HomeMy WebLinkAboutALPENROSE 100 E Meadow Dr Unit 5a TOI4IN Project Name: Change to approved plans Project Description: Remove dormer on north side Pafticipants: Tedl@resortsconcepts.com 81620 License: Proiect Addrcss: 100 E MEADOW DR VAIL OWNER FRICKE, EDNA N. & CLAUS W.lU0Il2U2004 Phone: PO BOX 1557 EAGLE CO 81631-1557 License: APPLICANT Ted Leach Drawer 4675 Avon, CO OL|22/2OO4 Phone: 949-9755 Alpenrose Restaurant 100 E Meadow Dr #5 Legal Descriptionr Lot: 0 Block 5D Subdavasaon: VAIL VILI-,AGE PLAZA CONDO ParcelNumben 210108256005 Commentst see conditions I 14.-+ -t Wit V;//qe- ?rz*- hril" Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Numben DR8040012 Location: Motion By: Second By: Votel Conditionsr BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvall. 0L12912004 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities, Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO t ffi T0t4/]V 0r y,4ltwry Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tel: 970.479.?139 fax: 97O'479'2452 web: www.ci.vail.co'us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. -Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular appmval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted untii all required information is received by the Community Development Department'. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission' be"bn ,"ui"* approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Location ofthe ProPosal: Lot: Physical Address: Zt A/O 8Z fg aa{ (Contact Eagte Co. Assessorat 970-328-8640 for parcelno.) 6P t\/o- 6 Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address:7a--lax LLE Owner(s) Signature(s): Mailing Address: Phone: nllot- Fax Name of Applicant: f/tz4 Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Constructtontr Addition E Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) fl Minor Alteration (sing le-family/du plex) M Changes to Approved Plans D Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction ofa new building or demo/rebuild' $SOO For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as' reroofing. painlng, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For rev-isions io plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee For Office Use Onlv: L"J #.nii-:?'"r '' cnecr ruo.:-f@&- Application Dat9i /.Planner: /jr\ \2 Profect Appllcation (::l ii i - l,t r, \lii r,'rrl [2ro l'"'ltt I Proiect Name: Proiecl Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL ,f;:\/ t, it U,,1r-r\ ll\ Town Plan ner lrt,i li' irrDate: \. L if t\ .' I r\ iIt- E' st"tt Approval lnwn 75 south frontago road vall, colorado 81657 (3O3) 476-7000 July 22, 1988 Secretary of StateState of Colorado Re: Alpenrose, Incorporated lOO East Meadow DriveVail, Colorado aL65'7 This letter is to confirn ttrat Tea Room Alpenrose has not changed location, but in fact the address of the restaurant hasbeen changed from 17 East Meadow Drive to L00 East Meadow Drive when working on our address maps several years ago. If you have any questions about this natter, please contact meat 476-7000. Thank you. Sincerely, K"{;8,/*4 Betsy RosolackPlanning Technician 75 soulh lrontage tord v8ll, coloredo 81657 (303) 476-7000 January 16, 1987 ofllcc of communlty developmenl Mr. Claus FrickeP.0. Box 370Vail, Colorado 81658 Re: A1 penrose and Alpenstube Signage Dear Claus: It has been brought to the staff's attention that the Alpenrose has two signsfor the Alpenstube and two signs for the Alpenrose Tearoom. Under the Town ofvai'l sign code, a single business is allowed a maximum of two signs. It is ourunderstanding that the A1 penrose and Alpenstube are actually one business withone business license. For thjs reason, your restaurant/bar would only beallowed two signs, l,le must ask you to remove two of the signs by January 28,.|987. According to our rneasurements, the A1 penrose has a total of lll lineal feet offrontage. Under the s'i gn code you may have two wa11 signs having a totalsquare footage of 20 square feet or two hanging signs having a total squarefootage of 10 square feet. I would be happy to discuss with you in more detailthe options you have as far as signage for your business. you may choose justto remove the two Alpenstube signs. However, your existing Alpenrose sign onthe south side of the bu'ilding and Alpenrose sign on the north side of thebuilding are under the sguare footage that you may actual ly have. I realizethat this is comp'l icated and fee'l that it would be best if we could set up ameeting at your convenience to djscuss the signage issue. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter.feel free to call me at 476-7000, ext |||.If you have questions, p1 ease -r*;t'y Town Planner KP: br rta Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co,us Project Name: ATPENROSE ADDmON DRB Numb€r: DRB040063 Project Description: CHANGE TO APPROVE PLANS-remove window from one elevation, railing change Participants: OWNER FRICKE, EDNA N. & CI-AUS W./U03/05/2004 Phone: PO BOX 1557 EAGLE CO 81631-1557 License: APPUCAI,IT Ted Leach 0310512004 Phone; 949-9755 Drawer 4675 Avon, CO Tedl@resortsconcepts.com 81520 License: ARCHffiCT Fritzlen Pierce Architects 03/0512004 Phone: 970-476-6342 1650 East Vail Valley Dr, #C-1 Vail, CO 81657 License: C000001402 ProjectAddress: 100 E MEADOW DRVAIL LocaUon: Alpenrose Restaurant 100 E Meadow Dr #5 Legal Description: Loh 0 Blodc 5D Subdivision: VAIL VILIAGE PLAZA CONDO ParcelNumber: 2101(8256@5 Comments: seeconditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApprovalz O3lI8l200a CondiUons: Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. a Apprwal of ,thls project shall lapse and beome void one (1) yearfollowlng the date of ftnal apprwal, unless a building permit b lssued and @ns0uction is comrrned and b dillgently pursued toward completion. Planncr: Matt @nnett DRB Fee PaH: $2O.0O \ ffi TOI{NIOT VAItFfl t'tAR 0 5 zrJ|,4 o Application for Design Review RECEI11E11 Depaftment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 f ax: 970.479'2452 web: www.ci.vail.co'us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application' Please refer to ttre submittil requirements for the particular approval that is requested' An application for Design Review cinnof Ue accepted untii aff iequireJ iniormation is received by the Community Development Depaftrnent'. The pioj"A ruy also need to Ue reil"*eO by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission' b"3ign .evie. approval tapses untess a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: =* - . .-.-.".Location of the Froposall Physical Addressl Parce|No.:@(contactEagleCo.A5sessorat970-328-8640forparce|no') Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s)l Lot:. ..Block:^ . -Sttbdivision: Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Apptiantz Eo L E rf, r-P+ Mailing Address: E-mail Address: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area' No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild' $i00 For an addition where square fgotagg is added.to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' 9250 For minor changeslo buildings and site improvements, such as' reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping' fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For min-or changes to buildings and site improvements' sudt as' reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping' fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For reGions lo plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition E Minor Alterafon (m ulti-family/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-family/duPlex) ( cnanges to Approved Plans tr Separation Request t-'g::; . Project Application o^r" a/sr/qR Proiect Name: Prolect Description: Contact Person a Owner. Address and Phone:C Lqus -7q z- qqaA ttx*) * '176-3(,,L qs- ?ssc kr) VR /\a s /€s Architect. Address and Phone: N lr( 5DO , zon" sO04€Legal Description: Lot . Block Commenls: loos Design Review Board Motion by: seconded or, AoL /k^< , A 1e,e9@ "'5-C'ul3c**'r't* u-ro ( (d Jl/\e I ,iF l" F <vrsib ;- J|-:,*ioJ-J, L<v< L he u< ve e ls/ Q/9 q rc/rcJn o^r" tzr/3e/qz D Statt Approval F^f a ri-L UUP Y 1. using the 0.30 multiplier, for a total of 8 employees, All of the remaining PEC members agreed with Dalton's analysis. Craig Snowdon stated that the applicant has agreed to purchase two off-site dwelling units that would be permanently restricted for use by employees of Eagle County. Jack Cutin further discussed his @ncerns regarding the skier access to the Vista Bahn area. Jeff Winston, the Town's urban design consultant, presented his lhoughts on the project to the PEC. Jim Lamont, the representative of the East Village Homeowner's Association, spoke about the project. His belief is that the proposed SDD zoning is a "gross misuse' of the SDD process. He felt that a total tear down would be appropriate in this case. He also stated that the applicant should utilize the "drip" easements to bring the building more into conformance as opposed to using this area for more development. He also requested that the applicant analyze the 60/40 roof area percentage when determining building height. Overall, he felt that the Golden Peak House should be required to be brought into conformance with the surrounding buildings, and made smaller. At this time, the work session was concluded and it was announced that the next PEC work session lor the Golden Peak House would occur on December 14, 1992. The PEC had no problem with the request. The regular session of the Public Hearing started at 3:15 P.M. to be notified of lhe staff approval of a request for a minor SDD amendment to allow the addition of a bay window to the Alpenrose Restaurant, located at 100 East Meadow Drive/Lot D, Block 5D, VailVillage First Filing. Applicant: Planner: Claus Fricke Jim Curnutte 2. The members of the Planning and Environmental Commission were advised of the staff approval during the site visit earlier that day. A request for a minor subdivision and a major amendment to SDD #4, Cascade Village, io amend the development plan for the Waterford and Cornerstone parcels in area A, described as follows: That parl of he SW 1/4 NE u4, Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 W€st ot the Sixth Principal Merljian, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, describ€d as lollows: Beginning at a point on he soufrerly dghtotway line of Inlsctate Highway No, 70 whenoe an iron pin wih a plastic cap marking the c€nEr of said Seciion !2 bears S 33010'19'W 1447.03 leet; thence along said soulhedy right-otway line two courses 1) N 52050'29' E 229.66 teet 2) N 74038'17' E 160.70 teert thenc€ departing said southerly right-olway lin€ N 88.45'57' E 138.93 feeq thonc€ S 4Oo45'14' W 94.32 f€et: thence S 18' 18'36'W 54.08 feet: henc€ S 01'21'36'W 205.02 teet; thence S 12'0736'W 110.25 feet; PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES 12.7.92 ()z vi =g.lA U1 =o z = z q\s 1r e E $I Ee EFnEEA ,,tL .,8 td,'o Ag# EL= EF: I!s H ,,. IE t9 EF 5=t Ig 5UIUh3'l e!,iJIl ' :... Ltt s rt69 6r g E6rZl t6, I€ltI SITE VXSITS12:45 p.n. DESIGN REVIEW AOARD AGENDA DECEMBER L6, L9923:00 P.M. Gordon - 2632 Cortina Lane.Waterford - Generally located at tbe corner of, WesthavenDrive and tbe Soutb I'rontage Road in Cascade Village.Lionehead Center - 520 E. Lionshead Circle.Vail Associates Cappuccino Stand - 600 E. Lionsb.eadCircleChristiania at Vail - 356 Eanson Rancb, Road. Bader,/Melnick Gallery Sign - 143 E. Meadow Drive. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Aqenda L. SM2. Gartonts Saloon - Sign variance. 143 E. Meadow Drive,/Lot. P, Block 5-D,MOTfON: George Lamb SECOND: Mike Recommendation of approval . Kaiser/Hall - Change to exterior4916 Juniper Lane/Lot 3, BL,,ck 3,MOIION: SECOND: TABIJED TO \'A}IUARY 2OTE MEETING. SMvail Village 1st.Arnet,t. VOTE: 5-0 materials. rr-.: 1 D .i .l -^'v ca.! f r\r\..Y(= . VOTE: 3. Lario, fnc. - fnterior 250. JCL00 E. Meadow Drive/Lot O, Block 5-E, VaiI Village Lst.MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: STAFF APPROVED. 4. Alpenrose Rest,aurant - Exterior Modifications. JC 100 E. Meadow Drive/tot. O, Block 5-D, VaiI Village 1st. MOTION: Mike Arnett SECOND: Bob Borne VOTE: 5-0 Approved with conditions:1. Copper must be acid treated,.2. 21" is maximum protrusion of bay;3. True divided windows to be- usedwindows, grid dividers ok upstairs. Christiania at VaiI .- New signs. 356 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot, D; B.l-ockMOTION: Bob Borne SECOND: Mike Approved with conditions on l-st level .tC2. Vait Village lst.Arndtt, vorE: 5-0 7. 5. Harley Residence - New single family. AK1873 tionsridge Loop/Lot 2, Block 3, Lionsridge Loop Jrct !'].rInq. MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Mike Arnett VOTE: 5-0 TASLED TO JAI{UARY 5TE MEEEING. Lionshead Center - Addition. AK520 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead1st Filing. MOTION: Kathy Langenwalter SECOND: Mike ArnettVOTE: 4-0-0 Approved grith conditions.(George Lamb was absent for this item) Vail Associates Cappuccino Stand - New sign.600 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot. 4, Block 1, VaiI Lionshead1st Filing. MOTION: Bob Borne SECOND: ceorge Lamb VOTE: 4-1-0 Approved 4-1-0. Kathy Langenwalter dissenting. 8.AK 9. --€ordon - Restricted 2nd unit with primary unit..' 2632 Cortina Lane,/Lot. 5, Block B, Vail Ridge.MOTION: SECOND: TABLED TO .'A}IUARY STIT MEErING. TD VOTE: 11. Bader/Melnick Gallery - New Sign TD143 E. Meadow Drive,/Crossroads Shopping Center.MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Kathy LangenwalterVOTE: 5-0 . Consent:approved.. i': 12. l{aterford - New rnulti-family building.' (ConcEptual) SMGenerally located at the corner of Westhaven Drive and.the South Frontage Road in Cascade Vi]lage...' -:MOTION: .: - .:.- SECOND. :.'-i..:.:.i- , , lVOtS: L0. VaiI Ski Rentals/Curtin HilI Sports254 Bridge Street/Lot I, Block 5-A,MOTION: SECOND: TABI,ED TO .'ANUARY 6TII MEETTNG.. Conceptual review. - Sign variance. TDVail Village 1st. VOTE: MEMBERS PRESENI: MEMBERS ABSENT: Bob Borne George Larnb Ned GlrathmeyMichael Arnett Kat,hy Langenwalter (PEC) STAE'F APPROVALS: tarrea - Window change.VaiI Village Inn, phase III. Sonnenalp Hot,el - Temporary Sign.20 Vait Road/Lot I, Block 5-8, Vail Viltage lst. ()z m F]Fa ta =oFzH = z EFlUd\istrlq ca SE CNtF E*Efi+= .E- ENP btE-EE tEtfr/E lgl,'- E fiE E E; g =BE;":t-gE CE's trnE a-ot trt.Yatl DEC 1A '* @|4s RE]fi q|[| HrNm.rS (ffir)?Sgffi Finn. o Leun i ng 9l M GERTA'{ wrr{Dow gysrtr', rrrrc. Fax Thanamlttal Date L2lr0l92 I't. Jtfr ClEarltt€ ,9,, t2 . 92 29. te t 49 3e{4 3J37 P.L/L RrtoBEC t 0,1$8 To: Fot No. Number of Pages:including this page. RgmafkS. pro3scD! BA noou REs$mAliE ALPurRogE, vArL BE: Yo:r Ear; ilated LZl3l92 DeEr ldr. Glilrtt€: Fofl-cffig ,trforrmtfi rs fovtd€d: 1. Bay rlndffs have bean radrced frm 25 t/8" to 17" an reqr.rcsted by board. Copper roof ean be providsil tn asy color regueacod. l&rnvcr, SONtiEilAIrP ffit8[, her aleo rhfrry roof. Color wtlt ctrsngt stth tlm natrually. 2. Aff wbdovs ard bey *lndowa $ill have tnre dlvlded ll6foua, ee reqreeted. 3. ftcale, ruluroLal l./8" . 1', cltrtrroB b pronlded aE tla.ncmnt. Reigo[r: Fax e1ze hai to bs r$rrccd. Origirnl color-ilrarlng rllt b6 lrsrdcarrled plor to your lbdcy eettr6, Pleaae porddn lnfo to ry offi.ce, ntrerr yur tretlrtg rrlll take place wr Decder 14' L992, st*;{tg4 nl l.il,K FTilil I-ffftt{h,.{f*{ 'rnEfi, rlamlon Phns lJttldon, Odorub !0192 (008) z?S€922 Fa,( (Stt) 795.9E6O t {9 6044 3557 Leun i ng 02F i rne o 20. L9 a tortz,92 ()z-!a =frlh UI -Iz - z -Efrlus:sla E E E E Ee EEt ,,, E,"t IE# f EE E E .:" IE z n m N m (€ z m ms EqE9|p 4 Er,.! H 1t# :t{ : ,ii'.,4o..'.,,' o Project Application proiect Name: / ' ,. ^ ,u t* p.* n {^ uro u o^'" T projectDescriprront \';or'in..s F*ne'.'{sol,.^s cf,ontU.: 1o t.rt}/', €o cr.l8 contact person and ,n"^" Vl,l L' S*3* / /, - qz- ?qa,?' C L q.-,s Fi, i fr<- '/TG- 3 (?'/ CcVcrae Owner. Address and Phone: loe' r./",eJ*.:0r Jo)LrCc gresz Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot \---/Block 50 ,r,^nl/^;( l,(r" L{fL'rzon" sDD{€ .oI e . \-9 <_ e Com ments:,soL f<rl,eru o€ v),' e9<-,t*)r--J ,-rA {ez'a, tw ' Q<-'*J - Design Review Board o^," t=,/A/q 3., -rtL ( 'uo L Erffi 'S kt .u) b"-|.'-l fq rr.t ( P19 eF %#(^ Co )n J- scq /< ,-.ot -jus{ tLe h',{s q*J 'nl€c€_c . G--*V ") p*rru u["" (t- r t ^,tl cr< .1,c- JpeT 7 tYr c eo1**i-j *u*1, Cotoo[ < . -1,n",;".1 J.".k 4,o- fl- ei,slr'oK-"?=l-T'/ (-/A<l eo A*e€ r".'ry;-t' IE2.tt Cn'E n, -{,or ){ -Sp,e.K -i-.!o*fqP<> tt'..'t={ L" 1,ue ol,urJ*'r l' r t'/pht:' *ot' tcfi-or- 7 r,,r. o (C rer-rS . E statt Approval flrreg< c o.^o,**15 ,ret\Q {o f" J-fe W,((,'ai ,=fz/<=o^," t=/^/qe. a DESIGN RE1TIE9{ BOARD AGENDA DECET@ER 2, L992 srrE .,,srrs 3:oo P'M' 1:tl5 P.M. 1 The Antlers - 680 West Lionshead Circle2 '.tk!aF.8eff - 100 E. Meadow Drive3 Sonnenalp (Swlss Cbalet) - 82 East Meador Driv64 Manor VaiI - 595 Vail Valley Drive5 tiston/Gillett - 3090 Booth Creek Drive AGENDA 1. The Antlers - Exterior finish. 680 w. Lionshead Circle/Lot 3, MOTION: Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing. VOTE: SM SECOND: 2. Sonnenalp (Swiss Chale€f:-Two satellite dish .tCantennas on the roof of the building. 82 East MeadowDrive/Lot K, Block 58, VaiI Village 1st Filing.MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 3. Cinnamonny Bun's E dtCoffee Beanery - New sign.241 Frontage Road East,/vail Transportation Center.MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 4. List,onlGillett - Exterior addition. TD3090 Booth Creek Drive./tot 8, Block 3, Vail village 1st.MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 5. Manor VaiI - Two signs. 595 vail Va}ley Drive/A part of Vail Village ?th Filing.MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TD AK 4'f 6. Harley Residence - New single fanily. AK 1873 Lionsridge Loop/Lot 2, Block 3, Lionsridge Loop 3rdFiling.. MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 7. Alpen Rose Restaurant - Conceptual review of proposed JCmodifications to south facade. 100 E. Meadow Drive/Lot O,Block 5D, vail Village lst Filing.MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: MEMBERS PRESENT:MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF APPROVALS: Gore Creek GoId - New sign. 183 E. Gore Creek Drive/Sitzmark Lodge. Pena Residence - Change to approved plans. 1692 Geneva Drive/LoL 9, Matterhorn. Vail Trails West, Unit #14 - Change window. 413 Gore Creek Drive/Lot 14, Block 4, VaiI Village 1st. 'Town of Vail Muni/Annex Building - vent relocation. 111 S. Frontage Road. Mountain Haus - Replace pavers with red interlocking pavers atnorth entry. 292 E. Meadow Dri-ve. Red Lion - Exterior lighting. 143 E. Meadow Drive/Lot G, Block 5A, Vail village 1st. Frick Residence - Minor revisions to previously approved plans. 4266 Nugget Lane./LoE 4, Bighorn Estates. Moritz Residence - Minor changes to previously approved submittat.788 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 13, Block 1, Vail potato patch. Lockton Residence - Revise planting plan. 3994 Bighorn Road/Lol 2, Gore Creek Park. \ Garton's Saloon - Temporary development sign.141 E. Meadow Drive,/Crossroad MaIl . Red Llon - Raillng colors 143 E. Meadow Drive. Forbes Residence - Internal 250. 362 MllI Creek Drlve/Lot 9, Block 1, Vail village 1st. Dauphalnals-Moseley - Nelr single fanily residence. 1834 Ltons Rldge Court/Lot 23, Dauphanais-Moseley Subdivlslon. Grasis ResLdence - Minor revisions to residence.2807 Aspen Court/Lot L2, Resub of Tract D, Vail Village llthFiIlng. Geger & Geyer Residence - 250 conversion of space behind garage. 1598 GoIf Terrace, Unit #36/Golf Course Townhouses. Aboriglnal Arts, fnc. - Three new signs for new business.143 E. Meadow Drive,/Crossroads Mall . . i. ' revircd tf,lslgz (pJ.ease print or type) DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED IPPIICITION 'ORU IOR SPEC!T! DIrUIIOPUENI DISTRICT DIIIEIOPUANT PI.AN $aoo-eg- I. Thi.s procedure is reguired for any project that would gothrough the Special Development District procedure. The applicatlon will not be accepted until afl informationis submitted. K.,' e4?!:ie47 A. App,,rcArirr LLo.us W. Ff,Lkg rl 'f -\/arLrLe,31657 enowe ApplrcAliry s RE'RESENTATTT/E U) r' LL i c, l.n MATLTNG noress IOQ E ko.alo@ Ulrr 4 ADDREss lzz dq*,,,>o.,e f(a.4 pHONE (*Zct(f{<le,.' €e ger>a c.PROPERTY OVTNER(S) CI.,AUS W. FRI ffiNER(S) STGNAIURE (S) },TAILING ADDRESS rSqp1* c{ = q, €tlt><- 1t6- 3lq'{ B. Y LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: r, t ^STREET ADDRESS z lN E M<q.eto.O Kl /' STAI,IPED, ADDRESSED ENVELOPES OF THE NAI,IES OF OIIINERS OFALL PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THE SUB.JECT PROPERTY A}TD ALIST OF THEIR NA}''ES AND MAILING ADDRESSES. F. A TITLE REPORT TO VERIFY OI{NERSHIP AND EASEMENTS. II. Four (4) copies of the following inforrnation must besubmitted: A. Detailed writ.ten/graphic description of proposal; B. An environmental impact report shall be submitted tothe zoning administrator in accordance wit.h Chapter18.55 hereof unless waived by Section 18.56.030, exemptprojects; C. An open space and recreational plan sufficient to meetthe demands generated by the development without undueburden on available or proposed public facilities; D. Existing contours having contour intervals of not morethan five feet if the average slope of the site isterenty percent or Less, or with contour intervals ofnot more than ten feet if the average slop€ of the sit,eis greater than twenty percent. E. A proposed site p1an, at a scafe not smaller than oneinch equals fifty feet, showing the approximatelocations and dimensions of all buildings andstructures, uses therein, and all principal sitedevelopment features, such as landscaped areas,recreational facilities, pedestrian plazas andwalkways, service entries, driveways, and off-streetparking and loading areas with proposed contours aftergrading and site developnent; D. t/,((o.+. 7=+ Q (* @ # X 5?a z# sfr# 7 ,\ III. TIME A. NOTE: F. G. A.v. R B. A preliminary landscape plan, at a scal.e not smaller than one inch equals fifty feet, showing existing landscape features to be retained or removedr and showing proposed landscaping and landscaped site development features, such as outdoor recreat.ionalfacilities, bicycle paths, trails, pedestrian plazas and walkways, nater features and other elementsi Preliminary building elevations, sections, and floorplans, at a scale not smaller than one-eighth equals one foot, in sufficient detail to determine floor area,gross residential floor area, interior circulation,locations of uses within buildings, and the generalscale and appearance of tbe proposed deveLopment. REOUIREMENTS The Planning and Environmental Conmission rneets on ttre2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. An application lrith t,he necessary accompanying material. must be subnittedfour weeks prior to the date of the meeting. The devel.oper must begin initial construction of thespecial development district uithin three years fromthe time of its final approval, and continue diligentlytoward the completion of the project. If the specialdevelopnent district is to be developed in phases, thedeveloper nust begin construction of subseguent phaseswithin one year of the completion of the previous phase. It is recommended that before a Special Development District application is submitted, apre-application meeting should be set up with a member of the Department of Community Development. IV. FEES Application Fees are as follows: a. Establishment of SDD : b. Major c. Minor Application fee Amendments: Amendments: $1,500.00 $1, 000.00 $ 200.00 paid:9 Check # If thls application require" u ".p".ate review by anylocal, State or Federal agency other than the Town ofVail, the application fee shall be increased by$200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but arenot limited to: Colorado Departnent of Highway AccessPermi.ts, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying anypublishing fees which are in excess of 50t of theapplication fee. If, at the applicant's requestr dnymatter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter tobe re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have significanL design, land use orother issues which may have a significant impact on thecommunity may reguire review by consultants other thattown staff. Should a determination be made by the townstaff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, Community Development may hire anoutslde consultant, it shall estimate the anount of Date c. I i o noney nec€atary to pay hLn or her and thle amount sballbe f,orrarded to the Town by the applicant at the tlnehe ftlea hlr appltcatlon with the Comrunlty Dcvelopn ntDapartncnt. Irpon conpletion of the review of theapplicatlon by the conaultant, any of the fundsforrarded by the appllcant f,or palznent of theconsultmt rhich have not been paid to the con8ultantrhall be returned to the appltcant. Expenaes Lncurredby the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by theappllcant ghall be pald to the Town by the applicantwlthin 30 days of notlflcatlon by the Town. " tti-E cilFr D,,E,,^r,^r,rrtr u#W=*,rcf /r= PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that ths Planning and EnvironmentalGommission of the Town of .9-b- Vaif will hold a publlc hearing in accordance witn Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Cocte of *+-r1.f the Town of Vall on December 7,1992 at 2:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. C;*(}1'' According to Section 18.40.100 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, notico is hereby given of \z^=f consberation to: 7 1. A revievrt of a staff approval of a minor amendment to SDD lf6 - Vail Village Inn, 100 East Meadow Drive, Lot O, Block 5D, Vail Village First Flling. #-"- Applicant: Planner: Claus W. Fricke Jim Curnutte Thls application ls to make certain minor modifications to the windows and doors on the south facade of the Alpenrose Restaurant. These changes will not alter the general intent of ths overallplan. The applicadon and informatlon about the approval is available for public review in the Community Development Department office from Jim Cumutte. Town of Vail Community Development Department ?5s3fr649sr I Val,l Vl.llage hn SpeoLal Developenent Dletrict rltzl?n P I Grq. Er I hcr P. Ot ; I,i\ Adjacent Prop€rty ownersr Palmer DsvoloEnEnt Co.ofo L'€,o Palnef2?01 rria Ave., sulte a,Boulder, CO 80304 .lnoco Ol.I Co.P.O. aox 3428 Oak Brook, fi,60g22 tolLday fnn13 Vail RoadVailr CO 8165? r'ir. HolLday House Condrq{niur9 Vail ttoadVaJ.l, CO 81657 'REc',DN0V 20 l99t Colorado Dapartnent of ELgtnraleP.O. Box 210?Grand inrnotlon, CO 81502 .€ ..,,.. ^-.lr',: TalLBtnan Condoninturn A,eeoalation62 E. lieadow Drf,ve .;vall, CO 81652 .t : Sonnenalp propertiea 20 VatI Road ' :VeLl, CO 8165? CToaanoada Center Manageoent Cory)any1{3 E. Ueadow DrlveSul.te 360 :Vail, Co 8165? ' i ,r. - r. s ' I I.- :l er:!i-'. :r: / r!:il:. AssoclatLon 'Arft._-n0$E:-ry/-.dg/Z -lW /-"/qo',vn ***T-t*****FAX taz-frrl * ,.f i;#ii.+rtA ***+t**t**rMBMO!t*L PaEe IliIOvRERS,doc utft, \g t,t r4rnwvt wt\ $ tt\eut/, O t.rri". d gl[lgi ,1" 19 r99t DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** TSIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPIrED UNTIL AI"L REQUIRED INTORIIAEION IS SI'B!,TIITED********** @: A. DESCRIPTION: *z A {e i.,z '+-z /ltRB aBPT.ICATTON - tolrN OF \rArr,, COLORADO\ -,,. Rtt'DN0v I. B. c. D. New Construction ($200.00) X Minor Alteration ($20.00) Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivision Lot Block If property is described bydesqription, please provideattach to this application. ZONING: a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and E. F. G. L,OT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing must provide a currentapplicantlot area. H. NA}!E OF APPLICANT:Mailinq Address: 4ra'a+29 APPTI CA}IT' S REPRESENTAT IVE.: Address: I.NA},IE OF OIIINERS: *SIGNATI'RE (S} :Mailing Address: \./A, I t- Condominlum Approval if applicable. DRB 8EE3 DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tlrne of submittal of DRB application. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify theaccurate valuation of the proposal. The Town of Vailwill adjust the fee according to the table below, to ensure the correct fee is paid. T'EE PAID: t K. lqr FEE SCHEDULE: $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 * DBSIGN RSVIEW BOARD APPRO\TAI EXPIRES ONE YE.AR TtrTER FII{AI. APPRO\IAL UNLESS A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSTED AND CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. **NO APPLICABION WILL BE PROCESSED I{ITIIOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE -i_ 1 -JLl t t a:\ e^rt- (ry FEE$ 20 .00 $ s0 .00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 NAME OFMaitjng $$ 10,001 - $ 'lTurad 6ulp1gnq e Jo acuenssT ur{o; o1 rolrd paATosar eq lsnu lenordde Jo suoTlTpuoc TTe 'suoTlecTJTpourro suoT?Tpuoc rllTn uo11ec11dde aq1 saaordde SUCI JI 'g .suunToc 6u11:oddns ro sTTera 6u1p11nqar{l Jo esPJ JOTJalxa aq1 uorJ acuelsTp ?ooJ JnoJe ueld alTs aq1 uo auTT par{sep e q?Tr{ elecTpul 'qpue ,buTpTTnq aq1 Jo sTTeA Tef,nlcnrls roTrelxe aql Io ecPJ apTsuT aql sueTd rooTJ aq1 uo elecTpuT I1ree13 'E :uoTlcnf,lsuoc TeTluapTser TTP roJ 'sprezeq paddeu TTe oX A1:adord ar{1 JodlqsuolleTer er{1 auTuxalap 01 uoTleclldde guo 01 :olrdrauueld ulro; e r{ Tr{ {caqc o1 pabernocua ere sluecTTddg'11u:ad 6u1p11nq e Jo acupnssT er{l o1 ':oT:d 1:ode:prezeq aq1 6u1z1u6oca.r lT^epTJJp ue u61s lsnur Jau! oaq1 pue pallTuqns aq lsnlu ^f,pn1s prezEr{ p , (c?e ,pue11an ,aroTJ sTrqap 'u1e1d pooTJ '11e9:1co: 'aqcueTelE !,toua'a'T) eare prpzeq paddeu e uT palecoT sT Ilradord e tI 'uoTxTppe al{l Jo sano:dde uoTleTcossE erll 6uT1p?s uoTlpTcossp unTuTuropuoc luace[pe r(ue 3o rebeueu ro roJ 1ua6e eqluorJ rolpue s,launo ullradord luace[pe uorJ sralleT apnTcuT ?snu slupclldde 'pallTuqns sg lesodorde qcns auTl eq? lv 'aceds c;1qnd .ro 1oT raqlo due ruorg eTqTsT^ lou sTpsodord uoTllppe 6u1p11ng 'q pue J6uTpTTnq aq1 Jo aueld 6u11s1xa aq1 ra1Te ?ou op qcTqn sa6ueqc roTf,alxe reTTuTs pue s1q611I1s ,sr,ropulg 'e : (parlnbar aq ou Ieu gUO aq1 aroJaq6uleeaq TeuroJ e 'a'T) JJe?s 1uauX.:edaq luaudolaaaq[1gunuuo3 eql dq paaordde aq ,ro1e:lsTuTllrpp 6u1uoz aq1 Jo uoTlaf,csTp eqx xe ,,{eur sua11 6u1r'ro11o3: aql, 'paqsllqndar uaaq spq uaf,T aqx sp auT? r{3ns TTxun le{cop SUq eq1 uorJi pa^ouar sualr rTeq? a^eq TTTA /pauodlsod aq ura?T JTer{1 uo uoTssncsTp 1eq1 acue^pe uT palse ou e^Er{ oqn pue alep 6u11aau paTnpaqcs rTar{1 uo prpog !{aT^aU u61saq aql eroJeq ieadde oX TTeJ or{Iq saueclTddg .1eao:dde TeUTJ 6u1u1e1qo aroJaq s6u11aaur o&1 Jo unuTuTur e 1e Tesodord luaudoTalap rTar{l 6ulluasard uo ueld pTnordssluecllddg 'leaordde TeUTJ e pue leao:dde lenldacuocp :preog AaT^eU u61sag aql Jo s6u11aau aleredas oaalsa:1nba: d11eru:ou S9NIOTISS MgN JoJ ssaco:d llaT^ar aqg, 'rqous z{q palrnq lou sT raluTA aq1 6u1:np auop 6u1:1e1s 1eq1 arnsua ?snu 1uec11dde aqg, 'lTsT^ elTs €ruCaql o? :o1:d palalduroc eq lsnu 6u1>1e1s pue s6u1de1 alTstTV 'pade1 aq ?,snu pa^ouax eq of searl TT\f 'sxauroc 6u1p11nq pue sauTT 6u1p11nq ,sau11 A?redo:d alpcTpuT01 alTs lca[of,d aql adel pup a{p1s ?,snu luec;1ddeaq1 ,sluaua:1nbar T?llTurqns 6uT aau 01 uoT1Tppp uI 'rrr '1ca[o:d rnof, :og: ssaco.rd leao:ddeaq1 auTTruearls TTTI uoTleclldde sfsTclt{O3 e 1eql alou aspeTd'sluauaJTnba: 1e111uqns TpuoT?Tppe eJp a.raql JT auTuJalap01 JJels aql r{xTtr luaurlulodde ue a{rru 01 I1111q1suodsarsrlueclldde aq1 sT 1I 'papaau sT uoTleu.roJuT uo11ec11dde TeuoTlTppe Iue JT auTuf,a?ap o? pa6ernocua I16uo:1s sT JJpls6u1uue1d aq? Jo f,aquau E r{ Tr'i 6ul1aaur uol1ec11dde-ard g 'g 's 'c 'c 'g 'v : eNr,tssn Nor,tvcrlaav:mlti ' rr LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT BLOCK STREET ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION DESCRIPTION OF PRO.JECT: The following information is Review Board before a final BUILDING MATERTALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Vilindows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other for submittal- t.o the Design an be given:requiredapproval c A. Re&\rrL G-dY,"cp ql-r/elcL.r) nqJ@@ cl1_ .#r,,{-,. (lrc*-s B.LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name Conmon Nane Ouantitv Size* PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TPEES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height. for coniferoustrees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. =*" se-.rt[< leal 9 sTd?:adord aql uo arar{AasTa sTTe^r go 1q61aq unuTxPI^I '?eeJ esT >1ceqlas luo:J eql uTr{lTn sTTer.r go 1q61aq unluTxen 'sTTerq 6u1u1e1ar 3:o s1q61aq alecTpul '.{3:1cads aseaTd ('c1a 's1ood6ulunllaas 'secuag 's11eat 6u1u1e1a:) SSuO,tvsJ gdVCSOtfiflI USgeO 'pasodo:d 1q6TT go edIl pue ape.r6 a^oqe 1q6Taq 'ebe1leat aql apT^o:d pue AoTaq lsTT er{X uoueld 6u11qETT agX urof,J ef,nXxTJ r{oea dJT?uapI 'ue1d 6u11q611eleredas e uo suoTlpcoT pup sern?xTJ Jo .raqunu aq? Aoqsaseald 'pesodo:d s1 6u11q6TT roTraXxe fI :9NIIH9IT S;1VCSCNVT 'J TOUTNOC NOTSOUS JO qoHrsr'r uo sdII NOI.IVgI}IUI .{O sdr,[ osss qos sus^oc oNnou9 abPlooJ arPnDs 'o 6-crffi 'sqnrqs pasodord gro =ffiTT€-EEazTs elecTtrul+sT sqnrqs Jo azTs unuTuTW qs^owgu sg o& ssnuHs 9Nr,rsIxs ssouHs cssodoual : STVIUS&VI{ il.niTal;54' ?E@nU ffi-uurol EffifTffiE' nrll \;t.rlt r'l.'l,-i:it:,{..t :'- i. ti!T..,.}J- r.* 1,1tr :' r'irr. t'h 'r.: : i. - t't.lIi/^.hi't'i t ) \.59 5* . :t.. \ z66t 0e n8i\t0clul F/F'd \ auHtE9 Hl,l3U 8Z:9T 26, 6T AONAS86S62(EBE) SMOONIM N d: 4 + a4.ti TI-fi d utvE F-I!l YlfizA( 4E:E =yl$E $F EEI $Ea6& 0e n0il0cju tb/z'd -^n rrr.rrn.rJ .F,r.r,u o .,.nnn ."@nffF112!$:aE) sr'looNlM ll$F.p.,*-1s.,.4eifi u, 6r AoN n r Is , E T 6 g E E .;s+ I \*E -r*EI ,EI.hv g1l"rt 7tr t l- =h rrFi"bl?l .'&tri\fi EEzH4F= E€$ EEr g q 3661 sA i|0N 0,ciu '/E'd .?t -.LrJrnri . I rS tf, I .'\.1+ + + s^lvl !t Et 6 fr CItlsEg .,.n"o fffFffcLEse) sMooNrH *t *.0. w,?r u,6T ^oN tl.tt,r.rJ ,t Dlign Review Action F|r TOWN OF VAIL Category Numbel tlit Project Name: Building Name: Projest Description: Architecvcontacl, Address and Phone: ( r',t u,L v at-'AJl l,u ;/r ItBi; -'i \\+i. zone District -l_ryj:Legal Description: Lot () etocr i-f) Projec't Street Address:l(), C fvuir,, [)i"J ]i - ' Comments: =--+loar+l@E; Motion by: Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapproval _-.b StaffApproval'' "*)n6n"' fil-rl,.i' i:,t,') jr r ):' ,r * lrl rr; ,,r i ', , :- iU Town Planner ll ./, r-Date: 'rrtrl-.\', \\,i\"r'' DRBFeePre-paid I l FIL E COPY TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJEGT: MEMORANDUM lr)chn' Ey11*. kl rtl ams planning and Environmential Commission "r c?OlU' COfZlLtUn community Devetopment Department 2ry '\)${ fuUm,Julv1o,1ee5 v-owM-Hk^ Stafl report of a minor amendment to the Special Development District No. 6 (Vail village Inn), for an expansion of an outdoor dining deck at the Alpenrose Resiiurant, 100 East Mbadow Drive/Lot O, Block 5D, Vail Vil6ge 1st Filing. Applicant: Planner: Alpenrose Restaurant Lauren Waterton I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The Atpenrose Restaurant, located in the Special Development District (SDD) #6 (VailVillage Inn) nas requested a minor amendmont to the existing SDD. This minor,amendment is requested per"uant to Chapter 18.40.100 - Amendment Procedures, which provides,for minor modifiCations which are consiitent with the design criteria outlined in the SDD section of the Zoning Code' The Town Zoning Code defines "Minor Amendment" as meaning: "[M]oclifications to building plans, site or landscape plans that do.not alter the basic intent oi 6naracter of the appro-ved Special Development District, and are consistsnt with the design criteria ot me SOO chapter. Minor amendments may include . . . changes to hndlcape or site plans that do not adversely impact pedestrian or vehicular circulation thoughout the area. . . ." The proposed minor amendment is a requsst to increase the existing outdoor dining deck for the Rtpehroie Restaurant by 57 square feet and the planter area surrounding the deck by 49 square fest (see the attached site plan). II. STAFF DECISION Staft has rwiewed the applicant's request and has approved the minor amendment to SDD No.6 with one condition. Stafl has found that the proposed modification would not alter the basic intent or character of the approved SDD, and that the proposed modification is consistent with the design criteria of the SbD chapter. The plan continues to allow for adequate pedestrian access abn! East Meadow Drive, and will allow lor 22teet of right-of-way for busss and emergency vehicles. The condition of approval is that the planter walls need to be reduced in height from 36" to 24". The VailVillage Uiban Design Guideiines recommend that "retaining walls to raise planting area often protecd the 6n6cafie from pedestrians and snowplows, and should provide seating opportunities." Statf believes that lowering the height would allow the wallto be used for informal seating. oIF\ $il .T sf ke -l6SF tl,!LZ &_+ ;:.J ZN, r\i ., ig- (\'.. 'T v_ \\ .NF?r F J-X [ < -...B ;i.f\ .-r .qi *i"\I':Z I/c\J F.\r\\-- z_ {lltY- .\F SL rUL--z 5(\ ,.$ ts-il\il t^i6z .. d< $Hu 6hp toi3 F33!3FEr- 5qE !3E3;'.J EEU e tsz3 \ lt:\i{Ni\ 1 I ca9' - -;E l-<\ S .juJ \:-ri \-t() -|- ()$ oz iia:-:t .$t Il,- -:f K$.\ t)* t-.\\ ?II I I'.{\sl( .:$'r'-z' --\ e. FU! tr, "lBU)@d< ,ri. s.xl\.\ [r R =s{- () trzf a1/ a .J FrrtzlenPierceBriner ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS ALPENROSE DECK - EXISTING ALPENROSE DECK - PROPOSED FrttzlenPierceBriner ARCH ITECTU RE PLANNI NG I NTERIORS ALPENROSE DECK - EXISTING ALPENROSE DECK - PROPOSED Retum tO Lauren l{aterton Town Planner INTE R.DEPABTMENTAL REVIEW DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTTON OF THE PROPOSAL: ,' 'q : ' 'F;;m '^- ',t) ,i, ?ogri,z5 rD cxy^v,A 4prr I ^at f l- gtarnApra a\\owa lar 24'+co+ oian#*fThu ?c"?o?4\ glarndtra a\\owa frr 24'+co+. oiA{l^;*|4 arra wfu np+ ,^4-*{*" Nith {$'{,t16 g @a.Lt,t tllltl l\N+ opriA W row o* it3hfpott.,) Date: f 'z>-Z/ comments: Z o' Q ratxL-*7 /J 4*a.*.-J - cTb*^U -:'J ;2 i r-' / /"4€ 6>,7-.t{F ,fl $Ys Z*z'4-' Relurn to LAUREN WATERTON Town Planner INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: '{tr'AP;H"iJ3' f."ffir'A;, D( ) b pvapoa'lng ? "o"df.^r" *"f-r.5 dpuL. l+ 1'r-rrcn:t'\ Y*a<'lv-+ ovv <1jv . ; t*t.:t f tY,' atlol;. {6?A'{P6+ qdur)*l? q -;U ,.-t ;i"ft"+"- wtkt^ triefi"6 \o"/' Feviewed b!: Gqttett Date: 'l.b.qs Comments: Aas tg AOf co|sicenr€nrr met ?. t) serns \iga 6 s.oliFr cqtrcrr oF'{fic boi\d'rcrq c^cLeh\ $rcrrtA <€A1)'r(€- a (q$fi9 gno.l 6f,C^r{ "r\db5e . \r.le, rce,ia b !€€ Qoc{rtsttx}\q\ acc^)$r'cr\ta, vri,ttt g<opeaa 5?6t a\an\kr\5 oc &.$ re\c- ' |ia.d II,,:YP o 1t{Lrffiio ryl o t 1oi'o-F dJ,88d5i ) a 3,-tpa b3 Ux6F\\ E' c I tIt :aI ) {Ii II ItI / 33 PIt q =f t_ a 2 =oo-z50r,-() (L =<-N =<z. l Eo-o7U6('<JJ al lri', al:r. 2tt;it !: t^o :"1 i.! ) iiilil ,iiiti! lr :[:: "1-il! t \ I IL z ,.2' >d/:['ls\. !! w'/ 'o/'/ $ x N\ $\{J J() \ tt\ \I| rt 0 Iq( uiI Itl N {1 tll { K Rt'u ffi\ E_\s\ --:r 2"\> $.,F nog Ft F*2 'o3)t-FGbJ 63iblld-ri, -Gt-F.D H ais Ys Hr; = ;:8 \I;= i Y,/Yt\,\ F).rn ol'crr ?-6h q iu:X - - ll.l ir tr, Q :U x o L, ) u,2tu,$ el s>. lI F, l-- Rt'o 2 -or)r) 0 Norv a xF otrb,U -22AL,vOUI tz1 9-' i :- --,\ -* | )Jf-il'{ \, :? - tf) CD-2...-qx' .A. \/::o 'Y(oU' -fl .l oc€ U a, .FaFo o. e\ 'o\e.d E\/ d, '"vjd",Y..ff' ,l fr\Y I,tw . -- talI I !l tI.- - ^I I ar. Br \.-^ vr |l I rl -'\ \ n\I I I \,ts G\ Vl\, ,l ,- lrll .s.rf"\l'tl tr \ ,\ ftt\i' -\ t-, f'l\ \ r.9 ouIrc;3y|o JO3zo a \ -v \\ \,_ \"-d\1 \('rd\ f'l '|N tr,r Gtl E?Fvl oIF rb Gi uO$l ,. O1 *fH ll *ft .eft) \.-. l I Pc roA D tr-{t. 79-.oI -1 \'o'o\.2, t-tn16 ll'I C!)tr- ()t93z E hqo=/ F O:v1 -@'o !F '' -?, 'tj (9zoJ :)o IrAt I aaao3\f,rr . 'crr- J; g'N 6 n;b:9- o _r o ./ -rf .{/ |s) _.^. - t(1,i6 t.)--^ lC6 ^ rl,Yi? ! v nt-^ |r).x .6@L vr-lt - t--tl o FF ,.\o 1.1 a fflllf0aE, E I €F(J I t IT A1 i-.. ^l. \.:, I2\<.Irtr,w o ao ;l! trfIAi :I I t, talo -J,.{o I 11t i9-r5' i E'liI o' r) n? Jfl / f., L, oE!3o. \ \ \o d Ar t,u (9 JUN-2Ei-9s t4:rrsl FROM:I-AND TI.E GL'ARANTEE VA I L 76 4534 a? Bn_--_g?1o6lgrr .'' 'tt{Torim 0F Pl(FlnY ,'nt .lii l,ttr. , f8tlEii'fr ffi"fi ttrshtrili: ;. 0f I Lltc rrofr.aii; --i lO0llf SS__ ron r, r --ro. rlr. ..d . untr | i!!i!il,#:*rtrHf t,fi ill,rul.ll.f h::":lLqtc.'&ititirF*trii#s:ilifri'd$s', jjH,m*i u0E3 srtucrunt.rrctErrl? Erts?, .?n! ,:r. i ,,i - j''.:- ltloF05€0 0 rE for c(I||Eicrffrtt of cilsrRuct i{trr__l-L__.. i:.r + Ihfi::,litlJr ll il1,*::.,..a or . rcw*r! r,.,ffi,';l "i i trils#sJfi friiif#'## ;Hil ;t:J: ffIl:"; ii ,:fliffi {:$-itiditrgr'r#;r,t*u*!e;*}iiilffi#;Hill' # tif:irtliil,.:ftfi,,firffi ;*ffi;ffsi;t'***'ffiii$ilii::'li,gi#;;;i'ffi !:i',iii'ir'llii!,!f .:H:rhr.i$i.l"'lf rro,il m.Ittrhi?- lmf$3 0f tro?Err to |E sfnvEr Irx, :j. l:erdo!- Drl r.. Vdt Colortllrit 0f tPPt tcll{t rt,tfl/. l,i ) faor t,o thl cl t.${ftgifffi ni#*#miii r,,ffi*ffilffiftm#*ffi'*#ffiffit. ,.#j;;$:trT :iis.F :iiTiili#l*#, TT.iT,f,i] f *Hll'hllt ;iil::iill' '*..,. urd'rr.i.r .,, ,, o,. irr-;'.;;;Tt;;i Best copy Availabte 06/26/95 | 4:52 TX/RX N0.0613 P.002 JUN-2EI-gS l1l . SCt F.ROtt:'.,r,-: .' tli Lrgrl t +.' LANEI TI TLE 7E; {l S31t PAGE ,i 'i ErElltt t !0 ttrLrcttrot tot rnocAltt ?!Itt,1! ta':gt ol f,ttltAtt A allucrorto) t tot&rc rtcBt!_Ot-flrr Darca'-Dtlonr l._l|_{!l ot Lryt or lr.oGr 5-D. vrrl vtttxi! ,trrrrrLrrc, ront oI? vArt'-cou-ifu br-ni[-u, ttt;o tra ro3ilrt8rorr qoaoilLt rlsrrt ,t8 .t8E f-iRoori-Airsuoar.;- a lp APtl.rctllor tol tllroclttt Dlrtttro EREC|I ot n^ttrArt A stroc'uri. or A tolLtc EtttHr{tt D.rcalptlon ot SGsucturc or lt[(r) tato tlght_o!_ltrrr ThQ .ncro.chr.Gn! ot atrcrotchr.e|ttt lrrlo tbt llght-Ot-lrtlr foltour r l_F?r:f9l o! th. Sorlt!_ I|sto ot tbe .lrrroa tl?.tl3or.oaBo lr.'- rardcr Drlvrr- trntrl" I I prttlon D! thr root ovrrbrng tacro.Chta o?or t tt tardor . i.' l.oncrglchra ?.Drlyor 06/26/95 14:,52 TXIRX N0.0613 P. 003 ravised LO/5/92 DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED 4,h,q6 APPLICATTON FORM FOR SPECIAI. DEVELOPMENTDISIRICT DEVEIOPMENT PIA}I I. This procedure is required for any project that would gothrough the Special Development oislriit procedure The appt{cation will not be accepted unt.ir all informationis submitted. (pLease print or type) 47b-etu ?l?rdp PHONE l1bu.,Eg D. e, b\4' Al.td W"'/ '[b Kis S/) A. APpr,rcAlrr ALfgNVae F+atPPaxf MAILING ADDRESS '/lit- B. APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS PRoPERTy owwnntsl Mtp@ or{NER (S) SrcNAtoRE (S) MAILING ADDRESS AweNrcrx rwzrN&t$f tE tle( Avtw^l M'tV pHoNE 4-trr- 2114 LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:srREEr ADDREss. AL(?NWaE l@ EMt H7AWN W,le torlL wocxba sveorvrsrolr VAfL Vl&hb7 PT E. srAIt{PED, ADDRESSED ENVELOPES oF THE NAMES oF owNERs orALL PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND ALIST OF THEIR NAI{ES AND MAILING ADDRESSES. F. A TITLE REPORT TO VERIFY OWNERSHIP AND EASEMENTS. fI. Four. (4) copies of the following information.must besubmitted: A. Detailed written/graphic description of proposal; B. An environmental impact'report sharr be submitted toN^ry^,, the-zoning administrator in accordance with Chapter(eQ'o IE.56 hereof unress waived by section 1g.56.030; exemptprojects; ,,C: An open space and recreational plan sufficient to meetNtr fhe demands generated by the devetop$ent without undueKa'D burden on aviitabte or iroposJa ;;bii; ;.ciriries; D. Existing contours having contour intervals of not moreOAI1V than five feet if the average slope of the sit.e is,'*Vgk tvrenty percent or less, or with conUour intervals ofnot more than len feet if the average s10pe of the siteis greater than twenty percent. E. A proposed site plan, al a scale nbt smaller t,han oneinch eguals fifty feet, showing the approximate]ocations and dimensions of all buildi;gs andst,ructures, uses t.herein, and a1l. principal sitedevelopment- features, such as landicaped areas,recreational facilit,ies, pedestrian plazas andwalkways, service entriesl drivewaysl and off_streetparking and loading areas with proposed contours aftergrading and site development.,. A preliminary landscape plan, at a scale not small"erthan one inch equals fifty feet, showing existingIandscape feat,ures to be retained or removed, and showing proposed landscaping and landscaped site development feat,ures, such as outdoor recreationalfacilities, bicycle paths, trails, pedestrian plazas and walkways, water features and other elementsi Preliminary building elevations, sections, and floorplans, at a scale not smaller than one-eight,h eguals one foot, in sufficient detail to det,ermine floor area,gross residential floor area, interior circulation,locations of uses within buildings, and the generalscale and appearance of the proposed development. III. TIME REQUIREMENTS The Planning and Environmental Conmission meets on the2nd and Pth Mondays of each month. An application withthe necessary accompanying mat,erial must, be submittedfour weeks prior Uo the date of the meeting. The developer nust. begin initial construction of thespecial development district within three years fromthe time of its final approval, and continue diligentlyt,oward the completion of the project. If the specialdevelopnent district is to be developed in phases, thedeveloper must begin construction of subsequent. phaseswithin one year of the completion of the previous phase. F G. A. Wa t'lo QFo 't.14 B. NOTE: IV. FEES Rpplication Fees are as foLlows: a. Establishment of SDD : It is recommended that before a SpecialDevelopment DisLrict application is submitted, apre-application meeting should be set up wit,h amenber of t.he Department of Community Development. b. Major c. Minor AppJ-ication fee Amendments: Anendments: paid:s 0oo4 $1,500.00 $1,000.00 I 200 .00 - oate b'n'qO check # A.V. B. If this application requires a separate review by anyIocal, State or Federal agency other than t.he Town ofVail; the application fee shalf be increased by$200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but arenot limited to: Colorado Department of Highway AccessPermits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying anypublishing fees which are in excess of 50t of theapplication fee. If, at the applicantrs requestr dnymat.ter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter tobe re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Cornmunity DeveiopmentDepart.ment to have significant design, land use orother issues which may have a significant irnpact on thecommunity may require review by cbnsultants other t.hattown staff. Should a determination be made by the townstaff that an out.side consultant is needed to reviewany applicationr. Community Development may hire anoutbide ionsultant, it shall estimate the amount of c. o PTJANT uernnrfu,s,Botanical Name Common Name PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS *fndicate caliper for deciduous Lrees.IndicaLe heighc for coniferous of proposed shrubs.Minimum size of shrubs is T\/De Sguare Foot.aqe GROT'ND COVERS Annual t) ./ ,r%{oYlr\t l @{d0r1: * *Indicate 5 qallon. soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION COT{TROIJ c. (as ,r, (fia\ D.orHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimmingpools, etc. ) please specify. hdi;ate heights of 'ret.ainini warrs. Maximum height of warls within the front. setback ii3'. Maximum heiqht of walls elsewhere on the pioperty is 6, ({or : lu4 lln1* r(Alry r.vleed a/1?/91 APPLICATION . TOWN OF DATE RECEIVED:TE OF DRB MEETING: *****!t**** ********** I. A. B. c. D. ADDRESS: /O T.,EGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot BlockSubdivision \/ NtL VTLLNGE F trasT If properLy is described by a meet.s and bounds legaldescription, please provide on a separate sheet and attachto this application. E. ZONrNc, Busrr,.-rgSS : F.NAME OF APPLICANT: I^hIMailing Address: G. H.NAI4E OF OlrlNER(S) : NAME OF APPLICAITT'MailiFg Address:T.EPRESENTATIVE:"-t''i'i/ , ] Phone 4% -71?q FEE$ 20.00$ s0.00 $100.00s200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAI. ISSUED Ar.ID CONSTRUCTION E4 I. 'J. OIfIIER (,9) STGNA?U8E: Mailing Address: APPIrrcATroNs wrrJL Nor BE PRocEssED wrrilow ot{NER's srcl\la"uRE Condoninium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid aL thetime of submiLLaI of t.he DRB applicat.ion. Later, whenapplying for a building permiE, please identify Lhe accuratevaluation of L.he proposal . The Town of Vail will adjust, thefee according t.o Ehe table beLow, t.o ensure the correcL feeis paid. .001'u FEE SCHEDULE: VAI.,UATION$ o-$ 10,000$ 10, 001 $ s0,000$ s0, 001 - $ 1s0,000$150,001 $ 500, 000 $500, 001 g1 , 000, 000$ Over $1 , 000, 000 DESTGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES APPROVAIJ I'NI'ESS A BUTIJDING PERMIT ISIS STARTED. oEy,ffil TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200. OOI -Luinor Alt.erar,ion ($20.00)Addition (950.00) concepLual Review (g0) DESCRIPTION: IJIST OF MATERIAIJS ,t 4)_._ /:-NAME OF PROJECT, IJEGAIJ DEscRrpTroN: Lor.1$_ nlocx SD suBDrvrsroN VRtL UILLI\_6.E.F/ RST STREE? ADDRESS : /OO F, l.yr e 4 Do c^t D R, ll LIL The following information is reguired for submiLt.ar to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL COIJOR Roof Siding Other WalI Materials Fascia Soff i ts Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trin A. BUII,DING !i!ATERIALS: Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses N\fi-J fnetalning walls ExLerior LighLing Other Designer: Phgne: B.I,ANDSCAPING: Name of w. Snft Management co*Iurry Property Management & Leasing May 25,1995 Town of Vail Community Development 75 S. Frontage Rd. West Vail, CO 81657 RE: Alpemose Deck To Whom It May Concern: Preliminary approval is hereby given allowing the Alpenrose to change their front deck configuration from three separate stairs leading up to the deck to keeping only the set of stairs to the east ofthe restaurant deck (next to TI-ame). This approval is subject to the Alpenrose being responsible for any ADA modifications to the property as a result ofthis change. Please contact me ifyou have any questions. Mark Mathews Managing Agent for the Vail Village Plaza Condominium Association 143 East Meadow Drivc, Suitc 36O, Vail, Colorado 81657 Telephone: (303)476-1063 Telefax: (303)47G2523 uJ zo = = d) .6 z I Nl{Jl fitk :IEEzu, l='F lo!<Ylotz (n uJuJu-F =tluc afil"\OV 3xer{ :E J frN E[,) EN E- ;{ P€oo H3 €= Ti eii$!+,.,}oEEer-: =(I) :ed ;3tr o?i ((' '=P(,, g8E coatt9; I69c e 6p '- th.s: 5:TE- .='i; >=c96'- o. -c B5=_E >,g E-s,rOO -:: c)Eieg:E o-6 0_ sEEo- o.Efie!;c(!"- EP bo EE EE E - o..!a uPC(E 0'-€ -oP g:E ;6>o (!= E; A sE: c5g -a(d ==EuJ.L J FoF ==e.ul zo =l @ u-c o- o Oc) rr,o (o )J (r (tU'lltzY = ".1cl =t -q,l 3(Jt o "olE:.{= 6El-- .:Ey!c.do =iEo orEaz- =FBa.rt fiooC,t:E- HE .E \G .4. (, oz oC)o(\l z F() Fzo()l! UJ F.; uJ z Fo zo IJJFJ o J oz (oOC,rlOo IIJFodlio-1.IJ Fo-uJY uJlo oFt EuJo-ll- stl33IL '-{l8 e.-lrl H!!bEzo z nY oo =z (L rJ- =E*=;.i.'i()a;= tr UJ l.!ofl!EC) E<ttf€8B9Eir cdPr =t!-E FEE :FE 6bE itE tTe'i€= ulooF E =E, UJo-zoFC)fE.l.razoo !!n I I 'lcilurlElJI <l>l tl-lolzl =lolFI I I I I ?l HI JI<l>l HI il ' lrtt rlslOl .-'r Iol cilol 1lEl slEt ccl =l Jl El il iE| ol =.1olurl :l <l>l rLl 3l3lolFI TI F' Ilotz.F-i:tr (l,'('o qJ d. c)UI ! c, ui =z d] c)J !lJ- tn =(o ! G) o- L(U (l,(u = tr srr\ r\IOI; <t- iOr- (J Fo (otl.ro xo FO tFz z T C)uJ th +EFFo2 () E 2Pe?>EfFd5 E -.r O<F(rO trJ <zEIUF.t Z,-oatrD Crl)to -.-f.-)) (v) @ rJ)Fl ulEa)ooL-zoFo- uJY ulo oF ts tr UJo-l!o o-oo I ITJFoz uJF o zo9z_ed)o =zffJOaL tr-firrrrLJ LI TI ..i5 =Eadd= tr ul lroE32ZE<cf€ae9Eir.EE 2>>JF=ut-E !E; =Ei 8a9 \urE XO-t x>t q- €= UJID F I]- E =Elrlo-zIFC)fEFozo() e t o =h =G, u,lo- oc) oorJ) oooosf oo oot\ ouJuJu- F =E,IJJo- avu/--- sF/s/F/ /L*r_eE #H?s :3.1 -l\ r'.r,r(i3 il lJr \(r ^\l-T ) ;_, ItE Uie ;nE tu E F z = zz ou,lF z z J dl cd zz o c)o\ (g Eo c, o 1t (E {)ooo o) E dt E o =cl Dq, o CL CLG 'qt E qrc8.9-o*,oo! o les E5:Gr-Ga.6.9 E.5E ii5 +$>€ E'o.N (J' E-, F!?cc ;EEaFo E€* o-1'FE; EE€'-oo 5HBE o.EE =O €3Eoc)F5o6cEE'ipl- E:E8;e95cs;a: !'tE',c E !go'5E E8c.9 *6:r-F'=6s cL'-oo(t,5o =€g>c9 d.0 O(6 Ctr .Y arr= o-o d(6 Eg-(cE6() ttLC 6c! (6c4g -o(E0 og !?, 6o3EEo6 ;Ecto>gl|(D9aOEJ-O -o oo rO$t oo (o ro(t oo o oeto@ F =tll z l -()u, z IL J F IJJ 14, z J J 9z olu IIJgJ tr-z tr uJ UJ 3IJJ UJ z -o u,l F ano.Lltlo o- 2 |II () x uJo (n UJ UJtl-F =EuJo- l-oF oz6! c0 o ouJ u, oz ao =t o- oz uJ: NO|lVn]VA I I3l = 19Q=.li-E-ltt, =d6l;-GcaFOElrt2Zl.l-o o octr-|.nz+ 3 3 aFt.t o oa=F* Bi33 i- T g EIiNOl zo E J lt- ci G IJJ. l|J JzIEoo zI Ee. UJFI 3 z o =zlz9or- llJ<oo< =q=HxtL6o<z oL(; 2=-iFtro3tr IIIIII lqltrl uJlJ !)g) uJzY iF o. F z F .J U)z ; J B F ut oB u) o l a rl<ltrl zl zl .. >l uJ uJuJz t uJ J z Eo z CC ( T, L -l ;l (,z l! I I:lol/JID ) FoJ (U anoLcoo. EooLIt,(t!Fii =z (Do1I (uIZ(, !J- tn5|E I gJ =z !o =og(6 c, =+,U'.ttlrl ooF{ IJJ o = =tOrr-l(t't j ao Eo =EI aulE = = o- F P ancoO oa a/, =e.tr I(\ll\ .iz out J ?1>l ltolzl3loFI sf(?)o(Y)I(oNsf u I (J L+,(J c) u.t I .>,1o, ct t'o E't6ldJ E tr z tti Iu Ja l!oz =oF ft l:,r'fulofo =lxtr o1 (t UJEJ t!qz =qF EE cil out 5 >1t!olzl =lIFI =tr olultql sl r!lol z13l 9l u,JulF ulz = F uJ F T E tr <FG()IJJ <ZEUJF6Z O <o()F;oFS \2.-oIO E >Y E?>oaf,F-.3 9z I LIJ = r Y Eirg b2<Oarnu.l H-lEEN Utl s ll tlrl 0 * $l 0 N U' IJJIJtL ts =EuJo- il inii ok- i=*i=rli{ i-s ig ,E l= r5 i I I I I I lsFii-uJFo<z( ftl.-hgs 2oN ttJulo = acolt o Eo o (go CLoo Eo oc o !t (! oEoo cD.sI c! E o =cf do o o.o.G '.9 E co, aDo si0)oo(J c .9g, o 3oF o o o) E o()o(u E o o .2 I -o o E 6 qi '6 o C' tn ! Gooo e F 6 -c=]io. Eoo o i a o o. Ec c'- G o .; -c tz 'o oo o o, Eo)(o EEE'5E xogo F.eFXqsF5 EUcL'-oo64o'o =!g>c9'- ctEco.9 E6oc so qc €etq!.Y-o.o SE Eg-6E6q'OLC cr(E(!crg-o(!0 og916E5EEo6c-t6€E>gl!(l'pa EE!o -() \ \0 "[ 0s ) \ 0 0 b u) c\ \ \ I I J a N \ u EEeUJo- zo!f.o YouJt()z Jo- EF IUJur (Jz ao =Jc (, z. ()ul = UJuJr!z tr UJ IJJ o .o BUJ uJ z 6qJo F gJ z uJJ x F UJol (nul IJJu-t =tIJJo- J FoF oz J o oc llJJgJ oz6 = 9z Iolu- NOllvn'lv^ { i t \t E.I =bs2a 3Jci gN ott\E} H$o) s b;a-f(r) =sc$ 99F^.n =3 B .tOXr6XlJ- <oq a- ()-t <ni I I lN z tr J lJ- E q. G t!- o- IJJ J z E z E uJ =IJJz llilIItloFz zOo <oo<OJ =Fxu-6ci<z o tsz. 9= tro3trOI u J u)a|lJzYo zIl- J oz Iq +I I +-il<l:t 8l o UJ9bF I I "lotol'lI I l1 <tlJtlotl'll tl *ll<tl IJJ IIrtl F o F4) Jl<l:-| 2l zl .. >louJ uJulzots (r llJo- J z E z F-(/, J 2v o UJo ".1,\o $ I> F = zo9 =ecoo =zde!tD J "dgzG,-. 95x =Hg ,IEtEg tFgl;5rl 'E E _l_EH;l X'A: E EI'I]EE EEI.=:i i/w+@ o ctn I\ oz J l.|- al 1 d I I'q I 5 ttl s\\ A \ N sx ii z d)I ]* s.\, N \ rfrw \\ UJ = 0\ dl r\\TA { F ib \ =tr o uJ J : io. 6 t t \ tt tr tr TI ^Jl :lz.l otlUlcrl 3l 3l A (ll I F\ l'l.f,\l N c tr I ci =.1oluJl 5l <l>llrlq zl BlolFI J( $ls \J $l,l ^lsl \l ql E04tr oz o UJG tt z =F tr ciz ciulE I >Jt!otzl3lqts =tr oz oUJG J t!oz3alF uiJluF At E TTJz = F() UJL oG <F LlJ <ze [T.J F(42o() JE<oOF fiE5 gF e3fFd6() i5YF F3 g6 Eoa-tr =+EFt-o2 o() <o EE { t-'e/ a, __c(n Y o3 75 routh lronlage ro.d Yill, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 ofllcc of comrnunlf dcvcloPnrnl March 7, '1984 S & H Construction Box 92Vail, Colorado, 81557 RE: Building Permit #1602 Tearoom AlPinerose Dear Manford ' l{e have checked our records and they indicate that the temporary certificate of occupancy has expired. Please contact the fire department for a final inspection by th9ry. Also, I need to check the door closer on the top of the door' this was listed on the inspection dated December 20, 1983. Your immediate attention to this request is appreciated. Gl,l/rme Si ncere'ly, Gary l'lurrain Building Inspector \ \$ \q 0) c) oto(u ecl v so E(t * {J E (! oE o == C0 E =l o) o o. (! 3.9 o ol ]Dq)E .6oEo(J co'6x.o -laD 1t s s9N -o 'oF o.c o) € ooo(! E a v, .24 = o o (! a; '6 _o, -(€ooicr a6 OA;89c.= (5fc EB9A -t6.oE'F'l=g6 5iE' El.r-EooEo'-oo€-E _. =-E(5o Eo|,o9oGC6c E.9t-E CF(Ei o..l: o'-ae0r€Ei8;a>$ECtr$x R6feEolEEOo)od E E o 6 E o ; .- ooo F6 =oo.6 .2.c @ E (D 6 6 oo,Eo]o .Yo(U 4to Q) tt ulo ='r l! .Eo P-J!r) ,-,1 'f oz E =t IJJo- dt u,F 6 UJ E U)ooazo FculY uJo oFF =E LlJo- ll.o o-oo I IJJFoz z._oze =z O- u- if;oo= =83- ar J- dd= t ut tto1ts !lE()2ZE<ctl60ne,a9EA EE=>FJI-=uJ:-E FEE =*E 66I \tutxo_t x>€=Fo'io-!E UJ@ F :l:l|! -I =- F =fr.o-zIF()f E,Ftnzoo !!n 6 b ! ,Je yo tS /or /st 'fl Qo) oo 16 r\r{ 'oc(tl UI!o o(J t:l+,..an(t.- !.u k 6a,Z.c,ooz+,F .tt 5dt €a z I I, .Ft<to I I I I I, t<( z IE lg F =IIJ z U' IJJ IJJII F =EuJo- |-oF Ebi!B: 6F El! Fq, D6 +'uJ a5ooi:Sozd.ul tlt or-> zo = \E>e, f tr,trr@ zo F^ EEato6bozu- {toq llJ -9UFOj(\i J z E 6z tr uJ J 3UJz (r,Fz ,. 9z -'iF do3E d:ltl I ,llotzt-- 9c- (U rhoLcoo- ooL||to)F ii =z dlo-) (o F 3o'('ro(l, =PtnruUJ oor-{ ananulE = = oo rE {, uJ z J il E| +tU'Eoc) T olJ ttl =tr cil =.1oluJl 5l<l>lttlolzl3lolFI ?loluJl 1l <l>l Elzl3lolFI I I I I Iolzl ollrJltrl JI<l>l u-lol flr E-rO<FE<)uJ<zEIIJ F(rz J F F LIJJ t2? E?>aEfFd6 oF EFz z T uJ = Ei.g \,, zBA! Fa Fz a lrl2> a F z + =EEuJ v r z) ll, llt 2 lll zs F2 LIJEuJ ur ul o J|r llJ F F F .s N F\ ,$---H \ ! tr lll B r!z -oJ -f E = lre = =oF t E z NOtrvnlvA zo9 z trcq-c6 qo -> :2:< o.O:9 -..i . t. TOWN OF VAII 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER ADD/ALT COMM BUrLD Job Address: 100 E MEADOW DRLocation. . . ! ALPENROSEParcel No.. : 210I-082-61-007Project No. : PRJ96-0073 JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 896-0097 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE3 THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PERMT Statu6. . . Applied. . fssued. . . Expires. . ISSUED 05/L0/Lee6 05/L0/Lee6 LL/06/Lee6 JERRY SIBLEYP O BOX 340, JERRY SIBLEY P O BOX 340, AI,PENROSE PLUMBING MINTURN CO 81645 PLI'I{BING UINTURN CO 81645 Phone z 3038275736 Phonet 3038275736 Description: KITCHEN REMODEL Occupancy: A3 A3Type Construction: V l-HR Type V l-HourType Occupancy: 'Valuation: Fi rcpt!cc Infofnation: Rastri cted: 15,000 #0f Grs AppI ianccs:#Of Gls Logs:#Of tlood/P!L trt: FEE SUIIITARY195.00 Restuafant ptan Reviey-->126.75 DRB FcF----- Add sq Ft: ,00 Total Cltculated Fcrs-->.m Additionlt F!.3---> 8ui tding----) Ptan Chcck--->424.75 .00Invcstig.tion> .00 Rccfcltion FcF--------> .OO Totlt pcrmit Fcc----) 424.75!itf' Catt---> 3.00 Ctlan-Up Dcpos i t--------> 1OO.OO payrents------1, tr7,4.ls TOIAL FEES__- DePt: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FfRE Division: Dept,: PUB WORK Division: Item! .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT05/10/1996 DAN Action: apFnrtQm:'.05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT-8sl10/1996-DAN ___As!iptt AppR N/AItbm:,,05600 FIRE DEPART},IENT9sl10/1996-DAN _ -Aqlion: APPR N/Art'e_m:'.05500 PUBLIC WORKS '---- -'t 0sl10l1996 DAN Acrion: APPR N/A See Page 2 of this Document for any conditione that nay apply to this pernit. DECTARATIONS I. hcreby .ecknovt.dgc th€t I have fead.this ap;rtication, fil,l,cd out in fuLl, thc infoftation required, corpt.tcd !n .ccuratc pl,otptan, and state that !t[ thc information providd as riquired is correct. I agree to conp Ly riith tirc iniornation and pl,ot il,an,to.coilpty Hith al't Tovn ordi nances -snd st.t..tevs, and to buil,d this structur.-according iothc Toyn's :oning end subdivisibncodes, dcsign rcvier approved, tlnifom Br,ri tdirq Code and othcr ordinances of the Toyn aip!.icabte thereto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IiADE TI.IENTY-fOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE Srnd Ct!!n-Up Dcposit To: JERRY SIBLEY ************************r******************************.***********t*******t*a*** COIIDITIONSPernit *s 896-0097 aa ot O5/LO/96 Status: rSgIfED**ltl**t****t**l***it*l****f******************************************ti**tl*ttt Per:mit Tlpc: ADD/AJ,T cOuM BUII/D pERltT applied: 05/t0h996applicants JERRT SIBLEI PLIIMBING IEsued: 05/10/L9963O3827s736 To Erpirez tl/06/L996 Job Addrese:Location: ALPENROSEParcel No: 2101-082-61-007 Dcecriptlon: KITCHEN REUODEI. Condltlone:1. FIRE DEPERII.IENI APPBOVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE AIIY IfORK CA}T BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED 1!O CHECK FOR CODE COMP',IA}ICE. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PLTJMBING PERMIT Job Address: 100 E MEADOW DR Location. .. : ALPENROSEParcel No.. : 2L0l-082-61-007Project No. : PRJg6-0073 ON JOBSITE AT AI,L TIMES Perrnit #: P95-0061 APPLICANT JERRY SIBLEY PLT]MBING P O BOX 340, I'{INTURN CO 81645 CONTRACTOR JERRY SIBLEY PLI,'MBING P O BOX 340, MTNTURN CO 81645OV'NER ALPEI.'IROSE Description: KITCHEN REMODEL Statue...: ISSUEDApplied. .z 05/Lo/Lee6Iseued...: 05/L0/L996Expires..: tL/06/L996 Phone t 3038275736 Phone : 303827 57 36 Valuation:6r500.00 tEE SUI,'|ARYPtunbing---> 105.00 Restu.rent Ptan Revier+--> .00 Tot.[ c.tcul,.tcd Fe.s-> 1t1.25 PLln Ch.ck---> 26.25 TOTAL FEES------hvastig€tioD .00 Totrt Pcrrit Fea--) 1t4-25lli f,f. Caf,f.--> 3.00 P!yncnts---> 134.25 BALAI{CE DUE------> .00 Item: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTI.,IENT05/10/1996 DAN Act,ion: AppR Dept,: BUILDING Divieion: CONDITION OI'APPROVAL DECLARATIONS l. hcrcby lcknortedgr th.t t h!v. raad this lppl,ic.tion, fil,t.d'out in fuLl, the inforrstim rcquircd, corpl,ctcd m rccurat. ptotptan, and !t.te thrt ltt thc inforDtion provided as rcqu'ircd is corrcct. I agrec to coarpty rjittr tire infornation rnd ptot il,an,to -conpty vith !l'l' Tovn ordinrnce!.nd statq laus, and to buil,d this structurc-lccording iothe tovn's zoning .nd rubdi vi sl irncodes, dcsign revicv approved, Unifom BuitdinE Code and othcr ordinlncls of thc Toun afplicabte thcrcto. REOUESTS FOR IIISPECTIOT{S S}IALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-TOUR HOI'RS IN AOVANCE BY TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArt, co 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AII, TIMES Permit *: P96-0051PLIJMBING PERMIT Job Address: 100 E MEADOVT DRtocation... : AIPENROSEParcel No.. : 2l0L-082-61-007Project No. : PRJ96-0073 Status...: ISSUEDApplied. .z 05/L0/t996 rsEued. ..2 05/L0/L996 Expires. . : Lt/06/L996 Phone: 303827 57 36 Phone: 3038275736 APPLICANT JERRY SIBLEY PLWBINGP O BOX 340, MTNTURN CO 81645 CONTRACTOR .fERRY SIBLEY PLUMBINGP O BOX 340, MTNTURN CO 81645OWNER ATPENROSE Description: KITCHEN REMODEL Valuation:5 r 500 .00 FEE SUIII'IARYPtunbing_-;'105.00 Rostuarant Ptan Revi.rr-->.m Totat Catcutlt.d F..B->131.25Ptan Check-) 26.25 TOT L FEES---Invcatig.tioD .m Tota[ perrit Frc--] 1*-Zs tf i tt c!tt-> 3.m payncnte-> ,l34.Zs B L NCE DUE----> .00 Item: _05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT05110/1996 DAN Action: AppR DeDt: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I.hcrcby acknovtcdgc thrt I h!v. fcrd.this spplication, fitt.d out in futt thc infornation rcquircd, corytctcd .n .ccupltc plotPt!n, .nd !t!te thlt ![[ th. infornti.on provid.d as requircd i! correct. t lgrcc to conpl,y riith tirc inforntion and ptot itan,to -corPty vith al't Tovn o.din!nc.r-.nd strt!. [avs, and io hriLd this stfuctur. according io thc toyn'r zoning lrd s!6diviri;ncodat, de3ign rcviav rPPrcv.d, Uniforn 8uiLding Code and other ordinlnccs of thc Tovn aipticabl,c thcr.to. NEOUESTS FON INSPECTIOIIS SHALL BE ilAOE ft'EI{TY-FOUR HOURS Iil ADVAITCE t ' -" -J-TH'$Ii#":iili3$"mFf,eencei' t'#' oaru, ,/&tqb PE$iIT # * , APPIfCATTON IIUST BB FIIJ;ED OtIl COUPIJEIELY OR IT ltAY NOT BE ACCEPTED X***r******l***r***t********** PE1U1IT INFOR11ATfO[ *r**r*****t**r*.**********j*rt! !,I J-Butldtng [ /t-plur0btng [ ]-ElectrLcat I 3-uectrinl'cat I J-other ,fob Nane:t;t.rot aaat"s": io E ltkaaod Oe_. IcAaI Oeacription: Lot Bloi flltng suBprvrsrox:k Owners Name: Architect: ceneraL Description: Number of Dwelling UnLts: prvtt€t?-5 Work Class: [ ]-Neu ffi-Alteration I Lc'/s Krf€ l-Addltional [ ]-Repalr I l-other Nunber of AcconmodatLon Unl.ts: Address: AddreEs: rn\$Y\ Electrical Contractor: Address: . Plunbing Address: Mechanical Contractor! AddresE: ******************************** FORBUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PTUMBING PERMTT FEE: IIECITA}TTCAIJ PER!,IIT FEE: EIJECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of vait ReE. No. P-\3{ Phone Nunber: Rt]-S"*-Q-c aI Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunbers oFFrcE usE ******************************r BUILDING PI,AN CIIECK FEE:PH'UBINE PI.AIf CHECK FEE:I.TECIIANICEIJ PIAII CHECK FEEs .RECRE.ITION AEE: CLEAII-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERUIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATI'RE! CI.EAI I'P I'EPOSIT TEDUTD fl'!tes*.\1-W"{f1^ "b5r (n( fa 6at\?\o rrir..,\r.., .' 3tt \5; TO: FROM: DATE: RE: a MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOwl{ OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 3,, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'.IS REOUIRED YES NO ( K ( X x 1) 2',) ls this a nEw residence? ls demofition work being performed lhat requires the use ol the right of way, easements or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent a@ess needed to site other than existing ddveway? ls any drainage work being done affecling the right ol way, easements, or public property? fs a'Revocable Right Of Way Permit. required? A. ls the right of way, easemenls or public property to be used lor staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or {encing plan required by Gommunity Development? 3) 4l s) 6) 7l 8) X l!9u_ alswered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit, must be obtained.?ublic Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the public Work's office or at ?-T[rl'ty Development. lf you have any questions please callCharlie Davis, the Townof Vail Construction Inspesrtor, at.47g-219. read and answered allthe above questions. Contnaaor's Signature 75 roulh troni,rgc ro.d r.ll, color.do El6S7(303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 ofllc. of oommunlly dcy.loprflml TO: FROM: DATE: suB.TEqt: Read and rn sunnary, ordinance No'. 5 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit *i-"oir]-"i"i, sand, debrisor material, including trash lunpster3, ;;ft"bi!"toilets anawor*nen vehicles. yFon any streetl siaewaii, Ei;y or publicplace or any porti-on th";";i:--iir" ,ignt_of_way on art Town ofvail streets ind.roads is ipproiinately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance wirr bt ;iti;ii;-enforced by rhe Town of vairPublic l{orks Deoartment. --F"i=in] touna vririling this ordinancewilr be siven a 24 hour r"iiil;-;"ti""-ti-;;;;:"="id nareriar.rn the event the person so notified-aoes noi-coipry with thenotice within rhe- 24 hour ti-r"-rp""iilIl,"ii"'iliric worksDepartnent wirl remove said uateli"r "t ih;-;6;;se of personnotiried- rhe nrovisionJ-or-trri!-"iali.;; :fi:ii not beapplicable to c6nstruction, ,iiri.r"rrce or repair proJects ofany street or artey or any'utiiities fi d"-;iiii-"_r.v. To.review ordinance.No. s in full , please stop by the Tohrn ofVail Building oepartnent to oriiin a copy. rLani you for yourcooperation on this natter. ALL CONIRACTORS CURREI{TLYL REGISTERED WIIB TNETO!'N OF VAIL TO!|N oF VAIt PUBLIC WORKS/COI.IMI'NITY DEVEIOPMENT litARcH 16, 1988 CONSTRUqIrON PARIGNG & I.IATERTAIJ SIORAGE. acknowledged (i.e. contractor, owner) lntttl o tl .ooilt fro|tf.g|. rord udl, coloi.do !l€57(30e) 479-2138 or 479-2139 otflc. ot smmrdtt r||U.bpmilt BUILDIT{G PER}IIT ISSUAI{CE TII{E FRAIIE If this permtt requires 1 Towl of vair Fire Departnent Appr"oval,Ensi neel's ( puut ri |9*. t "eiiew anJ'ipi"ovai,'a' ii.]iii'rii'irepartmentreview or Health Deo_artrn6nt review,-'ni'a_review by the BuiIdingDepartment, the estinated tint f'or'a-to=tut review iray take as longas three weelts. All conmercfal frarge gr snal]) and ar'r murti-famiry permits wi'rlhave to follow ttre iuove "*nii6nA;iimum requirsnents. Residentialand small proJects shourd tate J-ieiler"amunt of time. Horever, ifresidential or smaller.prcjecis-i,ipiii' the various above nentioneddepartnmts with reoa.rd' to-necesiiiy-reri"*, these proJects mayalso take the three-week period. Every.attempt wlll be made by this department to expedite thispermi.t as seon as possib'r e. - rv e^rbs'r's e' undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and tineI, the f*rame. Cormuni ty Deve'l opment Departnrent. t9( tlIrl:t ud*,t v1a +I Ja v1 €+./j IA J t.; Jw ---!.t->__-__1- . I A'osc/ llr;r'! Dr11.elt.,".t - trI:etrz0'd ,AL ?t l,tldet%,u*a HJ.',B I TOI{N OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT AI.,L TIMES Permit *: 896-0088 O!'TNER JAMM LTD 100 EAST MEADOW DRTVE, VArL CO 81657 Description: UPGRADE KITCHEN EIJECTRICAL Valuation:2,000 .00 **t*********t*fi******ff**rt*ff*ff**tr**t********ffi** FEE SUl,ttlARY rtt*!trtlntrtr**t*t*i**trt**ft*f,r|lt*f,f**t*****f***ft*kr*tfilrt Etcctri cat-*>50.00 Total, catcutatld tees---> 55.q0 APPLICANT SANDSTONE SERVICE 2249 CHANIONTX 3, VAIL CO CONTRACTOR SANDSTONE SERVICE 2249 CHANIONTX 3, VArL CO DnB Fee -> .m .00 3.00 Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT05/1311996 DAN Action: APPR . ldditimal, Fees----> Totat Permi t Fc€--> Payments------- Job Addrees: 100 E MEADOW DRLocation.. . : ALPENROSEParcel No.. : 2LOL-082-61-007Project No. : PRJ96-0073 81657 816s7 Status...: ISSUEDepplied..: 05/L3/L996Is6ued...: 05/L3/L996Expires..: lL/Og/L996 Phonet 3034760939 Phone: 3034760939 .00 55,00 53.@Invest igation>tlilt cat t---> TOTAL FEES--> '53.00 BALANCE DUE---_ ***ffi**#dJnk r****t*tt***t*rnlt**t***rk**tr*rr*****:btrr*trt**Hrlr!t*tr****f,tt****f,t***********t****k*t*ft*ft*t**f*f**f*****t**t* Dept: BUILDING Division: **t*it*ffi**trr*t*****ff******rntffrtt*ttfftrff***t***it****ffi****l*f****t***#**t******ff***it*******t***fi**tirt rtt r*****t**tr*t**t CONDITION OF APPROVAT *lffit*ffiRt*t|****tffi****t********************t*f***i******t**-ttii***tff**t****l*t*ft*if *t*frfi**rtt**r****f,r*ff*ftr**t*l* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedge thlt I heve rGrd this apptication, titl,ed out in ful.l, the inforf,ation required, coQl.eted an accurate Plotptan, and statc thit aLL th. infornation provided as required is correct, I agree to compl'y vith thc infornation and ptot P[rn,io conpty lrith al,t Tosn ordinances and state [aHs, and to buiLd this structure according to the ToHn's zoning snd subdivision codee, design reviev approved, uniforr suitding code ard other ordinances of the Torrn appticabl'e thereto. REOUESTS FOR IIISPECTIOT{S SHALL BE }IADE TUENTY-FOUR }IOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2'138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FNOil 8:OO 5:OO PN TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL T]MES EI,ECTR]CAi, PERMIT Permit #: 896-0088 APPI.ICANT SANDSTONE SERVICE 2249 CHANIONrX 3, VAIL CO CONTRACTOR SANDSTONE SERVTCE 2249 CHPfiTONTX 3, VArL CO E lectri ca [->50.00 OWNER JAI{M LTD 100 EAST MEADOW DRTVE, VArL CO 81657 Description: UPGRADE KITCHEN ELECTRfCAL Valuation:2, 000 .00 Job Addres8: 100 E MEADOW DRLocation.. . : AITPENROSEParcel No.. : 2101-082-61-007Project No. : PRJ96-0073 8I6s7 816s7 Statug...: ISSUEDApplied..: os/L3/I9eG IEaued. . .: 05/L3/I996Expiree..: LL/09/1996 Phone: 3034760939 Phone: 3034760939 53.(x) .00 5f.00 .(x) DRB Fee .(x) 3.@' 53. (x) Tot. t cltcutatcd Frca-> Additionat Feeg-----> Tota I Pcrrit tcF---> BALANCE DUE-_- lnvcatigation> Ui Lt ca l,l,---> TOTAL FEES-> Payncnte--------> 53.q) Item: O6000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENTO|/L3/L996 DAN Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: *t*,r't***t**t*tt*fHt*ff****f**fi******f,r*r**fft*t*f**ffi*t**t****ttt**********f,t**tff***t***t*ffi CONDITION OI'APPROVAL *****r**:t**ffi****t*t*******it**t*ttlt*************tt**ff**t*rt*********t*******t*t***ffi DECLARATIONS I hereby acknouLedgc thrt I have rced this appticstion, tittcd out in fu . th. intorration r.quired, colplct.d an accuiate ptot plan, and state that atl, th! inforn tion providcd as required is corrcct, I agrr. to comply tJith thc informtion and P[ot pt!n, to conpty nith att Toyn ordinances and state [aws, and to buil,d this structure according to thc Toun's zoning and subdivision codcs, dcsign revieu approved, uniforr BuiLding code and other ordinances of thc Tovn appticsbh thcreto. REAUESTS FOR IIISPECTIOI{S SHALL BE ITADE TUENTY-FOUR HOURS tN AOVANCE BY TELEPHOTIE AI 479-213E OR AT OUR OFFICE FROI4 8:M A[ 5:00 PiI F oz E =cllJo- tt) C"luUJILt- =El!.L \ o.Fffi/4\tlrl!'lrrl #JElb? N c.lJJl1lrllr l- | -tk:i ,:EJ46 ,tl I HE f,=r4(, J<4= 9o-to Jzftri .E ? ol $ ;l ouJ bzoz =fo .6 o =zo ll'hljfEt E+ E t+iI $:k.&f+-'E**r{JO>f f Eoo.o i(! 0J *$Efiflta. TdH* 4a * *E EgJz =o ul Foz s t$ s{ t!Julo =Y Got! Go o EFzo o t!o ul lF ci Eo.c go6 .c)ot s3 € ID.tr RatIcF E .9U'oE a;oooo E o(tccoNIc;oF o --_to o) =Yooo E o o .9E p o o o a! .i;$ ord: gq968tr'=Oo) ;UeE :EEE HE 8Etr-o q: i;>d'S ={_o(!-'- o. -E iE EE fE EEl:€ 8 l.gqs ;g=Er Cl 6 Cl sEEc)-o.E€eE6: E E.EO 6: iss -+.8rB o'-5de s€;sgl *gEBte9Eoc5g -ofit C\tt) -1 F. ==u,l z ) co IouJ z 9eFoIIJJIJJ (9z = c JIz T uJ = UJult!aIF lllc C)uJc, oE E 'g UJEzIoIJJo E cUJ o-3z uJJo x F IJJ <A U' UJuJlJ-h =EuJo-J FoF (9 = -J6 (, c,6llJJuJ z =Jo- J oz uJ = NOTMlVA =l>tr1 -=.'DlSur E l=oNl ;x+;fZ Z tlio o o:tr ^ 6 z; H a = F{.n O GdE, E:r!<oq i+H 5 cit O ='Fi9 iFrol(, z9F u. ti uJ F o-IJJ z E tx 2 tr EutF) =LIJz tl I ItlaLzlzOg <oo<>ft>r!xr.L6ci<z q trz. L'Z 3trOI ul: J E ag, IJJz orF z9 J oz a).J 3i uJ i JI<l zl zl .. >l uJ uJ IJJzo = IJJ) z E o2 a .o [L] l;,; O'l I tr I rt r--OO(o IIJtrq) coo1zo Fo- UJY ludl oFt EotLu o\O- r-..bJ q-l8Tr1 UuJbEzo Eioo. D! z.r9z_ecoo>zf=JOaL Lr- J z& 53cl t! 5EE2zE<o.f€uB9tt ir 5gE ;tE h=o dfi: >rrE 8b9 trtnE XO-E ;=Eul€= |ll6oF ts =Elrlo-z9F C)q EFazoo --- ) <t T \ ,..-{ 4\J() =a C)llJ =! vn l'l:l 1l az =t! Fo C') F .F{3 o U(0 tr{ c,o tr ql r{ ri.i =z co 't,- o ,r< t.h =z r.i x ul a I\lio- ( L' 0c !=tr !1U1IIJ o = F 3 =tr t. R]-l olz.l q at>lItoizl3lolFI F-F Iln$ u u F =tr oz uJ Ja u- z3o tr z UJ J- t! z3oF cu. dz ciIIJ ) t! z3 01l-t tr oz ciulia l!oz3oF IIJJq,l F' llrz =o\ F UJtrro E <FGQuJ<zEt!F11 Zo JE,<oOF EE-,2AL z (D =f,J x. ? I z3I - IIJ = ( z I E Et; o2<()qH