HomeMy WebLinkAboutLodge at Vail Unit 106TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FROTITAGE ROADvArL, co 81557970-479-2r38 Valuation: Firoplace Inf,oroetion: ReBtrLcCed: y APPI,ICAI{I VISIONS WEST CONST. & DESIGNP O BOX 125, VArL CO 81658CONTRA TOR VISIONS WEST CONST. & DESIGNP O BOX 125, vArrr co 81659OVINBR TODGE @ VAIL PROPERTIES174 EasE. Gore Creek Dr, Vail, Description: RE}IO\TATE GT]EST ROOM _ Occupancy: Rl Mult,i-Familyflpe Construction: III ].-HRTlpe III 1-Hourrlpe Occupancy: ,.lob Address: 124 GORE CREEK DR LOCATiON. .. : LODGE AT VAIL TJNIT 106Parcel No.. : 2L0t-082-23-009Project No. : PR,J9g-0351 Co. 81557 Phone: 970-949-O559 Phonez 97Q-949-O559 Phone: 970-475-50LL TOV/Comm. amount .A. I vvluomm. Dgv.ufean_up Deposit Refundapproved (A_ 12, 000 *of 6q6 Appliancea I Rcatutranc Plan Rcvietr- - > DRB Fc.-------- Recrealion Fea------ ----) Clcen-up Dopo6i!- - - - ----> l-zi -oo * lfof wood/Pal]et: a*rr*r**..ri**r FEE gt'firARYEuildinE-----> Plarl check---> Inveatigaeion> ltill CaIl----> 165 .00 .00 3 .00 ,00 Total Cilculated Faee- ^ - >.o0 Additional FeeE---------> total P6rElt Fee--------> Payrlentr- - --- -- - 375.25 . oo 313.25 .00 100 .00 ,,,***,,**,,r**!,**i**!r*,*,r*a,.......,,T::l:.lili;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;._........::l;ii.".,...THll,lil;;;;;.;..;;;;i"""._""".."_;::_.. Ile.B, .05L00 EU_II.,DrNG DEPARII4ENT DepE, BUILDTNG Division:L?/ot/Lg_99_cEtA8.I,rE aEElbrii AFFn srs coNDrrroF5' -------'- -- IEe.qi .05400_P_!A,t!SIr'rc DEFAHfua$m - - .- ---'---nEiE: pLANNTNG Division:!? / ot172g?-cEAnlrE AaEi-on;--Eppn w/a+Ee.E! .05600_EIRII_DEPARMETtr DeDE: FIRE Division:!?/ot/Le_eg-cErABL.rE eCEioril AppR sEE coNDrrTSfiS' - ^'-- IEem: 0ss00 EIr_BlIg wQnRS- ' ___- -_.- -------DEiiE, prrB woRK Division;1,2/oL/L999 cHenLrs ACrIon: AppR N/A *******r**tr,r**rrr*ta**J **t****rl*i*ij******* r * a** * *r*rr*r*r *t********r**** *r* See Page 2 of t,his Document for any condicions t,hat, may apply t.o this permit D ECIARAT I ONS I hereLty ecknouledge thats ! havc read chie applicaEion, filled out in ful] Ehe infolmeLion requircd, complAted an accuxaLe plotplan, and 6tat6 tha! lrr ehe ihfornqtion prov{ded aa requilnd j.E correcE. t agr.. cc conpLy *lth r,he infor6ation and ploc plan,to coBply wibh llL Tosn ordin4nc€F.nd rgete lats, and ro bulld bhi. Ebructuro eccording io th€ Toi.n,E zoning .nd eubdLvj-eioncodeg, desLgn r.viqu approved, unlfonn Bui.Lding code and oth.r oldinancea of th6 Tot,n applicebtr cher.go. REQUBSTS FOR INE9ECTIONE SHALL BE MADE TWENTY -FOUR HOT'RS IN AD\IANCE BY TEI.EPHONE Af 4?9-2133 OR AT OI'R OFFICE FROM A:OO AM 5:OO PU vo^\vtLbtv(rv t^r +4Q- utk@ ie ul,yQ v.t SEatus. . . :Applied. . :Issued. . . :Expires - - : DEPARIIfiET,IT OF COIqMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT Ar.L TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT permiE. #: 899-031_3 ISSIIED 1"2/01,/1,99e L2/AL/lgee 05 /2e/2000 Add sq #ate llof Gar Logr: telrd Clean-Up DcpoBi! To: VISIONS WEST CONS?RUCTION SIENATORB OF ******************************************************************************** eol{DrrroNsPermit #: 899-0313 as of L2/OL/gg Stat.us; ISSUED*******!:***********************************************!ts************************ Permit, Tlpe: ADD/Ar,r MF BUILD PERMIT.applicanE: vrsrONS wEsT coNsT. & DESTGN970_949_0559 ilob Address: I,OCAEiON: LODGE AT VAIIJ I'NrT 106Parcel No: 2]-o]--082-23-009VAIL VILI,AGE FTLING 1 IJOT A BI-'K 5C Applied: L2/AL/a999Issued: L2/0t/L999To Er<pire z 05/29/2OOO DeEcrj-ption: RENOVATE GIJEST ROOM Condit,ions:1. FIELD INSPE TIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAT.ICE.2' AIJL PENETR-arroNs rN wAr,Ls,cEU.,rNGs,Al{D FLooRs ro BE SEALEDWITII AbT APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL.3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALt BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORYAS pER S8C.310.5.1 0F TrrE L997 ilBC.4. FIRE DEPAR:j,tEItlT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BBFORE At{Y WORK eA}.r BE tt+1-L,3t STARTED.5. 1)AIJL wArrl eoNsTRUcrroN Musr eoMply ro r-992 uBc sEc-604-l-1-IIR FIRE RESISTIVE CONSTRUETION REQUIR3D2)ANv Al{D Ar,L sTRUcrttRAL FR.AME THAT rs ExposED DURTNGCONSTRUCTION MUST BE PROTEETED WITH 1-HR FIRE RESISTIVEASSEIvIBLIES pER TABLE 6-A3) FrRE sttpPRBsroN AI\ID Ar,aRM PERMrrs MUsr BE OBTATNED pRroR TO A FR.,,AIT{TNG INSPESTIoN occURRING4) FLOOR CEILING .A,SSEMBI,IES ARE REQUIRED TO BE ]--HR FIRERESISTIVE CONSTRUCTTON TABLE 6-A, THUS .AI.L MEMBR.,AI{EPENgrRATroNs wrrH RECESSED cAN LTGIITS Musr coMpl,y ro sEc710.1 (ONLY 1OO SQUARE INCFIES PER 1OO SF OF AREA OR FIRERATING MUST BE MAINTAINED AROI'ND PENETR.ATIONS5' s)PLtMBrNc AtiID ELECTRTCAIJ PERMrrs ARE REQUTRED AND RoucHINSPECTIONS PERFORMED PRIOR TO A FR.AIIING INS IPE TION5)MECHANICAT VENTIIATION IS REQUIRED FROI,I BATIIROOM PER SEC12 03 rowN oF vAQoNSrRUcroN pER",r oilLrcAroN F.RM INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTEI) Contact the Eagte County A.ssessors Office at 970-32&E640 for parcel + P35j? - O?5 I Parcel# Llo t ogLzlOol Date: //.LL,??pe'n'r+ B11l-OBf3 Job Name:Iobtdftess: /?q E 6&E lPK rb\;r #/4 Building Q{Plumbing ( )Electrical ( )Mechanical ( )Other ( ) Legal Description: Lot_18_ Block_,i(_Filin1l_ Subdivision____. j2fu!_'vlsceg owners brame: [,/r+,1 Pprazrs ]DI<. x*ess: Rox + Vnri, (o 9t158 Phone#-frfllZ.!9f,- Architqt: 2e4pr', *e,a Assoc. Xt<lrcldrress: Bo- nt6, t4vop, 4) gt62oYnone*_19?1!!97- Description of Job: Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: BI.JILDING: PLUMBING Alteration }Q I Number and Type of FirErlaces:Gas Appliances_]Gas Loss Wood/Pellet Additional ( )Repair ( )Oler( ) - Number of Accommodation Units: VALUATIONS ELECTRICAI: $ OTHERT $ frr: R*t Scl'JrtL General Contractor: l2l TownofVailRegistrationNo. 339- B Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Resistration No. Plumbinq Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of Varl Registration No. MECI{ANICAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION -A.ddress: Phone # Address: $. $TOTAL S /2, d6a 0: Phone # Address: Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: ate Receive, Nov Zz tggg $' srvF'L,tJ,'llsni$,f 6 o\9"i) U F s *a: Es\) q $ tt rli tst\.t)D -_l )' Le$.rus idrtli&rffirUQgilc lrit sf r|EtsutridtErllubcd!baE[iEcliituEcrorllirporhcrrydcpcCtslcdry-eniqr dr.t orir 4f I rbb acEtEr o* c ifirr ochm dDtsblfr d n bc rd[ ffi l_{L,f,ffi1 i+rifi*+lJ Eti,--t-J =J- -t-'l1t= ni-ma cr r ga ld c rb, q;dtcoo d cF 6tqT-1 H F .d trE triUa omu &|m tHcr rcatE b uFq{-';Wrtr'ffi:p-fi d#1ttcltr'oNdi a I lr 6.l Date Receive, NOV Zz :l9gg ZEHREN AND ASSOCTATES, tNC. AnclflEcnnE.a NNt{clNlBlG. ta$ tc Atcr{fEcILnE P.o. Bo( 1976 &!n, Colc.do t162O E7d)949{ts7 f x {97o g4e-roeo FI.IAgE: @ SIIEET' A@ Bq?-o tg FFo.ECTN^|G! FrcJe6ll[o. 9D1l@ The Lodge al vall Unil l@6 vail, hlorado DRAING NILEt LOCATION FLANgcAl-Er Na E .l€ DAIEr ll-15-95 .J7/ - { REI,IOVE EXIgTING CA9EIl|ORK REI*1OVE BATI{TUB REIIOVE EXIgTING TILE FLOOR REI'1OVE TOILET REMOVE COUNTERT FIXTI.IRES, T PLUIIBINIG s\.) :\t\ ---L-l--)r--L-i---J------t- t-----Frt I l------,'iL EXIST FINI9I]/PANELING FROM IUALLS EXIgT BEAI1g TO REMAIN EXIST SFIOKE DETECTOR T ALARI1 TO REIIAIN EXIST FIRE SPRINKLER 3YgTEH TO REHAIN DEIIO EXIgT GUJE IIJALLg 1 CEILII{G OF VE9TItsULE ' tsATF.I INCLUDING FIXTURES, ujlRltlG, r ACCEggoRlEg t( !L i\ t.\ l-\.. lf\ lF IUALLg TO REIIAIN J IUALLS TO BE REIIOVED REHOVE EXISTING DOOR, HI1. FRAME To REflAlN- SALvr'r:,l LOCKgET AND CLOgER ZEHREN AND ASSOCTATES, tNC. ARCH]TECruR€ ' PTANNING INTBIORS ' T i{'SCAPE ARCHIITCruRE P.O. 8o( 1976 A\qr, Cdondo El52{l l97ol9194t57 F X (970) 9,f9-1080 FI{ASEr AI FROJECT NAIIE, FROJECI Not l21l@ the Lodge al Vail Unil l@b vail, Colorado DRAUNG TITLE j EXIgTING/DENO FLOOR PLAN SCALE, l/4" - t'-O' DAiE, [-t3-99 EIJJ?EN B-1246 E.<',: .*. ,' .d' ,n NEII/ CTJTLET IN AOlgrutTcF{ To tlAgTER NEIU II/ALL rcONCEg CIRCUIT TO IIA9TERguJlTCr{ RJRR EXIST. tsRICKrUALL u'l 2-1n'n.g.1IN" GI]B -PROVIDE tsLOCKING FOR tsED FlNlgrl To l.lATcr{ ExtgT. NEII' OI]TLET IN F4O1gIUITCI.{ TO HAgTER COORDINATE UJALL .--.-_ LOCATION U// TUB LEI.]GTI-.I NEUJ TUB-FULL HEICIJT TILE NEUJ 5/Au 6U.E CElLtr.lG tsATH ' VE9TItsULEa 1',-@" AFF. MtNll,lUH NEW 2'-6',X 6',-Atl NEII' FOCKET DOOR tul TRAVERT INE TIIRE€'IIOLD NEII, gI..IOIIJER VAL\/Ea 6'-On Al:F. NEIIJ TILE FLOOR1?NE NEII| TOILET € ExlgT. LOcATto{ NEUICOT^hITERTOP -LAVATORY 1 FAUCET IIJALL LEGEND -.$ NEIIJ "CAgEIIJORK' gTEP fllN 44', tsELOtU UJ|NDOUJgILL - IIATCH EXIgTINC NEIU TELEFI-]ONE JA&. RJRR EXIgT. ERICK UJALI w/ 7-ln'Y1.g- . ln, GwB- NEIU CABLE T.V. EXlSTll.lc tsEAMgArcVE TO REMAIN EXIST FIRE ALARI.I I SH DETECTOR TO REIIAIN- 9AI1E LOCATION NEII' CAgEIIJOFK t-.llN&3E sr!lTcr-.| TYP- " AIR gPACE FOR REFRIG. VENTING NEIU OUTLET AE,O\/E COI,JNTER NEII, OUTLET BELOUJ COIJNTER CENTERI-INE OFl,ltRROR LOCATIOhIFROVIDE BLOCKING EXIgTING IUALLg TO NEIU II/ALLg . NON coNgTRrlcTroN ZEHREN AND ASSOC|ATES, rNC. ARCHrGCTru . fl./\NNTNG lmmoRs . r l{osc PE ARcHlfEcrLnE P.O, 8o .|975 AYon, C.olordo 81620 p70,94,1XA7 F X 9701 9/r9-t0r0 I.1A9TER EIITCI-I FOR ALL LrcrrTg t ln AoT ouLETS EXlgTltlG GROUTED l-.1i1. FRAIIE uJl NEU/ z',-6',x 6',-8",2AnlN. DOOR A99EF1tsLY- RE-UgE XISIING LATCHSET { CLO5ERIJbOD TI]RE+]oLD FI]AgE' @ SftEEt: A2 I I I\l.I Lt\ t. ir I I \a L ZEHREN B-1 246 .t?,?l at Vall tJnit l@b vail, Colorado 9FAIUII.I6 ?ITLE, FLOOR PLAN 9cAl-E, ll4t ' lt-Or DATE, ll-|"-:t L SV qr{Jg.5 t D) Technologies lnc. DENVER OFFICE 9l0l East Kenyon Avenue, Suile lfra0 Denver, C0 80237 303t771{,868 October 13, l9g7 Davis, Graham and Stubbs -?70 17th Strec'-, Sui te 4700 Denver, C0 80201-0185 Attn: Eeat Steiner RE: The Lodge at Vai'l B??-o3,3 Dear Mr. Steiner: Per the contract agreemnt betrreen yourselves and HHS TechnologiesInc., rle. have conpleted an ACBI'I (asbestos containing bulldlngmaterials) visua'l inspection and sampllng survey in the bui'ldlng complex known as The Lodge at Yail; C0. Three representatives of HHS Technologies Inc. visitsd the site on October 10, 1987 and conp'letedthe inspection and survey. l{e trere mt by Hans Turnovszki, Hanager and by Chris French, the Suilding Eng{neer. Chris French escorted usand provided us with access to all areas of the building except occupied rooms. Chrls yas very helpful and know'ledgeable about tltebuilding. After the initia'l tour, He started our sampling procedures and obtalned elghteen sanples of suspect ACBll. A samp'le log statlng sample numbers, locatlons, types of materia'l andresults of laboratory analysls is attached to this report. All samples rere analyzed by DCl.l Scfence Lab, 12975 Hest 24th 'Place, Golden, C0 80401. A copy of tlre laboratory ana'lysis also is attache<lto this report. f-ftve of the elghteen srmples contalned rsbestos. These naterla'ls areI the acoustlcal/decoratlve spray on ilaterla'ls located ln tJre retal'lI shops and second level balconies and; trelve lnch by t*elve lnch vlnylI asbestos floor tlle and adhesive 'located ln the Storage Rooar off ofI tie Internationai Roon and the Hest end of tie Laundry Room located ln I ttre Partlng Garage. Hl{S Technologles Inc. was provided by tlarx/OKubo & Assoclates vlth'laboratory results of three nrterial saaples from The Lodge. The samples yere of the acoustical/decorative spray on rrateria'l fromlnslde The "T-Shfrt" Shop, the mtal lath plaster cel'llng ln the Soiler Room and the wall board In the South corr{dor. Prolssiorpl Services Sine 1944 Tonm ciVall HSir,":,1]0p The:^r. . is _ approrinately Te: Thousand (10,000) square feet cfacoustica'l /decorative spray on material anC approximately ElghtHundred Ten (Eto) square feet cf YAT (vinyl asbestos tile) lolated-atthe previous refenenced locations. An engineering estimate of thecost of removal of a'!1 ACBl.i in the Lodge is Sixty Thousand toSeventy-Five Thousand dollars ($60;000.00 to $75,000.00). This priceis for the Asbestos ADatement Contractors vork. HHS Technologies'Inc. estimates a project length of approxlmately twenty (20) days. To ensure the tirn€'ly completlon and safe work practices during theproject, HhlS Technologie; lnc. can assist you rith a Scope of Work,Job Specifications, Bidding and Contract Docurnents. l{e can assist inpre-qualifying contractors for the bld invitations, do the pre-bidvalk through with the contractors and rith your contractor selectionafter Dids are received.Hl{S Technologies Inc. estimates approximately Four Thousand do]lars ($4,000.00) for these services. 0u' Firn can pnovide you on site Constructlon Observation and Environmntal llonitorlng to ensure compliance lrith ilob Specfficat{ons and al'l State and Federal Regu'lations. This service provides you trlth complete project coverage as speciflcat{ons require; at an estlmatedcost of Sixteen Thousand to Twenty Thousand dollars ($f6;000.00 to $20,000.00). HllS Technologles Inc. stands ready to provlde these servlces at your. request. Respectful ly submi tted, HttS Technologles Inc.da,Atu Curti s Johnsof Senlor ProJect Representatlve 87/1069-13 GJ/'lkv cc: R.8. Bell Fi le Attach: Sample Log Ogtt.Sclence Laboratory Analysis Reports srilPtE xul8ER v L-P L- 101 V L-P L- I02 V L -PL- I03 vL-P L- I u4 YL-FT-i05 YL-PL.I 06 VL-P L- 1r .7 Vt-AS- IOB \L-l,L-lu.r : vL-PL-ll0 YL.FT-I I I vL-f T-u2 L0crTI0x Ealcony - Room 232 Ealcony - Room 235 Balcony - Room 268 Balcony - Room 265 Storage Room forInternational Room Ntl l{ing - Balcony Balcony above "T - Shirt" Shop entrance Colorado lnsight - lnslde cellingby entrance to shop 0alcony above "squash Blossom,,entrance kE lJing - Furthest tast Balcony Garage Level - Guest Laundry Room llote I _ Launriry Roorn-Garage Level[ast End TYPE Acousti cal /Decoratl ve Spray-0n Acoustl cal /Decoratl ve Spray-0n Acousti cal /Decoratl ve Spray-0n Acousti ca I /Oecoratl ve Spray-0n L2" x L2" Floor Tlleand Adheslve Acoustf cal /Decoratl ve Spray-0n Acotrsti cal /Decoratf ve Spray-0n Acoustl cal /Decorati ve Spray-0n Acousti cal /Decorati ve Spray-0n Acousti cal /Decorati ve Spray-0n 12" x 12" Floor Tlle 12" x 12" Floor lile PERCEIIAEE Of AS8ESTOS 0t 0l 12/ 0t 8t Trace 0t 5t 07 sAt9tE toc 0t 0t 0/ A. B. A. B. 0t 0f sL-l sltolE ttusER vL-FT-113 vL- -It4 v L-cT-l t5 vL-FC-116 LocrTrotl llotel _Laundry RoorFcarage LevelItest End Number Skipped Internatlonal Room Sll Corner Store roorr next toInternationa] Room Corridor Near Internationa.l Room Stalrwell access DoorService Corrldor Aclmlnlstration 0f flce Corrlctor CeiIing of "T-Shirt', Shop Eoiler Room - Hain Lodge South Corridor 12" x 12"Floor Tlle 2' x 4' Celllng Tlle Flex connector0n A{r Duct 2' x 4' Celllng Tlle Stucco ltall p'laster Brooned l{alt Finlsh Acotrstl ca'l /Decoratl veSpray-0n Hetal Lath plaster Celllng llal I Board TYPE PncEfrrEE 0F N8E5[0S 0z;l I-l3tl5l*l I0rl A. B. 3r 0l 0r v L-cT- I l7 fTr-lrp-rrg I Ll-n'-,', rl sL-2 REPORTING D-J.]i: CLIENT: CLI€I|T JOB NO.: .PROJECT TITLEph'o'irct NUMBER: DCY SCIENCE I.AsOR{TOR)" BULK ASBESTOS A.IIALYSIS ocToBER 12, 1987 HWS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 87 /t069 VL HWSCO1997 PERCENTAGE COHPOSITION 8Y VOU'ME ASBESTIFOPJI TIINERAL CHRYSOTILE Al,tOSITE CROCIDOLITE DCH IAB NO.: -IRR-A -IRR-B SAHPLE DATE: 10-10-87 t0-10-87 CLIENT NO.: VL-PL VL-PLFIBERS: 101 101 TRD,{OLITE - ACTINOLITE A}ITHOP}ryLLITE TOTAL ASBESTOS: OTHER FIBERS: !{INERAL WOOL (ROCK rJool) GIASS TJOOL cEuln sE SY}TIIIETIC FIBERS TIOLI.ASTONITE OTHER NON. FI BROUS CONSTITUEIITS : Ar{Pttl8ous (CUHMINGToNITE. ETC. ) SERPENTINES (LIZARDITE/ANTIGORITE) I{ICA (ITUSCOVITE/EIO1I1E,/CHI'RITE) VERI{ICULITE claY (PARTICIJS <2.0 HICRONS) * ANH!'DRTTE/GYPSUtt TALC QUARTZ/FELDSPAR CARBONATE (CALCITE/DOI'HITE, Ef,C.) DIATOI{SvoIIANtc cl^ss (PERLITE/PUUICE) RESIN/sINDER OPAQUES OTI{ER IOIAL PERCE}TTAGE IDD{TIFIED T{ATERIATS -T66'- -iEO- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 .2RR-A 10-10-87 VL. PL LO2 0 0 0 o 0 0 -2RR-B 10-10-87 vL-PL LO2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 IR 0 0 0 0 0 TR o 0 0 0 0 IR 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 35 0 0 55 6 0 0 2 TR 0 o 0 0 0 55 0 0 2 4 0 35 4 0 o 00o0020050 20o000265510003508TRot00..-ft6- -rd6-NOTES: SAI{PLE NO. lRR CONSISTS OF 2 EARTS. PART A IS A I'TIITE PLTSTER.LIIG I{ATERIAL(50r) Al{D PAR1 I IS A GREY CFTENT-LIKE I{ATERIAL(50I). SAXIT.E NO. 2RR CONSISTS OF 2 PARTS. PART A IS A IJHITE PIASTER.LIKE HATERIAL(45I) AltD PAAT B IS CRET CEHEIIT.LIKE HATERIAL(ssT). *CARBONATE CIAY REPORTII{G D.{TE: CLI ENT : cLtEtiI Joa lio.: PROJECT TITLE PiJJECt IrT}IEER: DCI.! SCI ENCE I.AAOR.A.TORY BULK ASBESTOS ANALYSIS ocroBER 12, 1987 HUS TECHNOLOCIES, INC. 87 /1069 VL Hl.tscol997 PERCENTAGE COI,IPOSITION BY VOLUHE DCH LAB N0.: -3RR-A -3RR-B -4RR-A -4RR-B SMPLE DArE: 10-10-87 10-10-87 10-10-87 10-10-87 CLIENT NO.: VL-PL VL-PL VL-PL VL-PL ASBESTIFORH HINER]TL FIBERS: 103 103 104 104 CHRYSOTILE AI{OSITE CROCIDOLITE TREIIOLITE.ACTINOLITE A}ITHOPIIYI.LITE TOTAL ASBESTOS: OTHER FIBERS: HINERAL UOOL (ROCK rJOOL) GIASS IIOOL CEIJUI,OSE SY!|.IHETIC FIBERS TJOII.ASTONITE OTHER ,NON.FIEROUS CONSTITUENTS : AffHIBOLES (CUHHINGTONITE, ETC.) SERPEIITINES (LI ZARDITE/ATTIGORITE) l{IcA (}oscovlTE,/BIoTITE,/CHLORITE) VERI{ICT'LITE cIaY (PARTICLES <2.0 l{IcRoNs) * ANIilDRITE/GYPSUU TAI.c QUARTZ/FET.DSPAR CAREONATE (CAITITE//DOI'I{ITE, ETC. ) DIATOI{SvorrAtrlc clAss (pERlltE/pur{rcE) RESIN/BINDER OPAQUES OIlIER 1!TAL PERCEIITAGE IDENTIFIED I{ATERIAIJ -ft6- -T06- -1oo- -IdO-NoTES: sAllPl.E No. 3RR CoNSISTS OF 2 IARTS. PART A Is A CREIr CEHEIIT-LIKE IIAIERIAL(AoI) AND. ?ART I IS A UHITE PIASTER-LrKE I{ATERIAL(60r). SAI{PLE NO. 4RR coNslsTs oF 2 PARTS. PAR! A IS A GREY CEI{ENT-LIKE |{ATERIAL(35I) A}rD PART E IS A trl|ITE PIASTER.LIKE I{ATERIAL(65I). *CAREONATE CI^Y o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 TR 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o o TR 0 o o o0o0o30055 35ooo0255550035032OTR00 0 0 TR 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 30 o 0 60 7 0 0 1 TR 0 0 o TR 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 45 0 0 2S 3 0 0 25 0 0 o REPORTI};C DATE: CLIEliT: CLIEI|T JOE IiO. : PROJECT TITLE PROTIEC'T NUMBER: 'C.\ SCIENCE IISORATORT BUI.X ASBESTOS A.IIALYSIS OCTOBER I2. I987 }|.IJS TECHNOLOGIES. INC. 87 /L069 VL l{'risCO1997 PERCENTAGE COHPOSITION BY VOUJHE DCM LAB NO.: -5RR-A -SRR-B SAfiPLE DATE: 10-10-87 10-10-87 CLIEIiT NO.: VL-FT VL-FTFIBERS: I05 105 -6RR.A -6RR-B .7RR 10-10-87 10-10-87 10-10-87VL.PL VL.PL VL-PL105 106 107ASBESTIFORH HINERAL CHRYSOTILE AI{OSITE CROCIDOLITE TREI.IOLITE - ACTI NOLI TE A}ITHOPIIILLITE TOTAL ASBESTOS: OTHER FIBERS: HINERAL IJOOL (RoCK IJOOL) GIASS gOoL CELU'I'SE SYTITHETIC FIBERS T'OLIASTONITE OTHER NON.FIEROUS CONSTITUENTS : AI.!?HIBOIJS (CUHI{INGTONITE, ETC. ) s ERPEI{TI}IES ( LI ZARDITE/ANIIGORTTE )l{IcA (}luscovlTE /BIOTITE /CHITRITE) VERI{ICULITE cIaY (PARTICLES <2.0 l{IcRoNs) * ANr{]fDRItE/Gt?SU}{ TALC QUARTZ/FET.DSPAC, CARIoNATE (CAI,CTTE/-DOIoI{ITE, ErC. ) DIATOI{S volcAltrc ctAss (PERLTTE/PUUICE) RESIN/BINDER oPAQUES TAN, o [5-15]00000000 012 0 (s-101.0 0000000 08 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0I 0 0 0 I 0 L 0 o 0 2 0 20 5 0 0 0 0 1 0 30 0 0I 15 0 40 2t 0 0 0I 0 65 0 0 15 15 0 0 3I 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 1 20 0 35 2 1 0 0I 0 0 50 0 0 2 25 0 0 7t 0 0 0 o 0 15 0 0 5 5 0 0 10 3 35 TOTAL PERcENTAcE IDENTIFIED T{ATERIAIS 10il -10il -TOil __-__IO' 10il NOTES: SAT{PLE NO. 5NR CONSISTS OT -Z Prr.rS. PART A IS A BTACK FIBROUS, TAR.LIKEI{ATERIAL(I5I) AND PART B IS A BEICE TIIJ(85I). SAI{PIJ NO. 6RR CONSISTS OF 2 PARTS, PART A IS'A WI{ITE PIASTER.LIKE I{ATERIAI(25I) AND PART B IS A CREY CONCRETE.LIKE IIATERIAL(75T) . *CARBOIIATE CIAY REPORTI\'G DATE: CLIENT: CLTENT JO8 !:O.: PROJECT TITLE PRO'EOT NU!{BER: Da-\i sclElrc5 L{BOR{ToI.; BULK ASBESTOS ANALYSIS ocToEER r:. 1987 HWS TECHNOI'GIES, I!iC. 87 /1069 VL Hwsco1997 PERCENTAGE COHPOSITION BY VOU'HE DCH LtB NO.: -8RR-A -8RR-B Sar.tPLE DATE: 10-10-87 10-10-87CLIENT No.; vL.As vL.AsFIBERS: 108 lO8ASBESTIFORT HINERAL CHRYSOTILE A},TOSITE CROCIDOLITE TREI{OLITE.ACTINOLITE AI{THOPTrIiLLITE ?OTAL ASEESTOS: OTHER FIBERS: I{INERAL UOOL (ROCK HOOL)cll,ss uooL CEI^LI'I.oSE SYIII1IETIC FISERS IIOLIASTONITE OTIIER NON. FIBROUS CONSTITUE}TTS : AI{PHISOLES (CUI{UINCTONITE, ETc. )SERPEII|INES (LIZARDITE/N{TIGORITE) t{Ic,A (!{USG0VIIE,/BIOTITE/CHLORITE) VERI{ICULITE GIAY (PARIICIJS <2.0 l{IcRoNs) arHt'DRTTE/GYPSU{ TArc QUARIZ/FELDSP^R c,AnSoNATE (CA!XITE/DOI0HrTE, ETC. )DilTOHS votJANIC crlss (PERLITE/pUHICE) RESIN/8IXDER, OPAQUES (}TIIER IOTAL PERCEIITAGE IDEI{TIFIED HATERIAIJ -160- -Tbd-100 IrR- 1] 0 0 0 0 IR -9RR l0 - 10- 87 VL.PL 109 [1-s] 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 L2 0 o 0 0 o 2 o 0 0 I 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 o 0 2 15 0 38 2I 0 0 o 1 0 45 0 0 15 E o 15 2I 0 0 0 0 0 79 0 0 1 5 o 2 10I 0 NorEs: sA}{Plx No. slR coNsrsrs oF 2 pARTs. pART A rs A yEurs pAr$T-LrKE IIATER'!AL(2I) AIiID PART E Is A gHI?E FIBRous, PLASTER.LIKE HATERHL(9sr). sAt{pu No.9RR CONTAINS CAREONATE CIAY. REPOi,iIT(G DATE.: CLIENT: CLIEST .JOB NO. : PROJECT TITLE PROJECT'NUHBER: ASBESTIFORH I.IINENAL CHRYSOTILE A}!OSITE CROCIDOLITE TREUOLITE.ACTINOLITE ^I{THOPHT'I.LITE IOTAL ASBESToST OTHER FIBERS: HINERAL SOOL (ROCK WoOL) CIASS IJOOL CELLULOSE ST'NIT{ETIC FIBFRS SOLIASTONITE OT1{ER NON.FISROUS CONSTIIUE}rIS : AHPHIBOI.ES (CUHHINCTONITE, Ef,C. ) SERPENTINES ( LI ZARDITE/AIITICORITE) l{rcA (l{uscovrTE/D roltTE/cHIrRIrE) VER}IICULITE claY (PARTICIJS <2.0 t{rcRoNs) * ANITTDRItE/Gl"SUlr TAI.C QUARTZ/FEI-oSPAR CAREONATE (CALCITE/DOLOHITE. ETC. ) DIATOIIS volc,a||Ic ctass ( pERLItE/pm{IcE) RXSrN/tI!{DER OPAQUES OTIIER DCX SCIE}:CE I.ABORATORY BUIX ASBESTOS ANALYSIS ocToBEE. 12. 1987 HWS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. 87 /LO69 VL HL'SC01998 PERCENTAGE COITPOSITION BY VOLI'HE DCt{ I.t8 NO.: -lRR -2RR.A .2RR-B .2RR.c -2RR.DSAfiPLE DATE: 10-10-87 10-10-87 10-10-87 10-10-87 10-tO_87CLIENT N0.: vL-pL VL-FT VL-FT VL-FT VL-FTFIBERS: 110 tlt lr.t I11 ltl 0 0 0 0 0 0 0tR0022000000 o20022501000.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 t o 2 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 o 5 5 0 0 70 3 0 o o o o 25 0 o 5 5 0 0 50 2 o 0 0 o 0 30 0 0 10 5 o 0 15 3 0 0 0 TR 0 60 0 0 3 7 0 2S 2t 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 2 4o 0 0 15I 0 -16o-TOTAL PERCEIiTAGE IDEISTIFIED IIATERIAIJ -JO-O- -MO_ -ft6- '-IO6- NOTES: SAI{PLE NO. zRA CONS1STS OF 4 PARTS. PART A tS A,cR[r FTSROUS. GROUT-LrKEl{ TERTAL(II). PART I rS A CRET RESTNOUS I{ATERTAL(2r). PART C rS A yTIl.Og RESTNOUS !{ATERIAL(3T) A\D PART D IS A EEIGE TII.E(94I). *CAREOT{^TE CI.AY REPORTI};G DT.TE: CLI ENT : CLIENT JOB NO.: PROJECT TITLE PROJECT IfI.'}TBER: DCM I.AE NO.: SA}{PLE DATE: CLIENT NO.: ASBESTIFORY HI}iERAL FIBERS : CHRYSOTILE A},10S ITE CROCIDOLITE TRE}{OLTTE - ACTINOLI TE ANTHOPI{\'LLITE TOTAL ASBESTOS: OTHER FIBERS: }{INESAL WOOL (RocK UooL) GIJSS WOOL CELLUrcSE SYI{THETIC FIBERS .uoLIrsToNITE OTHER NON. FIBROUS CONSTITIJEITIS : AI{PHIEOLES (Ct HHINCToNITE, ETC. ) SERPENTINES ( LI ZARD ITE/A.IIIGORITE )HICA (!ruSCOVITE/BIOTTTE/CIILORITE) VERHICT'LITE clrY (PARTICIJS <2.0 !{ICRoNS) * Ali}NrDRITE/GYPSUM. rAlt QUARTZ/FELDSPAR CARBONATE (CAI.CITE,/DOI'I{ITE, ETC. ) DIATOI{S vot cANIc Guss (PERLITE/PIHICE) RESIN/EINDER OPAQUES TAR STARCH DCM SCIENCE IT.BORATORY BUII( ASBESTOS AI\.ALYS IS 0CT08ER L2. L987 HIJS TECHNOT'GIES, INC. 87 /LO69 VL HIJSCOt99S PERCENTAGE COHPOSITION BY VOLUHE .3RR-A .3RR. B 10-10-87 10-10-87VL-FT VL-FT112 LL2 .3RR.C .3RR-D t0-10-87 10-10-87VL.FT VL.FT112 112 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 2 40 0 0 t.5I 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 3 3 0 0 75 2 0 0 o 0 0 0 45 0 0 5 5 0 0 25 3 0 5 0 0 0 0 20 o 0 5 5 0 0 10 3 55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0t 0 0 0 0 0 z o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 MTAL PERCEII'IAGE IDENTIFIED I{ATERIAE lOO 1OO lOO 100 NOTES: SA|{PLE NO. 3RR CoNSISTS OF 4 PARIS. PART A IS A BLACK TAR-LIKE |ATERIAL(TR), PART B IS A GREY FISROUS. CROI'T-LIKE r{AtERTAL(2r). pART C rS A vEU,Ou RESINOUS I{ATERIAL(3T) ^ND PART D IS A BEIGE TILE(9sI). *C,AREONATE CIAY REFJ.ITII|G DA]E: CLIE.T-T: CLIENT.JOB NO.: PRPJ,ECI TITLE PROJECT NUHBER: ASBESTIFORY HINERAL CHRYSOTILE Al.tosITE CROCIDOLITE TRET{OLITE. ACTINOLI TE A}ITHOPT{YLLITE TOTAL ASBESTOS: OTHER FTBERS: I{INERAL HoOL (RoCK rlool)cll,ss l.'ool CEI.LT'I.oSE SY'IITHETIC FIBERS POIIASTONITE OTHE8. NON- FIEROUS CONSTITIJEITTS : AfiPHIBOIJS (CI''HHINCTONITE. ETC. ) SERPENTINES ( LIZARD ITE//AITICORITE) HICA (truSCoVITE/B rOIrTE/CHTTRITE) VEX,}TICI'LITE ctaY (PARTICIJS <2.0 t{IcRoNs) AN}NDRITE/GYPSIJU TAI.C QUTRTZ/FELDSPAR GARBoNATE (CAITITE/DOIOUITE, ErC. ) DIATOT{S VOLcA*IC GIASS (PERLITE /Pllt{ICE) RESIN,/EIIiDER oPAQUES GIASS SIIOT DCH SCIENCE IA3ORATORY EUIX ASBESTOS A.TIALYSIS ocToBER 12, 1987 HI^'S TECHNOI.oGIES, INC. 87 /L069 VL lfltsc01998 PFI.CENTAGE COI{POSITION BY VOLTJUE . DCH IAB NO.: -4RR-A -aRR-B -ARR-C -SRR-A -5RR-BSAfiPLE DATE: 10-10-87 10-10-87 10-10-87 10-10_87 10_10-87CLIENT NO.: VL-F[ VL-FT VL-FT vL-cT vL,cTFIBERS: 113 113 113 1I5 lrs 5 0 5 0 1 0 L o 0 0 0 0 0 [1-5]000000000000 003 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15 3 0 0 0 0I 0 0 0 28 0 30 0 L 0 0 0 o 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 25 8 0 5 0 0 0 0 70 0 0 3 9 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 0 0 2 35 0 o 7 1 0 0 0 IR 0 40 0 o 5 10 0 0 25 2 0 0 o 0 o 15 0 0 2 5 0 0 75 2 0 :OTAL IERCENTAGE IDEIfIIFIED XATERI^Is -T06- -160- -T0-6- -166- -160-;orEs: SAJ{PIJ No. 4RR coNsrsrs oF 3 PARTS. pARt A rs A yEILolJ REsrNous.ATFTIAL(TR). PART.8 IS A CREY FIBROUS. CROUT.LIKE |{ATERIAI(1T) AND PART C IS AEICE TII.E(99I). sAltPIJ NO. sRR CONSTSTS oF 2 pARTS. pARt A IS A TJITTE PATNT.LIKEATERIAL(5i) AID pAtt B IS A TAlr FTSROUS I{ATERIAL(95I). AfiPl.E NO. 5RR CONTAII ANRBONATE CIlr NO AI{D PART A OF ( REPORTII(C DA:i. CLIEST: cLIEliT J08 lio.: PROJECT TITLE PROT ECT h'Llt{BER: DCH SCIE}iCE IABOMTORY BUIX ASBESTOS nn-ALYS ! S OCTOBER L?, L987 HPS TECHNOI'GIES, INC. 87 /L069 VL Hssco1998 PERCENTACE COMPOSITION BY VOLU}{E DCH I.tB No.: .6RR.A .5RR-B -6RR.c .7RR-A -7RR.BSN{PLE DATE: 10,10-87 10-10-87 10-10-87 10-10-87 10-10-,87CLIEM No.: VL-FC VL-FC VL-FC VL-CT VL-CTFIBERS: 116 116 116 LL7 tt7ASBESTIFORfi HINERAL CITRYSOTILE A},IOSITE CROCIDOLITE TREHOLITE.ACTINOLITE A.I|THOPIn|LLITE TOTAL ASEESTOS: OTHER FIBERS: HINERAL UOOL (ROCK HOOL) GII'SS WOOL cEtrl,losE SII}ITHETIC FIEERS POLII,STONITE OTHER NON. FIBROUS CONSTITUENTS : AflPHIBOLES (ADO{IN6I0NITE. ETC. ) S ERPENTINES (LI ZARDITE/AIITICORITE) t{rcA (r{uscovl TEISIOTrTE/CIu.oRITE) VERHICULITE ct.Ay (PARTICT-ES <2.0 l{IcRoNs) AillnoRITE/GYPSUt{ TALC qUASTZ/FE!-DSPAR CAREONATE (C,ALCITE/DOIJ0|{ITE, ETC. ) DIATOHS VOITANIC GIASS (PERLITE,/PUI{ICE) RESIN/EINDER oPAQUES TAR UTIITE PAII{I.LII(E I{ATERIAL(5r) A}ID PART T IS A !ROI'}I FIEROUS t{A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0I 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 13 o 0 0 0 78 0 0 0 0 0 0 t2 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 o 2 1 0 0 7 2 o 0 0 0 0 85 0 0 2 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 o 0 0 25 o 0 3 5 0 0 55 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 TOTAL PERCENIAGE IDEIfIIFIED I{ATERIATS -86'' -166' -i36- -ffi -i66-NOTES: SAI{PIJ NO. 5RR CONSISTS oF 3 PARTS. PART A Is A YEu.og REsINous.{ATERIAI(5I), PARr B IS A ntITE PAIIT-LIKE HATERIAL(15r) ArrD PART C IS A BRO0}{FIBROUS, UOVEN r{AtERIAL(80r). sAnptj NO. 7RR CONSiSTS'OF 2 PARTS. PART A IS A NO. 7RR AI{D PARTS 8 ^I{D C OF SAITPLE NO. 6RR CONTAIN 95r). SA|PTJ a REPORIII:J DATE: CLI ENT: CLIENT JOB NO.: PROJECT TITLE PROJECT. NUY.5ER: DCH SCIEs-CE IABORAToRY EULK ASBESTOS ANALYSiS ocToBER 12, 19e7 HL'S TECR\'OLOCIES, INC. 87 /L069 YL HIJSC01998 PERCENTAGE COHPOSITION BY VOLIN{E DcH LAB NO.: -8RR-A -8RR-B -9RR-A -9RR-B SAHPLE DaTE: 10-10-87 10-10-87 10-10-87 10-tO-87 CLIENT NO.: vL-lIP VL-rrP vL-rJF VL-WFFIBERS, 118 118 119 I19ASBESTIFORH HINEML CHRYSOTILE A{OSITE CROCIDOLITE TREI{OLITE. ACTINOLITE ANTHOPIfYLLITE TOTAL ASBESTOS: OTHER FIBERS: HINERAL IJOOL (ROCK IJOOL) GIASS TIOOL CEIIT'I.oSE SYI.ITHETIC FIBERS IIOUASTONITE OTHER NON.FIEROUS CONSTITUENTS : N{PHIBOLES (A'UHINGTONITE. ETC. ) S ERPENTINES ( LIZARD ITEIAI{TI6ORITE) r{I cA (t{uscovlTE/B IOTI?E/CHLORITE ). VERI{ICT'LITE ctAY (PARIICLES <2.0 I{ICRONS) AN}NDRITE/GYPSUH T^I,C QUARIZ/FELDSPAR CAREONAIE (CAI,CITET/DOI O!{ITE, ETC. ) DIATOI{S volcA}rlc clAss (PERLITE/PLHrCE) RESIN/BINDER oPAQUES olltER IOTAL PERCENTAGE IDENTIFIED I{ATERIAIS -fto_ -M6- -M6- -166-NorES: sAl{Pu No. 8RR coNsrsrs oF 2-PARts. PART. A rs A lJHrrE pA$rr-Lrtc 5ATERIAL(zOT) A}ID PART 8 IS A VHITE CONCRETE-LIKE T{ATERIAL(8OI}. PART E OF SAXPIJIO. 8RR CONTAINS C^RBONATE CI-{Y. S^ITPLE NO. 9RR @I|SISTS OF 2 PARTS. P^RT A IS A }EICE PAIIT.LIKE Ii.ATERIAL(5T) AITD PART E IS A 9HITE PI^STER.LIKE IqTERIAI.(95T). 0 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 oI o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 o 0 2 0 31 0 0 5 60 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 o 0 60 0 0 2. 30 0 0 7 o 0 o 0 5 0 47 0 o 40 2 o o 5 o o 0 0t 0 85 0 0 2 1 0 0 8 o 0 a DCH SCI ENCE I-ABORATOP'r' B:'LX I DENTI FI CATION PROCEDURES DCH Science Laborator)' bulk asbestos analyses !re.conducted utilizingprocedures devel,oped by the HcCrone Research fnstitute and in' cor-pi iar:ce r-'ith guiciel ines establ, ished by the Environrnental ProtectionAgency. (EpA-600/H(-BZ-O2ODec. 1982) . one ha!f of each sar.ple is used for cnalysis, vith careful attentio:rgiven to layering, lf presen!. The re:.aining half of the sar.ple isretained for reference. A r.icroscopic sanple is taken btith fineforceps fro:. riany areas over the cntire nacro satnPle. A l0x to 800x s.-erec nicroscope js usei to obtain a representative O.5 - 1.0 tngse;ple, to r.aPe prelirinary fiber identification, and to exarnine theLo:cge.reity c.f the sa;pl e . The prir:,cipa). f ibrous conpone;'rts: c!:15'so'-i1e, a;-csite, crociciclite, r-ineral. r'oo1 and cell.ulose cainc:r.al1y te !<ie:'-if ied a: this tir.e. ihe s'-ereo nicroscope is alsousej to <ie:e-,:ne t!:e corpone:its of the sa:--ple by vo).ut.e percent. Tf.e reFrese::ta:ive sa:ple is the;r split a!:C rnountei in tso refrac'-it:e:niex o:le, 1.55O li) a:id 1.680li), fo: aralysis under a co::.pounibinocular polarizing light !:icro6cope (PLlt) . In addition, all fibrousnateriale arc Eountcd reparatcly in thc tvo o11s to closcly cxanine thefiber t!T)es pr€sent under polrrizcd ltght and disperslon rtalnlng. i''hen the racio Eauplc consists of tr.'o or llorc laycrs, cach laycr le ahalyzcd separatciy as described abov€. All :anplcr are cxanincC forthe presence of carbonate uith dllutc li.F. l.0t hydrochloric acid. The above procedures are carricd out under a rpccially conttructcd hoodproviding a contar.ination-free cnvironEent. The ea=ples are then vieued using the PU{ at 100x. Fiber and natrixident,ifi,cations are based on nornal optical nineralogic tcchnigr.resincluding color and pleochroisti., fori:, clcavage, relief, birefringence,extinction, orientation, tsinning, intcrfercnce figure and otherdistinguishing features. Dispersion etaining is also used as a furtheraid in nineral ldentification. The percentage cornPosition by volune isthen detcnined ln each oi1. If fibrous Eatcrltl 1r prcsent vhich does not r.atch clther the 1.550 HD or thc l. 680 ND olI , thc sanplc ie then arounted in 1.6o5 liD rnd 1.620 HD oile for further cxanination.llagnilications ranging fron 25x to 63ox Dey be uscd on saraplcs reEliring a t?.ore detailcd analysis. The asbestos contcnt in each t1'peof ojl is a:rely:ed. The rcsult.s are cv€rageC to detertnine to:al co:.:e::t e:'.d perccntage ra;rge for each typc of asbestos. All percc::+-rges of asbestos, other tibcrs, rnd non-fibrous constituents are calculated by avcraging the values obtaincd fron the stcreo and PLrl nicroseopcs. A chart prcpared by R.D. Terry and G.V. Chilinger for l@Journal of Sedir.entarv Petrolosv, (Volune ?5r PP. 229 - 23{, 1955) Provides a guide tor estinating percentages. The values arc then nornalizcd to l00t. lll rqrples are archived for six nonths unless othcr arrangelnents are nade by the CIicnt. , :.-{ ATE@ Associo Otes, lnc. January 18, 1995 ' Independence One Bank of Califomia 26722Plaza Drive, Suite 120 Mission Viejo, California 92691 Attention: Ms. Peggy Carollo RE: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment The Iodge at Vail Vail, Colorado ATEC Report No. 4l-07-95-00002 Dear Ms. Carollo: ATEC Associates, Inc. (ATEC) has completed a Phase I Envifonmental Site Assessment of the above-referenced property. This report includes the results of our findings from visual reconnaissance, a preliminary rcreening survey for asbestos, historical ownership and land use review, database research, records and regulatory review, and other related sources. Based upon our assessment the need for further evaluation is not indicated at this time. ATEC appreciates the opportunity to provide Independence One Bank of California with theseservices. If you have questions about information in this report or if we can be of further assistance, please contact this office at your convenience. , Respectfu lly submitted, American Testing and Engineering Corporation dba ATEC ASSOCIATES, [.,{C. Br.i;I ASBc-sios Tolvr; rri'"ai! il'#Fiq;r ilPY 1, l)W /1 '4r- V,ATuLLL, 2.Lr-IbErica Schoedel Project Manager Ame'ican Tesling and Engineering Corpc|otir . Oft,c€s in Mqor U.S. Citbs/Since 1953 Peter Mihalik, C.P.G. Branch Manager Consulting Envircnmenlal, Geotechnical and Malerials Engineers I "*ECUTTVE SUMMARY on December 23,lg.g4 ATEC Associates, Inc. (ATEC) was authorized by Independence one Bank , of California to conduct a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) of the Lodge at Vail and Ir of associated residential and retail condominiums located in Vail, Colorado, referred to as the nsiten' , T-tris included a reconnaissance visit to the subject site, visual screening for ACMs, sampling and j, analysis of suspect AcMs, intewiews, a review of ttre available environmenal databases and related i agency information for the site and surrounding properties, published geologic information' and an investigation of historical aerial photographs' fluspect eCMs which were visually identified and sampled consisted of dropin acoustic ceiling **'l II s en'l cnrav-on ceiline lysis of seven selected samples of II vinyl floor tiles, and spray_on ceiling material. However, analysrs oI seven sersctE(I . , I ,nrr" materials indicated "none detected" for asbestos' tL"-- J iI ,n,"ruiews conducted indicated the site was vacant pasturc prior to development in 1962' D Two underground storage anls (usTs) were observed on the subject site' Both tanks contain fuel for vail Associates, vehicles. The tanls are the property of vail Associates and are maintained and managed bY Vail Associates. Our rwiew of databases from federal, state and local environmental regulatory agencies indicated two facilities with leaking usTs were located within a one{uarter mile radius of the site' However' these facilities are located cross-gradient and are not considered to be a concern at this time' One I I orphan leaking underground storage tank (LUST) was listed as being located in the Vail Ski Area' ATEC performed a records review and conducted interviews with Vail Associates personnel and determined that the facilities were not in the site vicinty. Given this, additional investigation is not recommendec. llT 2.5 manufactured prior !o 1979 may contain small quantities of PCBs. Due to access limitations, the light balasts were not examined for labels identifying their PCB-content. They are considered a potential source of PCBs. However, due to the dates of building construction and since evidence of damage or leakage was not observed, they do not pose an immediate concem. During routine'maintenance they should be checked for "non-pcB" labels. If labels are not observed they should be considered as PCB-containing. If leaking ballasts are observed or large numbers of bdlasts are to be discarded, they should be handled and disposed according to local waste handling requirements for pCB units, ASBESTOS-CONTAINING MATERIAIS (ACI!C) 2.4.L Visual Reconnaissance A preliminary visual screening was conducted to identify suspect ACMs and to identify their general condition. This screening focused primarily on building materials and fireproof,mg. Suspect ACMs identified consisted of drop-in acoustic ceiling tiles, vinyl floor tiles, minor pipe insulation on the back-up generator and spray-on f,rreproofing. 2.4.2 Sampling and Analyses Seven non-destructive samples were collected and analyzed by polarized light microscopy (PLI*O. Analytical results indicated all of the materials sampled were non-asbestos containing. A copy of the analytical report is included in Appendix B. UTILITIES Drinking water and sewage service to the site is supplied by the town of Vail. Electricity is supplied by Holy Cross Electric Associarion.I APPENDIXB Iaboratory (Asbestos) Test Results 'r .'rr. tt s 'r e Associoles, hlc. IOOO torl ltlh Alo^u. Oller. Su[o 90o O.nYoJ.Cololodo 00?t0 lsos; rir-au? lrx f lloll Jlt'?!ts CI.IAIN-OF-CUSTODY POLARIZED LIOI{T MTCNOBOOPY {PLM) . HATInlAt 0EscnlPTlotl Ff __ _ 'Mi^ rPL E ll0 . rolcct I -rt:sg-l -E:A*-- sn,{Pl t L0cAT 10N 't -|Y\t?i. ?-t'va lrrJ 0r\L :: l,r"r., (V.L. ,. naturc: sAltPLts REt.tl{QUtsllED 0Y: Da Lc: Tlne: Da te: flnrcl SIgrratttrcI ES nticf. lvq,0 lll cooO c0HDlrl0l| 0Y: 0atc; /-Tlnc: 0o ts I f lrro : 7,fD 5IgnaLuru: .L(- ArBc essocrnTBs, Illc BULK SA}IPLE A|{ALYSIS REPORI NVLIP ^ccredtEed}|VLAP codo 1265-02 Polarizad Llght-D lBpersion stalnlng Mcthod nTEc Project ltumber 41-07-95-00002 4ethodt u.s. BPA rnterlm l'lethod EPA-6OO/!I4- 82-O2O \nalyglcat rnstru$€ntst olympuB Polarl'zlng lticroscope-BH-2 lerclntages Glvan by Vleual EEtlmate r"porl uJgt rot Be Reproduced Except_ 8y Approval From ATEC rhis Report Relat€s only To 'garnpleE Provided l€por! cannot be uEed to clalm producb andorEemEnt by NVLAP tr'ace Antount IndlcateE <1t By Welghc lcTI !l \DH 1GO \l,tos \NTH 3IN ]TT :AR :ELL )flRl )RO r BGLS ;YP IFP roF !ER )OLY I;YNI, TREH 'ERt,ti lot u - ACTINOLITE - AD}ISSIVE - AGGREGATE - A}IOSITE . ANTAOPHYLITE EINDER Ertt l.lEN CARBONATE CEt,,EULOSE CHRYSOTILE CROCIDOLITg FI BROUS GLASS GT PSUU I,IO}IE DETECTED. NO}I TIBROUS PARTICULITE NO OTHER FIBERS PERLITE POLYETITYLENE sv t{tHETrC lTREI{OLITE VER},IICULITE LIOLIASTONITE Respect f^u 1llateE, Inc R. Balrd Laborator DATE !Janqary 18r 1995 cL I EtlT; AIEC AsBoclat€8. Ine. BOal ?te€t I-70 Frontago Arvada, CO 8OOO2 AtTN I t'IS. BRICA SCHOEDEIJ A'fEc ASSOCIA?ES, INC BULK SIII'IPLE }NILYSIS REPOR? HVLAP Accredie6d llvLAP code t265-Oz Polarized Liglrt-Di6persion Sealnlng uethod A?Ec Project Numb€r 41-O7-95-OOOO2 Rd N, Unlt 11 PRoJECT IDENTI FICAtIoUT DATE SAXPLE RBCEIVED I ATEC LAB OATCH NUI'IBER T PHASE I ESA orlt6l95 950044 ^ s s IsTq!__eQr,qENl__l I L oTHER AIEROUS I,IATERTAL (11 SAHPLE coLon t hlto-Spray APPtted cellinq uat'I crey-CelIlng Tilo E€tga-aloor llle Belgo-Floor Tl Io 8ror"n-Floor Tlt€ l.thlte-Spray APpIled Cell ltrg Hat ' I crey-ceiling TtIe NON-FI BROUS girbonate 8in/Filler Viny I Viny I V,Lny I carbonate Por I ite Y ON I l1 ,1 '5 6 1 ND llD ND ND ND IrD ND NT, ND llD l,lD TID NO uD ND ND ND ND ND t{D ND 50-60 40-50 20-30 30-40 ltoF NOr. NOF o t; TOI{N OF VAII DEPART!4ENT OF COMMTJNTTY DEVELOPMEMT 75 S. FRO}ITAGE ROADVAII,, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 NOTE: TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT Permit #: ALL TIMES P99 - 0153 APPLICAMT CONTRACTOR OWNER CASTI,E PEAK PLIJMBING, INC.P.O. BOX 65, EAGLE, CO 8L631 CASTLE PEAK PI-,UMBING, INC.P.O. BOX 65, EAGLE, CO 81631 LODGE @ VAII, PROPERTIES 174 EasL Gore Creek Dr, Vail, Co Phone: 970-328-5031 Phone: 970-328-503L Phone z 970-476-50LL PLI'MBTNG PERMIT .JOb AddTESS: 174 GORE CREEK DR Locat,ion. . .: 174 E GORE eRK DR Parcel No. . : 2LOL-082-23-009Project No. : PRiI99-0351 8L657 Status...: ISSUED (LODGE Applied. . : 0t2 / Q7 /1999Issued. - .: L2/07 /L999 E>rpires. . : 06/04/2000 Description: REMoDEL EXISTING BATH NEW FlXTt RlSValuation:2, 200.00 *r:r*r'rr'ritr*"' FEE SIIUUARY PluEbing-----> Plan ch6ck- - -> I nvc scigac j. on > t{i11 call----> Regtsuarant Plirn Revier- - > TOTAL FEES. 45.O0 .00 3.OO .oo Total Calculated FeeB---> 59.25 Additional Fee6------- --> Total Pcrlnit Fee-__-----> Palment'd- -- - -- - .00 Ba.IANCE DI'E-. - - .OO*****+t*+**r*** IEem: 05L00 BUILDING DEP.A,RTI4EI\m Dept: BUILDING Division:L2/07/L999 JRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED JBI{iEai:'os6oo-FfRE DEPARTMEITi Dept: FrRE Division:I,loi/tggg JRM Action: -A.PPR N/A * * * * * * * * * * J a *t * * *' * t * ** t * * ***t* CONDITION OF APPROVAT., 1. FIELD INSPE TIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ***trtt*lr+**ii *t*****a******ttti**i*t**t**t* i**l***t*t DECLAxA*TIONS I hcreby acknorledEe that : have rcad this applicacion, fitl.d ouE in fu1l the inforEaeion rgqlri::sd, coft{tleced an accurate Plot p1an, and stale lhats all tshe informalion prowidod aa required is coriect. I agree to comply wich the inforlnatsion and plot Pl$, to coEply vit'h all Tot.n ordinances and sLaLe lans, and tso build this strucCure according Eo Ehc Town'E zoning and subdiwision codeE, d€Eigm rcview aFproved, Uniforn Building code and other ordinancee of €h6 lcown applicable therelo- REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IMDB ?WEITTY-FO0II HOURS IN.B,DI,BNCE BY 00 }ll 5300 PM on' contn-rcron FoR ErusEr,F 3l.rD OWI\IER . -r1 , TowN o, u^toNSTRUcroN 'ERM,, ort,.ATroN F'RM Pernit # rNT'ORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR TIIE APPLICATION WILL BE RHECTEI) Contact the Eagle County Assessors Offrce at 97L328-8640 for Parcel #Parca*&,ljl -otA -)\ -64 Date: lA. L" 11 Job Address: Building ( )Plurnbing Pd Electrical ( )Mechanical ( ) Legal Description: Lot Block Filine Subdivrsion Owners Name: Architect: Address: Address: DescriptionofJob, ha". 1 L e";Tr* \oaif^' - '1a.., -\:tJ - Go\\-h Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Number and Tlpe ofFireplaces: Gas Appliarces Additional ( ) *o- VALUATIONS ELECTRICAI: $ MECHAMCAL $ Repair ( )Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Gaslogs -6- WoodlPellet -<) - OTIIER: $ TOTAL $ Alteration { BUILDING: $PLI.JMBINGi'I,u --- General Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No./ El€ctrical Contractqr: Town of Vail Registration No. Plumbins Contractor: Town of Vail Regisnation No. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: Phone # Address: Phone # Address: Phone #116 " 3at- so3{ , ''1 - s'/ t3Mechanical Coutractor:Address: Phone #Town of Vail Reglstration No. FOR OFFICE USE ryPE GROUP SQ. FT. VALUATION BUILDING: SIGNATURE:ZONING: , ---- -, =SIGNAT T GLEAN uP DEPoSITREFUNDTo: OEC Ofi 1999 **!ICODE BOOKS ARf, AVAILABLE F'OR PURCHASE UPON R[QUEST*** L1.( TOVNC OF VAIL75 S. FRONfAGE ROADvArrJ, co 81557970-479-2138 DEPARITI,IEMI OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMEMT NOTE: THrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMBS EIECTRICJ\L PERMIT Permit, #t 899-0262 APPLIEAIi|:T ABBEY'S FTRST CI,ASS ETECTRICP.O. BOX 13, EAGIE, co 81631_COIITR.ACTOR ABBEY'S FIRST CI.AS3 ELEqTRICP.O. BOX 13, EAGLE, CO 81631OWNER I,ODGE @ VAII PROPERTIES174 East Gore Creek Dr, Vail, Co- Descript,ion: ELECIRICAL FOR REMODEL rJob Address: 1?4 GORB CRBEK DRLocation...: L74 E GORE CRK DRParcel No.. : 2L0L-092-23-009Projects No. : PRJ99-0351 8L657 SEatus... : ISSUED(LoDcE Applied. . : L2/07 /L999Issued- . . :Expires. . : Phone: 970-328-0458 Phone:970-328-0458 Phone: 970-476-5QLL ValuaE ion:1, 200 . 00 'rrti'tt*t**t*titrt*ttt'riii+lrt't****'t*tr**r*.+'r***r*rr****r*r FEE gUUl.{ARy *irrrr**r*ra**rrr*****rr*a***tr******rr*r****r Blectrlcal---> DRB Feo InveBtlgation>Hill calL----> BOTAIJ PBES- -'> 50 .00 .00 3.00 Tocal calculec.d Pe6€- - ->53 .00Additsionrl Fee6----- -- --> .OOTogal Paatitr Fe€- -- -----> Paynenta-------- BAI,ANCE DI'E- - - -. 53 .00 5! .00 .00 i** t t*tttr!rrl**+t**t*ta** * ***ti**r a********* ***r*r * ** **r***rr* **l * ***r****rr * ar*****in ****rr * *i**+i*****i **ii T!9X;rgg990__E-!EerRIcAr. DEPARTITENT Depr: BurLDrNe Division:Lzlu't/L999^,JEU__ - Accion: AppR ApppRovEDItem: 05500_E-!RE DEp4RTlrrENi __:_ ---. Depr. FrRE Divi-sion:L2/o7/L999 irRrq --[Crioii, AppR N/A l*r*+t*t**t**rlt'**i.tltt*'|l*'**t*i**rt''**?***l***t*******i*r*****l*******'l*l CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. PTELD INSPEETIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPTIANCE, ttltrta**tri*trrra*rrrrrrr**** frirrrr*r***a1*r DECI,ARATlONS r h'roby acknotledgc ehat r have rrad thig appric.clon, fllled ouc in full th€ infoldarion lequlred, coBpletsed an accurace ptotplBn, rn'l 6!at€ thrc tl1 thc Lnformacl.on !,rovided ae requi.red i6 correct.. I agr.. tq cottlply vluh r,h6 infomation and plot ltlan,to cguFly Ulth a1l' aorrn ordinalrceg lnd st.rce Laws, aod to buiLd Ebls structure dccording to Ehe Torrn, a zoning and dubdivisioncodI. design r.viav ipProv.d, unlfolu BuildinE cod€ and other oidl,nancee of the Tosn rlrFlicabl€ ther.co. REQSASTS FOR INSPECTIONS SI|AI.I] BS tiIADB MiEMIV-FOUR HOI,RS IN ADVANCE BY TE']BPHoNE AT 479-213a oR AT oI'R oPFIcE FRou 3:oo AI' sloo PM r 'tr t rowN oF vArCoNsrRUcroN pERMrr ApilrcAroN F.RM INTORMATION MUST BE COMPLETT OR TEE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTEI) Contact the Eagle County Assessors Offrce at 970-328-8U0 for Parcel # Parceti e@-oSZ-23-Aoq Date:/Z-7- 77 Permit# B?? -O ? 13 Job Name: /h4'Tlc /-ohc a,t /o,'/ robAddress: /7/ bo-z (reeL ..Dr Plumbing ( )Electrical frl Mechanical ( )Building ( ) Legal Description: Lot Block Owners Name: Architect: tlu,'f I bQ Other( ) Subdivision Address: Phone# Description of lob: .t2ema</,7t-a( Oue*s Ea4v7 - Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Alteration ( )Additional ( ) VALUATIONS MEC}IAMCAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Repair ( ) Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs Wood/Pellet OTIIER: $ TOTAL $ Number and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances BUILDING: $ PLIJMBING $ ELECTRICAL: $ hOO General Contractor: Town of VaiI Registration No.Phone # Electrical Contractor:/c t@3/ Town of Vail Reeistration No./07-€pnoo"* 772 - 32r -ov{K -?7- }74 !!um!!gg-Contractol:i1 ,.'.:,., i..,, .t _.:, .:--Address: Phone #Town of Vail Registration No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE ryPE GROUP SO. FT. VALUATION BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEIfi IIP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: ***CODE BOOKS ARE AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASf, UPON REQ{IE51*** ia.aE REPTl3l TO!{N, FF VArL, COLORADO @L,/2L/2OO0 O8:O4 REQUESTS - INSPECTN I{URK SHEETS FOR: l,/2L/2@ : Actlvltyt 899-@313 I/2I/2@ Typer A-MFAddreee: 174 GORE CREEK DRLocEtlon: LUDGE AT VAIL UNIT IOE Pareel t 2L0I-A82-23-0@9DeaarJ.ptlon! RENOVATE GUEST ROOIIApplloant: VISIOHS WEST CONST. & DESIGIIOvner: LODGE O VAIL PROPERTIESContraotor: VISIONS I{EST CONST. & DESIGN Statugl ISSUED Constr: AllF Occ: Uee: III l-HR Phoner 97@-949'@559 Phoner 97O-476-3O|L Phone: 970-949-0559 PAGE 5 AREA: CD ig=SE|3gatiE€====E=====g=====E=a=======-==:=;=-======3-========3=======-=:!===Ea=== fnepectll.on Requeat Information. . . .Reqq;rrtor: JJ-n ShennonReq Tlmer 6AzpA Comnents: vill Iterng requeeted-'to be Inepected. . .g@Ogg BLDG-FtnaI Phoner 376-422Acall pleaEeActlon Comnente Tlme Exp Itenr 'OOOAA BlDG-Sheetrock Nall\zttgt/e9 Inepector: GRGItemr @067A BLD6-ttiec.Itemr @OO9O BLDG-FlnalItenr OO53O BLDG-Tenp. e/OItenr OO531 FIRE-TEIIP, el8Iten: @0532 Pt{-TEl.tP. C/OItenr OO533 PLAN-TEMP. C/OItemr AO537 Pj,AN-FII{AL C/OIternt OO53A FIRE-FIHAL C/OXtemr OO539 PI{-FIHAL C/0 Xtem: @O5'4@ BLDE-FinaI C/O on: APPR APPROVED onr APPR ALL Actl Actl \.. /. REPTlST TOWN ,0F VAIL, COLORADO 6L/21/2@OO OBIO4 REOUESTS - INSPECTN IIORK SHEETS FOR: L/2I/2@ a Activd-tyt P99-4153 I/2L/2O Type: B-PLI{B Statue: ISSUED Constr: AAPTAddreaer 174 GOBE CREEK DRLoostLon: 174 E GORE CRK DR (LODGE AT VAIL *1@6)Percel:.2L@L-@,82-23-@A9 Occ:Deeorlptionr REMODEL EXISTING BATH NEW FIXTURESApplioantr CASTLE PEAK PLUMBIT{E, INC. Phone:Ornerr LODGE G VAIL PROPERTIES Phone:Contractor: CASTLE PEAK PLUI{BINE, INC. Phone: PA6E 8 AREA r JRI{ Uee: 97@-32A-543L 976-476-5ALL 97@-32e-5031 fnapect.{on Requeet Informatlon....RequFetor: Jin Shannon Req Tlmel @A.,@@ Commente: nJ-llItene regueeted to be Inapected... 6@294 PLIB-Flnal Phoncall pleaee Actlon Comrnents Tlme Exp Inepeotion $etory......Iten: oM.o Plttg-UnaergroundItenr OO22O PLllB. -Rough/D. W. V, 1,2/ 09/99.'fnepector : JRI{ f tenr OO23O flllB-Rough/Vlaterlzligfgg Inape-tor: JRilIten: OO24O PLMB-Gae P{pingltemr OO23O PLIIB-Poo1,/Hot TubItenr 00260 PLl,lB-l{1sc.Itenr 00296 PLI{B-FineI on: APPR APPROVED on: APPR APPROVED Acti Acti Phone: 376-4224