HomeMy WebLinkAboutGOODS Remodel VVI Ph 2(303) 4766401 JAi\,tES G. FTAUM Srotcr 1OO Ec5t L eadow Dti\tE - Bullding 6 P. O. Box 1097 \bil, Colorrdo 81658 TO: Planning Department Town of Vail FR: I{igh Country Properties, Inc. DATE: May 19, 1986 RE:Assignment of Parking To comply with the Town of Vail parking requirments, James G. Flaum, owner of High CounEry Properties, Inc. hereby assigns one parking space to BCS of Vail nori' bei.ng rented by High Country Properties, Inc. from Joe Staufer. t*b"h{.i, lo."k i*flhut f,t^'qQr)d t^d- ''Our F mitt Scrying YouE" DrATt May APPLICATiON FOR REVOCAA PERMIT TO ERECT OR MAINTAINA STRUCTURE ON I'FUBLiC RIGHT-OF-I,JAY9, 1986 ^ rence_U Walll-.nrle.rnin;-- 0ther stair Ot.lNER OF PROPERTY ri nt F&L Vail Village Partnership NAME 0F APPLICANT F&L Vail Vlllage, Janes G. Flaum, General Partner ADDRESS 100 E. Meadow Drive, P.O. Box 1027, Vd.11, C0 81658 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF(If necessary, attach Corner 'lot PROPERTY TO BEdescription on Inside'lot SERVED: LgT O BLSCK5-D5gg9. vail Village First Filing separate sheet. ) See Attached Sheet DESCRIPTI0N 0F STRUCTURE 0R ITEM(S) tnfO RIGHT-0F-!,/AY step Eo entry way Attach plans showing encroachment, property line, sidewiltcs, curUs,meters, manholes, any other affected apurtenance in the project areadimensioned) and sect'ion(s) as well as'elevations (if apbliiable). Does structure presently exist? No Proposed date for commencement of construction May 19, L986 A.M. That the applicant shall notify the Town Manager, orfour hours in advance of the time for commencement of i ntakes,-Iyd-'FanTs,(to scaie or In consideration of the issuance of a revocable permit for the structure above indicated,appl icant agrees as fol I ows: That the structure herein authorized on a revocable permit basis is restricted exclu-sively to the land above described. That the.permit js i'imited spec'ifica11y to the type of structure described in th.isappl ication. 2. 3. inspection may be made by the Town.4. That the gpplicant agrees to indemnify andagainst al i claims, suits, damages, cbsts,from, arising out of, or connected with theidentified structure. his duly authorized agent, twentyconstruction, 'i n order that proper save harmless the Town of Vail from andlosses and expenses in any manner resultingerection or maintenance of the above 5. That the permit may be revoked whenever it is determined that the encroachment, obstruc-tion, or other structure constitutes a nuisance, destroys or impairs the use of theright-of-way by the pub'l ic, constitutes a traffic hazari, or thb property upon whichthe.encroac.hment, obstruction, or structure exists is required toi^ uie oy the public; - 9!" it puy be_revoked 9! any time for any reason deemed srjtticient Ui ttre-Town of Vail.6. That the applicant will remove, at his ixpense, the encroachment, o-bstruction, orstructure within ten days after receiving notice of any revocat'ion of said permit.7. That the applicant agrees to maintain anv tinoiiapint"issociated with the encroachmenton the right-of-way.8. That in the event sa'id removal of the encroachment, obstruction, or structure isnot:accomplished within ten days, the Town is hereby author.i zed to remove same andhave the.right to make an assessment against the pr6perty and coliecf irre iortr orremoval in the same manner as general laxes are cbllbcted.9. That-tne permit so issued is not assignabte, and is issued so1e1y to the undersignedappl i cant.10. That the applicant has read and understands all of the terms and conditions set forthin this application.ll. Special conditions: g. /.tar-,t DATE ltay 9, 1986ropertynt owners gn atu res ROVED: ate Deve opment Date 3- own Manager ,l 12. 13. fhat the applicant agrees to be responsible encroachment on the right-of-way. The Town of Vail understands that title toThis revocable right-of-way agreement will for snow remova'l in the area of *W the property will change to BSC Corporation.be applied to the new BSC ownership. Appl ication :':., ACCoREING To rHE AITENITED coNnonrNtuH uaporuEnLoF REcrlRoED- OCTOBER 3, 1985 IN EOOK 426 AT FAGE 6O9, ANT} A$ DEFINED AND. DESCRIEED :,IN.THE.CONDOI,IINIUH I}ECI.ARATION REC{IRI'SD NOVEMBER 19,l984"lil BOOK 4QO AT PABE 2O2' COt.hlTY 'OF EA(il-E' 'STATE OF v8574-6 o :l EXITI I'IT A (Attached to and lnade a part of Conunercial ConLract 'i'; ;ii;- ;?g-: : Ii'i;ii"fi " H5 ;,.jfi :: unlSi I l,,? ;. l' ?l; ff5i:;'^:3ffi":'";'F;;"t;I"il-""a in'tur, fto' and frlii-viritiE r"",-rnc', as seller') D[SCRIPTION |}t,1lilrrlil|l,';lt:;r1lrr'ittLrlttLlttt:ilrrrl-lt|trrrltt|.try.rr|.s;:t'i,|l,.ll.()w|tr:nccLlrrl sorrt.lrtl;t:.;t. ('trl'tl(:l' of sajrl 1'oL () hr:flt's t n'i 1'-r'()t)" li tiir'fiB f t't:l: rl ist:nnt; t-llctrcc th,. fol.lor.rittt', Lruo ..,,r,,a*,,rt :r1'oltJi s'titl :i()tlt ll linc: (l) l'l tl2tlSrtt)0" I'l l0(r.1l9 l'er:l: i (2) l-54 ' l l f c:t'l: ;t lorrt" th" ;11'3 ol ;r cllrv(r t:() ullc I elt Iravirrg l fil(lius of 545. filt l't:':L, ;t c'cttLt';tl ;ttti;lt: oll | (r" [0t1l9t' arrrl il ('lr')r(l .r,rlri<:lr br-r;rrs S 89oJ.9'iti;'-" ii:'n2 f*r''t to tlrr'' $(trtLhltcsL (rol:lr(rr ol- s;rid l,()t Ol tltcncr: al.otrg tltt: rvr:t;tc.rJv l irrr: rtl' "trii l't'c O li O0o23t00" l'l ' l5.Bl feerl r.errcc H-iO"ifiOZ,'ii gl.f,l fcct,. t.etrcc N 82o06r46'r li 49.4B fr:ct; Llrctrcc ll 42'32'?-1" 1" 46'0l fccl:; trltcncct S 8Q"22t22-'t E 1.2't.5() fect Lo uhc w,':srcrly [r'rttttrlnry rrl Vi:llallc-lit.r Pl;tza,ncicrrdirtli Lr'r Llre rnap Llrcrr:eof rccordecl rrir,lcr ltr:ccpti(Jn I.ir'r. itts'lst; tllorlce t-hc f<lll owinS tlrree cotirses alcrttg'"iiJ "u"'t"tlv bortrtclat'v' !l).1-119:39.''09:: r't 12'5h ;;;;; i;;^;-:is;to'iio;--ri-si'n0 re"r; -(3) s l0oJr'02" tt 52'eu foet to rhe p;i"i "f 'bepilnnl'n13, containiug ztt,300 tqu:rrc fecE or 0'650 acres' ;l'lr;tt lr,lrt r'I l,rtt: 0. lilot'l: 'i-l)' \t;ril tl,,,r u,"t, t.lllrc'lf rc:t:ot 'lt"1 itt t lrr',rrl'l' (i.t.c:r: lt rrrltl llr:cortlcr tttttl*r 'lltttcltL itt" of r! (tr l.ess. t il l1[.,' l".i rt;t lri.l ittl'., ;tctrrtt'tl irl1"' Lrr ir , r,f (.lrr: ll;r1', lr' (:trtllll.v, (IIrIol-;tt|tI; tk'. !6ll]2-, tlt'trct:iblrl ns Iol'l'tnvs: ViIL;r;ic Lrur t'Iaza J F,S 6/8/84 Plrascs l arrtl 1. t, MAIN VAtL EXIT VAIL VILLAGE, 2ND FI;; SUE.JECT SITE wesr ueaoow oi .--.-,-.---'.a--'., TowN oF vAtL SOUNDARY___ _---l GORE CREEX VAIL RD. MAP 400 VICINIT SCALE I t, Nts.oProject Application Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot comments: I j'M Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPBOVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: E[ Statt Approval \R\NN IH l6 I I I I I l-r rc) IEioto t=t= @ < \' ts frl.l) g>HE o2 frf F.: \ N \\ g\ oo 6oEoo o).sEd\oF UNF -N F=.r t V) l\ \rt:* t9N\oh$. :\\ .g -, OR F o.c o (t Eo oC' E5 o o o I tl o o 6 o '!t o6oEc$oooc6 .gp $c =oF (l ;e5i =-gocL Ea-, cl9o(l'C -o ql rrCE.9 -(E FEE€ o'-EEofEGs=d'C'>6 -o-cc;8teEoEEOotoct E E Ec .9{s d .g q)G c o qt =CLcl|E .9E ttG E 0, 6E oE o Ct!E -9 'oc-!o6 tt E(,E .{- N + (n UJ UJIL E =G,luI J FoF frlz & EtslE Fl rrlv) Hf4hHb FfFl H(nzH F] FJ IE lH ls IE EHi6o6. 6o E;olFIf-ox G,& E# uF =>E -3(ltiur($ =!o$l z,z99F^Q;3 ='ooZ!,89*fv=|rrlo.YEEj(\i ttEzti - IJJ z Eoo zIF uJFJ oz eiuJtrI ttoz; F oz ou.lG -Ja ttoz3 F I I I elrl llilqt =l>lttlol El il: F I H3 trl IA uJ z coo-) xilxxtl .tt \o x o E are z oFJ () ahute, = FfH F v) an o\ Io\-$Ol *l 3 Hl ;l FI z Ht-r &tsct)zo(.) FT Ff =ttr f,JI <l (,z co =JI t-gir =+EFt-o2 oC) J I FouJ ctz ts =c,IIJo- I I z__o =<oo =zJO(L U- :Ei =o^ =Hg !nD tr =trutGtto7]t6YE<o. l€frE9!k!9 =E9'tt-=ut:-E FE: >o.E 8b9 trtnE Xo-E ;tEulo-i!E luooF -TI Entr -D :)ionc)O UJFo @o zo Fo- IJJY uJooFF =*G6t-bjltJlxalX rrl IY-lrlgurakzo F =E lrJo-z9F(J EF3nzoc) -i I VAIL VILLAGE PLAZA CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION c./o Slifer Management Company 230 Bridge StreetVail, CO 81657 September 12, 1988 Town of Vailc/o Community Development Department 75 S. Frontage RoadVail, CO 8l-657 RE: Roof Repairs above "The Goods" Clothing Storevail Village Plaza To Whom It May Concern: Please be advised that the Vail Village Plaza CondominiumAssociation hereby authorizes the roofing repair work that will be done shortly by Plath Construction, Inc. If you have any questions, donrt hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, cc: Plath Construction, Inc. Drawer 5920Avon, CO 81620 ss/jr ;;;. tt^tt{{uProperty Manager VAIL VILLAGE PLAZA CONDOI'{INIUM ASSOCIATION . clo Slifer Management CompanY 230 Bridge StreetVail, CO 81657 September 12, 1988 Town of VaiLc/o Community Development Department75 S. Frontage RoadVail, CO 81557 RE: Roof Repairs above "The Goods" Clothing StoreVail Village Plaza To lllhom It !i!ay Concern: Please be advlsed that the Vail Village Plaza Condominium Association hereby authorizes the roofing repair work that will be done shorlfy Uy Plath construction, rnc. If you have any questions, donrt hesitate to contact me. Sincerely,tuefu steve statt6faProperty lYlanager j ccl,' Plath Constructionr' Inc. Drawer 5920Avon, CO 81620 ss/jt .dW\1{ /C;.OJfd fLtlt.EFI- F v)lIt!lJ lrJtv)F<lFt.Ld flVL'I trt.FHIl--r L)bF<F: h- F< l, .t\Dv a<*-D-o^_ts q!.6. I(o St..\|rf) 'PJItto I I I Nle HIF*,8*rb 1'2Fr=3!edlo>zt z co- | ;l IP .loIll 1.,fl Nlil \t. r-r\\' =)<l*t< = l(,, = l!+ >l; =,2iilo (o @ @ Lr) liJuJ =T oF z CE ulz3ocr IL!6z ,.' 3arv <F2 r''YZth< o- I !JJCJ EgEE ;0,ai -c 9geoe(E6.9'aE'; o. _oc?=v,o ltF FEorll.c O(cr^oc)N(J cc ;EFO 96i5oo-Eol|cco E€oo3oocD o.E:E-'=gd.:-atcato El -!t-q) o9 DO. t' dio;'t6E -oiiEAt(a!o()Co6.I' UD Pq ,=(6 ;o(6C-,'6.o!,F'l= 9G 3;'E >,FEEEoo o€E; =-E(!O 6= Poo-6c-oQ -.9t_6 EEst!o.;:+,c aeo+ E€33o>*cL 6: HE6eEoEEOo)()(u z, $o,D+ tr-Ed4 -rc><o|'-€u-is 4 "#*eq= t, "€41<<l) (Ea€4t (! .9 Go o (oE (! ooloo) '-g()6 oo, 0)t I.\ cr) =E UJ zoI .D zo =Jo- U'uJIull. E =tuJo- J FoF tl t3la-l =l JltFl>J olflel #l t<la;l1-lJOIJ<dl< =l rdlt- "1=lH -l lrFHol o <l F-.1 . col =1(FdEl; acl4 =1*=; :Hi sd, *E(al J =ZtLoo^ 6zi ;oE 6E oEbfiz=qi;e.66NO \ : \:7: 2 trC'f z u-o uJc .. { t. uJfJ (E <t)luzY =F z tr az oz b =t IJJo- iIll-lJel iillFact< l=lotzF-i9i Jlrlaeu.ld, lr)ooI tlJ z dto-) l :l ;l]l I a uJ oo o t\x cf, OrI(o|r)I Eo 2-ll =l E() lFllol tll(l.)Fr, l* -trJ)ltr) ltrllc5xloO lr-co loalz, gs clrJJde.qco.J <oE z. F =d.FU)z. z, J =tr oz,i lll Ja l! z3oF t tr z.; ul J? lt z3olF tr oz oUJE i lt z3oF =tr oz uJ l! zBoF tr z ou,t = l!oz3 F UJJulF t e.uJz3 F(J UJ =I E -tO<FcouJ<zE, I.JJ Fa6 C) JE<o(JF FS4' -oIto 2?}Kdzoo *5YFRi,z =g V+b=<Olr3=a co Ec -9o E-t .E f E E 8 o go Etto! I-- )q) 21 4',*a,</l ! / U f-- +- .J Oh.1) uJF U) @Q.o =ov (\lF-\it rolu.Y5u.l ooOHF< F- =EUJ trlO rolr{laEl\j .r,lrl'Igu,bkz,o ,tA'II/'.Y E =elrJo-zoFo:)E Ezo(J .l--{2 '-) t) l,) rf' lrJU JGo olo Aozoo =Fooo, ffi ffi 2D Zts 5+ EE !: €t;i€ ig+;= >. IE;+: E i! 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