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2012-01 Designating Public Posting at TOV
2012-02 Supporting the Eagle County School District and Requesting Keeping Red Sandstone Elementary School Open
2012-03 Attachment
2012-03 Mutual Aid Agreement with Eagle County and other Fire Protection Entities Mutual Emergency Services
2012-04 Approving Hazardous Materials Response Foam MOU with Eagle County Fire Department
2012-05 IGA with Eagle County Animal Control Services for 2012
2012-06 Approving a Mememorandum of Understanding between Vail Valley Medical Center, the Steadman Clinic Professional LLC and Triumph Vail MOB LLC
2012-07 Amending Chapter VII, to Include Recommendations Related to a New Vail Village Townhouse
2012-08 Approving a Settlement Agreement with Subway Real Estate Corporation
2012-09 IGA with ERWSD for Relocation of Water Main in Bald Mountain and for Deposit of Traction Sand Removed from Vail Pass
2012-10 IGA with ERWSD for the Burial of Hole 7 Overhead Electical Lines
2012-11 Approving Amendment No. 1 of IGA with CDOT for thee Matterhorn Bridge Replacement
2012-12 Budget Supplemental for VLMD for 2012
2012-13 Allowing for an Administrative Extension to the Lapse of Approval for Certain Approved Development Plans Approvals
2012-14 Adopting the TOV Strategic Plan 2012-2022 and Work Plan 2012-2013
2012-15 Approving the Conveyance of a Portion of the Real Property located at 75 S. Frontage Road
2012-16 IGA with ERWSD for Matterhorn Circle Bridge Construction
2012-17 Amending Ford Park Management Plan
2012-18 Approving the Employment of Rothgerber Johnson adn Lyons LLP as Special Counsel
2012-19 Establishing the 2012 Payment of Fees-in-Lieu for each Employee to be Housed
2012-20 Authorizing TM to Sign a Wireless Communications and License Agreement with Newpath Networks LLC
2012-21 Authorizing TM to enter into Agreements with Selected Vendors
2012-22 Approving Purchase and Sale Agreement for Real Property At 75 S. Frontage Rd
2012-23 Approving Scope of Services to Triumph Vail MOB LLC for Municipal Site Redevelopment
2012-24 Authorizing TM to Execute Construciton Services Agreements with G.E. Johnson Construction Company
2012-25 Calling a Special Election for November 6. 2012
2012-26 IGA with ERWSD to Provide Water and Sewer Services
2012-27 Adopting Eagle County Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan
2012-28 Holy Cross Utility Easement for Ford Park
2012-29 Authorizing TM to enter into a Memorandom of Understanding for the Provision of Emergency Dispatch Service with Summit County
2012-30 Annual Budget of 2013
2012-32 Lease Agreement with CDOT regarding Parking Along the Non-Travel Lanes of I70 Frontage Roads
2012-33 Lease Agreement with CDOT regarding Parking Along the Non-Travel Lanes of I70 Frontage Roads
2012-34 Defering the Regular Meeting of Vail Town Council from January 1, 2013 to January 8, 2013
2012-35 Approving a Preliminary Plan for Major Subdivisions Creating Parcels 1 and @ of Ever Vail Subdivision
2012-36 IGA with CDOT regarding Simba Run Interchange
2012-37 IGA with CDOT regarding Review of Design Work of TOV Municipal Complex Development
2012-38 IGA with Eagle River Fire Protection District