HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout2003 Resolutions2003-01 Designating Public Posting at Town of Vail2003-02 Amending the Vail Land Use Plan to Expand the Boundaries of the Plan, Amending the Text of the Plain, and Amending the Description of the Ski Base Land Use Designation2003-03 Amending the Vail Village Master Plan to Expand the Boundaries of the Plan, Amending the Description of the Ski Base_Recreation Area Land Use Category and Amending the Master Plan2003-04 Declaring the Intent of the TOV to Acquire a Deed Simple Interest in the Property Located at 1280 N. Frontage Road West for Public Housing Purposes2003-06 Declaring a Local Natural Disaster2003-07 Reviewed CIRSA bylaws and IGA which Constitute a contract to Cooperate with other Public Entities to participate in Self-Insurance Pool2003-08 Amending Chapter 8, Section 4.2.3 to Clarify the Building Height Calculation Methodolgy perscribed by the plan2003-09 Opposing Referendum A on the 2003 Election Ballot2003-10 IGA for Animal Control Services with Eagle County Animal Control2003-11 Adopting the Adendum to the Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan2003-12 Declaring it be in the Public Interest that an Urban Renewal Authority be Created and Designating the Town Council as the Governing Body of the Urban Renewal Authority2003-13 Approving the Law Enforcement Assistance Fund (LEAF) Contract