HomeMy WebLinkAbout120 Willow Bridge Rd Unit 2H\f,ll4'G"tu- DEpARTMENT oF coMMUNITY DEVELoPvgNt I lrfK-'fowN oFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROADriAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Btl1.c, >u NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BI-IILD PERMIT Permit #: 800'0342 Job Address.: 122 E MEADOW DRVAIL Status""': ISSIIED Iocation......: 122 E MEADOW DRBLDG C #2H Applied"': 12107/2000 ParcelNo....: 210108207006 Issued ": 12/0812000 ProjectNo...:Expires...:06|061200| OWNER DEFEO, PEGI L2/07/2000 Phone: 1195 PARK AVE NEW YORK NY 10128 License: CONTRACTOR O ' HALI-,ORiAN CONSTRUCTION CO L2 / 07 / 2000 Phone : P.O. BOX 756 MIMTURN, CO 81645 I-,icense t 441-B AppI-.,ICANT O'IIALLoR]AN coNsTRucTIoN co L2/01 /2000 Phone: 303-827-9600 P.O. BOX 756 MII{:TURN, CO 81645 Iricerrse: Desciption: REPAIRWATERDAMAGE DUE TO BROKEN PIPES Occupancy: Rl Multi-FamilY TlpeConstruction: II-FR Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $7.2oo.oo Add Sq Fc o Firoplace lnformation: Restricted: .rEs # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofcas lrgs: 0 .......tof wood-PellEt: 0 *t.|*|**i*'**:l:li*,*||t||*.|**|.**'lt,|,|1r|*l||||'*||||||||||'l}'tl}**l|l|***** Building-> g1z5.oo Restuarant Plsn Review-> 9o.oo Total Calculated Fees-> 5329 '25 Plan Check--> 981.25 I)QS f'ee_--._-----> $20'oo Additiotral Fees-.._-> So'00 lnvestigalion-> go.oo Recreation Fee-------> so.oo Total Permit Fe€-----> s329'25 Will Call-> $3 . OO Clean-up Deposit--> S1OO ' oo PaymEnts----> 5329 '25 TOTAL FEES------> 132e.25 BALANCE DUE---> 90 ' 00 Approvals:It6m: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEI{IT L2/O7/2OOO KI{ARREN Actsion: NO ROIITED TO CHARr.,IE L2/07/2OOO CDAVIS Action: AP SEE CONDTIONS ITEM: O54OO PIJANNING DEPARTMENT ITEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTME{T Item: 05500 PIIBLIC WORIG See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatioq filled out in full the information require4 completed an acorate plot plan, and state tllat all the information as reguired is correct. I agree to comply with thc infomration and plot plan" to comply witl all Torm ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the to\ryns zoning and zubdivision codes, design review approve4 Unifomr Building Code and other ordinmces of the Town appli RTQI,JESTS FOR INSPECTION SIIALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOTJRS IN ADV OR AT OLJR OmCE FROM t:00 AM - 5 PM sad Cloan-up Dcpoait To: CIHALL,IORAI.I ooNSTRUCTIoN co OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSET"F AND OWNE t' PAGE2 *jr*************rt***********t*******t**:**********i!:t*********:t**********'t****'*****'t*******{t:l***{t******'t'tl'* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: 800-0342 asofl2-08-2000 status: ISSUED :t***tr*+rt*,i+*:t!tt*f**trtr**+**t,*+**tftt*******tt**:t******'t'tt*:t**tt****tt*'t*'t****rt!*!r*****l*:ttt*ftt*****'lf**'*****l*'| ponritTlpe: ADD/ALT MFBLJILDPERMIT Applied: 1210712000 Applicanr o'HALLOMN CONSTRUCTION CO Issued: 12108/2000 303'827-9600 ToExpire: 0610612001 JobAddress: I22EMEADOWDRVAIL Iocation: I22EMEADOWDRBLDGC #2H ParcelNo: 210108207006 Description: REPAIR WATER DAMAGE DUE TO BROKEN PIPES Conditions: Cond: 12 FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQI.JIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE' Cond: 14 ALL PENETMTIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERTAL. Cond: 16 SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC,3 10.6. I OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond: I FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQI.]IRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: CON0004515 ANY STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS E)OOSED DIJRING REPAIR MUST BE PROPERLY FIRE PROOFED APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR Building Permit #: mvvo?Ytn 75 S. Frontage Rd.vail, Colora-do 816s7 SeRarTfc !{mits areqQuired for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! \ 5Pt?,*2 )\_/ 97 O- 47 9- 2149 (Inspections) Contact Eagle CounV Msorc at 97O-328-864O or visit for Parcel #parcet # .,Q t Ol 0 tr2(,, 0nA robName: (twnh{ aEilTV{ 3U robAddress: uc n,iuftY&bptr n> Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: ownersName:/, DffgC Address: NE|U yDpt<, AJ V Phone: !ll- Sbct C5,45 Architect/Designer:A/DA. E Address: N *.Phone: AJ,+Ensineeri lL,glrJt llnooress: *i, fl Phone: Al. 4 Detailed description of work:&rrut AlYwttt+/hnnila , Tp/u(NrffirL O WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel ( ) nepair(V Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior $Q Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) ttto (X Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ({ Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 7U No. of Accommodation Units in this building: NofypeofFireplacesExisting: GasApDliances( )GasLoqs( )Wood/Pellet( )WoodBurninq(X '7]) No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loos ( ) WoodiPellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (\{ No ( ) ll Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (.){ CoMPLETE VATUATTONS FOR BUITDING PERMIT (tabor & Materiats) BUILDING: $ 7,7fl ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $rorALr$ 7/z@ REFUNDcLEANUp DEposrrro: D't-tAl_u'pnn) Ct i)STU'(flt/Lt & CONTRACTOR IN FOR.MATIO N ************r.*****:.*FOR OFFICE USE ONLY********************rr**,r't****'r******* Di.u 0 7 ZnJtJ TOV.COM.DEV" F:/eueryone/fo rms/bldgperm fr?lT'q15 (F12-2(X!1 lnrpocfon Requcrt Repordng Pagc 15:10sn _ - ___VA|L_C(L:IAHIIIfE-*: Rcq|.sH ktgpGct DrEi llv€dnesdry, Junr t3, UXll' At{iloned To: Ct}A\flSlnrpeciibn Tpe; RllGrr||arCdon &cr: COSl&Addrrcr' lU2 E rEAIX'WDR VllL /o, ls AP|Dlfttun||ldr A.ltlr m$|cConrlTui:P.it I ztOtGAOzffiOllffi TEFEO,PeO r22 E nEADO$rOR BLDGC#[l SrbTyp€: AIGUro: fFFR SU[ro:[llpArr: Rcqucrtd Th.: 08:(x)1fl- Plrffi: g?G&t?-S E{il.dry DFLOREE l( SST'EDCD Cofircbc gl{AttoMlf CONSfft,cTPil COAopfod: gHAIORAl.lCOf,lSlRtC'TlON.lCO Pfrone: :XI}837-S(I}n*ihron REPIfiWA?IER D ltIGE Du€ TO mol{EN PFES brilefboHlshn, v$l ffift|l|)bd*d 'top0ond'll {dand}o (tHon li -'Aoo|orf,d- h|Dchr: 'cdnb A.troo' APAI5PROVEDErc.glhrrqn l h||rbtlon b.ilr|r bdreoom gfor.pc. Til.f notr filpftrf t*r?|.|ott * t{ifl ffiUoml} * Aooronod * f,nrcbr: CDfir*S Adon: APAPPfrOI/ED EXCEPTFOR COifrION IY^IT EETUfEEN EOTH B'ITHROOIISltm: 70hm Ct aoebml)lF*x*ed) ArNrn f,rtt P; c*,?i-,,cJ '_-, ()r'..;tr1"1 q fi ,irlrt L Pt ,*u.);& .\ jlF436 - ,,..h. fipw,w ,r#h fu'(l- TD v l.|Ir lOhilr 20bm: ilhu 5O FtYx.t,v* c u$.I6 ,.J11- TOWN OF VAILFIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD yAIL, CO 81657 970479-2135 Elecd.ical-> DRB Fe€--> Investigrtion-> will cbll-> TOTAL FEES-> VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Pennit #:A0l-0003ALARMPERMIT Job Address: 122 E IvIEADOW DR VAIL Location.....: 122 E MEADOW DR BLDG C #2H Parcel No...: 210108207006 - -ProjectNo : ?P5<roo73 | ISSUED 0ur0t200l 0210912001 08/08/2001 o$t![ER DEFEO, PEGI 11.85 PARK AVE }IE9I YORK I{Y 1012I License; CO!flIRACTOR COMMERCIAL SPECIAIISTS OF 0L/L0/200t Phone: 9?0-513-7100 WESTERN COLORjADO' LLC P.O. BOX 1572 SIIJVERTHORNE, CO 80498 License: 161-S APPIJICANI COUMERCIAJ., SPECIAIISTS OF WESTERN COLOR;ADO' IJIJC P.O. BOX 1572 srr,vERTHoRNE, CO 80498 License: 161-S 0t/L0/200]- Phone: 970-513-7100 Descipion: FIRE ALARM RENOVATION Valuation: $3,697.00 ||||||||.i'.|||||||||.'l|||||ltt|t.....'|..''.'l.**'''''||''..*.|.l|ltt|||||FEEs|.'MMARY........|'|||||||||l||t|'|.|||||..|||t.'l.....'||'..|...|.|. 0L/LO/200L Phone: s?2 .00 90 .00 s0.00 $3 .00 s75. oo Tolsl Calculatcd F€cs-> Additional Fees-> Tdal Pendt Feo-> Pryrnetts--> BALANCE DI]F,-> s?s . oo sss . oo t13o. oo s130.00 90.00 ttttlttataaa'ttttltlaattllt!t!tattlIlaa Approvals:IEem: 05600 FIFE DEPARTMBflT ot/25/zOOt MVAUGHATT Act,ion: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this applicatiorq filled out in full the information required, compls{ed f,r accrmte plot plan" and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plarl to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structur€ according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design rwiew approvd Uniform Building Code md other ordinmces of the Town applicable thereto. CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF' AND OWNE RTQUESTS T1OR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADB TWENTY.FOUR HOURS TN ADV Aol- Wo*Class:Netv() Mdition( ) Rernodel( ) Repair() Rer!-ft Odter ( ) TrOe d Bldg.:SinslefamiU( ) Two-famiV( ) Multi-famiV( )Cornrnercial(X)Restaurant () ffirer( l)" OlrlPl"ETE VALUATIOilS FOR AtARlr PERiTIT (lrbor & Hilerids) \rt.{[\iq FlreAlarm: + 3,6q1. OO rrarr.rr.r...rrt.r.t....tr.t*t.t.lltrr*FOR CFFICE USE OJlLYr..rrrr|..i.tt.it...**t.tt*r.rt.tt.tl {\P ,ti l;..n r- t;, .r r _ f I|1r': '__-r--,,t -,J i: !.' ,,r-r 1 1\ i^r'l1,lAl\l | \i /- .. t :'(l r,'-i;{.f il.IiilV ..-i ..FRET.l : BB Fax : 970-827-9202 f,r{O\G N:1. : I 9?O 242+tl?/fj Jan 22 '01 lb:JJ P.W Iar,, Zl'tfrI @t"P'l l$!EgT6 nBaTElElrT' l{C' A & D A*gDEgros ABAIEMENT' lNc' 535 WEST WIITTE AVENUE GRAI{D runcrron, coIlrnADO 81t05 l-t0tf-74&r20. tN _rI frrtrtcrpn nepoRr PRIP iED FoF:\,4/ O Halloran C,qrs !ructiou P.O. Bo:( 7t6 Minturn Colonrlo 31545{756 Location: Village CcntcrCordo UniE 3IL 2H, lH Building C '..'..':,-.-.::..:..{: : !: jt RIP('ST PIEPA.RED BY: rcIlltrf,tE?tlMAlt D5S'tsCTOR!''ANAOBR CERflFT CAit NO: t26190 le2 c\ -t""+-- r-u- G'npbrr- Dcs u oro/ I l+rfc*lru#r: | .tn,'l . rfti:rJ N s 4 3.$. xctn&td. ruoo - ottr, Fax : 970-827-gn2 PF||JNE NB. : | 9?6 212+ tL?-a Jan 22 '01 16:30 P.i)g Jan' i€ 'affir a4'55F\PraFFrlm I Fr8,B AEEEST0S qBqTAf=NT, lr,lc. lNTqctpucrrrN. OD ta||ttrry I t, 200 l. 8n i!+ootioru yc! rr ar co:rdrrtcd rod I b'rrlL ramples *orc collcct d frcttr thc tfi,LAcocEhlr8t coNDo lt{lT$ 3fq 2H. lH Buildirtj C vA.tL @t'oRADo n657 Ihc p,tcporc of &c incpeoiodsrrey wai b lo$tc aud ruaplc sr.spcctad atbesr,r ccumuring nutc;als *rlt rn*ht bFc.ort in tbc wucr{rort.d uhitr. Thc insP@don w|. mtde t[d tio runpl$ wcrc oollc:rerl by Joha R. Pet6rlD!6, rr A.H.g.R.A. rnd Sraro of Colondo oct{licd Building largector. Qrcrr carc vrs raken drrriag tlc lniFccdon and earrpllnt !e bc s6 rcotsare re pordblr. ll tbould bG nocd tbrr rrlnirr.utl drarga w!5 donc to rhe |'ai$.lig building trflsErsr Crrrittf tbc brpclion ro tbcfD ir uo docunrcltttion lbr unreeo coldiriou ot rtorcd fteto-e. At th. rcqucar of Lhs cli|lt thir rcporl oolt covrra thc uni6 lirtcd, AU rulcr wcc rnrlyzcd by DCM Scicncc Lrb in Llto*ootl Colordo. This lshoralart is dccrrred"Pntlcisnt'' is rh. E l.A. Qn[i7 Arnlucc (eA) lmErnr for 6c dftermiorriou of ssbesb, iE DulLaucrirlt rDd ia oooradEd by thc Ancdcar tfygicao isluciarion (AIttA). SAMFLING EILOTCICOI I I nDdoa $F lltg rolcale wu urcd h nrnplc rhc $uspco! rnrtlriats that rrere digsc'vrrcd If during uryfutu" darrolftion or lttovttirln ri'd ruapccr ro.letrirl ii tliscororcd ths hasnt bcsn rurlplcd nud wirla !ediaolrtc{ worl rborkl bc beitcrt uotil tbr nrrrerirl het b,..sn rc{rd. .slBIylY . R|rA pBSeR rprroN. Thir rapon covsn urritr 3H. 2tl, ard ltt bruldinB C of rbc vlrirB3 Center Condo. vrll, (blorado. Tbcre ,.[rio ncdvrfl lorvl' tr_5!.t d{al3c wrt.n I woter sLtndprpe irozc mrl brolte. Tlrc i'ruJ'or of rlrc ruit wcrc badllourgcd in lbir llood. Ar tto de of drc lnrpcorlon anrctr of tho lrod-droagad tlebrit hrd beco rtnrovsd from rhe unirs b qucation -lJ!iu.3't, 2tfr md I tt ut alt qf lt!. ccnrtnrcooa and wcrs brdJr ar thc saec rimc. No appnr:nr rmongtio:rghrvc b.r!r .kna to 3b. udrr. ?lr inrrisr rrllf |r! u$hl {udr rrirh ltghrjy ErolEd rbccnock vittr st undboard uticr th. rhGe.rrccl. Th..,r 1-,t-. y.od_ *vctag.lalb ia 9c unig. Tbc cdlurgF rc c;,pirrcd lxam rnd rhcmock asd liglrrly l&{lrrrcdshcsol ljlt the rvnlrl Th. floo|t rracrc covertd for os rnort part wiitr caFe: *ith rioine ce:lltic tih rndlbcrt vilyl b olr unir' Tbe hret i.r provtdod by hot wnor brrcboird hc*t that-rr proridcd hy ar rur.orc bciler. coNcLUStONl ^ r{D RECOMME\D^TIO\$ Lrbonlory rarlydr of th! 3 au3Focr nrrcrlolt 6at rcm r€trej indic8ta riral tlvo <rf drc nupccr ;lrtrcrialronteh ao edctor 6rer rrc r.rtrtld rbccrtock egd &c roundboral (nd!t dr? sbd.tsock- -Thc shect vinlJOodng coailU rlb.rtor 6g ia il crcrcc of thc regulrrory liroh (6rrcrcr. rlna lyo). Thi5 rtcct vinyl a.url bcrrmwcd r pr,t Colondo tragulrtion #l prior to dirortuncc o? thiirurcrial. -.ts- Fax : 970*827-9n2 lr.+].{E N,:r. : | 97A ?42-rtl2A 22 ',?t 16:30 P.10 !:s r 22 2iia! ;14 ! 56Pl Jan ?11FRTIT ! A{E Ait€s'I05 AHrT.:f'E{T, If{C. EATNFLE LOCATIO]I sAilPtL HS€-001 HE.S{O2 H9BS03 HS-S.@1 HS-e-q)s H99-006 HS"8.007 Hs.EA08 HS-t400 FN|^BLE Ytsrxo NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES YES AREA EAMPLED FRO,|I Erct Ecdroom wall !H Mtl6lo Bcdoom wrll 3H Wcet B.droom wril 3H Ea$ B.dEXrn vrali unit 2H Wcsl closal $nll unlt 2H Er6t b.droom wall 1H Wa$ ri'|ll clorot Abovo rholnock 3H BathrDoms tlocr 2H DESCRIPTIO}I Compoait! shsrtrsch wrllght tetturc cornpolite sheetrock wllght texcJre comporitc Gn€atmck */tlght l€nura Conpositc thael/ock Wllght lexlur€ Composlte sheelrocl w/l€lrl larture compodtc thccrcd( wlight texture Composilc thcelrod( wilight texiure Sounclboard Shcct vinyl Fax,:..579-9274'p, Jan 22 '01 16:30 P.11 FREn : FBB REBBTOS qBeTeIEl{r, l:{:. Fr\E }fJ. 2 L 976 242i+1L23 J.rr''. 22 2&l qazs7fr o12 TAMFTE T HS€,.001 H3€{(n Hs-E{Ot H5€404 H3{.006 HS-8.O06 HS-B{07 HS-&00E r{s€{0e ASBESTOs WPE NND NAD NAD NAD NAD I\AD NAO NAT) CHRY TAIIPLE RE9ULTS COLLECTION DATE: 1t't.t61 Dttci|Pnox Cgmpoci€ 3he€r@k |Y/lighr terture Compoite shc.trock w/thhl len|/re 6mposl!. sh..trCcl( Wltghr le$Urs Composite shedfoc* w/l(lht tedtrro Compodtg shc€Oock Might texrrrc Compo:hc rhcctrgck u./ltght ta{turo Composlle ,hooto€i w'llght toxturg ttoun6boa,O Shoet vlnyl It o 0 U o 0 0 4 KtY: CHRy. Cnomtle NAD . NoAthElosOctcctad *uN.* Fax : 970-827-9202 H.o\E l€. I L 978 2a2+LL2A Jan 22 '01 16:35 P.01 Jan. 22 ?AOl 8d:sgF?l Fl4-- FRort 1 Fr&B ASBESTOE qB.?T=GM, l{C. .: PotEltrtrL ?0r ollTuilAilcE tAtPLC' Acc-t0tltuw Ytf/No POTEilTI,AL TNFLUENCEcot{tact uti^T|orr HIOH LOWHIGH LOWHtoH .LOWHIGH LOWHIGH IOWHIGH LOWHIGH LOWhIGH LOWHIGH LOIV POTEI{TI,AL AIRrio$tolt tow LOW LOW LoW LOW LOW L()w LOW LOW LOCAIEO INtt€lruu YeSf{o HS.&001 HS-8.002 HS.B40tHS{fi.| Hs+005 h98{06 H3-&007 Hs-3{0C rfs€{00 NO NO NO NO NO NO NQ I9C' NO YES YE9 YES !,Eg YES Yts Yts Y€g YES ./? ., \J /t' .i "(fr'(\'\v,dr Fax : ??9-827-SN2 22 ',ur lbrsu r'rz - FFflft : RIB 95ESTL15 ffiarEt€:N7, lNc. P{o.€ NJ' : 1 9?a 242.LL?3 !N"' 'Td 'rwr d4is'?Fn ?'r3 : tusPecr HArEil^L CONOtTlOr{ ?YPI OF IUTFIC? OT,CRALL TYP€ OF3ATPIE' HATSHAL CONOMONS DAIIIAOE 'h DAilAOE It$B-001 gUR 8AD YES 73 W.tdPh!6lls€402 SUR 8AD YES 75 rlrat r/FtryrH8€403 SUR 8AD YES 75 WrtarlPhysH3€{0tl SUR 8AD yES 75 wdrrrPhyRf{$B€05 SUR B{Il YES ?5 Watorreh}cflS€{06 SrrR BAo yes 75 wst€'rPh},rH3€{0'7 3UR 8AD YES 73 Weier/PtryrHS€{03 M'SC BAO YeS ?S wanr/ftrlrs€{oc Mtgc FA|R No 0 NA KR: M'EG - Mtroor|rnaoul 9UR. $uilrdng PttYgPhy.rcal -$;$tr€ .d TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD yAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E0l-0003 Job Address: 122 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSLJED Iocation.....: 122 E MEADOW DR BLDG C #2H Applied . . : OlrcA200l ParcelNo...: 210108207006 Issued. .: 0l/08/2001 Project No : PBEOO- 6 33'1 Expires . .: 0710712001 OY{I{ER DEFEO, PEGI OL/O2/20OL phone: 1185 PARK AVE NEW YORK I{Y 1012I License: CONIRASIOR I'{ARMOT EIJEqTRIC 0L/02/2001 phone: 970-926-0990 P.O. BOX 4511 AVON, CO 81620 Licenee: 250-E APPLICMT MARIIIOT ELECTRIC 0L/02/2OOL Phone: 970-926-0990 P.O. BOX 4511 AVON, CO 8162 0 Licenge:250-E Desciption: REPAIRWATER DAMAGEDUE TO BROKEN PIPES Valuation: $2.000.00 FEE SIIMMARYEl€crrical_> S50. 0o s0.00 90.00 93.oo DRB Fee__> Investigaion-> will crll-> TOTALFEES*> S53. OO Total Calcuhled Fees-> 953 . 00 Additional Fees->90.00 Total permit nee__> gS3 . 0 0 Psym€nts--..--> S53 .00 BALAIICE DUE-.--.> SO. OO Approvals:I€€m: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT ot/02/20oL JRr[ Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARI'I{BIT Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond: 12 FIETD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIA}TCE. DECLARATIONS ' I hereby acknonledge that I have rcad this application, filled out in frrll the information requird completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as reguircd is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and stat€ laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigp rwiew approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQLIESTS FOR INSPECTION STIALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADV FTICE FROM t:00 AM - 5 PM. trt.SI TURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTORFORHMSEIf AND OWNE ; APPTICATION VYILL ]IOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPIETE OR. U'{SISNE' Project#: {ZJ Oo ^o??7 Building Permit#:- Electri;l Permit #; @' OzlZ 75 S. Fronteee Rd,'Vail, Colora-do 81657 s?cg28E 97 O-47 9 -21[9 (Inspedions) \TION JL PERt{rr APPtrQt _ v OJ'OOU- coMpt-ETE sQ. FEET FOR lrlEtY BUTUIS and VALUATIONS FOR AlJ- OTHERS (labor & Mat€rials) * +** lr** it* *:l* rl I**************** t!* * *it **+***'t****+**+ * F tpr.tn nrlrrrfrlltnsr6lffn g.d su ! uurnS uqor Conbd AwsOffieat orrdsit forParcel# Parcef # (Required if no bldg. pemit # is provided abore) 210109?g?@6 rob Narne: fiLtA$F- cE*,free->lob Mdress:uzt22 EAf AetMvt b&. Legal Desoiptbn ll LoU I Block I Fling:subdrvbion: UUXL (;E^f;E L Orilners Name:Addess:Phone: Enganeer:Address:Phone: Debiled dessiptiol of work: \Ehllp- + Ba^r c, ea?geg7 de. c.rEEL L-r.Ccl RecTarut< WorkClass: Nellv() AddiUon() Remodel() Repair()4 TempPoter() Other() WorkType: t*erlor frC b<terior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU €5dst at this locatinn: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Singbfamily ( ) tuplex ( ) Muti-faEflyt t Comrnerdal ( ) Refiurant ( ) Outer ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in thb buiHing: 3 No. of Accommodatbn Units in this building: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No Of Does a Fire Atanni E(bh Yes ( l$r No ( ) ll ooes a Fire Sprinkler Sy$enr Exise Ys (\3) No ( ) ETECTRICALVALUATION:$ ?OCrt.&AMOUT'ITOF SQ FTIN STRUCIURE: f €taiuo ourer.Fees: -. ..DaEfieccarr€d!: . .:.IlRBFees:. . .. ..r ,Ai:rcirfted)Bn:,:PfannerrSlon*fE. :. . I9E6- e?8- Ol,6 > TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD yAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMTT T*, u," rroi?93L.r.r_o OWNER DEFEO, PEGI Ot/04/200L Phone: 1185 PARK AVE NEW YORK IiTY 1012I L,icense: CONTRACTOR PHOENIX FIRE PROIIECTION 0L/04/200L phone: ?L9-486-0188 711 HARRISON, UNIT B IJEADVILLE, CO 80461 License: 226-Nl APPLICAIfT PHOBIIX FrRE PROTECTION Otl04/20Oi- Phone: 719-486-0189 71.1, HARRISON, I'IIIT B LEADVIIJtrJE, CO 80451 LicenEe t 226 -Nl Desciption: INSTALL SPRINKLER SYSTEM PER CODE BY ORDER OF THE FIRE MARSHALL Valuation: $2,500.00 Fireplace Informltion: Restricled: S0 . o0 TOIAL FEES-> S?8 . oo Total Permit Fee-> S76 , 00 Paymer6-> 978 . 00 Job Address: 122 E MEADOW DR VAIL [ocation.....: 122 EMEADOWDRBLDG C #2H Parc.el No...: 210108207006 ProjectNo : P95Ob- 0331 # ofGas Appliances: 0 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 12/1212000 Issued. . : 1211512000 Expires. .: 06/1312001 # ofGas logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0|||rr.i'l||'|||''|''|.''||i||''.|'i'||t'|'|||*|*,|'FEEsI./'I\4MARY**|****..|.|.|'i' Medlanic6l--) 960.00 Reduararn Pbn Review-> So. oo Total Calculated Fc€s-> l?8. oo Plm Chc.ck-> S15 . 0O DRB Feo->50.00 AdditionslFe€s->lo. 00 Invesligafion-> WillC"ll->93.oo BAI-A]VCE DUE_>90.00 rlrtm***rttrttttrla*tt'tittttt'tatattITEM: O51OO BUII.DING DEPARTMN.IT Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTI.IENI L2/L2/2OOO PER MCGEE Acrion: AppR pER MrKE MCl3EE rN OFFICE VERBAL O\I L2/L2/OO CONDITIONOF APPROVALCond: L2 FIEI.D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO (IIECK FOR CODE COMPIJIA}ICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiorl filled out in full the information requird complet€d an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is corect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Torvn ordinanc€s and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigr review approvd Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. -RDQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHAII BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVAI.ICE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OtlR OFFICE FROM 8: l AJlt - 5 PM. i SIGNAT1JRE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELT ANN OWNA Depanment of Cornmunily Devel<spment 75 South Frunnge Road Vail, Colorado E1657 970-479-2 r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 Date: To: From: memorlndum January 5, 2001 Phoenix Fire Protection Attn: Tracy Kathy wanen @ Subject: Corrccted Fire Sprinkler permits for Village Center Condo's Tracy, Mike McGee brought to my attention a few days ago thet t had accidentally issued mechanical permits for your sprinklcr work at village center condo's, I have voided the mechanical numbers and reissued sprinkler numbers. I have enclosed a copy ofeach ofthe correct permits for your records as wetl as forwarding them to tr,tite MiCee for hisrecords.. Please refer to these numbers when you havJ questions or need to requestinspections. Also, please discard the mechanicai permits issued in enor. I apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused. Please call me if you have any questions atgllOATg-Z3ZS. cc: MikeMcGee PnojcctFile PZSOo.oR3-l - DEFE6 Town of Vail Finance t, *n "*or^nrr Depanment of Cotnmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 Date: To: From: memorondum January 5, 2001 Phoenix Fire Protection Attn: Tracy Kathy warren @ Subject: Corrected Fire Sprinkler Permits for Village Center Condo's Tracy, Mike McGee brought to my attention a few days ago that I had accidentally issued mechanical permits for your sprinkler work at Village Center Condo's. I have voided the mechanical numbers and reissued sprinkler numbers. I have enclosed a copy ofeach of the correct permits for your records as well as forwarding them to Mike McGee for his records.. Please refer to these numbers when you have questions or need to request inspections. Also, please discard the mechanical permits issued in error. I apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused. Please call me ifyou have any questions atgTO-479-2325. cc: Mike McGee PnoicctFile P:oo- 0335 - DEoeL Town of Vail Finance {p *"no'o' n"* TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITYDEVELOPMENT ,75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 \to-+itg-ztzt Q.crss'*J # ofGas Logs: 0 #of Wood Pellcl: 0 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES 1Y"'..'-.\ IJ/- ^ rr( , tl? 00|Ju1 J MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M00-0166 JobAd&ess: 122 EMEADOWDRVAIL Status. . . : APPROVED Location.....: I22EMEADOWDRBLDGC#2H Applied..: l2ll2l2000 ParcelNo...: 210108207006 lssued. . : ProjectNo : Expires. .: owlrER DEFEO. PEGr L2/L2/20OO phone: 1185 PARK AVE NEW YORK NY L0r_2I I-,icense: COICIRACTOR PIIOENIX FIRE PRO|IECTION T2/!2/2OOO phone: 219-496-0199 71 1 mRRISON, IJNIT B L,EiA.DVILIJE, CO I0451 License: 226-l{l APPIJICANT PHOH{IX FIRE PROTECTION L2/L2/2000 Phone: 71-9-486-0188 ?11 HARRISON, I'NIT B IJEADVIT'T'B, CO I0461 ticense t 226-M Descipion: INSTALL SPRINKLER SYSTEM PER CODE BY ORDER OF THE FIRE MARSHALL Valuation: $2,500.00 Firrplace Infcmetict: Rcsticled: Yaaaararaaaaaarar***taa!.a'|***''$arrrrttaaaaaaataaa:ta*,t,tatat*r*,r*:]r*rta FEE suMMARy Medunical->S60 . OO R€dllra Plan Revicw-> Plan check-> s15.00 DllB Fee-----_> So . oo Tolrl Calcllated Fees-> SO . OO Mditional Fees-> s?8 . 00 Totsl Psrmil Fse--.->lnvostigatioG > willcdl->Pa nanb-> RAT TqTICE DUE-> Item: 05600 FIRE DEPART!{BflI L2/L2/2O0O MCGEE Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 FIEL'D INSPECIIOI{S ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAT.ICE. Condz 22 col[BUSTIoN AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF TIIE 1997 I]MC, OR SECTION 701 OF TIIE 1997 rMC. Condr 23 INSTAIJJATION MUST CONFORI,I TO MANTJFACTT'RES INSTRUCTIONS A}ID TO CHAPTER ]-O OF THE 1997 I'MC, CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 # ofGas Appliances: 0 90.00 TOTTAL FEES-> s3. O0 978 . O0 90.00 s?8.00 s78 . OO s0.oo .GAS APPLIAIICES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER I AND SHAIIJ TERMI]TATE AS .spEclFIED rN SEC.805 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR CHAPTER I OF THE L997 IMC. .Cond: 29 'Accsss ro HEATTIIG EQUTpMntT Musr coupr-,y wrrH cmprER 3 AND sEc.1o1? oF THE 199? I'MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 BOILERS SHA.I-,L BE MOIIMTED ON FL,OORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI-,E CONST. ITNLESS LISTED FOR MOI'MIING O}I COMBUSTIBIJE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 PERIIIT,PLAIIS AND CODE AI{ALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECXTA}IICAI ROOM PRIOR TO A}I INSPEqTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 DRAINAGE OF MBCIIA}IICAI, ROOMS COIITATNING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SI'PPLY BOII,ERS SHAIIJ BE EQUIPPBD WITII A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. L022 OF TIIE 199? III4C, OR SECITON 1004.5 0F TIIE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hercby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, cornpleted an acrurate plot plarq and state that all the information as required is corect I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Tovm ordinances and state laws, and to build this strucfure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approvd Unifonn Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. PJQIIESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTT.FOUR HOURS IN BY TELEPHONE OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM t:00 AM - J PM. GNATUREOF OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNE APpllcr/- NOT BE /\C:CEPTED IF INCTITTIPLETE OR U Project #: Building Permit #: l'lecianical Pormlt #: 97 O- 47 g-2L49 (:nsPections) 75 S. Frontag€ Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 hvidd l.'l€chanicrrl Room Lay'Dut dra$tn to s€ale tg Include: o Hedranlcal Rffi,m Dimen*ibnso C.omburtion Air D'uct Size and Lqilfions Ftuen Vent anrl rGars Line gze and locrtion o Hetlorr Calqic lqulpmrrrt Cut /SPec Shc+ts CoHPLEE VALUATION FOtt MECIIANICAL PERMTT (Uauor & Materials) Permit will rlot be accepl:ed witrt(lLtt the following: tttirit farParffiI # ; tprwliFllibove)-Ztot- Oae.Of - mE . rob Name: U i \t""t- t*n{*r L"Jur-lI r''bMdnirXo uc\\\so grkl.^" l&/.J'Ll LesBlDescriptron $ tou ll atoct: LIEq SubdMsbn: ry Phone: Englneer:Addrrss:Phone: o€taiEl desdiption of wor$:\ . n^ ll. \^" x L"Jl-\d.ui""^rc''4- \ r--^-r-- WorkClas$: New() Addrtion( ) Alt"ratiorr ( ) RegairlQ O$rer( ) eoile.Locatiqn: Intedor( ) Extertor( ) Oiher( )I hes'an EHU o(ist at thls locatlcn: Yes ( ) r'Ip ( ) L___ - f c"-.-"ds( -) a#urant ( ) O*'er ( ) No. of ExEting Dffelling Unlts In this bttilding:llo. of Ac(ommodatifi Unlts ln thb bulldlng: N^rr\.,rra /rf Hrrnli.Fc Fyt-cttrE: Gzs ADr{iances ( ) (;as toqs ( ) W<xd/Peliet ( I @:iffir"il wtig/P"ll"t( ) woodzurntng(NoTAtlowED) - CONTF|ACTOR INltRMllaON ******+{.* f *++* *x(** {. * rk*dr*Y:k*+* *****x * **1r ::::1* :t*i(rt K*x F: / cr,crtsoc / formr/:nedr Pdm 1b*