HomeMy WebLinkAboutCrossroadsProiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone o Prolect Appllcatlon Dale Architect. Addrcss and Phone: 'ul^,1 n Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: It {r,.u Approval RUST PI{OPERTIF5I-I-IIIIIIIIlrllllrl Decenber 4, L986 Thonas A. Braun Krlstan Pritz Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Va1l, CO 81657 Dear Tom & Kristani Again, thariks for your phone call of yesterday. We are getting underway rrl th an analysis of wtra t we !.ant to do and hon se should approadr the 1nf111 of the parlcl rg lot at Crossroads. To thls end, ne vrould like to volce qrr ideas at the appropriate publlc forun as 1t affects our proJect and the Vall Village Master Plan. If you ccrld possibly place me onootlfy re of the eproprlate tlre Your contlmred assLstance on thls Sl-ncer ely, RUST PROPERTIES Iler b Goodoao Project Manage r IIG: Jc cc: Larry Gruber 500 Norwood Tower, 114 West 7th Street, Austin, Texas 78701, (5121 474-73A5,TELEX 77&93 I1c4,13,2 the public notlce malllng lLst, or otherwlse and place, I vould be most appreclatlve. 1s most helpful . RUST tsolEMI-IIIIIIrlrlllll December 1, 1986 Thonas A. Braun Krlstan Prltz Torrn of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road VaLl, O 81657 Dear Tom & Kristan: I would llke to tharik you for the time you took out of an othemlse short we ek to dLscllss wlth re the Vall Master Plan and its consequent Lmpact on The Croesroads of Vall-. We are most interested in proceedlng wlth developlng plans to further Lmprove the exlstLng proJect and to fu1ly explore all e:ga ns ionpotentlal . To thls end, the t lne you spent wlth ne thls paat Tuesday nas oost helpful. As we dlscussed, parklng becmes one of the key elenents of anythlng ve do on the sLte. Ilqr we handle the e:dstlng load, plus any lncrease resuLtant fr oxn nerr square footage, l-s a ce[tra]- issue. Our first analysls, of a structure in the center of our parklng lot, s hons that there is no economy d scale to be achieved lf the pa rti ng load has to be malntalned on slte. A prinary objectlve ls to ke ep a n e!, atructure low enouglr that lt doesntt block vlem fron the exl- stLng condos. The l-npact of this ls such that parking uret go undergrcrnd and this quickly becomes cost prdtibitlve ln relatl-oo to the ltulted amountof butldable area. In thls regard, lre rrould 1Ike to contirrte discusslons with the approprl-ateclty staff and officials to pursue a drange to our specific on-sLte parkl-ng requl-reuent. Thls dlscuesion corld span fron a sftnple reductlon of our on- slte requirerent to a poeslble partlclpatlon Ln the parking fund to offset eone of the requl reme nt. We are open to any dl.scusslon abqrt the varlous posstblllttes and noul d like to exchange ldeas ln thls regard. If you could please steer rne 1n the rlght dlrectlon, I would be nost appreclatlve. Please feel free to calL re if yor have any questlons wlth regard to any ofthls. I look fo rward to hearing fron you soon so that rf,e nay begin to address thls 1ssue. SLncerely, PERTIES Project Manager 500 Norwood Tower, 114 West 7th Street, Austin, Texas 78701, (512) 474-7385,TELEX 776493 Ilc4 , 13, 1 \t lJ^qnb^ q, nEL * Norb 6odrnoq crusrmdo torq 6pUr U^o*L hpor s)"/o of ffi\'K h"+ do nof l-,o,rs- Conhot\ing, UdR- qr'. J. randonni ntuqs /'l\/ O\Iinr irr &a- lrnnq& Aa+ tt-q- la conAnn^ni urnJ pulun\'p i5 ,r,u\ b^r.J rDmqp U on Eflatq '\ rd2CL-0un',0- $51 ffid\ irn\ a-tr.oa+ cr,*murur,:io0 uri[ huue bar\gl\'1 ! ltpntt'i5 M^qJ,+nov_i*ry1 o( houip nnn$iq Nh.t {^+S^t F' i t*\'d i'ib'+u q,ocD 4 o( t,&q-pnh^q-i.6tt 6 lo,mD -tD \rpu ' (J 3Jr\ l6b f'6\r- Plol' - rt \J,N- Pbu': P,bu *_0{ _ o t?affJ Jrtil\ ln 15_T€ .I?u rniy.Ld w{ 5r'1 B& --iu qruJ #^rroodod ans,,ft. ryH-t-.#rff\a^trs*Pu ^t.t nLuf P'1"* I *q 31 trlft 1ffinJrl1a \uo"t-'tf V;lldqz flla:rc., An^o*^A w Gorrroadt dN*ff,,t"\I t^t;t inq 0\,lo Gs Dff of +rr"+ro* Pdfw;ui^q Cr\t Gruf "5 f,"ta- Rd . hd :,h.l,i4-Wt # bj.]t-#ffiS. 'Nb^r' \)rf'q- tltrutJ bL a,b&i lDTo 'lT. zuBt