HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 BLOCK 6 LOT 2 LEGALDesign Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us Prcject Name: Cook Res. Change to Approved Plans DRB Number: DR8040220 Project Description: CHANGE TO APPROVE PLANS TO ALLOW FOR A DIFFERENT STAIRWAY DESIGN/I.AYOUT LEADING TO THE POOL AND THE EXPANSION OF A PI.ANTER BY THE PATIO DOOR. Pafticipants: OWNER CENTML MISSOURI REALW CO -06/01/2004 Phone: 573-634-1133 COOK, SAM B. TRUSTEVc/o James Crabtree 238 MADISON JEFFERSON CITY MO Jamescrabtree@centralbank.net 65101 License: APPLICANT Fritzlen Pierce Architects 061 0Il20W Phone: 97Q-47 6-6342 1650 East Vail Valley Dr, #C-1 Vail, CO Bill Pierce 81657 License: Project Address: 1012 EAGLES NEST CR VAIL Location: 1012 Eagles Nest Circle Legal Descraptaon: Lot: 2 Block 6 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 7 Parcel Number: 210109204002 Comments: SeeConditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Moton By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApprovalz 0610412004 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: WarrenCampbell DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 AU^S|ZOA4 A9252 97A476498L )t,i2664 LEiL4 974476494ll ,t FPS .t PAGE g2 PAGE g2 Appllaatlon for Design Revlew Do.nment ol CommunhY DewloPmlnt zg So,tttr Flontag€ Fload' vail, Cobrado t1667 l'h o7b.47o.2lsg lat: 910.1792i|6,2 wab: www-vallgov'Em G.nGlrl Infcrmttlon: A[ project6 Equlrhg d*ign rrdcw muat ralve $ptEvd pdor to rubnltllng a- Nltdlhg gatnlt agglcatlon' PL€r! roler to rh. $/bmlmt r.quirrttriU iir fitie"lil*}.i aepdniifnt i t q..i.a. nn appticaton for Deslgn tuv6r cannoi te "-pt d unrii aff requrr* tntori"Uon i" f.gi1g bv g1j Cornrvunity tlernlrynrnt D€Pa'ln'd' The proigq m.y aho n€.d to ac rddrC by tha Yown Corrrd.rnil/or thc Plannini etd Etwitonnnntd Commlncon' Drdsn 616r rpprovrt r.ffriicil I luriiinJprntlri trlno rnd oonrrruotlon oornipnou slthin on Far ot tha apFFvrl. Dac.lptlon ol thc Rcqulrlc L B- 're t4r'|. FRoIJT Ar f,-t 'ra ?rE L DE<R . A,a 4ll^^li.J 'r .7a ,1^1t t r^rrr ' ' . F rr!,( F/-,tr- PLAA'TEIL ,t^r PA"ra I:l\. - . 1gt Z'Bbdc 6 . g,rbClvlslon: lAru urr-LeA't ?'U Frr reJA Phyrlc.l ldd?.|t:lor ?- l:. A4Lr S ,rga.{.T < l\<( Lt- Frrcrf Nc.: zto t8zo1@a.- (Com*t EeglG Co. Alsor at 37o'g2E aArc for Psrbal no.) Zcnin3r Namc(r) ol gwnor(r): S s.6 (-r l! lre L 14r ar.t I.lllng Addror: 235 (.,+,Tr rr Lp A 65tOt 63 Orn.r(.) Signrturc(r)l Ntnrr ol Appllcrnt:L Vt. r. "-tl\'rl€t lfrlllng Add'l. .l 165O Vet,-8ld5r Fhonr:1?o ttv4. 63,12 e-mrll Addrt .: Far:17o. q?6 , l/?ot- t50 Flp t!.00 p.rrqu.r! loot ol totrl dgn ar3. ItbF.a l85o , Foa @ilrnEtlon ol t n.u br,rildlne or demo/nbulld. 890o For an addllon wtrcr. rql|r foonga i dd.d to any r.tid.hti.l or commrcigl brlldlng (lr€lrdec 250 odditimr & intodor onvel:lorr). &!5o ' For mlnor drangr b buildn!|. and tH! InlPlEv.rnenr3, gdt rr, rrrofing. printlng, rlndow rdltione, landcapir.1g, l.nc- and 'trrhlr,'rg w.lb, .tc, For mlnor oheagrl lo bulklngr and ire ittptovsrcnr. irrfi !t, - rstoollno. Prlnllng, wlndo* aditions, hndrrplm, hrE- tid rrdb, oF. lo dana already rppror€d bu Flrnning Slell or rha TyF. of lovl.r rnd Frl:. Sis:n:. Conaptnl Hwiew . l{€w Oon$nrtbn. ld.Ltion . lltro( Anrntbn (rnulti-f ar{ly/comrmdeI Mipr Alierelion. (.lhg ldarrtily/duplor) changr to Arprlvcd Ptrns S.Fntron Req.tst -ry4f;,i;t , t20 FnlcriBad.\ o|ua;0 '4,,b 6E/-) Die cast aluminum trim. Socket head stainless steel captive lasteners. N4olded borosilicate glass spread lens. Asymmetrical reflector. Integral 120V- 1 1 .6V electronic transformer. Lamp supplied with luminaire. Color: Black, White, EurocoatrM. '1140 Opening: 4%' x 4' 1240 Opening: 5%" x 4" Lamp Lumen A B 1140 Recessed Wail tlli'l 1 2OWG4,12V 350 47/a 35/a 4 1240 Recessed Wall 6EE 1 sow Gy6.os,12v 10OO 63/1 Ssta 4 500 C.P.C., concrete protection cover for 1140 510 C.P.C., concrete protection cover for 1240 ) l\+6-- Cp*n{A*' BEGI Se.ni-recessed lumi''taires wrth fur,r shielded Iighi source. Tempered, prismatic glass lens. Suitable for wet locations. Down orientation only. Socket head stainless steel screws. Color: Black or white. 2926P Opening: 9%0' x 3" 2928P/S Open ng: 9%q' x 61/r" 2928MH Opening: 97/aQ" x 6lz' Lamp Lumen A 2906P Recessed 4D I 9w pLc 6Y, 23/a 4 2926P Recessed (EE t tsw prC 9Y, 2% 2928P Recessed CEE t zow plc 1800 1 113/e 33lo 6% 2928S Recessed (@t SOWe-tZHpS 4000 j1i3/rc 33/a 61/z 2928MH Recessed CID 1 ZOWED-17[,4H BSOO 1113/rc 3i1/a 6yz 510 C.P.C., Concrete Protection Cover for 2906p 610 C.P.C., Concrete Protection Cover for 2926p 29 J lt**'l.tl,ll'*'i'*'l't****lt lr *{.{r:t ** 'lr:}'} *'} lt *'** +* {.* ** iIt* * *'} {r*** * * {r{r'l * * * {r:i:t:}* *** {. * * 'l '1. 't * * * * *'}* *:* *r* * *'t * ** * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *******l'***if:t**t*{.*********,r{rtt'ttt :t't****,it*****************t****t*'t*lr'}a{t******{.***ii*l***'}* Statement Nuriber: R040005934 Anrount: $20.00 06/oL/2O04O2257 PUt Palment Method: Cash Init: iIS Notation: CASH/FRITZI,EN PIERCE Permit No3 DR8040220 T14>e: DRB- chg to Appr Plans Parcel No: 2LOLO92O4OO2 Site Addreas: 1012 EAGIJES NEST CR \IAIIJ IJocation: 1012 Eagles Nest Circle Total Fees: S20.00 This PalmeDt: $20.00 ToCaI AIrL Prnts: $20.00 Balance: S0.00 ***** * *{r*{r***** t*'t*'t*{r'}**********i***!t*******{t**** *******:f't*'t'lr'}********'t'1.'l't**:t:}******l f f *l** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniption Current Pnts DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEI'I FEES 20. 00 o. Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www,ci,vail.co.us Project Name: Cook Residnece Fence DRB Number: DRB030556 Project Description: Replacement of existing 6' stockade fence with new more transparent 5'-6" high board on board fence. This new fence was approved as a 6' foot tall fence existed prior and that there was mature existing vegetation on the site which screened the view Participants: OWNER CENTML MISSOURI REALTY CO -t2lL6l2003 Phoner 573-634-1133 COOK, SAM B. TRUSTEVc/o James Crabtree 238 MADISON JEFFERSON CXTY MO Jamescrabtree@centralbank.net 65101 License: APPUCANT FriElen Pierce Architects LA $12003 Phone: 970476-6342 1650 East Vail Valley Dr, #C-1 Vail, CO Bill Pierce 81657 License: Project Address: 1012 EAGLES NEST CR VAIL Locationr 1012 Eagles Nest Circle Legal Description: Lot: 2 Block 6 Subdivision: VAIL VILHGE RUNG 7 Parcel Number: 210109204002 Comments: See Conditions oo BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Scott Proper Action: APPROVED Second By: Hans Woldrich Vote: 2-1 (Rogers Opposed) Date ofApptoval= 03lO3l2OO4 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005305 That the applicant submit a revocable right-of-way permit for the landscaping which will be planted in the public right-of-way prior to the start of construction on the fence. ,-t)to ao- Application for Design Review Department of Comm unity Development 75 South Frontage Ftoad, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: wwv,ci.vail.co.us General I nformation: All projec{s requiring des(;n review must receive apprwal prior to submitting a buiHing permit application. Pleae refer to the subrnittal requirements for the particular approval that i3 requcted. An application for Des[n Review cannot be accepted until all required information b received by the Cdnmunity Development O€parbnent. The project may also need to be reviEwed by the Toln Courrcil and/or the Planning and Envirormental Cornmission. Design review approval lapser unless a building permit ir issued and conslruction commenceg within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: Location of the Proposa||: Lot 7 Block: 6 Subdivision:Unrr-- Uruuar.e- 7"4 Ftcl l.l z, Physical Address:I O l7- f>. Ar,L-r. .! , E-t-r c-t IL<- L E- parcel No.: ztorolzoeooZ (ContactEagleCo.AssessoratgT0_32g_ggl0forparcel no.) Zoning:?/s Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: 5o(t E-re-tY t'-oN tr €FfE /1 Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: ilaillng Address: Phone:573 63'/- I / ?-t 8t65 Phone:L/}A .63rtL Fax:L/76 . L/1O t $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $3O0 For an addiiion where square footage b added to any residential or mrnmercial building (includes 250 additione & interior conversiors). $250 For minor changes to buildirgs ard site improvernents, such *, reroofing, painting, window additions, lardscaping, fences ard retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings ard site improvernenls, such c, reroofing, painting, window additbns, landscaping, fencee and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Phnning Staff or the Design E-mail Addre€s: Type of Review and Fee: . S igns . Conceptual Review . New Consbuction. Addition . Minor Alteration (m ult i- fam ily/cornmercial) X Minor Alt€ration ' (single-family/duplex) X cr,"r,g* to Approved Phns Review Board. Page 1 of 121611710g lo Bulldlng Materials Roof #in9(6H #tt6/ 6F6tALL\ OtherWall Materialsbtt lwllpr.J.r* Fsia utk-\ Scffits Windoua Windor Tdm Doorg Door Tdm Hand or Deck Rdls Flues Fldting (fEaL"€<--N tEgJ.{. Crimfleff'"<tr"':t Trash Endosurcs Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exbrior Lighting Oher Notes: Golor ,VA W f*rd elYfi. Lt4" t Pleme specifu the manufacfurc/s name, the oolor name and number and attach a color cfiip. (lo PROPOSED MATERIALS Tyoe of Material kyN,AA Fb"'""*. r1Llr ,6LA'' Page 6 of 12106117109 io Botanical Name lo PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Common Name OuantiW Size Sf TottNS 1p4K1-a t lLl ,t] Pr, rtsta 4 L, L AL 5 a+> 5 tz +t- 5 (7+u 5(74 L Pal r: 4j-71 LLIL4 Dr.l A 8-F RL'' 't r,,Jll EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED ,t =pe,rt Z-6" >r+ Minimum Requirements for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe aK{AAr-,t}l,\-L frXAgb Square Footaqe ,.rf e-ox /O' x )5'GROUND COVER La\) SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Page 7 of L2lOZl07lO2 l. ff**l*t t t+ta*a+f +'if***tl a+alt +**f+** *ar **l* * f lfaa *+* ******t*ft f***l*+*** * + + t 't***t t *{r* t *'l + + * * TOWNOFVAIL, COI,ORADO Statement ta+f 'lf ***+latl'il'tf ir**f f l*|'ttt**t*+** ***'t+****rtt*++**a+'i't*'|'**1.**i***++*+ * ** lr * 't +* * * * {' * l* {tt *'}* Stagement Number : R03 0005278 Amounts : S2o. ooL2 / L6 / zo0sol zsl All Payment Method: Init: DF Nocaeion: Cbeck ck# 12056 Pertnlt No:DR8030555 T:rpe ! DRB -Chg to APPr Plana ParceL No: 210109204002 gLte AddreBE: 1012 EAGIJES ISEST CR VAIL IJocaEion: 1012 Eagl€B Nea! Circle Total FeeE: $20.00 Thla Palment: $20.00Totsa1 AL,L Pmts: $20.00 BaLance: $0.00 * **ti +++{.*llt t *f+++ft +tflf*+f*+* +*i+ **'}*** **{tlta** aa+*t++ * flltt**+***li * * + + ** * +ti ** al' lt'l **f'l ** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code oescri Dti on Current Pmts DR 00100003112200 RtVIEtl FEES 20.00 DESIGN oo ii l t att ! I I 1 !l .. iI! 1: I 'ry t ni'. = .', .:l ), -1+ii :, i t. r.'gl t Y. ' J.l.Li *- tf- * 1'l H .i lt.!* 'u4 oo lo Gook Residence Fence History Provided tor 313104 DRB Meeting DRB Gomments from April 2,2003 . Members expressed concern over a six foot tall fence be extended around the entirety of the property. They would like to see the lence eliminated or reduced in height along Homestake Circle. There was a comment that the fence should be low and quiet. The Vail Town Code allows a fence to be a maximum of six feet in height in a rear yard. However, allfences are subject to design review and approval. Public Works Comments from April 2, 2003 . What is the reason for the vehicular sized gate on the southeast side of the property? No vehicular parking is permitted on Homestake Circle. The gate should be eliminated or reduced to a human sized gate. Results of April 16, 2003 DRB MOTION:Margarel Rogers SECOND: David Viele VOTE:4-0 (Pierce recused) APPROVED DRIVEWAY ENTRY & POOL PAVERS AND STUCCO WALL WITH 1 GONDITION: 1. That the applicant show details on the stucco wall and thal it be submitted to staff for approval with the spanning shown to protect the trees and other landscape, prior to submitted for a building permil, and that any disturbed or destroyed landscape be replaced. MOTION: Margaret Rogers SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 3-1 (Pierce recused. Viele opposed) DENIED-WOOD FENCE DRB Comments from January 7,2004 . The primary concern was that there were "holes" in the existing landscaping which the Board would like to see in{illed with new landscaping to help screen the lence.. There was some concern of the precedence of approving a 5.5 foot high fence in the neighborhood, however, after great discussion the fence was determined to be of a design which would be approvable if landscaping were added.. The was concern that on the previous plans looked like two aspens were being removed and the survey may be inaccurate. o.lrrrrr Fril:i,-n. Al/\, ,\1 llib.\ I ! !\ illi;rnr F. frieftr,, .\r'(lril{,cl ,.illhv ll -.llrg,r, Er.rsin*$ [1JnJdi'r. o EAR o ERCFRITZLEN PI CHITECTS VAIL, COLOMDO MEMO Date: To: From: February 27,2OO4 Warren Campbell Patrick M. Fortner Subject Cook Residence CC: Warren, Please note the following changes from the previous submittal. We are asking to remove two trees, which will be replaced with new tree plantings. New landscape plantinp are called out on the site plan, as well as the proposed fence. The fence has not changed location in plan. Please note that the fence has been modified in design. lt was thought that the fence looked unfinished. We are proposing that a cap be added to the fence. The fence height will not exceed the 5'-6" that we were asking for in the previous meeting. ff you have questions or concerns, you can reach me at 475.6342 ex23. Thanks, Patrick M. Fortner I {,i{ i fasi Y,tii V;rl|l.v Drir.,:r. t.rllridqc (... 1 , V,til. C()]{)f"rd() tl I (;ll 7 f': 1rl{).-:1:b.{) ]i"1.l l:: lial).,1:ti..1(|t I i i : irli{Jii;j\.}iLrr{ Jlitr){ l} {' nrl \!\tH,.r:riiar ahili \'lj.{ 1,nr l\ i l) l . j i ' C1r )k R{lli1ii,t}1r,\l,i )rrr)5lx rnalon, r.'.. [( J\i.trlt, t( ]-\.-,tl i {,n-( } l l itl.l.dr }l lo lo De part ment of C ommun ity Dev e lopment 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us Fritzlen Pierce Architecls Bill Pierce 1650 East Vail Valley Drive, Fallridge C-1 Vail, CO 81657 Re: Cook residence fence at '1012 Eagles Nest Circleilot 2, Vail Village Filing 7 February 9,2004 Mr. Pierce, This letter is to inform you that if you would like to remain on the February 18,2004, DRB agenda revised plans addressing the concerns listed in my letter dated January 16, 2004, need to be submilted to the Community Development Department no laler than 3:30 pm on February 13,2004. lf plans are not received by this time you will be tabled to the March 3,2004, DRB meeting. Please review these comments and il you have any questions regarding this letter please contact me at 479-2148. Wjth.regards, trr,Janan Warren Campbell Planner ll Cc: File {g *"no"o r r", lo lo Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.yail.co.us Fritzlen Pierce Architects BillPierce 1650 East Vail Valley Drive, Fallridge C-1 Vail, CO 81657 Re: Cook residence fence al 1012 Eagles Nest Circle/Lot 2, Vail Village Filing 7 January 28,2004 Mr. Pierce, This letter is to inform you that if you would like to remain on the February 4, 2004, DRB agenda revised plans addressing the concerns listed in my letter dated January 16, 2004, need to be submitted to the Community Development Department no laler than 3:30 pm on January 30,2004. lf plans are nol received by this time you will be tabled to the February 18,2004, DRB meeting. Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter please contact me at 479-2148. $t\reoards, A 1' 'f ,t'tur,un Urlc)', Warren Campbell \ Planner ll Cc:File {S r"n"uor^ro oo oo Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.w Frilzlen Pierce Architects Lynne Fritzlen 1650 East Vail Valley Drive, Fallridge C-1 Vail, CO 81657 Re: Cook residence fence at 1012 Eagles Nest Circle/Lot 2, Vail Village Filing 7 January 16,2004 Ms. Fritzlen, This letter is to inform you of the comments received from the Design Review Board on January 7, 2004. These commenls should be addressed prior to being rescheduled on the January 21,2004, Design Review Board Agenda. DRB Comments:. One member expressed concern over a five foot six inch tall fence. The concern was regarding the need for such a tall fence in a neighborhood which has no lences currently. The Development Standards Handbook discourages fences and is concerned about the setting of orecedence.. Several of the members expressed that the fence was a nice design which utilized steps forward and backwards to protect lhe trees.. There was concern that the proposed landscaping plan needed to incorporate more evergreens to provide for year round screening of the fence. lt should be explored where exactly the trees and other landscaping should be located. Please provide a revised landscaping plan. A majority of any addition landscaping will be located within the Town of Vail right-ot-way which will require the applicant to obtain a revocable right-of-way permit to install improvements within the right-of-way. Please contact Leonard Sandoval with the Public Works Department, to discuss any problems Public Works may have with locating additional trees within the right-of- way prior to the submittal of revised plans to eliminate the need to do multiple revisions. Mr. Sandoval can be reached at479-2198.. There was also concern that the survey showing the location o{ existing trees may not be accurale. You, the applicant, expressed that you would lield verify the survey. The concern was specifically related to the large Aspen in the vicinity of the proposed access gate. Please verify that no existing trees will be removed.. Revise the fence design to not include stucco on both sides of the proposed access gate. Framing the gate in stucco draws attention to the proposed gale. Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter please contact me at 479-2148. lf you would like to remain on the January 21, 2004 DRB agenda revised plans addressing {g u"nuor^re, lo oo the above concerns need lo be submitted to the Community Development Department no later than 3:30 pm on January 19,2004. lf plans are not received by this time you will be tabled to the February 4,2004, DRB meeting. Cc:File Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970j792139 faxt 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Prcject Name: Cook Residence change to approved plan DRB Number: DR8030412 Project Description: REBUILD DGSITNG SIAIR, REPLACE PORTION OF WALK MOVE A SMALL BOULDER WALL, AND ADD I.ANDSCAPING UGHTING Participants: OWNER CENTML MISSOURI REALTY CO -0912212003 Phone: 573-634-1133 COOK, SAM B. TRUSTEE/c/o James Crabtree 238 MADISON JEFFERSON CITY MO Jamescrabtree@centralbank.net 65101 License: APPUCANT Fritrlen Pierce ArchitecG 0912212003 Phone: 970-476-6342 1650 East Vail Valley Dr, #C-L Vail, CO Bill Pierce 81657 License: ARCHilECT Fritrlen Pierce Architects 0912212003 Phonel 970476-5342 1650 East Vail Valley Dr, #C-L Vail, CO 81657 License: @00001402 Project Address: 1012 EAGLES NEST CR VAIL Location: 1012 Eagles Nest Circle Legal Description: lot: 2 Block 6 Subdivision: VAIL VILIAGE FIUNG 7 Parcel Number: 210109204002 Comments: SeeOonditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: SrAFFAPR Seond By: vote: Date of Apprcvalz 0912412003 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PIIN): DRB approval does not consUtute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005151 That the applicant shall submit a cut sheet for the proposed post lamp at the end of the sidewalk leading from the front door to Eagles Nest Cirdg which meets the lighting standards, prior to installaUon. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: i2O.OO 89/EFP '-1-9-.-eA@-1; ,. -3; 4ZPp647 {-cEltTlAL BFI'IK EXEC oFrIcFg N0.9?a OO Application fior Daclgn Reyiew "ffii$ffi,ffi,iT* rab: uary,O.vd.cau3 _.- __ le1#r az I, Locrqcnoftftcpropogt uu ? Socb, 6_.sqbfl"dbn Phydcrt Addrrrt lOlZ fu-x- xfu* -.^ _ -ry<trcnlE:e: :e*re.)tNrac.,rc {ea--,^tG Prttrl No.r .Z toldl?4lpZ _(Onnct zcttlngl I'hillng/lddlrrr! ownrf(ilqgn|tJ|t(r): thnc of Apdlctntl Hriflng &UnE$ &rnrtllddnrr; molt**rnd Foot B ConccptrrlRavtar llJa,y Co|Erucirn Addltlon f1nor Altrnion {mulU{.nl|y/cottrrn rdal) Minor Afcrdtion (nnsh-family/duplGx) Oungcr b Apprwed pbn, ttpar.tion REquEtt a't n B N X F0^ grrrl.O0 ptq.rtf$tof totrt Jgn rr!|.ilo Fre ffil flffiS:ffillffiSffi[..',*** or '2so ilffidtrJufil*#ffiH;i#ffiffi " Ilpfnr, nl't!ne, rrncoi JdnD'rr;'1;ri;iii, r** ,norcOinhg w.li. cE$20 F n-rts dungp b h|ldl$, and. sft. inDro,en.nB, 'lrcfi .i,rurcoflnci, pdnune, wndoi rdiu",ri, -uiln#i6, rbno, nna' fctjnim t9t|3, det20 Fgr t!'!lons to ptrns dandy Dptulad b ptmning Sbil or t€ ** Hn RerlcrrBornt. E 9h Co. Ai*ssor at ptr32g.ggl0,o/ parcd m,) Buildinq Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvoe of Material Color &t^ALL &.+c*F& ((Vt /rta/.t\ fm An*oU/nF*a- (< laur4'rr, L /8t 4 F6\ Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia SofRts Windows Window Trim Doors DoorTrim Hand or'Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other F4uege - /,n4 d Ngau Pav'ffi* Notes: 6gP& /Na:[ALJ-Er2 &#uJtfere,dN *re Please speciff the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attadr a color chip. Page 6 of LzlOZl0TlOz +*'t * * ** ** ** * f + +t ****** ********** * * a* * * * *** ** * ** +* * * *+**** ******** * * * ** * * * ** {. * * +**:** ** * * * **** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement :l** * * **,1.*'t*** *******+f ++*i't:t :t**,t ,tt,t***'t **:t *!t ,f {.*********{.********,i**'l.rl.***1.**.*****,1.***:}*{i+***+:1. Statement Number: RO3oo04?42 Amount: 920.00 09/22/2oo3o2:25 PM Palment Method: Check Ini!: DF Notation: Permit No: DRBo30412 DT)e: DRB-Chg to Appr Plans Parcel No: 2LOLO92O4OO2 Site Addresa: 1012 EAGLES NEST CR VAIL Location: 1012 Eaqles Nest Circle Total Fees: $20 ' 00 This Payment: $2O.OO Total ALIJ Pm!s: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 * * * * * * * * * ** * + * * + * *** + * * * * + * ****+ * ******:t:i* * * * **{.'t r.'}+++** *+**{.** ** * *ri+:}{.******** *+++**,t{.f**** ACCOTJNTITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Cunrent Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DTSIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 iia ||J'o I ! i I E#J FEHS I j lldtt'6t EIct ",iql ,l :::l i fl;l "t EIvl fi T] ,rl Ei 6i .i 'ti ii:l fi : si 6 & I na * d I = "l ;l Ej'. i ^t -1i $ tu- o i i g & iiatuai 1illtlIti! ti :t:r 9ig j 6l5i 6r ol qtq tl"i EiFl --{,I 9E> .=.,;g*E; s€ " Egr;igiEir s ;f;;Eiis35c gE$g€lEEEe IIt 6 8 I E E q u LL ll F(D TUko B Product Details Page I of2 PfOgfeSS Phone - Toll Free (877) 477-6473 M-F 9AM-6PM Pacific Time. Order online 24 hours a day 7 Lishting partsandGrass@prosressrish,,.n"1L5 3#lT;fiiii'[t,;',:':Ji:il'5:ii'",9'l,""ly;; OUtlet faxing credit card number, exp. date and address to our otfices at (978) 975-5449. Lighting fixtures on website from Jan and June 2003 Product Supplements (reference pages are marked with "S" or "SJ" on product detail pase) do not qualify fot ",. OT*::Hil Email - customerservice@progresslightingoutlet.com sKU P5266-31 Price: S 91.39 Catalog Page:361 Category: Landscape Description: Mushroom in black aluminum with white interlined shade for maximum light output. 1/2 inch NPS thread. Finish: Black Glass:N/A Type: Path Notes: #For complete installation see accessory categories# Width/Diameter: 9" Height:23" Overall Length:N/A Wire Length: N/A Depth Extension: N/A Lamp Quantity: One Lamp Type: 12-volt S.C. Bayonet Lamp Wattage:24w Low Voltage:Yes Lr,,t=, View car TOWN OF VAIL DESIGN REVIEW STAFF APPROVAL U' 1tt atl'^ "l-u) http ://progressli ghting. com/data/tmpl/a-detail.pl 9/9t2003 Kichler - Product Details Page I of I Ilnliwtl, L}L.rtr.f.at,rl** t.J Vrnu q.tg. ' S-rrte (Jr.lros :T Height:20.5' Width: 9.5" Number of Bulbs: 1 Maximum Wattage: 150W Bulb Base: Medium Voltage:120V Style: Traditional Bulbs: bulb not included 990902 Outdoor Olde Bronze Post Mount lLt Incandescent I*spired by the horse-country of col Virginia- brass construction with se panels in Olde Bronze. Shade or Diffuser: CLEAR SEEDY I Body Material: I Shippable via UP UL and/or CSA listed use: Suitable f( Loc HouseBeau[iful IICHTINC S OI.U TION S BY KICHLER" s,H#H=ffi'o' View other products in the M-qgot VerEon family. << Backl/l I n2 \n)-l-|/ )ct\l1 _ - ---- /l ,\ / ^ Back To ToP grAFF: ryLl tno'on*hs and drawinss t:J:[fJ"::.l,ll3i1i.Tl,:?P,"-T,a$".31:Hy of Kichrer and r powered ov il( snailornotrix' @ 2oo3 A' Rishrs Reserved. Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the User Agreement http:i/siteinfirsion.brandmatrix.com/servlet/pcatpageloader/productdetailsload?pcat_oid:1... 9/3012003 4lla4c$lrq 7/k* 'O DEPARTMENT.FC.MMUNIrowN oF vArL p DE'ARTMENT.F coMMUN,rt trro ,#' ' 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 8t657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT PETMit #: B03-0146 Job Address: l0l2 EAGLES NESTCR VAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.....: l0l2 Eagles Nest Circle Applied . . : 06/11/2003 Parcel No...r 210109204002 Issued . .. : 08115/2003 ProjectNo : Expires. ..: 0211112004 ol{NER CENTRAT MTSSOURT REALTY CO -O6/Lt/2003 phone: 573-634-1133 COOK, SAM B. TRUSTEE/c/o ,fames Crabtree 238 ITTADISON i'EFFERSON CITY MO ,famescrabtree@centralbank.net 55101 L,icense: CONTRACTOR BOLES CUSTOM BUIITDERS, INC O5/LL/2OO3 Ptrone: 970-926-3202 P.O. BOX 426 EDWARDS, CO 8L632 L,icenee:158-B aPPIJICAI|T BOIJES CUSTOM BUILDERS, IlIc O6/tL/2Oo3 Phone: 910-926-3202 P.O. BOX 426 EDWARDS, CO 41632 I-,icense:168-B Description: REPAIR,/EXTEND SITE WAIIJ. RE-DO PAVERS AND DRIVEWAY Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence TypeConshuction: VN TypeVNon-Rated Valuation: $75,000.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 Fireolace Information: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 Building--> $818.?5 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check*> 3532.19 DRB Fe€-..-._...-_> # ofGas Logs: 0 # of wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY *a*r+*r:*'tr'ta'rrt*.'|*r**:it:i***rl'ia:r**:t'r:**t't***ar*t**+*******:*'l So. oo Total Calculaled Fees-> $1, 353 . 94 SO. OO Additional Fees--_-->$0.00 s0. 00 Total Pefmil Fee.-.-> $1,353 . 94 90. 00 Payments---> $1, 353 . 94 $0. oo Investigrtion-> will call-> $0. 00 Recreation Fee--> $3.00 Clean-uPDePosit--> TorAL FEES-------> s1 , 3s3 . 94 BALANCE DUE-----> art*aa* 'a*1't al ta+at Approvals:Item: 051O0 BUIIJDIIIG DEPARTMEMT 06/30/2003 GCD Acbion: AP Item: 05400 PITANNING DEPARTI{ENI o6/L3/2oo3 warren Action: AP Itsem: 05500 FIRE DEPARTI{E}IT Item: 05500 PITBIJIC WORKS 06/25/2003 Ls Actions AP See Condition 06/27/2oo3 Is O o..ioo: CoND see conditf""t *.''||t'*'lt*.l*||||+t|+t|+|tl|..'i|t||t||l|*|'l't|||.'.i|tt|i|l|lt|t|ill|t|lt{||*|l|*|lt|l.|||l'tillttt|+|i1|l|t||*t*.|*.|..*|*'**{|1**. See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the informafion as required is correct, I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. TURE OF OWNER OR CO FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER PAGE 2 '}t:|**:i{(********,|'{t,tf*f,t***+'i*:t'**,|.,}*'}t{it***:***********'i*{.**:l't*'t(,|.***!t,}tt!***:****** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: 803-0146 as of 08-15-2003 Status: ISSUED 't*'l'l*****{..t*.t****'tl''lt+,t*****************t***'i***********'trt*i*,t+**d.r}+1.t}******'t * * ** * * * ** * * * ** * ** * * *** + * *'t !* Permit Type: ADDiALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 06/11/2003 Applicant: BOLES CUSTOM BUILDERS, INC Issued: 08/15/2003 970-926-3202 To Expire: 02/11/2004 Job Address: l0l2 EACLES NEST CR VAIL Location: l0l2 Eagles Nest Circle ParcelNo: 210109204002 Description: REPAIR/EXTEND SITE WALL. RE-DO PAVERS AND DRIVEWAY *rt{.***{.***********{t'r*,***,t*{!'t**'t*l*t**t****l*:t+'t**'} COnditiOnS,t**{.'}****{.***:}'}*:t't*:**:t****,1.,}{.,}*,*,}***'t******,t Cond: l2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3IO.g.I OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond: CON0005968 Walk way from Eagle nest Cr. to SFR must be in seperate heat zone. Plan relined by Greg D in Building Department per lronard Sandoval PW request. **+** + ++'t'**l******f ** +{"1* *** * * * *+*i + t ++t*tl**'t ft '}f**f 'l +f*+*********++ + *+ *** * * **** * *+ ********* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement | *+**** *++*+*+*t+*****+{.**r+*l****'t * * *{'***tf* +l * t*+* *'t*f***********+**'} ++* + + ++ ** * *+********* Statement Nudber 3 RO3OOO45O1 Amount: $1,353.94 08/L5/200310:32 A[l Palment Method: check Init: LC Notatsion: 4046/ Bolee Cuatom Builders Permit No: Bo3-0145 Tl4)e: ADD,/ALT SFR BUILD PERMTT Parcel No: 21O1O92O4OO2 Site Address: 1012 EAGLES NEST CR \IAIIJ Location: 1012 Eagles Nest Circle Total Fees: $1,353 .94 This PaymenL: $1,353.94 Tota1 AJ,L Pmts: $1,353.94 Balance: $0.00 * * 't'l{. * * * * * ***** +* * * * | + +* + f f, * + * | t * * * * * * * * * + ** * * * * {' 't l. 't * f t 'l * + * * * * * + + * * r* ***** **'r * * *** * * + * * * *** * ACCOI.JNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Curnent Pmts BP OO1OOOO3111iOO BU]LDING PEMIT FEES 818.75 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 532.19 IdC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO cArroN ll- nor BE AcTp;:B rr rncor,rer-erOlliPfru-3. 0&/O e5,5:\1 . Building Permit #=- _-. I r- 970-479'2149 (Inspections) for electrical, 75 S. Frontase Rd. Vail, Colora?o 81657 t 328-864O or CoMPLETE VALUATTONS FOR BUILDING PERMTT (bbor & Materials) Conbct for Parcel # Parcel# &tOtOq20 JobAddress: /olz €.rL, N"s/ cB. t/r',JJob Name: (o"L Rr.,. Work Class: New ( ) Addition $d Remodel( ) Repair pq) Demo p4 Other ( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior (y) Both ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family fQ Two.family ( ) Mufti-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) NoDoes a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) BUILDING: $ELECTRICAL: $orHER: S 6J_SoD "- PLUI4BING: $MECHANTCAL:$ TSoO -rorAl:S 1-fO O a REFLJND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO: coNrRAcroR rNFoRMArronAflpR,oE p yW General Contractor: 6L, C']n b;'l/* tr"'. Town of Vail Reg. No.: /(t- $ Contactand Phone #'s: lze 3zqt' 5:,', Z;dl^sf,1 31 e -7Est1 v-T 't tr :t*rr*****t!****** ****** I * * * * &* * * ** * * * FO R O F FIC E USE ON LY* * * * * * * * r. * * * * * * * * * r. !r * rr * * * * *,r rr +, * rr * * * * * A l1 F :/everyone/forms/bldgperm, APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PEFMIT I9 - }u'fI'IIII Parcer#:E E E E Brds.Permitu,EnI-I a atrEo a |] -J./, (o"4. ll', /Or t { ..', ,t,,,' (. l/.' / '' 'too tlime str€et Address'' ' ^ nr.,'Et ,.uureto nFl-l-l (ll unknown call ^ (tnr,^! (a^l"/en. P.a 0* 3dz 6 /Jt,* | | L-'.l- \l izl'uga"*'9!.. ==e' r€as TOV Contractor's License Number REOUIRED G T i--lt)lL:_l T-t i_J City Starl Dale Public Service ComPanY (1 Complelion Dat€(Permit Explration Dale) 4. Work is for (ctrcte one) Water Sewer Gas Electric Telephone CATV Landscaping Temp. Site Access 611',q $,, /o dr. ,, *. ,, n - J , -' i/, e f- /y' Trench-width (min,4') Bond Amount $ ALL MATERIAL. EOUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC JOB IS STABTED. 7.Rubber out-riggers are required on Asphalt surfaces underneath lhe A signature below ind'lcates a signatures are obtained, permittee necessary Town of Vail signatures. Length Permit Fe€ up to one week to Process. Depth TotalsF $ Total LF $ Total Permit Fee $ ST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE working on asphalt. at all times. utilily locations and approvals, Once all utility comPany ng appllcation through the Public Works office to obtain the Public Service Natural Gas Group (1'800-922-1 987) U.S. West (1-800-922-1987) TCI Cablevlsion of the Rockies (1'800-922-1987) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District (970-476'7480' e)d. Holy Cross Elestric Company (1'800'922-1987) Town ot Vall Electricians (970'479-2158) Town of Vail Inigation (970'479-2158) Town ol Vail Publlc Works Construction Inspector (970-479'2198) 9. 10. 11. 12. THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURESI A construclion trafiic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permlt. ? All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (senate Bill 172)' permitte€ must contact publlc Works Department at 479-2198 24 hours pfior to commencing of work. Failure to notify theTownw|||resu|tinrorre@inspectionswhicharenotreadymayresultintheTown charging the contractol a reinspectlon fee. I certify that I have read all chapters of 'Iitle 8 - Public ways and Property, of the.vail Municipal code and all utility .orp"ny agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. Conlractof 's Signalure ot Agroemont Prlnt name clearly Date ol Signaturo White - Public Works Yellow - ContraclorATTAGH PLAN oF woRK, INGLUD|NG coNsTRucT|oN TRAFF|C coNTRoL PLAN show streets with names, buildings, and localion ol cuts. usE DASH LINES FOR CUT. /-\- ^SJ'r..'AS/,J r\ntfrimy HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Fonesl Director, (970) 47s.213e Check allt[at applies. 1. Which Deparfnent(s) did you contacf? Building _ Environmental_ Housing_ Admin _Planning DRB _ PEC -- ' : 2. Was your initial contacl with our stafi immediate slow or no one available____:_ ? 3. lf you were required to wail how long was it before you were heloed? 4. Was your project reviewed on a limely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5. Was tfris your first time b file a DRB app_ PEC app_ i. Bldg Permit_ IIUA 6. Please rate the performance of the sffipenon who assisted you: 51321Name: {knowled ge; responsiueneffi 7. Overall efiectiveness of the Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 1 8. What is the bestiime of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to better serve you next time? Thank you for hking the lime to compleb this survey. We are commitbd b improving our seMce- I'lan O3 O4 O3:3Oa BcBTolonado CUSTOM BUILDERS, INC 97 26-2(J'74 p.1 Cook Phase lll 1012 Eagles Nest Circle Vail, CO 81657 Permit #: 803-0146 BGBI Project 03.013 Project Manager: Jim Zielinski Superintendent: Bruce Hasbrouck Site Phone #'- (9701526-3202 Sitc Fax #: (970)926-2078 970-526-3202. o-9o Fax Date:March 3,2004 Fromr Jim Zielinski No. of Pages: 1 Charlie Davis Company:Town of Vail Building Dept. Fax Number: l97Ol47S-2452 TGI Number: (970)479-21 38 To: I( I L'x t fu,l.:.'{J[.0 210 Edwards Blvd- - Suite 8-101 - Post O'ffice Box 426 Phone: 970-926-3202 - Fax 970'926-207E l,',in.-,"*q/, /n,/ - Edwards, Colorado 81632 - www.bcbi.net Message: Dear Charlie, Per our conversation earlicr this year I am writing to inform you that the Cook res. project has been on hold due to weather constraints until the spriirg. I would like to extend the building permit through next fall so that we can complete the work this spring andlummer. lt is possiblc that there may be additional work beyond the scope of the exisiing permit. Al tho time that this scope is increased there will be plans submitted for DRB approval and plan review-by your oflice. Please let me know if there is anything else you need from us for us lo obtain the continuance of lhis permit, Builders, Inc, lf this transmission is incomplete, TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTACE ROAD vArL. co 81657 970-479-2138 Job Address: 1012 EAGLES NEST CR VAIL Location.....: 1012 Eaeles Nest Circle ParcelNo...: 210109204002 ProjectNo' !,r1D?- CCAD J Building---> $993 . 75 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check--> $645.94 DRB Fee-------------> o'tn'r,rEnr oF coMMUNrrY DEVEL.T;., NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PROJECT TITLE: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 804-0096 ol{NER CENIRAL MISSOURT REjATJTY CO -05/05/2004 Phone: 573-534-L133 COOK, SAM B. TRUSTEE/e/o lanes Crabtree 238 MADISON .JEFFERSON CITY MO ilamescrabtree@centralbank. net 55L01 License: eor\r:rRAcToR ,f . KRUEGER AlrD COMPANY 05/05/2004 Phonez 949-48!4 PO Box 8730 Avon, Colorado 8152 0 I-,icense: 293-A APPLTCANT 'J. KRITEGER Al{D COMPA}ry O5/O5/2O04 Phonez 949-48L4 PO Box 8730 Avon, Colorado 8152 0 License z 293-A Desciption: Replacement of fence,entry,driveway and pool paversOccupancy fyfe -- Factor sq Feet Valuatj-on Totals. . . $100, 000. 00* Number of Dwelling Units: 0 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: $100,000.00 Fireplace lnformalion: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pallet: 0 S0.00 RecreationFee----.-> $3.00 Cl€an-upDeposil-----> Status.,.: ISSUED Applied..: 05/05/2004 Issued..: 05/25/2004 Expires . .: lll2l/200+ $o . o0 Total Calculated Fees---> S! , 642 .69 So. oo Additional Fees------> 90.00 SO. O0 Total permir Fee_.__-_> it,642.G9 So.oo Payments-----------> $1,642.69 s0.00 *,t + + + *,t:t * +:l * * a + + ++ * + +r *ii * * | '*,r *'l i * * + * * Investigation-> Will Call----> TOTAL FEES--------_> ST,642,69 BALANCE DUE-----> Approvals:Item: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARTMENT 0s/2s/2004 JRN| Item: O540O PITANNING DEPARTI{ENT 05/L7 /2004 warren Action: AP Action: DN There are several changes made to the perm submitted which do not match the approved set of plans. 05/Le/2004 warren Action: AP A Site Plan ILC wilt be required prior to request ing a final inspection by Planning in order to verify the fence is not within the Town , right-of-way. Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENI ftem: OS5OO PIIBLfC WORKS O l' *t{.**'l**'i*t:i:}+t l ++:} ** '} *'t *:} + 'i:t:} tt,t i't *** *'t '}:} t I f+ t't *t t* | i tt i+l t i1. +t *,t * tt *t * *** *,t,t t* rt || * a.t t* *t *,i {r * +,t t,ttt + +:t tt,t*,}:} See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADV t + 41* + **:* t'r 'l* * *:* * * *'t 'r:l +,r,* ** +:l t:ta+ t,| ** TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE 2 *'l***t'|.*******.t*!****+*****.******'i!tt*******+*'|*'**'|.**,tr,|{.*'t*'}**{!{'***'}+***,**,***************.t**:t*****+*+!t*:f !+* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 804-0096 as of 05-25-2004 Status: ISSUED *'***'t***********!****{.*****.*****!**'*'t:t,t *,t*,t******f *:* * * '}l':r '}:t **!t * * * ** * * * ** * * * ** * ** ** * * * ** * ** ** !r **** ** * * * *,t,* + Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 05/05/2004 Applicant J. KRUEGER AND COMPANY Issued: 05/25/2004 Job Address: l0l2 EAGLES NEST CR VAIL Location: 1012 Eagles Nest Circle ParcelNo: 210109204002 *******,i*:* *:l{.* * *'t,*** ******* ***+!i**,}'t:i**,1.**'**'f*,f*+i** * f {.****+,lr *'l 'ft * !t * *:f * * * * * * * * * t(,} *,F *:1. * * '} + * * * ***+,**1.'i*:f * *'} CONDITIONS **,t.,l,t.,t*,t.'ir.********+**:t.,t.*,t(*********,'*'.*{.**!t**,t.*****{t't!*****l.****'t,t*{.,|t***,t.:F*{.***********{.**** Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: l6 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER sEc.310.9.1 0F THE 1997 UBC. Cond: CON0006432 A Site Plan ILC will be required prior to requesting a final inspection by Planning in order to veriS the fence is not within the Town of Vail right-of-way and is costruct per the approved plan. t \r APPLICATION mm{npyrn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 o WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF TNCOMPLETE OR U Project #: /|tu+ CoNTRACTOR TNFORMATTON Bu Permit#: tl - ooto cEtvE0 5: J. ki<;Ad Q cenuexl uonracl ano Fnong * s:b-* 4V;!s\I:!0..,, € \/t',1. COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING P ERMIT Labor & Materials BUILDING: $ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: g QC,oaa. :o PLUMBING: $ 4#++"+MECHANICAL:g 6j,oe. oa TOTAL: $ 1oo/@. OO For Parcel # Contact Other Fees: DRB Fees:.. Public Wav Permit Fee: , Assessors Office at 97O-328-86/tO or vicit ?siqe!#zto(Olzoqoo-Z Job Name: C,ao ?e+ tee-7r'cl JobAddress: f o r?- 6.uqbs Nrsl Legal Description ll Lot:L Block: gt Filing:Subdivision: Vkt y't LLyt.,€7 u\iyners Name: L 9t\4,ta- hr | <9.J1 E I.].------ ArchitecVDesiqner: Fe Izv+i / Prt 4r', "" lL JEeAEa^/T.ir]u t-l .st^, /, (l; (UcV nt* O" F^tvtt|rt,'re tv, c Phone: ,f-<.^\Address:lltE0 e 'C-t Phone:urr-rr7qL Engineer:Address: ffi Detailed despription of ryorkl--E?-Vhtt$4c*{ t P 4 ,tltf I Oottdi - tortr ,P-1--tvC LE-lv,'rc ---t"t C-*-@ rctkCl".t, N*() tudt rod"t (4 Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior (,.() Both ( I Does an EHU exist at this location: yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg': single-famiry (7e rwo-famiry ( ) Murti-famiry ( ) commerciar ( ) Restaurant ( ) other( ) No. of Existing Dweiling Units in this building: {No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Tvpeof FireolacesE"isgi_9gg_4ppliances( )GasLogs( ) Wood/peilet( ) WoodBurninq( ) Ig4E-gl&glggeqEgposed: GaqAppliances( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/peilet( ) woodBrrrnino/Norar rn\^/trn\ Does a Fire Alarm Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Ve=l-l-loll mpe; l-6ccupa [DacFi **r******tr***+******fi**""*FoR OFFICE l:.ff*s&*, TccepCa- ncy Group: rceived; ,,, Planner SlSn-dF ", ------t \\VAiIUAtA\CdEV\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.OOC 07 n6t2002 64/29/2964 13:34 9794764 Protlct X.mcr erlt ct [xGl9donl C-sk Rccldncce Fence 901o FPS PAGE O3 Pilddprnt|: FborcctAdAr-: t g.l Do|crlp||on: P!rc.| ilumbar! Conts$r owNER CEI{TRAL MISSOURI REALTY @ -lul6n003 Phoner szl.634'1133 C@K SAM B. TRUSTEqc/o Jamcs Crc&ec 238 I4ADISON JEFFERSOII CITY I{O Jamescnbtrec@qttrCbenk.nct 65101 Llcense: APPUCANT FrlElen PIerce Archlffi 12/r6/lm3 Phore: 970-{7&5342 1650 Eeit Vall Vdley Dr, #C-l Vall, co Blll Plere 81657 Llcenser 1012 FiGl-ES NESr CA V IL Ld: 2 Block: 6 Subffidon: VAII VILI.AGE RUNG 7 210109204@2 sce Crndidons I ctgr Declgn Reniew Board ACTIO]I FORM Dcp|rtmt|tt ot @frrfillnity D3t doPment __ zs soitr tuohg€ Ro.d, V.lL cohndo 81557 trr: 970.d9,2tD fel.t 970.a't9,2452 b,ED: wwrY.ci.€l.cou3 Drutumbor! DR8o30556 lrdon! 1012 Eagles Ne3t Cirde Rcplaoement of cxhting e sbckade fenc wlth n€w mo|e transpaEnt 5'-6'.hgh board on board fu*e. Thb non fcle w* approncd es a 6' lbot tall frnce aisted prlor and that therq wr3 nratrre existirU vcgpta[m on thc slEwltitt sscened tfp vlew lotRD/sir tF^ciltof{ llodon ES ScoE Proper $@td 8y: ffans Woldrich Vob: 2-l (Ro9e6op06ed) Cot|dltiooc: ACUont APPRO,ED Drt! otAprrwrh 03/03/2004 Cond:8 (PIIN): ilo chaqes b these dam nray be rnade whhout thc written consent of To| rn of Vall rtaff ond/or thc appopriate revl€r , cqnmlttFds). 6nd:0 (RAN): DRB apgorol does not onstltuE a permf, for buildtng. Please consult with Tourn of Vall Bulldlrg personnel prior !o consuucuon actvHes, Cond: CON0006305 , fh*Ol gltil sbrnlt r ilpcillc rfghfoftrry pffirlt lor tfE trrrd*rping whkh rlmllEd htrcF|ilcrl$t ot{ry r|ortour*r,tof onofirth'onOr cf,tE.'- S4/29/2894 13:34 9764764 Pllnncr: Warrencampbe[ 9Blo FPS PAGE A4 o DR3 Flc Peld: l2O.0O TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Electrical-----> DRB Fee----> IllYest igalion--> Will Call-----> TOTAL FEES-> o#|*rrr*r oF coMMUNrrY DEVEL'Til*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTzuCAL PERMIT Permit #: 803-0191 to3 o( t( Q Job Address: l0l2 EAGLES NEST CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: l0l2 EaglesNestCircle Applied.. : 10/08/2003 Parcel No...: 210109204002 Issued . . : 10/08/2003 Project No ' ? 1R j13- OA1O Expires . .: 04/05/2004 owNER CENTRAI MISSOIIRI REALTY CO -LO/08/20O3 Phone: 573-634-LL33 COOK, SAM B. TRUSTEE/C/o .Tame s Cralf,tree 238 I4ADISON .JEFFERSON CITY MO afamescrabtree@centralbank.net 55101 L,icense: CONTRACTOR MARMOT ELECTRIC L0/08/2O03 Phone: 970-926-0990 P.O. BOX 4511 AVON, CO 8162 0 Iricense: 250-E APPT,TCANT tllARMOT Er-,ECTRTC LO/08/2003 Phone: 97O-926-0990 P.O. BOX 4511 AVON, CO 81520 License: 250-E Desciption: INSTALLLICHTING Valuation: $1,500.00 *:t 't t +* + + +,t t + t it,t * * * + + + t * t {i t + ++ +** * $s0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3.00 ss3.00 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees-------> Total Permit Fee----> Payments----------> BALANCE DUE------.-> $s3.00 s0.00 $s3 - 00 $s3.00 $0.00 *t tl:t*:|* **.1'l li l*:l *:l:|**:l:l *,1*,ttrt a+tt++a aa + +* ff3*i""lt;o o o Er.,EcrRrcArJ DE'ARTMET\'' :-0/0e/2oo3 DF Action: AP :::I'.:"'"-::-:--::x-:::f#H*,*,**.*****'.+|.'}lt**:*'t:}t**|,t|*++*+.+|**l*.+*|.:**:lt*+,}'*,l*****t*:.'*'t*:t*:lt+*.r.*.*|* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 ::.:::;],;".::-:::-.:T:::::--.."X-ff..:::-":y.:.J:.-".:i:.L-::.:::-:..:::.:.:]fl1.*"*-.-,,...,.*,.,:,,,*:,*,:l**+,,++,.,,++**:, DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this shucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review o approved, Uniform Building Code and ot, o.Oinun..s of the Town applicable thereto. SICNATURE OF OWNE,R OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET * *+ * * * ****** *** ** * ************** * * ****'f ** ****** **** * 'lr * * * * * * * * * 'l * * * * ***** * * *!t * *+*{' t ******** +* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement * l* * * *+ * * * t* * * * ** ** ** * * * *+ + + + ** * ** * ** * * * *** * * * + +* + ** * ++:*.i * *+:t 't * *+ {. * * * *+* * ** + * * **+* + ** * * * + +* * StaE.ement Nunber: R030004884 Anount: $53.00 t0/08/200372.:52 PM Paltment Method: Cash Init: LC Notation: cash by Mike Manef iel-d - Marmot EIec Permit No: 803-0191 Type: BLECrRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2L0]-09204002 SitC Addrcss: 1012 E;AGLES NEST CR VAII, Location: 1012 Eagles Nest Circle Total Fees: $53.00 This Palment: $53.00 Total Ar,L Pmts: $53.00 Balance: 50.00 * *** ****** * **** * *******t|'1.**rt,l.*'l**'t* *,$***,i * ** lr* * *,**** * * ***{.:lr****,t**{.,1* ****{.****** ***,i,}** * * ** * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descript.ion Cunrent Pmts EP OO1OOOO31111OO TEMPOMRY POI^IER PERHITS INC OOIOOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 50.00 3.00 neeuLrrrorQr-r- NWNhvvln 75 S. Frontaee Rd. Vail, Colora"do 81657 Contact Parcel # COMPTETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VAIUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) rrvalrln Proiect #: Electrical Permit #: 970-479-2l49 Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) Job Address: )O Detailed description of work: ty'/L74 tc S-€Ft 16 xi-<21 WorkClass: New( ) Addition()t'nemodel ( ) Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior Qqf Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family D{l Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No, of Existing Dwelling Units in this buibing:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) NoDoes a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATIoN: $ ,/SVO - CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Electrical Contractor:l4frnrr F,Ecflie,r fit Town ofVail Reg. No.: 2ro €Contact and Phone #'s: ?Vo -f " (/ ol?d Contractor Signature:/,;--4---z rr****/.**rr*******t**.*r(x**,r**,k*:r**ir*****,'.FOROFFICE USE ONLY*.***********r<**r.**r(*:t,t******+****,tr.*,t F :/everyone/forms/elecperm REC'DoCT-62003 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-4',19-2138 #o*r"r*r oF coMMUN,t" orurrof, ,*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 804-01 l5 Job Address: l0l2 EAGLES NEST CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: l 012 Eagles Nest Circle Applied . . : 06/3012004 ParcelNo...: 210109204002 Issued. . : 07/02/2004 ProjectNo : -f r?SO 3 -<-lo L16 Expires. .: 12/29/2004 owNER CENTR..,AIJ MISSOITRI REAI-'TY CO -05/30/2004 Phone: 573-534-1-133 COOK, SAM B, TRUSTEB/c/o Jane s Crabtree 238 I{ADISON iTEFFERSON CITY MO ifamescrabtree@centralbank.net 65101 I-,icense: CoNTRACTOR D.P. ELECTRTC 06/30/2004 phone: 970-926-4L4O P.O. BOX 711 EDWAFDS, CO 8L632 License: 119-E APPLICAIin D.P. EIJECTRIC 06/30/2004 Phone:97O-926-4L4O P.O. BOX 711 EDWARDS, CO 4L632 Li-cense: l-19-E Desciption: REMODEL Valuation: $1,500.00 FEE SUMMARY Electrical-> DRB Fee------> Investigation---> will call----> 06/3O/2004,J5 Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTITTENT sso.00 $0.00 $0.00 93. OO Total Calculat€d Fees-> Additional Fees-----> Total Permit F€e----> Pa)menls------> $s3.00 $0.00 $s3.00 ss3.00 TOTAL FEES--> $s3 . 0o BALANCE DUE---> $0 . 00 Approvals:ITCM: O6OOO EI,ECTRICAI-, DEPARIT4ENT Action: AP ti trt+t:l +r +:l* t'}ral +a + * a* 'r:* * * *a * +a+ | +,t *lt** *l ***,1*:* *:t,t* ** t l,l CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 l"--1i-";]-;.-llil?-lJ::,::LlH:,.T:-.::::.T::.J:.-:-:"*,",i,i,o.l--:::-:"::y.".:lTl3;-.--"--:,*,,.:..,,1**.,.,+.*,,+,,,1,+* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review ' '. g CoOe ana of ordinances ofthe Tourn applicable thereto.-approved, Uniform Building Code -a of orAi*ces ofthe Town applicable the O REQI,JESTS FORINSPECNON SHATT BE MADE TU/ENTY.FOURHOURS IN I49 ORAT OUROFFICE FROM T$O AM.4 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNEI *****'l,i*******a++*f++******l*+*++**'i**********+***********++***{'+* *********** *+****a******** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 07-02-2004 at 13:59:1E 07102/2004 Statement *+ * * * *'t********* * * **'t't**'*t ******* * * * {. ** ** * * '} ** * * ** * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *,1' * ** * * * Statement Number: R040006128 Amount 3 $53.00 06/30/2OO4O1 :56 PM Palment MeEhod: Check Ini!: iIS Notation: #226L7 /DAVE PETERSON ELECTRIC Permi t No: EO4-Ol-L5 TIT)e: ELEcIRTCAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2IOLO92O4OO2 Site Address: 1012 EAGLES NEST CR \lAfL Location: 1012 Eaqles Nest Circle TotsaI Fees: $53.00 This Pa)ment: $53.00 ToCaI AI.IIJ Pmtss: $53.00 Balance: S0.00 **+****** ***** * + + 't + * * * * {. * * 't 't + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * {' r} '} * * * * * * * * * !* * * * + + * * * + * * ** * * {. * * 't * * * ++ * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31111OO TEMPOMRY POI,./ER PERMITS l,lc OO1OOOO31128OO I.JILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 50.00 3.00 ApplrcATro,elr Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLEl* unrrnn Project #: Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: rcVNWVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 970-47 9-2149 (Inspections) CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Electrical Contractor: h.uz Pe-t.,rm4<c22, c Town of Vail Reg. No.://qE Contact and Phone #'s: 7ao y'rlo E-Maif Addressz 4/a2 a) @&tZ,f-_e€ y'{ rs 4 v I /< cr-rr' c n C . (t7rt Contractor Signature: / COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (tabor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRTCALVALUATIoN: S /5oo. tO Conbct Assessorc Offie at 97O-328-864O or visit for Parcel # rob Name: y'2 a K t(ztt' /z n c<.Job Addr€f,r/O/Z /z s,,(/7s/ C.. Subdivision: //a.,/ fr l/aae- owners Nam..ft2o rt/ratoo.,naaress.JJF Detailed description oJ work; fl - ./ ^ //14-.Va6{O/ WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel@() Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Does an EHU e><ist at this location: Yes ( ) No X)Work Type: Interior () Exterior ( ) Both ( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-famiffi) Duplex( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No, of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: YesDoes a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes @O No ( ) ******rt******* ;uN 3 0 ;:ilijt ttULr/ \WAiI\dAIA\CdCV\FORMS\PERMITS\ELECPERM,DOC 07 t26/2002 **{r'}* f **+**,t*+**:t**!t*rl**t*********lr****** **'}**t**r}*****'t***r}**t"t 't *'t********{.* ****d.*. ** * ** +** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ******'t***,r*rl.{r*rt*******rr*'t'l*'}r{.*'t *t*'t 'i**'}{.'f r.'i*'}***'f ** l' * * ** * * * {.,t,} * * 'l.lr * 'f *{.{.***:f *,1****r.t l* **'*** Statement Nurnber: R040005128 Amount: $53.00 06/30/2OO4O1 :55 PM Palment Metshod: Check Inits: iIS Notation: #226L7/DAVE PETERSON EIJECTRIC Permit No: 804-0115 Type: EL,ECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2LOLO92O4OO2 Site Addreas: 1012 EjAGIJES NEST CR VAIL Location: 1012 Eagles Nest Circle Total Fees: $53. O0 This Payment: $53.00 Total AIJIJ Pmts: $53.00 Balance: $0.00 * *'* * * {' f *rt* * l.,l'l * tl {. {. * | * * * * * 'l {. * * * **** * * * f '}'l,t * * * {r * * * * *{.*,f * * *'} rf * * {.**** * {. * *r.:} *1.** * l',} *'f * * '1. t(,lt {r t t,l,l * * ACCOI,JNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current ffis EP OO1OOOO31111OO TEMPOMRY POI'JER PERMITS !{C 00100003112800 I'IILL CALL INSPECTI0N FEE s0.00 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8I657 970-479-2138 Mechanical-> Plan Check--> lnvesligation-> Will Call---> $40 .00 Restuarant Plan ReYiew-> $10 .00 DRB Fee---------> $4 o . o0 TOTAL FEES------------> $3.00 $0.00 Tolal Calculated Fees-> $o . o0 Additional Fees-----> $93 . 00 Total Permit Fee-----> Payments----------------> BALANCE DUE---_> oto*rrr*r oF coMM.rNrrv oeverotnNr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M03-0232 Gd3 {)r'(Q Job Address: I 012 EAGLES NEST CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: l0l2 EaglesNestCircle Applied..: 10/31/2003 Parcel No...: 210109204002 Issued. . : 11103/2003 Project No : ??"SO3- oO c(C) Expires . .: 05/01/2004 owNER CENIRAL MTSSOURT REAL,TY CO -LO/3L/20O3 Phone: 573-534-1133 COOK, SAM B. TRUSTEE/C/o James Crabtree 238 MADISON JEFFERSON CITY MO ,famescrabtree@centralbank. net 65101 Iricense: CoN'TRACTOR R & R HEATTNG LO/3L/2OO3 Phonez 97O-524-a210 PO BOX 1157 GYPSI]M, CO 8L637 License:2L5-M APPtICANT R & R HEATING LO/3L/2OO3 Phone: 97O-524-L2LO PO BOX 1157 GYPSI'M, CO at63 7 I-,icense: 2L6-Vl Desciption: TTNDERGROUND GAS LINE - I OUTSIDE SNOWMELT BOILER HOOK UP Valuation: $2.000.00 FireDlace InfomEtion: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 t+:t+'|:at*a**ar,taa,t'tt*'t*)t't*ll,l't't't*a*****+t** FEE SUMMARY tli*at****+l'**+l***r:trt,|+r+a+*lar*a:r!t**'r:r+'ra,***.lr'r'!,r'r:at*ra+* s93.00 $0 - 00 $93.00 $93 - 00 $0.00 Item: 05100 BUII-'DING DEPARTMEMr 11103/2003 JRM Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701- OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): INSTAI-,LATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTITRES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 T]MC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG. ) : GAS APPL,IANCES SIIALL, BE VEMIED ACCORDING TO TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED TN SEC.8O5 OF THE 1997 [IMC, OR Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPL,Y WITH THE ]-997 T]MC AI{D CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG. ) : BOII-,ERS SHA[-,L BE MOITNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE IJISTED FOR MOUNTTNG ON COMBUSTIBIJE FLOORING. Cond:32 (BL,,DG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAI-, ROOM PRIOR TO A}iI INSPECTION REQITEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DRAfNAGE OF MECHANTCAIT ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHAI,I-, BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRATN PER SEC. 1,022 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 1004.5 OF THE 199? IMC. t't*11*'a t rt:t a,t.t a * '* t t*tt *itt*it++a**t tt*+tt*** ***t* it *tt *rt a,tt+a+*+t* ll**t**a*l +a*+a*+a l,l' ll**:l ***'**ll,.a l* lt'll' *:**:l)t* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SIIALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. o CHAPTER C}IAPTER CHAPTER 8 AND SHAT,I, 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. 3 AND SEC.1017 0F CONST. TINI.,ESS SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF ***** * ** * * * +* * * *+ * * * ** * * * +* * * * ++ * * * ******+*** ******** *** {.1. {. * + * * * ** * * * ** * * * +* * 1. * ++ {..1. *** ****** TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO Statement t*f******+**+{.*,t+*'1.++******+****+*****tf********f*****t**{.+**{.{.*******+* * * ** * * ** + * * * +* * * *+** Statements Nuniber: RO3OOO5O53 Amount: $93.00 tL/ 03 /2OO3L2 : l-8 PM Palment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: #6508/R &R Heating Permit No: M03-0232 Tlpe r MECIIANICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2IOIO92O4OO2 Site Address: 1012 EiAGLES NEST eR VAIL Location: 1012 Eaqles Nests Circle Totaf Fees: $93 .00 This Payment: $93.00 Total ALL Pmts: $93.00 Bafance: $0.00 {. 't r* ** '1.'l,t* !t:lr *'}* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** {.i.,t,}** {.{.** **,1.{.**** * * * ** * * *:}* {.******:* ** {. **** ***t*** *+* ACCOLINT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniption Currenl Pmts MP OO1OOOO31111OO I'{ECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES PN OO1OOOO3153OOO INVESIIGATION FEE (BLDG) t,,C OO1OOOO3112BOO I,,JILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 40.00 10.00 40 .00 3.00 AppucATrorQu Nor BE AccEprED rF TNcoMpLEJR 3-fit Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 O - 47 9 -2149 (Inspection s) 7f,,/VTTWVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81557 Permit will not be accepted without the following: Mechanical Room Layout drawn Size and Size and .- INFORMATION Contact and Phone #'s: )rr- ,n aQn. n5O COMPTETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor & Materials MECHANICAL:$ Pnnn'oo Asssrc Offie at 97O-328-86tlO or visit forParcel # :t h9# tR"q"id af ". Ol .Job Name: 0r^n -.5rr".?.^rr Job Address:'17)J-E^^,t'n nn n* (Q tegal Descripuon ll loe ll etocr: I rtting.Subdivision: Owners Name:Address:Phone: Engineer: ll Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: krAer 4rnJ Ann \i',.r - \ Dr+k:Ap E',5^.*o'.ofLRnlt+r \lm[ r.o WorkClass: Newfi) Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler Location: Interior ( ) exterior fi) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family fr ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildingl Noffvoe of Fireolaces Exisunc: Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning ( Noi'ype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) ************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLy*****{.****r.************{.****{. F: /weryone/f orms/ mechpcnrl o*- j 4" ,.{.\20w ^r. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 o?o*r**T oF coMMLrNr- oru"rot^, uW uf' NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M02-0257 Job Address: l0l2 EAGLES NEST CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: l0l2 EAGLES NEST CIRCLE Applied . . : 12/11/2002 ParcelNo...: 210109204002 Issued. .: 12/12/2002 Project No : Expires . .: 06/10/2003 OWNER CEITTRAL MISSOI]RI REALTY CO -L2/TL/2002 Phone: COOK, SA]"I B. TRUSTEE 238 MADISON JEFFERSON CITY MO 5510]. Li-cense: CONTRACTOR R & R HEjaTING L2/tL/2Oo2 Phonez 97o-524-L2lO PO BOX 1157 GYPSUM, CO 8163 7 License z 2!6-14 APPT,TCANT R & R HEATTNG L2/TL/20O2 Phone: 970-524-L2tO PO BOX 1157 GYPSI'}4, CO 81_637 I-,icense: 2L6-M Desciption: REPLACING 2 PIECES OF HYDRONIC BASEBOARD. (EXTERIOR BOILER) WILL BE ON A DIFFERENT PERMIT Valuation: $8.000.00 # ofGas Loes: 0 # of Wood Pell€t: 0 S0. 00 Total Calculated Fees--> S203 . 00 Fireolace Information: Restricled: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 t+ +* +a+ l +l *a * + ** t *a 't 't"l t a t + a *,t t t:t tl Mechanical---> $160.00 R€stuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check---> Investigation-> Will Call--> S0 .00 Additional Fees-..--*> s3.00 BALAT{CE DUE-> Item: 05100 BUIITDIIIG DEPARTMEN'f L2/!L/2oo2 DE Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. Cond:22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE !997 IJt'(c, OR SECTIOIT 701 0F fHE 1997 rMC. Cond:23 (BLDG.): INSTAJ.,LATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AIID TO CHAPTER 10 oF THE 1997 UMC, CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 rMC. s40. 00 p(! f gg_.-.-----.> So.oo TOTAL FEES-_-----> $203.00 TotalPermit Fee----> 5203.00 Payments-----> $203.00 $0. 0o s0.00 t-' Cond: 25 -(BLDG.): GAS APPIJIANCES SHALL BE VENTTD ACCORDING TO TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF TIIE 1997 I]MC, OR Cond: 29 (BI.,DG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH THE 199? TJMC AT.ID CHAPTER 3 OF T}IE 1.997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BL,DG.): BOILERS SHALL BE MOITNfED OII FIOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBITE COIIST. IINLESS IJISTED FOR MOUNTTNG ON COMBUSTIBI,E FI.,OORING, Cond: 32 (BL,DG.): PERMTT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED TN MECHANICAI-, ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 o C}IAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER 8 AND SHAIJIJ 8 OF TI{E 1997 IMC. 3 AND SEC.1017 0F (BLDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECIIANICAL BOII,ERS SHAT.,L BE EQUTPPED WITH A SECTION 1004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC. *a*:la'|,|a l* aal* l,l:|* r*a*lar +a r,l:|ra:laa*a)|* ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR TIOT-WATER SI'PPIJY FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF THE 1997 I'!IC, OR DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADV TELEPHONE AT 479.2I AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNA OFOWNEROR NTRACTORFOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF *** t l* * + f+ + * a ** * * * *** *+ +* * ** l} +* f *l * *+*1. +** ** * * t* * * * ** ** * * t* * * **++ {.*r}i lt *:}* ** * ** * + * * ** * * *++* * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement **** * *** * * * * * *+ + + + * * * * ** ****i.+**+t *f**t**+t*++i+* ** ***{*,1+** * 'lt *,1. * * i,t * * * 't + * + '} + {. + + * +*!|t** **.*** Staeement Number: R000003545 AmollrrE,: $203.00 t2/!2/2o0203:13 PM Payment Method: Check Init: IJC Notation: #5974lR&R Heating Pernit, No: M02-0257 Tl4re: MECTIANICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2LOLO9204OO2 Site Addresa: 1012 EAGIJES NEST CR \I'AIL Location: 1012 EJAGIJES NEST CIRCLE Togal FeeE: $203.00 This Payment: $203.00 Total AL,L Pmtss $203.00 BalaJrce: 50.00 * ** **** * *** +* * +* * * * ***t * **+* ** ** ** * * ** *t * *t*t * **+ 'r * * **{. *t* +* * * {.*+** | * **+ ********l *3 r} *{r {r l. **** ACCOIJNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descr"iption Current Prnts MP OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANICAL PERMiT FTES 160.00 PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 4O.OO t.,C OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD ,VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 DEPARTM ENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADDiALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 802-0262 Job Address: l0l2 EAGLES NEST CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1012 EAGLES NEST CIRCLE Applied . . : 08/14/2002 Parcel No...: 210109204002 Issued . .. : 08115/2002 Project No : Expires . ..: 02111/2003 OITINER CEMTRjAL MISSOURT REALTY CO -08/74/2002 Phone: s13-634-LL33 COOK, SAM B. TRUSTEE 238 IIADISON iTEFFERSON CITY MO James_crabtree@centralbank.net 55101 License: coNrRAcToR BOT.ES CUSTOM BUTTJDERS, rNC 08/a4/2OO2 Phone:. 970-926-32O2 P.O. BOX 426 EDWARDS, CO 8163 2 License: 168-B APPI-,ICA]in BOLES CUSTOM BUIITDERS, INC 08/L4/20O2 Phone: 970-926-3202 P.O. BOX 426 EDWARDS, CO 4L632 I-,icense: 158-B Description: REMOVAIJ OF EXISTING DECK DUE TO WATER DAI\,IAGE Occupancy: Type Construction: Valuation: $13,500.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 Fireplace lnformalion: R€stricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 *,l ti t ++ t:t t*:t' a*t * t * a *:t:* * *1* * * * * *:i r** Building---> Plan Check--> Investigalion-> Will Call---> $185 . 00 Restuarant Plan Review--> $120.25 DRBFee-----------> $0.00 R€ereationFee-------> $3.00 Clean-upDeposit------> TOTAL FEES---------> 50.00 Total Calculated Fees-> $0.00 AddilionalFees------> $0. oo Total Permit Fee-----> So - 00 Pa)mlents----_'-'._> $308.2s BALANCEDUE----> $308.25 $?s.00 $383.25 $383.25 $0. oo r:t a+*,aa ***'** *:l.l+++:i tr' *:l 'l:t't f'l a'*:l' a:*1:* **:l *'t a,tl 'ta *l +** * Approvals:Item: 05100 BUTLDING DEPARTIUEI{:r 08/L5/2002 GCD Action: AP Item: 05400 PI'ANNING DEPARTMENI Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI{ENI Itemr 05500 PUBLIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. PAGE 2 **:t** ** * *:l *:t !* {t,B * * *:1.** * l':lr:}!t 't*,i*****+***:*'l'****************:t***+********{.*{r,}{.* +:t *+ * * '} **:* *,f *:F ** * *:* *:t:i * 'i * * '}'8 * CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 802-0262 as of 08-15-2002 Status: ISSUED ****:**'t'tf,}|t*{i't+,|.*:f'f***'t**'}********{.**,}'|,}'}4.*************,**********'|.*:|.'f.+{.,f{.**'.'}!|t||l.!|.*!l.'l.**+** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applicant BOLESCUSTOMBUILDERS,INC 970-926-3202 Job Address: l0l2 EAGLES NEST CR VAIL Location: l0l2 EAGLES NEST CIRCLE ParcefNo: 210109204002 Description: REMOVAL OF EXISTING DECK DUE TO WATER DAMAGE Applied: 08/14/2002 Issued: 08/15D0Oz To Expire: 02/11n003 **** * ***'l,l*,1** * *** * *** t *'*'***,t!t****!t***** ** ***,N*** * COnditiOnS **:*'***** ** * * * *****,r* 'f * * *,1* *,&***{i ***'}'l'*'t ** * ** Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3I0.6.I OF THE 1997 UBC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Send Clean-up Deposit To: N/A OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER ***^$ggUSn#*;$rrra -,,r t< ilding Permit #: 97 O - 47 9 -2749 (Inspections) COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materaals) Sepa for Parcel # Parcer # Z/O/ A? zA4@ robName: CaA.Z p#//AG Job Address: tor, dorcr l4sr az4//E Address: zzg kl4rztot Phone:(qZ?) 64 -/nS Architect/Desig ner :p7/.c aAAe Phonet (q?o) fleo - agrz AF fuatntvto 24 ,Q.e te t'/*7rrz frtxntag WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units'in this building:No, of Accommodation Units in this building: : Gas Appliances ( ) Gas : Gas Apoliances ( ) Gas Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No BUTLDTNG: $ /3t €oO ELECTRICAL: $ //h orHER: $ /U/r4 PLUMBING: $ /U/4 MECHANICAL: $ /l//r4 rOrAL: $ /9/ €OO REFUND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO: CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION General Contractor: fute> A4pk/ furtlftS Town of Vail Reg. No.: /OB.B Contact and Phone #'s; %1o - 5 zoz ,l*zutV /*rZASatt ?o *' o 96? Contractor Signature: ,t*+**'r*****tr***************************FOR OFEICE USE ONLY***,r****r(*******,r********r(**rr*+*****-t F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm iti ili iit I z- ] :U ;- I- o- I N$ N () tl \i.'Lr, iti.!'.) t:i f_l A rCt (\- t_ -V f-i ..\ _l T-. I' Urf n t\ a.[ I-\. _:> l_ n\ n) r-\ (\ n J tl iff;,ta I .t, /i,' $ri ;t 1 h."n .htLr:i i!.j ''; Ll- \+ =E'3=F,-f=-d Sr:t,. :d,2X H Z,.J :.,.. ::..:rp.ro.r:{to &pl ao qT, Jor ..,.jr .lc r:,\ j.:cdB uB lo Iq lFDd ! aq ol E l. , ,.-, ,. - _--:r,e --'tp qa{.,arD4qtJo sroJsl 916 3tnJo,(uE '^:. : ll t:.\ j.:cdB uB lo tq, lFDd r aq or pcnasr6 .q rou rrc,.r-:rj.'r i:: s:.:::?rurr?ds 5u1dro Flodth-lo rforJrtr"lo airo;_ji-,i ' . :l- 'i::::J'J Jr ,qtptp,t ?o0r tp'||g ugil6n .gr.9ol ootr,,r* $ $-$ ${t $\f 7q7Q qr il iFrI L-tg + ,-) F- { t \\c\\^< tt tL! AL\--5--fi E.+E*; ^Ul =*F> o 3lro,orr 3* a d -!t ilI r{J tl #' g rl g dI ^$*udKar*3#"3 { fl u\ $\ \ ffi il$ $r $ o h.. $ \ as3 o 803iruc a ui':;:oJiu; g,!cj:3 6u1g1ng ru lvLI lu:.,,,;.-,:3/grunwu.rog {-il; o'*, ""i **nV LLJ )< Ld T llt0 NltII 3# a!nlltEb e E/$i!a : -\\\\[t///.q'i*li ilK df l TO\,N OF VAIL o?oorrr*r oF coMMUNrrY orvrllprraerrrr 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD .VAIL, CO 81.657 970479-2138 NOrE: rHrS pERMrr MUSr BE rOSTED oNJoBSrrE Ar ALL rrMES 'li)')lt'"t 1.')1 ,? ELECTRICAL PERIvIIT Permit #: E02-0268 Job Address: 1012 EAGLES NEST CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: Gore Range Mountain Works/Belltower Bldg Applied . . : 12/1.6/2002 Parcel No...: 2101092M002 Issued. . : 12/24/2002 ProjectNo: Expires..: 05/22/2003 corrrRjAcToR I{ARMoT ELECTRTC L2/L5/2OO2 Ptrone: 970-926-0990 P. O. BOX 451_1 AVON, CO 4L620 I-,icense 3 250-E APPITfCAIIT MARMOT ELECTRIC L2/L6/2OO2 Phone: 970-926-0990 P.O. BOX 4511 AVON, CO 8L620 License: 250-E owNER CEMTRAL MTSSOURT REAI-,TY CO -O9/20/2OOL Phone: COOK, SAI/I B. TRUSTEE 238 MADTSON JEFFERSON CITY MO 65101 Desciption: REPLACE LIGHTING AND RECEPTACLES, RE-TROFIT HOT TUB Valuation: $2,500.00 FEE SUMMARY Electrical-----> DRB Fee-----> Investigation--> Will Call----> TOTAL FEEg-> $s4.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3.00 $s7.00 Total Calculated Fees-> S57 . oo Additional Fees--------->$0.00 Total Permit Fee-------> $57 . oo Payments--------2 S57.00 BALANCE DUE-_".>$0. oo Approvals:IEem: 05000 EITECTRICAL DEPARTMEMI !2/L6/2oo2 DE Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIIII CONDITIONSOF APPROVALCond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inJormation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninp and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable . REQUESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADV PM' r ;:- OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI ygffiRATouRoFFlcEFRoM 8:oo AM -4 _-><-- TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD 'VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M04-0123 Job Address: 1012 EAGLES NEST CR VAIL Location.....: l0l2 Eagles Nest Circle ParcelNo...: 210109204002 ProjectNo ' ?e56 S- Oor(O OV{INER CENTRjAL MISSOITRI REjALTY CO -O7/1-3/2OO4 Phone: 573-534-1133 COOK, SAM B. TRUSTEE/c/o lanes Crabtree 238 MADISON .]EFFERSON CITY MO ifamescralf,tree@centralbank.net 65101 I-,icense: colfrRAcroR FrRsT clrAss PLI]MBTNG & HEATIoT/a3/2004 Phone: (970')524-2600 P.O. BOX 1793 EAGI-,E, CO 81631 License t L32-P APPLICAIIT FIRST CT,ASS PTJWBTNG & HEATTo?/L3/2OO4 Phone: (970)524-2500 P.O. BOX 1793 EAGI-,E, CO 81531 License: 132-P Desciption: ADD 800 SF OF SNOWMELT AROLJND POOL Valuation: S2.000.00 oll*rrr*r oF coMMr,Nrrv onvB'#^r # ofGas Apptiances: 0 Status...: ISSUED Appfied..: 07/13/2004 Issued. . : 07/2112004 Expires. .: 0l/1712005 # ofcas togs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY *:r*:t*r+a*'a*:r:tlrttri*t*t3**aat**+*a+:|a,t'ra**'t**ra**a'r***t*a***l FireDlace Information: Restricted: Y Mechanical--> Plan Check--> Inv€stigation-> Will Call---> S40.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> 910.00 DRB Fee--._-----> $o. oo TOTAL FEES------_> 93-00 So. oo Total Calculaaed Fees--> $o. oo Additional Fees---> $53. o0 Total Permit Fee----> Payments--------------> BALANCE DUE-----> ss3 . o0 s0 .00 ss3.00 $s3.00 s0.00 Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTI\,IEN| o7/L3/2oo4 Js Action: AP ITEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTI{ENT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. Cond z 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE L99? UMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): INSTALTLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 T]MC, CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond:25 (BI-,DG. ) : GAS APPI-,IAIICES S .TERMINATE A.s SPECIFIED IN Cond: 29 (BI-,DG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPI-,Y WrTH CHAPTER 3 Al{D SEC.1017 OF THE 1997 tIMC AND CIAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG. ) : BOILERS SHAI,I-, BE MOIINIED ON FLOORS OF NOIICOMBUSTIBLE CONST. I]NI-,ESS LISTED FOR MOT]NTING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FI'OORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AI.ID CODE ANAIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO Ar{ TNSPECTTON REQt'EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DRjAINAGE OF MECI{ANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEiATTNG OR HOT-WATER SIIPPLY BOIIJERS SIIA.I-IL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FIJOOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 O? THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 1004.6 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. oo HAIIJ BE VEMIED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AI.ID STIATJIJ SEE.8O6 OF TIIE 1997 I'MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. *'*:t,a***'al 't:t t:i a:l:l* *** * DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable therelo. REQUESTS FOR TNSPECTTON SHAj-L BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR H99BS4.{-A5V;AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. TURE OF O OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET t**** * ** * * * +* * ***** **{' * t ** +****** * ***++ + * * **{' *'}* 'i *** f + * +********* * +t * * t +t t + * ** + * *** + * * *+ * + * f TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ** *****+ t * * ** * + + *'t ****** * * ** *+++* * **+ ** * ***** **t t*i* * * * +*+*:**+* ** * ** ***** **+*+****+** * ** * * * * Statement Number: R040005244 Amount: $53.00 O7/2L/2OO409:51 Al't Palment, Method: Check IniE: DDG Notation: Firgt Claaa P & H 7 L49 Permit, No: M04-0123 qrpe: MECIANICAL PERMIT Parce1 No3 2LOLO92O4OO2 Site Addrese: 1012 EAGLES NEST CR VAIIJ Locat,ion: 1012 Eagle8 NesE Circle Total Fees: $53 .00 Thie Payment.: $53.00 Total Ai,L Pmta: $53.00 Balance: $0.00 **** * * * ******'l't't f!t !t * * l* * ***+ * * ***** * * *+*'ti t *{' + + +**** ******* + +*+ * * * *******'l'}f*+******** ** * * * * ACCOI,]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts MP OO1OOOO31111OO I4ECHANICAL PERM]T FEES 4O.OO Pr 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 10.00 WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO 03 - 00v0 suiioing Peimit *#-- oo 7.!- uechanicaf Permit #z IA&(-DI' MVNOPVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Golorado 81657 Permit will not be accepted without the following: Etrff'ff't3 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION RECEIVED !t;i l3 ,ri, 97 O-47 9-2149 (InsPections) Mechanical C.ontractor:*";:,failofi(+Town of Vail Reg. No.: IJt-P Contact and Phone #'s: fa_rl i6*e E-Mail Address: COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAT PERMIT labor & Materials ConEct Assresisots O{fie at 970'328-8640 or Yisit Parcef# Ltoteq 2o.looL Job Name: c oo l( Ln ^^ ^l* robAddress: I otz f..Al ,u"ffct LegalDescription ll t-ot ll Block ll Filing:Subdivision: Engineer:Address:\O' ll Phone: n ,.^ lt ll r'r la,!il t.oJ"Sf ei SrVot^-*t'LIf 4ro4'-'( /JooI WorkClass: New() Addition([ Alt"Ption( ) R"puit( ) Boiler Location: Interior ( ,)-- Exterior f{ Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No () TypeofBldg: Single-family(/ Duplex( ) Multi-famiry( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( )Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this buiHing:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Type of Fireplaces Existing: ffised:GasApp|iances()G.5L"g5()Wo"d/Pe|let()WoodBumin9(NoTALLoWED) EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) .- for Parcel # ****,r.*******************FOR OFFICE UsE oNLY*******************1********* Other Fees:Planner SiSn-ofi:Accepted BY: DRB Fees:Oate feceived: f ', .' \Wail\dara\cdev\FoRMS\PERMITS\I4ECHPERM.DOC ) J 07 t26t2002 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD,VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 ot*rrr"T oF coMMr,N,* ouuurot^, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P04-0079 gotl olTe Job Address: 4937 JLINIPER LN VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 4937 JUNIPER LANE Applied . . : 07113/2004 Parcel No...: 210113101006 Issued . . : 07114/2004 ProjectNo ' ?RsO.l-o(Z-l Expires. .: 0111012005 o$INER DAUSKURDAS, iIOSEPH AND IGREX{o7/L3/2004 phone: 925-484-aL0L 3819 PICARD AVENUE PIJEASANION cA 94588 I_,icense: CONTRACTOR PROFESSIONAIJ PIJWBING SERVICoT/13 /2004 Phone z 970-328-1-545 P.O. BOX 3891 EAGI-,E, CO 81631 I-,icense: 119-P APPI-,ICAI{E PROFESSIO}IAI-, PIJI'MBING SERVICOT/13/2OO4 PhONC: 97O-328-1,545 P.O. BOX 389L EAGLE, CO 81631 License: l-19-P Desciption: REWORKING WASTE VENT PIPING, INSTALL NEW COPPER WATER PIPING ANDNEW GAS PIPING Valuation: $20,000.00 Fireolace Information: Restricl€d: ??# ofGas Appliances: ??# ofcas Loss: ?? # of wood Pallet: ?? i *t *!t i l ** tl t 'il l l *a + * at l l.+ l,t,l t{.+l *a $0. o0 Total Calculated Fees--> $378.00Plumbing--> $3 00 . 00 Restuaranl Plan Review-> Plan Check--> Investigation-> Will Call---> $0. oo TOTAL FEES--------> $3?s . 00 Tolal Permit Fee'----> S378 . 00 Palments-------------> $378.00 s75.00 DRBFee--------->So. o0 Additional Fe€s-----'>$0.00 s0.00 ,!*t++t+a*'t *'r 'r a:t t:t*{:}:t t *a l * a,l +* +l * r. $3-00 BALANCE DUE----_-> Items 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT o7/t3/2oo4 JS Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI,IAIICE. i* +a *a *1:r+r*:l **:tt'r,i +++ ++,1++,1++l+.11+a+,llt:rtaa*:tarta*,|at'taa*a*'.r.:l at*a1l't a|.a'l aaaalt*a'ttraa,r*t:t* t!} *aa*'a*:rr++*,1,4't,t DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and ottorain*rrs of the Town applicable o thereto. , REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHAII BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOIJRS IN ADVANCE BY SIGNATURE OF OWNER AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OffiCE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF 't* ***,|*+ + + + * ** * * * * * * * + * t * * * * * * * * * * * +* * * * * * * + *'t * ** * 'i + * ** + * * * * * * * * * * * * ** *** * +*+****+******* *+* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement **** ****** + * * * * * * * * * * + * 'f {r * t {' '} * * * * * * * * * * * * t * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * {. * * * * !t* * * * * * * *** **** *****,ll'*** Statement Nudber I RO4OOO5219 Amount ! $3?8.00 07/t4/2OO4O1 :09 PM Palments Method: Check Inits: LC Notation: #3I ?6 /Professional plumbing Permit No: P04-0079 TIT)e: PL,ITMBING PERMIT Parcel No: 210113101005 SiIe Addregg: 4937 ,JI]NTPER I,N VAII, Location: 4937,JIINIPER LAIiIE Total Fees: $378.00 This Payment: $378.00 Total- AIJIJ Pmts: 9378.00 Bala.nce: $0 . 00 ** ++ * * * +**+ ++'t + + +* **** * ************ * t* +***** * ** * ***** * ** ++ + +* * * f t* * **:l' ++***** * **+* * + +i + *lt+f t ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Cunrent Pmts PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 75.00 PP OO1OOOO31111OO PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 3OO.OO t^lc 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.00 AppucArro't. no, BE AccEprED rr rn.o"rr.rflR uNsrGNEDlLlot{'ote7" ili.'e;; --"-- r'- ,, o Building Permit #: Plumbing 79- -o C {C" oo79 TOWT]OFVIN 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION v Plumbing Contractor: PrnF.rt i n no L PL,n t,no Serrr - Town of Vail Reg. No.:p ilq Contact and Phone #'s: f)a r. 3 2 9- /.tq,q E-Mail Address:(/ Contractor Signature:[Lrri-,/Vt/'-, (-/ COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (LAbOT & MAtCTiAIS PLUMBING: $ Conad for Patel Parcel # Job Name: ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY** *** ****!t**t ************************ RECD JUL 1$ 2OO4 1. WorkClass: NeW() Addition( ) Alteration ir( ) other( ) Type of 8ldg.: Single-family ffi Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase U device? Yes ( ) No \WaiMala\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\PLMBPERM.DOC 1,0' 0'tD6D00z Inspec{lonRcquest R€quested Inspcct D.b: Frlday, September 17, 2ooi0 Inspedtlon Atrr: JRt - Slte Addr.rs: l0l2 EAGLES ilEsT CR VAILl0l2 EagNes tlect clrde A,F,t Inlbrmrtl,on lc{t lty: H}+fi)S Tvle: A"BulLOConstTy6: OccuDatjrcT olifirer: CENTML MISSOI RI REALW CO - Applhrnt J. KRUEGERANDCOMPAIIYCd'acior: J, KRUEOER AND CODIPA}.IY D€ocrlDilon: Rogbcr|flffit d fcnc.ffbg.(frfy€wEv ard Dml Da[rs Nodce: Reimcabh Rdtt perm[ rallfl€d. - tsAf{mrAt Sl*l.: IrFpArc: ',!I'P''06 tssrrED .nM Rcquceted lnroccdor{sl lbm: 9{, BLOG.Flnd Requdot: J. KRIJEGER Al.lD COHPAIfY Coflrmenb: wrc 471-1 ng.m plGe lle ls Asclqn€(l To: CDAVIS- A.flon: T*no ErD: Sub TYDg: ASFR(Ea: VN PtFn€: 57$63+1133 Phone: 9494814 Phon€: 9rF4614 Ac{on. APAPPROT,EO Requecbd Tlmcr OE:OO AIU' Pl|on6: 9491|814 Insoecilon H|tbrv n3m: tO ELDGFootm8/SLd llem: 20 BtDCr-FouffiodSleel Itcm: 3[} ElDc?FrffiilnoItgn: 5{l BlDG&rsuNalliin ELDClSh€.bocl( l.lall BLDGMbc. ELDOFlnal ,J ill li.m: 22 PLAhIILC Slie Pbr * AppomO * GY14/O4 |mp.clor: - Wcrsr Item: Silil PtA$TEllP. ciro ilam: 534 PUrN - Fhli|- CxO Enbmd By: JIIONDRAGOI.I K r/t Itom: 60 Item: 70li.m: S, f,' 5 'r'Vt REPT131 Rrxr Id: 2352 09-17-2004 A,F'D Inlbrmr0orl Comm€nt Comnsll: Reoueabd lnso€coon(sl Aclh/tv: ConSTyIf: Otfnef: ADo$canl: C;oiinclor: Dccrb[on: lS0ce: Cmfiurt: Cmrment: Requeshd Inspecttlale: Edday, S€phmber lZ, 2004' lnspe6;0onArea: GD - Slte Addrccs: l0l2 EAGI-ES iIEST CR VAILl0l2 EagNes lGst Clrde g}i}OlII6 Tpe: ABTJILD SubTypa: ASFRoccwaficr [6c: VNCENTRALiIISSOURIRE'tr-TYCO- Ptsre: 5736i'+1133 BOLESCuSTOllBl,rll-DERS. ll.lc Phonoi 970-92634t}2 zuILDERS, ltlc Phq|o: 97t1"92&34O2 SITE II,ALI. RE.DO PAI,ERS AT.ID ORN/EWAY N EXTE}DED T}RU 9IOI/O4 SEE LETTER hI RLE - CDA\IIS SldB: lncp Arrr: tsst ED GD Borxr, PW loc a||d R+W rtr.ddlm |e. r.c.trr.d. S.r{ b Lffitd. - CDA\rtS Amltlno kr PIry Derml tEe ild Reffiebb Rldil ol mv Perml md tc€. Trdnc do{frol plh nutt bo atso sut{nitbd. - CDAVXS ' ROT TED STRL CTt AI- DRAUWIIGS TO GREG - GOEIICKI-A ROI'TED TO WARREN. PtFL|c U'ORKS & GREG FOR REVGW. LSAI.IDOVA lbm: R€quodof, Ar.|on d To:- Acton: 00 Butc+lnd BOLEA CUaTOm zutLDER$, [.tC CDA\'}S TlrilcE$: Requesbd Tlme:' Ptronc: AT0t:00 97tI9Enidd ry JiiCliDR GOt{ K UgpgSfron$SEry lt3rn: lO BLDC'FooBxF/St€d " ADoFrrBd -08127/txl-lntDe6r: cd8l*i' Commenls: tori*n,lcyhmen.m: 2O B|.OCr,Founc$oedsbrl Appror,.d - OSO&O3 lBo€ctor: @D Commenb: sm WALFcn l0ATPltl. A.ilon: APAPPROVEO Ac0on' APATFRoUED rfi^.f"*.^'to I-ffiiltd \4 bn: 3tItsn: 50nm:60 llern: 90 n3m: tXB Plll+,TElP.c/O Itsn: 53{ PI-AN-FII{ALC/O 09/15/(}3 h|sFacb: JRH Acton: CONT CNlt: APPROVEDREMAI?{|}rc} FOC}TERg FC,Rggtz4$B lnsp.cbr' c(5r,l3 ,d'fi''i Corflm€r&- b|rt&fion $b rr.tls €|{ry ilds of hdldhg BLDC'Frttr*toBLDGlnsuffir BLDOSh€Sockl.lrt BLDGFlnal REPTl31 Run Id: 2352 IOI4,NM Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Golorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Cook Residence DRB Number: DR8030054 Project Description: Replacement of fence with extended stucco wall to match the existing and a new wood fence. Heated pavers are proposed at the entry, driveway and pool area. Participants: OWNER CENTML MISSOURI REALTY CO -O3lL2l2O03 Phone: 573-634-1133 COOK, SAM B. TRUSTEE/c/o James Crabtree 238 MADISON JEFFERSON CITY MO Jamescrabtree@centralbank.net 65101 License: APPLICANT FriElen Pierce ArchitecG 03 / t2l2OO3 Phone: 97 O-47 6-6342 1650 East Vail Valley Dr, #C-1 Vail, CO Bill Pierce 81657 License: Project Address: 1012 EAGLES NEST CR VAIL Location: 1012 Eagles Nest Circle Legal Description: Lot: 2 Block: 6 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 7 Parcel Numben 210109204002 Commentsr Two Motions were made see below, BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Margaret Rogers Action: APPROVED Second By: Hans Woldrich Vote: 4-0 (Pierce recused) Date ofApproval| 041t7l2OO3 Conditions: Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities, Cond: CON0005799 That the applicant show details of the construction of the stucco wall and that it be submitted to staff for approval with the spanning shown to protect the trees and other landscape, prior to submiting for a building permit, and that any disturbed or destroyed landscape be replaced. Cond: CON0005804 nt-*", permit for all the improvemenE in the right-of-way at the time of submitting for a building permit. Cond: CON0005806 A second motion was made by Margaret Rogers and seconded by Hans Woldrich to deny the proposed wood fence. The vote was 3-1 (Dave Viele opposed). Planner: WarrenCampbell DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 DESIGN RE\'IEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, April 16, 2003 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING RESULTS PUBLIC VI'EICOME PROTECT ORIENTATION, LUNCH . Community l}evetopment Department MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT Clark Brittain BillPierce Hans Woldrich Margaret Rogers David Mele stTE vtstTs 1 . Behrendt residence - 4779 Meadow Drive2. Vail Mountain School- 3160 Katsos Ranch Road3. French residence-2935 Manns Ranch Road4. Cook residene - 1012 Eagles Nest Circle5. Vail Trails East - 433 Gore Greek Drive6. Apollo Park - 442 S Frontage Rd East7. Middle Creek - 1 160 N. Frontage Rd.8. Brandt residence - 1701 E. Buffehr Creek Road9. Mezzaluna - 660 W. Lionshead place Driver: Warren rktapr 12:00 pm 1:30 pm PUBLIC HEARING . TOWN GOUNCIL CHAMBERS 3:00 pm 'l. VailMountain Schoot DRB03-0061 Russ Final review of changes to the exterior fagade 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/Lot 1, VailMountain SchoolsubdivisionApplicant Vail Mountain School, represented by Braun Associates MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE:S-0 APPROVED WITH 3 GONDITIONS: 1. That the gazebo have the same roofing material as the school.2. That the third modular use tha darker Chade of green that is used on one of the two existing modulars.3. That the architectural elevations be modified and approved by staff, as indicated on the submitted plans. 2. Whiterock LLC DRB03-0036 Biil Final review of a proposed exterior alteration 1249 Westhaven Circle/Lot 35, Glen Lyon SubdivisionApplicant White Rock LLC, represented by Tab Associates, Inc. MorloN: clark Brittain SECOND: Margaret Rogers VorE:4-1 (pierce opposed) APPROVED 3. Brandt residence DRB03{090 Warren Conceptual review of new single-family home with a Type ll EHU 1701 E. Buffehr Creek Road/A part of Trac.t A, Lions Ridge 2M FitingApplicant: scott and claudine Brandt, represented by cotfle Griybealyaw CONCEPTUAL- NO VOTE 4. Cook residence DRB03403| Warren Final review of proposed nsw stu@o wall and fenco 1012 Eagles Nest Circle/Lot 2, Block 6, Vail Village 7h Fiting Applicant Sam Cook, represented by Fdtzlen pierce Architects MorloN: Margaret Rogers SECOND: David Viele VorE:4-0 (pierce recused) APPROVED DRIVEWAY ENTRY & POOL PAVERS AND STUCCO WALL WITH 1 GONDITION: 1. That the applicant show detrails on the stucco wall and that it be submitted to staff for approval wtJh the spanning shown to protect the trees and other landscape and that any disturbed or destroyed landscape be replaced. MorloN: Margaret Rogers SECOND: Hans woldrich VorE: 3-1 (pierce recused, DE'*ED - wooD FEN.E Viele opposed) 5. VailTrails East Condominiums DRB0&0O40 Matt Final review of proposed new roof 433 Gore Creek Drive/Block 4, Vail Mllage 1d FilingApplicant VailTrailsEastCondominiums MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE: 54 TABLED UNTTL MAY 7,2003 6. Mezaluna Restaurant DRB03-0052 Maft Final review of proposed deck expansion 660 W. Lionshead Place/Lot 1, Vail Lionshead 1d Addition Applicant: Deryk Cave, rcpresented by Mictrael HazardAssociates MOTION: Margaret Rogers SECOND: David Viele VOTE:5-0 APPROVED 7. Behrendt Residence DRB03-0085 Warren Final review of new addition and exterior alterations 4778 Meadow Drive/Lot 2, Block 7, Bighorn Sb AdditionApplicant Mr. and Mrs. Behrendt, represented by Environmental Systems Design MOTION: Clark Briftain SECOND:Margaret Rogers VOTE:5-0 TABLED UNNL MAY 7, 2OO3 8. French residence DRB03-0066 Warren Final review of proposed tree removal 2935 Manns Ranch Road/Lot 3, Btock 1, VaitVillage 13h FitingApplicant: Mattie L. French MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE:5d TABLED UNTIL MAY 7,2OO3 9. Apollo Park DRB03-0092 Altison Final review of proposed re-roof Apollo Park,442 S. Frontage Rd. EasWaitViilage Sh FitingApplicant Danell Carr MOTION: David Viele SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: '1. That the shingles be the "driftrrvood' color.2. That the posts shall be continued on multiple levels to the ground so as to provida visual consistency. 10. VailMountain Maniott Resort DRB03-0074 Matt Final review of proposed tent (associated w/ special events permit) 715 W. Lionshead Circle / MarriottApplicant Chip Nelson MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: David Viete VOTE: S-0 APPROVED WITH 2 GONDITIONS: 1. That the walkway from the hotel to the tent be in good repair and designed well.2. That there be no outdoor, unsighily storage. '11. Four Seasons Resort DRB03-0031 Allison Conceptual review of proposed new hotel 28 S. Frontage Rd. and 13 Vait Road/Lots 9A& 9C, VaitViilage 2nd Filing.Applicant Nicollet lsland Development Company Inc. CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE 12. Middle Creek DRB02-0060 Ailison Final review of proposed employee housing development & private educational institution 160 N. Frontage Rd./Lot 1, Middte Creek SubdivisionApplicant VailLocalHousingAuthority MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE:4-1 (Viete opposed) APPROVED WITH THE FIITIDING THAT THE PROPOSAL MEETS THE DESIGN GUIDELINES AS PROVIDED IN TITLE 14 OF THE VAIL TOWN CODE AND WITH THE FOLLOWING 8 CONDITIONS: 1. That prior to qubmlttalof a building permit, the applicant shall retum to the Design Review Board for final review and approvat of the proposed landscaping anO griOing plan. 2. That prior to qu-bmlttalof q building permit, the applicant shall retum to the Design Review Board for final review and approval of the Earty Leaning Center, w1h sp-ecific modifications to the norlheast comer of the proposed building.3. That prior to submittal of a building permit, the applicant shall retum to the Design Review Board for final review and approval of the stucco and roof colors. ln addition, the applicant shall provide mock-ups of 6 different samples cotors of the tan and 4 different color samples of the tena cofta. These shall be tocateO on site prior to the Design Review Board site visit.4. That prior to su-bmlttal of a building permit, the applicant shall return to the Design Review Board for final revierrv and approval of the proposed window frame, specifically providing the color samples of "almond. and tuhite".5. That prior to submittal of a building permit, the applicant shall revise the plans to eliminate the wood siding on Building A. 6. That prior to submittal of a building permit, the applicant shall revise the plans to continue the stone on the A building tower element to the fascia.7. That prior to submittral of a building permit, the applicant shall return to the Design Review Board for final rwiew and approval of the north fagade of Building B. Specifically, the Design Review Board would like to see additional retief to this fagade. 8. That prior to submittal of a building permit, the applicant shall add a shufter to the window on Building C adjacent to the plaza. Staff Aoorovals Inmar lnt. Corp DRB03-0059 Allison Enclose two decks and add one deck 600 VailValley Drive, Unit P-G/Northwoods Applicant: Inmar Int. Corp. Dikeou residence DRB02-0056 Allison 1 y^ear extension or approval for 250 addition, interior.conversions and new garage 352 Beaver Dam Circle/Lot 5, Block 3, VailVillage 3d FilingApplicant Panayes J. Dikeou Hillside Corp DRBO3-OOIB Dormer addition and 61 sq. ft. addition and deck 600 Vail Valley Drive, Unit A-1 S/NorthwoodsApplicant Hillside Corp. Madero residence DRB03-0033 lnterior conversion Liftside Condos, 1234 Westhaven Drive, Unit B52lcascade VillageApplicant MiguelMadero Allison Sweet Basil DRB03-0083 Wanen Replace windows 193 Gore Creek Drive/Block 58, VailMllage 1d Filing Applicant: Charles Rosenquist Glazov residence DRB0$0075 Matt lnterior conversion 454 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 5, Btock 2, VaitMllage 3'Filing Applicant: Burton & Adrienne Glazov Vail Golfcourse Townhomes DRB03-0067 Matt Stone veneer, garage light fixtures and bronze entry numbers 1620 Sunburst Drive/Sunburst 3d Filing Applicant VailGolfcourseTownhomeAssociation Klein residence DRB03-0088 Wanen 250 addition Coldstream Condos, 1476 Westhaven Drive, Unit 26llot 53, Glen Lyon Subdivision Applicant Donald Childress Hyblresidence DRB03-0060 Matt lnterior conversion 2055 S Frontage Rd WesUCasa delSolCondominiums Applicant William J. Hybl Bolin residence DRB03-0101 JudY Re-roof 1017 Ptarmigan Road/Lot 1, Block 5, VailVillage 7h Filing Applicant: Robert L. Bolin Mills residence DRB03-0086 Allison Addition of two windows and interior GRFA Lodge at Lionshead, 380 E. Lionshead Circle, Unit 340/Lot 7, Btock 1, Vail Lionshead 1d Filing Applicant Stewart C. Mills Topp residence DRB0&0097 Allison lnterior Conversion 1350 Sandstone Drive, #3/Eiger Chalets Applicant Karl& Natalia Topp WD Condominiums DRB03-0091 Bill New window '1527 VaitValley Drive/Lot 10, Block 3, VailVillage 8h Filing Applicant Geo A. Hormel & Co. J. Phillips DRB03-0057 Allison New sign 333 Bridge StreeULot C, Block 2, VailVillage 1d Filing Applicant: David Phillips SpurRanch DRB03-0080 Matt New sign 286 Bridge Street/Lot A&8, Block 5A, Vail Village 1r Filing Applicant Dave Kidd Smead residence DRB0&O100 Matt Landscape improvements 395 Millbreei Circle/Lot 19, Block 1, VailVillage 1i Filing Applicant H.J Smead Winfield residence DR8034082 Wanen Replace window with door 2635 Larkspur Lane/Lot 2, Block 2, Vail Intermountain Applicant Craig & Kathleen Winfield Hrbacek residence DRB03O096 Wanen lnterior conversion Antlers 680 W, Lionshead Place, Unit 409/Lot 3, Vail Lionshead Filing 3 Applicant Michael& Karen Hrbacek Swartwout residence DR8030106 Allison Re-roof 2616 Davos Trail/Lot 1, Block E, Vail das Schone 1d Filing Applicant Art Swartwout Williams residence DR8030107 Wanen R+.roof 302 Mill Creek Circle/Lot 7, Blod< 1, VailVillage 1d Filing Applicant W. Grant Williams I The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular offica hours in the projeci planneds ofiice, located at the Town of Vail Community Devefopment Departrnont, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call479.213f3 for inbrmation. Sign language interpretation available upon requestwith 24 hour notification. Please call479 2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. A3187l2aai LBt67 979476494L FPS PAGE 6L nq\l / I0t4nffi *\tw Application for Design Review Oepartrnent of Conmunlty Dgyelopment 75Soudl Fonbg€ Road, V.il, Cobndo 61657 ef : 970.t179.2139 ta.. 97O.a79.2452 vreb: www.ci.vail,o.us General Informadon: All projeS requiring design revlev, must Gcetr,E approral grlor to subrhitting a building permit applicauon, pleage Iefer to.the submltal requiremenb for He partiojar approral that is reque*ed, nn alpticatton ilr Design Review cannot be accePted until Ell requit€d information is r€eived by tlre Communtty oe,ribpment Department, The PrttJF may also need to be revlerved Dy tlre Town C.oundl a*/or $e Plannl.E and Environmenbl C-ommissim.Deeign review rDgrcYat lapEe3 unlcc. bulldlng perrnlt b isucd and odnstruction commenec wtttln onc ye.r ot llr. approvrl, Location of the prcpo3.lz t-C/(z Z Alcrj'.iz _L Subdlvlshn: Physlcaf Addrcss: tar^ fu-a.--l&f C/rcup Parcel No.: ZIO OqzO +Dfr' (Contad Eagle Co. Ass6sor at 920-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: & ,NE Nane(e) of Owner(r): Owncr(s) Si gnatrre(e): /ol Nrmo ot Applio]f(, Malllng Addrcss: E-m.if Addr5;@4catulb Type of Revlew and Fcc: ,rk,ref $50 Aus S1.00 per square fod of otal sign area. ilo Fee $550 For constructim of a nevrr bullding or demo/rebuild,$300 For an addition !',here sq€re footage is rdded to any residential or commerclal.bullding (indudes 250 rddhlons & int€rior converslons).S250 For minor drarUres b bulldlngs and gte improvcmerfs, sudr as,rermfing, palndrB, whdow additioat landscaping, funces and retalnlng walls, etc,$20 For minor dunges to buildings and site lmpD\rements, such as,rerooftig, painting, windo,v additions, tandscaplng, fencei andretaining rY.lls, &.t20 For.Gvislons E plans alEedy apDroved by planntnE Staff or theDedgn Rsriew Bo!ftt. No Fee lol F.I: tr SlEns tr Correptual Revietv tr tr n tr cl New Construdon Addltlon Minor Alteradon ( mu ld-famiV/commercial) Minor Ahe6tlon (sn9le-family/duptex) Changes to Apgroved plrns Separation Request For Oflice Uce Onlyr Fee Pald:Chedr No.:_ Bry: \ eWul (rnrnz't*r*) \ PROPOSED MATERIA]S TvPe of Material Color Buildinq Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing ChimneYs Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Ughting Other , t++,r* (mfrre* Fx/d)afu<a ElJ€/'-ra lt ll (l -effi?4'reYrF- a*tr aN Notes: Pleasespeciffthemanufacturer'sname'thecplornameandnumberandattachacolorchip' tYP€,e.w** Page 6 of L2102107102 Crr-ny_ EE.,_tcetrZLcr*L.-K 6,VVfnQ1u*c ffc.-l';zE:o =fe/o9 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Ouantity Size EXISNNG TREES TO BE REMOVED Norls Minimum Requirements for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 5'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Square FootageTvpe GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specihT other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Page 7 of t2/02107102 + + i++,i *+*++t +t +** +tt*++* t+tf*t,l++ a t** *t a it+ *ff a*tt+f *ta*** aa*at++tt ltr* aa*t+**** f+ttl*+ ' l '*f TOWN OF VAIL, COIoRADO stutement *a +* + +** a *,i* t * ** * * | * rtf f * *t *** **t t ** * t {' * t * * * *t l' l* + *i t} * * t * I f f*f, ' + * | *f* + + ..'t'lt* 'ir+ t+ + t + f+ i * | + l* gtatetnen! Nunber: R030003?00 AnounE I $20.00 03/t2/2OOILo:35 Altl PayrnenE Meuhod: check rnit: {IAR NotaEion: 5800 Eagle8 NeEt Permlc No: DRBO3OO54 T14re: DRB-Minor AlE'SFR/DUP Parcel No3 2LOA09204OO2 SLte AddreEg: LO12 EAGLES NEST CR VAII'' IJocation: 1012 Eagleg NeEt Clrcle Totsal Fees: $20 ' 00 T{llE Payment: $20-00 Total AI''L Pnu6' $20'00 Balance: $0.00 ** 't ++ i * + t *t i * * * +* '|t lt l' +t' t | +* t ** + +** t + * 't' * 'l lt * * t + 'r * ** +t * * * ** t * tt*lt * i' +'i*ttl+ ir t **i + ** + **t *tl*l * **+ * ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descrjption Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI"I FEES 20.00 C)&-fexce ,Q.E=PEM<-= fiErLficg,rr>A,t-f "'V/EN -faa lJmretLuEe- r Vrsiz-VH(Ey ,tn: "*lVfi+Gtrtoq<tp.,EE k Je Hrcc BE /414ne 571-ry-o t-o7-2, At(-/VVTrt , @-=?/PaJE ru\EE Fzn-a+.Hp,t7- .vtElxl ottyl F*rAemE*tJ y'v*t_v*te.y rn .-[+Jir, ffirloN +@e Nlu_Zf s;F-Kz) farZ, 6t F-A, VvTn+ oa CW- @/ra,Jz'= ft.te @FzwryEttl .VIEN ru Vq,-\*\t_(Ey G,, .1*tgrtNa N+JrE €T(Ko ruvcE l^llLL @run4ce *-..' EEFtlXt^lA oN &affi L&wa A/dt41 aN L#l- *toO ffi'tE lzt'z, &t -L, VVVTTJ caeFEe/aalcE FEICE EEFL+CETNU\N- . Elsrlna N#tt= qL-u-o reNOE EfrBLl) (Uottt t 6 .uo7' zl 6t1 C, VV Tl *# C&Z-F&tre*tE reNc= €e.ft-aA=^fu\-17- .l4s-t- Ftveufif Ta ffi ftfaazw L,ttrt fl4tEp frFrcF 7Ou6a.) *-*"-::--"*-..T:F. l-cr'7 , Etl--G,,VV Vftl 503-505 Page I of I Belcrest 350 503-505 Pawnee Paver I 503-505 [Ype: I tze:2-114x4xg fexture: Wire-Cut Slick for:)!tq!q Samples Grade: SW 470 479 Dark Pavers Belcresl 560 Belcresl 700 http://www.beldenbrick.com/bbasp/samplerspecs.asp?Prodld:146&ProdShade=Pavers 3/25/2003 Drc 05 OZ O5:57p R-RH..clhtrIno.I 9-rI 5e4 - 121s P,? lttcHt'r tHtnl| O|,!de r 0ir.6 zzcoa$oo Hydronic Bollers Ordlor.irE 500{t00 S.frtltf'/toe', 6t" 6ul, lE Eg Odto.r sE|' 90}'1gl5 Prsrt Standud Eguipment . ASI#' lm b, ivaldry F,iorunthsl rxhr{.r. a4V@n&'olrF|tl. etcd.hg Sas varb/prErrr e{|||a. Wabr low Erilsitg d6ioa . lGn€r$ta u$rr t.ty l6toreSl. 8ulll{n dtli nsl ' CrrtfiaaC aatl irgn herdcru. tlsnsnbslUr brr {g@lt?3) . Ofad lonlnl ls ' frdur6 ldbly gar Elt r . Oocflling aQtq - ilf,n .l lretl tigi lhtlt . lJloadic l! .l ilgh lmll (a!oorFqo) . Mrnud Dllot vtyr. M$rual s|Il-dt vaw . S$nlco! lrd blrnc!. B&nrlvdlor riCc ![rr.t. ' Fltngad corlncllon ' }|9r J- r.drr|| trhh lrqtG..6c0'. Prt.qri oli.t rltr (tS tJ) ' lrSrElYlntllbimrr. tEnhrl rfiF . Tr1|pa{r&it}t|tlqs'r ga uga. Oflht t fdr !.lldl. 2.nT tltc . Foqa/on lghl lBn fl.r,l hputu O{tsufJ R.!nlr|cd.l' BTU I 8T!/r sTUrH O&nrnrloa: (ird|oclu Strlpphg G*rrvltaf Con&Dimwsioml &ta (laohar tt lg_tl 5OO toq 410 3t7 t *., 2 l3yr 3llqrr S0O500 800 492 laa 1 rr. Z tB!. 44ll. O715 716 5Ct fi 0 1 y. Z 14w 8$ s8585o E50 697 90S r yr 2 toy. i&x t@o1010 l01O &8 tae lrr 1 21n St 6. t1€O 1 Zqg 1200 $a &lC I r,r { Zvr 0!rr t2rr ,t fi,o1€0 1.30 11tt r0eq I v. tr,. Zn 7A tt llSO1t7O t6t0 1370 1191 1r:z lvr 2a lSrn gtrtz i6C[}1li4t r€?g t€7 19@ 1n 1,rr ?tn 0lr 06rr iSaOalt,o zvls r 7!! r!53 trlrt? t|4 4 rgy? r? zaZEO0 Z,1s 2&3 t 9t! 1v t2 tn 1 fA qhp ZSOOIq ttgo 295,2 z21g 2 1vz 4 .r su zt'3600 3545 ?*2 ?6t ma z I ioora 1oc srii1q {}50 3zgt ZE53 2la ? 4 ilora !t8 ilSo4{o0 .15@ !t45 gr70 ?q Z 4 t23 rtgp .-. -_- ifuo '&i1f#;t'j."$if! rgr r,rrrrr roer+ r . e1ff re.r1.1!{ff dffil5{ffimlffiHhttffi?l.t;rb'{.'*ttrtrii,irt sot r'.rdxbrrroi.r!-!..rdr..ri,rr!e.cr | -c 9E r O39ZO! €NUr.r310rJ3 Auuug ttdl g: I z00a fo J3C Dec 05 02 0S:5?p Fleat i n6, I nc.,b s2.-12rs5-F.3 Retr of Flow tnd Pr9ssure otw 2W l{<l tosc"l| lFr.l l. Loot lFt.l ,{d. Lo::GPrr (F9) Hd. Lo|rGFr (rL) svF 3St 500 G00 7r! 050 10t0 I100 i 6!0 1670 ig?s e200tP ZP 2S00-lPP 3Z0o.1PP 3600tP P 4000lP? 45001PT 33 1,1t9 10a7 2,2 aa ,lt 6€ 3378 4.993 6,7109 Lt.|19 10.414ll s'6143 e5178 S0179 t3'20r 6.E20{ t€.l236 93 2:2 ro.€ 2€.2 14,3 2l r 0.932 1.'l 19 1,6{6 22 66 Lt 05 3.67e t.031 6.099 8,9119 2,1119 0.1!{8 r.0 118 9Jr70 5.017C 12.0 1t7 6.31r7 t7,8 2r9 |.72r9 21.524' 9,9 2S 0_7 ?r 0.933 1.1 39 16 4l 22 t6 3.1d7 t.?,t 5085 5,? 10? 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F^)( sst l l:eg6 tayv,ltuJ.ao,/tl 95rOZSZOtG . trrE i qJ^ ?u.l| ]..*rt ttr*r (f,t O..F..r fClrc NCrl.|gN3 AUdUS Hdre:I zooz l0 Jro2'4 cf) lJ.o Fo u3:r{relff oovuolo3'llvn:llcHlc ISSN s3l0v3 zlor-llvtn 3ils )|oo3 89918 oPBroloe 'l!B &Ilz9t? L?Lz xoq'oa pu!3oc Jallanu [u aqr eooz -iludv * +o -t-i- CL\ 2- b IIb ll n \r.lq s{- \\rtr -) 5 $llj- o. 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'oc Joilanu [u aqf 899f9 oPerqoclPn rzgzglt LlLz xoq'o'a e00z llHdv z o ol ot)o .r.{ o +) oo ^lloio* '6 8,, !roT .IJ lr o>,rJ oo ,lir!@ '.r .ltie. l; 3o 'lJo !,o o& o{, ato r* to o; d! Ptr o o u o Eo 0 o |!p k o 0o o o o o Eo o E ..t a)o|.(, a) (t o5 E o o r! t .o I .J o -l I o q) ' oc)rioo . d-! lJ o,q)o (.) oE O.r..{ O9. r I b 6 a'E *o-a X: ini otH.p|nAE* qoo I oo Er<do o .rJoou|!O l.r -l .Ooor.rcFl q.r ! 5 c)l O Z O t! - FlE O .O OrD Od6 ..rq lr Cnr 9P/6 OJrO; f; ce,- il ;lfiu lEEn x: iE: ;a;lI,H r;fE E6 !t"ie;,*I,;fi Ei{j 1;;€ ;f3 H;;! er isdfit;giEliE;;s; EFtii ifi6 ;g?* ri IHi;*it!is.il i;t; i;;; iii liii,'i'riii'iitiiri iit' riiii ti{ Iiiiiiiiliiiiiiliiii ff iiiiiiii I ts HeEi lllrt 8f ;.i.J o# o k ,.4pt'* o orr q dE o.., 5 F lEii 3 5 E Ft H,i dt H E*'d 8 " P H u f !nI gE i't'r'o E I t oO o o o-{ c X a q,h E16 ! o o E E4 0r L o.'{ n '.{ q.'r o cE't oi.E ao.u'{:rJ trzrc'l., too.'.rxlrat ...<ti.roo.{k .<oul{urFc :..r5EttolD lcott-.orttoo^O O Otsn ! O O E -q O O;.c O O o o"r cri O o lr OF!t+, O O |! 4Oa.rtuO{ AE AO rJ UaJv tJ {r U Ul |!tt !l O uU Olr{ O O ! kE F ;e I ? .J!!, I I :'f!';i !i:il:;t Eii iElil --, iii ar gi .e'ji Ii+ii * fffr iE;Eii{i f 'i;Ei iisil;lr l'iiii E;iiilEE;iiflEll!naaO..r| | | >tN-r!doE€Ed5E t"i89 ll ,Ecrr,€ cr. qtl j lor E.{ oaorJ o ll igi i:i iiEiii ll !:! it! !:3s;ill i!: !IU 'oH8l- lliiliiifillii ll :ilil::Efia3:!i ll ;31;lli:iiEl;i;l;; ll l:;iiffifr$t;!Eiif ll Iiil!i:fiiiE:;;;iilll !IslEt:sEt;8i88:giII ? A,-r A- O-. O.r! >Fr cc a t L Lll -(, a-r o j r.44.! c aE o o o !! tll E ua u2r. t l< a!ll tru oE r uil^ ^ _ll-." U'zoi: o IL o ltJ(L(n J EfF () :)(EFa |o Fri- z J o- JJ = Jt( EI IP{ir d .,\| ; cLs IF+ $-*,\! i$r*iF lf of,t+s es.-.E =al, Il , .' :' -.1 '!! |rrlli.::', I f'r...i. rlri1::r'.:i I Iir ,,t .r. 1i :ti, lll.i.i. ,i . i:::,.1 : 1., l)1,.. :!i l. t,i j, '::rri-,, '.,, ::ji.-, ! {) :: r ;l:r:''r .rr,tj:::..;r FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCH ITECTS VAIL, COLOMDO lll j .: I ll.r;;r:;t.:. :i:j:,i:,r:,:,:"'i.!::.t.t, I April 10,2003 Mr. Warren Campbell Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 816s7 Re: Cook Residence lmprovements/Lot 2, Vail Village Filing 7 Dear Warren, In addition to revisions to the front entry walk and in response to your letter of April 3, 2003 regarding the above-referenced project, we offer the following response: tr The existing portion of the stucco wall to remain will be refaced with new stucco (ordinary maintenance) to match the existing and capped with a sandstone cap to match the new stucco wall design. tr The wood fence will be painted "Ebony" (black) to match the existing wood siding on the house. The new stucco wall and fence oiers will be white stucco to match the stucco of the nouse.q lt is the Owner's desire to have a 6'-0" high around his property that more or less follows the line of the existing wood picket fence, without segregating his rear yard from his side yard. The proposed fence layout and design appear to be in compliance with requiremenb of the Town Code. o A limits-of-disturbance fence has been shown on the attached drawing. o The driveway curb cut width has been reduced to a 34'-O".o The existing driveway has been regraded to a more uniform slope as best as can be achieved given the existing site constraints. o A revocable Ritht-of-Way permit will be submitted for the existing on-street parkint in front of the nou5e. o The Owner desires a wide gate in his fence, but has chosen to reduce the width to 8"-0". The gate will be virtually indiscernible from the balance of the wood fence when it is in a closed position. The Owner has no intent to park his vehicles on Homestake Circle. o The heated paving in the Right-of-Way has been more clearly indicated. lf you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, I t"^- gZJna Thomas R. Du Bois Di rector of Architecture cc: Bill Pierce Sam Cook :!'-rl 1..rr i',rii'.',iir:.. 1.,' ,: :,;1,.1.: ,. t '.,: I i !, .:: j" ,t;, ) t:ji:. : : t: ' .::',..),:a,1 |,:;/: '1..1:.4:1. t..:) t ;,, . ': ,)\: a).,t: :t:'.:... ,,', :1 ,r,!1. .,, lit.itl . ::i i :. ..,trl Cowuvt Devrlopuerur Ro a UNITY o UTING FONU | | fence and boiler. I Ir I Proiect #: I Proi03-0040 | I Activity #: I DRB03-0054 | Routed To:Leonard Sandoval, PW Mike McGee VFD Date Routed:3t24t03 Routed By:Planner Warren Date Due:3t28t03 Description of work:Removal of an existing fence and construction of a new fence. Driveway reqarding and paver treatment. Address:1012 Eaqle's Nest Circle Lesal:Lot l2 lBlock:16 Subdivision: I Vail Village 7th Fllins Status: I Approved I Approved with conditions fi Denied Gomments: Fire Date Reviewed:,1-03-03 Need additional review by Fire D ment. ffiz 0 It mav be easier if we iust meet with the Architect, call me if you don't understand. Narrow existing width of driveway. As shown it's at 46 ft which does not include the on streei Existing driveway grade doesn't meet Town of Vail standards. The first 10 ft exeeds 8% and grade efevation of driveway exceeds 120/o. By regrading the driveway from the concrete pan at the street to concrete slab near garage we can improve the grade elevation to under 1 1%. lt will Highlight driveway area within the right of way which are to be heated. Note on site plan : heated portion of sidewalk and driveway in right of way are to be on separate zone and marked at control box. ffOV or RO\M Show on site What is the reason for the gate on the south east side of property? Keep in mind, no vehicle parking allowed on Town of Vail streets. lt would be best if gate was on west side near existing Show a limits of disturbance fence around disturbed areas under construction. A Revocable Right of Way Permit is required, when applying for the Building permit, For- Landscaping Fence Heated driveway and sidewalk Existino on Street Parkino area on Eaole Nest Circle. L Sandoval D epartmen t of C ommunity D eve I opment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us April3,2003 Fritzlen Pierce Architects Bill Pierce 1650 East Vail Valley Drive, Fallridge C-1 Vail, CO 81657 Re: Cook Residence lmprovements at 1012 Eagles Nest Circle/Lot 2, Vail Village Filing 7 Mr. Dubois, This letter is to inform you of the comments received from the public works department and the Design Review Board on April 2, 2003. These comments should be addressed prior to rescheduling on the April 16, 2003 Design Review Board Agenda. DRB Comments:. The existing stucco wall should be capped with stone to match the proposed stucco wall.. What color will the wood fence be painted? You stated in the meeting it was your belief that it would be painted black.. Two members expressed concern over a six foot tall fence be extended around the entirety of the property. They would like to see the fence eliminated or reduced in height along Homestake Circle. There was a comment that the fence should be low and quiet. They where generally in support of the six foot stucco wall wrapping around the pool and returning into the wall of the home. The Vail Town Code allows a fence to be a maximum of six feet in height in a rear yard. However, all fences are subject to design review and approval. Public Works Comments:r fi limit of disturbance fence should be shown on the plan.. The driveway width should be narrowed. lt is currently at 46 feet. The driveway will still function with a 34 foot wide curb-cut.. The existing driveway grade does not meet Town of Vail Standards. The first 10 feet exceeds the 8% maximum and the rest of the drivewav {g ""n"uo"ur* exceeds 12oh. By regarding the driveway from the concrete pan at the street to the concrete slab of the garage we can improve the grade elevation to be less than 1 1%.r A revocable right-of-way permit is required when applying for the building permit. The permit will cover all landscaping, fencing, heated driveway and sidewalk, and the existing on street parking on Eagles Nest Circle that occurs in the right-of-way.r What is the reason for the vehicular sized gate on the southeast side of the property? No vehicular parking is permitted on Homestake Circle. The gate should be eliminated or reduced to a human sized gate.. The heated areas of the proposed driveway and sidewalk which occur in the right-of-way should be shaded to more clearly display that they are on separate heating zones from the remainder. There was a question raised at the Design Review Board meeting on April 2, 2003 regarding the existing non-conforming fence and whether a portion of it could remain in conjunction with the proposed expanded stucco wall. I am still researching that question and will be in contact with a conclusion. Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter please contact me at 479-2148. You may call Leonard Sandoval at the Public Works department to discuss what is needed for the driveway drawings at 479-2198. With regards, 4il0,,,,t^ A Warren Camobel Planner ll Cc: File ^- -I l:tt':, \t 1- 1r, l I. \'!' ,irr;';': ! f)i,1... . 1,/ ii I ,', litr,r:r,i,. l{. l)ir li., ! ,\i,lr:,,,.: 1)ii-itrii:irr: l,t'iil J.,Jy:),i'ir r\,:l!ti,\:1 f.)...'i(j t:lrrr). -\r,-iri!: i i K.rti r.' I k,':ii r:;;.:. lii: ;:', :$,r1;rr:.:ri'r: March 26, 2003 Mr. Warren Campbell Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Cook Residence lmprovements/Lot 2, Vail Village Filing 7 Dear Warren, f n response to your lefter of March 25,2OO3 to Bill Pierce regarding the above-referenced project, we offer the following response: o The snowmelt boiler is 61 " tall per attached cut sheet and has been relocated out of the rear setback per attached drawing. o Paven will be brick similar to attached cut sheet to match existing. o The fence height has been revised to 6'-0" high. We disagree with your assessment there are two front yardsAetbacks based on the Town Code Section '12-2-2 (applicable excerpts attached for your reference). According to the Official Address of the Town of Vail, this property's address is 101 2 Eagle's Nest Circle, making the yard adjacent to Homestake Circle a rear yard and hence enjoying a rear setback. Ergo, per the Design Standards Handbook, 6'-0" high fences are allowed in anything other than front setbacks. o There is an existing concrete pan at the driveway, however we eagerly await Public Works comments. When might those be forthcoming? lf you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerelv. FRITZLEN PI ERCE ARCH ITECTS VAIL, COI.ORADO ii is - )L...^ FDJs, Thomas R. Du Bois Director of Architecture cc: Bill Pierce 'ii):a' l.i. \'n I v rlli:i I rr ,-r,. i:.tll;ll l;(: (. 'l . '.::.): t :l: )t:\: :' J :a| i) ;.: ;': ') .': i tr.:a| t. 1:: i: 'iilr "li{..1'Jl;.1r. ir',,.)).,tirirrti::.r,:r it,.,,r,r '.,iir1.. r l.,Ia::l!ii i i;,., , trr 12-2-2: DEFINITIONS:Page 5 of l0 microwave oven and/or cooking surface, sink, and refrigerator. LANDSCAPING: Planted areas and plant materials, including trees, shrubs, lawns, flower beds and ground cover, together with the core development such as walks, decks, patios, terraces, water features, and like features not occupying more than twenty percent (20o/o) of the landscaped area. For the purposes of this title, natural or significant rock outcroppings, trees or native vegetation shall be deemed landscaping in single-family, two-family residential, residential cluster, low density multi-family, hillside residential, and primary/secondary residential zone districts. LODGE: A building or group of associated buildings designed for occupancy primarily as the temporary lodging place of individuals or families either in accommodation units or dwelling units, in which the gross residential floor area devoted to accommodation units or fractional fee club units, is equal to or greater than seventy percent (70%) of the total gross residentialfloor area on the site, and in which all such units are operated under a single management providing the occupants thereof customary hotel services and facilities. Notwithstanding the above for properties containing gross residentialfloor area equal to or less than eighty (80) square feet of gross residential floor area for each one hundred (100) square feet of buildable site area, such properties shall be defined as lodges, provided that gross residential floor area devoted to accommodation units or fractional fee club units exceed the gross residential floor area devoted to dwelling units. LODGE DWELLING UNIT:A inited k a which contains ) square less of floor area and is intended be on term LOT OR SITE: A parcel of land occupied or intended to be occupied by a use, building, or structure under the provisions of this title and meeting the minimum requirements of this title. A lot or site may consist of a single lot of record, a portion of a lot of record, a combination of lots of record or portions thereof, or a parcel of land described by metes and bounds. T OR SITE LINE, FRONT: The boundary line of a lot or site adjoining a street which provides the primary access or street address of the site, or adjoining the primary access from a street to the lot or site. LOT OR SITE LINE, REAR: The boundary line of a lot or site extending between the side lines and forming the boundary of the lot or site opposite the front line. In event of a lot or site having only three (3) lot or site lines, a line ten feet (10') in length within the lot or site extending between the side lines and parallel to the front line shall be deemed the rear line for purposes of establishing setbacks. LOT OR SITE LINE, SIDE: The boundary line of a lot or site extending from the front line towards the opposite or rearmost portion of the site. : A place where an individual, association, h maintains five (5) or more amusement devices. MICROBREWERY:A mixed use commercial operation that processes water, malt, hops, httpl I 66.1 13.19 5.234 I CO N ail/ 16002000000002000.htm 3/25t2003 12-2-2: DEFINITIONS:Page 8 of l0 days each. Whenever a seasonal plant products business is not in operation, all structures, fixtures, materials for sale and equipment relating to the business shall be removed from the site or location of operation within a period not to exceed seventy bxo (72) hours. SEASONAL USE OR STRUCTURE: A temporary covering erected to accommodate or extend educational, recreational, and cultural activities. Such temporary coverings may not be in place for more than seven (7) consecutive months of any twelve (12) month period. For the purposes of this title, a seasonal use or structure shall not constitute site rage and shall not be subject to building bulk tod SETBACK: The distance from a lot or site line, creek or stream measured horizontally to a line or location within the lot or site which establishes the permitted location of uses, structures, or buildings on the site. SETBACK AREA: The area within a lot or site between a lot or site line and the corresponding setback line within the lot or site. SETBACK LINE: A line or location within a lot or site which establishes the permitted location of uses, structures, or buildings on the site. SETBACK LINE, FRONT: The setback line extending the full width of the site parallel to and measured from the front lot or site line. SETBACK LINE, REAR: The setback line extending the full width of the site parallel to and measured from the rear lot or site line. SETBACK LINE, SIDE: The setback line extending from the front setback line to the rear setback line parallelto and measured from the side lot or site line. TERM RENTAL:tobeare of ti SITE COVERAGE: The ratio of the total building area on a site to the total area of a site, expressed as a percentage. For the purpose of calculating site coverage, "building area" shall mean the total horizontal area of any building, carport, porte cochere, arcade, and covered or roofed walkway as measured from the exterior face of perimeter walls or supporting columns above grade or at ground level, whichever is the greater area. For the purposes of this definition, a balcony or deck projecting from a higher elevation may extend over a lower balcony, deck or walkway, and in such case the higher balcony or deck shall not be deemed a roof or covering for the lower balcony, deck or walkway. In addition to the above, building area shall also include any portion of a roof overhang, eaves, or covered stair, covered deck, covered porch, covered terrace or covered patio that extends more than four feet (4') from the exterior face of the perimeter building walls or supporting columns. SLOPE: The gradient or configuration of the undisturbed land surface prior to site improvement of a lot, site, or parcel which shall be established by measuring the maximum number of feet in elevation gained or lost over each ten feet (10') or fraction thereof measured horizontally in any direction between opposing lot lines; the relationship of not http: I / 66.1 13.19 5.23 4/ CO N ail/ 1 6002000000002000.htm 3/25/2003 Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us March 25,2003 Fritzlen Pierce Architects Bill Pierce 1650 East Vail Valley Drive, Fallridge C-1 Vail, CO 81657 Re: Cook Residence lmprovements/Lot 2, Vail Village Filing 7 Mr. Pierce, This letter is being sent to inform you of several comments and question I have regarding your proposal for site improvements at the Cook residence. Please review the comments and provide me with the needed information by Friday March 28,2003. . How tall is the proposed snowmelt boiler? Please provide a cut-sheet form the manufacturer.. What is the proposed paver to be used? What pattern and color?o I have given copies to both fire and public works for review and their comments will be coming.. The proposed fence heights do not meet the requirements of the Design Standards Handbook (page 34). Please take a look at this section and make adjustments. StafJ understands the need to screen the pool area and snowmelt boiler. However, the fence needs to be reduced in height along Homestake Circle and the stucco wall reduced in height as well to meet this standard.o I am almost certain public works will have questions regarding the driveway changes. For example slope and intersection with Eagles Nest Drive. They like to see a non-heated concrete pan at the intersection of the driveway and existing street. An enlargement of the proposed changes to the driveway meeting public works requirements should satisfy their concerns. {g *nt"uornro o Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter please contact me at 479-2148. I willforward any comments from fire or public works when I receive them. tJm'o-,"ilA Warren Campbell I Planner ll Cc: File I I I t I I t: I 5. Height Limitations: Fences, hedges, walls and landscaping screens shail not exceed three feet (3,) inheight within any required front selback area, and shall not exceed six reet ie'i inheight in any other portion_ofthe site, provided that higher fences, hedges, wals orlandscaping screens may be authorized by the Administrator when necessary toscreen public utitity equipment. No barbed wue or electrically charged fence shattbe erected or maintained. J. AccessoryStructures; Utilities; ServiceAreas: l' Design of accessory structures upon a site shall be compatible with the design andmaterials of the main struchx.e or structures upon the site. 2' Accessory buildings generally should be attached to the main building eitherdirectly or by means of a continuous wall, fence or similar feature of the same or acomplementary material as the main building's exterior finish. 3' Alt utility service systems shall be installed underground. Any utility system theoperation of which requirei above ground instalLtion shali be located and/orscreened so as not to detract from the overall site design quality. 4- All utility meters shail be encrosed or screened from public view. 5. Service areas, outdoor srorage, and garbage storage shall be screened fromadjacent properties, structures, streets, und oth.. public areas by fences, berms, orlandscaping. 6' Adequate trash storage areas shall be provided. There shall be year-round access toall trash storage areas which shalr not be used for any other purpose. Satellite Dish Antennas: l. Purpose: a. To protect the^health and safety of the inhabitants of the Town by setting forth requirements for the installation of satellite dish antennas. b. To pretect and support the aesthetic concerns of the Town, a resort community which must rcmain aesthetically pleasing to visitors to remain economically viable. c. To provide the protection set forth in the preceding subsection I and 2 ofthis section in the least restrictive m,anner possible. 2. Application; Review: J+ Town of Vail #,oo,rrr, ,,andards Handbook Isloping vegetated areas. Slope of cut and fill banks shall be determined by soil characteristics for the specific site to avoid erosion, and promote revegetation opportunities, but in any case shall be limited to a maximum of two to one (2: l) slope. Measures shall be taken to retain all eroded soil material on site during construction. control both ground water and surface water runoff, and to permanently stabilize all disrurbed slopes and drainage features upon completion of construction. 9. Alt plants shall be planted in a good quality topsoil rnix of a type and amount recommended by the American Landscape Contractor Association and the Colorado Nurseryman's As sociation. 10. All plantings must be mulched. l l. Paving near a tree to be saved must contain a plan for a "tree vault" in order to ensure the ability of the roots to receive air, H. Fences, Hedges, Walls, and Screening: t.The placement of walls and fences shall respect existing land forms and fit into land massing rather than arbitrarily follow site boundary lines. Fences shall not be encouraged except to screen trash areas, utility equipment, etc. Design of fences, walls, and other structural landscape features shall be of materials compatible with the site and the materials of the structures on the site. Retaining walls and cribbing should utilize natural materials such as wood timbers, logs, rocks, or textured, color tinted conclete. No chain link fences shall be allowed except as ternporary construction fences or as required for rccreational facilities. Setbacks Observed: Al[ accessory uses and structures except fences, hedges, walls and landscaping, or ground level site development such as walks, driveways, and terraces shall be located within the required minimum setback lines on each site. Recreational amenities may be exernpted by the Design Review Board if it determines that their location is not detrimental environmentally and/or aesthetically. Sight Triangle: To minimize traffic hazards at street intersections by improving visibility for drivers ofconverging vehicles in any district where setbacks are required, no fence or structure over three feet (3') in height shall be permitted within the triangular portion of a comer lot measured from the point of intersection of the lot lines abutting the streets a distance ofthirty feet (30') along each lot line. I T I t I t I I T I t I 8. 2. 3. 4.t T t IJJ fi '' I I I !, t I I I I I I I 5. Height Limitations: Fences, hedges, walls and landscaping screens shall not exceed three feet (3,) inheight within any required front seibaik area, and shail not exceed six feet (6,) inheight in any other portion of the site, provided that higher fences, hedges, walls orlandscaping screens may be authorizid by the Admilistrator when necessary toscreen public utility equipment. No barbed wire or elecricurry charged fence shallbe erected or maintained. L Accessory Structures; Utilities; Service Areas: l' Design of accessory structures upon a site shall be compatible with the design andrnaterials of the nnin strucu_r.e oi suuctures upon the sit;. 2' Accessory.buildings generally should be aftached to the main building eitherdirectly or by means of a continuous wall, fence or similar fbature of the same or acomplementary materiar as the main buirding's e^terioirinist. 3' All utility service systems shall be installed underground. Any utility sysrem rheoperatron of which rcquires above ground installation shall be tolatea ,;t;;screened so as not to detract from the overall site design qu"U,y. 4' All utility meters shalr be encrosed or screened from pubric view. 5. service areas, outdool storage, and garbage storage shalr be screened fromadjacent properties, strucnres, streets, and ottrer publ[ areas by fences, berms, orlandscaping. 6' Adequate trash storage areas shall be provided. There shall be year-round access toall trash srorage areas which shalt not be used for uny ott ", purpor". J. Satellite Dish Antennas: l. Purpose: a' To protect the healthand safety of the inhabitants of the Town by setting forthrequirements for the insta[ation of satelrite dish antennas. b' To protect and supporr the aesthetic concerns of the Town, a resortcommunity which must remain aesthetically pleasing to visitors to remaineconomically viable. c' To provide the protection set forth in the preceding subsection I and 2 of thissection in the least restrictive rnnner possible. 2. Application; Review: Town of Vail Deve 34 TOI4'NM Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Central Missouri Realty Go. DRB Number: DR8020247 Project Description: Repair deckand portion offence removal Participants: OWNER CENTML MISSOURI REALTY CO -O7l3O/2002 Phone: 573-634-1133 COOK, SAM B. TRUSTEE 238 MADISON JEFFERSON CITY MO James_crabtree@centralbank.net 65101 License: APPUCANT Sam B Cook 07/3012002 Phone: 573-634-1133 C/o James Crabtree 238 Madison Street JEFFERSON CITY MO James_crabtree@centralbank.net 65101 License: Proiect Address: 1012 EAGLES NEST CR VAIL Locataon: Lot 2, Block 6, Vail Village 7th Filing Legal Description; Lot: 2 Block: 6 Subdivision: VAIL WLLAGE FIUNG 7 Parcel Number: 210109204002 Comments: SeeConditions Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of Approvah 081 0U20A2 Cond: B (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005464 New deck shall be the same as existing in size and materials Cond: CON0005465 Approved per plans submitted ptanner: ftmnt il.t C\,$DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO FPS PAGE A2 Application for Design Review "fJ#Hi,Tftw,ffi{#},, web: uvm,v,ci.vail.co. us -c. gne?a I f nfi ormation : ;H':l'ffi 'fl:{lffi ,',HflL',#;gilli":FF::S,#l*#"ffi +:,{,:;,ffi I,'.iJ,#i#fJ;tTcannot be accepted un'i afr required lnrormaio,i'is #.,";a-91.u," c;;irriv-oir"Srpmenr kparunent, The ffi ff*r":ffii:,F;x.HJi*"',iln,.;:H1,..t1,,[ffi :tT,jt"il1*:r:m,*"gT:ir,t Descrlption of [re Request: --.--.--.-..Location_of the.Fmposat:. Lot .4 . .Block: .6 . Sutdir|\bn, Physical Addrrcs: ---pI- Eoslg* ieslCtrJa Parcel No.: zrcp1 4@z (contact Eagle co. Assessor at 970-328-8fi0 for parcel no.) zoning: F/2 Name(s) of Owner(s):5i.'^ G CooV' - Cca*to-,\\ e4* l.- Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signahrre(s) : NV)rSo^t €+^4* Jtjstre^', A4o bguot 634- tr15 It.6-V Jen e=s Cs*v*'<'c'' Name of AppllcanG Mailing Addrece: i-mail Addrcss:'baacs- crll'+'cc-e'6{V'!='g' Type of Rwiew and Fee: tr Slgns D Concephjal Rerylew fl New Construction O Addi$on O t'linor Alteration (multl'family/commercial) q( minor Alteraoon' (single-family/dudex) O Changes to APPrwed Ptans O Separation Request L&fvua-r.6bJ Mo bSto I Pt"".t g.13\ ("3+- tt33 ' Fexi '13 G43- '434 $s0 No Fee $650 $300 $250 $20 Blts $1.00 per square foot of total slqn area' For constructron of a n€w bultding or demo/rebuild' For an addition wherc square fc'6ta9e is adgedi'^a:Yisldential or Ui"il"Jiit"iraittg Ctduats 250 aJaitions & interior conveclons)' ilr rliJ-**d.r-to brlloings and site improvements' such at ;;"#;;; -ptin-ti"g, *ndow ldditions' landscaPing' fences and retaining walls' etc''rii'ti"ii "tt*ses to buildings and site improvements' such as' ;;;#;,;;ilti"9. window idditions' landscapine' rences and retaining walls, eE' $20 'f"i ,*irli", io ptans already approved by Planning staff or the Design Revie\'Y Board' No Fee :,il|. ,.t iil _g-pl (t) s-,E _-)z --J -o q) \J N s_q)t- \c($ -s q) (-cq) (_ q) -S \J -L) c$ q)t-($ )l\)q) t_J !ii iti irliil .C +Jt-c\ z. s-,ct oJ sq) \-J c$ s_q) t_ \E cs 5q) oc-t q)(- q) _o +.) ($ q) t_ c$v \Jq) O ,n- .rIr{ IL LL sl.H (J) iiii.r r!! 4,, 3g# bE& z 7;<> L' LL PHH (|) (.|) U U O cs -VUl\_.p _ff) Ctr s_+) !_ C)(_l_ \ U cE q) !_ AJ\\ C\ +_) qj Uf0\ +o r[ q) !_ t\\ (-\ la"\\\\ \'f\= ria.\ \- \ 0 t { F\ F R I t{ \ I J \ ( ) 0 { \l q rilru Nt 0 -J rll ,rt.l U-a f-'lll rl.t nt {Yi nY w $ U i"_) A-o -3 +b\t- -lNFaE lBe gtg e = a\$ 'n 'Tl 3{ro,oo (o *E*Y q= ii= g* (?\f #' v=--/4ll$i\- ^ e rlt$J irdI ! I\ #' ,h t; ry $\#a I Ll-/ )< Fa L_tl T lr ,'K\ $I-rl Lr \JI \,* \v \ il\ ril il d $ $"v,r Rt ;'.1 \{tt' t{l ,t h ta. '0 $t)(} ^| Ff.- 4 6r- sg a o#u # b sg;6 ^19,-ii'- +++:f++*+*** i* ******* * **+** **+* * ************ * * * * * * * ** {. r. * *** i.:}:} **:1. * * ** * *,1.*+******** **+'t*f *'1. * ** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement **f,{.*** ***** * * ** * * ** * * *** * * * ** * * * ** * * * *+ * * * ****t**t*t++*++{.:1.********+,1.********** * ++{.1.******+ SCatement Number: ROOOoO28L8 Amount: $20.00 07 / 30 / 2OO2o4 : 3l- PM Payment Method: check IniE: iIAR Notation: 5652 Eagles Nest 0 977 Permit No: DgsO2O247 Type: DRB-Minor Alt,SFR/DUP Parcel No: 2LOLO92O4O02 Site Address: 1012 EAGLES NEST CR VAIL Location: LoE 2, Block 5, Vail village 7tsh Filing Total Fees: $20.00 This Payment: $20.00 Total AL,L, Pmts: $20.00 Bal-ance: 50.00 ***:1.,t ** {.*'}* 'tr '1. * ** *,},}*:}.* * ** '1. {. * *.t *,N. * **{.*,*,}*** * * ****'},} **:t **'t** 'l '} * **d.,1.'i **+++**:1.****{.:1.:f**{.** ** * 'Nr * * ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIET,,J FEES 20.00 o DEPARrMENr.F..MMUN,t"trro*u*tTO\I/N OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vAtL, co 81657 970-479-2138 \^or A, t\kt" Ud{*O,[(c^X,,-_-l NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES O ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 802-0338 Job Address: 1012 EAGLES NEST CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1012 EAGLES NEST CIRCLE Applied . . : 10107/2002 Parcel No...: 210109204002 Issued. .. : ll/07/2002 Project No : {(-SoZ ,O f11 Expires . ..: 05/0612003 owNER CENTRAT_, MTSSOURI REALTY CO -L0/07/2O02 phone: COOK, SAM B. IT,USTEE 238 MADISON .'EFFERSON CTTY MO 55101 I-,icense: CoNTRACTOR BOLES CUSTOM BUIIJDERS, lNC L0/O7/2OO2 Phone: 970-926-3202 P.O. BOX 425 EDWARDS, CO 8t632 I-,icense: 168-B APPLICAI\rr BOLES CUSToM BUILDERS, INC LO/O7/2002 Phone: 97O-925-32O2 P.O. BOX 426 EDWARDS, CO 8163 2 License: 168-B Description: REPI,ACE FAII-,ED EXTERIOR DECKS, REPA]-ICE WIIIDOWS,RETROFIT HOT Tt'B Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence TypeConstruction: VN TypeVNon-Rated Valuation: $75,000.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # ofCas Appliances: 0 # ofGas [,ogs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 * 'r* *:t 't* * * * * 't *)* *:i * Building---> $615 . o0 Restuarant Plan Review-> $o . o0 Total Calculated Fees-> $1, 01? . ?5 Plan Check-> S399. ?5 DRB Fee------------> 30.00 Additional Fees-----> 50.00 Investigation-> $0.00 Recreation Fee-------> $0.00 Total Permit Fee----> $1,01?.75 Will Call----> $3.00 Clean-up Deposit-------> S0.00 Palments--------------> S1,01?.?s TOTAL FEES------------> S1,017.7s BAI-ANCE DUE------> $0.00 Approvals:Ttem: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT AO/3I/2O02 JRY| Action: AP Item: 05400 PITANNING DEPARTMENT I0/Ll/2002 bgibson Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PIIBLIC WORKS * +,| + * ++ t++ t,l + ++a l:t'l t +,1| 'ta | * | * t,t* t,t* *:t * * * *x *t * *it trt + a,l *t *l,t I't rt 't *a PAGE 2 *******:f :***'l*'|*,t{.r.****,t+****!t.*********'}'}******:r*+***'}*,tr'}**+:t,}+**'t**,t*!t*******:r**:r********t *,tr!{.,}********* CONDITIONS OF APPROVALPermit#:802-0338 asofll-07-2002 Status: ISSUED * **:i*t****:t*:* t(*,**:t f *****:*** ** * t t| **:| * it,t 't:* 'i * ********** * * * * * * *:t * * * ** * * * *+ l. * {. * * 'i * !3,}* * * !* * 't * * 'f * 't * {r *,1'* * *,}{. * * !t:t t Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BLIILD PERMIT Applicant BOLESCUSTOMBLIILDERS,INC 970-926-3202 Job Address: 1012 EAGLES NEST CR VAIL Location: 1012 EAGLES NEST CIRCLE ParcelNo: 210109204002 Applied: 10/07/2002 Issued: 1U07n002 To Expire: 0510612003 Description: REPLACE FAILED EXTERIOR DECKS, REPALCE WINDOWS,RETROFIT HOT TUB ********:*******:i'lr**!t***{.!t****1.{.*'}*,}{.********:}***:t'i COnditiOnS *:t,***,}!t+*:t**'1.'t:t'},1.!t+*****.t***:1,1.'l**{.,}'*,*******'* Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLIIRED To CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.31O.9.I OF TI{E 1997IJBC. See.page 2.of this Document for any.tnton, that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this sfiucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4?9-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER ******** ********* ****,i****ti** * ****{.*,}****** * t * * * * * * *,* * * + * * ********{.'1.***{.{.:t*{t:i'} t*t{. ******** ** TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO Statement ***** *****+ ** * * * * * * * * * * * + + * + t * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * {. * ** ******* **+,t'}**** +*+*,1,}*** Statement Number: R000003398 Amount: $1,017.75 LI/07/2OO2O2:39 PM Paltment Metshod: Check Init: LC Notation: *3447/bol'E,s cusToM Permit No: 802-0338 Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUrLD PERMIT Parce1 No: 210709204002' Site Address: 1012 EAGL,ES IIEST CR VAIL Location : L012 EAGL,ES IiIEST CIRCLE TotsaI Fees: 51, 017.75 This Payment: $1,017.75 Total ALL Pmts: $1,017.75 Balance: $0.00 ********f* * ** *+**** 'l+**!t'1.{.**'i,}'l'******** * * * **** * * **'t**+*t * * * ******'t** * ********* **'l * * ******** * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Cunrent Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILD]NG PERI',IIT FEES 615.00 PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FIES 399.75 hC OO1OOOO3112BOO WILL CALL iNSPECTION FEE 3.OO .011'. 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 General Contractor: (\olo s Lurl o^ fJ-tll,u e,T',, Town of Vail Reg. No.:ItZ-B T6itaitand Phone#'s: q zb - tto"- !c-,' ,. f-{Lurrn ioq' osgq Emaif address, J f /* t,rs.^ A ,R C BL , a* Tlrrrr=(KruArtoNs FoR BUtLDttlG PERMIT (Labor & lqaterials BUILDING: $ 1 5,ooo ELECTRICAL:OTHER: $ -PLUMBING:$ -MECHANICAL: $TOTAL:$ T5, OOD For Parcel # Contact Assessors Ofrice at 970'328'!6t!! :1trp!! 2 | ol Oq zoq ooz Job Address: 1ot L $..,l,s tl)"| Ct's f a-Job Name: LooL [Lst d.n ,-z Subdivision:-tfFiling: ILegal Description pnone: q1[- $ tl Address:l(,so e 0", | !n l/r. 0r. qin"'' B.[l P rct"z | ,l1b -ZLz-tlneer: fl atY lvl "c ffi1?:::-"t-o[,,,.) tr ylu,,, r)."1s, R.cplo.t LrJr-)o.r-r. Ptlrofrt H'{ Ir.U WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel( ) Repair() D"I9l-l Other( ) Doet an EHU exist at this location: Yes (! No ( )Work Type: lnterior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both (X) ffi-fami|yi)Mu|ti-fami|y()Commercia|()Restaurant()other() No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: No/Type of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) wood/Pellet ( ) wood Burn : Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT AL!9\+/-ED m Exist: Yes ( ) \wailuata\cdev\FoRMS\pERMtrs\BLDGPERM.Doc l)".o Pu ''\ 1+ BOt'O LA> - ---- 07 t2612002 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 816s7 970479-2138 oitrtr*r oF coMMUN,t" orurror,il*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M02-0257 Job Address: 1012 EAGLES NEST CR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1012 EAGLES NEST CIRCLE Applied , . : 1211112002 Parcel No...: 210109204002 Issued . . : 1211212002 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 06/10/2003 owNER CENTRAL MTSSOURT REALTY CO -L2/L1/2OO2 Phone: cooK, sA.t\4 B. TRUSTEE 238 tllADISON iIEFFERSON CITY MO 55101 License: coNrRAcToR R & R HEATING L2/Lt/2O02 Phonez 970-524-L2L0 PO BOX 1157 GYPSUM, CO 8L637 License: 215 -M APPLICANT R & R HEATING L2/IL/2O02 Phone: 970-524-1,2t0 PO BOX 1157 GYPSI]M, CO 8r637 Li-cense: 2L6-Vl Desciption: REPLACING 2 PIECES OF HYDRONIC BASEBOARD. (EXTERIOR BOILER) WILL BE ON A DIFFERENT PERMIT Valuation: $8.000.00 Fireolace Information: Restricted: Y # ofcas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0r.*.t**rr*.r.:t*,r'r:***'**{!*****'r**r)t*r***tt*'t.******:rr:t**'r***r****+**rrtt* FEE sUMI\4{RY **++* # of wood Pcllet 0 Mechanical--> Plan Check--> Investigation-> will Call---> $160.00 Restuaranl Plan Review-> S4 o . oo DRB Fee-----------> $0. oo TOTAL FEES---------> $3.00 So. oo Total Calculated Fees-> $0. oo Additional Fees------> $2o3. oo Total Permit Fee-----> Payments-------------> BALANCE DUE.-------> $203.00 $0.00 s203.00 s203 .00 90.00 Ibem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT L2/:.L/20o2 DF Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BI-,DG. ) : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI'ICE. Cond:22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1-997 VMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond:23 (BLDG. ) : INSTAI-,LATION MUST CONFORM lO MANUFACTIIRES INSTRUCTIONS Al{D TO CI{APTER 10 OF THE 1997 I]MC, CHAPTER 10 OF TITE 1997 IMC. Corld : 2 5 (BI,DG.') : EAS AppT-,IANcEs SHAIJIJ BE VENTED AccoRDING To TERMIITATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.805 OF TIIE 1997 In'{C, OR Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUTPMENT MUST COMPI-,Y WITH THE 1997 UMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BI-,DG.): BOIL,,ERS SHAI-,L BE MOUfrfED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI-,E CONST. UNLESS I-,ISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBI,E FI,OORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANAI-,YSIS MUST BE POSTED IN ITIECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AI{ INSPECTTON REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BI-,DG.): DR,AINAGE OF MECHANICAI, ROOMS CONTATNING HEJATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPIJY BOIIJERS SIIAIJIJ BE EQUTPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. L022 OF THE 199? UMC, OR SECTION 1004.5 0F THE 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV TELEPHONE AT 479-2I4 AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNA OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF o CHAPTER CTIAPTER CTIAPTER 8 AIiID SIIALIT 8 0F THE 1997 fMC. 3 AND SEC.1017 0F * * * * * * * * + + + * * * * * * 'l * + * * +*t'i ++ *,1. {. * * * * l. * * * * * * * * + * 'l * * * **{.,t:t*'f******{.'l****'1.*t*'t* +* ++rt *{.***** * *** * TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO Statement +*** * *+ ** +* * * * ** * *++*+*+X+*******+*****+**+++l++***t+{.**+{.{.*+**t*+tf++ft{.'1.++1:l***********+* * Statement Number: R000003545 Amount: $203.00 L2/12/2OO203:13 PM Pal.ment Method: Check Init. : I-rC Notation: #59?4,/R&R Heatsinq Permit No: MO2-0257 TIT)e: MECIIANICAL, PERMIT Parcel No: 2L0L09204002 Site Address: 1012 EAGLES NEST CR VAfIJ I.,ocaLion : 1012 EAGLES NEST CIRCLE Total Fees: 5203.00 This Payment: $203.00 Total AL,L Pmts: $203.00 BaLance: $0.00 *++*******+*+***** *********************+***************:;**{.rt*****+*+**++*********+********** ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descniption Curnent Pmts MP OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANICAL PERI4IT FETS 160.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHTCK FEES 40.00 I,./C OO1OOOO3112BOO WILL CALL ]NSPECTION FEE 3.OO APPUCATION T MVNOPUAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 L Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLEIt} },itr/rl]u'. a*? auilding peffin #z -Mechanical Permit #= _ 97 O- 47 I -2149 (Inspections) Permit will not be accepted without the following: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION MECHANICAL: $ COMPLETE VATUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor & Materials ****************!********FOR OFFICE USE ONLy**************,1.************** Other Fees:Planner Siqn-off: DRB Fees!Date Received: NtlJ € Jt\\J t\ N'Ab ,.{ \P \ .N \ Conbct Assessorc Otrice at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parel # Parcel #lo \ 9 Eo cl Job Name: f, owners Nutt' t-..-..'l(- - 5ar'1 @r \t$o -"6..uri5jr n Work Class: New ( ) Addition (Y) Alteration d,) Repair (X) Other ( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Boiler Location: Interior €D) Exterior Type ofBldg: Single-family (K) Duplex ( ) MultFfamily ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: of Fireolaces Existinq: Gas Aooliances Noflype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood buming fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) \\Vail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERMITSWiECHPERM. DOC 07/26t2002 , ?TF tfF 35!FRara.of Flowand Ptessure Drop Hd-l-a.GPn lFi.t Hd. Lo.s GPT IFLI lld- LocscPr crl lld. Loc6 GPX (Fil Dadgn T.mp.ntre RL. Actors Eollcr 5m fln *; 850 1010 120o 1430 1670 1E25 220G.1P 2P 2800-lP 2P 3200-1P 2P 36m-tP 2P 4{t0GlP 2P 45001P 2P 4'l 1.7 49 2.3 -rt69 3.6 & 5.0 98 6.9,1, tt 3:t 1.1 30 1.0e.- 55 3.1 66 3.678 {.9 93 6.7tos 9.1119 10.4143 3.6143 6.5178 5.0178 132 204 €.6204 18.1,?, t: ,?, t:'t n2 14.3 n 0.9g2 1.1 t? sF 46 2.2 55 3.1 65 3.6 78 5.0 91 €,E 99 8.3 119 2.7 119 6,1 148 4.0 148 9.3 170 5.0 170 12.9 '197 6.3 197 17.8 219 7.7 219 2't.5 243 9.9 23 0.7 28 0.9 *t# 39 1.6 47 2.256 3.1E7 3.77A 5.085 5.? 1U 2.1102 4.5127 3.3127 7.0146 4.1 1116 9.2 169 5.1 169 12.7 187 5.E 167 15.9 26 7.0 zl0 19.E 179 179 n2 222 255 295 32E 365 4.8 r 3.0 7.4 19.5 10.2 14.2 16.6 213 'NC ,ac@rtc.i.d. O.la|rl l&brt. t olEsr sizlr 2200 b {5(x}; 1P ddhnEbs ahdo-ptF t|.at ardaQg.r, 2P fiigndla li,opls h!.t €rdi!|tg!t. Frstory Provldd ftrmpr . Model PH Boalrt! Motor El*trical Data Sh.3 Pow.r (HP)Vollage/Phasa Gurrrnl (Ampsl 500-715 850-1010 120lJ--1825 1t4 1t3 u4 11511 115/l 11yl 5.2 7.? 13.8 HT#' th!. sG'tCits Slt t 220O{fln;ttul/'f' FT *lllP't#*,ffi (nch.s)(ln '|c6,fiqrq*#dire rn{FrF 21 21 @n 24 tt(tt6: a... t!' cqtt6tu. t6d.io b ttrftdad o'r ai!a.600. | !25. S,rr lqlo r.qu:rr lrEldh{o on nc}.onbudlbb &lra. Al b||t at' cbatano ahoold b proirtaL{ In trcol ot0r DoLt b, l'1nlatra|tcr accartlblll9{ tos| ot bual,t, ac I. Vlale.pf< Tedrrclogitr, Inc, 6fito Con(r3. Itiu.. rr@rptk CA gl(}zt . E0e52S:000 . FA)( tO3'529.5934 m rdu6tirl \i/by, Rocll6sE, NH G86"/ .603.36.61m. FA)( 0(B.3il5.f,l.ixt 48o S. sery'Ee fud WeEt, Od(Y ., C|0a''D. Grrda L6K Al4 ' 906La.E23il ' FA)( 906'84/t2535 Hydronic Boilers NTSHTY IHER|| Ouldot Siz.6 2200.4500 Ouldoor SlzE 5004t00 Sutunlt/rrl Da/a €gE =Eg PH | [ntlric fioaftg Bdls Standard Equipment . ASME 100 lb. u/orting pr!!ru. h6at axchtro€t . 24V control syslcin . Op6r.iin9 gas r/aldpra33we |lgura(r . mler llow s€nsing d6ica . R.mona6L brftlf tray (5fit-1&!5) . Euiltin dratt hood . GbrJhad caEt ird| hoadrE . Non-cornbucllrla b.s. (50Of 825) . Covdrd conlftl bor . Radrndanl 6ably gE valw . Opc.rlhg oonlrol . l,lanual rg3ot high limlt . Ajirnatb resst hlgh trnlt (2ArI4S0) . Manual pilot vdw . Maud sh|.|ldl vahrc . Sainbss rbel bunrr . Externaf wabr sire gckols . Fbngd conndion. llgh gas pr€6ur€ 3rrtdl (2800{50(l} . PfBssurt, rblilt vtve frs PSI). 'l1s/24\rtucfqflrot . lcr inel arip ' TstnpqdJrlrpfassur? gauCs . On/otf toggl€ switdl . 2 amp tulc . Porsron lighl tBR N.tu Inputrr Ou$uf/ RrdngTod.b Bru,H EIU/H BTU,H G.. Connecllon Sb. (lnchesf mauEF-LPr Wd.r Conn3|!.Dh.r6lom (lnd|6)&r ShlPPlne WclghtDimensional Data x lO00 r 500 410 650 897 2 2i{ 2 2n ztn tln 21n 21n 4 4 4 4 4 4 1tE 2 2 2 33ll 3&ll BCV 910 1010 uza1200 984 1430 117t 1670 1370 1825 14972?f/5 1786 2745 2p3 3150 2552 3645 29,i2.t050 3281 4500 3645 7m 1tt E56 l rar 1020 11t1 1191 't uz 1302 1n 1563 1tl2 1933 1t,z 12 2215 2 2567 2filn 2853 2tn 3'170 2tn 850 1010 1200 14it0 1670 1825 aoo 2800 3200 36fi) ,,t000 4500 lt4 I 1 11A 1tn 1tt 1n 1uz 50vr 56xa 1 58 64 1180 66nr 72tn lEX,7A U2 1490 85m glra 10(X) 92ra 98rlr 1E€O65ra 73 2ls20 78 85rn 260088 95ra 275o 100t2 108 3175 110rz 118 33801n 1&n 3790 rrolE l | . lrp'rr ..|d 0t Qll .|trd baDl!r!..dd 5t b. ld .h.6 5G182 '5:i,lHHilg?i,=g5g aaa fl noni.d. L u|its R.dirtha &rt o.! EOR.q, f" r q*f rsRr+L.ufd4l#Xc ljBl jp9::*y?Ejl,*::j::.99y:l!-.jlpt .-.Der.. r. thc rxi.lc sf r'.in, dNr !r. t .!r l! r !o ooftra:-r. recr - r.||r.t!. q TOWN OF VA,IL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 o#*rr"rur oF coMMUNrrY DEVEL.Til*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P02-0157 3cl 053E Job Address: 1012 EAGLES NEST CR VAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1012 EAGLES NEST CIRCLE Applied . . : 1210512002 Parcel No...: 210109204002 Issued . . : 12/06/2002 Project No I V^KA)L ,o31 1 Expires . .: 06/04/2003 outNER cElitlIRAL MTSSOURI REALTY CO -1.2/05/2002 phone: cooK, sAM B. TRUSTEE 238 I,IADISON .]EFFERSON CITY MO 55101 Lricense: CoI{IRACTOR R & R HEATING L2/O5/2OO2 Phonez 97O-524-L2LO P O BOX 1l-s4 GYPSI]M. CO 8163 7 License: L45-P APPI-,ICAIqr R & R HEATING L2/05/2OO2 Ptrone: 910-524-t2lo P O BOX 1154 GYPSUM, CO 8t637 I-,icense: 1"46-P Desciption: ADD DECK DRAINS (4) Valuation: $3,000.00 # of Gas [,ogs: ?? # of wmd PalleL ??FireDlace lnformation: Restricted: ??# ofGas Appliances: ?? 945.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> $11.25 DRBFee------------> $o. oo TOTAL FEES---------> $3.00 * *t:t**:|:***:l**atl alt t a,l t a,|t **,1 Plumbing--> Plan Check--> Investigation-> Will Call---> FEE SUMMARY ++r*'|+**'l** $0.00 Total Calculated Fees--> $0. oo Additional Fees-----> $5 9 . 25 Tolal Pemit Fee-----> Payments---------------> BALANCE DUE-----> $0. 00 $59.25 $0. 00 **.:tlt*+'+.|1tl|:ttl't:tl1+l.*l+++:}*:|t.+'*t+tt*+|t|til:t+1t+*tt:ti+t:t:}:*'t*.*|***'t**t..+l+*:t'})t*|tt+l*:i*'|'**'t|llt:i1l}*****|*+***.**Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMEMr L2/05/2002 JRJN| Action: AP Item: 05500 FrRE DEPARTMEMT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEI-,D IIISPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE' DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this strucfure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town appticable thereto' O TWENTY.FOUR 479-2149 0RREQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE HOURS IN ADV TELEPHONE A SIGNA OF OWNEROR OFFICE FROM E:00 AM - 4 PM. CTOR FOR HIMSELFAND OWNEF *+ +*** * ***** *,i* *'t*+** * ***********+* * * *+*****'l* *'l'*** ****+ *'t:|! ** * * + *** **** * * ********** ***{.*{'*** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *** * t+ * * *+ * ** t+* * ** * * ** * ***+ + + t t* * * **** * * * ** * * * * *+ * *** ** * * * * * * * +++* ** + * * * ** * * * ** * * ** * * * ** *** Statement Nudber 3 R000003529 Amount 3 $59.25 t2/06/2OO2O1 :01 PM Palment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: R&R Heating 5975 Permit No: PO2-O157 Type: PLIJI4BING PER-I4IT Parcel No: 2LOLO92O4OO2 Site Addregg: 1012 F,ACIJES NEST CR VAfL Localion r 1012 EAGLES NEST CIRCLE Total FeeE: 559.25 This Palment: $59.25 ToEal ALL Pmts: $59.25 Balance: 50.00 *t*'|************ ++*t++****+***ll'*************t*******+**********+*********tri,|+**:l'|***t****** ACCOT]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescniDtion Curnent Pmts PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 11.25 PP OO1OOOO31112OO PLUMBING PERM]T FEES 45.00 WC OO1OOOO3112BOO WILL CALL INSPECT]ON FEE 3.OO I APPucArroN il,. no''*'"ffi-F Plumbing Permit #: 97 O-47 I -2149 (Inspections) 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 D IF INCOMPI TN UNSIGNED CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Plumbing Contractor:c.ontact and Phone #'s: Tu(_ tztO E-Mail Contractor Sionature:l\-r-\J-^/F-<A l\_r..-\ r-.,r, r -r. COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUM Assessorc Offie at 97O-328-8640 or visit # ,^de n rnrf F.n o l.on hon\ Engineer: WorkClass: New( ) AddiUon(/) Alteration( ) Repair( ) - Ot-frer( ) Type of Bldg.: Single.family (tfl Duplex ( ) MultFfamily ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaunnt ( ) Other( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY******************tr****************** Other Fees: ..Date Reeived: AC€eDted BY: Planner Sion-off: \Wai l\data\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\PLMBPERM. DOC oo o o Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Proiect Name: Cook residene DRB Number: DR8020353 Prciect DescripUon: Addition of hot tub/new windows to replace e,risUng/new brick pavers on deck Participants: OWNER CENTML MISSOURI REALTY CO -10/01/2002 Phone: COOK, SAM B, TRUSTEE 238 MADISON JEFFERSON CITY MO 65101 License: APPUCANT FriElen Pierce Architects LO | 0L 12002 Phone: 970-47 6-6342 1650 East Vail Valley Dr, #C-1 Vail, CO Jason Adams Jadams@vailarchitects.com 81657 License: ProjectAddrcss: 1012 EAGLES NESTCRVAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: 2 Block 6 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 7 Parcel Number: 210109204002 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: SIAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApprovalz LAl0Ll2O02 Conditions: Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: S20.00 69/1.8/24A2 978476498Io n Separation Request ,: ' r€roonng, painting, windbw additions, tandscaplng,, fences and. retainlng wall6, etc.$20 Fdr mjnor changes to buiHings and $te imprwemenB, such as,I reoofrng, painting, window additiont landscaping, fencei and reraining walls, etc.$2q For revlsions to plans atready approvd by planning Staff or the Dedgn Reviere 8oard. No Fee F."J;fl*',?8"',: Application Date: Planner: Buildino Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trdsh Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other ?t1,.x'.t;i.,'; '1;, Notes: LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIATS TVoe of Material 5-i 1lr: r c rqWoos f/.-rrt.Jii< ?oz;', ! hn rr, Bn.'rr-x dt,:t Color t.!.lrt"r -\: {-. Bu*cr,L Please specifiT the manufacture/s color and number and attach a color chip. All exterior lighting must meet the Town's regulations regarding lightinq (see Title 14 - Development Standards), If exterior lighUng is proposed, please indicate the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identiff each fixture type and provide the height above grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the light fi)tures. o ERCFRITZLEN PI ARCHITECTS VAIL, COLOMDO September 30,2OO2 Judi Rodriguez Town of Vail Community Development Department 75 S. Frontage Road Vail Colorado 81 657 Re: Cook Residence Request for a Minor Alteration Dear Judi, Thanks for discussing this with me this morning on the phone. We are seeking staff approval for minor alterations to the Cook Residence located on the Vail Colf Course. The scooe of the work in this alteration includes: 1. Rebuilding the existing south roof deck and minor changes to the windows in the enclosed area below. 2. New hot tub location and surround. The south roof deck was removed to investigate the source of several leaks. The Ceneral Contractor has requested to initiate rebuilding it as soon as possible in order to avoid potential weather damage. We delayed applyin6 for DRB because we had been hoping to include information on new landscaping features with this application. Unfortunately the updated survey drawing is not complete as of this date. We will apply for approval of those improvements later in the year for implementation anext spring. Thanks for your help. My understanding that this will be reviewed at the staff meeting tomorrow and a planner will be assigned at that time. 1i '')l,r:l ,.ir1 \.11,rl)r,, l.rllll,li..( \ (,I,,r,t(,r ;li'-.- l) (r-, r 1 tr I, jl.- I ill.J!ii,i I r'!,,"ir,..r i:r, lr t,. l. ',\ ,'. \! \.1 I !t1 lt '. l. I ,l o/ +'t:i+++**********+**{tt***'t'ti!***********'}**l'*t****lf'}+1t*f'}***'}**{'**f*+++**++*****+{'++++****** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement ++,i'iti+ * *,F**f**** * * +a*** ** | **t* * * t t***** ** * * * +++ * + l**+ * * * *** * * * ** +r +*l* * * * *+ ** *t+ * * * ******+* * statement Nuiber: RoooOO3191 Anounts $20.00 Lo/01/200208:36 Alit Payment Method: Check Init: 'JARNotation: 5696 Eagles Nest Permit No: DRB020353 T)rpe ! DRB-Minor Alt,sFR/DuP Parcel No: 2L0L09204002 Site Address ! 1012 EAGLES NEST CR VAIL L,ocation: Tota1 Fees: 520.00 This Palment 3 $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 ** * **** * * ++** ++** * *{ a' *tl *t {' !t * '}{rl' * * **{lr** *{' l' + * lt* I t ftttl' I '} **!rl' tt +t + i t ***'t't't{'****+* ************ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 FRITZLEN P o IER CE ARCHITEC-TS v,\ll ( .c)l ( )RAl)( ) Proposetl Flevation showirrg nelv brick stel)s.lnd stucco rv.rll .rrouncl the hot ttrlt. Eristine Elevation showinq slicling gl;iss rloor-. to be renror,e<1. FRIl ZLE N ;P I E R C E -- -, FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCFIITECTS \,.{ . ( ( )LOR^In ) New Stucco over base, nerv windows and brick pavers. Eristing Rotunda lvith lower vvindow,s and rentoved clecking. FRlTZLEN PIERCE l I e3 = Z=!i\J Noll- rrl E; rn i ElF +aFu =j:u rii F dJ I JrY < jjj ,.ll fFF.ll FfiH TI IIJ LL E#Wr H 6 >K W tt-'---1 t"' >K >K#Ko >K >K L=124.b1 ./ 1\vA >K W >K >K R=/soJJ ,\=11VA z= u_.| L/NdF IJJ Eo-tfNtcrsru )oof 0 s€r0 # lllloud rs9t€ oovtoloJ 'ltv^ 9 )f,O18'Z IOI tNlltJ HINIAIS l9nth lVn J tu tuJ Az N I z {J IL luo {z '{ v_ A V \) tu A o.\ o\-, Z-|Ji\/ N01FlIJ ffo. ! t--t; lhllu liLlv. ll{ i,:l I lllru tl>tllu tl-Jll htl;ll itlJILll nI e ilrF ll sI ll frA( tR)\ l< ./'!i,-/ o o o 'Jltu tuv |:lU UI [LX tJ)U< o tLrq Fl ttrllI) ,,q0 rl) unm lfNlctslu )oof 9€t0 # tttfold zs9!8 00wo10)'ltv 9# )f,O18'Z# 101 f,SU rStN 5t19vl Zt0t l ozz F tuv o ---7 lL)ulu NdFul ffL i,Hffi __r llJtl{tl<ll t0 ll_) tlFll -llotlrllotlutlrtlFll ztl Q ll i 5ll { H ll n /-h\ rlV o o o __l __l tuI lJ) nl c\ T tu lLluozo o sil !rF+(|)uxuru0 zoo$ul traI d--LKU< ,Y OUZ.P UHS s>Et 'f)ItuouM oz IL s8ofIP ??i+tL tuJUluaf) (|l I rJlz IL \) l t-- \J.) tL \) V il_ r0 Itul lI)X roq N sf t0 # .Lltoxd rs9r8 0cwo10f, 'ltv 9 CNIITJ 'Z IOI l tJxll tslN 53 t9v3 z L0 I lfN:lClSlU )OOf \ j\ -nf,, '*\ .rffil< > I \ 1.. ..=7-==> * r-- i II I" .,o- r.",,( /Y[:I : l|'l :1 ] o z-ri \JNdF IJ-J Eo- o.. s .i a dt A lu(') o ILov IL Izo F { tuJlu F U)lu o o tDlF Foa tuz troo A tuz oz F(f) x tu Izo F { tuJ tu F (') tu o llN:lcllSlU )OOf 0'5r L0* t"lltoud zsg r8 oovuo]otr 'ltv^ 9 )30rs'z lo] 9Nr',rr HlNlAlS r9v|ll^ l|V o 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 r 3 9 FAX970479-2452 Department of Community Development &tcopr Ms. Susan Freeman c/o Fritzlen, Pierce & Briner P.O. Box 57 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Cook Building Permit Application/Lot 2, Block 6, Vail Village 7th Dear Susan, I have received your building permit application for tbe Cook residential addition and have had the opportunity to rsview the plans. Upon preliminary review of your plans, several issues need to be addressed. The following is a list ofthe issues that you must address prior to tbe issuance ofa building pennit: l. Please provide schedules A & B ofa title report to veriff ownership and confirm encumbrances on the properfy. 2. Please show on the plans the proposed location of snow storage for the new driveway' 3, Please show on the plans the location of the construction fence required by the Design Review Board to protect the existing hees and keep construction from encroaching upon the neighboring lot to the north. 4, Please rwiew the proposed driveway grades. As proposed, you have an area where the grades are greater than l0%. Please amend the plans accordingly. 5. According to discussions during the design review proc€ss, you committed to re-frarning the existing attic area so this area would not be counted as GRFA. The plans you have zubmitted do not reflect this cbange. Please revise the plans accordingly. Again, I have received your building permit application for the Cook residence, Each issue addressed above must be resolved prior to the issuance of the building pennit. If you wish, you may stop by our office and make the necessary rwisions on the sets of plans you have already submitted. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at479'2145. {gun"uor*o 116-,-LqDt Good luck with your project. Sincerely, fJ-^'r.],,-lr*, George Ruther Town Planner ru'.-'!'2-st oE : 33 """:;:;lH;H;"" ;;"",;*t ":;;*-"AI.,TA COMMITMENT PAGE I. 2. - Charges -ALTA Owne r PolicvTax Reporc .-TOTAL-- *** T'HIS IS NOT AI{ IM/OICE, BUr .AI{TO THIS ORDER, PTEASE REFERENCA SCHEDUI]E A Orur Order # VS252r8 For Irrformation Only 920 .00 $2o . o0 ESTTMATB OF FEES - $I}IEN REFERRING oItR oRDFR NO. VS2621g *r* AEUII*tIE TII.M, ACCORDING TO ?HEOF EA€IB, STATE OF COITORADO. b->v^qbEff,eetiwe Date: *errifT9.,---fyg5 Ert S:OO p.M- Policy to be issued, and proposed Ineured: 'AtTA" Owner, s policy 10-t-?*ga PropoEed fnsured: sAM B: COOK, TRUSTEE, gAlt B. cooK REVOCABLE TRgST u/A/DNOVEMBER 5, 1992 AS TO A}' I'NDIVTDED 1,/2 INTEREST AND CEI{TRALMrgsoltRr REAtTy coMpANy, A MTSSOITR.T Cbnponaiiou, as ro Al.rUNDIVTDED 1,/2 INTETTEST Ttre eatate or intereec in the land dcscribed or referred to inthie Commi tment. and cowered trerein is r A Fee Simple Titre Eo Ehe estate or interesb covered herein ia at t,heeffeqciv€ date hereof wested. in: FAIlf B. COOK, TRUSTEE, SArrr B. COOK REI/OCABTJE TRUST V/A/DNOVEI4BER 5, 1992 AS TO AN T]IIDIVIDFD 1/2 IHTEREST AND CENTRAIJMISSOT'RI REAI,TY COMPA}IY, A MISSOI]RI CORPORATION, AS TO ANI'NDTVIDEID 1/2 IT{TEREST The land referred to in Ehis ConmiEment ie described asfo]'lows: I^OT-r..ttocr 6, vA'rI| trlr.r.r+F,RECORDED PIJAr fiTEREOF, COUFrir f^ PAG}E 07/12/96 09:36 TXIRX N0.4635 P. 002 SCHEDUT.E 8.1 (R€quirfitcntB) Our Order # vs262ra EToE 2 07/12/96 09:36 TxlRx N0.4635 P.003 | PAGE 4 AIJTA-' COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-l (Requirements) Our Order # VS26218 The following are the requiremencs to be codrplied with; 3-, Pa)ments bo or for the account of the grantorG or mortgagors ofEhe full consideraEion for t,he estsaEe or intereB! tso beingured. 2. Frop€r instsrurnenE (E) Creats irrg ttre eBEatse or int,erest Co beinsurecl fiIugt be executed and duly f tled for reeord, Eo-ryit: THTS COTT{MITT'IENT IS FoR TNFoRIIIATIoN oNIJy, A!{D IIo FoI,TCY WILL BE I9SUED PURSUAIIf HBRETO. rF THERE IS A CHANGE IN OWNERSHIP OF TIIE PROPER?Y TO EE INST'RED HERETN FROMTIIE 1rESTED OWNER SET FORTTT IN ITEM 4 OF SCITEDUI,E A HEREIN, TI{E TBRMS,PROVISIONS AI{D CONDTTIONS OF TITE TOVTN OF VATIJ TR]u{SFER TAX PI,AY BE APPIJICABLE. fHE COUr Try CLERK A}ID RECORDERS OFFICE RBQUTRES RETT'R.N ADDRESSES ON DOSTJMEMTS SEMT FOR RECORDIIIGI T * * * * * * * * * * r * * + * * * * + r * * * * r No?E r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * REcORDrrrGi FEES IIAVE TNCREA^SED AS OF JULY 1, 1_99s TO g5-OO F'OR THE FIRST PAGE ADID $5 - OO FoR EACII ADDITIoIiI,AL PAGE. REIJEASES lIAl/E TNCREASED TO $14.OO FOR THE FIRST PAGE AND$5,00 FOR EACH ADDTTIONAIJ PACE. PAGE 3 07/12/96 09:36 TxlRx N0.4635 P.004 I :"'-:"-"" oE:34r """"; :T"f," "TT";; ;; " ':' 363C 4s34 PAGE 5 $CHEDLII"E B-2 (Exceptiens) Our Ord.er # vS26218 Thg-poficy or policies to be iEEued will contain excepEions t,o Ehefollowing unress t}le same are disposed of to the satiGfaceion ofthe Company : l. Standard Exceptsiorrs 1 tlrrough 5 printsed on ehe cover 6}.eec. 6. Taxee and agsessm€nEF noE yet due or payab]-e and specialassesEmentai not yet cert,iflecl Eo che Treasurer, s office. 7. Any unpaid Eaxe6 or aaseaarnents aEainsE said 1and. 8. tiens for unpaid water and eewer ctrarges, if any- 9, RIGI{T OF PROPRIBTOR OF A VETN OR IJODE TO EXTRACT A}ID REMO\rE HIS ORSTHEREFROM SHoULD THE SA!48 BE FosND TO PENBTRATE oR Ilit:rERSEgr THE PREMISESAS RESERVED IN ITNITED STATES PATBI{:F EECORDED iluly 13, 1899, rN BOOR 48 ATPAGE 47s AND IN UNITED STATBS PATEIiIT RBCORDED ltlay 27, L926, IN BOOK 93 At:pAcE 146, 10. RIGIIT OF WAY FOR DTTCHES OR CA}IAI.S CONSTT,UCTED BY TT{E A(IIHORIIY OF TITEUNfTED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED iluly l.J, 1899,rN BOOK 48 AT PAOE 475. 11. RESTRTSTIVE COVANA}IIS THTEH DO NO'r COITTAIH A FORFEITIIRE OR REVBRTER CLAUSE,BII:I oMrTlrlllc REsTRrgrroNs, IF etrrY, BAsm ON RACE. coloR, R-BLrcIoN, oRNATIONAL ORIGIN, AS COIITAINED fN INSTRIJMENT RECORDBD Decernber O'7, L965, INBOOK ].87 AT PAGE 515. 12. EASEMBNTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRTCTIO}TS AS SHOWN OR R.ESERVBD ON THERECSRDED pIrA? OF VAIL VIIJIAGE. SBVEICTII FIIJIT{G- 13. E.ASEMEMT AND RIGIIT OF I'IAY AS GRAI.TED TO COMMT]NITY TELEvIsToN INVESTI',IEMT,INC- IN DOeuMEl[r RECoRDED DECEMBBR 1?, 1968 tt!{DER RECEPTION NO. ]-09785. PAGE 4 07 /12/96 09:36 TxlRx N0.4635 P.005 I TOIJN OF J. VAIL COM_DEU ID'f47e-24s2 JUL 1rf 16:42 No.O08 P.O1 TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Ftonmgc Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-4 79-2 I 3 E/479-2 r 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Dcpartmen! of Commtnity Dcvclopnant Ms- Susao Frcsnan c/o Fritzlet, Piorce & Brincr P.O. Box 57 vsll, color0do 81657 Rc: Cook Buitding PGrmit ApplicatiooA.ot 2, Blosk 6, veil Vmage ?th f)car Susan, I bavo roccived your building pcrmit application for tba Cook ratldcntial addition aod hevc had thc , opponunity to rwiew the plans. Upon prcliminsry revicw of your plans, sovoral issues nced !obe addrcssd. Ttrc following is a list of thc issuc.B thet you muat oddrccs prlor to tbc issuanoc of a building pormit: Plcaec providc scbcdulcs A & B ofa title roport to vcrl$ ownership and confirm crrournbrancos on $e prope[ty, lr'*'r'.fr n*: ' ' lh ""' tltttl^ -'-rt' -:|it -fl"DZFy Plcase show on ths plans tho proposodlocation of Bas\r storsgc for thencw driveway' . ,-.,i1: 4! a-t Plcase ehow on thc plans thc location of the colstnrction fencc rcguirod by lha Dcsignv 7 Reviow Bsrd to protect thc cxirting 6ccr and kccp consitructioa ftom cocroaohing upon thc ncighboring lot to frc north. "t. d3f;s59 l,tcasc rwicw ths pmpccd dflvawsy gfades. As prop6cd, you havc En afca whcf,c the - grades arc grcatcrthan 1096. Plcase rmcod tbc plaos rccordin8iy. 4t*n, According to diecuesions during tbc dcsign revieu, p,rocees, you oommittcd to rc'framiog the cxicting attic arca so this arce would rol bc mrmtcd as 6RFA. Thc plans you havc Fubtittcd do not rcflcct thia chuge. Plcosc rcvisc ttro plans accordiagly. .d@ Again, I have roccivcd your building pcrmit applioation for the Cook rcsidcncc. Each lssuc od-dresscd elrove must bo rusolvcdpriq to tfic issuaucc of thc building perrrlt. If you wish, you rnay Btop by our office and malc the ncocssary rcrrisions on tlre eets of plana you have olready rubmitted, Should you havc any qucstions, pleaso do not hesitetc ta contrct me *479-2145. tl1L' ttgDt I07 / 11/96 16:27 TX/RX N0.4617 P.001 rD'f47e-24s2 Oood luok witb your poJet. Sloocroly, TOI'N OF VAIL COM-DEU r' '- JUL 1'.| t6:4s No'oo8 P'02 t Goorgo Rutbcr Town Ptannor 07/II/96 16t27 TxlRx N0.4617 P.002 I = Prolect Appllcatlon Proioct Name: Proiect Description: Contacl Person and Phone Architect, Address and Phone: 4 Legat Description: Lot .\. , Block Commenls: \/ \l 1tnFilino V. \, | . Zone Design Review Board DISAPPROVAL Town Planner Staff Approval e Steinberg P.O.Box 13 Vai1, Colorado 81658 L"r ?,3/.o.-Lb July for the construction at the Cook residence at 1012 Eagles Nest Circle in Vail were rnoved on July 23, L996. One of then has been transplanted close to the property line between the Cook's and the Steinberg's (our) residence to the detrimentof everything that's near it: The tree is ptanted close enough to our very large pine tree to possibly have sustained serious root damage when the hole was dug. The wide and thick spruce branches are overlapping tbe huge pine branches in their close proxirnity and as aresult blocking out the sunlight. The tree spreads out over and around our lamppostt blocking out substantial light that is ourstreet's only illumination at night. I doubt that the lilac bush next to the lamppost woul-d ever bloom again under these circumstances. Two months ago we installed new landscaping with plants specifically setected to thrive in partial sun. Now,their survival is tenuous. We reguestkinder topossible. Thank you for your cooperation. that the offending tree be moved to a locationits needs. Iile hope this can be done as soon as 'WLz:W cc3 George Reuther Thomas I. Steinberg 07 /28/96 0g:J4 FAX 0704764001 FRITZLEN PI ERCE +-r-tt 0 ooz FritzlenPierceBriner Arc hite cture Planning Inte rio r s 1650 E. Vait Varlq thivc suire c-I a vdl, @Iordo 81657 a 970 4764U2 a Fot: 970 1764N1 July 25, 1996 George Rrther Town of Vail Commuity Dcvelqrntcnr R.e: Locaton of trees nt Cook residence. Dear George: lpr Z,floL 6 \fiil, rt;ttqel,4" The trecs werc rclocated at the Cook residence on July 23,1996, The trees were relocated as close ss possiblc to tbe poeitioos indisxlsd onrhe sire plcn but anunderground elecEic line prevented tbe,n from being placed exactly as tbc site plan indicates. Also, one aspen aud one large evergreen were relocated to difhrent spoE aloug the property lile so as not to crowd thc SCiubcrg's artrtrs whostr bratches arc acLually growing uver tbe proper line. It is our intent to follow the requiremcnts of thc DRB aud the T.O.v, Apparently, Fto Srcinberg does not like whcre the large evergreen wu placed. She has stated that it i$ too close tD the very large evergrceu onher property whose branrhes are acnrally growing over the FroFerry lire. The tree wa* plrced berureen the uuderground electic lirc and the property lhe. This tree hes been relocated per the DRB at tbe request of the Steinbergs. Could you pleasc rcview this mattcr and rcudsr a dcEision as sootr as possiblc? fiar* you very much. Susan Fr Please find attacbed a partial copy of the site plan indicatirrg where the trees have been relocated to. 07 /25/96 09:34 FAI 070476i1001 ERCE +++ Or T0v @ ooc Jl.r C/RC(E o; \ tEo' FRITZLEN PI e.\-/' -y.r-----.-[r'---aftg4J'€}+ F-.:s,I;'z:ii1:' l. teq,-,': A+g€Al, ' ' c3 c"ol^C TVF. LoT a 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Deve lopment Dcccmber 12, 1995 rilf wl J'homas and Florcnce Stcinberg 1022 Eaglc's Ncst Circlc Vail, CO 81657 ItE: Thc request for a Plnnning and Environmental Comntission review o[ the staff Zoning Anatysis, rvhich rvas conrpleted for the proposecl Cook residential addition, located at 1012 Eagle's Nest Circle. Dear Tom and Flo: On Deccmbcr I l, I 995, the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Comtnission (PEC) rcvicrved thc Zonilg .{nalysis which was complctcd for thc proposexl Cook residential adclition, locatcd at l0l2 Eaglc's Nest Circle. Upon revicrv of thc Zoning Analysis, thc Planning and Environlncnttl Comnrission votccl to uphokl thc Zonirrg Analysis. Thc PEC fclt that thc staffs ZoningAnalysis lvas corcct, and again lcminded the applicant that thc proposcd addition may not bc uscd as a third dwclling unit on thc propcttv. Should you havc any qucstions or conccl'ns with rcgard to thc information addrcsscd in this lcttcr' as always, pleasc do not hcsitate in givirrg mc a call. I can bc reachcd ntost casily during rcgular officc hours 'at 479-2138. Sinccrelv. fL-*-Q'-tn'^ Gcorgc I(utlrcr Town Planncr GRijr {; *""r"uo o** oFrLE Cop' Greg Moffet said shingles are not consistent with the Village' Stan Cope, with the VAC, gave additional clarilication to the style. He d.idnt want to be the same inO *ariteO more Americai architecture with the introduction of wood. He wanted American styling incorporated into a Village that had a western heritage. Dalton Williams said a western look is not appropriate when Vail has promoted the European ilpinl t"el ail along. He has no problem wiin tn6 current building;just take off the shingles and use a stucco exterior. Greg Moffet asked George Ruther if the request would go before the DRB' George Fluther said yes. George Ruther reminded the Commission to look at the conditions, especially No. 5 which addresses the decks and railings and that they be consistent. Henry pratt said to also include that the skin of the building be consistent in condition No' 5. Jeff Bowen made a motion to recommend to Council that it be approved subject to the conditions in the staff memo and that an additional condition be that the shingles be removed and the exterior be returned to stucco and that condition No. 5 include not only the deck rails, but the exterior skin. Dalton \Mlliams seconded the motion. George Ruther said the DRB will make the color decisions. Jeff Bowen said as an amendment to the motion that condition No. 4 be that the PEC is initructing the DRB in accordance with the changes the PEC has made that condition No. 4 is to remove shingles and to consider the stucco paint color- Dalton Witliams seconded the amendment to the motion' Stan Cope asked if the whole building was to be all stucco, or with wood accents. Jefl Bowen clarified that no shingles and primarily stucco, similar to the 1993 approval. Dalton Williams had a problem with wood shingles on the side of the building. He doesn't want shingles under the. eaves. He had no problem with board and batten and shingles on the roof. The motion as amended passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0. c,A request for an additionql2,lo square,le_e!Aqro.sqIej{g!I!,{"il9gril93i9i9,l$llct a residential addition at Applicant: Planner:--tIIEkF Plarming and Environmenlal Commission Minures December I l. 1995 George Ruther gave an overview and said the Steinbergs were appealing the staff's interfretation of-the Zoning Analysis. The Steinbergs were not present and were appealing that a thi;d dwelling unit on the property was the concern they had, since only two dwelling units were allowed. Staffwas recommending upholding the staffs zoning analysis- Rick Rosen, representing Sam Cook, said Town Council should not have sent it back to the PEC' The addition is a wet baisink and lemon relrigerator. Section 18.04.190 states the definition of a kitchen does not apply to this addition. lt is simply a bedroom with a sink. The code is real clear and we should notbe'here. He didn't appreciate ihe Steinbergs writing a letter and not having any representation at the meeting. George Ruther said Tom Moorhead could not be here. Tom was looking for an agreement from the pioperty owner to get on the record that the intent is not to be used as a third dwelling unit. Sam Cook, the owner of the house, has 4 children who each have 2 children. lt is simply an extra bedroom. He regrets the problem with the neighbor. Lynn Fritzlen, Mr. Cooks architect, wanted to assure staff that they have gone to elaborate tengths to stay within the constraints of the Zoning Code, even though the house was built in '64. There were no problems by anyone on lhe Board. Jeff Bowen made a motion to uphold lhe staff's Zoning Analysis and that it be approved in a manner where the PEC agrees with the review. Kevin Deighan seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0. 6. A request for a worksession for a wall height variance and driveway grade for the Koenig residence located at 795 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 26, Vail Potato Patch Subdivision. Applicanf Eric Johnson for Gary Koenig Planner: George Ruther George gave an overview of the worksession to discuss lhe wall height variance and the driveiaf grade. Two walls are now over the 3' height limitation. Public Works would like to have a 2' wid6 ihoulder along Potato Patch. Staff would like the contractor to explain where_the. discrepancy happened between the approved set of plans and what got constructed. Public works saidthe'd'riveway is over 12%. Mike McGee (Fire Department) indicated that the building may need to be sprinkldred in order for the grade to be approved. The driveway is heated, but thele is no requirement lrom the Town to turn on the heat and also no enlorcement. The current owners have provided a disclaimer releasing the Town from any liability' Plaruring and Environmental Commission Minutes December 1 l, 1995 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission , / \ communiry Devetopment Deparrment :n"tt ,3 -cFh"u (?gc- t December11,199s IIT' ,' ,* 6-0'L€v'.' - A request for a Planning and Environmental Commission review of the staff Zoning Analysis which was completed for the proposed Cook residential addition, located at 1012 Eagle's Nest CircleiLot 2, Block 6, Vail Village 7ih Filing. Applicant: Mr. Sam CookPlanner: George Ruther I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST Adjoining property owners, Thomas and Florence Steinberg (1022 Eagle's Nest Circle/Lot 3, Block 6, Vail Village 7th Filing), are requesting an Appeal Hearing before the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) with regard to a staff Zoning Analysis decision on the Cook residential addition, located at 1012 Eagle's Nest Circle/Lot 2, Block 6, Vail Village 7th Filing. The Steinbergs are specifically concerned with the proposed inclusion of a wet bar within the new addition (see Attachment 1). The Steinbergs feel the wet bar, with its sink and refrigerator, and the adjoining door between the primary residence and the new addition, creates a third dwelling unit on the Primary/Secondary zoned lot (see Attachment 2). The Steinbergs wish to have the Planning and Environmental Commission review the Zoning Analysis decision made by staff, pursuant to Section 18.66.030 of the code. II. BACKGROUND o On August 14, 1995, the applicant's representative, Lynn Fritzlen of Fritzlen, Pierce, and Briner, submitted a set of plans to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed Cook residential addition. The plans proposed a 198 sq. ft. addition to the north side of the existing dwelling using two-250's. A new driveway to the secondary unit was also proposed off of Homestake Circle. Even though the applicant was proposing to use both 250's, only 2'10 sq. ft: of total GRFA remained available, since the property was over on GRFA . lt is uncertain as to why the property was over on GRFA, but the applicant needed to "clear up" the overage with the 250's, prior to adding any more additional square footage to the residence. The plans submitted on August 14th did not comply with the Zoning Code. The plans showed the proposed addition, but the architect had not provided an interior connection between the new residential addition and the existing primary unil. . On September 6, 1995, the Design Review Board (DRB) conceptually reviewed the proposed residential addition. At that meeting, the DRB recommended several minor changes to the landscape plan. The changes included the transplanting of several trees that were proposed to be rernoved, as well as reconfiguring the new driveway to preserve the existing trees near Homestake Circle. At the September 6, 1995 DRB meeting, staff inlormed the applicant's representative that the addition was over on GRFA and that the proposed addition must be connected internally to the primary unit. The applicant's representative was informed that the GRFA overage and interior connection must be resolved prior to final review before the DRB. o On September 20, 1995, the DRB granted a final approval for the proposed residential addition using two-250's. Changes had been made to the floor plans to resolve the GRFA and connection issues, as required at the time of Conceptual Review. Additionally, changes had also been made to the landscape plan as recommended by the DRB. The DRB approval carried with it hree conditions. The conditions were as follows: , 1. That the applicant transplant two spruce trees on the north side of the. existing residence as indicated on the approved landscape plan. 2. That any trees removed and not transplanted, or any transplanted trees that die within one year after transplanting, be replaced at a 1:1 (caliper:inch) ralio. 3. That a construction fence be erected, and remain in place at all times during construction, t0 protect the existing vegetation to the north, on the. adjoining lot. o On September 27,1995, the Community Development Department received a letter frorn adjoining property owners Thomas and Florence Steinberg. The letter lrom the Steinbergs was an appeal of the DRB approval pursuant to Section 18.54.090 of the Municipal Code (see Attachment 3). The appeal was scheduled for review by the Vail Town Council on October 17. 1995. o On October 17, 1995, the Vail Town Council granted an approval to a reguest by Mr. Cook for an extension of the appeals process. Mr. Cook was requesting an exlension to the appeals process due to the unavailability of his legal representation at the October 17, 1995 Town Council meeting. The hearing was extended to the November 21 , 1995, Vail Town Council meeting. o On November 21, 1995, the Vail Town Council heard the appeal of the DRB decision of September 20, 1995 (see Attachment 4). After a lengthy discussion on the issues, it was determined that the item needed to be remanded to the PEC for additional review. This decision was made since the appellant was not appealing the Design Review Board decision, but instead, appealing the Zoning Analysis interpretation made by the staff. III. ZONING ANALYSIS Legal Descriplion: Address: Zone District: Proposed Use: Lot Size: Height: Lot 2, Block 6, Vail Village 7th Filing 1012 Eagle's Nest Circle, Vail, Colorado Primary/Secondary Residential Primary/secondary 19,480 square feel, ot 0.4472 acre No change Total GRFA allowed on th€ lot: 4,198 sq. ft. + 2 (250) + 2 (425 credits) = 5, 548 sq. tt. Primary Secondary Setbacks: Front: Sides: Rear: She Coverage: Landscaping: Garage Credit: Allowed 3,194 sq. ft. 2,354 sq. ft. maximum 1,200 sq. ft. (600 sq. ft. per unit) Reouired Existino 3,092 sq. ft. 2,273 sg.fr. 1(l 34758', 15' 503 sq. fi. Prooosed 20' 1s', tc Prooosed 3,263 sq. tl. 2,273 sq. ft. 15' 15758' 15' 3,747 sq- tr 13, 933 sq. ft. 975 sq. ft. Enclosed 20ol. or 3,896 sq. ft. 3,177 sq. ft. 600/. or 1 1 ,688 sq. ft. Parking: 6 6 4 IV. COMPLIANCE W]TH THE TOWN OF VAIL ZONING CODE In reviewing the applicant's proposed residential addition, the staff relied on Chapter 18 of the Town ol Vail Municipal Code to determine zoning compliance. Upon review ol the original set of plans submitted for review, it was determined that the plans did not comply with the Zoning Code. On the original set of plans the architect had failed to provide an interior connection from the existing primary dwelling unit to the proposed addition. The architect subsequently resubmitted a set of plans that provided an interior connection between the existing unit and the proposed addition. The door provided between the existing unit and the addition is an adjoining-type door with locks on either side. Additionally, the original set of plans were over on the total allowable GRFA permitted on the property. According to Section 18.13.080 of the Municipal Code, the Cook's Primary/Secondary zoned lot is permitted, with credits and the 250 GRFA, a total of 5.548 square feet of GRFA. By slightly reducing the size ot the proposed addition, and converting 27 square feet of existing GRFA to garage area, the architect was able to get the project with the GRFA limitation. The architect has proposed a wet bar within the addition. The wet bar proposed by the architect includes a small sink and an under-the-counter refrigerator. Staff was originally concerned that the inclusion of a wet bar in the addition may suggest that the property owner was going to use the proposed addition as a separate lock-off unit. The use of the proposed addition as a separate lock-off unit would constitute a zoning violation, in accordance with Section 18.1 3.080. The Primary/Secondary Zone District permits only two dwelling units on the property. The Code does provide a means of creating a third dwelling unit on the property. According to Section 18.57.050 of the code, a third dwelling unit could be constructed on the property if the owner agreed to deed restrict the unit as a Type lll Employee Housing Unit and received a Conditional Use Permit from lhe Planning and Environmental Commission. The applicant has indicated it is not his intention to use the proposed addition as a third dwelling unit, and therefore, he is not interested in pursuing a Conditional Use Permit to allow for a Type lll Employee Housing Unit. V. STAFF BECOMMENDATION Upon deAiled review of the proposed Cook residence addition, using two-250's, the staff is recommending that the Planning and EnvironmentalCommission uphold the staff's earlier decisions made regarding the Zoning Analysis. After consultation with Tom Moorhead, Town Attorney, it has been determined that the Municipal Code does not regulate the inclusion ol wet bars into residences. Since Mr. Cook is not proposing a kitchen facility, or a dwelling unit, as defined by fie Municipal Code, staff feels fie previous determination on the Zoning Analysis should be upheld by the Planning and Environmental Commission. f leverloneFecvnemos\Cook.dl 1 gfONE RETAIN'NO UALL CONCREfE APRON aooo sfoRAoE I I __1 --+ {r{ s o :Il. u '/t/r -l /l -l t2.16.27 | ->- --r-fO FIN. EECK llt. nltoenr oF ExrER,oR EdLDtNo dnENgtoNg rAKEN UFRON'EPPOVENENT LOCA|ON CERTIPICATE PREFARED.BT EAOLE VALLEY 9URVENN6 1/'/'2 JOD ' 152llllz. l,tt pcoeentr aouxoterltND snE npRovEnENf.. LOCATION AND SIZE IS EAgEO ON THE INPROYENENT focAftoN cERnFtcArE | |ttl, '. 'NTERIOP LAYOUT 19 DASED ON FIELD VERIFICATE'N' | ^ND rHE FaLLNN6 | |I s DECK EXPANSIaN PREPANED EI FIEtaE'D OAN'ARCtllTECfS nAf '.tt2 FOR SAn COOK l r", "rroo* FoR sAn "ooA ,"r.^.to ", I -@ L'NE OF OARAOE EELOU / (il^ th. Io*i &r, "*.1 tt . 4*c.Tholrur l. Stginbgrrr r gcr 13 r Vail, Coloradl t{Idr'/ It t fusllaaLa+ 7, /f,71- 1^4 l/'/o,rr*,"",* "^o !i-', Ar4r[r /ze{o-f Aa* n'o*r)r, ,'.futr,q. fr.-&tno(,t i. -'(r) t:c-f f,,*a-', nE 7-tt, A/,p '1'7'on*,,(u*L' tk ]l-)-L,t/aqfl ,,b-*< ti'i', c:I>.\ |Iu QAui 7r1 ru..l-lxo-*r!/ y.rl *z ru, ,f f.0 Zl 7; ,r,u d#' no &tu e6-s tJrlau, 'i4u{- \}cM_},. - Cb-ri.\ h -(ru,:, ? r(- /n*, relrr.t , ,ru/ r.+.t!q i*'W ,if;ffuu, th<* t -(.,o1 /i u", p":!-^ 't/0.,. / o-" : /n "g*, f --z+, &rT nn.h*.t **ce-, ZA#/i*, {*n d*-. -/*, fr o-{*)."1," .;Jt}*. .,t '2m zlq -ut - V, ylrd =.o^r^.iyr.!.Zri, /rt-,pto,J!* ,,{f/u,"V-r"--n L '*,0 y*^o' ATTACIIIENT 2 ,' -f.Ulr rl,ilculrn rrnr -,v otJ.- aAr J.fJrJ.-t.e/ -utt.t\-.\ r:p**.t** ,b7rp.^*-[tf* E Vry (-, ah',-!.' - {L "u*Tt* nl & fr/ A *&. /<4o'--",, 7^;H, hr*,^ 1,.:"0*:' ,ufro( *[x*'* zxaaq ffiA. F^| 4 dh a. h,u'qrrr*<te lj*ii,ntrL-*tf ^ oI;U;- €L ar#^,,X %,^i* 1 -- tL /,r-h,u,- ^-'fu /* /a^/<J ;^ >"r\nl drtulrt' lfrr^ #&)^ * Pl**#t' ^;*^f ,-"4: ifu**a4Zt*{ >x->a:41rffiffitrffi, ,fl .4b" e- lv-l d*VL4or' - Fu *Atf'n*il-fu @ ..q u /J fuir-!' 5\M F"*^J /hh- Ct"L tp /"t-*L ) - {/ t/' - o {--. ' --t /. t n^ /,, t-.tf, - ,.'<,,4*;h '{fl* wgt i/1t>h--//p'rt rtrr"rL afiz* ';; €___n {/+_ +4" ffi-l-J"'aur;$ *t"'tua 5 H dfru' - ed-?ret t-;--l trlFT' .,-F: TOTFI- P.92 sEP-27-95 UED t6:TE I NAERG DATE: SUB,fECT: s9so TO: FROM: As the closest neighbor, in the house adjacent toSam Cookrs, vre request. the project, tt" iOaitj.on tothe Sam Cook house, be calleO up for review by theVaiL Town Council. ,I,Nr .,\$ r. ^r\'U)\. V .LvqV /^')'' R \'\ ,..- ' W-"''{'-o - ro\(\ /(' \"\ ,4\ \\n P. g2 stP 27 ,OV.Mldlil,MV,DEPT Community Development Thomas and Fl_orence Steinberg Septenber 26, 1995 The Sam Cook addition ATTACHI.{ENT 3 In sugggsting a task.group to continue the dialogue, Furron said the association waspanrcutany interested in relocating Vail's chain.up area tarther up the hill" beyond the EastVail Exit. He said a new ar€a wourd preserve wear and tear on rhe trrghwlfi,. i;ciease safety and pr€vent damage to lhe truckers' chains. Joe Macy, from vaiiAssdcilles,'arsopanicipatod in tho discussion. VA has been a parlner wiih the town and olher stateagencies in working to address last yea/s record blosures along l-70. s€vlntlr on tlre agenda Georgg .!u!req Rresented a calhup of a DRB decision regarding .he cook residence located at i012 Eagles Nesl circle/Lot 2, Block 6, Vail village sbenthFiling. on september 26, 199s, the Town of Vair Depaflment of community Development received a letter from Tom. and.Flopnce steinberg requesting the call-up of a DesignReview Board decision made at th€ september 20, i99s Desigi neview abaro meetin-g.The request for the call-up of the itsm, for review by the Town-council, i,s in accoruancewlh section 18.54.090 (Appeal to Town council) of the Town of Vail Municipal code. council is asked lo uphold, uphold with conditions, or ov€rtum lhe Design Review Board's decision of september 20, 199s ro allow for an addition ro the cook r"'.ia"n." --- on.s€ptember 20, 1995, the Town of vail Design Review Board approved a residential addition to the cook residence using two 250's. The vot€ by the oiB was +-t in fivor ofthe request, DRB member Bob Bome cast lhe dissenting vote. 9 n october 17, 1995, the Vailrown council approved the request of sam cook for a 30. day extonsion to the appeal process, Prior to lhe review of the cook residential addition at th€ s€ptsmber 20, l99E DRB meeting, staff completed a zoninganalysis of the propedy. rhe pirrpose of. completin! the zoning analysis was to make a delermination a! td wtiether or nh the property wis in compliance with the Town of Vail Zoning code. Upon completion of the ioning inalysis, it was determjned. that.the property and the applicauon were, in faa, in comptianil wltti teTown of vail Municipal code. since the applicalion is in compliance with the zoning cods, slaft_is recommending that the Town council uphold the DRB s decision ot septem-uEizo, 1995. Tom steinberystepped down lrom the council table. Tom had come up to the podium tospeak when Rick'Rosen stated he did not think that Tom, as a council member, coutoaddress lhe Town council on this issue. Tom Moorhead agreed. At this time FloSleinberg presented the Steinberg's protest of the DRB's decision. - :' - George Ruther wenl over the code.requirements. sybill Navas request€d backgroundinformalion trom the DRB presentation. Rick Rosen spoke on behalf ol sam cook. He went through the code requirements andstaled that this addition did not have a kitchen, but only a iink and smarr ieirfieraioi.- svulJta.sa[ r€quested why_the councilwas not provided more background information andwant€d to know why Bob Bome dissented to this item, George Ruther explained that in his opinion, Bob Bome voted against the motion notbecause the addition did not conform with the Design Review oiiaetnei, uui inJeaobecause he lelt the.,prop6rty owner may use the adJilion as a lock-otf apartment, thuscrealing a lhird dwelling unit on the property. Tom Moofiead stated that this should be refened to the pEc tor their review of the staffzoning analysis, Rick Rosen askEd for a motion and a vote on the DRB decision that thsy were there for. PaulJohnslon.mo.ved to uphold the DRB approval with a second from Rod slifer. A vorewas taken and tailed 3-9, $,ith Merv Lapin, sybill Navas and peggy osterfoii opposea. ATTACHI'{ENT 4 validccl EEit M..ibr L- IAtlu Peggy was asked to leavE the megting to canvas the election votEs at this time. Paul Johnston moved to recess this issu€ until the Town Attomey coutd do som€ research and until Peggy retumed to the meeting. sybill Navas seconded this motion. A voie n".lak€n and passed unanimously, s-0. (steinberg recused, and osterfoss out to canvaselection votes). At this time Tom steinberg rejoined the council at the table and they went on to the neritilem on lhe agenda. llghth on the agendr rvas a rcquest for a Sign Variance fiom sec-tion 16.20.040(a), Freeslanding signs, Joinr Directory signs for a Multi-Tenant Building, purpose, rtre alfificanr is Leo Palmos, owner of lhe vail Gatenray plaza being represdnted'by craig Klemi. George Ruther asked the council to appDr/€, approve wlth conditions or deny theapplicanl's sign vadance requ€sl. On Wednesday, November 15, 1998, the Toun of Vail Design Revlew Boad (DRB) heard the applicant's request lor a sign variance lrcm section 16.20.040(a) of thesigncode. Accoding to section 16.20.040(a), the purpose of a free standing, jbfu director| siln tor a multi-t€nant building is to allow for he display of the names of eiiir htedor tenint futhinlhe building. The applir:ant is seeking a variance from th€ sign cooe to allow for thedisplay of the general naturc ot each of the tenants within lre building, rattrEi than spocifically listing the t€nants by name. (See attachments in memo oateo-i ilr slss1. seclion lV of the sraff memorandum to the Design Heview Boad (det€d 11/1s/9s) includesstaff's recommendation on the proposed sign vadance request. staff is reconimenoing denial of thE requested sign variance. staff has reviened thd sign variance apptirationlno believes that the applicant has not met all the cdteda listed i-n section llt,'Findinls andcriteria forApproval. Specilically, stalf believes that the applicant has not aoeq'uaiery addr€ssed findings A and C. craig Klemz addressed council stating the ne€d for the sign b€ing that the public wasconfused as to the nature of this building. Rod slifer moved to uphold th€ DRB d€cision with a second fiom Jan strauch. There wasdiscussion and then Rod amended his motion to uphold tre DRB decision with a conditionlhal'Parking" be removed fiom he sign, wilh a second fom paut Johnston. Discussion continued as lo placament of the sign. A vole was takEn and passed _4-2 (Lapin and sreinberg agalnst) to approve a sign variance request forthe Gateway Plara. The Councit attactieOi condition Urat irlttalf oethe responsibility of the Designr Review Board to resolve sign location and parking signissues. The applicant sought to install a directory sign wfridh rvould displaythe gEnerar nalur€ of each of the t€nants, rather than specifically listing the tenants 6y nam..- Al this time Peggy osterfoss r€l{med io the council table, Tom steinberg stepped down,and council went back to item No. 7 on the agenda regarding the cookiesid;;;,-- Tom Moorhead gave a recommendation on the process that would be appropdate, sybill moved to uphold the DRB approval conditioned upon additional review of the projec,t by. the Planning and Environmental commission of ihe slaff's zoning analysis.' p'aul Johnston seconded the motion, a vote was taken which passed s-1-i (slilir against,Steinberg recused). The PEC review will take olace on Dec. 11. eo;icent J,[p"r,vowners, Tom and Flo steinberg, have protested the project dus to visual ano oe-niiti,conc0ms, Ninth on the agenda was the Town Manage/s Repon. There was no formal reoortalthough Larry Grafel went ov€r a memo regarding the Eagle county commisiionbo' meeUng regarding regional highway issues, which was in the packet. vr t.. c*t Er*r uli |.ar t|a!|,J /9a. ^-lt M^O U(k-/,a 44**Thomasl.Steinberg . Box13 . Vail,Colorado81657 i)oe!'1^fu a, /f,?(- -/./-'//l u "' --0^4 V/";* o,-a 9-- f1A du,*'uL/ Ao-'' ^'t^;/) ?nry e*e'4UIi/ f E{*r<4 , ht *g;-TA; /"'Ta^r1"4 %, 4r^t 6 e-tu/-h^ *b_ A^_,"*./*-A; fn* - 2u -/.-fr a!/r.r)-ettve-a Vtt/ ,g.;^, (-r"* Ar*' -/* ,a ^Lr/," a;n- q >- &-v P /r*,,.. /F- *;T f,-ry,K'/ila" ]J ly Cs-, Ah-r^" -fL-h,fl, hu""^ /,t^'Lh^,' I &1- n ht4 zzx aas- frU . &f t"", "Air'j a ht; (anr-r.<.t< Lrr>04 "r+rA- , n *,. { / n.. effiJ/r"l ra Mrs. Thomas I. Steinberg . Box 13 . Vail, Colorado 81657 h,ii:ff;ffi T 'I taken and passed unanimously, S election votes). Peggy was asked to leave the meeting to canvas the election votes at this time. PaulJohnston moved to recess this issue Attomey could do some research and until Peggy retumed to the this motion. A vote was recused, and Osterfoss out to canvas At this time Tom Steinberg rejoined the Council at the table and they went on to the nextitem on the agenda. liStttl on the agenda was a request for a Sign Variance from Section 16.20,040(a), Free Standing Signs, Joint Directory Signs for a Mu-lti-Tenant Building, Purpose. The apflicant is Leo Palmos, owner of the VailGateway plaza being repres6nted'by craig Klemj. George Ruther asked the Council to approve, approve with conditions or deny theapplicant's sign variance request. on wednesday, November 15, 1995, the Town of vail Design Review Board (DRB) heard the applicant's request f9J a sign variance from Section t O.eO.O+O1a) of tha Sign CoOe. According to Section 16.20.040(a), the purpose of a free standing, lbi'nt oirector! sign ioi a multi'te.nant quilding is to allow for the display of the names of eicir interior tenint ilitnin the building. The applicant is seeking a variance from the Si6--CoOe to allow tor ine display 9f the general nature of each of the tonants within ihe building, rather thin specifically listing the tenants by name. (See attachments in memo dated-j1/1S/9S). Section lV of the statf memorandum to the Design Review Board (dated 1 1/1S/9S) includes staff's recommendation.on the. proposed sign variance request. Statf is recommending denialof the requested sign variance. Staff hLs reviewed thd sign variance applicationini believes-that the applicant has not met allthe criteria listed ii Section lll,'Findings and Criteria for Approval. Spe_cifically, staff believes that the applicant has not aOeq-uatety addressed findings A and C. Cra-ig Klemz addressed Council stating the need for the sign being that the public wasconfused as to the nature of this building. Rod Slifer moved to uphold the DRB decision with a second from Jan Strauch, There was discussion and then Rod amended his motion to uphold the DBB decision with a condition that "Parking'be removed from the sign, with a second from paul Johnston. Discussion continued as to placement of the sign. A vote was taken and passed 4-2 (Lapin and steinberg against) to approve a signvariance reqyegt for the Gateway Plaza. The Council attaclied-a condition ihat it shail 5ethe responsibility of the Design Review Board to resolve sign location anO parf<ing signissues. The applicant sought to install a directory sign whidh would disptay me lEneiainature of each of the tenants, rather than specifically-listing the tenants by namel At tf! time.Peggy Ostedoss returned to the Council table, Tom Steinberg stepped down,and council went back to item No. 7 on the agenda regaiaing the cook residence. Tom Moorhead gave a recommendation on the process that would be appropriate. Sybill moved to uphold the.DRB approv_al conditioned upon additional review of the project by. the Planning and Environmental Commission of ine statf's zoning anatysis.' paui Johnston seconded the motion, a vote was taken which passed 5-1-l (Sliflr against,steinberg recused). The PEC review will take place on Dec. 11. Adjacent p6t;ny owners, Tom and Flo Steinberg, have protested the project due to visual anO Oe'nsir!'concems. N.inth on-the agenda was the Town Manage/s Report. There was no formal reportalthough Larry Grafel went over a memo regarding ihe Eagle County Commissionersirneeting regarding regional highway issues, which was in the packet. VrI Torn Co6.il Ertr$t X..iirt l|irla t la|,,5 7 I In suggestlng a tasl-group to continue the dialogue, Fulton said the association wasg:ll,::,,?ni:r::?:gdlT:1"_:1,!g y1i!" chain-up ",i" .r",rnei 6;; hi'" beyond rhe EastVait exit. He said a nsw area w6urd pr"se've i"J";il i;;;ii ii;';i;ffiil!, ,1i".117safety and prevent damage to the trucicers' chains. ;o" rrracv, iiorn vair Associates, alsoparlicipated in the discussion. hhas.been e her+n6r rerirlr rlr*r f^rr,- ---r -^,--- -r , i3lJi:H"##H,1::ffi ::4$1ffi[,?:*r:.-]:"lu:";;ilffi ;'r;; on september 26, 1995, the Town of Vail Department of community Developmentreceived a re*er from Tom and FrorEnce q,'inilrg';i;rtini tn" cail-up of a DesionReview Board decision.made.ar rhe seprember 20, 1995 Design id;; il*1,ffi;#The request for the 941.9p of the item,'foi revie.w by the t-o-wn-6ouncil, is in """ord"n.*with section 18'54.090 (Appealto Town Council) of rn" rorn oiv"it Municipatcode. council is asked to uphold, uphold with conditions, or overturn the Design Review Board,sdecision of september zo, t bgs to atow tor an aiJitrild;;';-"ok residence on september 20, 1995, the Town of vail Design Review Board approved a residentialaddition to the cook residence using two 250's. The vote by the DRB was 4-1 in favor ofthe request. DRB member Bob Bome "aii tf," oisJenilng-;o; - on october 17, 1 gg5, the Vair rown councir approved the request of sam cook for a 3Gday extension to the appeal process, Prior to the review of the cook residential addition at the september 20, 1gg5 DRBmeeting, staff compreted a zoning anarysis "lt!" ppp"rrv.'n,"-il;"se of compreting thezoning analysis was to make a determination as to whethe, ot, not the property was in' compliance with the Town of VailZoning code.. up""i"iipl"tion or t" i"ri|g ;"lilvil,it was determined thatlhe prop-erty and tf,eapplication were, in fact, in compliance with theTown of Vair Municip"rgogg. slnle the appiidatioT.,g. "iirdri'a'ice witrr the zoning code, igr: recommendins rhat the Town couniir ,tfidih;#i6t'iriirion of september2o, Tom steinberg stepped down from the counciltable. Tom had come up to the podium tospeak when Rick Rosen stated he did not think tn"t ror,'"i i'6oun"il member, coutdaddress the Town council on this issue. rom uoortr"la-irl"o. At this time Flosteinberg presented the steinberg's protest of the DRB's oecisi-on-. George Ruther went over the code requirements. sybiil Navas requested backgroundinformation from the DRB presentation. Rick Rosen spoke on behalf of sam cook. He went through the codE requirements andstated that this addition did not have a kirchen, bui;it; ;ini'a-nl'smalr refrigeraror, sybillagain requestedwhythe councilwas nol provided more background information andwanted to know why Bob Bome dissented to ttris item. George Ruther explained that in his opinion, Bob Bome votec against the motion notbecause the addition did not conform'witn tnaDesig; i";;;di,io"tin"., but insteadbecause n9 Jelt the property owner may uss the aoJ'ition a" " r*-x-ott apartment, thuscreating a third dwelling unit on the property Tom Moorhead stated that this should be referred to the PEC for their review of the statfzoning analysis,. Rick Rosen asked for a motion and a vote on the DRB decision that they were there for. Paul Johnston moved to^uelr.9r! the DRB. approval with a second from Rod slifer. A votewas taken and fairEd 3-3, with Merv Lapin,'syuirr ruavas ano Figiloo"rfG ilp;il. a call-up of a DRB decision Vrll Torn Courtl Er!-q f&cht Milrr. I mtu o Zy- EMltuNrrY DE'''L'PMENT ,^,"_/L,2_L1) CIIECKS MADE PAYABLE TO TOWN OP VAIL *-_-;il;-;;-_;;;;*---- l'liscel lanecus Csh Eeceipt * 1S3?53ffccnunt* L:ti+65Fj FEI TILEt.lt pIEECE. ER Il.{EE..TEFt.l5f,FjIpT I r:rt{ F EE5 FfiE T]EE grrioun t. t *nde red ) I tero paid Lll?1984133186S @ oorFRITZLEN PIERCE ,,, TOv o L0/lLigB l1:08 FAX 9704784901 - Fritzlen Pierce Briner @lrctc2. Fol,: 30317G'l9oI October 11, 1995 Gcorgc Rutlrcr Planner Tounr of Vail Dept of Community Development' 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail Colorado 81558 re: Cook Residence Addition Dear George, Mr. Cook would like to requ€st that tbe date of tbe appeal hcaring bc movod to November-2f, t99S so that he would abte to be'present at tbe neeting. Based on our conversation this monring it appcars tbstthis is accepatable to the Tonm' Please inform me if it is not' Tluok you. Sincerely,rll/JP/MIT Lynn Fritden Architect cc: Sarn Cook L:\9505\DOC\RUTfIER3.WPD (Request form must be given to the Secretary to the Town Manager by 8:00 a.m. Thursdays.) MEETING DATE: October 17. 1995 (Prepare a separate Agenda Request for each agenda item. lf the agenda item will be discussed at both a Work Session and an Evening Meeting, be certain to check both boxes in this section and indicate time needed during each meeting.) E wort< Session TIME NEEDED: TIME NEEDED:Site Visit Evening Meeting TIME NEEDED:_S minules WILL THERE BE A PRESENTATION ON THIS AGENDA ITEM BY NON.TOV STAFF? X No. tr YES. Specifics:- WILL THE PRESENTANON OF THIS AGENDA ITEM REOUIRE ANY SPECIAL EOUIPMEI.IT? X No. tr YES. Specifics; WILL THERE BE MATERIAL TO BE INCLUDED IN COUNCIL PACKET FOR THIS ITEM? tr No. YES. lf yes, is the material also for publlqdlslribu[gn? tr yes. lTEltl/TOPIC: A request for a 30-day extension of the hearing process on the appeal of the Cook 250 addition proposed at 1 012 Eagle's Nest Circle/Lot 2, Block 6, Vail Village 7tt Filing. The applicant, Mr. Cook, is reguesting that the appeals process hearing be extended from fte october 17, 1995 VailTown Council meeting to the November 21 , 1995 evening meeting. ACTION BEOUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve or deny the applicant's request for a 30-day extension olthe appeals process hearing. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: On September 27, 1995, the Town of VailOffice of Community Development a written request lrom the Cook's adjacent property owners, Tom and Flo Steinberg, requesting that the Design Review Board decision to approve the Cook 250 addition be appealed to the VailTown Council. Pursuant to Section 18.54.090 (c), appealto Town Council, the Vail Town Council may grant a 30-day extension to the appeals process if the Council finds that there is insufficient information available. The applicant is requesting that the appeafs hearing be extended to the November 21,1995, Vail Town Council meeting to provide the opportunity for the applicant's architect and legal counsel to be present at the hearing. Staff is of the opinion that the unavailability of the applicant's architect and legal counsel could be interpreted as insufficient information. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Upon consultation with Town Attorney, Tom Moorhead, staff would recommend that the Vail Town Council grant an approval of the applicant's request for a 30-day extension of the appeals process hearing due to insufficient information George Ruther Community Development tr X X No.X 10/09/'gb l6:16 FAI 9704 Fritzlen Pierce Bri'ner so:l.,ij7e4901 October9, 1995 George Ruther Plarupr Torvn of Vaii Dept of Community Devclopment' 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail Colorado FAY,. re: Cook Residencc Addition Dear Gcorgc, Mr. cook bas asked me to make a formal request for a written traoscript of the portion of the Seprember zo, lggsD*; R";i;soarO V;rti"g that addresses the approval 'f his unit' lle realizes that there will be cost ircured for rhese services' Iamalsocopyingthepartofthecodethatallowsanaccomodationunitforeachdwellingunitby rightanddocsnotrcguiroittobeattachedintenrally.Weta|kedaboutthislastweck. 78490r o FRITZLEN PIERCE r++ TOv o @oor ilnuu di"rur*d the appeal with Mr. cook as well as the steinbergs' The Stcinberg's suggested to ne that they might te able .rr;"t *itft tn"addition if te.lttttlt"tg5^1T,::*Y;::*r; ff#:#1fr,il*ii,Tit;*rtomake aojustnoents ro the plans if thov are in compliance with zoning'atthispointlanrtry,rngtoprovi&inftrmatiouohiminorrlertobetterclarilythcsihration. Mr. Cook has indicated to -"-f. tn be atttending thc October 17,lgg1 Councit Meeting u{th his legal counsel. lgaia ra,lt you for yorl help' I wilt be inmy office all week' Thank you. Sineerely, ilign Review Action FOn TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Proiect Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner,AddressandPhone: 5,-.,t (^.,,.,k Archite ddress and Phone: LegalDescription:Lot Z awcx 6 Suuoivisiontla."./ \{--.-i-L*-q*//2oneDistrict :'r'3 ProjectStreet aaaress: /O/Z E--<:-qt . -. 'zL'-, t (,',,.--t . / Comments: @tafrAction Molionby: lf /n/4/ot Vote: a4 Seconded by: t't4*rf ! Approval (fun -re A,7r',u'*\ n Disapproval 1- | -,'l-,'L-z "-..t .."1--. ,','t--<..t- *J ,*, -J "r tu f -!'-t''*'''t'er<l'L*---A* / "/! statf Approv^l d-.^,, S,h.^-t".7 Conditions: Town Planner oxe: 9/4/qS' DRB Fee pte-pdd 9fi. @ >TaJ ,o<l/zolvs CHAIRMAN- ITEM 12- COOK final review of two 250 GRFA for additions to a PrimaryiSecondary Residence GR- From the last meeting, we had some questions about the rear setback with dual access, one offthc Eagle's Nest circle, one at the Homestake Circle and did that create a non-conforming situation by making this front setback as well. On review of our code, interpretation of our code it indicates that the prinary access is that access in that parking lot that you give access to io the residents address, in this case the applicants home is addressed offof Eagle Nest Circle, this becomes a secondary access so this is 15 foot rear setback; therefore we do not create a non- conforming situation by puttlng a building into a setback. So that's question has been resolved. There's also a question about, in this addition posted by the applicant, they're incorporating what is a kitchenette, not a full kitchen facility. The reason why that is important is it distinguishes whether or not this becomes a separate dwelling unit or third dwelling rmit on the property. By it being classified as a kitchenette, it is not a full kitchen. They have... -:\\CHltdI.f- Obviously the intenl George, is to circumvent that by putting in a hotel-type situation of baeu6te locking door. It seems to me quite obvious what the intent for this property is, to be a separate dwelling unit. GR- I believe the staff is of the same opinion" but according to our code, it meets the definition of our code, it is not a kitchen facility so therefore, and I've spoken to Susan about it and she has indicated that that is not the applicants... CHMN- Then why do they have a double locking door? GR- That's a good question. CHMN- Why, could it be any more obvious that its a lock off? Its a separate dwelling unit But since, in as much as the code deems it not to be, we treat it as though it is a legal situation. Its fnrstrating in my opinion. GR- I think what you're getting at; as constnrcted conformed to that code it could potentially be used in such a manor where it would be a zoning violation. CHMN- I think its obvious. I personally think its obvious, its kindof insulting. But its legal. Its been deemed a separate unit. DRB- George, you've explained to us, last week our big problem was could we authorized a non- conforming use and you've explained that we no longer have that problem legally, that's not a problem. The thing I'm left with is you're going to be taking a lot of nice, mature fiees out of that driveway. What is the mitigation that is planned? I'm not interested in, you said to us the applicant would bry and replant them, but no guarantees. Well, we have long established precedent that if you take out fiees you replace them with a similar arnount that total, figuring the caliper, is that planned? GR- I also indicated to you when we spoke thc other day, these two bees wsre gorng to bc lost. Because of their size, they can not be fiansplanted. These two additional frees, this one is marginal whether or not it will be losl I believe it will be just through the construction. So it should be nansplanted. Again the applicants representative has indicated they'd be willing to transplant the bees, but I didn't hear any guarantee that if it were to die... DRB- Whatkindof tee is it? GR- I believe they are spruce. SF.l They are blue spruce. DRB- What we're saying is that it is not a matter of moving two tees and hoping they survive. Generally we put a deadline. We don't know they're sunrival, but if they do fail, they will have to be replaced with an lineal equivalent. And also, there will have to be some mitigation with the trees that your bound to loose in the driveway. CHMN- Can you put a number on those trees? DRB- What's the caliperon them? DRB- They're fairly good sized trees. Obviously we don't want to create an artificial forest there. GR- We ge,nerally on spruce tees replace therr at a lineal footage for their height as opposed to caliper dimension and I believe they list therr as caliper dimension but we have to do a sight visit to there to confinn the height in the place that... DRB- I would love to see them moved. I remember when I saw them they were really neat looking tees but I don't think they're going to make it... SF.- What is that term that you used? DRB- One good tling you can say about those tees, those were moved in origina[y when they killed two pine trees on tlat spot. SF.- Huge ones. DRB- And they moved those hees which were much smaller but when you have already tansplanted the tee its much more apt to survive the second fansplant. CHMN- How long ago were they moved down? DRB- It must be fifteen years. CHMN- Any other sight plan comments? DRB- No, we just have to determine... ( F Well, we're next door neighbors and have been since the house was buill our house was built 30 years ago. Is the sight coverage in conformance? CR- Yes. ( )- And landscape is in confomrance? GR- Yes, it is. Well, that's going to be tough, that you have to exanrine whetler there was suffrcient landscaping on site...if these trees die, whats the systerr? CHMN- Obviously we'll be making every effort to save the tees, they can be movd butfte tees that crnnot be moved will be replaced in a lineal foot. ( )- I understand, we had to cut one down to save two neighboring tees rigbt next door, we had to replace it. CHMN- Right, that will be the same progra^rr for this applicant, ( F My concern is why does a single family house have to have four garages? And function as a single family house. CHMN- As its ownermainiains it shall everbe. DRB- Tom, excuse me, Doctor Stenrberg, I'm confused by the application myself, but at the same time we raised questions about the use of this property and the staffhas corre back with the answer '\et this is a legal application. Now that's as far ur we can go with it. We have to look at it simply architecturally from this point on. ( ! I don't understand something, I thought this was a duplex. DRB- Its a lot, but the house is functioning as a single farnily residence and always has. ( )- That's not what we've been told. DRB- One family has live there. Only two families have lived there in 30 years; the (Subrace,) Pete Subrace who originally built it and used it as his farnily house. They were divorced and it was eventually sold to the Cooks. Mr. Cook, who was divorced: the: 's lots of tum over in it but its always been one group. Its sort of a condominium operation, but they always come as a group. It is not an ernployee residence, this looks like an employee residence, it can't be slapped be on here if there going to build that thing. But it functions as a single fanily house. DRB- What you've been told, we see the comings and goings of 30 years. ( )- Its only been discussed with us as a tnre duplex. That this part is being used by....this is brand new to me. DR3- Well, the fence around the swimming pool, part of it fell down last fall, has been up for about 20 plus years,and is in temible shape. I don't know if that is being addressd whether you look at that part of it. What kind of roof is going on the new addition? Is it a build up roof again? Okay, its ( ) tile. The site set back? GR- Yes, the stmcture itself is set back. DRB- There's one large pine tee which was the only tee on either lol which is right on ourplot line and I'm concemed because pine Fees are killed very easily with constuction. And I just warit to make sure that they well back on that well outside....not get close to it... SF. They're located in the north west comer. But the new addition is very close... DRB- All I can tell you is that its within.... SF. I understand that. CHMN- Can George ask her to build a snowfence? One of those... GR- The constuction thing that goes around... CHMN- Yes, around thal for your inspection before anything happens out there. SF.- George already mentioned those. DRB- My concern is that too often when they're doing construction they put it around to protect the trunk. They've already killed two trees out tlere just putting a t.v. line in. The big 30-40 foot pine tees werc killed by the tv. company when they put in the t.v., and that's why you have those blue spruce there and pine tees are very easily killed so rather than just pretend that the trunk... CHMN- Would it be too much to ask that the applicant prepare an inventory of existing tees? And that before the TCO is given the staffgo out and confimr what ended up living and so fo,rth. DRB- No, it wouldn"t be at all, as much as we already have to do that to decide...about the trees to be moved.. CHMN- Okay, have any changes taken place... DRB- Gmrge, let me just ask you to clear up, I'm still houbled by this single farnily duplex. GR- The reason being is the tecbnically based upon our code, tley may be using it as a singte fmily residence but as interpreted by our code it has two kitchens: ooe kitchen downstairs, which is separate, as well as another kitchen on the other level which is also accepted. DRB- But they're all connected. There's no party wall, there's no fire wall, its all one bit; is it one building? GR- Upstairs, downstairs the separation are across here SF.- What kind of separation? GR- A door, which is permitted. DRB- But it's an internal door. GR- With the elevation you can see offof Eagle's Nest. On Homestake Circle, new iu€4 there's a deck going around the building seDnecring the existing deck. DRB- Comneots about the architectural? SF- Did it answer your question about the roof? The roof is the same as the existing roof. CHMN- For the recor4 I would have to say that this is seems to rne really stretching tle limits of... GR- If what your speculating is true, that they are wishing to put a third dwelling there on the top, there is a mechanism available to do that and .......employee housing. There is a way of going about it and doing it legaily. No one is saying that they are going to use this illegally, I'm just saying if that is really what the intent is, use thatmechanism to achieve it. DRB- George, I have just a question, I'm sure I know the answer, but It is in within our pun'iew to deny (250) these are not... GR- Correct, that is why this application has been around...not only because its an iszue htr because they have applied for two 250's. You'll notice from the application that they're only using 198 square feet of the SOOsquare feet that they're applying for and that was after the request or recommendation of the applicant's architect who upon doiug a square footage analysis of the building realized the building was over oD square footage in that the applicant really wanted to do a 500 square foot addition onto the existing house however the architect indicated that we need to remedy the overage before we can even go into using the remaining 250 and they have used 198 square feet ofthe 500 .... --riiviN- i':re has never been a 250 denied especially since this is a 190 without ssking them to take down part ofthe existing house, but there has neverbeen one denied unless there has besn one denied at the last meeting. DRB- But this a 500 they're asking for, they're not asking for a250, they're asking for two 250's. CHMN- No, they're including that 250. DRB- Yes, then why are they asking for two 250's? CHMN- To bring the existing... DRB- But they have a variance for it already. CHMN- Two 250's, any variance left, orare they using it all? But I say that there is no precedence for denying it based on past performance that does not significantly change the appearance of the house, etc. It's not out of scale, or matching. Thse's no vehicle in place to monitor the use to make sure it conforms. SF- Not unless we peak in the window once in a while. DRB- If you see something fisfu going on over there, you call George. SF- Sure. That will brighten his day. CHMN- Are there any other comments now? Can you make a motion including the provisions for replacement.. DRB- Let someone else do it.. CHMN- Can you make a motion including the provisions for the re,placement of the trees after George does a check to confirm the lineal feet to be replaced? DRB- Mr. Chaimran, I'd like to make a motion to give a frnal design review approval to the Cook 250 GRFA ,2 250 GRFA additions, with the following condition that a snow fence be put up to keep construction within the, outside of the dripline and that also that the tees that can be moved will be lived and that they will be looked at by the town staffby the time of the tertporary certifi cate of occupancy,... DRB- That's insufticient time to see if they live, after growing season tley should be inspected and along with the frees that are ineplaceable, shall be re,place4 if they fail, should be replaced m a legal foot basis. DRB- What you said. CHMN- We have a mofion. do we have a second? DRB- I second it. CHMN- -isl.llsj.on. DRB- Yes, afterthe motiou. SF- You are requiring them to move those trees, those existing tees. Or do they have the option of either moving them or... CHMN- No, we 're asking them to make the effort to save the trces that can be move4 after the growing sealnn, if they fail" those frees they attempted to move, be rernoved, and placed on a lineal foot basis, with others. SF- What is the growing season, me year? CHMN- Yes, I assume you're going to move them this fall when the sap is down? They'll be moving thein this fall? When the sap is down, etc. SF- I don't lnow. CHMN- That would be the time of year to atterrpt a mov€. DRB- The singlefiee has a fairly good policy for that. They requAe that ifyou move the,m in the spring and you put up a bond for that, I'm not saying that that is necessary, but its one full year after that moving, then if they survive then, they consider that, they have to go though a full cycle of summer, winter and that's they're policy. That seems pretty good for us. CHMN- Any firtherdiscussion? All in favor? - Aye- CHMN- All opposed? Motion passes, thank you. ";\c ., ,r,. -,;,.--* Single I ZONE CHECK FOR Family Residence, Duplex,Primary/Secondary ZONE DISTRICTS ^t IDATE: '7/ l<. lq< 'ta LEGAIJ DESCRIPTION: IJol !ntocx JL suuaivision ADDRESS: OWNER PHONE ARcHrrEcr fr-,'nteJ pHoNE ZONE DISTRTCT PROPOSED USE Height Tot.at cRFA 55ryE ulf cd";Zis Primary GRFA .|''-EJS_ *18 //tt += Zzsl# Exis t.ino OL s./zL4 Proposed Tot,a1 4tt, 22F^* -/Et?:,4 ffid 2Z-1=4t ok-Fron t. Sides Rear Site Coverage Landscaping ReEaining WaII l{eights . Parking carage Credit Drive: water Course SeEback Do Finish crades Exceed Environmen tal /Hazards : (30) (s0) Slope t No NO OK-( 50e. ) 1) 2) 3) YES View Corridor EncroactunenL: yes Does Ehis i:egijesL irrvuive a 2jA Aodition? Ves (a How much of the atlowed 250 Addition is use&i-cb-EEi Previous condit.ions of approval (check property file) r,or srzE l1rqgn I f .Ht' t/c. BUTT,DABTJE Lor AREA Allowed (30)dii)) sS'/A ( Secondary GRFA Se L,backs Zi.) 425 -\L$?l 2., =-371 4- nz #, .j7JaF _b=s>i 20, 15' 15, -3e6 * ol,_ 3'/6' 3rn h 31'114 oL oA- b_L aeqrd f 4 en"t (300) (600) (900) (1200) Permitted slope /8* proposed Complies with T.O.V. Liqhcinq Ordinance Yes oL t,lN/ftI Flood P1ain ok- 30%) -kPercent Slope (< > Geologic Hazardsa) snow Avalancheb) nockfallc) Debris FIow az 4) wetland" or No oz._ 10 s reguest? Sar.) / AOI\'R C:IIIICK s inst e tJv n"" {:r,5"o,R -D_upt ex, nrlZ, econda ry ZONE DISTRICTS ^l tDArE: 1' t= /'< IJEGAIJ DESCRIPTTON;I'oE Z Block I suuaivision t t 'l rtttl*qa 1b ARCHI.TECT fuNIAJ PHONE ZONE DISTRICT PRoPosED usE -?F '. ro! srzE E. Height Si[e Coverage Landscaping ReLaining walL Heights . Parking Garage Credit Drive: Complies with T.O,V. WaLer Course Setback Do ninish Grades Exceed Envi ronmen t aI/ltazards : Al Io$red BUITDABLE Exi s tinq YES tof AREA Pronosed SloDe % Nb NO OL ADDRESS: O}INER PHONE roLal GRFA .554 Q Vf CC'; Z6s slz?4. 4nA .rsoprimary GRFA "'b!3- + trzs,=-ffi!_1! ffiz#_ 37J--Q{ secondary GRFA /,171 * ff)= --=l# 23b# 7a4Ld . Sebbacks Front ZO,nlLsides 15, ____q_ Rear , 15,' T f 4 en.t Proposed d_ U 1.) 2l 3) Flood Plain ok- View Corridor Encroachment,: yes PercenL Slope (< > 30t) ",U Geologic l{azardsa) Snow Avalancheb) RockfallD t rtogKf aII ^vc) Debris FIow ora 4) WeElands ov_ No__ck-__ Does t.his reeuesl iuvuive a 250 rid<iilion? VEs (z) How much of Ehe ar.rowed 250 Addit,ion is useffii Previous condiLions of approval (check property fiLe) s request?--sco..,/ : oE- /fl lttrala> f.r PgS ,u4 fJate bJ',,. ?u' S,iU,-1Vr'r il 3096{ \trt fr 371174 oL 3'/6'c,t+ b*Regrd pcrmi tted stope Liqhtinq Ordinance (30) (s0) (50r) (300) (600) (900) ( r200t 1,ta 4 zBx Yes J TO: MIKE PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTEh Relurn lo Enginccring: Rcvicwcd by: Commcnls: Dalc: Oltolc6' RED AUc r s lees a) McGEE( '6REG f-tAla-TODD OPPENHEIMER' Gcorge RuLher Town Planncr INTER:DEPARTMENTAL R EVIEW - ;'< DATE OF , ...i ,-.c\.4i . .. -BLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: . ij I I, BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF TI.IE PROPOSAL: it' EE Botr EoSds w* crc<.ieoktl korresvarc c.c c)e o(e crr(c€jf\Y\\\n:^\ cet6r,\r\x-Wl. EA\sllr\g Srutu:cn €ott\e9 ile.r.t 6,ne gicr.4\our"5gd , a gan te t3t) lt crlso berv\\re r\t aknq W€ fa4ar.lJ^'i Che ' We hale c\\Eo rrrrrowe.d *<, fooclt'oj on ttrrS +wfu?ia^".sa6Ke h-E qraAel hcrvawen cat<d . A pan,< a lao yle n1 cDAcVw*e) nere. Y,::-q*j*: ,2,y?:":X.*lr" ocrer G€.{.serre,nFr 15 For- n"w 3raaes& E\ro\u4rln I x f6+.rourrr i -I-nffi'L 6ee o gcoe<A?eldrnS €rarL. -,ro a6radgg ,1,."'o"rv"{u 1hc^n ?: \ 'drt v a,'+ 1 5.rles c crrr-,r, I er<eed o"'ls ,o/o h€(rt. af\.) 12o16 *,/ tef. f.Jo ra ncsnl u"ar\s C.ant e*tad 3' tn \fd- frrxrt f8}|rrcf- I (rr ou€I-alr ?kr'v ras.lVm*v r'.rYla c-r Srtc lvud'n2ef-ct' Firc Dcpt.: Revicwcd by: Gommcnls: Landspapin Revicw/d Dalc: , Dislribulcd to rlrc Firc Dcparrmcnr, pubric works, and Landscaping on o FleiUm tO George Ruther Town Plannor INTER.DEPABTMENTAL REVIEW PHOJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARIN COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by:4 /<,.-.c.Jc/Date:$-27-ts Comments: 4Cce 55 4rov*)$fr.,,-*rt€ Ve\rc\r S wi\lID',n,eed sd, VFb Need +o .\A.<-ess dNtc'p,"o1.rl, ^- oJ€tU\-...--e T,/^5 ?*),u S t V€D l*- \el*P\e-r, see ,\\f *'-trc<J,i Dls\^-ar*ftd-5prrv""L"\s'r-S$"-4u8t ri,l..d I lltDe \ '----- vAr IJ FIRE DEPARTMENT N REQUTREMEN',TS FOR VEHTCLES,/ / \1ltrMul'l rJEsc€ '/'\ ""-crr d t"0 2 -!^f 4 -w 4)-2-w [-vr 411 4L2 4302-W {-W 431 Inside naOiu\-l!:J---.------:: -t5,/ LB,17,6, 26'6u 20, 26'6" 30,6n / 36'5u 37'6' / 43'5 u 33'6 n 37'6'Out-side Radius 33.5/22'/25' Lengt-h 2LY 24'9"26'.6"25' 6"37'45' Overhang- Fronl,5',9"4', 10 *6'6',6'6' Overhancl - Rear 'l , 3 u 9',3u 11" , Widlrh [J',6n o. An 9'6n 9' 4n 9', 4n 1,2 6n GVW (l-, 000 lbs )43 3'l 30 35 4B 35 Wheel Base 214"15_t.160 "134 "230 "2t6u Road t.o Chassis Clearance 9.5'r4"1B u l_Bu l_1"l_B u Ileight-I['11',14't4,11 6n T4' Wheel loacl 325 psf 300 psf 300 psf 350 psf 3 5Ops f Out.rigger poirrt- load 300, 000psf 3 00000psf Fronl- axle loacl 16, 0r)tl l-6, 000 Rear axle load 26, 0r)0 31,000 *t\ Minimurn tdurr" /tcurve-tu{n laqf. rNsrDE / louTslDE 2w l3'u"/Jt'J ),,L 2w 39'9'/43'6 eumper-\rJw"rClearance\4vl /t'/+w .)\ ' t. /2.' I O. 4W 45' 9r / 49' e, UPDATED April 2?, 1993 ti'/l. f-.ue'tt-t /t-. LL,v611ir-1q I /-)Vg.J;3eD S.-|--A----L 7 ur..-rir (3) 1 '-Cl*trtt-t- " 41-z__*__ ___> O FrttzlenPierceBriner ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS Cook Residence Adjacent Owners lot 3, blk 6, W 7th filing Steinberg, Florence A. & Thomas I. P.O. Box l3 Vail, CO 81658 Parcel:2101 092 04 001 lot 6, blk 6, VV 7th filing Donovan, John F. & Diana M. 1014 Homestake Circle Vail, Co 81657 Parcel: 2l0l092 05 006 lot 5, blk 6, W 7th filing Kelton Arthur M. Jr. 288 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Parcel: 2101092 05 006 lot 1, blk I, vv 8th frling Jones, Evan 11013 Cripplegate Road Potomac, MD 20854 Parcel: 2l0l092 03 009 lot 2, blk 1, W 8th filing Jackson Rome LLC 230 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Parcel: 2101092 03 005 unit A, lot l, blk 6, vv 7th filing Rutherford, Susan Repeitt 3466 Ella Lee Lane Houston, Tx 77027 Parcel:2101 081 0l 004 Unit B, lot l, blk 6, W 7th filing Kendall, Robert M. 288 Bridge Street Vail. Co 81657 Parcel: 2l0l 081 0l 005 \.\ FrttzlenPierceBriner ARCHITECTURE PT-A.NNING INTERIORS lot4, blk4, W Tthfiling Kelly, Mary B. & Raymond F. Jr. 2950E. Stanford Drive Englewood,Co 80110 Parcel:2101 081 15 001 (aar #*illep Florence & Thomas Steinberg Box 13, Vail, CO 81658 Robert Kendall 288 Bridge St. Vail, CO 81657 Susan Repetti Rutherforril 3466 EIla Lee Lane Huston, TX77027 JacksonRomeLLC 230 Bridge Steet Vail, CO 81657 Evan Jones I l0l3 Crapplegate Rd. Potomac. MD 20854 Mary & Raymond Kelly 29.50E. Stanford Dr. Englewood, CO 80110 Arthur Kelton 288 Bridge St. Vail, CO 81657 John & Dana Donovan l0l4 Homestake Circle Vail, CO 81657 ou^il(" I*T t/, ?er PUBLIC NOTICE NOflCE |s HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board will be reviewing the following application on Septemb€r 20, 1995 in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. 1. A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area to construct a residential addition at the Cook Residence located al 1012 Eagle's Nest Circle/Lot 2, Block A, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Sam Cook The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on September 1, 1995. oo E! 3 :t = ,.'': RICEIPT t\O. ) uEUf/dF coltrtLNrn' DE fr|t),_ 'x DLE t .LJ t rt -r r_r. , -: NO' tTX OOET!A'. TOT^L -OI l'liscel lanesus Cash reit- reT. r:18-i+*.,_ii .tF,:r rc-CI -':-;. :l ffiTl reT Fr+i-*ipr+iijiil.+ ffi* fi.:,::,:ut-;1. + t::1.,; # h,+4: _J-|---_|----=-oo-{i- +i-:ii;Lii'irlEF]L-:E,ElFi]l.'|EF:.'FF.EFt-lIIiijF.:F:FEE..Hffi T L,-..! r_ ,-.]l.: l- H ffi-O ;-r,1r1,r_rr1 i t.Eir[J*rEn ],Ei.r rl|-r --f----r---fJt-00-lr- j lt'err'r Paid Fitrrount Paid I rl J lirBi14 l f,f, 1 fiBff if,i ,rr_,lor.ruu"Tii;..'l-*,;llT','5't-- - r;i'.ii; 0l ooq4l33l )P&EIAID DESIGN REVIE\\'BOARD FEE 1U )Q" 0t oo00T2t7l INVESTIGATION FF-E ( BUILD]NG 3r os00 4_i I lo TOV_PARX]NOFEI'T 0t oo00 22017 TOV n.E\YSPAPER DISPEn.SER FUND* 0t 0000 21il2 T,LYABLE .o 1% (ST.{TE)* ol 0000 4t010 T,L\ABLE @ 1% (TO\\')) 0t ('000 4:i7t BUILDINC INvLSTICT\TION F: +Ii:l =l OTIIER !F,TECAPPLTC.{TTOSF-EE- 0r oo0041.3i0 lADtrTrool ooorff-ffi CONDIT]ONA L U S E PER]\,II T s200.00 ol oo00 41330 EXTER]OR ALTERAT]ON TLESS THAN IOO SQ.FT.]s200.00 ot oo00 4t330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION II\,IOR.E T]{AN IOO SQ.}.T.]s500.00 9- 0t oo0041330 SPEC]ALDEVELOPMENTDISTRICT tNEW]s 1.500.00 ;J ol oo00 413i0 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT I}{AJOR AMEND s 1.000.00 0l 000041i30 SPECIAL DEVELOP\{ENT DISTRICT [I\,'INOR AN,IEND s200.00 0l 0000.11ji0 SUBDI\IISION OI 0()00 4lJ.iO VARIANCb s250.00 l ol oo00 41330 ZONING CO DE AI4ENDI\,1ENTS s250.00 0l 0000 41330 RE. ZONJNG s200.00 OTHER OTHER 41r-Qi.-- ITOTALI c/L--L/ ' C()It0'iG]iTS: c^A,sE r-,,*..,b (441r. or,*c.ev, @----' tI TOWNOFVAIL - 2f, M^DE PAYAALE TO TOWN OF VAIL T0l+lhl L.|F LJF I l- l"liscel l aneous t.3gh 1 t': f,!: i5 Fieceip,t. + 1iEf15 Ftc,::r,irni. .B t::F: # 6441 FFI I Tf LEl.l. F I EFlr::E, ErFt I tiEF:1 F{frtrTL riF:FFt Flil,:'urr t. i.errde r*,1 :: :klll , ilii I ten'r pe i d ffmaun I pai d tjlfirl1rjrl4i]f,rj|trr:iB :[1r:J. r:18 ,-f,,rt-g*. ll{11 r'Ed_f_ r_:" i,::ri _ O nr{bd ?l?A€al App.fcAroN FoR ADD'.NAL G,,F^esfplf . f;|/{[/lvl,%H -_ T14ce I EHU aso_ rypeil EHU25otyw v EHU 2so llrFee.plcation conference with a rnembor ofor€ouga tfie provElons r ffi:*mrgs*h+"41'l*,l"ii#e#"H"9,. " ffi''f{#=tTr?flJy;liJfff{;i}&"ff1i?"TjliolF *".nted unfess rfev_oe comprere.tequiremenb '- 'Yrrsr'riA' err I'DIS rorm €s well ac. Design ntvieui aoird J,6;r1id"l ilt. APFLtcATtoN tNFORVtATlgu A. PROJECTDEsOHTpT|ON_!5trlary,f!+condaly DEl,l UEPI LOCAilON OF pFtOpOSAti lO12 Eagf ee ll.st ctrclc Legal Descrlpti,on: Tsna c.NAME OF RPPLICAIUT: Address i Sam Coo]('-------_ 238 ,!{adigiop S.r. ., Jcfferson Cityl l{o 55f OJD. NAME gF AppLtCAr\tT.S REpRESetfaftVe, Filtng FEe of 9200.00 is requr'red at rrme of .lbmitrd of a stanctard auo- I 08/03/95 15: 17 Lotl- Btoct( 6 Filing Sevcnch Briner E. aa TXIRX NO,0994 P.002 IrlW, 314-634-1195 ,' 'I t1 ] *rt lYqnr nr|'.il 2n183 Date of Application Date of DRB Meeting Date ol PEC Meeting (if necessary). DEP' AppLtcATtoN FoR ADDTTTONAL GRFA (250) l. wPE oF RFOUEST Standard 250 Type I EHU 280 Type lt EHU 2S0 _ Type V EHU 2S0 II. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to discuss the provisions under which additional GRFA can be added to a site. lt should be understood that this 6rdinance does not assure each property an additional 250 square teet ofGHFA. Rather, the ordinance allows for Up to a50 sqirare fea! if the conditions sei forth in Chapter 18.57 or Chapter 18.71 of me fown oi-Vait coOe are met. Applications for additions under this section will not be accepted unless they are complete. This includes all information required on this form as well as Design Review Board submittal requirements. III. APPLICATION INFORMATION A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Prlnary /, secondarv B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: AddreSS 1012 Eagles Nest Circle Legal Description:LotJ?_ Block_.lt _ FilinS s."."ch Zone District C. NAME OF APPLICANT: sam cook Address c/o al Banl4, 238 Madlson St., Jefferson City, MO 65101 D. NAME oF APPLIOANT'S BEPBESENTATIVE: r,""" etrtrr." - rr erce Brlner Address E.NAME OF OWNER(S):____9g'_E _!99! rr Slgnature(s Address same as above Phone 314-634-119s F. Filing Fee of $200.00 is required at time of submittal ot a standard 250. For a request involving an EHU, the fes ls waived.vYvvrr ft /* i-X"A*,d"';P* fu F56>xt')' ((b @/ Lll..A DATE DATE OF DRB!rttlatttt* at?ltltttt RECEIVED: A. FROJECT TNFOR,}IIIDION r DESCRIPTION: B.FYPE OF REVTEhI: -Ngq. corsr,nrcLioa ($2O0. 00)_ Addit,ton (gso-oot r Mlaor A1cerat.ion. Coltc eD t rra 1 Ra-\r1 6rt (s20.00) ($o) c" D. ADDRESS: F. LEGAIJ DESCRIPIFION:_ Ls,L _ . Bl.ock 4sulrdLvLcl"n rf properEy is dcscribed by a &ccr,s and bounds legralg?s::lpci.on, -ptdase provtii oo -i-r.p.:rar,c 6heet as.d. aLrachco ttri,E aplrlicacion. ZONTNG: NN4E OF AFFLICAIVB I s.nrrr nl Cnnrva-il ine Addre6s r , tc' ilHi'3l i33::Sy,'^*:l:"S.*^rrvE: Nil{E qE' oln'rER(S): Ma,i I 1.ng Adaf6ss. c/o Gont=sl BaDk. 238 Mad.l_soa Srrcer-;-- - APPIJXCA?IAIVS ,HErr NO? aE .PItOCrSgEp ldtr;PEAO?" OI{wEIR,.5 SfGMeftlR.E Condominiurr Approvat if appllce,ble..t' DRB FEE: DRE fees, as shor,uD, above,l are co be paid. ac theE ine of sub*i t, EaI . of . chs op.a-ippiil. cr"rr . - -r,Il!r-, orrrenapplvlng for a bulrdins p.rrnrEl-iibaie-Iie"citv-ifi" accuEaueH:"3:::lo?5*'ti ti:"titT i. ,^:l:. i": - :: -.":I -yi 1 i" a d j ue c - Ereil* to _Ltre Labli,berovr, ro ensl.iE-tiiE-ioiilli-rltl^r6o"= ar,'b,!, - L4{r l/,r h( / D Qilrv:h< ispaid. I-.+tH V- , VALUATIONIi c 6 1o,c0c.,f 19,oo1 g jo,ooo$50.001 -g rso.ooo+150,OO1 - + soo,oooosoo,oor - t1,ooo;ooo$ ovEr n,OOOiOOo P=!Ig| ns\xrErs EoAaD AppRo\tr3 EEprREs +3":Bg;;1r,B6s ^ srrrr.orrro-Eailii, rs FEE ., 3V. VU$ so.00 s100.00 f200 - oo. $400.00 isoo. a0 OITE YEAR AETER. FI!5LI,rsgutD eND CqlrstRucllroN FgE SqttEDU NA}4E OF PROJECT:Residence Addition IJEGAL DESCRIPTION!2 BLocK 6 SUBDMSIOp Vail Village 7th Filing STREET ADDRESS.-:1012 Eagles Nest CLrcle The following informaLion is Review :oard before a final A. BUITJDING !{ATERIAIS: required approval TYPE OI' for submit.tal can be iiven: TTIATERIAIJ to t.he Design COLOR Roof Sidins other wall MaLerials Fascia Soffi Cs Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Iland or Deck RaiIs Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Ret,aining Walls ExLerior Lighting Other To match ex is t ing & batten Palnted dqrk brown to match ex 1st 1ng Designer: Phone: White to natch exist lng Painted dark to match 2x To match exlsting Strrcnn Whlte to match exls t ing Itletal- Stucco To natch existing Recessed cans in soffit & flood ltghts at corners B.LANDSCApING: Name of PROPOSED TREE AND SHRUBS so *rndicate cariper for deciduo-us trees. -Mininug qalie?! for a""ia"""" ct..i i"-i rndicaLe nEignc f9t-:9:iferous Lrees.**rndicaCe size of ProPosed,s5 qallon. ry!-e GROU}ID. COVERS Square FooLaqe soD SEED |TvDr OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL To match exls!14 in distrubed elCg€ n LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exLerior IighUing is proposed. please sho$, Lhe number of fixuures and locaLions on a separat'e lightinq plan. raencify each fixture from the lighLing plan in-rhe ipice Uefor-ana provide the heighL above grade, type of liqht. pr^oposed, Iumen ouLpuL, luminous area and a cut sheet of the liqht- fixEure. (Section 18.54.050 J) OTHER L,ANDSCAPE FEATURES (reLaininq walls, fences' swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. tndiiaue heiglts of reEaining walls. Uaximum heiqhr ot witts wiehin Lhe front setback is 3'. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on Lbe properEy is 6' To match exi6tln U'I']-rJJ.'I.' I IOCATION VERIFTCATION . SUBDTVISION JOB NAME The location and availability of utiLities, whethertrunk lines or Droposed linei, Fust be approwed. andforlowins uririiie; i;; r;;-;ccaip"r,vins sire pran. ADDRESS HoIy Cross EtecLric 949 - 5892 Ted Husky/Michael Authorized Siqnature Lhey be mainverified by the 'Date U.S. wesL CorununicaLions 1-800-922-1.987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949 -s781 Gary Hall Assoc. IJavert,y 6*lo *7.; separately. t.he expense and Heritage Cabtevision T.v.. 949 - 5530 St€rr€-H-i€+E f/a/ -C/a2"oUpper Eagle Valley Wat.er& SaniLation District * 476-7480 Fred Haslee NOTE: 2 6. t Please bringobLaining Upperflow needs must, f 't t -7-{- r$ |,e gcrv.. ^$.S-*f ?q-q5 This form is Lo verify service availability andlocation. This should be used in conjunction w:.ttrpreparing your ut,j.Iity plan and schediling-ins Lal la Lions . For any new const,ruct.j.orl proposal , the applicanEmus! provide a bompleued ut,iiirv verifici-tion iJrm. If a utiliLy company has concerns with Lhe proposedconsLrucL.ion, Ehe utility representaLive snbuf^a-not,direcLly on r.he utiliry veriiicar.ion toim-iir.I-cii"r.is a problem which neehs to le-ie"olved. rne isJue ;n9r1ra rhen. be sperted our. in derait i" a"-iit,i"ilarercer Lo Lhe Town of Vail. Hohrever, please keep inmind Bhar ir is Lhe.responsibilir,y ot r,ne "iiii[icompany Lo resolve idencified problems. If the_utiliry verificat.ion form has signatures fromeach of rhe utility companies, and no c6mment,s-aiemade directly on the form, Ehe Town will pres"rne--thaL t.here are no problems and that t.he dLveloprnenCcan proceed. q These verifica[ions do noL relieve the contractor ofhis responsibility to obLain a sLreet cut. permiLfrom the Tohrn of Vail, DeparEmenL of publ_il wort s 1i$ ;,1"i?:':i=i:il*ur= r; _any_ public right,-of .w -ot Vail. .p buildintr norrr i F i c h.rF i dFe^^l ^--! -^--:A streeE cub t must, be obLained InsEalIaEion of service lines are atresponsibitity of the property owner. a sice plan, flodr plan, and elevations when FaSfg-VaIIey water & SaniEation signaLures. Firebe addressed. 08. 09. g5 0l/00/BE u!0t orL'.lolrllf X AVON, GOLORA FNITZI,EN ?IBRCB P03 Eooz guaDlvtr'ElclN, --. . . ,gOE NAl.tE Coot tfr:ldlr"o Ad,d,lt{ oa. - . -..-r,or z-- -- -gLocl( 6- - Frr,.tlrc @ ?bi tocaElos aad availabiltty of uEl1ltieti whcEhr! lnt"*-ii"ce or gropoge0 linai, tFl'rat br spprovrd-asd iollowing uullfitol for Ehe accbrrpanyLag rlre plrn' ADDBESB I0l2 Eacleg Nc.t ctreli ., thrtr bl rraiawerlflcd by the ' Datsr u. E. lseoL Cg8ElunicaLlono 1-800 -927-L997 468.6860 or 9tl9'ltl0 Publle S.rvlce conpany 9{9 - 5781ciry Harl lloly Crosr Elachtilc Aaaoc. 9{9 - 5892 tred Buglry,/Mlchacl lavrrgy Herl.rage ctblavisloa T.v. 9{9 - 5s30 SEevc Hl,aLL Upper Eagl€ Vt1ley l{rLer & Sanitacion Di5Erlet : 416 -7480 Fred Harl.a NOTE: 1. r,rart.lrlr'r( rtcl,!!Iot! vERrrIe !!IsI These verificatlons dohia reeponsibility fo f rom !!re To.dn of vail 'and Lo obtaln th any public righu'o oi carrs,ent in the t!or*u, of ValI .I-,"l^ r - I iaA cs;rr ra + a'l rr Thl.r lorrn ir to verlly leh/Lce avallabllLty aud. i6ilrl"". Thic ahorrtb be uscd in conJuncrioa sillr praplring your utlllry plan and gchodullng iDstsalIaLions. For any nev, coDaErucBion proltosrr. th! aPDIlcaDB nurE lrio!.ide a cofiItleged ut'iilt'y verrtlcrtion torn' If a utiliBy compcny }r.as conccrnr wlElr Ehe DEsDolSA Eonetiriii;i., -Lhi gtrrrev rspr.tcncabive 6hau1d troc dirrecty on Ltre ueiliLy werif lettlon fofln ttra L tlrsrc i;-;-pribre* which ncc-ds Lo be reaolwcd' 'Ttre lrruc shoul'd t,hen be alrelled out iri deLail ln an atfached lclLer bo Ehc :roin ol Vall . rJoweVsrr please.!:?p rtr mlncl Ehdt it is the responsirrLrlEy of bhc utill'ty c('mparly to rr'solve idrnL.Lfied pfoblerne. ff the utiliLy werificaeioa form has sigrnacureg lroGt eectr of the uctll'uy eompaniea, and ao corllrletlta era made dirocLly gn t'he form, tl1e Tgwa w1-11 presurne that Lhere are no problems and that Ehl developne'lt can proceed. z.- 1. noE relieve Ltre conLEactqr of obLaia a 3Ereet €rl pefinit Departnent of Publlc warkE ocltions before di.goi-Dq in a.rl. *arrrl }. ir.r.1 tr 08/09/95 13:07 TX/RX N0.1049 P. 003 O ;t f;; R3 FEIF -N F '| T I tt P98: , a I 3 g : r r-flol - 'g o N F L'I ts o, A(il i U )-t n z-\ -? <\ I ;r c) rfl 2i, za tXs "gb rrl rrl z -l T A\ry' /^ t(,l A8 z6{B 8 h4),rs P\ E sEleeL cut pe t must be obtained sepa-aeELfl <l>:r-|tlr:rrl '<l : I) = !rt 3A x9 a d FEf, l-lt@l\y IJNln 6. * P1ease brinqobtaining Upperflow needs must InsE.allaLion of service lines are at the expense andresponsibility of Ehe property owner. a sit.e plan, flodr p1an, and elevations when .easrg _Valley water & sani Eation signui"r;sl Firebe addressed. $F-Z\t)'t@zzz / t ^\"/ 't,Rs $,i A--'tuu\7 K Single F DATE: 819 /95 y Residence, Duplex, pr ZONE DTSTRTCTS ]-mary - LEGAIJ DESCRfPTfON: Lot 2 Block 6 Subdivision Vail- Villase 7th Filtng lPlllss3- 1912. Easles NesFcircle ' OlilNER $an Cook PHONE 476-6342 amilo ARCHfTECT Lynn Fritzlen ZONE DfSTRICT Primary / Secondary PROPOSED USE Res ident lal LOT SIZE .4472 Acres (19,480.03 sq. ft.) ,/Secondary Height, ToLal GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Se tbacks AIlowed (30) (33) 4191.8 425 = 2934.08 425 = 2097.72..:-- 2a' 1.5, 15' 38eq..0 11688.0 3'/6' 5 Reqrd Lightinq Ord,inance BUIIJDABLE Exis tinq 23. I 5354.4 3065.4 2289.0 3r77.O 11688.0 LOT AREA .4472 Acres Tot.aI 2I .L 5504 .4 : 3215.4 2289.O 432.O -0- 3609 .0 11688.0 2509.08 1672.72 Front Sides Rear Proposed 2I .L ;-^,))u4.4 -- 3215.4 2289.0 + + Si t.e Coverage Landscaping Retaining wal1 Heights Parking Garage CrediE Drive: Complies wiEh T.O.v. (300) (600) (900) (1200) r20o PermibLed slope 8 t proposed 2 Encl Water Course Seeback Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 Environmen taI /Hazards : (30) (s0) (50%)' 1) Flood pLain Yes x n/a Slope 5 t No NOxvFc 2). Percent, Slope (< > 30t) n/a 3) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalanche____nl,ab) Rockfallc) Debris rro@ 4 ) Wet lands ,.., /a View Corridor Encroachment.: yes Nox Does lhis regue$t.-irrvuive a 250 Addition? ws (2)How much of rhe arrowed 250 Adaicion is useE-frfiFrhis reguese?:!&.rEq. fr. Previous condiLions of approval (check property file): I amily IJEGAIJ DESCRIPTION: I.IO! 7 E:I,CX 6 SUUAiViSiON ADDRESS: Single F ZONE CHECK FOR Residence, Duplex, ZONE DISTRICTS Prinary/Secondary I I DATE: vu.f,n ARCHITECT PHONE PHONE ZONE DISTRTCT PROPOSED USE IJOT SIZE I /1 pbq t+4 BUIIJDABI.,E Allowed Existino __ Total Heisbr. Goy6i\ o a_ - t '/- '-\s \---------'l 5%=Trorat cnre 5S,/a(*/z/e). ss.rg #*, Primary "*r?os441i1 + 42s - S,r"& ffi' 24, t_5, 15', 38?6 & ll,l,8B 3'/6' 3t1'l 4 s7|- + 31'11 4t o? Parkins / neqrd 6 Garase Credir (300) (600) (900) (1200 | gt S & Drive:Permitted Slope o2-% proposed Slope olct Complies with T.O.V. Lighting Ordinance yes 6t. Nb WaLer Course Setback */4 YEs_ NoJt/L Secondary GRFA . Sebbacks Fron t Sides Rear Site Coverage Landscaping ReLaining WaIl Heights Do Finish crades Exceed 2:L (50%) Envi ronmen t aI /Ha zards : view Corridor EncroachmenE: yes 1b114 + &. = ,Zssqi, ZnS d ZZls 4 1tlw '4 oF- Y encr (30) (s0) 1) Flood Plain 2l Percent. Slope (< > 30%) otc 3) Geotogic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) RockfaIlc) Debris Flow 4) weclands No__ole__ Do€s this reqriesl irrvuive a 250 Arirjition? \,.^How much of blre arrowed 250 Addition is useE'ffiis request.? !85; Previous conditions of approval (check properE,y file): 10 APPLICATION DATE: DATE 0F DRB I'IEETING: ^q ftr,jll8.5 DRB APPLICATION *****THIS AppLICATI0N I,JILL NoT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATI0N IS SUBI4ITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-appl.ication meeting with-a planning staff member is strongly suggested to aetermihb it any aaOitjoial jnformatjon is needed. No application will, be.accepted unless it is compieie (must include all jtems required by the zoning admjnistrator). ii is tne appliclntas responsib'ifity to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submjttal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE applica- tion w1 ll streami ine the approval process for your proiect by decreas'i ng the number of conditions ot approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address lOlz tuTb< llcst Cticlc Legal Description Lor 2 Block b Fil ing VV 1ih Zonins '?avni\ ?r'waryh ' ' ,5(btA@,*"1 C. NAME 0F APPLICANT: Ar.3av* C'* Address tel ephone D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Addres s E. NAME OF OWNERS: telephone %48 Si gnature Address r DRB FEE: The fee will VALUATION o - $ 1o,ooo , 500 ,000 $1,000,000 $1 ,000,000 2. The review process for NE!'l BUILDINGS will of the Design Review Board, so plan on at tel ephone be paid at the tjme a building permit is requested' FEE 10.00 $ 50.00 $1oo. oo $2oo. oo $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site lo .inai cate property i i nes and bui 1d'i ng corners . l"get- that wi I I be removecl should also be inarlia. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the site. normally involve two separate meetings least two meetings for their approval . 3. people who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeling and who have'not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. $ 150,001 ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTI0N: Lot B'lock 6 Fi I ing VV ?lh ADDRESS: Ot,lNER ARCHITE ZONE DI PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE one Ai I owed 13s) (33) Proposed ?lat xHei ght Tota l GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Si te Covera s" (zO?o x n?b) Landscapi ng Fence/Ritaining '.'ial 1 Heights (C.St.ouoC) Parki ng Credits: Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat a!4'1as-(+;ylot*b pri ma ry cRFA (42o?.1rtexr$+(fi14= 458z.!Egir+ 20' 15' 15' (30)(so) ,$@ tr- (3oo)(600) (eoo)(1200) (50) (1oo) (25)(50) ( 2oo ) (4oo ) (ts<.2 ovu\ 71?p. 2@41+. 2o' l3l l5l N/A ,W_!xieL+zspa Uua* g'w* ?oo Drive: Slope Perm'itteatZ6+loftfrYa?flot4) slope Actual 2'l'ni.?d = b'U1V" Envi ronmental /Hazards : Ava I anche Fl ood Pl a'i n Slope VA Wetl ands Geologic Hazards Nr/A. Corments: Zoning: Approved/DisaPProved Date: UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION... JOB NAME Lor__3_srocKjr_FrLrN ADDRESS The location of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposedlines, mrst be approved and verified by the following utilities foi the accornpanying site p1an. Authori zed Signature Date Mountain Bell 1- !44-H5! Western Slope Gas Harry Moves 1-469-2528 Public Service Company Gary Hall Holy Cross El ectri c Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Va'il Cable T.V.teff Hughes.i949-5530 Upper Eagle Val ley Water and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek _3- fu-Please fill out attached sheet. d.1t; NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit fron the Town of Vail, Departnent of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easenent in the Town of Vail. A building permit. 15 not a stTeet cut pernit, A street cut peTmit nrust be obtained separately. , Thi.s form is'to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. Aeo tJr44e- * For new const 2-6 T-7Ft 7.t erLL lnwn box 100 department of community development vail. colorado 81652 noi+i fiSll':f;il fiNrlsIO s^rDhhat fcnt') 'lrf 'trlljv li$ J s ..1"$l fiol,l.dFfl Slot Dear Design Review Board Applicant: Enclosed is-your Design Review Board.projeet Application showingthe approval/disapproval of your project-incru?rint comments fromthe Board rf- you received approval from the Design Review Board,'you mustmake any corrections stipulated by the-Board and bring the revisedp].ans to the Town PLanner before applying for a Buildlng eermii.--No site work may be commenced untir tle ievisions are afproved bythe Town Planner and two sets of working drawings are suLnittedto the Building Department. rf you have any questions, please do not hesitate to calr: tbeTown Planner at .476^7000, ext, 1.02.. DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT UTILIfi LOC.\TION VEIIII; iC.iTION SUBDIVISION JOB ror_3__s L ocK__G_p r l r x nop*es"Pt2. ?A3lt3 llE6T aGAt# The location of ut.ilities, whether they be main trunk lincs or proposeilines, must be approved and verificd by the followi-ng uiilj-ties for rhe acconpanyi.ng site plan. Authori zeC Sianature Da te ft *Y:33i1,?il' I.lestern Slope Gas Harry Moyes Public Service Company Gary Hal1 * HolyCross E'lectric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michae'l Laverty Vail Cable T.V. Gary Johnson u a5-.44-6€ * For new cons'u ol ease fi I I ou: ai;:ched sheet. Upper Eagle VaiIey llater and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the ccntractor of hrs responsibility to obtain a street cut perrai-t fron tire Toun of Vail, Departrnent of Public irorks and to obtaj.n utility locations before diggi.ng in any public right- of-way or easenent in the Torvn of Vai1. A building pernit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut permit must be obtained separately. This fo rm is to verify servicc evailablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preprring your utility plan and scheduling installations. oo LtofnqqA I|!AW 'fr aslJtv Jll'rt ttnt|.i gotrgqtelt ffD$Jr T$il1 Arn+t srs tF LIST OF MATERIALS NAI.IE OF PROJECT COOK RESIDENCE CARETAKER ' S APT. ADDITION LEGAL DESCRIPTION I LOT BLOCK 6 FILING Veil Villaqe 7th Filins DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT 250 eq. ft. caretakerre apartment and tool etoraqe addition at t0t leg Neet Circle. The following information ie required for eubmittal bytha Deeign Review Board before a finel approval can be A. the applicant to given s ColorEiffitone pea- BUILDING I,IATERIALS Roo f Siding 0ther llall Haterielg F eecia So ffi te l{indow Trim Do ore Door Trim Hend or Deck Rgila Fluee Flaahinga Chimneys fraah EncloEurea Grsenhouaea 0ther Type of Materiel Tar & grevel (BU roof) qravel nix (TME)* Various width Cabotrg semi- vertical R.S. wood solid 0150 ( Tl.lE)* Stucco, heavy texture l{hite (TilE)* Cabot I g eemi-solid 0160 (TME ADoE,' a aefll- wood eolid 0I60 ( TllEinclair- }{ood oainted Venetian Red ( Tl,lE Sinclair- llood or etamped steel Venetian Red ( Tl.lE )* ( AISO Acreen OOOIS,l SrrrCralD- Ilood Venetian Red (TttE)* l{hite rough Stucco w/cap. texture (TME)* N/A Sheet metal Ftet bleck (TME)i N/A N/A (eccommodated in exiet. room) ME Garaqe door - uood or ateel sectionsl - r(TilE)- to l,letch Exieting. Sincl.air-VEnetian red C. 0IHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, ewimming pools,atc.) Pleeee epecify. Retainins tlall - concrete w,/stucco finish - white (Tl,lE). Screen/Landecape l{alls - concrete block w./etucco finieh - white (Tl,lE) tlelkraye,/Surface Petiog - interlockinq pavinq etones or bricks, aet in aand bed - redish earthtone. INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVI EI,I PRQJECT: C*L Ke=teo.<{ DATE SUBMITTED. COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: Comments: A 4e , ,,r?/rn '74 ],,.-^-. l/<n,o,.4r/o-,' €) (c*1ltFy # / ,/,! fircC E6><r4f - €As<>nez--z -7',-> (.<->"-,,-.,* t ty 7.-r.€Vt.jr5,', /.,./ u€S 7r-.) €>,,-7 (-i co-,-.,,a /<-o..,t (1 OFF 1- /.-J< s 4z- { CalAa^t (- 7o .!oA7-/t- ! r.& otr 6LO< 4 AJ ont 4<r feop(E-7, FIRE DEPARTMENT k,,/ I Qt4tr.z aJ4 lt7- 4N o Ze€f c-tn zlk Reviewed by: Comments: Date ---'--_- .. -f4 6 jt.te n. ,6 H / POLICE DEPARTMENT tt 1J f,A t 7 tt r ,r< 7 (477o *t 5 Reviewed by: Comments: Date LECSEATION DEPARTI4ENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date o LANI' TITLE EUARANTEE Representins Title Insurance f,.rmFarr.r. CI:I 14F'ANY of l"t i rr rre sa ta -!-a l"lay O?, 19SS Eur Ctrder: BUYER: SELLER: At'trRESS: THANF: Yf[I F|:IR YI]LIR ORDER v75p4 5Al'l B. CfrClK, A5 TO AN LtNnIVIfiEnINTEREST, ANEI L.:ENTRAL I'tIssnLtRITO AN LINEIIvIfIEft IINE_HALF .I/?'TENANTS IN trIJI{IYI:IN ONE_HALF (I/2' REALTY trI.]I'IPANY, AS INTEREST. ALL AS FALNHIN ANTI A:-:SfIf, IATES IOOO S. FRIJNTACiE RTI.VAIL' r::!:l Attn: RICK B. -' TfM Form 2582 2/7a a Stock Company ol Minneapolis, Minnesota TITLE IhNSUMNCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA, a Mhnesota corporation, herein called the Company, for a valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or poiicies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the "i.r""a Insured na'med in Schedule A, as ownei or mortgag.e of the estate or interest covered hereby in the^land described or i;f;; t; in Scheaute A, upon paym"nt of the premiumslnt charges therefor; all subject to the Provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or p.olicies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by thi Company, either at the time of the issuance of this Commitment or by subsequenl endoresement. This Commitmenl is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies^of title insurance and all liability and obliga- tions hereunder shall cease'ard terrniirate six months after the efiective date hereof ol when the policy or policies committed for iiliiirru., whichever first occurs, providecl that the failure 1o issue such policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS l. The term "mortgage", when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. 2, If the proposed Insured has or acquires actual knowledge,of any defect, lien,.encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter affectinq the esiati or interest or mortgagi thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof, ;;j rhril f-.U io air.tor" such knowled[e-to the Company in wiiting, the Company shall be relieved,from liability for an-y- loss or a6.g. i.*iting iro. .ny act of relaice hereon to'the extent tha Company is prejudiced _by failure of.the proposed Insured io-roilr.tor. srich kno*ledge. If the proposed Insured shall disclose such-knowledge to the Company,.or if the Company other- *i* ..qrir"t actual knowleige of any suih defect, [en, encumbrance, adverse claim or other malter, the_Company-at its opt-ion ."" ".-."a Schedule B of this Comrnitment accordingly, but such amendment shall not relieve the Cornpany from liability prjviously incurred pursuant to paragraPh 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. 3. I-iability of the Company under thjs Commitment shall b.e only to the named proposed -l nsured and such parties in- cluded under ini a.fittirion of Iniured in the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in re- iln.. h.r.on in underraking in good faith (a) to compiy with the requirements hereof_or (b) toclimin_ate exceptions shown in !.n.Ouf. B, or (c) to acquiie orireate the eiiate or inierest or mortgaae thereon covered by thrs Commitment. In no evenl shall ir.r., fi"ulity exiied the amount stated in Schedule A for the policy.or policies committed for and such liability is subjecl to the inr*i"* prouirjon, and the Conditions and Slipulations and the exclusions from Coverage of the form of policy.or policies com- ;il;-f6; in iauor of rhe proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. 4. Any action or actjons or rights of aclion that the proposed- Insured may have or may bring against-the Company arising out of lhe slatus of the litle to the Jttate or interest or the'staius of the mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment must be based on and are subject to the provisions of this Commilment' STANDARD EXCEPTIONS In addition to the marters contained in the Conditions and Stipulations and Exclusions from Coverage above referred to, this Conlmitment is also subject to the follo*'ing: l. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, nol shown by the public records. 3. . Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, enc roachm-ents,.an d any facts which a correcl survey and inspeciion of the prenrises ,*'ould diiclose and whiih are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right 1o a lien, for services, labor or malerial theretofore or hereafter fulnished. inrposed b1'law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects. liens. encumbrances, adverse claims or other matlers, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequenr to the effective date hereof but,prior to lh; date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or inlerest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. lN \\,ITNESS WHEREOF, Title Insurance Company of N'linnesota has caused its corporate name and seal to.be hereunto affixed by its duly aulhorized officers on the dare siro*in in Schedute A, lo be valid rvhen counlersigned by a validating ofiicer or other authorized signarory. T | _ _ -_ n ni rtrLE INSURANCE l.OtupAruY OF Il/IINNESOTAl-.__1..__,_,_,__u |ll ' ':-. :':,*r _EZ.,y_*.R_"=__ I".-. F,:ff:, gffi^,:*'il|** J^ Secrela4 ALTA t:: r:r t"1 f4 ITt4ENT !;I::HETII-ILE A Appl icatir-,n Ncr. V7494 Ftr I rrf t,r'mat i c,rr Rrrl y - Char'ses - fJurrr e r. Pc, I ic'r, PREL I H. REP'_]RT !F 1 Ct(:, . (:lO - - Tt:rTAL - - li 1t:![]. (-rct l,li th r'{'ur' rerrittarrce pleasc- r'€fer' tt, V75'.:14. 1. Ef f ective Date: lvlay (-r2, 1':-rE5 at B: (rcl A.l,l, ?, Fc, I icr tt, be issr:c-dr Srrd Pr'c'Pt's€d Irrsur'ed: rrALTArr Burrer's Pr-, I i c'r F r-r r.nr B-1'.77f-r ( Art!,rrded 1O-17-7(r) PrC,pr-,Sed I rrstlr'ed : TAI,I B. I::I:IL-IH, A5 TI:I AN I-INI'IVJTIEN ONE-HALF ( 1./?) INTEREST' ANT' I::ENTRAL I,II:.i5OLIRI FEALTY I::I:II'IPANY, A5 TI:I AN LIIJNIVITIEN ':INE_HALF(L/2, INTEREET, ALL AS TENANTS IN r::r:rtjHr:rN :?. Tfre estatc- tr' irrtc-rest irr tfre larrd des,:r'it,ed or' r'ef er'r'ed to irr this f,r,nrnri tnrr-rrt and cc,vc'r'ed lrer'ein is: A Fee 4. Title tc, tfre estate c,r' inter'est cr-'v€r'ed l-rer'eirr is at tl-re effective date herc-af vested in: I::AM E. I::I:II:II{, A5 TI] AN LIT{TIIVITIEN I:INE_HALF (T/2' INTERE'-;T' ANN ']ENTRAL T{I=:5I:IURI REALTY I:NMFANY' A5 TO AN LINTIIVINET' I:INE-HALF (t/?') INTERELIT, ALL AS TEtIANT,.:: IN r::r-rl,ll'ltrN 5. The land r.c-f r,-r.r.ed tr-r in this tl:r-r nrnr i tnrr'trt is descr'ibed as f c' I I c,trtS : Lf.Il ?, BLCII::I{ 6, VAIL VILLAI-iE, SEVENTH FILIT'{I:i' AI::CI:IRIIINI:i Tfl THE RE|.:I-;IRBEEI PLAT THEREOF, I::III-INTY UF EAGLE' STATE I:IF I-:I:ILI:IRANN, A L T A'] I:I M I'1. I T I,I E .N T S|:HEITULE B-l ( Requ i r.eme'rrts ) Appl i cat i r-,n Nc,, V7594 The f ol I c,rrri rrg are the ne.rui Ferrrerrts to be Ecmpl ied uJith: l. Paymerrt tn on f or the accc'unt c,f the Br'arrtdrs r:'r rrortFasc,rs afthe full consideration fc,r the estate oF inter'est to beinsured. 2. Fr'c,per irrstrunrent(s) creatins the estate c,r irrter.est to beirrsur'<d n'ust tre executed arrd dulv filed f (.r r-c-cc,rd, tc,-rrlit: trCIUNTY CLERKS ANN RECTIRI'ERLI RESUIRE RETURN AEIEIRESSES ON IIT'I:UI4ENTS SENT FOR REtrT'RTIING! ! ALTA r:: t:r HllITl.lENT st::HENULE B-? ( E:.lcept i q,rrs ) ABpl i cat i r-, rr Nc,. V75i+4 Th€ Fr-r I ic,* or. pc, l icies tn bc. issued uril I ':(,rrtai rt e:'lcepti c,rrs t r-' tfre fal lc,rrlirre ur, less the san,e ar.e dispr-'sed c,f t r-r the satiEfattion c,f the C,!'nrparrl': 1. _Qtarrdar.d E:,{cept i c,rrs I thr..,ush 5 pr.i rrted orr the cover sheet. L. Ta>:ss and assesstrr€rrts not YL=t duc' ('r pa'r'abl € a[rd g'PL=cial asssssrrerrts rrc't Y€t cer'tif ied tc, the Tr'easur'er''s affice' 7. Anr urrpaid ta>les trr assesslTt€rrts asainst said larrd. (J. Lierrs f r,r urrpai d urater arrd seuJC-r' ctrir'3€5r i f arrv' P. RIGHT I:IF h,AY FI:IR fIITI::HE3 I:IR CANAL:J I]I:INSTRLII::TEN FY THE AUTHORITY ':IF THE L|NITEIT 5TATEs A::; RESERVEIT IN LlMTEtr 5TATE5 FATENT REr::r:rRItErr Hav 2O' 1?{t5, IN Fr:rflti 4r3 AT FAr:iE =11 , lCI. RESTRII:TII:INs WHIEH tIO hII:tT T:I:INTAIN A FI-IRFEITURE NR REVERTEF I::LAI-ITE' BUT I:IMITTING REL;TRII:TIENS' IF ANY' FASETI I:IN RAT-:E' I::I:ILI]R' RELIIiIIIN' OR NATII:'NAL r:rRItiIN, A5 r::r:tNTAIt.lEn IN INSTRI-ltIENT REr::r:rRnEfr flecenrber (r7' L?/---1, IN B0[rli lE7 AT FAIiE 515. 11. EASE|'IENT ANE| RIr:iHT [rF NAY AF GRANTEIT Tr-J t::r:rt'1f'll-INITY TELEVISIT:'N INVE:-:TFIENT' INC, IN IrLil::Lil'1EN1 ggr;r-rRDEtr nE|-EI'1BER L7, 1',?6l? LINnER REI::EFTICTN Nr:r. lCt:]7er5, APPLICATION FOR PROPERTIES 1N FOR ADDITIONAL GRFA EXCESS OF ALLONABLE GRFA Date of Appi Date of DRB ication 6 May 1985 Meeting 15 May 1985 PRE-APPL ICATION CONFERENCE 250 square feet if certain conditions ai^e met. A pre-appiication conference with a member of the plannirrq staffencouraged to discuss the provisions under which additionit cRrRto a site. It should be understood that this ordinance does noran-additional 250 square feet of GRFA. Rather, the ordinance al is stronqjy can be added assure each property l ows for up to Appl ications are complete. Design Review for additions under th'i s section will not be accepted unless theyThis includes all information required on this form as well.as-Board subm'ittal requirements. 250 square foot caretaker r s apartmentA.PROJECT DESCRIPTION: addition with tool storage below. B.LOCAT ION Address OF PROPOSAL: 1012 Eagles Nest Circle Vail, Colorado Legal Description:Lot Bl ock Fi I i ns_j3il Yir1S_ge_ 7th Zone District e/S nes. D. NAME OF APPLICANT:Sam Cook Jefferson City, MO hone 3f4-634-1234 Central Trus an Address 238 Madison st. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:Rick Baldwin Address 1000 S. Frontagre Rd, W.VaiI, CO ylsns 47 6-4433 81657E. NAI'1E 0F OwNER(S):s sourCo @ ttnnu.ure(s)- a Address 238 .a. 65101(Iy' fiting Fee of 9.100.00 is required at tinre of submittat The following information, in addition to DRBrequired with this submittal: l. Verification that the unit has received 2. Names and maiiing addresses of adjacentunits cn the same lot. This irifoi-iiiat.iorrAssessor's office. Condominium association approval (if applicable). N/A Ex'isting floor plan of structure. Jefferson CitV, MO phone 314-634-1234 submi ttal requi rements, shal 1 be a finai certificate of occupancy. property owners and of owners ofis available from ihe Eagle County J. 4. ,/ Madison St. Lot 3, Block 6, Vail village 7th Filing Thomas I. & Florence A. Steinberg Box 1328Vail, CO 81658 Lot 5, Block 5, Vail Village 7th Filing John F. & Diana M. Donovan Box 601vail, co 81659 Lot 1, Block 6, Vail Village 7th Filing Roy B. & Martha Lee DaviE 3623 Piping RockDallas, TX 77527 Dlercer Johnsen Townhousescrlo States Harine Corporation 284 Paxk Avenue New York, NY LggLT Lot 4, Block 4, Vail Village 7th Filing Mary B. E Ra)rmond F. Kelley, Jr. 2950 East Stanford Drive Englewood, CO SSIIA TOV o 75 louth lrontaga road Y.ll, colorado E1657 (303) 476-71n0 June 5, .|985 offlcc ol communlly deuclog'mcnt Al1 property owners adjacent to Lot 2, Block 6, Vail V'il1age 7th 1012 Eagle's Nest Circle lo: Sam Cook, owner 250 square feet or other special If you have any please write or of the above property has app'lied for,an additiona'l of gross residentia'l f'loor area (GRFA). No variances requests are required for this addition. questions or concerns or wish to see the application, call by June .|9, 1985. Gordon R. Pierce and Associates Architecture / Planning Cr^*) A-'t-a JuIy 29, 1980 Town Councll 75 South Frontage RoadVail, colorado 8l-657 Council PeoPle: The purpose of thig letter Ig to appeal a declelon of your town staff regardlng an addltl'on to the San Cook Residence, here ln VaIl BasIcaIIy Mr. Cook wants to tdd approxlnately 365 eg.- ft. of space to his Present slngle farnlly resldence for the purp6se of recreational facilltles (Jaccuzzir.ctean room, iwiirming pool dresslng area). Attached herellth la a preliminaiy drawlng showlng hot, thls space would be uged' I feel that this relatlvely srnall. extra 9ro8s reeldental floor area shoutd be permitted ln 119ht of tho fact that other slmilar requests in the Past concernlng recreatlonal facilities have been consldered and granted. AIso I would like to point out that the vlsual change to the house would be minirnal and not affect any nelghboring dwellings. Mr. cook would greaLly apprecLate your full conelderation regarding thi.s matter. Respectfully, ftL Gordon R. Pi.erce GRP : cf Enclosure 1650 East Vail Valley Drive/Vail, Colorado 81657/(303)476'2657 t $ .s $ s $i $$xxq\ \3a z-rr\rz12 \ -1 .t fr t] k .,,.))',Y \)'{ .r'l)i \. ,t Jt:'. - _.._---.-r! \^ II-fI-ss' t'i!-at) ,s| o {rs * ( I I L ---.r r- --l I II'Ir+t{i+l\tlr3 -l q.At.o\r-l\ I I I I I L-.-L -- -- --.{--------rtr-J \-- II--f I I t I I I I I I I ) L vlo ,*.0 \ ,$ U t\'o $lu fl i L--i' -t F"--'r-' '-' l' t'lr\ s!t h3 o- it a model Pierce, Briner & Fitzhugh Scott, Inc. Archi tecture/Pl anni ng Drawer 2299 Vail, Co'lorado' 8]657 Cook Residence ReVail, Colorado Job 1682 NOTES FOR DESIGN REVIEW MEETING lrhrch 24, 1978 Floor Area: Revised per Addition Ground Floor Fi rst Floor Second Floor 25% of .|5,000 = 101 of 4,325 - I ,544'1,857 938 Property Size: 19,352 - Per Mevrcr S & M .4,338 S. F. 3,750.00 432.50 4 rI82.50 Actual Size Increase: 3 x l0 =30 s. F. Convert Storage to bedroom5x13.75=692x 2 44x 2 I' 81 S'F. l_11!& Floor Area 4,338 Allowable Floor Area - 4,183 Variance 155 Actual Increase 'l I I Present Overage 44 qlra 4\ TO rROM DATE RE Sam Cook Application for GRFA Variance Lot 2,'block 6, Vail Village ?th Filing MEI\IONANDU[I PLANNING COI,IMISSION DEPARTIIIENT OF COIIIIUNITY DEVE 24 MARCH 1978 PIUENT variance to and structures in The applieant, Pierce, Briner & Fitzhugh Scott ' representing Sam Cook, has requested a gross residential floor area (GRFA) varlancetocorrectexistinguninhabitableStorageofSlsq.ft. and to add 30 "q. tt. to pr6vide a bedroom area 111 sq' ft' Existing residence is non-conforming under the current Zonlng Ord.inance. tfru 1ot area is 19,352 sq'-f!:' allowable GRFA is 4,185 sq. ft. , existing residence is 4 ' 338 sq ' ft ' The structure wlih ih" p"oposeC addition is 264 sq' ft ' in excess of permitted densitY. CONSIDERATION OF FACTORI (Section ]-8'62'060) L. The relationshiP other existing or the vicinitY. of the requestedpotential uses Therequested'variancewouldmakeonlyaminormodification totheexterioroftheexistingstructure.Itwould,however' make this unit inconsistent rviih other units j,n the neighboring area by allowing a greateramount of GRFA than i-s permitted by the Zon j.ng Ordinance. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or l1tera1 interpietation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibili-ty-and uniformity of treatmeni u*ong sites in the vicinity, or to attain the orjeciiun" of this ordlnance rvithout grant of sPecial Privilege. DuetotheextenttlratthisvariancewillexceedtheGRFA. requirement, lve do fee1 that this rvould be a grant of special p*i"if"gu. The tOaitiottol 330 sq' ft', rvould-result in the GRFA exceedi-ng rvhat is allorvecl by approximately- 6'3%' No other GRFA variances nave ueen granted in the area. Dick [lias was denied a similar variance last year. 3.Theeffectoftherequesteclvarianceonlightandair' distribution of popuiation, transportation and traffic faeilities, pttblic f acilities and util j'ties: An adclitionaL bedroom woulcl provide the possibility of housing one or more nclditional people' This in itsclf does not scenr signifi.cant; horvever, mullipli.ecl by the nuntber of units in the Valley could bc a substantial nunrber of additional pcople. o Page 2 MEIIO - Sam Cook Application for GRIA Variance' Lot 2, Block 6, Va1l Village 7th Filing FtrNDINGS: That the granting of the variance will constitute a grdnt of speciat privilege inconsistent with the limitatj.ons on other properties classified in the same District. See Item 2. under Consideration of Factors. There have been no other GRFA variances granted in this area. 2. That the granting of the variance could be detrimental to the public health, safety, orwelfare or materiallyinjurious to properties or improvements j.n the- vicinity See Item 1., under Consideration of Factors. Grantingof this variance could set a negative precedent by allowing exeessively large houses to be built or allowlng additions on houses which already exceed or are very close to the GRFA requirement of the Zoning Ordinance. Many of the structures in-'the golf course area are at or over the maximurn GRI'A. . 3. That the vari.ance j-s warranted for the following reasons: (c) the strict or literal ment of the specified deprive the applicantby the owners of other same District. interpretation and enforce-regulation would notor pri.vileges enjoyedproperties in the Structures in the residential neighborhood are genera111' in compl-iance with the GRFA requirement of the Zoning Ordiuance.This house as it presently exists is over this requirement.lfe therefore, feel that a further variance is not lvarranted and would not deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by owners of otherproperties in this District. The Department of Community Development strongly recommends denial of the variance sought for the reasons statedabove. IlIe also fee1 that there has been no hardship sholn in the request. {F; A )7 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Pjerce, Briner and Fitzhugh Scott' representing Sam Cook, has applied for a variance from the provisions of Sections 18.13.080, Density Control , of the Municipal Code for the Town of Vail in order to allow a 111 square foot addition to be constructed on an existing, non-conforming re/sidence located on Lot 2, Block 6, Vail Village 7th Filing. Application has been made in accord with Chapter 18.62 of the Municipal Code. A Public Hearing wil1 be he'ld in accordance with Section'18.66.060 of the Municipal Code on March 28, 1978, at 3:00 P.M. before the Town of Vail Planning Commission. Sajd hearing will be he'ld in Vail Municipal Bui 'l di ng. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTI4ENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT --f'a Diana S. Toughill Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail March 10, 1978. /lo',,, / pp I icant ) (ci do hereby request permission to appear Commission to request the folloving: to w I ng described p ro e rfy: Lot/tract4z/Btocu 4For the Flllng Clearly purpose and inten of th is a I i cat ion ffi,t (Address ) Phone ty ) before the Val I Planning t,(t variance f rom Articl"J.A-|L, s""tton t7'/6'Of A ( I Zoning Change from( ) Park ing Variance( ) Conditional Use Permit to allow I n Zone. f o I lo l'lumber state Applicatlon Dai Hea r I ng Date Flnat Decl;^ion date for Town Counc APPL tCAT ION TOR VAR IANCE And/0r CONO I 'I'I OIIAL USE PERM I T 0rdlnanco lto. B (Scrios of l97l) Hea r i ng Fee do you feel is the bas i s for hardshlp in fhis case? /}LJ *t- t' F!! At o. ?, Y i ir. CEi',r-i i' r, ,l February 22, 1978 NIr. Gordon R. Pierce Pierce Briner & Fitzhugh Scott, Inc. P. O. Box 2299 Vail , Colorado 81657 Re: (L) Request for variance for additional square footage in bedroom and bathroom - 1012 E. Eagles Nest Circle, Vail , Colorado (2) Request for your advice and direction for landscape design Dear Gordon: I was discouraged to read your letter of February 16th in which you indicated it would be necessary for us to obtain a variance for the additional square footage which we need for the bedroom and bathroom at 1012 E. Eagles Nest Circle. I called to discuss the situation with you yesterday afternoon and in your absence I talked to Bob t{ighland. I understand from him that Vailts new revised method to calculate the house area to lot ratio now makes our house trover the allowable G. R. F. A. by about 300 square feet.r' He also tells me that it would be helpful if Lois and I could be present with you when the presentation is made to the zoning officials and/or the City Council Committee. He indicated that the Council meets every two weeks on Tuesday and that an application to appear on the agenda must be made two weeks prior thereto, I may be able to come to Vail at any time to discuss this matter on about a weekrs notice, but I am definitely planning on being there to arrive on the weekend of March 18, Lois is in Vail now and will not be leaving until about March L. The Tuesday, Iilarch 7, meeting would already be too late for the required time prior notification. It would seem that Tuesday, March 21 would be one of the first Tuesdays we could appear before the City Council if we are to give two weekrs notice before the meeting and this date should be convenient for us. Would you please initiate any requests that may be necessary for an early hearing of our request for a variance? I know nothing about the procedures required to obtain zoning variances in Vail but it seems to me the objective of the house area to lot ratio regulation would be to preserve Vailrs scarce open space and prevent oversized houses from being crowded into the limited open spaces. In our case, we are not increasing the size of our house. Almost all of the space we propose to utilize is in an existing attic and closet, all under the existing roof. / ' '+"NTFraL -TRUetT BANK O Mr. Gordon R. Pierce Page Two February 22, L978 A very important point is that we are attempting to correct a substandard ceiling height and space in the bedroom we are expanding by the addition of a roof dormer window. This existing ceiling height in this bedroom is below any uniform building code standard I have knowledge of . In the area where the beds must be placed in the existing bedroom, the ceiling is so low that no bed can be used and mattresses have to be put directly on the floor. Therefore all we are attempting to do is to increase the ceil- ing height in this existing bedroom by the addition of the dotmer to make it an average size bedroom. Bob Highland said he would verifu the existing ceiling height in this situation and compare with uniform building code re- quirements. Also, another good point is that the expansion of this bedroom and bathroom are all in the existing space and all under an existing roof, and the space we are adding to the bedroom is now already in an attic and about TSeo of. the proposed bathroom will utilize an area which is now a closet. In comparison with the two new homes built on Eagles Nest Circle, our house seems to occupy much less space in relation to the size of the lot, and the open areas around it would appear to be much more adequate than the space around the new homes, Certainly the increase in the ceiling height in the bedroom and the addition of the bathroom to serve the new bedroom (under the existing roof) would in no way increase the visual crowding of the site. We would not want to run up against a buzz saw and would hope the people in control of vail building and development and their city council would not be opposed to what we are trying to do to improve the livability of our house without expanding any of the exterior size. I hope the council will not be prejudiced by any prior negative recommendations to our proposed variance from the city building and zoning offieiars. To avoid this possibility I think it would be desirable for you and Bob to inform the staff people of the fact that what we are requesting and why it does not violate the spirit of the objectives for which the ordinance was prepared, i.e., to prevent over-building of existing land to the d.etriment of open space. Mr. Gordon R. Pierce Page Tturee FebruarY 22' t978 I imagine the biggest problem we have to -confront is that Council members may feel if they approve oie variance, they will be establishing a precedent to approve oit "", with less merit. This, of course, is the defense that a bureau- crat traoitionally falls back on to avoid considering whether the applicable ruling is realistic. Hopefully this will not be the situation in our case' I believe Lois would be willing to join with me in appearing before any committees if you think this would be helpful ' In any case we will want to go ahead with the plans of the remodeling and Iwouldsuggestthatplansb-epreparedassumingalltheremodelingwilltake place. enA, if you think it woutO Ue helpful ' a specific drawing should be prepared showing exactly what we are proposing for the second floor bedroomandbathroomexpansiontodemonstratethatourproposalunder the existing roof will have no adverse esthetic effect or create any additional crowding of the open space in this area' Gordon, on another subject, at your early convenience, we would appreciate your considering my letter to you of January 31st regarding the request for your advice and direction in regard to landscape design plans which we hope to have in time to do late spring planting' I will look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, ,.t---w sbc: kw cc: Mr. Bob Highland TOWN OF VAIL 75 g. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL' CO 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEI.'OPMENT .rz Lol@ '/' U(J,( '' ' NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED eoo/ar,t sFR BUrLD PERMTT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 896-0180 CR Statu6...: APPLIED Applied..: ot/ot/vsa Issued. . . : ExPires. . : Phone z 845-87O2 Phone z 845-87Q2 JEFFERSON CITY MO 65101 #Of Gas Logs:#of Iood/Pal, tet: Job Address L,ocation. . . Parcel No.. Project No. 1012 EAGLES NEST 270r-092-04-002 PRJ95-0113 ADVANTAGE CONSTRUCTION CORP. P.O BOX 3472t VAIL, co 81658 ADVANTAGE CONSTRUCTION CORP. P.O BOX 3472, VArr,, co 81658 CENTRAL MISSOURI REAIJTY CO - cooK sAM B - TRUSTEE, 238 MADrsoN' Description: ADDITION TO RESIDENCE occuDancv: R3 Single Farnily Residence Type Con-struction: V N Type V Non-Rated Valuationz L54,524 Add Sq Ft: 360 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OhINER Fi rcptaca Infornation: Rest ri cted:fof Gas App Liances: *t**ffi***t**rffit**ffiffi*****t FEE sulthARy *tffitrt**tr****Hffi!t***r***tffi**t't*****ffitffitt Bui tdingr----) g60.00 Rcatuarant ptan nevierl> .m TotaL cal,cutatcd Fces--> 2,341 .n Pf'an Check---) 6?4 'w DRB Fee-----------------1 2oo'oo Additionat Fees--------> '00 Invrstigation> .@ Rrcreation Fce----------> 54.00 Totrl' Pernit Fee-------> 2'341'W li tl. c!tt----> 3.()o cl'!.n-up Deposit-------> 5OO'm Peyrents------------: 2q)'00 TOTAL FEES----- **********t**,i*ffi*rt***ffii*ft***firftt*rtffiot***t*****ffi****rt**rffiii!'r*t*|tJ***ffit***rtrffi*fttkffihHrrrkffi*'r****'r*ffitt* ITem: 05lOO BUILDING DEPARTMENT-olkh/.t996 CHARLTE Action: NQIEoi'/61'/7996 CHARLTE Action: APPR Itfun:'.05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT- 61lcijt /tgg' CHARLTE Acti on: NqTE6i'/1471996 cEoRcE Action: APPR It'em:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTYENT ----0176i/L996 CHARLTE Action: APPRItbrn:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKFo1/62/tgga CHARLTE Action: NorE DePt : BUII-,DING Division: CHARLIE PLANS EXAMINER DEPI: PI.,ANNING DiViSiON: GEORGE PLANNER Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division:N/A LARRY PVI see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit' DECLARATIONS I hereby ackngr,l,edge that I have read this appl,ication, f il,l.ed out in ful,L the information requi red, conpLeted an accurate ptot pl,an, and state that at,t the inforrEtion pro;ided as requi red i_s correct. I agree to colpl,y riith the information and plot ptan' to corpl.y yith att roun ordinances and stlte [avs, and io buitd this structurc according tothe Tovn's zoni ng and suHivision coAcs,'O'esign rcviev approveJ, Unito"r BuiLding Code and other ordinances of thc ToHn appticabt' thereto' REeuEsrs FoR tNspEcrloNs sltALL BE iAoE TUENTY-FoUR ltouRs IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE Al 4T)-213E oR AT ouR oFtIcE fRoll E:00 Atl 5:00 Ph Srnd c lcan-Up oeposit To:STCITTTINE OF O[I''ER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII{SELF AND OI'INER Page 2 ***************************************i**************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 896-0180 aB af o7/L6/96 status---: APPLTED ******************************************************************************** permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied--r 07/03/L996 epplicanll-: ADvhNTAGE coNsrRucrroN coRP. rssued---: 845-8702 To Expire: Job Address: 1012 EAGLES NEST CR Location---:Parcel No--: 2LOL-092-04-002 Description: ADDITION TO RESIDENCE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * conditiong Jr**lr{r**rt** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE' 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC. 3. ONE HOUR CONSTRUCTION IS REQUIRED BETWEEN GARAGE AND HOUSE WITH DOOR TO BE 20 MINUTE RATED WITH CLOSURE. 4.HANDRAILSANDGUARDRAILSToMEETCHAPTER33ANDIToFTHE 1991 UBC. 5. STAIRS TO MEET CHAPTER 33 OF THE 1991 UBC. 6. Construction fencing required along entire north edge of pro perty. 7. bRIVEWAY MUST MEET EXISTING PAN INSTALLED BY THE TOltlN IN 1995 TOWN OF VA]L ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 Invest igat ion> !,itL cal,l,----> TOTAL FEES-_> DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAI, PERMIT Perrnit #: 896-0142 Job Addrese: 742 SANDY l,N Location...: Parcel No.. : 2lOL-092-04-002 Project No. : PRJ96-011'3 APPLICANT GORE RANGE ELECTRIC P O BOX 1858, AVON CO 8l-620 CONTRACTOR GORE RANGE ELECTRIC OVINER Description: ADDITION To RESIDENCE *********fiirf,r*f,f,*|H*t***ff,tffiff****r****ffi**t*r FEE ELectricat---> ?34.00 DRB Fee P O BOX 1858, AVON CO 81620 CENTRAL MISSOURI REALTY CO _ cooK sAM B - TRUSTEE, 238 MADISON' JEFFERSoN crTY MO 6510L Valuation:12, 900.00 suttilARY fi ***i*rtt*f**ffitrffi Total ca l,cu l,ated Fees---> 237 '@ AdditionaL Fees-------> Total, Pernit Fee--------> Payn|ents------- BALANCE DUE---_ SIAIU6...: APPROVED Applied..: o7/03/L996 ri-sued. . . : 07 /03/I996Expires..: L2/30/L996 Phone: 3039497788 Phone: 3039497788 .(n 237.0O .00 ?37.@ .00 3.00 237-@ Item:06000 o7 /03/L996 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENTCHARLIE ACIJ.ON: APPR Dept: BUILDING Divi-sion: CONDITION OF APPROVAL *****ff*,****ff***.ktrrt'*,ffi***iffi*******f,ff***ff*ffi*lckii**t rhrd***tntt*i***ffi***#****ttff*ttt***t'ri*tt***f,****r***t**:htlr****ti DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoutedge that r have read this appLication, fil,Led out in ful'l' the intormtion Pcqu i Ped, comp(eted an ptin, "'r,a state thit al,l, th. informtion provideO as required- i.s correct. .I agrce to conpLy sith the intorration to corpty Hith atl To]rn ordinances rnd statc [aws, and io buiLd this structurc according to thc To]'n's zoning and codes, dcaign reviev approved/ Uniform Buil,ding Code and other ordinancca of thc Tovn aPPl'icabl'e thereto' REOUESTS IOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROI{ rccurate Plot ard plot Ptan' subd i vi si on 8:00 A 5:00 Pil fficroR FoR HIlls€LF AND ollNER TOWN OF VAII-, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Job Addreas L,,ocati-on. . . Parcel No.. Project No. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEI'OPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALI., TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P96-0105 742 SANDY LN 2'J.0t-092-04-002 PRJ9 6-0113 Status...: APPROVED AppIied..: 07/03/L996 riiued...: 07/03/L996 Expiree..: 12/3o/L996 Phone: 9708458315 Phone: 9708458315 81602 81602 AST AND MCFERRIN PLUMBING & HE P.o Box 784, GLENWooD SPRINGS CO AST AND MCFERRIN PLUMB]NG & HE P.O BoX 784, GLENWOOD SPRTNGS CO CENTRAL MISSOURI REAI,TY CO - cooK sAM B - TRUSTEE, 238 MADrsoN,JEFFERSON CITY MO 55101 7r550.0oDeecription: ADDITION TO RESIDENCE ***tff*ffi*ffi*r**ffit#Qt*liffi**t*******t**t|Ht*ffi FEE SUf ilARY *r*i***ttt*ffi **ffJr,nft#r******f,r*****fi*f,f***ffi *r* .00 Total catcu[atcd Fees---> 153'00 153.m Additionat Fces-------> -(I) TotaL Permit Fee-----> 153 'OO Ptunbing----> Ptan chcck---> lnvcst igation> lli l,l, Cal,l,----> 120.00 30.00 .00 3.00 Restuarant Plan Revie]r--> TOTAL FEES_-_ Valuation: Payrents------ BALANCE DUE---- .(n 153.00 Item: .05100 07 /03/L996It'em:'05600 o7 /o3/rgs6 BUILDING DEPARTMENTCHARLIE ACIiON: APPR FIRE DEPARTMENTCHARLIE ACTiON: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: 1. CONDITION FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO OF APPROVAI-, CHECK FOR CODE COMPI,IANCE. DECLARATIONS I hcrcby acknovtedge that I have rcad this appLication, fil'[cd out in fuLL the information rcquircd-' corptetrd an pl,an, and state that au. the infornation pro;ided as ".qui rJ is correct. t agree to co0pty vith th! intornation to compLy Hith al,l, Totn ordinances and stite ta*s, and to bui l,d this structure according to the Toun's-zoning and codes, design reviev approvJ, 'u"it""t autialtg Code and other ordinances of the Toun appticabte thereto' REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-213E OR AT OUR OFFICE FRO]I accurate pLot and plot ptan/ subdi v i sion 6: m Ar 5:00 Pl4 aEl28/L!96 88:45 .lu t'383-845or8 ADVANTAGE " " O FRITZLEIT PIERCE PAffi A2 @ooz 11:25 No.OOJ P.O2 FEf,I.II? '+ 06rIS,'90 l5:S0 FAlt OZ0{ZB{g0t .t9yJ*ii:."-?i"Lr$o"!g3Fru^....riL;3o,1.11,7s-245?,ruN ?s'e6 frl".Sl";,"*9il,tg#"Fl* - H.ff liflffigvg"l" ^t& d,/EEZ - ctrn|ft' truc ! tr-:: ffi= ffi,f,ffl--r5 ffi: @ l00rrrrr taebttlct z A-r^^ t'. . -,-:4'4_ n-: *4 -c ra=!I_ _ ccl|f,r|l orrarl,rrt{cnr vU, ),^. . ij.-t. - -- trbrk Clarrr t J-lter [ )-lrce'F.tfn {.J ,-f&lt,tlo||rfl|utbeS of t'U.rllng ftnlt.r ,__ *r;_ A,, r,-_LfsGra of tc€h-drtlo! I'EttEf ;Frbor t'' lllDr ol atrrrlrrre.rr c.. rDtrrr.,rs- Rrr r.of,r_ troad,/scrl.t*it*r *la*tl**+*ao a a a * a*l a traf ll}lt rlrr.rfirr?^rr- ^^_- -"--rtllrtlttt tir&urfitrt --rr.*.ariar.trraf...a-.aattraar.Itortl€s t/'+,tett- El rct5tgrt Gont=ra j:-. ,/..- . - D ,--, - i#;.=i,I;iL-Zi.Yi Add.lr.ri E;--;'r% - to,etl ct Vatl ills.lSl sE:1*B'.1 t / rt"at g{ vall,/ Pho11P ||rrrnberr i,r.r.!r.r_. % {.ol! o_! \l_rfl lrg, XO,f,r'---' yagna r'rba! r - - --, t_trttr***aaititaaaarlf *aaaa***r'.r. 16r --_: _ _ffiH:g 3*$g :gl ; - - - - .-::: lor srtrsEraurt ll--:.t.r...*..*.rr.,o...r..r'ltrffiriL- ffisLffiffi,-#ffi""or-ianr; ;- ffiffifu, DlXttDl|t(lrAtCrtlIUn!stottrxGrlfO[llUEr -- 08/25/96 I1:10 06/26/96 08:47 TI/RX No.{{46 TXIRX N0.4461 P.002 P.002 nEprr:irg9/ lg/97 E7 r?4, REEUESTS TOTJN OF UAIL, COLI]RADO FUR INSpEtrTItrN l'fORK 9HEETS FOR: 9/le/97 '"16PAGE AREA: trD Activityr Address: Locat i on : Paree I : Deseri pt i on: Appl icant : Owner: Contractor: 896-Ot8O 9/LOl97 Type: A-BUILD lOlE ENELES NEST CR P191-g9a*G.4-0'ga ADDITION TO RESIDENCE ADVANTRGE CONSTRUCTION CORP. CENTRAL IiIISSOURI REALTY CO - ADVANTAEE CONSTRUCTION CORP. Status: ISSUED Oec: Fhone: 845-4762 Fhone: Phone: 845-8762 Constr: ASFR Use: V N f' Inspeetion Request Inforration..... Requestorr trAT/ADVANTAGE CONSTRUC Req Tire: OB:OO Correntsl l.lILL CALL PLEASE trhone: 476*P5?9 Iters requested to be Inspected... OOO9O BLDG-Final Action Corrent s Tire Exp ---, Inspection History. . .. . Iter: 6OSIO driveway qrade finalIter: 00410 BLDG-Footings./SteelgA/49/96 Inspeetor: EEIter: O&,firD BLD6-Foundat ion/SteelIter: OSSaO PLAN-ILC Site PlanIter: OOOS0 BLDE-Fraring 16/?2/96 fnspector: CFIter: BOOSO BLDG-Insulation 10/?4/96 Inspector: CFfterl o.otor60 BLD6-Sheetrock Nailtl/81/96 Inspector: DSIter : OOOTO B|.-DB-ltlise. OglI4/Sb Inspector: CFlgl16/96 Inspector: EG 10/lE/96 Inspector: EEIter: OOO9O BLDG-Final Iter: GO536 BLDG-Terp. C/trIter: o,o340 BLDG-Final tr/O Action: APPR APPROVED Action: APPR Action: APPR flction: APPR Action: APtrRAction: APtrR Aetion: APPR fltrtrR0vED ienv uRpR anRR APPROVED PL]IIOST DONE AtrPROVED AtrtrRT}VED AT GRN BD 'I .I i l REpTl3i TOl"fN OF UArL, COLORADII A9/lO/97 O7=?4 REGUESTS FOR INSPECTI0N I|ORK SHEETS FOR: 9/lot97 PRGE AREAI CD Activity: Address: Loeat i on r Paree I : Descr i pt i on : Appl ieant: Onner: Eontraet or: P96-O1CI5 9lrVl97 Type: B-PLilB 1OIE EAGLES NEST CR elol-89"-9,4-0,0,? ADDITION TO RESIDENCE AST AND iICFERRIN PLUiIBING & HE CENTRAL HISST]URI REALTY CO * A5T AND ITICFERRIN PLUFIBING & HE Status: ISSUED Constr: ASFR Oee : Us'E : Phone: 97O8458315 Fhone: Phone: 97S4459315 Inspect ion Request Inforrat ion. . . . . Requestor: trAT/ADUANTAGE CONSTRUC Req Tire: O8:O0 Corrents: TJILL CALL PLERSE Phone: 476-ESE9 Iters requested to be Inspeeted.. GE26GflE {'t1+r-Actioo Corrent Tire Exp Iter : Oo,?lO PlltlB-Underground Iter: OeB?g PLllB-Rough/D.N. U. lg/??/96 Inspector: CF Iter : 0Oe3O trLllB-Rouqh^/!,laterlg/"?/96 Inspector: CF Iter: o,o,?49 PLlilB-Gas PipingIter: o/n?58 PLltlB-trool/Hot TubIter: o,Be6O PLltlB-llisc.Iter: O0egg PLftlB-Final Action: APPR HflTER TEST Action: APPR 1OOPSI AIR TEST I It Inspeetion History. . . . . I REPTTSI Al / L7 /97 ttr6 :48 TOt^lN oF UAIL-r CoLORADO REGUESTS FOR INSF,HC"IION WORK SHEETS FOR: t/L7/97 PAGE AREfl: E6 13 Activity: E95-rZr14E 1l17/97'Iype: B*ELEC Statr-rs: lS-SUED Constr: ASFR Addr.ese: 1O13 EAGLES NEST CR Lorat i on : Far"cel r *1O1-O9E-fr4-0,Ae 0cc; Use: Descr"iption: ADDITION T0 RESIDENCE Rpplieant: GORE RAN6E ELECTRIC Fhone: 3O39497788 i ,'.r, owner" r CENTRAL MISSOURI REFLTY CO - Fhone t , doptractor': GORE RANGE ELECTRIC Fhoner 3Et39rt977BB # t------ Inspect i on Request Informat i on. . . . Requestor": TIM/60RE RANGE ELEC Req Timel tl8:OtZt Comments: Items requested to be Inspected... AA19O ELEC-Final F,hone: 39Er-7788 i ne ExpCo m ment s Inspection Histor'y. . . . . ItemI tAtAlf0 ELEC-Temp. Fower" Iten : aralea ELEC-Ro'-rgh LA/ts3/96 Inspeetorr EG Item r filllsgt ELEC-Conduit Item: tZttZtl44 ELEC-Misc. Item: Era19E ELEC-Final /-/v lr Aet i on: AtrF R APF'ED CI.IECK REQUEST PREPARED BY:DATE: VENDOR NA VENDOR NUMBER: DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND FOR BP # /(ry6@/h NAME OF JOB: ACCOUNTNUMBER: 0l 000022002 AMOUNT OF REFUND: 59O . oA DATE APPROVED:/o- &- ?7 APPROVAL SIGNATURE: oz b =E uJo u'tul UJ Lt- L = uJ al- "-6/ un @ &<E86 {+a) c.lo\o\ F\(\ F E v z H z <=9z*z:< 2c6o!z LUF F Faz =o ozz an2 F{o tsl4go(J e E ut (, HH ch oItlF z z = { oz z gJz3 UJI F z :+. rs c* ..{\-, F.| 2q (, o o 0) o (\t .9 (! 'F.r q) ;'. atoococ E o q) E oEoo F = dt o =l do, clor! '.9 o) '=Oo;(*!otE8E; E!E: E Se:Ec-o> c fi sE =E€I;>=Xc966 3 5;.;-'=>66: oNE!Eo-OOc 5;;EElteo- 6 cL-o-= - o|s:o-o!E-ors*e€ P'6(o6 *EE H E6 F: E;(D(,| - -.c -- Ef;;EgEl= 9,6A.6 i* 5: hSsE9E-or .eEg: - o fit: lr1F lnx .s(n(n .ir .vG IN(n + F = uJ z x z J o For! UJ z =) J 2 () = ultu z tr uJe. ttlt 3tut|rl(r z 6|rl F6o ll,/ fz qJ F gJ att (f> UJ UJll. ts = uJo- J Fo F z .o J o F UJ -JIJJ ozd = E 9z IJJE Fl ts NOTMlVA I I I=ll:.1..:-r-lr'l = u.r .i l= =!o*lE .-& gg Z Z rLF4o oo2tr ^ 6 zi{ B d =Efi66 fr*ozXFl|r<og i<Eg EA dot(J zo F rL cc E. uJ F F ut e. J z Eo 'q>+zI uJFJ =uJz Itltttl FzfzOa;: uJkoo< >fi>(r 8o<z =z ,. Oz --i F .u-63trOI lJ c. ll,lzY =F z tr J az I z z-t- q .) 3 !t!(E o 3 U) lil FI zl zl ,,.. >| ul l!ulzo tr cct! o- .J z Eo z a I -1 I I I "l=lIl(!l I| 1,.lol<t!td l;,l:og & FI}(x (o @ Lc)O N o\ F O.l >l z zH H 3t': u,2 Fr ul E U) cto-zo Fo- UJY UJ co oF E = uJ o- lto o-oo I ulFoz at) zz oP Ezk *coo i>z H -1 X c..ro.tt E b4JL__t L l J.^i61,,, \J =zai A;E tr tr uJo-t!o l! z f oF - IL lF- h=icdU>aO|!9o - LlJxo-x> ul IL ul F o Ect -9o etl .E t E Eo(, o Co E octo! I -- ts =E,lrl o-zoF(JfEFazo() uJF o ol Hl I I .lol =.1ol uJl 1l <l>l EIol il sOl urFI F -'lrl:1. I dl z.l (9le.r HIPrlliil t>l F\ r,r-lN Oloo 7l FI 4 HH z c.l r"')In It- c.l ril:l|r.l IC.'I<l HIl-r I>l I FlH =u- 6 Fo tl ot & MI() ui =z .D rn c I t\.<I .r H =o .ir(\ ro Ir\N z Hts H z t/, HzHE E, F E Fz z -() uJ l-^8. tJ =b2 J d.F uJ E 9P E?>(l]Fd6 -.r O<F(rQuJ<zE[UFtrl zo mmn ,l jl oz F =g, uJo- N.{ o IJJ uJu- ts =E UJ Y5' gY,b Lgzda/ +),/2 (\ r^ vz E Fl |4 <r4 a=tr<OFI(5Az 225 ad tuF F EFIz =o ozzo l*li lsli tEl l(nl(l.:'toI uJ,tF)tollz, | 2-t loll:l| "r|lol | .6; lz<lz\ IN --,1 { I l \-t n L{:)J v,| tE{ I(Jtz H = rd h r'l- Hz H zH tl!IJtuJ;lo; t>Y IIrD t-5t6 Qr alu; l/lcE l19; t li)t f lfa\\ ltrc\\\ti3\ \16 P \ls S'. 'l'8"a\ lin\*\lo s& \*l*;a\ ilt:=E\\\IEO E$\EI0 lezE t(,.,< (5 o '-io]o)oc(, @ =Zii r{'= tI1F O - o@tr&. xoo ()o q) c.d H ^ ()Atr{E 0) OaL-o- triS* =P.92 Q14 '=OoX*tuiE8E"; .EE EE E Se:Eg-o> ET:E =si;c9cE -*=d'3 5;.; S EiRE!Eo* o oifEo' €eeP Elseo- (! cL-cl= - o(o = o-oi E- ors*e€ !666 :E.E H E6FS :*'E3(Eo'-Ec=oo eg; t E e;; r5 E: efieE9E o -eEg! - o (E: rn F-N F F = tlJ z J lo Y t! z J o.F uJ IJJ z CO f J z o uJ = u,Jlu z tr !r,lE UJ =g UJ zo6 u.l F oo- IIJ z x F uJ <A o UJ UJll- ts =E UJo- J FoF z ao J uJ ul oz6 = d () z ul = NO|lVn]VA I I Il< I l.-rtd "|fl.r l(/)*lENl Et =cz!- 624>eio Ecr) Xx UJ dR niE-14ruqo >E iur z9 F^ EEq>o3r6>u-<o1iotoFO;ci lr F HF lcnll-{IX 1l1 F It'l IEl<l- lr.r l* lAr l=Itrrri IE rq f.1 FK r b. zo F a uJo- N Rx a(L tu --) z E o 2 tr E uJF 3t!z ItltlllabzlzOa <oo< =pR!Ldo<z Lz Oz tro3trOI l-J (! a UJzY iF r! F z F Jloz ;z 7 I ;-1-i)f,l<l:l 8l oo 3 _l trl zl zl .. >l UJ tuutz at) tr (r UJ o- J z Eo :lYI(!l<lt!lH I oO |t-toOO V)z Fl z N A.,rtrt z zH gJ F o ut tr U'oo-zo Fo- uJY IIJo oF F (r lu o- t!o ooo I uJ Foz 4 H f.l-4 .^= @;F El =< Eoo o>zF -1 = N al! o LJUU .^iE\,, \., = =83=uiE6E= tr ur(L t! uloz U' at) o E )l-t!-h=-EdrJ>oOu9o\trxo-:>LJ I- UJ =l! t1J @ F Eo E CLoo Bt .E t E E 8 ,ao =lef=6l-gf=E -cL=o:! E =E, lrJo-zIF(J :) E,Fozo(J I I Iolzl dlull 5l il vl;t I I I =.1ol LrJl 1l al>l 5l zl =lolFI =.1(,l IJJI 5l <l>l t!l 'I3lolFI rnrntrl I co ?l\tlcllI olzl dl ul ;l zltl FI z zH 4 o tr z.l uJl 5l <l>ltrlol zl 3lolFI 5 14 I Y uJ =z o:) F- r\ I F.ir FfH ! F 99 z E] F-l N uJ oo J = |4 4 I& 2 (9 z.d ==Ja! E F Fz z, i,lJ = l-gt) =J- IYb2 () o F llJ <F(lc) IJJ <zyIIJ Farzo E uJz. = HlnI slrit'i tt*;NJ 5s $;st F $b f$st' $L $ s F'r # -o =.N -ls aL s I I-+ I -f TNo,$. .+Ailte I $f,. It s .i :, $T $fd ft$ lE-* $lp* s li.hlJtt}.lrr.tM -C lSrt\r | +- l-s[t.E ] rl, | .(\-J -ll il.D\\} I N*\ Ntf I \\\11 +l flltN $ islxi:a \_t- it''-t IPt\l et R-$t r-4\Jl {ils..tfi f,- :Et t fl I l, t;_tl I -1 ]J, d$ IiH $tE+ : t, i! t-F'Tr -TTS-flTN.+ilr\ \i-.: \ i llll'r l -J- -l- $ f Plan Review Based ontbe 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: COOK REMODEL DATE: 5-2'7-92 ADDRESS: L0L2 EAGLE NEST WAY CONTRACTOR: MINCK CONST. VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: BETH LEVINE OCCUPANCY: R-3 ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The itens listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirenents in the adopted codes. It ie a guide to selected sections of the codes. Tbe following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of tbe pro- visiong of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Towa of Vail . 1. SMOKE DETECTORS REOUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AS PER SEC.]-210 1991 UBC.2. MECHANICAL VENTTLATION REQUIRED IN BATHROOM REMODEL. 3. GUARDRAIL TO COMPLY WITH SEC.I'7I2 OF 1991 UBC. J.cfr{OO ul E(t) c!o-zo Fo-ulY (\l I C\I Iro lrJo oF F cE; IJJ(L ttoj> o-,o o UJ 'F oI.z;r L uJF o z o9zz coo =zJOl! u- tr!tr rHg tr trulLr!o.r. ulEO2zE<of,606eB9t; Ef, =>:urEFaHb=,yx 9=EXeqo-i!i \ rrJ co oF I-- F =E,lrlo-z9Fo :)EFazo() oz F =g. uJo- EE€Eg\ ir*e5\: #;eEs g;::tl E HaEa s gga:iS egg,EilS ;-.ot 3d.,"E3e;s\ :EtgJ, Ctr.'ct EiEsii 6*8.9 a Hl:e EgEEE E. = =:i9 9or aa =r;29 5Ep? E=g q <'5e g EEi q 6!rN(, =2 t "r- 3 1E9 P= =4 E istESo(,or 6 ? E E=E F Egg c<ao(Jl 2 E G, uJ F 3uJz rib*YiP ll drltrl{{el fl:l .l 1lolull 5lil>l ttlol zl FI J z.l olutl 1l <l>l tr.lol zl FI =,|(,l IJJI rEl il zl =lolFI I I .lzl ol uJl 5l <l>lttlol pl i I I I "l Fo o!o c,E Joo(J fO(t', ii =z o:) I I Il-lL I I I Jtnl uJl olo|<l J<trE() .E -rO<FdOuJ<zE I.IJ F(tZoO JE<o(JF r-3qE (,oz t-- E# )zu-o o z O z I tu Ei: UJ+8,Ft-o2 o oz E =G IJJo- ooo (7) @ (r, IJJ Llltl F =t Lu o- ( drv E6/ /LaqE # T,) U) uJF z z = co .6 o =z ttrll'llll- IE IEirrll1 _l>,: IirtlL\r rc F, IE..:!l rJ 'd --;i I tttrtrzsb lE srl6 t:)= .z rl lr.lo ='r L ccoF Fz o E. G UJz '3 l!o ul(r zo ut uJz3o ut Foz o;i (6.Y, '=OCoX(O sbE; s E€gEI lgEfig i A;EE iiEs; iEel e E€;eE *-; E"g g sEiei iegg$: u"' O o Ep 5 8t-t :EE g* cxo(ac E't;r€O ? }EJ BH:Fa gFiEi oero (f) o rfl c4 = UJ z J (o Y uJ 2 aF() rlJJ UJ oz E E J 2 () u,J ulq, z qJ uJ ID 3lu uJ zI tll F al, uJocfz ut C) >< F uJo o uJ uJ lJ-t =E UJo- J FoF az J l6 () F UJJ UJ za = I J 2 lrJ = NOrrvn'lvA llbl RI l=llo lc,t! t() EI;lc l(,t.d I..L 1o- FHEEEz() |OFIOtr!lpaPlE(Jl()o(uto,t- =ot> ;slf;uJglzlolOllslEv(J , 6 GI zz9o;B E .t (t1>(., cl9Zu- <(oo- tot()FO .ini zo F J { .E o-3 UJ o(o c|ll J z E x z9 UJ 3 IJJz lltl1l o)Fzlz9coFrl'|<oo< =H3o<z q) Fz. 9z tro3fiOI uJ -)) ulzY i F. z tr) oz il -l =l zl c JJ UJ ,rlz = I JJ J( z : 5l uJo (9z :< z F toI d. (..1:) .,.-t r-) urFo c0o1zo F.L nJY ulo oF F =ff*o-6 l! F-o. >(Ono9 \J:5 Igur 2E z--o9:-zz =zJO(L tr- .-i6 =F=a;3 F ul lro ut z oF .E E J t--tu :- h= o- uJ>o-Or!ooI u.rx(Lx> lu) -Jtt ru (D F co Ee .9o ott 'E t E E 8 o --- E =E lrJo-zIF()f E,FQzoo ntn L! =z d]o-) ao F 3l=l0l(ul FI-lc\t I5l-t I g q CI3--lg I I ILl' I I J(4q4 dcI J> EO lltltlI cillzlldltHlt-l I a-llil JFl L+, o t! PP <uc co ltlltltl l"ll=ltolI u,ll t5lt<ll>lI rl-lloltzldarlt Fl ol =.1(,l uJl 5l <l>l t!l \JI zl dFI I I I I I ol =.1(rl uJl 5l al>l u-l il =Ol t!FI F uJF T C) <F(lOuJ<zt (42o <oOFtotrs(J=!2 2? =f4Z z T ul = (r Fz IUX+E \JZ o DGI! , toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEERu pLYWooo NAILTNG tr GAS PIPING B INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR ,D tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPFOVED COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR l DATE o ts oa lll U L\ b '[ o 0 ol o ot (n LU LUtr-b ts E cts uJ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I li ll ll li t: J!sl Rt ;{= .l $.t. tl I $H =tL: ltai J,= 3 Nd iqlg? t9 atulF z z oJ 06 (J z N' t. i. ill: i, t5 ltru Id lqlr rl; is ^{ls I -.\ \l: i:;ttoig\ tblo-l l< | 3L* I -f*{H I'\noioH-l:ulglo ,.t'l! Igl 'r*\o" IY i' l lr- lu IH 'lo3 i(o lnj* |c \(rv iF a llul iY'-lFIo l,< F Ib lFsis lut3: Iol cl(sl (Dtrrlololo)t trol flc0l :-lo1 I 3lEI>l9iol $ =.g E ..-- a) co i': ($ .Y''5 P "'} iii .' ! D 'L, 6oc - c tr <n il *EPB;.: aJ -c:lc: 9;P.ec*o> o(!SXs r-r J'X- 5.o d =Pr- fcSco o >':--*>66 E AN =FC...*.O O -c iEo'.e'; 9 e=- -'!Y= c nr .:_ CJ F o- c{ (}-o:- o st-O-O)'F o- c=6E€9;'sd PEEH o (u: eiEg-c cJ:J_ o-.y o SEsse 3 )et o >-'=O ('--i; x6Fe6! 6- afieE9iic.r -;ico(ti b b- -o(6: b ") k nuU ti (\ e oq o! a(v, aq V, .1 N R 0q \Ia\ \'! btr l.r tr II (L o l(D LLIT(J z.{ o- a Fo Lrl -ittl J = I T fiEp |- +< [J G s o: o oqt ; rr 6ul F LU o' ? ltr X F L,) aL!ul L tg .J FoF ; 6 =:lt5 E F lJ.l o (D : 2 - z NOttvntvA ll Irl , : Y$:; ;El{ =; *dlN, z z tL lf{o o o \l l: E s 36{EE9 OEtTG -o a ll P ? EiI V iH Edl f; El F o- E \l\ =ii oa llatl0tltrJtl :ii >il Jll<lt 5l FI cil(]l "l:lzlol EI(rl ,31 --.r I I^l -l =lrlr Izl iitlll o 93Ei&Lef, g33 ffPtr6i?82 lttltttlilllll*to.i rH9 = d{ =:cp E 85eotz I I I Iltt!2 l 7- \F oo o II I I trz l u, zo F J f anz. J ? F t!r ;n s \< () u.l !l llllI] t: ll ail: L il lr lr ot. i.= il G 6 uJzY9IF (a\ )a ul J :!<(L ttlN rr).{ c_)r{(fcf + \ \j. ulF o UJ = c0. ->zo l'- UJY ui @ F E uJ tLo |Ioo I ulFo'z i l n \ A0\- i J { t +\ 1f a) U -q) A\ l\ () uJ::-:_ j: lltlt.ltltlvt t;0l l'nl i'\rl I{t J*l ,"Jv{ rltqeiI.-?l :.1 h_'4 :l (J I I -\l\l I'll a, J tr- t-o ' .-)i ''. 'i, tr t. I itnt] Lit_lr- i z .^ o zEc00 =;. zlfJc|C Lr- J)< _- * <-r\-r 9 :.;v a.:? dci;i ts cE uJ tLo+. uJFOiazE<e34r-;:o.l:FeE cd;l j* =ru-E b=., dil'i; :(L: ou-'- go :.: q uJ.-: X o- l; aFrr- "j ::J tl!(t oF k IX TJJfl ?p l-.(J K.t*('1 O TUz 3 tttltltltltlIIrl"lt-t zt \l El{ -.,1rl ilNY >l Yl bl)-l 7l -.i :'lo:1 Clr,l Fl I I I I I I 2l dlrul(El JI <l>l tr.l 9l{:l ui ol qr FI F \l 4lql ;l lsl\l rrt i I =.1ol Hl ;l>l rr,lol zl olr-l -tJ t\ l.{ \r\ rt A .+ .rrt't : r).ii I I I ol =.1 fll u:lJl ?l>l tr-lol 9lFI o () l- o izt-() LU I I I I I \l{'lNI kl-l\tl rll \-.rl'l rql oa -rO<F- cE (.) t!, < UJF<)7() nl lv v \J ( .J >f4 UJ .t oF.(t!:J :i J. CLt- l-O'z'O () <;9E .{'{ <) r;t1l ,'_';v-' < ) ciLl ()zt- -. Ct) r-- o- ,\ .ilrl nl NIl. ,![ {sl rI| -trI(l si \.1 ul o:l t department of community development uail, colorado 81657 B03l 47$5613 flovember 23, 1981 thvid Sellers 1000 South Frontage Rd. West Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Davd: RE: DRB Submittal of 11-18-81 At the November submittal for an as presented. 18 meeting extensi on of the Design Review Board, your of an upper level deck was approved "'ffi# Town Planner PJ:df llal il;t l--- ..1-.:*.- 'l 'I'llit' Ol; Ilttll:R lAl,S IIAME OF PROJECT . LEC,AL DDSCRII'!'1ON:Lor- a---BLwK- Q . J'rtrx,;lal--s]b.$--w - DESCRIPTION OF PRO'ECT The follouing infornation is Eoard beforc a final approval A, BUILDING I'ATERIALS Roof Siding other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Itindows lfindow Trin Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues F! ashi.ngs Chinncys 'l'rash [:rc] osures Greenhousc s Other PLANT MAlIRIALS (Vegetar ivc, Llndscapirrll Botanicll Name l}pe of I'la!.eriat required for submittal by thc applicarrt to thc l)esign llcvjew can bc g,ivcn: Color --1-'\lYta -ttrt:c o i" c'.:. ic- L.:>..rL l^J h^*,€. B. lrirr t cl i al s -i nc I udi ng Conrnon Name 1'rccs, Slir.'ubs, 9rs$:i/. i' r rcl Glound Cr-,vcr) Si z.cIduaLrr,,a A+atn -b-rtL' Areh 4i",'aue€it ta.---r-+-r4 Sg$-grua,j a.- u s Enqpl r,0zr,6\ r-'/ E:o-aelmann-\hakegr --.4-t4 b Q \ lools, ctc.) Plcasc spccify. C. OTIEII' I,ANDSCAPIj Tt:A'ruRI:S (Rctaining Walls, I;clrccs, Swinuning o t z Fa F z a I .t 2 e 'J tFE' =; O YZ IrlE r!\cti <i AZZA<E Fe ta2d' o c i <' .\-\"L -:i(\M\\ t{ F F F l|J3 F. rr1 F.NI J v ul (J z J ut IJJ oz l> uoz s tr G ul oo JIL ul F) J uJ c( Jtt J F yl zut =u, llJ uJzoN ! tr uI o o z I oIl E -l LL€ =,-et- t a.I =x CE 4 Folttt E ul 2 o o !J u,lrtv ur oz Jc J o tu ul E UJE z Iul u,t Ftt z F uJ Izo F E !J FJ 3 uJz z tr uJ o2 o ut lJ- 6 ut o-o uJJY 2 Ltl tt ll,ld o- z FlD F!J = llJ z tt, oJ <tI z Fz z J t! z o Do ul NO[Vn1VA Y 3 z tr E |ll J E l(rn; € KJO it \ll(\|= .0- - ^I:Ng- @t z trY=d.6Fcl9a =>:2*< o- (J>oFO ;.i z F tt uJ llJ G J E : Town of Vail H,F:CTRICAL PERMIT Job N N9 '" s.. y*) t.'J.C=1- Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee O too, r* )-t(* $..>".-L-:i..--. --.. ---.. $....-.......--..--..-...-..- 'i' . ) -----."- . $.--s-:1.:-1...-.......-... Date or AppricauorL.......-:-.J..r.:.:.\-., -k..--..!..a,p*--...-.--........1sA.2:........ APPROVALS Pla! Chackcr Data .//-z'.i' - ).,. Date THIS FORM IS TO BE FOSTED ON JOB SITE DURIilG CONSTRUCTION 24 HOTJRSI ADVAN(E NOIICE NEQI'IRED FOR INSPECTIONS 543 /) Electricalcontractor-..-5-i'..,.-{=,l---.-}*tl,\ m(if- I c--t^ -. , t -,1- r'J l-..-.. -1, '| (: ^ ' r-1. '$) f-. .-...,)J9.,.-_ $-.--......-.---...-.-...-... / npplicant---.----..---.....Slt!rturr $............................ Received By rHr c. f. xoEa:al an,, !a vti llnr5t t o* Lt Bod,.3, tJ U lb /-n a!/5v PLUMBIruA/MECHANICAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL .a oorrn/ /&/'7t -/^ ,t1 -7,'-') t '/rceNer*ae5d.4'? L'@4 6es i deNc-* ;;; -fl4n AooA-, ADDRESS tDp e*/e t/rfr;te coNrRAcroR 1^1R,: r- t i3 anr,nq+f- - ,{r*r<' n {{bz '6''4- oF woRK: ! rusw El{6ornon E nemooel f] nspe'n RIPTION OF WORK: PLUMBING: NUMBER tD'77?MECHANICAL: *unrrrnl Off\ff -?t/ vALuArfoN s 3, DA)vALuArloN E l. DOO REMARKS:REMARKS: ,, -"----\, PERMlr *{bP59-PERMfT ,r{7 591 ='Fa, ^fu"7 - ^DO-,. a | - TOTAL FEES: $ a.-/ \., rca Nuo,".fu Cnp K tds- dn* c-*-................ Date of c-r Erectricar contractor-...K.r9- =3 .u.llng.fr . ft e m oJ-eU 1 :*AeCC^B 4Y^'-' BuirdingVaruation r' -:t-o-g-: i?'ft)ort.*rr...-.,&.&olk SlFrtura Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Town of Vail FX,NCTRICAL PERMIT N9 543 ElectricalValuation $..-...-...-..-......--.---.. r3..2.* t5t' APPROVALS TIITS FORM Tg TO BE POSTED OII JOB SITE DURII{G CONSTRUCTIOI{ 24 HOI'RSI ADVANG NOTICE REQIJIRED FON INSPECTIONS Received By T|l! a. F. xaaaraL aa.,0rivrt tr0arr O @V F'3 l1l t ArTGFr,rrE Z UB:AT t sr|tll|E3 Aqepurra 1, ..zsts. J Qr-.; 2r t.ttQ to AcreppnrE, 3 @Y FEstocr.lci /+" 't: | fi, tatrl ?tbr.l "*xqesrgi' 8., AcAN 4ltrfilfttr#R ll-ht .t \-\:-- !_) c-- _{\ ./ \I s c € s! ao:r.{ ='tE €g I C(, Gt. !li -E $€otgtl'l 5!g B:E E 9c3Ii Eig oo.I.lozg I!Jr .*.1l Nor ci o, !a rtl o!t It €it q, alq|A 'o .ct 6 .2 ., .- aUq I-l:sr r,iiasl EOl -vl,lESI -vl.c <t:<l DIalcrl 6; It t dtst(t, ^<' I I ol Ivl+l\JI <l I I !to € tactt t !ta E6E€sbei E I H*:E;EIT; ;-l I 3: i,gE::: B; isa*#n:EE s ; 3;f's-a8.E*F .= E o ii{e:'EEE E s E i;3ifi!; ? iE ;i,lg;;3i . E f i ?EEiiEig€iI! 3E;EEiE:i € ; i;:i:;Ee*; E i E*.8!ineb3t: ! i;:fsi;s'eg E; E lsfiiilsa ; * E oA6A ' x '4l .2 (l) 6 E €E .1 F J F o $l+lvrl3 od t-l q) :al ;a z >a T !t I I I I I xl1l\'ll\II"l ?l(Rl 5l.\ =iltl I I l I I I -i z t o F1 h _l $' sl ilrl TI 8tclelelEIEI8lil E cl 6 Eio z E E I >r = ,l: PI.-l\JI I E !ta 7a o a (n )l{P tr <) .o =A hdt ct 4,, ! o E E ! -!t3 TJ lta <n 'E tl iq 9q5<gl ol;tEl --.rl o (Jl €Yl:a4l3ltl B. a\ \.,v- r-Fa r{ I,XOrY '.\(J rri '.1h.o r-'! Ftrz,JR |r,itO f:Ffi ii:ii E'C;; ri E a zul >(, ul DESICN RNVIEW I]OARD DATE OF MEETING:np.it e?t.gze o I.IEMBERS PRESENT: BILL RUOFF LOU PARKER BILL BISHOP RON TODD ABE SHAPIRO SUBJECT:Sam Cook Residence (Addition) LOT , BLOCK 6 ,FTLTNG Vai I V i'l I age 'lst ACTION TAKEN MOTION VOTE: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: SUI{lvlARY: SECONDED BY: AGA]}TST: C/t , ,,'ro a ABSTENTION: i I .|!!!.' t Flt OO.l -- SINGLE FAMILY RESIDEMIAL AND RESIDENTIAL ZONING CHECKLIST Lega1 Description: /^olvner: 9a vrt (/(/ -ttl r-;L,,f, Blr.K u(.L"+ e {.. K Architect"i ft.r.*r' F. in"n.+ *c.1+ Zone District: PIS Proposed v".' Ex' glinl fh'- 9' . \ r.ot Area: tlilyl ,rnus Hazard Area: - U (Re"'^oA'l ) Eeight: Actual Setbacks: Required - Front 20' Actual - Front Distauce Betweea Buildlngs: G.R.F.A. Allowed: Buildable Sitb Coverage: Allowed - Lot Landscaping: Required - Lot Parking:Required Drive: Slope Permitted Equals Buildable Area: , Sides , Sides Required Area 10? +,Rear2Or + ,Rear Actual dlo x Actual AODl-tr+& Area Area dJfr- d.-p- Actual Parking and Drives Must Environmental /Eazar d : Comments: Distance From Trees Removed C Al,t*V ao l?>FtrfrT------T Be Paved Avalanche Slope Slope Actual Ilood Plain Creek eldl;1ia* a) Zoning Approval:ng Administrator PLUMEilNGTTMECHAIUICAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL \\ usE oF EulLDlNG: fi nY'\<.- cLASS oF woRK: E[ "r" E noorrtoru E nenaooel f] nspntn DEscRtpnoN oF woRK: Q.a,.',uf,<\ *n^ \u.\UCf , ,. u\irn..) r"orr h---)(- PLUMBfNG: NUMBER 17 6e P MECHANICAL: NUMBER vALUAnoN$ b.q.E4 erc VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: --f\ // \ ,r^t,r rrr/ b,q ,-o A .PERMIT FEE lr-'15 rorAl FEES: S 22. 'tO DArE ( -/f-7F F.() Fz a lr:z 7 rrl 2 I Fzq <Y> FFo (roop Y 24. ,-, zal lrl Y 4iz Qz Qz E'l<85 ta 2=E:E 6-? > -ao *te I<< ''l fd F FI F F. F. Irlsq?rI co: + =E ul oul uJ oozf () i FI Iu z :< c( 9 ul Eoo ll- ul FoJ J o !,1 oJ l! J F zul =q,l UJ L a:=r=H o z -oJ -l o lre -,-eF (, ?Y c Fv,t!t! (9z o o Fv, oItl ult! Yo UJI(, z o- E culE F 2o F 6o z tr ut J - lll2 z oJ fo lt ll,l F zf oul J UJ o Lu lJ- 6 IJJ o- aa u, atul vz ac U' !J t! zo F c cul at oz c o o Jg o |lI E =o(J dlt oo Jo t!o Ftt cia, trz (9z J t! ;z zo o J t! |lJF o .J llJ oo a E G- tl >o(r| o9 -o-ot 2o Fq*'e6FG9o ^>xo:z:< o. (J>oFO ;ai Y o3 ttozo F Eoo u,lo J u,z \\t s -S"\sr r3 \E !: J a>lrl F3<L2,i8., :- ? 2I!F < fEsau,dn 2224az zzEFr.o<oOtsIZ dE3e5' 9o{ Fa<Q> -;Bits<' tdc o UJ uJ (Jz z s Fzut E IJJ UJ tr t u,l G J t! IJJ FoJ J F F ulE G Jt! J F F !tr tu o o z -o Jf E -l lre =,-et- =Y c Fo|r E .p z o o Fv,t!t! ul u,ltt Yo OJ U z J .E 4 uJ F cto zo F ulFJ Bulz z J lotto ulq F z (J u,lJ z tr uJo ul o ut l! C' uJ o- at o ul JYz uJt E u,l =o it! o ooJo l! ttt cta l, z z t! z z tr f lto LltF o LC\ r-l x aul J E I\o F. -:t r-1 .r-i (s F (J @o\ [rn I\o f.- -]t' ri ...1 cd F lu tc o J a E z tt {- v Fo G.tIx JSx*tJcl 2 z Fx='86FCQO-> :z:< o.o>(JFO ;N b0 r-lo o 0) l.{ oA co d Y = zo F Eov, uJ ) PLUMEilNGi/MECHANICAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL USE OF BUILDING: I oF woRK: E ruew E eoornoru E neuoorl ! nepetn RIPTION OF WORK: MECHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATION $VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMIT FEE ,.'. \PERMIT FEE p neenoveo TOTAL FEES: $ ! orsnppnoveo DATE BUILDING PERMiT Vail Village, Colorado Estimated Cos4;!8' 000' 00 Fee $ ---r+ffi'tt--Foothg Waterproofing Rough Electric Framing Final Date September 3, Ig 65 Paid: Cash Permlt No. 51 Permission is hereby granted Mr. Peter W. Selbert aS OWner construct " three stot'yto resldence Lot 2, Block 6, ?th Flllngon Address ValI, Colorado in accordance wlth the provisions setforth in aceompanying appllcation, enbJeet to the rr.rles and regrlatons and Building Code as set forth in tbe Vail Viltage Protective Cov6nants. Every permit issued by the Building lrspector under the provistons of this code shall expire by limitation, and become null and void if the brdlding or work authorized by sueh permit is not commenced within sixty (60) days from the date of such permit, or the building authorized by such permit ls suspended or a-bandorreci for a period of one hundred twenty (120) days. Before sueh work may be reeommenced, a new permit strall ftrst be obtained. The fee therelor sha.ll be one-haH the amorrnt reqrrirerl for a new permit, provided no cbanges have been made or will be made in the original plans and specifications for such workl and provided furtber, that such suspe-nsion or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made, or lI suspension or abandonment exceeds one year, lull fees shall be paid for a new build.ing permil No work of any mamner whatsoever shall be done that will obstruci the natural flow of water, causing a drainage problem. Type of Construction masonry and frame Slze 48r_4'r x 64r_4il Number of Living Unit four Width and Area of Lot as Per Plans 23Rooms Distance from Lot Line: N wE Contractor. ArtJohnson Site Approved: Remarks: Yes Plans Filed:and Approved The contractor shall noHfy the Building rnspector twenty-four hours in advance for all inspections, and shall receive written approval on inspec- tion card before proceeding with sueeessive phases of the job. The inspection card shall be placed in a conspie,rous location on t}le construc- tion site. Approved POST INSPECTION CARD ON JOB This permit ts not. transferable. ^ l/' w II{VOrcE To: ;$rtrr C*tbilftrl| $ol|F,*f Vatl, Color,u& Dte: nA{rrf Invrolce No. ffi We have deblted your accout as follows: sr;w] *ad llslp $on-n+ltl*:r Hft'.il$r st t{tr mfl i{.*t**trnt S,. ;iti ,!O fih.*ftd.* Sfl.S.!,s tn.&s S{}ssrrifi,lil${trp.r*tlfsr st$'*r*l# 'lrl#t lm l0rSs trGaI *.tfu&t**tus g8$rS )/"cv Best copy Available .i'*t/ VAIL \I'ATER A}ilD SAI{TTATION DSITRICT P. O. Box 565 Vail, Colorado m tI. tlrl||l. e$ilra Date rtifiFh. tf.TO: We have debited .r/or-tr aeeount as follows: tr|| ficflrfl*iln*.as Arflh rtf*l r arE'' fu'-*-ra POII{T Si$TTI.M !$rL*-gglgtsapg thre-Half Bath 1.1/2 potnlj,r; (baela and tollet) One-tlalf flath 1-U2 Potnte (s:lotrer) Itl1 Beth (eborrer or tubt basln, coLlec) Bcdroo.t Kltchet: ,l-J.> Laucdry Faciltries 1/2 Point .r t-,ilt + ltl -l | € 4 I poln&s ll'o 5.o 7-(hrtelde t{ater 1 Polat 2-Ll2 PoLnte polnB ",O .-.- >L.f \6v ) /r I t Q-zr-*,-/ rl RECEIVEbFROM THE OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT MANAGER ONE T{) SET OF WORKING PLANS OF THE SEIBERT RESIDENCE. TO BE BORROWED FOR SEVERAL DAY$ AND RETIIRNED TO THIS OFFICE. SEpTEMBER 20, 1_965 t : /,/ 'rl(6 ' JoPl n-r'4/r,&/BILLYff/. OUA}ilIE MASON CONTRACTO IIEATILATOR FIREP p-