HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-26 Recorded Copy� �� �., , i r'� � 4�� � 0 � . . xm-�.,� ORQINA[�CE N0. ;; 2fi 5er�es-of 1986 ,, �. � � � � � � :., c�,��x.,�.7.�51 �-� : ��:�....�.%� �>,� :���Ff�Ht����'� �H��t��5� �AGtE.Ci'Y. R�GCi�i}E�: AI� ORDINANCE ANNExING AN AREA C�+IONLY Kt�OwN AS . . �El`AILS�IN REGARD THERETO;VAI�., AND S�T7ING FORTH ���� �.����� WHEREA5, at �easC ten (1�) percent af the qualifie� electors who are resident in and landowners of the area proposed to be annexed, which area is situated in a . ,, , , county af less than tk�e�ty five �housand (2�,OQOj�inhabitar�ts fiied the petition fQr an a�►nexa^ti an e� �cti on wi th the Town C1 erk 'c�f the �'own of Vai �, Co.l ar�do wh� ch was referred tn the Town Ccruncil c�f ti�e 1'c�wr� of V�il on July 15, 1�8�6, in accor�dance ' with Section 31�12-107(2), C.R.S., as amended•, and �IHEREAS, the� Town Cour�cil of'�he Tawn of Vail recei�ed said petition from the Town Clerk on July Z5, 198fi and by Resoiution No.� 19, Series af 198fi, ado�ted.at its - regular meeting.on July 15, 1986 f�und the same to be in substaritial compliance with Sect�on 31-12-107(2), C.R.S., as amended ar�d further �ound that the Town Gouncil of the Towr� of Vaii had the necessary j�risdiction to commence proceedings for an annexat�on election regarding sa�d area; and . Wi�EREAS, as directed by Resolution No. 19, Series of 1985, and in accordance with Section 31-12-�08, C.R.S., as amended, the Tawn Cierk of�the 7awn.of Va�i, Colorada gaue no��ce af a pub�ic hear�ing to be held on the petition fcr an annexation el'ect�on to determine if the petition camplied w�th Sections 31-12-104, and 31-�2-iQS, C.R.S., as amended, to establisti whether or not said area was eligib�e for annexation under the Municipal A�nexation Act of �965; as amended; and WHEREAS, on Aug�st 19, 1986, the Town Council af the Town of Vail, Colorado held a public hearing ir► accordance with Secti°o� 31-12-109, C.�.S., as amended, to� determine if t�e area proposed to be annexed met the appl�cable requ�rements of � �.d` d eli ible far Sections 31-1Z-104 and 31-12-���, C:R.S., as amended, and is consi ere g annexation; and • �fhtEREAS, after the compl�etion of said hearing and on the basis of campetent evidence pres�r�ted in said hearing the �own Counc�l deterrttined that t�e applicable provisians af t#�e MuniciRal Annexation Act vf 1965, as amended,. had been.met and that an annexation election was rer�e��red �nder Section 31�12-1�7(2), C.R.S., as amended; un� ' W�EREAS, the �'own pursuant to Resotutian Na. 21, Series of 19$6, a�ad 5ect�on 31-12-i1�(3), C.R.S., as amended, Petitic�ned the Disirict Caurt i� and far Eagle County �o hald an annexation election �n acctirda�ce wi�h the app]icabie provlsions o# Section 3i-12-112, C.R.S., as a�ended; and �HEREAS, the Court entered a� order for an annexation �lection direc�ing that the e�ect�on be �eld on September 3U, 1986, and appoint�ng three (3} Electian � Con�n�ssioners to call a�ad hold the electian; and WH�REkS. the annexation plat which wa� approved by Resol�tiion No. 21, Seri�s of 1986, is incorporated by reference herein and made a�art hereaf; and '.; WHEREAS, an e�ection was du]y called by tt�e Election Commiss#oners to.:be hel`d on . the 3U�h day af Septem6�er..; 1985 �etween the haurs of 7:00 a.m. and 7:OQ p.m. at a � �oiiing,��ace situa'ted a� t�e Warren residence in the Uail �idge area praposed to be annexec� cEescr�ibed �r+ .E.�hibit A.hereof;..; �he ,natice, of t�e electian was p�.ubiished in ihe Vail Ti�ail, a nervspaper havi�g a;qener�l°;circulatiar�,,in�;the.area'Pt`o�osed:�o,be. . ar�nexed once a week for four (4} weeks and was,pasted at the pollirag place said � first pubiicat�on and posting occ�rring more than four {4} weeks. precedir�g the electian; and WHEREAS, in the ar�nexation eiectio�n held<`on tMe 30th day of 5eptember, 1986, .: seventy �wo (72) proper ba�lots were cast by,those quaiified to.vote in said ,� election of which there wer� seven�y or�e (71)°-�otes for ar�nexation and one (i).vate ;y against.anrtexation, as indicated ir� tk�e certificate of eleetion resu�ts which:is : ,`,.� incorporated by reference.here�n and mads a part hereof; and WHER�AS, on the � 2st day of October, 198fi, the District Cauri entered an order authorizing the Town to anr�ex �r�thout spec�al terms ar conditions the area praposed to be annexed as set forth in Exhibit A at�ached here��3. NOYi, TNEREFORE, B� IT ORUAINED by the Tawn Council of�`the '�own o� Vail, Coiorada, as follows: � Sec�ion 1. An�exatio� of the Area Commonl Known as Vai1 Rid e to the Town. In �ccardance with the or�der of the District Court entered �n C�V�1 Actio:� No. 86 CV 428 on t�� 7th. day of October, 1386, the Tawn �f Vail, Co7orado hereby annexes without speeiai terms or canditions tF�e;area conimonly kn�wn as:Vail R�dge, County of �agle, 5�ate of Colorado, described in �xhi��t A hereof. Sect9on 2. Annexat�on Costs. A1� cests and expenses connected with the annexattfln elec�ior� sha]l.be paid by ; the Town ��f Va�l, Co�arado. . ��_ Section 3. f��in Co ies of the Annexation Plat and Annex�n Ordinance. A. A copy of the annexation map w�th the origina] of this annexation ord�nante sha31 be filed in the Office of the �own Clerk o� the Tawn of Vail. B. The Tawn Clerk shall file for recording iwo (2) cert�fied copies of this � annexation ordinance and a map of the area annexed con�aining a�egal descript�on of such area with th� Co�nty Clerk antl Recorder af.Eagle Ca�nty, Colorado. C. The Caunty Clerk and Recorder of Eag1e County shall be directed to file one (�} cerLified cqpy of the annexatian ardinance and map wi;th the �ivisio� �� Lacal � Gavernment a€ t�►e C3e�artm�nt of �.acal Affa.irs. Section 4, � Wit��in ninety (94) days after,the ef�ective da�e hereo�', the 1'own of Vafl,. Golorado shall impose zoning nn th� ani�exed'area in accordance witli Chapter i8.b8 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail,-Coiorado: Sec�ion 5. . . � _ � . Th�s annexation shall take ef�ect in;accaa^dar�ce`with the`Charter of the Tawn.of � VaiT and the Statutes of the State of Colara��. � . INTRODt10ED, READ AND APPR�7VED ON �IRSI' READING THIS 1-th' day of October , 1986, and a pub7ic hearing shail be hejd on this Ordinance an the 7,th day of October , 3986 at 7:30 p.m. i� the Counc�l Chambers of ihe Vail Municipal Building, ilail, Caloradb.. � ' Ordered published �n ful,l this 7th day of Qctober , 1986. f i � f �� - . •. _ � li� Py�f � . . � . ATT�ST `;:.� . �•.� ;! .. � ���.� ,��, . �. � , � � ,. ,, �� � � � � � �i � � . � . .,. Pame a-�A. 8randmeyer, iow Clerk INTROpllCE�, READ AN(J RPPROVE� QN SECOND READING:AND ORDER�O PUBLI5HE� � th i s �! � day of � , 1986. _� � .�'T`—�,�._� , AiTES�f : ,� �... ` `�.�u Pame 'a A. Brar�dmeyer, T ri Clerk ,_ , , ,-3- _ .. s.s �� �,� ; , �.�, . �XHI$77' nA° LEGAL OESCRIPTf�N /l )RA�i 0� Lp�U BEIr:� ;. YuKiEf��: OF i#IC Mfl�ZTN 01J['31:..F Qf SEL760�. 11 ANO A PpRTIOti OF Tii[ SOJiNCAST UME-C:lARTER OF SECifUH i1, rOw'NSMf9 S S4UiH, RAHGE 8l VEST OF iH� S1XIA PRl1;:lPA� MiRlD3AN, [AfilE CC�tFTT, COIORA�O, N+D BEikG nORE PAftitCUU�kIY i?ESCRIBE� Jl5 FOLLQWS: BEG1Kk1uG Ai TliE 011ARTLR GQRt3ER CQ37i0N i0 5:11� SEC710��$ I1 AKD i4; iNEKLE �I�ONG TkE wEST l!►�E pF SAiQ SOUTMEAST OHE-4l1ARTER OF SfCTI�k il, k01'S1'DO'E A DIS��NCf OF 532.50 FEEi; TdENCE Al�1tG iHE NORi?IUESFERl1' $OUZtUAR�' OF l�Atl D1tS SL1i0NE FI.1NG N0. 2, A SUFsD1YES10R FllEO FOa REC03tD AT RECEPiiOH N0. 1lU484 iN TiIE pFF]Ci 0� THf [A;,IE COUHTT LEEAK AND RE[ORDER, fDR TKE FOt�pY�AG F1YE (SY COUASES: �,} NSy'�4't}0"E A U15iA!Etf OF 246.00 FCET; Z,) Ni9'20'OU"E � �EStAKCE OF ]2�.t1D FEEI; ;.) i126'08'UO'£ ll O:STaNCE OF' z32.56 fEFi; 4.; N42'OS'00'S A J15TANGE OF 150.54 rEEF; 5.1 H4e'87'1C't A OIS7uaCE �r a3a,75 FE�T i0 1'HE r�oR7H 11r+E Or' TNE SUU�H'aEST UHE-4uARTFR . SAIO 5UVFyEAST ONE-Qi1�tTER Of SECTIflH tl: tHEWCE ALOHG S0.i� IiGRTIi IINE H86'20'00"E�A D[5iatrLf OF 625.80 FEET 70 iHE SOU1!!ElS7 ONf-STX7FENFH CpR�rER QF $AtD SECTIOH 11; THENCE ALO�G THE wf$T LIkE OF iHE EAST p11F:-HALF Of SAI� SdI11fiEASi ON!-OL3AkT�Ft Of SECTIbH 11, NUi'39'00"£ A Qf$TRNCC OF i68.50 fEET, T►3ErICE ALOi:u =xE �Q�17JF.4T pf YA3l M�EIGKiS fIl!%:G N6. 1, A SllgOfYiS:�� f:�[p i0R RECOR� ,�Y aECE�iIm� h0. 1109Q5 IH TNE flffiGf 4f' ?liE ERG.E .CJhTY CLERK A'�D AECUkllER, F`OR TNE FCLLiY�"itiG 7!�t;4YE (12) COUR5E5:. 1.1 W56'4R'00'E 1l OtSTAhIC� OF 610,82 FEEi; 2.) H55`2o'70"f A OI5iANCE 0� 7ES.W7 FEEF: 3,1 537'D7'52"E JV DISTAhC� OF 2?0.44 FEET, 4.1 S64'St'08"k A D2SiAnCf OF 14ta.QfJ FEET: 5,� }�z,d1 ffEi AE.Oh„ TH� ARC QF A GUxvE i0 TNE LEF'7 NAVING A CENt�u;. A:;G:E Ik i5'33'98' Alrf� A Rf.R;uS NF +tt4,]7 FtEi; d.! SSf'19"Wi'v ,� G157a�;CE Qi' 277.SD FfET; j,) 81,7I £EET AtONG TiIE ApC pF A GU1tYF TO iHE RlGlii kAYlttu 1� CEIlTRAL RMGIE Df 04'07'29" A31q A RAOI�s OF 1135.80 FEE7; 8.1 555'26'29"w A QIS�0.�CE GF 3£4.8G FEET; 4.i 139.54 fEET RLOHG THE ARC OF A CURYE iU TkE LEFT NAYIHG A � CENIRAL AHGIE JF 35"t0'24' ANO �l R/VDIUS (1f 227.38 FEET; 10.) 520'lfi'd0"u A DISiAHtE OF Z$4.40 fEET; ' 11.) 270.55 �EEi 0.LOt�G THE 1�RC pF A LURYE TO iNE RIGtIT NAYING A CENiRxI AHGIE OF 6C`57`33' A11D A NAOTU$ OF 238.fi4 FEE7; i2.1 585'13'33'St A OIS7A.tiCE OF 19Z.82 fEET TQ SAIU VfST LINE OF T�;E EAST OAE-HALF, SOU11iEk5T pNE-pUARiER 4F SECr18�1 11; TNENCf ALOiIG 7HE $OUI�OARY OF iHE INN AT YEST YAIi, A SU801Y151Q11 F1LED FOA RECOR£ llt 800K 372, AT FAGt 8bfi, IN T1iE OFF[LE Oi TNE EAGiE CCUttTlr CiiRX ANU RECO�pER FOR TkiE FOELOwlNS Silc [L1 COURSES: t.} SES'13'3:'u A 0[S��CE OF ip4.3a FEET; 2.) 5Y.57 fEET ALOHL iNE lJtG QF A CU3tYE TO INE LEF7 NAYING A {�kiRAL AHGLE OF 45�3D'13' �urp A RADiUS OF 7i.00 ffiET; 3.i 539'c3'00"a A DISTANCE aF 84.D4 f£E7; 4.3 528'09'00'F A DfSiANCE OF 98.50 FESi; 3,} z45,G� FEEi AtOxG IHE ARC OF A C31RYE TO T1SE A1CH7 HAYiNG A CE�:7RA� ArFGLE OF IY'23'01' uf0 A RApSt15 OF 19s.43 FEET; 6.} 539'S2'S3"E �i D15iA�CE OF 1I1.75 FEET TO THE NORTH►1ESTEitLT RlGH7-6P-WT L1►FE OF INTiRSFAiE 70� A ftlBL1C ROAD; T�1Et1tE I�LUr�G SAlO 1tUR7tr.rEST�RLY tttGrtT-OF-1fAY LIHC OF IxFE�tSTATE 7i1 i0R T!'E FOCLO,I1i5 ik:LYE ii2} C6JRSES: ' 1.) 681,84 F�ei AiONG T1t� ARL OF A{Ui1YE 70 INE LEFT NAY1?1G A � CfFiipAC AI!(;LE U{ 05�30�aT•, � a�ptus u�' S000.00 FEfi uzn x t�fORD i��s1Cx aEARS 545'S1'S4'u 68i.5? i£ET I�ISTJwT; 2.} 342`3<'45"K A�DIST�tiCE OF 4,30 FEET; 3.1 S52'42 "s4'u A p[51�iC£ OF 282.20 FEET; R.1 S26'i8'46"W A DiSTAxC£ OF 4fi3_30 FEEF; 5.1 528'a4'23"Y A 015TANCE OF 458.90 FEET; 6,) S45'15'45"lt A DISTNICE OF 178.6z fEfT; 7.) 215.18 FEEi ACB�tG THE �tRG 0� A CURYf TO 7NE kEFT HAY11iG A C£HTRA� ti1FGLE Of 15'41'S!', A RADlU$ Of� gfl0.0U FEEi� �,ND A CMORD urt]Cx BfARS 586'2g'36'w 218.50 FE�i UIStal1T; S.f S3E'cC'06'u A DINAr;CC UF C1<,59 FiET; 9.) 545'<8'a8-w A 015JAVCE OF 622.t3 FEET; 10.f 521'3b'?C':� A p1S1�r�CE OF 3y2.31 fEE'f; 11. ) 285.2� FEET AlU�tG 7ilE RRC OF A LURYE i0 T1iE RIGHi ItRY1NL A CENTiiAL A�1GlE OP 04'i1'03", A RJ�IUS'OF 1760,00 FEET, AND A CHURD u�i1LH OEARS 554'1.,'18'sr 284,92 iEf UtSTU�T; 12.1 S67'03'14`Y A pESi�JiLF Of 259.95 FEEi 0 TitE uEST LfW: OF TME E�ST Ot+E-►U.LF OF THt rtORTlstEST ON -�Ulu'tTER # SAID SECT10t1 14; ' TkEHC£ A�prrG SA]D �E57 LI�E Nal'20'00'x A OISFRf� E Of 1U9.22 �EET; T1ifNCF AICt+G FHE AORTH�ESiER�T BOUHOkitT OF YAI� R DGE, R SU$DIYlSION �1kCD fUR REEORU A? KECEPilOH HS3. 103252 IN FHE 'FICC oF TrtE EaGLE COUHTr C�ERK Ri�Q aECORVER, FOR 7ME FOl10YINt, Y�EE �31 CAllRSES: {.j tJ56'i4'OD`E A OIS7AhCE Oi tOD,50 fEET; 2,1 N37'i6'00'E A plSi/�k�� OF 52<.00 fEFT; 3.f K�?'3a'32"E A UtSTAxCE OF �68.37 FEEi TL1 7NE 1iQRTH tJt+C Uf �Sl•IU SECTIpM 14; . 7HE�lCC A�OHt; SA1C ��URiH L1NE Of SECTfDt� 14, 1:86'22'j;3'i A G:ST�t:,i �� 8Q3.9Z FEET it3. TFiE ?�1Ai �?F BEGl1+r:l+tG. NOT�S� i. THlS AHHEZA7lort PLA7 ES BASfa l�pQ�i RECOROEp PLAIS AHD tEGAz OESCA(YT10!+5 FOV+�O IR 7tiE OFFICE OF TrsE EAG�E COUHTY C�E�K AHp RFCORDER. ]T 1H ?10 MAY r�EaRE5EH75 AH ACTUAL FiFl{� SURYEY OF THE Oi5tR16EU FROPfRTI:S. TH£ �llRPf}SC 0� TI{F AliNEXATIOH PLAT !S TO iEG:IEY DESC�;5E TNE AREA OF tlWD $fiNG f�rCtUDER'.fTH1�1 TN£ CORPpRATF i1td1I5 OF TME 7UvH OF YAiL, iH1S PLA1 SHOIJ�p l30T 9E USEU i0 LOCxrE GR ESFtiS�1sv Afat PROPERTY Caar�ERS iOR AHr oF TrtE Sl1�JEC3 ?ARC5l5. �. R€CEPTIGY N0. A�D 9�dK/PALE REFEDE�:CES.RfFFR Tp THf RECORG5 Of TkE EAuEE CLJHTT CLE12K ANt7 RE�`.G�GEA. �, g{;t�;1.C,5 �RE iF,%C!2 p1R:CiLY fR�k 1H£ Pi.AT$ OF p���,�q� �kCEPT FaR SH[ U'fP�ATTLU lAiJ6 SHGi:N AS LOi 2i, 5i.CilOH �C, THIS AARCE� uA5 i3ES.R1�c0 .'ER �HE OEDENOE�T SURYEi A4Q FiES�'aY�Y Oi' ikE F#i11/4, $ECT{Q�I 14, FRCPFnEO 9Y TtiE BI;REA'J OF E:AHp MA!;Aw:M�ttT, THE BEkRf�tuS p� tai 21 G'EAf ROTRTEG 3�4 A CE,LLKUTZE aIAEGTiON 9Y 06'18" 3p rtaiCF4 THE PtAT Cf YRIL RiDGE. 1, pERIPH;RY pF 1kE nAEA ia 9E ktaNCMEq i5 i4,169.)S ffET, PER.AHERY CONTIGUGUS 4;I�N TtiE EXtSTi�G YCNK OF 4nlL gpJhpaqY i5 2,$58,9i ffET. Br�C-$lX�i1 OF T0i'R�, PERiPMEAT 15 1,361.E,2 F�E7. 0 � � ;I