HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-18 Recorded Copy,,.,� ,, . ..., �:� �..Y''. . , � � � � �: �, ;:�;� i, F t r% ORDI�ANCE Nd� 18 Series of 1986 AN ORqINANGE .A�iAIEI(ING :R1� RREA CO(��I�Y KNOWN AS !►9AA'��'��HORN �"0 TH� 7'OW�I 0� VAi�, Al�p SETI'ING FflRi'H DETRILS IN<REGARD THER�iO. '`T % � ` G �n�x:,. ...�.� ���.E.... �..�. •.t�?#�N1���'�F P�41��1�'� �l�G�.� CfiY. Fi�C(�{���� �� �� � ,� � �� WHER�AS, at least ten (14) percent of the qualiiied e�ectors wha are resident in ar�d Tandowners of the area propased to be annexed, whicl� area �s s�tuated in a county of less than twenty five thousand (25,040} inhabitants fiie� the petition for an annexation eisction w�t� the Town Clerk ef the Town of liai�. t:oiarado which was referred to the Town COUi1Ci � D� tFi@ TOW11 0� 'Jai i on Rpr� l 1�, �98fi, i n accordance �rith Sectian 31-12-107{2�, C.R.S., as a�n�e�; and . WH��EAS the '�own Counici � vf t�e� , '�cswr� of Vai� received said p�at�tion from the , ,. . ,, .. ,. , , : �'own Cierk on A�rra� Z5, �986 and by �tesolution t�o. 12, S�ries of 3986, ado�ted at its regular meeting v�n Rpril 15, 1986 f��r�d the s�me ta be in subst�ntial�ca�p]i�nCe with.Secti+an 3i�-12-1��`�Z), C.R.S., as amended` ar+d �`u!riher faund that t�e Tawn Cauncii of the 'iown of Vail ha� the necessary.juris.�ictian to commence proceedings for an annexation electian regarding said area; a�d ' WFi�R£AS, as d�rected by Resd�tutian �la. 12, Series of 1985, and �� accordance , w� iE� Sect� on 31-12-�.08, C. R. S. , as' amended, the Town C1 erk of the Torvn of Vai 1, Co�orada ga�e notice of a�ublic hearing ta be he'#d on the pet�tion for an annexa�ion e�ection to determine if the petition complied wi�h 5ections 31-12-104 and 31-12-105, C:R.S., as�amended, to esiablish whether or not said area was elig�bie for annexation under �he Mun�c�pa1 A�nexation Ac� af 1965, as amended; and WH�R�AS, on June 3, 1986, �he Town Cfluncil of the Town of Vail, Ca�orado held a public'hearing in accordance wii� �ectiorr 31-12-109, C.R.S., as amende�, to determine if the area proposed �o be annexed met the applicable requirements af Sections 31-12-104 and 31-12-105, C.R.S., as ar�ended, and is cansidered eligi�l.e far anne�ativn; and WH�R�AS, after the comple�ian of said hearing and on �he basis of competent evidence presented in said hearing the Town Council determ�r�ed that the appliCable. provisions o€ the Municipal Annexation Rct af �955, as ame�de�, had beert met and thai an a�►nexation election was required under Section 31-I2�-�Q7(2), C.R.S., as amer�ded; and WHEREAS, the Town purs�ant to Resolution Nv. 15, Ser3es of 1986, and Sectio�. 3�-12-112(3), C.R.S., as amer�ded, petitio�ed the Distr�ct Court �� and #'or Eagie y�� ��i� T� S•�+ � S �. �2� Jkt:. y ��}�; . . �� . . . � � � ' . Couniy ta hotd an annexatior� elect�nn in accorda�ce':with �the applicable.prnvisions of Section 31-12-7.�2, C.R.S., as atnended; antl, WH�REAS, the Cour.t entered an order for an annexa�ion e3ec�:ion directing tha� �he election be held on �3uly 8; 1386,- and appoint�ng three {3) Electiort- Co�nmissioners to call and hold the�election; and � WHEREAS, �he annexation plat which was appraved by Resoiution �lo. 15, Series of 1986, is incorporated by re�erence here�n and made a part hereo�; and 4dN��2�AS, an election was duiy caiied by the;Eiectao� Co�riissianers to be held or�' �he 8th day of �3u�y, 1986, be�ween the hours>:of 7.�0 a.m. and 7.QQ p.r�. at a po1l�r�g place s�ivated at the Marquez r�sitlente irt �h�.N#�tterhorr� area prt�posed to be ar�r�exed described in Exhibit A her�eaf; �Che nn��c�::;crf the;reiectivn w�s pubiished ;tn t�e Uai1 �'rail, a newspaper ha,uing a;:general c�rct�l��ior; it�.tl�e area,,'p�r�opt�sed to;be annexed c�nce a week for �Fai°r:weeks and was posted at �t�e polling piace satd first p�b�icat�a� and posting occurring �ore thar� four (4) weeks preced�ng the e�ectior�; and , WHEREAS, �n the annexation electian heid on the 8th day of �uly, 1986, eighty eig�t (88) proper baiiots were cast by t�ose qualif�ed to vate irt said election af� whieh there were f�fty four (54� votes for•ant�'exataon and:�h�rty fo�r;(34) against an�exa�ion, as indicated in the cerCifica�e oF:election'res�lts;wi�ich is incorporated by reference hereir� and r�ade a�art hereof; and WHEREAS, on the _ j4�� Qay of �uly, 198fi, the District Court entered an order a�thorizing �he �'own to annex without speciai terms or cand�tions �he ar�a proposed ta be annexed as sei farth in Exhibiw A aitached-:hereta. ; NOW, 1"FIEREFORE, be it orda3nad by ihe Town Council.af .�he Town af Vail, Co�orado, as foliows: Sect�on �,_ Annexation o� the Area Connnonl Known as i�atterhorn ta Ghe Town. Tr�.:.accerdance with �he order of the District Cour� entered ir� Civii Actian No. ���VZ�r on ihe �'��� day of July, 1986, tt�e:iown af Vail, Colorado. hereby an�exes witho�,i spe�ial terms or cond�t�ons,the:area corr�nonly.known as �atterhorn, County af Eag�e, Siate of Colorado; described-�n �xh�bit A°hereof. ' Sectian 2. Annexation Costs. Ali costs and expenses connec�ed with �h� annexation election shall 6e paid by t�e �'own of 11a31, Calorado. �::2� �` Section 3. Filin Co ies of the Annexatian P1at:and:Annexin firdinance. � A. R copy of the an�exat�o� map w�th �h� original of this annexation or.dinante shaii be filed ir� the 4ffice vf the iowri Clerk of the Town of Vail. '� B. The Town C�erk shail f�le for recording twd (2) certified copies of this annexation orciinance and a map of the area annexed corttairti�g a i�gal deSCripti`on of ;. such area with the County Clerk and Recarder :of Eag�e County, Colnrado. C. T�►e County Cierk and Recorder of Eagle Cour�ty shal� be di�ected to file ane (1� cert�fied capy of the anr�exation or�inance:a�nd map with t�e Divi�aon of Lacal Government a� the �epartr�ent of �bcal'Atfairs. . 5e�tion 4. _ �li�htr� r�it�ety (9a) days a#'t+�r the effectfve` da�te her±eof, 't�e i'owr� af V�it, Cotarada s#r��l impose zoning on the anr�exed area in ac�ordat�c+e.'w�th Ch�►�ter 18.68 of the N#uni c i pal Code of the �'own o# Vai i;; Col orado .. Sec�ior� 5. T�is annexation shall take effect;in accardance with the=C�arter 'of the Town of ' Vai� and the Statutes of the S'tate of Colorado.. INTROD�ICED, REA� ANi} APPR�VEp''4N FIRST R.ERDING �HIS ''�5t� '` day of July , 1986, ar�d a publ i c heari ng shal t be hel�! on -thi s' ordinance on tf�e 25�h `, day of J�ly , 1986, at 7:30 p.r�: �n the Cou�cil Chambers of the V�►il Municipai Building, VaSI, Colorado. . Qr�ered p�blished �n fuli �his. 15 day of >Ju�y_`, . , 198fi. :�; � � � ��; t � L: ;4 " , , . Pa�t�r� rt, :M r- � , ��� �- ,. , • ',. �TTE��'. � � c � � � � , r a . ;.� --..'� � f /� 1.� � . . - - . � - - Pamei r A.; �ra�dt�teYer, 1'own lerk IN�R0�7i10ED, READ ANp APPROVED ON SECaNp RERD�NG AND ':Q�tD�RED PUBLTS.FfED b y.�i,�t:e oY�y thi s ��� day, of �9ub� � � �� � RTTES;�:. . ,�.: ��.;���� ��- �i_ �. Pa�eT� A�`. ` '�ran�m�yer; �'r�wn erk � ;,, . . �: Paul R. ���. st�ir+, T�k � , 1985. ��„ « . � . � �,�` � ;.�► :; �XFii81T' ,;A,: L.EG L..A DESGRlPT#0�! - . i � A TRFCT OF LaHii i3EittG A P�RT U� TH� SOli7'ii pNE-ifALF aF SECTIOM i2 aNC1 R PART OF Rh THE SOt1TNkA$T QtJi,-0}1ht�7tR OF SEC7IOF� 11, SQTH t�i TDGt�S�ifP 5 SOUFH, RANGi S) wEST 0� TH£ 53Xi1{ PRINCIPA� t•tERID1AN, ih(.LE COUyTY, COLOCiADO, AND EIESCRIBED AS FO�LOHS: CO�di4ENCi�iG AT A POIH7 U[t 1HE SOU7HEASTER{.�' RiGHT-O�-waY �I�iE OF jFt7ERSiRTE NiGNWAY }�0, 7a W�dCH IS 779F ANGLE POINT flN �kE N4RTH11ESTERLY II6UNDARI' t)NE OF NlGliLRNU MEARDi�$, A SUBDlYISIOti NECQRt3EU IN ppQK 271 A� PAG£ �44, 1{HICf{ IS �tJ iHE�SUU3�1 SECTIQN LINE ;;F $A!p SEL'i[U3i 11, WNEHLE TH£ SOU'fHEASi C01tNER 6F SAI4 SECTt01� li kiEAR5 N86"3Q'�2"E 4COlORAnO UEVAkTMEHT OE' NlGN'rIkYS DfAR1NG BASE] 120D.6Q FEEi U[�TANT; THENCE N48'00`57"E AI.pNG SA10 SOIfiHEASCfRIY RiGti7-4F-3�AY I.IN� OF iNFESt57RTk: HiGE��AY N4. 70 A p[Si,�NC� 0� 71.72 Tb � A01NF $Elt�f THE M05i �fESTER�Y CORNER UF 7H� IiliM81£ DIt TRACT RECORDED Ai REGfPiIt7H N0, 9787Z ANp fiE3NG T�4E POFitY Of SE6iNNTNG; THENCE CO��TI?ii11NG hL0�7G SAfU SOUTHEASTERLY REGNT-t}F-WAY`T[td 0 � i: y AiE Hi'GiiWpY N0, 7D �'OR 7HE FO�LaxING SIX (6] COL+FtSES; 1.? H4ts`00'57"f A a15TANCE OF 308.28 FEET; 2.) Nq4"5Q'O1'"E A OfSiAHC£ UF 2i7.ti0 FE�� 70 A PpZNT NNkNCE YHE NQR7HUEST CpRNER OF GASA tT�t SOL GQtiDii9iMIUll3EAR5 SA�9'SU'U7"�F 2),50 f'EE7 UISTANi, 3,) 7II3.60 FEET AL0�6 TNE ARC OF A NflN-TANGENT CURY£ iU TN� LEFi HqY[NG A RADTUS Of�5'i9D.Oq FE�T, A CENTRAL A!#GI.E 0� p7'4G'04", A�t� A CFCDRFI 1iHIC#! [tEAR$ N4s3"2Z'27"� i$3.U0 FEE7 OISTAIiT; 4.D N44'29'29"E A pISTANC,� 0� $2S.9s] Fk:�T; 5.} 410.24 FE�T ALON6 THE ApC OF A iA,NGEHT C�RYE 7(1 3`ifE ftlGiqi 1lAVi#6 a RApJU5 0� 2815.i7C! F�ET, A CENTl2Al ANGIE QF U8`23'OQ". AHp A GtiORD �'H1CFf $EARS ti48'39'S9"E 449.88 FEET q1SFAHi 70 A POik3' B�iNG TN� NORTHEAST CCRN£R OF 5PRUCE CREEK it7'��FH�qES AT VAEE� PNASE 3; S.} H52"5p'2�"E A DI�TAMGE OF 552.4Q FECT TO 7HE 110Si ttpRiNERLY GQRNER bF tOT 2, YAT� YiLLR�E 1tk5i FIL1hG �Iq. 2. A SU9UlYISi�N REGC�Rb�b AT REC�P'fIOFt N4, 1i3169g; 7HENCE ALO�tG THE EXIS7fNG T(�WI� 0�' YAII, IIp1IWQARY fpR THE FOLLOWIi1G T��EVE ('!21 COiiRSES: �.t`S 35`25'S4"N A pI57ANC� t3F 88.Of7 F�ET TO 7�iE 54U7HEAST GQRN�R pP SAII? k.0� 2; 2.? N59'1Q'49"E A[31SIANCE OF 23I.13 FEEF "•i0 iHE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF' LOT 3� SRID YAIL YILLAGE 41E5T� FIi.I1iG N0. 2, BEING 0►� 7H£ SOUTHSfESTERLY RiGHT-OF-hAY LINE QF MAT1'ERH4RN CIRGLE; 3.1 S50'30'28"E p 07$TANCE 0� 68.50 F�£T Tp A PQlt�Y ON 7N€ CENTERIINE Of SRID.MAITERHORN CIRCL£; 4.) 553�28'S9"E AEOt�G SAIU CENTERLINE A A15iAitC� OF 77.17 F£ET; S.I CON3INflING /ILONG SaiO CEM7�RLi�[� y�.42 FEE7 A(.ON6 7ME ARC OF A 7ANGEN7 CURYE TO 7!#E Lf�'7 HAYING A R'Di!!S OF 375.35 FEEi, A CENTRAI ANGLE OP i5'11'O1', AND A LFEORQ WHICH BEARS S71'(74'30"E A OISTANCE 4F g9.13 FEET UISiAHT; 6.} 0£PRR7iNG SA�R CENTER�.iNE SQ8'SU'0.8"E p UT57ANCE OF 26.67 FEET 70 FHE NORYHEASi GORNER OF LOT 1. NATiERHORN YItLAGf, R SU$OIYISIOtf R£COROEO AT AECE?i'ION Nfl, 9&2981; 7.) S41'04'3S`!f AiQNG TN� 4�E5i£RLY RI6HT-pF-l�AY tIHE 0� G£N�YA OR3YE A DTSTANGE OF b27.13 FEET; 8.) GON7JNUING ALONG SAIll 1�EST£RLT NTGH7-OF-WAT LI�IE 207,77 FEET 11LONG 7�iE ARC OF A TA3iGENT C�tRYE TQ THE LEfT HAYIti6 A RAD1U5 OF 202.18 FEEi, A CEIi73tAL RNGE.E QF 58'S2'S0". AND A CFIOItE3 WHICFi 8EAR5 S28`21'49"E �198.75 FEfT DISTAHT; 9.) 557'48'14"E A40ti6 SAIO 41E5TERLY RIGHT-flF-t{AY l[NE A pISfANC� OF 22.01 FEE7; )Q.i GONTlNUI�tG AL4NG SAiO WESTERZY R3GNi-DF-IiRT LINE 130.�4 FEET ALOHG 7ii£ ARC OF A HOtt-7ANGEt�T CURYE TO ii{E LEF7 HAVING A RAUIUS f}F 54.Q0 fEET. A CE1iTRkL AlQGLE OF t49'08'02", AND A CHOR� �iHICH BEARS S12'22'i5"E 96.39 FEET DiSiANT; li.} UfPARTIi2G SAID 5iE5iERLY Ri&NT-OF-WAY LINE OF GEN�YA URIYE 55fi"56'35"E IU.ONG ?HE CO!SMON LiNE BETk'ffH LOTS t0 ANO li, SaIO MATT�RHORN YfLi.AGE, A OiSTAHCE �� ?24.08 FEET TO TtiE I�OST EAST£RlY CUR�3ER OF SRID LOT 10; i2.1 53Q'18'?Q"N ALpNG THE $OUFHfAS7£RLY Sf7U1�DARY 0�' SAlD LOT ]0 A QISTANC� OF 89.19 FEET; iH�NCE l3EPARiING TiIE EXISFIN6 T6fiN L" VAIL BOUNOARY N8i'31']7"W ALU3aG Tl�E S4UTNERLY $OUNpARY OF SAIU MAiFERHORN YILLAGE R OFS7ANCE OF 447.17 FEEF T� THE SOU7tiN�5� GORkER OF SAIU MA3TERHdRH ViLLASE, AL56 $EiNG ON THE EASiEALT BUItNUARY 0� YAIL YTLLAGE IiE57, FiLItt6 ttQ. i� A SUpi1iVIS[OM R�C6R�ED Ai REE�P7i�N kD. 9$135; 7ifEHGE ALDNG TNE B6E3N�ARY C�M70N TO SAiD YAI}. YiICAGE MES�, F1LIt1G N0. 1, ANII HIGHLAt�9 ?SEADO�IS. FILIHG N0. 2, A S�tBDIYISIOH RfCORDED AT RECEP7IQN N0, 377i92, �OR TIiE FOLI.OWING SEYfN {7) COiERSES: i.}� SOi'04'35"�f A oISiANCE Of 405.95 FEET; 2.) SSi'2]`DO"W A DFS7ANCE Of 127.$d FEE7; 3,} S$3'64'25"�i A QfSTAt�C£ Of 57.24 fEET; 4,} Ni7'32'i8"E A DiSiANC� af 7t.51 fEEi; 5.) S82'3b'00"1� A DfS7ANCE OF 366.74 fEEi; b.) S3S'45'00"� A DISTANCE OF 38].Oa fEET; 7.} N49'36`54"K A DT57ANCE 93,85 FEEi FO 7RE SUUTiiEAS'fEiilY RiGHT-OF-SiAY LIHE pF ALPil;E OAIVE; THENCE i�4i`45'49"1t R pISTANC£ OF 3a.20 FEET i0 iiif LEH7ERLdNE OF $AI� ALPTi1E ORIY£; THEiiCE ALO�t6 Ski� CEN7ER1.IIJE OF AL?I�� �RTVE fOR TtiE FOLlOS1ING Fp�R (4} EQURSES: i.) 50.01 fEEi RtONG iHE ARC OF A kON-TANGEHi CURYE TO i'H£ �.EF'E' HAYINfi A RAQIU� OF 2$4.12 FEE�, A C�H7R,4L W�IGE.E OF 30"Q5'S0". ANQ R CHORD NHICH BEARS �l02`24'25"E 50.Oi FEEi DISTANi; 2.i NOZ"38'30"U A UISFANCf [1F 38.90 F£E7; 3.1 57.93 fEfT All?NG THE ARC OF A TA�GENi CURYE i0 THE RIGF�F NAV3NG A RAUik1S OF 13A.42 FEET, A CEN7f2AL ANGl.� OF 34'O1'00", RND A CHflRD uHlGii BEARS lt14"22'i9"E 66.44 FE£T UISTANT; 4,) N31'22'4(3"E A OIS�A'4C� (3� tiG.iO f€ET; 7HEMCE DEPARiFNS SA1� LE1�J7ERlINE UF I+LPINE DRIYE N58"33'2�"il A DIS7RNCE UF 25.Q0 F�E7 7a iHE IdUST SUUTHERLY CORNfR OF i07 49, SAIU VAS� Yi€.LAGE Wf57. FILIHG N0. 1; 3'Hktti:E H40'20'27"W At03�G TNE SOU7Hii£5TERl.Y LINE OF SAiO L07 49 A� t}iSTA�:LE OF 94.40 FEE7 70 3HE CtM"�d6N CDRt�ER OF SA10 yAIL YIILAGE uES7, FILFtiG M0, 1, SRfd NIG3iLAN[l MEAi30itS, �[LItiG N4. 2, AND YAiI, Yf[.CAGE WES7, FILING N0. 2, A 5UBt7iYiSION FtELQRUF#� A7 REC£PTiON �iD. lttlbt39; TNENCE ALflNG 7NE SOtJ3tiEASTEREY BOtiN�ARY Of SAID YAII 471LAGf YiEST, FIl;N6 Np. 2, F9R 7Hf FCLLOitIt;G FOUR (4i CDURSES: 1.) S4�"55'00"�f A DISTA!SCE OF 2fi6.Q0 FEE':; 2.1 $68'3�S`p0"4� A DISTA�CE ^� 2?5.50 F�ET; 3.') Sb2'18'00"i1 A DISTAHCE OF 326.�0 �EET; 4.) N72'50'a0"� A D.,7ANCE Of 162.50 FE£7 i0 THE t!OST �tESTERLY CORI�ER OF SAID YAiL YILLAGE WEST, fiCiH6 N0. 2, ALSQ BEING Ati ANGt.E POINi' It� i�Hf S�UTHERLY BaUNQA}2Y OF� SAiD LkSA 6EL SOL CCNDfl+4IN1U"4, W}i1CH 35 RECORDED AT RELE�TIDN N0. 21�364; T�{EHC€ AE.J?t6 iiiE SOUTHERLY BQUt�UARY OF SAIJ CASA DEL S4C LOND(3MiN[t�'�! FOR 7Ht F4LLO�ING F�JiJR (4) C�IJR��S: i.) S�C"09'S3"u A QISTAxCE 0}� 1�p.20 FE£T; 2.) S80"30'35"k A piSTANCf DF 360.00 fEET; 3,y S59'22`35';f R U157AttC� £1F 70.00 F£ET; 4.} 543°.'_3'54"N A dISTANCE �F 178.4T fE�:T 7D FHE u05� S4UrHERLY CDR�£R QF SAI?x GAS.� DEE. SOL �OHUQ^ilN2Ur!5; Tr+ENCE 545'34'28"Id kLONG 'fHE AAYRQXTMAT� CENTERl1HE DF GDRE CREEK A%2S�.4MCE OF 33.(10 FEET 7U THE hGRTN'r7E5i CQR�tEA OF LOT 2�. SA10 HIGHLA�iU MEA�0�5, A SU(i�lYi51C4 R�LQRp�p CN BQL'1C 2�1, FltCE 144; �iiENCE ALONG THE t�OFi7H�i£STEHLY pE]UliUARY OF SAI� tfIGHLAND biEAO�NS ALSO BEXNG THc: NORTli'�fE5I BOUl�llRRY OF ASPEN Ai STErLMSii}� FOR T3iE f011O�INC TNRfE I3) t0i1RSES: 1.) S$5"53'l4"N R OISTANCE OF 12A.03 �'EE7; 2.) '�82'29'3fi"i� A DF57ANCE QF 166.39 F�E7; 3.i S54'25'21"!� A t3SStA3lCf OF 279.47 f�E7 T4 7HE PO1NI QF BEGIHNIHG. � . � � �