HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986- 8 Recorded Copy�. ORDiNAFJCE N4. , 8 Series of 1986 AN ORDINANCE ANNE}(iNG A PAR� 0� THE S4UTHEAST OhtE QUARTER, hiORTHW�ST ONE QUARTER, SECTION f2 TCfWNSHIP ;5 'S4L1TH RAI�GE. 81 4tEST @F THE SI)iTF! PRINCi�AI: NC�RIDiAN EAGLE'COUN�Y, C�I:ORA�(� INTQ - HE TOWN 0�' VAIL. '�363�2t� ��� r�c� _...�.�,.- ��s. '.;�ILi.?�� :.:: :, :- �'. :";�CORti�" �� � I� f 30 �!�'8fi WHEREAS, tf�e ur�incorporate� area more particulariy described in t�e annexat�on map attached hereto as �xhibit A and mad� a par� herevf is entirely cflntained within the bo�ndaries of the Town of Vaii, CQlorado; and 4dWERERS, said area has been so surraunded for a period of not less than three {3) y�ars; and wHE�iEAS, 31��.2-1fl6, C.�.S., as amended pravide that unincorpora�ed areas entirely tantained wit�in �he bounda��es.Qf a munic�pality far �;�ier�od flf nc�t l�ss than three (3) years r�ay be annexed in�o said municipality by orid�`nance. NObl, TNEREFOR�, b�e Yt ardaine� by the>Towr� Council of ihe Town of Vaii, Ca7orada as fo��ows: : SeCtion 1. FINDINGS . �he Town, Gouncii hereby finds tf�at the property'set forth in the annexation map attached hereto as Exh�bit A and made a part �erenf by reference is entirely cor��ained within the boundaries of the Town af Vail and has been so surro�anded for a- period o€ not less than three years. Section 2. The area set farth �n Exhibit A is hereby annexed i'n�o the 7own of Vai1, Colorado. Section 3. Rfter the effective date �f this ordinance, the Planning Comr�ission is �ereby direGted to set a date for a public he�ring ta consider the zoning;,dis�ricts to �e imposed on �he annexed area in accordar�ce with t�e requiremen�s af Chapter 18.fi8 0� the Municipal Code of th� Town of Uafl and sa�d zoning shall be imposed upon the annexed area within r�ine'Gy (90) days as provided for by the s�atutes of the State of Colorado. • Section 4. if any part, section, subsection, sentet�ce, clause, or phrase of this ordinar�ce is �or any reason h�ld to b� ir�valid, such �ecision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and tf�� Town Counc�l hereby declares it would have passed t��is ord�nance, and each part, section, s�bsection, sentence, claus� or phrase thereof, regardless af the 'Fact that any ane or mure paris, sec�ions, sub�ectians, se»tences, t�auses or phrases b� deelared invalid. ,. ;. ,. � �: •ti rz Q . , . g Sectfon 5. The �own Co�ncil hereby finds, determines and declares �i�at this ardinance is necessary and pr�per for the heaith, safety and welfare of the Tawn of Uai} and the inhabitants thereof. Section 6. �'he repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any arovisian of the Vail Mun�c�pal Code as pro�ided in this ord�nance sha�l r�ot affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any vialat-�on that pccurred prior to the effecti�e date herenf, any prosecution commenced, nor any �ther action or proceedings as car»menced �nder or by virtue of tt�e provisiorr r�pealed or repealed and r�enacted. The repeai of any pro�isian hereby shall not revive �ny provfsion flr any o�^dinance pre�iiously repealed or superseded unless express3y stated here�n.' : tN�ROtJUCE€3, READ ANq AP�ROUED tJN FIRS� READI�G THTS I$th day of Nlarch , 1986, and a public hearing sha11 b'e field on this ordinance on the 18th day of Marc�t ,,1986, at 7: 30 p. m. i n the Counc i l'Cha�ibers of the 1!a i 7 Mun i c i pai Buiiding; Ua9l, Colorada. � Ordered pubi i siieti 'i n f�l T thi s lSth day of ..--� arch , 1986. , �`�� �..�T ��� � E ,�`�! " ��'�/i'���.��-, 4�au1 R.'.Johnstan, ,Mayor AT��5T, t.. . � �. l� r_ � _ � � r ��' � Par�ela A: ��andmeye�r, Tawn lerk . � ; f � � iNT�ODilCED, �2EA� ANi� APPR4VED Q1� SEGOND REAl7ING AiVD UR[?EitER' P€JBLISFiED in �'ul1 tti'is ist day of Apri� , 1986. ' . . . � A � ��� T . `�,. ��?'l'' � r- ,., Ker�t R. Rase, Mayor P o T m „ � } ! .., ATTE�Ts���" :�, . , � .Jk + . .. ���;���,�. Pamel;a. A. Brandmeyer, Towra erlc ,. , �� s. : � _ ;I ,;,� , ; : : ,�_ ; ', `