HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE TRAVEL 100 E Meadow Dr Unit 1;\.l| FIL E COPY lillo 75 rodh trontage rold vCl, coloredo 81657 (3{x') 4792138 (303) 4792139 ofllce ol communlly dwelopmenl July 25, 1991 Bill and Sally Hanlon Vail Village Travel 100 Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 Be: Staff Approval of a Bay Wlndow at 100 Meadow Drlve Dear Billand Sally: After reviewing the staff approval dated Septembet 24,1991 for the bay window at Vail VillageTravel, it has come to my attention that the proposed plan has not been completed. Attache?is a copy of the proposed plan submitted by your archltect. In this plan, four 2-inch aspensand eight 1-gallon junipers were to be installed in stone planters. The stafi feels that tiriswould be a wonderful improvement to the area and wouid encourage you to complete theproject as submitted. should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 479-218g. /ab Enclosure Sinberely, .t , i-l 'I tt'fE: A.t- a8ffi16 Alp LjdlfTlHr'?rst4A{r{ ^p E3,qFrc/.d+.s 4rarfrur-s:f bAY..v!rygr52_tr1a_Ttqt{(- -+d Fay Wrrrmr.l of..l 'gt-flflKov W# oqY wrrrppw II1ON TD ytottd 4 - 16,qo 7-"1. ?-t?'ao lt ao \A.fL vtrL$eElF4El- Vtlt/,pe fpl..l nAzr5,. rtAtrru'<-Tz2 A^ATr41 €/J9l1t-]r' A ?sT lY\E\traM pFlvlt n"/+Do' I LIsr oF MATERIAL' O l.|n*, oi PRoJECT: ,l{Ar- vltt'te'E,JP#*rt-r ns'l t\lt}ffi Lggnr- ogscntPTl0N: L0T- ELULK I rrL,ru irnrrT ADDRESS: iiiEhi p?idi-oF-nno The fo'l I ow'lng Board before A. BUILDING information ls requlred for submitta'l by the applicant a final aPProval can be fiven: MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL to the Design Review COLOR B. Roof Sl dl ng 0ther lla'll Materi al s Fasci a Soffi ts l,li ndows l,tindow Trim Doors Door Trim 'Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs ChimneYs Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther LANDSCAPTNG: Name PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES of Designer: . Phone: Botanica'l Name 6nBqb PtP ev<ntuY. I Ouani tv Si ze*ttt c*t- . T €{,,au"rf:f,) f-. Common Name AItTP -adtut4trtr c + EXISTING TREES TO l{f,tg;. BE REMOVED ilndicate caliper for deciduc'lous trees. Indicate height for conifers' (over) Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phonet Architect, Address and Phone: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVA L D ISAPPROVAL w o Ms. Shelley Mello, Planner Town of Vail Conmunity Development75 South Frontage Road WestVail, CO 81657 RE: Bay lVindow Additj-on to Existing Openi-ngVail Vil-Iage Travel - South Elevation Dear Shelley: Pursuant to our dlscussion yesterday, please finddrawings for the above project with the following 1. Roof of bay is copper.2. Stone planters added at foot of tower on3. Height of window/bay increased 'l'-6". I trust this is suffici-ent for staff approval. Ifhesitate to caLf. Sincerely, ARCHITECTS, P.C. NG/ad Enclosure enclosed 9-19-90revi-sions: the blank wal1s. not, don't ed Gwathmey, ,''lt' t' t': #qosn(r'0 rl'{r-:bw bFAfttb AHD Ur#rtlH bI" FU)4Altl ^p F,qFl(/- d-ns +pgilAfL.s oF trAY WNPoW t€- 5(tg$r +W paf wrHm,r:- 6p{ 'gffffl.JKov WX- WrrrpoW +pptttoN To6or,- 'qQ Fz:\/. ?-l?'"o flU h' ,l'-dl 3"_ o !A{L VLLT,TF$/?F\- Ytu;W lHH n#rt ,%I- l\flr\- f iliF: -' t Lt \. gsT I^EbwN pFlvlt I 'la -oto q'2+ ro llt!..05'glRiFfla*, cTaF !- | AUUKG'JJ. iiiiniprton oF PRoJECT: The following Board before A. BUILOING information ls required for submittal a final aPProval can be fiven: MTERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL by the aPPlicant to Ouani tv the Design Review COLOR Roof Sl di ng 0ther l.|a'l 'l Materl al s Fasci a Soffits l,|'indows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues F]ashings . ChimneYs Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES of Designer: , phone: Botani ca] Name 4,tmLb Common Name Si ze* -rl.2' CA]{'. L 4_.. N.ame ftruJ + *u.ranre-Cn,rW-- EXISTING TREES TO hIDFBT- " BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees'for conifers. (over) LIST OF MATERIALS Indicate height ,\ B. LOCATION Addres s lETSEpl ?tsso o )r APPLIcATIoN DAIE' lL4(T me DATE OF DRB TIEETII'IG:b a\4ae'Yr.' l9a re DRB APPLICATION BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBIIITTED*i*** SItr,RTWl*tPo\A @ I ock Flling **T*THIS APPLICATION }|ILL NOT . PRE.APPLICATION MEETING: A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: OF PROPOSAL: A pre-application meetlng wlth-a plannlng staff member ls strongly suggested to determine rf any aodiiiiiai'intoriratton"is-n..d.a. Ho appticatio-n will be accepted unless tt ts compl.i;"i;;;i it'glyii iii ii.|ii-ttq"ired.bv'the zonins administrator)' rt ts the appltcantii ieipJniiUiiiiy to mili-an dppo'lntmbnt with the staff to find out about addttlonall.iuriiiii-rgauirements. Pleile note that a C0MPLETE applica- tlon will streamllne the approval 1199"tt ior-you"-proigSl by decreas'lng the number of condittons of rpirJuir-lhil'it,"'onS iliV itti,uiatb. -ALL cbnditjons of approval must be resolved before l'bullding permlt ls lssued' oo Descrl ptl on LotLegal .Zonlng c.NAME OF APPLICANT: E{q A+N E W FIAh[LOb] , Address tOo A MtAFru) Fp-r\Ae, telephone !ft1*&7 D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: I Addres s E. NAME OF te'lephone OWNERS: Slgnature telephone i9&6-/+af/ permit is requested. $ o-$ lo,ooo $10,001 -$ 5o,ooo $.50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .5oo,ooo $500,001 - $l,ooo,ooo$ Over $1,000,000 II'IPORTANT. NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: l. In addlfion to meetlng submittal requirements, the-appllcant must stake the slte to Indicate p"opitiy"ifn.i inA-Uufiiing-co"neis. Trlbs that wlll be removed should also be marked. Thls work muii"U".otpleted before the DRB v'lsits'the sl te. 2. The revlew process for NEl.{ BUILDINGS rvJll normally'lnvolve tno separate meetlngs of the Deslgn.Revlew Board, so plan-on at least tiro meetings for their approval' to appear before the Oeslgn Revlew Board at their.scheduled trave'hoi aiied for a postionement will be required to be Address F. DRB FEE: VALUATION 3. People who faJl meeting and who repub l i shed. The fee wll'l be paid at the time a bu'llding FEE '$ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ so.oo $10o.oo $2oo. oo $300.00 The followlng Board before A. BUILDING o OF I,IATERIALS NAffi o; PR0JIIT:., 'yALvl i-E'inr--bEscn t PT I 0N :- 10T.,-.- ULUL h iiprFr ADDRESS: Bliii io?i6il"6F' nno {nforrnatlon ls requlred for submlttal a flnal apProval can be fiven: MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL by the appllcant to the Design Review COLOR LIST Roof Si dl ng 0ther t,|a11 Materla'ls Fas cl a Soff{ ts l.ll ndows t.lindow Trlm Doors . Door Trlm Hand or Deck Rai'ls Fl ues F'lashl ngs . ChimneYs Trash Enc'losures Greenhouses 0ther F aJe 0r.^r>- ll ,') B. LANDSCAPING:of Deslgner: . Phone: Egtanlcal NamePLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REI4OVED *Indlcate caliper for deciducious trees'for conifers. (6yor) Indicate height + =E zo9 -65 zIqq'86FE ;>xo'z*< o.o>o -c.i ul m (Jz llJ zg cc tr E uJ t o UJ J J F uJt o It aF F qFzll, =UJo ut !.E=r="t oz -o J'f E l,r-e =,-et- t E o oz E =tIuc oo C! ooo ra (n LlJuJLt-L =G IJJo- d76o6b//a ff99e+f,) Ol |-\ o u.av tsH B FlE{ H = o\ !! \O2-t -o FlFl ."r trl<Eotr>:u. r--lOFl(,F1z.g6v)! LUF FIz =o zz utulF z z 6 o =za1 a, =T t! t"-o Fz uJ ulz3 urI oz H A a lrl --- rD c6*6.9 B HE: F.g R€ EgE;€ EP:Ec'o>i;:;EE!pc9GE.l o€ or !Ei3 E;gsE!teo. (5 ct-sEieoiE-st s *e€ :€EsEIF::3E 3(!o-i.c= o (a ar rD =.9S'E€5 E g;: ;s;ic5g: - () as: .+ln u')cn .n.ir (Yl.+ {*} E =IJJ z J Co :< uJ- z J EFC) IJ,JJuJ z6 = d J 2 ou, UJ UJ z tr UJ UJ =_llJ t1J z 6 UJo F6 t!uJ fz tlJJ x uJo (t) UJ[UlJ- ==EuJo- J FoF z @ e,F(J uJJ UJ oz ao =c J oz IJJ: Ff ts NOtrvntv^ c Arr F c F YE,oBz2!- tr ^ 6zI5 >eF9 OE.noGz>-ooarA<)zXL<oq i^ur ;i e.tlxuJaXz HNO =>E _rlY) =ao(\t t)z < t-l H oE HzH z9 J { CC tu F ooo (Y) G UJE z E Rtz tr u,t J 3uJz tl Illtl atzfzOo <oo< > iii>E9tr6ci<z F2, 9z -Ffio3trOI IJJf J ulz i zI Jf ahz I frlz z -1- J 3t lJ- E o = I -i : :l6l JI -l zl zl .. >l uloltlltlzotr utIL) zo E z u) dl c{ IF I E-lcvLI-J Hl(Oq --J6O zH v,a IIJFolooazo Fo-uJY IIJ @ oF E E^;-o\rr -{ol>N(L-{ 8Cr9 LlJF9,|OEzo z. ,ta 9 >-*o(Do =z CL L'|- ;Ei i;- E ts uJ o uJoz oI F Eo- JFtu-h=dtr>o-O|!9o5 u.t6O-:>ul- J tr uJ.0 F o Ectgoot .: t E EI o F =E,lrJo-zoF(JfEFozoO tr!! :l tulcclJI <l>lt!lolzl 3lolF-l { H x 3 g FfH o =]L ol>, iz14 loC lFltzFl t< >l< lFfE lFfts lr+ fr1 CJ FlFlH j llJ oo olzl ciluJl 1l<l>lltlolzl3tolFI oluJl.El JI <l>l tI-lolzl3lolFI HL4 A IFrrlE Ll B(j I Fl zH =tr .,1El "-IIFI dztlQl \otrl r 3ololol :lfli H3sI E() rX rX rr L!< Ll!| L,-.I PIN E CAP L.S. t6827 PART OF LOT O EASEMENT WALL r.o 2.9' t.o G.C.E. G.C. E. 7?.6 R = 545,88' L = 154.15' A=|6olo'J9" T = 77.58' ch =s B9ol9'4o"w r53.62' '$f= nut^to*i PROPERTY LINt N. FACE OF 8A: WALL G.C.E. PATIO LCE UNIT 5 o) Seo"eabz,E t.o nb) +Qq>, 4, IPIN A CAP L.S. t6827 /; Fz lrJ =lr, @ IJ,J F_ J Ff (o c $J PATIO L.C.E, UNIT 5 @ olr), TWO STORY FRAME AND STUCCO 8U ILDIN G 5b9 Y"1^ - o-io 545.88' l6o0o'30" t52.51' = N 89o 24.7t52.O2' D'D- PIN A CAP L.S. r6827 lcur(co I i ,E lf=!rL: ch loted. I'a9 -o."-- \'rO t TI R IN to(o @ \ \ \ UTILITY ENCLOSURE G.C.E. 2\ \', \'.t I\P\2 \" TWO STDRY FRAME AND STUCCO BU IL DING go!.rr ar- OVERHANG 5 TWO STORY FRAME :_. AND STUCCO h.,t;9 BUTLD|NG F, Plotted: -OVERHANG TWO STORY FRAME AND STUCCO BUILDING b G.C.E. ov #iutt*otn 7' l7 z' 13.9 OVERHA N G TWO STORY FRAME AND sTucco EUILDING 19. o, tl.2 (-tl -lo @(\, ti) tr,t\r, /o'l ..'\t' /'!i 2l n' 'df- ovennrHc 9.s''.0{.. 1 lo'J9 " (o G.C. E. /-\' earto \L.c.E. \ UNIT 5 r i,i or'o.G'a: 29 TWO STORY FRAME AN0 srtlcco BUILOING orQ'o: EAST rding to Colorado law You must defect in this survey within defecc. In no event' may any be commenced more Ehan ten shown hereon . MEADOW DRIVE (4O') P(' cJd'o. IN CONCRETE TH IS AREA SUEJECI TU R.O,W. PERMIT RECOROEO IN BOOK 39O AT PAGE 745 first defec t the N- D,F G C E. rc-.3 1.q dt- 55 ,o6Plofted: Jl,{,r'oo"* commence anY legal actlon vAt!- vlu4,np6 TaA\re_a-tv ftil\/' six years after You act.ion based uPon anY vears from the date of l--rZ Yl OVER HANG PATIO L.C.E, UN IT 5 15.9 ( \ \ 6o.'o(n o1 @ d tJ'o any qNw ) ;) 4tr\tr effiftPMa)t APPLICATION FOR REVOCABLEA STRUCTT'RE ON A (Please tlpe or print) PERI{IT PUBLIC TO ERECT OR !,TAINTAIN RIGHT-OF-WAY Fence _r_tfall Vr Landscapingt-U_Other fi"{NFR hAd.-DATE lD' t1.ao OWNER OF PROPERTY NAI,TE OF APPI.,ICN{T 5AL>/ i. blrL flANrrrJ ADDRESS I.EGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE FAFT DTI BrscK SUBDIVISTON SERVED: vArvttba(t tNrr Fr-t^[fs l lUIOT(rf appurtenance in the project areasection(s) as welL as elevations Does structure presently exist? necessary, attach description on separate sheet) corner toa llorqqnrcaou rnside fot PDi' AFFtl/abt€ DESCRIPTTON OF STRUCTTRE OR rTEM(S) rNTO RrGHT-OF-I{AY: X,t\47 g)Trp Attach plans showing encroachnent, ploperty line, -sidewalks, curbs, intakes, hydrants, meters, manholes, any other affected(to scale or dimensioned) and(if applicable). Nu- Proposed date for comnencement of constructior, @ In consideration of the issuance of a revocable pernit for the structure above indlcated, applicant agrees as follows: 1. That the structure herein authorized on a revocable pernit basis is restricted exclusively to the land above described.2. Ttrat the permit is tinited specifical-ly to the tlpe of structure descrLbed in this application.3. That the applicant shall notiiy the Town Dlanger' or his-duly authorized-lgent, tnenty-four hours I'n advance of the tine for conmencenent of construction, in order that proper inspection may be made bY the Town.4. The-applicant agrees to indernnify and hold lrarnless the Town of Va-11-, its ofiicers, enpl.oyees and agents fron and against all liability, clains and dernands on account of lnjury, loss or danage, including without linitation clal-ns arising fron bodily lnjury, personal injury, sickness, disease, {eath,propeity loss or damage, or any other loss of any kind whatsoever, which arise out of or are in any manner connected with applicantrE activities pursuant to thispermit, if such lnjury, Ioss, or darnage is-caused in whole-or tn part by, or is Ltaiurea to be caused in whole or inpart by, the act, outission,. error, professional error, ifstaxE, negligence or other fault of the applicant, his contractor or eubcontractor or any officer, ernployee or representative of the applicant, his contractor or his subcontractor. The appl-tcant agrees to investigate, handle respond to, and to proviae defense for and defend against, any such liability, clains, or denands at the sole expense of the applicant.- The applicant also agrees to bear all other ex!-enses relating Llereto,' including.court costs and attorney-rs fees, wheth6r or not any such liabilityr-clains,or denands atleged are groundless, false, or fraudulent' It, Applicant agrees to procure and maintain, at its own cost, apoticy or policies of insurance sufficient to ensure againstall liability clains, denands and other obl.igations assuned by the applicant pursuant to this Paragraph 4. Appllcants further agree to release the Town of Vail , ltsofficers, agents and employees fron any and all ll-abllity,clains, denands, or actions or causes of actions whatsoeverarising out of any damage, loss or InJury to the applicantor to the applicantrs property caused by the Town of Vail ,its officers, agents and employees whlle engaged in naintenance or snow removal activities or any otheractivitl.es wtratsoever on Town of vail Property, etreets, sidewalks, or rights-of-way.5. lltrat the petnit nay be revoked whenever it is deter:ninedthat the encroachnent, obstruction, or other structureconstitutes a nuisance, destroys or inpairs the use of theright-of-way by the pubtic, constitutes a traffic hazard, orthe property upon which the encroachrnent, obstruction, orstructure exists is reguired for use by the public; or it may be revoked at any tine for any reason deemed sufficLent by the Town of Vail.6. That the applicant will renove, at his expense, the encroachment, obstruction, or structure within ten daysafter receLving notice of any revocation of said permit.7. That the applicant agrees to rnaintain any landscaping associated with the encroachnent on the right-of-way.8. That in ttre event said renoval of the encroachrnent,obstruction, or structure is not acconplished within ten days, the Town is hereby authorized to renove sane and havethe right to nake an assessnent against the property andcollect the costs or removal in the same manner as general taxes are collected.That the applicant has read and understands all of the tenrrs and conditions set forth in this application. Speciat conditions: 9. 10. t0/t? lq0 f Property(If joint Onrnerboth signatures) APPROVED: Develupiurent Date t UTILITY I.OCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION .fOB NAME BI€CK FILING ADDRESS The locatl.on of utilities. whether they be mal-n trunk lines orproposed llnes, must be approved and verified by the followingutilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date U.S. West Comnunications 1-800-922-1987468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Conpany 949-578LGary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Huskyr/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 949-5530 Gary Johnson Upper Eag1e Va1ley Water& Sanitation District 'r476-7 480Fred Haslee NOTE: These verificatLons do not relieve the contractor ofhis responsibility to obtain a street cut permit fromthe Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and toobtain utility locations before digging in any publicright-of-way or easement in the Town of Vail. Abuilding perrnit is not a street cut pennit. A streetcut perrnit must be obtained separately. This forn is to verify service availability andlocation. This should be used in conjunction withpreparing your utility plan and schedulinginstallations. * P1ease bring a site plan when obtaJ.ni.ng Upper Eagle ValleyWater & Sanitation signatures. n{rfllrt aL) a(9 t- {q OZk-{NY rar n-_.-_ 1P _!}b$nr 5.14M= Vtrgn -o aN 2ri \{ ll .t. I.\ l\ \ \ \ =€2 sr- t -tr(2Ct-eC.'4nJEq ii.v. ) t t C o (Cc - .lq' 6,v)l \9 1,9- a0. B TE7?b6 E"gA,W tr tgL, 6.?: 3 (-t oo co\aoa? OY c)lr,o '.', o =F- I^r \81.o;-tg. 3.\ o,o?fr t t .EIIIT IXSPBCTIONIS CoDIPL TED rhc lteor b.lor} to be conplete beforeglvtng a pcnlt e flnel C of 0. Pleace cbect off l.l the bor provl,ded. trIRAL PLD}IIING DATEs rIML }IECIANICI'. DATE: IUPROVIIIENT ST'RVET RESID. NAME: DAIE: rINAL ELBCIRIC^'. DATE: tEupoRARt c 0F o DATE: llI I CERTIFICAIE OT OCCT'PANCT DATE: I.AITDSCAPIf,C DI'E DATEs SILE TIA}IE: