HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAMPO DE FIORIJ DEPARTMENT OF )u),o fue COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: T}TIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ano/ar-,t coMM BUrLD PERMT n--- eermit €: B9Z-0339(a*'7 J ' h'on' o ). TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2t38 APPLICANT G&GROOFING P O BOX 817, FRTSCO CO 80443 CONTRACTOR G&GROOFING P O BOX 817, FRTSCO CO 80443OI{NER NICO VAIL INC$ SLIFER MANAGEMENT, 143 E MEADOW DR STE Descripti-on: REMOVE SOUTH ROOF AND REPLACE CLASS 'B'' SHAKES Occupancy: 82 82Type Construction: V L-HR Type V 1-HourType Occupancy! VaLuation: l-L, 950 Add Sq Ft: Job Address: 100 E MEADOW DR Status...: ISSUEDLocation...: 100 E MEADOW DR (CAMPO DlApplied..: 09/23/1997Parcel No..: 2L01-082-56-024 --Issued...: 09/26/1997Project No.: Expires..: O3'/25'/I91B Phone: 9706685552 Phonez 9706685552 360, VAIL CO 81657 Fi reptace Information: Rest r i cted:fof Gas Apptiances:fot Gas Logs:fof tlood/Pa l, Let: :t**ftr*tffiffffif,lt**ft**ffiff******ff**ffi**tffff******ff* FEE SUt{llARy **i*ff*ff*ff**************it*tt#ffnHrtt*****}******ff* Bui Ld i ng-----> Plan check---> Investigation>lJitt cat l,---) 165.00 107 .25 .00 3.00 Restuarant P lan Revi ew--> DRB Fee-------- Recreation Fee----------> C Lcan-Up Dcposi t--------> .00 Tot.t Catcutated Fees---> 100.00 375 .25 .00 375 .25 375 .25 .00 Additionat Fces--------->.0O Total Permit Fee--------> *rr*rt***rr***ffirrrr***********n******nn*]lllf*liff;;;;;;;ii*******o*iliiii******lllllli-lli;;;;;*"*i**o***n***d**** Ile{ri .05lQ0_BIJILDING DEPARTMENT Depr: BUILDING Division:09/23/1.997 CHARLTE ecEionl-ApFn cHlnr,rE DAViSIten:'05400-P!4NNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNTNG Division:gg /23/\ge_?-cuaB rE ecEionl--EpFn N/aIteBi',g5qq0_EIBEI DEPARTMENT '. Dept: FrRE Division:9?/23/I222^CU4BI,IE __Aerron: AppR N/A _ -. ___-_-^_-_ _.rtem:'05500_PUBIIC WORKS Dept: pUB WORK Division:09/23/L992 CUaRr,in Adtion: AppR N/A *************titff**l**t********t|ttrnbi*ff****t*iot***lrt****ff***irf,ff**lr*******t********i**Jnt*frt*rf*****r!**rt*tr***rt r**#rtntti*rht See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this perrnit. DECLAR"ATIONS I.hereby acknowledge that I have read this apptication, fitLed out in futt the information required, compteted an accunate ptotptan, and state that att the infornation provided as required is correct. t agree to conpLy lrith the inforration and pLot ptan, to _coDPty vith aLl' Tovn ordinances and state [aws, and to buiLd this structure according to the ToHnts zoning and suMivisioncodes, design reviex approved, tlniform BuiLding code and other ordinances of the Town appLicabl.e thcneto. REQUESTS FoR r spEcTror{s SHALL BE ttADE TI,IENTY-FoUR HoURS IN ADVAI{CE By TEL€tttg!{q Paynents------- CE FRC'I Send Ctean-Up 0eposit To: G & G RoOFING FOR HII{SELF ANO OUNER '{ ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit t: 897-0339 as of 09/26/97 Status: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Permir Type: ADD/AIT COMM BUrr.,D PERMT Applied: o9/.23/.L997 Applicant:G&GROOFING Issued:09/.26/.19979706685552 To ExPirez 03/25/1998 Job Address:Location: 100 E MEADOW DR (CAMPO DI FIORI)Parcel No: 2101-082-56-024 Description: REMOVE SOUTH ROOF AND REPLACE CLASS "8" SHAKES Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 3. ALL WORK MUST COMPLY I{ITH 1991 UBC CHAP 32. NO STAGING WITH IN THE RIGHT OF WAY.4. ALL FINISHED WORK MUST MATCH EXISTING l,Eltt'lrT /l ceneral Descriptien3 Remove and Dispose of Entire-9oqth faciqq. roof. Install BitutheneoveientirfficEtssBfirdretardantwoodshing1es tvB?T("c1?ot"1'lt1LgrJ* rn/-arteriition [ ]-Atlclitional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other---J- l{utnber clf Dwetlj.ng Units: _- Nutnber of Accoltttnodation Units: -l{unrber and Ty1:e of l.'ireplaces: Gas Appliances- Gas Logs- woodr/Pellet-s/f&r ,t * tr.,t rt ,t,t rt tr * tt rt tr Jt !k !t Jr *:t * * :t rt /r rt * * * * *:t * * VALUATIONS tr * :t )t tt :t * tt * Jt tt * tt * rt * * rt * * * " tt * rl tt * * * rt * tt * fs BUILDING: -$ILg50-- ELBCTRTC^I: ^$--- oTItER: $ PLUI"IBrl.lc: $ r'rucrlulicai, $------] ioiait :sp--.^"-^-'-:-.-_-lt{r * * * r. ,t ,r ,t,r * rt ,r ,r ,r:t r. jr,r ,t rr r. * rt !r rr tr rr * coNTRAcToR INl.'oltllA1rlolJ ?t tt * t! rt * rt * Jt * tt 'r * * * * *:t t? * * * * * * * tt /Bep.rat conLracl-or3 G & G Roofing. rnc S?2-<233? 'l'own of vail Reg' No'--13=.1- A..r,rr-aqs: P.o.Box 8lffi Phone Number:91-0--653-5512-- Address: Plurnbitrg Address: colrtracl-or: * * * rt * t! * * rt * * rt :t :t rt Jt rt >t rft * Jr rt * Jt rt * lr :t rt :t tt * BUILDING PER-I'II'I. FEE: PLUMBII'IG PBITUIT FDE: MECIIANICAL PBRMIT lt'EEl ELBCTITICAL TEE: OTIIEII TYPE OF TEE: DRB FBE: Phone l,lurnber: 'l'owu of VaiI Phone Nulnber: Reg. I''lo. Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nutnber: I'OR OlrflCf USU ,v )t rt * 't tl tr * ,t * ?t * * * tt * tt * * rt * * tr * * * * * * * * BUTLDTI'IG PI"AN CHDCI( FBE: PLUI"IBING PLAI'I CI.IECI( FtrII: I"IECIIANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAI{-UP DEPOSIT: TO'IAL PEIT}IIT FEES 3 BUILDING: SIGNATURB: ZONII.IG: SIGI.IATUITE ! Mechanical CotrtracLor: Address: Otorn, oir vArL col'tsrRucriolO PAT{CIL II ; 21,0L08256O24 PERMIT APPLICA'IION I'OR.I'ItlilTE:. q/?3/q7 , APPLICATIOT{ MUS'I' IIE IIILLIjD OUT COIIPLETELY Oll I't MAY NOT BE ACCBPTED s * * * * n * * *,r,r ,t * * Jr rr,r ,r ,t ,t,r ,r ,r ,t ,r 't * ,r :r ,, IrERI.trr rl{Foru,tA1'rol{ * * it * * * rt * * rt * * * )t * * * :t * * * * * rt * * rr rr : ds'"[*]-Bullcling [ ]-Plunbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechani-cal [ ]-Other Job I'Iarne: C$o-le=fior:Job Aclclress: f0@ Viiil ViIIaqe Plaza riLegal Description: tdt O BIocJ<-fl)- FiIiIrg Aclclress! 14? tr^ct MeaCow Drive Ph' 476- 1063 ArchitecL:Address:Ph. Dl.ecLrical conl-ractor:?own of Vail Reg. No. Arfdress: P.O.Eq@ VALUATIOI'I Cornlnet:ts: 8L7, Frisco, Co 80443CLUAN UP DIIPOSIT IUTUND c&GRoofing, INc, TOWN OF VATL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 DEPARTi,IENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST MECHANICAL Job Address...: 100 E MEADOW DRLocation : VAIL VILLAGE INN SUITE 24Parcel No.. ... : 2l-01-082-56-024Project Number: PRJ97-0045 BE POSTED ON PERMIT JOBSITE Permit ALL TIMES M97-0089 nm #: Status. . ( CAMAppIied.Issued..Expires. : ISSUED z I06 /06 /t997z 07 /02/t997I 12/2e/7ee7 APPI,ICANT MARSHALLENTERPRISES INC300 RIVERSIDE AVE, ASPEN CONTRACTOR MARSHALL ENTERPRISES INC 300 RIVERSIDE AVE, ASPENOWNER NICO VAIL INCt SLIFER MANAGEMENT, 143 E Description: INSTAI,I, MAKEUP AIR, TYPE ti reptace lnformation: Restricted: Y MEADOW DR STE 360, VArL CO 81657 Valuation: 30,000.00 Phone : 97 0-925-7 847 Phone: 9'lQ-925-7847 flof Gas Logs:fof tlood/Pat tet: .00 Total catcutated Fees---> 755.00 co 81611 81611co t****H*******ff*******t*t*********ff*************ff******* FEE SUtlllARY ******************ir******ff**********ff****************** tlechani cat---> 600,00 Ptan check---> 150.00lnvestigation> ,00 tli tt catL----> 3.00 1 HOOD IN RESTRAUNT fof Gas AppI iances: Restuarant Ptan Revi eH--> DRB Fee-------- TOTAL FEES-----.00 Additional. Fees---------> .00Total Permit Fee--------> Payments------- 753 .00 753 .00 Iter!! ,95lq0.BUILDING_DEpARTMENT Dept! BUILDING Divi6ion:07/02/1997 CHARLTE Acrioni AFpn cuenlrE DAViS-- -'ItEm:-05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DepT: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. EIE D--IN pECTIqNS_ARE_BEQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.2. MAKE UP AIR INTAKE MUST ftATCH EXISTiNG--SUiilOING-COI.,IJN--"-'--- ******************************************************************************** DECI,ARATIONS l.hercby acknoutcdge that I have rcad.this appLication, f il,l,rd out in ful,t the intormation required, cotrpl,.ted an accurate ptotptan, and state that al'l the intormation provided as required.is correct, I agree to compLy riith tire iniormation and pl,ot il.an,to compty with aLL Tolrn ordinances _and state [aHs/ and io buitd this structure accofd.ing io'the Tovn's zoning and subdivisibncodes, design review approved, Uniform Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Town afpticabte thereto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TIIENTY-FOIJR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Af 479-?138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII 8:OO AN 5:OO PI,I SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII'ISELF At{D OTINER f Contact Eagle County A""""=or$f f i"" ft fi"3i'i?'i-t3?t'6:dr!"'s'e'-'1ar,/'3Hil,?[Xill,:iili3$"S3ifl . I - oar't 6= 6--4- ' PER}IIT /I Block_ Filing sunorvrsron, Address: Address: , APPLICATIoN MUST,AE FILLED OUT COI'{PLETELY OR IT tlAY NOT BE ACCEPTED- x***************************** PERMIT INFORMATTON *****************************t\) -/t l-Building [ ]-Plumbing [ ]-Electrical t6""nunibal [ ]-other Job Narne:Job Address: Legal Description: Owners Nane: Architect: Ph. Ph. General Description: ,/ r/'work cl-ass: [ ]-New tL/f-Arteration [ ]*Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Accommodation Units: Nurnber and Tvoe of Fireplacesr cas Appliances- Gas Logs_ wood/perlet_vtrfr********************************* VALUATIONS *********************************'tBUILDING: S EI,ECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ TOTAL: I Address z 3D0 Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Address: ********************************FORBUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: EI,ECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: I'IEcHANIcAt,t $3bF- CONTRACTOR INFORMATION *************************** AJC Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Town of vail Reg. No.2O&'mPhone Number: oFFrcE usE ***** ******************* ****rr** BUTLDING PIJIN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE:I'TECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNAEURE:Cornrnents: CLEAN UP I}EPOSIT REFII}II) TO: VALUATION '753 oo ,ar 7 t ir1! | I ,I =tcgr5 cl-' 'J, .-\3:\ i ni r*l ''l i.r s:S i^ | r..sls I I s 44 d Torn ofvan ,1,4 IFit f\l b f;iE 4 ic t $l -i rl ^ I fir. z ,"1 :'i;' ,,:.i :;;.----) ,,,,.1 tl.--.-,,ril ..r''it I ,l'il r:l .i"ll/ r, l tl i':l Lil-'.;,n,1, ,:l l.l . j.i ,"i, Irl iliii ,;,il iil iilrl 7\Til I ts€, " "-|c'fi*jt.lii ''-$flf dtHt , rr.ir . l * u ,./'=\i -:r\iE $::3'o /ig ':' .-/7 a Ir*) lc" l= tsiteltsl Itrl-llnlrdl =tEI14l l:-$ F$H E gHI *l ./ ilnj \,i (,r) )\ . >1'/ ./ ;I EJ 1fi :'frOFFICEWY !, o C5z: i-(: I i'a' Irtrll :l rjrl rj -____--jlii 3'igs i-.. ,'-* E F-: .-E = .- t: EECa _[i' lrg '1' 'r. \t \-\ \i-L \:-s8HE I:f -1 i j 1 I u, *l E'tro o =lo .T (i @\act .: ii .i' ::_ Il EI 2 o-l (} j:t'pn tr c' -.*-& t)m0lCr .'l-'l ;19iit;-.: I r,r"i Er iitErE!tirlti4 l :'J,-(*l Et.i ItlE=l-i- tr-,tz4llr -+1:",l:irll.=r- (:X0 I E It r T sE t 5 E Irl{ Eit :{ t ll|) I I t.-:lr#i.iI[-i : :d IFo ; I l-lti| '"i rlil-r?.-t-:_-.i_ {\.\. s.'\, \.... \'. t '.. r, l,;.\. ,.\''\,.. "-------T'---T-- -.,<..j.: / L= :: ; 1 I _ _ *._-!_- l I!: "i I'-. i7 i.-lqij il$ ()L) ()a (.) o<a E u1lr4lkJi*tl =I $ 5i s$i Hil:I Etr- -t 5$rE !i:s=f / iin" \\ : iti\\ l , 1|'" t t a E >Ntat\r\ i''ri..._ ctrJJlJrc. rr|.lt !rT coMMERctAL rOcnrn vinnmroRs r 8o<kword in<line wheol derignimprover oir flow effi<iency ieoled sp!n oluminum ccrnrtructionwith steol suppo.i b.oces a g!rrlt-in grearle rposf, grecsc <ollectori,o.<, ood !'xternol iunction bo^. <:re,r. I"Jed tcurb not includedl i5', t,)ro,rgh ?.43/",' unils con be roofo; w,rll mounteti. Olhcr si:er ore roo{ t txtei'nolly <ooled motor aomporfmenlprrvid€s loogcr nroto, qnd driv€ (om- poncnr lile . Ventiloiors meet Nf P,A-96- 199 Iinrldll{'tion requiremenls Itcm6!€' 9160id loden ood iool oir rr;, r.i"/- I' l.,,rr, .. , ','. ',;..1 k . t., I:rl l,l,al ,, -:.., r,r I|l.. : 1. . :'. li\,1. ::'ritr'., r. ,l 'r,.,' r,ii,i.. I'r'rrrr.,rr,.ri.r lrjt'fr,ir,..1 l,.tl !e.,r itr,: .,,rr!il,rl ,t -; ili.li l,e.rrr:,q lr,or:ri .ur{l 1.,r,.!t,lv l,r . lr ,ir,\,., iitl t!1(.1(r I Jr:!,.1 r1 f lt $ lren r,rrle! r.rl \\ ltlt \ altii:Ltr'r -.. i.,,' lirtod,t.nrr.i r,r Al)lrjii!r,r',rs,!Zll\', i,;r,1r,.1) {)r,11 1,,, St,r''k -\nr-. ol i(.trL'ltr(,r:i !ol(1.,, rl,l\, . r;tir li ()ir,il ;rLr1 (lu\('\ .r ir' Ll.,rr :r.i t).. tr,r,lrrr,,rj .,lt ].:, t(its)r, ' ,,i rt'i\ \, iri Nt'f-{ ,,;: :,r t l. r, r:.j ):/-rj\" Rcplocemenl Portr Avorloble !.800-323-0620 Il.1\rr") \iJg ( ', , (.r,rl,rr l]tiLithe \'r'rrlr 1lr,r! sl,f,\;ll lrl t.,irlarr' 1,( tltl5, i] i,, 1,,,:r, lllr. A \lr '.Serrl I'he r-/liri.t: \1, '{r r! D{sr'rr (,'i leslL 1:r,l ir',r, ' ilrlr, . 1:ct'fr'trrgi ,l (t((,.1.::.r,.1 "i, ii1.II( .\ I'Lrl)li( Jll, 'r :l | ,r,,. _\11( A I rrt,rt, Jti, r, tl1 .r:.,iol" 8C0id, ln. ,lh St 15ti.20'ta 2,13i. 3O!/o Rreonmerdad l8'v€otid Cub I ._ _I!o"t N" _ .''' ;)'1. .1. ^$ &;I}p CfM Air D.liv.rl .l RP[,] Sh{.!|| 0 500 0li2|' tr.1n 100' I 500SP SP SP SP SP 1.750', 5P l.isJ-rl r;,1.1 r. i.l:!; .,jl'- :;i;.li'S l' I :lji,r'r.': I rt ,,rii ll.:l |l t:,::,:\L: :i t) t:r.L; it.-ltiri t;:: I r l'r1lL lir.i:ir :n lt, .l:,, ;., - i:, lD, i ili; r,r. ' ,.,- 11 i i:11 i .r: _,1 rij! r-il il' . ::rir:;1. !{:)ll I'i1,r ;rgl rlil !T!l t]!rll1n0l i FLi PHONE OR FAX YOUR ONDEB IODAY! r---'_ - t'"' =ti * E :g*.; Il, i tY VENTITATOR,S a Atlrq.liv€ comPoct design; odty ?o f,ondle, store ond shiP e Fredrilled ond sloitcd Ponels for quick o 'sernb,v; oll $ordwqre included a \o 5pe(idl equiPmcnl re,quired to , oire (omponeols to root e uolvor.zed sicel (on)truclion; dae_ lorrrrerl lovverod side Ponelt; l " rhi<k .leorrobie crlvnlirrvnr filterl o Belr-Jrive, doubte wrdlh double rnk:r' lor*ord eurvc blowerr with hovring rvppori5, duct odcrPter, .tnd mo?ol Irr o(kett . Pe'n'('nently lubrr<qted boll beo'irrg blower; <rnd nrotors ltrri ,l r'rr'. ' t l 7-@1-1W7 4t43P1lvl I July 1, 1997 JE XrrI\E ClfrYgE lloPPlitlr asflIl FODA tGt Eltcll SIEI'EII PEAIG cua{r R^lsru{ n^r.oY nE tt'I{l t(^FEx 1HBO8d.O IEAJE WAU.|CE tt tG wurs tT"*,o VLLY cg{s El\cRS ls7@245441 GRAND VALLEY. CONSULTTNG ENGTNEERS, tNC. 8A7 ROOOAVENUE GMND JTJNCTION, COLOFADO 81501(c70l24s-3iZ/ FAX: (970) 2454450 P. I 'i t: :FJ Tom Marshall Marshall Enterprlses 300 Rlverside Ave. Aspen, CO 81611 Subject Campo's of Vail Our Job #7060 Tom, I At yotrr request, I have rwierred for lhe sutfect poject the kitchen hood air flows as retated to the installalim, the equipment, and reqriremenh of he 1991 Uniform Mechanical Code. A copy of this letter and the attached dnawing should be submitted to Mr. Davis at the Vail Building Department Ygu provided floor flars wtridr irr<ticaie that the hood is sunounded on three sides by walls. You haVe indicated ftat the cooking €quipment under the hood is gas fired, not solid fuel fired, eactr o<haust duct cpllar al the hood ls 14" x 14', the main elfizust duct running horizontally and ilren up to thq roof-$ounted lan ls 14' x 20', the dlstance fiom the tower lip of the hood to ths cooking surface l5 3€7, and the hmd is 15tY long. The attacfred sheet Ml .l sholls the hood and part of lhe ductwoft as I undestand it to be.tl I Per the 199,1 UMC for kltctrsr hoods seMng high temperature appliances, the required volume' of exhaust air may b€ calculsted as lofloun:, , Q= 'l00PD t D = Distance\in feet between lower lip of hood and the cooking surface.. P = That palt ol he perimeter of he hood that is open. Q = Quanu'ty of air in CFM I For thls apfllcation, you have in<licated that: D= 3.5ft. I P = 15.25lL therefore: i Q= (100X15-25X3.5). I Q= 5338CFM'I I Based on the above calculation, ths sxhaust fan seMng the hood musl draw a minimum ol 5338 CFM oflair from the hood. {g 74\-199-7 Lz4ffil *b* VLLY cg\s EI$GRS ls7a24*T ' Job*ZO6O I page? By uslng a duct design conputer program to calorlate the air velocity in the 14" x 20, odaustdud, I have detemlned that V = 2950 fVmh. Using tfie same program for the 14. x 14. branchdrcts,V=2089fUmin. Per lhe 1994 UMC, the grcase ilct air vdodty must be grealer than 15OO ftlmin. and le6s than2500 fUmin. Per the Handbod( to he Unlbrm Mecfranlcal Gode, "The maxlmum veloc|ty specificafion ls a ndse-cotttrot measure.' lf the s)rstem as it has been installed is ndt unacceptably noisy, then I belierre that th€ calcutated 2950 fUmin. velocity is aocepbble. Yor have indicated that yor are using an attic mo|rnted makeup air tan to provlde S4OO CFM ofqfiside air to the kitchen and a portion of Uris afu is fed to the cornpensating hood. Per code, tre hood may receive up to 80% of ib efiausl alr volume in mak+up ai4 equivalent to a maimurii ot 427OCFM. My involvement in tris pmject is Imibd to oonftrmation of code conrptiance wlilr rcgard to tequired volurne of exhaust air and air velocity in the exhaust ducts. I did not design any porton ol the syslem. The basis of Utis waluation is infurmation that you have prwided. No field observations of the installation or site have been made and none are flanned. Please calllme il you have Sres0ms or need furtrer asslstance. P.2 Sincerely, IGrand falley Consulting Engheets, Inc. I Do'1U qp,*a,y CronaOfCfnton Ralston, Jr., P.E. DCR/jc CR70701.WPFt\ ffi'm i& 28609 7/ot/?Z $.IPFI.Y XR Ot'CT FROTI SUPPLY FAN IN ATIICSPACEASoIE-- FROM GRND VLLY qONS ENGRS I 1a'x2d }tErl)ED DO|A|ST Dt CT UP TCI EX{AI'ST FAT Oil ROOF5'{D CFU TOTAL NOIE: lHls oRAltlNG DEPICIS A SllSlEM DEsct€D BY IHE ttECN{Al{lcAL @I{TRACTOR. NOT BY GRAT{D VATT.EY COI{SJL1ilG ENCNEERS NC, OF VAIL HOOD MECHANICAL PLAN MPO'S TCHEN '14'd+- r20'x1.t' GRAND VALLEY CONSULTING ENCINFFENG C(rtsrn T NTS (em) 'as-$7t ENGINEERS F X: (C70) 245it{f,O Ml.1 7,C/) o -€ -.-if Fabfrcalrng Corrpanl, Dsrr,.,s: CoioraCc c6.'.fcy tc be gtr;stf ucred ?t 1g q.i..?.rl\'[.e 3iJ4. stalnles$ slee ,!]ir a 1,N..1pclisheC f inish o/ 1e Eeuge ! iiryJ.r iJtj,-.;wrth a coatinq ciasg li 125 az. perSqUirA fCLJl. Fabr !-aiton lC De ri.raccordance r;;lir NFpA Coag Ji ,rr.:lNSF S::,rgar: tJx !. : ,;.:ifr! 5:,a,It;ve a l;qrictioi! ccrl,-..._:, ;r:cr.ii h errai? weio. A full sei o: l! Cta.;jrt,fC i.j:t aclicr\2J" x 20'' x i" l--,le \r:.sr:3 6;1r1,. rype $,'ease irlle"r: as rr 3nuf ec:,r:e, F,,,Slardard'Ker, r-e :,1 :,e p.., ,Cei.-F'llel5 l0 )€' ir,,^1c, p.-r ,1,1,.t -r3-,tu5 Elanker paneis !nslalj_lo w,l*rc lBQUrr€O tC Si i*r-e",,.a1,i $,lirce ', :r r_jJH gauge lur :englr hlle. faj[ i,:r-.,r.o lQ i remo;acie. dte slin F)9 j 1r.r .'l.. j.l ceoacity stainiess stfe;.f ,n3se -.rI. F...rlt canopy, Modet No, Esc. es manUliClUr?i by Slainles.s Specifications Exh6u5,1 car'..r!. io b,,i lre E:rer1y Sa,;er (ES,i. .ton-rempere3 ri,a(?.ui, e .. G ry?-r-t-.=!-r *-t# Energy Saver Canopy Non-tempered make-rrp arr canoov 'ilci!..,,er ga rr,c lo have cne 9l?aj9.,..i1,1 at ea-,. en.C.TOp Cl liiie r raCk:::: , '. lc?c 0 lop oi ncod .l .. lc ellow : .. :' :,,a1 .,- rl lire proteoljon s/siem ' :el'r'/ith 1t'i ;i 7 rt r :,i" pre,drtleo e:rJ I6p^E _ r9l. ;il :rAnget .:)f S :1:,S iO f iTln]gO rr3i it3 "ii fC':i .j -1rr-r:tr .. ';iep ,,r !. en,_ -,;ylir*o v,rll E'.i L|lrai,ig ttpe 15C.:..: _ :r,iil;rref ic prerent,l't,,lai:ir:t:t'. l,lakg.up at: io cE,t str'i)uigo t,r lornly aircgg raa* o,Itsr:,)ly by tjliirTE ntake.up arr pJenunl r,iin iuli rirglr : g gauge dlff us er panel't EalEe $:?. -.{ess sleel satties lo be1:tvr,Jed lo aitc/v oper3:c/ tO directr:rtke'!C a,r to inlerior cr ertgriOt OliSrnFy tsa.ff -os femcvabie lOr oleEr(inn, 4rQb. MARSHALT ENTERPRISE INC.300 Riverside Avenue ASPEN, COLORADO 816II(9701 925-7847rAx (970) 925.7847 JOA CALCT'TAT€D BY o^nf,ontc € Q CHECKED BY tm|Flzolr Hr{rr trroE9o:*rtool,t htrtrurmrrur I TOWN OF VATI75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81,657 97 0- 47 9 -2138 Etect ri cat---> DRB Fee lnvest i gat ion>Uitt cal, L----> DEPARTMENT O!' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address3 100 E MEADOW DRLocation...: VAIL VILLAGE ]NNParcel No.. : 210l-082-56-024Project No. : PRJS?-0045 81645 81645 JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit *: 897-0073 Status. . .AppIied..Issued...Expires. . ISSUED0s/06/ree7 05 /06 /tee7\t /02 /lee'l 75772APPLICANT EAGLE VALLEY EIJECTRICP O BOX 1116, MINTURN CO CONTRACTOR EAGLE VALLEY ELECTRICP O BOX 1116, MINTURN COOWNER NICO VAIL INCI SLTFER MANAGEMENT, 143 E MEADOW DR STE 360, VArL CO 81657 Description: REMODEL FRo rrALrAN REsr. varuation: 9,ooo.0o *********************************************************** tEE SU14llARY ****ff*********i*t***rct*t********************************* Total. Catcutated Fees---> Additionat Fees---------> TotaL Permit F!e--------> Payments Phone:30382 Phone z 30382757?2 165 .00 .@ 165 . OO> 165.00 162.00 .00 .0,0 3.00 TOTAL FEES---> 165.00 BALANCE OUE---- *****************************t************************************t******************tt********************t*********t************ Itelni .060Q0^EI, qTRICAL DEPARTMENT Depr: BUILDTNG Division:es/06/!99?-CHARLTE ection: AFFit-cnanLrE DAVrsItem:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: ***********t*********************************ff********************************************************************************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ffi**t***tt****************t*t***ff****t******it*********t***i***********i**********t*******t*t-i******i*i****i*t******ff****t**** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknol,tedge that I have read-this appl,ication, fil,Led out in ful,l, the information requi red, compteted an accurate plotP[an, and state that atL tha information provided as required.is correct, I agree to compty viith tire iniormation and pLot il,an,to comPty with al'l' Town ordinances -and state [aws, and io buitd this structure according io'the rovnis zonin! ana subdjvisibncodes, design reviev approved, unitorn BuiLding code and other ordinances of the Town afpticabLe theneto. RESUESTS FOR IT.ISPECTIONS SHALL BE ITADE TIIENTY-fOI'R HOURS IN ADVANCE TOT{N OF VATL CONSTRU PERMIT APPLICATTON DATE: B{r - 60'tl PERI.IIT /} , APPL,ICATfON MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPIJETELI OR IT II{AY NOT BE AcCEpTEDU--- Fo..'16citt PR.Sq1-6.{ar********************* ********* PERMIT TNFORMATTON ***************ii**TI**-******/l-t l-Buildlng [ ]-prunbing gf-rtectricat [ ]-uechanicat I J-other Job Name:Job Address: .'ccral nac.,":rinf i,-tr-t! rra+ Dr^^,r- =,r.,.3*\ A a-t-gt -,9e,?-.5L-oacl oqrroN FOR}! r! Legal Description: r.ot_ Brock_ ririnffi-el<q ohrners Naue: -^-1a*$1p,o<.- arrArac<. r^^ - Architect: Address: /oa €, nneJ"- trr. Fh._gEiZ_ Address:Ph. ceneral Description: work class: [ ]-New ]d-ltteratton 1!-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Accomrnodation Units: - tlprnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas appliances_ cas r,ogs_ wood/pellet_v]********************************* VALUATTONS ***** * * ****** ****** *** ** ********* dutr,ptrc: ELEcrRrcAt,r | 9.aOo..tt orHER: Idutr,ptrc: ELEcrRrcAu I LaOO..tC oTHER: I ^ BLWBTNG: $ MEcHANrcAr,: $--f-- roieii $- ^;: ;: i . ;#;#:; : :il3i:l "ff_H:'LlHy"o"lil. l ;.;: i i.;:; :.il :.......Address: b.o Electrical. Contractor: Phone Nurnber : tlg*aO_-a.^r - Plurnbing Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. NO._Address: Mechanical Contrar:tnr:,verrr; fown of Vail Reg. NO.Aqoress: .phone Number: ********************************FOR BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLI'MBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERI.IIT FEE: ELECTRTCAI. FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: oFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PIAN CHECK FEE:Pil'MBTNG PI-.AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FE8: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNAEURE: CLEAT| T'P DEPOSIT XEPIIND IO: I TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8165? 970-479-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED oN JoBSITE PLUMBING PERMIT perrnit AT #: ALL TIMES P97 -0 050 Job Addrese: 100 E MEADOW DR Statu6..Location...: 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL VILLApplied.Parcel No..: 2101-082-56-024 fsiued..Project No.: PRJ97*0045 Expires. ISSUED05/06/res7 os /06 /tee7tt/02/tse't APPLICANT MARSDEN PLUMBING AND HEATING INC998 COTTONWOOD LANE, GLENWOOD SPRTNGSCONTRACTOR MARSDEN PLUMBING AND HEATING INC998 COTTONWOOD LANE, GLENWOOD SPRINGSOWNER NICO VAIL INC8 SLIFER MANAGEMENT, 143 E MEADOW DR sTE 360, VArL CO 81657 Description: PLUMBING FOR RREST. REMODET VaIuaLion:16, 000 . 00 t*********************t*******t*****t********************** FEE SUllt{Any ******************r*************************r************* P tumbi ng: ----2'240.00 .m 303.00 Totat Catcutatcd Fees---) 301.00Ptan check---> 60.00 Addi tionat tees--------->.00 Phone t 970-945-2849co 81601 81601.Phone: 970-945-2849co 81601 81601 Restuarant P tan Revierr--> TOTAL FEES----- DECLARATIONS r. hereby .acknowtedge that r have rcad.this apptication, fil,tcd out in fuu, the intormation requifed, compteted anPtan, and state that att the intormation provided as fequired is conrect. I agree to compty riittr tire informationto.conpty tith att Tovn ordi nances -and state taws, and to buiLd this structure according iJth. Toen's ioning lhdcodes, design reviev approved, Uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the Town afpticabte thereto. .:' accurate ptot and ptot ptan, subdivision REOUESTS TOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI.IEilTY-FOUR }IOURS tN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT}79-2138 OR AT OUR OTFICE EROII rOR HI}ISELT AND Eagle county A"""""o.Cfi"" O 28-8640 for Parcel #. TOWN OF VAfL CONSTRUCTfONPERI'rrr APpLICATION FORMDArE:_y'ft/2 , APPLICATTON MUST BE FILTED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT t'lAy NOT BE ACCEPTED x***************************** PERMII INFORMATION *****************************,l ./[ ]-Building 1lz]-rrunbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibar [ ]-other /Job Address: Address: ^ a a\ Alr,. r,rj\.l'lJt"(nr,'fr,ct Electrical Contractor: Address: . Plumbing Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ********************************FORBUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: ELEqTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUILDING: SIGNATURE! ZONING: SIGNATURE: toa Nanez O// owners YaneJ, 5af/24a ' Address: Architect: addroc<: PLUMBING: T'2.6 EI,ECTRICAL: $PIJT'MBING: I /6.d.>D MECHANICAL: f 't; : ;: i - :ffi : ffi ::- - -;};;,1 ;ONTRACTOR I N FORMAT I O *,*Contac t 7 ?7<to7/ PERIIT 'I$;r$-l Filing susprvrsroN, Ph. General Description: t l1n"p"ir [ ]-other Nurnber of DryeLling Units:Number of Accommodation Units: #rU"t and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appli^n".r-? cas Logs_ wood/pellet_ [********************************* vALUATToNs ********************************* BUILDING: $ CoNTRACTOR INFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * OTHER: $ TOTAL: T Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Nunber: Town of vail Reg. Noifl-?Phone Nurnber: aYf ZA4- Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: oFFrcE USE ******************************* BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE3 RECREATION FEEs CI,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: Address: CLEAN I'P DEPOSIT BEFI'ilD TO: VALUATION ,L Ca^(s ^f o'; ("o4o"o^'-f'- a vut TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 APPLICANT OWNER CONTRACTOR NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED aon/er,r coMM BUrLD eERMT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 897-007l- DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT l/ Nny:'fr9ur Job AddressLocation. . .Parcel No. .Project No. I SSUED 04 /2L / LeeTo4/28/7ee7 Lo /25 / reeT 100 E MEADOW DR Status... 100 E MEADOW DR UNIT #24 Applied..2101-082-56-024 Issued...PRJ97-0045 Expires. . I SCOPPIATA INC 100 E MEADOW DR, VAIL CO NIC SLIFER MANAGEMENT, 143 MANITOU CUSTOM BUILDERSP.O. BOX 10251, ASPEN CO, 81658, CAMPO de E MEADOW DR STE 4497L E. HwY 82 Phone: FIORI 360, VAIL Phone: 81611 97 0-925-4532 co 816s7 970-920-6503 Description: REMODEI-, TO DESIG Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Valuation:Add Sq Ft: F i reotace Information: Restricted:#0f Gas App I iances:#0f Gas Logs:#0f Uood/Pa t let: ************************************tl********************* fEE SUl,ltlARy ******t*********f*******r********************************* Bui [ding-----) Ptan check---> Invest igation>uitl. Cat l.----> 550.00 Restuarant P[an Revi ew-->75.00 Totat Catcutated t€es---> 1,235.50 357.50 .00 Additional. Fees--------->120.00.00 Recreation Fee---------->3.00 Ctean-Up Deposi t-------->.0o Totat Permit tee--------> 1,355.50250.00 Payments------- REqUESTS FOR II{SPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Send Ctcan-lJp Deposit To: ISCoPPIATI 82 82V 1-HR Type V l-Hour 62,000 ***********************n**r***********llll*t*liii;;;;;;;;;;**********kiii;il-***-lllllli-lli;;;;;;;iiiii************ill*** ITeLni ,O51qO-EUILDING DEPARTMENT DepT: BUILDING Division:04/22/L997 CHARLTE Acriont ADpn cHenlre oeviSItqn:'.05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept.: PLANNING Division:04/22/L997 CHARLIE Action: APPR PER DIRK MASbNILQn:'.05600_EIBE DEPARTMENT Dept.: FIRE Division:9!/22/\22?_CIIABI,IE !,crion: enen u/e _-'. _---_-_-^_-_ ::IIen:'.05500-PUBLIC WORKS Dept: pUB WORK Division:04/22/1997 CHARLTE Aclion: AppR N/A *************t***********ffi**H**********ff****************t********************************************************************* See Page 2 of this Document for any condit,ions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS l.hereby acknwtcdge that I havc read-this apptication, fitLrd out in ful,t the infornation requircd, conptcted .n accuratc ptot Ptan, and state that atl the inforration provided as requi red is corrcct. I agree to corpty riith thc iniormation and ptot itan,to.compty uith att Tovn ordinances _and state taHs, and to buil,d this structure according io'the Tovn,s zoning and subdivisibncodes' design revieu approved, uniforn Buitding code and other ordinances of the town appl,,icabl.e thereto. ITALIAN RESTAURANT AT 479-2138 0R AT oUTToFFICE ******************************************************************************** Pernit #: 897-0071 Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMTApplicant: I SCOPPIATA INC 97 0-925-4532 Appliedt 0a/2L/L997 rssued I 04/28/L997 To Expirez LO/25/L997 CONDITIONSas of 04/28/97 Status: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Job Address:Location: 100 E MEADOW DR UNIT #24ParceI No: 2101-082-56-024 Description: REMODEL TO DESIGN ITALIAN RESTAURANT Conditione:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIETD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.3. "EM' LIGHTING, SIGNAGE AND INLUMINATION IS REQ'D FOR ALL THREE EXITS SECTIONS 3313 & 3314 1991 UBC4, SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQ'D FOR ELECTRTCAL,PLUMBING, AND MECHANICAL WORK5. BATHROOM ACCESSIBILITY UPGRADES ARE REQ'D. (NOT SHOWN) PER ].994 UBC AND ANSI 117.I 19926. TYPE I HOOD REQ'D AND MUST COMPLY WITH 1991 UMC CHAP 207. Existing exit is through hazardous area (kit,chen). Secondexit should be seperated from kitchen by rated door(s) andcorridor. Building is not eprinklered and occupant. Ioad isover 50. Kitchen fire exitnguishing system is not incompliance.8. HEALTH DEPT APPORVAL IS REQ'D PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY 7l j<Contact aE 970-3 ]ARCEL /I: Offlce l. Eagle County Assessors o tPh.uq_.?.!5_z8qb Address: A 6 Sflqtltn [k z-DL pn.q41i.+s3s Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: ITown of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: Rz+ firr]5- BUILDING PI.,AN CHECK FEE: PLI'MBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE:I'TEC}IANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DqPOSIT, TOTAL PERMIT FEEss BUTLDTNG: li,:. APR ? STGNATUITI: t ZONING: TOWN OF VATL CONSTRUCTTON PERI-IIT /i . APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED, f* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * pERMrr TNF.RMATT.N * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I ^rt^ vr\r.r.r J. J.vrt - - [ ]-Building [ ]-plumbing [ ]-Electrica] J 1-r,rechanibat [ ]-otherll -'1 nJob Name: (4//rlt\ dt 'hon6$lDtr,ttlf Job Acrdre=r, /&rE-11.{flntr\rr,'^a.drlrl24i Legal Description: Lot Bl0ck Filino qrrRnrvrarnr{. olrners Nane: Architect,: Address: lm €. General Descripti on, IA I tto Work Class: [ ]-New D<'l-atteration t l-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]_other________-__t_ Number of Dwelling unitst trJln )Number of Accornrnodation unrrst *NJ*U Gas Logs O Wood/Pellet <), __. i'^*********************************^vALUATroNs ****** * ** * ************** *********f_ lt#BIils: ffi=.*, il:##ffi-.== ;;;;ilHJ l* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CoNTRACTOR INFORMAIfoN ***************************Ienerar contractor: lr\FbJrssr-sQ-r,r-sn\ l3r^+.ssr-r-c_ Town of VaiJ_ Reg. No.-_\ddress: P-.--ia--p ,.sE-..]-KS. e-,.v--',?- - phone Number: qz., Gs.'3 :}::::::.1Contracto.?Y--TownofVaiIReg.No.-\oqress: - Phone Nurnber: ,lunbing Contractor, \*.^r\ddress: Contractor: .*******************************FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* techanical iddress: IUILDING PERMIT FEE:,LUMBING PERMIT FEE: TECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: :LECTRICAIJ FEE: 'THER TYPE OF FEE: 'RB FEE: lbrr,6 korTr*, =?7 omnents: ]I,EAN IIP DEPOSIT BEFIIND !O: SIGNATURE! t TOWN OF VAIIJ75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-479-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEI-,OPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Nry:'fr9n ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 897-0071 Job Address: 100 E MEADOW DR Status. . .Location...: 100 E MEADOW DR UNIT #24 Applied..Parcel No..: 2107-082-56-024 Issued...Project No. : PRJ97-0045 Expires . . I SSUED o4 /2r /tee7o4/28/1,ee7 to /2s / 7s e7 APPLICANT I SCOPPIATA INC phone. 97O-925-4532100 E MEADOW DR, VAIL CO 81658, CAMPO de FIORIOWNER NICO VAIL INCt SLIFER MANAGEMENT, l-43 E MEADOW DR STE 360, VAIL CO 8165? CONTRACTOR MANITOU CUSTOM BUILDERS Phone: 970-920-6503p.o. Box 10251, ASPEN CO, 4497I E. HWy 82 81611 Descript,ion: REMODEL TO DESIGN ITAL]AN RESTAURANT Occupancy: 82 82Type Construction: V 1-HR Type V l-HourType Occupancy: VaLuation: 621000 Add Sq Ft: Fireptacc Information: Rest ri cted:#0f Gas Appt i ances:fot Gas Logs:#0f llood/Pal. Let: **********ft***********************ff********************** tEE SUllllARy *************t****t***t******t******t****************i**** Bui tding-----) Pl.an check---> Investigat i on> lli l. L ca t l,----> 550.00 357.50 .00 3.00 Rcstuarant Ptan Review--) DRB Fee--------- Recrcation Fee----------> C Lean-Up Depos i t--------> 75.00 Totat Catcutated tees--->.0O Additionat Fees---------> .00 250.00 Totat P.rmit Fee--------> Payments------- 1 ,2t5 .5O 120.00 1,555.50 I ,35 5. 50 **********************r*n*************lllll*liii;;;;;;;;;;iiii********liiii;il*******lllilll-lll;;;;;;;iii**ii************i9l*** Item: .05100_EITILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:04/22/!997 CHARLTE ecEion: AFFR cnanr_,re pavis-ItQm:'.05400_PI,ANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Division:04/22/!992 CHARLTE acEion: AFFn ppn DrRK MA56N- --'-"-- It'em:' 0s600 _EIBE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:9!/22/\227 CHARLIE Acrion: AppR N/A _--. - _-_- __ _.Item:'05500,PUBLIC WORKS Dept: pUB WORK Division:04/22/7997 CHARLIE Action: AppR N/A **************t******t*******ffi*********t*f,tf,ttl**f,i***t*i****************************f,t***********f,**t**********ff************** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that nay appty to this permit. DECLARATIONS I. herlby .acknoutedgc that I havr read.this apptication, fil,ted out in ful,L the information requi red, conpl,eted an accufate pLotptan, and state that atl the information provided as required is correct. r agree to compty riith the information and ptot itan,to conPty trith al't Tovn ordinances-and state [aus, and to buil,d this structure accond'ing iothe To]rn,s zoning and subdivisiancodes, design revieu aPProved, uniform Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Tovn aipl,icabte thereto. REOU€STS FOR IT{SPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS It{ ADVANCE 8Y Send Ctean-Up oeposit To: ISCoPPIATI AT 429-2138 0R AT OUt'0FFrCE *******************************J.************************************************ Permit #: 897-0071 permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMTApplicant: r SCOPPIATA INC 970-925-4532 Appliedz oa/2L/L997 Issued z O4/28/1997 To Expire:. 1O/25/L997 CONDITIONSas of 04/28/97 Status: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Job Address:Location: 100 E MEADOW DR UNIT #24Parcel No: 2101-082-56-024 Description: REMODEL TO DESIGN ITALIAN RESTAURANT Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.3. 'EM" LIGHTING, SIGNAGE AND INTTJMINATION IS REQ'D FOR ALL THREE EXITS SECTTONS 3313 & 3314 1.991 UBC4. SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REO'D FOR ETECTRICAL,PLUMBING, AND MECHANICAL WORK5. BATHROOM ACCESSIBII,ITY UPGRADES ARE REQ'D. (NOT SHOWN) PER 1994 UBC AND ANSI 117.L 19926. TYPE I HOOD REQ'D AND MUST COMPLY WITH 1991 UMC CHAP 207. Existing exit is through hazardoua area (kitchen). Secondexit should be seperated fron kitchen by rated door(s) andcorridor. Building is not sprinklered and occupant load isover 50. Kitchen fire exitnguishing systen is hot incompliance.8. HEALTH DEPT APPORVAL IS REQ'D PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81557 97 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE ADD/ALT COMM BUILD POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PERMT Permit #: 897-0071 Job Address Locat,ion. . .Parcel No..Project No. APPROVED o4/2L/Tee7 o4 /28 /ree7 ro /25 /tee7 100 E MEADOW DR Status. . .100 E MEADOW DR UNIT #24 Applied..2101-082-56-024 Issued.. .PRJ9?-0045 ExpJ-res. . APPLICANT I SCOPPIATA INC 1OO E MEADOW DR, VAIL COOWNER NICO VAIL INC* SLIFER MANAGEMENT, 143 CONTR"ACTOR MANITOU CUSTOM BUILDERSP.O. BOX 10251, ASPEN CO, 81658, CAMPO de E MEADOW DR STE 4497L E. HWY 82 250.00 1 ,235 .50 Phonez 970-925-4532 FTORI 360, vArL CO 81657Phone: 970-920-6503 81611 Description: REMODEL TO DESIGN ITALIAN RESTAURANT Occupancy: 82 82 Type Construction: V l-HR Type V 1-HourType Occupancy: Valuation: 62,OQO Add Sq Ft: Fi replace lnformation: Rest ri cted:#0f Gas Apptiances:#of Gas Logs:flof Pood/Pat Let: **ffiitft****t**f,******ffiiffi|*|t*****t*t*ffiffi***ffi FEE SUtlitARY ************t*H*i*t**ffiffi*iff*fffi**ffit*tr*ffi**** Bui ld i ng----->550.@ Rcstuarant Ptan Reviey--> 75.00 Total Catcutated Fees---> 1,235 -5OPl.an check---> 357.50 DRB Fce-------- Recreat'ion Fee----------> C Ican-l,,lp 0eposi t--------> TOTAL F .00 Additional. Fe!s--------->.0O Total Perni t Fee-------->Investigat ion>tlitL Cal.l,----> .00 3.00 BALANCE DUE---- 120. O0 1,555.50 1 ,355.5O.00**ffit*t***********t***t**!ts*|t"**r,r*tff **ffi **ffi t**tfi ***ffiffi *t*t#**ffi*tt**t***ffiffi*ffi **ffi** Item: ,O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILD]NG Division:04/22/1997 CHARLTE A-Eiont- ApFR cnanr,rE DAViSrtQm:"05400-pI_,4O{ryING DEpARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Division:04/22/1997 CHARLTE Aa-ion:-ApFn pen DrRK MAS6N- ----'-'- Itbm:' 05600-EIBE DEPARTTTENT -___ -_ ,_ Dept: rrnn Division:04/22/1997 CHARLIE Acaion: AppR N/AILe.$!'.055q0_PUBLIC WORKS Depr: pUB WORK Division:04/22/L997 CHARLIE ection: AppR N/A ffi *i*****r*#**i**ffi *ffi ffi******r*ttrft ****r*ffi ffi ft*ffi **ff **,**r**ffi See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to thie permit. DECLARATIONS I.hereby _acknovledge that I hav! read.this appl,ication, fiLl,ed out in futt the informtion required, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atl' th. infofmation provided as requi ned is correct. I agree to conpty riith tire informtion and pl,ot il,an,to coQty eith atl' Tovn ordinances -and state.tarrs/ and to buiLd this structure according to'the Tovn's zoning and subdivisibncodes, design rcvieu aPprov.d, Uniforn Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the town aipl,icabLe thcrcto. REoUESTS FoR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE IIADE TUENTY-FoI R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE Al 479-?138 oR AT OUR OFFICE FROIi E:OO A 5:00 pl| Send Ctean-Up D.posit To: ISCOPPIATI SIGIIATURE OF OI.II{ER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELI AND OIINER ******************************************************rk************************* CONDITlONSPermit #: 897-0071 as of 04/28/97 Sratus: APPROVED******************************************************************************** Pernit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUrLD PERMTApplicant: I SCOPPIATA INC 970-925-4532 Applied . 04 /2r /1997Issuedr O4/28/1997 To Expiret L0/25/t997 Job Address:L,,ocation: 100 E MEADOW DR UNIT #24Parcel Nol 2101-082-56-024 Description: REMODEL TO DESIGN ITAI,IAN RESTAURANT Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTI',IENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANy WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.3. "EM' LIGHTING, SIGNAGE AND INLUMINATION IS REQ'D FOR ALL THREE EXITS SECTIONS 3313 & 3314 1991 UBC4. SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQ'D FOR EIJECTRICAL,PLUMBING, AND MECHANICAL WORK5. BATHROOM ACCESSIBILITY UPGRADES ARE REQ'D. (NOT SHOWN) PER 1994 UBC AND ANSI 117.I 19926. TYPE I HOOD REQ'D AND MUST COMPLY WITH 1991 UMC CHAP 207. Existing exit. is through hazardous area (kitchen). Secondexit should be seperated from kit,chen by rated door(s) andcorridor. Building is not sprinkJ.ered and occupant load isover 50. Kitchen fire exitnguishing system is not incompliance.8. HEALTH DEPT APPORVAL IS REQ'D PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY '': Thc Ciry otVail Communirfelonmcnr (Buildirrg Oop".,ft c:.llandicap Acce.ss for Campo de Fiori Ristorante o Whom it may concern: 's requested' we have investigated what the price wourd be to instalr an erevator in theil,Jdti-" ptaza. rhe price, ;;il.iffing th6 h;il ;;;; iacrrine room, pir, and e.lecrrical i 'e are estimating an expenditure of somewhere between $qOrgoo - $100,000 for our newecrricar, prumbing, mechanical, *o Llr'oi";. ih";;;'.? $26,000 arready exceeds 200/o oftr estimated e'xpenses' For trris reisoi, we isk trrui *" o. exempt from adding an erevatorthe Vail Village Plaza, ' vv\- q'rr\ trrdL we De exempt fiom addin t"y#5I:! Tra?."rce ror vour cooperation. prease car me for any questions you may ry truly your, zabeth Il. plotke-Giordani :sident, I Scoppiati, Inc. MEvro To: Elizabeth Giordani, P.O. Box 2616, Aspen, CO 81612 ,/t*'/From: Bill Gardndr,f.b. Box 3788, Englewood, CO 80155-3788 - #303-790-8566 Subject: CIM 20 Brochure , L, t.t lr Date: ;;:;,;,;;;; " """"r""" Please find enclosed brochure. You can budget $26,000 for this product. Please note on the brochure that you are responsible for the hoist way, machine room, pit, and electrical. Please find work by others on the backside ofthe brochure. Ifyou have any questions feel free to call mg at anytime. THANKS! To: The city of Va'community Development (Building Department) Re: Handicap Access for campo de Fiori Ristorante fo Whom it may concern: \s requested' we nu,I: :lY:ttigated what the price would be to install an elevator in the{siJdft" Ptaza' rhe price, riot inciudi.,e tr,6 rroir;;;; iacrrine room, pir, and electricar i Y" 1t" estimating an-9xqen{iture of somewhereterween $-go,000 - $100,000 for our newrectrical' plumbturg, meihanical, r"o luiloing. .irt" iiiiE ol szo,ooo arready exceeds 20% oflifi'iTfr$f,tiX3"Jilll ror thisiei'6n, *uisk tha'i '" ou exempr rrom adding an erevaror l?:t#5_u?!_?r1["1"." for vour cooperation. please cau me for any questions you may ery truly your, izabeth H. plotke-Glordani -esident, I Scoppiati, Inc. Mnnno From: Subjcct: Elizabeth Giordani P.O. Box 2616, Aspe4 CO 81612 '/t / Bin GErdnct'f.O. Box 3788, Englewood, CO 80155-3788 - #303-79G.8565 CIM 20Broctrurc Ditc: lvtarch 20,1997 Pleose find enclosed broclnre. Yur can budga $26,000 for this product. Please note on the brochure thC you are rcponsible for the hoist uray, rnachine roonr, prt, and elofiicat. Please find work by others on the backside of the brochure. If you have any questions feel free to call mg m anytime. IIIANKS! cc. Job File fo: 'The City of Vait Communi{vefonmenr (Building Departl, te: Handicap Access for campo de Fiori Ristorante fo Whom it may concern: \s requested' we have investigated what the price wourd be to instau an erevator in thefliJdti-" Ptaza' rhe price, tiot inciudi"g tr,5 rroi;;;; macrrine room, pir, and electricar i r'e are estimating an expenditure of solqyherg between $-B^gg00 _ $100,000 for our newlectrical' plumbing' mechanical' *o l""iloi"e.iliPffi oi szo,ooo -arreadyexceeds 2u/o ofur esdmated expenses' For trti't *itln, we ask ttrai we ue exempt from adding an erevatorI the Vail Village Plaza, r' rvs 6tJr\ trrdt we oe exempt from addir ;?I$l5J?!-?ffi1u"r" for vour cooperarion. please ca' me for any questions you may rry truly your, izabeth H. plotke-Giordani esident, I Scoppiati, Inc. Mnvro To: From: Subject: Elizabeth Giordani P.O. Box 2616, Aspen, CO 81612 eiltcuanffiox 3788, Englewood, co 80155-3788 - #303-790-8566 ICIM 20 Brochure \r.rrrrr\r\i.rrrr March 20. 1997 Please find enclosed brochure. You can budget $26,000 for this product. Please note on the brochure that you are responsible for the hoist way, machine room, pit, and electrical. Please find work by others on the backside ofthe brochure. Ifyou have any questions feel free to call me, at anvtime. THANKS! CCCctP*t'w 7affi Cr*po da Foet p,{ { /7 X t5 x e4: lt s : t5 €1Co ftfs lqs ?6o5 =tS()/ Dru N6tk{_Et/L.,t 99r t) /bKJlg . TQ'l 290 6'ry - )oo Q,^n t7,z tc[UITVttr"l 3 kff.uLN Ib|=7EAfi,g1"uooo* lnformation submitted. Must bc capablc of holding foods at lcast 140 Dcgrcc F. All hot and cold hol{ing and/or storagc units will bc providcd with accuratc,.numerically-scaled thcrmometers. I5. DRY STORAGE FOOD AND FOOD PRODUCTS Food and food products will be stored:.at least six (6) inchcs offthe floor' 16. CHEMICAL STORAGE All toxic or poisonous material,, including clcaning chcmicals and sanitizer, will be storcd physically separated from food and utensils. Insecticides and rodenticide will be storcd separatcd from food and utcnsils. 17. CLEANING EOUIPMENT Scparatc mop sink will bc providcd. clcaning cquipmcnt, mops, brooms, buckcts, ctc. will be stored in an arca complctcly scparatc from food storagc, food prcparation, utcnsil washing and utcnsil storagc arcas. I8. PLUMBING Thc walkin condcnsate tubc must bc plumbcd to a floor sink or drain. Floor drains or floor sinks will bc acccssiblc for clcaning and maintcnancc. If thc walkin floor is installcd ovcr thc cxisting floor sink, a floor pancl must be removable to allow clcaning' I9. PRIOR TO OPENING: A prc-opening written inspcction is requircd for opcration and license approval on all new .onrtr,1"t"d and rcmodeling work. This review is good for a period of 120 days from below date. If construction/remodeling is not started within this time period, it may be necessary to resubmit plans for a new review. Any changes to approved plans must have prior approval. Notifu the bnvironmcntal Health Specialist for an inspection appointment at least 48 hours prior to planned opening. Date: April29,1997 Phone: 970-479-2333 Representative and Title: Lydia A. Stinemeyer, Registered Envir"onmenal Health Specialist r* /r r -. --M**5---S- :--=.Il::===--=:------ ----------- Signature 7. EMPLOYEELOCKERS Whcrc will storagc facilitics for cmployccs clothing and othcr pcrsonal itcms bc locatcd if dressing rooms arc not providcd? 8. WATER Thc watcr supply is public, providcd by Uppcr Eaglc Vallcy Sanitation and Scwer District. 9. HAND WASHING FACILITIES HAND WASHING facilitics arc rcadily accessiblc in all food preparation arcas, warc-washing areas bars, and toilet rooms' Each HAND WASHING facility should be provided with soap and sanitary single-scrvice towcls or hand-drying dcvicc. l0. pESIGN. CONSTRUCTION AND INSTAT.LATION OF EQUIPMENT This information has bccn submittcd. ll. MECHANICAL : Information has been submitted on thc dishwashcr. 12. HOT WATER SUPPLY: Provided by joint building boilers' I3. STIBAGE AND HANDLING 8F EQUIPMENT AND UTENSILS I nformation submitted. 14. HOTANDCOLDFOODSTORAGE Information submitted A. WALK-IN REFRIGERATORS AND FREEZERUNITS Walkin to bc movcd. Replace rusted floor panels. B. REACH.IN REFRIGERATOR AND FREEZER UNITS: per information providcd, wilt all be commerciat type (domestic-type units are not acceptable). C. H-Qf FO-OD H9LPIIG UNITS Vcntilation should bc adcquatc so that all arcas including rcstrooms arc kcpt frcc from cxccssivc bcat, stcam, condcnsation, vapors, fumcs or objcctionablc odors. Vcntilation systcms arc designed and constructcd to mcct thc | 991 Uniform Mcchanical Codc. Vcntilation systcms arc to be cxhaustcd to thc outside air or othcrwisc bc approvcd. Thc hood - dcsign must includc calculations for makcup and exhaust air, and bc stampcd by a qualificd pcrson, Ventilation hood and devices arc dcsigncd to prcvcnt grcasc or condcnsatc from dripping out of thc hood or devicc. Ventilation systcm filters are rcadily rcmovable for clcaning. Vcntilation schedule indicates make-up air and exhaust capacities. Details (shop drawings) are provided indicating size (lcngth and width) and typc of all cxhaust hoods. Locations of all make-up air registcrs are providcd along with CPM ratings (of outsidc air). Firc prcvcntion or cxtinguishing cquipmcnt is to bc installcd so that it docs not crcatc a cleaning problcm or compromise thc intcgrity of dcsign of hood. lntakc air ducts arc to be designed and located to prcvent thc cntrance ofdustdirt, Insects, exhaustcd air, ctc. * PLEASE NOTE! Thc kitchcn cxhaust hood must: (a) Bc NSF approvcd or its cquivalcnt andl (b) Overhang all cquipmcnt which producc grcasc vapors, steam, fumcs, smoke and cxccssivc bcat by not lcss than 6 Inchcs beyond thc edgc ofthc cooking surfacc on all open sides, or bc an approvcd, enginecrcd design. Make-up Air volume must be greatcr than that bcing cxhaustcd. The kitchcn should be under a slight negativc pressurc so that the make-up air can bc cxhausted through the kitchen exhaust ryrt.tn aftcr it movcs from the dining area into thc kitchen, Make-up air must be distributed, through severat registers to establish necessary air patterns and so as not to circumvent the exhaust system.. Exhaust hood switches must be Interlocked with the make-up air system(s). 6. TOILET FACILITIES. The toilet facilities consist of a male and female restroom. These will be remodeled to make them accessible by rernoval ofthe stalls, installation ofnew toilets, sinks, sink faucets, and rails. The doors will be self-closing, with locks, Facilities will be used by the public and employees' Thc urinal will be removed from the men's room to improve acc€ss' C. CEILINGS Must bc smooth, impcwious, nonabsorbcnt, light in color and casily clcanablc Prcp Arca(s): RcPaint existing Warc-Washing arca: Rcpaint cxisting Rcstroom(s): RcPaint cxi stin g Storagc Rooms: Paint barc drywall D. UTILITYINSTALLATION All plumbing and clcctrical conduit arc to be installed within and behind walls and. ccilings or bclow floors. Exposcd watcr pipcs, sevcr lincs, or clcchical conduit running along walls, ccilings or floors arc not approvcd. 2, DOORS AND WINDOWS All outsidc opcnings must bc tight-fitting to cxcludc thc enffancc of insects and rodcnts' Operablc Windows... Scrccncd Air Curtain Sclf-Closing Othcr Outsidc l)oors,.,,.. Sclf-Closing Sorccns Air Curtain Othcr lf thc kitchcn door is to bc lcft opcn for ventilation, thcn a scrccn door must be installcd on thc window or thc door, dcpcndcnt on how the kitchcn is to be vcntilatcd' 3. LIGHTINGREOUIREMENTS Existing fixtures arc to bc replaccd with four-bulb floresccnt lighting' 4. OUTSIDE TRASH STORAGE FACILITIES provided: Is locatcd on concrete or on rolled asphalt. The trash enclosure is finished to be easily cleanable. The trash facility is a compactor shared with other building occupants. .5. VENTILATION No ventilation information has been yet provided. Thc following items are general requirements for hoods, A type I hood will be required. The old hood is being removed and a new one - installed. Finish Rcquircmcnts: A. FLOORS : Must bc smooth, impcrvious, nonabsorbcnt. and casily clcanablc. Discusscd: Matcrial Finish Color Prcp Area(s): Existing tile, gtoutcd, rcd, rcpair any missing or crackcd tiles Ware-Washing arca: As abovc Rcstroom(s): Existing, in good condition Storage Rooms: Currently have carpct in lowcr room, barc wood in upper room. Floor must be smooth, durable, and non-absorbent. As discussed, a commercial grade of floor covering should be installed. Wait Station: Nonc, food will bc served from the kitchen directly through serving window' Front Service Arca: Sec abovc Janitor's Closct: Missing, providc. Arca undcr considcration is below storage room, contains clcctrical connections. Do not store any janitorial supplics with food or food prcparation arcas. May wish to providc an arca ncar thc mop sink. Walkin floor: Rcplacc existing rustcd pancls E WALL FINISH Must bc smooth, impervious, non-absorbent, light in color, and easily clcanable. Prep Area(s): Existing walls to be repaintcd with light, latex-bascd satin or semi-gloss' Ware-Washing Area: Applicant said he intcnds to install shcet stainless steel. Restroom(s): To be made accessible, stalls to be removcd. Tilc or Fiberglass-reinforced plastic (FRP) or equivalent wall covering to be installcd. Storage roonui: Paint walls and shelves with light, latex-based satin or scmi-gloss paint or cquivalent. Bac To be rcmodeled with Baked Copper finish: Insidc of bar must be smooth and non- absorbent. FOOD ESTABLISHMENT SPECIFICATION FORM Datc: April23,1997 Narne of Establishmcnt Campo dc Fiori Ristorantc Phone: Addrcss of Establishmcnt: 100 East Mcadow Drivc, unit 24,Yail, colorado Namc of Contractor: Phone: Namc of Architect Phone: Name of Operator (owncr): Elizabeth and Luigi Giordiani Phone: 970-925-7840 Address of Operator: 421 W. Hallam, Aspen, Colorado 8l6l I Phonc: 970-925-7840 Datc of Planned Opcning: JulY l, I 99? Typc of Sewice: Full Service; with bar: Rcmodcl: X Scating Capacity (indoors and outdoors): Rcvicwcd with: Luigi Giordani Titlc: owncr Phonc: 970-925-7840 ApprovedAsConcctcd: X Datc: April28' 1997 Plan Rcvicw Fce: Paid Liccnsc Fee: $100 Paid Additional Fees: None Request for opening inspection requires 48 hours noticc. All construction and cleaning must be completed before opening inspection can be done. Reviewed by: Lydia Stinemeyer Date: April 25,1997 Comments: Review by site visit with Mr. Giordani at the old Ambrosia facility. Copy to Charlie Davis