HomeMy WebLinkAboutCascade Village SDD Amendments( To: Planning and Environmental Conrmission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: October 10, 1988 SUBJECT: Request to amend Special Development District #4,Area A, Cascade Village.epp)-icant: Vail Ventures, Ltd. I. BACKGROUND AND INTRODUCTION TO THE CASCADE VILT,AGE DEVELOPMENT Cascade Village was annexed into the Town of Vail in December of L975 by Ordinance No. 26. Before being annexed to Vail, the area was zoned for 6 units per acrewith the option to propose a comprehensive developmentp1an. (PEC ninutes 2/5/L976). In March of L976, the SDD4zoning was imposed. In respect to the underlying zonedistrict, Cascade Villge is unigue in that the Towninitially approved SDD 4 zoning. There was no other Townof Vail underlying zone district before the SDD. Special Development District No. 4 is divided j-nto thefollowing areas: Developrnent Area Area Known As A Cascade VillageB coLdstream CondominiumsC GIen Lyon Duplex LotsD Glen Lyon Office Building The density altotment for Cascade Village, Area A in thisoriginal ordinance was 252 dwelling units located on L6.82acres for a density of 15 dweLling units per acre. Ordinance No. 28 of L977 revised the original ordinance ina number of ways. This ordinance changed the developmentareas B,C and D and required dedication of over 40 acresof open space to the Tohrn. Cascade Village continued tobe responsible for maintaining all conrmon areasr'interiorroads and plazas for the project. This ordinance alsorevised some of the submittal requirernents as well asrefined permitted and conditional uses allowed in Development Area A (Cascade Village). Some other minor changes such as numerical changes to section numbers inthe zoning code were also provided for in ordinance 28. In January of L979 there was an amendment to SDD4 withregard to submittal requirements. The applicant requestedthat a determination be made as to exactly what tlpe ofsuburittal requirements would be necessary to review theproject. This arnendment was approved in preparation forthe April and May review of the developnent plan. (On May 22r L979, the PEC revieqred several amendmentrequests. The first amendrnent called for enlargingDevelopnent Area A to include the 1.25 acre Robbins tract.The new acreage for Area A would then total 19.078 acres.Additional commercial square footage was also reguested.The single najor issue in the approval process of thedeveloprnent plan of L979 was the creation of a thirdvilLage for VaiI with respect to the amount of commercialproposed and the proposed educational/Learning center. Ernployee housing was an integral part of the developmentplan in the discussion in May of. 1979. The proposal atthat tirne was for 32 rental units of approximately g5O square feet each. The possibii-ity of using industrialrevenue bonds to construct the housing was discussed. Thetining for the employee trousing project lras represented asthe second year of construction, but earlier if possible. The Planning cornrnission approved the request for a totalcommercial square footage of 2L,7OO square feet. Thedeveloper agreed to easements for bicycle paths and agreedto vrork with the Highway Department to provide a left-handturning lane and acceleration and deceleration lanes offof the South Frontage Road to Westhaven Drive, Thedeveloper also agreed to provj-de a bus shelter and turn-around in the project. The proposed employee housingunits (2O) becarne part of the development p1an. In June of L984, a major amendment was again requested for Development Area A (Cascade Village). The amendmentrequested that the original density of 1.5 dwelling unitsper acre be applied to both the l-.25 acre Robbins parcelwhich had been annexed to the SDD in L979, and for the1.045 acre Cosgrif parcel proposed to be annexed with thiscurrent reguest. 3'7,OOO square feet of comrnerciaL wasrequested with the rationale that it hras a necessity tothe development program to provide suFport retail,considering the clientele the development was troping toattract. A revision to the employee trousing requirementand changes to the height calculation rnethod were also addressed. The staff supported the additional- density and commercial square footage. The ernployee housing issue was resolvedby requiring that lron a yearly basis, a contractual agreement between the employer and the developer showingevidence of eruployee housing tlrat is satisfactory to ttre Tolrn of Vail be made available. il The present SDD hadstated that the developer provide 20 dwelling units for J-ong term rentals to employees of the project on an ongoing basis. The staff felt that 2O units was the rninirnum acceptable requirement. The proposal for 1.8fireplaces within acconnodation units was not approved bythe staff or the PEc. The developer was reguired to (participate in the study to develop a reasonable plan fora left-hand turn lane off of the South Frontage Road intothe Cascade Village development. parking requirementswere also amended to require 40 spaces for the plazaconference facility. ( ( II. SI'MMARY OF AI'{ENDMENT REQUESTS Vail Ventures, Ltd. proposes to anend SDD4 to allord forchanges in reguirements as well as adjustments todevelopment of the remaining 5 undeveloped sites withinArea A. These sites include: Cornerstone, Waterford,Westhaven Condoniniums, Millrace IfI and Millrace IV. Theapplicant has stated that [the amendments are necessarydue to changes resulting fron the construction of theCascade chair lift, the cornpletion of the Westin Hotel andthe changing markets for real estate and guests servicesiall of which have affected the overall rnaster pJ-an for Cascade Village.', The following arnendments are requested for Cascade VillageDevelopment Area A: A. Approval of alternative developrnent scenariosfor Waterford, Cornerstone, and Millrace fV sites.The developer is requestinq the flexibiLity to haveoptions as to whether Waterford or Millrace IV shouldbe developed using the transient residential, accommodation unit, or the dwelling unit plan. Inaddition, there would be d.ifferences in comnercial-development depending on qrhether the Cornerstone sitewas developed using the cornmercial plan rra, orspecial attraction/conmercial plan ttbtr. Approval of ttrestricted dwelling unit or transientresidential dwel-ling unitrt for Cornerstone andWaterford sites. For the purposes of this memo. therestricted dwelLing units shal-l be referred to as atransient residential dwelling unit or TR in this memo. Transj-ent Resj-dential Dwelling Unit: A dwellingf unit located in a multi'fanily dwellingthat is managed as a short tern rental in nhich allsuch units are operated under a single-managementprovidj-ng the occupants thereof custornary hotelservices and facilities. For the purposes of this SDD 4, a short term rentalshall be deemed to be a rental for a period of tinenot to exceed 31 days. Each unit shaLl not exceeo645 square feet of GRFA which shall include a kitchenhaving a maxinum of 35 square feet. fhe kitchenshall be designed so that it rnay be locked andseparated fron the rest of the unit in a closet.A transient dwelling unit shall be accessible frorn common corridors, walks, or balconies without passing B. (through another accommodation unit, dweLling unit, ortransient residential dwelling unit. Should suchunits be developed as condorniniums, they shall berestricted as set forth in Sections 1,7.26.075L7.26.L20 governing condominium conversion. Theunit shall not be used a6 a perrnanent residence.Fractional fee ownership shaLl not be allowed to beapplied to transient residentLal units. For thepurposes of determining allowable density per acre,transient residential units shall be counted as one-half of a dwelling unit. Transient resldentialdwelling unit parking requirements shall be 0.4 spaceper unit plus 0.1 space per each L00 square feet of GRFA with a maximum of 1.o space per unit. Special Attraction: Conditional Use for theCornerstone Building, 8o8o s.f. A special attraction is defined as a nuseum, seminarer research center, or performing arts theatre orother sinilar cultural center. Approval of ttFractional Fee ow:rershiprr as definedin the Town of Vail Municipal Code Section l-8.04.135. Fractional fee means a tenancy in comrnon interest inimproved real property, including condominiums,created or held by persons, partnerships,corporations, or joint ventures or simitar entities,wherein the tenants in conmon have formerly arrangedby oral or written agreement or understanding, eitherrecorded or unrecorded allowing for the use and occupancy of the property by one or more co-tenantsto the exclusion of one or more co-tenants during anyperiod, whether annually reoccurring or not which isbinding upon any assignee or future owner of afractional fee interest or if such agreementcontinues to be in any way binding or effecive uponany co-tenant for the sale of any interest in theproperty. Fractional Fee ownershJ-p shall be a conditional usefor dwelling units in westhaven's rnulti-fanilydwelling and shall not be applied to restricted employee dwelling units or transient residentialdwellings. Approval for ownership intervals of noless than 5 weeks is requested. Approval of maximurn height for Waterford of 48 feet,as measured from the finished grade to the roof ridgealong the South Frontage Road and Westhaven Drive. Abuildingr eLevation height of 6l- feet frorn the lowestfloor of the parking structure up to the huilding's c. D. E. (roof ridge and 40 feet from the lowest floor of theparking structure to the eave is requested for thecreek side or southeast building elevation. Approval of maxirnum height for Cornerstone of 71 feetas previously approved for the plaza building.Height is measured from the roof ridge down iofinished or existing grade, whichever is mostrestristive. Approval of addition to east end of the Cascade Clubfor either a lap pool , wellness center, or smallgltmnasium at 4r5OO s.f. The wellness center would bea conditional use with required parking provided. The 2O foot setback is maintained along the SouthFrontge Road. The maximuur height is 26 feet. Approval of first floor office space in the nelr plaza Conference Center havj-ng a maximum square footage of925 square feet. Presently space is approved to beretail . Approval of second floor, Room 2J in the CMC buildingto be converted from conference space to retailand/or theatre with required parking provided, 1387s. f. Approval for the rnixed use credit of 17.58 to beapplicable to the Cascade village and Waterfordparking structures. Approval of request to eliminate reguirement for conmon carrier parking. Approval of request, to elininate the existing SDD4employee housing requirernent that a rrContractual agreement between the employer and developer showingevidence of employee housing that is satisfactory tothe Town be made avail-able to the Department ofCornrnunity Development.rr The developer proposes toprovide a rninimum of l-o employee dwelling unitshaving a minimum square footage of 640 square feetper unit within Development Area A and/or D. The GRFA and number of enployee units shall not becounted toward allowable density or GRFA. The unitsshall be restricted as employee housing units for l-5years frorn the date of the final certificate ofoccupancy for said units. The enployee dwelling unit shall not be leased orrented for any period of less than thirty consecutivedays, and that if it shaLt be rented, lt shall berented only to tenants who are ful-l-tirne enployees in F. G. H. I. J. K. L. (tbe Upper Eagle Valley. The Upper Eagle Valley shallbe deemed to include the Gore Valley, Minturn, RedCliff, Gilrnan, Eag1e-Vail, and Avon and theirsurrounding areas. A full-tine employee is a person who rdorks an average of ttrirty hours per week. If the unit is sol-d, it shaLl be sold to a qualifiedpurchaser. A qual-ified purchaser shall be defined asa full-time ernployee in the Upper Eagle Valley asdefined in the previous paragraph. The ernployee dwelling unit shall not be divided intoany forrn of tirne-shares, interval ownership orfracti.onal fee. A declaration of covenants and restrictions shall befiled of record in the office of the Eagle Countyclerk and recorder in a form approved by the townattorney for the benefit of the town to ensure thatthe restrictions herein shall run with the landbefore a building pennit is released for theconstruction of the employee units. Approval for 55 foot height for Westhaven building as measured from the finished or existing grade whichever is most restrictive. Approval for 96 trood-burning fireplaces which iseguivalent to the number of dwelling units approvedyet unbuilt for the SDD. This means that transientresidential , accommodation units, and dweLling unitsvould be alLowed to have wood-burning fireplaces upto ttre 96 maximurn amount. Approval for an entry tower located at the northeast,corner of rthe Cascade Club. The height requested is36 feet. the 20 foot setback is maintained. Approval fbr a total commercial square footage of53r5L3 s.f. or 56,538 s.f. Approval for 293,7L5 s.f. of total GRFA. ( M. N. o. P. a. t (ITT. DESCR]PTTON OF THE PROPOSED DEVEIOPMENT AMENDMENTS TOR THEFIVE REMAIXING SITES IN AREA A: A.CORNERSTONE BUII,DTNG Location: Site is to the southnorth of the Terrace Existing SDD Renaining Developrnent Potential 7Lr 20 au 15 du 25 du of Westhaven Drive and Wing. Proposed SDDDevelop. Potential 7L, o 50 transient resid. 50 TR or 25 du Proposal: Fifty transient residential units areproposed. The request also consists of twoalternatives for comrnercial development.Alternative A has 26,O4O sqluare feet ofretail , whiLe Alternative B has 29,065square feet which includes the rrspeeial Attractionil use. Ski accessory uses forthe Cascade lift are also provided for inthis building. Parking is provided in thestructures, Please see Chart at the end ofthis section for a breakdown of square footage/use. zoninqs CORNERSTONE ZONING ANALYSIS Height AU DU Total Units GRFA Commercial 3Or 628 sf L9,2]-4 28, 110 26 , O4O 29 , 065 sf (A) (B) GRFA: Under allowable by 21518 square feet. Commercial: over allowable by 6,826 square feet(Plan A) or 9,851- square feet (Plan B. ) The increase in comnersial square footage for thissite is the nost outstanding difference between the (proposed plan and the original plan. AlI retail ,offj-ce, and restaurant space has been included in thetotal commercial sguare footage. fn PIan A, hotelrelated retail and restaurant contributes 2,750square feet. Accessory ski retail adds 2,190 squarefeet. The remaining comnercial of 2L,OOO square feetis general retail and office. PIan B shows anincrease in commercial square footage due to theSpecial Attraction use which equals 8.O8O sqluarefeet. The building foot print has been extended to the eastto incorporate the ski accessory uses, such as aticket office, ski lockers, public restrooms andskier retail . For this reason, site coverage hasincreased for this parcel but is still under theal"lowable coverage of 452. The 71' foot height alsomatches what was originally approved for thebuilding. B. WATERFORD BUILDING Location: Adjacent to the South Frontage Road. Eastof the Cascade CLub across Westhaven Drive.Presently, fill is stockpiled on thesi.te. Proposal: The Waterford Building consists ofapproxinately 3,8o0 square feet of retail space and either 30 residential units or 75transient residential units. The GRFA foreither scenario totals 47,50o square feet. A t!'/o-level underground parking structure hrould be built below the residential and commercial development. A 20 foot setbackshall be maintained along the northproperty line adjacent to the South Frontage Road. A nininum 2o foot buffershafl be naintained between the edge of thebike path along Gore creek and theWaterford Building. t (Zoninq: WATERFORD ZONING ANALYSIS Existing SDD RernainingDevelopment Potential 4g t 45 D.U. 49,227 o Proposed SDDDevelop. Potential 48' to 61, Alt. L: 30 D.U.AIt. 2&3: 75 T.R. 47 ,5OO 3,800 Height D.U. GRFA Retail Number of Units: Plan L is under the allowable by l-5dw-e[ing-unE: Plan 2 is under the allowable by-7.5 dl'reIling units. GRFA: Under allowable by 11727 square feet. Qqmmercial: Over by 3,8OO square feet, the or5-ginalproFosaf did not cart ior re€ail on this site. Heiqht: Over height linit by 13 feet on th southeast(Gore Creek) side of the building. C. WESTHAVEN CONDOS LocatioD: The site is located north of WesthavenDrive, innediately west of the CascadeC1ub. Presently, foundations exist on thissite. The proposal was originally calledClub Condominiums. Proposal-: The Westhaven Condominiums include 24dwelling units that have 24,OOO square feetof GRFA. In addition, 7 employee dwellingunits would be located on this site.The developer j-s requesting fractional feeownership as a conditional use for the 24dwelling units. Fractional ownership wouldnot be applied to the required employeehousing units. AII parking is provided onsite. The 20 foot setback is naintainedon the north, east, and west sides of theproperty. Westhaven will be connected tothe Cascade Club by a sky bridge.( 10 Zoninq: WESTHAVEN ZONING ANALYSTS Existing SDD Renaining Proposed SDD Development Potential Development Potential Ireight 48, 55 ' D.U. 25 D.U. 24 D.U. GRFA 22,500 s.f. 24,000 s.f. Number of Units: Under allowable by 1- dwelling unit. GRFA: Over all-owable by 1,500 square feet fordwelling units. 6400 square feet is requested forthe employee housing units. Height: Over allowable by 7 feet to allow for employee housing. D. MILLRACE IIT Location: The site is just north of the brid.geconnecting Cascade Village to the Glen LyonSubdivision. The site is located on thewest side of Westhaven Drive. Proposal: Millrace III is proposed to consist of 3residential dwelling units having 6rO0Osquare feet of GRFA. Parking would beprovided on site. zoning: }T]LLRACE III ZONING ANALYSIS Existing SDD Remaining Proposed SDD Development Potential Development Potential Height 48' D.U. 3 GRFA 61500 48', 3 6, 000 GRFA: Under aLLowable by 500 square feet.t 11 (E. MILLRACE TV Location: Adjacent to the west side of the WestinHotel along Gore Creek. Millrace phase Iis directly to the west. Proposal: Two alternatj-ves are conternplated for thissite. Ptan A would include 8 residentialdwelling units having 14,O0O square feet ofGRFA. Plan B would be comprised of 32accommodation units attached to the wastside of the Westin Hotel . GRFA for theaccornmodation units \rould equal 14, OOOsguare feet. Parking for the I dweltingunit plan would be provided on site, Theaccommodation unit plan would rely onstructured parking. Zoninq: MTLLRACE IV ZONTNG ANALYSTS Existing SDD Remaining Proposed SDDDevelopment Potential- Development Potential Height 4g' 48' D.U. 8 Alt. 1: g A.U. O AIE. 2: 32 A.U. Total D.U. I Alt. L: I D.U.Alt. 2; 16 D.U. GRrA: 1L1200 s.f. 14,OOO s.f. Number of Unlts: Alt. 2 is over allowable by I D.U.s GRFA: Both plans over allowable by 2r8OO s.f. ( t L2 l|lr.l b"'- ,1 L._ .J (t ILLRACE tv SITE n 0tlAu TR 0u GRFA cu'r4 sQ FT sEATs oiilirn 'llillt Sloii CURNTRSTUIIE Lrl(l n Acessory Skl Retrl I Restaurant Hotel/Rest/Bar Uffi ce Conf. f,oorn Hotel Retal I Reta i | (A) ^-Retall (8) '' Access. Ski 50 28,110 . . (avg rm 561 sf @ .962 spaces) 2190 3000 ?46s 4850 ' 1725 285 on [13 ' 250' ($'zrs 7140 48.1 7,3 lB.4 10,3 . 19.4 7.2 1.0 or ! ll'iI J.r. J 147 82 50 2B,ll0 26,040 (A) 8865 22929,065 (B)lt!'e (Al (A)8e,er5too iD, (B)92,940 14 (IV. The trtro prirnary reasons the developer is requestingalternative developrnent scenarios is l_) to riallowflexibility in_terms of ttre nunber and types ofRESIDENTIAL units within the Waterford and Millrace phasefV buildinqst' and 2) to aflow flexibil-ity in the amount ofconunerciaL square footage aLLocated to the Cornerstonebuilding. The exterior buil_ding design would rernain thesane regardless of which conbination of units andcornmercial is used. The alternatives are as follows: A. RESTDENTTALALTERNATIVES Alternative AU oT TR Cornerstone 50 TRWaterford WesthavenMillrace lffMillrace fV 32 AUTotal Alternative 2 CornerstoneWaterford lilesthavenMillrace rIIMillrace IVTotal Alternative 3 l-25 TR PARKINGDU STRUC. ON-SITE 50 75 32 30 24 3 24 3 48. L 60 26.A 134.9 48. I 75 25.4 L49 .9 54 48 6 TR rR ( 57a2 27 48 6 54 Cornerstone Waterford WesthavenMillrace IIIl,lillrace IVTotal Alternative 4Cornerstone Waterford WesthavenMillrace IIIMillrace IVTotal 50 TR 48.1 60 50 50 75 48 6 l_6 70 48 6 L6 70 30 24 3I 65 24 3I 35 r.o8:l- 48. 1 75 t25 15 L23.1, (Special Development District 4 allows a total maximumdensity of 288 dwelling units with a minlnurn of 3Ogaccommodation units and a maxirnum of 134 dwelling unitswithin Area A. Currently, 38 dtelling units exiit and 2ggaccommodation units exist, which is the equivalent of 1g2dweLling units (2 au = 1 du). Under each aLternativer the total dwelling unit equivalentis less than the renaining equivalent of iOo dwellingunits. Alternative 1! 8.0 units less than total allowedAlternative 2: .5 units less than total alLovedAlternative 3: 16.O units less than total all.owedAlternative 4: 8.5 units less than total alLowed A11 three alternatives rneet the minirnum reguirement of 3oBaccomnodation units as long as transient residential unitsare counted as accornmodation units. All of the threeproposals are 2624 square feet over the allowable GRFAexcJ-uding the GRFA for employee housing. Alternative L:Alternative 2iAlternative 3:Alternati.Je 4t 370 over required rninirnun by 62 AUITRS445 over required minimurn by L37 AUITRS338 over reguired rninirnurn by 30 AUITRS413 over reguired rninimum by L05 AUITRS B. In summary, the proposal does not exceed the allowable densityand actually provides more AU,s than are required in theexisting SDD. All of the alternatives are 2,624 sf over thealIowable GRFA. Employee units have not been included in thesecalculations. COUMERCTAL SCENARIOS The Cornerstone Building has two scenarios for conmercialdeveloprnent. Plan A plus the existing comrnercialdevelopment eguals 53,51-3 s.f. Plan B plus the existingcomrnercial development equals 56r538 s.f. The existing SDD allows for 37r000 s.f. of conmercial. The proposalca1ls for an increase in total commercial of L6,5L3 s.f.to l-9,538 s. f . 16 (V.!oT4.I/ DEVELOPITENT COMPARTSoN BETWEEN THE REMATNTNGAgr$gYg.p iPEcrAr pBv DEVEI.OPMENT ALTERNATIVES This section compares the total existing approveddevelopnent potential remaining in Area A to tfre proposeddevelopment requested through the amendment procels. Thefirst chart at the end of this section shows the conpletedprojects for Developrnent Area A. Below, the chart showsthe approved total square footages for SDD4 and deductsthe conpleted projects to indicate the renainingdeveloprnent potential under the approved SDD. EXISTING SDD4 DE\IEIOPMENT SIJMMARY APPROVED EXISTINGSDD DEVELOPMENT REMAINTNG DEVEL. UNDER EXIST SDD EOTAL DU AU OR TR DU GRFA I coMMoN 288 308 min* 134 max'l 29L,L?L 37 | OO0 LA2 288 38 L74,L35 L7 ,796 L06 20 96 115, 986 ]-9,2L4 *Currently, SDDA allosrs a total maximum of Z8B dwelling units.The maximurn and minimum nurnbers of aurs and duts wereestablished to ensure that the project would have a greaterenphasis on lodge rooms than dwelling units. The next chart compares the three proposed deveJ_opment aLternativesto the remaining development potential allowed under the existing SDD. EXTSTING REIIIAINING DEVEIOPMENT COMPARED TO PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT DSVEI.OP REMAINING ALT *1 ALT #2 ALT #3 ALT #4TOTAL DU l_06 98 l_05.5AU OR TR 20 82 L57DU 96 57 27GRFA L16,986 119,61_0 l_L9, 610coMMER L'7 ,786 35 t727 (A) 35,727or or 38 ,752 (B) 38,752 The folLowing surnmaries highfight how thethe existing SDD compares to the proposedAlternatives J-, 2 and 3. remaining developrnent under deveJ-opments for 90 50 65 1L9, 610(A) 35,727 (A)or(B) 38,752 (B) 97.5 L25 35 l_1_9, 6Lo 32.727 (A)or 3S,752 (B) t t7 (Alternative 1 compared to rernaininq approved development: Total Unit Nunber:I units under allowableMinimum Accommodation unit Number: 62 units over A.u. minimumMaximum Dwelling Unit Number: 39 units under D.U. maximumGRFA: 2624 s.f. over allowableCornmercial: 16r513 s.f . over al_Iovable, plan A191538 s.f. over allowable, plan B Alternative 2 compared to the remaininq approved development: Total Unit Nunber: O.5 units under allowableMininum Accommodation unit Number: 137 units over A.u. minimumMaximum Dwelling Unit Nurnber: 69 units under D.U. maximumGRFA: 2,624 s.f. over allowableCornrnercial: l-61513 s.f . over allowable, plan Al-9r538 s.f. over allowable, plan B Alternative 3 compared to the remainincr approved development: Total Unit Nunber: L6 units under allowableMininum Accommodatlon Unit Number: 3O units over A.U. rninimum Maxj.mum Dwelling Unit Nunber: 3l- units under D.U. maximumGRFA: 2,624 over allowableCommercial: 1-6f 51-3 s.f . over allowable, plan AL9,538 s.f. over allowable, Plan B Alternative 4 compared to the remaininq approved development: Total Unit Nunber: 8.5 under al]owableMinimum Accommodation Unit Number: l-05 over allowable Maximum Dwelling Unit Nurnber: 61 under allowableGRFA: 2,624 ove.r allowableCommercial: L61513 s.f. over allowable, plan AL91538 s.f. over allowable, plan B Ttte following chart compares the TorAL approved special developnentdistrict to the TOTAL proposed special developnent districtalternatives: APPRVD SDD PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSEDALT #]- TOTAL DU 288 280 AU OR TR 308 min 370 DU 134 max 95 GRFA 29L,LzL 293,'1 45 coMMER. 37,0O0 53,513 (A)or56,538 (B) 2 287.5 445 65 293 ,7 45 53,513 (A)or 56, 538 (B) ALT #3 ALT #4 272 279.5 338 L03 293,745 53,51_3 (A)or 56, 538 ( B) 41_3 73 293 ,7 45 53,513 (A)or56,538 (B) 18 (The proposed SDD alternatives are under the total allowable densitvand met the minimurn and maximum reguirernents for AUrs and DUrs. riecommerciar is 16,513 s.f. to 19,538 s.f. over the allowable under theexisting sDD. This is a 45t to s3t increase in commerclal squar-footage. Total GRFA is over aLLowable by 2624 square feet. ( L 19 CUMPLETED PROJECTS IN SDD4 n AU 0u t]nrtt RETAI L/ cuMl'l sqff Nt]N-STRUCT PARKiNG STRUCT PARK I4ILIRACE I MILLRACE II l^IESTI N Alfredo's N) Cafeo Little Shop Pepi Sports hl & H Smith, Vaurnet I4 20,ooo ri,534 s5,457 l5,870 1600 4220 479? 9s4 I ?47 104 seats 74 seats 1250 2436 0 .r l5 0 0 0 u 0 to 13.3 a6 40 :b ?8 a3 0 0 0 u 0 148 900 CMC EUILDING Cascade !,li ng Clancy's Theat re College Cl assrooms Col I ege Offi ce l'ltg Room 2J TERRACE HII,IG Roons 120 Retai I 0 0 105 (.u 58,069 5856 c0t'tPLETEo PRoJECTS (CoN,T) AU DU GRFA RETAIL/ CUMM CN FT NON.STRUCT PARKI NG STRUCT PARK PLAZA I Rooms Reta i I PLAZA II Conference Retai I CASCADE CLUB Kela I I 8ar & Restaurant Uffice in CMC l.lel I ness Cente r 20 7205 1099 9?5 300 672 828 lJ60 8297 0 0 IO { N) 0 u I 5.6 TUTALS 42?5328838174,135 L7,786 (VI SPECIAL DEVEIPPMENT DISTRICT DESIGN CRITERIA It shall be the burden of the applicant to demonstratethat submittar material and the proposed deveJ.opment prancomply with each of the follovring standards, or todemonstrate that one or more of them are not, applicable.or that a practical solution consistent with the public'interest has been achieved. A. DESIGN COMPATIBILITY AND SENSTTIVTTY To THE III{MEDTATE ENVIRONMENT, NEIGHBORHOOD AND ADJACENT PROPERTIESRXLATIVE TO ARCHITECTURAL DESTGN, SCALE, BULK,BUILDING HErcHT, BUFFER ZONES, IDENTITY, CTIARACTER, VTSUAIJ INTEGRITY AND ORIENTATION. Cornerstone: ( The overall design of this building is very positive.The building meei,s the height standard of 71r. Thedeveloper has redesigned the eastern elevation of thecornerstone building in order to pul1 the eaves linedown to rninimize the height. A rninimum setback of Z0feet will also be maintained from the bike path.Even though the building has been extended to theeast to allow for the ski accessory as well as asrnall- amount of ski retail, this portion of thebuilding consists prirnarily of rooms and hotelfunctions which are allowed presently under theapproved SDD. Staff reconmends that the Cornerstone buiLding bridgeconnection between the east and west buildings beopened up. our opinion is that it would be positiveto be able to see through more of the Cornerstonebuilding and up to the cascade Lift and ski nountai_nLnstead of being confronted by building mass on allthree sides as you enter the project. I{aterford: The original proposed height was 7t feet. At thefirst work session on this project, the planning Conmission indicated that a 55, height tirnit would beappropriate for this building. The Waterford building is most visible from the SouthFrontage Road and Westhaven Drive. The height hasbeen decreased to 48 feet as measured fronr finishedgrade to meet the previously approved height. Thebuilding is also situated below the Frontage Road todecrease impacts. The proposed 6i. foot height alongthe southeast elevation is acceptable, as the eaveline witl have a height of 40 feet which will greatlydecrease the irnpact of the 6l- foot ridge height. 2Z (The 20 foot front setback will also be maintainedalong the South Frontage Road which wilt decrease theinpact, of the building-nass. A 20 foot buffer witlexist between the building and bike path on the creekside of the project. The-bike path ;ill be rnoved 5feet towards the creek and the building putled backto establish the 2O foot buffer. Staff feels strongly that substantial landscapingshould be reguired along the north and. southelst-elevations of the Waterford. The developer has rnadea significant effort to respond to the pbc and staffrequests to decrease the heiqht. However, frorn theview analysis, it is clear that the buildingrs masswill have impacts. Millrace IIf: The staff does not have a specific site plan for thisproperty. However, the developer is proposing tomaintain the same number of units and-height inddecrease GRFA. A 2O foot setback would be maintainedalong Westhaven Drive. Millrace IV: Staff's opinion is that the 32 accommodation unitsite plan is nuch more compatible with the site thanthe proposal to locate I dwelling units on thisparcel . The 32 accommodation unit plan allows for anadequate open space buffer het$reen the Westin Hoteland the existing Millrace development. The Idwelling unit plan needs to be consolidated tonaintain adequate open space between the Westin andMil1race. This buffer becomes even rnore importantwhen private residential units are adjacent to ahotel operation. Staff believes that the additional GRFA on this sitefor the accommodation unit plan is appropriate.Lodge rooms meet a community need which has beenencouraged in the L,and Use plan. We do not feel thatthe additional GRFA is necessary for the 8 dwellingunit plan. Staff recommends that the I D.U. plan be denied. Therequest for additional GRFA is unsupportable and thesite plan does not meet the SDO crileria, particular-ly in respect to site planning, landscaping, andadequate buffer zones. ( 23 ( Westhaven: This project has already received a building perrnitwhich has since expired. Staffrs und,erstanaiirg isthat the project would be constructed in a sirnilarmanner to what has been previously approved. Thedeveloper is proposing to remove t dwelLing unit andincrease the GRFA by 1,500 square feet. The Westhaven height will be increased from 48, to55, to allow for the addj-tional employee housingunits. The building-is situated balo; the FroniageRoad, so the height increase wiII have very 1ittl6irnpact. B. USES, ACTMTY AND DENSITY WHICH PROVTDE AcoMpATIBr,E, EFFTCIENT AND WORKABLE RELAUONSHTP WITH SURROUNDING USES AND ACTIVITY. Alternate Development Scenarios: For the most part, the alternative plans focus onflexibility in the type and number of residentialunits and amount of cornmercial . Millrace IV is theonly alternative that has two different site p1ans.The Waterford and Cornerstone buitdlngs would havethe sane exterl-or appearance and site plan regardJ_essof the residential unit mix and amount of commercial. Staff feels comfortable with the alternativedevelopment plans proposed for the project. It isfelt that a good mix of office, retail , J-odging andresidential units is maintained with these proposals.The changes in design for the various alternativesare minimal and therefore make it acceptable toapprove alternative uses. Transient Residential : The concept is that the TR unit witl function as anaccommodation unit, but will have a srnall kitchenettefor convenience cooking. The unit is not intendedto function as a dwelling unit. The TR must also bemanaged by a single management entity to ensure thatcustomary hotel services and facilities are providedto occupants. These hotel services and facil,itieswould typically include front desk services, lobby,housekeeping facilities, laundry service andrecreation facilities. In addition, ttre fact that the units must be usedaccording to the short term rental definition rrillensure that the units function as acconmodationunits. 24 ( The TRs nay be converted to condoniniurns under theLodge Room Conversion sections of the SubdivisionRegulations. Even if the TRs r.rere typical AUs, theoption to convert the AUs would Ue aviitaUte.Transient residential units should not be allowed tohave a wood burning fire place. Wood burning fireplaces should be used exclusively for dwelling units. Additional Comrnerciai : The increase in total square footagte for commercialspace.has been designed so that the buildingscontaining conmercj-al rneet the existing developmentstandards for the special development district exceptfor the Waterfordrs southeast elevationrs height. Staff bel-ieves that the additional sguare footageshould be viewed in a sinilar way to the manner inwhich Commercial Core I and ff p-ojects are reviewed.In tlrese zone districts, commercial square footage isunlinited and the buildings are reguired to meetdesign standards, Basically, Cascade village is verysinilar to a CCI or CCII type project. The staff feels that it would be reasonable torecruire that all buildings approved for comrnerciaL onfirst floor or street/pLaza level have the same usesthat are perrnitted in Commercial Core I zoning. fheintent of thls project has always been to creite amixed use development. By adopting the CCI perrnitteduses for the first f1oor, staff believes that thernix of commercial found in the Village and Lionsheadwould be ensured. Another reason that the CCI usesare appropriate is that 3, B0O square feet ofcornmersial is proposed adjacent to the bus stop inthe Waterford building. This cornmercial should notbe convenience Lype retail which would encouragepeople to park on Westhaven Drive shops for easypick-up of goods. The staff had a silnitar conc-rnwith the Treetops commercial building. We feel thatthe Waterford retail space could have the sarneproblems as Treetops if appropriate retail uses arenot determined. GRFA: Staff believes that the project,s total_ GRFAmust corne under the existing SDDrs approved cap of29L,LzL square feet except for the additional GRFArequested for the Millrace TV 32 AU p1an. We do feelthat the nix of accommodation units and dwellingunits is very positive as long as transientresidential units are not fractionalized. We supportthe exclusion of GRFA for empLoyee housing units. ( t 25 o (!'ractionalization: Fractionalization will be applied only to Westhavenand will be reviewed as a conditionaL use. Theinterval shouLd not be allowed to be less than sweeks to ensure a high guality project. The -conditional use process will require tbat customaryhotel services and facilities be provided iffractional fee ownership is reguested. Special Attraction: staff supports the idea of the special attraction.It is appropriate to review the proposal as aconditional use. Wellness Center3 Staff has no problem with the request of a wellnesscenter, as long as it is reviewed as a conditionaluse so that parking irnpacts may be addressed. If thespace is developed as a srnall gymnasium or pool ,there would be no additional parking impact and,therefore, we feel it can be considered to be apernitted use. (Eilgt Floor Office j-n Plaza Conference Center: Altbough at face value this request may seem veryminor, staff feels strongty that the office shouldnot be approved. As has been stated in the rnemo, theLntent of Cascade Village was to create a mixed useproject sirnilar to CCf and ccfI. The CCf and CCIIzoning does not a1low offices on first floors. Thereason for this is to insure that retail is 1ocatedon the first floor to add activity and interest atthe street level . To approve the office would also be precedent settingand woul-d mean that first floor office space couldalso be reguested for other projects, such as thecateway Special Development District or Vail villageInn Special Developnent District. Staff supports thespace to a theatrereguired parking is reguest to change the conferenceor retail space as long as theprovided. 26 oEmployee Housinq ( Ernployee housing should be a requirenent for thisproJect. We lrould ask that a ninimun of 10 units begrovided having a rninimum size of 640 square feetincluding a full kitchen. The 10 units would have atotal nininum square footage of 6,400 square feet.Out of the total 293,'1 45 square feet, two percent or51190 sqluare feet would be used for employee housingunits. Presently, the Town does not have a formula forcalculating ernployees required for certain uses.Hohrever, by using existing employee numbers and.naking some assurnptions which are conservative inrespect to numbers of ernployees, the following dernandcoul-d be ex;rected: Use Number of E4ployees 285 Ful1-time L5 fuIl-time50 Part-tirneor 25 Full-tirne Westin Hotel (276 units) Cascade Club Clancy's cuc Office & Retail (54,973 sf)(total cornrnercial - 1,000 x lfel].ness center Cascade Theater Neu AU or TR (445 units)(.9 erTrployees x # units - 25?of employees for overlap) 4or2 Part-tirneFul1-tirne Fu11-tine Ful1-tine Full-tirne FulI-time Full-tiure L2 83r. 5) 4 3 300 733 approx. * These figures are also probably low given the factthat if you look at other enployee housingreguirements for Snohrmass, Aspen and Breckenridg.e,the employee nurnber generated by this type ofdevelopment is higher. Vail has taken pride in the fact that greater numbersof people are now staying in our conmunity and trying 27 ( to raise families or trying to establish theurselvesprofessionally. It is often said that we have becomea maturing resort comnrunity. Our main concern forernployee housing, is to irnprove the living situationsfor many individuals working in vai1. However, thisconcern also helps to stabilize the economic andsocial base of our cotnmunity. A stable employee bedbase is very irnportant for a maturing comrnunity andadds to stability in the work force. Staff believes that 10 units is a nominal amount ofemployee housing for the Cascade Village Developmentto provide. We agree with the developer that sometlpe of an employee housing task force would also behelpful . In addition, there are many things that theTown could do to encourage dispersed employeehousing. fnnovative planning is needed to establisha housing council (as suggested by the developer),to provide incentives to assure existing rentalsremaj-n in the housing poot. The employee housing problem is certainly not goingto be completely addressed by the Cascade Villageproject. However, the staff does feels that thedevelopment has a responsibility to provide a certainnumber of units. In our request for 10 unit,s. wehave tried to be reasonable and feel that this is notan undue burden on the developer. We also believethat trade-offs are in order due to the ntsthat are arlthereased amount of comrnercial scruare Densitv: The nixed use nature of the project is very positive.Essentially, Cascade Village has become the fourthcore area for Vail. The developer has proposed more accommodation units and transient residential unitsthan are actually required under the approved SDD.The number of dwelling units is actually lower thanwhat would be all-owed. The balance of accomnodationunit use to dwelling unit use is very posltive.Staff does feel that the project,s GRFA should bedecreased to the originally approved arnount of 29I ,LzL square feet. Basically, although a minimum amount of GRFA is requested above what Ls al.lowed, wefeel that the request is not warranted. We feel thatthe 21658 sguare feet of extra GRFA could be takenout of the Waterford project or Ml-Urace IV (8 DUplan) to help with the height problem. The ontyadditional GRFA tht is warranted is for the MillraceM32 AU plan. 28 I REMECOMPLIANCE WITH PARKING AND LOADINC REQUTSECTION 18.52.NTS AS OUTLTNED IN COMM STRUC.ON SITE The most accurate way to calculate parking given theproposed development alternatives is to ute-thealternative that has the greatest STRUCTURED parkingdemand. Alternative 2 has the gre-tEEE-sti[cluredparking demand due to the nunbei of AUlTRs. MAXTMUM PARKTNG REQUTRED RESIDENTIAL Cornerstone Waterford WesthavenI{il1race IIIMil-lrace IV COMMERCIAL CornerstoneWaterford Room 2J Theatre AU,/TR DU 50 75 30 3 32 48.L 75 60 6 26. B LL1.9 L2.75.5 22.5 .7 C.Club Well_ness Center 29 t0653f800 1,387 4r500Plaza Bldq office* Total t-57 27 38,752 309.2 66 *Plaza space has already been counted as ccmmercial. Theparking requirement is based on the difference between officeand retail parking requirements. The- Froject's parking has been calculated using arr of the standardparking requirements. Arr accessory hotel and ski uses have beenrequired to provide the full amount of parking. * 111 parking for Cornerstone. Waterford, and Millrase IV (AUPlan) shall be structured. Existing Reguired parking Proposed Reguired parking Total 17.52 Credit -Total Required parking Existing parking structureProposed parking sructureReguired parking STRUCTIIRED PARKING CALCUI,ATIONS 422 spaces 310 732 I2A.L 604 42L 183 604 spaces spaces spaces The de_veloper proposes that the waterford parking structure shall beexpanded if necessary to rneet the parking requir6rnents of variousscenarios. Presently, the waterford structuie has 144 spaces. Thismeans that if the developer chooses to buird Arternative 2, anadditional 39 spaces rnust be added to the structure. The totarmaximurn requi-red parking for the proposed sDD is 604 spaces. rf the, parking is not consolidated, the structures would be required.to contain: Cascade Structure: Total parking reguired108 credit - Required spaces I{aterford Structure: 422 42.2 380 Total parking required 3O9.27.52 - 23.2 Required spaces 246 The total structured parking would be 66d spaces as opposed to 604spaces if the structures are combined.. This is a difterence of 62spaces. The deveroper is reguesting that the two parking structures becounted as one structure for the purpose of calculating the creditfor a nultiple use parking structure. staff supports this request,as cascade virlage is an intense nixed use project. rt is reisonableto assume that a guest staying at the corneistone will frequent ther^etail shops, restaurants, and theatre located in cascade village.The amount of crossover among the various uses in Development eiea Ais very high. For this reason, staff agirees that a i,7.sz rnixed usecredit is supportable. (please see letLer frorn cMc concerningparking at Cascade Vitlage at the end of the meno.) The devel-oper is also requesting that common carrier parking bedereted as an sDD requirement. staff supports this reguest. rt isfelt.that this project should. have the optioin to use the busparking at the Lionshead structure, as olher projects arso have thisright. Additional loading delivery is necessary for Waterford. (D.CONFORMITY WITH APPI.ICABLE ELEMENTS OF TI{E VAILCoMPREHENSM PLAN, TOWN PoLICIES AND URBAN DESIGN PI,ANS The. staff agrees with the Environmental fmpact Reportstatement that the rrproposal generally is cornpatiblewith many of the goals and Town of va-il policydocuments listed below: rl Vail Iand Use PIan: The proposed amendments to SDDA are consistent withrnany of the goals of the Vail_ I_,and Use plan. GeneralS-y, the proposed special attraction use and.ski related accessory conmerciaL uses acconpl.ish theoverall goals of strengthening the balance of useswithin the conmunity, inproving and increasing baseskier facilities to keep pace wittr mountain expansionand improving and enhancing year-round tourism.Specifically, the proposal meets the foltowing goalsof the Land Use Plan: l-. General Growth Development 1-.L VaiL should continue to grow in acontrolled environment, maintaining abalance between residential , contrtercial orrecreational uses to serve both the visitorand the permanent resident. L.2 The quality of the environment includingair, water and other natural resourcesshould be protected as the Town grohrs. 1.3 The quality of development should bemaj-ntained and upgraded whenever possible. 1.L2 VaiI should accommodate most of theadditional growth in existing developedareas (infill areas). 2. Skier/Tourist Concerns 2.L The community should emphasize its role asa destination resort while accommodatingday visitors. 2.2 The ski area owner, the business conrnunityand the Town leaders should work togetherclosely to make existing facilities and the?own function more efficiently. 31 I 2 ( .3 The ski area owner, the business communityand the Torrn leaders should work togetherto irnprove facilities for day skieri. 2.4 The conmunity should improve summerrecreational and cultural opportunities toencourage surnmer tourisrn. 2.5 The community should improve non-skierrecreational options to improve year-roundtourism. Commercial 3.4 Commercial growth should be concentrated inexisting commercial areas to accomrnodateboth local and visitor needs. 3.5 Entertainment oriented businesses andcultural activities should be encouraged inthe core areas to create diversity. Morenight time businesses, on-going events andsanctioned |tstreet happeningsrr should beencouraged. IDENTTFICATTON AND MITTGATTON OF NATURAL AND/OR GEOI.,,OGIC HAZARDS THAT EFFECT THE PROPERTY UPON WHTCHTHE SPECIAL DEVEIOPMENT DISTRICT IS PROPOSED. The Town of VaiI hazard maps do not show that thisarea is in an aval-anche, rockfall or debris fLowarea. FLoodplain does effect some of the propertybut no improvements are proposed for this area. effbuildings will maintain the 50, strean setback forGore Creek. Staff is requiring that l_OO yearfloodplain information be provided for the area alongthe Waterford site as the site has been disturbed,and existing floodplain data is no longer relevant. SITE PIA,N, BUILDING, DESIGN, AND LOCATION, AND OPEN SPACE PROVTSIONS DESIGNED TO PRODUCE A TUNCTIONAL DEVELOPI'IENT RESPONSIBLE AND SENSITM TO NATURAL FEATURES, VEGETATTON, AND OVERALL AESTHETIC QUAITITVOF THE COMMUNITY, fn general , the site planningr for the project is verypositive. The planning takes advantage of the GoreCreek area by locating a recreational path along itsbank. The pedestrian arcades and plazas establish anattractive area for pedestrians. 3. E. ( r. 32 ( G. Millrace fVl The site plan for l,[illrace IV needs to beconsolidated so that an adequate open space buffer iscreated betrreen the proposed I dwelling units and thehotel . A CIRCTII,,ATION SYSTEU DESIGNED FOR BOTH VEHICLES ANDPEDESTRIANS ADDRESSING ON AND OFF SITE TRAFFTC CIRCUI,ATION. on-site vehicular access is well designed. Theparking etructures are easily accessible for vehiclesentering the project. The transit rnalL has beenplanned to Locate the bus stop in a manner that meetsall the needs of the Public Works Department and isalso readily accessible for pedestrians, There isalso an adeguate mini-van loading area adjacent tothe Cornerstone building. Staff would like to seespecifics on loading/delivery for the l{aterfordbuilding. We are concerned that loading and deliverydoes not occur on Westhaven Drive, especially due tothe fact that 31800 s.f. of retail is proposed forthis building. Cascade Village is also designed well- for pedestriancirculation. The project has provided a recreationalpath throughout the entire length of the property.The location of the path takes advantage of thebeauty of the Gore Creek area. The plaza designedbetween the Cornerstone and Terrace buildings allowsfor easy pedestrian circulation. A sidewalk willalso extend along the entire north side of the Cornerstone building, past the conference center, and down to Colorado Mountain College. Staff recommendsthat the sidewalk from the cascade Club be extendedalong the north side of Westhaven Drive to meet therecreational path. fn respect to off-site circul.ation, tbe accelerationand deceleration lanes built by the deVeloper arevery positive and necessary for the project. Staffdoes feel that Cascade Vitlage needs an additionalemergency access point in the event that access fromthe South Frontage Road to Westhaven Drive isblocked. ft is reasonable to require that thedeveloper provide a break-away bollard for theenergency access road that exists between EaglePointe and the Glen Lyon Subdivision. We would also recommend that the developer try to provide adequatesnow storage areas along Westhaven Drive. ( ( 33 ( H.FUNCTIONAL AND AESTHETIC I,ANDSCAPING AND OPEN SPACEIN ORDER TO OPTIMTZE AND IMPROVE NATURAL FEATURES,RECREATION, VIEWS AND FUNCIIONS. In.general , Cascade Village has been designed byusing.a concept of paved pedestrian plazai, forinalplantings, and water features. This approach isconpatibLe with the architecture. Waterford: The landscaping al-ong the north and southeasteLevations rnust be substantial in order to rnininizethe massiveness of the building. This concern shouldbe passed along to the Design Review Board. The courtyard in the center of the Waterford buildingis a positive improvement. once again, the staffwould recommend that substantial materials be locatedin the plaza to soften the building mass. Cornerstone: A sidewalk and landscaping simiJ,ar to what is on thenorth side of the Plaza conference center will alsobe constructed on the north side of the Cornerstone.ft is our understanding that the developer has takeninto considerat,ion the snow shedding irnpacts on thelandscaping. on the south side of the building, theconceptual landscape plan shows a plaza with a brickpaver surface as well as patio space, water features,and large planting beds. Although the plan is only at a conceptual level , thestaff feels that the design witl be very positive. We would suggest that the final design incorporate asrnuch green space as possible to soften the pavedplaza area to avoid too much of a hard surface areaas is evident in some areas of Lionshead. We alsothink that seating should be incorporated into theplaza. Once again, large landscape materials areneeded to rninirnize the scale of the Plaza conferencecenter, Cornerstone, and Terrace wing buildings.Both the Cornerstone and Terrace Wing buildings haveridge heigtrts of 7L feet, which makes for rnassivebuilding facades. By using large J-andscapematerials, the pedestrian scale of the pliza will beemphasized. 34 (Mil-Irace IV: As stated before, the eight dwelling unit plan forMillrace Iv nust be consolidated. .irea A iunctionswell in respect to open space, as it is adjacent toGore creek and the recreational path. Staif doesbelieve that an open space area Llose to the urbandeveloprnent in Area A will be valued by guests andresidents. We would suggest that Milliaie IV beplanned with this concern in nind, I. PHASING PINN OR SUBDIVTSTON PI,AN THAT WII,I, MAINTAIN AWORKABLE, FUNCTIONAL AND EFFICIENT REI,ATTONSHIPTHRoucHour rHE DSVETOPMENT oF THE spEcrAr, DEVELOPI'IENTDISTRICg. The developer states: rrMy best estimate for projecting the tirne whicha buiLding permit will be applied for on each ofthe undeveloped parcels is as fo1lows. please remember that achleving this schedule isdependent on reasonably conducive financingmarkets: It 1. Westhaven site - April L9g9i conpletion IL/gg2. Waterford Parking Structure - JuIy L9g9tconpletio\ LZ/993. Mil-Lrace IfI - April 1999 r compJ.etion LL/ag4. Cornerstone - April_ 1990; conpletion LO/9L5. Millrace tV - april I99O; completion 121906. Waterford - april 1991r completion LO/92 The staff position is that a temporary certificate ofoccupancy for any of the buildings relying on theWaterford parking structure to meet parking needswill not be released until the parking structure isconpleted and ready to be used. L 35 ( -VIT. ENVIRONMENTAL II'{PACT REPORT A. HYDROI,OGIC CONDITTONS l_. Natural Features: ( We agree with the EIR statement that drainagefrorn the parking garages should be designed in amanner vhich collects all silt and netaldischarges that rnight occur. It will also benecessary that extra precautj_ons be talcen duringconstruction of the Waterford and Cornerstoneprojects in order to prevent soil erosion intothe creek. 2. Han-made Features: The nany water features in Cascade Villageshall be required to have an overflolr stormdrain if the system exceeds capacity. 3. Water and Sewer: Increased square footage in commercial iscreating an increased water demand. Theseincreases have been reviewed by the Upper EagleValley Water and Sanitation District and theyhave been deemed acceptable. 4. Atmospheric Conditions: The existing SDD4 has a maximum of 95 wood-burning fireplaces that rnay be placed only indwellinq units. Staff is strongly opposed toallowing the A.U.,s and ER's to also have wood-burning fireplaces. If the project is developedusing alt the dwelling unit scenarios, 65fireplaces could be added. This is a netdecrease of 25 fireplaces which is positive. Air quality is probably one of the most highlyprized amenities of the Vail Valley. To approvea reguest that would increase air pollution isnot appropriate. In addition, if this requestis approved, it would be difficult to deny otherproperty owners tlre same benefit. 5. Geoloqic Conditions: Staff agrees that there are no irnpacts in thisarea. 36 (6.Biotic Conditions: Staff aqtrees that there are Noise impacts: Staff agrees that there are Visual- Conditions: The previous section of theconcerns with visual impactsbuildings. Land Use Conditions: t_0. 11. no impacts. no impacts. memo discussed ourof the Waterford 7. 8. 9, Please see the previous section of the nemoconcerning uses and densities. Circulation and Transportation: We agree that the intersection modifications andreduced speed lirnits along the South Frontage Road are adequate to handle the traffic fromDevelopment Area A. We also believe thej-nstallation of the transit facility is a verypositive and necessary inprovement to theproject. We support the idea of having atraffic attendant in the transit mall toregulate shuttle buses and cars if neeessary. Loadinq and Delivery: Staff feels that more infornation is needed onloading and delivery of trash areas for theWaterford Area. Two enclosed loading spaces of72O a.f. are provided for the CornerstoneBuilding off of Westhaven Drive. t2. Parkinq: Please see the section of the memorelating to parking. In summary, the main environmental- impaet from theproposed amendments to DeveLopment Area A is theadditional air pollution fron the fireplaces for dwellingunits and transient residential units. The EIR confirmsthat additional air pollution will occur and we recommendthat this request be denied. 37 VIII. STAFF RECOMUENDATION The staff recornmends approval of the amendments proposed( for SDD4 with the following conditions: 1. Wood burning fireplaces shall only be allorred fordwelling units. The number of wood burni.ngfireplaces allocated to dwelling units shail notexceed the number approved under the existing SpecialDevelopment District 4. 2. The existing first floor retail space in the plaza conference building shall not be converted to a realestate office. 3. The restricted dweJ_Iing unit or transient residentiaLdwelling unit shall" meet all of ttre reguirementsoutlined in the definition in Section IIB. 4. The Millrace IV developrnent plan shall be approvedfor the 32 accommodation units having a total GRFA ofl-4,000 square feet. The Millrace IV development planfor 8 dwelling units having a GRFA of I4,OOO squarefeet shall not be approved. 5. The fractional fee use shall be approved as acond.itional use for the dwelling units withinWesthaven building with a condition that the nininurnownership interval be five weeks. 6. Ten employee housing units as defined in Section IILshall be prov5.ded by the developer. 7. First floor Commercial Core I zoning shall be applledto all first floor spaces of buildings havingconmercial uses within Development Area A. The firstfloor or street level shaLl be defined as that floorof the building that is located at grade or streetLevel . The total allowed GRFA for the project shall be 2931745 square feet only if tbe Millrace IV 32 accornmodation plan is utilized. This allows for anincrease of, 2.624 square feet of GRFA over theaLlowable. If the Uillrace Iv 8 dwelling unit planis used, the GRFA shall be 11,270 square feet for theI DUs. The total allowable GRFA for the project ifthe Uillrace M dwelling unit plan is used shall be 29Or945 square feet. The Environmental Impact Report shall be updatedbefore the amendment requests are presented to the Town Council . The Environrnental Impact Report shallbe subnitted two weeks before the date of the firstreading of the ordinance by the Town Council. The ( (- 9. 38 ( updating of the EfR is required due to the manychanges that have been made to the proposal. 10. The ohmership entity for Development Area A shallenter into an agreement outlining the conditions thatrelate to the restricted dwelling units or transientresidential units and restricted-employee housingunits. 1L. A11 water features within Development Area A shallhave overflow storrn drains per the recornmendation inthe Environmental Impact Report. L2. The developer shall be responsible for providing abreak-away bollard for the emergency access roadbetween Eagle Pointe and Westhaven Drive. Thisimprovement shall be constructed when a buildingpernit is reguested. for ttre Cornerstone, t{illrace IIIar IV, Westhaven or Waterford buiLdings. The bollardshall be included in the permit plans. l-3. The developer shall construct a sidewalk that beginsat the entrance to the Cascade CIub along WesthavenDrive and extends to the west, in front of theWesthaven buildinq to connect with the recreationalpath to Donovan Parlc. The walk shall be constructedwhen a building permit is reguested for Westhaven.The sidewalk shall be part of the building permit pJ.ans. L4. The devel.oper shall provide 10O year fl_ood plaininforrnation for the area adjacent to the Waterfordbuilding and Cornerstone building before buildingpermits are released. L5. A11 required parking for the Cornerstone, Waterford,and Millrace IV (32 A.U. ) buitdings shall be providedwithin one of the parking structures. A tenporarycertificate of occupancy shall not be released forany of these projects until the structured parking isavailable. The following courments are strong reconmendations whictrthe staff feeLs should be passed alongi to the Design Review Board: l. Substantial l-andscapinq should be required for theWaterford BuiLding, particularly on the north andcreek side elevations. 2. Substantial landscapingr should be reguired in the Cornerstone plaza to soften the paved plaza areas as much as possible. 39 ( 3. The mass and bulk of the bridge connection betweenthe two buildings that conprise Cornerstone should bedecreased as much as possible to open up the view ofthe mountain from the transit nall. 4. The floor plans for the Waterford building shouldindicate clearly enclosed trash and loadingt areas. 40 $|\- .--r\ .{,: I</\\'.Jr t, -.t |l g^) fY\/ -4 t-l \tt\Jtlq)tq//sV /-..t. =/>)N/N --V CA->\-.-\.'J--/ I rir {J ar'Idb s€'1 \r ^'$ui S=i n:'f. I { .'IJF Ur,l $ $ S' a!.JN € -i\nru kl- \1 \ {!IN -Ff,nUI t,, €:+s\ '/l N S r-\v\i a 6 l,iql t! s$l |-. ffiil \ ( COLORMO MOU NTfi N COLLEGE August 25, 1988 Kent Rose, Mayor and the Vail Town Council Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, C0 81658 Dear Mr. Rose and Town Council Members: It'is my understanding that Andy Norris has recently proposed additions and/orchanges to the Cascade Village development and is sbek'ing Town of Vail approvalof those changes. I do not know the specifics of the proposal, but am awirethat changes in the current parking requirements are included. As you may know, colorado Mountain college has been concerned about the adequacy of parking at Cascade Village for some t.ime and now, after fiveyears of operation, some of our concerns have been confirmed. For example,on tvlo occasions this sumrner, June 14-17 and August 5-9, the Westin Hotel hashosted conferences for organizations from coJorido and surrounding states. Because of the distances,.most attendees drove to Vai'l , and the combined public and private (tn|estin Hotel) parking was not adequate to handle their guestiplus Cascade Club users and CMC students. The'l^lestin Hotel was coopirative'in providing bus service from the parking structures during the August conference,but the frustration and inconvenience weie not well receiveO Uy oui students. The westin notified us early th'i s week that between August 25th and 30th, we may experience a parking shortage once again. Apparently a conference and atennis c'lassic at the Cascade Ciub will iill the Hotel tb capac'ity and additionalguests will be coming from other'local lodges. Most guests will be driving in |nq lt is anticr'pated that there will not be sufficieit parking for all of-theHotel guests and our users. A1 though I cannot provide specific dates, we experienced a simjlar shortageof parking at least once last summer due to large conferences. Additional]y,last winter Cascade Club use was extensive, CMC-enrollments were high and ai-a result, the parking structure was frequently filled to capacity. -Day andevening users are overlapping more often now and it is the hope 6t all-busjnesseshere that during the winter monthsskierswill stay to shop and eat, potentially compounding an existing problem. cMC does not have user numbers for either of the parking structures, but isattempt'ing to get all available numbers from the westin-and vail ventures. l.le will also be conducting an informal "count" several tfmes a day for thenext 2-3 months to get a more accurate picture of the parking structure usage. As we compile the data, we wilI keep you informed. VAIL COMMUN ITY EDUCATI ON VAIL LEARNING CENTER .13'10 WESTHAVEN DRIVE r VA|L, CO 81637 r (!03) 476-4040 " -;J tIIJ\ ?.n't tlith the completion of the Westin's conference facilities and a tighteningof parking in Vail and Lionshead due to mountain expansion and resultant increased skier numbers, we anticipate that the Cascade Village structureswill be insufficient to handle the users. At this time, I respectfully request that you review Andy's proposal witha careful_eye toward ensurance of adequate parking. None of us can operate successfully here without parking Eid-ifFFeht inf6rmation indicates h,e are already on the short side. Further development without addjtional parking could cause the demise of businesses here, including Colorado Mountian College. A'lthough I will be on sabbatical leave from August 30, 1988 until September 1, 1989, Jim 01 son, Interim Center Director, Vail, and 0r. Bob Evans, Executive Dean,will be avaijable to work with you if the need arises. And thank you, in advance, for your consideration of our concern, and please feel free tocall upon Colorado Mountain College as you review Mr. Norris' proposal. 5i ncerely,t{nt6'*,+-{ Kay Sau]sberry UCenter 0irector cc: Dr. Bob Evans, Jim 0lson, CMCKrjstin Pritz, KS/i c cMc TOV rili ?5 south lrontege road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlce of communlty development llarclt 22, 1988 Mr. Andy NorrisVail Ventures, Ltd.1000 South Frontage Road WestVai1, Colorado 91657 Re: Submittal deadlines for amendments to SDD #4 Dear Andy: r thought it would be helpful if r risted the information youneed to subnit for the planning commission review on April 25.Please submit by March 28, the following information. 1. A revised zoning statistic summary i_f any changes haveoccurred in these nurnbers since you surmitted nurnbers forthe first pEc work session. 2. Three full sets of development plans, includingelevations, site plan, and floor p1ans. I need three setsso that I can send the drar,rings to puutic Works and theFire Department. 3. The breakdown of the brewery square footages. 4- A definition and drawing of a transient residential unit. 5. The fractional ownership definition revised to indicatethat it will only apply to dweLlj-ng units. 6. A conceptual landscape plan (3 copies) 7. A proposal on what base elevations you propose to use oneach building and the proposed heights. 8. The SDD ordinance wording revised for the followingsections in order to reflect each of the proposed changes:18.46.01_0 Purpose, 18.46.020 Established, LB.46.03O B,CDevel-opment Plan Procedure, l-9.46.050 penRitted Uses, 18.46.065 Office Use, L8.46.080 Densj-ty Dwelling Units,18.46.o8L Density Floor Area, 18.46.092 conmercial SquareFootage, 18.46.089 Cornputer print Out table andDevelopment Control (if changed since Last submittaL),18.46.1-OO Setbacks, 18.46.120 Height, 1€.46.1_40 Coverage,18.46.160 Landscaping, Lg.46.t7o parking, 18.46.19O C.D.Fireplaces, 18.46.210 B. Bus Shelter, fg.+e.220 ErnployeeHousing. It really help ne out if you can submit this on March 28tlr, sothat Peter and I witl have a change to review it before I leaveTolln on April 4. I am asking that you subnit the EIR by April 4 at 5:OO pM.Peter has allowed some time to review the EIR and will presentit to the staff as soon as possible. Thanks for yourthoroughness on the work session information- Tlre two worksessions will definitely make it easier for the staff toprepare for the April Zsth neeting. If you have anyguestions, please give me a call or call peter during the tirnethat I am out of the office. Sincerely , /) Kristan pritz 6'tr Senior Planner KP:br o I* c ?miff Ksd 015 5 rtia u#\s,'D€' {- ENVIRON]\,IENTAL Itr,IPACT REPORTS Ch:rpter 1g.56 ENVIRON}IENTAL I|\TPACT REPORTS Sections: 18.56.010 purpose. 18.56.0:0 Apliticabilirv.18.56.0j0 Exemptp.oj".ts. li.l!.910 Studies and data retluired.18.56.0j0 Reporr_Cuntenrr. ' "--' 18.56.060 Report_Addirionalmnrerial.18.56.070 Tirnescheduie.18.56.090 Fee. I 8.56.090 Revierv_Submissiorr.I8.56.I00 Revierv_Tirrre fiinii_Supfri.nrelrr:uy infornurion.18.56.100 Revierv_Acrio" fry .",,"il,rri""-"" 19.:9 l!s Appeel to rhe to,uir .",;;.I;;:'""'I8.56.110 pcruri r issuarrce. 18.56.010 purpose. Submission ind revicrv of un environrnc,nt:rl inrp..ct rc:rorron rny private developnlent proposul ()r nuhlic pro.lrct $jllit'll::i_^.lft., .to .anJ' 'sisrriiicanr';;,,'* .iil";rirrirr, or. trrr_.envlronment in the torvrr or in surrourrtlin-,: lr.,:rs rs rc<prircrl toachieve the tbllorving ob.iccrives:rr. l o ensure tllat comnir.tc infilrrnlrriorr o1 tlrc r.rrvrrplllc'ti!l ::tTL.iiJli,;111"1.,';"u p,,ri"., i';,,,1,,ir,,i,L',., rhc (r,\.n B. T;_;;;;;;.if j"i,,f ,r,i_i.,rnr nrssrorr. :ur(t rtrc r*rrcrul nrr hi ic: ffi 1;1ffi i,',:,:,,il itfi ;ii : rr I ,..: iiH,l J. ijili:jflitf htT;ll] H,::li ;t il:. :t,,il I :l;l ;,;l*l;1,,. ol. pcrrnirs ()r ()rhcr ..:11,ltj:l",'::^ti lt'ttigcls ;rri.r ttr {r:trtrrs tlc't-,lop*tctrt: iltltllorl/itti()tl\ lirr ctrrrttrcter.;;"';;'.;; D. l'rl enstrrc tlt:rt l)ltil(l- r',,,u.,i ,,,..,,*.';;, ;:il ili:ul:l.,ll',11,,:'iil'llil:,I:l_:,:,;i:lif:ii: rrrrhs. r.ckf:rll urces. \r.hcri, \uclr t,,;;;;i ;.;,;;;, Pr:rcric:rilv tL- -t5-l- I ll'rrl .t.tl.:.ll (t { ENVIRONT\IEi\iTAL rltp.{CT REPORTS be mirigated to the sarisfaclion of the planning commissionand the torvn council:E. To-ensure that the qualitv oisurtace rvater and groundrvaterwlrntn rlre torvn rvill be prorccted from adverse irnpecri _ ^ andior cie_lrroation due to constnrcrion acrivies. lo.'9..1]fle80) $ l0 [parr): ord.. rs(rei6-$'l.i', orcr.8(i973)I r6. i00.) i3.55.020 Appticabititv.Ar environmenral irnpacr reporr shal be submitted to trr.ezonin-e adminisrrator ior ony p.oi..r ioi iuiri.illu.h a repot isrequrred by federai or srare laru,. o. ,o. "oV proir.r rvhich thezoning adminislrator dercrmines may signiiican i.tv change rheenvtronment, either during consrruction or on I continullgbasis, in one or more of the-tollorving *ro..ir, -" .4" Alters ln ecological unii or lanri tbrm. such as a ridgeline.saddle, drarv, ravinc, hillsiclc. clill, slope. creck, ma.rsh,_ watercourse, or otlter natural hnd torm tcaturc:B. Directty or indirecrly affecrs a r.il,jiii;l;;;;;;r. t-eertirrg, ornesting ground;C. Alten or removes natil,e grrsses. tieils, shnrbs, or otherveget!tivc cover;D. Affecrs the apperrance or charlcier of r signit.icant scenicarea or resource, or involves builtiings cr o"ther strucruresthar are of a size, Lrulk. orucat. rirri-ruoulJ'u. in nrlriierlcolltrast to netural or existing urbrn terrurssiE. Porenrially rcsulrs in av]rhnc-lrc. --l,"lriia.. siltrtion.srttlelncnt, l'lood. or otltcr llncl tbrm ".h:',n!.. or ltlzlrd tohctit h urttl sr le ry:F, Dischtr:rcs toxic or . thcrrn;r_llv tibntrr.nrel su[]sttuc!.s, orilvolvus 1se .rf hcrbicit.lcs. or pu.srie irl.;. ,;;';,"1; _ smok!,. grs. ^ stc: n, rlrrst. or otltcr |llrrttctrlll(d tn:lttCt:rr. lnvotvcs ilnv procd\s wltich rcsrrlrs irt rrtlor rlt..tt nrlv ltc . _ objcction:rlrlc or tlurn;uirtg:ll. Rcquircs i.lltv wJstc tl.r rcrl u i rcs,,., n,n o,.,,l,ll','l.,i] i. ..:ll:li',:i; ll,lil'il::[:.,'i;,,i;trcJIlnslr t dr tlispr;slrl :ritr:.l. l)isch:t r'jcs sirrr it ic;r rr IJ. l lrrs rhu t)orcprirt ,,.''tll:1:l:.t ot'srrlid or' lirlttirl wlslL's:' str:un tlrr. s:tFucrtv ul. r:.ristirig or B t .t i:t Vrrl tt|-x ll ZONING planned selvage disposal. storm drainage, or other utilitySystems;* IXI^"]::: an:/, process rvhich generates noise thar may beoI Ienslve or cirmacins:L. Either displaces sleniii.rnt numbers oi people or results in a - - signiticant increasJ in DoDularion :ilI. Preempts a site rvirh porenrirl recreetionai or open spacevalue:N. Alters locrl tratt'ic p3tterns or c3uses a sjgnit)cenr rncrerse in_ tratiic volume or rransir ..".;.;;";;o' Is a part or a rarger project rvhich, ai any f'rure sr".e. mav.^ TIoryg any of the impacrs listed in itrls s"oiori'- qru-e! rrr4-Y (Ord. 8(1973) S 16.:00.) 18.56.0.i0 Exempr projecrs. An environmental impect reporr shall not be rcqurreti forthe follorvlng projects:A. Alteration, reprir and rneintcncncc oi er:isting srnlcturesand site improvements:B. A phase of a project for rvhich an environmental irnpactreport previously rvas submittc,l and rcvierved covering theentire.project, provideri rhat the pro1..t irri "pproved aadnot subsequen rl1, rl tered:C. A. . p_rojcct -rvhich. on the basis of u pruiirninaryentlronmentel assessment col.r,nnq r,rch of the, trctorsprescribcd in Scction 1S.56.0:0. is founrl to lruve tninsignificant implct on rhc r..rn.ironmc,r,. .n,* l)rclintinxrv. cnvironnrcntal assessmcnt rn(l rlle tiurling ". .rrJir",r,.l,rilfimpilct shrll be rnaLlc hy, rhs, z.oninr: ,,r't,rri,iiJir,,tor.(Ord. lJ(l 973) $ I 6..300.) 18.56.010 Strrdie.s ;rrrtl rllt:r rertrrirr.rl.A Thc environmcrr tul sysrcm xr iu -,,,,r i., .J;lllii.",t,, ",1,j"1,,.'";:11,,1"r,,11,::f ll;pro ll'ssion:rl consultunts. us tlctcrrliltctl l11, 11ru zonirr,.:ntlrninistrutor. Tlrc crtr.it.onnrurr t:rl irnpuut ..p,,rt un il l)ll[)li,jprojcct lniry Ic prr_,plre.tl [)y tllL. rcsponsif'rf.'1l,,irfi. rqcncy orby pro ll.ssi<lnut consul lrn ls il r.n g;u:cs.,n,..'r,,,,** o t- st u(l ids ( {- (Vxil | 0-61 I .!56 ;\ compatibility with,4 l)opulation ch eruc tt, ris t ics.neighborhood pxrrcrns, rcsidcn ts or b us irrcsscs. un pitcts. ENVIRON\IEN*TAL IIIP.\CT REPORTS {\ T._1:9 to develop. the technical data for an environmentallnrprcr report includes the fblrorving natural systems and *€:: st.dies: *-zeq-tvffi:"fi,:#',i;l.f.m*% nitural warer teatures and^, ciraracreristics. rnd anlz porentiai .t;"g;;;, impacrs:Q-) Ar mosp ireric contii tionr:, " J ;; ;;Jil Jlrara.re risrics.potenrial emissrons. anci any por.nr,.l3 inrer.,r,-;;+t J/" dA..a? *o::")ffry - fL l:\ r:rPttc:s:- *O z"J,".l';"i).Lr"*\g/ Sorogrc cgndiriont.-,such as landAim{ ilooJ ,n{{ __.*L-lraracrerisrics. oorential hazarcs, ;n,l a;y -;;;i ^r"r"i- ffii:l:.'"";',ii,i::::,,,.; ",- ":;;::.,,":,,:::":..: r"r; =t=t]iSl:9. conditions, such as vcgeretive ch aruc rc ris rics, ' f , -r wildlire habitats. and any porenii.t .n"ns"r-oi-;;;;;;, \ 15..,.: Orher cnvironminral condiiions. ,r.,"t, .r,ioirJ lcvels andocior charac teris rics. and any potcntitl .lrrng*a o,,1 ln pacts; L6l Visual conciirions. such as viervs and scenic values, and -. tny potentif,l chances, imprcts, or rnarked conrrtsts;@ ^LTu_ - :,.:., !" " d i l i:g,**Lr -CC.9ii,:' o r use s. Circul:rrion and transportatiorl vOluntss and traffic I'low puttcms,alternttive transit systems. tndlnlDtcts: conditions. such .rstransrI scn'icc needs,potcn riul ch:rngcs Or iuc lt :'rs r(:si(l,,r,ttiul tlcrrsirics,potcntirl tlispllccnrcnt crfnnd potcntirl ch:rnsus or U,'flrr:, cnvir,*rnr'ntirl ilnp.ct rdFort srrurr rrunnrurrzc trt,..lirrdings unti rcconr mcnri:r tiorrs oi ttr" ri,_.t, nic,,i' ,,n,r otf,",sul)l)ortitl,' studics in t!,rms that cen lrr: ,,ss.is.,..r'1 ,t,r,lcvillurrcd hy to!vn rrlt'ici:rls un<l ttrc scri.l;01 rr.rtrtic.Tcchnicll tlata slrlil . hc ,r',1.,r,.,it t.iJ ',o '''*,,npnrri,,* tlucumcrrf;rtion. Tcclrrric:rl rllt:r prc1,;1r.iJ,,*'; p;;i ir;' J;r;olhr;r pnrcr:rlrrrc or rr:t;trirurn(nI ol. this cllrpt*:r. .,; ,;; ,,;ri,othcr ortlinurrcc <lr lltlcr:rl, rtiltc Or t,,ru,, ,r.gr.,l,riir'r;: ;i.; (( .r57 (\'rrl lO.Sf I {\- ZONING may be used to suDDort an environmental impacr report.(Ord. 8(1e73) g 16.40i.) L Llj1].::lo_- . Renort_fontents. \\ --T"r.+l*nvrronmental_im oacrreilorrihall contri n in formrtion-- and anaii'sis. in.rurt.i.nr a-i.''#['.o.o.ately supnorredby technical srudies. ro enable ril;; council to judge rheenvironmenral impact or the pio:eci and to judge mersures/-:_ proposed to reduce. or negate ing harmriri impacis! B. The environmental rmpi* ,.pt"-rii"il incirrde a generlistatemenr. describing-ttie ;fi5s-e; pror.", ancr irs purpose.identirying the .orvner o,iOi6. ,ponrors. and. if a pr.rblicprojecr- identitying- the funding iource anu rime schetlure.Descriptive materials, rnopr, .i'd pfrnr.i,rff be submirreci.1 shorvjng rhe follorving inrbnnarioni --'- l--t.'fy,11t boundariis .nJ-o"r'ina*ies of rhe area rvirlrinwnlch environmenral impact is likeiy to U. sig,riri.unl:!.:21. Present and proposctl usei ol the site. i,,];. lresen.t ana propos"J i"rir,*,iir,, ,ir.,r *, S_,llltjotive informrtion rclative to the project. such assrre area, numbers of residential units, piojose; ;;;;;;and bulk of buildings, building lloor aree in .qurrri.=.i,and such .other duta ,, ,uJl contribute ti, .-.1r.,;-- undersranding.ot'the scale of the piojcct:+52 A ljst of regulatow or rcvierv agencics lnd thc specitic.-\ regululions to \vhich the project ivili-f;c subjc,ct:6. Copics of subdivision mups. rlcvclopme rr r plxns. or othcr_---- pcrtinent (l()cr.lnlcnts ill.ustrlrting tlrr, pro1.195,,,11 l)r()icct:( 7. Irrorirrrit' to \r'irt!'r lr.tiics. t.c rrist:rrrtc rrorrr tlrc ..ertter-\- rinc or' rii'c crccks (!r strc:llus icr ,,,i*r' rr,',rrr.*r..tr strrrctpr,:rltlcvcklprncrr I tr.ithirr flrr_. l)r()irlct:N,\.8. Soii tt;1;cs h:rscrl trPorr 'ttrc'-,.,i,rri,,rr:rt (irrrlr\j1s11ry., 1i,,11Sttrvcy, USI),\. Soil Corrscn.u tiorr .\crricc :rrrtl irrlr.r-pre.trti<lrts rri sorl. l),llcs. !.(.,-:ct:ltt()tr \ll.rll lrc rlcsur.ihtrl\ -/ lrntl tlrrcc ln:t\scs \ll(r\r.1. r'\.1:.^--1':::l',"t.:':]::.r1. irnprcr rcporr,.irrrl i'r:rurr,.. :r.l\rnvlronrncnIJl lllye,nl()rv.,rroyitiirt,": c<lrnplctc irttorntution.on lllc crtvironrncnlll \clttnr c\rsf i -: l)rirlr t(r tc l)r()l)osr(lIrrojcct :tnd conleining sull.ictrllt iuiirr,u,,f,,,,, (r) |g111111 { 18.55.050 (V:ril llt.8l,r 5.\ ENVIRO}I}IENTAL I]\IPACT REPORTS independent evaluarion by reviervers of factors thar courdbe affected by the proposed project. The environmenrJ.\ ,inventorv shrll include mroi. -phorographs. or other)\::aappropn3re iilusrrxtive materiei. -,[in-i,tei1 care_qonzeci accorciinq ro rvpe oipossible imprcr shali'- \---'' be irlcntitieci. The envrronmcntri invenroru shall ci.:scribe ^ borh the piivsical and bioiogicai nalural jcrting, eno tlt:N)€),,nltnnl::oe serring oi the sirc unrr its suirounurngs.'Ll:a!ittc !:nvironmenritl irnp.acr rcDorr sirari inciudg JZ*r\m 1r.'i:ensrve. c; uuii !erive anci q ulnrr trr i,,.e un:riy.srs o r. anvslgnrlrcJnt rrnD:rcI li.lt titc proooscrt urolecr rvril have on ti,.:cnr/lronmcnt. nie lnail.sis slrail tjcscnbe tcmoorlr.l. cu!cisthar rviil prevaii dr,rnng consrnlc tron. enu long-t,.:rrn eitecrstlrrt rvill preva litcr compic riou. Trit enail'sis snali descrrueborh beneilcial ei'fects anci dctrimenr3i dticcrs. Thc:rnuil,sisshall consicicr prirnarv eifccts arra seconciiry,'eirccts rviricitrviil resuir tiom thc projr.cr. The :nai1,sis !.orrion oi rl:eenvironmcntal impacr rcpor! shaJl lirlli' asiess tire io orvin,r.item s:l. Adverse effccts rvhich cannot be avoided ir'the proposal is imple mentcd:2. irlitigrrtion measures proposcd to ntininlizc th., irnpacr,inclutling rvatcr qulliry, erosion control ,,na r..,ri!.i.-tion ntccsurcs.3. l,ossiblc alternutivcs Io the proposetj acrron:4. l{elarionships lrclrveen short-tcrm urrd long-lcrnr uscs oithc en viro n ntu n t:5' Irrc'ersibre crt'irorrncntar c'r'g.'s rcsurtirrg ri.ort ir'-plcnrc'nIa tio rr ot' thc proposul;6. Cirorvrh-inducing irnpucrs ot' tltc proiccr.(()rd.37(19S0) g l0(l)xrr):Ord. S( 1973) S 16.40:.) I8.56.060 Rellort-r\tlrlir iorurI rrr:r rc ril l. . Thc zrjnin! atrmirristruror m11' tirrtrrcr nrcscriL)e thu tbrrnllnd corltdnt ot':rn cr*,irontrtc.tll ir'p:rct r.1rirrt...,tt,,,g tbrth ingrca(cr dctlri[ thc l'lctors Io trc corrsitlcr.,ti :rnrl llrc ,u*n,r., ii,rvlrich thc rcport sh'I rrc f rc':rrctr. u'tr r'uv rc(ltrrrL. strlrrnissi.'ol' intilrmlrtiotr in :rrlrlititrn kr tlrrt rctlrrirc,,t by Scction1lt.56.0-50. (ortt. s( leTt) \ 16.J03.) l5q l\'.rrl lO.stl o 7 f'L- ZONING 18.55.070 Timeschedute. The environmental imprct reporr reouired under thischaprer shall be prepared rvithin rhirtl. ciavi of the date th3rplans rre submirred tbr dssign ,.u,er" is orescribed in Secrions18.56.0-+0 throtrgh 18.56.060. subiecr ro 3.\rension of rire timeperiod to a mrximrrm of ninerl- riavs by rhe planningcommission. The t.ime perioci ma1. be e.vr:ncieJ io a mr.xlmumof one huncired eighry dr1.s ii sersonri contritions pr.".ni "comprehensrve anair.sis. tOrci. i6119lSr i ltr): Orcj. Sil97jtl 16.-10+. ) 18.56.0S0 Fee. In the event thrt the town enssqrs proressional consullanrsto preptre an environmental impact repon. !.11. cost shaii bapaid by the sponsor of tlie projecr. Tire sponsor nray b;reouired to deposit c t'ixeci sum in lr.jvan;e to cor.r the cosr oithe report. rvith the unexpendeC balans: rerurnabie ro titesponsor. (Ord.3(1973) g 16.40j.) 18.56.090 Revierv-Submission. The environmentrl impacr reporr shcll be submittgd to thezoning rdrninistrator. The zoning rdminisrraror shall prr-scribi the numbcr oi copies to be srrbmirr..d. Tlie zoning ldmiiistratorshall notify the torvn council, the phnning L-omn;ission, antl rhedesign revierv board of reccipt oi an cnvironmcntll irnplcrre'pon, lnd shrll trensmir copics of th,: rlport upon rc(ll.lcst.Envjronmcntrl .impact reporrs silrll br,, uvurl:ilric lbr publicrcvicrv in thc oifices of thc tolvn. iOrtl. S(197j) S 16. j0l.l I 3.56. I 00 Revic'rv-Tir,c rirrir-Strllllre'.1('rrrirr* irri,rrrrrrti''.t\. Thc lllunnin,l conrrlissitlr,r sh:rll rlvrcu, rlrr, rcprtrt rvitltintltirty dl1's ol'sullnrission su[ticct to ilp c\t(ll\totr rrt.tltr..timc' period rirty utlrlitionul rlar.s in ortlcr to olltlrirrItlditionrl infonn:rtion lrtrrrr tlrr-. t()w1 slJll. l.r.rrr t1csponsor ot' tltc pro jcct. or thc lutlx)r r)l illlv por!ion ()i tllL.rc po rt. lJ- 'nr.' cotnrtrissiorr rlJy 'ccci\.(. rrrltlititlrrlrl \t:l(dr'e r(s ()r i. (1':ril lu'Sl I -lIr0 r f, supporriilg nloterials fronr the sponsor of a project, from theIown sraff. fronr protessionsl consuilants. or tiom others..Such atlditiotral rnuteri:rls nray be consiclered as suoole-n1e:!tlr\, <tr:r'rendurorl, to the erivironnrentel irnptct reoort.iurd. iiir l97S) j l(b) (prrtr: Ord. E(l97j) .s l6.j0t.) tli.i6. i l0 iisvierv-.\ction irv cournrission. . .\. iirllo,,r in!.1 rc,.'ierv ot' tlic en'iro'rtre'ral implc! report. Ihepil.rnrln,: eournrissi<.ltt sitltl uppro,,,e. rrisappror.e. or req ucst;il:i;tl:es ru IilL' l)rojec! irr rvririn!.1. The phlining cornnrissiorr-..lllil lDurovc thc Drotcct unless it fincis tirar either tlrepiotect tvill ltave sirnitjcent long-rcrrn udvcrse etTccts ontlte cnvironnrcnt rvi!lt respcct !o the llaiurai systcrns orothrr facrors sruciicd :rs prescribed in Secrion l g.-<o.0J0. . 'Jr illc orolcct rvill lrrvc shorr-rcrm ldvcrse eii!cts on tllecnvironlren! so tietrjmr,trrll thur pubiic heeliir. sel!t1, orweirlrrc considcrtrions pfeclude lppror.ul ot' the projcct.In tli, cese ot' eitlter tirrrling, if cliangcs in t.he projeci urcteasible rvitich arneliora!r, or avoid the adverse effects onihe cnvirournent sufiicir,lttly to permit approval of thep.roie cr.. thc planning cornmission. in rvriring,'shall describethose chlngcs and requcst those chrnges be rnacle. If rephrrrri'g conrmissiorr dL't!-rmincs tr*t iire crrluges arc nott'ersrDls. ir shl.ll disappro\.e rhe projcct in rvritiug. tlescribin,.ru:e :rdversf el t!-cts on tllr, r:nr.ironn:ellt. thc siSnit.icr,raa oi.tirc r.itccts cither to tlle naturtl svstems or ()ther f:lctorssruJisd us pr.cscribc,rl in .scction lij.-(o.0_10 or ro thr.. publicIteulrh, sutitv or .,veltirrr, Jnd tllc pl:lt11it1r: co1nn1l15io11.5f!,JsLrlls lbr. u(}ncltrtlin:t tlr:rt no sltitrtLl,Js itt tltc llro.lcr:t lrtlc;rsiirl,; to :lnlcliorxtc or :lvoid thosc eit.,cts.il. Il thc pllrrrri':: co,tn'sriolt rr,(l.csts :rrr!, cir:r'scs itr tltcprotcdl. witielr rvtrtrld lltcr tltc ,lcsi:lri ot. tllc pr1li!.ugl)rd\'t()u)l) :rl)l)ro\.(.(l bt, tllu tlisj::rr rivicr,v l)(r;lr(t, ;tnd tllc:;p() sor ot' l ltc proicr:t rrt:rkr:s tltosr. e ltltrtr.:rs. tlf C rtr.is.,(lrlcrrgrt :irlll bc rcstrirrtri irl to tlrc tle,si,-:rt rcvicrv l)():lrrl li)rits ;rp;trgv:rl rrttlcss tllc l)l:lnnin,: corrrnli:siorr rv:rrt.l:s tlttsI!'(ttritcnlc |.rl)rrt. l(,t lrTS) I l(b) 111;111 t:()r,1.:it l,)1.:) \ l(r..;r).t.) [\\'I i].O\}I E\T.I.L ITIP,-\CT REPORTS .l.r I (\'.rtl I lt.tr | | f\- ( 18.56.1 1 5 Appeal to the to\w council.A. An appeal to the to\vn council mly be rlatje by the appl!cant. adjacent property orun".. oi b1, the io*.n rnf,nager.I ue rown council crn rlso c:rll up r:.ttrtirs b,,. a rnrioiirv_ lote of those councii memoers prcscut.B. For all aopeals. the appeal nrrisc be riletj in ri.ritiug rvirhinten days iollorvins rhe decision or musr t_.'e criled Lro bi,tiretown council at their rrcxt rcgullril,- scireduietj nrde rin!:.C. The council shail hear rlre ippeui rt,irtrin,iurr1:i.ri'u,.i,,being iiled or called rrp. rvith u possrble, t.ir,,.,l-0"r, !,rtensio'if the councii tinds t.ltar thcre rs insurricicut r;rioriu,rrion.(Ord. 37(1980) i I I (partr.) 18.56.1 20 Pennir issuance.A. Upon approvol of thc pro.rcct. lpplicl.ulc r..,rrnirs nre1. 1,",issued and the project ul:lv IrocJc(i. s..ibir.,-.t ro sujtl :rddi-tional reqLriremcnts. pcnnits. trr:rrrri,.oiizLtions ss lllt)_ b!,required b1, this ritlc and by orltcr uppliciLril orctinrncis orregulrtions oi tlre torvn. No I'crmiis sirall be issueti andno authorizations shall be gruntcd *.iricit rr.oultl ;rllorv aprojcct to proceetl in thc evc-nI that tllL. plJntlillg c,)rnmis-sion does uot grlnt rp1;roval ot. the ,.,nviionlltcnttl itnpautrepon aiter rcvierv. No pe nnits shall br, issu,_,t1 lncl rro lrrrtho-rizations shall be grantL.d tbr :rrrv proicct rvhich 1'to.,, nJrcontbmt substantilllv to thr, dr,sclription oi thc !lrojcctconraincd irr Ihe cnvirorrrrrunt;rl irrrprci ruport.B. TIris srjctiolr shall not ll)l)l\. t() ,, 1,r,,i..,-'lilr rviric6 urr. cnvi ronrttc ir t el inrr.,uut rr,l)ort is not ltrIrirrri.:.ls I]i,_.icribcilin Sccf iorr 1S.56.0-10. (Ord. l6(197S) S l(tr)(plrr)t()rd. St l()7.1,y; lt.,.)tj+.) ZONINC .t fl lV:rtl l0.tl l )-l(r l l'fr'"'n' A-r" 75 south frontage road vail, colo.ado 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlce of communlly development March 16, L988 Mr. Andy NorrisVail Ventures, Ltd.1000 South Frontage RoadVail, colorado 9165? Re: Subnittal reguirements for amendnents to SDD No. 4 Dear Andys Peter and I have reviewed closely the inforrnation that shouldbe_included in your environmental iropact report for SDD4.Originallyr w€ had stated that you would not need to addresshydrologic conditions. After reviewing the information on thebrewery, and seeing the location of the Waterford Building andthe number of water features in the project, our opinion isthat you should address hydrologic conditions. The EIR states in section 18.56.040 A.l. that, irhydrologicconditions such as surface drainage and watershed-characteristics, ground rdater and soil perneabilitycharacteristics, natural water features and chard.cteristics,and.any potential changes or impactsrt due to the project shouldbe included in an EIR. It does- seem appropriate tnal youaddress this in your report for the proposed amendments.If you have any guestions, please feel free to call me. KP:br Arco 4 t TO: FROM: DATE: SURfECT: l.{ E I.{ O Planning and Environmental Comurission Conrnunity Development March 14, 1988 Continuation of work session on the Cascade VillageSpecial Development District,s Anendnents. r.PURPOSE OF THE I{ORKSESS]ON On Februaty 22f 1989, the planning and EnvironmentalCommission discussed the proposed amendments to SpecialDevelopment District 4. Due to the cornplexity of theproject, the cornmission, staff, and applicant were able toaddress only a few of the issues raised in the staff memo.For this reason, a second work session has been arrangedto continue the discussion of this project. Andy Norris has subnitted a more detailed landscape planan explanation of rrfractionalrt ownership (please seeattached memo fron Andy Norris). Additional infornationmay be submitted in tiure for the work session, however, atthis time the staff has no new information. The developeris planning to have a model and elevations for thePlanning Commission meeting. The staff feels that it is irnportant to reiterate thatwork sessions are opportunities to informallv dl_scuss aproject. _ We feel comfortable allowing some flexibility asto when infomation is subnitted as we are not providing aformal review of the issues. For this reason, l_t isirnportant to remenber that new issues may arise when thefinal suburittal is made. AIso, planning Commissioners mayfeel it is necessary to adjust their opinions on certain - issues if new inforrnation is presented during a formalreview. II. SI'MMARY OF FEBRU.ARY. 22ND WORK SESSION PEC COMMENTS reason, A. Alternative uses for special development district: In general the Planning Conmission felt comfortablewith the three alternative use scenarios. However,several cornmissioners felt that nore study was neededon the third alternative of adding additional retailto the project. B.Density: Several members nentioned that they were concernedabout kitchens being allowed in the transientresidential units. Diana suggested that perhaps thesize of the kitchen should be restricted. Thisapproach insures that the unit would not become aIong term unit. Sid Schultz suggested that perhapsthere should also be a limit on the square footagefor a a TR. Generally, the Planning Commission feltthat it may be reasonable to count TRrs asaccommodation units as long as certain restrictionsare applied to these units. They also felt that theapproved caps for density in respect to the nunber ofunits and GRFA should be respected. Promotional Scfuare Footaqe: In general , rnembers felt that the ski related useswere necessary to the project due to the fact thatthe Westin lift has been constructed. There was notagreement as to whether or not the sguare footage forthe brewery should be considered in the totalconmercial sguare footage for the project. Several members had no problen with the brewery beingconsidered as special commercial as long as it didnot add to the bulk of the building. Thecommissioners felt they could review the bulk andmass of the Cornerstone Building when a model andelevations lrere presented in the future. Other Comments: Most Planning commission mernbers felt that theWaterford Building Heights should be decreased to theoriginally approved height of 48 feet instead of theproposed 71 feet. Diana was also concerned thatparking and particularly landscaping be addressedfully during the amendment process. It should be noted that the staff may not necessarilyagree with the commissioners on how these issuesshoufd be addressed. The staff will consider the pEC comments but reserves the right to develop our ownposition on the project. c. D. ITI. DISCUSSION ISSUES ON MARCH 14TH Staff has attached the previous memo dated February ?2,l-988. We wouLd like to continue discussing the issuesoutlined in the memo. If a model is avaitiUte for ourdiscussion on the 14th we can address mass and bulk, andthen conti-nue on with the remai_ning issues which includeparking, fractional ovnership, employee housing, frontageroad improvements, and fireplaces. Also, we willschedule a site visit before our discussion. An issue not listed in the t'ebruary 22nd memo relates toownership approval for the SDD application. It is thestaff opinion that all property owners within SDD4 nustsign off on the application to amend SDD4. This nrouldinclude all condominium owners as well as individualproperty owners in GIen Lyon. o MEMORAI{T'UM T0: Kristdl PritzFROM: Andy l.lorris SUBJECT: Fractional Ovnershlp - SDD4 DATE: Purpose To secure approval- for the ttfractionaltt form of ownership onthe renaining undeveLoped parceLs in SDlt4: Cornerstone, llaterford, West,haven, Millrace III and Mill-race IV. Iref init,lon Fractional Ounership shall be defined as an inLerest ln a unitsubject. t.o a condominiun reglne of no less t,han five (5) neeks or\OZ of the unttrs total or,rnership. Ownershlp nay be held byparttrerships, corporations, trusts or tenaat,s in connon. Intervalsof osnershtp that are less than five (5) weeks sha11 be subJect toreviev and approval by the Town of Vail pursuanu to its tinesharinSregulatlons. Parki.n g Parking regulations sha11 be applied in accordance with thepernitted use for the project. Residential dselling units sha11 besubject to parking i.n accordance wi.th the size of the unit.Transient Residential, which restricts owner usage and long ternleasing (30 days or less) sha11 be subJect to parktng requirenentsin accordance with the formula for accommodation units. General Conne nts Fractlonal Ownership is an expanding ownership forn for resortpropertLes. It perrnits the owner with flexlbility in usage incontrast to thg tineshare concept of owning a fixed period. Anapproach that naybe appropriate to Vail ls one ueek ownershlp duringthe ski season (vhich Ls 20 weeks in length) which advances one wee[each yearr. one ski week by reservation (the priority is establishedby lottery) and t.hree neeks during the renainder of the year byreservation. The typical total sales vplu.e pf a tenth share fractional wil1be about L75Z of the whole unit pri'ce. For exanple, a 2 bedroon, zbath at 1250 sf nlght seLL for 9300,000. The sales value as a tenthshare would be about $525r000 which produees for each o$ner apurchase price of $52,500. The nuch higher. average purchase pricethan tiroeshare nakes the product aCtractive to real estate salespersoos enabling a nuch lower conmission structure than timeshare.Perhaps nost i6portantly, the opner has a substantiaL investnent in the real estate so the probabllity of default is great,ly dininished. O Fractional projects are generalry operated in a nanner siniLart-hoters. service leve1s are high. Reservations systeEs arerequtred to acconEodate the floating week program. owners who donot use thelr units nay exchange for other tine periods or nake t,henavailable for rent. The Banager of a fractional_ project isencouraged to aggressively narket. the available tine. projectstherefore typically operate at relatively high occupancies. The only fractional project the vail area is the park plaza acBeaver Creek. la/oPI.ANNING AND ENVTR'NMENTAL "o*Vrro*February 22, L9BB -.-12:00 PIrf 2i30 3: o0 PM PIt{ Work Session: 1. Eagle County Recreation and parks ptan ' 2. Anendments to Cascade Village Site Vislt Erublic Hearing I. Approval of rninutes of L/25 and 2/8/Bg. 2. Appqal of a staff decision regarding a horneoccg;ration license for Bowling Allei pizzaat 2754 South Frontage Road.Appellants: Darlene and Steve Schwelnsberg 3.,' !"grest for a Special Developrnent District forLot N, Block 5D, VaiI Vitlaqe First Filj_ng, (theAmoco site).Applicant: palmer Development Conpany 4. Discussion of Golden peak House conditions. o ' flrte+, l,{t , GroLq f\fra {tto''', 'fuiJr*,\, r$Joli'{s4 L ' t\*b - ftdilrt'k coog.6{ ofb'-hnrr ^5.r TO: planning and EnvironrnentaL cournission -- FROM: Connunity Development Departnent DATE: February 22, l-98g SURTECT: work Session on Cascade Village Special DevelopmentDistrict Amendrnents I. THE REQUEST Andy Norris is requesting a series of amendments for theCascade Village Special Development District #e. Theanendnents are reguested due to the followingr factors: il th*_original plan and therefore changes must be made tothe existing SDD. 2. The prograrn for the Westin ltotel is now compJ_ete. 3. The changing narkets for real estate and resort serviceshave affected the plan for the project. The proposal .recorumends adjustments to the five undeveropedparcels within the project. These areas include: 1. Cornerstone Building (previously called plaza or Bldg. C) 2. Waterford Village (previously called MansfieLd Village) 3. Westhaven Condorniniuns 4. Millrace III 5. Millrace IV Please see the attached site pLan for parcel locations. The devel-oper is reguesting approvar for several alternativeuses within each of the project areas, The al,ternatives areindicated as Alternative-1, Arternative 2, and ALternative 3. THE FOLI-,oWING IS THE APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL: CORNERSTONE EUILDING Alternative I. Miiri-et'erdery: 1-S,Z5O sq ft (please seeattached infornation on rnicro-Ereweries Alternat,ive 2. Special Attraction: LO,S7O sq ft Al-ternative 3. Retail-: 9,77O sq ft-o z_ TilATERFORD VILL,AGEI - Alternative 1: 30 du, 47,SOO sq ft ALternative 2: 75 transient residentiar units, 47rsoo sq ft Alternative 3: 75 transient residentl-ar units, 47,soo sq ft (See definition of transient residential on page 3) WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS Alternative I through 3. 24 d!, 24,OOO sq ft MTLLRACE TIT Alternatives 1 through 3: 3 du, 6'000 sq ft MILI,RACE IV Alternatives L and 2: 8 du for a corporate retreat, 14,OOO sf Alternative 3: 32 au, 14rO0O sf {n\lt ADDTTION TO TIIE EAST END OF THE CASCADE CLUB Alternatives 1 through 3: An indoor lap pool , mini gyrn orwellness fitness facility vould be added to the existingCascade Club. ROoM 2J C-2oL CMC Buildinq This_space may be converted to office, retail, or theatre uponconpLetion of Plaza Conference Center. Parkinq 1. Dwelling units which are restricted to owner occupancyand/or short terltr rentals of no more than 3O days per yearshall be subject to calculation of parking requirenents inaccordance with the method used for accommodatiqn units.(.4 space per unit plus .1 space per lOO sf of GRFA). 2. The Waterfoid parking structure shall be entitled to a 1Ogcredit for nixed use. 3. Westin Conference Center shall require SS parking spaces. 4. No on-site parking for common carriers providing charterservice will be required. *o a Conditional Uses: L. The proposed micro brewery and brew pub shall be aconditional use in Developrnent Area A. rn the absence ofthe breweryr Er nspecial attract,ionrr as defined. andapproved by the Town of vail sharl be a conditional use inDevelopment Area A. 2. Room 2J (C-201) nay be converted to office, retail ortheater upon conpletion of westin conference center. 139ssq ft. 3. Addition to east end of Cascade Club may be added toinclude indoor lap pool, rnini-glmnasium-orwellness/fitness facitity. Accessorv Uses: The following accessory uses shaLr be pennitted in DevelopnentArea A: - Restaurant/rounge included and made a part of a transientresidentj-al project (Cornerstone) - Meeting facilities and spa facilities included within atransient resl-dential project (cornerstone) . - Retail shop facilities included within a transientresidential project. - Stcier support facilities including ticket offices, privateand commercial locker rooms, publ_ic restrooms, and otherfacilities custonarily necessiry and perrnitted for theoperation of a base ski facility. Definitions: 1. tr+gro:ETeweg. .A a micro-brewery processes water, malt,hops and yeast into beer or a1e by-nashing, cooking andfernenting. It is lirnited to a miximum cipacity oi to,ooobarrels per year. In addition to a brew houser-a brewiryrequires loadinq dock facilities, administrative office - space, refrigerated storage, silo storage, and a bottlingline. {o 2.Brew Pub. Aproduced byretail shop"nemorabilia. restaurant which is selling the beer productsan attached brewery. Atso included is afor.lhq sale of brewery products and rel_ated Tf?nFignt residentiil. A rnul_ti-unit resj.dential project,which. is nanEgea ana operated as short term owner-=tri[(fractional) andrzor rental (hotel). Features wouldt^ypi91flV include front desk, lobby, housekeepingfacilities nd J.aundry. Units have-kitchens. *o 3. a Coverage: Forty-five (45*)buildings. Landscaping: retained as natural landscapetract) or landscaped. Developer is relieved of any further obligations regardingenployee housing. 4. special attraction. An educational or research center ormuseum office Use: Professional or business offices may be located on the streetlevel of the Westin Conference centir building. Heiqht: Maximum height_of 7t feet shall be perrnitted for theCornerstone BuiLding, Westhaven Building and WaterfordBuilding- A11 other buiJ-dings shalr be limited to 48 feet. Ownership: Fractional ownership (as defined by Town of VaiI) shall bepermitted for the following residei:tial projects: cornerstone,Waterford, Westhaven and Millrace IV. of the total area for Area A nay be covered by At least t of Area A sha1l be(incluAin!-Ehe Gore Creek stream Ernplovee Housinq: II. WORK SESSION TSSUES A. Altefnative developrnent scengieE_l{ilhin__o4e Special The developer is proposing several use alternativeswithin each remaining element or build,ing of theCascade.Villaqe project. Various uses are proposed.for sinilar spaces. As an example, in the-Cornerstone Building square footage will be devotedto the nicro-brehrery, a special attraction, or retailspace. Staff 's'prirniry coircern in reviewini ttre-various uses per proposed building is that we do not!lf$ it is appropriate to review three entirelyiiffelent development plans. The Special-5&EGpnentDistrict clearly requires a sinqle development pian B. (seetion L8.40.O40 and section 18.46.030). It isreasonable that several uses be requested. for abuilding_as long as the uses have Jimitar irnpacts,use.sinilar space, and do not change the oveialldesign of the building if one use is used j.nstead ofanotlrer. This is typical of any zone district. ftis also inportant tlit one set ot maximum developrnentsquare footages be agreed to so that the ultirnatebuild out and ultimate impac.ts of the project can bereviewed. Work Session euestions: Does the PEC feel it is appropriate to revierr threeuse scenarios within one SDD? Density: The present SDD allows for a maximum GRFA of 2g1tL2Lsquare feet and 288 dwelling units. The proposedchanges keep the GRFA under the allowabte. - Alternative #l is actually below the allowable numberof dwelling units by 22 du,s. Alternative #2 exceedsthe total- nunber of allowable du,s by 23 aweflfif*units. Alternative #3 exceeds the alrowable nun6erof dwelling units by ff aurs. please see attachedrrsummary of Amendnents, rr rrMass and BuIk Analysisr andItDeveloper, s Statistics. rl The_developer is requesting a nelr category ofresidential unit called transient residenlial (fR).A TR is defined as a rnulti-unit residentiaf prdjettwhich is managed and operated as short term ienialuse (fractional ownership and/or rental hotel).Featu_res would typically include front desk, Iobby,housekeeping facilities and laundry. The unit woirtaalso have a kitchen, etc. For this reason, the TRrsare consiOerdT6-Ee dwelling units. The developer is also proposing that no owner ortenant wiLl occupy the TR in excess of 30 consecutivedays. At this time, the staff feels that thereshould be a restriction on a TR unit to ensure thatit is used as a lodge room. IIow the fractionalownership and the 30 day use restriction interrelatereguires further definilion before staff wj_ll have aclear positler1 on this request. In general, staff,s preJ_iminary opinion is that theGRFA and total number of units should not exceed theagreed upon developnent cap for the proJectestablished in 1994. There have been n6 argrunentspresented which would convince us that addiiionalunits are justj-fied.-o a Work Session euestions: I{hat restrictions on a unit with a kitchen (a TR)would be necessary so that it could be considered asan acconnodation unit for parking reguirements? Canthose restrictions be easily enforced? Are there reasons that would justify allowing thepfoject to exceed the totaL number of dwettiig unitsallowed by the existing SDD? c.!{ass SDD ln rrsonthe Ex The Waterford Village height should be 4g' instead ofthe proposed 7l' due to its proximity to the FrontageRoad and. iristr visibility. This is the existing,height linit for this building. The mass of theCornerstone Building is extending further to the eastthan originally planned. Until elevatj-ons and amodel are presented for the amendments, staffbelieves that the approved heights and cap on thetotal gross square footage for the project must bemaintained to ensure that the projectrs nass and bulkdo not become excesive. Our figures show that, nainly due to the brewery, theproposal includes approximately 20.000 additionalsquare feet over the allowable. Moreover, thissquare footage has incresed (actually produced)building mass and bulk in the area south and east ofthe traffic circLe/stainray area. Work Session Questions: Is it reasonable too allow any floor area increaseabove the existing square footage cap for theproject? Should the Waterford Village lrave a height of ?1r? ?roposed Uses and Compatibilitv with the ExistincrProi ect: The rnicro-hrehrery, special attraction, office on thefirst floor of the Plaza Conferenee Building, andtransient rgsidential units, amount of skj-er supportsquare footage and expansion of the Cascade C1ub, areall uses that should be allowed only if they areconpatible with the existing development. D. --o t nurtfretformation needs to be nroru"U by thedeveloper to clearly show that a-micro-breiery iscornpatible with residential developnent in th-e sanestructure. Please note that above the micro-breweryare proposed 50 transient residential units. Themicro-brewery may be very compatible nith residentialunits. However, at this time, the staff guestionshow the micro-brewery would relate to the residentialunits. The proposed office on the first floor of the plazaConference building should not be allowed in thestaff,s opinion. Cascade Village is modeled off ofthe nixed use type of developnent that is seen inCommercial Core f and If. fn these areas and in thisspD, commercial office space is not allowed-GTf,E-first floor. Staff believes that it would be rnuchurore positive for the project to have offices on thesecond floor as opposed to the first floor. The skier support square footage and pool squarefootage for the cascade CLub aie uses that dre veryconpatible with the existing development. However,staff questions the large annount of square footagedevoted to ski accessory uses (9,395 sf) at thisIocation. comrnercial ski lockers do add people andcars to the site. Staff,s primary question is, is the treatment of thebrewery square footage in the overall projectcontext? It is agreed that a micro-brewery is not astraight commercial use such as retail or office.However, the staff does not feel that it isappropriate to exclude this sguare footage from thetotal square footage figures for the project, Thistlpe of rrspecial commercialrr should be countedtoward the total project square footage. Ourrecomrnendation would be ttrat the square footages forthese uses be taken out of other square footages forthe project. Whether it is residential or cornmercialwould be up to ttre developer. We also feel that itis very inportant for the developer to d.ocunent thatthese additional uses are not increasing the mass andbulk of the project. Work Session euestions: Does the Planning Connission feel that the rspecial comrnercialrr uses such as the rnicro-brewery, special.attraction, skier support, etc. should corne out ofthe tota'l. pfqj.ect square footage? Does the Planning Cornmission feel that the rnicro-brewery is compatibte with the existing and proposeddeveloprnent? (o *_o a E. Is office appropriate on the street level of thePlaza Conferenqe Center? Is it necessary to have 91395 square feet of skieraccessory uses? (The existing SDD all_ows for 41000 sfof skier accessory.) Parkinq: The developer is requesting a 108 reduction in theparking reguirernent, as he is constructing a 144space parking structure under the Waterford building.The proposed project generates a structured parking demand of 199 to 231_ spaces depending on thedevelopment alternative. Under the presentregulatlons, this would allow for a 2.5* reduction ora 5.0 * reduction in parking spaces due to thenultiple use of the structure. Staff does not feelthat there should be exceptions made to the required.parkinq. The amendment also cal1s for treating transientresidential dwelling units as lodge rooms as far asparking is concerned. Once again, until the staffunderstands exactly how the short-term userestrictions relate to the fractional ownership, itwill be difficuLt to determine if the acconmodationunit reguirement, for parking is appropriate for TRrs. The Cornerstone Auilding has an accessory restaurantfor the hotel . The developer is proposing thataccessory restaurant not have a parking requirernent,as guests from the hotel witl be using thisrestaurant. Staff feels accessory restaurant shouldhave some tlpe of parking requirernent. Restaurantslocated in hotels have been required to provideparking in the Sonnenalp, Doubletree, Vail VillageInn and Christiania proposals. However, in theoriginal developrnent of the Westin, the restaurantswere not required to provide parking. The devel-oper is proposing that no on-site parkingfor commercial carriers be provided. Staff,sopinionis that it is appropriate for the developer toprovide one bus parking space somel'rhere in SDD4.This is particularly necessary if the micro-breweryproposal is pursued. The intent is to have tours ofthe brewery which will most likely encourage buses tostop at the micro-brewery on their way through Vail . (r lo o F.Fractional Ownership: Fractional ownership is being proposed as a possibleownership for the Cornerstone, Waterford, Iqil.lrace fVand Westhaven Buil_dings. The zoning code definesfractional fee as: Section 18.04.13S Fractional Fee. trFractional feer meang a tenancy in commoninterest in improved real propeity, includingcondominiums, created or nefO-by person,partnerships, corporations, or joint ventures orsirnilar entities, wherein the tenants in conmonhave forrnerly arranged by oraL or writtenagreernent or understanding, ej.ther recorded orunrecorded allowing for the use and occupancy ofthe property by one or rnore co-tenants tL tnbexclusion of one or more co-tenants during anyperiod, whether annually reoccurring or n6twhich is binding upon any ass!_gnee 6r futureohrner of a fractional fee i.nterest or if suchagreernent continues to be in any vay binding oreffective.upon any co-tenant fol the saLe oi anyinterest in the property. lhe staff needs more detailed information on thisaspect of the proposal to rnake any judgements. It isunclear how many owners would be allowed and what usepattern is proposed. Fnplovee Housinq the developer is reguesting to be released frorn anylgsponsibility for employee housing. presently, theSDD states that rron a yearly basis, a contractualagreement between the ernployer and developer showingevidence of enployee houling tfrat is sati-sfactory tothe Town of Vail shall be made available to the - Department of conrnunity Development,t (Section18.49.22O'). Sone tlpe of arrangement for ernployeelrousing should.be.agreed to by either the deiel6peror enployers within the project. perhaps it is uroreappropriate to trave the actuaL enployerl beresponsible for providing this ernllolee housing asopposed to the developer. However, to totally removethe reguirernent to provide any employee housing isnot acceptable. The best solution ii on-site - apartments sirnilar to the Vail Racguet Club. Thestaff-would, however, accept some other arrangementassuring a certain amount of employee houging for aportion of the large nunber of &nptoyees thiidevelopnent will generate. (o G. -o H.Frontaqe Road Improvements: At this time, there is no flnaL decision on when theFrontage Road improvements will be constructed.Staff believes that it is important to take intoconsideration the nagnitude of the proposed amendnents and how they might affect traffic on theFrontage Road and traffic through this project. t'ireplaces. The developer is proposing to build gas firepLacesthat actually are designed to accommodate woodburning. Staff has no problen with this request aslong as the design of the fireplace areas meet thestandards in the wood burning ordinance for the Townof Vail. I. ro 10 --l -l E Figure 5 Future O"*rU EXISTING DEV. BRE}JERY ALT 1 ALTl+ EXIST. DEV ALT2+ EXIST DEV RETAI L ALT 3 ALT3+ EXIST DEVSPEC. ATTRACT. ALT 2 SDD 115,750 289,885289,885 115 ,750 289,885 GRFA ?gL,Lzt 174,135 115 ,750 286 32 318f30828602860 160 ( i nc'ludes 125 TRL 168 152 (includes125lll-160!t DU 134 8 115 123 (includes qO TR] 311 168 319 TOTAL DU 288 lbr 115 266 160 Access Skj 9,395 SPEC IAL C$MMERCIAL :Brewery 15 '250Acces Rest. 5,875 Acces Ski 9'395 Room 2J 1,387 Spec. Attr. 10,570 Access Ski 9,395 19 , 965 g,395TOTAL SPECIAL COMMERCIAL 31,907 18,840 20,650lrrr*r,0,- (oFFrcE RETAIL) - L7,280 49,948 30,055 41.,198 TOTAL COMMERCIAL AND SPECIAL COMMERCIAL 37,000 ll,143 49,187 60,330 38,805 or-Joto I ) (r I'IASS AND BULK ANALYSIS Previouslv PlazaCornerst Height AU DU Total Units Existing SDD RemainingDevelopment Potential 7L' 20 au. L5 du 25 du Proposed SDDDevelop. Potential I7T o 50 du 50du* 6RFA Cornrnercial ,Special Comm.& Conference 30,628 sf 18 t704 24t25O sf ** 43 .8OO 't** 58, O50 ****(a 49,332 sf Proposed SDD is: * over 25 du,s allowed under existing SDD ! rtrr under 51676 sf GRFA aLlowed under existing SDD *** eygr 25,096 sf commercial allowed under exist. SDD **** over L8,1LB total sf allowed under existing SDD LO Waterford Villaoe (Previouslv Mansfield Villaqe) Existing SDD proposed SDDRemaininq Devel . poten. oev. potential tleight 48, Ur, * D.U. 45t Alt I AIt 2e330 '15 ,.t GRFA 49,227 47 ,soo Retail 0 4, ooo Proposed SDD is: * over 23, height aLlowed under existing SDD 'r* over L5-30 D.U. allowed under existing SDD *** under 1,727 GRFA under existing SDD (O westhaven condos Existing SDD Renaining proposed SDDDevelopment Potential Devel . potential Height As approved As approved DU 25 24* GRFA 22 r 500 sf 24 , OOO sf rtrr Proposed SDD is: * Under 1 DU aLlowed under existing SDD. :t:t Over l-5OO sf GRFA allowed under existing SDD to MilLrace Iff Height DU GRFA * Proposedexisting Existinq SDD Develop. PotentiaL 49r 3 6, 5O0 is: under 500 Proposed SDD Devel . Potent,ial 49, 3 d,ooo * sf GRFA allot*ed under (o SDD SDD. ltillrace IV Heigbt DU eu Total DU GRFA Proposed SDD is: over I DU (AIt #3) over 2,8OO sf GRFA Existing SDDRernaininq Dev. Poten. 48' 8 o I 1Lr200 sf Proposed SDDDevel. Potential 4gt ALtr-&2I . Alt3 32 Alt L&2 = B, Alt 3 = L6 14rOO0 sf {o allowed under existing SDD allowed under existing SDD TotaL DU GRFA Total Gross Cornrnercial & otber Uses Existing Renaining 106 1L6, 986 I8 r7A4 TOTALS SDD Developrnent Proposed SDD Development Alt. l-: 1L5 duAlt. 2: L60 duAlt. 3: L6B du 115, 750 47 tSOO ll.TTI : .,, j,ir ... Attotj t6 h IT l6 9 3 280 4 9 1 6 1B 20 93 n5 u2 104 74I ln n o *r* Ccqleted hojects Mtl.race I Mifbace II I{esttu Hotel L{6 Alfredos Cafe Llttle Spp Pepi Sports Pl€za t evel Basgtsrt level Colorado Peddlen CASO1DE SIU,A6E ajIIG gtf,lARY apl8 gMffiAL PAKIE q{rUl S GfiFA SF SdIS Projecr Stnrcnre -=- ==:t : !:==: !!=:: :!: 16 20,0m 20,m 14 17,5y. 17,5y 55,45/ AII B E 1I:l OA Bri-tdiry Cascade lEng (2 per udt) Clarrvs (k"'rheatre CoLfegedassrom Oollege-office lhetjxg RocD et Cascade Club netail Wel.lrless oent€r Terrace Wing Carst Rom (2 per r:ntt) Retail Plaza tuildirgSst Roffi Reta:.f/Offfce Csrference Facl$ty'ilet Subtotals 860 1,363 1n073 9m 8 15,870 15,870 1,400 8m 4Jn 4,792 8W 1,387 33l,4s ' 58,@ 5,856 .?:.8rTrwt I,0gg 8,3m 9m 1,400 8m Lr3ff m 1,483 5,856 ffi 38 88,146 174,837 t2,L% \m 53 4L2 Arr ArI ur s' GaFA W*o ffim.* =:: :-===-! :: :==::t : a=r: : : o (D Prapo€ed ProJects llestlaven Condm Correrstooe Bd.lding Bre€ry trcessort-Sd-ing lbansif,fit Resd.dential Accessory+estaurant Office Retail ltllrace ffi Mtttrre IV I{aterford VlX,age Residencief hmirrirm Retad.l Srbtotals ftand Totals(& Use Credit L@\v hrtdng Requirwrt Faddng Strrrcbres &scade VilJage Ihterford erldrg Surplrs(Irftcit) Ietrelopnt. &ntrols trgfura1 Farcel Robbins hrce'l Cosgriff Parcel 24 24,m 15,250 9,395E E 24,?fi 5,8754,950 4,950g,4s g,4n 36,m6 8 14,m $ 30 47,ffi4,m 4,m 25 90 47,8C0 115,750 t7,?fi 0 ro 199 3U LB 137,25 290,587 8,6% L,2J3 Lg 611 (61) '25 45 19'34 60 16 550 l+21 YA 565 Area Units trFA 16 B2 238msI 20 18?53I L7 r5s32 l8 2W 273se9 ' ALra o o{"rmclAl P,anruI\E m{rGREI S gfIS Project StnEttre : !=t:- =: ::: :=:t :24,0C0 48 s 3 8 6,m 14,m 4,850 9,gm E t$ 19tfi 75 16 6 16 73 47,ffi4,m 4,m 135 38,S5 115,750 1.8,840 313 173 lm,24l m,87 31,196 1,213 18 634 (63)Itirced Use Credi.t lffi tr Proposed Pro3'ects lGsctsven Condos 0orrerstsre edlding Special Attretim Accessory-St<iirg lbansient Residential 0tfice Retail !fi.llrace Itr Millrace IV lbterfcrd Viltage lbansieot Residerfiial Retarif Subtotals ftard Totalc AIJ II] 2l+ 10,570 9,39525 ?5 24,29 4,950g,gs (l* Requir@t 571 4A-tu Padfurg Stnrcures Gscade Villaee l&terford hrldng 9rrph:s(tnfieit) Ieveloptu Controls ftieinal Farcel Bo'bbins narcel- Coseriff krceL 565 (6) nrea 16II E2 2ffiD 18753t7 w32 28 2R589 rt (o ProF€ed Projects lJesthaven Condos 0orrrrstcrn Bi.lding Restaurant itccessrY-S<Ling lbarsient Regide{fial ffieice Retail Miflrace III . !4t1Lrace lY{edn Addition lhterford Village lbansient Resddential Retail !fi.led IJse Credit fCE hddry Reqdrecrt krldng Strrrtrres Casade Village lbt€rford Partdng $rplrrs(Inficit) Ieveloprt Contlols tlgtrnl Parcel nobbtus hrcel Cosgriff Farcel 'iu1;9.3 t gld@ffi L PARK}C Rq{T AIl ltl SF RFA SF' S:EAIS koiect Strucure :t-!:r :=: :== :: : - l: 24,m 3,040 2,m 147 9,395 24,?fl4,950 4,850g,'l70 8,TlO 6rm 14,m 47,5m 4,m 4,m 48 15 '45 19 35 a dnn 6 026tz 75 16 75 16I 1 rn 30,055 115,?50 19,820 v 345 165 118,?01 m,#7 31,976 l,3li7 Ar€a EZ 238905n $753L7 15f,32 &3 (64) 5;r9 tZL VA 565 .(14) 289 273589 Planning and EnvironmentaL CommissionFebruary 22, L988 Di.ana DonovanBryan Hobbs Pam Hopkins Peggy Osterfosssid schultz 'Jirn Viele 2. 1.Approval of minutes of L/25 and 2,/8,/BB. P1n Hopkins moved and seconded by sid to approve both minutes.The vote was 6-0. fas ff decision a home tiA1lev Pizza aX 2754 South ontaqe The applicant asked to table this iten until March 14. It wasmoved, seconded and voted 6-O to table. 3. RgCfUeSt for a Snerri e'l Deva'l 6nmori+ Di e{- r,- i r-T f^r T 'r.F \r Rick {rLnan reminded the board that a work session was held twoweeks ago on this itern. He described the proposed buitding andadded_thgt the applicant had subrnitted a new proposal whichshowed that the east ridge had been lowered g felt and the westri.dge lowered 3 feet sinie the staff wrote the memo. Rick reviewed the nine development standards for SDDrs andthree criteria for the zone change. The staff felt thedevelopment of a gateway project shoul-d include revisions tothe plan, such as the inclusion of a Left turn Lane andelinination of parking arong vail Road. Rick arso stated thatthe staff felt the l-0, setback from the Frontage Road uasinadeguate, and that there should not be any eicroachrnent intothe view corridor as designated with the approval of the Vailvillage rnn proposal. Another suggestion iiorn the staff was apedestrian walkway fron vail Road to the building entrance onthe south side of the building, (" r'' L t-"Y-r STAFF PRESENTPeter Patten Tom BraunKristan PritzRick grlrnanBetsy Rosolack The meeting began with a qrork session on the Eagle CountyRecreation Plan followed by the cassade village-amendments. The publie hearing was calLed to order by the chairman, ilimVie1e. PRESENT Appellants: Darlene and Steve Schweinsberq Dfstrfd for Lot N,Block 5D, Vail Villaqe Firstrili@Applicant: Palrner DeveLopnrent Cornpany Rick then reviewed zoning considerations and stated that thestaff felt the 75 parking spaces were inadeguate, since from 89to 1o4 spaces were relluired, depending upon whether or not abank is involved and what the size of the facility would be. Peter Jamar, representing palmer DeveLopment, showedphotographs with overlaid lines indicating the relationship ofthe proposed \n/I building heights to the proposed Vail cateuayand the effect on the view corridor. In addressing the parkingissue, Jamar stated that currently, the WI has empty paifingspaces rnost of the year, and felt ihat rnixed uses iroufa varythe parking demand during the day. He said the study used aI'worst case[ scenario, with a bank and felt the proposal lfas anirnprovement over the gas station. He agreed wittr tle staffthat the roof should be stepped down and showed a changed roofpitch. He felt ttre building ehould not be lowered anotherstory. Concerning the surface parlring, he suggested rnaking it noredefined and signing it for short term parking. Jarnar felt thatif surface parking: were not provided, people would be droppedoff anyway. Concerning the setback on the north side, Jamarclaimed that the edge of the pavernent was 25 feet from theproperty line and he feLt there was enough of a pedestrian laneprovided. Buff Arnold, architect on the project. discussed the loweringof.the building one story and changing the roof pitch. Arnoldsaid he spoke to Centennial Engineer, who had done a study ofthe 4-way and they said they did not see a need for anadditional turning lane. Richard Foy of Conmmunication Arts,design consultant, giave the background of tbe project. Hestated that the aim was to try to get people to remember thebuilding and to come back to it 1ater.- He felt the buildinghad a small footprint and that the flat roof portions helped torrpush the buil-ding downf' and sould allow the glass corridor.He added that the developer would use the flat roofs for manyplanters. Peter Jamar adnitted that with the present state of the Wfbuildings, the primary pedestrian alcess would be on the southside of the building. He repeated that three surface parkingspaces were needed. Joe Staufer, owner of the WI project,felt the project was better than the gas station. He poinieaout that the view corridor vas established by ordinance whenthe the WI project was approved. ttr. Staufer wanted to becertain that the board lras anare of the fact that there was nopedestrian easement across the wr property. Joe Lnsisted thatpotentiar buyers of condominiums in the caleway project on theeast and south to be made aware through disclosure, of thepotential construction of the approved. Wl property. Peter Patten asked tlr. staufer how he fel,t about the concept ofa pedestrian access between the two buildings, and Joe answeredthat he did not know, but that it would depend on what wasproposed. o Peggy osterfoss felt it was important not to replace the viewwith buildings, but was aware Lr trre econornic rlstraintsinvolved. She felt the building was still higher thandesirable and pointed out that ihe staff recommended 2 or 3stories' Buff answered that the building $ras 3 stories plus aloft on the north and 4 stories on the west at the nost extremesouthwest corner. peggy added that she would like to see agreater sethack on the Frontage Road as well as on vail Road.Bryan Hobbs felt the design was fine. Diana Donovan had several concerns. she felt the design wasfor pedestrians on a vehicular corner and that pedestrians werenot encouraged to be in that area. Richard Foy answered thatthis was a site that had habitation and comeriial on one side,and heavy traffic on the other. He felt that this situationgave the.opportunity to change and to have sorne peopleorientation on the iorner. tte did not feel it wlur& changeVail's character i-n that it would, not remove people fron iridgestreet but it would put the entry on a hunan Scaie and "hint 6fthings to come.* Diana felt the underlying zone shourd not bechanged, and Peter Jamar stated that this froposar was in rinewith the long range plans. Sid wondered if the proposed uses would be allowed if theunderlying zoning was public Accommodation and was told pA r.rasquite different in that is was predominantly hotel withaccessory uses, with rnost of the ernphasis on lodging r*ith alirnited percentage of other uses. sid was conceined about thesurface parking being so close to the 4-way stop. He fert thatif it was needed, it would be better to haire it- on the southside of the building. He agreed that sorne tlrpe of disclosureto prospective condo purchasirs was importantl- Parn F{opkins fert the alrey was too narrow and stated it woul-dbe difficult to maneuver even with snall vehicles. she statedthat if Joe Staufer had enpty partcing spaces, it was a wellkept secret, and that this was- not a-va1ia reason to have l-essp-arking- than_required in the cateway Building. pam felt peopleshould be told of available parking. The siie of the arrly iasdiscussed. Jirn Viele felt the basic issue was zoning. He reminded theboard that the original WI plan eliminated the gas station.Jim's biggest concern was the amount of parking is he tradrnentioned at previous rneetings. Jin fell the ietbacks wereadeguate and that it was unlikely the highway would be 6-laned.He stated that the vievr corridor was not included from thefinal view corridor decision. With regard to the accessbetween the Gateway and WI , Jin felt the WI and the Gatewayprojects should be respected as separate pieces of land withseparate ownerships. Peter Jamar and Buff Arnold responded that perhaps they couLddo without the parking on Vail Road, and peihaps- widening the driveway as Pan had suggested. They would 1ook at perhapspicking up more parking-underground-and perhaps traving a Z,covered arcade on the south. Buff said he could see perhapsopening up the south side of the building and perhaps providingsome sbort tern parking on that side where they could be easilyvisible. Diana felt a door needed to be left open to work with WI andalso that attention needed to be placed on the type ofIandscaping being proposed. She ielt there were I fot of nifstr and that usually an SDD works wittr what is presented. peter Jarnar said they vould be provlding rnore detail . peggy said itwoul-d be helpful to have more detail. Dl"ana mentioned aconcern that pedestrians vould be right next to a 4 lanehighway vithout any barrier. peter jarnar repl_ied that perhapsa low barrier waII could be constructed to contaLn children - frorn the highway. Peter Patten listed concerns which included: an arcade on the south sidelandscaping 1. 2. 3.4. 5. 6. 7. 8. amount of parkingwidth of the drivewayapproval of the underlying zoninqsurface parking changeunit restrictions He stated that the staff rould prefer to work further andproduce a better product. Jamar replied that they wouLd bewilling to work on the concerns witl tfre exceptioir of therestrictions on the units, Ite stated that thly were willing togo along with all of the conditions. Parn wondered if a speeial meeting could be held before the Towncouncil meeting. Diana moved and aryan seconded to continuethe rneeting until r{ednesday, March 9th at 2:oo prt. The vote was6-0 in favor of continuing the rneeting. Discussion followed concerning parking. David r,eahy, a parkingconsultant, stated that the Urban Land fnstitute did not- -consider banking when determining parking needs, and so thebank vas incLuded in retai-l tor ituay puiposes. He added thatin using a demand stud.y, ?A spaces wouf.a Le need.ed if theresidential units nere accomrnodation units, and T9 if they weredwelling units. Diana was concerned aboui parking for thebank, and felt the bank should not be there because of theadded traffic it would cause. 4- Peter clarified the board's intent on their conditions forthe Golden peak House at the previous meeting. lod ,ko,*\ W h I{l{/6[ TO: FR0M r SUBJECT: DATE: MEMORANDUM Peter Patton/Kristin Pritz Andy Norrle SDD4 Anendment - Specific ProposalsFebruary 19, 1988 ControLs ! fr. (See attached schedule) Parking:l. DwelJ.ing units which are restricted to owner occupancy and/orlong tern rentals of no nore than 30 days per year shal-l besubjeet to calculatlon of parking requirenents in aecordancewith the method used for accomnodation unlLs, (.4 space perunit. pLus .L space per l"0O sf of GRFA). 2, The Waterford Parking Structure sha1l be ent,Ltled to a 108eredtt for mlxed use. 3. Uestin Conference Center ehal1 requlre 35 parking spacea. carrl-ers providing charter 2. 3. No on-eite parkLng for conmonservice ril-1 be requlred Conditional Usesl1. The proposed brewery and brew pub eha11 be a conditional usein ltevelopnent Area A. In the absence of the brewery, anepecial attractionrt as defined and approved by the Tovn ofVail sha11 be a conditional use in Develooment Area /I . Room 2J (C-201) ray be converted to office, retai.l or theatreupon completl-on of Westin Conference Center. Addttlon to east end of Cascade Club may be added to includeeither an lndoor 1ap pool, mini-gymnasium or wellness/fitneesfacility. Acceesory Uses: The foLlorrlng accessorf uses shall be pernitted ln Devel,opuent Area A; - Restaurant/Lounge lncluded and made a part of a TransieatResldential proJect (Cornerstone). - lteet5-og facllities and spa facllit.ies lncluded wlthin aTransient Residential project (Cornerstone). - Retail shop facilities lncluded within a TransLentResl-dential proJect. - Skier support, facilities lncluding tlcket offlces,private and comnercial locker rooos, public restrooms,and other faciLitles custonarlly aecessary and peroittedfor the operation of a base ski facility. Densit Def ini-tione t1, llicro-Brewery - A brewery processes water, naLt, hops andyeast lnto beer or a1e by nashing' cooking and feruenting.It is limlted to a maxinum capacity of 10r000 barrels peryear. In additlon to a brew house, a brewery requiresloadiog dock facllities, adninistrative office space'refrigerated storage, eilo sLorage, and a bottling 11ne. 2. Brewpub - A restaurant whlch ls se1ll-ng the beer producte produced by an attached Micro-Brewery. Aleo included 1sa retail shop for the sale of Micro-Brewery products andrelated menorabilia. Transient Reeidential - A multi-unit residential project' which ls managed and operated as short tern ownershlp(fractional) and/or short-term rental (hoteL). Featuresuould typically include front desk, lobby, housekeepingfaciltties and laundry. Office Use: 3. Professlonal orlevel of t.he Weetin business offices may be located on the streeL Conference Center Building (900 sf). Maxinun Height of 71 feet shall be Cornerstone BuiLdtag, Westhaven BuiLdingAlL other buildiogts shall be llnlued to 0wner ship :Fractional Ovnership (as defined bypernitted for the folloving residentialllaterford, Ml11race IV, and Westhaven, permitted for the and Waterford Butlding.48 feet. Town of Vail) shall beprojects: Cornerstone, Coverage:Forty-five percent (452) covered by buildings. Landscaping lAt least _Z of Area A shal1landscape (iocLuding the Gore Creek Enployee Eouslngi----GeGper E relieved of any enployee housing. Alternate Ilevelopnent Prograns:1. Cornerstone Bullding of the total area for Area A nay be I be retained as naturalstream tract) or landscaped. further obltgatlons regardlng - Brewery - "speciaL Attractionrr - Netther 2. Waterford Building - Transient Residential (75 rooms) - Residential Condoniniums (30 units) o 3.MiLlraee IV - Accommodation (32 roons) - Residential Condominiums (8 units) Entry Tower and Stgnage r To be located at the northuest cornerWeathaven Drive, a tower not to exceed 65aa a atructure for Cascade VilJ-age proJectbe provlded). of S. frontage Rd. andfeet in height will serveelgnage (eign detall to \ALVrxruRES,. To: From; Re:Ilate: Baei s for Amendment: l. Impact of chairl,ift operations; not anticipated 1noriginal p1an.2. Progran for Westtn Hotel now finished.3. Changing narkets for real esCate and resort services. 0bjectives: 1. 0btain approval of final devel-opment plan with linitedalternatives;?. Establish program for entry nonumentation and stgnage;3, Clarify open issues such as off street parking, bus-parking, employee housing, etc;4. Adopt parking requtrenents;5. Agree aa to reguired naterial for arnendment subniasion. Situatton Sumnarv: 1. Five undeveloped panels renain:ao Cornerstone site (Building ItCrr) b. I{aterford site (Mansfield Village)c. West,haven sited. Millrace III sitee. Millrace IV site (Cosgriff site) 2. Units Renaining: - Dwelling 94 - Acconnodatlon 18 3. Peter Patton Andy Norris Anendnent to SDD4January 13, 1988 Floor Area Renaining - CFA 20,50O sf Parking AvaiLability: - GRFA 116,250 sf 41 spaces (level 3)allocated to non-residential I 1000 South Frontage Road West, Vail, 4. Colorado 81657 r 303/476-6602 a Market Assessment: - Chalrlift and convenient accessibilitv will establish CVas third Vall Mountain base area.- Weetin Hotel guests can support approximately 6r000retail (approxinate anount in Terrace Wing).- Retal1 activity including night life ts important togrosp marketing. - Over 602 of llotel occupancy witl be provided by groups(32,000 roon nights) .- Skier related retail (i.e. connercial lockers, conveniencefood and beverage, accessories will require 6500 sf;public facilities ( i. e. restroons, ticketing, etc . ) wiLrequire another 5500 sf.- Contlnued softness in high-end second home rnarkets isanti.cipated; markets have becone more user oriented. Approach to {nnended Development Plan I Approve aLternate development progran for each parcel,lncl"udlng parking requirenents. Elenen t s of Amended Development,Pl-an: Coroerstone Building sf of IIotel ttspecial Attractlonfi - efMicro-brewery - sf \General Retail - etfi;,/.t4a/Skier Accessory - sfSkier SupportPublic RestaurantTransient - DU -sf- GRFA Total sfParklng - apacesSpecial Attraction Mi cro-breweryGeneral RetaiLPublic ReataurantTranslent Residential Notee: 1. 84, 700 89,200 g0,700 l0,000 13,125 6, 500 5,525 50 49, 500 26,700 15 , 000 L2,625 6, 500 5,525 50 49,500 26,70O L4,625 6, 500 5,525 4,5OO 50 49, 500 26,7OO 23 52 50 25 50 50 58 20 50 2. 3. Total I25 L25 L28 rrTransientrt incLudes restaurant and neetingspace as accessory use.ttTransienttt are defined as dwelLing units buthave linits on ouner occupancy; parkingreguirenents are based upon hotel caLculations.Traneient ownership wouLd permit fractlonal,condoniniurn or partnership.ALternative rrSpecial Attractionrr to micro-brewerywould requlre approval" by TOV. 4. Waterford Buildlng General- RetaiI Transient Dwel l ing MilLrace IV: Transient Dwel ling 47,5OO 60 60 A 14,ilo'32 24 A 4,000 16 6,000 3 6 A B 4,000 16 47, 500 30 60 B 14 , 000I 16 Note: 1. Millrace III LtrrelLing - sf - units - parking ( on-sl_te ) Parking Summary (*,r;/,- ,l di+ L/) sfparkingsfunits parkin gsfunitsparking - lor-n*a#n4 A'/'/ ' - sf - unlts - parking -sf- uni ts - parking Transient parking requirements will be acconmodatedin the Cascade Village structure, duel-lingrequiremeots r/111 be acconnodated on-site. AvaiLable - Level 3llaterf ord Requlrenents: Cornerstonelrlaterford MiLLrace IVLess: Credit at L0Z Net Balance (Deficit) 202 166 a+ 4t 145 4l 145 4I 145 186 t25 76 24 -?.3 186 t2576t 0 ( 1e) 186 ( 16) o' I Specific Issues: - Vai I - Entry rnonument, f eatures and si.gnage- Addition to Cascade Club (east end)- Parking requirements for []-imit.edtr used dwelling unite- tlSpeciaL Attractionfr designation for Cornerstoni Buildlng- Skier Accessory and Support- Fract,ionaL Ownership Approval- Employee Housing - Tour Bus Parking - Westhaven Drive Parking - Landscaping - Sereening roon in CMC Buildlng- Exterlor signage program Brewerv Company I - Progranf Brewer y Museun Brewpub Reta11 Shop - Uater/Sener Requirements - 0perationsiBrewery Process EnpLoyeeeTraffi cAir QualityTour s - Architecture - Alternative Uses ALternate Attractions: - Food Fair - Speciality Food Store- EdueatLonal/Research Institute 4 !,r o t Mn'\ off lce ol communlty development 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476_7000 January 18, Lggg Mr. Andy NorrisVail Ventures Ltd.1-000 South Frontage Road WestVail , Colorado ef6SZ Re: Subnittal requirements for amendments to SpecialDevelopment District #a Dear Andy: As we discussed at-our meeting last week, the proposedtamendrnents to the cascade viriage speciai o"..r"i"p^.nt DistrictNo' 4 should be reviewed at a w5rk iession witrr-tne pranningCornmission and Town Council as soon as possible. once Ireceive the following inforrnation, r wiir ="tr*a.rr" the proposalfor a I'rork session: L. A zoning statistics sunmary.thqt compares the proposeddevelopment pJ_an to your eiisting "pir-*r"r. -- 2. A site_p1an shor+ing the existing development andundeveloped parcel-. 3. Elevations for the alternative 4. Floor plans for the alternative 5. Any additional inforrnati-on on micro-breweries that you maywant the pranning commission and Town coun"ir t" review fn your rneno to pet,er dated January 13th, you sunmarize theissues related to the proposed. amendments. Below are threernore issues that should be discussed at the ;;;;"session: a Three alternative develostaff's position is thatappropriate. fhe staffrequests for alternativestrong position that onereasons for this policy 1.ment plans: At this time theone developnent plan ishas reviewed several previousplan approvals and has taken aplan should be reviewed. ?heare: a. b. c. To approve three plans would be precedent setting.Other- applicants requesting SDDs would have to beallowed the option to submit various developmentrplans. This approach will put pressure on staff timeto review numerous proposals. The nul-tipte plan approach tends to increase theconfusion and complexity in the analysis of anyproject. It will be difficult to truty identily theareas of concern for each plan. The Special Developrnent section of the code calIs forone development plan. In addition, SDD4 also statesthat one development plan is appropriate. This isstated in section L8.46.O3O B of the SDD ordinance. proposed fireplaces per tlpe of unit and any rnitigationproposed. Presently, fireplaces are only allowed indwelling units and this will be an i"ssue of concern if IEach development area with the exception ofDevelopment Area D shall be subject to a singledevelopnent Plan. Development Area D sha1l bereguired only to go through the Design Reviewprocess. rl 2.Fireplaces: Please address specifically the number of 3. fireplaces are proposed for the lirnited use dwellingunits. Office use on street Jevel in the Plaza conferencecenter.: The existing zoning code-;-----:-from being on street leve1 in most prohibits office districts. Your request to locatestreet level would be in conflictcode. of the cornmercialthe office use onwith the existing space zone zoning For a forrnal review of the project,should be subnitted: L. Th:-SDP ordinance wording should be revised for thetoJ-r-owing sections in order to reflect each of theproposed changes: 18.46.0L0 purpose (possibly)L8.46.OZO B Established18.46.030 B, C Development plan proced.ure18.46. 050 pernitted UsesL8.46.065 Office Use18.46.O90 Density Dwelling Unitsl-8.46.081 Density Floor AieaL8.4G.092 Commercial Square Footage18.46.o89 conputer print out rabr-e and. Deveropment controL1-8.46.l_oo setbacks (possibly)L8.46.12o Height (pdlsibly)'l-8. 46. 14O Coverage18.46.160 Landscaping (possibly)l-8.46.17O parking 18.46.19O C, D FireplacesL8.46.2Lo B Bus Shelter (possibty)l-8. 46.22O EnpLoyee Housing 2- Environmental rrnpact Report (please see attached ErRsection of the zoning coae; 3. The information listed in t-8.46-040 p, through H (pleasesee attached SDD) rf you have any questions about these subrnittar requirements,please give me a call. the following information Sincerely,./.l 0.1 l\rr'rfufttift Kristan pritz Senior Planner KP: brEnclosures PI,ANNTNG 1988 DEADTTNE Decenber 29 ;Ianuary 11January 25 February 15February 29 March 14llarch 28 April lJ.April 25 I'Iay L6 May 3I ,June 13ifune 27 ,July lI.Tuly 25 August L5August 22 Septenber 1_2September 26 October L7October 3l_ November 14November 28 L989 December 12 December 26 January 16January 30 HEETTNG DATE January 25 February 8February 22 March 14March ZB April 1LApril 25 May 9May 23 June L3June 27 July 1-1July 25 August IAugust 22 September 12September 26 October L0October 24 November 14Novernber 2B December 12December 26 JanuaryJanuary FebruaryFebruary AND EM/TRONMEN?AL COMI,TSSTONSUBMITTAL AND MEETING DATES 9 23 L3 27 I ?*fU'*4,'Smi -r' I t I -1.,lq-\eviilN SPECIAL DEVELOP}iENT DISTRICT 4 't \,J' 18.46 .010 18 .46 - 020 18.46.030 18. 46 . 040 18.46 - 050 18 .46 . 060 18 .46 . 070 18 .46 - 080 18 .46 . 090 18.46.100 18.46- 120 18 .16 . 140 18.46. i60 18.46- 170 18.46 . 180 18.46.i90 18-46.200 18.46.210 t8.46 -229 PURPOSE. ESTAtsL ISHED DEvELOPIiENT PLAN-REQUIRED-APPROVAL PROCEDURE.DEVELopEENT pr_Rn_coilrenrs. . -:-': "'"' PERI!ITTED USES. fSill{;R}^brlf: (ot pER. CHAPTER re.oo or THE zoNrNG coDE). DEIIS iTY-DI,JELLI I,IG UNITS DEYELOPIIENT STT.iiDARDS sETs!.CKS. HEiGHT. coviP3GE. LAIJDS CI.Pi IIG P;.RKI:JG. RECi:.!.TJOi{ AI,iEI{ITIES TAX ASSESSED.cors:ryATr0lr AirD polLUrrol,t colrrrois. REC.-1 iATi OIJAL AIiEi.I I TI ESADDITiO:IAL AI.IENITI TS. EI':PLOYEE HOUSIIIG. 4't2 .?La 0 .l ll;6fib ':tqRrp-s* Speciar deveropment district 4 is estabrished to ensure comprehensivedevelopment and use of an u".u in u rinn". that rvi'be harmonious withthe general character-of^_tl. t*un,-p"iuide.adequate. open space andrecreaiional amenitr'es.,-and-promoie'the obiecti'vei-oi"iiiu"loning ordinanceAND c0ii/riuNITy ACTION p[nr,r fOiui ,-iSSi.',spucjat deve]opreni oirtrict 4 iscreated to ensure that the. aeveropmeni ge;;iit',riii-;;T;i'ltiu"ry rorv andsuitabte for the area. and the vi;i;il; in,rr,i,.i,.'ii.ir-.iiJlred, the develop_ment is regarded as complemertJ.v'id"{h" to,un by the torvn council and theplanning commission, ani because-ttti"""a"e s-igniticini-iip..t, of the specialdeve'lopment which cannot ue satisii'Ja*tn"orgn the impositi.on of standar.uzoning districts on the ur".l- 18.46.020 ESTABLISHEO A. special development district 4 is estab.r ished for the developnent on iri:if;:i EInlSif fil'o[JlJi3,n6;nim:n B,q,??ii.oi':li'ii:'x,opr.rlie^ir ;erefefr:ed to aS,:.SDD4.'., .-- --"-'j',_ yt.955 acres may be ,, .i, _ ". i. . -;l^l!::-Ihe ai.itr:i,.c-t,,,t-le..U-"iinr.riir:of ,f'^.:: 'ii--.:rl'----,' "-.. 'identir;ea 'in-*,i,'J;a,.;i";il;;;;il;il.:i';;:ti;i,t:#;f*fffill,,'i#:l;;il Area Knor.rn As Development Area g.h;rHEe-- Cascade Villaqe Coldstream CoidominiumsGlen Lyon Duplex LotsGlen Lyon Office 81d9. Dedicated Open Space KOAdS 18.46.030 DEVEL0PI,IENT pLAti_REQUTRED_AppRoyAL ppOcEDURE. A. Eefore the or.rner corr,nences site preparation, building constructjonor oiher irnprovements r.rithin soa, ih"ru-siali ne-;;";p;;;;;d deveroprnent plan:::^:94' Deveropment of sD4.mav be phased 9v J"""i"ni5;;";;"u and rvithinceveloprnent area. but a sufficiLnt airount or- inroimJii.r"rrrurr be suppiied rvjthrespect to all deveiopnent areas in order.to arro,u tne-p:unnrng co;rnrssion,litn,?i;l :#:;;1.:"";;ru: ii,"-io"puiiuiriiv ;i';y";;.;;;!; oEu.iop-.ni"pron t**+:;f it:ip'l:.,:*tlffrt*:},:ii;,#ii i3!$1Fd!:sn:trr!s:'d$if q*'li;iil,rf*itr*i;1il:;l,g':1":?;,i3l,it'uir bu';Lfridi:ll;; :f:.till:r ii!.il,ii''.:;:i; il, T,l:i i:;;:; ;ltliill:i,;rulj*, ;lt.lilt';i"; ;;;;i ;;i;" ; ;', ::::J:;:"'l]i ;il.H'i;ii ij:n"Irji, r.iii; ii,tl. it,i:;u :,,," ccunc i, ,11i .. ,,_... A tt c D 17.955 4 .00 ?9.10'J.8) 40.4 4.7 $ gz,gq-E_"; t ' --j. "- .:t t b '.D. Upon receipt of the proposed deve.l opment plan and planning :i g9ryrr;sjgn'';p;;i;'inu toon-.5"'iii-ir'irr aelerrin!';h";;,;" rhe pran is ,:€acceptable to the torvn in accordance ,ritr, ir,.-ip;i;.;;;;";;ovisions of .section 18'66'150 ancl 18.66:tao-- ir,lt determinatr'on by the tor.rn councir shallbe made through its-enactment of a ieiotution which incorporates the deveiop-ment p'lan as an official Toivn ot Vaii-iocurent. - E. The approvel=g:y.lgpT.nt-ptan sha, be used as the principai guidefor all defelobhent rvithin sbq. nfi.rlments to un ipprouui deveropment ptanwhich do not chanqe.its substan." *uv-ru aoproved by the PLANNING ANDENVTRONMENTAL C0r'lr'rrs5I0n ilr-ncdonop,lr'cE"ilrrH sECTr0N 18.66.060 _ 18.66.100 0FTHE vAiL r'ruNIcIpAL coor. ru.i'-prrJ'tii""r' deve topmen! ihiii'.uquire, prior toissuance of buirding.permits, app"ouui of_the design reviery board fn accordancewith appricab're proiiiions;f a[;;;;;'tir.sz. Doaro rn accordance 18.46.040 DEVELOPMENT PLAN- CONTENTS. The proposed deve)opment pian sharj incrude, but is not rimfted to thefoi lowing data: @ + cornplete epvi 4onmen-tal. .impact gltupEil" ls.Ed'.''u;"a1fu./r1d k-t'i.n^,on-'FStott submitted in accordance wiih - .@ Existing contours having contour intervals of notreetYi t[" i'i.ris" srope-oi-ir,u'riiu'i. twenty percent "" T:i: *iiil :il?ri:)intervats of not riore tiran t"n-iroj'i";i ii-ih:;;;;;;; iiop" or the site isgreater than tvrentv percent. extsitn!-and proposed c6ntours after gradingfor each phase. -.".@ A conceptual. site p1an, at a scale not smaller t,h;rirt)-feei,-;ii;;i;; the rocltio,is-inJ ai*"nrionr-;';ii i,.iilo?l!rtlch equals structures rvith thi-exception of singie-family and t*o-ru*i ry structures,uses 'therejn, and arl principui rit"'o"u:i;rT:1!_;";;;;;;,'such as .randscapedareas' recreationa'l faciritibs, pedestrj an.plazas and r.rarp.,.rays, serv.iceentries, drivevrays, and off-st""Lt anJ rouaing-".e;;. "''^' @ I conceptual randscape pran, at a scaie not smater than one inchequaFriftv feei, shorvi"e ""iitire"iuiar.upu-f;r;;;";';; ie rerained orremoved' and sho'ring, prolosed tanascaping-!.a i.,ior.roii !rte developmentfeatures such as ouioobr iereationii i1gjliti";;';i;;[;; iatns, trails,pedestrian plazas and rvalkl^rayt, "ii." features and other eiements. A pretin:inary building sections and flcor.plans at a scale not smaljerilF{: inch equal's t\,ienty ieer, jn suffjci.ri oli.ii iJ isross resic.ntiu'r-iioor ar-ea, seierar uses r.;irhin_the brirdiffiiTi:;otl.f;:r u."u' :::::.t scare and appearance-oi ti,e proposed c.uuropi.ii'io. .u.n deve.ropment ::::Qi:i,'ill'i'iriFl.:'ofil:llni.l'::ii:;,i;i'il:,:li':li'l::;,;3l,iiili'.nL'eds generated by the projict: " "Y L' crr I rc d -\ "" sJ.t.:;l ;,;" il:.,::f :'.;: ;:;"il;:.ito. ::lr;:.;' !:o'li o a scale not siral relationsirips oiforn and nass of 414 I er i,l-an onethe prc;:oseC the proposrd inch equals fifty Cel,e i ol.;ent to bui ldin.os for @ I /<\( H'/ A DroDosed program indicating order of construction phases, trans-portEtion riciitriesl aio-r"i".riiJri amenjties. I' A proposar regur,r',jng the.deciication to the tor.rn or private owner-shjp and maintenance oi tt ai"poriion-or the deveiopment area within the one-hundred year f)oodplain oi e"'."'i"."r'. In-the .u.ii-in"-one-hundred yearfloodplain is not iedicated to-the-iown,. such tanas striit be subject to aright of pubric access to Gore cree[-ani tne.ighi-t;";;;. portion of thelands for a bicvcl:^t"i!l una-ro.-iu.l pu"por". provided that the location anduse of the faciiities and access sirail .be beterminea'6!-mutuat agreeinentbet'rreen the torvn and the o*nur-or-ir,-e deveropment area! invoived. ,l'18 . 46 :050 "-tFEl'!|IIEq,*USEs . sinsle-ramitv iilii..ti.r ave.trinf _strili u9 p.i.it!9a tr,,s $;,oS-v_glgpryI3,area D. Two farniiy oi;ertingi, "uiii.'"iiur -ctuiteF]i".ir-ingr, and murtiprE..--familv dr'rel I inss shalJ. !e. oiilliile{-;ies....iqr^ development .areas_,A and B.'"professionar oifices'lha rli/rtef ,*iri."i,".rr:!n_,"_iilui iror, .fJoor.,area--not _i:"::;:"0 Jhi rteen thousahJ'9,!.*'rau 6' ifi ; r i'6;i;;ii tili"rri ii' aEi,EioiJlit 18.46.060 COI{DITiONAL USES ( AS PER Ci]APTER i8.60 OF THE ZONIIIG CODE). A. HAJOR ARCADES WITH NO FROITTAGE ON ANY PUtsLIC I.IAY, STREET, I.IALKhIAYOR I.IALL AREA. B. PUBLJC PARK AND RECREATIOTIAL FACILITIES. C. SKI LIFTs. 91a.qe.oos*-oFFice usE *rio*plbFifii$ot iF*lllle:.:*ttice-sirir-, ar iocrfEo ori-lrnrei'rrvrr"r "OR FIRST FLOOR .-ir! $qA A 00,,,iliibiitlfiiiiq#iclolv ;t t,tlfl,o5o,E5.,3l]Iilft^too,I "II.ISTiTUTION.'" 18.46.070 ACCESSoRY USES o, r l;o The follor'ring accessory uses shaitl ue permitted in development areas 1. Ho;ie occupatr'ons, subject to.ilssuance of a hone occupationspermit in accorc:nce tiith the provisiol'rs of iuitionl-ii.sa.tgo throuohi8 _ 58. 190; 2' 0ther uses custonarilr inciden[a] e.nd dccessory to per;rittedor conditional uses, and neceisary forltite opeiaiion-i'ner"or. 3. Attached carages or carports:_t:1yli:,greenhouses, sr.iirn.ingpoo)s, tcnnis courts,-patios, or other fecreat.ional fiir r r ciescusto;arily inciieniar i,o pernritted re{icentiat -uses.-- 4r5 ] :..,. ,.., _, S.:i+,,,ti..,. .t i.,-... b [o B. C only:The follorving accessory uses sha I be permitted in vate greenhouses.ational facilitiesqpc ory uses shall be tios, or other permi tted or be permitted devslopment area sr.rinni ng pool s , cus tomari ly permi tted in recrsa ti cnal cond'i tional uses , and in Developnent Area A: .^--tlr1:h"d garages or carporrs, prcennts courts, patios, or olher iecrincidental to permitted residentiii' ^ -Swirnming pools, tennis courts.facil i tjes customar.i ly iniiJ;;i;i'necessary to the operation thereof. D. The follorving accessory use shal Fiinor arcade (Ord 6, I9g2). The rnaxinun of(retai t, oli;ie, ir,ouro" and restaurr exceed the follor.ring: ..- _Deveiopment Area A, Tlt0 HUIIDRED IMAXrMLin, l.lrTH A t1r;,lfi.tur.t oF-roi'icior:iD',.JELLING UNiTS AS oerirJE6. ai"iHE"iXiii Development Area B, sixty_five u Development Area C, one hundred a '-..rFr':;r-l tB .46 . 081 DEr,ts rry=iL'60R'hREA * , - _In Area C, any si te contain jnq tl.r iiilill"' exceed 40% or the aito*iute GiiTY SIVEN DI.IELLING UNITS TOTALo8lls,lj,r*tts AiiD I.iAxil,iui,r 0F i34 The gross resjdential floor areaarea shal] not exceed -35 GRFA in are :l:.I: f"-:t,sixty five thousand squiror the first fifteen ihousand scuarella-l .10 CRFA shall be permitted forrltteen thousand not to exceed thirtvPtus not more than .05 square feet o?area over th'i rty thousand square feet its; our uni ts 7,0CC scuare) as defined feet of cc;;'.:ercialin the table in f^ai I. builrjings in each develop;entA, rvhich is a naxirnum of Zgl, iZi" " e feet GRFA in area B, ina-.ii'lirnfeet of site area, prus not moreach square foot of i;t. ur"u ou!"thousand square feet of slte irea,GRFA for each square iooi ;; ;;;;'in area C. , C'.;el I i ng uni is , one of ihe uni tsr.0Ea I gr0ss res i denti al f I oor ar.ea .1 Section 1S.46.Cig. 416 € PROJ ECT 1/1A 303 * 2 i34 =154 GR FA S ErirS 20 ,000 17,s34 55,4.57' 15,370 qn ?1()Jti PAIKIiIG RICil. '\on- SiruC 5 LruC 4(J.us I UJ 21 ?n OJ 40 (s;) t-;a,r.,r:rrirlvv] . 'i'\\9r.-lL 'l 1r1 4 . ,il or5,/9.5 I o nan ACCOit UNITS DI,JFLL I NG UNITS s?#::*i@llillrace IIHestin Hotet (2/unjt) Al fredo ,s Cafe Li ttl e ShopPepi Sports Cl'iC Bu i I di ng Cascade lling (Z/unit) uonpass Rose Cascade Theater Coi lege-Classroons Co l lege-0ffice l.ieetinE Room 2J 16 t4 2n nin 17 E,e A IU4 t+ 8 lR_Qigsro pno;Ecrs ,t tres tna ven Conoosf^r €rrac€ l,li nq ! Gr.resc_,Rocris (Z/unit) LZORetaiI Plaza Bui ldinqGuest Rooms (Zlunit) 40concomi n i unsRetajl/Office ... Conference Faci I . _l.letlrr rrrace IiII'iillrace IVl{ansfield Vil.l aqe CondosWes tin Addi tioniRetaii _Accessory Cafe Expansion ^ xufiours Expans i onLascade cl ub Retai I _Accessory Restaurant ^ 0ffices-l.Jel lness CenterLJScade Ccu rtRctai l -Ski er Accessoryuuest Serv.iccs 1) l5 I,250D .A^ 15,970 3,111 4,220 4,r-92 Bi9 l. r JO/ 4.4,5UU 55 ,0c0 6,399 I(',JJJ 1 9 ,5C0.|9,500 q (nn 6 ,500l l ,200aQ 2 )-1 900 ?2 \a^ 59,709 't8,333 l9, s00 6,5c0'i I ,200 49,2?7 o IE 40 A .' 9 3 8 45 to 84 1 n?c Yrrf, 2,160 2 ,0cc _?_,!!'q 2e0 ,053 I nr< :rf,2,lso 522 36 ,:.50(r;i rlr: ti6 (:..u1 ii ol e ,iii',li;i,:,1.;",. tD 211Ito--- 417 29l,iil l,;i3 :-J tfif,"F!sF4!+r.-).t.\--' r h. q..'gglglallEll IqNTROLS -,id'€Area Uni ts 0riginai parcel Robbins ParcelCosgriff parcel 18.46.090 DEVELOPI4ENT STANDARDS 1*99JES9f (Acres)' 15.681?" 1.045 '17. 955 l6 d.u./Acre {aL 19.58't6 -72 288.4 GRFA 256,437. 1.8,7521q o?? 291 ,-121 I The deveioprrrent,siandards.set out_jn-Sections 1g.46.100 through ig.46.210are approved by 16-- torvn councji. - ii,"r".standards ,r,iri'u" incorporated intothe approved developnent ptan-iertinent to eJctr J.""i'rpJ,.it area to protectthe intesritv or thb o.uuiopruli'."i"iiiq. ii,.v .r"';i;iffi deveropmentstandards and shan appry ,;i;;; iori"restri.iiuu .tunjuij, ."u incorporatedin the approved o"vet6i"ini"pii" irtil, is adopted by tne ior,rn councii. i18.46.100 :SETBACKS- , ' t---.-l:oyired setbackt tl,t:, be as^indfcated in each deve'ropinent pran rvith amlnrmufl setback on jl::-pgripnerv-or itq..glgrerrv of not less than tr.rentv feet.I'rITH THE EXCEPTI0N ruer' iHi"iEiirci ritiuine i'riiri'noinie r,rr'ib^ rn_E pARK*iG sTpucfuRE/ATHLETTc cLuB BUrLDnre sHnir-'eE"iuo rir'r ni nppnovib o'rv'rdi*unav 8, re82 ByTHE pLANNiNG AND ENVrRcxr,rrruinf coiir,rriiioru. fa. +o'. i zo ""rr,tr..H.t=j * .,.^--IN AREA A, rgr-,..ilXrrIUi'r^*]gIT I91 TII FOLLOI.IIIJG BUILDIIIGS SHALL BE 71 FEET:l'rEsriit HOTEL ' ci'lc/LEARriItrc cErliin' iEiinnce tliie , pinxirrc'ii*ucrunrrnrrlETrc f,hl?,lrfirfiffrfi?'bi'iS.rrrue neriniiiden'iji' eurLDi;iis'ii,i;ii;A"i 'HALL HAVE A IN AREA B. THE HEIGHT SHALL BE 33 HEiGHT SIIALL 8E A5 I'lAXIiiUI4 HEIGHT SHALL .BE 48 FEET. IN AREA C, THE IiA.t:IiIUi,Il!!I:.__ rN AREA 0, TnE rr,qxiiruu-iiie Hi"sijn,L Br 38 FrET. 'EFir'rED iN sEcrr'ir 18.04. rzo oF-iHi'ViiL i.iu,ricrpAL C'DE. So In areas A and B'. no. more than thirty-five_percent of the total sitearea shail be covered by buitarrer, p.orii.o,'ir'.rv'ijj.iion or the areas isdeveloped as an instituiionat-o.-uiriuironar center, forty_five percent of thearea may be covered. .In-areas C inJ-0, lo.Tgfe than tr,,enty-five percent ofrne rotar si te araa_shar l be .ouu."J [v py] ldings, ur.LESS THE l,i0RE RESTRIcrivESTAiiDARDS OF C;.{AP I'iR r8.69_dr-iUi' iiri,r.rU,.rCIPAL CODE APPLY. ga. i_q ..1-6q .,.r,ai:?sci15iq; - At lcast the follfl'ring, proporticns of t.he totai developnent area shal.l belendsceped as o'oviced in ir''!'iIreioi"unt pt.n. rnir-iniii incrude retentjcn ofnaturaj.l;ndscipe, if appropir.i.. -i.our A and g, ,irly-pur.ent end arr.as c andu' slxty perccnt, of ihe arca shall be tinJsiri.a- "'"J r' 4tg ]ta.ao. izo' pnnrii'rd off-street parking shail be provided in accordance with chapter rg.52, exceptthat seventv-five percent of the F.qri.g!_nfrki;g;;';;"; A sha, be rocated withinthe main bui)d'ins or buildings. usine-lrE'oevrfdplrErvi'iieLe_rN^sEcrI0N r8.46.089,THE irrNri,rur4 pARKTNG Requrne.,.rrrur ron-nn.rn e_aHAii-b,E-A5o,iinces pLUs Tr.Jo spAcEsPER DI''|ELLING UNIT F0R l'lILLRAce collooiiinruug,-rle irHnvin-cdiroor,rrNruiis AriD riANSFr ELgvILLAGE c0ND0i4INIUMs' Ar LEAai iiverlii-Frvi'pEncii'ii'oi iili qso spAcES sHALL BEl{irHIN A PARKING sTRUcruRE- rHini-sinLr^si n-Miuir.rui'oi"i:s spAcES iN THE i.rArNPARKING STRUCTURE AND-A-I'IINll'luri-0F ii'uNoensRounb-ipicrs i* rHr pLAzA BUrL0nic.rF THE DEvEl'pr'rENT^Il!!q rn sicrib,l'is.qo.oss-i!-nr.rLNoid,'rHe 'ARKlirc REQUTRE',TENT'sHALL BE AT.IENDED ACcoRDnrGLy:- i;-;r;;r-, 3;q-;; ;;;;;;;rcent or rne requjreJparking shall be located rvitrr;n {ne iiatn. uuitJ-i.g'or"uliidings and hidden frornpubiic view from adjoining p"op."ti..'within . fuiai.upuO,U"r,n. *t;on-'iit. oarking' shau*ri""-p"ovi{.e.{=i-n Dgvgr.gpme{_A1ba A for'cfrmon".liii:iat3. providing itrii.ter'i6rvice'to-tfie-Aiu-iiopr.nl:.] tsus parking shal be indicated:on the development pl.an. no parr,iig-or 1oad.irig area shati b;-i;.;;u;";;".;i.r.quiredrr0nt setback area. UNLESs subir padRiile ls Locdrro-lroi"r,riiHrN A srRUcruRE. -r'0cERTIFIcATE 0F 0ccuPANcv sHnll ae iiiiilo F0R THE-TERnnci^r,rnc, pLAZA BUTLDTNG.ATHLET'. .LUB 0R EXPANSI.N 'F-mr rrEiiil-lo!+ ql cibTiiniilnc cEpTE.q uNTrL THEPARKiTIG srRucruRE c.ERrtricaie oF-ociuinrucv nni aErN iliffi'F0R rHE ENTTRE FiNT'HED(AS AppR'vED) 'ARKITIG srnucruni- ' r/nJ uLLir rJJUi.u I 8. 46 . I80 RECREA]IOI,I AI.IENTI ES TAX ASSESSED. The recreational amenities tax due for. the development rvithjn SDD4 underchapter 3-20 shal'l be assesi;;-.;-; iiio not to exceed'trrenty_five cents per squarefoot of the floor ared in^Develofm.ni-nr.u A and a "utu-not ro exceed fifiycents per square foot of GRFA in'oeuetop"ent Area Bi-J"o"ii a rate not to exceedfifteen cents per square foot of earA in^oevetof*eni;;;.-;, and at a rate notro exceed seventy-fiv:.glis per square foot ir'O.r"f"pi"ni e.uu D; and shalli:rfii|l.in conjunction vrith eich constiuction pniru-p"loi"io the issuance or'tuiro;ns 18.46.I85 LEFT-TURN LANE. - THE DEVEL0PER SIJALL PARTICIPATE IN A sru0Y (lntttRrro By THE TolrN 0F vArL)r0 DEVELOP A REASOi'iABLE PLAI{ FoR A ieii iuirl-lruri'riru'iiii'5ourn FRcITTAGE RoAD. 18.16. I90 CCiiSERYATIOIi AND POLLUTION CO|{TROLS. A' Developer's drainage plan shail include provision for prevention of pollutionrrom surface runoff; R Dc"'el oper shal l incl ude in .che cont|q l s as general ^r-echnoloqv buiiding ccnstruct.ion, cncrgy and r.rater ccnservationexists at t.he 'uine of consi-iiuction. - . f0 t00D_..9uBll.ittc llRqplAcEs/li0oDsiqy-qiil,ll!.-"qF.rLL0r1..q"g rli'ArcnrtobArr'oN-uirrrs:D. l1 |i r901.i., u.e*pioui.i.e.-d 11i tl:n ifis*lre.r,.e'.iot.riel,l, ..they" u: I l:l$l I t, : t,* :'ii: j: :; #i:!:i:i'. on rrl;rr' c i i cl n r * #S*t#ffiS[isi;S. 419-421 RDC6t 8 18.46.200 RECREATIONAL AI4ENITIES. ur"nilllrlopro'ed devel0pment p'ran sha' incrude the forlor.ring recreational Bike and pedestrian paih traversing.property from east propertyline to west oioperty-t.r'ni-ii,uii"be-provided by ieveroper with exactlocafion to li mltuaily ;;.;;;;ur! to developer and tor.in counc.i.t. 18.46.210 ADDITiONAL A}|ENITIES. A' Deveroper shail provide 0R l.r0RK tITH THE T'',JN T0 pR.vIDE adequaieprivate transportation servi cer -tJ"tiil"o*ners. and. gu"r ti -or .uhe devel opiientso as to transport them from ttre aeveiopment to-the viitage core area andLionshead area as ouitined-i'nH.';;;;;ired deve)opnent piin. -3' Deveroper shall pro-vide in its 3pplg.y.gg.deve'lopr,rent plan a bus sherterof a design and'rocation ;riliiiy'ug.ui.ur"'to-dbveropel^ inc torn councirsaif "t-he1ter--to'serve u,.'i"ai'g;";;;;i;, . d.-,.__kr.-j-r. !; .. "^: ... -._ J8.46.220 ' EI.IPLoYEE HoUSiltc: 'b* a vrRnly BAsIS A colrrnecruAl AGREET4.NT BETTEEN THE Er,,,fL'yER-ANq._THEDEVEL.'ER sH''jJrNG r11091199. oi lipiijiri"ir'usnrc rHAr rs*sAr,SHii;ii +lo.Jlr,^,.,^,.0F vAIt'.sHALL-BE I'iADE-nvarLneLi:io:iii'brpnnTr.rENT'oF col"r,liffqJ.8.$lrl8r'lH'f.to"ry € / t)l ',"da 'j:'il .i-7.; ' (o -42? t. t-.'O ENVIRONI{ENTAL I}IPACT REPORTS Chapter 18.56 ENVIRONi\IENT.{L I}IP,{CT REPORTS Sections: 18.56.010 purpose. 18.56.0:0 Apptic:rbilirv.l8 56.030 Eiempr proj".o 18. j6.0+0 Studies rnd lara retluired.18.56.050 Reporr_Conren rr. . ----' 18.56.060 Repo rr_ Add itio na I rnarerial.I8.56.070 Timescheclule. 18.56.0S0 Fee.18.56.090 Revierv_Su bmissio n. I 3. 13. i 33 ffi:il-T:::^'jd -'t' u u *'"e" rarv' irrror:rra ri,'- r s.s6. i i ; ;;il ;fil';i;,.."J;i':l;:'",,18.56.1:0 pcrnrir issul nce. 18.5]5.010 purpose. .' ,iJrtTl];:",: ::|.,';Ji'- or an en'irorrmerrr,rr imp.,cr rcporr ::i_ 1 ff.'r - r; ;;;:iu Ll.:i?'i:1,i: iili, i,l1l!:. :i,.ii:envltonment in the torvri .r, ir, ,,,.r.,,,,,,,;,,-":,:.:1'.aclticve trr. roir,"r"i"g"oij:,;l;r,tJr,",'ttt'rttlitrg :tr..':ts is r'"tltrire rl to/r'. I O_ r'nsrlre tlrrt complul.e inlbrntlfiorr On tllc (:t,lvir()nntL,lltl!lerrects of thc. pronoscd pr.j.-cs .* ,,*iir,,i,il.,o thr.. rorr.rrt' i:":;::,:'i,ll;' ?",Jli ::lm nrission' ""'i i r'''l..li""rr prrhric' su i,jins cri rer;;;;;=;l:.:il ^l'orcctiott or' t ltt' cnvirott rilur r is ri-*r.it"",tt' .l.1;i;1.1;"'it' ltl:tttttirtg' 'rr(l lh:rt t..",t ,'*.i,',.,,i r. a..ou,ir tr,. ,*r.ri,r*",,11;,',X':'i ,l:lilii" ll.,il,lli;ll::,jli.. i;;:;L. ro Irrovi(rc r)roccLrrrrc\ tirr rocri! ,._i;"".:;;;:":r,rtr,rrr.,rr .,r.rrrc:i}:"llii:J'llJ :,ll:.:l' l::,1':11'"'"'r 1"";i'-'i,l','u, ,., {ri,*r,,,s tlcvc lorr rttcn !: :ltltllotl/Jli()ll\ lilr cttttltttcrtct''lcrtl ()lD. fo ensrtrc th:rl htrrhl.lt.z"r.t ,,r...*,"irr';:;1:.'"it :rrc rr.t (('tt\l.r('tr'rl itt get>lrrgir' pa r hs. r.ck r,i r r,,",,,_. lli, li:, lii:,1,il:;,lill,:il:l;ili il;:.,,,ffi ( -t, ENVIRONI\IENTAL I},IPACT REPORTS be mirigated to the.satisfaction of tlie plannrng commissionund the torvlt counctt:E. To ensure that the qurlitv ot surt.rce ryater and groundrvaterrvirnin rhe torvn will b" prot..red Irorn iO".rr* irnpecrs__ anu/or cic3reriation due to construcrion aciivres. !o.'9..i-1les0) $ l0 (parr): o.,j. igiie;;i-S'j,i,ora. s(1e73)$ 16. i 00.) !3.5't.020 Appticabilirv. A-n environmenrar impecr report shall be submirted to thezoning aciminisrrator ior any projecr for rvhicli sucir a report isreouired by federal orzoning adminrsr*tor ,j.t"^T,lj]:' or lbr any- prolect wtrictr-ihe environment, .ithe, a,t"*rnes may si-lniticlntly change rlte basis. i*n;;.;;; ;',ili"i,:T'T!?il#, on x conrinuing A AJters an ecological unir. or^lani j",l.r-r. ?".i, as a ridgeline.saddle, drarv, ravine, hillsicl. ..-fiti,',i"p* creek, nrarsh._ watercourse, or other natrrral lend fo"" r"."iu.",B. Directty or indirecrly orie.m o-.,uiiJiii;';;#r,, r-eetjing, ornesting ground:C. Alten or removes natil,e grasses. trees, shrubs, or othervegeta!ivc cover:D. Affecrs t.he tpperrancc or character of I signiiicant scenicarea or resourcc, or.illolves buildings "r-o-,i,., stntcruresthat are of a size, b"rlf:-_9. scatc rhai r*uiJ,rr" in mrrkedcolltrast to natural ol '. :.:lisi:lli ;:*il1i,.T:::iinil':t 'il,jili,.,. si,,,, o' hcrlth ilnd sat'c(-vi ' otltcr lltrld lirrm cltlngc or hlzlrd-to F Dischargcs to*i" ot.,:l]:tllrilll' iiL)nornr:rl subsrarrcr.s, orinvolvcs rrse of hsrbir_ src,n, trusr, rrr ",,i";;lli;l.|il;:',:i:lil:j...,," e.rnirs smok... srs.C. llvolvcs unv proccss' rv1,i.f, ,.riiirr-l,l otl61 J11,r1 rrr:ry lr,-, . _ objcutiortrblg oy d111;1L1111,,.ll. Rcqurrcs ilnv \vi.lstc tror rcquircs ,,,",u".ii",11'1,'"li'i:lll,,i;; i,l,ii,ll'illlilil.,,iJ,i;trctt lnclt t rlr rlis;>oslrl sr tc:l. l)isclt u llr:s siurtrtjcurrtJ. l l:s thc porcrrri.l ,,'"il:I:ltt .l's,licl .r' litlttitl w.sl!'s:) striun tlt,: c:tp:rcitv ol. cxisttrrs or \- i o e , .t . '11.i'r"3,'.;r5.1.... F-rrIt'.r;.--.1 .155 l\'.rd 10.8t I o . ZONINC : '-f planned servage disposal, storrn drainage, or other ut itysystems;*. lll*::^ any, process rvhich generares noise that may be, oI tenslve or damaerng:L. !,lther displaces sier ... . - ,re"iii.r-,.,,'i";;;;=';';'";j,lli},f,." or peopre or resurts in a Itt. ffiOts a site rvith poren rral recrerrtonal or open space N. ft-.^ir local traific parrerns or causes a signir.icanr rncrease in^ traific volume or transtr servrce nceds:O. Is a part of a lareer -project which, ar any t.urure srage. mly,^ 1n1o!_e any ol the impacrs Irtea tn'rr,ls.Jciiln.(Ord. 8(1973) g l6.lO0.r 18.i6.030 . Exempr projects.Ar envlronmenrrl impact report shail not be requrreci forthe follorving projects:A. Alteration, repair and meinlenancc oi existing stnlclures_ and site improvernen ts: -ts. A phase of a project for rvhich an envir.onmental impact llf,o_r,t nre.vious.ly rvas submirtr..rl and revieruec.l covering theentrre project, provided. that the proj..t iu".-,rpproved e;rd_ not subsequen tll, altered:L'. A project rvhich, on the basis of a preiiminan,environmental xssessmenr "^r.,.;1, ''--.I] 1prescribed rn s..,ioT"i ! r?;'ff t,,.';i,,,i:l,tj.,, iii'".*insignificrnt impacr on the cnuironni.;;'Ti;. prclinrinarvenvironmcntll csscssment rn,l r I r . , , .: , , . , . _ . - ' l"' im p a * s r r ar r be,",;,r; li,"i, il[,] [._' ]lli,iT;,:il c n vi ro n rn c,r r,ir (Ord. 3(19?3) S 16.300.) 18.56 0lO Studic.s antl rlata rc,qrrirt-rl.A The environmcntul ;ttl*, fm; ;,{iillll!',"',$"1,,.'";:11"' l': -li-::l ;l; i tr r n in is r.r t o r. n; ; l;;,:rl :;,,,t,, lii';;ll:ili i. llT., lli,, i:,:illipro1cct rnuy bc prcpurr.d [:y thc rcs prrnsii,f" ll,,i,f i. lgcncy orby pnrf cssionul consrrltirnis it ",r r,f., "-:n ", t.lii,*, .,,,r,,,0i*. m.t (V:ril lt).ttll 4 5() * .l: ,,."r-'-: - .. L ( ENVIRONI\IENTAL Iil,IPACT REPORTS I B. rlru cnvirorrrncnt:rl inrplct re,port srrall srrrnnrurrzc thctirdings rntl rcconrmentllriorrs of thc ic;1,;;;;lt :rnd oth..rsul)l)ortilt,, strr<jics in tc.rm s thlt cln hg :rsscssctl trrrtlcvuluarctl l,y torvn .ot.t.icirl:i ,rnr'f -'il,"'l*",r"r.t putrlic.Tculrnicll tleta shalt . hc ,,ii,,,'r1,,.i ,-rr," *.,ppnr,i,r*rL)crrm0ntlrron. Tcchrricll .lrt,r. ;;;;,1.',,;;; .r''. nrr,t',,. r,,r.otltcr procctltrrc ur rcrrrrir.:,'',.,,,'.:;',;,',--.,:.-...': or hcr orrri',rn.. .,, iu:l::::il":'ll""lrt'l :lJi'i:ffi ;:,,i: il:o r57 t vrrl t 0-li I I ZONTNC may be used to suDDort an environmental impact report.(Ord. 3(1973) $ ro.+oi.l 56.050 Reporr-Conrenrs. ,_I n',e environmental imD3ct r€port shall contain intbrmationand anaivsis, in sutficient deiail ana ,a"^,,.,-,_'",,*_^__ _ {I s,ru ,lu.rr\.Jrsr n SuIIlclent,d,etr.rl and rdeourtciv suDporled ^by.,technical stuciies. ro enxble tfre rorvn c-ouncit io 1uC_e theenvrronmenral impact of the project "".j ;"i;l;; rr€xsur.,s Rl1pi._.q to reduce. or nesare iny harmrui i;;;;;r.Ine envrrorunenral irnpxgl report shall inciucie I oFnar^i ,tlil1T...t,. descri bin g rlie p roposed pr;;.; ;;; ;,r"rffil:;:loentlrying the orvner rndior sponsors. and. if a puulic lroject. .iden tifyin g rhe ru nriing -;;r."; ;";';;; scheduie. ."".::,:I:;: marerials..maps. and ptans shall be suomirreti 4Sgwin_e rire tbllorvinq intbrmarion: JuuIIrIrtcu Aty' Yrolect boundaries and boundaries of the arer rvirhin}fu ;"-1:1.":vironmenrrt i.p.., li-iiL.ri'to't'sisn,ri.unr :1g</ rresent and proposed uses oi the site: E g!: :l#if LT,X#lli"T i:i;,TT.'',1: l p.oy ".,. s u c,, rs- site area, numbers of resiaentiair',",", ,,i" li"*d 6eiglrr il j b":]l ", lui.rdin gs, bur.ldin g rto;;;;;' i.";quare r.eer.and such orher tlata as rviil contribute ;:":-ii:.,;,ff undersrrnriing of rhe scalc of tf.,. pro;r.i:-'-(/1^lTl .gf re-gulrtorv or rcvierv "g"n.i*. ,no tlrc sp.,ciric;h re-grrlrrions ro rvhich the projec iuilf fr. ,iifri.rr,Gy ::j:::_".f_;lbdivision..laps. tlevclopm",'ip1.,'*. or orhcrpe r t i n c n t rl o c u rrr c r r rs i i I u s t r:r t i n q t t,i, p ru 1ro*",i' 1,,,1.,j...,,l)roxinrity to wiltc.r boclics. tlrc rlist:rrrcf l.rolll titr, L.cntcr-linc ol'livc crc'cks or strclac.'"1,,r,,i,.1,.,t'n;;l;';',';' ;i:l;:LIo ltr' llronosctl strttc trtrrtl, ,\ (r ! r L | (r I , | | | L-l I [ ,,\ t U l l n lc I)r()lcctlN'h' 8. Soil tr:pcs_1.,:rsc'tl .rrporr rt," -i,,ti,,,,,,t (.()r)r)cr:rrrvL .s()ilSun,sv, USI)-\. Stril Cu,rr"rr.,trio,,. .\crr.itc :rntl irrtr.,r-pretlliorrs {)1. sOil. t!,l)cs. t.\,!:ct:ttiorr rlt:rll hc rlr_.scrilrcrl{ r n und tltruc rn:rssus sllos,n.fJ' n c' Xi:,";;:;:li',lllll1. . y"'n;.t rcpofr ..r'rn i'crrrrr.. :,' on llrc u'viron,lt.t-i.11ttt!,... prtrvll[ins ctrtnPicrc l,rr,,r,,i"ti,r,t ' rojcc r,, " u ..1il:: ll i,r;" lliii, I lil 1,,';, l,'xl:, I ;: l, ;;l ;ffiiii{-o lV:ril l ll-8l l t5s L ENVIITO}J}IENTAL Ii\1PACT REPORTS independent .evaluation by reviervers of factors that couldbe affected ,b{. ,1. proposed project. The environmcntalinvenrorv shall include maoi, "phorograpns. or olherI I {1 ^ appropnare illustrrtive mareriri. lr/, t1 , ,. Areas caregorizeci accoroing ro type of possible imprct shailbe idenritied. The envrronm.nroi inu.ntory shall describeboth the phvsical .and bioloqicai naiurar serring, :rnci rh: I I A, dsTannruoc serting oi rhe sire ano its surroundinss.t\J. | \ IILW tr\e dnvrronmenrr.i. imprcr reporr shaii incrucje i.t(Z comorehensive. quaiirative ,na ouu'nlit"rlve anailrsis oi anvsignir)ccnr imr-,ect that rirc propoied pro;ecr rvril have on rireenvlronmenr. The anaiysis shail clescnbi ,.rnporurr; o*fiithat rviil prevarl dunng consrrLlction. rnci lon_s-rerm eiiectsthat rvill prevail aiter compietion. Tlie anaiysis sirail describeborh bener-icial effects anci detrimenrai er'rects. rre *r.ri.vsrishall consicier primary eifects and seconciarl, eficcrs tviriciirvill resulr tiom rhe project. The analysis 'porrlon oiit,eenvironmental imp:rct report shall fully assess tire rollorving.items:l. Adverse effects rvhich cannot be avoided ii.the proposrlis implemented I2. Mitigation measures proposcrl to nrininrizc. thr., irnpacr.including rvatcr qualiry, erosion conrrol _"J ;.:r;.s;;;-tion mecsurcs:3. Possiblc alternltives to the proposi.u actlon:4. Ir.erationships between shoit-t"'rm arrt.r rorr_g-tt.rnl uscs oifltc environnrcnr:5' Irrcversibre r'n'iionnrcntal crrungcs rcsulti'g ri.orn i'r-plcnrerr ru tiorr ot' thc, proposul;6. Crt-rrvth-inclucing inrliucts ot. tllc protcct.(ortt. 37( l9g0) g l0 iplrt):i)rd. s( t973\ | t6.401.) \e 18.56.060 Rcport-,\tlrtiritrrral rn:rreri:rl. . Thc zoning administru!<>r m4, lirrthcr prcscriLrc (llu l.onl1nd co.(unt ol'un crr'iro'r'cntll irnprrct,"puri, i.i,,,,* lbrt'i'grcltcr dutlil tlre tlctors to ttc c.r,rii.lcrc.i ,,n,i rl," nliulnur ulrvlrich.rhc rcport slrull bc prcpurc,rl. ,,,rA ,,iru ,.],i,,irc sllrrnissi6pol' intirrm:rtion in ltklitrol- to, tlltt r"-tluirctl by Scction1iJ.56.050. (Ord. S(Ie73) g 16..103.) l.;9 (\'.ril lo-ri I I {\o ZO\ING 18.56.070 Timeschedule. The environrnental impact report reouired under thischapter shall be prepared within rhlrtr. aaui oi the date tharptans are submlrted ior desien reviery as prescribed in Secrions18.56-040 through 1S.56.06b. subjecr ,o..**rion oIrhe rim3period to a maximum ot' ninerl, ,irl,, lV' rlle pltnningco-mmission. .The time period mav be exrende j io a mitxlmumof one _ huncjrecl eighty da1.s ii sersonal .o^,irion, prcvent Jcomprehensive analy-sis. (Ord. I6( l97S) i l(at: Orcj. S( 197_iis I 6..t04. ) 18.56.0S0 Fee. In the event that the torvn engtges proressional consultanrsto prepare an environmental impecr ripon. th: cosr sirall bepaid. by the sponsor of tlie piojecr. 'Tite sponsor mav berequired to deposit r fixcd sum in ltlvancg ro .or.., rh.'.;:r;;the report, rvith trre une.rpended balance returnabic ro IirJsponsor. (Ord. 8(1973) S 16.405.) 18.56.090 Revierv-Submission. The environmental impacr reporr shall be submllt_,d to thezoning administrator. The zoning edminisrraror shali prcscrib:the.number oi copies to be submitrcd. The zoning .rt'tmi,l istratoishrll norify the torvn council, the pl:rnning comniission. anC tli.idesign revierv board of . reccipt oi rn .lnvironme,ntal irnpacrreport, and shall transmit copics. ot' thr, rcporr [rpon rl-,(luest.Environmcntal impact reporis sirrril bc lvaileLric Ibr p11fli!jrevierv in thc officcs ot'thc town. tOrii. St lt)73) ii t6.501.\ 1 8.56. t 00 Rcvicrv-Tirnc linrir --Su ppk,r1L.r.t (:l rv iliirrnr;rr i6rr.r\. T|c plannirrg conrrrrission shlrl rcr,ierv tllc rcport \vatrlintfiirry da1's of subnrissiorr srrtr.ic.ct to:ln c\t!.nsiorr or. tr:c.tintu pcriod thirty utltlitionul tl:rvs irr t,r,.l..r to rrbtlinatJditionll inlbnn:rrion I'runr ilrc 'tow1 st;it-. I.r.rrr IIrr,sponsor ot' thc pro;r-,ct. or tllr.. :trrtllor ol :trrr. ;lortiorr tlt-tltr.rcl)ort.li. '[lrr' c<)r'rrtissio. rr*ly rccci'r. ;rtlrliti,rrar \t;rtclnc'ls ()r (\'xil lU.$1,.rlltl ' i"r*';'--r' ( {t E);\.IRONII[\T.\L I}IP.\CT REPORTS supl)orriilg milrerials from the sponsor of a project. from rhelorvn 5in1g- rrom prot'essronar consuirants.'oi tiom ottreri.Such lrtlrlitiorrrl rnarerirls nray be *irria..r.o as suoole-menrarv or antendctor-r,, to the ertvrronntentrl i,noaa, iaoorr.rtJrd. itjrl978) S t(b) (parrr: ord. S(rctji J i6lb:.i--'-'"..- 1lj.j5.i 10 ltEvierv-.{c f io n irv conrrnissiorr..\. i:.llor,. ing re'ierv ot' rl.,e en"i.onlriclriri'inlur", renorr. tllepiarrrrint cournrissior: srr:rrl approve.'.iis"f f iu,,'e. or re(plesrjJtair::es ln Ille proje()! in ,rvrilins. .fhe plarining comnlssronshull aporove rile pro,ect unless ir iincis tiar elrher r.hepio,tccr l,iil have signiiicant long-rernr a<jvcrse elfects onIhe cnyironnlcnt rvillt rcspect to the uurural systerns orr)rir!-r t'aclors srudied as prescribetl in S.;;l;,l IS.56.010.or tlle projcct rvill hrvc short-icrm a,.iue.se eitects on thecnr.ironrnenr so detrimentul thar public ire,rjiir. satitr. or',vcii:rre considcrarions_ preclutie "ppro.:ri oi' in. ;;;j";.ln tlre case of eirher tjriLiin_g, lt .tia,ig.s-i,, "ri,. pro.,.., ,."feasible rviric' arneli.rr,. oi' a'oiJ-;ii;-rl;err. effe.ts onilte environrnent sufj:icientty to periiiit apl.ouot of theprojecr.. the plannine conrmiisiorr, ln ru.irin_i,'strall describethose changcs and reqlcst those chrnges b-e lrude. If theplarrrrinu cornmission cl,,.rcrmines tii"i'iri" Ii,",,*., ard norfersrols, ir slrall disapp,ro\.c the projccr in ,uriiing. tlescribinsthe :rd'ersc cl'ft.crs orl tn., ,:nviioninenr. th;;s;;il;;;;;:l=.tire cr'tlcts cither to _ tlte na!ur:rl ,1,rrarn, 'o, 'urher tircrorsstuLiicd ls 1>rcscribcrl irr .ie ctjolr f S.SO.Oj-O -or ro r., ptrblic[ealth. sutlt_v or ,.ve lt.;lrc antl the jf,ur,ri,* ctrrnnrissio1.sreusolls lbr. c.rrclLrtlirur r lrrt no .hui,g.,5 ii"i,,s l)ro_tcdt Jrr,. lc:rsiirlc to ;nndlionltd cr lrr.oirl thosc eit,",cts.lJ. If llrr' pllrrrrirrr ctrrrr rr*icur ru r r i..r.u.,,,rx:";i.1 :ilt'":ilJ-'lu .il,' il;J.,i:l,,ll.;llrcviouslf itt)[)rovr(l l)\, tllc tltsi!.:rr rcvicrv lrrr:rril. :rrrrl tlrciltonsor of tltc Pr()tcct rr[tk*s llrr>s.: ,,1lirn!.:..s. titr,. r,..r,isctltlcsir' :.ull llc rcsrrltrrritrctl t. l'c ,taa,,.,n l..irj,"r* '':rrcl lirrits uJrpr<rvll Lruluss rlr(. rrlunnin:: ..r;;;;;r:;.,;; rvrrrr.r..s rhisl ('( lt | | l'CnlL'l l [.r(,rrl. l(l( t97li) i l(b) {p:rrnr()r(1. ij( 1,,:.:) i I().-it}.i.)I o ;- i"1 ,:.{':;.. .' ;': .l (r I (\'.rtl I rr.ht t 5 ZONING 18.56.1 l5 Apperl ro the ro\.n council.A. An appeal ro the rorvn council may be rnade by the appli_cant. adjacent proDertJ, oruner. oi b1. the rorvn lntnJser.The torvn council cen also cell up ni"rr.o ilu ; ffi;;,i_ lote oi those council members Drdscltr.B. For ail aopeals. the. aopeal mtisr be rjied in. rvrrring rvirhinten da-vs follo*.ing rhe clc,cision or rnusl i*.jrii.a un by. theIorvn corrncil at tireir next regullriv scireutrlc,ci rncenns.C. The councrl shail hear the ippe ui ",,,r.,in ,iurruji"l=='oi i,,being iiled or cailed trp. rvith :r possrblt, ririrrrl<iav c.rrensrorr _ _ if the couircii tlncis rhar thcre is insur.t.i.i.,ir iurormrr,on.(Ord. 37(1980) i I I (p:rrrr.) 18.56.120 Permirissuance.A. Upon approval oi tire llrojcct. lrpplicirLric ilr.rrnrrs rluv Lr.,issucd anci rlte project nrry prodiL:(i. ,,,iri.., 'iu'r,,.1i,";U,!il tional reqLriremenrs, pennits. or rruthorizrrion, ,, ntry berequrred trv ihis rirle anci by orhcr applicible ordinlnccs orregttlations ol the torvn. No p..rmiii shall be issur",tl andno aurhorizarions shall bc gnintcti ri,ltich sould lllorv Iprojccr to proceed in the event thal tllc irlr,r,ri,.,g c,t11lmis-sion does .ot grf,nr .approval or' thc crviiournc.tar iurpacrreport atter r;vierv. \o pe.nnits shlll be issr.lcii ;nd no xHtho-rizations sholl be grrntcd for urtv proi.., -" iri.f., tlor.s uorcontbrnl subsranrirlly to thc dl,sclriprion oi t[c projcctcontlined in the c'nvirB. rrris sccriorr srrar' ;;;',T;ii"il]'':.1,i:;L.T, r<,r rvirici.rrrcnvirclnnrctrtul irnt.rtrct rcport is rrot rlt;triri,r.i. lrs pr,,,scrib.,,.lin Scction I S.-s6.0-10. (Ord. I6( l975) \ 3(lr) lpurr):Ortl. Sr I07-ri ; 1r,..i0-1.) ''--a Rl lV;ril l0.lt I )+tt_ { I I ff,lr,' 75 soulh trontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) tt76-7000 oftlce ot communlty developmenl October 28, L987 Mr. Andy Norris L000 South Frontage Road WestVail, Colorado g1657 Re: Revised parking figures due to the construction of theWellness Center at the Cascade Club building Dear Andy: Attached to this letter is a summary of the parking allocationfor the cascade parking structure. plans have been submittedfor the Wellness Center. Originally, you had allocated 9parking spaces for the werlneis cenler. The proposed wellnessCenter has a total square footage of 1,386 square feet (perplans submitted by Ned Gwathmey) which requiies only z "iac.=.F-or this reason, l! ir necessaiy.to adjus€ the parking "i,u'na.yyhigh was originally written up- in a letter to |ou dated. March3f 1987. once the wellness center has been conltructed, youwill have a total of 41 unarlocated spaces in the parking'structure. rf you have any guestions about these figures, please feer freeto contact me. Sincerelyrr-, ,t). I t/.\-)/ "I llfi-l\{lff4n 1Il t-fr'! | t\-zy \/, . 1 ,Kristah pritz Town Planner KP:br Enclosure cc: Frank FreyerBuff Arnold t cAscADE PARKING ANALYSTS THESE F'TGURES WERE REVISED FOR ADDRESSED TO ANDV NORRTS DATED }IELI..NESS CENTER FROM A AUGUST 27, 1987 IJETTER Below is a surnroary of the parking allocations for the cascadestructure. r have calcuraled alr of the parking requir"rn"nisfor spaces Located in Units t and 2 accordinq tJ iecentapproved building perrnit p1ans. REVTSED tO/28/87 PARKTNG ANALYSTS FOR CASCADE STRUCTURE I. UNITS ]- & 2 PARKING A.Unitunit I 2 provides 122 spacesprovides 150 spacesTotal 272 spaces Total B.ALlocations for Units I & 2 .-\ Cascade l{ing (8 d.u.) re .. "r Westin Hotel l_ts. '. Terrace (Lzo a.u., GRFA 5g,069 sf) l_05..,Terrace Retail- (5,856 sf) ZO\-.,Plaza Phase I (20 1.u., GRFA 7,2O5 sf) l_6,.\Plaza Phase r Retail (1,099 sfj 4-.-,PLaza Phase II Conference (g,297 sf) 35\J Pfaza phase II Conf. Retail (9oo sf) 3 314 I I rI. T'NIT 3 PARKTNG A. Unit 3, provides l_49 spaces . B. Allocations for Unit 3 CIIIC:Clancyrs (J-34 seats) L7Caseade Theatre ZACollege Classroorns 40college Office (954 sf) 4 CASCADE CLUB:Retail {30o sf) 1Bar & Restaurant (985 sf) 8offj.ce in cMC (82s sf) 3Wellness Center 7Total 16E- spaces III. TOTAL PARKING ALLOCATION A. Unitsl&2 3I4spacesunit 3 t-o8 Total 422 sr)aces B. Total Required Spaces withL0? reduction for mixed use: 3BO C. Total Spaces in Structure 4ZlTotal Spaces Required with - 38O Total Rernaining UnallocatedSpaces: 41 spaces ve APPLICATION FOR , Date of Applicatio Date of pEC Meetin CONDITIONAL USE PERI,IiT I.]!!s nrocedure is requireduse permit.for any project required.to obtain a condi tiona'l F 2.oo PHONE The apptication wlll NAI'IE OF APPLICANT tbe ln accepted until all information is submitted. L t4(E ADDRESS Z no B.NAIIE OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS 1s PHONE NAME 0F OI^JNER(s) (pr.inr 0I,JNER(S) : SIGNATURE(s )_ ADDRESS PIIONE 2 r/i,46 E. _FEE groo pArD_yUb1 THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THEACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL, F. A list of the l$gs_gl_oyners of .JJ H:g:tty adjacent to !l,q subject properry' INCLUDiNG pR0pERrv BEHTND nNo ninoss_bineEiii ;il-;;;;, mairins addresies.THE APPLICANT ldILL BE nisporlsreii-F0R coRRi;i or^irrrni"nnD coRREcr ADDRESsES.: LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:LEGAL-LOT BLOCK FI LI NG AODRESS gK g >d31 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPI'IENT I,IiLL II. PRE-APPLICATION CLAUSE A PRE-APPLICATION CON ERENCE }JITH A PLANNING STAFF MIMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDT0 DETERMINE IF ANY-ADorrIorlnl'iliriinr,rnrror'r is-r'relbeii.""r,r-ii eppr-rcATr0N l.lrLL fivinlli;iis[i:llidi:'iriffri*'iii1;;i6it,lil'ir'ffr-''iiltril,iffilii^-'-' ;:::l'tITH THE srnrF ro rrr'ro oui Ab0ui"liooirror,rnr_ suBMTTTAL REQUTREMENT5. i;:i *rA:r pr T!4r'4,!srf--!E+5.{t;il;;;;";;;,;;;:;-, ;;,ffi;. pR.cFsc.'i. F33 Lflv-r+i8Jiilr:t-r.-qTmr.rc iHi'*upr?Fr oF a'No''i'fi o'r.mprover- r.ur rHi r B'TLDTNG pEnNir i, ,*brflNDrTroNS ,or nppnovei-i,iGi.;;tdMpLrED wrrH. BEFoRE A OVER II.Four (4) copieb of the followj_ng information: .'A' 1*1"::liption of the. precise nature of the proposed use and' ats operating characteristics, and. measures-proposed to naketr ::r compatibJ-e with ott.r p.op.rties :.n trre vicinity.B' A site plan showlng proposed devel0pment or !!: site, i:rclrrd.ing: r. . topograPhy, buildiig- rolitio.,", parking, traffic circulation;;::l*:":pen space, -ranascapea. aiea, :*ia "tii*ies and-a=*irr;g= . t .. : . :c' .Freriminarv building prans and erevations sufficie't to indicatethe dimdnsion=, generlt."ppear_r,ce, scale, and interior plan of.,i.1 all buildings. :. :. l.;..' *"u3t3**Pt*T'l:I'31 T*'"::lTv.19' the review or rhe appricati.on..v _ __-_-...!a oy tlre Zoning aarnir,istiui"i.--' ".: . fff. Tirne requirements The planninq and Environmental Corn:nission meets'Mondays of 6ach month. a"--"iifi.arion with thematerial must be submitted ffi; .. weeks prior to. meeting. on the 2nd and 4thDecessary accompanyingthe date of the- s:]....- f, fut*Lx *"?r+sr..*tk t //rrrya aZ/1 \AltVrxruRES, * Dear Kristan, SDD4 was anended in l9g4 .to refLect at that ti.ne thedevelopnent program for cascade vilLage. ro"iuo"i ir, tt.tanendneot were the Terrace and the plzr^ wirg-"dditions to thelrlestin Hotel-. The Terrace wing design has rEmained generally the:1:: 1" that approved although there-has been a reduction in theGRFA from 55'000 square feet ro s4,4rz "q;;;; i""t "oa a reducrionin retail fron 6,399 square feet to 5rOOfi "qurr"-i".r.a major design uodr-ficatlon has been made to the pLaza l{tng.The approved buil'ding has been divided in to three separareprojecrss 1) Plaza conference cenrer, 2) p].a;;-wing Addltion toexisting easr wing of tr{est.in Horel "na si aoiiJrnt "gr. Thepreviously approved P\aza Wing contained 40 guest"roona, l5 residentlalcondoninluns, 19,500 square fEet of ,.r"rr/oFii-" "p"". and 9,500square feet of neeting facLlitles. - 22 guesr rooos (7,680 GRFA) - 2 hospitaltty suites (1,650 square feet) - 1,100 square feet of retail_ Two guest rooos ln the lfestin will be removed tocorridor access to the Terrace Wing resufti"g inaddition of 20 guesr roons tn the Flaz;-wi;;: -" * PLaza Conference Center (Phase II) of Eeeting facilltles of retail January 22, 1997 Ms. Krlstan Pritz Town Planner Torun of Vai 1Box 100Vail, C0 81657 The revised plan is as follows: * Plaza Wing Addition (phase I) - 8r400 square feet - 1r140 square feet pro videa neE 1000 South Frontage Road West, Vait, Colorado g1657 r 303/476_6602 Ms. Kristan PritzJanuary 22, 1987Page 2 * BulLding 'C' The addition of Cascade VilLage chairlift ulth 1ts requiredsupport faciLities t.e. restroons, ticket wlndows, etc.requires the developnent of an appropriate program for thisbul1dlng. Generally, the building program includes 20,000square feet of retail/conmercial, 5r000 square feet ofchairlift support and 40,000 square feet of residential. Itls also expected that sone parking will be lnc1uded. Ananalysis of the narket will be made in the next four monthswhich wiLl result in a detatled program for this butlding.The progran anaLyeis will- also include the Mansfield ViLlageand Cosgriff sites. I would propose that the SlrD4 be anended based upon the marketresearch and resuLting progran developnent. The tining would beduring the early sunner of 1987. Parking for both the Terrace Wing and trrro phases of pLaza I'Iing ri1l be accomnodated in the Cascade Village parkingstructure. The Terrace I'ling guest rooms vi1-l iequtre 102 spacesand its retail 19 spaces. The P\aza lflng addition nill- require l6spaces for guest roons and 4 spaces for retail. The plazaconference center wilL require 70 spaces for neetlng facilltiesand four (4) for rerail. The _tota'1 parklng requlred for the Terrace/plaza (excludingretaiL of 27 spaces) expansion t,otal-s 188 spaces and 1s entirelyacconmodated in Levels I and 2 of the structure. Conmltments toLevel l and 2 to date !9tql 115 spaces resulring in a rotal of 303apaces. Applying the 12.52 credir for multiple purpose parklngresults ln a net asslgned parking of.26s "pules.' The two levelsacconmodate 272 spaces 1-eaving a surplus oi 7 spacea to apply tothe 24 spaces (87.5U ot 27) required. Level 3 has been all-ocated a total of 96 sDaces for the cMCBu1lding. Applying the credit of 12.52 results'i-8. o"rrequirement of 84 spaces whlch will be increased by 17 toacconmodate the retail ln the Terrace/plaza expaosion. Level 3has a capacity of 149 spaces. conpletion of tire Terrace/ptazaexpansion will result in 48 additional spaces available for theButld lng |tCtt de vel o pme n t . .i Ms. Kristan PritzJanuary 22, 1987 Page 3 I belleve the Terrace/Plaza expansion prograoconslstent wlth the anendnents nade to Lhe SDD4 inwe are prepared to seek approval to anend the SDD4developnent progra!0 for Building ttCtt and the othermore c1ear. as noodified is1984. Houever,as thesites becone If you need addltlonal Lnfornation, please ca1L. Slncerely, Andrerl D. NorrlePresitlent Montane Cor poration ADN/sb o|)O TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, C0L0RAD0 87657 BASED OI{ THE 1985 UIIIIFORIiI BUILDING CODE THIS IS A FAST TRACK PERT,IIT APPLICATIOI{ CONTRACTOR: G.E. Johnson 1300 t,|esthaven Drive ARCH I TECT:Rorn OCCUPANCY:82 - A2.1 ENG I NEER :Ri chard lrleingardt PLAN EXAMINER:Gary Murrain ADDRESS: TYPE 0F CONST: II thr w/sprinkler substitutionfor thr OhlNER NAME:Vail Ventures L.T.D'DATE:September 3, 1987 PERIIIT ISSUAI{CE Sec.303.(a) The building official may issue a permit for the construction of part of a building or structure before the entire plans and specifications for the whole bui'lding or structure have been submitted or approved, provided adequate information and detailed e entire bu or structure will be qrante APPLICATION PROCEDURE YES N /fr N /x N /J- NO D t-i _Ll Dn D laf REQ. N N N lx N N N lF R site plan? * a, Foundation plan? A soi1 test? Stamped str"uctural ? Floor plans? Al i elevations? 3"\,*r{-e& An el ectri ca1 pi an? Fire proofing? Sprjnkler shops? Fire alarm shops? Fin'ish schedule? Speci fi cati ons? other? lA^a*.77/t-* PUIITI CHECK I{ILL ITIOT BEGII{ UNTIL ALL OF THE BELO}I IS E0ITIEIED SB IUEUITTED. (1) requ j red .(2) Planning/Zoning final approval from Community Development Staff.(3) Al 1 records, agreements, title reports, letters of credit, bonds, etc. must accompany your appl i cati on. REQ. M N Nl- & R N ET NO M N N N & /x N- YES D D D r-7!_/ D /_/ DA mechan ical pl an? COi'ISTRUCTION NOT PROCEED BEYOND THE POI*Must include alI improvements as required by Pl ann i nglZon in I. THE UI'IDERSIGI{ED. HAVE READ At{D UIIIDERSTAI'|D.SIGI{: OF APPROVAL. vwd, ^r"*, Please submit an itemized quotation for changes in the Contract Sum and/or Time incidental to froposed modifica- tions to the Contract Documents described herein. : . THIS IS.NOT A CHANCE.ORDER NOR A DIRECTION TO PROCEED WITH THE WORK DESCRIBED HEREIN. DeScdption: (w.itrcn d$c.ipttoo ol'rhc work) c r4l#i1uft1' 6tA59;' Wrov lnBal: /tTr" +*vetp. Mu t-l-rol-( @.-. ?Utarle. frz.*g ar*owl*l ,,u*-- lz aA, oB-al]11.re2K-t ; vtew __"J ii'\_L: ?iL,aNe; a4 I tr "j---{l.-': . ,"Y h\ I *Ts::uv ,,i-,1,)'>cdr*fr'a:"Mi' ,r,,{r-_?y*.' r: - ff/{,:,frx; r' .$' 1f",ttr"ffff{&:#' ,1, A-t t-; -: .\i-l ll^*?tL'aNe;4ALlq, f f I <,-=i rt I tfr'+YP.- i li i -rii FROPOSAT REQUE5T AIA DQCUMENT 6709 PROJECT: (name, add OWNER: TO: (Contractor) T . OWNER , ARCHITECT , CONTRACIOR FIELD OTHER c0 80904 rT)KEf;A'N PRoPoSAL REQUEST *o' Zq -7*.f '67 GE Johnson 310 S. 14th Street Colorado Springs, 6310.00: B7l313 PR Co ns truc tion' AprlJ- i9B7 fr)xuz-atu4 Sbaia*l SILLCoHE ruM&** al A.l,'l { l' , Colorado - ARCHITECT:n i,norEssrolel CORPOR{TION I 1- AtA DocuttENT G709".PROPOSAI" RTQUEST . APRIL 1970 EDTTION . AlA,0 . @19t0. THE A\/E., N,\V., \VA5Ht!6roN, D.C. ?CCO6ATI€RIC,\N INSTITUTT OF ARC!IITTCTS- 1;]' N[W YORK coLoRADO TEST CErul tNc 135 SOUTH tttAVAJO DErwER. coLoRADO U1223 (303) 598-rO5O LIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES Location: Inspector: lobf i zososq Date: Page: F, of f tent J-+rslerxeD. STRUCTUFAL MECHANTCAL AND MATERIAT.S TESNNG coLoRADO TEST CEU1 tNc. 15s SOUIH l{^VAtO oEfttvEn, @LoRADO 80223(s3) 698-1050 LIST OF OUTSTANDING DISCREPANCIES Location:1J.r ,ru Jobl : zosa3a Date: InsPector: D r- t) ,e_rznrtea_ page : lt or eported | * STRUCTUFAL MECHANICAL AT,'O MATERIAIS TESNNG c-e:aEffi f rrc,rrctn wG tcst/r{c ,,!sEZ;d '155 South NavapOerver Cotorado AOA23303 698 ro5o L'ST ITEM - TO CTC PROJECT NUMBEH (roi--s-s 3_) M, Oliver ACTION TAKEN REGARDING ABOVE ITEMS, HELD OASERVATION PFOJECT NI.ME .':-: TECHNICIAN ST HR J. /5 coNT svc xTF SVC cooE * v OT HR TYPE OF INSPECTION - VTSUAL ULTRASONIC SHEAR CONNECTOR (ACCOUSTICAL) ---. BOLT TENSION-, ,,","*ilUW€RE ITEMS BELOW THE MINIMUM PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS NOTED? YES -.-._- 11P X ITEM NUMBER REBAR INSpmfOl-i DESCRIPTION/LOCATION Perfornrel visuaL inspection of rebar placed in footirgs at the follouirq grid locations: L,ine 17, N.G-T: Vertical bars ard. poured ttr-is date placed at tjme of all- horizontal bars in concrete inspection. #4 horizontal bars amve @ncrete at pier Details ll_3, inspection. A11 othen *4 trorizontal be placed later. Li"ne T, ]6.4-20.3: Vertical bars arri alL horizontal bars in concrete poural thj_s. date place.i at tjme of ixspection. #4 horizontal bars above concrete to be placai later. No detail inclr.rded for horizontal bars at Grid ?_IZ, Detail !F9; CF&I notj-fied. Detail nct ccrq)letd at tjme of irspection. Irr4 placed at tine of bars aborre @ncrete to f^/rc!r'ffF,rvo atsl,rvc,,vsracr,o,i t55 South Navap Oenver Cotorado BO2?3 303 698 1050 CTC PFOJECT NUMBEF (ru-r-o-:-s_) ',o.: PUNCH,LIST ITEM - TO FI ELD OSSERVATIOX NE'POAT oere L0/16/87 PFOJECT NAME V]esti n Ftrotel/Ierraee Wi nlr aridi l-ion --:, TECHNIGIAN sT HR oT HR coNr svc xTR svc coDE * v8.00 TYPE OF INSPECTION . VISUAL MAGNETIC PARTICLE ULTRASONIC WELDMENT -, ULTRASONIC SHEAF CONNECTOR (ACCOUSTGAL' -, BOLT TENSION-, FIREPROOFING WERE ITEMS BELOW THE MINIMUM PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS NOTED? YES - NO -ITEM NUMBER OESCRIPTTON/LOCATION Visual inspection of the roof framing and corurections was conlucted betr,seen grids 1 on.It fnqtnc,i fireprmfed. Itsns found were addaf to ttre attached (please refer) . on those connections not yet inoanplete anVor rejectable of discreparcies *42 tlru #49 to 6, to be list Roof bar joist. welds were inspected fourd to be rejectable were nrarked as such for repa.ir. Above infornration was given verbally to r..pR Erection forenan, Joe1, befi,seen grids 6 to 9. Those ACTION TAKEN REGARDING ABOVE ITEMS. C@EF' trrc//vaaflll,6i rfsTrwGt,vspfcro,{ 155 Soulh Navap Oenwr Colorado 80223 303 698 1050 CTC PROJECT NUMBEF ( :-o-. - -o-:- g-- ) FIELD OBSERVATIOH REPORT oarc ]''O/L4/87 pROJECTlllyg Westin Hotel_ Terrace VIfuq Addition TECHNTcTAN sr xi or HR t /.t /r,.UU coNT svc XTR SVC CODe * TYPE OF INSPECTION - VISUAL MAGNETIC PARTICLE ULTBASONIC WELDMENT -, ULTRASONIC SHEAR CONNECTOR (ACCOUSTICAL) BOLT TENSION FIREPROOFING WEFIE ITEMS BELOW THE MTNIMUM PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS NOTED? YES - NO -ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION/LOCATION Visual inspection of the roof deck arri attachfug prddle welds was corducted on the soutJ: slope, gri_ds I to 6 ard was fourd. to be acceptable on tlat r^trich was ccnpleted. Concernirg the fact tlnt td{ screbrs are rDt beirg i_r€taUed at deck ;nnel seans, '"lrlcraftdrawings call for attaclTnent every 3r0" center to center, vdrich is what bar joist spacing is. Itterefore, the 5,/8" diameter puddle welds at each joj.st, shall be acceptable. On the roof, south slope. at lszels L4 ard L4.5, there is a quesLion as to the reguired nrmber of bolts attachirg tJle dormer ACTION T ootn tnqmr){ l_ I Arts borts ( -l- ^.: -^ r^^--| --rz.e rJeqtLl. I re.cnea ror l_ AKEN REGARDING ABOVE CT_C-GEGT-E ts{ ing ineer ino lest ina insiit ion i55 Scruth Nava,jc", Oen ve-"i-' , f,r:l onecjI:(303) 6Sa*i0ifi Vai I Ven.rur-,rgs, icc_ ruUU 5- :-'r'()trtdtf i- nUVai'l . JO ;toi; Actn: Fnarrk F.,teve. ies L. Nurnber" : , c b )'i.: rie : J oLr Acic ness : Ccn i rec r:c:r- I Sunoi ier.: Truc ir rio. :CiC Rer.r - : Loca i: ion o.i: iour: ,3C223 hes i:. OatE-. Cast : A9t'29/97 iei'r" a c e i4 inqrlFiaze iVa i 'l Co I oraocrG" f- ir:hnscrnts & $ ixsavat ino J -:' r'' _ uitveT ir*ck s'i ab on hire 4.r; l-r L a / a613i0i27/87 I tl ;/ 6 I Reoor.( io: Va.i t" Vencurr:ls, Lro_G. E- iohnson Cons.t.rus L. it:n CO.SLp Arch.i cec ts Sl unr : 3 - ?i Conc rete Tenc.. i irllel i* i: l.-ir;*c : Air, a\\' f ickei:: liq:- i'l ix i-D-: 'f I r: r: r' !sscs ftl i x A,/ NOFi Ei{T> irt . "/Ci: - FC 6. e9 Air. T-,.., ^l;. .1 .-irle l-trs t.eci: ?;30 t4 {,5 C-QNCRaIE TESI RESULTS Cvl .inutai.. i ii UJ Au riil i i ii v:. zc Si::r,err.qtir (ps i) it tiu +YZl) + / OIJ Ave r.a g e Sclerrgcir 4 .J{+ U 0-u I ; -:J9 itpi)ainT,ilqIRl r,rov o 21s87 illjl:::::.:\- '--\rcu I an Rernari.s, VAIL VENTti,i-":, lTb] o Engineering festin: lnsneci ion i 55 Sou Ch Nava. j c.r 0err vtr i" , Ccll oracjgi303) 698-l0sC iers t l.i rr rn i: e r' : .jt:b liarne: i ob Adci reEs : Con t rac tor" : Supp'i ier: Truck i\o. : CTC Rec;.: Locac ion oi Pour': 0di:e Ca{r.C : jAi i S,/E'i i 9432ierrace !{irrc,/F'l aza iva i I Cr:r'or,acicrG- e. iol-rnsan; & I Conc re.t*e J- ? fi. Ol i ver Loug ia Fr;oi: irrc.t, phase frlo - : 1S997.: ts-5S29+1 'i irre N.6*T, i l ine i6-4-20"3 Vi:r'i I Ven Lur.es , Ltu .i 00C S. Fron.i:ao*: Ru. lies.i\J ... .: 1vq,!! urJ 5tt)5a A t.cn : Fnenk Frt*vel Repcrr l- Tct: Va i l G-8, $Lp ai26iBi t/ to/ai 1/ Ua/ | t 1./en i:ur,€s, Li:d,iohnson Cr:n:;.b ruc i: ion CO-Arc ili t {rc C:j G0223 T ickel: tellx l.J 5iunr;:: 4 -AConcr.eLe iernp. ^F: Time S,:: i::ched : A ir (e;):i^i+ /l ,"FL.: 144.3D.i r;. : i-i J 6-6Air Ternn. ^F: 54Tirne T{:s i:ier: r 2:45 uvrjnQe:r. Lij UI Rerna n ks : Si:r'errgtfr (r:*iI i\vei:r.age Sc reng Cl-r Ocr 2 I 1987 vAL veruruRfs, L Tfr tNGtNttatNG r6srrc ta;-t;; t55 South Nava0 Denver Cotorado gO?23 303 698 lo5o CTC PROJECT NUMBEB ( 101 - 0 3 e ) . FIELD OSSERVATION R€PORT PROJECTNAME '' TECHNICIAN ., ST*R 7. fu O "u"", Lrsr lrEM - ro OT HR TypE oF lNspEcrroN _ vrsuAl x , MAGNETT. 'ARTTCLE uLTRAsoNrc *ELDMENT _-,ULTFIASONIC WERE lrEMs BELow rHE MIN|MUM PRoJEcr spEcrFrcATroNS NorED? yEs -_ No ITEM NUMBER DESCRIPTION/LOCATION Visual inspection r.ras to be conlucted on the roof deck arrl a puddle welds on the ncrth slope of the Terrace Wirg AddiLion, grids 1 to 6_. Hov,/ever, upon arrival, it was ncted tlnt roofi_r.g pllnanod had already been instalred o'er t,.e deci., renterirg an inaccessi-bre con<lition. It !,ras rpted, fron urrderneattl, tlnt no sgrelrs, tvirq q.ecK seans together, had been installed. Also rnted, r,ras the fact that the original strap .,,oed l.cated a10nc tj]e top ncrth s10pe of the west stair core, had been cut 100se frcrn nelson studs (elevation reasons) ard had r't been reattached prior to deck placanent. G.E. Johnson personnel, Chuck & Jim, were nctified of ttris condition. After contacting tpR Erection forenan, Joe1, a prcblen was roted with lack of deck support at ttre roof "va11qzs,, ard. ,'hipg,, between adjacent bar joists. Structural Ergineerirq could nct be reachedACTION TAKEN REGAROING AEOVE ITEMS.ror ca&nent. m1t tn(-mcJ T-rt Tr iI +t sp;g L0n2/87 CONT SVC X XTR SVC CODE * 1 5li Siclr.r t ir Itavir.i(t i)tenvtgr". i)r.rlr;rguc.r iltl?-Z? (.JUJ./ tj'{,i)- rviril 1/a l'i V*rrtur,stl.; i-l:{- . i tjii0 .ci, Pr,cirri:a+s .i c.: hE:r;.i.: \''a-r'i ^ (.:3 il $ri'l Ai:1:rr: l r,a rr rs i:i'qJ\/*', ile Ce Cas'L - iA/19,it]'l Teg; i: i'iuritr:e:r.: .,loo iri<rr:irg; .j cJ Aeqir.erss;: Ctl:r'i r.acii:r: $urrr: -i iarr, :'f r.uc x iri c.l . : CTC Ficirr.' - : l.OUa C ; O-r ': ;' J.J' J r' : coruc nri,F iESr QSg r-:g F'.|J_ tlct -. :_-i()b iriu- i'- tOooas . Iit+ pc.r r' i'. Oa.!:tes: 1O/2t5/87', '1,' 1r/1$/fr7 | 1/ UJ/ lt I R+i rJ(.r r" C r-'u : \/a i l c.i - r.-: _ $Lp Vtlni:uflesr, Ltu -iohnson OcrlrsgrLtction 0O- /'\r, il f i:ec i:$ ' ]Jt+ J /-'i€nrfiufi ral inur/i.)'i aza i,r'* i I Ocl lclr'ctclc) G- E- .roirnsolr $ & ti Conc rei:e: :i--t tr' \J t lvet| Lt:trc ia Fooi int:, Phasu 'i'ickr:L irlcr " : ii!-ix -i-0-: ,t,t,lr ll r'1t* IY}JU 1 E'_C y l Y"r- t i\i,6*'i-- 'i-I rt16! l n-.+-zu-J Pl.r..Y.q IQA t.j R9 P E RILE$ S'i lrr,p: +. i)(iorrcr-sli:r, ie*lrr: . '';: - fi:i T i t:rtE ijati.r:l:e,.:: 2:$'i ili r {*; ):6-6 Wt./Cu- i:l-.": i4f*.3 r'{ : i' | (*titrr - r: i4'i'i n:e 'ir;s;i:r*ri:. 2 t f+t"\ ,li 1.. r,,:,:lu i.: ir ills i ) t:i I tl .JO.rU Ji:'tU Ave r,eq: tr iii:r.enE1 i:ir 5U tU COMPRESSiVE STRENGTIj: Sr:ec,i.{ i*tt 2ij L.)*:rr i:;.i: i,r,r.-1(i.ci1 ( r:rs.i ) .jijili) 0'zl i rrqrerr, :i i) i)I ti2 TJJ i cre.is I Zt5 /- at $ r z-sr 5 - Sii O . iJU 5 - g!i ilglr:ra r ks; \- t(.-\)l:\J I n, .(|rlr. - C-jlC-.3 E_"ST E t-( Ensineerino iest tno iiGc,: ion 'l 55 Soui:n iri.r ve iclDenver , ji.:'r olc*c:(l]03) {i!j8-.iijiii; 'l'eilgtt Nulrruerr': ..r o r.r .ri <t t:: $ :. ,i tlD Aue r,a.'$s, , i)o:'r'i:'ac";or.: liu fro i r e:r, :'i r.rit:;< \i<: - : C'i-C iiE-.r"r - : Locar r ': olr r:.t lr:r.:r.: Ocs i ttt!Jit'r-celr"ar.:t+ i,,l.i nu/F.i az_a iir'"1 :' i ()cr'j or,uotJG. [- ioirngson fr & ii txcavai: inc .)'- 3; . i'ionci -i errrqiit:nt ino 'i 'i rrtes; i ,f .t cr ?-i\tzz3 P-0- irlci.-':' Job No- :' ?0fi0d3 ilE:r:ont i)giles: i 'I i/13/E'l 2/2i /it7 VentLlr.B$, Ltd - "jc)i'tn$on Cc)nri.itr,u$t.i*n C0 -x r, c:; ili il t:(.i i- ri 1/el I ilelrll:ur.atr: !-.i_r 1 0 ii0 ii . i''orli-eros iii: h e, r..r i:iicr.: I - C{: i; .i ii ii.i rit trt : irarrx i::.sr,.7g,1. Rer.lol t i-cl: \/cr.i i G. E. i)L-P i i c kti*L f{o - M ix i - i). : !i' eE:r t of : tu.JUr+65!29 +i z\t tlnt?_ qtil'"9-i.-cA L,P-R_qP E Fr.i.€$ S!urnu: ,.. i i)t-.ti'tc;--ecg itlrr:r.t -';'j 'i i r:rte ii a i' c:: .1i+u : x'i r'(t): r\ i r. 'i-ernr: - -'F: 'i -i rne 'ies Led : vii - / tltt r+ .t | !: t".,u i: i: - :I JU - !Jii1 :II: ZE .).,. r::r.rt_... j. r) {.1 ! A(lti i (l cl\/Si i Jtze o, L,L/ ii i: r,ernu t. rr ( ps .i )Avetrercre iii: r'errt] t: rr EJ I U r(e; nl(| tr r( -<; I r.-- | (-. -rr5 =_r_.1 r EFL /l Enotneeri o iestrns tnspsc;ian It 'l 5ij $cru i:rr hi,:1,'re.io i)t+trver" . !-:u'r €r,.1i-l$ t,0223(:i03) iiijti-iii:ii, :/e i i Vr..lrtur,Er$ r", 1..;!ilUt) ::i l',,:rrri::t.:r$ iic he)3i.(l ir4 , ', - {;:.; .i: : iiai': r'ri:trr : i:rart rr i:i.s.!r/e+: qpN$EETE rEsrQsuLJ$ t) () i'ir' ^ . iob i{o- :' . 7A4A43 '-l(+i lJCf r C Ucl Lt!!i : ': 1!rr' Re no r' 1: 'l'cl : l/a i i i.i - E. 3L.i) |,t I J/ tl ! Vr:rllu r els , Ltcj - ioirirr:crrr Corr*,t r.uct.i on 00 -/\r,(':n i i:{stltsi ']'es I r'inlrr.rg;:.: ..jurr ;\iar:r{!};. .iqrp r\cicir,ess:' ilt:nii"act.".tr r iiut.ro i ierr',-irtrr:x l{o-: Ci'C iieru - : i-ocer-i: : C)r'r r.) r' PrJr; ,. : Ja cn O*:, i: :- iiiO(iiA'i i ilSii.i-re'-f 'ctcri V,l inr:r/F i a.z.a '! iro : -i Oc:'i c:r-,.rciql 3.. E- ioirrrsorr il & A €xc;arra i: irtcr :; . i.ro r.d I urrc: i:nr.:* !r-lo -i irres i'I T i c kei: hio -iiiix i-D-: t. cl $' eilst r:rf : I rJ.ru.r t5 ):r z 5 -F r z\t I tr1{* _ PHYSiCAL pROp€RTies $-i ltt:lt;:^ +.:i (it':rrs; l"tt c+ !-*:r:ri: -'i'j: ti-'i irle rje.r.-]..i+{_1 : : il: UUFIPRL,'j:i.: y f 5;R€i.rG"ii.,r .. *ir'(*)I L'T i-j r: ter:r 'i i j t+ri 2 €] 5.8 r\'i r' 'i'elrno- "F: 4ii-i i rrt* 'iti:s i: gu : i 'i r 0 0 ilay ii i relu L, i'r ( r:s i ) iiil.,/[lu. i:t. : i3S-g .J tJ U {.t :{ fi.: :: i Lli.\/3;J.1 7- ti t'r-uLJ $ t: r" Eri'r tri: ir ( r:s i )Avgrr dcte fi i. r' ert 11 Lir dJ tL/ rr | \- -tr r_--tt I r_ n , I t\t \_ _ VTIL VENTURES, LTD. a(sllldf 'l(ti r ffiEname$iaq for,'nq r-orr;" *-&, '! 55 $outir irrarza.it; Uernvtar" - r)t.r -i t:r,atlcr(303) $96-ioffc it+el t i\iu$otrr, :ic.rb Narrr:: i olr Ado rqsss: :Ctrnt r,irc;.c or:$uno i igr. :Trucx irir.l - : Lrr- Kg _: L,crcar t i olr o.t- ppu r. : M*i6-rl uu/-zJ i)a.Lr: Cast : 1 1 ,Y:'OY 'it*p 1",E1-* t$ i nr;,/p'l azai/*r i i Coi onac.io (-j - F- .johnson!i ni ts Oonc rete'i- lt i:.Nor.dluncisoot'irru Firerse iI ec P.O. 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