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2002 Resolutions
2002-01 Designating Public Postings at TOV
2002-02 Modify the Rockfall Hazard Maps to show Approved Mitigation for the Booth Falls Townhomes
2002-03 Designating Jacque Lovato as a signer on Payroll Checking Account
2002-04 Authorizing the Purchase of Land commonly known as Parcel no. 210311415018
2002-05 Providing a Non-Exclusive List of Qualifying Cultural Events in Accordance with Ordinance 18, Series 2002, Commisson on Special Events
2002-06 Designating Signers to First Bank Payroll Checking Account
2002-07 Designating Signers for US Bank
2002-08 Designating Signers to West Star
2002-09 Designating Signers to Alpine
2002-10 Designating Signers to Colorado Trust
2002-11 Special Election concerning the Increase in the Town's Property Tax
2002-12 Amending the Rockfall Hazard Map
2002-13 Amending the Land Use Plan
2002-14 Special Election concerning the Issuance of Bonds and Increase in Taxes to Finance a Conference Center
2002-15 Repealing and Reenacting Resolution no. 14
2002-16 Adopting a 5 Year Capital Projects Plan
2002-17 Designating November 23 to 28 as Try Transit Week