HomeMy WebLinkAboutTEZLA 100 E Meadow Dr'*..,J' Project Name: Proiect Description: Project Application Date Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Archilect. Address and Phone: L€gal Description: Lot Block Filing . Zone - Design Review Board Date Motion by:1flu1-,,t ,.',. -7 I Seconded by: L'. .r,a: APPROVAL VC i{, '-, "t} DISAPPROVAL Summary: E Statt Approval LJt:n aist \s1 " 15" ^uri ttso*,r.t sI + looR Uy, Agq$u \Es" \osa . \8" \$isr rr=ro(scrfrr\,T;' \eoq LrNeERlf \f,r,rrfuE, 5., l. \ Kjur-:: *o " Ro\,1* Exis-irrc N**rlr, " gt 3" +rs,w* ENe.$ \'G" Dn"t- \ -l I aa.: r\ €- \rporu aSg N \Jer^: \)orte NvsPn sc uirTg, Si<..r1 . pl t\\ )Orl.t \\,.rlrlirl <" Lr.vrrrnu o Jo -R=.s : --1=!.t -(.:odpr)\o" \sct ro \eqo r Liscrfrr-EnurrqrF t{" = [(etr*i"o r*io*) \or*t ur\ws . 5\" Deog - 1q " tlD=a - L2 F,.,-;. Project Application o"," \t $sy \tt lY I \ Project Name: ) Proiect Description: ) Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: *4{€hit€etifudressEnd Pho ne: ) uegat Description: Lot Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Date: Town Plan ner E Statt Approval 2 .- t'! 75 south fronlage road vait, cotorado 81652 (303) rt76'7000 April 17, .|984 ofllce ol communlty developmenl T0: SIGN APPLICANTS FR0M: Tom Braun or Krjstan Pritz, Planners RE: Sign Application Requirements When applications for s'igns are submitted, the fo'l lowing informationis required: Site plan showing exact location where the sign is to be located. Photograph or drawing showing the building and where sign is to be located. Exact design of sign (one or more of the following) (a) scale drawing or rendering (must be colored exactly as sign will be) (b) the sign itself is made (c) photograph if sign is made FEE: A $20.00 application fee will be required at time of application. t. 2 3. (over ) Application Number tr,D Fee Paid SIGN APPLICATION Date \ Name of Project rQuE Name of Person Subrnitting Location of Project U N.L Description of Project N,JrsrLO r. r,- l-ttr. \., r" d , - RqE\JsSE The following information is required for submittai by the appl .icant to the Design_Review Board before a final approval can be given.Sign submittal fee is $20.00. A. S'ign Material B. Description of Sign _\ \.Jf C. Size of Sign n Length of Corrnents MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION 1. Site Pl an2. Drawi ngs showi n-g exact I ocati onX3. Photographs showing proposed locE'T16fr4. Actual sign _X 5. Colored scale-tiEwJnq X6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Submitta'l Disapproved for DRB SubmittET- 'Mi1Y"e, tuta "*f^ )rgn Aomlnlstrator Sign Administrator ozt =Gluo. oo ro ooo r.0 ooo r-l oo <f ooo \oFI llt\. U'UJ IJJtl- E =E IJJo #t,afuler ghe bh *-fi F-oor-tXtltrx oFt L)F]o zH4 i-)E t{x (, uJ o z-d<EoFfF>{ot{ 9x6() -+1-* uJF c F F z =o ozz ollJF zozoJ a0 .6 o =z UJz = u,l Foz N.\-s <}-\s ;IPI el!Ell I dlt t!J UJU) = L! F Fz ct o c\]o.F'\ c) o dN(D'o F, 4..o\ o o E C' o)Eoo o) E dl E o =f dq, o o. (!- o, rt, ot:6.Y,:e:$ESEa: e s?€ Et P e EEe$ ef:E =€i;c96EloSor35t= EEFS*_O O cg;;E ElsecL (! o--SE; eoiE-sls€:€ E6:F :EEHi;E g;Ei: (!0'-ir; @ o g,f;;i EHi: lfi:;9Eo -cEg: - o 6: r.F{ Fl 6lor-t or-l oro oor.l €|nr.l cc cr. E- gJo-Iz = lo x UJ z oEFC)uJ t! z 6t J uJ1!u-zo F lrJ oUJE oG c0;H uJEz 6uJo F IJJ z gJ J x F uJo anul UJl! E =uJLJ FoF ozo -Jf@ 9GF(JulJUJ oz ao ==Jo- J Iz oUJ. 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