HomeMy WebLinkAbout122 E Meadow Dr BUILDING D COMMON & COMMERCIAL 1987-1990\/ ,'tt''' l'' Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Project Application Y. i ll \\^... Owner. Address and Phone: l it [i t] DI< t {. ; Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot zon" l(alBlockFiling Comments: Design Review Board ""," 7{[ /6ff DISAPPBOVAL/\/) APPROVAL { fri!' Town Planner ""," iit6/f t E statt Approval '- +\:- ..r '... -i! .li"f ' '.h"'t, tDV Fee Paid App I i cati on itnber SIGN APPLICATIOI{ 0a te Narne of Project Name of Person Subrnittins QAtl llWtttt< phone 1[f/2.:/tr/21_ Location of Description A. Sign Material lAblt Al'4tlt /4r UWl rzfl#c^'rtfunO The following lnformation is required forto the Design Reviel Board before a finalSign submittal fee is $20.00. submi ttal approva 1 by the applicant can be given. B. Description of Sign u C. Size of Sign I D. E. Length of Corrnents I'IATERIALS SUE|,IITTED WITH APPLICATION 1. Si te P'lan2. Drar.rings sE6liii!--exact I ocation3. Photographs shor'ring proposed'locEETdi--4. Actual sign5. Colored sialffiTiq-6. Phorograph of sign Approved for DRB Submittal Di;appr.qved for 018 ,SuOmittffiX^*r&-- z J *)'/2.-' .4',z6frh- "2o/ &zz,hztEtn '[/Ffflst \ Sign-Iomrnrscrarorlfuoe- 7 tl APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF DRB I,IEETING: DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION t^lILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI4ITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strong'ly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No appfication will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator).It is the applicant's responsi'bility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica-tion will streamline the approva'l process for your project by decreasing the numberof conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL condjtions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Legal Descri pt'i on Lot Bl ock Fi'l i ng te t e p tr o n e 3alf>7a;ry Zoni ng C. NAME OF APPLICANT: B,+t tdi.-q Address I 87*lD.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Address tel ephone fo f)"x lriz"l E. NAME OF O[,|NERS: Si gnature Address Fr.DRB FEE: The fee will VALUATION tel ephone be paid at the time a building permit is requested. FEE $ o-$ 1o,ooo $1o,oo1 -$ 5o,ooo $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ ,500,000 $500,00i - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ so.oo $100.00 $20o. oo $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the s'iteto indicate property l'ines and bujlding corners. Trees that will be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The review process for NEl.| BUILDINGS will normally'involve two separate meetingsof the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. \ 4. The following items no longer have to be presented to the Design Review Board. They, howevei, have to be presented to the Zoning Administrator for approval: a. t{indows, skylights and similar exterlor changes that do not alter the existlng plane of the building;, and b. Building addltions that are not vieued tloT qny other lot or public space, which hive had letters submitted from adjoining property owners approving the addition; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condominium associ ati on. 5. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. o MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED I. NE[.J CONSTRUCTION A. Topographic map and site plan of sjte containing the follow'ing (2 copies): 1. Licensed surveyor's stamp. ?. Contour intervals of not more than 2' unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5' contour intervals will be accepted 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks wjth djameters of 4" or more one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant natura'l features (1arge boulders, intermittent streams, etc. ). 5. Avalanche areas, 100 year f1 ood plain and slopes 40% or more, 'i f applicable. 6. Ties to existing benchmark, ejther USGS landmark or sewer invert. 7. Locatjons of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site showing size and type of culverts, swales, etc. b. Exact locations of all utilities to include existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structure. Utilities to include: cable TV sewer gasTelephone water electric c. Property lines showing distances and bearings and a basis of bearing d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevations e. Al I easements 8. Exi sti ng and fi ni shed grades . 9. All existing and proposed improvements including structures, landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas, walks, driveways, off-street parking, load'i ng areas, retaining walls (with spot elevations), and other site improvements. 10. Elevations of top of roof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath) to determine he'ight of building. B. A statement from each ut'i1ity verifying location of service and availability. To be submitted with site p1an. C. Preliminary title report to accompany a1l submittals, to insure property ownership" and a'l I easements on property. D. Landscape Plan (1" = 20' or larger) - 2 copies 1. Show the location of 4" diameter or Iargertrees,':other'shrau6s,aRd-riatiVe plants thaare on the site and the location and design of proposed landscape areas w'ith the varieties and approximate sizes of plant materials to be planted. I' 2. Complete 'l andscape materials list. 3. Designate trees to be saved and those to be lost. N0TE: As much of the above information as poss'i b1e should occur on the site p1 an, so that the inter-relation of the various components is clear. The landscape plan should be separate. The existing topographic and vegetat'ional characteristics may be a separate map. The appljcant must stake the site to show lot lines and building corners. Trees that will be lost during construction must be tagged. The work should be completed before the DRB site visit. . 1. Must include floor plans and alI elevations as they will appear on completion. Elevations must show both existing and finished grades. 2. Exterior surfacing materials and colors shall be specified and submitted for review on the materials list available from the Department of Conmunity Develop- ment. Color chips, siding samples etc., should be presented at the Design Review Board meeting. F. The Zoning Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, spec'ifications, samples and other material (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a proiect will comply with design guidelines. II. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS Photos or sketches that clearly indicate what 'is proposed and the location (site plan) of proposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formal requirements given above, as long as they prov'ide a'l I important specifications for the proposed including colors and materials to be used. III. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. Original floor plans with a'|1 specifications shown B. F1 oor p'lan for addition - 2 copies C. Site p1 an showing existing and proposed construction - 2 copies topos D. E l evat'i ons of add'i ti on E. Photos of existing structure F. Specifications for all materials and color samples on materials list available at Department of Community Development At the request of the Design Revjew Administrator you may also be required to submit: G. Statement from each utility verifying location of service and availability. See attached utility location verification form. H. Site improvement survey, stamped by registered profess'ional surveyor. I. Preliminary title report, verifying ownersh'i p of property and lists of easements. IV. FINAL SITE PLAN After a building permit has been issued, and when the project is undervay, the following will be required before any building receives a framing inspection from the Building Department: A certified 'improvement survey showing: A. Build'ing locations with ties to property corners, i.e. distances and angles. B. Building dimensions to nearest tenth of foot. C. All utility service lines as-builts showing size of lines, type of material used, and exact locations. 2 copies D. Drainage as-builts. 2 coPies E. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. F. AlI property pins are to be ejther found or set and stated on map. G. All easements H. Building floor elevations and roof ridge elevations. oE. Architectural Plans (1/8" = L' or larger) 2 copies LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS; DESCRIPTION OF P The following information'is required for submittai by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Si di ng Other l,lall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts t,Ji ndows t,{indow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Ra'ils Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other AIDN INz LANDSCAPING: Name of b b B.Desi gner: phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botani'cal Name EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Common Name Quani ty Si ze* Indicate height for conifers. (over) *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. . " PLANT IfiTERIALS: Botanical Name Common Name . 0uanitv Sizpt rr(con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED Type Square Footage GROUND COVERS s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0THER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa1ls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) please specify. SUBDIVISION UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION JOB NAT,IE LqT BTOCK FILING ADDRESS The location of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposedlines, rnrst be approved and verified by the following utilities for the acconpanying site plan. Authorized Signature Date Mounta'in Bel I r -634-3778 l,festern Slope Gas Harry Moyes Public Service Company Gary Hall * Holy Cross El ectri c Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eag le Val I ey t{ater and Sanitation Discrict Dav'i d Krenek * For new const please fill out attached sheet. NOTE: ltrese verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit from the Town of Vail, Departnent of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easenent in the Town of Vail. A building perrnit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut pernit nust be obtained separately. This forrn is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. DATE: LEGAL DffiRTPTffiN: mF- Block ADDRESS: ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS F'iling otlNER ARCHITECT Phone Phone ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Hei ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Si des Rear Water Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retai ning 'tJal I He'ights Parki ng Credits: Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Environmental/Hazards: Avalanche Al I owed (30)(33) Proposed 20' 15' 15' (30)(50) (3oo) (600) (eoo)(1200) (50)(1oo) (25)(50) ( 2oo ) (4oo ) Sl ope Actua'l Flood Plain Sl ope l.Jetl ands Geol og'ic Hazards Comments: Zoning: Approved/Disapproved Date: Staff Signature 75 louth frontage ?oad vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 otflce ol communlly deyelopmenl Septernber 4, L9B7 Mr. Sidney SchultzSchultz Architect AIAL41 East Meadow DriveVail, Colorado gL6S7 RE: Review of Toyrrnakerrs Trail Mural Dear Sid, on septernber 2' L997. the Design Review Board discussed theToymakerrs Trail Murar and made the fortowing comments: (preasenote that not arl members agreed wittr every 6omrnent reror,i-. I l-. The mural is not a generic overall project mural . Itis directly related to the shop. f'f tie sh-p changed,the rnural would have to change in ord.er to biappropriate. 2. Several members definitely thought the mural wasadvertising. Their opinion was that is was not anarchitectural enhancement. 3. The mural does not rneet the purpose section of theSign Code which states that: To provide for decoration applied to buildingwalls so as to enhance the lppearance of thebuildingrs architectural character. (SectionL6.2O.060A). 4- soroe members felt that the scare of the murar was to1arge. 5. There was concern about maintenance of the rnural .Due to the fact that the lease holder is not prirnarilyresponsible for building maintenance, it was ielt thalthere would have to be sorne provision in the approvalto provide for maintenance of the mural . 6. Mernbers recommended that perhaps a mural could belocated in the niche by the stiirs going up to theToymarkerts Trail' 7. There was not a consensus on whether or not a muralaround Toymakerrs Traj.I door would be appropriate.The mural's graphics, therne, scale, ana-subltenesswould all have to be considered. Until a drawing wassubnitted, it would be difficult to state theiropinion on a mural in this location. 8. Members liked the awning treatment. 9. One member suggested that more open wall space bemaintained around the mural . ft was felt that thesolid infilI of the wall with paint made the muralappear to heawy. At the meeting, you decided to table the iten. There is no needfor- publishing due. to the tabling. please let ne know when youwish to return to the Board. eo5d f,uck! Sincerely,rt.l O I I\tiTlan Tnt| Kristan Pritz Town Planner oz E =t UJo- ooo N o e{rn v>t u,IJJ IJJtt E =GIJJo- \NsS\o'@lc'\' ":lir HI 0rl zt-{ H t E luF l-{ l\/. <(,6a t!otro(l)zE<FFI u,F coF Fv)z =o zz z FlFltoHa TFlH a & frz zqoX =6o& oHoEzz =*-* & FzH 6 z H 14& = z HXtrl F{ ttJuJut =? tt E Fo GFzoo o IIJz3od |!lu6z-t EL,fuJFI<FZaoz.n< {/ ,r9^h,'rl._,A'd #: ,/ './t/, \)"u4 .,9nn'a 'Trn 0'o: /A fr,. L,.t ) ,Ei t/a ty't/, .,Y,4 0 h'a 7,n 0o /a frL,.tI).9.F z Ff j-oc 6 * 6.91 B b€:E E BEEE ;i*i; EEEiE X.; s.g i,o= +. o '"'oPO-8, IEggE iEEgHG o'- .. -,5E9 u, S' g,f;; € € iBiEE -{'e.I.if c\t N .ir.v r)N @o\ ]t E cIIJ oz J o Xoura()2 J J E utJuJ oz ao = E J z ouJ uluJl!z tr uJ uJE @3g uJ z 6uJ Fao.LgJ qlz uJ o x F UJo o UJ IJJtL ==u,o-J F F (,z6J o L) c,Foq,l uJ oz6 =JA 9z Eou,- ts t-,1xExX NO|IVnlVA IH l8 t: t3ta EE}H =zz-O;, HfiuloFlJ lr1<6go EE E >E -Ed) =ur.i=!0N zzooIs ?F9 0 .^Oz>E9l!<oqH6-t jni FTHHB tsanz FlFl B zHzH H B I I ls l3 zIF :)J { o o- (' u.r- o UJ(r J z Foo !)Ez z tr o = (Jo I otz oz =)uJ3 qJ dulg oz Ez FI tr IIutI JIJI<l?llrl I "r{atIuJlzlYI I t- .,lrLl>l-l I.. Izl FIsl =lolzl X X X X l F z Fo .o uJo el-l =l z1 .. >l UJ IJJtuzo ==IEtu0- J zo Edu-<>og Itr zotr uJFJ =H ,.{ -'i./ ,./tt','/-/ U /l //, !) 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FFr lrjtr atoo-zoFo-llJY uJo o.F F GuJ _. o--_-tr-' Iol o-Iololrlg u.,'^F\.,zox 1 E D+J4 fr-f Ed=<s s1 L =bEEUE^< *'5 diuJ O -F(E 5EiF ..1- JE=Hodul;B*:-169=i xt*E3<='ntr = IIJr3 *Fi* -el F EE,lrJo-zoFofE,FQzo() tltltttl IJlzlt.l I ujl l;lI tllt"ltzl HFI UJ =z co gF ;C) =t>tra'6 q) J =F UJJ uJ z J t =E.l! u-o I,IJ$F PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT t--.\ -\',\ a- \, \-t\^--{ IN CTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL a SPE DATE.'!ro,NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES THUR FRIMON AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND T] ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB r] SHEETROCK NAIL tr E* tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr frNAL tr FINAL T APPROVED }ORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORDATE a INSPECTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBEH OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR JOB NAME ILOCATION: - I BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr D FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH E EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr/Aeeaoveo tr DISAPPROVED C] REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: _l -.'),1 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT o PErNs REQUEST.VAIL I ,or. ajtr:J(/' JoBNAME INSPECTION:MONREADY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED THUR PM'1n1 ) BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND -O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - tr POOL/ H. TUB tr FINAL tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ,*ri.toN REeuEsrTOWN OF VAIL t I F DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB EI SHEETROCK NAIL tr tro FINAL _..r' .J tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL q APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belor items need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING DATE: FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: T FINAL BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMPORARY C Of O DATE: oz t =lljc c<i o o sf r{l{ u, an IJJ UJl!F =tuJ {tI s9l9c1r 18ft09 rv?@@o\ F-l rnc\ z4rl EI t-{NF4Flu H U)z EI IIJF o J rcl Ltrll|-tototzro u,F F FIz = =z ol!Fozoz6 ld) .o o =zr] lltz3 uJ'r ll- tro =i tr o Fzoo o EUJz3o 'F c;to aE 60)IJ.oa(66.9'a-4,'t o- -ocr;(aopFtrq, 6 (5 0)E q) ; = dl E =l Ec) o 6i .9 (D -o io.F o o o) =o () o o o .9E E'= (lt ut,}(6o)(! o(! at !tc(g al,o (E t 'F (E .:3i E o (5 o_ a ! (! E(E E .=o .=3i E oo ,ot Ego)q,iuOco(gv, ut'-oco9tr oi at(EC-t36.o€,F'!= o(E 5'; Fg '-oo-5c -(!60. tso-o9p6C ?rcE.9(5!.(ESE ;o--c Ei3;o> 9E'tBEo ooo(! Eo c) .F(! E ; = ; o _-9 o (! =o-o .2 Go o qt =6 o E(D =cJo(5 .oo q)4 s oo s!srt> F uJ z d) x UJI z oEFC)IJJJuJ z =)o- oz uJ uJ u,Jtl.zotr UJe. t! Co =ll, tll z 9. uJ F6 uJo z 4JJ x F tuo U'uJutu-tr =Et!o-J F F (,zo =l GF tllJUJ z dl = d J 9z ()ul = H E{ NOrlVnrV rl 14z 1 1 Fi tqE H fr tr1AH(n F{ H FI(nvH J BZZU-oootr ^ 62q 5 >eF9 OEurot2:(Joo9<)zxl!<oq iH6 s>9 Z d(\tO =>E fr h UIFH &H(J uzHH(a HXF{ x lEl EI ,{& E.r(/) u)t{c)trlH EJ >{rl z tr { UJ oo oo <r Lutr z Eoo XX z ;< uJ J =z tzfz <oo< EE>(E 8o<z Fz ,. OzZ- 3tror Flo FID tr zl zl .. >lo UJoulTUzatr trllJ(L J z Eo UJfJJ t/,.1z o If- z F. laz '6 a cl U|o m l.lo+,troc) Fl F{.r{ (,z =tl d) t- -J El C) (/) t1ud oH (/)rl FIHA >tH u; =z (Do ll IIHt3lrqta)IExt{l rqt{l(dl Nrql Nl-f ,d*l Ia\l uJHI (rIR-l I =l =<t <z= (L F{.Fl E tr I I Ll' I IU\lrJl dq{EAo =tr oz CJllJ J (!oz3oF ,.l 4l :z flI ttoz; F H H(J trl F1t4 F1 @ Or !O It- CN6 ul EF lltltltl tflI uJlI cEllJlt<tl>lI ltlloltzl =t 3lgl 9l E oz dut CE .J l! z3 F =E ll- =.1ouJ: oz =F llJJ UJF ulz = t-OUJ tsI C)E <FGO[!<zrLII F(rz O Jt<o()F trs \2 -Eo -O zt- =(J=<ze JZ().O i5:IF 13iiFY,z =g !-EiruJ b2?oa?u1 H"l uJFodt -z t-ILlIJY r.lJd! o F t- =@=ouj -:o-Fr *vo>c{ozodtl: Igurbkzo flo E _6.^5 3zk E qU E.I>z =f Ni9 N nntr J =IOuJ I J c r.lJJ UJ rXrtl zoJ5c) ! tr =.UJIL IJJoz f 2 F(rI c JFUJ-h= (L ITJ>o-O|!9o5uJ6tL:> =tr llJ F o E o!t ott .E t E Eo3J io -|.'=6>FIE -9=!*si E =ElrJo-zoFof E,F(nzo() u_t o r@+r:< .t:c) clFr.!,-)eo-olo- xr< o, Lt- a.-r gl 9C, .'=c.ttan,(/t-g ao c) o o-l.r clolE(JlolLq-l*ol bsli.gl ::l x ;l x I I I sl x I I ;l t' I f f,)vt> ln *lE EI:9l J =leol.6 9l z- =le I l_.Ft<ro I II I I I,E IEE laz IE l(,lz I I I I I [UIF \ro\li:tlirA' NI .Nr\'\l\l*r$lQ \!5 r\\9r6 ulz3 ut.r F ll.JuJo i ulzio t|-o lrJ F F Fz o E;8 F'=o(,)X(o siE:fr €fgEsc'= (! - 6:f.sd.o €EEB.A IiEs E: i-pF ;l€c€ ggFiT iEot*€E9PE -3;t-eg_ t $') I $ I i,r. _sN tr =uJ zo Y tu oz J J oaF UJJllj z =f, 9z rU tr'lt!l!zo uJ L! o o 3gJtul zI UJ F o(L llJ z u,J x uJ an TIJ lrJl!F\ EIo{lUJ\o-l JI<lFI 9l zoJ J 9 Fc)u, qI oz (D Iz or! J F F NOuyn'lvA ;l il dl 4'.:lol ...{ oxl o(flstrl oOl {J*.1 '4ttqoqo s.9 .d 0rl 'l el {q it sl=.1>E 5l - - ro {Jli r.u .S El= .o (v-r I ;Eo = ='-9 00li o- 9< E d EF23 5p? s9S tr'-8 Eiq 6r .! (J. z tr J : d t:IrEl<IGtu, l" l<lzl EIOIol "l tllltlII =z z9roFIU<oo<oJ> ;ii:E oo<z ulf, J IuzYo z tr J az F =..YZ_'i Fd63tr Jl<ltrl zl zl .. >ldt! ulIUzo E ulo- J z Eoou-<oH ll.l F llJo ozx z U)ooE 2 3 F !J 'ttrr sE;eI fEisf g€E gg irEg€- + ;.i= x.x -*=Y;(go'-:-t= (D (/) tr g: !:= E EA;e $$s; F eFpefi z tr r!F izl F F =d.LJ C5z. da-. u-\{\\., drl O No ul6t!t!z. urnt*oc9@2.q= z1od FU-o-UJ -rr.rY-uJ- c0o_F E GuJ_. o.- _-l!' toliqo.{o-lr.fgur 2Ex !!! zoPEFtrprEE $F C) E 6 # tr J(,o trot tr.J.yJdlLU !N F =UJ u- IJJo- F t!=dE<c urua o-\-/ lloa l, 5s uF^<Fxl;-U;uJ o -F E .=uJ; =:1J>F+.JE=rt9d ul ;B*EJ5€r:-:F El!X 8-- E9<=r,1 tr =utT6 *F*+ --et F =Eulo-zoF C)fEFazoo >< lij loIEt:loltflloltqtutlol|t(J qt."{ flx . .l'lu:lEI<l3l AI -Arn F{ F{ d F ldl lEl tq I c'rlil J ht IPql (,lI u)lEI H fJ a!l AE /1., slJl J3=il lrI l.ltzllsl I $lfll Et et Hlu-r Fl Fll rI l?llorl l=lil elt) | .;l3l El :rcl +l $l 3l Bl rlJ=l "1ltret Fl dol LrJlElJI sl blzl FI .l =.1ol IJJI :l al>l 1!lqzl Bl9l I I I I ?lol IJJI 5l 3ltl.lolzl ,,1Bt 5ol u.lFI F' o oz = !!- TIqfrl--l lrJz =o F uJF'r() (rJO<(FE() [r.J <zEUJF6Zo <oc)FF<) EE\2f gF gE a'6 C) <=:IFz<) =tY,z<o =IN Oz x. .* ><><x ><X rf --> =-f ar (t''-L'v/- o ,/ INSPECTIONa) TOWN OF f r:r.1. -t r --NAME CALLER ()r INSpECT|ON: .MON TUES wED THUR c^1 - AM PM fh, {t.' /'"r',.", lJ/,,t,, D -/Jrh^ ,",)f , ,'r"( / -;- z_ - f. * 5- '' 4-c l+.- O REINSPECTION REQUIRED / ,-tL Pr'l'I3>o(t Ltr,(tlPERMIT NUMBER DATE READY FOR LOCATION: ;\P APPRovED -4-,tr DISAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr tr tr tr tr u tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND .BROUGH/D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTFICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR /* t2vVr < 1 DATE 2 - 5-'.1't INSPECTOR ozt =t UJo-e ollJuJIL ==tIIJd \N$S* cq cocd co r-{ ,-.r 4H.o\:< \o X I l* ZtlH.-.rH 95trfrEzto<lC'H>,za 3=E I u,rF o F e. nlz o zz a r.-1 (D: PEa)> :H6<J oii OHzo2z z YHtht- h a .v zYa UJz; uJ'r F z Ib \cc-\r-\(-\,px k0+q{ rL)uJo =I (r o Fz o UJz B uJ lF z 6 H z Fl Eo o C'.9 ; t- 6.-c\ (/,\oo = (l) o (U o ; = dl E =l -io o (!; .0) o o t': 6 .Y' *!cta-roc -t(J(6(/) F e C?€;8 E I E.:(! F "9 SE:Ec-o> cSsE :EPi; >=:c96F 35;;_E >.XH EaNiEE,--€ e;geee Elteo(l' o-#o=-o(!: OPo!E-ol: fi:596,!6 gEE H E6Fg -+ tr f(6 o'- ic: o o E,€; E sa1+I da.6 ;c=9 IE ;:9E or -P5g: IJ M $ \ r\\oF C. & E UJ z J :<() I.lJ oz J J (J ollJ tr 2 = z UJ LIJuJ zo F uJg. C)tlle, o 3UJ uJEzo6 UJ F o-IIJ z UJJ F llJaf, tt UJtut]- E =E,Iu.L -J FoF (9z ao I IJJJur z co J J 9z u,lt Fl H NOtlvnlVA I E Ft.>E>e.Fr -r(Dl.iru.$E =co-ff 't\q s2 2 r/^ F ^ 't*q 5 :s-F9 OF66 a'5d R L < -.,oq ao.-5h =8 ffiiN(.' l Fl z H H z zH FlH Fq zoF l u. cC E(, ulo- F x G ILuE -z Eo x TJz tr IJJFJ 3uJz aizlz <oo<>tr2aa 8o<z Lz, \Jz do3trOI UJl.J-) z =F 2 F)laz IL (! <a 3 F uJ X X X X l F!) ztr co ozY(! 3l :l z ., >|o u,.lolljllJzoF llJ(L J 2o =o c{ I I !'/ UJ F & -zo F IJJY 4t J-J t!dt oFt>9 ul:(L ]r'oR O- F-1oIoEl< Hr!OEzo & EzE YF E =<oo..i =z-f f NJ O c..lCL LL ,-{ EE3-1 -': t!6d=x---E]L-IU trnn tr uJ l! utoz l.J'Io (r Cro- JFuJ-h= o- lu>o- 9o5tuxox> UJJJtr uJr0 F tro Ectoo Btt 'E J E Eo(, f\o IT ID>El-E -cL:o:E ts =E,lrlo-zoF(JfEFazo() Frlvtl*l frl I(.t IJIdl>l Flt{ (, =-) I Jtr' o F J E E & t-azH tsl(j FlFlH uJ =z -1 tr F] =1olr'rl 'l u.lE 4 }< A .A Fr\o\ vltllu.fo! o B z U)v Fr ts() TDzHv q z B 2 e ll- : c) N Lll o J- = oo I\( i F F c, FT F-l E I e^{\ : =oIJJ )a ll-oz3 F t'77 (; a -1.;, /i. s$6n h u, tlF H ts tll Fltd Fl tr Io\ ciz,; tu = u-oz3 F -! I -i u Er d.d z ouJ J oz3 F tr oz .; uJE tLoz3 F = G o2 lll = IL z3 F ulJ UJF uJz3 FOuJF i E, <Fc(JuJ<ZE, o o EF UJ -tU ?) Y. 2 >Y =<z& !z(rO <FYF =?+(rAFiz =g E. !-UiruJ \JZ <c)Hil=l '6 - I 2 ^c|rtc Cft +.r<rcQcFl tt -lF I' x x x \ \ ( l$ trl '*l I I L illI I I I xX :o =o)clJCI :E 'o :q, ,o DCt(6ioD,oo ct) I (It o f D o G 3o) o ; att (o (/) ooE() :o P.0c.> l -! lo :o, fo1.N:(a);: F :oi€. LCDI :Yr'Or'a)a .!l o.! o:fg vratt< 5'i !='5tog 9sc t] do;';(uQ -0, (Dvl LT' U(! c(Jlrc =a.l] -o r3i.o]Fi=)G i=:>\io-t-) o' l-l '.! o. .-l aa, -=i C) .i -'i 3I >\.: o-(J- €coov,:3 o.io5E :() )_ :S :q)-u,D.!Irc-g:rJ:>-o ie).9 t(!:E ;L'o :O' rE' (g..ast ,a *l0r- 6rg-:fl o>..c .[;n;xLZa Eoco E.c, l .9 .= a) .= fo. D. G) c (!ro' a?.!! '=. (!' QJ! cj_C (oc o)C -Cr ! E3 x; .!.o >.9!0) otr+-o - (-t o- xl;#lH s,l-.=tcJ EIO3€lc * *lac-l9+l l0s cl __l t N q b b b I 0q l J( s \ I I b f,/\t\ N il itI rur "-l', ilr| '-rfiI 1lt\l k$l -N. W rl/t, E(, l-lts9- o- F =t]'l z Y 2 9 F ll, UJ 6 =J 9z <)uJ = UJul z F- llJ o '' tl,l qJ z 6UJ F oo.UJ z IJJ x u,o ilil Etl Ril d)t 5ll-ll Elffi L(, +) cJPLN(u _.1 c! FI (\J @ EFoUJIt! z z UJ J F F 4=4 =< =5x{ zz 7l14ttt-l-lNOuvnlvA i /fl \ot4 AtJ = z.I6s EP.40 t? c,nz5f,,, t6- C,toFO;ai tll ol a o*l'ta -l v Nl4;\Jd ) ;, o4=i{ooga zfl; o -'1 a-q fi3 21 tr'^4z 0,1qJ ,!J l"+ '1,-t- 4'!r:* ( e s z tr s1 o >l a-l gl "l -l iJ'.4 IN lN r t:tllnll lF lltfitltc tl t^tlltll:llt< tltztltotltElllolltotlolltzll ;II Etlur ll5tl<ll tl^tl ;ilrJJ llztl Jl<l FI 2_l .. >louJ uJruz U'F ut J zItr = zz J { fl :il N N ..uFJ =edL)Lu r-.4J C5=N= ,R=t^eolrlolrJt!z, !, .r1 U' <D@2.o='oz.)od F IJ-o-lu r!Y-t!F co F ul_.o--_. 3'.) 1tclo -t1q,lt4gLUbkzox o.F HffEE {f,!E F EElrlo-zoFC)f, E,F(nzo(J ,.t l -./ - --/-.t EFfr .a.t H rydd o<=<s 92GYb 5s q F^< 954iLJ O -F .E .= u.J ; 5E FF-l- J t- ='> llJ :- EqF EE5= E E+E b =Fr i lj.JtrLLX O_E :>3Hq Fg<= = lrj =oip *F+ N+ o\J F O Itl t3 t3t:l Hfl ll|lll l?ltolI uJl lfltzl EFI I I I I I .lOI ="1 ;l 1l <l>lEIol 5l yol yJ FI F z J u- ou, =?(J JE 5P FS XFo -.r O<Fc()uJ<zErrF(1 ZoO qro 1F =t--*z () oF(J Fzo C) z T- UJ = E7g- FFoz J<(Jou,IU UJ (' ),,,' r '( BoyIe Engtne6rlng, Inc. 143 East l|loador.r Drlve,9uite N-10Uail, Colorado 8lE5? 303/ 47E-2t70 Mr. Joe Norr I s TOLJN OF UAIL BUILOING DEPARTI'IENT 75 tout h Frontage Road l,leEtUail, Colorado 8165? 0ate, Subject ' June 15, 1888 Ui I iagc Cent en lrleet Inprovefient s Uai I , Colorado This memo, togethcr roith the attachcd dotallc, should completc your filo neganding the structural engineering of the above noted pnoject. The revised Section A detail uas requlrcd to account for thE actual field conditlon we found when ue opencd up the rrlall. The othen detail enclosed was designcd to suppont the bottom of thc cxtended r.ri ndor,r boxes. tle purposely r,raited until this area ua6 uncovored beforo attemptinq to dcsign this support sy5rem, The other deviatlong frorrr the original plan dated April 26, 1988 issued by this office werc that the 8" diamEicr concnctc colunn requined ehims greaten than l" on one sldc, Lle hold the tolenance to 1'on the critical west side andinstalled shlms aa requined on the nonth side. lrle also elirninated one of the braces described in Section B on the north slde sincc ure only found one grouted cell on this side, Fortunatsly thts cell uas at the cornon r,lhich supports thecritical brace, l'likc used an cpoxy resin to set thE anchor boltr for the othen brace to the north uhlch rias falrly non-cnitical. These bolts bonded nicely and should canry the anticlpated dasign load, Plcaae glvc me a call lf you have any othcr questions regarding this mattcr. T] cc I BOY Timothy l*t , Pnesident NEERI [ltl*-x9i::'.Tl:.1r$";orrl';;l a3 l/t90t.{'t'O^ Please Reply [x] No Reply Req'd Bo h<J fx)yle Fjrlqrnec{ rrlo rr)c 143 () rng-x.lclw f Jr surte r r 1ij Cft.)S.s rC(XlS sf(trptnel Cer,ter \{Jrl. COIO(OdO 8165i YJ3/A76 2170 I.rrrrte"fe AeWrtq t=tre,ttl; A.t.u{ Ler. ---'--'jt lt jftaLt-, ;;, r+;L*{." Cli {t t t .'i ----.-la(}'rr^4 Trs- ili --'' {ttzl &.,gi,ttAtl re:{rhEr> <rcTIoFl ;s req1,e; t I t I I I fl \a,,.tr[> lJ''*'/r, IZ UAY llGA - ., Pil,E ^,-$(=l4l; ,->:n. a&ttt,ttlt t- /e' l^{mov€Hgt{T3 VtLlnq e c;;vrap. o ocryle er€rneerrg. rrc 143 e rneodoar d surte n-10 crcsfoods shopprrg cer.]ler \,orl. colorodo 81657 9j/4762170 t-----"- "t 4 A 7{u;;, a,> A".-? fi",:;{, I-i ^".. l- i '/*Tr** fFlat-l -f+ 2>?*fi6 \bf t>tr t{q a\ iat'i i.x,:l> IJo t'1- f-t i-trstL'S L. r+ r.r' V tt- AJ r-..-*t#rF t.l'4F rir*..aiHr.L_ EXtsit t* 11e. a,(, Ltt-vA l*,' FW-Jd.. Llru- Ytt-t-A4 c aLN r-A- t/"rtlVi\iL / az-,k.,kJxi-,; /""-r>-ttJT ?tVtlp i,.x * ,fi 4g"e-- . T# zxzx Yra(Af EA<.L. -f,- IN",I P€ oL: fug,se1fra A*t;-, W.t{A*1 1"4 r" t"-,YL I .Ju rta Mil;"i'::, l'13,,* a' 11t,4 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL ! i, i i - li. t, r',' ),,J/,'JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: PLUMBING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND O FOUNOATION / 9TE-EL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. FFRAMING ffi trR.UGH/WATER ; ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL i H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL PROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE '*rrr"ror(. PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES wED rHufl I rar: .,.-'..AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER r-.r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR .-:2--2{1\1 ._.2 - \ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE \\ INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUESTvAlL r INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES I READY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR ., FRI ..,)/ tl"t \ |--=.___- n rvr r PM "-_" --- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBINGT tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-.r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr- ^. \'EF+NAL i./.\-' trFrNAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH -tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 'CORRECTIONS: INSPECTO d\cft q uJF o /) /.(/l fl l.;/ ,,) t/" /,'(..'.. uJF <h @o.? zoFo-utY ul co oF F Eulo tl-o coo I IJJFoz z,n9zi =z .-,P :fi=xoBi=- = ujo- ;!!E>.E<ctf60E9E9!a 'Etr :,> =ul-E b=lJ dEE =o-E ooI \utE XO-t x>E;'iFo. ..toi!tr uJo F I=- E =E,lrJo.zoFo3E,Fazoo tr!! oz E =tIuo- C)O :,-t'th +.v)II II IruJ.Ft<ro I I I I 10gF -aF>1 .no:= \,1 =;IO =<i4(,-12 e"=Eg€ $E;9i 9:(n< :sE€E $E; ei fEssfi-E EFg96 c 6 6gEEg? 6 0'-: -5a9",8g,fi; € € NOtrvn'lv^ >G =co6l ?+{.n "1 s.lq Eltsl €g I ! =Zzv-o ooF^AZ,5 f =Ya9 of,t/,oEz>-oR9 fr|r<9q i!i-E- ir lrl-Xz'. -: rti(\t(, <t,)) I a! q) = ltlo- J z9troo oz g- co F o (5oJco e.lrlF=lrl(J lrj(5 JJ 'r.i=z(Do-l ) I I I I Id3+q44.Fr'tEa 'fiH 'i1==4=F tr U' II,Jeoo J E ;i tr z rri uJ Ja t! z3IF] =tr z uJ =tt 2 '9l =tr I I IEl'.tot4z9.;sHttl JJ3Ju-42 EF IIJJulF = l! oz oulE Ja z3 F ulJulF t Gulz. =o F luFIC)E <F uJ<zEt!Ftrzo )t'<o()F HEtrt ^i'oIO E9P =fd6 C) <;otr ?3 =8 l-(l ir =+8,Fl-o2 o <()ft3-ltrtr8 t-: tl,lo- z an UJrl tr =IU (n LUlulJ- F3IJJ UJ z(, v,rlJ E i;IF t? IFlztolo lo lrlz3vE g- gJoz..,3cvf,ru <FioYZ|,)< ,3c; uo,;b oat t-.uo.9 >cl D" :=-'o 5$ s;.Nc| -' t! oih .-\f0,:5 1O-Er9 is)oiotoD t-=ip r(I) o cl D0, o G =;o :gc; .! .gtfr3 lFa oP33c(.).o-' o.> !€l "51 ;.s'i:5:o,N ( :--'no;i -F Ciqb::&1=_ovl-ELOlC 't .E o:!gr65 ;3(J:oort.,c 1oJ:f dl rq, l:|,o'=b p) 'Ee.-o 9oq C(Et-= a/t (l)3;gE :-o o.a.r!}OcU(! .9 tnoB n3 DF>=oG, 55. = >\ jEA;s Cto oi:o: I -F: c.":Sio o-- : o-,7 t)- c: y; ).ecrCcroQ ;= $ -: oq)'5.e '5o >'i Eoo-o-oc (u (/l*3'G': '= q, EU aa lrl =:,a!Y 0, cJ =*' =>: i - joo,_=: c)cl : ., .:!t t:- d I(E C}E; !- cj9=(EC i./r*iE q.c\J '.D-E- o'-;o o- 33o>, (!: Y() .:A EoE= o(o. lo-IEl'stcrlo) tcIOIEI E'El!tioFEt.-lct t-I =lt 'i.l! - jI cll'-ll5rI o( l9r .:n a!!e: o-(!: -C(|) (E 6'' o's aoC -a.lro=; $€ol;3o o. >,9,.C| O. : =;rol NOIvnlv =>lE -rGr3rgfl 6EQs 3E3 6 9o0a!rzar.<OGHE>(,Fc|-;oi xz ) I\ F ;rL IElot< I t: ; !! =*l ^l ;lurl =l z F- DD! zoP =<rDo>z d8 J..i6YY?-;- s-i'rI 6d= trDEI f,irca><(rl|J!oq =bE=UF^Sg=d :u o:=F-FG.i- g :lJ; E= g 8q3;dEE-tUc,-F esQ3<=- ".i tr -ulT3 *F* d - F E trfo-zoF(Jf,EFazoO F =uJ tt lr., F] rf Cr'': J .IS< olzS fil x z og, J ttoz; $J fls]l gl$1= C)u, =To JO<Flr()uJ<zEUJF o() 59;():<irF-,2 ssilEg EgrII,| FFoz {r''' " - r. ,r.'f ) ,D,, 75 south fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 departm€nt of publlc works/tra n s portatlon roi FROM: DATE: RE: In summary, Ordinance No" 5 sfates Chat lt ls unlawful for any person rolltter, crack or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debris or material, includingtrash dumpsters, p'ortable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any srreet,sidewalk, al1ey or public place or any porEion thereof. The right-of-wayon arl rown of vail streeEs and roads ls approxinately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance will be striccly enforced by che Towrr of va11 public worksDeparcment. Persons found violacing chis ordinance will be given 24-hourwriEcen nocice to renove saj.d rnaterial. In che event the person so notifieddoes noE comply with the notice wlEhin the 24-hour time. specifled, thePublic works .Departrnent will remove sald mate.rial at the expense of personnotlfied. The provlsions.of this ordinance sharl not be applicable toconstruction, maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or anyutillties l-n the rlghc-of-way. To review 0rdinance No. 6 in ful1, please stop by the Town of Vair BuirdingDepartment to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. /tz/z<t [ 7t 'ili VAIL1989 MEMORANDTIM ALL CONTMCTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITH THE TOI.]N OF VAIL TOI.IN OF VAIL BUILDINC DEPARTMENT MARCH 16, 1988 ORDINANCE NO. 6 Read and Acknowledged by: oluF z z = .6 @! 3!-rlJ*l ErsD.<b|a I I I t I 5r NI!lr(9to -lEio rozl.5 ffri l= (tluuJu- E =E UJo- o o.c I (! .9 (! 'oFoE ooooc(s.sItr o o).c oItc(s 0)o o ol .gI o E o =l r! 3.q q) -:- o c i EEg :.e c'€*EE8;.= (6 -tr=.=o € EE:g i iEi c96E.lo5o 3 5 =.: E EEB EE gE Xleeo_(g 0--sEtsoiEors€:€ E(',:9 :EEHicEe.s =:_ o..: o 60-E.C= rD (D $t; egBlE 9(sa;*6F9 ;g;E:5gg - o (6: al! UJt! tr =t!o-J FoF F =ulc z oc o@-uJ5uJczL u,o I I ;l HI FrlxlHIEI I zlfl EI(Jl f-{ | '-l I IBItrl lzl.Il-{ I <lv(rl<ztEF.{lH ; =lt z E u,uJ -) UJzuJ =>E -li)f tr,t .$ =.oN zzo9 xt=FP oaoz>-oa)()zl!<oo-Ul :i9UFO;(\i |r E. o- c UJE J z E o ul llJllJz(nF uJ z Eo z tr LIJFJ 3llJ od) .J,),a) C)c) oz F =E uJc uJF o UJF!,oo-zoF(L IrJY uJ @oF F crlrJo- lt.o Io C) I IJJFoz !!n z,n9 =<>z Ll! ifi(Jo= =frdd= ,---.x.---Llt_t4L J F =IEulo-l|-o1P lU59E?cLl60EU'E9rr;E Etr =>=ul:-E h=o i i':iE XFE 669 iutE XO_t x>o=Fct 'ioi!tr uJ a0 f- --- E =E, UJo-zIF()fEFU'zoo o ol =.1 rJltEl JI<l 9l3olFI olzl olIIJI 1l at>l ttl zl =lotFI I I I .l =.1olr.ul :l <l>lttl El* dlIJJI.ElJl atilolzl FI NFN\oI\or\$ tl>{calo{rlrtl -f Ic4 c4 Il.{ldialcIle^lH-l dElq,tH-lE:Ilollzlt3ldolEFI FfH oz TL U] F-{'tea. H IE{ at4H F]6 ii =z.o -t E 9P =#JZ(LO oF() Fzo(J z TouJ = Eti UJ*Eo2 E <FE()ur<ZEIJJ F(rz ^c.. L! OF J.FF'COPE< .r'd(J clr, H aEGJr-6- Ct(5 0- xz,< o) Ju- s1F-. F. gt LLv< d '=oqplJ- v) Lttr EO.6rrJ (Do o+Jlrl ! (U tr.J Ce7-o*(JEat) oHE(Jo(., Lq-2,.* d =Lvlo (uPJP C,,,J +, trtQ(ulJ- J (\.' tJ 0!\I J \t 0l $ x x x (t) UJu,lt tr =E,uJo- lnilltlN rl\ rp lo it $\5 TIE \r F o lnIFxlxtslo El=.tl ) =t;ol.6.1t oYl z =t = c.ulz3 qJTFoz LJll,lo: (EoIIto ]L U F zoo t 'I d -X ;RcirE o id{'. OE i8* isgr'd E,.; dEo-oc;epF EEo-.cOc.tD.o o,N (J -of;cc EEFOsb-='o o oDcc6 E€oo3o6cD o.S:ogd 6E,b G'= !l -!t.9eg EOc6t] gs €E cooott g;oEoo c .9.9 .=E-ofat oc Goc 'o :6t{, iltrc,qtq,oo,c (g oc,oF q, =3 CL Eo() o io CL .9o.ocdt c .9 (! E o ;E E. =]:>'o.. Eo.(). o o Eo)G. i- a :o:io!i'.'t;o(.Q6 ;.9 3E(OC.:! Fi-C 3sit d' .cttF'S= 9qo.f 5:';>(g: EEoc o!5i -a!.(E o '6; +ro(r- GC6(! -.9 -_ (! FE;o o-aEo+. E€a](r>F-oCc:olroio EoEEooo6 Eq} '3 cto Fo E ; .s Joog co 6..9, o.6 .oE E' E' o G.c. o.c: o.lcDi!roEiOl -Yi()61 >..1oloicrl -l S $...$ ob \. rJr \ c\ F gr! z J .o I uJ ()z J 9 F llJJ uJ z lo = o- 9z () UJ uJu,ltz9F llJ (, llJ t o.D3tl,5qJEzo uJo F UJo o- z u,l x F tuol (n UJ LUll-Ft =uJlo- J t-oF zo o c, u,lJur z t C J 9z I()ltl = J FoF l-- F{ (\J NOrl.v 'lVA u,F o It= ll> E l?:;;ll €q s l' -,.EIo\= =i*o o o,\tr ^ 62r95ISE E c) E]v, o oate, fi:b { :$ss g.i rN(9- I tli F l. ,l I,tl LI z tr l t+ (' c oEo lto. F I 8 N o-ru ) z E o : z tr E UJF llJz Iuc z Eoo l,tJclrr.>o I =zlzotr =o o =z oz =J io o:u, zE o =F ri uJ ll, J q,9'lrJzYo F J z NI \ ttq X $A |\ UJtoooazoFo- uJY UJooF E Eu.lo--lro o-oo I r.nFoz D!tr z fF ffiI i.i rd.><cEr|lqqc#b Es g Ba5E-cEt! ItoF ir.e- 9 :E I * EE H E;o > o-I -O tt-Ei o o9I\ urE!- X O- Eui r€fi;Jrrl+oie+* .lt-a- F =Elrlo-zoF(Jf&Fazoo Kst -t5vl b. v\rs ii =z dl -! c J \f = ,t)<Arud q J = tltlt.l lel IH lbllzla3l -cl Pl I I I d4 $J<I q z aFI I sl +lml-tl fltrl il>l u-l g olFI I I dolull.rl ililqzl!iolH I I rl fl pl ic -rO<Fcc)uJ<ZEIIJ F(iZoo e.oF() EFz () J 9 F C)UJJ t2? s3 =Fd6o rtshuJ i+E L-o o , .t r PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE o PEtNs CTIONTOWN OF-i- i'ti REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTIO/,,1:MON Weo rHUR FHI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,.- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB T] SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr HEATING C] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr coNourr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPBOVED CORRECTIONS: tr OISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION,BEQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR Nss o\6o\ NN F AA a z F) -i- o c6 t: 8.9 eE;*E EEgEE EgE€E ttJltlo =ot! E,oFo trFzoo !EEtgo o'-! -5A9(,8 gEi;; !EiEg :t*;f 3EFEE g"= E"E €SEiei €EEEt:>o. -E(VlEtu& =.0$l lpl lEl FHI 3El fiEl3*l EHIF Z=tLo ootr - 62I5 =9E 9 OE ooEEe fi ciz E =e,urc uJ Eo@o1zo Fo-ltlY UJ.o z,,,9z2loo =zl:fde =fiE oFt- =Rfi-iLbqiJxai1gur 2E t:EuJrttoEgF; =e.IPb95EE ;=E FE E dEE :HT HTf,i uJ6oF rm\ztt= - E =E.lrlo,zIF()fE 6zo(J F|NT'I F $N IO'-v FIqt Fll<l>t I =fl oz ci uJG a ltoz =oF = FlF Hz l:] FlFfH ii =zoo-) rn t\N I\o Ic Flt-l B t4E rd 6lN attahUJ t 4FH IJJ: 2 I I *l t 2P s3]Fd6o oF:+o =l-o2<c)qEIDD d = =eulG Iuc uo) I I t, t3 I I I I l-,ol<e 1.4zII10 le iE#E tvt =i trott GoF(t tcFzoo iiEgg gs€:3 iBiiF odl! lu E5lu, KF E- -EI 90 Ee EE6g firr<sctE-t Eg g zl .. >lollJoUJu, =at,F =.EulG 2I tsoo oz o o Iss( ,s \ * s $rs ni =zctq =.t\l{l\l rl\{l<'b I\aL{Eqq - LN') ,\\ a \s E(t aulGoo =: E (, olz.l olurl.El <l>lttlolzl3l 9l I"l+l tial ""1J:sil $H It:. |.\ is- q- ui u,F E alJ d2 cjgl .E >lt!ol zl H Ic|r cllj =3o o LIJts oE EJO<Fc()lr, <zElrJFti2-o c) JE<o(.) l-=oE<iaE;F -_,, zUJOC) g"g gE d6 c) 6g 33 gE Eof,5 =+e,o2 o() <()(, U'rir llJJc! ,(*xot(K z,r9 ='<c!o=z53dP 5fi8 Ettro oEgga{t}EEEE itEF=E f tr : IAE Ebt trtnE 3Es H'!E ruID'o F =oalUo.zo -FC) =o.6zoo ! tl. . rITra trtrtr o 'i' I 75 soulh tronlage road Yail. colorado 81657 (3osl 479-2L.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SURTECT: offlce of communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArt puBl,rc woRKs/coMMuNrTy DEVELOPI,IENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn surnmary,.ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to ritter, track or deposit any soir, rock, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash dunpsters, portable i,oilets andworkrnen vehicles upon any streetl sid.ewa-rk, arley or public -q11:" or any portion thereof. The right-oi-way in all Town ofvarr screets and.19ads is approxinrately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance will be strillry enforcld, by the Town of VailPyPlig works Department. persons found vi6lating this ordinanceltllr be given a 24 hour written notice to rernove said naterial .rn the event the person so notified does not comply with th;--notice within the 24 hour time specified, the puific worksDepartment will remove said rnateiial at ih" exp"nse of personnotified- The provisions of this ordinance suilr not beappricable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review ordinance No. 6 in fulr, prease stop by the Town ofvail Building Department to obtain a copy. tnani you for yourcooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledged by: Pos ition/ReIafibnshlp Date to Project (i.e. contractor, owner) PERMIT NUMBER,OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: f, INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME ,6to WED THUR FRI /).4ae BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL N UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELE trt trF trC o tr HEATINGTEMP. POWER tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,or:. / - /O -t? rNSpEcroB o =E =Ell,o- (n oo oo rY) u,UIutl! E =e IJJc 6Mt l%sera c( Ic\ Iv r+ U, t I I I il rl 'tH '6 I I I rl It ;lt- ,t.,r.('t6 ilErl(9rrZir6 u,F o EoF c,F.2z =o z ,in uJFozozoJl6€o = GUJz:ro uJEFoz ltJuloE =ot! (Et!z =o o Eo .E-ocaepFEt Pt 5ENO-.8C(e EEcb!5'o o J€ PE E€8o6cD or .S =tt 3d6EoO ol ,'i E.E9egoo.cr!t' o-9,!3 >'o! E coloott U'ot,oo o (5 o rc oooocct .gtt oc. 'oF qt E't CL Eo() o io CL o CLoc6 tr .9 d E o.; .c E.= =>o Eoa o o E CD6 tiEtDq)E:o6 .t4 o,;89C.= attcgE E: EEttF'l= 9€oc 5';'E> FO!EooE();eEie*E;r.cl9o6C667|tr-.9 -(E FECL;rCo.-a9o-?i -cE.= d=()>6E FF Rd<oEoEEooo6 t '5 ct co 6 E o .goc 5 .g 5otg i .9 6.9 CL CL6 .9E ttqto o 6E 6E o CDtg!ocJo6 !o o oo t\(n Nd1 tr =Eu,c(, =) .D tC)UJ ()z Jo. J oEFoUJ ul Izot A Iz E() uJE u.lu,l!z9F utE() UJE oe oo E UJGzIan UJo F U'o |lJ G5z urJo x F ulol U' UJu,l! E =e.IJJo- J FoF (tzaJf6 IEFC)uJJu,l C'zoI JG J ItI() uJt H IotIYnlY : ; ; lli u,r .t lI = 69 <r l_..(t:11 5E]r6 6bftr ^ 62 Ea=E;at 0 EcEI [il!<o * irig E# HNO =>G 2o k J |r (E o c oc,o u,lo- F E o-t!E J zo F66 29 e, u,lF-t 'UJz Iq, Ez zotr c)o = oo nI I I toLzl =J ul3 <t IJJ 4ulc oz -l I I F = tr llJ J CE g) lltzx9 F 2 F Jloz ;JJ t tluJ o o3 o JI<l FIzl zl .. >loutouJllJ2ot: t! J z Eoo z Fo dt c\l CD @c,oO |llF an @o 2o Fo-utY UJooF E trUJo-l!lolrso ,{,1 I J.l HurbEzo zo9zzloo-z =tfd8 =fii tr =CEuJLt!oEgF;ieIPb9'58 E irE FE: :o.E 86t lurE XO-E ;EE 5':E# IIJooF E =E.lrJo.zIFC)fE, 6zoo nntr ffi\zrf= .- th.,b. [,t oz 6uJt J lr-oz3oF cn(') I\oNo\ trl \o oz ciul CEJ ltoz3oF tr+, FI E .J) Ic II oz ciulIE -J l|.o2;oF \lol il cjz oralE J lroz =oF (5z6 =Jo- Eng+EFl-o2trEn I I I ta,J : lg;;a!*;f$if - 1, .!.r_4,I c-9 -gS lrisg* fstris E :3I:er H :€ii-\..F Cr C O.N (J rI =b5-3E :i iEo;.: \ I :s s.P€r i -g;!: E- fii:€ - =*:*5 \P;;58 ":E-E g3 o -c ! i6:---E;= =Fcrc)tr:;: "'86,; ; '= ='E :;;5i 5 \= -"3Il-59t;F"g,rg E_ pF;s = r !FgiF -()G:: $l_Arrs ritlt i" o o (, zoo I rl a IrE t< IZ l=to l(, t9 x u,lt) o (J o .. >ltl uJ ll,r{z al,F =r.u( J zo o-o uJo- ar>-o tnuJtt rU a,u,lFozoz ! 5oz o t! (J Y() () 3e o o z u, o Iu (J xX*l :t 3l el:lxlel =l IIt_l6iq I 2lzI .o = I = =>g = u, z.IqS-oEC9o=>volr:.3fuJJa! (J>(JFOJ.i lt, I-al3l Floxl ourt E c. t-o qt (,: -;:Zx ,Glu,IZItlo;,.n ,'' lEof, lr, ,<Fz.\ ur< 3 <lul'; I <lJ;t<Ylo () oq l{J f N ot !Yn lvA X N \0(l ('\ zo9--F=< =z;io l-'r--l J,.<5 =Y;-=s oiE <El{,tr)GE3:< q,g.= I=^ < €=5 B.I LJ O==]--r-e). ,9 =- \==)-= - J t_lE=3 =lc= |.l, =lt- - -J El;=i Hl:JU XIE j: vl =IB HI E.H'E *I :<=':a -u,Io { lu r/tE*o<5 -=z=o=;xU, tr'| uJFtr|o EEcc -.Hlx b'bl F\I ?\l HFJ?3x F E lrl -o l- CJf, U17 \ID 1.'l:.l. *t ,. / 3;lEI :l gl il sgr II I I "1q clJa $.\l\l(J t! ! I I I I I Yt a' I I I I I It- uJ -r J<c)('u,l!, luJO z dlul J>l Bl 3l9l z 0u,:l 5l|rJol 3lo'FI 3:l<l;r <= ll9; ilz(J ll =f li;f F l!g5 li tl !t I fI I YO;() =s;JZ C) oFc) z () U -rO<,-s(Ju-r { oC) lr-lr o' tF,ru l= o l< I UEJU i:i 75 south lronlage toad Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ofrlce of communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH IHETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL pUBLrc WoRKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEIIT MARCH L6, L988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , ro.i, sand, debrisor material , including trash lunpster!, portable toilets andworkmen vehicles. upon any street,l siaeivair, ;il;y or publicpl?g" or any portion theieof" The rishr:;i;;-;n alt rown ofVaiI streets and roads is crpproxinateJ-y 5 f:t. off pavement.This ordinance wilr be striitry enforcld. by the ToT,rrr of vailPy!-li-c works Department. persons found vi3lating thi-s ordlnancewill be g.iven a 24 hour written notice t"-;;;;;;.'said materiar.fn the event the person so notified does not co:nply !,rith thenotice withi-n the 24 hour time -pecitied, the p.,iiri" worksDepartment will remove said mateiiar it in. "xp."se of personnotified_- The provisions or this ord.inance sharr not beappricable to construction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in trre-i'ighi_"_"uv. To review ordinance No. G in furr, please stop by the Tov/n ofVail Buil-ding Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledged by: Date INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE - loe NtnN,le MONINSPEQTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR AMFRI PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB C] SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELE trT trF trC Eli- MECHANIGAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL N APPROVED 'coRREcroNS, tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR .- ctz E =G, UJc rr (?I NN (n IIJulU- ==EUJ tN$R \$s B Cfl v HH B Fl 14 J4 HE OtP-< F4 .Fl-E E4 9Egfi = F (r j- E =o z- olgrl z olzl J5 €lo' =,z. { a 44 nD l, ILJItlo =I trolI-coF Fzo(.) o ulz;o(rILudz;tE\Jf, LrJFt<FZaYZo< --ft <f vL ei.t \ .l= ? \. rtt \ i;a\ :lvl:-l EI-l 3l q)l 6 o)Do q)c€= (D E =l oo o o.6 3 .lP o '6oD .tiooo o3 ofQ:k' ES Eor -E.uo 6().:(5 Ep .YO.==o(,)E.^ s'E'Io >'5O.O oEoc-6o-q)ob,:(5 .:: o oo 60 E(Eotr FO CC.=o(s+ _:< -o(u*r Eg-(6 Eq, O(g(6c-c(5-a(!05A @gIJ' (! Or5E3o(l'c-tE.! 1J>.9-c)q)!r o- =5-o !o J o 6E oc o tJtNc\I \c.{tl o.$rn an NF-F- G L =E UJo-(,zoJ g()u, (Jz J 9cF UJ.JuJ z = o- J z lt, = ul IJJ z tr tue. UJE o 3UJ uJ z 6uJ6 F lu z ur x UJo U'ult!t! tr =(r, uJo- J oF 26 ==o odF gJ gJ z = J Iz oUJ ts ts NO[VnlVA ulr ; F EEc z FFF F u ;tr 3Zzu- h o- Q=:f,>Yr9 0E.ttoEZt-(Joo!1.(JZ:u-<oq iu.r -tC)='. Y !uiN(J ol (\l =>E i u,r =co z tr l!tro uJo- (! GI E uJE Rx z Eoo z tr (r uJFJ 3tuz lJl<l 1,. Zl ''i' zl ./- (.t )a'r,,1 r)\/.i) |r).+J I,4i / -r' I i ) in@ * = Jo e.I I Cq * HHH r- cr)(o O E!! z(J9zecoo =z (L Lr- ..i3 ===;HE EEn u.l Eodtoaz Fo-ut:( UJdl oFt *r6r- o\|! -rlo.l> o,lO- -rlnlxoJ\.. trIt'1 uJt- LlJbkzo F =(r uJ ILo1P UJE2E<ol€8B91J; .Eff :> = trt i-^E h=R '1 EE =FE 56!P ituE XO-t x>t q- €= IJJ(I)oF rmxzj= - E =E,lrlo-z9Fof E,Fazo() I IrrlcDl!-r I FJH =J u- Jd) FoJ HH Fl Errl& H Hz trf FIdH u; =z IDo l"lxlrdlFa lFclIH t: IEtg lT"l=l<lz 14 A Ft\or lu ) (L ts3 z v)}4xE)El<!!l- F tnzt-lvAo 6 z B zut : tr ; a (J oolvlu.l ooj : t FfH ti ts.t) d a E € INF. .iz t!rr = z3p @(\|.\ I Nc'r oHHH '.JF] Fl =tr o\ .iz .,i UJ J l! z =F @ o\rrt IF-e{@ II E F d & B H B tr I.J z(' ul = l!oz3oF .{ I .!o uiJulF =E o u, J o z)3lI E o =.)ouJ :<l>l u-olz3I uJJulF Iuz =o uJEI E <F L!<zELUF(42o JG'<oOF;C)FS ;F-, z.=^ -O E2? s3 =Fr-6 O <^YF2a)z<+(r Y,z =u l-tirg Oz -tJ<ole?.-i a\ ltJlllo =i G0 TEo o G,F2oo Go oEoEc6opoo ot .EI5!0 E o=cfdo g cto,o 'o't(t col At\rl6,-9i 6:glo.G' .€otIt Elgc. o):t.E 'o .tC 'lo oE'o 'g D o(,r0o(, iJlnrf tl^ i.g:t is !lLtlio lglc.6,-,o1':' a! oa ;lttrca!l x1d!cr6rEi EJo.i c.'t t.,1oiI',ElE't. .>al.IJ o1lc5.cl' o'aEtc6g .9 ,G E oc o't i3 l'r>\:c\iE:oioi9loiElot,E tt .:gEr =o(3ErE8l et}.|r EEiFEiEglEbr o31 EEr- >:e9- cl. E "E' EEiog; g"; SEc'=5€ E6otl g:Eg -clGO =cleg HgEEo6 i5>grts5 LfiB. 9gs EE EA E H;lr<o* EgjnI ( v f j ., (i) UJ =z t0q ctz E =Eu,A I e,hg+eo2 o() z,t9zz,@o ==iF trtrtrFI =l J Fl ."i6vl i*1ot =:-3;t qn- El a;H DDtr E =Eu'lo, B EHB; =taIPa9 Eg = lrlEF:EE:t:o43€d UJ@oF '/ E%' E =OElrlrz9 b =E 6zo(J. x I -'i H ? \ I ?3 .outh t?ont g! ro.d nll. colondo 8165t (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 !o: EROM: DATE: SU&IECT: olllcc of conmunlty dcvolopmcnl AI.L CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISIERED WT$I TITE TOIIN OF VAII, TO!'N OF VAIr., pttBr.IC WORKS/CO!,IMUNrTY DEVETiPMENT UARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUqIION PARKING & I{ATERIAIJ STORAGE In sumnary, Ordinance No. 6 states that lt ls unlawful for any Person to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor naterial, including trash durnpsters, portable toilets andworknen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publJ.cplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on aLl Town ofVail streets and roads Ls approxtnatety 5 ft. off pavenent.ThiE ordinance wltl be strictly enforced by the Town of ValIPublic work6 Department. Persons found violating thl.s ordlnancewlll be glven a 24 hour written notl.ce to renove sald uaterial .In the event the person so notifl.ed does not coarply uith thenotice within the 24 hour tlne specifled, the Publlc WorksDepartrnent will remove said aaterial at the expense of personnotified. The provlsions of this ordinance shall not beappll.cable to construction, uaintenance or repalr proJects ofany street or alley or any utill.tles ln the rLght-a-way. To revl-ew OrdLnance No. 6 ln full, please stop by the Town ofVait Bulldl.ng Departnent to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperatJ.on on thls natter. Read and acknowledged by: (1.e. contractor, owner) o .o DEFtrRTMtrNT EF.E@MMUNITV DtrVtrLEFMENT XXXXXXX sALEs AcTroN FoRM COM. DEV. APPUCAIION FEES I 0000 4t540 ZONINO Al.tD ADDRESS UAPS 10000 42415 1988 UNrFoRr/ BUI-D|NO CODE 1988 UNTFOR!.I PLUIIBING CODE I 0000 42113 1988 UNIFORI.| MECHANTCAL CODE 0l 0000 42415 1988 UNtFORl,t RRE CODE | 0000 42113 1987 NA]IONAL EISCTRTCAL CODE | 0000 42115 OTHER CODE BOOKS I 0000 /fiS48 PRTNTS (Unms; 01.0000 12412 0x coPlES ./ sTuDtEs | 0000 lzszt ENALW FEE,S / RE-TNSPECION oFF HoURS ll,tsPECnON [.E CON1RACTO8S UCENSES fEES 0t 0000 4l{r3 o o oo o tl-l-1a boyle engineering, inc. 143 e. meodow dr. suite 390 crossroods shopping center voil, colorodo 81657 303t476-2170 Vf t,.-Tl*,i FvYloveb\ l--f lf.lr1 4tttsE i ll Lall7+ 4il1+tzl WNL Lxls{tri--, ?l('?€,--oLril'1tllil 1E A x(o r Tg . 6ovA'rlN l,qr, vviu 1r;'r. D r ,__-o l-,i ! it; r 1.,,)i-l ?11ll N rl l"=l' 'u'l #,;J,h "'-#,1'lri* 9ft,:r,:.i 0F coUD Y*br lz oNuA N tht t? br or%-- | 6oL\t4tl rl" 4l +.;.Lr .V-Nt -' ("" F xt+1 1y11 I'll"E abrL.lt-tl rl ({,14ovE bHdr.rlV :, 't:t1+y. k" 'u4r11 --b>l:-,'1"i1-l -ilfrttt rttll l' z |'-,-t of-iVILL\A vAlL t L 6crnee hpzlTl L"s,Jp.ixi;e ;ltill 8,''11" ovl 0 r" Cut U 11 N Cor'lp rl lo tl o JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED REQUEST VAIL /t tt ,*rt"'oNTOWN OFPERMITNUMBER OF PROJECT DATE frti,, )to ; )lt READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED cbnnlcr b orslppRoveo tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor, //-Z- Fd rNSPEcroR nfitsnop *(,t1 t PERMIT NU DATE READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES WED t I o JoB NAME PROJECT rNs CTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAILM t, '"r* @) fr neenoveo tr DTSAPPROV-l- ( REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: CALLER ocArloN l^^ f ft'I >a^ N fc,.._l<_ np0 (!rt*t_L^z BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr tr tr tr ROUGH / WATER D tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL E FINAL tr FINAL ELEI trT# trc tr_ CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr n tr tr o HEATING OUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL /t =.t J ,"r#"'oN REouEsr PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME TOWN OF VAIL 2- READY FOB INSP LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D BOUGH / D,W.V. D ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r.1 ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING SULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETBOCK ELE trT trF trC tr- tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED ttiFs'op tt t. /'4, -\DAIE /l -/a-7u INSPECTOR ltr3/ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT gslE '; ..' ' 'l I JoB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED TH l/'l: '. 'r.t*ri{y- ' ' i' '" ' INSPECTIONTOWN OF REOUESt'. VAIL /n - 't/t e {., READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: r-..',J AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEHGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSUI.ATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL o D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oarc 5,'/ 3 - '?/ rNSpEcroR PERMI DATE 4ttst T NUMBER OF PROJECT 5 -)/ 7/JOB NAME ,*r#"rroN neouest TOWN OF VAIL 6i I INSPECTION: CALLER TUES @READY FOR LOCATION:1]X THUR ,'t/ ,' ,.. BUILD!NG: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING D o ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D tr SUPPLY AIR Y rrrunl O FINAL APPROVED I CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE <,7 7r INSPECTOR -IIAT INSPECTION'S COMPLETEDv The Lteus belor neeil to be conplete beforegivlng a pernLt a flnal C of O. Please check off in the bor provl.ded. T'INAL PLN{BINC DAIE: n n FINAI UECEANICAI DATE: IT.{PROVEUENT SURVEY RESID. NAUE: DATE: FINAL BUILDING EAST SIDE:STIST SIDE: DATE: T Nil-r n I ffi I TEUPORARY C OF O DATE: LAI{DSCAPING DI'E DATE: FILE NAUE \\\"b\ I I I I o2 E =tuJd @\'\o F\\'|.rr\o U) UJuJLL ==E UJIL t N \* \SsS o\ \oe.l z F) zH F E >tH c'llor I ll! \o,E'\ v b FJl-1 E FF-l.JUFr ;(n|r- z J luF oF F-Iz zz zHtsz z Fllrl A ts Hk zla ^z ;; gJF z z =o .a vl*z l: IE()l< Itrrrll FE FlHB LLJut i (E IL oF Fzoo(r uJ \-ra-{'.) ,tI L:' ,? h a ol+ -,.lt oJFrll .n:tt "r' <l+---:-r{t+ I,Jl+ ---r-(Jtt o o o a(!. .9 qA 'o Fk o. &.o!o s =h c(5 or) ; = c] E o =cl o (E 3.; q) c '= <r;o o c u,'t' f<,, E.s. c N tJ)c]oF (D o oo l l o .2-c o o o ' o?i <!'=O(/)*!og8E F,2 R\J- Y?6EF;EFgP'63.a-;ieed i=c:'- 35t_E >, E Ea €eetq: c.Y- (Eo-(! o-*6: (a! o.Ego-(6CE=(5 oE !- c-yo(!=arEi.!. E6s ! E-cog*8EEo=3;u>. j;tsH;8hfs9do6EEEOOI UJ'r Foz (\ .v cn (n <\l N rn lnN F (\ F =TJJ zoJ YoltrIOz J J oE uJ uJ z6 = .L oz IoUJ = IUL!zIF uJ IJJ o 3UJ ttEz(J6uJo 6 (L uJ fz uJJ x F llJU' U''uJt!u- = E UJ F z o J trf- uJ uJ z f .J z Iou, = |.1 H H NOrlv0lv^ Fu ;Fa2 Z z u-.-. i o- e=ZX f U YA4 I o Ecf6 6 d.r-56 8ca) Z X^.r! <toq iFtl,J - H=gxE! '6 =-ftrN/Jo4 (\l >G (/t Nttt-l Fl 2 I eZ N NNHA z tr { (I(' (L f o- F CD \o E z troo |qt9z EEt! =u,lz tltltltl tzl2O@truJ<oo< =F8o<z Lz-ra >='"i F .,-o3trOI X X X X l(J Fa z at) J@ z o JI<I F-l 21 z .. >louloutulzotr EuJ(L) zItrot!<r)t!_I *l1l<l?acr auJz = z F Jl(t)z o G aa 3 F I t- -J.-_{ .J. O fr )-'1) ./n (/'t /l/,)'", ..-) L,' uJ trs)coo-tz F(L lrlY UJd! oFt E ,.rH* lr Fl >rno.Nn5? lE uJ i-F\Jzo z."o =<.mo>z J;-i6 =83--'1 "i L!6d> END F (ruto-qo uJoz lg)I F cr JFul-h> dur>o-Ou-lro5 u.tx()-;> lrJ- uJ(tr o o ct -9o o t E Eo(, o ts =E,lrlo-z9F C)3EF0zoo olzl oluJl 5l <l>ltl.lolzl BI 9lFI I I I I I "l=.1oluJl 5lal>lLIol 5l sol urFI F l-,l l"\ |t- | Irl.l ^lazl HHI Hilg3lqol rllFI IFC\@ d cilurlcclJl aliIol =lolFI I(l B z v,w F, F I I I Iatvzt&14 t<Fe iOrFalHl.E lu)I r/)O h- (, r'1 lF 5E lor ^h l-6,',| <>l =4= FftslaoTtsl& &tslF{ E() tsr(.t sFlH u; z "') I I I IHI<t)l*l tr11crl<l Hl>l FJH z =ll- rrr Inl :<)(I] J I !o- FlH =o 4a ttl o Ft (\ zHlJ. 4 z 3 za =E -lrlc!l\l .l =,|ol rl <l>l blzlBl9l h&ts4EIA& tst))& F-l ttr @C!Fcn I\oNol >Y;O=<ze)z(!O z 'r UJ F C) E z i-.Oz F C) Fz J () F LU) F() uJtrIO <F uJ<zu.UJF(rzo() )<()(t ?,lrl L!:io trEE ,I ctz E =Eu,q ta I t\e\.\ \ {La a ( a\ t\)(\\ t n 0 \ \r ,\ @utr!l! E =EUJo- tl ii.l*l l-:l! tl rl -luttt = cco\ GoFo trFzoo Eo 8g.IJ E l^'(, 6|Dto F0t6.96A';q,Eo.oceEEFFE 5Ot8,N().-trts EEFcleb,soo c'r qca! EToo8o|!cD o.E:E -loigoO';= DfEt-.ogop-aoo.c6"a tt' .9J>gE trol sE lrl'O 8fr.G6.96E';o.Eo.oc eErrFtc6 o) oN oc!oFo o orc oo()|! o ():t oo E'5 o o o '(t d:ce 6.s'=o(,' gEE €frsE.= P fgEooc :EF€'l =c96 3 5E EEA =:EbOOiEo€Esg=E o,o o-FE; sEi:(/,* E E.E E;E_ag --C(6 0'-€49 ar OEgsf ]6>.O |l'=c-= H; E B'f e EEgroct) -()(g \ Nu\\ :tEu,o-ozoJ:t@ \ t\ c,\ -oUJ oz d FJ o oa(,g, u,l \ r\N 0 \ t\$$ II \ d\A \ fi N N \0 \,\n \ \ .t \) C .J $l \U$ $ (,z a(lI5d {Iz (, UJ = UJtu zo E(,lrJe oE olo a EE =(, U'u, l-aIUJoGJi uJ(, IF ut.J'f an LlJlrJ E5.[ Il)Ao.\J o (,z =.q {(, E a)gJ (,z toI =q {()- C) UJI N{3 Njs \; El 3\ sl gu NO[Vn]v^ N 61 r P\C iur =A-,q -IQsE9E989lr<og Hgj.{ zo F J l! .Ed G o (9 u,o- \\)\(\\ \^ \ tu .J zo Fo X z F UJF BUJz I I I anuto ,l lJl.. tr oz I h = o u, Iv, zDzo 6 3 ,8 'I I I o 2fo =J!l3o I IBil LItl\ltl iHF-lxlutl l! 8G F o Fa, tllrltFlt=l I l'l I| .. >t It!toI u.llu,lz| <ttIFl=t\GlB\IJt<lztoIFl6l? t\ n'7 l-=I tlN Hlll l,l (,ztr 5o o =x{A r) \ $ x \\ J! j.=l l;dalotzF-o= -! 5 o \t,-.P, 0c/ \l{.-- nl :: 1ry: u{- 4 :I r--l ^l LDI IIs-l ("-l a/avltrr CIclcJ :E 1 t. I "'r o- i j J v \:t? () !( l ,) <l 4 'n 4-q vlr.tA "rlr! '-I \i I() { ':r)l--l -)d 'a UIGdo{ = a'\ -s (4 o- ! U -: to 9tl c\l-tI d I'-r-l .Ailq:l-.it vlq --+1 =qifl LI ?, 2 D-. \.4 t- ,-(c\, ui llJF \) :-:oz du,.E tl.q2IFI .! .+- J _: LLI \J I E lo1(twl rEl <l>l rr.lq zl3lIFI u, UJF 3lg r t!FllJ =z @o EUJz =o ()u,E-()E tr -rO<FCC'ur<ZGl!F(,zoo JC6P=()F#4iUJO1,9 oz to =J.L 2) z)J f6:ZF F3 Y,z-o-() lt o2 <oe, a,/,rir t!JO .KF-K{..6'tAti K z ff" 6EgE<cf€a€Bb0 :o.=>E JFE h=U ;gE xFE 66t Eur E EE5-{!E ul(DoF ! D0)? 2) ;uc u0l E.c)tl .-/, L '-1 |) .-.1 -lt'.1)/,-./l)-- 'll1| ./ |!urtk16 F =E lJJo-zoFo =oaFazoo 5fiEF!E]-alti l x*t t" t,t (. . 75 soulh fronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (30s) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: cl IEI TE.rm .evlJvrr\,.l.. ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COI&rUNITy DEVELOPITEN! MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE ottlco of communlty development rn sumrnary, ordi.nance No. 6 states ttrat it is unrawful for anyperson to litter' track or deposit any soi1, rock, sand, debrisor material , incruding trash dunpsters, portabre toirets ;;a---workrnen vehicres. |pon any streetl sidewaix, ati"y or public PI?9" or any portion theieof. The right-oi-w"y 3n alt Town ofvail streets and.Igags is approxinrateiy s it.-ifi pavenent.This ordinance wirl be strillry enforcid by the Town of Vail_T?]i: works Department. pers6ns found "i6rili"g rhis ordinance\^rrr-J- De g'rven a 24 hour wri.tten notice to renove-said nat,erial .rn the event the person so notified does noi-'-"np:-y with th;--notice within the 24 hour tine -pecified, itr.-p"[ric worksDepartment will renove said nate-riat at tr," ."p."se of personnotified. The provisions of this orainance ;ii;il not beappricabre to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the ri!f,t-"_r"y. To review ordinance No. 6 in furl, prease stop by the Town ofvail Building Department to obtain a copy. tLanr you for yourcooperation on this matter. nli ' ji1+..!i,i.dl ;t? ,), ,,, ' al t'at;,\. ' li.:,. 1. To'"rn of Vail Building Depart:aent Proj ect Requireeentsand Contractcr Inf oraation Building perririt application: A. ) Fill out work sheet. B. ) Submit two conplete sets of plans * If fast-tracking project see fast-track application. * No.perdits, incruding Fast-Track, will be issued withcut,written approval fron planning denarilent for on site.requirements. * A11 design review board, planning con'lrission and tol;ncouncil approvals and ccnditions, if applicable, betr.eenthe Town of VaiL and the developer, stritt be acquired.with written agreenents concerning these matters beforebuilding perinits are issued. * condoniniun approval for any r+or.k in a condorrriniunized,building Architects & Engineers sta;aos required. on aI1 plans: * Exception: R-3 single faniLy & duplex.R-l one story. structures 3. contractor registration with rown of Vail building departnerrt: A.) 91 rnillion LiabiJ-ity insurance.B. ) Worknen compensation insurance-C.) T.O.V. registration. * At1 insurances nust be kept up.Town of vail. 2. to date if working in the O. :n site project requirements i. A. ) Postins 9f pernit in a crear lreather protected cover.. : visible from road or harluay if condoiiniurn ", i"ionilu"".B. ) Set, of stanped approved plans must be. on site for '------ duration of project. No inspections can ue aone-if pransare not on site- Fast-Track projects to have prans ;;-"-site as approved. -..*.ii'r-it .;fl&l,...--...-,, - ., .. '*r$g1ft!$ lii.r ;'*l 5. Reguired insp.ections: A. ) Excavation and footing rebarFoundation rebar-Masonry fireplace ( st;uc--ural design.& chinney Liners )undergrcunc-brw, ,it"Jl-g.", & erec-_:ic )Temporary electric ."ili""Rough plur.rbing 1 orrv,-wit_ef, gas, & hot tubs)Rough electri.c i "ee,oiir_r,.r"" ,,o. 12 )Rough mechanicai t g,a=-ig" vents]-a,lltr"ork, conbustion l*x;l ;$:"Ii:il r (nlill.i'i::lii:":': *::l*-;'t;;'"';1" i Rougrh frarning ( property irnprovenent su::rfnsulation _ -.uH!,JvenenE sullr/ey when req.)FireproofinS ( if requir:: for st=uctural conponents )Eheerrock screw 7 nai:.--i_Exterior lath ' -: -- Ii"uJ plur,rbinsFinal nechaniial. Fi.nal electrical Fil:i ?ff^r-1:l!3capine, ^exterior rinishes, pavins,FinaL o.iiuiiE"rt::tenr ( if requirea_),__-._ 6. 7. framing insnection.of ridges, basefootprint of newby a licensed Fire depart:ent inspections: A. ) Shop drawilg: on fire alara system.B. ) shop drawings on =p.inii"i systen.. ;*: g:"I#g:":: ff.:::"*".liurl..::illi:, deparrmenr and Street cut permits: Property improvernent sutr/ey: A.) Required on aIl new construcLion.B. ) sub:ilifted ana apfio";;.';.-;;re roushc.) rnprovene"l.::ryE"-i.-ii"iide heishrstab erev"!1"":, i.oi"iti-irr"=, and,consrruction. suri.y.;ili ie stanpedengineer. 8. A. ) -fssued- by the Town of VailNo work rnay start witfroui- * Dates: Street.cuts 6sgNovember 15 only. -Public Works Departnent.fj.rst obtaining a permit. pennitted betueen April 15 to c .'!.t { i. ,9'.T:'l' of vail anencnents to the 1985 edltions of uniforn .\'t"':lj,i;li ilii;,11,:l_.:i!tjl3lI.o", ""i;;;;..;"Ii"ni.ui_coc" A') orcinur:r^t't?. L2 Lg87, Arnendnents to the 1987 NationefElectric.Code for the'ftwn of Vail. 1.) ar:. etecrrica, :l:i:?.i1_s:g,rp-=_ ilB,E,r & Hoccupancies as defined in the Ucodel =r'"i:. u-I i""u=.J iii ""ia;li::T"::,:li;:tor in approved. qlTor. err wiiing rn grcup R_tshall be encased,_in. co"Juiill-"u".ways or inapproved arnor to the circuii lreaker box fcreach unit No alunin"" ,ii"-"r copper-clad,a.}u:ninun wire srnalfer tfran_"ii" e wilL bepernitted within the rown or-ilif. 2. ) l::::": engaged, in rhe installar:.on of reno.3concrol, low energy polrer ana signar-li.liiii==as der-ined in arrj."rl, zzi _"J iio of 1sB7 NEc,need not be licensed e1ectir.":..r.,=; hor,,ever, aI1 :i::.::::iT.::3 l' 3:.:**;;*1"*::, !::.;:t:be produced when- astea tv-inl-iivn of vailBuilding Official --- -Jwr' r'rr- vdrr 3.) A1I such installations of renote control , lc:renergy poirer anci signar systen,= are subject tothe pe::nit and inspectionl requiremenrs of?_""li3l 12-23-116 c. n,i.l- aI.=.ia:..,9ry atlrnstal.larions of rerirore """1;;i; r"" l""ilyl:1:r.and signal systerns must be periorned inaccordance with the nrinir.r"r-=t"naire"-=.I*ri=__rrn the Naticnel_ Electric C"a.---' B. ) Underground gas piping: 2. ) U. p. C. r:equires C.) Fireplace chinney chases: f.) Public serrric' rn=i"*;'#:;i;"IETl'i: ;:i.g:: Ei!'18"" ".vail.acknovl.eds;=--iia-J.riioit= tr,i, lrequirement. .1.) llf fireplace.,lyoog stove chases to besheetrocked rri=;i;;;;.-'Xlll".i(:= "Iy:";,?H;:il uoaro ano a 60 psi test for 30 ninutes. .ri -, , l" ?* :.- .,:_'*..,;1$ ' \aj 10. fnspection requests: o. ) i*t.:liiilr,r"". requesi sharl be catted,i"-:?::l::-tr' .1"'.i.J.lilii j3d:j:::"rn at least 24 hr ". I l^i:inspectiin;;"8=be asseEEEdJE each inspection orror whrch r.rhen corrections T:-r:::_. ::_i on when-rg;i ;;r: i;; =; ;-"::;:lit::.::" _i= "a ir;;"i:";;;'::";i"I:'I"called for are not made. 1.1 lf::tricat reinspection g44.eq2.) auil.dj.ng plur.lrng & nechanicalreinspection 53o]oo- iil=i:"i]33=ril"*ln Mondalr, Irednesdav & rric3y can b e g"uni"a.' jdff ;.i".:**ot" iio fX; =". = ";:'11' special construction request for vail village & Lionshead:A.) Ap=rcvals-froa the Town of Vail Co:raunity developnent,;: l :::, ":i::.::i;j*i$.:;;:5!. ;:;:::,,.= i = .= { i r"r,B.) Any helll .eip"""! i!, ."_r,"s, backhoes, concretepurilps "1":-.. -used. in the core areas nusby the building o"pu.ii.rrt. ;c be pre approved 12' Holiday cl0sures for vail virlage & Lionshead core areas: "') I3riffi:ff;i:!"X::* wir'r be conducted durins rhe ]:i Is[3li"lroiY"{ three dav holidav weekend ) i:i ;ff# |:;t;i:,:rassic ( as scheduled )s:i $;;i.i';":"I:'?"nil5"l"i:Eil weekend )r.vsrrLs ( proper notice will be.given ) t.. ::::.::::::" workins hours in for vail viltase & Lionshead 1'l Y:louv :l:"-I5i.dav 7:oo A.r{. to 7:oo p.M..B') Sifr;:T:"":ili"i:yf";:*-q1q=,i"u-irioii A.M. to 2:oo p.M iiiffiJ:: *";iii:,.11"::i ili::llil'il5=i" i3:: :#".'iirr le attoiea J.iiri'.ili=ttIrfill=truction activiiief" "-, ff:il";:.;:if:;i:i::i:j::-llr;:*,;. i:o-rrash-removlf2:00 P.M. to 7:oo p.M..--- '- "vv A'!1. to 11:00 A.M. and C. ) Electricalonly, g:00 tnspections .. 'ai;.".'f,' ,."u' a. r' .'-ir' -'t' . f lr'.s a14. Certificate of, Occupancy. A-) certificate nay be issued when it is.found that theb_uiJ.ding or stmctrrre cornplies with tne liovisionsof the u.B.c., u.lt.c., u.F.c., u.F.C., e'N.e.c. asadopted by The Town of Vail .B.) No building or-st-nrcture of, group ArErlrtfrB, or R_loccupancyr shall be used or occupied, ind-no change Lnthe exisr5.ng occupancv crassiricitio" Ji1- luiidl-il ;;,structure or.portion thereof shall re niae "ntir t6"--building offlaiar has issued a certificate Ji-il"r6lndr,.c-) ryo R-3 occupancy shall be used or o""rpi.a "itir a fi.narlnspection iras,ieen conau"t.a ana appi6".a UV tfr.building off,icial.D.) Tenporary CertifLcate of Occupancl, nay be issued provid,edno substantiar. hazard exist, :.ir url ruiroi"g-6, =.=.r"t"==. .il*i*rr."d li.:' - a ^\Town of vail25 s. Frontage RoadVail , Colorado 8L657(303) 476-7OOO Plan analysis based onthe 1988 Uniform Building Code Project Number: 6/2L/9O Nane: VILLAGE CENTER 1 RESTURANTAddress: I,oT K BIJ( 5E VVI- Date: June 21, l-990Contractor: EASELHORST CARPENTRY occupancy: A3rB2 Architect: SNoWDoN AND HOPKINS Type of Const: V-lhr Engineer: BOB GRABER PIanS Examiner: GARY MT'RRAIN NoTE:The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a conpletelisting of att possible code requirements in the 1988 UBc. It is a g"uide toselected sections of the code. OCC MAX FLR AREA ALI.,OWED RATIO STATUS 1 Kitchen(Cornrnercial) 82 ok 488 Interior finish only1- Dining Roorn A3 ok 914 Interior finish only ToTAL FOR FISOR 1402 Allowed area not checked BUILDING TOTAL 1402 Allowed area not checked OTHER BUILDING ELEMENTS TAbIE 17.AELEMENT }!,ATERIAL RATING NOTESInterior Bearing waII Any t hrInterior nonbrg wal.l Any t hrStructural Frame Any L hrExterior Struct Frame Any t hr See footnote #1Floor/Ceiling Assenbly Any L hrRoof/ceiling Assenbly Any t hrStairs Any None FOOTNOTES:1) Mininurn on exterior side also based on exterior brg. wall requirenents. OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONSA3-82 Ohr ADDITIONAL SEPARATIONS FOR A3 OCCUPANCY: A Lhr occupancy separation is required around roouts containing a boiler or central heating unit greater than 4OOTOOO BTU input. -- Sec. 608. FOR 82 OCCUPANCY:A Lhr occupancy separation is required around rooms containing a boiler or central heating unit greater than 400,000 BTU input. -- Sec. 708. FL .! Code review for:Project Id.: VILLAGE CENTER 1 RESTURANT Address: L,OT K BLK 5E WL EXIT REQUIREMENTS:FL NAME Page * 2 OCCUPANT NIJuBER EXIT PANIC RATED DOOR NOTESIPAD REQUIRED WIDTH [ft.] HDI,SR CORRIDOR SWING L Kitchen(Comrrercial) 2 L 0.0 No No N/R1 Dining Room TOTAL 61 2 L.2 Yes Yes out #463 2( 2) 1.3( 1.3) ves Yes Out #S Rated corridors are to have thr fire protection on both sides of walls andceiting. -- Sec. 3305. (g) Openings are reguired to be protected. -- sec. 3305. (h)In areas where 2 exits are reguired, the ninirnurn separation is L/2 of the maxinun diagonal of the area or floor. -- Sec. 3303.(c)Exit signs are required from all areas serving an occupant load of 5O or more. -- Sec. 33L4. (a)' Door swing is based on Sec. 3304. (b) except as noted. occupant load is based on Table 33-A. Nunber of exits is based on Table 33-A except as noted.Exit width is based on sec. 3303. (b). FOOTNOTES:4) Panic hardware is based on Sec. 3318. (a). see exception for A-3 occupancies and churches. HANDTCAPPED ACCESS:1) Handicapped access is required to at least one prinary entranceto this building -- Sec. 3301. (e) & Table 33-A2) rf a ramp is used for handicapped access, the rnax slope isL.Lz. -- Sec 3307. (c) Provide a landing within 1 inch (I/2 inc.}r at doors used for handicap access)of the threshold. -- sec. 3304. (h) The ninimum width j.s same as door width and the nininun length is 44 inches. -- sec. 3304. (i) The naximum travel distance in this building is 150 feet. -- Sec. 3303. (d) AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS: STANDPIPE REQUIREUENTS :There is no requirement for a standpipe. -- Table 38-A A hose is not required. -- Table 38-A FOOTNOTES:L) The Location is to be per Sec. 3805. (c), (d),and/or(e) 4) If the total occupant load for the building is greater than 1000, then a class ff standpipe with a hose is required. -- Table 38-A WALL AND CEILING FINISH:1) wall and ceiling finish uraterials are required to conply with Sec. 4204.(a) and Table 42-8.2) carpeting on walls and ceiling are reguired to have a class Iflane spread rating. -- sec. 4204. (b) Code review for:Project Id.: VILLAGE CENTER 1 RESETTRANT Address: LOT K BLK 5E W]- Page # 3 INSULATION NOTES:1) A11 insulation naterial including facings are reguired to have a flane-spread rating of 25 or less and a maximum snoke density of 450 unlessit is in a concealed space and the facing is in contact with a wall orceiling. -- Sec. 1713.(c) exc.#22) Foan plastic insulations are required to be protected. -- Sec. L7L2. GLAZING REQUIREMENTS:1) A11 glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safetyglazing material. -- Sec. 5406. (d) ADDTTTONAL REQUIREMENTS :For A3 occupancyFloor-1st Occupancy-Dining RoonThe capacity of this area is required to be posted at 6L occupants. -- Sec. 3302. (c) For 82 occupancyIn a1l areas custonarily occupied by humans, provide natural orartificial light and ventilation. -- Sec. 705. If water fountains are provided, one must have a spout within 33 inches ofthe floor and up-front controls. -- Sec. 511. (c) HANDICAPPED TOTLET FACILITIES:1) Afl doorways leading to a toilet room for handicapped are required toprovide 32 inches clear width. -- sec. 5U. (a) 2) Provide 44 inches clear on each side of doorways. -- Sec. 5l-1. (a) 1.3) Provide a 60 inch diarneter clear area within the toilet roon(s). -- Sec.sLl-. (a) 2.4) Provide a clear area 42 inches wide and 48 inches long in front of atleast one water closet. If in a compartment and door is on the side,provide a clear access width of 34 inches. Door may not encroach into cl-ear area. -- Sec. 5l-l- . (a) 3 .5) A 48 inch access width is required to the handicapped cornpartnent. -- Sec. 51-l-. (a) 3 .6) crab bars are required behind and on one side or on both sides of handicapped water closet. Side bar is required to be 42 inches long (nin) and extend 24 inches in front of water closet. Rear bar is to be 24 incheslong in a room or 36 inches long in a conpartment. The top of the bars areto be 33 to 36 inches above the floor. -- Sec. 511.(a)5.7) Provide a clear area under at least one lavatory. 30 inches wide X 29 inches high x 17 inches deep rnininun. -- Sec. 511.(b)1.8) The botton of one mirror, opening of a towel fixture, and disposal fixtureis reguired to be within 4O inches of the floor. -- Sec. 51-l-. (b)2.&.3. 9) The top of the seat on the water closet is required to be 1.7 to l-9 inches above the floor and cannot be sprung to return to the lifted position. -- Sec. 5LL. (a)4. T(ftrIh{ (fF Il- l{iscel laneous Ctssh s6-25-98 _t L'FI , *4# 15:31: ?7 ReceiFt tt 8149469Flccount{ i:KSIJIRE PAZZT), 5 \IilI RE TRF{}.]5FER Brnount tendered ir received, f proni3 of the Finance ::-::-!1v -!o lheurrector, Municipal L*{ -.-----=- Dolrars, on the unpaid balance, payable in lue and payable on. lue and payable on due and payable due and payable TRFIH5FER 42138. EE I Irl!l is Fl =:ElciJH.Ytz)s Iten paid flnount paid StESBS4SIISSSE 42s8. SF Change returned > F. EttJ THFlh.{r< 1/ou Vour c.ashier JUDV 1".::;*u ::l"l::i-!!iiJ.i' :n*;ii"5;:"olit."."tI ill"ll l:S :l?!..f:il:r. I"-iirl.il"T$;ffI l.i^::,.,::._!:ig when due or ciectared due fi li,, ":^,TI g:I".li ! -;;e;. -;";'i; "ifiil,$#"l;ili*l^.::':-:l:. y["r."iJi"T; ;:;;ffiTl:"": on on er en e :::"::S ii" l:_il: inai, -.! -;i. "Jnii5i*E r"ff; "5:::* "n:^:l*':F:-;;;.;; ;;.;:ii;"":i": :: *.:.i"-ll.:l::i-il;;;.;'i'J=l:; iii!'ii.i otest, notice on '-evErcrJ'ry waave rne of bavmarn+ --:":!:ITent and of protest, andiH ::.:.n"11.1*"Fi:i:i-r#;.;i"n;313i!; lii eyts fees.;?=.;"::I all reasonable ""ri" ;;""5ii:rH:1, t -ail2 + oqJL ';' t il !,,c.L/,(, 4 "r" / ()..1 i ?_, ' I I 1 f ,,",1 6;l. ll , uut tttDT tt-).tr."\. '::.".?-li 1' (,", ;.,,._r-*,;, li.'.-i. - ZS le HqNI: 'r- - 1,,+\ I i I i r-i F:,,.... l..Bkt2 l:. I i i {,, ,/6;xrf lnt., ( | -'lT-) z a.,lhr^Cr-ti ... :itrli-l-!-i "i",t, 1-. .- ,- .1,2 nt:rl-:''ti/l'i,f" '; ,n-1 g. Z l:i l:..: ',.i7 i; , ,,,:.' {!!Jx. o,r, trr 6rt tr o." ,ro{ tolr 'r11 ,.b.o,a o futest €, 6caln, ?,€, P,0 Box 729 vAlt, coLoRADo 81658 (303) 949.4079 Eoteet €, Qmle4 ?,€, P.O Box 729vAtL, C0L0RAD0 81658(303) 949.4079 '/)/.it ' ,o" \/lt.LaG; <t{tgrE< t[ltaore I SXE€T NO, c^rcu,.^teo e', *] !(a. o^r. OA'E oa l?Y t''t> -lit t lulvl( PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT UAItr READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED INSPECTION REQUEST EINSPECTION REQUIREDtr APPROVED CORBECTION O DISAPPROVED TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FJIJNDATON / SrEEL yFRAMTNG UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr c tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL i H. TUB NAIL FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n O SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR nlGc,o" J&". ')I 4fz-rtz-T A/ J) t t, lt "w^7- _/ ,- .: f4+/ Von.tfzl- lN PEHMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT *SPECTION REQUEST DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR TOWN O VAIL 4+),,-,--^M At'JOB NAME 1voru ) BUILDING:PL tr D tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr tr tr tr o tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR o tr FINAL tr tr FINAL i"rnoueo -f;)tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: !c;i;j;'::1 INSPECTOR ntFslop ,:i{Ieqqii ,j , h .r: ,:s,lirr,r ..if-:- f,ecrron REQUEST, .;"tt4t'/ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE tNs NAME TOWN OF VAIL Fc floeCAL tGs THUR FRI aAfrt pM 0t ^l READY FOR INSPECTI LOCATION: I t F$te*ou.o tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDAT 'O* ' ""'{f-fiaoucH z wn ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING F cns PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER b,"=fl6pb f ,\ o Hgryrbsr nooos Itr tr tr. tr ROUGH coNDUrr .'" 6-0N ,,*o.- | SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL CORRECTIONS: ?- q<-n^ol;re ,/'J)-7Cl rNSPEcroR 4 7sg oo-= )I JoB PERMIT NU BEB OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES ;l\ WED \ .-.) N r REQUEST.SAS'\\ . I BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr E tr o tr tr UMBING: E FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr E tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING I NSULATTON .__.-_______POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING Foucx o tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL neeaoveo 4y'1 )RRECTIONS: - tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED B INSPECTOR nifr$* PERMIT OF PROJECT * , _t' \ l',\. ,', ., ^ C.o\-"'"-. tt'. ui*l,--. -n* | NSPECfl*O$,REOUEST VAIL #a @ .4 t- .a'-\/M oor, fl0fu€.o JoB NAME 74:rr< Dt zz CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR /zz E- htrHltll) ktuE BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH i WATER ON / STEEL - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: fI HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr o SUPPLY AIR F1 tr FINAL FINAL -----7--- \ nnenoveo - ,'t tr DISAPPRovED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: | /) DATE INSPECTOR r' niftsnce WT *r,,, ,.... C \r\ruriv Q*LN\+^| INSPECTIONTOWN OF REOUESTvAlL . PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT \N'b\., \ oor. 2f -&0t-72 JoB NAME Totzot -2z4- CALLER TUESREADY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: -ru^@ AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr D FINAL FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR /lfrt-ltlA tr trtr FINAL FINAL ..q'APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED nffisrop DATE INSPECTOR lt//t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ilINSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL kt/<F ttnz€4+t"<sr WED THUR FRI AM PM ome o g 4o'61 JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:y'tu4de (br{rea CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr o tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V, ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING D D ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB l(sueernocK NArL tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED n D^rE Y ^ t4 -1O rNSPEcroR . r,i.".1;. ,:.":.:..,. ., dlji-lt il PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT .dir&-J-_ INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAILa)lx /,'\ o.DATE r'/,.-r \ JOB NAME INSPECTION: ,-., QALLER TUES WEDREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING r_.r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING O INSULATION SHEETRO€K.' NAIL tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: /''\ '- ,/\ a-) -,DAIE &'3O-70 lNSPEcroR \\\ PERMIT UMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: rHUR (aD AM (ID ..!.. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: T] HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR Frt !f ;rr'rnr-o$"o' APPROYED lrz tr DISAPPROVED .. tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS; oor, /-2 r- ?2 , rNspEcroR .6ii,.. -.|F INSCECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VA JOB NAME READY FOR IN ECTION: CALLER TUES WED AM LOCATION: ROJECTT NUMBER BUILDING: D FOOTINGS O FOUNDATI B FRAMING ON / STEEL - PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr tr tr HEATING EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR CTRICAL: TEMP. POWER ROUGH i il(nppnoVeo't{ COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED /6-/"to 7- <t -?a a -/-?a "--(P ,/6-/rt ,/o ^t IOU ?- zi-rc 11Y t il PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ;,-,rv INSPECTIONTOWN OF JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON -L REQUEST VAIL .ft (. DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES .": PMM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEET PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND ON / STEEL o tr tr D tr n o ROUGH / D,W.V. ROUGH / WATER _ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS coNburr D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL say ltJal4*ll. "^ B APPROVED CORBECTIQNS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED PERMI DATE rNSiEcnoN REQUESI TOWN OF VAILT NUMBER OF PROJECT I r\ |'"ll<,--/ I) JOB NAME ,\\ n ^t\Ic r\Ii'i +\ CALLER A READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED FRI -\ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING -tr INSULATION I N POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDq APPROVED COBRECTIONS: INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBEB OF PBOJECT\\-\LC\n,DATE \V G. )- \ ,I JOB NAME CATLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: ..INSPECTION:\MON d|-\-"rR FBI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER N FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB I] SHEETROCK NAIL tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT 'tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR t rorrrcrroN's corPLErEr) The ltens below ueed to be conplete before glvlng a perol.t a flnal C of 0. Please check off iu tbe box provLded. FINAL PLIfiBINC DATE: L-] n FINAL HECHANICAI DATE:n I"MPROVEMENT ST'RVEY RESID. NAME: DATE: EAST SIDE:ilXST SIDE:FINAL BUILDING N*-r n lS--T- DATE: ERTIFICATE OF OCCI'PAIICY rl pIf|E, /6'zLf-?r LAI{DSCAPING DITE DATEs \ FILE NAME: I I oz F =t IJJG .s a UJ lJ.lu- ts =E UJ.L s*tR$s Cho\ F{ v F) zH = a lol z F.) oFl IE F.J <F{ z6 f IIJ o Eo Fth z = zz H& XFl z a 4 F Hh FT 2 <ttut z o2 =f, c0 .6 zzo rrra FT 14 F --)ujo =I olt Fo zoo ltl c; q) o-c o .o(t .9 d\ 'Fa oo'oo Rc; c 0) o == d) E o =l do o cl(rt 3.9 (t) coloc) 6!)E o .9(t) E! (n E (! .E oN -o 3 F o CD =oooG E v, o o=o o G st '(6 ;-oE6g'=O(/)*ioXOc-o(6c att, oe;g E=Eo x!c-o'-a ..e: 5 :€€d 5=c9c 3E- EEA =!E*OO EoBtq: c.:- 6o-G o- $EEoF o,E€: €u !EE Eoo=Eii -PCfi, o'- - --c.rr (D -EE:-ei= =u>.tr -=x:EHi3hts9E oc5g -oa! (tl .c \toN* F =e,uJcIz = xc)u, z J o F ul.Jtll z6 J 9z uJ = tul!z9F IJJ ouJ 3uJ u,e.z 6uJ F6oor|J o- z UJJ() x F ulo .t) UJuttJ_ b =EuJ(L Fot- z co aFC)u,lJUJ z = o- Iz qJ = r.rouvrfrn tr tt 2 Fct X t z I d NNH Y =ZZtr-o ooh o- 4=x > zYa9 of, aod.2>-(JR9 3,{r- <og id6g-R 2 dNO GI N =>E rl il I Ilrltzt< t5 lE IElz z tr ) LL(ro E uJ t- o .if E LIJ 0< z Eo z tr ulFJ B z l'1tfr Lzl X }<X X Fl F ztr co z Ytt o <ltrl 2_l zl ,. >l llJollJ UJz U)F UJ J z E o z F Jlaz r-c! -if._tO uJF U)oo1zoFIu.lv ut c0 oFF EulTLOr-u I^qtr.l= r'-lodr5H.[oEzo 2?Ecoo - == EJO I'l(Iu- Q "dg =F,rJYc) A;E F:Eulo-t! E!{E>E<ctlo .!)Ev!e9ana Ed =>.=ut:-E h=E :frr xFE 569 5u.rEX()-t x>t q-o-tt; LlJ F --E E =Elrlo-zoFofE.Fazoo InE lltlll|lI cil lFlIJItallilloltzl=l 3gl 9| ?l ull tElJl <l>l 6l =loiH I I I Iol =.1olIJJIcElJl<l>l t!lol =l sOl rJrFI F olullElJIal>l 5lzl3lolFI €c{r\cn I\oc.l flNIF-lFrl J ctlullEl JIq u-lol 2l3lolFI HV'& FftrlU) E tr I I ILl" I I JtxuJl CIgj =() ul =z (D -) Eir l-Oz z6 =l-) JE<o(JF FS()=\26o t <F l!<zEt!Farz uJz3!!tr o- E =euJo. \ etan co .Eo o lc zoo Go I>c 3r|J -9nc-DEOFGa01>9(,{JZl!<ogH6E8j.{ 3 g g I I z.f0 = 3o 3t FX UJib la =trjGJ zo oo u oo): 2) Luc' uo) 4 z'7 Y2<.':6/31o -!-. oz (D ==c 5fii oEgE<saIt}EgE =>E JFF E=- au,6 Io.E E3t Hurf 3EF !'rrE lttgo ts =tv lrlo-zoFc) E,Fazo(J q ]J: 9alrlEIctgJ>EE 9l q q EI3lg il 3s&-rO<Fcc)lJ.i <zEt!Farz-o() trtrtr a?Eq (:auao ,:olcerauoc 'e'1)_ gca[o:d 01 drqsuorlelag/uor1rso6 :trq pa6palAou{cp pue pea6 :no.f, :os no.f, >1ueq; .rrdoc r_ ur.lqo ;l"ll:$-::H3o";ri;l?ff"i?:;Jo ur"to.1 aql Iq dols eseald ,tTnJ uT g .oN ecueurp:o AaT^aJ oL 'r(e.'r-e-xq6l: aq+ uT saTlTTTln .{ue :o Ia11e Jo 1aa:1s .f,uegro slca[o:d :rede: :o aiueuj+uieu ,uo11cn:1s,i6c o1 alqejllddeaq 1ou IT:_r{: acuEurp:o sTql Jo suolslao:d aq& .peTJrlouuos:ad ;o asuadx" a{l 1i- 1er:j1pur pres aloural TTTI,T luau1:Edag${:ol,t cTfqnd aq1 ,paTtlcads aurTl Jnorl fz aql uTr{?T.rq acTaouaq1 qlTA .fldruoc ?ou saop pal;rr1ou'o" uos:Jd aqf luala aql ur'TET:alEur pres a^oua: oa acTlou uellTrA rnoq ,z e uarr,16 aq'itriacueuTp:o s1q1 6u11ET9T^ punoJ suos:aj .3uaru1:edag s{Jo}.t cTTqndfTeA Jo uAoJ aq1 r{q pac:ogrua .d,11c1.r?s aq TTI/}1 acueuTp-ro sTr{L.'luaua^p6 lJg .+J g.dlalerurxoiaoi s1 .p'"dj pup slaa:f,s ITeAJo ultoJ, fTE uo z{en_;o_1q6r: aqg, .Joa.raq1 uorl:od .due :o .j;iec11qnd :o z(af1e ,>11e'ra!1s tjaa:as ,{ue'uodn saTcrr{a^ uauD[:oApue slaTTol aTqefrod ,s:alsdrunp qserl 6u1pn1cu1 ;1e1:a1eur :o=T::.!_:p!!l l>tcg: 'TTos .{ue lrsodap :o'r..ii i""++Tr o1 uos:adAUP JoJ fnJllltfun sT 1T 1eq1 si1e1s 9 .oN a3ueuTp:O';r{:"*,ln= ut ggVlIO,trS lvlus,twl 3 gNIXWd NOI,ICnEISNOJ 885T ,9T IICEWI fNgI^IdoTgAgo L,tINIII^U^toc,/sxuo$ 3ITgOd TIYA JO N!{O,t TIVA JO N}IOTsH'tr lt&Ilr gsEg,ISICgu aI,a&NSEuOC SUOTS\.S.trNOC TTV luautdola^sp r{llunuluoc lo aclrro :&cg-egns :g,trVq :r'IOEd :O.1 6EtZ-6Lt :o SgTZ-6/t (coe) zsglB operoloe 'Fe peol o6eluol, qtnos g! rgil 0 ilfiq t .. II lit o 'o 75 soulh lrontage road vall, colotrdo 81657 (303) 47$'2138 (303) 47$'2139 ottlc€ of communlty d€v€loPment December 4, 1989 Ms. Pam Hopkins snowdon & Hopkins, Architects 201 East Gore Creek DriveVail, colorado 8l-657 Re: ViIlage Center Exterior Alterations Dear Pam: We have reviewed the proposal for the above property.. Yg,t.state that the additions wif:. te 107 and 78 square feet. The totaf rs r-8; sguare feet. There will be a parking fee based upon these figurei. The requirement for a parking spice for retail space is $SIOOO for each space. One space is required per 300 square feet of additional retail. l-85 divided by 300 is .61-.93,000 x 61 = 91,850 This must be paid at building perrnit. tirne. It can also be paid_in five installments with interisL, and the first payrnent would be due before a building pernit is issued. Zoning concerns related to this project will include site coverage' In or6er to deternine site cov6rage, we must have an improvernent ,"r".y of tn" vifi;ge Center Buildings. yor are welcome to search our files in the council Chambers for this' If you have any concerns about this proposal , please feeL free to calI. 1ro "/,"|u +* L'e\ l^ )' S ipterely, /6r-q'Betsy \psolackPlannidg Technician ill(u o lhrr*ro-rj tg g ufr4-Y++ 4 tt, " ex 4 e /'t ct 1'--;,1,- h o. iltol4, !L4 st--- _-'----.- e2<-f r-Ct *e- c 3z / ,.u rtr o a- t tne-. z- -1- tf . .-l l> i t-;*J(-.a lbF o, . rE 1S 6f * I/0r71'1,-=ttr0 6 <'tl ' lQ'L'- - z- ]'{T'tr-{t."-+----"rc /ft /0 -^ Uo 0'.t. c-L lf't33,J -L1__4j-/ : __t.3 7,I GJ" o U, t(n &ril ,/i bu4, /) f. c-stzr "9oW )r i It' Ii,f-I a/ / -.i@'...-'-..---.-.+- / u-t z{ 1 0') 17,- ' 7*'f^ rts^ too / -& t /ze zt Jad ( W a<..- ,Gt x.3,ooo UD(7_ C,^siJ -- **3rooO A \'- /,'v r-o ul ) ot4a7+ )oXu q- WDCf (, . 'x/ a, f' 2..\ t^,t lv U U b Jz yeOj I r t-e*- Snowdon and Hopkins o Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado November 27, 1989 303 476-2201 81657 ilr. Peter Patten Town of vail Planning DePartment 75 So. Frontage Roadvail, co 8L657 RE: Village center Building Exterior Atteration in ccrl Dear Peter: please find enclosed four sets of information required for an exterior alteration in ccII. The applicant, Fred Hibberd, Jr., is requesting to enclose 107 square feet of an existing exterior deck to enlarge the existing charlier-s T-shirt shop and 7F square feet to enlarge the existini Bag and Pack Shop. the enclosures are located on the south side of the village Center Building as shown on sheet AL' This proposal is in conformance with the purposes of the CCII District and tire iroposat does comply with the vail Lionshead Urban Design Guide nlin Ly continuinS to-upgrade this cornroercial property. There is no loss of landscaping Ln this-area. The additional parking requirements shall'be consistent with the CCII guidelines and wilI be puichased by the applicant from the Town of vail' Loading ;;di;ailni3 witl L6 unchanged as is the existing parking on the site- This proposal is consistent with the Urban Design Consideration secti6n of tne vail Lionshead Design Consideration as follows: Height and Massing: This is a single story addition to a two stoiy building. it wirr not block any elzisting.views and wirr brin| the scaie down to a more comfortable and inviting level for a peison using this secondary entrance and exit. Roofs: The new 3-L/2 roof is consistent with the building's existing roof slope and rnaterial . A. B. Page 2 Mr. Peter Patten November 27, L989 C. Facades - Watls/structure: The walls will be made of the sarne cedar siding to match the existing walls. D. Facades - Transparency: An existing south window will be relocated in the new south wall aI} of charlie's T-Shirt shop in the same position. The Bag and Fack shop will relocate their existing window to face the entrance doors. E. Decks and Patios: This proposal partially encloses an existing entrance/exit deck that is oversized and ernpty. These additions will not disrupt the existing pedestrian walkway. F. Accent Elements: Not applicable. c. Landscape Elements: Not applicable. This proposal to enlarge two existing shops in a successful commercial devet6prnint wiII only enhance and preserve the essential qualities of Vail Village and the Viltage Center Building. Please accept this infornation to begin the review process. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call ne. Sincerely, SNOWDON AND HOPKINS, ARCHITECTS .l I fu,,4 4:Ppfu< Parnela W. Hopkins Partner Pv{H/slh Enc. Page 3 TO THE VILLAGE CENTER BUILDINGLIST OF ADJACENT PROPERTY crossroads:Manager: sonnenalp: Sitznark Lodge: core creek Plaza Building: BelI Tower Building Creekside Building: Mr. Tirnothy Monroe, President Rust Properties Managenent 500 Nontood Tower L14 !{est ?th StreetAustin, TX 787ot Karl Heinz Faessler sonnenalp ProPerties Box 700Vail, CO 81658 Bob Fitch L83 E. Gore creek DrivevaiL, co 81"657 Chuck Rosenquist Box 696 L93 E. Gore Creek Drivevail, co 8L658 clark Willingham 3Oo crescent Court - 7th Floor Dallas, TX 7520L-184L Chuck Rosenquist Box 696 193 E. Gore Creek Drivevail , co 81658 Peter Switzer 61-l- Illinois Bank Building 228 s. Main Street Rockton, IL 6L10L Xavier & Muchelic DeBoucard L5O E. 58th Street #3900 New York, NY L0155 Russell Gottenberg 91.87 E. Floyd Place Denver, CO 8023L ll,ilo* C'*'r'-' A'*to Fn:u' )1rs A,,,r Lo-+/on"- llt *- '><> 6 o' (to >1 Ft( s-'lMi, D 'fit rrJol tt -f* *orr.*ber 27, 1989 APPLICATION FORM FORD(TERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN.COI{MERCIAL CORE II (CCII}VAIL LIONSHEAD This procedure required for arteration of an existi.ng buirding whichadds or removes any encrosed floor area or outdoor pitio "t-i6piu""-ment of an existi-ng. bgilding shal-r be suljeci-to-.""iew by the pran-ning and Environmental Commi""iorr. The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. I. NA},IE OF APPLICA}IT Fred Hibberd, Jr. ADDRESS P.O. Box '7474, Jackson, WY 83001-PHONE307-7 33-7327 I. 2.APPLICAIIT'S REPRESENTATM Pam Hopkins/Snowdon & Hopkins Arch. 201 Gore Creek Drive, Vail, CO 81657 3B-476-220L - 3.NAME 0F OWNER (print type)F1ed Hibberd' Jr. SIGNATURE ADDRESS Box 7474, Jackson,wY 83001 PHONE307-733-7327 4. I.,OCATION OF PROPOSAI aoontis. village center Building, Vail, co 81658 NAI4E OF ADDRESS 5. FEE $100.00 ,,,.PAID i r,.i..i i ,. .. r: i :r.{ ),:r.1. i.,.1 .. TEGAL DESCRIPTIONPATT Of Tract C &Lot K, Block 5*E, Vail Villagen9, Town of Vail , Eagle county, I t ,/2.?t"/f, rmprovement survey of property showing property lines and.locationof building and any improverneits on the- faira. ' - 7 - A rist of the name of owner-_s o_f alr property adjacent to thesubject property and their MAILING adaresses.- II . Four (4) copies of a site plan containing the following information: A. The site pran sha11 be drawn on a sheet size of 24,,x 36,'at ascale of 1" = 2ot i a variation of the sheet or scare *.i ul "p-proved by the community Deveropmenr Depaxtment ii J""iIiilE, B' The date, north arrow, scale and name of the proposed development' shall be shown on the site plan; 6. \ CCI I..t c' The existing topographic character of the site,including existing:l""i;:i:i:: ::::Hl;" I*i:-;?:rir_i:l_liri-Ji"v De required roran expansion area where there i" i .r,.r,J"-.r"'i# ;:"r::T;:"::D' 3*":ff:::":"i"id,'ff;:"*r existine and proposed bu*dinss, E- The existing and proposed, landscaping patio additions or deletions. III. The applicant shall submit in-written and graphic form, a prepond,er-ance of evidence before ai""lgliq-di "iir_"o.,r.rrta1 conunissionthat the proposal is in Joitor*"rrce with ih. pu.poses of the ccrri i:::i::""lloll.i" !l;f *n:;*; ilFd".;l"il; cornp I i e s wi tri_.ir," va u A' rf the ang]-ic3g-is-propos*.:9-:^T?10r change to the va* Lionshead,3::tl"l"ir'llnllrt3",;i-;-i"' procedu'e" io. chanse .'"-,,otla i,, rv' The applicant must also submit. written and srapr-li.c supporting maier-ials rhar rhe_proposar sursrTli?.i;-li"iliiE'".yilr trrr- rorr-ori'r,eE::11"3::ii:"::""ra"iiti""J section or-ti.e-v"il Lionsheaa oesign 3. Ileight and MassingB. Roofs- C. I'acades _ Walls/StructureD. Facades _ TranspiG;;t. E. Decks and patio; - A. Accent ELementsG. Landscape Elements Many of the above iterns should,_be addressed in some.graphic neans;:iH" ";:1, :tr*:, :U:::::;;;-" G"iIiiIi! Ii ".o".. ( incl udine ne ish_ :_, : '|irr,'. iii ..,.:r r, .r...t :,,,,:i : ,:,,,.: .,.V. lhe Town of Vail Zoning Code for CCII also U."-:f:f"" other zonj_ng,Til:s that th. ";;ii.iri-ii=t ".tpo'a-[J-iil..ren or sraphic VI . epplications for. be received up tonoted in Section T:fftli,"iffi;:t'9l: or modiricati::" lT ccrr canL8.24.06s-A-s .nniflt" that date' the titne tiails sNowDoN & HoPKrNs ot,rr.r, 201 Gore Creek Drive vArL, coLoMDo 81657 LtrTTil @F TRANSnflITTAL TO the following items: E Samples tr Specifications (303) 476-220r *" // /a/ lfr lro! No AIAENTION "'' /////*ft k)'tr:t% %affiLz Utt wE ARE SENDING vou !no..hed tr Under separate cover via n Shop drawings X "oot of letter *(prints E Change order tr tr Plans coPtEs OATE NO.DESCRIPTION I I /t rrt lfl a2tw errw- I til4ll/4 hffi,tokftn/r/ II ,7l t Iffl Munr#toN I 4'l4il14 Mlryoauavr 4aru6q I tlut It4 4Hr,et*tl /e-t n*rt 4 P,Mttkfroll &.2 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: E For approval I For your use (ls requesteo tr Approved as submitted D Approved as noted D Returned for corrections tr Resubmit-copies for approval E Submit -copies for distribution n Retu rn -correc{ed prints E For review and comment n tr FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO \ SIGNED: Pmflcr2a02 l@|r',I't, ra. olarl ,, ancloanrat tl! aot aa ndad, hlndty ,',oathl nt at onc.. ,\m:$ s1$q\co-'€c6.1 v \= (- \tr. \AN I {J \ \ \\* il:l $l ql \Ulbl clf4r \\.) ,jl el =l3l 1 rd f,dc{ It{) ;{UJtA3F F I\ io:l i- tt':---_/r I -t- OF I.IATERIALS 'igl:, 'i,!lRiF?Ia',, ii!:tl'+llli8:;,*o The follorving Board before A. BUILDING information is required for submittal a final approval can be fiven: i'IATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL by the aPPl icant to the i)es'ign Review COLOR Roof Siding 0ther l,lall Materi al s Eecri: Soffi ts t^li ndows l,|indorv Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Fl ues Rails Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhous es 0ther B. LANDSCAPIIIG:of Des'i gner: Phone: Botanicai NamePLANT MTERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Ouani tY EXISTIIIG TREES 8E REI'IOVED for cohifers' ' (over) Size* *lndicate caliper for deciducious trees'Indicate height . PLA|{T IIATER,IALS:(con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO 8E REI'IOVED Eotanieal Name -- Comnon llame Quani tv Size Tvoe Souare Footaoe GROUi|D COVERS s00 c. TYPE OFtirl.|ta.?tnllI I1I1.t u'l I .t vtt TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSIOII CONTROL OTHER'LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swirnming pools, etc.) Please specify. o ,.il r;- 1 a APAITERATIONS OR offi PLICATION FORM FORI{oDISICATIONS IN.COMMERCIAL, CORE II (CCII)\4AIL LIONSHEAD APPLICAI{T'S REPRESENTATM pam Hopkins,/Snowdon a Hopkins Arch. 201 Gore Creek Drive, Vail, CO 81657 ,n, ,n,trt PHONE 303-476-220L r. This procedure requJ.red for alteration of an existing bullding whichadds or removes ?ny enctosed-iroor ii."-"r-ooiaoo, patio or replace_ment or ." ."1:!lns-buitdi"s "1-riii ;;-;dj";i-to review by rhe plan_ning and Environmentaf -C"rnni"=ror,. The applLcation will not be accepted wrt.il arl inforrnation ig submitted. 1; NA}18 OF APPLICAIVT FrCd Hibbcrd, Jr. TKTERTOR 2. NAME OF ADDF€SS 3.NMT OF OWNER SIGNATURE (Print or type)Fred Hibberd, Jr. ADDRESSJ.O. Box 7474, Jaekson, Wy ADDRESS Box 7474, Jackson, WY 83001 4. I.,OCATION OI' PROPOSAI .: . . ADDRESS. Village Center Buj.tding, Vai1, CO 81659 PHONE307-7 33-7327 IJEGAL DESCRIPTIONpaTI of Tract C & Lot K, Block 5-8, Vail Vi11a9ersEn9, Town of Vail, Eag e County, $1oo.oo ,.PAID t(.1L7. 6' rmprovement survey of property^ showing property lines and .rocationof building and airy imiioir"r.irt" on the land. 7. rI. Four A. A list of the name of owners of ar], property adjacent to theaubject property and their ttAILING aooresses. (4) copies of a site plan containing the following information: The site plan shall be drawn on a sheet- size of 24,, x 36, at ascare of r.'r = 20r; a variation of the sneet-"i-"Jir" may be ao_proved bv the community Deveropment oepaii;.;i fi'jusrified; - :l:ri";:',il3*noi"If,g,"i::t;r:# narne or the proposed deveropmenr B. PI,ANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMTSSION January 22, 1990 Minutes PresentJim Viele Diana Donovan Chuck Crist Kathy warren Jim Shearer Connie KnightDalton Williams StaffPeter PattenKristan Pritz Mike MollicaShelly Mello Anne Jansen The Planning and Environmental commission meeting began at approximately 3:10 p.n. following Site Visits which started at 1:3o p.m. The meeting was called to order by Jim Viele,chairperson. First on the agenda was the approval of the minutesof January 8, L990. Iten No. l-: Approval of minutes for Januarv 8, 1990 meeting. Motion for approval of minutes was rnade bv Diana Donovan and seconded by Kathv Warren. VoTE: 7-oinfavor. Item No. 2:A request for an exterior alteration in CommercialCore II in order to enclose two decks on the Villacre Center Buildinq on Btock 5E' Vail VillageFirst Filinq at 122 East l.teadow Drive.Applicant: Fred Hibberd This proposal was dLscussed during the site visits by Shelly MeI1o. The motion for consent approval was rnade bv Kathy Warren and seconded bv Chuck Crist. Diana Donovan asked that the wording of the reguest be changed from rrtwo decksrr to rra portion of the South facing entryrr in order to clarify that the enclosure was not of just a deck. AIso, Ann Loutham, the president of the condominium association, asked that something in writing be submitted from the owner of the condo being affected directly by this proposal and that approval be conditional upon receipt of a letter fron that owner. This request was agreed to by the cornnissioners. voTEr 7-oinfavor. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT:A request forII in order to Planning and Environmental Conmission Conmunity Development Department January 22, L990 ari exteri teration in enclose I. S. F-;".-1 "-f-T- The applicant is reguesting an exterior alteration in orderto build an addition of approxinately 185 sq.ft. to therear (south side) of Village center on East Meadow Drive. The alteration will involve the enlargement of Charlie's T-Shirt Shop by 107 sq.ft. and the Bag and Pack shop by 78sg.ft. (Please see enclosed site plan and elevations). II. ZONTNG CONSIDERATIONS Applicant: Fred Hibberda @/+io- -o ,',r l,\ "K \Y|^a THE PROPOSAL \-,/ III. The following summarizes the zoning statistics for this exterior alteration reguest: l-. Zone District: Commercial Core II 2. Lot Area: 37,369.5 sq.ft. 3. Site Coverag'e: no change 4. Parking: The proposed L85 sq.ft. of additional floor area will reguire 0.61- parking spaces. The applicant has agreed to contribute to the Town Parking Fund to rneet this reguirement. COMPLIANCE WITH THE PURPOSE SECTTON OF COMMERCIAL CORE II 18.26.01-0 Purpose: The Conmercial Core If district is intended to provide sites for a mixture of multiple dwellings, lodges, and comnercial establishments in a clustered, unifieddevelopnent. Conmercial Core II district in accordance with the Vail Lionshead Urban Design Guide PIan and Design Considerations is intended to ensure adeguate iaI Filing at East Meadow Drive. light, air, open space and other anenities appropriateto the pernitted types of building and uses and tornaintain the desirable gualities of the district byestablLshing appropriate site developnent standardE. 1.This proposal is in conpliance wl.th the purpose sectl.on ofthe Comrnercial core II Zone DLstrict. IV. COMPLIANCE WITH TIIE I'RBAII DESTGN GUIDE PIAI{ FOR I,IONSHEAD OR VAIL VILI,AGE. There are no sub-area concepts which relate directly to this area of the Village. V. COI.TPLIANCE WITH 1nTE I'RBAN DESIGN CONSTDERATTONS FOR LIONSHEAD ,ropo oes noail Village Desigm or below:Lionshead Designconsiderations tlrat are examined roof wiLl be consistent with the exlsting roof and material-s. es - Walls e walls will be of the samecture which are stucco and material wood. as the existing existing windows will be relocated in the new southI of Charlie's T-Shirt shop. Since this ls aondary entrance and does not face a heavy pedestriana, the degree of transparency is acceptable. Decks an9 Patios: The current deck to be partially enclosed is currently uged ae a secondary entrance and the enclosure will have no s5-gnificant impact. Accent Elernents: Not applicable. Lanilscape Elements: Not applicable. SeltfSfand Delivery: F. H. VI. This addition willthe existing Ievel STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS not have any significant impact onof loading and delivery. OuI -P-^/- oJr>sv<: The staff recommends approval of this reguest for an exterioralteration. We feel that the proposal complies with all the applicable Design Considerations of the Lionshead and Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plans. The staff reconmendation for approval includes the condition that the applicant contribute to the Town of Vail parking fund before a building permit is released for the proj ect. @rrqrulf qrw^/ Volo 'l- D ' Wu'dihov.5'.oafto( WT"e4 e'*-d-sgrr'r(t Cil.z^/*q?- ivr- Y"?d '^:ov""\i".-l &"-'-t..- Y dtlk4 E^,\- f^^.- U,tl"-1<- C-c-' J."Y W^^\aur\" fu \'' ^ pov-+1 cv1 "& .1:--' 1 F^ d)o' ov\fuW 61A- +-{"{' l) ltLa- 7 t i -,!! iu.!j$hfrq., ii;lqJ rlid*vl i' 'iJ{ li i ii;;$ii i, :r3$lil :' I '"hsf ilso'CIil o \ iEi $ @ :! _ls o z 5 $_ \( J { k-s L$$ + iliil !\'s i 4i : f; $tfF $d ',!I$tll $\ *:- \', E": $$$:il }r!-->is"tl $$' l.\*t* ,Jr- l-_ \\\\llil dr r$ $}$ * uNl (tr*-', ,r& DVe "rP o vvt Tvcs { i$i li$E o {Av1/\ CONDOMINIUM OWNERSHIP OF VAIL CORE CONDOMINIUMS ARTICLE I Recitals Section L.l PurPose. The Purpose of this Decla- ration is to submit cerE'ii-[iioperty and property interests, as hereafter described, to condominium ownership under the Condorninium Ownership Act of the State of CoLorado. Section 1.2 Plan. Exhibit A attached hereto Iocates and identifies ElFexisting buildings in Village Center located in Vail , Colorado. Declarant is the owner of that part of the building and surrounding property outlined on nxiribit A and known as Building "D" Village Center and described in Exhibit B attached hereto. Building "D" is a four story cornmercial and residentiaL facility. The two bottom fl6ors of Building "Dn are presently used for parking and the third ftoor consists of space being rented for commercial purposes. 'The Land and all portions of Build- ing "D" other than the air space on the fourth floor, as sh6wn on the Condominium Map, are the cornmercial real property and are hot granted or subnitted to condominium ownership under this DecLaration. The fourth floor of BuiLding "D" contains condo- miniurn suites. The air space between the lowest elevation point of the fourth floor of Building "D" and,the lowest llevation point of the ceiling of the fourth floor of Build- ing "D" anl enclosed by the eiterior walls of Building "Dr " as described in the Condominium Map, together with all improvements within such air sPace, constitute the condo- minium real property. The condominium real property consists 4/,'df +hVt4 /.d Oor,rdu> k4& 4H FRED H. HIBBERD, ,JR. (hereafter referred to as "Declarant"), as the owner of certain proPerty subject to this Declaration located in Eagle County, Colorado, hereby makes the foLlowing grants, submissions and declarations: lnr\bN WwWwaz D zavut:-. @ it" fung/r + fith wvt''"odf DECLARATIoN oF GRAt{rs, ' \-/ tlWlfllocovENANr3liiilSii?l!3'*l Hii*,",,*, - rf wlfl1o ESTABLISHING A PLAN FOR I I of the Units and General Common Elementsdefined) and is referred to hereafter asProperty." There are 15 separate Units, Condominium llap and designated on Exhibit (as the as c hereafter "Cond.ominiumshown on theattached hereto. ARTICLE II Definitions When used in this Declaration, the following termsshall have the following rneanings, unless the context other-wise reguires: Section 2.1 Building. ',Buildingn means Building"D" as shown on the Conil6i.li]iffi'Map, excluaing the air sp"6eand improvements therein submitted to condominiurn ownershipunder this Declaration. Section 2.2 lrojeqt. 'rProject" means all of theinterests in the real p6p@ and inprovements submitted tocondominium ownership under this Declaration. Section 2.3 Unit, "Unit" means an individual airspace unit, consisting 6F-enclosed rooms occupying part of afloor and bounded by the interior surfaces of the perineterwalls, floor, ceiling, windows and doors thereof as shownand nunbered on the Condominium Map to be filed for record,together \.rith all fixtures and improvements therein contained. Section 2.4 General Common Elements. "Generalcommon ELements" means @ as shown onthe Condominium I'Iap, including the following items andportions thereof, located within the air space submitted to condominium ownership under this Declaration (a) all struc-tural components, including but not limited to the columns,girders, beams, supports, halls, corridors, partition walls,division walls, chimneys, flues and heat ducts (but. exclud.-ing the exterior walls, floors and ceilings as shovrn on the Condominium Map); (b) storage spaces and all apparatus andinstallations existing for conrmon usei (d) such communityfaciliLies as may be provided for in this Declaration and(e) all other parts of the Condominium Property necessary orconvenient to its exist,ence, maintenance and safety wherenormally in common use; but excluding (i) the Units and (ii) those areas designated as Limited Cornmon Elements. Section 2.5 Elements."LimitedCommon E1emenLs" means those Corunon Elements which are Limited comnon -2- either Limited to and reserved for the exclusive use of an Ovrner or are limited and reserved for use by more than one but fewer than all of the Owners of the Condominium Units as designated, Iocated or shown on the Condominium Map by legendr slrmbol or word,. Section 2.6 Common Elements. ttConmon Elements" means the General commoi-H[6effi[-a1]. Limited common EIements. Sectlon 2.7 Condominium Unit. "Condominium Unit" means a Unit together wi$-5.iiGdfiftfffi interest in the Corunon Elements (expressed as a fraction of the entire ownershlp interest in the conmon Elements) as set forth in Exhibit C attached hereto. Section 2.8 Owner. 'Owner" means any person or entity, including the offil?ant, at any time owning a Con- domlnium Unit. The term "Owner" shall not refer to any mortgagee as herein defined, unless the mortgagee has ac- quirea-title pursuant to foreclosure, or any proceeding in lieu of foreclosure. Section 2.9 Mortgage. "Mortgagen means any mort- 9a9er deed or trust or GE?T6curity instrument by which itt or any part of a condominium Unit is encumbered. Section 2.10 First Mortgagee. "First Mortgagee" means the holder of any MoEA'age unaer which the interest of any owner is encumbered and which Mortgage has first and paiamount priority subject only to the lien of general or ad valorem taxes and assessments. Section 2.11 Association. "Associationt' means VaiI Core Condominium asffiE65frl-tnc., a Colorado non-profit corporation, its successors and assigns. Section 2.12 Board of Managers. "Board of Managers" or "Boardt' mea@ody- of the AsSo- ciation as provided in this Declaration, or the Association's Articles of Lncorporation and By1aws. Section 2.13 Condominium Map. "Condominium }lap" or "Map" means and incluGs Ena engineering- survey or sur- veys oi the Conclominium Property 1-ocating thereon the Build- ing, ttre floor plans and other drawings or diagrammaticplins, including without limitation, charts or schedules depicting aLl or part of the improvements and such other in?ormation as mai, be included thereon in the discretion ofinformatas may be included thereon in the discretiotl the Declarant. -3- Section 2.14 Condominium Declaration. rrCon- dominium Deciaration" orffiis Declara-tion together with any supplement or amendment hereto re-corded in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of EagleCounty, Colorado. Section 2.15 Common Expenses. ,"Common ExDenses" means and includes (a) effiiGs-FEffiinistration, oieration and management, repair or replacement of the General Common Elements of the Project, (b) expenses declared Common Ex- penses by the provisions of this Declaration or the Bylawsof the Association, (c) all sums lawfully asssessed againstthe Common Elements of the Project by the Board of llanagersof the Association, (d) expenses agreed upon as Common Expenses by the Association and (e) those expenses as areprovided in any Management Agreement. ARTICLE III Grant and Submission of Property Section 3.1 Grant and Submission. Declarant hereby grants and submiffioperty to thisDeclaration, subject to the reservations contained herein. Section 3.2 Dlvision into Condominium Units.- The Project is hereby dividconsisting of a fee simple interest in a Unit and an undi- vided fee sinple interest in the Common Elements in accor- dance with the respective undivided interest in Common ElemenLs appurtenant to each Unit as set forth in Exhibit C atLached hereto. Such undivided interests in the common Elements are hereby declared to be appurtenant to the respective Units. Section 3.3 Covenants Running vrith the Land. A11 provisions of this Decl ve- nants running with the land, or as equitable servitudesr as the case may be, and shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon Declarant, its successors and assigns and to all persons hereafter acquiring or olvning any interest in the Project or in any Condominium Unit, however such inter- est may be acquired. ARTICLE IV Sectionfor record in the Condominium Map 4.1 Description. The Mapoffice of the County Clerk shall be filed and Recorder of -4- Eagle County, Colorado, prior to conveyance of any Condonin- ium Unit and shall depict at least the foLlowing: the legal description of the land and a survey thereofi the locationof the Building on the land; the floor and elevation plans' the location of the Units within the Condominiurn Property, both horizontally and vertically; the thickness of the conmon walls between or separating the Unitsi the locationof any structural components or supporting elements of the Building. The Map shall contain a cert.ification that the liap substantially depicts the location and the horizontal and vertical measurements of the Building, the Units, theunit designations, the dimensions of the Units, and that such Map is prepared subseguent to the substantial comple-tion of the improvements. Each supplement or any amendment shall set forth a like certificate when appropriate. Section 4.2 Interpretation.. In interpreting the Map, the existing physiEEFutffi?iEEi6 of each separate unit as constructed shalt be conclusively presumed to be its boundaries. Section 4.3 Amendment. Declarant reserves the right to amend the MaprEm--ffi'e to time, to conform it to the actual locaLion of any of the constructed improvements and to establish, vacate lnd relocate outside the Building utility easementsr access road easements and parking areas. Declarant hereby grants@ce of each Condo- rninium Unit, a nonexclusive easement of ingress and egress to assure access from a public road to each Condoninium Unit; the nonexclusive right oi access to and from stairs, stair- vrays and other publlc portions of the Building anil to and fr'om the public- street adjacent to the land upon which the Building is constructed necessary for access to the Condo- rninium nroperty. However, the specific means of ingress and egress to Lhe Condominium Property sl'al1 be subject to "frutg" as the Declarant shalL from time to time deem neces- sary so long as a reasonable means of access is always maintained. Section 5,2 Easements for Support. Declarant hereby grants as appurtffiiurir Unit, an easemLnl of supporl- for the benefit of all the units and Coruron Etementl of the Project. This easement of support ARTTCLE V Easements Licenses Covenants and Reservations Section 5.1 Easements for Ingress:nd Egress. -5- shal1 burden the ground under the BuiLding and the Building and shall require maintenance by Declbrant of sufficient structural- facilities to adequately support the Condominium Units and Common Elements of the Project. Declarant further grants as appurtenant to each Condominium Unit an easementof support of roof cover for the Project, which shall require maintenance of roof cover to adequately protect the Condomin- j.um Property. The cost of maintaining adequate roof cover' and removing snow and ice from the roof, shall be borne by the Owners as a Common Expense in accordance with the per- centages set forth as Exhibit D attached hereto. Cornmon Elements or of any Unit encroaches upon any Propertyof the Declarant, or if any such encroachment shall occur hereafter as a result of settling or shifting of the Build- ing or for any other reason, a valid easement for the eniroachment ind for the maintenance of the same so long as the guilding exists. In the event the Building or any part of the Project shall be partially or totally destroyed as.a result of londemnation or eminent domain proceedings and is rebuilt, encroachments of parts of the common Elements upon any Unii or upon any portlon of the Limited Common Elernents, or upon any property owned by Declarant due to this rebuild- ing itratt 6e-perrnitled, and valid easements for such encroach- rneit and the maintenance thereof shal1 exist so long as the Building shall stand. The foregoing encroachments shall not be consirued to be encumbrances affecting the marketability of title to anY Condorninium Unit. Section 5.4 Covenant of Services. Declarant, fot himself una t i" success@nants so long as the condominium Property shall exist to arrange for the providing of heat, watei and sewer service to the Project,-and shall also maintain or provide for the naintenance of Itre wafXways (including snow removal) and the exterior of ihe nuildiirg (including exterior lighting). -Tl9 cost of pioviaing srich services and rnaintenance (incl-uding the-cost 6f maintenance of the heating plant) to the Project and the Buildingshallbechargedtoandbornebytheownersasaa;"il; i*pun". in accoidance with the percentages set. forth in rxhibit o. This covenant shall be deemed to run with the ii"a.r a benefit to the Project and a burden upon the Suiiai"g. ID the event of flilure of Declarant to provide for sucfr services (except for faiLure by the Ovrners to Pay Section 5.3 . Easements for Encroachments. If any portion of the common E n anY Unit or tf any Unit now encroaches upon any other Unit or upon any portion of the Common Elements, or- if any portion of the -6- such charge) the Owners may go upon the Building to operateor cause to be operated the machinery and distribution systems necessary to provide such services to the Project. Section 5.5 Reservation of Easements, Exceptions and Exclusions. oeclarEfrE'm-fssffitained in Article rrr, for himself , his suc- cessors and assigns, the following easements and rights ofuse: (a) a right to go upon and to make repairs in the Condominium Property at any time to protect, preserve or maintain the Building; (b) a right to use the utility lines and related equipment located in the Condoninium Propertyfor the operation and rnaintenance of utility services to theProject and the Building; (c) a negative or restrictive easement that no improvements or changes shall be made to the Condominium Property which may overload or endanger theBuilding or any part thereof; (d) a right to construct Lmprovements (including restaurant facilities) or alter them on any part of the Building without objection, restraint or hlndrance by any Condominium Unit owner or the Association by clai:n of an easement of light and air, covenant of quiet enjoyment, nuisance or otherwisei anit (e) the right and easement to install any additional utility 1ines, conduits, cables, pipes, wires and flues in or on the General Common Elements of the Project in order to service the Building. Section 5.5 Further Reservations. Declarantfurther reserves the ri@ time to time, by de<lication or otherwise, utility and other easements, fot purposes as set forth in Section 5.5, and other reserva- tions, exceptions and exclusions convenient or necessary for the use and operation of any other property of the Declar- ant. Declarant also reserves the right to manage the Comnon Elements for a period of one year after the recording hereof, or until all of the Units are sold and deeded Lo Owners, whichever occurs first. Such management right re- lates to maintenance onJ-y and does not relate to rental management. Section 5.7 ticenses of Enjoyment. Every member of the Association shalffi license (sub- ject to the matters described hereafter) to enjoy and use [.he swimning pool provided as a facility to the members of the Village-Center Condominium Association and the Associa- tion shalt puy 128 of the maintenance and repair cost of the swimming pool. This percentage pa)rment shall .be a Corunon Expense. Such license shall include the right to the nonexclusive use of the pool by Association membersr but -7- shall be subject to the right of the Association to suspendthe enjoyment rights of any member to the swinming pool for any period during which any assessment remains unpaid, andfor any period not to exceed 30 days for any infraction ofthe rules and regulations, adopted from time to time by theVillage Center Condominium Association regarding use of the swimming poo1. No amendrnent of this section shall be effec-tive without Declarantrs consent. ARTICLE VI Incidents of Condominium Ownership Section 5.1 Title. Title to a Conilominiurn Unit may be held or owned by-Eiifperson or entity and in any manner in which title to real property may be held or ownedin the State of Colorado. Section 6.2 Inseparabititv. Each Condominiumunit shall be inseparabl6-fri6'ifi-€hffndivided interest in andto the Common Elements appurtenant thereto and no such Unitshall be conveyed, leased, devised' mortgaged or otherwise transferred except as a complete Condominium Unit as definedin Section 2.7. Every gift, devise, bequest, transfer, encumbrance, conveyance or other disposition of a Condonin- ium Unit or any part thereof shall be presumed to be a giftt devLse, bequest, transfer, encunbrancer or conveyance respectively of the entire Condoninium Unit, together withall appurtenant rights created by law or by this Declaration. Section 5.3 No Partition. The Cornrnon Elements shall be owned in commoi-by-ffiTli6 owners of Condominium Units, and neither an Owner, group of owners nor the Asso- ciation shall bring any action for partiLion or division of the Common Elements. Similarly, no action shall be brought for partition of a Condominium Unit between or among the Owners thereof. Section 6.4 Ownersr Rights to Common Elements. Subject to the limitati r. any Owner shaLl have the nonexclusive right to use and enjoy the General Conrmon Elements and shall have the exclusive right to use and enjoy the Limited Common Elements desig- nated herein for exclusive use by such owner. Section 6.5 Separate Tax Assessments. Upon the recording of this oeclaffi the condo- ninium Map for record in Eagle County, Colorado, Declarant -8- shall deliver a written notice to the Assessor of Eag1e County, Colorado, as provided by law, which notice shall set forth the descriptions of the Condominium Units' so that thereafter all tlxes' assessments and other charges of the State or any political subdivision of any special. improve- ment district- or any other taxing agent or assessing author- ity shall be assessld against and collected on each Condo- niniurn Unit, each of which shall be carried on the tax records as a separate and distinct parcel for that Purpose. For the purpose of such assessment, valuation of the Common Elements sfrltt be apportioned among the Units in proportion to the fractional interest in the Corunon Elements aPPurte- nant to such Unlts. No forfeiture or sale of any Condomin- ium Unit for delinquent taxesr assessment or other govern- mental charge shall divest or in any way affect the title to any other Condominium Unit. Section 5.6 Access to Units for [q!q!e!eng-er- Reoair and Emerqencies. o- -f.---..-#-oabte rrgnc uo oeG-*cised by the Managing Agent, Board of Managers of the Association or their delegated representa- ttvei, to have access to each Unit from time to time during reasonable hours as may be necessary for the rnaintenancet iepair or replacement -of uny of the- Corunon Elements therein or accessibll therefrom. Such right of access shall be immediate for the making of emergency repairs therein in order to prevent damage to the Common Elements, another Unit or the nuilaing. The Association shall also have all the i-regoing righfs independent of any agency relationship' Oi*.6" t6 tir6 interioi of any part of the Unit resulting from the maintenance, repairl Lmergency repair or replace- rn"nt or any of the cornmon Elements or as a result of emer- gency repa-irs within another Unit shall be a Common Expense of all of the owners. If such damage is caused bY *.!egfl: gentortortiousactofanowner,membersofhisfamily'h1sigent, employee, invitee, licensee, or tenant, then such Oirner'shatt be responsible and liable for all such damage. eii-a*uged improvlments shall be restored to substantially It. "" ""condiiion in which they existed prior to the darn- .g".- ett maintenance, repairs lnd replacements.of the Common Elements, whether iocated inside or outside of Units (;;i;;" necessiial"a rv the negligence-' ntisuse or, tortious acts of a Unit owner iir which lase such exPense shall be ;;;;9;a to such uttit o"t"r), shall be the Common Expense of all of the Owners. Section 6.7 Association's-Right to Use,of Elements. The Associati6E6ErT-have a-nonexclusive frffi-rnake such use of the cornmon Elements as nay Common -9- necessary or appropriate to perform the duties and functions which it is obligated or permitted to perform pursuant tothls peclaration, including the right to construct and maintain in the General Common El-ements maintenance and storage facilitles for use by the Association. ARTICLE VII Unit , Vail Core Condominiums, Eagle County, Description of Condominium Units Section 7.1 Contracts Prior to Filinq Map. A contract for the sale o prior to the filing of the M-ap nay describe the Condominium Unit by the number shown on Exhibit C attached hereto followed by the words "Village Center Building rD, I Eagle County, Colorado." Section 7.2 DescrlPtion After I'laP is Filgl . Sub- sequent to the filing of the Map and recording of this DeClaration, every deed, lease, mortgage, trust deed, wilJ- or other instrument may legally describe a Condominiurn Unit by its Unit designation, followed by the words "Vail Core Condominiums" with further reference to the Map thereof fil-ed for record and the recorded Declaration. Every such descripLion shall be good and sufficient for all purposes to sell, convey, transfer, encumber or otherwise affect not only the Unit, but also the interest in the Common Elements appurtenant thereto. Said description shall be in the following form: Colorffir-as shown on the Condominium Map re- corded in Book of MaPs, No. r and subject to the DEtlaration for vaFc-dre Condo- miniuns recorded in Book - at Page -, Eagle County Records. 8.1 }techanics' tiens. Subsequent to the com- pletion of the @ribed on the MaP, no labor performed or materials furnished and incorporated in a bondoninium Unit with the consent or at the request of the Ovrner thereof, his agent, contractor or subcontractor, shall be the basis for filing a lien against the Condominium Unit of any other Owner not expressly consenting to- or requesting the s-ame, or against the conmon Elements. Each Owner shall ARTICLE VIII Termination of Mechanics' Lien Rights antl lqde4lrliqglien - 10- lndemnify and hold harnless each of the other Oryners fromand.against aII liability arising from the claim of any liencLainant against the Condominium Unit of any other Owner oragainst the Common Elements for construction performed orfor labor, materials, services, equipment, or other productsincorporated into the Ownerrs Condominium Unit at suChOwnerrs reguest or with his consent. The'provisions of thisArticle VIII shall not apply to any labor performed ormaterials furnished at the reguest of the Managing Agent orBoard of Managers of the Association. At the writ.ten re-quest of any Owner the Association sha1l enforce such indem-nity by collecting from the Owner of the Unit on which thelabor was performed or materials furnished the amountnecessary to discharge any such Lien, including all costslncidental thereto, and obtaining a discharge of the lien. Such collection shall be made by special assessment pursuantto Article XII. ARTICLE IX The Assoclation Section 9.1 The Association. The adninistrationof the Project shall be-?'6:frffiEd-E-TE'.is Declaration, theArticles of Incorporation and the Bylaws of the Vail Core Con- dominium Association, Inc., a Colorado nonprofit corporation. Section 9.2 Membership. An owner of a Condo- nlnium Unit shall automl-€iffi5ecome a member of theAssociation and shall remain a member for the period of hisownership. If title to a Condominium Unit is held by morethan one person, the menbership related to that CondominiumUnit shall be shared by all such persons in the same propor-tion of interests and by the same type of tenancy in whichthe title to the Condominium Unit is held. An Owner shall be entitled to one membership for each Condominium Unit owned by him. Each membership shall be appurtenant to the Condominiun Unit, and shall be transferred automatically by conveyance of the Condominium Unit. No person or entityother than an Owner may be a member of the Association, butthe rights of membership rnay be assigned to a Mortgagee asfurther security for a loan secured by a lien on a Con- dorninium Unit. Section 9.3 Voting Rights. The number of votes represented by each memFfJEi$TIiElT. be that undividedpercentage ownership in the Common Elements allotted to each Condominium Unit, as set forth in Exhibit C attached hereto. -11- section 9.4 Transfer. Except as otherwise ex-pressly stated herein, 5ill6fthe rights, interests andobligations of the Association set forth herein or reserved herein may not be transferred or assigned to any otherperson or entity. No such transfer or assignment shallrelieve the Association of any of the obligations set forthherein. Any such transfer or assignment shall not revoke or change any of the rights or obligations of any Owners as setforth herein. Section 9.5 Declarantrs Riqht to Elect Board.Untit all of the Condom til January 1, L977, whichever occurs first, or until Declarant waives this right, Declarant shall have the sole right to elect, designate and remove members of the Board of Managers.In addition, no amendment of this section shall be effective unless approved by Deelarant. ARTICLE X Maintenance Responsibility Section I0.1 By the Owner. The Ovlner shall have the obtigation to maintain and--feeP in good repair the interior surfaces of wallsr ceilings and floors (including the interior surfaces of those walls, ceilings and floors enclosing the Project, even if not part of the Condominium Property), carpeting, tile, walJ.paper, paint or other cov- erii-rg, internal inslallation repiii and rnaintenance of the Unit such as water, light, gasr power, sewerr tel€phone, garbage disposals, doors, windows and window Panes, Iamps and accessories, a1l apPurtenant Limited Common Elements, as well as all fixtures and appliances, whether the same are corunon Elements or not, located within such Ownerrs Unit. An Ov;ner shall not be responsible for repair occasioned by casualty as defined in Article XV unless such casualty is due to Lhe act or negligence of the owner, his guests, invitees or tenants. An Owner shall reimburse the Asso- ciation for any expenditure incurred for replacing or repairing of any common Element and facility damaged through fauft of an owner, his guests, invitees or tenants, and the Association shall be entitled to assess such Owner for such amounLs which shal1 be payable, collectible, and enforceable in the sane manner as assessments pursuant to Article XII. No owner shall aLter any common Element without the prior written consent of the Association. Section 10.2 By the Association. The Association shall maintain and keep @ a Common Expense, -L2- all the Condominium Property not required to be maintained and kept in good repair by an owner. Section 10.3 Maintenance by Declarant. In the event of the failure of EiiilOl^fiffifrEfrGEffiEion toproperly maintain or promptly repair the Condominium ProP-erty and such failure may affect the maintbnance or opera-tion of the Building, Declarant and his sucessors and as- signs reserves the right to do such maintenance or repair and charge the Association for such expense. ARTICLE XI Certain Rlqhts and obli Section 11.1 eomnon Elements. The Association, subject to the rights of-6fr8ffiS'T6spect to the interior of Lhe Units, shall be responsible for the exclusive manage- ment and control of the Common Elements and all- improvements thereon (including furnishings and equipment related there- to), and shaIl keep the same in good, clean, attractive and sanitary condition. fte Association sha1l be responsible for the maintenance and repair of the Conmon Elements' including utility lines, and other improvements"or material located w:-ttrin oi used in connection with the Common Ele- ments. The specifications of duties of the Association with respect to paiticular Common Elements shall not be construed to limit its duties with respect to other Cornmon Elements, as set forth in the first sentence of this secti-on. The cost of such managementr operation, maintenance and repair by the Association shall be borne as provided in Article XII. Section 11.2 lliscellaneous Serviceq' Subject to the provisions of Sectio@ may obtain antl iay for the services of any person or entity. to manage it.s af?airs' or any Part thereof, to Lhe extent it deems ia"i=ilf", as well-ai such other personnel *s !1,. Associa- tion shall deternine to be necessary or desirable for the proper operation of the Project-, whether such personnel are iurtti"nea or employed directly by the Association or by any f.r"or. or entiL! with whom or which it contracts' The isiociation may obtain and pay for legal ald accounting services neces-ary or desirable in connection with the operation of the Project or the enforcement of this Declara- tion. The cost of sich services shall be borne as provided in Article XII. ations of the Association -13- Section 11.3 Personal Property for Common Use. The Association may acqu fitof all of the Owners tangible and intangible personal prop-erty and rnay dispose of Lhe same by sale or otherwise, and abeneficial interest in each such property shall be deened tobe owned by the Owners in the same proportion as theirrespective interests in the Conmon Elements. Such interestsshall not be transferable except with the transfer of a Condominium Unit. The transfer of a Condominium Unit shalltransfer to the transferee ownership of the transferorrsbeneficial interest in such property vrithout any referencethereto. Each Owner may use such property in accordancewith the purpose for which it. is intended, without hinderingor encroaching upon the lawful rights of other O*ners. Thetransfer of title to a Condominium Unit under foreclosureshall entitle the purchaser to the interest in such personalproperty associated with the foreclosed Condominium Unit. Section 11.4 Rules and Requlations. The Associa-tion nay make reasonable@ governing the use of the Units and the Common Elements, which rules andregulations shall be consistent with the rights and duties established in this Declaration. Such rules and regulations nay include, without lfunitation: (I) the requirenent thatinterior window coverings including draperies, shades andthe interior surfaces of any window or door glass used in Units shall present a uniform appearance of type and color from the exlerior of the Building, and that the Associationshall have the right to inspect and approve all proposed draperies or shades or other interior vrindow coverings to assure compliance with such rule before installation thereofin any Unit, subject to the approval of the Architectural Committee as provided in Section 13.7; and (2') assignment and relocation from time to time of particular portions of sLorage areas within the Common Elements for exclusive use by owners of particular Condominium Units. The Association may suspend any Ownerts voting rights in the Association during any period or periods during which such owner failsto comply with such rules and regulations ' or with any other obligatiorrs of such Owner under this Declaration. The Association may al-so take judicial action against any Ownerto enforce compliance with such rules, regulations or other obligations or to obtain damages for noncompliance, all to the extent perrnitted bY law. Section 11.5 From time Lo time, but not less than annual'fyt rnailed by the Association to each Owner a the names and addresses of the members of agers and the I'lanaging Agent, if any. notice containingthe Board of }tan- - I4- ARTICLE XII Section 12.1 Obliqation. A11 Owners shall be obligated to pay the estTfr;ffiEs'essments imposed by the Board of Managers to meet the Common Expenses of mainte- nance, operation and management of the Condominium Property. The Boarcl may establish any reasonable system for collectionperiodically of common Expenses, in advance or arrears as deemed desiiable. Initially, assessments for the estitnated Cornmon Expenses on the annual basis shall be made by the Board and shall be payable in equal quarterly installmentsin advance on the first day of each quart6r. At.the end of each calendar year €he Board s-tratt determine actual expenses and either aEsess each owner or credit against the neit ensuing calendar month as the case may be. .Assessmentsmade shall be based upon the estimated cash requirements deemed to be such aggiegate sum as the Board shall from time to time deterrnine to-be-paid by atl of the Owners. Esti- mated expenses include the cost of maintenance and operation of the Common Elementsr expenses of management, taxes and special assessments, unless separately assessedr- insurance plemiums for insurance coverage as deemed desirable or nec- essary by the Board, landscapingl , care of groundsr cotnmon lightingl repairs and renovations, wages' conmon water and utitity-charles, legal and accounting fees, management fees, expensls ana-tiiUilities incurred by the Board or Managing aglnts under or by reason of this Declaration' paymer,rt-of aiy deficit remaining from a previous assessment period, the creation of a reasonable contingency or other reserve or surplus fund as well as other costs and expenses_relating- to the General common Expense. The omission or failure of the Board to fix the asscssments for any assessment period shall not be deemed a waiver, modification or release of the Owners from their obtigation to pay the same. The Board shall have the right but not the obligation to make pro rata refunds of any asiessments in excess of the actual expenses incurred prior to the end of the fiscal year. Secticr 12.2 lppPrtiPnments' The percentage of Common Expenses to be pard by tnft6i-ffominium Owners shall re eg""r to such owner-'s appurtenant interest in and to the Comm6n Elements as set forth in Exhibit C attached hereto. Declarant shall be considered to own only the.undivided in- terest in Common Elements based upon Condominium Units which have been completed but noL conveyed by Declarant' Assessments -1s- Section 12.3 Time for Payment of Assessments. Assessments shall be dueafter written notice of the anount thereof shall have been given to the respective Owner of a Condominium Unit. Each assessment shall bear interest at the rate of ten percent per annum from the date it becomes due and payable if notpaid within thirty days after such date. Failure of the Association to give timely notice of any assessment as provided herein shall not affect the liability of the Ownerof any Condominium Unit for such assessment, but t'he date when payment shall become due in such case shall be deferredto a date thirty days after such notice shall have beengiven. The Association may elect to have the annual assess- ments paid monthlY. Section 12.4 Special Assessments for Capital assessment year a special assessment, payable over such a period as the Association nay determine, for the purpose of deferring, in whole or in part, the cost of any construction or reconstruction, unexpected repair or replacemedt of the Project or any part thereof or for any o!!e! exPense or Pur-chale incurred or to be incurred as provided in this Dec- laration. This section shall not be construed as an in- dependent source of authority for the Association to incur exiense, but shall be construed to prescribe the matter of assessing for expenses authorized by other-sections hereof which stritt make- specific references to this Article. Any amounts assessed pursuant hereto shaLl be assessed to Owners in proportion to ttreir respective undivided interests ln the corunon-Elements. Notice of tlriting of the amount of such special assessments and the tirne for payrnent thereof shall bL given promptly to the Owners and no pa'ment shall be due Iesi than- thirty-days afLer such notice shall have been given. A specill aisessment shall bear interest at the rate 6f tet percent per annum from the date it becomes due and payable if not paid within thirty days after such date' Section 12.5 Assessment Lien. A11 sums assessed but unpaid for the share-ofTommon-ExPenses or. special as- iu"u*.itt" chargeable to any Condominium Unit shall consti- tute a lien on such unit superior to all other l-iens and encumbrances except (a) tax and special assessment liens on the Unit in favor of a taxing authority and (b) all sums unpaid on a Pirst l'lortgage of record, including a1l unpaid obiiqatory sums as may be provided by such encumbrance' To evid6nce Lhe lien as herein permitted, the Board of I'lanagers -16- may, but shall not be reguired to prepare a written noticesetting forth the amount of such unpaid indebtedness, theamount of accrued penalty thereon, the name of the Owner ofthe Condominiunr Unit and a description of the CondominiumUnit and record the same in the offl-ce of the Clerk and Re-corder of Eagle County, Colorado. Such lien for assessmentshall attach from the due date of the assessment. ?he lienmay be enforced by foreclosure of the defaulting Ownerrs Condominium Unit by the Association in the manner for fore-closing a Mortgage on real property upon recording of anotice for claim thereof. In the event of any such fore-closure, the Owner shall be liable for the amount of unpaidassessments, any penalties thereon, the costs and expensesof such proceedings, the costs and expenses for filing thenotice of the claim and lien and all reasonable attorneys I fees in connection therewith. The Association shal-l havethe power to bid on a Condominium Unit at foreclosure saleand to acguire and hold, lease, mortgage and convey thesame. Any Mortgagee holding a lien on a Condominium Unit may pay any unpaid assessment payable with respect to suchUnit and any and a1l costs and expenses with respect there-to, the lien on such Unj-t for the amounts paid with the samepriority as the lien of the Mortgage. By accepting a deedto a Unit, each owner shall thereby rrtaive and release any and all rights and claims said owner may have in and to. theUnit as a homestead exemption or any other exemption, said waiver and release to be appJ-icabJ.e only in action to fore- close the assessment lien. Section 12.5 Personal obligation. The amount of any assessment chargeabl@inium Unit shall be a personal and individual debt of the owner thereof. No Owner may exempt himself from tiability for the assessmentby abandonment or waiver of the use or enjoyment of any of the Common Elements. Suit to recover a money judgment for unpaid Common Expenses plus interest and expenses, including attorneysr fees, shal1 be maintainable without foreelosingor waiving the assessment lien provided herein. Section 12.7 llotice to Mortgagee. The Associa-tion shall report to any@ominium unit any unpairt assessments remaining unpaid for longer than ninety days after the same shall have become due if such Mortgaggefiist shall have furnished to the Association written noticeof the lntortgage. Section 12.8 Statement of Status of Assessment Payment. Upon pal'ment o -17- $25.00 and upon the written request of any Owner, I"lortgagee,prospective Mortgagee or prospective purchaser of a Condo- ninium Unit, the Association shall issue a written statementsetting forth the amount of the unpaid assessments, if any;with respect to such Condominium Unit. Unless such requestshall be complied with within twenty days, all unpaid assessments which became due prior to the date of makingsuch request shall be subordinate to the lien of a Mortgageewhich acquired its interest subsequent to requesting suchstatement. If the request is rnade by a prospective pur- chaser, both the lien for the unpaid assessment and the personal obligations of the purchaser shall be released automatically if the statement is not furnished within the twenty-day period provided herein and thereafter an addi-tional written request is made by such purchaser and is not compJ.ied with within ten days and the purchaser subsequentJ-y acquires the Condominium Unit. Section 12.9 Personal Liability of Purchaser for Assessments. Subject to purcTraser of a Condominium unit shall be.jointly and sever- al-ly liable with the seller for all unpaid assessments against the Condominiurn Unit up to the time of conveyance to purchaser, without prejudice to purchaser's right to recover irom the seller the anount paid by the purchaser for such assessments. ' Section 12.10 Assessment Reserves. Each Owner, other than Declarant, may@sit and main-tain with the Association an amount egual to uP to three times the amount of the estinated nonthly Conmon Assessments to be held without interest which sum shall be used by the Association or ltanaging Agent as a reserve for paying such Ownerts Monthly Common Assessment, for purchase of equip- ment, supplies and for working capital of the AssociaLion. Such advlnce pa)rment shall not relieve an owner from making the regular payment of the Common Assessment as the same becomei due.- lpon the sale of a Condominium Unit, an Ovner shaLl be entitl-ed to a credit fron his grantee for any unused portion thereof. ARTICTE XIII section 13.1 are herebY restricted Residential.to:.ffiEle-iffit The Condominium Units use and uses related to Restrictive Covenants and Obligations Use of Condomaniunt Units -18- the convenience and enjolzment of such residentiaL use. De- ,./ cLarant or its lessees shall have the right to use any Unit owned by Declarant for office purPoses. . Seetion L3.2 Sales Facilities of Declarant. Declarant, its agent, em Ue permitted to maintain during the period of sale of the Condominium Units in the Project upon such portion of the Condominj-um Property as Declarant may choose, such facili-ties as in the sole opinion of the Declarant may be rea- sonably required, convenient or incidental to the sale or rental of condominium units and interests. Declarant shall have the right to post signs within the Project relating to his sales or rental activitY. Section 13.3 No other Business. No business activity of any kind shaffi any Condorninium Unit or the Comnon Elements excePt as set forth in Sec- tlon 13.1. Section 13.4 Rights. of Assogialion Fo.9wl Unit.s and to use common Efernents. The Assoclatlon snatl nave cneion, to Purchase.and own anY coidominium unit for the purpose of maintaining an office for the Association for storage, recreationr or conference area or any other use which the Association determines is consistent with the operation of the Project. The Associa- tion may al_so maintain offices, storage areas-, conference areas and recreation areas elsewhere within the Common Elements. improper, ofiensive or um pe::mitted or rah" bf itre.Condominiun property or any part thereof. All valid lavsr'ordinances and regulatiOns of ali governmental bodies having jurisdiction over the Project shal1 be ob- regulations may be adoptEd-EfTIe eciard of luanagers con- ceining and goirerning the use of the General and Limited common Elements proviaing such rules and regulations shall be furnished to unit owners prior to the time they become effective and that such rules and regulations shall be uniform and nondiscriminatorY. served. Section 13.5 Rules and Regulations. Rules and Section 13.7 Additions, or Alterations to Con- dominiur,r Property and-Bgl !d149.afnxcept for thoseinstalled bY Declarant, no additions or alterations to the Common Elements or Limited Common ElemenLs shall be commenced, erected or maintained, without the prior written approval of the Board of Managers as to the conformity and harmony of the alteration or addi-tion with the design and location of the Project. (b) No decorations, additions or aLterations tothe Condominium Property which may be visible from theexterior of the Building shaIl be made without the prior writLen approval of the Declarant as to their conformity and harmony with the design of the Buitding. DecLarant shall have the right to go upon the Condominium Property and remove any such addition or alteration not approved by Declarant under this section. Section 13.8 Animals. The Association rnay byrules and regulations pr6ffiElFor limit the raising, breed-ing or keeping of animals in any Unit or on the Common Elements or any part thereof. The initial rule shall bethat no animals, serpents, IJ-vestock or poultry of any kind shatl be raised, bred or kept on the Project. ARTICLE XIV Insurance Section 14.1 Comprehensive General Liabllity and Property Damage Insuranc nce shall be purchased by the Board and shall be maintained in force at all times, the preniums thereon to be paid by the Association as a corunon ixpense. If Declarant pays the premiurn it shall be entiLled to reimbursement from the Association. The insurance shall be carried with reputable companies authorized to do busi- ness in Colorado in such amounts as the Board may determine. lhe policy or policies shall name as insured all of the owneis and the Association. Declarant shall be named as an additional insured on such policy or policies until such time as Declarant shall have conveyed all the Condominium Units in the Project. The policy or policies shall insure against loss arising from perils in both the Common Areas and ttre Units and shall also insure against any damage to the Building for which the owners or the Association may have liability. Any policy shall also include contractual liability coverage to Protect against such liabilities as may arise under the contractual exposures of the Associationor the Board of Managers. The Boarcl may determine iL to be -20- in the best interests of the Association to combine insur- ' ance coverage under this section with insurance coverage forthe Building as set forth in Section L4.2, SecLion 14.2 Fire and Hazard Insurance. (a) Fire and other hazard insurancesha1 y the Board and shall thereafter be maintained in force at all times,with the premiums thereon to be paid by the Association as a Common Expense. The Board and the Declarant (and any sub- sequent owner of the Building), shal1 combine insurance coverage under this section (and Declarant and his succes- sors and assigns hereby agree to combine such coverage),with an arrangement for proration of the premiums between the Association and the owner of the Building. The Associa-tion shall pay the percentage of the premium for such Lnsur- ance set forth on Exhibit D attached hereto. Policies shallprovide for a standard noncontributory mortgagee clause in iavor of each First Mortgagee whether or not named therein, and shall provide that the policy cannot be canceled byeither the insured or the insurance comPany until after ten daysf prior written notice to each Owner and each First lloitgagee. The policies shal1 also provide that interest of each-First I'lortglgee in the insurance shall not be invali- dated by any action or neglect of the Board, owners, the owner of the auilding, or their tenants or agents. Thepolicies shall further provide for waiver by the insurer of any policy provisions which would render the mortgagee cLause invalid by reason of failure of the Mortgagee to notify the insurer of any hazardous use or vacancy in any Unit or the Building and any requirement that the Mortgagee pay the prenium thereon. The policy or policies shall iniure against loss from perils therein covered to all of the improvements in the Project (except such as.may be separalely insured) and the Building. Such policy 9r p9l- icies stralt contain extended coverage, vandalism and mal-i-- cious rnischief endorsements. The improvenrents to be insured under this clause shall be continually insured to full re- placement value, and the po1-icy or policies shall- contain leplacement cost insurance. Ii ieasonably available, the poii"y or policies shall contain a stipulated amount clause, lr deierminable cash adjustment clause, or similar clause to permit a cash settlement coveriug specified value in the Lvent of destruction and a decision not to rebuild' The policy or poticies sha}l name as insured all of the Owners, ite eisociltion and the ovrner of the Building. The policy or policies shall also cover personal. property owned in .o*mon and shall further contain a waiver of subrogation rights by the carrier as to negligent Ownels or.the orvner of th; Buil-aing. The receipt and disbursement of insurance proceeds under this section shall be governed by Section L4,7 . - 2I- Section 14.3 No Individual Fire Insurance. Ex-cept as expressly provld shallseparately insure his Unit or any part thereof against lossby'fire or other casualty covered by the insurance carried under Section 14.2 above. Should any Owner violate thisprovisionr dtry diminution in insurance proceeds resulting . from the existence of such other insurance, and,/or failureto have the proceeds of such insurance payable pursuant tothe provisions of Section 14.2 shall be chargeable to the owner who acguired such other insurance, who shall be liabl-eto the Association to the extent of any such diminution and,/or loss of proceeds. Such liability may be enforced asa special assessment under Article XII. Section 14.4 Ownerts Personal Liability anl Prop-erty fnsurance. An Owner may carry such personal Iiabitityfisurffi-addition to that herein covered, as he maydesire. In additionr any irnprovements made by an owner to the real property within a Unit, as welL as the personal property of the owner, nay be separately insured by such Owner, such insurance to be limited to the type and natureof coverage often referred to as rrTenant's Improvements and Betterments." A11 such insurance separately carried shall- contain waivers of subrogation rights by the carriers as to negLigent Owners Section 14.5 Other Insurance. The Board may pur- chase and maintain in foiEffifr-ffiG'Expense' debris re- moval insurancer fidelity bonds, and other insurance or bonds that it deems necessary. The Board shall- purchase and maintain workmenrs compensation Insurance to the extent that the same shall be required by law respecting employees of the Association. Section 14.5 Attorney-In-Fact. The Board is hereby appointed the attffi all owners to negotiat! loss adjustment on the policy or policies carried under Sections 14.1, L4.2t 14.3 and 14.5 above. Section 14.? Insurance Agreement. United Bank of Denver, N.A. (hereafter ffistee") or such other banking institution as shall be narned by Decl-arant shall serve as Trustee for the Declarant, Owner or Owners and for all Mortgagees, as their inLerests may appear and as Trustee shall receive the proceeds of any insurance payments received on the poIicies obtained and maintained pursuant to this erticle. The Association, Declarant and the Trustee shall execute an Insurance Agreement which shall provide a -22- procedure satisfactory to the Board of Managers for receiptof l-nsurance funds and disbursement thereof for damage topart or all of the Project in accordance with the provisionsof Article XV of this Declaration. The originals of all insurance policies shall be mal-ntained and kept by the Trustee with certified copiesthereof to be kept by the Board of Managers and Declarant.A certificate of coverage of insurance shall be furnished bythe Board of Managers upon reguest to any Owner or Mortgageeof a Condominium Unit. ARTICIE XV Casualty Section 15.1 Association as Aqent and Attorney-In-Fact. A11 of the Ownp6i5'E-The Association as their true and lawful agent andattorney-in-fact in their name, place and stead for the pur- pose of dealing with the Project upon its damage or destruc-tion as hereinafter provided. Acceptance by any grantee ofa deed from the Decl-arant or from any owner shall constitute appointment of the Association as attorney-in-fact as hereinprovided. Section 15.2 General Authoritv of Association. As attorney-in-fact, the complete authorization, right and power to make, execute anddeliver any contract, deed, or other instrument with respectto the interest of a Condominium Unit owner which may be necessary or appropriat.e to exercise the powers hereingranted. Repair and construction of the improvements as used in this Article means restoring the Project, and if necessary, the Building to substantially the same conditionin which they existed prior to damage' \^tith each unit and the Common Elements having substantially the same vertical and horizontal boundaries as before. The proceeds of any insurance coLlected shall be made available by the Trustee to the Association and, if necessary' the Declarant (and its successors and assigns) for the purpose of repair or re- construction unless it is determined to not repair or re-build as hereafter provided. Section 15.3 Cost Estimate. As soon as practical af ter an event causing damegAa6;oF-destruction of , anypart of the Project or Building, the Association and Declar-ant shall obtain estimates which they deem reliable and -23- complete of the cost of repair or reconstruction of thatpart of the Project or Building damaged or destroyed. Section 15.4 Insurance Proceeds Sufficient toRepair. In the event th geare sufficient to cover the cost of repair or constructionafter a casualty pursuant to the estimate of costs obtainedby the Association and Declarant then such repair or recon-struction shall be promptly performed by the Association asattorney-in-fact, for the Owners pursuant to this Article andDeclaration. Section 15.5 fnsurance Proceeds fnsufficient toRepair. In the event eiefEy-nd the Building are partially damaged or totally destroyed and the insurance proceeds are insufficient torepair or reconstruct, the Condominium Property and theBuilding shall nonetheless be repaired or reconstructedas promptly as possible under the direction of the Boardof lt'lanagers and the Declarant. In the event of a casualtywhich damages only the Condorninium Property, the insuranceproceeds shall be available to the Association for repair.In the event of casualty which damages only the Building,the insurance proceeds shall be available to Declarant forrepair. All expense in excess of the insurance proceedgshall be apportioned as follows: (t) the expense of repairor reconstruct,ion of the structural components of theBuilding shall be shared egually between Declarant and theAssociation (Declarant shall not be requried to contributehis share unless the Association contributes its share ofsuch costs); (ii) other expenses relating to the Buildingshall be borne by Declaranti and (iii) afl expenses relatingto the Condominium Property shall be borne by the Association. The Associationrs share of the expenses under this paragraphshall be a common e):pense and charged as an assessment to each owner during the course of reconstruction or repair at the times deemed necessary or desirable by the Board. Any such assessment sha1l be an obligation of each Owner and a lien on such or.rnerts Condominium Unit shall be enforced and collected as a Common ExPense. Section 15.6 Reconstruction of Buil-dinq andProject. The Board andan agreement, and each party hereby agrees to enter intosuch agreement, which nay be part of any insurance trust agreement between the parties. in which Declarant shallagree to reconstruct the Buil-ding in the event of partialor total destruction of the Building and Lhe Board agrees -24- O to reconstruct the Project in the event of its partialor total destruction. The agreement shall further providefor use of the insurance funds attributable to damage ordestruction of the Project or Building by either partyin the event of the other shal1 fail or refuse to sat-isfactorily repair or reconstruct pursuant, to this Article. ARTICLE XVI Obsolescence Section 16.l- RenewaL and Reconstruction. The Owners representing an a of 75? or more nay agree that the Condominium Property is obsolete and adopt a plan for the renewal and reconstruction subjectto the restrictions of this Declaration which plan has the unanimous approval or consent of every Fit:st Mortgagee of a Condoninium Unit and the approval of the Owner of the Build-ing. If a plan for the renewal or reconstruction is adoptedtnotice of such plan shall be recordedr and the expense of renewal and reconstruction shalL be payable by alL of the Owners as Conmon Expenses; provided, however, that an Oltnernot a party to such a plan for renewal or reconstruction maygive written notice to the remaining Association within fif- teen days after the date of adoption of such plan that his Condominium Unit shall be purchased by the Association for the fair market value thereof. The Association shall then have thirty days within which to cancel such plan. If such plan is nol canceJ.ed, the Condominium Unit of the requesting owner shall be purchased according to the following proce- dures: If such Owner and the Association can agree on the fair market value thereofr then such sale shaLl be consum- mated within thirty days after such agreement. If the parties are unable to agree, the date when either party i.rotifies the other that he or it is unable to agree with the other shall be the "conmencement date" from which a1J- periods of tirne mentioned hereafter shall- be measured. Within ten days following the commencenent date, each party.shall noirinale in wiiting (and give notice of such nomination to the other party) an appraiser. If either party fails to make such a nomination, the appraiser nominated shal1,within five days after default by the other party, appoint and associate with him another appraiser. If the two des- ignated or selected appraisers are unable to agree, they shall appoint another appraiser to be umpire bet\'Ieen them,if they-Lan agree on such person. rf they are unable to agree upon suitr umpire, each appraiser previously appointed shall nominate two appraisers, and from the names of the -25- four appraisers so nominated one shal-L be drawn by tot by any judge of any court of record in Colorado, and the nameso drawn shall be such umpire. The nominations from whomthe umpire is to be drawn by lot shall be submitted withinten days of the failure of the two appraisers to agree,which, in any event, shall not be later than twenty daysfollowing the appointment of the second appraiser. Thedecision of the appraisers as to the fair market value, orin the case of their disagreement, then such decision of the umpire shall be final and binding and a judgment based uponthe decision rendered may be entered in any court havingjurisdiction thereof. The expenses and fees of such ap-praisers shall be borne equally by the Association and theOwner. The sale shall be consummated within fifteen daysthereafter, and the Association, as attorney-in-fact, shalldisburse such proceeds for the same purposes and in the sameorder as is provided in subparagraphs (i) through (v) ofSection L6.2. Section 16.2 Sale of Property. The Ovrnersrepresenting an aggregat@est of 758 or more may agree that the Condominium Property is obsolete and should be sold. In such instance, the Association shall.forthwith record a notice executed by the Associationrspresident and secretary or assistant secretary setting. forth such fact, and upon the recording of such notice the Con- dominium Property shall, subject to Article XVIII of this Declaration, be sold by the Associationr as attorney-in-factfor all of the Owners, free and clear of the provisions contained in this Declaration and other Condomini-um docu-ments. The sales proceeds shall be apportioned between the Owners on the basis of each O{nerts appurtenant interest in and to the Common Elements as specified in Exhibit C attached hereto, and the apportioned proceeds for owners shall bepaid into separate accounts, each account representing one Condominium Unit. Each account shall be in the name of the Association, and shall be further identified by the Condo- rninium Unit designation and the name of the owner. The Association, as attorney-in-fact, shall use and disburse thetotal amount of such separate account without contribution from one account to another as follows: (i) For palrment of taxes and special assessment liens in favor of any assessingentity and customary expenses of sale; (ii) For paYment of the balance ofthe lien of anY First Mortgage; -26- Section 17.1 Consequences of Condemnation. If at any time or times dur ndomin- ium ownership pursuant to this Declaration, all or any part of the nroje-t- shall be taken or condemned by a1Y Public authority 6r sold or otherwise disposed of in lieu of or in advance thereof, the provisions of this Article XVII sha1l aPply. Section L7.2 Proceeds. A11 compensation, damagest or oLher proceeds therefro "condemnation Award") ,shall be payable to the Association. Section 1?.3 CornPlgte Taking. In the event that the entire project or th6-#rrG-EfiIftiing is taken or con- demned, or soLl or otherwise disposed of in lieu of or in avoidance thereof, the condominium ownership under this Declaration shall terminate. The Condemnation Award, or in the event the entire Building is taken, the portion of the award attributable to the eroject, shall be apportioned among the owners in proportion to the respective_undividedinteiest in the Commbn E1ements, provided that if a standard different from the value of the Project as a whole is empLoyed to measure the conclemnation Award in the negotia- tib"r'judicial decree, or otherwise, then in determining such "fr.t"" the same standard shall be enployed to the extent it is relevant and applicable. on the basis of the principle set forth in this section, the Association shall-r as soon as practicable, determine the share of the condemnation Award to which each Owner is entiLteci. Such shares shall be paicl into separate accounts and disbursed as soon as practicable in the same manner providecl in Section 16.2 of this Declaration' (iii) For payment of unpaid common Ex- penses and alL costs, exPenses and fees incurred by the Association; (iv) For payment of junior liens and encumbrances in the order and to the ex- tent of their priority; and (v) The balance remaining, if anY, shaLl be paid to the Condominiun Unit owner. ARTICLE XVII Condemnation -27- Section 17.4 partial Bkf"g.. In the event thatless than the entire trojEtffi-or condemned, or soldor otherwise disposed of in rieu of or in avoidance thereof,the condominium ownership hereunder shall not terrninate.Each owner shall be entitled to a share of the condemnationAward at.tributable to the Project to be determined in thefollowing manner: (a) As soon as practicable the Associa-tion shall, reasonably and in good faith, allocate theCondemnation Award between compensation, damages, or otherproceeds, and shall apportion the amounts so allocated totaking of or injury to the Comnon Elements and shalL beapportioned among Owners in proportion to their respectiveundivided interests in the Common Elements, (b) the totalamount allocated. to severance damages shall be apportionedto those Condominium Units which trere not taken or con-demned, (c) the respective amounts aLLocated to the takingof or injury to a particular Unit andr/or improvements anOwner had nade within his own Unit shall be apportioned tothe particular Unit involved, and (d) the amount allocatedto consequential damages and any other takings or injuriesshall be apportioned as the Association determines to beequitable in the circumstances. If an allocation of theCondemnation Award is already established in negotiation,judicial decree, or otherwise, then in allocating the Con-demnation Award the Association shall employ such allocationto the extent it is relevant and applicable. Distributionof apportioned proceeds shall be made by checks payablejointly to the respective Owners and their respective llortgagees. Section 17.5 Reorganization. In the event apartial taking results inEE-Effif a complete unit, the Owner thereof automatically shall cease to be a member ofthe Association. Thereafter the Association shall reallo-cate the ownership, voting rights, and assessment ratio determined in accordance with this Declaration according tothe same principles employed in this Declaration at itsinception and shall submit such reallocation to the ownersof remaining Units for amendment of this Declaration asprovided in Article xlx. Section 17.6 Reconstruction and Repair. Anyreconstruction and repaiffitGruxation shallbe governed by the procedures specified in Article XV. Section 17.7 Determination of Amount of AwardAttributable to the Proi table to the project and that -28- ermount attributable to the Building, that determinationshall control subject to the right of either party to ap-peal. If the court makes no deterrnJ.nation, then the deter-mination shall be made by agreement between the Association and Declarant if possible. If the Association and the Declarant are unable to agree as to the determination, thematter shall be submitted to arbitration pursuant to Section r7. 8. Section 17.8 Arbitration. If Declarant and theAssociation shaLl be unaElffi-E@e as to the apportionmentof the Condemnation Award, the issue shatl be submitted toarbitration. Arbitration shall be by one arbitrator mutuallyselected, if possible; however, if the parties are unable to agree upon that arbitrator within fifteen days after thetaking, then arbitration shalI be by three arbitrators asfollows: (a) Selection. one arbitrator shall be selected by either p6lffin'tor the Association and written notice of that appointrnent shall be given to the otherparty. ?Jithin fifteen days after receipt of notice of appointment, the other party shall appoint one arbitrator and give written notice of appointment to the party first appointing an arbitrator. The two artibrators so appointedshall, within fifteen days after the appointment of the second arbitrator, appoint a third arbitrator, who shall serve as chairman of the board of arbitration. A hearingshall be conducted on the questions and controversies to be arbitrated as soon as practicable after the full board of arbitrators has been selected' upon written notice given by the chairman to both parties. At such hearing, both parties shall have the right to be present to be heard, and after the hearing, the boa-rd shall render its written decision on the arbitrated questions and controversies (b) Decision. The decision of the one arbitrator, if mutuaffifEcted, or the decision of a majority of the three arbitrators' shall be binding and .conclusive. All fees and expenses of arbitration (exclusive of attorneys' fees) shall be shared equally by the Declarant and the Association, (c) Failure to.Appoi.lt.. fn the. evenL either party, after receiptffitice of the appoint-- irent-of the first irbitrator by the other party, shall fail or refuse to appoint the second arbitrator or to give notice of such appointment within the period of fifteen days as -29- aforesaid, such appointment shall be made for the defaultingparty, on the application of the other party, by a judge ofthe District Court for Eagle County. Likewise, if the firsttwo arbitrators selected and appointed in accordance withthis section shall fail to agree upon and appoint said thirdarbitrator within fifteen days after the second arbitratorshall have been appointed by a partyr or by the judge asprovided, the third arbitrator shaLl be named and appointedby another judge of the same court having jurisdiction asstated above on the application of either party; provided, however, that if the seconit arbitrator be appointed by ajudge of such court, the appointment of the third arbitratorshall not be made by the same judge. (d) Qualifications. ALl arbitrators shaLl be free of any lnterffi-ii'-Efrffiestions in controversytshall be experienced in appraising real estate and condo- miniums in Eagle County, and shall not have any interest ineither the Association, or the Declarant or their respective businesses and ownership interests or the Project. ARTICLE )ffIII Right of First Refusal Section 18.1 Offer of Purehase. In the event that the Association shaffitl the Condominium Property pursuant to the provisions of Article XVI , or in the event all interested parties agree not to reconstruct the Condominium Property if destroyed, and the Association receives a bona fide offer for the purchase of the Condomin- iun Propertyr the Association shall- give prompt written notice to pbclarant, his successors or assigns, of suchoffer, the name and address of the proposed purchaser, the terms of the proposed transaction, and such rcther informa- tion as Declarant, his successors and assignsr tnaY reason- ably require. Declarant, his successors and assigns, shall the; have the right, to purchase the Condominium ProPerty.on the same terms and conditions as contained in the bona fide offer. This right shall extend and rule for the period of the lives of Declarant and his son Frederick H. Hibberd III or the survivor thereofr Plus twenty-one years. Section 18.2 Exer:cise of Right. Declarant' his successors and assigns, mssociation within thirty days of its intention to exercise the right to pur- chase-the condominium Property. 1f Declarant, his succes- sors or assigns, refuses to purehase the condominium Property, -30- then the Associationoffer. shall be free ARTTCI,E XIX to accept the bona fide Revocation or Amendment of Declaration Section 19.1 Revocation. This Declaration shall not be revoked unless allJEFd-dfrfrErs and all the holders of any recorded First llortgage covering or affecting any or allof the Condomlnium Units unanimously consent and agree to such revocation by instrument(s) duLy recorded. Section 19.2 Amendment. This Declaration shall not be amended, except affiFffise herein provided, unless the Owners representing an aggregate ownership interest of 75t or more of the Common Elements and all of the holders of any recorded First Mortgage covering or affecting any or all Condominium Units unanimously consent and agree to such amendnent by instrurnent(s) duly recorded. ARTICLE XX General Provisions Section 20.I Mailincr Address. Each Owner shatlregister his rnailing addre-ffiTEh-€F:fissociation, and all notices, demands and statements shaLl be sent by regular Uniteil states mail, postage prepaid, addressed in the name of the owner at such registered mailing address. The address of the Declarant is as follows Fred H. Hibberd' .Tr. 1127 P.ace street Denverr Colorado 80206 until such address is changed by notice of address change given to the Owners. Section 20.2 Compliance rvith Prqytg:gnq. Each Owner shall complY stric this Declaration, thl articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, ru1es, regulations, resolutions and contracts of the Association as th6 same may from time to time be in force and effect' Failure to comply with any of the same shall be grounds for an action to rlcover sums due for damages or injunctive relief or both, maintainable by the Board of Managers, or the Managing Agent, on behalf of the Ov/ners, or in a proper case, by an aggrieved Owner. -31- Section 20.3 Reference to Olrnership Interests. Wherever in this Declara o-ration or Bylaws of the Association reference is made to a speciflc percentage interest of owners, such reference shall be deemed to mean the total aggregate appurtenant interestsin and to the Common Elements as reflected in Exhibit C attached hereto and shall not be deemed to mean a percentage of Owners by number of individual personsr Partnerships,corporations or other entities. Section 20.4 Severabili!,y. If any of the pro- visions of this oeclaration or anlt paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase, word or section, or the appLication thereofin any circumstance is invalidated, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remainder of this Declara-tion, and the application of any such provision, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase, word or section in any other circumstances shall not be affected thereby. Sectlon 20.5 Terminology. Whenever used herein' unless the context sha1lEFifrlFprovide, the singular number shall include the plural, the plural the singular, and the use of any gender shall include all genders. Section 20.6 State Lal,t. The provisions of this Declaration shall be in ;E?i'iEfrn-and supplernental to thti Condominium Ownership Act of the State of Colorado and to all- other laws of the State of Colorado. Section 20.7 Period of Condominium Ownership-. The Condominium Ownershi d the condominiurn Map shall continue until this Declaration is revoked in the manner provided in Article XIX hereof or until terminated as provided in Article XV (casualty) r xvl (obsolescence) or xvrrr (condemnation) of this Declaration. Section 20.8 Declarantrs Rights Transferable. Any right or interest of ed or r"i"r.r6a may be transferred or assigned by Declarant either separately or wittr one or rnore of such rights or interesLst to any person or entitY. ARTICLE XXI Compliance t'lith Prior Restrictive covenants Section minium Property is 21.1 Restrictive Covenants. The Condo- subjeffitive covenants -32- recorded records. STATE OF COI'NTY OF t-, 'l t-1 arin Book I I tl at Page I l'\ of Eagle County EXECUTED this day of COLORADO ss. , L975. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this .3,.i day of . , .,/,_ , L97{t by Fred H. Hi btrerd - Jr. o.' / hand and official seal. gxpff gS: My Commtsslon explr.. ft'ly er, rorr . d. , i' t/,t ,.,s. ., Notary Pubrrc -33- m ez F-J J;i co -.1(Jr1 LEGAL DESCRTPTION A part of Tract C and of Lot K,Town of Vail, County of f,ag1e, Block 5-E, VAIL VILLACE, FIRST FfLING,State of, Colorado, described as: PARCEI, ONE: C9ryelcjnS at a point in said Tradt C from rrhence the Northhrest Cornerof Lot b, Block 5-B bears s 3?ols,5on I{ 79.44 feet; trrence--ii-ir'"e z,se "ff- 32.00 feet; thence S 89o17r04" W 117.00-feet; thince-S--ae;fiJOn" w115.00 feet to the true--point of beginning; ttrence S go57'3?'' E 14.68feeti thence s 71'53too" w 7.40 ree[ to-ltre southeast corner of saidr'ot x; thence continuing. q.zr's3r00'w 30{.50 feet along ltre ioutnerryIlne of said Lot X; thence N lgo07'00" w t0.72 feet co i poLni-on ttrearc of a 120 foot radius curve whose central angle is gf"3tiji' anawhose center bears N 71o3gt24n E itO.oo--i;"t; tfrence llortteriy I91.69T."! ll:lC lhe arc of said curve to'the iight, the fong ctoia'of whichis-N 2?c24'lO" E 171.95 feet to a point on tf,. arc of a 3?6.72 footrailius curve whose centrar angle ii ra;si;ze" .nd whose center bearsN 16045t35" \t 376.72 feet, which point is also on the. Northerly lineof saLcl lot Kr thence Noriheasteriy 97.5s re"t aiong-sria -i.iJitt"rr vline of Lot K anal the arc of saLd i,uive to the lefti tfre fong-;tora' of which is N 55o48r43n E 92.4r feet to i point of reverse curvatuleithence Northeasterry 7.01-feet ar,ong the arc of a 20 foot radius curveto.the-right whose ientraf angfe-is'ZO;d'l;ZS" and the fo"g-choia "fwhich ls N 68025112" E 6.97 fiet to a point of tangency; iire"""'I78'27'25r E 34.4I feet to a poLnt on tire arc of a eg.si fooi rioius9lfy9l hrhos e central angle ia 55011t42,, and ghose center lears-i1l'19'35" E 69.58 feet;-thence Easterly Zg.fZ feet ifo"f [r,a-ur" "fsaid_curve to the right, the long chori oi which i6 S 68057118" Et".t] teet to a point on the arc of a 1,15.77 foot ladlus curve whosecentral-angle ls lrt"00'55', and h'hose center bears N 53o12r30.5" EL4r.ll feet; thence soulheasterly 35.G6 feet along the arc of saidcurve to the left, the long chord of which is S 45047152' E 35.52feeti thence S 8.57,3?n E i2'.6g feet to the true poLnt of, beginning,containing 65.299.60 sguare feet or 1.4991 acres, inore or lesi. ITITH TIIE EIICEPTION OF PARCET TWO! Beginning at said true point of beglnning as descrLbed Ln parcel one,the point of beginning of saiil pariel Tv6; thence S 8057,37" East14.58 feett thence S 71053r00" west 311.90 feet; thence N 1go07.00"West 80.67 feeti thence N 71o53'00n East 31..93 ieet; thence N-lgoo7r00nWest 6.00 feet; thence N 71"53r00n East 26.d? feeti thence N lgoo7'00"lest !Q.QO feeti thenee N 7lo53t0O" East 61.00 feet; thence N 64o16'07'.East 22.?3 feet; thence N 78053t00!' East i1.30 feet; thenee N 1I.07,00"west 16.00 feeti thence N zgo53'00" Easi 49.10 feet; thence N g9o4g'04,East 35.58 feeti thence N 81002'23" East 68,66 feett thence S go57,37-East 70.30 feet to the point of beginning of said parcer Tero, conta.ining30262.30squarefeetor0.6947acres,rnoieor1ess. Resulting in a part of said parcel one containing 35037.30 square feet,ot 0.8043 acres, nore or leas. ]\JN 2q re15 gtrmlrr I'c' Appurtenant. lrDillvtdl€do.ner.hiPP.acentaga Intlre3t FaotoaOnlt (Corunon - Elenents ) Por Votlnq $JN2\\q1b lf,I'AI,,NF v IJF.r}'PHinLirNPctrodt{o! c: \r.\- <) (tl lfi;lHn Hta, . ..:lPUr'F ly :. :" l, !' :" :, P :" !, l, :'l.'I I 'lEFi ;" l\| \r a ro \t \t tt o P P 6 ro tt P P lo P.F; li ; ; ur'ts N 5 @ ao qt ur o ts r.'t t lgFE15()lor}o. too't. EET; F [:, :, i :' P P i :' :" i i I I i I lt[.;Hblb H E b H s s x s 3 a r 3 B * lB;E:lO tt l-'.F l'frE s lotidIHXIOr}OlC. t|l ler r N I L. rJ r. ,. P P ltFF:" ll i I i i I |' :' :- :' :' | ; ; [ 6"1,B ls s 5 B E s H 3 s B x : H s s lFsBl=tEID FOlP. 5 Pll rll rtl:"' Itt, tit El f, lE8 3olP' o |'rr lH Hf; $'(,t | 5OOO F l:" :, i P :' :" i P l' I i P P :' :' l"llc,ro lu a t { } ,D a tt { { 6! 6h F'. \t *l | llldo; lii A or I co ur G P i *l i @ to' I Hfl3I P'P'oI t5.DI tO tOI rrt| ..8 loOf,ll-lr'UlrP R lfl[e31. N !., !., lt "r, r, ^, *' ^, N P l":' HgRbli'eb!h;LblY ihii t l5;;6 lP qi dr <o co ( { P l, l, (o t' ot P " [H;g'lP r" rrlrt 5 . | :'' l<y€delo rt D IFfrTgI F.N{l .- a,L,r a ... l8E.Ey l: i i i i i :" : : .o i i ;- i ; tiFotb. l.o ro to tt tg to qt ro ro to tt !g to !€ rg lo P.5 !qo lco oo @ @ @ to co - - - @ @ oo @ - larEF."looolt15(DlO rttoot. 7) la \.q) o){FFr (a lxH:Fq $Ep 1=FgB F;.to ?" il N $ I3rS;' -'\ R.I )'\ ^SS'"' \ n:-)i\ Y qF Itr ic r1p[ [il uJo<t o Ett,z a F o- rR \Vl}E -a=t tllcqtqlolT{l a) EtoqNcl i) Ii:slr) lr&tltltltlql3ldtdl IJ*lg-lqoqr5q9'F1trvlal 3*l 61or.-1 r.flFHIHIHI(JtlI st'ltRll-J dz EdEP \., 'tfgE I I I I 'rJl Fl =l-l gl il =l =l z Skr rRNq 3sE HfiHZcaToH*jFRPHl\{r=:a5= RER E3HNr.ri0(so SH:aol r$ |1 .. UNiEt{ t-,Z }N{Xo xsBs:R3:C\t I\ ^. \Z;YF\RqF..BTSxSRH(EfiE* 8i*s €d:3 H:gFSanf-..xsdsF:EFN\-F\*E59u$<s 3 I ca,- NSSE *-alJ -oaea.a-t{-r|{a *e. FR EN .J -.F)E -t.|,Fa FR FlflJdF tH(f\€v F) -FI€(F? 11lc ts\Fl,f-ll-ata *F{?-LlHf|.\.F,|\/ fH trl A.tf rELIfPrFf fl-i{f*A} € rrcoR r|rtc INSURANCC Suit6 206 Colorado Cenle? 1777 Soulh Harri30n Slrgel D6nver, Colorado 80210 Phone: (300) 753-9990 l flco8 cofl?ataY Comrnitment for Tltle Insurance Your No. PURP0RTED STREET ADDRESS 122 EAST ;{Et30ll| DRIVE Sheet'l ot 4 Commitment No. 4854439 CLOS ER: TICOR TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, (a stock company), a California corporation, herein called the Company,for a valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue ils policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of lhe proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of lhe estate or interesl covered hereby in tho land described or referred to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges lherefor; all subiect to the provisions of Schedules A and B and the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. SCHEOULE A 1. Effective dale of this commitment is JUNE ,l3, 1985 AT 8:00 A.M. 2. The estate or interest in the larid described or referred to in this comrr'itment and covered herein is fee sinrole and title thereto is at the effective date hereof vested in: FRED HIBBERD, JR. F olicy or policies to be issue'J: (:r) ALTA Owner's Policy . Proposed Insured (b) ALTA Loan Policy Proposed Insured UNITED BANK OF DENVER, N.A. rAx Gnafl$tE AND SURVEY I{OI ORDAO CEFTIFICATE OF TAXES DUE SURVEY ADDITIONAL CHARGES Al"lOUl,lT PREMIUM $_ 800 ,000. 00 787.50 $ $ $ ! $ s2c,r ($031 O SCHEDULE A- (Contin "OCommitment No. 4854438 4. The land referred lo in this commitmenl is described as follows: A Part of Tract C and Lot K' Block 5-E' VaIl Vlll-age, Flrst Flling, Town of Vall,descrlbed as follows: Comnenclng at a point ln-sald Tract C from whence the Northweat corner of LoE b,Block 5-B bears South 37015r50" West 79.44 feer; rhence North 64042t56" west 32.00 feet; thence Souch 89017f04" West 117.00 feet; thence souch 86017 104" tr.Iest 115.00 feet to the True polnt of Beginnlng;thence SouEh 08057'37" East 14.68 feet; thence South 7Lo53t00t'wesc 7.40 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot K; thence continulng South 71053'OO" I'leat,304.50 feet al.ong the Southerly lineof said l.ot K; thence North 18007f00" West 80.67 feet; thence Notth 71053r00" Eaet 31.83 feet; thence North 18007r00" West 6.00 feet; thence North 71053r00r' East 26.67 feeE; thence North 18007r00" west 10.C0 feet; thence Norrh 71053'00" East 61.00 feer; thence North 64016r07t' East 22.73 feeti thence North 78053r00" East 31.30 feet; thence North LLooTtOot' WesE, 16.00 feet; thence North 78053t00" East, 49.10 feet; thence North 89o48t04" East 35.58 feet; thence North 81002r23" Eaat 68.66 feet; thence North 08o57t37" West 55.39 feet to a polnt on a curve; thence on a curve to che rightr whose radlus ls 145.77 feet, whose centralangle is L4o00t55" and whose chord beare North 43047t57" I^le;t, a dlstance of35.57 feet, an arc dLscance of 35.66 feet to a polnt on a curve; Lhence on a curve to the leff, whose radlus ls 69.!8 feet, whose centralangle ls 65011t 42'r, and whose chord bears North 68057t16r' west, an arc dletance of. 79.L1 teeEi thence South 78o27r25tt Wesc 34.41 feet to a point of tangent of a curve to theleft, whose radius ls 20.00 feet, whose central angle ls 2oo04t25r', and whosechord bears south 68025t12" Westl thence along Ehe above sal-d curve, 5.97 feet to a point of reverse curve; thence along the curve to the rlghtr whose radius L^s 376.72 feet, whose centralangle Ls 14051126", and whose chord bears South 65048143'' west, an arc dlstanceof 97.68 feet; thence along a curve to the left, whose radLus ls 120.00 feet, whoee centralangle ls 91"31t32", and whose chord bears South 27024fLo't WesE 181.95 feet, anarc distance of 191.69 feet; thence South 18o07r00'r Ea6t 10.05 feet to the True Polnt of Beglnnlng, EKCEPTINC the alr space wlthln the lower level parkLng area of Buildtng D,Village Center as depicted on Map of Second Supplement to the llap of Vlllage Center, and EXCEPTING t,ha! Part thereof described as VAIL CORE CONDOIIIINIWS in Condosrinlun Maprecorded July 1' 1975, tn Book 240 at page 616 and Declaraclon recorded July 1, 1975,ln Book 240 at page 615. County of Eagle, State of Colorado. '""=",:;::;:;""n'o The lollowing ar€ rsquir€ments to bs complied with: Paym€nt to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of th6 full consideration for tho estate or interest to beins u red . Proper instrum€nt(s) creating the €state or int€r€st to b€ insured must b€ execuled and duty filed for r€cord, to-wit: l. Deed of rrust from the purchaser(s) or Borrower(s) to the public Trustee,for the use of the proposed lender'to secure thd ioan. 2. Release !v tlrg Publi'c Trustee of the county of Eagle of the Deed of Trustfrom Fred Hibberd Jr., for the use of unit6d Bank-of Denver N.A., tosecure-$48O,000.00,^dated April 15, l9gl, recoiOed Nay-A, tSel, in--Book 322 at page 548. N0TE: Assignment of leases and Rents recorded August 12, 1gg2, in Book344 at Page 162. Form S 102 O ScHEDULEB-secton2 f Erceptlonr The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions for defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or othermatters, it any, created' first appearing in th€ public records or attaching subsequent to the efi€ctive dat€ hereof butprior to the dale lhe proposed insured acquires ol record lor valu€ the estate or interest or mortgage thereon coveredby this Commitment; and exceptions to the following unless the sam€ ar€ disposed of to tieiatistaction ot theCompany: l. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records.2. Easements, or claims of easemsnls, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortags in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correctsurvey and inspection of the premises would disclos€ and which are not shown by the public records.4. Any lien, or right to a lieri, for services, labor, or melerial heretotore or hereafler, furnished, imposed by taw andnot shown by the public records. 5. Taxes due and payable; and any tax, special assessments, charge or lien imposed forwater or sewer servrce, orfor any other special taxing district. Any and all unpaid taxes and assessments. 6. Restrictione, whlch do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, ascontalned ln lnstrument recorded August 10, 1962, ln Book L74 at page 179, 7.Eaaements for parklng, vehlcular and pedestrlan access to the parking areasLocaEed on subJect property and to the Buildlngs referred to as BuildtngsAr B and C, Vlllage C€nterr vested or to be vested ln the owners of Condqninlumunits 1n sald Bulldings A, B and c as provlded for by Declaratlon for villagecenter recorded ln Book 226 at page 362, li-r$t supplernent to Declar;tion folVillage center recorded ln Book 23L at page 3g11 and second supplenent toDeclaratlon for Village Center recorded ln Book 237 at page 23 itra f" Book 239at page 574. Easement and right of way for the right, privilege and authority toconstruct, operate and maintain electric transformer, together withright to enter upon said premises, as granted to Holy Cross ElectricAssociation, Inc., a cooperative corporation by Fred Hibberd, Jr.,in instrument recorded January 3, 1975, in Book 238 at Page 50,l,said easement and right of tvay being in, through, over, under and across the following described property: A portion of said Lot K, Block 5-E as more particularly describedin said instrument. 8. Form Sl'10 Cond and Stlpulatlons o Itlons 1 . Th6 term mortgsg€. whcn urod horcln, rhall includ€ docd of trult, tru.t de6d, or othor 3.culity inllrumcnl' 2. ll thc p.opo3€d Insurtd hrt or acguire! actuel knowledgo ol any dotecl. li€n. 6ncumbrancc, adv€.so claim or olh€r mattar aflecting tho oslato or interolt or morlgag€ lhoreon covered by this Commilm€nl othor then thos€ shown in Schedul€ B hcreof, and shall fail to dl3closo such knowl€dgc to thc Company in wrlting, thc Company shall be r€li8v.d trom llability tor eny los! or damag. toQultlng trom any ect of rsliencr hsreon to thc ext€nt th. Comprny is preiudic6d by lailurc to !o disclosa such knowlodgo. lf tho propo3€d Insured shall dlsclos€ such knowl€dga to the Compeny or if tho Comp8ny oth6rwi3. acquires actusl knowledge of any such d6fect. li€n, oncumbrancr. advorle claim or olh€r matlor, tho Company at it! option mey amend Schedule B of thi! Commitmonl accordingly, butsuch am.ndmcnt 3hatl not r€lieve the Company from liability prcviou3ly incurrod pur- suant to Par.g.agh 3 ot thcaa Condilion3 and Stipulalions. 3. Liability of tho Company und€r lhi3 Commilmcnt shall bo only to th€ namsd proposod Insur€d and such partio3 included under tho deflnition of Insured in the torm ol policy or policier committed for and only tor actusl lo33 incurtod in reliance hsroon in undortaking in good taith (al lo comply with tho reeuirement3 h6reof, or (b) to eliminals exc6plions shorvn in Schedulo B, o. (c) lo acquire ot creat€ the oltate or into.e3l ormortgage thoreon covored by this Commitm€nt. ln no ey€nl 3hall such liability sxco€d lhe amounl statod in Schedule A for thc policy or polici€s commilted tor and such liabilily is subioct to thc insuring provision!, the Conditions and Slipulation!, and th€ Exclu3ions trom Cov€tag€ of thr form of policy or polici€3 commitlod for in favor of th€ propos€d in3ur€d which ata horeby incotporated by reference and ar€ made a part ol this Commitmonl excopt as expre!sly modified h€rein. 4. Any action or actioni or rights ot action that tho ptoposad Insur€d mey hav€ or may bring agairut the Compeny arising out of tho statu! of thc titl6 to tho oslate or inler€lt or th. statu3 of the mortgagc theroon coveted by this Commitmanl mwl bc b83ed on and arr subiect lo lho provilion! of lhi! Commitment, This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of th€ proposed Insured and lhe amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereol by the Company, €ither at the lim6 of the issuance ol lhis Commitm€nt or by subs€quenl endorsemenl. This Commitment is preliminary to th€ issuance of such policy or policies of title insurancg and all liebility ard obligations hereunder shall cease and terminale one hundred eighty (180) days atler th€ €ft€ctiv€ date h€reof or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue, whichever f lrst occurs, provided that the failurs to issue such policy or polici€s is not th€ f ault ol lhe Company. Form Sl23 l-r lll )<xF gEs g ri* HlYef gs EEIE6i{act gg lgff-ffif*ruififfi ffi eg iiFr;Fggi;;ifrflfiiil;ii;;"cce:s *.e. gi i;i;liiifiiiiiiiiiiiiitriii*i ffi= x fifrg Fgr.3!ra .- I39t: d.o i, ii'llii, ii, iiii i, tiiiffiiffii{fii iiii;ig in ;si;[;im ;fr i;;liFrr * ,i il nini;iiri ru6 rg!$i$5 5 il"r'irirrrii; i$ri;:Fli ltir*itu eg rliill fi Ei ," nq6n., ; ii irfii;is ii liitii n fi;iiffislfniif ;ii;iii; ;llfli iF ili EFriiii ii iifii* F riiiiiflli;i1lii 'ff;rii i iiifrr ir Iiifis s i*lgi;il*iitiii ri;iilts [ -' '! sss|} is* z s B Be,:l o rlo o P tst .r < ,'O .t Olt tsOF F rt tttF4raF.r rt! o ! ! a,FOOOIi tt:r F o no F FE O O t t O tsOqo n 6 r| u 4 ! o trr o60ilF Fo|rH oF oF F o FtOaF.r . Z ,ar n' D. . lF.FA.o.rFour ,b Fo, a o! 5 tnagnt"9l. l"rg gt e,, L &*;.ggo"7- lgel -. F' . ro' a o O O.tllir atn |J ln tlt .J nnt 5I c t' lri . F ,t 4, , O UD sttolh < ! tt uO O O o O?99i1 '18 FXn Bn f;, r FnLiDEnhl.r Fot Drn at t Ix .rf ' 5<l tm n9 rt oFuf o.tO FIO FO rtO ,t- , On;grai'!'" ,sBg o3 :lr I aF.r lrl tq }| |< atFir Oontt rr.r n O ) O }|F rf f rlil Fsfl ll an I f,Eri$rEll rF; E€ F g io [elESlF Frc iE r ! 8s *Felsls- .'tP ,iE f n sniirFllr Bf; ?[ i i :Fsi;:ElE EFI iE i a Fi EogQSlE ,I'F g3 I, E 'gE?i-dgl. "gl .; r F 9i E,!llil9 ls' I a r lt;[e[irr lit s I s :tE;rlir [F s" ' 3 "n"tit"; -F " E i o; -!tt' I lJl O t! ! t! tl'- Fh ll I JP 'tt o ooottn !,o !r ilolrr<. r-o |t 6rnF rrx rrlo ooilrr. tn oU|- d , rt r.,| at F OrF E n r<6,ti |\r lN tDN 'l N5tr. Ct, !n. O '!i{e:' [3:" ' of' ;-or r, I o Urfir*c lis iE lr r63Fi'*t" gn oo g noolH hlt t oF Fts'"EFl 8"5 33 g3 I! r '| n tsu r tt Fr! Hli all tttD n I o to_rt irr OFi tlF Q! E 6 |! a rio t I Fri 6O I q o !5dArr ,E Ir lr IlIeeH BEH si'{E6|F.lt lt! o4a x !F5n8R* f f - 8" g< atsl E i<t tF xFFN I O ll Pt!oidE qqt ',!o F6 r rJ F! l,I8AXB n8 'a tF. . E r t r t.lo Ob 9. Oti ttt a .r or i "EPg:" tis sF f.r.}o. O t OF oioP r., ;iq hF .r.r lrn. U o;t. d n tt rto .t vr Flt ito F3tPt. l! , P "E&E- ,Lt i6 t;'.4 i aD 'd O €rEort a tpri ra t. c rl tEO. O 5.? O O o; * '8|' I t U' r I co oP'F 1- €x F|tF<rta!lra?rO EnirF l?6[s;ig gng;f ll;:AEl ilFi ll FiIii. in;[e ![i Et;;r. *;i:E;:, ," iliir Iirir:Fr' if[*$lii' lili" i{FIF[: : 'lti: i;'rEisnr Fpr'isi;r l5[[e iliitil g rIi[ :Esr,;c3E,,f:isilt 15[[F ii;i[$E E iIil i+e ;t5iit ' Flfiiics tli;; lilisr i t $lsi ti' !i;;nE l;t;i;ii ii;i$ [irlrgi f Ei[g il;+ EilliF i$iFtil: lt;l; ltrllgi e lsti sl ;tll;i iiinrnii lf,iiF illi;;i i ;;ll ri liiiil ili;iile irrr; Iiiiill ' liil l;ilIl;i lifF ri*r e; i rn Ftrs ei E iFrr i;i,ri:i ;?+ltlg ritii ;fliEil i;Ii li ;f, - tFil eli;i [[ ; ;'[[; F; iE IF$ r; li i i 'H '. t $, . , i'.tlii, tifii;, iiiiij, #ilii, ii, i;i, Iii; ;si i'lli3' Itii:'I;;i;rr f,r:{l , li ill# iilliis iiiiis liiiiiif iir iiir iii[A rF$' :[[, ii iiii riiilii iiiiiF iiiiliif iii trii iii Ei ;;fE fHli iiiigf iii;iii; $ii ii|l iig[f, giI; !piili ;iifil F;***r*, r$s sEni r;r;r ;tii ;lrist iiin! iil{rtf ugi r5i; FE$ ;iliill" iiffii, iiiiiir= ri, $li, iEi, tr[frsirreF IlElist p;;g;li= lIr si. ss.. erlrgilSls ti*l$i, 'il$trn" ,H, iri;irE fiHr:rg lfliiii iifi iiF iiiE fi ;;iilil iitiiil FiirilE iiF iii iil; iiIf;i;i: ;iiI;a* lElilf,; *; iiP rF-tE $a eii;rii iiFEtii i:$iiig gi iii siii fr ;itl;ts rr;iisl fiili;gF ir iti ii;i j ;5sFs'; F;tifl: i;;, slr ,rryir [fi;ltif gf fEI iiEF F ; l*"i; ;';i;s l;ilfif ii ;r' FIn' ; o 9FT6'q ?7O|-'oo&F fl Eilp H ;isB 7,t gn, I 5'3bgb ii5il $ E:rFo FII llq aR *,' e, H lert n{,*6,E Eo eiF slHfr. ir!'t F '. SotBp 'Flc'toDr F€,t a,8o95B,o IPsto rtn,o 3r]3oEtt.tFlls $tlf g F;P[,slFir FfPsi ;Ft riPO O t f,;fl*;on& ri rfiplJ .r: ?l' [' .81,;.8 rll t lli. !'tl,'.9El 2gr ; x iffii";f iliff$ gg rXri;$;'i lfiiif !' tfliipr Eil-i: i gffiit iirili Itsrt o iEn:o .? rcf$ fffl? ot5 r $rfft g r!: $ ; gli F ; i*:- e s?5Ni F;[I r lir1^ i- t€fl\' ?- o nFft !i rifI H i:Fti, I F,c <atrn oES g.!OE [?ei ,..: .,.. i l.: 9ntr' d o , t F ot 3-rnnl}tIF {l- IBrrIrI. -rtD5lf* lu tuSdr .tr|. !rrqdrl-t et..r.l-, r- trt a- t f-a..H-Ft - r-t tn r- E c t-E tGr.[, 8., ..qEtr -t-l-,rE tEa.arl- *r- r. ar-d i3lr, 6tdr d - tta Er d31!.1 b st* b -G.r {r l- <ra t *rfrr, rln b rb E ..qL. !tr:. d Olt*. -.r||. r llj-t. r ||-* ol L! & Ilt f"t. frll rfllt, "lrti tU.lt. rE.a l|ll,*| oa t|l.. ttri ct cbtr-, r-Gtt- r., c-t.t. tarr tr trt c. I-l t-a. h - - r-q-.f t{ } r.- }a br r rf 5. f t rt.{ b,t-r r ..I r:. r. r I.o t-,.r-. . a: rt. oa. r ut.o t-.,th- a !l- rr. or. I ut.o t -ftb r a--tt. tF M-- t(*rtbD r tr: 3t. c r tu,I !*tr:b- a ,t- m. G t I.tl hto-. Ft- - t- r|! at r l:0.6 tEa trafr qri - crErf q'a |.lt- tt. a?. d -. G l-rt I tlo ta. ta. I UO.@ trtr bE&!t t?.'aa^L'*.lq i- !.o ot -.L qrrf, lr b rl*. C It eHol -ld tr r f lO. C. I tt.tt a* rr tb Fb! .ia D{l-ft ot - elrf.boa ..1, rltlH.tt. I Fbt q tb .sG d I L-OO toot dfr s!'. GraErr qr. i. 3l- r. aa. d r&- atr DG. t lf [. lf t L6 trrtrtb ro*l-.tclt to.2t l-t rlq tb tr! oa rll oqrr b b .l{E'. bfq d of !il6 b a ?r- O?. tt. r ta.af L.t^t . Fht a tb a! ot .2J.3o h._rd.tr 68r. tu -Ed qf. f. ft- O. !o- d fr- ct rb-r. r {a- tl. ft. f 2t.5 tertr ba, rEtb..trft fa.tf l..t dq Uu.. o-U @r. r. Ut fdt. tf. fq .H ot vltd lr a Tr- tUr, !tt alt.ll l-tr t.b f at- alr :'!. t ?f.at Lit t . Ftlt a t!...ro oa r ta.Olc-rdtr cri -- cE f qb b ll'!|. I. d -- ae hrtI lO- lt. tt'r ta.O h, b, Ertr.rEl" t.!a^t-r.-tq t EG d -!. Gn r! lc t f.ft. tb t-t.t .tt d -ld-L t I- ljl. .o. I l?.1? trtrtb I ta- la. tt. l at.oo ttrrrr tt --., I t- at. t!. r ia:I.@ t-r b UtafrtlC ot rta rlilot -t o-trltr., tb rfGt-ot-rt b td- a.oo!--t t d rta A -ta etrltr. trL slt Foa<t to b. d cft| tcr!|.lr d./a sll|nt oa tb rf.ot-L tr|ralcr f.ct.l &JEt tD tbtE.ntlr ol dr rlglt{l{t'. ia rbi .tcl.ld rl{lt-ot--tf b !||td toablb b E d-ff.. -.tcral- ot..t itt tl- -ld L l,qt a lrtb r.-t 6rt !. dLl*d -ria obftt tr:rlb. rfu ta tb r.t-.!tfUt'od t- |!rt-, lb -.--l--{ ontr bt b l| tli r o( tb &'rr -G|t.a lraa d ttrttb -li ld.r| haa ra ol-r d 'sdrs -f ftr ot lirt'-atG 6arEt.|t-l|t tb- bL t L 6l,trtE! - ^t-q d rE . tb *rrF.r br. xr hb h.d d jxr trlr aa9n, o,r&.tuU- . rtL!E_. (tlrl.'l (-r&, t lcr I tllt It d,t.l- .'A.r '?t GflH-oltl.cl.lrl. firh SriTE OF COtOR.mtfiLE OOUi\i'Y I l*$t c"r$t fi rA h'rr--ltc FC.{d rr ,r1 .{t . i|r tlinter: sleigh rides to and fron the brewery (up to 8o people per evening could be transported this way). ften No. 6: A Work Session on Air oualitv. Susan Scanlan presented the memo to the connission. It iE dated Decenber 1lth becauee it had been tabled to later neeting dates. Susan discussed with the conmission that the biggest contributors to the Air Quality problen were uoodburning fireplaces and road sanding, both occurring noetly in the sinter season. It was suggesf.ed that the uriaing of-Ordinances be done to correct the pr5Utern of enforcenent on-woodburning versus gas log fireplaces. ]irn Viete suggested that before Ordlnancea were written, Dore testing was needed to pinpoint nore accurately the Percentage.contri6ution of woodbulniirg and road sanding to the overall alrquality picture. This could possibly be acconplished through the Ctrenlclt-rnass balancing technigue of analyzing filter samples. - _The costs of this proctss need to be further investigated as well as the degree of aicuracy and the significance of the resultg. other altirnatives sultetested involved an extensive sweepingr/vacuuming progran for the Town of Vail and Colorado Depaltn;ht of Highwly ioads. The pararoeters of this type of progran need to be discussed with CDOH and Stan Berr)man. Overall, the PEC menbers felt that rnore infornation was needed before any further recommendations could be nade by the conmissLoir on changes to existing regulations or new regulallons.It was reconnended that this issue be investigated further before PEC coutd give policy reconmendation to the Town council' ft was decided that Susan would prePare a report for the PEC outlining reconmendations for aii quality concerning resuspetlgegparticulites and also information on additional air testing -(C}|e)irittr specific cost figrures. The report wilt also document what other Lonnunities are doing for air guality. Steve Arnold from the health departnent may ilso be invitea to dlscuss the question of whether or-not the town has adequate infornation to inplement air quality inprovement measures. The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.n. YA!{N! ! ! -n -i-q;rr ' rr'!4riff'.ff. -E-ll"r1f .t" a Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: ",o"r b(--. , rlinn , zone C'( ;q Design Revlew Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL I vu^i- 1-4 ' [ 't tt, nz.t/"nrAV\\x\\,5 I Summary: E statt Approval O z-r3-so TO: Vail Core Condo. Assoc. ancl Town of VaiIc/o Ann LouthanP.O. Box 2060Vail, CO 81658 FROM: Tom BarnesPresidentColbnial Real-ty Corp. owner unit 9 village center Bldg D I have reviewed the plans subrnitted by Fred Hibbardto enclose two decks directly below my unit. This Letter is to indicate my acceptance of the plansprepared by Snowdon and Hopkins dated 11-15-89. Very trul-y yours,4*d/* ThomaE O. Barnes TOB/91 AFPTlCATION DATE: DATE 0F DRB r,rEsTlr{G, 1 ,.il/€&lt 1430- r, .' oRg APpLlcATloN . . BE ACCEPTE,D UIITIL ALL INFORI.IATION IS SUSIIITTTOTIIiT*il*TTHIS APPilCATtoN t{tLL NoT t . PRE-APPLTCATIOI{ I,IEETING I A. PROJTCT A prc-appllcatlon meetlng wlth-a plannlng staff member ls strongly suggested'to derermtne if rny looiii6irr inrorinaiton is-tiiecei. Ho aipticrtio-n rrtii be.lcceoted unless 1 ts comptet;'t;;;i i'r;it;;'iii lleiii'iliri'co [!'tire-ion!3s aqmlltltra'tor). it'ii-u'ri iipiil5niii iiii6^ii6iiiiy-to miie-ao dppointr"Ent wtin ttri $tafr t0-flnd oit'iudiji illiii6nit-sutmiitit-requirements, Pleiie n0te that a COHPLETE.lPPllcr.. iion-wiii iireJrniine ini ripiovii'lroieis-ii,r voui proJeg.t by decreastng the numbsr di-ioiiiiiro,ii-i?'ippriuit-it,ai'ine'ona i,av it,t"puiatb. -ALL cbndltlons of approval must be resolved before r bulldlng permlt {s lssued. 5C 4 OE RI PT I0N r 8,!0CATION 0F PROPOSAL I Addres s 0. E. fu\Y '1414, JA( I,aDI|LIU"VIANA _, telephone ,HIfu?h; APPLICANT'S RiPRESEIiTAIIVE rnit /rW , (Wfutna yfu.*&"8lAlterephonc {IfrJlol OltiERS r S I gna ture Address qff3<r the tlnleF. DR8 FEE:The -crZ/rae>- . U: *fee wlll be pa'ld 6t a bulldlng permft ls reguerted. VALUATIONre 0- 101001 '50,001 - 150'001 '500'001 . 0ve r $ 10,000$ 50,000$ 150,000 $,500,000 $1,000,000 $ 1 ,000 ,000 !!!.- | 10,00 $ ?5.00 $ 50.00 $ 100 .00 $200,00 $300,00 Legr'l Oescrlptl on Lot ilocu -66 --Fluns llU fffl lNa zonlns.UXf-.-- C. NAIIE 0F APPLI CAi'lT r Addres s NAME OF Addres s NA|4C OF retephoneTj5.8i27 o a APPLICATION DATE: DATE 0F DRB !,IEETINc, '7 lrlMOft 1440 DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION hlILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI'IITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with-a planning staff member ls strongly suggested to aeiermihi if any additional lnfornration is needed. No application will. be.accepted unless lt ls compiite (must include all ltems required Uy ttre zoning administrator).It is the applicint's responsibi'lity to make an appointrnent with the staff to find out about aibitionat submitta'l requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica- tion wJll streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of ionditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT RIPTION:UE sc 4 B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address fuY 141* Jrtt@tl, t"tlr4il:a telephone n7 ?/bzi APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE : /' /4W (-' r,V4/L,,bt'r itelephone4/b'/-A/ Legal Description Lot ilocr 46 Filrng VU Fn Wa Zonins / If C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Addres s D. NAME OF Address E. NAME OF OWNERS: F. S i gnature Address tel ephone DRB FEE: The fee wi] I VALUATION be paid at the time a building permit is requested. $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300 .00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indjcate property lines and building corners. Trees that wi'l'l be removed should also be inartia. This work must-be completed before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The review process for NEll BUILDINGS wi'11 normally involve two separate meetings- oi the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval. 3. People who fail to appear before the Des'ign Review Board at their scheduled miiting and who have'hot asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. FEE $ 0-$ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 50,000 $.50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ 0ver $1,000,000 LIST OF MATERIALS MME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P The fol 'lowi ng Board before A. BUILDING information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Reviewa final approval can be fiven: tJ6 COLORMTERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL Roof Sl di n9 Other tlal'l Materi a'ls 7Na Fasci a Soffi ts }ll ndows lJindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rai'ls Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chi mneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botani ca'l Name Cormon Name Quani ty Si ze* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indlcate caliper for deciducious trees. Indicate height for con'lfers. {over) Project Application tlt,, r | - .; li' rt Date rl I (- | ./0 | I Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone &^r J -t Y\ r-'t I 1.1.,..,r.-i :-- 1*.f Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: | " /' /u Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL f ,,. t'/-:-q/*(/n^,^' // / - Statl Approval .Jr a h /( G"rt'€- m90NOv201939 APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF DRB I'IEETII{G: 'fr: DRBAPPLICATION ' - ',':i'-T. . --.i.,- *****THIS APPLICATION lt|ILL NoT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFoRMATION I5 SUBIIITTED*ffi "':':: 'i"t'll !te'-' - t";'' ' lte'a ::;].'.i:I. PRE-APPLICATI0N MEETING:' :.. . , . :'.rt\L-^r --"...':.-' ..- .... -,. A pre-apprication ntqe!'ins Ti!h.1 qlTling 'l1ll^T"bi: l:"il::l?H;liiT:':.:: ;:4i'a.i'.l. l"i::;il:'lF":il"ffi;iH.i'iliri#iiiiji"ir"nl"ouil--Nc application-uiil be.acceprerr "::+H" unress it is compr-ete (must ils1y4. .rr ii.ii!'i"iui..a.!l'pe zonins administrdior). '.iiilf It is the applicant,-s iesponsibility to ti[.-un dppointnent.with the staff to find .--rr.i out about additional submittal requiremenit. -Ff.iiu note.that a C0MPLETE applica--: "'':iigtion will streamline the approval nryg.i.-io" your proiect by decreasing the number .-l-; of conditions of appro"il-'t[ii'ift.'bne t;y'iiiiriitb. ALL cbnditions of approval must j:frS 6e iesotvea befo.re'i uuitaing^,pennit is issued' A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: 8. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Legal DescriPtion Zoning C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Address D. NAI'IE OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Address E. NAI'IE OF Si gna tuq Addres F.DRB FEE: The-fee will be paid at the VALUATION Bl ock I" s, &>* time a bui'lding Permit FLE $ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ 50.00$100.00 .... $2oo.oo $3oo. oo Boardwill be 5-ELot Fi'l i ng Y*lll'Ury-tg terephone. lZlZgtt tetephone 4zt -lst/ terephone 476-/ s* / I is requested. $ o-$ 1o'ooo $10,001 -$ 50'000 $:.50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGAROING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO.THE DRB: l. In addition to meeting submittal requiremeints, the-appljcant must stake the site to indicate p"op."i'"iin.i'iii-uriiding corners.- I"S": that will be removed should also be marked. This work must be compieted before the DRB visits the . si te. z. The review p"o""r= for'NE}| BUILoINGS will normally involve tlvo separate meetings oi-tte Oeiibn nevien-boiil,-so-ptan on at least tt'to meetings for their.approval. 3. People who fail neeting and who republ i shed. to appear before the [)esi9n Review have'not asked for a PostPonement kt.r-tov', "ntttriyG-\vi.'- \ ) at their scheduled required to be Eo,.l P,'r{i^* l'ou Lii;o."-.LLE't' i1. /'t 'I ) The following iterns no longer have.to be presented-to.the-Design Review Board' They, howeverr nave to ue prlsintea to irt['i|nins Administrator for apProval: a- Windows, skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter thee' ;i;ii;i Pline-of the buildlns', and b. Eulldlng addltlons that are not vlewed !ry1 9nv other lot ot^rybl!-:*::'v' *niir,'iii"i-fraO ieltii.i-suffiiieO frcm ad3oining prnoPertv owne6 approvrng the additionr unoiJ"-ipp"o"ii-irot itre iient t6r'' or nanager of a condominiun association. 5. You may be required.to conduc-t tlaUral hzard Studies on ylur proPerty' You should ii."i-i,iit a Town Planner before proceeding' 4. RlfU,,ru,,.-,Jl!90., DRE APPIJICAEION DATE APPIJICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF ORA }.!.ENIIHC: r**t*THIs APPLTCATTON wrLL NoT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALTJ INFoRl.tATroNIS SUBI,IITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION UEETING: A pre-applicatlon neeting with a pl.anning staff nernber isstrongly suggested to det,ennine if any additionalinfotmatlon is needdd. No application will be acceoted cne zon+ng qdninigtrator). It is the applicant'sresponsibllity to rnake an appolntnen! wLtn tne staff to flndresponsrDrrrry to nake an appolntnent wlth the staff to fout about additional subnitt,al. reguirenents. please notethat a COMPLETE application will streanline the approvaLprocess for your proJect by decreaslng the number ofcondltions of approval that the DRB rnay stipulate. ALLcondltlons.of approval nust be resolved before a buildlngpermlt Is lesued, Application will not be processedwithout Owner's Signature. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B. F. G. VALUATION $ o-$ 1o,o0l -$ 50,001 -9150,001 -$500,001 -$ Over $ to, ooo$ 50, ooo$ 150, o0o$ 50o, oo0 91, 000, 000 91,000, 000 FEE $ ro. oos 25. 00I 50. oo $100.00 9200,00 9300.00 "t([n flilf fl+Mf, n H00f Un\fTlUftmP. ,fl Zoe IPCATION Address Legal Description Lot BIock 6E subdlviEion Ul) 14YlUNZ' zonins e4fl c.NNIE OF APPLICANT: Hailing Addressi D. NAI'IE OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE! Mailing Address: Phone 41b t'n I E. NA},TE OF OWNERS : SIONATURE(8) I Mailing Address: Phone Condoniniun Approval if appllcable. DRB FEE:nermit is paid for. OP PROPOSAL: (0vER) IJIST OT MATERIAI.S NN-TE OF PRO.'ECTS T.EGAL DESCRrprrONs r,OT_ BTliCK kE SUBDTVTSTON vu FrtstuNl SIREET ADDRESSS DESCRIPTXON The following Inforuratlon isRevlew Board before a final A. BUILDING I.TATERIAIs: Roof SIding Other Vfall l'laterials Fascl,a Sofflte l{indowE I{indov, Trln Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails FIueE Flashlngs Chlnneys Trash Enclosures GreenhouseE Other for subnlttal to the Designcan be glven: I'TATERIAL COIPR reguired approvaJ, TYPE OF B.IANDSCAPINGS Narne of Designer: Phone: PLANT I-IATERIALS: Botanical Name gonnon Nane ouantitv Size* PROPOSED'TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indlcate callper for deciduous trees. Minlnun callper fordeciduous.trees 1s 2 inches. rndicate height roi-conirerouE ,ilt{ Project Application Proiect Name: Projecl Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Btocx 4 ,7i1inn ,,"^" LLT Architecl, Address and Phone: Design Review Board (t 1DDate Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Summary: Date: E Statt Approvat I PIANNING A}ID EWIRONUENTAL COU}{ISSION January 22, L99o Minutes PresentJirn VieleDlana Donovan Chuck Crist Kathy Warren Jim ShearerConnie ltnightDalton Willians StaffPeter PattenKristan Pritz Mike MollicaShelly Me1lo Anne Jansen The Planning and Environmental CornmisEion meeting began at- ipproiir"teiy r:10 p.n. fotlowing Site Visits which started at ri-so p.n. t[re meeting ltas called to order by Jin-viele, "tii"i"i=o". First oi tn" agenda was the approval of the minutes of January 8, 1990. Item No. 1: Approval of ninutes for Januarv 8. 1990 rneetincr. l{otion for approva} of minutes was made by Diana Donovan and seconded bv Kathy Warren. voTE: 7-oinfavor. Iten No. 2: This proposal was discussed during the site visits by Shelly MeIl.o. seconded by Chuck Crist. Diana Donovan asked that the wording of the request be changed from rtwo decksrr to "i portion of tie South facing entrytr- l-n ""a"" to ctarify that tire enclosure was not of just a deck' Also, Ann Loutham, the president of the condourinium association, asked that sonething in-writing be subrnitted from the owner of ifr! """a" being affEcted dlrectty by this Proposat and that ipp"""ii be coiaitional upon rec-ipt of a.letter from that ouner. riris request was agreed to by the conrnissioners' VOTE: 7-Oinfavor. I Item No. 3: This proposal was presented by Peter Patten. He reviewed theproposal and reitereated on the fact that this was not a specificgi!,g reguest today but only an arnendnent to change the current zonLng to accornnodate future parking sites. Joe uacy was present from vail Associates to explain the need forthe anend'nent Just as Peter had stated. He repeated that Lt wasonly for conditional use and not to begin any building of parkinglots. Conments were then opened to the PEc nenbers with Diana statingthat this conditional use needs to be accornmodated for future use and it should not be overlooked. Kathy Warren asked for the addition of the uord rrscreenedrr sincethe zoning code requires it and Peter answered that this would be done. Jirn Shearer motioned for recornnendation of approval to allow forprivate off-street trscreenedrr surface parkinq as a conditionaluse. Dalton t{illiams seconded the rnotion. VOTE: 7-oinfavor. Iten No. 4: A Work Session for a minor subdivision and zone chanqe for Lots 4 & 5. Block 2' Bicrhorn FirstAddition.Anplicant: Sable/Luoine Partners. Ltd. This proposal was presented by uike Mollica to the PEc nernberE. Mike gave an overlrriew of the neno going over the staff nenorandum and the Zoning Comparisons chart. There was one change nade tothis chart on #4, under the PROPOSAL colunn. A change from 12r0OOsf GRFA to 12,895 sf GRFA. Mike than covered the issues of the proposal which he felt needed to be discussed today with the PEC. At this time, tlike Perkin, the architect representing theapplicant, responded by pointing out the option of changlng Lot 2 in-a way that would elirninate the construction of a hazardnitlgation ber:m and presented a drawing to show what the revisedtot would look like. It nade an unusual shaped lot but wouldfulfill the 12,500 sf buildable area requirement. He also statedthat by direct nitigation, there would have to be a lot of heavy concrele laid to strengthen the structures. He continued to saythat if the safety factor ls the issue, then the ability to blendthe housing in as single fanlly would be safer than two farnily ln respect to avalanche and other hazards vhich are currently present on this site. A recruest to anend the Arterial Business Zone The discussion was then directed towards the issue of driveways and the number which would be all0wed for the hones. It was roentioned tlrat accesB nay present a problem - Dore cuts, Dore vehicles, more accident io-ssibilities which brings the safety isJue UaiX in to the picture. Staff has suggested two driveway cuts instead of four. Questions concerning the berm were then addressed by.,rin viel'e. fre stated that ther6 is a constant danger of snow slides each t;";-i;-iniJ area ind wished to know how the overalr proposal would fit into this. connie Knight asked about the rcreekn and llike Perkin responded that it wai not a creek, but a spring run. He also showed how ints spring could be di.ierted down the property lines on the far side of tbe lots. Diana Donovan then gave her comments to this proposal' She stated that the hazirds are very severe and suggested that only three lots be .".itea (subdividl the eastern lot only) which- would make for safer tdts. She felt that the building of a berm is unacceptable and that nany of tbe 40 - 50 foot aspen trees would have to be sacrificed. Kathy warren stated that she would like to see employee ho-using G;iar;;a"a in these tots. She agrees with Diana concerning the U"'r-f"g and added that it would cieate an eyesore fron the intersfate. She did say, in regard to the safety of the proposal, that ernployee housing-would not be a good idea if the irazirAs iresent c^oufi not be eiiroinated. She also said that she would rather see two driveways and if this berm is-propos?d,,!t-t:n she wants it staked on the site as to the exact height anCl wlclth of the berm. Chuck Crist said ttrat lre was opposed to the berm and would like to see the west loi subdivided-tor possible enployee housing and leave the east lot as is. Dalton Wlllians said that he personally would like to have his or" aii',t"way and asked if three single {"T+fy lots would ellninate all of itr" isru"s being riisea (ie. berns, geologic hazards, drivewaYs, etc. ). Diana stated that she was against enployee housing and that the fewer the cuts for driveways the better. Jin viele agreecl wlEn this. connie Knight expressed that she felt the proposal was geared to pr"iit"uitlty on'the appricantrs part 1i!h. not. enousl :i!l=i?-:tiegard to ge6togic nazlias, division of lots, traffic generaclon, overall safety, etc... Jim Shearer made the suggestion of retaining walls and inguired if they could save on rni€igation costs. Mike Perkin responded that lt sould be more e:<pensive than the building of the bern but would do less damage to the forest. He said that he couldinvestigate the building of retaining walls for the planning connisEionr s information. Finally, a question was raised by Ed Zhmeier in the audienceasklng if nitigation or berrning would be a part of the proposalif this project were submitted tonorrow for a building per:rnit, and Kristan responded that the nitigation/beming would be partof the landscape plan subnitted directly to the DRB. Item No. 5: Ludwig Kurz renoved hirnself fron the board due to a conflict ofinterest. Thls proposal was presented by Kristan Pritz. Krlstan nade ltclear to the PEC that no bottling would be taking place at thebrewery. she enphasized the change in the parking lot located tothe east of the brewery which will allow additional spaces. She said that parking seems to be the biggest issue facing the connission at this point. Andy Norris, developer for the project, discussed the square footage chart attached to the rnemo. He proceeded to go over the conceptual schedule for conpletion of the proJect. Andy-notedthat an emergency exit had been proposed for the south side of the building and stated that it was the only place available under the Town building codes. He also described the loadingthat was designed for pick-ups, delivery vehicles, etc. and Eaidthat it would not interfere in any way with the buses or general vehicular traffic. The loading access was designed specificallyfor vendor traffic. He also informed the conmission that a trash conpactor will be lnstalled to cut down on the frequency of trashpick-up for the brewerY. Andy went into how the parking would work. He said that the Brert HaIl would be operated Iike a banguet tlpe facility wj.th oneseating. lle stated that the Brew Pub will be a local tlpe establishnent with a naxinun seating capacity of 8o people andwill not affect the parking very nuch at all considering thetines that locals will be coning to the pub. He ended his speech by giving facts related to this new project: --The brewery would be approxirnately 9oo feet from both theMarriott and the Westin Hotels.--lte is looking into getting the bike path lighted for use by the brewery in both Bummer and winter: Partnership