HomeMy WebLinkAboutNY BAGEL SHOP 100 E Meadow Droz E =EIIJo- a LIJl!lJ- tr =tul ! \Z (bn>trucnoh *aoq $rrrg I l., .Ft<ro I l* IFt< Ittzl=to l(,tz '7 I I I I lsJ lo I Icn'Ott!Fntlo\ I ..{ $l!',ii 5t(J 1E iir z oulFozoz I o .6 zzr) Gulz3o ulIF z fi.E?;38 Eo-q$(/'y s?€ ! E83(!aG E.E lo EaR Eles>E E ilt.*.*i u sP 5 r '=:€ i o-E I'g E HE€ EH3I or.S :t= E3dobFEo6 E E'='5or- -s:E o- i-o o.oc(!i'r $eE '-E E8c.9.9oEE x6;ocL'-@o|('4cr-0, =tt.j';cP'- clz-d.E O.Boc bo CE.-oAE.=- o-(E*6 Eg-6Ei;c, Tt qc! asg_c(!-a.!O5aoPq, a6E:}Eoo t6(!0 >.8rt(D90-OEf-o -(J rn CiN F =llJ z - z J J C)c oIJJ tr z =) 2 uJ qt!ILz tr uJ ouJe. 3uJtu, z 6|lJo ocrlJoclz u./ x F lllo .n IJ,J UJtt F =tr uJo- J F F (,z6 =o 9EF<)IuJtll z = o- J =t uJ = NOrrvn'lv^ YF O( =iZZU-o ooltr ^ 6 z<s : = f iF Y "ir(.t o e1z > crlO iJ u).r<)zXr!<o q <iuJ-!r x ll.|ta 5 =l-(v Fl =>c -r(")!u,S =c)(\r \ z9F J u- o F. 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Work class: [,J-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional Nurnber of Owelting Units z - Number of Accommodation Units: '-- I -Repair p4-ottrerDe^oor3- Fireplaces: Gas Appliances /eas Logs - Woodr/Pellet v rowN oF vArrJ coNsr*Hoso, lggS ""*ll'i"rT-'f]{t "o* PERr{rr 0632( Block_ Filing sunorvrsrou, Address:Ph. Ph. *a**** ********* VALUATTONS ********************************* orHER: r /, oaa TOTAL:$- *************************** Town of vail Reg. no.EEg$. Phone Number: 6*l- ffi Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: MECHANICAI,, PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CTEAN-UP DEPOS TOTAIJ ^ APPTICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED $***************************** pElrr,trr TNF.RMATT.N *****************************tl :. / ->.'t l-suirdlng I J-Plurnbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanical tf,l-ottrer Drj*Q_ - r c--,'\ lr .Job Name: S Job Ad,dre"rt ltO 8, nn.^.,i.,*, D.--..-,*- Legal Description: Lot Owners Name: Nrrrnber and Tvpe ofv(****t5:i.l1i+t:t.a BUILDTNG: PLI'MBTNG: $ ELECTRTCAL: $ MECHANICAL: $ INFORMATION Address: l""rC. \L< Lo6 Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor;Address: MECHANICAIJ PERMIT T'EE: ELECTRICAL FEE: O1'I+8R flfi6__-FITE' \OiU @C.:FDRB FEE: VALUATION ******************************** FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PERMTT FEE: -3-S.oo BUTLDTNG PLAN CHECK FEE: Z2:3.ad PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE! BUTLDTNGs STGNATURE ZONING: SIGNATURE Cornrnents: -:\n - tCLEAN ItP DEPOSIT REruNu 'ru: (.L tfa F P.,.*-- !o6 1oc.3 A.,o--... 4-e Yl,t'?-D ouJull.LF =EuJ blt€lbct) cn .v \T A 1.Jd14EHd tr1Irll4H-1 E E<t)uJF z z !f,(o .a z I I 'uJ.Fl<ro I I I I io. IFl<(EIFIU'z t= lz c7)o\ z B..l F zv ts z I I I I I rg I I I I I I t_, '<t6 rtrltr- tv tzr6 c.lo\ o\ z E uJz3 uJuJo =c It cr Fo 2 o Ec @ o o) ! @ trop 5.. ?i s: YEotrl oz aff (J o - (6 .Y','='UAS?*toiE8E"; F.e*€ EE H 9E =..E 69 EE:Ec-o> ET:E;€i;c96E -*=O)3 3 t.= E E-s; :€85gcef EIsecL (! cl-$E; e o!E-ols*e€E6:i :E: H E6ES --C?E: O (,' ET;E ; E:: iEE:;teF9E o - PSgH =Et!coz ==d) U'UJ UJu- b ctlJ(L J FoF UJuJILz tr LU (J uJ !..1 IJr.1 '1ul z ;-lF :r.l d E =>(r -r(') =(DN x 32ztt-o ooF o- -tt> zXt>YFP 6f, <ttoGz>(JoirA(JzXrL<oq i!q-e.sxllrc6zi(\to :l t! 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APPLTCATTON l,tUST BE FTLLED OUT COttpr.ETErJy oR rr uAy NoT BE AccBptED', Irr * * ** ************* * * ** ******* PERMIT INFOR!,fATION ******** ***************** * ***n^. \./ r r ./- gl'l-auiraing P(1-eruoing,Dc-rrectrlcal f-Mechanicat [ .]-other _ Job Nane: Ltri€t- '>t*rtF Job Address. 'lCo EAeT /4saoou) D8, Legal Descriptlon: '17rf' F *A-<c--V r.or * ' aro6f Fl1ing Ph. Architectt @Address: General Descriptlon:R r\.-L (l F' ijr- tu -Vr t I l'a "^7_Zl\ Ph. @.) work class: I l-New X-att"""tion g ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nurobeg, of Accomnodation Unlts: alt /IfJtLlAppliancesJ_' 'u cas Logs_ l{oodlPellet_ VALUATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **** * * * * ** * **** ** ELECTRICAL: $ zC.'O C'' !.tEcIIANIcAt zl@ Pluubing Address: Nunber of Dnelllng Units: /') Electrical Contractor: Address: TDl.) i-.u.U' rnber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Contractor: O)N *** *** * ******************* Town of vall Req. No.3?)J OTHER: TOTAL: Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. No. Phone Number: tilechanical Contractor: Address: ***********************a******** FoR oFFICE USE * ********** *** * **************** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLWBING PERMIT FEE: UECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: EI.,ECTRICAL FEE: BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PDWBING PI"AN CHECK FEE: !,TECHANICAIJ PIATI CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI.,TAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERI,TIT FEES: .2.2/ - -- d()<-- BUTLDING: SIGNATI'RE: ZONING: SIGNAflTRE: or $fitfr/,r<_ GROUP CI.EAN I'P I'EPOSIT IEFIIf,D !O: Robert L Arnold Architect, P.C. P.O. Box 2587 Avon, CO 81620 48E BeavffCreek BlYd. Suite 104 (303) 845-81l? (3O3) 845-8829 FAX September 10, 1993 Mr. Gaty Murrain Town of Vail Deparunent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Preston Semel's New York Bagel Shop DearGary: I have enclosed an architectural drawing showing additional information relating to tlre various sinks, hot water heater, and elecrical panel location; as well as a drawing from Yoder Engineering showing the Type I hood system for the new 36" gas range. The convection oven and the cook top have been eliminated. The bagel oven is self-venting, with a Type tr flue and a B vent as shown on Yoder's drawing. Also enclosed is a cut sheet for the new gas range to supplement the cut sheets already submitted. I think that this documents the various discussions among you{self, Susan, Preston and me. Please notify me if you need anything more. Thank-you for your time and consideration. Sincerely youfs, Encl. cc Preston Semel TO: Dan Stanek, Building lnspector ) FROM: Susan Scanlan, Environmental Health "t@fl-DATE: September 15, 1993 SUBJEGT: Plan Review of Preston Samel's New York Bagel Shop I met with Mr. Samel at approximately 12:45 pm today and reviewed the plans which have been submitted for building permit review for his proposed bagel shop to be located in the space previously occupied by Blano's Pizza Company at 100 E. Meadow Drive. The plans as submitted for review are not entirely complete and my approval is given conditionally with the following stipulations as discussed with Mr. Samel during our meeting. (1) Manufacturer's specification sheets for the remainder of the equipment must be submitted approval prior to installation. (2) An approved vegetable preparation sink must be installed in the upstairs tood prep area if fresh salads and vegetables are to be menu items. (3) A proposed menu shall be submitted for review prior to or at the same time as the equipment specilications are submitted. (4) The three compartment sink in the upstairs area may be installed with wall hung drain shelves provided the shelves are angled to permit draining and a drain hole is provided to allow excess water to drain back into the sinks. (5) The floor sink which is to be installed below the three compartment sink at the far right end is approved for disposal of mop water and will suffice as a mop sink with filling of buckets to occur from th6 three compartment sink or handsink. (6) Tile coved baseboard is recommended for installation in the downstairs area, but either the the tale or vinyl base will be acceptable. (7) | would suggest that special attention be given to ensuring adequate refrigerated storage for size and variety of lhe menu. Any qu€stions regarding this plan review can be addressed to me at 479-2138.