HomeMy WebLinkAboutLodge at Vail INT'L TRADING COTOWN OF VATL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvAIrJ, co 81557 970-479 -2]-38 /alqr I ufli/ O /t4',+,{l:,, tk-<c coM*rrNrrY o"ur"on*"r* 'U " l/il@s l4DEPARTMENT OF NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/AI.T coMM BUILD PERMT ON JOBSITE AT Permit ALL TIMES #:899-O292 Job Address: 1-86 GORE CREEK DRLocation...: 186 Gore Creek Dr,Parcel- No. . : 2L0L-082-21_-015Project No.: sEatus...: ISSIIEDInternApplied. . :aLL/ A3 / L999Isaued. ..: LL/03/L999Erq)ires. . : 05/01-/2000 APPLICAI{IT CON:TRACTOR OI,{NER BOLDUC REALTY & IVIANAGEMENT, INC.P.O. BOX s800, AVoN, CO 81620 BOLDUC REALW & MANAGEMENT, TNC.P.O. BOX 5800, AVON, CO 81620 DOMINGI'EZ CARLOS V & ELV]RA M Phone: 97Q-949-6020 Phone: 970-949-6020 Clean-up Firepl.ac€ lntormalion: ResEricLed:#of wood/PalleL: Building-----> ?lan Check- -- > fnvest'igation> wi.1L cal1- --->clean-UF Depogit--------> ToEal Calculat,ed Fees- ->Additional Fees-- -------> Toeal Pemit Fee--------> Palmenta 65.00 Rostuarant pfan Reviclr- - >42-25 DRB Fea----,,- .0O Recreation Fee----- 3-OO - 00 20.00 .00 100.00 - oo 23C -25 lt.qm; .05100 BUILDING DEpARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:L1,/03/1999 KATHY Act,ion: AppR Approved Kw/tondj_cionsIE€M: O54OO PI,ANNING DEPARTMENT DbPT: PI,ANNTNG DiViSiON:a1/03/\29-9_KATqI _ aclion: ADpn N/eItqm; .05500 FIRE DEPARTI4ENT DepE: FIRE Divj_sion:1,L/03/L999 I(ATTIY Act.ion: AppR Apcr/See bId-q conditionsItemi .05500 PIJBLIC WORKS DeSt: puB woRK Diwision:t1/03/1,999 KATHY Acrion: AppR N/A. 6s2 TTMBERCREST CrR, LEwrSvrLr.,E Tx 7s067 TOV/Comm. Dev. DescriptJ-on: Remove exist'g lower ceiling/sprinkler/alm Occupancy:Tlpe Construction:Tlpe Occupancy: Valuat,ion: B2lR3 NoE in tsablel 2,000 *Of cae AppLiancee: FEE SUMMARY it Refund approved amount date Add Sq Ft: +Of Gas loga: TOTAL FEES- 230.28 EAL1NCE DUE-,- .OO See Page 2 of Ehis Document for any condit.ions t.hat. may appfy to t.hj-s permit DECLARATIONS I hereby acknolrledge Lhat I have read this application, filled out in fuLl the infornats:on lequi,led, couplet'ed an accurab.e plot Plan, and sEaee thaL aLl the infomaEion prowid.d as required is correct. I agree Co comply lrith tshe informatsion and plot p1an,co comPl"Y xrith all Toltn oralinancc6 and sgate Iai.s, ahd Lo buj.ld this stsruclurc accorilinq to rhe Town,s zonlnq and subdivj.sioncodes, design rewiew approved, uniform Building code and olher ordilranc€s of hhe Tol|'n applicabl REQUESTS FOR INSPEC{ION.g SIIAI,T, BE MADE TWEI.]'IS.FOUR HOI]RS IN ADVANCE BY Send CI.an-Up Dcpo.it' To: Bulduc ReaILy IcE FROM 8:00 A.tit sr00 Pl4 AND OWIIER I tr******************************************************************************* CONDITIONSPermiE #: 899-0292 as of LL/05/99 Status: TSSI]ED******************************************************************************** Permir 1:pe: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD pERMrApplicant: BOLDUC REALTY & MANAGEMEMI, INC- 970-949-6020 ilob Address:Locat.ion: 185 Gore Creek Dr, InE,ernat,ional Trading CoParcel No: 2101-082-21-015 Descripti-on: Remove exist' g lo\'rer ceiling/sprinkler,/a1m Condit,ions:1. FIR-E DEPARTMEIqT AppROVAr, rS RBQUIRED BEFORE Alry WORK eAN BE STARTBD IF THERE IS AI{ EXTSTTNG FIRE AI,ARM OR SPRTNKLER SYSTEM IN THE AREA OF CONSTRUCTION. THIS WTLI. PREVE}TT FAISE ALARMS.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO crECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE-3. RE"TRO-FTTTING OF SPRINKLER/FIRE AI,ARM SYSTEM REQUIRED PRIOR TO SHEETROCK INSPECTION AS PER DTSCUSSED WTTH MIKE MCGEE/ TOWN OF VAIL FIRE MARSIALL. Applied: LL/03/L999Issued: Ll/03/L999To E:<pj-re | 05/01,/2000 rowN oF vArftNsrRucroN pERMrr AilcAroN .*l,t** INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTED Contact the Eagle County Assessors Offrce at 970-328-E640 for parcel #Parcel# Zl6t- AXL-Lt:pF Permit #Bqq. eorz Job Name: | d?€8AM "T, (,1r4r -€& o,r.4a Fest Plumbing ( )Electrical ( )Mechanical ( ) Block_ Filing_ Subdivrsion rraretAddfess: Address: I Building (Yf Legal Description: Ovrners Name: Architect: 1s6 6666ss; IBU G-r<r-e ceea<- Other( ) Phone# rtonJg Description of Job: Work Class: New ( )Afterarion (r.j'Additional ( )Repair ( )O{her ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: I 6os;i.€5>Number of Accornmodation Units: O NumberandTypeofFireplaces: GasAppliances rO Gaslogs_____9_ WoodPellet__:O BIIILDING: S c?OOO?oPLI]MBING $ OTFIER: $ TOTAL $ Address: Phone # Address: Phone # Address: Phone # ,sY GeneralContr|ctor: 1aJ ElectricalContractor: --tg9 Town of Vail Resistration No. Plunlbins Contractor aEP Town of Vail Registration No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ MECHANICAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WTru TTIE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE s-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROI{IBITED A. Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereoi it is unlaufirl for any person to liuer, track or deposit, or cause to be liuered, trackcd or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud' dirt' snow, ice. or any other debris or material upon any street, sidervalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. NoticEl Abalement: The Director of Public Works may notit/ and require any pcrson who violatcs or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or oausgs anotber to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material wtthin twenty four (24) hours after.receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified'does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified. the Director of Public Works, or othcr authorized agen! nury cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud" dirt, snow, ice, debris or any otlrer material to be removed from any street or atley at the expense ofthe notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions of subsection A hereof shall not be applicable: 1. Within the immediate area of any construction, maintenance or repair project of any sfieet or alley or of any water main. sewcr mairq electricity line, gas line, tclephone line or any appudenancc thereto;2. To deposits of sand, dirt or materials necessary for the protection of the public safety; and 3. To public areas designatcd for the dumping or depositing ofsaid materiais. D. Summons, Penalt-v: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, ury be issued a summons to appear befbre the Municipal Court of the Town for sa:d violations, and upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section l-4-1 of this code.g. Notiie; Penalty: It is unlarvful for any person to fail or refuse to compl.v with thc notice of thc Dircctor of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as providcd in subsection B hereoi upon being fbund guilty ofa violation hereunder. be punishable as provided in Section l-4-1 ofthis Codc. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) Read and acknowledsed bv: Position or Relationship to Project: TOWN OF VAIL D epartment of Community D eve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-24s2 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requircs a Town of Vail Firc Department Approval- Engineer's (Pubiic Works) review and approval, a Plaming Deparhnent review of Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or smali) and all multi-famil5, pennits will have to follow- the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. Howeveq if residential or smaller proj ects impact the various above rnentioned deparftnents with regard to necessary revierv, these projects may also take the tlree (3) week period. Every attempt will bc made by this department to cxpcditc tJris permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the Plan Check procedure and tin're frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date. that I must still pay the Pian Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date: Work Sheet was tuned into the Comrnunity Development Dept. tP *no'o"ou" TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS JANUARY I, 1999 WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQUIRED NO ,/ YES JOB NAME: r -r-f€8.{F-T€r,/\A<- -tpAorr.}r.o 'Pot;'7 DATE: tO - t€ -fr PLEASE ANSWERTTIE FOLLOWING QUESTIONNAIB.E REGARDING TI{E NEED FOR A.PIJBLIC WAYPERMIT': l. Is this a new residencc? YES NO u/ 2. Is demolition work being performed tlat requires the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? YES NO|./ 3. Is any uulity work needed? YES 4. Is'the driveway being repaved?NO ,./ Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES NO \a Is any drairuge work being dme that affects the Riglrt-of-Way, easements, or public property?YES NO 1/ Is a "Revocablc Right-of-Way Permit'' required? YES NO/ A. Is the Rtght-of-Way, easements or public propefiy to be used for staging, pa*lng or fencing?YES NO 7 n. If NOio SA" is a parkitrg, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? YES No_y'_ If you answered YES to any of these questions, a'?ublic Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit' applications may be obtaired at the Public Work's office or al Conmunity Development. Ifyou have any'. questions please call Lconard Sandoval from Public Works at 479-2198. ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS 5. 6. 7. 8. &tuz Company Name l. ) J- +. 5. o. 7. PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Buildins Permits Fill out our check list provided with a Buildine Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way'' is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vaii Valley Drive. Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper, An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of Construction, Stagrng, etc.). This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth ofwork). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and lrrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to Community Development allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" u,'ith a "Building Permit" which is to do work on a project itself NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November l5n. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. TOIIIN OF VAII, 75 S. FRO!{TAGE ROADvArt, co 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARIT'IENT OF COMMT'NI T DEVELOPMEIIT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .JOBSITE AT ALL TTMES DEMO. OF PART/ALL BI'DG.Permit #: D99-0048 Job Address: 186 e'oRB CREEK DR status' ' L,ocaLion. . . : 186 C'ORE CREEK DR, INTERNApplied' Parcel No..: 2LOL-082-21-015 rssued" project No.: PRiI99-0335 E>cpires' .: ISSUED.;r.LL/L9/L999.: LL/t9/a999 . : 05/L'|/2ooo A & L ABATEMEI{IT 6732 WEST COAT.,MTNE AVE #443, LITTLETON, A & L ABJATEMENT 6732 WEST COALMTNE AVE #443, LrlTtEToN, DOMINGT'EZ CARLOS V & ELVIRA M 552 TII,IBERCREST CIR, LBWISVILLE TX 75067 ITiTTERNATIONAL TRADING CO Descriptsion: DEMO P-ERMIT TO ABATE ASBESTOS (WORK ALREADY DONE) APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER BUSINESS OccuPancY: B $pe Constnlction: 'IU)e Occupancy3 Valuation: Fireplac6 InforuetLon: RastricEed: Noc in table! 500 #of 9.3 AI,PIiance6: Add Sq FL: Phone: 303'475-3576 80123Phone: 303 -475-3576 80123 *of wood/Paller: co co *of Ga6 Logt ! l*******t****'* r****{tttrr**'!rltt*tlr*t*i+*** FEE SUUMARY l,*t*t*r***r*tir*r*tttrt*ttr**rt't'!rtt"**}*****i Building-----> 2o.oo Redtuarant Plan Rcview--> 'o0 totBl cBlculated Fs'E---> ?6'00 Plqn ch.ck---> 13'oo DRB Fe'-------- 2o'oo Additlonat Feee---'-----> t5'0o rnvealiErEionr 2o'oo R€cr6atsj'on Fee--______--> 'oo Totsal' PcrniE Pae__--_---> x51'0o wi11c.11-.-->!.oocIean-l,t'DePosiL.--...-->.ooPa],DcntsE---...--..----_.> ToTAL FEE9----- 75'OO BAIiNCE DUE---- 'oo *****rrrr**.,,** a***r*****r at**r***tJ** *** ***rr**** r+**r ** * *J *********i rrrr * ** **r *t****** *** e* *** t l**** t*******r r ***r *t * *t f,* *** ***a * Itsem: 05700 l{Nv r t{oNlvlEN'r ArJ trErr.t,r. -.117'Lg t 16 gi - KAffi- --'- -EEt-ioni APPR N/A Il?l;)f33ooKl+fiVoR Action: APPR N/A DepE: IIEAI-,TII Division: DepE: CTERK Dj-vision: t*ttttrritttr|r* *t+'*tttr"ttlit tttt*'**j,trr**t see page 2 of this Document for any conditions trhaE may apply to this permit' DECLARATIONS I har.by acknor,ladge tha! t have r€ad Lhi6 applicaElon. fill€'l out in full Ehe infornation reguired' co6Pl6t''d 'n acculatse plot plan, atld Etatse Ch.t .11 !h. infortnation Flovidea ae lcqulred il correce' I aErcc Eo conPly t{itsh Ch' information and plots Plan' Lo codply nith all fown ordinanc6. .nd €Er€c 1aws, and Eo build tshis ECtucCure accordinE to tb€ Torm'B zonlng rnd Bubdivlaion cod.r,deFignrevicr.al4'ror'ad,t'niforbBuildingeode|ndochrrordina'rc.6of!h6ToFnapPlic.b].cthcreto. tifii,tglg:qffiHffiH;ffittl ii"* "ffiiljny'* :l;il:t, iiZiiriiAt;.i#,;";5dil$; AppR wrLL n* #B.T"FuB woRK Divlsion: rLem: o5loo BuTLDTNG DEPARTI,IEE- -Depg-:- BUTLDTNG Division: iiZn?, i ei t ;-BffiK;""Ulhn+*tnt: :::.o*" "BE;fl *LANNTN. Divi sion : REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAL', BE MADE gena C1.nn-t4r Dcpo.ic Eo: A a L ABATEiIENT ITI{ENTY.FOUR HOTJRS lN ADVANCE BY TELEPI{ONE O N"-IO" O' ffi o0 AM 5:00 PM **********************************************************:t********************* CONDITIONS Permit f: D99-0048 as of L:-/Lg/99 statrus: rssuBD **********************************************************t********************* Permlt Tlpe: DEMO. OF PART/AIL BUDG. Applicantr : A & r, ABATEMENT 3 03 -47s -3s76 Applied: 1-L/ L9 /L999ilsued' LL/t9/L999 To Expire: 05/17/2000 'fob Address: LOCATION: 1.85 GORB CREEK DR, INTERNATION TRADING POST Parcel No: 210L-o82-2L-oLs Description: DEI4O -PERMIT TO ABATE ASBESTOS (WORK ALREADY DONE) Conditlons:1. THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ONL',Y' AN AsBEsTosAB;ATEMEMfCERT]FICATEsHowINGTHEAREAFREEFRott,I AsBEsTosIsREQUIREDPRIoRToAI{YFIIRTHER}loRKoccI]RINGoN TITIS SITE. IF FURTHER QUESTIONS ARISE, CONTA T TI{E VAIL FIRS DEPARII{ENT AT 479-2250. 2.FIREDEPARTTttEtflfAPPRoVAI,IsR3QuIREDBEFoREANYWoRKcANBE STARTED. 3.FIELDINsPEeTIoNsAREREQuIFjEDTocHEcKFoRcoDECoMPIJIANCE rowNoFVAtLGNSrRUcrroruprnfrirBaffiaffi-ilH}*tft Prffi r L{FOllt{TrON MU_ST 9E CO}IPLE'I'E OR TFE.{P_PLIeArloli WI!-L-BE jontat;r the Faqle Cornry lsses.sors Orfq; at g7A42E-8640 for Farcel # S4 i*..'. etor -ola. p1- o \5 I'lnui;Enq R}=JECTED ?Ptqq .0335 DQ9.ooL+8 ,,, ;116i;a-;, /Fd &E*-€aA<-e--,,'.,-,,. - l/fi 1 I fuAJttg..11es t :il.ltng r i) rt']lfr'IE r : l.tL EIc)c{D€s:ng-ron Elccmml r .r Mecharucrl . r Oh.-: 2fr Fjirnq suodnrsou LlrrnersNa.are fuA: burrr*ota ^oar"r,r rQ,/6y f,?6 ,n ,,{fQ ttJ--lllt tltt< //-/f 77 L]-ECTRICAL. S \lFtlT1J,rlC.{- t CONTRA(;TOR ) Rep'at 1 r Otlcr '{ \U,t'ber tf _l,ccct mod1,,!(.i i. i.i,.\; .t r.r'lilFR: 5 . a-,T d- S,,,.i\rFtNc I ttth:rnr-rd ( loqt r+rlpf ' ; rla or VJ.ri P s;an.,; l.c. .I i CLEAN UP DEPOS'* REFUI{D TO: I,ddruour 1 (-ias An::ir;. '. .Ga,s Loss \\ rr'.i Peilrt VALIIAIIONS \ rNFORIUA,TIgS -1-*roo.*o* v /tl fuz*ta4r ;o&es; .ljljLdhs' * t(!L*//t , .r, r:r \ei1 i.*4:tr.tnr:r, -,r l"lfg-ti'.,r'-til-tlll.i : 'l-oql of \ :ni r(e t.:ir:,; rin '.:r l'.luqb!ng_( j"trltgqg ---. \odr:ss:._- T..',rl lt \':;il Rtl.')irtsnon \,) P[nn':: \lo5-5 , -.rr.,, " (7oj) /&r1s Zo j,dt-Ll =:.r , fhonf ? .l,Cdres; i'nolle : L_q.!_:l_ilqi VA.LUATICII\I USf S:-!ll-!lNG:'.,iG'\A'lui!F i : I'iifiG X i,J:r; F!{r)r oi ni,.-/"?/jf-f-!F. 46fJnS Q"/7Tt/ta1/4 z/Coo'ze ,tZ .r'/4{-a,tt CfuuA,- fLXat& '.,.;l:iii; .., . L''xij. I \rjfnl' ,r: r,: ,:i ;.r,Tl.lres ateraEcn i ] '.: li,f'lA I '.Ji*.f Depanment rtl ('ommunim Qqvcloprnan: J.i South Fronloz,, Ro.i l'ui!, C,-,I;i ra&r 5/d 57 a',0 47!j-: i Jr' "r.A X :! 7 (.t -l'1' 9 - i 4 5 ? Bl ILDII(G PERTflT ISSU-{ICE Tl}Itl FR{\IF Ifthis nernri ri{,rires 3 Tr'run of Yarl lrre f,'enartneni Approval, Engtne:r's fuoiic 't\' ttL'-s; rerrerv and appro.t,,al- a Plaruririg De?art$en i revrow i-. Heaith DeparDnent re!]e\\ and a rel ls\\ L lf . *,,t,Ottt DEparfinil,t the esumated tme tbr a lQtal re\''Icw rra) mke as lung as ilue'; t'-'i orl .'-1p61E-ri;1i {i;1rg: or sn1sl.i) on('l ail mriltr-famrlv permlLs n'Ili have rc tbllorv the above mentionrd manimum requiremerr6. RmiCiC'rtrai a1d snrail pro1ei":i ShCutO r3'[ie 0 lv=S$€f anrorlltl cr1 tme Hr)Nele:' f resiriential '''r Sttmfler prclects lmplcl fhe vanous above rnenllLrfed rleparrnents \rrtJr reqgrCi tO nd(€ssaF revre!.. thcsc PrOJecLs Ina)'atio iai\d lhc lnrYc \ii \\'iiri pCrli)d pr I'n "r::rnr rr iil 1:r sndc bv thlc clepafunent iO J\pe{i[r ths Dc:tr.lt aS scxrn a*\ possluie' I. rhe 'rnrlersiq.neri ,fidssund rhe Plarr Check procedure 3rtd nme rame 1 slso ur"' !13ild Llru rl the pe.rmir is not piciq.eC up bv thc ixptration datc' tJru t ffiusr strJ,i pav the Plan L:rc^. r' f -:c ar:Id that rii 'ell rO do SC: it rna' afiCci ilrure pe:mrl\ UIar .l aPply t()r .\::rc;i lt L //-/7:?? d! *''"'"'-''*' TO. FRO},I. SUB]TCT I\,LL CONTF.J'CTOR5' Ci-?RET.{.1LY R,EGISTERED I*TTH THE.IOW-}{ OF VAIL TO\\'N- (JF vAjL PTBLIC '\itORKS 3*\-l) Ci)\f}tu}{fn.DEIE:,OPE}GNT j-.1\r'_I..1_)' :- i,i ln COI: STRL Cl]O\ }{RirIIiIJ ANT, \.IATERIAL ST(.).RACE A It i) E CODE !Z-l{i: I)EPOS{TS Ol pIiBLlC \l'.r.}S PROEIBITED L I.:nlarrfrrl deposns; Subrecr to ilbseLt'rn C thereot'. it is udauf.ri for anv oerson to liner. track or oeposrl or carrse To oe irnered rackrd or deoosireci- sand- gravel roci<s- ilucl drrt. $row. rc€, or an\ irdler debns or rnat€itri upon an-v slre{r! gtdewalk, altEv qr pubiic pi3ce- or air\ ;,{.'i l loir ih,:I\ri}i Nodce. Abaremeut: lae Drector of P',rblic Works ma1 rrctrfr' and requre anv person rvho vlol, e$ or camse$ arother to .,.rolare tbe prollsron ot' subsectron A hereot'- or rvho has rn ilic Drrector s enpiorrner.t a fx3rson rvho r oiares or causcs ?ulrther to vrolalc r}ts same top rdmove srlcn sand- elavei. roc!.t. mud- n. mo*. rce or erl.., lrher debns or matcnal rllrlrtn t\1cntr tolrr i J.-l) hc':.'- rli,:r;xelot nf sard nooce b\' rhe Directc* of Puoitc WoCrc Lr *Jr* eveni " - :)irson sc, ;rr' rricd does not c{,lllpiv.arth the nohc$ u]ti.rn rhc pcnort of tljnj) hcreln spdcrtr' '.: ;irrrrrr;r; rf Pubiir: \i ork;, or rther authonzed agenl nlav c,luse anv such s l(L s-ra\ tji. '. . :iud C.:lr sno\\'. rce. debas or an\ other mar,enal to be remov:d rrorn anr, sur.t '' '\c, notrncd' '' I '!r'r! rr u i:rc:ptrr>ns. , ae irrovi:rons ef subl'ection A irele-oi shali nor le appli.-abie. i lr'rtiun rhe immeriiate are:, cf anv constntcttorl mainrcnancc or reparr prolcct or,1nv sreet or a[isv or ol anl'11'ater rnarrl. lelver main. electncr ' lne. ga-t ]rne. tciept,ons iin; i-'r '1.1\ :?SllftgliS;:a i [nt': eto':.. r o oeposrts oi ssrld drn or maiefla,ls fleceJsirn' lbr the protecuon of [Le pubiic safew: ano -i f o public areas rjeriiqnared for dre dumprng or Cepo$ilii? crf sarC m;re rials Summons- Pcnaltr-: As an altcnaul'e::o thc notrce for rcDrouu provrdal m fuhscctlon ft Li,'.. :t,rr person $no l'ioiatcs or ceuscs arn)ttrer tc lrolare the same- inav be usued J. surrrrous to aopera.r betore die \luriclpal Court of tlre Tosl ibr sard uolatrons, and upon b:rng rburrd suiltq of alrolatron hereunder be purushed as provrded u: Seca,,in i-4-l of thrs code. liouce. P*a.ltr': lt is unlrrrli-rl ibr anv Derson td iaii or refuse to comor\,',r'rti the loucr of' Ih r gs!6:1 9f public \U,.rrks as provided irr suo l,rclion B hcrcotl a:rd ar r. such pr:rson shd l. m adrii'*on ro pavmeft cli d1e ixpense of .-.firor ai incun'eC br rhe Director oi Puoli.- 'tlor!:^s- as provrdcd rn subsccuon E berec:. upon berng found gr:rltl'ot a vrola!).-rn hereuntier. ,.'.: pur-':sh'rhi'.' 6*s provid*l rn Section l-{-l oftiu Coic. (1997 Code; Ordjnancc d (1979} xl.rri rrrd ,rif rowl-jscd "., //futd Posruox n:Keieuonshrplc e;\rTeir: O"tlll /t, Dere. /1.:L2"f-2 l/ FROlvl' DATE. RE: r(lil \aA\:.: ln'lroll..|'\Dlrlr \i_1. ('( )NiN.\i"lr.]p. iO\lN OF \'-Aii- PIt}j,-.iCl \I'ORKS .jA\]j{RY r i1)?'i \lllEli A 'pUBLiC t\'.\Y PllR\lIT: lS REQTIIRED lA't fi46"'ta /otr 1 Is llns 3 rfl1 :c;rC':n':c'i r-S lg arlr' uti,]ft e,ort nededt Ls tl€ ,lnvcwav tierlg rcpirfeJ'/ Y F.}ni, Y is : di$erenr aicess needei to the srte xber tban the fltistrl,e drir€raav,) YES is a ''R.rva:ablc Riqlu+f-\['nv Permit' reqrured? YtS NO If lcu ansurred \'.)rS ro aay of rhese queErons. a -Pubitc Wav Peruut- rnus 'ne obtarned. "F,rbiic Wav Pr:ndf applicauors mai' be obta:rreC at the ftrblic Wonr's office or ar Comrnuuw IJeyelorrtucnt. lf vru lreve alr' quesotrns pleasc call Leonird Sanrloral from Pubhc Works at +79-:198. l HA\IE READ A\D,fu\SWERED ALL TI.f ,ABO\E QIJESTIONS r)ArF- //-.€-tr PLEASE .$JS\\,EF, T-i{E FOLLOWING OLEJJTIO\1.|AIRE RECARDNG THE NEED FOR A 'irl,TiLtc i, .! "' rsR;\llT' \OX Is dcrnolidon *ork bcing pedbrmed $ar requrgs ihe'.rse of *rc lhgbt-or-Wav^ e.ffserueDts orpuhri'"i-op:m" \;l S l.rt X :rAX !., nnv d$sr3 ?c *;rL Qgrp dr)ne dlar ;tl'scL( fte li.ighr{)1'-Wa1 . sas€m--nl.s. .rr pubhc propertv' '-f I rr-l {/ A. I$ r-.11e fughr+f-iVav, eescmcnts or public prop{rt! to be used tbr EagBC p.iridng or l-enc:ng? t, : ' ;r.r-r{-R h .\O to tJ.{. r'-s l Bar|.lns. strsne.or feficrne ptan rcqured bv Commuutr' De' tir]porentJ'r'-.i. '.() X aur" .tl /Zfr J DEMOLITI NOTTFICATIO Colorado Ttit fotm rcquires 2 signaarrcs and a $55 fce-I:ooopi*ta rppiicrtioff witt I^ : :tutled' Quesdons? pt=ryIfflilll DEMOLTTION CONTfu\CTOR:DEMOLI.I.ION SITE: -:_:-'._-=_--r:_-:rr:.l-:--r-:_. -. -5:::-:a-------:-:'= 4t/ t ', -,d _:Vtrcrt'wa /rt-- 4ftabf.,ry tIirl1. -Jl,?J a), (e,t-"tt/ttta /vd ?fl "/,gnta,t/&.-&trt- .ng Naoe r,if rp;lic.rh!c2 uft, -aML-(rua.8L-.. < '4tr:Z'p C.:'l': * I cenity tha. i poss:..is curteflt AliERn asd state <.f cclora.do certiti<ation a$ ar Asbestos BuJcltag Luspecor' r als,: ienifu that I hav: incrected tbe building (o ';e dect:,iish+d, as listed irr ihe ljernolition jile blo'ek' xbovt' sampled alr sLLsDecl mawr;als (ia accorqaDca,vit! AHtrhA) asd had $en; 'x]3jv't$ tb1Jle presen;e or ,' l -- ashettc,s, arrd to Lhc besr of !i 4ilij') bav' qa!rAr,j-'l1!" 39::3j. :'1"'jl5i: no rstlcsto,s cnilas &n'/wh€ro in tic bvi.idi',9 Atbc. os .C .('.'t.grlalEr+' ,hr nal'; 4CX,l tcfi in fhelrrr:.ldhg lt V,l.T x$d/or irr-rn'pl' )i rrcd r'}Jllng itll lJ Buihing Otvtcc or lli CoarEuror Signrturc: R4,il.re 0tlYl HIqq :snbpecrcrz- {5r''n'' Stqnect @E\ t!1,,.Ucrar\d!6dfl.accnf tCrfl 111? DEPARI14ENT OF EOMMI]NTTY PMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .fOBSITE AT ALL TTMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit, #: E99-0241 o DEVELO iIOb AddrESS: 186 GORE CREEK DR Locat.ion. . . : 186 GORE CREEK DR,Parcel No.. : 2101-082-21-015 ProjecE No. : PRJ99-0335 GORE RANGE ELEETRIC P O BOX 18s8, AVON CO 8L620 GORE RANGE ELE TRICP O BOX L858, AVON CO 81520 DOMINGI'EZ CARLOS V & ELVTRA M 652 TTTBERCREST CIR, LEWTSVTT,LE TX IIiI|ERNA,TIONAL TRADTNG POST ELECTRIC TO INSTALL TRACK FIXTT]RES SLatus...: fSSUED INTERNApplied. . . ALL / 1-0 / L999 Issued. . .: L3"/29/L999Expires..t 05/27/2000 Phone: 970-949-7788 Phone:. 970-949-7'788 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROITTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPLIEANT CONTRACTOR O[{NER BUSTNESS Description: El,ect!ical,--- > DRts Fee Invegtigatsion> will- call- -- - > TsxAr, FeEs---> Toga] calculaEed Fees- - - > Addibional Fees---------> aoEal Pcrdit Fec--------> Pal.oents- - - - - - -- EAIAIICE DI'E- - - - 75067 ValuaLlon:1, 000 . 00 50.o0 - o0 . o0 3.O0 .o0 53 -O0 53.OO .o0 ITEM: O5OOO ELECTRIEEL DBPARII'IEIiTT DCPT: BUII.DING DiViSiON:LL/LO/L999 KATEY ACt,iON: APPR APPROVED PER-KWIti;m:"05680 FIRE DEPARTIIENT Dept: FrRE Division:LL/LA/L999 KATITY Act,ion: APPR N/A -"''"'--""-"""-"- CONDITION OF APPROVAL ].. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. *a*******r****Y DEELARATIONS I hereby ackno!.ledge that f have read thi6 appLication, filled out in full Ehe infornation fequir.ed, cotlpleted an accurate ploL p1an, and stsaLe thar all the infonnatlon provided as requircd is coriec!. I agree to cclnply with Lhe informatsion and plots pl.an, !o comply wiEh all To!.n ordinances and Etate lalrs, and co buiJ.d, !hj.s sLrucEure according to the To n'3 zoaing and subdivision codes, degign refiew approved, Unifofi[ Building code and oEher ordinanccg of lhe Tolrn applj.cabfe thereto- REQUESTS FOR INSPEC{IIONS SITAI,L BE MAIE TWEIIIY-FOUR HOURS IN ADTIANCE BY TEI.BPHONE AT 479 -2138 0R AT OfFICE FROM S:0O AI.l 5:00 PM TOWN oF VAIoNSTRUGTIoN PERMIT AilIcATIoN FoRM INX'ORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTIII Contac'tthe Eagle County Assessors Office at 97A32e-664Ofor parcet #parcel* 2lOl - o8a -lr.OtS /,D*e: /i// bil 47 Job Name:ioa xar"u, f ,QQ 6r>ra- Crur&- Fnilo Mechanical ( )Other ( ) Filine SubdMsion Address: Address: WorkClass: New ( ) )\^*"F Additional( ) Repair( ) Other, , , Number of Dwelling Uni o, /y' Numbcr of Accommodation Unis: /- ..J --:-- Number andType of Fireplaces: Gas Applianscs fl G:rs Logs- Wood/?ellet- ,/ Building ( ) Legal Description: Owners Name: Plumbing ( ) Lot Block Architect: Description of Job: BUILDING: $ PLUMBING $ General Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Electrical Contractor: Plurnbing Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Resistntion No Permit # Elecnicat /! VALUATIONS ,a ELECTRTCAL: $ T/p/g OrHER: $ MECHAMCALS - TOTAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMANON Address: Phone # TownofvailReg*^rronuo.E/5C phone#Qa/ -7798 Address: Phonc # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: SIGNATURE: AsBEsros ABATEMI NOTmCATTON slrd 4l4r*recAnoNlgBu--FE t'Ittsr AccoMpANy rtrls Fonf,{. rxaor,an sre rpn rcencnS w|IJ- EE RETLRNED. (Pt dl wlll bo dlcd !o dffi cffirob uoln TGoifud oalcnti$) A&L Abatenent and Bnvlronnental ltgmt 732 l{est coal ttine }ve. ". 80123 Aurorl, Colorado 80102 Itlc&.CO|HEt,.,Od': lrEl&t'trf"tt T N s trJf: t$rtjclD G*t! Lrrd:ir t/-rb:lf. EadDrc i' ,7'q? 9i99-@w Qu[llor: '' lnr.fAa* lbf.* e !F.ttr /o1/ f'',|rla.r.c-_.-..J D:l:ofqr.tlts.dcl3nd@r I sr v;w;;&ffi"ffifi' ftir /i/ pL^4L/frt/#4*n rE'hR EtaApLtttt(b./ffie* N.LL oL /;;;;tu;"Eb-ho4d sertzte 'tf Bill Owers. Goremor Jane E. NoJton, Execdive Director &dicated a prota,ing and imprwing tlre health and ent4ronment of the rxr2pte .of Cobrafu 43fi) Chenv Creek Dr.5. taboratory and Radiation Services Dvision Derver, C-olorado Eo246153o 81oo Lowry Bfud. Phone (303) 692-2000 Denver CO 80230-6928 Loc*ed in Glendale, Colorado (303) 692-3@0 hatp://www.Gdphe.state.co.us Cohrado Department of PublicHeal6 and Erwironnrent As a contraclor, you may be subject to other licenses and municipality in which the work is being perforrrcd. The Col strongy suggests that you check with couoty and municipal r Project Manager: NOT APPLICABLE Inanediate$ notily the Asbestos Uni, ofproject nndirtcaions by fs u 7E24278 andhe appropriate county health department by fax. Project modificaiorc include chonges in the nutnger, of work, the scheduled work dates or times, and the projea VAIL, CO 81057- I l-Al-1S99 A.:44PM NqY-At-99 9t i59 PH FROM BOLDTJC REALW INIC 97A 949 5565 zrrrabsGt P-2 ""1 ENvTRoHnENTAL e7s 24Lcr2 F. St luor,rd (J40) 2{r{6t6 rAx (9r0, &t4J lt FAX M |ltlq,l tflnDc{sa z Diff-d-l|Ir F Snq!.ir f..ef .a1fJ,f .1f-f q ofrl. idvitrtrr nrl tr,.r d ryG.ditburhr|lr bih*t|lfldUadrn;r'bf,.abrt*rptr.llcbr. !y{atJ..a|lradr.'LaftiLr+!rt.a|t.ntd}ttHi|r'iatdF|}-4lrr, rsrrHrfrr*q {du*rrrisclri|a,{*H..U.rfic.tryxdil.|dicdt*dtbrtujjli*nirr trt{Fd lIFbErE iwlt.mti.ririacs. pl* r& t r* lr|rrU ft||||fr tr rnlr h rff *th lrd'}t r Date Received No\J 0 t 19ggfQa.tril4tlrrr j It l|'r tltc||7I: JoDtl|nbc [tr.rc.e Brrr.ua BoU.,. Res'llY qao-3c1a -5b.6 q?o - 't4? '55b{ 1gL-otQ ,-- Ptonr FAX: Efid|! Ffi'lCortFlon Wrl$€nvhonrrntd, Inc.$SnrhE|!d tr aNd.ftnc[ut. @ ttEol{ulutfi{ls F70 2{t{3tz -fl,u,,lrs, &ua 6,gh^t iEilltr($; Elttpt* EJrorprnr*'t' Effi $rocc, Ser',plrr l-Ot .ra l'Oq deta (olleeft".( f'z-rn JL l,sr^xa porats' o{ l-l*- OI,r,r, Srr"p(r, l-OZ q,"t I-o3 t)qc c.olle.kcl f,.r- J/* vf?fetr(tr,il^") Po't,* of IL u,l,rty I So-r-,pl* 2 -oi ir dry,,noll mucl l-o?.,pct t-o3 * otpr+f " c*lo.tr*t ' o ll8ll F|l tol1ll01rrc rfff 3*9 tEt-nu 5(, glJlx r8t. Elrv, slllt. 88e83 ag E a: ltta ;! ii iE iF;!ur 3EiiiEI Ei, H tir liiiil' - ;, I ii*lEi: E IEf .{ II E IIlsI ifiII IIFIItF o =g;ulrJ E UE ot =to- E TAutE !t lF88 TT Ii artintlra106€?f*eeitTE E EF I t6i-.i E!6I Hd 66: ZS 66- I e -AOl.l v{dtv.v 6661-la-11 T! erst tDz or3 .|t r tllNol| I AN3 HS-rltEze 'J E'd aaacroAoo Oooooo.oo oooooooo t'60E)000q €r cte 6ct O c|C goqocrooc i 'Cr gt |' 8c OFI|r' ,<JU ilo.. llr.-.I$-t:-retEor<o.etl udJr t'g -2 3 Se Fg ri' EIfei ESRRFESR E [ =''e E € 'r t iliiiiE EIF!FEEE frEiE€#EE 99Eg 676 utz6 CNI AI-]V3U cnCnOEI li{Oul I l-41-1999 4:45PM NOV-oI-99 S2:t7 Pn FROM BOLDUC REALTY INC S7A gIlEI 5E65 galrut,b P_4 ""|, ENvrcoNhEHrAL e"e 24rJr2 P- Ol lltlfi!!lct,Ctdffi.Hdlltot Td (rto, 2{l{6t6 rAX F?0) 2{l..rtu n nftlt1Iffir/ISo ,/,loFAX I9! Piffiltt:JoDllnlrn Bnrcr Bra"ltutU.lwl\ q?o t.rq- ihbbqn'Wqnsjbf 4a'l7'Oto FRO* ttqrF*EilI& Fmnccrlt tlwlitE xlotr!iln,tE-2grt|h*ilGnslno|ho.Co ,t$rFOans{w0raf''nlz ffi -5'. eryqn,r'tr- EetAsAF rJrrp.colfittttti A hq;rl coyy ;,il ["lha ,n 4L "-ai{. -Tl.cr,kr Fio, ,, 6+.*t e"^fk" rr*ilrrrirf irb?.$qri-ardr&r* cdrrsl r.if*i..tlrltrt--r rl-t!+*r?altt:d- t'j !f;rt*ttad. tu trrrrrt r.*a r&icr.t.Fqdr r.rtc-t..t*nrbd'+.r-iErll|rdiqla;t-;-;"a7i9t**ii. -tt*tl-J:tqr bttbr rrL : -frd fir*r f ri*f -;r1r* rri f". rew*o"]i*dr ior-. t|... fiIt 1r rdtlflt; FrlUl'rra*td+l* -rfbrtrr+l4*ilrr atr lr.fri {l..Fr<rtt i' !tt.-rFr*-t- I l-Al-1999 4:45PM xov-cl-99 0z;5e P|1 FROVI BOLDLJC REALTY INn 97El 949 5565 P_5 ""|J Elrv r RoNITENTAL e7e 24rTrz P. gz &\iVal$l Eryirtoettrd $crtati*r url Eqi$srr. llc' l{a*m,bcr I, tglrll f,rrlra Slept Dh{rin::lf U.n"-iiii. C-ilrrnrrarr,Crrlrolo.ll!0t't801 , ?fr'r trt11 !1r.6.t6- f X (9T U:+lJ.r13 ' rd$t'r'corrl C4ruc{r!sr:6in*i f*, C^'h. !fuos l[rl, filuld.t Cs|or* . ttt 0l'3i|7t ' htfr l!01, {3't:$: Fr't tloll $!-0!" Mr. Crrloc Domintrtcz IntGmrdorl Tradiry C,omPrnY P-O. Bor E96 Vril. CO tl65t Subiscr: lt6 Gqc Creek And Vrit, Cdorado wAlstt Proiccl No. 43!n410 DcarMr- Domingucz: walsb Environmcotrl schrristr .rd Enginccrr, IDE. ovAtsH) lur comgletcd cnvironmcnul tcrYic?t il rlp rbow'rcfcrmd propent' l'ltclc rctrirrs *;tp rcqucrFd W i* t"o ,.re .hri3n+d n irtcnrify pout*i dnccinr rcgrrding rsbffironaining ni,rrtiri,Al (ACM) duririg rcnovrtiorr rrivinto n thc rbort nfrcncd dtc' Fo[swint ir r $mmirry ,,rd rtcom*nrtdrons bo33d m snpliry cur&c6d an Oc{gbar 29. 1999. A$cforS$nPfug LjniEd e$error suplinf *rs srdM by r WAlStt dESE ttTctr Ettihd Uy tDr Srnc of Cdcrado ana nrc EPA. A cQty of U tnpu'r oErilbioo i! etcd. mis *o"y * pcrfornod in rocordura ii6 CotorrO SSc r$ulrfrm F3tttfutS g6ES3 inrgoaior ar r&ccoc inryectiur it r€flitEd by bdcnl end ear tl8ttHknl ptior b dt dcmolidsr or rcmoddigof publicly accc*itilt nnrutrtt' Ar yurr rcqu6r, lulk srnplE3 ucrc obtsd of &yrdl ioim cunP$nd 3ld of qilita c*ure rnd rrbniwd o ill in*lenarr utonnry ftr gorh'iad-tfh nicrosoqic rnelrrb. DadGl M. Bcltcsb oolLcll r oet sf frtt (t upts t" rtcsos rmtycs o ocrihr 29' tcag' s-tpr bod-s art &scrib'xt ol sunplc &n tbas' sotpct AG'lil l'ilcntificd *st in gmcnllY gmd aadition- I.rbofmory AnelysG Cqltcccd rrmplcs vcrt nrtyzcd by Rc*rvoirr Emfturncnd Scwici. Ino. (!!YLAP r Aandurion ilo. lt96) of *nwr, Colondo, uring pcluizcd-light misotoPy Flttd). aI nfi ramptc enetyris ndrod csehtig'cd by 6c Neddd Yolunt1;'t labmmy Ap.*dreritt ko8trelo NVIAP)- hk l$GsE rmphr wcrt urlyzcd.udng EPA rilcrbd 6m/R-$r:1t6. irme Urc EPA dcs nc 'ccnifl hhrrnries' urlyticrl rctlp& &llorv EPA'r rwruncnH promls uril4 r !|VLAP eoscdiud hbrryy' I l-E|1-1999 4:45PM Fgv-€t-t9 62:tt Pn FR0v1 BOLDtic REALTY INIC 97El 949 5565 "tl ENv tR'N'EHTAL e-ta 24ret2 Gtrh ofCrstody A clrrin+(+urody Gsord Ftrll nnOhr mt upd D USt( tb prgq''m rrdlrrutu of adr snnplc frm ilF tinrc d 6cld odbofut tltrq$ bbraDr, uElyir' ,Ttc rcord mobincd- ilrc fotlwing etnph numbcr, ritnafiuc of cdhchr' AE of cqllcdm, idcntification of sanphd macfrl, rryc*d lrbmrory anlyss, littugrrg$ of idividds in cugody qf src eltplco, rrd rccord of DGcls8fon. A oogy of 0rc cbainof+tmdy bm b$t dtcd. I.*botllory Rlsullt [aborrury tt$ul6 fr6lt1 1[c rsbesrs ittflg6dm ut srmruariad ia dr following qrb$dlons. Copicr of dre ulyticd daa rrp rt*hoil. Gilint,Tqule (Honrotglgdrs A+r 1) - A ml of_fonr rnplcs of cciling-erut|E trcrc @ ftflr 0F h[Du gotttun of dtc oci$ng-md two smphs wcrc collocrcd frqm &c lontr purim Of rhC Ccilin& SuttPb atilytis of dlc r*p samifcr oollocnd ftoil the torfr poftbn of lb oltl'rng indicalcd m &ctcd asbestos; thrcfore, it is not r rcgutercd natedat, Senpb ilalysir of thc twO nmplcs collcced frun rbG highcr porriur of rtle ceiling indimrt ji,4r orysuih e$csc md is oni&rcd Rcgrlatad Ashunr{sraining Milcrid (RACM,. gUgllt Joigtlonoound fimogq$s AS ?r : Onc nnrgh s[ &1ndl ioint qlornf tD d6!6cd l$esr'3l dtctg{gc' it ir nc r agplrcd rnetcridl^ Xrcoonilt$hn$ Samptc rnrlyscs of thc ceiling &$ute @lhcEd flotn thc bi$rcrlqdrOt oT thc cilini irmicO liJl* chrysotitc estcsros rnd ir conridcred f,1\CTI{. This rnrmial i. ftiaDlc and r[usr bc rbat6d by.e licen*d aqrg5cbr prid r] rcnorsdon activitits that wlll effcct thc dE irl. If it it rnr Sort !o bc cftcd by ltrro\nti{n ild rcmains in thc htildng. WAIJII rccornmcttih thc mlrerial bc pfuccd unda rn oper4ons td mrincnanoe plan- P-6 F.D' Etlrimoncnid t*rot$$ ld Engircr t*' l1-€ll-l9gg 4:46PM t{Ov-Ol-99 g3:Ol. Pll FROM BOLTX.C REALTY INC 974 949 5565 P-7 P. 9l"il ENv r RoNT,|ENTAL e"r 2u3r2 Lhnrb6 WAIJH cutficbd thir lnwdltrton in ur&nce wir[ crrrrsu profrniod D?stb!-T[is asscsflFnt was limicd o thc nmpling locrriorn rnd rnrlyrcr ercri*u in rlp rcput.llo odrcr ranpling or outyscr wcre ocrircca dling rhis inc*gmr Only rddilyffEciiiug rydc$ w€rr inrycad: 0crufar, it il go*rrUc ilr* AcM mry cxirt iu sar thrtrrrr inrpcesrblc dring this mo**rrrqiw iorrocdm, Thir rryoc iu intctdsd for urc ooly bt trc ctcst Any futruc us of rhis rryoil by rntpnc oilnr than drc abcna-referenocd cticil wi[ rc$ift rrilfioriratim by wAIsH and pffiihts tupfuing of thc report. tlgnt you m rhc opgonrrnity b omplce 0rir bqcsriur. tf yur hrw uy quccrlmr plcr* call ncat9G24l-a636- Sirccrcly. 4N/. A,"dr* Frron L. C,om6on r &rtified Asbertos lrrspccor Aqruhmnts: Asberto8 lnryection D*a Sbocts kborabry Arrlycirncn.ltD Ctain of{usody Porm Iryocbr Ccnilicadon Copy ro: Brucc Braun - Bd*f Rcrlty Srlioqcnd S"itorra ad En1irltrr lc. I l-Al-199S 4'46PM HOV-Ol-99 95:02 PFI FROM Bd_DIJC REALTY INC 97A 94EI 5565 P_ €l P.A2"^l ENv r RoxnENTeL ?a6 24'{'L2 tbunmrlnrf Iauuorosu: __iElF Oaclrtm of nniei: $orqr o^r cc,l,rt lr*i,7- i E r' "'-- ': Smple I al 07T& BOcofSrrDrEt Vtrr;rt, /stti&ry, TS. - ldrcdbcou @NDTTTON Dctetioretios tVear durtrgc Si& daruEd Dro.lcd Phydcel drnrpm: Sig- b,qd - >10?{ wnd or >21?3 M &tqe- FilfiEyTIALTIDtrTA&BANCE Hidt Co[ast Vibr*ion Air cro$.rr Cgmrrcnu: Good ,,(,,tl-v40'6 ; < 35N l"o* rhqd = ModEre ,/ d, nf SIf;'/ CIAS:ilf'ICltnON _DrregGd or significanrly drrltrlFd 6anad sysrat imfttior FSI) -Drrn4pd tirblc $fmttg -{CBM - ..Signilisrntly delrrgtd frirbh nrf*ing ACBII -Dur4ed or rigrificody d.tn.cd fiirble miscdhccous.{CBM ACBM ritb potcaid for drrnqt ,, - . ACBM widt pourtirl for dgnificut drnrgc 4ny arneioing firbh .{CEild or ftbblc igrctcd ACBM Cornncnu: E \\alslt lhn oi nlr;rt|.tt llr,rtlttr{. ,itlr. liEnts!'r.. |lr' ,.1 E]{vrRot{nENteL SAL$l A*frr&Acdel lcla addry: I f -41-19@ 4:IJPY ov-91-99 Slr3e2 Pl| FRO"I BO-DLJC REALTY INIC 97Al 949 5565 e?e z4r-Erz P-9 P. CE nrss tct-L Typrd8try*rlfrgi&--!4:$rtdl& --ISt, ,Urodtaaoll 9ode Sof toclion cot{DmoN Dacriorqon WrHr d4rge Sig drnryd Dc{d tu Dtvsical Oanrenn: Sig. htd. >!093 nalznCor>zlrlld &l,qll. I{,TEffEILFIORD,ST(/3,&,'iEE ES Cs|llrct Yibraion Air rro*n Dnad -<10)t .'<2ift l&dcrrc low GoElrtrts: H/tSlCrL crris$rrclftrV - D*n€cd or ngdfrcaniy drr€Fdtcrn l sy*o insrlnio (flil) -Drnrgod frieble swfecing -{ClM -Signincrrdy drnqd ftietlc rurfriag -{OM -Drorgcd or igificrdy funr3od tirblc raircChnou ACBM -ACDM wi6 F!?!tid fot dlolgr , ACBMwirhpo.cnidbripifretduqc -Any rrudaing SiSlo AC0M or &i*lc $Fcsd ACBM C.ommcnE: € l\alslt $t tr.rnrlrnrt \wnrl.-ru l:.ognrrsrr. lrr ,#+ {$B iW i\{. c\c "1 tl3fltt$l* CIo 3r, GI z. a5L' ! IIirrf,. _-rrt 1]Z -rr illi e IErr ln 5 l'i lEOF r.l-OCE'O- Lr €tll t el:t lc! !N ?II .. tt 5lb.! l-Sa 13.-> Itrrrlav,E ls..I trt >3 ltsa J E- ua o A T oLrL '$ '* \) \ \ \ r Elt; t{|F sle a lJl sti I l-41-1999 4,47PM NoV'gt-9? 65:C5 Plt FROM BO|.-DLJC REALW INC 97A 94S 5565 ENV I ROI.I]fEHTAL P- 14 { L 1l $) { N $ c[ q * .la 3 i i! P. llI l-Bl-1999 4:48PM t{Ov-61-99 0:':Ci I'fi FROM BOLDTJC REALTY INC 97A S49 5665 ENV T RO'{FIENf NL!ltt lSeBt I'IT II t 'rt iE t3 EI E T . lllo=2e tOoUba8lCI Etlt= i--'_ E taltl O EIEHI;Eri lL= b5l tr FT Hof o' Et s' fi-5g; IE. 5G tl E F II E t TItI IIIi Iit5 t I I: Y I a F I I T{tl[.rEa -E*!tiI_1;5r19 l!!91f, r EFEEI: s! Ii I. i*ilii G'aaaGaltfiitatar?rltlr?E IE FNtYnO9 !r:rt! I!i ! !F 9F !.f F.lJg Ero,, tt.-'tlr>rFr Ftorcre 0g-r-r coooo90(' ogboeqoc coooeoor' oooooo90 c0000000 0000C'90c I -!t c'e ! actO Eraraooozaz:az tg 6illr ((o(6{{3 8BR*FBgR?? t E' =.t i-i .i lr !!lliElr I t-at-1999 HOV-91-99 4:48PM 95 3 0. Pll FROM BOLDLE REALTY INC l.tA EXV I F ON|rENTFL 974 949 9?o 55165 P- 12 :'e':P. O6 ' DEC-03- 1g9g 0g : 02 AIJ P,06 PE:qq. o3l]5 (urmrrque,r-) I I r.-.' I I Boulder Envlronmental Management'Inc. 2227 Canyon Blvd., Suite 155, Boulder, CO 80302 Phone:(303) 449-1175 CERTIFICATE oF' FINAL VISUAL INSPECTION ' compctcnt pcrson hereby ccrtifics tbat hc bas visually inspccted the area and that all asbestos materials, furcluding contaminatcd dust, debris, or residues bean removcd in accordance wilh conhct documcnts and applicable regulatious. Supcrvisor's Signature: Printea Name: - l, t^tr Dats rt/nf1l Asbestos Contractor: Final Visual Inspection: Bouldcr Environrnental Management, Inc. hereby certifier that it's air monitoring specialist has visuatly inspected the wo* arca and that all asbestos conlaining materials, inolpding contaminated dust, debris, or residucs hrve bcen removod. Datc: ,liJuonitorlng Sp^ecirlist Signature: C/ 'r frfuteo Namc: Chrs /tArq.n ct Contractor Inspcctiou DEC-03-1999 09:00 All P.02 NOit-ltAtARDO|.S VIABTE UANIFESTW-WrtAi-. CAatK llb l. Gg|ctEtrrA !,lrrp .td Pni.d t cifo 3. TfinBr.)def t Co0$rry l|fne /t. Tnrqxrltr 2 C.rryart r,torE i.i€:,.ve, t'l i',r1.: !.irt ' (' i)i:ii|'ra.r.i lib0u UouEil Sulr Ciurl Rodd Aui 0r'dr, rl(J iill(l ,..r ., 6. Dsel(||Etd l{an*mcf|l tic|||lv Nrtn tnd Sno Add]tt$tl, I ..e a' B lo: Afi t. Abq r_gtfien u ?.a. Aoco{ rI iit.345l T R A 1'ls PqnI Ei 5$. focilityt t honc (:'1011 )690-4::tor I lv8sle Oescripflon (Ploa$e chock the appropriat€ bo() VltEslB Dcscrlrlion Ouq ity no a**$ CUss 0 NA 221? PG lll Nonlrirblc A4rtilor 7. n sJuory Apncy I I Cobrddo Deponrjrenr ot pubtic Heatth and Envirenment I ernergcncy l'lotificailon: CHEI'ITFEG (qn) {21-0{m ,ri'0(l Cherry crcd( Drive South I A hr. toll frm phone numbff Denrler, GO gW-l6g g. C 'rtrEaor/Gdf, '|B Ccrfiication; t troreDy oorilty *ld [|o aborc &scrt'ed waste i6, nol a lwrr<t$g w*slo as lbtlned by tctteral, $talo or local teguhl|('|T and doe3 nollorialn 'F$.lh|ioqr.Eriliti:s ol PCBr or r#b$h€ moterbls. Thts MsE hos bcen acclr8bv dasdlied, dgsct&sl. Psd(8ged. fiBttFd snd bbded and b h PrqI arrrd[ofi lr xa|sp3 rdim accodrng b ag9rcauc inLrnatvrrl snd gc,E]nmcnbl tcgit{ions Prtrtod4}Dcd Adorol,ytdgorfxrd ol nec*il|| d rtcdrh SitElurt 'El, W !t tl c I L I Tv I l. Dknlqlinoy ln4altl|| gtrEo 13. M .eprstn volhod,Lr€lkn i .; solkJification Gdd Locdin (l Waouur; '14. Fdtt Orl'I. q Opcr.to.: C€'lIiCAl'on rt .cccit of rvrli! |'..,! ElbBedr MI ry lt*F inlrdlfyod Nnflr| i I Monolill il tandlill ' DEC-03- I 999 09 : 0l Al{ 4tu &twk Boulder Envlronmontal Management, Inc. 22117 Cuyon Elvd., Sulto tSl, Bouldcr, CO E0tll2 Phorc./X'rrr 6m) a49-l t 75 November 17, 1999 A& LAbarcmcnt Mr, Bennic C,ampton 6732W. Coel Minc Ave., Suitc 443 Littlcton, CO 80123 Rli: FinalAirCloaranseMonitoring lE6 Gore Creeb Velln Colorado DcErMr. Carrpton, Aftachcd is thc rcport fqr the final air clcarancc monito'ring pcrformcd on November 1?, 19199 et thc cellhg rctdpc containment in the rtoreliront of the..Internationsl Trding Posto 186 Gore Creek, Vril, Colorado. Ifyou have any questious regarding thc contcnls sfthis reporl, do not hcsitate to contact ur, 'ljhank you for this opportunity to havc scrved you I Sinc{rcly, Arbcctor*Leadrlndustrlrl Hygiene*Sefety*Flnal Alr Tertirrg*Ilerlih and Srfcty Tninlng C.\WNITOWS\Dr*kry\CooplrtulJobr\A&LAblaEsE l r-17-r, |t6 C'orc-Vrild.r.Cne.l on I l/l7y'90 2:!6 fM P,03 DEC-03-lggg 0g r0l Al{ Boulder Environmental Mrnagement, Inc. 2Zl7 Ctnyor Blvd., Suito 155, Eouldcr, Colorado t0102, Phone: (303) 449-l ll5 Intruductton; On NovemDer 17, 1999, Boulder Environmental Managcmcnt, Inc.'s ah monitoring specialist, cbris lVtarun, collcctcd final air clearancc samplcs from t$e ceillng scrspc contalnmcnt in the storefrolt of the "lnternrtionrl Tradlng Post' 186 Gore Creek, Vril, Colorado Prior to lesting, a visual inspcctiou was pcrformed to confirm the complctcnoss of asbcslos rcnroval and cleanup. The visuel irupcction wus performed in aecordance with the Amcrican Stanalard for Testing ard Mstsrials' 'Standard Practicc for Visual Inspcction of Asbestoc Abatcmont hojEpg". All asbcetos matcrials, including wntaminstad dust. dobris, or residugs wpre satisfuctorily dctcnuincd to have beenrsnovcd, I I Air samplcs wcrc theu collected inside t[re containcd arca utilizing nggrossive air sampliug tcchniques as described in 40C.F.R. Part 763, Appcndix A ro Subpart E (EPA 199s). Fivc air samplcs and two blauks wcre analyzed utilizing Fhase Contrusl Microscopl' (PCM) employing the NIOSII 74ffi mcthod. The rqsults of the PCM analyscs as follows: I Srmple III l. ll-17-cM-ct2, il-lzcM-cz 3. r l-t7-cM-c34. 1r-17-CM-C4 5. lr-r7-cM-cs Volue (literc) Recult (liberr/cc) P,04 Locatlon front left front right t middlc beck lcft back right 1600 I600 r600 1600 1600 0.003 0.004 0.003 0.003 0.003 Discurrion: samplcs wcrc analyzed by a taiucd microscopist under the direct control of Bouldcr Envirourncntat Management, Inc. Bouldcr Environmenlal Management, Inc. succcssfully participates in the American IndrrstJial Hygie'ne Association's Proficiency Analytical Tcsting Program (PAT) for deterrnining concontrations otairborne asbectos fibcrs. (Laboratory I.D. 26533) Corclurioa: The sarnple results complicd with lhe Shte of Colorado Dcpartrncnt of Publis llealth and Environment reguletionr for post-abaement air quality. Asbertor*Lerd*lndurtricl Hygicnc*Sdety*ltinal Air Tertlng*Heslth and Salety Tralnlng clicnc A'L Ab+,ra^+ Boulder EnvironnenEal llarag€st€lrt, Inc. 227 C-;anyon Blvd,, Suite 155, Boulder, CO 80302/ Phone: (303)449-11?5 F Fimls PloicctName Address: lt6 C'prc Cr.=\ (= <? Io(^) I <o<cl(E' o ot\) D = OSI{A r.s. j-of- EnvilomcntrlPhorrc:" Fax: Verbal Results To: Contacl #r ASBESTOS AIR FILTER IIA?I{ISIIEEf-- Person Sanpling : , CHAINOFCU$IODY: PCM TEM (0.00?85mmz/frcld) x liters x 1000 cc/liter Tumaround Rcqucstcd : -RUSH-24hour-othcr Received by: (datc & titrtc) Rcceivcd by: (datc & tigtc) Relinquisbed by: (date &time Relinquishcd bylfitq & tim .E o Samplc D:rcripioa CONCENTRATION (fibcrs/cc) Amtyst:Dalc Anal5rzed: 0g:00 All /lHr, 7he Essenlfol**:" CHRISMANON BOTJLDER ENVIRONMEXIITAL MANAGEMEM 227 CAT.IYONBOULEVARD SI,JITE I55 BoULDEA,CO80302 . DGa'CHRIS MARON Arrgurt23,1999 Lab ID#26533 arc pu PmfcienclAndyftd T3dnrg (PATI Round 130 narlh. Pirrrord to $illr ddr rh tho in[ut b mw indudEd ol thr nrutb :uhnirriur tbm inshdrd wlth flre rrrrFle* prruod h h thc uppr lJl hrd ennr (ldb your lr! Dt! 0f h ndhrg rddnq hbd. PlEt do not c.ll AIO prruod. Brcrure of $cudty concg|ri @ as yedllcaion hat ngtls haw been rubnlfred. The addres to enter PAT resulb is: http/ rww.dhi.orghroftcd$tn PATrudl30san*tibwllbendedblilorab'l*aound0dEr1, 1900. Themoblswillbsciffium, lead anddnc. Ttt qgub.drfib uill bo s0ul ralNb, nfilll mh kntqcrd. Th. abe ftc dl b6 difdh Rilulb uil be drc b AIHA 1, t909, I pu han ny quedms, *se Frild Cd{ Bdl etAHA Cm) 8{S8888. P, l0 o Amerlcon Industrlol Hyglene Assoclotlon 2700 Prospeilty Ave., Sulte 250, Folrfq)q VA 2203'l (703)849-8888 ?03)207-9661 fox o hrbfor Se rroe ti]e (7OJ) ddl{Nn or ffierct: inforpnPdho.otg Thc Al]lA labontory Qtallty Astu]illtq! Applic tion ior Al]lA rccrudltlation ir now rveileb|| on-llns. httfl/wmo.afte.qg ftrG rf.frlLrfi.n .rfl.E th- fEtl.rrtng tr.$r||rn 'l- ' ln turtEl HydGnG t ba!-F/ Aaslltb|r F'.!'ltt (HLAP) hdrthg Btrlk Arbcrbo !r 3n mdyb2 Enrllwrprrbl t ail tabo.dory_Aac!|didlon ftDorilr (ELLAPIl. Arbcser Analyab Rdrry 6AR) DEC-03- 1999 0g : 06 Al{P. ll rrrrcrEEr flllwlcAt ltlnta (l|Tt prnrruratrcY m.?o.DrT: pctfnil05 ilpct tc lon t$lll lD.4atll lflff ll, Ite lorL^oEr E$ttmttl ntliltst, rirDH, E Eot rqm. rounlrlF PdF(mre|qtD mfiltrrcE l mrD! $, z tupr (l)PIOF!c|ErCtt Ttrc IllllPlE lltE lsllSlos/illtn8 1U12 . Ihe dcrnirrto.s r.Ffcdsrt the ntder of total arptcc ||tyz.d. ?h! nrtatorr, r.F.edrt tha n*cf of .ocaptrblr rcailtc., P ! lroflcf.ntl fr l.fFrof lcl.r|t -I lot ktcd FcrtolrD|ta r.tlntr lrc biad o'r racrr|l.trd rasrltl oEF fl|r rdds( c yc$t. A hbrr podorrrrr qr adr r?b tygr ir rrtod Foficfstt(P), lf : ll threc-fqrrtb (?tI) or rmrr ol tha manrlrtcd rceultr ovrrfo|r r.ou{a rru $caDtaDla or 2t for th. la.t t.p Fcrd, a[[ a+t.r rr. |ratyr.d rnd th. r.qlltr att 100 I rcclpt*tc. tt r t|bor.tor? mcclvttc+lcc ta I cflrtrfrrDt {rd dot| mt rcfoFt tlrc drtr, m rrtl'I rltt b.glvfi for thtt comr!||Int. ae qa u( 1ra 1t6 1t7t:lt DEC-03- I gs9 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION THIS CERTIITES TIIAT I CHRIS MARON I Has Completed the U.S. EFA/State of Colorado Accredited A.H.E.RA. / A.SJI.A.R.A. PROJEC-T DESIGNER RECERTIFICATION l Elrzlee Cotirse Date II I pdRom:ot+sz 2112100 Certification# ExPires I --^- Front Rrngc Gom,rnunlty Collcgc Jlft. ffit$ff?^xffirand rbcrrnorosr Dcperrmcnr tfII wcsrminncrr cotorado Blxlllo(3o3),tffiU Authorized Signatrrre l- <> Io CrJ I (o o .A D = .E @ .-TIIE- E+Y"1TP"TWH[+L 2761 Wcst OrfodArcnuc Englcwood, CO 801l0 7Et41.22 CEHTIFIES THAT . ArR MONITORINq. SPECIALIST COU RSE and has passed the required.examination in.that discipline This course is approved by the colorado oepartment ol in accordancE witlt AAGC Regulation Number 8 Oourre g21p 9.t22-912Lt93 hlo. ol llqfi 24 | EromDare-9-/Jll3]-- Cldfictt€ ftlo. 9092a gl-liL-iA {t"af frl$^ Arfiodrrd Slgnrtur tnrelld rllhoul CtuIg- !1. lleron C-ror'ur ffo'r-bitlg Wrt*tnini 0otitge CcrtiFres that Chris nA. Maron has successfully cornpleted lhg AIRBORNE ASBESTOS SAMPLING AND LABORATORY ANALYSIS COURSE (NrosH 5828). Wlrrl Ii..E 0E ncqfuint of Cclrr& AQCC R:ltHioo I AA-22{ lbllrfljr nng'9t-EEffi o tlafttt t1 lalat/ttlla aTr lta REGl|JCaTa rfir.||rr ctF vAtL, co.-oFeDo - I l{SattcrT|rl l|'it<.-l[*G?t Fc|ir 1!/ $/aite F,IOG Ll 1 '|ite. ,ltl ataiaYaiyr ilddFara a Lc--t I c|r a FaF€a'l a D.aGFlFt t clra eFFl l€-rrt . ebhaFr Caltt r.-Gt ar F r att-a-iD- lQ, ttl, tyF.. .l-Clclfi|tl g!-ts.t r aaLED Cofr.tFr ACCF| |'ao lorE clRCEr{ D}r |'aa ItoF. EF..|. DF, Int'rpn.rt Lo|r-l' TF-dl|tg c:o at.a1-{a&-ea-tt!l ttee. ll.. I ll.aoga axttct a lo{rF ea |' l abi.rtFFlnk l.F/al. fq-DaJC ital-?Y a lrF*{.iotlrlE|{?! llrac. Fl.r.r.r. r t7a-!zlt-e a3a DCl|tl I llOl-EZ Ol|Fr-tla V I Gt-v l;aal tia Flaotr.. aq-Dr.E iEaLTY t |rlClilaolElENTr lnE. Fl.lG|n-. ??a*9at-€a|lra .t Lo€ka. Ha ldar -rtd t{ot lc-a- . - . 'TC'TTU I?Y t{et 1,.f.. al! tFrEjClFlC CClGlDlTlCIraA C||rtD iac ! ., . FIO.ttCt RBDTaIGIEaGD l*l .|9af3. col.r;rcx?s. F-irtt 7 GrtTA rrtcD aEE eolir,rE|rTr lrlaFai?:latr laalaraat ,laq....t oFr glllJcE ia.t ?laar Oar- tGa.a Faauaataat to oFl.) 3l-D.bp ln- l Itt?arFa-t1on.,. - Ca..-!rt r I LclDiltg b. trr aprct.d- . - Fl.|or!.. tto-:t534 O |,AAL-{ILL C}'TLL-I'OI'F 9tLL alclt 1c|r Cca-.'|t a ;;- lit.p.etlctr HlrtcFy. -. .. tt.-. rl|acS FIIE D.tF?. ittTlFtCA?ICtn !t.rr -L!ll ILDll-FFr.' titl Itat. !!E aLDC-lrr..r1-i L oft It..r 5a !Llto-!lt-.t Fook l{-Ll It..r 6?a al-Da-li l.e. ll,/'tarrl lnaPaat.?. CD aetl'onr t{atatr F.'Fk balna .rcha co.lrt t'.a auac Fa|latFat lon. I t... Oaarta !LDa!-Fa6-1 lrlct rc'arrlFt I rra FalErc 1o]ir ?lF. araul k rll €r1lLrlll/fI'oo