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1991- 1 Amending Title 17 of the Vail Municipal Code by the Addition of Chapter 17/17 School Site Dedications
1991- 2 Amending Title 18 of the Vail Municipal Code by the Addition of Chapter 18.67 Vested Property Rights
1991- 3 Amending Section 8.10.020 and 8.10.030 of the Vail Municipal Code to Provide for Increased Fees in the Provision of Fire Protection Services Out of the Town Limits
1991- 4 Enabling the Finance Director of the Town of Vail to Declare Sales Taxes Immediately Due and Payable, if He Finds that the Collection of the Tax would be Jeopardized by Delay
1991- 5 Amending Section 18.40.130 of the Vail Municipal Code to Provide that Fees for Special Development District Applications, and for Major and Minor Amendments to Special Development Districts, May Be Set by the Town Council by Resolution
1991- 6 Amending Section 18.52.160 of the Vail Municipal Code to Set Parking in Lieu Fees for Commercial Core I and Commercial Core II at Eight Thousand Dollars per Space
1991- 7 Amending Section 9.34.030 of the Vail Municipal Code to Provide That It Shall Be Unlawful for Any Person Under the Age of Twenty-One Years to have in His Possession any Fermented Malt Beverage
1991- 8 Amending Chapter 12 of the Vail Municipal Code to Provide for Changes and Additional Conditions Relating to Street Openings, Excavations , and Pavement Cuts
1991- 9 Repealing Chapter 18.71. Additional Gross Residential Floor Area of the Vail Municipal Code
1991-10 Repealing and Reenacting Ordinance No. 13, Series 1990, to Provide Changes to Special Development District No. 22 that Concern Lot Size and Corresponding GRFA and Employee Dwelling Units and Architectural Guidelines
1991-11 TABLED Rezoning Three Tracts from Hillside Residential Zoning, Section 18.09 to Greenbelt and Natural Open Space Zoning, Section 18.38 within a Parcel Commonly Referred to as Spraddle Creek
1991-12 Authorizing the Town Manager to Execute an Agreement for Modification and Partial Release of Restrictions and Covenants Relating to a Certain Special Warranty Deed
1991-13 [Illegible] Section G of the Vail Village Urban [Illegible] Considerations Relating to the Protection of Views within the Town of Vail and Creating a New Chapter of the Vail Municipal Code
1991-14 Rezoning a Tract of Land Generally Located West of the Town of Vail Shops from Agriculture/Open Space, Section 18.32 to Public Use District, Section 18.36
1991-15 Repealing and Reenacting Section 18.04.130, the Definition of Floor Area, Gross Residential (GRFA)
1991-16 Repealing and Reenacting Section 18.14.090, Density Control-Residential Cluster District; Section 18.16.090, Section 18.18.090
1991-17 Repealing Section 18.04.363, Section 18.04.360, Section 18.14.110, Section 18.16.110, Section 18.18.110, Section 18.20.110, Section 18.22.110, Section 18.24.150, Section 18.26.120, Section 18.27.120, Section 18.28.120, and others
1991-18 Establishing Special Development District No. 25 in Accordance with Chapter 18.40 of the Vail Municipal Code
1991-19 Repealing and Reenacting Ordinance No. 14, Series 1987 and Ordnance No.24, Series of 1989; to Provide for the Amendment of the Approved Development Plan for Special Development District No. 6
1991-20 Repealing and Reenacting Section 16.20.220 of the Vail Municipal Code Relating to Window Signs
1991-21 Repealing and Reenacting Chapter 8.28 of the Vail Municipal Code Setting Forth Certain Provisions to Control Air Pollution within the Town
1991-22 Amending the Investment Policy of the Town of Vail
1991-23 Amending Chapter 5.32 of the Vail Municipal Code by the Addition of Section 5.32.030; Providing for the Issuance of Temporary Permits for the Issuance of Alcoholic Beverages Under Certain Circumstances
1991-24 TABLED TO 1992 Providing for the Establishment of Special Development District No. 26
1991-25 Repealing and Reenacting Chapter 15.02; Adopting by Reverence the 1991 Editions of the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Fire Code, Uniform Mechanical Code, and others
1991-26 Emergency Ordinance Approving a Lease/Purchase Agreement with Alameda National Bank for the Acquisition of Equipment for the Town of Vail
1991-27 Amending Section 18.58.020(C) Fences, Hedges, Walls, and Screening of the Vail Zoning Code Supplemental Regulations, Regarding Enforcement of Covenants Restricting Fence Heights and Details with Regard Thereto
1991-28 Repealing and Reenacting Ordinance No. 45, Series 1990 to Provide Changes to Area D Requirements that Concern the Phasing Plan for Site Improvements for Area D
1991-29 Increasing the Compensation to be Paid to the Mayor and Town Council Members of the Town of Vail
1991-30 Making Supplemental Appropriations from the Town of Vail General Fund, Capital Projects Fund, and Others; and Authorizing the Expenditures of Said Appropriations as Set Forth Herein
1991-31 NOT INTRODUCED Repealing and Reenacting Chapter 5.08 Business and Occupation Tax - Ski Lifts
1991-32 Amending Ordinance No. 10, Series of 1991 to Provide Typographical and Wording Corrections for Special Development District No. 22
1991-33 Repealing and Reenacting Special Development District No. 2 in Its Entirety
1991-34 Amending Section 3.16.050 of the Vail Municipal Code to Provide that Any Contract for the Construction of a Public Improvement with a Value of Not More Than $50,000 May Be Negotiated by the Town Manager without Submitting It for a Bid
1991-35 Amending Section 18.04.360 Site Coverage of the Vail Municipal Code and Setting Forth The Details in Regard Thereto
1991-36 Providing for the Establishment of Special Development District No. 27, Forest Glen (A.K.A. Timber Falls)
1991-37 Amending Section 18.32.030 of the Vail Municipal Code by Adding "Well Water Treatment Facility" as a Conditional Use in the Agricultural and Open Space Zone District
1991-38 Authorizing the Sale of Certain Property Known as the Berry Creek 5th Filing Parcel to the Eagle County Recreation Authority
1991-39 Annual Appropriation Ordinance: Adopting a Budget and Financial Plan and Making Appropriations to Pay the Costs, Expenses, and Liabilities of the Town Of Vail for 1992
1991-41 Repealing and Reenacting Ordinance No. 28, Series 1991, to Provide Changes to Area A Requirements for SDD No. 4 that Concern the Development Plan for Millrace IV, Scenario I, A.K.A. Cosgriff Parcel
1991-42 Authorizing the Issuance of Town of Vail Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 1991
1991-43 Amending Chapter 18.04 Definitions, of the Vail Municipal Code by the Addition of Section 18.04.77, Section 18.04.289, 18.30.030; by the Addition of Paragraph T, Seasonal Plant Product Business
1991-44 Amending Ordinance No. 29, Series 1989 Relating to the Town of Vail Sales Tax Revenue Bonds, Series 1989
1991-45 Repealing and Reenacting Chapter 3.40 of Sales Tax of the Vail Municipal Code
1991-46 Amending the Plan Document of the Town of Vail Employees' Pension Plan
1991-47 Amending Section 18.52.170 - Leasing of Parking Spaces, of the Vail Municipal Code
1991-48 Amending Section 18.60.080 - Permit Issuance and Effect of the Vail Municipal Code, and Section 18.62.080 - Permit Issuance and Effect of the Vail Municipal Code
1991-49 Amending Chapter 18.60 - Conditional Use Permits, Section 18.60.020(G) Application - Contents and Chapter 18.62 - Variances, section 18.62.020(F) Application - Information Required
1991-50 Amending the Investment Policy of the Town of Vail