HomeMy WebLinkAboutLodge at Vail Units 527-533-535I,0ct._ 3..1991e712:00PM, lt*_l*.0:Ss-00r]|s{ # s8 sv ) UrriE/sAdtux zs sEnnlert flws IVtreLR,33ttr IODGE APARTMENT CONMMINIT'M ASSOCIATION INC. VrtLCofte*r N0.2495 P, 2/2 ^^ ^^^^-'Zr r0|ll:ubug T.[(305F73{5J3 FcO05F5t sXA Scptda 29' L9rl &. J.br YolEill fr4 E. Catrc tr .t Dt.vrtl, co. EI65t Dur lG. Volpori: Itc loerit of l|.rsgera lc l"alSF fs|rtr.il Coodaidu Aeeoclrtta hG r.dcrrA tb pler to prsvida dltr 527, 5:tt, FE 5!5 lrth .?.d.d rd rqtsvod bdc*io-It tE ch. |0acTrt|'tult of r.lc loarrl ttat atl lrolvrd t.Ettr. Deve algrowl :b..r pLnr od hrrc rEEttcd lrctore tt|ttq ttrtr rpporrlr. cAcb stl Forcl.r Dctlt ls .Grca6!, I4dtr IF Elcat Cordcfufrr lroclry{cl grntr igDrov|l of ?}r tlLr to collrgralct Bb. lan bll3s4[ss fol tL: tb,('tc fEEcd cildo'-rir{rfl. rt 13 tl3 abrtrG of ttr lscocirrlh rlet cLrcr befceaf,a-r bch liritld cro cl.rlcr of t-hc leroc!.r-tti,n trlatcd h'taocrDly vir EclDa! 4to{iuf- Eircarelt. Jfi8G J. Eercb. ttlrldcat Ld3G AprrHC Gmrtorlaln Assaiattot e'4 I9Efr3,L'EL6J J{ CDG rrvruv3ocpl hrcnij ,1d,/-:3= J 1.651.'..@t 4 , \- ,oct.EN AND ASSOCIA3, ls97 ZE AND ASSOCIATES, INC. OOP}{ H No,24g5 P. t/2 From:0889 -Y/ - RE FA)( TRANSMITTAL Date: To: Conpany: FaxNarter: Re: Friday. October 03, 1997 Dominic Town of Vail, Dept. Of Community Developncnt 479.2452 Condo Association Letter From: Prujca: Projcct No: No, of Paga: Copies To: Tim Losa Lodge at Vail, Intemational Wing 94889.00/94tE9.10 6 Dominic: Enclosed is a leuer approving ttre rcvised terraces from the condominium association- Please fax an agenda for the DRB as soon as it is availabte. Plcase do not hcsitatc to call if you have any gucstion!1, concems, or need any additional information. Tim Losa Projcct Manager Architecture.Pluning.Interiors.Landscape fu chit€cffi€ P.O.-Box 1976 Avon,Colorado 81520 (920) %9-0257 Fax 949-10E0 Ihc abovs is cmsidcrtd coneqt unlcss rcspoasc to drc conruy ic rcceivrd within ? days from 1he abovc ,r,i€. S:\PROJADMN\94 tt$FAXESW960t23. TRL o t-l :: - oa ai o -\ o z 3 3 Ftt t-l ()o -1 -l o -l :1. o o-! < =dt.tC)XIJ<xfA):f+:;v;-2{oo -2 o wrJ !)Oa o irx.h 7'{= 3-: =\JGi 'nOUJ A.. ap- a)zo -3tJJ t ac,O.- a:a /.\ 'l (}o€P - o {5 ao t-l Fl -.] ot- =-- -.1 N.) { 3 6' -| ---t A- 3 <=or *#<oFo-t' 3cE r(? Li r-r '-. CD 5 dx"F€ v= =*vca = -l7rct) =ul tD (D (D E- -0e .l (D I I (D CD o (D (D (D (D a (D II I II I d (D { =' (r) o o CD (D oa - I I I II I .t (D ra (D (T (D i(D v1 U) It\ I I I -t o { (f o .l .) l-1 (=. l- c) c) o z 3c0 '1 t-'j c) '"1 a t =-.) l-Drgs. :o^'k:i= +-iv;=9:oo.) -)3-rc)-<-5a:a' o :' -l(/,x. {= =Y =\Jai '-r)o(, A6 q'i <c)o5-='/3 C\C) -^ o--,+= -3qoa (9(D{P t- o c, -J5 Fl.l c -lcDo-l - -l .D(- 0ac) { t.J --J 7)t\A ,,r' I-,t.o-(DCD o- oa<cFc)E*-AE(DX- =5r)".*1 v= =*\) c,t) = Ftiro Fl r) {(? t-l o C) o c' \ \ \ ,\">\ I.a\ \ tl R il d \ 3 \h N\i{") { a\ \ \ :.4i..:::: :.::?|i:: ..ii :t:iK't a 6 1 , , Sep,29. 199? 12:08Pl{ fu ml ASsoclA 2fr,r":.,1,*: ,J FA)( TRANSMITTAL N0.2352 P. 1/6 From:0889 Dste: Monday, Scptcmbcr29, 1997 From: Tim losa To: Dominic Prcject: Lodge at Vail, International Wing Conpany: Tovm of Vail, Dept. Of hojectNo: 94889.00/94889.10 Community Development FaxNanbcr: 479-2452 No, of Pag*: 6 Re: Condo Ovvner Approval Lctters Copies To: Dominic: Encloscd arc lettcrs approving the revised terraccs from eash of the threc coo6o6inirrm owncrs. Also enclosed is an amended letter approving the chimney revision by Anita Saltz, wtrosc vicw thc chimney directly impacrs. We expect to have the other two amended leters shortly- Wc also hopc to have some sort of agreement with thc condominirun association shortly. Please do not hesitate to call ifyou have any questions or concerns- Tim Losa Project Marnger Architecturc.Plurning.Interiors'Ludscape fuchitectur€ P.O. Box 1976 Avon, Colorado E1620 (970) 949-0257 For (970) 949-1080 The above is couidacd cornct unlcrs rcryonse ro 6c cootrary is rcccived wfthin 7 dayr ftorrr thc rbovc drrc- S:\PROJADMI.I\948t9\FPGS\M60823.TRL sgjg, Igl?i =r#9 Plt'+oJ]I!- Ls S! I L* Bs'% o ^ f nf(4.!^-.-v "w' P.Votsdri N0.2352 P. 2/6!or I r0m:ubuy sonurg2sl tS7 llr. and lllrJdS& 3 ilhrtir BdLr Coon Ry?' l{v 10tt0 Dor Mr. .nd ltta Sr|ts' Th.rt( you fu yourfus CSAE|tr 22., fin. HE r* E ny ffir d Saplemfer 1 l. tgg7 u,t$r nob O|at mly yqr-t3ilOt: not +rt O{ tl! a,|Try!drE--tffifl 1ffi,:IV"ffiu-r# vt- v^kzkh As sD lurr poccdcd b nry-c lhc confimon CrrFb *El'|rodrb yo|'EftE, re ho\'c ta$il i trac|cilyb r$Grb adrddlntthlrr dleeilygEnd E run tlraqh tr Pfrr srl Entqi dE &dft buErg. lhd nw loc*tp dua h a tfil mcy cr &p of tr F|rldrrtl SIE FhFa E qc r[rdtd irttlE wfrich rhcl3 fic ddilcll dnmlt, Olrtu*yub b g beiar rotion G Erttm Uds dud turth.t rnytutt yarudl Ar tr|e drctga h nccltnry h ordrrb erri,b Fr bru, I tn d FpnEb yqrl rpPlcvtl of thb ffigl Enirin. PIH do nchca|lrnb cel or nr ilyou hnn ery +:Csr* Edltgil|l, bftabp dttc hbr$d wng. H *.*;'Hffs,E'IhH*'* @ 9'd L!ffitstLtatsl ts c:DG .]IV^wFC[)-] ruil l{v€z: I I LSI-€?{ ser.29. 199?r l2:O9Pl[mr Ql m AssoclA j' ' TO: JohnWponi n(Xfiilr$EIElorrbreg:lairr 4lgl Iq.& @rfrtulbilt2Aff nrido-otrfi. tg. rcnatrlrneHtsrillrorrmEdda. cfrs6 rilrra EAr.t O *o'rrui,,rlbr;ftt z'd IEEEL"Q/€J J{) CiDG -lrv^rvlpcf,tl ltljl ,Na=r t 1.66l-€Z€ , , $ep.29, 199?sl2:0gPl[Esrroli AND ASSOClA r;rDtLIIf,trE,*T ' fem E G^vAt^Er|[rtr ll|r.n ber Fr. hEl'|.tr[rl.ll|| ffi?$r*t @ lft.ldrnP-VdFllbLotFdVdUaBr(h&*Elc Vril,@ lffiIf DrrJdE: Ir rWur o YurbdsqFda9, lfl' Ilu *rifirU o iftrn 1u tlu * htG ro$bFr ti6 !F ftmc lt[n rr qdid o SE | &OWtln, d StG.t 2 dd 0ttGD6 illt w ttcM Yib tslalr rclrdi SrcdY, H;Grm$;It-D. No,2352rrP. 4/6tt L From:0889 5'd JSE'F,LVaL'T l{ SiDG .1IVru\':|9cIn KnlJ }{!€z: l1 z60l-€u-€ . , sel, 29. 1997 -12:l0P}trrr.,,atil AND ASsOclA DaridJ. Nryins. M.D., F.A"C.S. ?f4lWerfffreebr Awnue WhhE Phtn$. NervYoft l(r04 tdt gr4-s84-1ln Fax 91#682-9006 f,n. n.-ltE|l{0.2352'EP. 5/6 From:0889 hc Da,idJ. ibb,ti'D FA.gS.Jolilt/uFd{-G.tt .dirlry h l-g'Dlo5sol rlE r E: Sfrlt lstE t4lto{76€0lt ftutE El ilol gUi lr lrctttrf$q trut r Orrhhr Clmcm trttsrt;OE*lrrr|r OCITF ftrtt.vobot{r T}EllFlb*rffi'gt!.cErycfuPh'c|rirlwldtrrrrrrrrscdrrrroorhLc|c*l'U .tn'iB the rdse Ef d tE uE ulih ttG 97' 1l3 d{ tS' ThiB : riilrt E th thr ottgiury eoncd. lYc rr h buE d t* |Utrn r,|ildr nl hac l'| r"E l}irnlttC rd a |Ew urdoi, rd 6t Porifrg atm or ut €|FI rh.tr60dvf .rs tT4E ecdt$td(Dnp vhl.ColorlbEl6T ?'d LtmB'L?olsl l.{) csct -lIvANrF(Ul ltHl hlvEu; I t z66l-ffi Qrmr N0.2352 P, 0/6 ffi {{$ EEN N1 $fi ill ffi liilli JffiLv?,l:Bl J{ CrG ']IVnIEr)CXfl hrnu l{v@,:1t z66t-€€E'd Tfitrlt-l crF LJF I r- Hiscel laneous Cagh rl1?-:-.i'-?i 1r: "15: 'l.B FlE,-e r. tr t. + :-?' I I't'F ff,:cnr-rri t. ,i! {-:}.i + 1[:t2! Errl I Lir j LF.ll'J5i:rf i'..[!FiB F EE Flrri,:urrt- l trtde rPd :: Itenr Paid tri l EriJiJrJ4 t .5.J 1. ur:18 !-l-r'3rrq* re t u t-rtP'l i i[1. l-jlt:l FKrun 1 paid l[1. [lrj * " i1l:1 -THFIH}{ I/GLI 'irr,u r aa::friEr FlEt-t lHt-t RECEIPT- ltcTomsf llt .$q rl'b5ft?14 N9 08166 V. RB6ETVEDFR9M Yalntt\ 't V t4v60rl DAIB ADDru$S Pcmit ltfumbeil Follce Rccetpt Numbers tlOW PAID'-' C$h_-Check V.i o o t. nos r c r _l/eApAil A1t: VV nd r At fe,,rtf1on ( e { @rd r\ Acar(rtti-r.\o. - -'0t(jn007T5l lgN I N(; n N t) A t)t)lt t;SS lv|nt,s---- -rr r.r I r:( ) lr N I tlix t. l-tIrTiTOllF- 0X f t:(tR-Ml-, L U r\4 n i Nl ; f'o r il i atltto(to?2.t I I--ilf-ri00ii72,r r.i-l]qlr li iNlRit^ Nii enfeOni; r-:am N I trTliii attTt[-_.--0t 0000 42.1 | | r\t. LLrlrl:T n' r'I( )-r.fn-T--rlt-i(.'fi r ttTl . fi I fi r t- - -Or l-illifa'(ilt.:nT6R '--- - r, | (x){,,0 4 ,:-l I-fti-fnt(-)o nrl.0l 00()04riIfi-Tiilio-ftri4l_.i f2- -iilnlTtlIIN'fsll\-,I xl.:tl( 0 I ()000 4 2.1 |srtrDTD-f----- --lilxlt'0.r:-('t li(t0l|I?..ril'll-irOirO.rl.t-.t: -'0'i-r r0 rid,i r. .r.i.r.--ii i-iitxi0 ,i i.Ir.,.iii (rtro(r ,-il.t r i - 0 ill(tii'(i;i-i .1 iliiii'liiririr4l-.iiti iit itiiiiu all.il- (i t'lxiiitt ,if.i i,l - i i'ttiiiiii.,i:ir rr'- tr t tiotr(j );tri:i I; rri-irlx-rii'i. i fr I;' rir o1 uii-.ii'iil'ri 0t (t(xx) 4ll7l IicTfr'i''L (.) | ( -Ittj000-a-ulo- ;--'--- -?Pa- ,a ;hl (a ,1.' cTrNI)l'rTONn-r_ tBI: f I i{N4-l'l-- -