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2003 Resolutions
2003-01 Designating Public Posting at Town of Vail
2003-02 Amending the Vail Land Use Plan to Expand the Boundaries of the Plan, Amending the Text of the Plain, and Amending the Description of the Ski Base Land Use Designation
2003-03 Amending the Vail Village Master Plan to Expand the Boundaries of the Plan, Amending the Description of the Ski Base_Recreation Area Land Use Category and Amending the Master Plan
2003-04 Declaring the Intent of the TOV to Acquire a Deed Simple Interest in the Property Located at 1280 N. Frontage Road West for Public Housing Purposes
2003-06 Declaring a Local Natural Disaster
2003-07 Reviewed CIRSA bylaws and IGA which Constitute a contract to Cooperate with other Public Entities to participate in Self-Insurance Pool
2003-08 Amending Chapter 8, Section 4.2.3 to Clarify the Building Height Calculation Methodolgy perscribed by the plan
2003-09 Opposing Referendum A on the 2003 Election Ballot
2003-10 IGA for Animal Control Services with Eagle County Animal Control
2003-11 Adopting the Adendum to the Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan
2003-12 Declaring it be in the Public Interest that an Urban Renewal Authority be Created and Designating the Town Council as the Governing Body of the Urban Renewal Authority
2003-13 Approving the Law Enforcement Assistance Fund (LEAF) Contract