES OTHER ./77 ./ t ..: OESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION:/tz ) ..E-4.--.4,-..,..-.-,/2-Q cJ tr-2"-.y',.2/ 4:k/.5 ,/f /'-- \-er.? .dc.....-.:J €a=..- (1.-i- 4z-e &S'cZ's-,2,.--=--. R-;62 o ^-,/ c-*o,-,-rh -4=.- t a? 4Et Z Z : CZra*U A,--,---. "yr-z:.rv- €Zs.3t3 I F ) S-t1 ..;t ,...v <! -2.2t -,l- e 5*{.5..-t.,(. /6 I f l.&--.----'r...) z a t -:- <--' 1:.* 4/-l za)?< q,..-<-,..j '/4",,a2s-) &^-.-t-.l,;?2.- s'.-J € .p. J ACTION REQUIRED TO CORRECT VIOMTIONS:2/.- ",-...---.- ip/< ( oz? ,4 '- z- e2.:611- -/,:-...-... /.e.r -.'/.€ 5,-a.r"-.r- ./).-t tz -2J &-r--i/d .'.,vJ- -- , < ,. - .:/ -> , ..2 S ..-.--<.. *:-,,az.S: .--42,. { z^ <)2a -.-: I Z 'it--.'4- .d..<;--,-no .a; 5Z .,,'t - arZ-! ,22:<-L/' O 2t> . --tt >. ?<74--;ra3-;,r4-- AZ o,._ s. ..ria<: -r.. .. >. ).ZDcrJ"'// ?./<i-*--,<--.'' ;':.-z .- ..,,-'', ,2 / CITED CORRECTTONS SHALL BE COMPLETED BY: ;_-- - -A.M./P.M. Date: lll AcconoAilcE wtrl{ c.R.s. 3^2'5-gl7 THROUGH 32-s€43 (19-731 tF you FArL TO COtpLy wtrH THts coRRECflOl| NOrtcE ()1{ oRSEFoRE rHE ABovE srArEo conCieri-oi oliiioJilierr-rtne wrr-r. niiuirlntbi:rxen acrrol BErro rarEN uNDER rHEtrnovlslo s oF rHE u'F c' 1es2 EDlrloN' wrrCx ril-v ixilune voui-sirlrc Lldiieo-ii suuno s ro AppEAR rN MUNrcrpAL oBoouxrY couRr FoR rHE vlolATlorra ^bovi $;airibl'upor e nnoiid-oFaurlri or saro vrolAnorrs you wrLL EE sus.JEC? TO THE PENALTIES PROVIDED BY LAW. BUILDING OWNER/MANAGER: FIRE OEPARTMENT OFFICER: (SJta.tr't, -41 ..-: - ,":/.t.'' J ti. - <- .-r.'r,-*r,*r**-_*|!"qt." *-. a(,...-i hn 42 W. Meadow Dr. Vail, Golorado 81657 t ,.: -T' 47A-A200 Date served:./? ,.2 ,' z Euilding nam€: Bullding owner: Date of original inspection: =/,-,/., .:- -/-o *fu 2tzt: *Euilding addr€ssl. " -- / i-'a € zt-' ^ Vaif Fire Department CORRECTION NOTICE Timo served: /.,..r ... z 2z . THIS SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT COVERS THE FOLLOWING: tr uNtFoRM F|RE CODE (U.F.C.) vtoLATtONS tr tr NATTONAL ELECTRTC CoDE (N.E.C.) vtoLATtONS tr O NATIONAL FIRE CODES (NFPA) VIOLATTONS tr tTs/4 SAFETY VIOLATTONS UNSAFE PRACTICES OTHER DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION:z7 a-Z/..(._,Zct>yt -2A fazt <-74ze',-t ,/z+ S)>z/ 1<Caz.eZ-- /-ja a-J -r /,a c.-<-.:r.a/ 4/Zr<_ : Z.:J:;<-- i4z._-2.. ^ -Vt-<-.S )-rt1-,t-/ e4 z z-Rz?-:t>t; As;z=a-<,-,u."u-t-'-e Js=-l z{ u..,J"2<., 21-.y' z4--z,, . - ^8) . .;Z a --. .5- 2.; - .:r-- 4. J ACTION REOUIRED TO CORRECT VIOLATTONS:1/21o,-Dti.:- ?L,-4 ->.e,1 <-.z' - -.); 7 C/..t ,4,crc (/zt:2,, .- 7 / i<.2 -i32-.:><3(/. "oi .ataF //;4..)Ezi ,L-ro , < e-t-r_s ./r,, _y'_ ,-fz( . *.o/ts < --,r... " -,=-t-, .r- ,f-A -/'6 ' 2.-e.- '..,;-,-/2 Z;--/S //!:;e-/'j-,,., ,tr-2.-Z t'Z-*-a-. -.J.,-:i.! 2':J 6/ =:, Z...-1_/.a 4e,.:5 CITED CORRECTIONS SHALL BE COMPLETED BY: Z-Q --' A.M./P.M. DAIE: .BUILDING OWNER/MANAGER: FIRE OEPARTMENT oFFIcERi - ftifiii.lii?'"Vl'3':*B 1'6?fl.1H"'ts1i.'?:;f;jl?IlL'I LoJ Fllt.r.9-c.9.1?lf-!LrH rH,s conREcno,{ NorrcE or oRiiilHp$d''?IE Srlf'?,:"Jl?+,'J,i:$fil';11Hif'#:l?.1'f."Il':Ri-"J'HT^T+,'."""J5ir+?Ilifl',ff.?ii:F$tiilJsi"'!ff,t;fu""811i,.1[,Blituitiigl;'-r'iEl,y""^.Jiliiiji3:,iiU='pT11'-fti'"1',txi']ff1*:1"*ljm.'l:!."#iTfi,?J,'"lt+Jg,tf:tli"*'nl":ft"5fH#"go:'u"'%LTH'1,3'',lt%'F:,ii$3Tt1lffi5fli+",SitHlr*,tFi"fi,TJEcr ro rHE pEmr.iris-FddiloEo By LAw. /'t' ' ?< <:. -.2 z/ t -'-" ..--4r€:- -9y: hrn 42 lI. Meadow Dr. Vell, Colorado 81657 ./Z ,2./ r,- Z- Dat€ rotv€d: Vail Fire Department CORRECTION NOTICE Date of original insp€clion: Buitding addres s: / 2o ; ?.'Z o Tlm6 s€rved: /2, < Buildlng name: Buildlng owner: 476-2200 THIS SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT COVERS THE FOLLOWING: tr uNrFoRM FIRE COOE (U.F.C.) VIOLATIONS tr tr NATTONAL ELECTRIC CODE (N.E.C.) VIOLATIONS tr tr NATTONAL F|RE CODES (NFPA) VIOLAnONS tr SAFETY VIOLATIONS UNSAFE PRACTICES OTHER OESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION: 3? ) 4-?r.,2<-'-r/ Cs- )28 /4 'L.a7;/.'. .;- tlV:') /-J -l-r,-. -> 4"d ///:L &7a{ l)-* :- z- F //2 ,//,. t /z2 -t. j ,-.r r,3 ,q ,.?- t .,^--.*- 4i.....'S .? ..a.. --,-<: .. -LazfZ.:.tl- 4-,=,.-e- z-- ) ACTION REQUTRED TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS: t /z;/ z. /,/Z'' '"'*7 .z{) (?'r;- ..zzzE<..o 5-,/o..- 4o ., )zzo .---*) ../rJtaz., )'4. 6z-J ..,/ro- 4-. -,' z',r'." 4*., - Z. n1; ,./-:.2ry < 4*-r,t..? 'C"1 -2t u'L -sD- e.-.!A--- az4 /.2--Zdl,e .?, a. CITED CORRECTIONS SHALL BE COMPLETED BY:./-a' O A.M./P.M. Dat€: lll AocoRDArrrCE W|TH C.R.S. 32-s-337 THROUGH 3a.5-343 (1973' tF YOU FA|L TO COr|PLy WtrH THrS CORRECT|OI{ l{OTtCE Or{ oR IEFORE THE AEOVE STATED COHPLETTO]I DATE YOUR FAILURE WILL RESULT IN FURTHEE ACTION AEING TAI(E}I UNDER THE. PAOYISIO S OF THE U.F.C. 1982 EDITIOIiI, WHICH MAY INCLUDE YOUR BEING ISSUED A SUIIMO'{S TO APPEAR IT{ XUilICIPAL OR OOUI{TY COURT FOR THE VIOLATIONS AAOVE SPECIFIED. UPOT{ A FINDING OF GUILTY OF SAIO YIOLATIO]IS YOU WITL BE SU& JCCT TO THE PENALTI€S PROYIOED BY LAW. BUILDING OWNER/MANAGER: ls/44,du'rt-'' )tr, 4'-eFIREDEPARTMENToFFICER: .2-2--2.-// as,tr.turr, -y':./-.u' .z*Z z.l . '"1 - Ifo- Vaif Fire Department- Dateserved: Buildingname: Bulldlng owner: /4 .. 1 4z;4 . - *.- .t_- .a/ 'hm tlll W. Meadow Dr. Vall, Colorado 81657 ./Z-27-tz- CORRECTION NOTICE Date ol original inspection: Euifding addre$ ' '/ao '-'- /'" ,'zt G'- '/-: /i 476-2200 l'-,.--,fa 2> "a -a-- , THIS SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT COVERS THE FOLLOWTNG: O UNTFORM F|BE CODE (U.F.C.) VIOLATTONS tr tr NATTONAL ELECTRTC coDE (N.E.C.) vtoLATtoNS trtr NATIONAL FIRE cooEs (NFPA) VIoLATIoNS tr .SAFETY VIOLATTONS UNSAFE PRACTICES OTHEB DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION: Ro G.<-*z.z,z 4t ?'z' a .a-,.zze.t- --v. A-.' ' /L <-c-."2t,.J // Caze42-7 {;'>:t->--/{/r 7- /r.. ,i--s / Jz-.'?,r:' - z - 1"r z'2-...- 4P-,-=-z?,.i4 Z-r-/.-f -/oa-t E-/+_.,. -*{/L"t /L.-e.z 4 c- ,, S /---.4.-:-'' . .-a 2-- e.--/4.aa,? S' A,4J ->zzoJ4;-.'r ' o ,aJ 44---<..J-/:...a<_ - -../4o'.-'-a 4L<. 7V 5,/ e f,A-t ACTION HEQUIRED TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS:eJ U -fn o/, 1- &a-r? e '?- --/ -.4..-..*,,z: z2 zt7) '/su-':_1:" iz",--a. j {/ C:-o->t ,,t-- >z<.t .ao,r-/'.r.-->72 /-4 ( S .../z-z?-8L effi$.,r$;,:lf -i6giili,t,1**:*,F;l"q$"*'dil; CITED CORRECTIONS SHALL BE COMPLETED BY: ZC O A.M./P.M. DAIE:,.,.-. .,7.t L BUILDING FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICER:,ts ---<-<.- .a*?l>-a y7f-, br.*.t/t .l - 42 W. Meadow Dr. VelL Colorado 81657 oate s€w€d: -..-//ZZ: ..' \e -../- nBuildlng name: Building owner: Vail Fire Department CORRECTION NOTICE Dat€ ot original inspection: Bulfctingaddrass, -4 e/zzr"c:zJr--2 ,/ <- Timo s6rvsd:,t 7' 32 z:.-z ; 47A-2200 t iI T: THIS SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT COVERS THE FOLLOWING: tr uNlFoBM F|RE CODE (U.F.C.) VTOLATIONS - tr tr NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE (N.E.C.) VIOLATIONS tr B NATIONAL FIRE CODES (NFPA) VIOLATIONS tr SAFEW VIOLATIONS UNSAFE PRACTICES OTHER DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION:i-c o '3<4 / rZ Ca,,d.z*?6a</a1 O.V1 r) l?-z:..t-".- ./42, = J'.'x -../. '.v 4-.- .--- (1 r/? ' <-', I Z) S.--^. ,,,' . _-.-\ ..a' <..-/ t <- r/2,.., a Z,a-t>>-. )2r;z<- - 7,.s <'-..-3 . ^-t P- / .-/-nn rtJZ,.z-/ t ,-? c,/n *,, ?\-a/"a,-- -. 2 ,/ /zJrc-i/S ,, -t :', * t ) / C|€ra/? /*r3rzr:: /nn-n t 7?.-aa cazt,r,-",J azr,- @ sZ", ,/t 77?."2o- tz'.dz-1 g/) 4 <-.J- ///-j.'.1o Z g 4n, rr,--'z-2- -:---.//n'-d ,2- -t/-.., (-: .7)4', t A'^:---- ], ,r.,r' .i.:. -;,. , --s+)'5 (. ACTION FEQUIREO TO CORBECT VIOLATIONS: /o S/'-.:] .{^.au"/ .tl ', .-' r1t I <)=.'-/ .'- - -7-{ ..r' t'..', - ". -/---X , ,':''L-- -(t -a . -L ,,.,-,1-,-.,,) .. J -t'-S, /'-?l _/< ,'t-cLCITED CORRECTIONS SHALL BE COMPLETED BY:A.M./P.M. Date: lr ACCOROAI'ICE WITH C.R,S, 32-S-3S7 THROUGH 32-s-3rrir (1973) tF yOU FA|L fO COf,pLy W|TH TH]S CORReCTtOil I{OTTCE ON ORBG'ORE THE AEOVE STATED COT'PLETIOT{ OATE YOUR FATLURE WILI. RESULT I?{ FI'RTHEA ACTIOil EEIT{G TATEN UNOER THE PflOVISIOT{S OF THE U.F.C. t982 EDITION, WHICH IIAY INCLUDE YOUR BEII{G ISSUED A SUHIIOIIS TO APPEAR IN MUNICIPAL ORCOUXTY COURT FOR THE YIOLAT]ONS ASOVE SPECTFIED. UPON A FINOING OF GUILTY OF SAID VIOLATIOI'8 YOU TYILL BE SU8.JICT TO THE PENALTIES PROYIOED BY LAW. BUILDING OWNER/MANAGER: FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICER:'2.'< ,. -t',;- /,'i;/.. -) J .r' . < / ,'. ,/1 ', --:?.{,,., €-.-'a'e^'!:l?, -,.<u--- V (Sigtdunl lftrt : Vail Fire Department I hrn 42 W. lleadow Dr. Vall, Colorado 81657 ,zZ-.2 Z- * * Datg sgw€d: Bulldlng name:lzz.z 4 a./4. :7c- CORRECTION NOTICE Date of oriEinal iNp€ction; Buildlng addres3: Tim€s€wed:/?' qtIt-s. 476-in00 -,2A I ////-r.,- '4''J /zt. Bulldlngowner: THIS SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT COVERS THE FOLLOWING: tr uNtFoRM F|RE CODE (U.F.C.) VIOLATIONS tr SAFETY VIOLATIONS tr NATTONAL ELECTRTC CODE (N.E.C.) VTOLATTONS tr UNSAFE PRACTICES tr NATTONAL'F|RE CODES (NFPA) VTOLATTONS tr OTHER .r:d. ZzzZ .44 _.r/, -?z?- t/,.2-5 .454-4 /- <-c-.- Qc-<.'-,"1-, //'zz z 2","/ < .@,DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION: G--2 ,- -1-., g 4/./. -/ r Z. ACT]ON REQUIRED TO CORRECT VTOLATIONS: CITEDCORRECTIONSSHALLBECOMPLETEO AV'- 7< 2 A.M./P.M. DAIE: .,P-,:'; t/ .-,'/J.t 'd /. <--4' €2?' .z I . ' Z--' .,.2 t 7'd U It| AOOOnDA|ICE W|TH C.R.S. 32-5€in THROUGH 32-5-3.3 (19t3) rF yOU FArL TO COrTpLy W|TH TH|S CORRECT|OIT NOTICE Oir OR IEFORE THE ABOVE STATED COHPLETIOT{ OATE YOUR FAILURE WILL RESULT IT{ FURTHER ACTIOI{ BEIT{G TAI(ET'I UNDEB THE PROVISIONS OF THE U.F.C. 19&t EDTTIOT{, WHICH TIIAY INCLUDE YOUR BEING ISSUED A SU IIOI{S TO APPEAR I|| U ICIPAL OR COUNTY COURT FOR THE VIOIATIOIiIS ABOVE SPECIFIEO, UFON A FINDII{G OF GUILTY OF SAID VIOIATIOTI8 VOU WILL BE SU8. JCCT TO THE PEilALTIES PROYIDED BY LAW. . a.BUILDING OWNER/MANAGER: FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICER:7Z-'.--<.._*-.F /-4 .2" '- 5- ; 't <2/Z't --Z-r/, (Si9rat ra, ir'irrE-r|tD+-i*-*-..:.1<- I' It b, rtrt/t. ) z J Iz i !lE YtcoB ILo =o g .EoU'|llo J cttl2 --o2.rn 9= Jrg zo Foqi6Fal2v!96 o.<srJo.oIE;.i J ->ri\-1ts_tI r- <\ s\(\iF =<-FO(')loY2F< ta0!,c9at2 azzF<; 1.O !lzc' ^! o{ o< E!<' !l F F F. !lF F oz z :. aa F llc tl ; EF !l 9l fill + FtGulc a\ {.. xIulI(, 2 Ja 2 ;o*HYq dUc() oluGul ouz |llo23E \\ tF2 u,l =qJo !l FoF FoF v o @ IsI N'r GItt6E zz t Er ulo oz -oJ -l0 => l&e =, =et- a F t vI+? @ U u lI- oz ts =E UJo- roN4 (n UJllJtt ts =e. LlJo- /vtra_ Ea/T/F' J/hEg hy) U'ul zoz6J5 co .6 o =z uJF 6 F Iz = zz tlllirUi I sr irll1l, $l $i= I\lE I $iE i l! uJ!, =? |! E Fo z3 l!o El zoa ;E$:c *; cE*E]g5E € gE€:E :fiig: gt;;g EtgEcg;Eee sEiei i EFgE iEEs560'-5--c;o(,'tr $gE: =EEa;9 EBiEg orJ) <f rt)(\t t\ rJ)t\ (\l tr =uJ z J lo :< ut oz GF t! u, z6 =d = uJ- UJq,/ z F uJ olr,l oo3g uJEz -out aoo-uJoc * rlJ o x F uJo (n uJ UJlt- tr =tuJI J FoF z CO C)E ouJ (Jzo- Jo- C)z oUJ- NO[vn]v lolctILlocu+){t, "1" F{+J frEElc HF xg XE bg2.e9(F E.aGC)J!4uov Et E-e Uu =>E €rx N={d6} zzoo 3E =i,t oa,r!<o*ig-;d E l:l ilgl z tr J l! o l !!c F oo c)()t\4 E |lJe, z Eo z E gJ J :;luJz tltltltl <nFz z9e?<oo< =PUci<z (t)trz,. YZ -iF EO}E .. >lo UJ qJutzo ts UJ(L J z E r!f J (/) IIJzYoIF zotr J (nz ltl zY o- (5z q) JG) (\,1 I ccl - Ifr) ir:)J r:.).',-l r) i) z ,.r Pze(Do =zde EEiA;H lrJFooo-zo Fo-uJY uJooFF =3!+ o)t'-tel d .-l 8 'il r{lrlgulbEzo ts trqr o-t!oEB2zE<cl€frE9lrLbegE =>E dEE 5EE =*E 66E irt x>t q-oi!E UJoo ffi\zrE - F =e,lrJo-zoF()fEFazoo !!D 4t I I I JJo oz -Jt! FoJ cc (,ctrIq .'-q C rgl>o di =zo - I I I 11q '1 CItrt,g '-l.'-l>t I41.r+ ta.d gl>t ;ltcttd,,1 < -tJa<4A <\l(\Ir.o6)I(Ot\* E tltlllEtl|ltatx,td dAE lltl-l Iot I El Iil ^l;l zl Cl ,'il8l Fl il 3l5bl =l zl HFI E I cil =.1 sl 5l al>l tJ-lq zl aFI=tr Etrt! tltl|ltlloll=ltsllGllJlt<ll>l tbl dflE .E] |!l I'El Io-l I:l I F];|-l 5lEt 3l "Hl al El el E EuJz = [u =7 O t-rO<FE()lrJ <zturF(rzo <o(JF trs8E5 gF gE a'6() *5!lFi3AFi-z =g Eh*|.'Ji rJz toa g.). -tHI -Ktr! I.) BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIC2*-* -r' //G^-1Jurisdiction of s- Applicant to complete numbered spaces only, tL lz7 J ,?/, 1[see erucx eo sxeer) MAII AODR E'S ZIP pHox E -/z-/?-* d>{>zo{ 7o tB%xf, AFCH I IEC i Oh OESIGNER MAI L AOOi ESs PHONE LI'ENSE NO. ENGINEER MAI L AODi ES S PHONE LICENSE NO. MA|L ADDiEss EtaNcH use oF BUrLorN6 LJ8 Ctas of work: ANEW fl A00tTt0N tr ALTERATToN tr REPATR tr MoVE tr REMoVE *- poouS |)./r*fxfrop ht,*cL "-,-, Qo*"' /'" l0 Change ol use from 7y'ord<- Change of use to l1 Valuation of work: ${ootz PLAN CHECK FEE SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size ot Bldg,(Total) Sq, Ft. Flre Sorlnkl€fs R6qulred D\'/es ENoonpT'"*o"""' cg d,)No. ot Dwelling Unlts OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPABATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTTLATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENOED OR ABANDONED FOR APERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM.MENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFV THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANV OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. SOIL REPORT OTHER (Spoclfy) WHEN PROPERLY VALIOATED IIN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - INSPECTOR cK. M.O. CASH CANARY - AUDIT PERMIT VALIDATION PINK _ APPLICANT GOLDENROD - TEMP. FILE -T Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - I NSPECTO B /60/I BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Jurisdiction of C I (LIsE E A-rYACHED SHEET) MAI L DOiESS ZIP "e;";; €zrtJ-"-6;"V: LtcE 9E NO. CHITECT OR O E5I CNEi LtcENSE l{O. ENGINEEF MAIL AODRESS PHONE LtcEN9E r{ O. L EN OER MAIL ADDRESS USE OF BU ILO NG 8 Class of work:EI,v D AOOITION IInITennrIon tr HEPAIR D MOVE D REMOVE e..^) /aE ht.zza, uat? a ffi72/r..t ouTo./ Pt.lti l0 Change of use lrom PERMIT FEEl l Valuation ol work: $ SPECIAL CONOITIONS: No. ol Storlds Size of Bldg. (Total) Sq. Ft. APPBOVEO FOR ISSUAiICE BV OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PEBMITS ARE REOUIRED FOB ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 OAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENOED OR ABANOONED FOR A PERIOO OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTVPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. SOIL REPORT OTHER (Speclty, WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION 4/o ' ou CANARY - AUOIT PIN K - APPLICANT GOLDEN FIOD _ TEMP. FI LE ru'rofl.,o Jurisdiction to complete numbered spaces only. '/276 I PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK. WHEN PBOPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT VALIDATION v7 4I .o, 'il, INSPECTOR iEOIDEi 'FOM: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILOING V -'LL I oEsai.flsre erreor eo sxeer; MAI L ADOIESS ZIP 3 /lAotr{lkt/Vfiw LICENsE NO. b /4tr-5 I TECT OF OE3I6I{ER r.tcENSE No. MAI ! AODRE3S PIIONE MAIL AoDiESs BiANcH IJSE OF 6UILOING 8 CIASOIWOrK: trNEW ,XJ AOOITIOI EALTERATION NREPAIR EMOVE DREMOVE 10 Chaqe of use from Change of ure to 1l Valuarionofwork:$ KOU PERMTT FEE /A. P) Slz€ of Bldg, (Total) Sq. Ft. OFFSTREET PARKING NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ANE REQUIREO FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT SECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC.TION AUTHORIZEO IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF@NSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOB APERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM-MENCED. Form lOO.1 969 oFFtctaLs a 50 30. Lq3 iol|.Eg a P^laDlxa, caLtFor|lta 9l t ot /'/, / I cK. M.O. CANARY - AUOIT WHEN PROPERLY V TEO (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PEBMIT cAsH PERMIT VALIDATION M.Ct:..1 d. t/, BUILDING PERIVTIT APPLICATION Juridiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces onty. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION I DESCT.(LltEE ATTACXEO llxEEI) M I L AODiEIS ZIP t '' ;fi "'a l}(rcz; <71xi r {" PHONE ''--,- (-'t-- LrcENSE r{O. 7ot.B AictrItEcT oR D Es tcN Ei LrcEt9E r|O. ENGINEER MAI L AOOREIs PXONE LI'EN3E (O. UsE OF AU]LDING 8 cras of work: ffnew Ftootilor f] ALTERATToN D REPATR tr MovE D REM0VE tS t-^ 10 Change of use lrom 1l Valuation of work: $ &Xo a PLAN CHECK FEE PERMTTFEE 23" od SPECIAL CONDITIONST Slze of Bld9.(Totall Sq. Ft. Firs Sprlnklcrs Requlred !yg, [N. OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE FEOUIREO FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONOITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHOBIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN @ DAYS, OF IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR AEANDONEO FOR APERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCE D.I HEREBV CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECTFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. S I ONATU RE ,/y/, ) SOI L REPORT WHITE - INSPECTO R PIN K - APPLICANT GOLOENROD - TEMP. FILE I1-27 01_13 1-2/7 /70 toNgu*fiNo PERMrTorffi, TOWN OT VAILJurisdiction of icant to complete numbered spaces only. y'*;t //tzt*5. -f4d .lttu.ta.a,Vay' I oEs c R.'if*rL //r//,ts " -Tlr-AITACH EO SHEET] ,"""4, i e/zz_ 9,zI', ,. PHONE VA I]- ADD RESS PHONE LICENSE NO.t 74rc Crz- LICENSE NO. ENGINEER MAIL AODF E53 PHONE LrcENSE |lO. MAIL AODNE 55 BRANCH IJSE OF BUI LDING I ctassofwork: DNEw trA0DlrloN {nlrennrroru nREPAIR trM0vE !REMovE '//---+ra<- ood 10 Change ol use from l l Valuation of work: g /AOO 2 PERMIT FEE SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size of Bldg. S to13 e (Total) Sq. Ft. OFFSTREET PARKI NG SPACES:No. of Owellin9 Unlts NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE BEOUIREO FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PEFMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC-TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 OAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR APERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCE D. FIRE OEPT. SOIL REPORT WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT VALIDATION M.O. .n\DDJ)t Y INSPECTOR FEOROER FROM: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS ' !O SO. LOS /\ ^l,\ Form 1O0.1 9.69 ROBI.ES ' PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 9I1Oi | !'r >!.O i.)o .z CH-<z AZ2a<E otazq3lx9 .r{ H< XF,<' lrl F F F F F a 3zp J.K it I F I'l Nl $fr[Jq srl 3 sl !---J ealJEl-i t+ F E |llc J IJJ ut zf ul zg Fzu, EuJa uJ F u, Jlt uJ C, Fo J F F IJJ ooJtt FoF !.E =tr=ulo o z -oJ -l E tro =,-oF ; I fI NO |lVn'lVA gt E z G| Gr t.'rrrQo " \t!N 2 -o= z Fqq-E6 F'E9oA>-z*< o-()>uFO ..i Y o,3lr zo F4 oulo IIl =ltrl"l ).t. *t\ voql z)d z <g9LdU IJJ uJ C)z lll 2s E. o F t uJG llo J(l ul F J oF ulG J J FoF Fzul = ul t a: =E=H t g z -o Jfo lret =, =eF 2 t I = NOtrvn'lvA t- l€ >(9c, :*N z<.r 9-(n 2 FY=-t 'o QOF> '2*<ur)>9 -.i Jo 4! 6c Eo EUo( f-t(c C: Jz z =2.coo =z O- lJ- J ._<5 Z=-=Qhr coil> truD ==UJ LL IU F o cto!, al oo o oz F uJ--t o- ctsottlolI uJF o F =E,lrJ+zoF() El-ozo(J oz ==ut i?"il =r2cl-<9'''!r-ii:-:< - ?i I I I l", lo I I I I I, rV zi:i :a<Eu< ;i!c Fo:IFX<ozr!Zl Y 3A 7\o; ^ 6>2X l Z Yoa I o E!Ao R'E: -, ;.P6 > rlr ul* s :-Y 5 <6c9frZ,.6 iiN(J al HIolol 1l =l I t Eoc = hrl(rIololil =l<l>l ll ot I "-l I.r)t Iol I =t ILt Iptl./rl I ot Iol Itl(Ut I>l I'Ft I-ct Iol ,q-ql iilcl.rl (tsl t<t =l JlEl <lct >l LIJE o Ja = oz tr I (u!|uuL (tJ ad r! 1,.; z _-') I I Il" I I ")trl olo<l <trEc) (u uJ L(uo.of UJ z I I l_lo I I I -l<tnUI d n-{><l i5oE ail =b= =I ttt t EFz zt- >dfFt" =o EFz J () F UJ Llll F uJFr <F lu<ZE I.IJ Ft,t Z o a I E5t] oz F =tuJo- ooo(\l o\ot\roN (n UJ IJJt.|.tr =G UJo- tS/L</o? 7elSr7ed I I N- .q- $ $ I l_ t3 I I I I lE IEE lazt=to t2tt ou.lFoz('z6J5 ao .tt(! =z ltJlllo: Gol! GoFo j-oc6*8.9 BEE:E EE€EB :E*€f EEEEE E=Egg SEieJ € E ='g!Pfi666 igEg56o-!-G= o 0, g s€=g€ igiiE OrJ) (\l or) rct(\,1 r.o.{ oq rl.)(o oo o lr'\(aOt@ tr =c,IJJo.(,zo -J=co x UJI z Jo- 9tFotu uJ z =Jo- oz oul = UJUJltzIF u,lc,ouj o oo 'r.lJ llJcz 6UJ F oo-uJ z UJ x F uJol af,llJl)fB tr =G,uJo-J FroF o =o o J IEFouJ uJ (,26 =JA J Iz Ioll,tI NO|IVnlVA ;Eo- =azz|t<o o oc 5 I = FF.naet3 x ti:r= H_:o+ itEg Ej:FO-- d(\t(, \*\\ =>E EA6 z9F- Eov, o- E(9 UTC F ooro(Y) E uJE 2 E z tr EuJF =IJJ2 ||^trll F =2i = F =;HE8fl89<a0()frllrl||||lgt'E5 < E?2 3 =d:sE iEg;t H3o(9orz zotr J U'z ul3J UJI at (, c,uJJuJ = J U' uJzY, iF (\,1 I@ IIJ F FibilP sH l-a (f) (:l SJrl,) ) (\l@IN<\lIo IJJ Eo @o1z.oFo- UJY 0rdtoFF t IIJo- l!o .Loo I ulFo.z IJJF o Enn J Iz IC) LIJ =u J(Joze 9b =uJJJ6uJ t Grrlrl!oEqEA3AieE9!irD9'58 E dEE FEI 6tE 90l! ItuE XO-E ;Tau{€= ulc0oF zoPze coo =zJO.L IJ- E =E.lrJo-z9FC) G,, zo.() \ oz outEJ ttoz 'o "l1lolurlEl *lolzl =lolFI I I I Iol-l utl cEl a-l>lt!lol il g Ol ulFIF oo!s+.'.6co E (ucn(t rt' i'i =zoo-.| tltl H;l(,ll trlcl rl qfl frPl olu.rlclJI<l otFI (9z6 =Jo- E,ht!+EFl-o2 E-rO<FGOuJ<zE[!Fa6 C) E I, F Et u,lc () t 2 oN J oGc4 ;P A-!.) c' =Yc n Ftt,ltlto outultt Ya)ulEoz -r4 at o.urE zo Foo zoF GutF 3u,lz (926 tott ul 3 F 2t oulJ uJ .l tt2 FE C, uta atFzt(,2 f l!o CJz I =J IL v a0 Fo-) a 2o a a l a ctq uJ o a o Et .cI oz 5(, a,l 2o 1-ofEFIAzo tto uto F vEoBt!ozoFA E atl|l6 -o F 9JAE tto l! F o c li Fz oE.!l2F E !l li F Etr z o F4t z z z c z, :l{ C. E Tr e c z l. th &l gl H ar tslFI t a2 z F{o i: ., l. tsl ; E !l EE !l zo KE ;s o|rlE lrJ o(J2f uloasE ?2u,Eulo UJ o t- G r!G Go -tt! ulIE Fo J Fo ulE EooJlt J Fo t.E=r= lllolreto -? =q!-- -.-lo oto\' oz F C) UJ-)oE F?<! IuF o z z.-oF\2 i- Y-<+rco o'4 = zq. dPg dfi(,C)= =-ri:<.li =1ilcod= nnEL =E UJIL LL uJo- F Eo E oo BT' 'E 5 E EoIJ o E =Elrlo-zIFofEFazoo oz E =tuJo- I I l..,,,Ft< i I I, IFt< rF| (,t z t= lz NOtlVnlVA - a\ =ZZU-oooF-OZo=<o'1 J---t o otrFE=ooE4> 9)!.1 c) Y,,QZ;u-<oq <#6 r =9 2'. : r! '.r ol O zg= =c6fEt"Pdir4q--=ry9<ozr!ZD C'z J ll. IiJct o zl I '1s(t'Flri 'F{ Ft..1 I,JJ =z fl /."'= 2 ql uJEo ? = o- F = LL lJ,ld = F6 ]J o 8 .Fl ?Ft{+J tr (n ttt oo = o =tr at)<n LlJ av. IA F tr o uJ tr v,U'uJEoo1 = X dE bI .F{ .!4 tu E< h n Hc) =Etr UJE e = - t uJt F uJ FT E -..r O<FEQ!fsurF 1-z\8q oF J e.FC)IIJJIu t >Y =ff,Ft- zo () ix9tr 13g! =g o E i\HXE5*:\.6 <(JqE!r]n .ffib/ P.O. Box E Avon, Colorado 81620 949-5826 Avon 572-3962 Denver Line Town of VailBuilding DepartmentP.0. Box 100Vail, Colo. 81657 Attn: Steve Patterson To Whom It l'lay Concern: The demolition phase of the Vai Vappi Construction ComPanY wi I I Trucki ng & Excavat'i ng, commenci Preliminary preparat'ion will inc'lude fenc'ing,of the entire conitiuction area and disconnection of any exist'ing ut'i'l ities entering the two buildings being torn down' Pedestrians will not be allowed in the construction area during working hours and al'l precautions will be taken to keep them out after working hours. Access for trucks duri ng the demol'ition phase w'ill be on the exi sti ng ramp and south exi t. A fl agperson-wi 11 be furnished where necessary. All trucks will be loaded in a manner to prevent hazard! whi I e on the hi ghway. AI I I oads will be wet dovrn, covered with dirt, or with a tarp before leaving the sjte to prevent dust or debris from blowing out or f a'l I i ng on the hi ghway. Al I demol i ton wi I I be compl eted wj thi n 2-3 weeks after the start of the project. Please contact me if any information is needed by youi offjce to ensure an expediant and safe execution of this proiect. ?:7/,nv,'L. t'l i tt I Village Inn bY PetrY be performed bY CrosbY ng on or about APril .|4, .|980 April 7 , 1980 \'t ony Genera TLW/'l s Manager €e. F F ta rrl 'l =p F rtl !l P S,l !JozsE <t oulGu, z tu ooJtt ul F J J o ul lt J F F Fz I az- td F z ri<:FFoo Zf. ztroaol),.zv<7ZQ =z t-& ,:a<tr *>;-<tr ttl 'rliarE<Y hO ld tr<!{he 2< zzo<Fr.<OO lrl-:co.tr <o2o F,|r]tr><oc< t/, zlllEIJJt, uJ !.t =tr= o.lll 19z -o Jl o lrG' =, =oF i tIEt 9{ ( zr.r 9-v, z F9*d.6FC9gA>-z*< o.o>9 -.i + F c|lJc 2 IouJ qJ ooz \ {c6 I tr e|rl z{ F.(J o 9l llJF LI u, z3 Fzl!EulQ ul o F u,l oJl! utE F J J F ulE Eo Jtt J F F t IItt 2 F r. z 2 ,l z &l ot rl f. Ft F z Irl z z z 'F. rl Ft YGo3;.ttozo o;; 2 0t o9-o-r!t zot-9qn6FCt4i9 =>-z6 o.< dQ>9 ;.i z z 'F jrl F ld lrl >>E.J IL> -<y iFo '<fittht q;< 5<a222>9<!(FFa<cl{ocl .EE :<Qfr9a -FeA><o tr< +! =llJ z tr 9J ultr |l,, oz uJ o lllozs FzulE!J UJ F ul E )tt IJJ cE F J F F u,c( J NOIIVNlVA 2o9 -Q z trY:i6 9oA> -2*< uJ)6- (J>C) -.i llr t!t = 9! Y 3tt z' Fo (J lllo t E tr tuo oz I o -Jlo = lro - =et- Y#J]i."," POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AI-,L TIMES PERMT Permit #: 898-0006 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAfL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L39 Bulldlnq- - - --> 75.00 DEPARTI4ENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMET'IT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE ADD/ALT COMM BUII.,D .fob Address: 100 E MEADOW DR Stacua..Location...: 100 E MEADOW DR (VAIL VllApplied.Parcel No. . :. 2L01,-082-61-001 Issued. .Project, No. r Expires. ISSUED 0L/2L/L998 oL/23 /L998 07 /22/L998 APPTICANT HOME-WORKSP.O. BOX 497, GYPSITM, CONTRASIOR HOME-WORKSP.O. BOX 497. GYPSIJM,OhINER VAIL VILLAGE INN INC 100 E MEADOW DR, VArL Phone: 970-524-L389 Phone:. 970-524-L389 TOV/Comrn, Dev. Clean-up Deposit Refund approved amount date L& co 81637 co 81637 co 81657 Description: REPAIR STONE AND WALL (HIT BY VEHICLE) Occupancy: R3, 82 Not in Eable!Tlpe ConsErucLion: II ].-HR Type II l-Hour Plan chcck- - - > Inv€€!lgation> will call----> . o0 20 .00 . o0 100.00 246,15 . oo,ls .7s .00 3 .00 Reoturr.nt Pl.n R6vl.cw- -> DRB Fcc-------- Rccrctl.ion FGc----------> Cl.€an-U!t D€poslL- - - - - -- - > Total Pcroit Fc6------- -> 246.7s 246.15 REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS AHAIIJ BE I,IADE TVIENT'I|'POUR HOU?g IN AD\NCE BY gcnd c1.rn-lrp Depo6l,t To: r lz'lor ToLal calculrtscd Fcca-- -> Aaditsloh.l FGc!--- ----- -> Prl srnt6- ------ Tlpe Occupancy: Valuation: 2,200 Add Sq Fts: Fir.plrc€ Infordablon: Rc6trlct€d:*of o.s Applianc6. !#of 616 Log6:*of wood,/Pallct: FEE AUIMARY .........::::l.ilii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:..........:li;11.".,..-illTl:.?ll;;.;;;.;;;;;;:.........-..;::""" ITEM: O5].OO BUILDING DEPARTI4ENT DEPT: BUII,DING DiViSiON:OL/2L/T998 iIRM AcLion: APPR APPROVED .]R}'fIIbM:.O54OO PI,ANNING DEPARTI\4ENT DCPT: PLANNING DiViSiON:OL/2L/I998 .'RM AcTionI APPR N/A JRMrrbql: "055q0 FIRE DEPART'tvlEt{T '. Depr: FIRE Division:oL/2L/\999-,JB!,I -. Acqlon: APPR N/A JRMItsbm:' O55OO PITBLIC WORKSoL/z.*/Lggg ilR!! AcE,ion: AppR N/A JRM Dept: PIJB woRK Division: * * * * * r l, r * t t * r * * r i r t r t t * * i + * i r * f * r a r r * r * r + t r t * t * t * a i * i .} t t t t t r r , * t r t t * * r * r J r * r 'l t .r i * * | * t t t + * * * See Page 2 of this DocumenE for any conditions thats may apply tso tshis permiE. onoAnArrows I h€leby acknoirledgc tshat I havc read thlB rpplicat.ion, fillcd out in fu]l tshc inforu.tion rcqqircd, cobtrtlctscd .n tccurrbG plo! plan, and 6tace th.! all thc infolrnacion trrovidcd aE rcquircal L6 corrcc!. I lgrcc Lo conlrly eith tha lnfomatsion and pLots pl'an. t'o coupl,y i.ith all Town ordinansG6 and Ftatc lars, and to build lh16 Ecructur€ accordlng to bhe Tor.n's zoning and rubdivision codee, dcsign rcvicw epprovcd, Uniform Bullding cod6 and otsher ordinanceE of lh. Town .pplicablc !hG!.to. TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 oR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 lfi 5!00 PM tl *******************************tl************************************************ COIIDITIONSPermit #: 898-0005 as of 0L/23/98 Status: ISSUED ********!t****************************************************************tl****** Permit Tyge: ADD/AL,T COMM BUILD PERMT Applied: 0L/2L/L998Applicant,: HOME-WORKS Issued: OL/23/L998970-524-L389 To Expire: O7/22/L998 .Iob Address: LOCAtsiON: 1OO E MEADOW DR (VAIL VILI,AGE INN)Parcel No: 2101-082-51-001 DescripLion: REPAIR STONE AIiID WALL (HIT BY VEHICLE) Conditions:1. FIRE DEPART!4ENT APPROVAI, IS REQUIRED BEFORE AIVY WORK CAIiI BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECIIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL,IANCE. .*Contac! Eaglc CouirEy Assessors ,,i*t#Jo+139;940 ror Parcel //' ]lol - oEz - 6l- ool Offlce TOWN OP VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATTON FORM DATE: i- zt - '1 7 PERI.IIT /I , APPLICATTON MUST BE FTLLED OUT CoMpLETELy oR tT MAy NOT BE ACCEPTEDvl* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMIT TNFORMATTON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *,tt rrt r r-r&1.!rl r I\JI| - - - - - x x x r x x x r r r t t [ ]-Building I J-Plunbing J ]-Electricar [ ]-Mechani-cal [ ]-other Legal Descripl:ion: Lot Owners Nane: Architect: O Block 5) Address: Address: Ph. Ph. ceneral Description: ff-po;. tlot'. * tr.ll t^,1.r. h;l_ by v.h,-ri-. t.Iork cLass: [ ]-New [ ]-Arteration [ ]-Additional Ipf-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Accommodation Units: prmUer and Type of Firep)_aces: Gas Appliances cas Lo.Js-_ Wood/pellet t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'f * * * * rr * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * * a * * * * * * .^ * * * * * * * * ,k * * * *l' BUILDTNG: $EI,ECTRTCAL: $olHriR: $ 2L009,* TOTAL: T ****.t********************tr* Town of vai]" Reg. No.,%f BPhone Nrrmber: -_Z?{_TTtjJul<, -?/?:rb(;Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone I'lrlmber: rr]ectrical conrracrot, h'/6:@,AOOTeSS: Plumbing Contractor: t\ooress: ',lechanicaL Contractor: AOOTeSS: lfig'i"lT* oF FET0y. ************rr-*** BUILDING PERMIT PLUMBING PERMIT VECHANICAL PERMI ELECTRICAL FEE: lomments: sQ. FT.BUILDINT;; SIGNATURN; ZONING: SIGNATURX! Town of VaiI Reg. NO.Phone Number: Tovrir r:f VaiI Reg. NO.Phone Nurnber: f,R OFFfCE USE ******************************.1 , BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK PEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK fEE:I.IECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES:ili' DEP.OSIT REFI]ND TO: VALUATION I CLEAT I]P iii , 75 loulh lronlage road vtll, colorrdo 81657(303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 ofllco ot community devclopmorrl BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TIME FMNE If this pen,nit lequi.res a Town of Vail Fire Deparbnent Approval ,Engineer''s (Publi. fI|:l_leview and ipprova't,' a ptinnini'b.pu"tr.ntrevi ew or. Heat th Department. revi ew, unb'r-r.uiu; ;y-i;i;";rir aingDepartment, the estinated ti;ne for'a totar i.ui"n-i,uv"ia[i'a, tongas three weeks. All commercial (.]arge or sma'l'l) and all multi_family permits willhave to follow the above rnentioned muxirur requirements. Residentiarand.sma'l I projects shourd take a 'r esser amount of time. However, ifresidentia'l or smaller.projects impaii the various above ment.ioneddepartments wi.th regard to necessary revie*,-tte;; ;;;j;.;;'*yalso take the three-weet< peiioJ. Every attempt will be made by this departnrent to expedite thispermit a5 sqon as possible. vv s'rrsv'eL e' I' the undersigned, understand the pran check procedure and timeframe. 'l/ u,l Communi ty Devel ooment Department. o 75 soulh lronlage road vail, colorado 81657(3oJ) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Read and ackno$rLedged by: otf lce ol communlly devclopmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CT]RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL puBLIc WoRKS/COMMUNITY DE\TELOPMENT MARCH 16, l-988 CONSTRUCTION PARKTNG & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to Iitter, track or deposit "nv-r"ifl"rl"i<, =and, debrisor naterial, i":t:911n trash iump=ters, portabJ-e toilets and,workrnen vehicles.upon any streetl "ia"".irrl-;;i;y or publicPr9:" or any portibn tnei"oil--t|" right-of-vray on arr- Town ofVaiL streets and.roads is approxi*.l"iv-s"ia.-iri pavement.This ordinance rl1] b..;tr_i;iiy"enforced by the Town of VaiIPublic works Departrnent. perslns found viorating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour writlen--notice t"-r"i"""'saic materiar.Tn the event the person so notified.ao.=-rlI"'I"ipfy with thenotice within the 24 hour.time-speci;i;;,"ii""i,rtric worksDepartment wirl remove said nateri.t .t tn"--""p..se of personnotiried. rhe provisions of Ini"-"iai;";;; ;h;ii not beapplicable to ctnstruction, ,.ir,L"r,unce or repair projects ofany street or arrey or any uttiiti"= i; G"-;i;i;_._rruy. To review Ordinance No. e in fu1l, pl_ease stop by the Town ofVail Buirding Department t" "riain a copy. rirani you for yourcooperation on this natter. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMTT' DEPARTMENT IS REOUIRED Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need {or a 'Public Way permit': Job Name:-?n,'l U i)l uun I.y,n'Date: )- z-t-"1 A ls this a new residence? NO x.1) 2) ?\ 4) q\ YES ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public property? ls any ulility work needed? , ls the driveway being repaved? ls dilferenl access needed lo sile other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecling the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Flevocable Right Of Way Permit' required?. A. ls the right of way, easentents or public property 10 be used for staging, parking or lencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any ol these questions,.a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permil' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or alCgmmulity Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Townol Vail Construction Inspeclor, at.479-2158, I have read and answered allthe above questions. U uil tt, Date x x * ( X 6) 7) 8)( {- Job Name lrrr. fv,^ /s SignatJre -Z l. TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 81557 970-479-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 896-0040 Job Address: 100 E MEADOW DRLocatj-on...: NORTH OF OLLA PODRIDA Parcel No.. : 2101-082-03-003Proiect No.: Status...: ISSUED Applied. . | 04/02/.t9e6Issued.,.t 05/08/L99G Expires. . : LL/04/1996 Phone: 303-926-7829 Phone: 303-926-7 829 #0f l,lood/Pa t tet: FEE SUttllARY *r**r*********** Description: ADD DOOR TO SERVICE AREA Occupancy: 82 92 Tlpe Construction:Tlpe Occupancy: Valuation: fi rcDtacc Infornation: Rest ri cted: PLWB KENDAIL CONSTRUCTIONP.O. BOX 3085, AVON, CO 81620 PLIJI,IB KENDAI,L CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 3085, AVON, CO 81620 VAII, VILI,AGE INN INC 100 E MEADOW DR, VArL CO 81657 1r 500 #0f Gas Appt iances: 50.m Restu.rlnt Ptln Rcvicr--> 52.50 .00 3.00 Add Sq Ft: #of Gas Logs: .00 Tota[ catcu[st.d Fers--> 20.00 Addi t iona I F!ca--_-->Bui Ldi n9----) Pl,an check-> lnvestigltion> tli l,l, crt L--->Rccrcltion Fcc------> Cl,eln-Up Deposit-------> TOTAL FEES--_- .00 .00 105.50 Tot.[ Pcfrit Fce-->PryBents------- BALANCE DUE------> 105.50 .m 105.50 105.50 .00 ******l********t** ITqM: ,O51QO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DgPt: BU]LDING DiViSiON:04/24/L996 CHARLIE Action: APPR charlie dav1tsi€'efr;'6s+60-i;-LiNfrINe"DeFlHiMbnr" --DE;t: PI,ANNTNG Division:04/24/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR FOR LAUREN W-.it'eJn:'.05-500-FiRE-DEPAnr-tqe11t Dept: FrRE Divisron:A4/24/L996 CHARLIE ACTiON: APPR N/Ai€'efr;'.oss0o-Fiib1.,ie wiiRKS--'- Dept: PUB woRK Division:6+/2+/tssa cnam,ie Action: AppR N/A See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that nay apPly to this pernit. DECLARATIONS f hereby acknovladgc that I hlvc read this epptication, fittrd out in fuLl, th! inforn|ltion rcquircd, comPt.tcd.!n .ccurltc ptot ptan, aird state thit att the infornation pro;jd.d as required i3 corfcct. I rgrce to conpty vith the inforrstion and P[ot.Ptan, to cirnpty uith atL Tokn ordinancls and statc Lavs, and to buitd this structura according to thr ToYn's zoning and subdivision codcs,'disign rcvicn approved, Uniforn Buitding code lnd other ordinanccs of thc Torn aPPticabte ther.to. REEUESTS FOR I}ISPECTIOI{S SHALL BE ITADE TUENW-'OIJR HOURS III ADVANCE BY TETEPHONE T Send Ctean-Up Dcposit To: VAIL VILLAGE PLAZA CONDo ASSoC. fRoil E:m Ail 5:00 Pll ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS perrnir #: Be6-0040 a;-;;-911991?l-- status: TSSUED *******************i***********************i************************************ Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT- -aooii.'uirt: ptuiqs KENDALT coNSTRucrroN 303-926-7829 Job Address:---f,ocation: NORTH OF OLLA PODRIDA Parcel No: 2101-082-03-003 DeecriPtion: ADD DbOR TO SERVICE AREA Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL Applied: 04/02/1996iisueo: o5/08/L996 To Expire: LL/04/1996 IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2.FIELDINsPEcTIoNsAREREQuIREDTocHEcKFoRcoDECoMPI,IAI.ICE.3. LTGHTTNG rs REQuineo ron-exrrwAY 1991 UBC SEC 3313 4, TLLMTNATED nXri ircu rs REQUTRED 1991 UBC S8C' 3314 5. PATCH ATI., PENEiNAiTONS WITH APPROVED NONCOM' MATERIALS 6. HARDWARE AND CiOSUN.E IS REQUIRED PER CHAP' 33 1991 UBC TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE. ROAD VAIL,' CO 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit *: E96-0081 Job AddressLocation...Parcel No..Project No. 1OO E MEADOW DR VAIL VILLAGE PLAZA 2101-0 82-03-003 Statu8...3 ISSUED Applied. . z 05/07 /L996-riiued. ... os'/08/L996Expires..: LL/04/t996 Phone: 3039497788 Phone: 3039497?88 53.00 .m 53.00 53. CX) .00 APPLICANT GOPE RANGE ELECTRIC P O BOX 1858, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR GORE RANGE ELECTRIC P O BOX 1858, AVON CO 81620 OWNER VAIL VILLAGE INN INC 100 E MEADOW DR, VArL CO 81657 Description: EXIT LITE Valuation:400.00 FEE SUttl'IARY ****t*rir****** E lectri c! [-> 50.00 DRB FcG _> .OOInv.stigltion> .00 tli l.l. Cal.t---) 3.q) TOTAL FEES---> 53.M Item: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT65/ot/tssa ow Act,ion: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: Tot![ Crtcutat!d Fcca---> Additionrt Fccs--_) Totrl Fcrnit Fec------->PryBcnts----- BALAI{CE DUE----. CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS r hcreby acknortedge that I hlve rcad thi3 apptication, fitl.cd out in futt thc inforDrtion. rlquil{l "?l?!:lf.!n lccurrte ptot ptin, "ita st!t. th;t rtt thr infornation providcd as requircd_ i.s corrlct, I agrec to.corpty.]rit! tlt: illgfn tion rn9.ptot.ptrn, li "i,pty vith ltt toln ordinances and ctitc [all, and io buitd this structuru rccording iothe Tovn'g.zming and subdivision codes,'design rcvicv apprwcd, Unifom Bui l,ding Codc and othcr ordinancrs of thc ToHn appl'icabtc thrnlto. REeuEsrs FoR r{spEcTroNs SHALL BE irADE r}tElTy-rouR HouRs n{ ADvnttcE By TELEpHoNE AT 479-2116 oR AT oun oFtlcE FROtl E:00,il 5:m Pil SIGNATURE OF OUNER OR o **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL' COTORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** sratennt Number: REC-0135 Anount: s3'00 0s/02(?l.trt::u ;:fiH; ilffi;; 'iiicr--n"t'tion: #18?e rnit: LRD 896-0081 TYPe: B-ELEC 2101-082-03-003 lOO E MEADOW DR VAIL VILI,AGE PLAZA ELECTRICAL PERI'IITPermit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Paltment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41335 Total Feea: 53.00 Total ALL Pnts: Balance: DescriPt'ion ELECTRICAT PERMIT FEES TIILI. CALI, INSPECTION FEE 53.00 53 .00 .00 ****************************************************************Anount 50.00 3.00 t.' TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGB ROADvArL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT ON JOBSITE AT AIJL TIMES Permit #: 895-0040 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: ADD DOOR TO SERVICE AREA Occupancy: 82 Tlry)e Con6truction:Tlpe Occupancy: Valuation: ti nepl,ace Inforoation: Rest ri cted: PLI'MB KENDALL CONSTRUCIION P.O. BOX 3085, AVON, CO 81620 PLI'MB KENDAI,L CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 3085, AVON, CO 81620 VAII, VILLAGE INN INC 100 E MEADOW DR, VArL CO 81657 Job Address: 100 E MEADOW DR Location...:. NORTH OF OLLA PODRIDA Parcel No.. : 2101-082-03-003Project No.: Status...: ISSUED Applied. . ? 04/02/.Leg6 Issued. .,t 05/08/L99GExpires..: LL/04/1996 Phone: 303-926-7829 Phone: 303-926-7829 #0f llood/Pa t tct: B2 1, 500 #0f Gas Appl, i ances: Add Sq Ft: #0f Gas Logs: FEE SUltf,lARy t*****t*t************t*****t******t****t*tl******l****tt** Bui tding-> 5O.OO Rcaturrrnt Ptan Rcviry--> .00 Total, Catcutatcd fc!s-> 105.50 p16n 66i61-y 34.50 DRB f cc-------------> 2O.OO Additio.rat fces-----> -m tnvcatigrtiotD .m Recrcrtion F.c-------> ,OO Totat Pcrnit Fer-) 105-50 Ui tt Cstt--> 3.OO Cl,cln-Up Olpos i t--------> .OO Payrents--> 105.50 TOTAL FEES*---- Ite.m: .05100 BuILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUIL,DING Division:04/24/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR charlie daviFit'efr;'0sa6o-i;i,irfrfriNc"5EFIHhaiifti^' -"----- --n6pt: PLANNTNG Division:04/24/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR FOR LAUREN w.it'e.n;'05600-FiRs-DnpliniMENr -. Dept: FrRE Divisj-on: 64724 / ltt 6- cnanr,rs-- ACaion : AppR N/Ai e,'e.fr ;'.0 5 5 0 0 -FitB:i i e r^r'dRK $ - "' 6+/i+/19se cHARr,iE Action: APPR N/A See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to thie permit. DECLARATIONS I hcrcby acknortedge thlt I havc rcad this apptication, fil.t.d out in futl. thc infornation. rcqulldt "9ryt.t{,!n lccurltc P[ot ptan, aind statc thit att the infornation pfo;id.d as requircd is corrcct. I agr!. to conPty eith thc infor!.tion .nd PtoJ ptan, io cinpty Hith al,l, Torn ordinancrs and stite [aus, and io buitd this structurc according to thc Tovn's zoning and subdivision codesr'disign revicv approvcd, Uniforr Buitding Code End other ordinanccs of thc Torn applicabl'e thcr.to. REc[rEsTs foR INspEcrIoNs SHALL BE ]IADE rrExry-FouR HouRs IN AovAt{cE By TELEpHot{E AT 47y213E gR AT quR oFFIcE FROil E:m Ail 5:00 Pil Send Ctean-Up Dcposit To: VAIL VILLAGE PL ZA c0ND0 Assoc. o ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS permit #! 895-0040 a"-"i-o-7oel?1-- status: ISSUED ******************ii****************i******'***i********************************* \ permit Ttpe: ADD/AIT COMM BUILD !!-R!47- -l'""ii.i'"t: PLufue KENDALL coNSTRucrroN 303-926-7829 Job Address:---r,".iti"n: NSRTH Or oLT.4 loDRrDAPircel No: 2101-082-03-003 Applied : 0 4 /.oz /.te9-6i-ssued: o5/08fi996 To ExPire z LL/04/L996 DeecriPtion: ADD D-OOR TO SERVICE AREA Conditions: I.FIREDEPARTMENTAPPRoVALIsREQuIREDBEFoREANYwoRKcANBE STARTED. 2.FIELDINsPEcTIoNsAREREQuIREDTocHEcKFoRcoDECoMPLIA}ICE.3. LrcHTrNc is-ffoiiinsD ron-sxrrwAY 1991 uBc sEc 3313 4. TLIIMTNATED Ei;i sicu rs REQUTRED 1991 uBc sgc' 3314 5. PATCH ai,l pii'iiinarror.rs wrT! APPROVED NONCOM. I,IATERIALS 6. HARDwARE Alr;-'Aibsunn rs REQUTRED PER cHAP' 33 1991 uBc 'ro^ o, uor" 75 S. FRONTAGE. ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMFNT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALIJ TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit *: 896-0081 Job address: 100 E MEADOW DR Location...: VAIL VILLAGE PLAZA Parcel No.. : 2101-082-03-003 Project No.: APPLICAI'IT GORE RAI{GE ELECTRIC P O BOX 1858, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR GORE RANGE ELECTRIC P O BOX 1858, AVON CO 81620OWNER VAIL VILLAGE INN INC 100 E MEADOW DR, VAIL CO 81657 ueecription: EXIT LITE FEE SUIIIIARY Status...: ISSUED Applied.. : 0s/07/L996-riiued. .. z o5'/08./Le96Expires..: lL/04/L996 Phone: 3039497788 Phone: 3039497788 400.00 E [rctri cat-> 50.00 DRB F.. -> .m lnv.Etigrt ion> .00 Valuation: Totrl cstcul,ated Fces--> 53.00 Additiona! Fccs_-----> .0o Totrl P.rmit FcF----> 53-00 P.vnents------- e Lrlce our----ui l.L C!t t----> TOTAL FEES--> 3.00 53.00 **********t*t*t* Item: O600O ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENTO5/O7/L996 DAt{ Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I h.r.by acknortcdge that t have reld this appl.icrtion, f i l.l.cd out in ful.l. thc infonation. requil{t "I9!:lf,rn lccurlte plot ptrn, eird statc thit att thr information proliacd es requircd is correct. I agrec to.conpty vith the ilI9ltail rnd.ptot-pt'n, io c6rpty Hith atl Tonn ordimnc.3 lnd stltc [axs, and do buitd thi3 st ructu rc-! ccordi ng iothc Tovn's.:oning and subdivision codes,'dirign revian approvcd, Uniforn Buitding Codc.nd oth.r ordinrnc?s of the Tor.n aPPticrbl. th.r.to. REquEsrs FoR lNspEcrtoNs SHALL BE nAoE TuEl{Ty-FouR HouRs IN AovAt{cE By TELEpHoNE AT 479-213E oR AT ouR oFFIcE FR0ll E:00 Al| 5:m Pl| o **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL' COTORADO statemnt **************r*********************************::**:************ sraremnt Number: REC-0135 Anount3 53'00 0s/08/19 t-t110 -::ffli r:Y, *::l--:::::!::-t*l ----1i:::-:P- Pernit No: 895-0081 TlPe: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT ' ParceL No: 2101-082-03-003 Site Address: 100 E MEADOW DR Location: VAfL VILLAGE t*'Oror., Feee:s3.00 53.00 .00 **************************************************************** Account Code Description ------ ---^ Amount 01 oooo 41313 gr'ecrilceL PERMTT FEES 50'00 01 OOOO 41336 lfll,t cALL TNSPECTToN FEE 3'00 This Payment 53.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: PERI"IIT # Job Address: DEUUfftr***********I l-other Legal- Description: Iot O aroc*-S-D trrirs w' t u..futbFruEFrS$,ry owners Name : VAt-VtutAt"E ?uk$ (orrtor EffHS+=- lQn E udv' . w- , U*tL pr..?n -1?t-stE Architect:Address:Ph. Job Name: VArr-Urr,r. ac-' ceneral Description: I{ork class: [ ]-Ney lx]-Alteration [ ]-AdditLonal [ ]-RePair [ ]-other Number of Dryelllng Units: Nunber of Acconnodation Units: ^ grnber and Tlpe of Firepraces: Gas Applianses_ Gas Logs_ wood/pellet_vfi***************** *** ************* VALUATTONS ***** ************** **************':t",*:l* 1 | l,soe -qtq-ql*T:li,lJ#-- 9IITT:P^IT,IITBING: I uEc}I Address:cnoN Town of VaiI Reg. no. ful-E vlrrnttlNG: I llECHAlrrcAL: $ l- TOTAL: --- 11 nta:t"1o-I * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** * * * * * * dxmlcroR TNFoRMATJoN * * *r* * * ** * * ****** *** * ** ****7 Eeneral contractor: Pwplg.. r-l.fJ1a t t Aatztft,,, ^- -/ .n^r-h ^. r,^:.r i-- zrt 2.rr.r4rE--. r_o.t3tr'/. J27,J , t+v?A). (ALin 9162-A phOne Number: .l2r-7-g- i*: : :: :. |,".?X?E:T' M' n' *,l{yy ": y: t 1 nee- _no . =86.s_Phone Nurnber: 310: Plunbing contractor: _ Town of VaiI Reg. NO.Address:phone Number: Xffl:3::'r contractor: I:1l-": y:il n.s. No.-Phone Number: * *************** * ********** *****FOR OFFTCE USE ** ********* ************* *******BUTLDING PERMTT FEE: PLI'UBING PERUTT FEE: ITfECHANICAL PERUIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTIIER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUII.,DTNG PIAN CHECK 8EE: PLWBTNG PINN cHacK FEE3I.TECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PER}ITT FEES: BUTLDTNGS SIGNATT'RE: ZONTNG: STGNATT'RE: Gr.EArf up nEposrr BErmrp ro: Tutpa ca//67t4.-n^y' ?-o ,zot 'Ugg , tlat/ , coL.d 6 /(zA I 75 routh troatrge ?o.d uril, colorldo t1657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 f,o: FROM: DATE3 SU&TECT: ottlc. of communlly dcyclopm.nl ALL CONSRAEIORS CT'RRENILYL REGISTERED WTTE THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMINITY DEVEIpPuENT l,taRcH 16, 1988 CONSIRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn Eunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit. any ="ifr-r"ci, sand, debrisor nateriar, incruding trash tunisters, portabre toilets andworknen vehictes-Ypon-any street', ;ie;.ik;;ii;y or publicplace or any portion theieof. rtre rrgrrt-of-way on arl Tohrrr ofVail streetl lna_.Ig".d= i, ippr"iinately 5 ft. off pavenenr.This ordinance wirr be "t"iEliv--lnforced by the Town of vairPubric works DeDartrtrent. --p"i"6n] touna vii,rifing this ordinancewitL be si.ven a 24 hour "=iii;;';"Ii".-tJ-;;;;t="id nateriar.fn the event the person so notified-does not cornply with thenoti'ce within *:_30 rroui-tine-ifecitied, the pultic !{orksDepartnent will rerno]e said nateii"t -"t the e)q)ense of personnotified' The orovisions-or-trrrl orainance sharr not beapplicable to c-onstruction, ,iirl"r,.r,ce or repair projects ofany street or al.l.ey or any utilities in the righi_._r.y. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofvail Euir'ding Department to ortain a copy. tirani< you f,or yourcooperation on this rnatter. Read and acknowledged by:Y 16;A{wft6 (i.e. contractor, olrner) I hwn n ||al 75 louth Iront'gc fold vell, colondo 8l€51(303) 479-2138 ot 479-2139 offlcr ol communlty dGyclopncnt BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permrit requi.res a Town of vair Fire Departnent Approvar,Ensineer"s (pubr ii t*:l "tvie" ani'ipprova'r ,'a piinnini'bepartmentrev iew or HeaI th Departm6nt. review, -.n[ ".-".ui.; ;i'i;;;"duii ai n9 3yi[H;'h"lL: .r.ir.ted time ro"'a-totar ".ui"n-il.v"ia[!'as r6ns A]'l cornnercia'r f'rarge or sma'[) and ar] multi-famiry permits wiilhave to fo]tow the Suove #;ii6ril-;ximum reguirements. Residentiarand small projects shourd take ;-iel;er"amound or time. However, ifresidential or smalrer.projeci.-ii,piii the various above mentioneddepartnents with reoa,rd to-niCesiiiy-".ui"*, these projects maya'l so take the three-week period. Every.attempt wrill be made by this department to expedite thispennit as soon as possible. - rv L^r'ss'es erl I:_il. undersignedr understand the plan check procedure and timetrame. utt t*l,t Communi ty Devel ooment Department. --{.- . -: -Jx=E,) ( IU':rj ILn s.- 1 '#;oi sa 5s t i-: -i Li r: ?"- , I(\ !.t {,t :6 nr fiY s, j-=I I (,\ $l v'7 l. \! /i t, L :r, r,t- x cz OF nu 'i> d U7-i: =d ! a .-J \\!-ilrg /t :,f'./ h{e\o iulcJt '; utriol iii"i./ ,// F .:.:.:.i\tt\ :--_, , .- qi()'s$s-r)slr I ().S t_q)(f) t-()}o -J -..S\.. \\-\ F= l----r ir &---_--- i.i d iiil 'rr iiild'r, i; lsf$ ii I $+,E il'lPs5 iiI ri'.___.r --- i .! I ij i53ol{r o.\\ UJl- .j- \$-t-.l ."- l, "ii ../'-->; $ .; ! 'l5;t-F .xil5, i ly2n 14 {' rl il 5i ?'J il-' o= ,i lla3 , .i5il ll b ^,tldi -1,f li ll o--,'&^ i=- li ll f:P{ _qt ii L[5i€ z<;i i,it>& =tPi i!; , ii tf+, j' ,ta / i, ( =", i, :53i iiih<; :itl.94'.' u'F '"--"'-- ::.{ ..".'n::.'-':... L. ,D "l-Igl r -4. D l..lEw FenHlr{ q t b2 r.6? qaon_ EXtsTF.|ltlde + WALL E)$EP-be- -r" ilAn+l FrJtrP r..tanse rostcarf. 4rsltu P1117 e(tEl| HAlpe-rru Hew 3e *69 PooR-/ \^J / lo" I l*u. f2rl'NED xro" y.11P.g qqPl z(rc(tc 3c^La lh',= 1l r/i^=rl,>" oz ts =E UJo-c{ an IJJulILF =E UJo- ; *f.f4t7'th tAA \t I (n I vz E FJ 9J?o J trt!o z6I UJ 4Fgz =o o =z F F F1F B ; I tsa 1 HI 7I I 7 t-+ ogrFoz('z6 -Jl.o6o =z6 F E I rr FF v?F ltJUJo =I o ID IDE -g.oqt =o,o,Gc3oF q,€ ooo() (! .E o oE oo 6 0)! o O! .Ep Co E o =cl Eo o CIo.6 3 .9 E FEgg EgEEE UP.EcLo> q$:E FE!pc96i.lo5o !EiF EE gE ElsecL 6 C\-$Eie fEis EA:F EEEg -ogo-rcl60.-E<= o (,' sf;;c E E;E ;ffEeEgi - o r! .:! oo o .it I a,') tr =cu.lG0zoJ @ -ouJIoz Jo. J Ie, ouJJ UJ oz @E :. J 9ztouJE uJuJt!zoF uJ C)uJ 6 =g u,Ez uJ F ato uJ o. z UJJ() x F ul<tt F1 Fl HB U'uJ UJII ==UJI FoF (,26Jfo 9EFouJJUJ oz ao =JL J 9z E(J UJ = NOTMtYA iF t 2u 2FF U.Fxt: a I o =t!ozo Fo- E8ul tutzu,l =>E --('ti tr.l .$ =oN z2ooFo. AxfzEP Oaao1>E9|I<olH6E8 d (\i ilH ll Fl ilH z9F f lr rEa o. e. UJo. F ,{X uJE J z E z9 uJ J 3uJz tltltl at)Ezlz9r<oo< =ft>lrx rr-do<z aF2.. 9z -Ffio3E !JlJ aoulz!9 UJo- z tr 5 oz tt, J 3 F llJ oo3 <l|-l =t zl .. >l uJ uJgJzoF Gl!o- J z E o [[ l;,; C\J(a(o lrJ'ba,oo-zoFo- uJv ulooFrx> OiCF{ult*'oili*lo<tolrlguJbkzo z EC!ooEz FFflDDFI =l rlil t r -l (Pl i i <f a)trl tt a\ =r-l Hiz HI HF;-l fitE0trtr t =G uJo.ltoEgE<saEU'tgt,L '95EEi EF8p:=ZEE\JEi tq€= utd) F ts =E.lrlo-zol- C)DE 6zo() I I =,|oluJl 5l<l>l F\rr IF- c,.l 'r'l cnl ?l Iol Hl dz il H FN T>lt* CTT4 Jq tr-l I 3l fl 3lr IglNelNl\oBl !not IQl \o<t -El c Ilrll F-Itn Ol -l-l * .AAii? l-lEt <d>ctqdE-o ?l HI zzH t-t FlH ui =zclo-t gb =+G Fo2 O E -rO<FEC)t!<zFulF(rz o ., , i).'.rtt"-sr-ea rHU it{|Fl stBLEy pLUr'rBrFrG rrssaz?=zs4 p. or $i, 1il1,.1;. " if r , .\ t:i '$\$ M^F . 1 4rr, 'a rglIll vArL coNBrRUqrroN pE*r{rr Lblzl:1 I tyrfir .i pERI{If, ADFUIC'IIfON EOm[, ,o_^,r nnirnl r.!-r/nrnr omet3-I-{{-_ :l t't{-u"ildrng tfi-r,rtrrbltrE I l-Erearrtcal [ !-Mechantcar I f -othcr 1,,' *o Naner hil I '' ?,r, fr : irob Addres., pa n ,rp$",u iliV*-rrl .T ,'i' , [iegal oercriptLonr lot,, , , &Fgar D€rcrrpulont rot__ Blook_ Ftlln r | / t t.e tl -aJ' lr,. frt/i Addrsrsri.,. Smrerc naer! ,f&il!/'/lhqa- *^/^). Addrsrsr rcA E f,,&a{aA 0f ph. { ": 'Archltrctgi 'rrrsnrEtcEi . , r- _ _, AddrcgsS __ ph. 'i, d#neral Descrlptionl __r_-l lfork clarsr I l-NGr t.l-Atteratlon [ ]-Addlttonaf b4:i. |l*gt-^E r- E-^ttl-- -r ,ri .l$rbct of ItwclU'ng Unfts: - lrnnber of, tcconaoaatlon Unlt=: - ,/, i,*ili#*tt antl $pe of Fireplaces! c8€ AppllanceE Gas rogsi;,:ltlfr*'. .r.tq rJPCr ef rrEsPlacesi Ga€ APpllancaE Gas Iogs l{oodr/Pellet_ '''l.illq***r*******t:**t*t*r**t********** VAWATION5 !r*****t******r!rr**rr********t***trj,.t+il ******* *** * rl* * * ** *t t* CONrRACTOR INI'ORIIIATION * * * ****** rt!t*l*t***** E .lprcrr Hiblar Plu,.r,.-k.'nu Er_ve. Town of Vall Req. NO. Phone lluuber: i j: lEleotrtcal contractor: l"tA - Torrr of Valf nfgl .i'i, " ., ,,llbHrrrl': - nt-^L^ r?.--r- ^- -* -- Phone Nunberr ---- :r , ipltrnuing Contracto., €p,r'nz-fe; A&-,-c.- Tqr{n of, vail neq, Eo, t*l'f',,' ildilrcsr:,,, .. -' prrorie-runl"ir--Fr1l$E :lFtf!lllcalContragtor:%ToI{'nofVal1Reg'[o.- "'r,::,i . trFIBEs: phonr Nu,nberl:,,,.I ,(tf,t*******t*i*rt****oFFreE USE *r**r*r*****rr***********r*****rugI ryy W!@- BUTLDTNG pl,a$ ctIECK FEE: @D @" 'FIfil{BDlc EERI'trr t'EE: --- pfrrugrrc l'r,AN eHEeK peE: :#gHIglS pERurr EEEJ @ unq!4ryrcAi pr"N,r iiscK-'rin, W Et'ftOtUC: S ;b. nrecTRlCel: | '-mffia _ Eilniprrct ! , lrEcuAxrcarJrt@. rornli f :Iclrr fEEr _4 - RECREATION FEE:TYFEoFFEEI j{%';;mtii;go;;l;, E%* t**t** BUTLDIIIC: SICNAT{'RES EAilIFG; 9J oz tuJo- \fct u,luuJtL tr =EuJ FfJlb.u'h f'd I L.l8l +\t," CA \? vr4z tsu) z *aY<t!i oFl(,,-,z>o!l t$r F o E Fa = zzo or!Foz oz =f(D co =z x H& 2HHutHXfrl (.) E IL rua i lJ- F Fzoo llJz3oc It! ,., =Ev <FZ r-tYZ6< .:E69tc; gEE;E F e *3: EEe;E € 9:st* :fi1;: i arE! i€: ;;g E s:8 :€ s!:o'- o o E..=q-Fo !.; Ee Co=-o"(o:o-! f E ="gi86665 :EEHB E6FS=:3E9drnO-i--c;o(aE o o -.!;g5E; s 6HA;E*FFeF6H uo & ^i"!sF3 e;$ei \'.v(.) + ==uJo- z J f t llJI z -) aF L! z6 =d ) - I tu = UJuJl!z tr !! o o 3tt/; !r,J zI o F oo-uJo(Lf2 x LUo:) U'uJuJtL E =uJ J F F z .D F u.l IJ z6 =l J = gJ = NO[Vn]VA zts Fv B FFl EB zan trr 2 t-tH zF]B x 3ILoz F = uJ IIJz UJ =>E =coN zz io- AXr890 tnOz>- <)zE<oqr! ;'a(LY.x ';<ri t-, l14 1E l< I Jrl I t8Il' I t>lFflz lq: Il*l.lv)tz n-{lHl()lFll- zH ts 4 v)E A v H F.l oat & F.{Flrd V) zo 1 tE l o- F oo ..f(i >(,+d o- & j z Eoo ; tr ul ; UJz Iilrl =zlzQaF9l o< =ft>(r 8o<z =z >= -.1 i;63trOI tlltr t!I t"- z F 5az f,ak-o*E -- F IJJ oo X l F -l.l zl .. >lo uJo UJutzaF EuJ(L J zo E o X ! ztr IoIEi -:fOO .J)z FJ z IJJtra@o-zo FI UJY tu c0 O-rFO\;oll- F{ =(E rnllJ ,..i *d\., or>< oA tVIH H u.lbkzo z,n9 =<oo =zJO ..i3\.,, \J = =E=- r\ -.l- dd= F llJ ll, uJ z oIoF CEI lll -h='i(rduJ>(LOu-9o =ulx> utJ) U F to Ecto!r oE 'E 5 E Eo(, ,J\o:--l .- at lD>Ff=E :o.:! ts =E,lrlo-zoF()fEF(tzoo Ern =lJ- J.D F J ts F1 EB zIA zzH F] dFfH |lH ii =z (DE N A 2zH trl(J{ FlH H =z B E rI] o </rlu.lEqosJ E (\c{\oro I\o i FlH F (J =E_ uJc o = F ozl ol ql <l>l ol z1 31 9l =tr z (9 tu 4 z] (9zH E Fl ts rl Hut =tr A I\T -l ci UJE ol z1 =lIn (r)T\tJl Ir\(\ @ =tr o2 uJ .J lJ- zBI =(r 2 u,G l! z3o UJ) UJ UJz3 F LUL'r <FGOur<zEt!F(rz )E<o(JF =()-<7tfi zo =f, ts 5 2f, ix YF =3-o e. irt! b= -lJ<Oa?,vltr!f :r ,'.li!\i-r. sECflal. 2" *CrlorloD"