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1978- 1 To Approve, Adopt, Enact, and to Make Full Force in Effect in the Town of Vail a Supplement to the Vail Municipal Code
1978- 2 Rezoning Lot 4, Block 1, Bighorn Third Addition from Low Density Multiple Family to Residential Cluster
1978- 3 Imposing a Land Transfer Tax Upon the Transfer of Interests in Real Property; Earmarking the Proceeds Therefrom for the Purchase of Real Property to be Used for Open Space, Recreational or Park Purposes, or Employee Housing
1978- 4 Rezoning Lot 2, Block 2, Vail Village Twelfth Filing From Low Density Multiple Family to Two Family Residential
1978- 5 Making A Supplemental Appropriation from the General Fund of the 1978 Budget and Financial Plan
1978- 6 Correcting an Error in Ordinance No. 2, Series of 1978, to Rezone the South 1/2 of Lot 1, Block 8, Bighorn Third Addition and Not the South 1/2 of Lot 1, Block 3
1978- 7 Ordinance No. 7, Series 1978 was Used for the Revisions to That Ordinance and Renumbered as Ordinance No. 36, Series of 1978
1978- 8 Amending Title 6 of the Vail Municipal Code by Making Certain Additions to Section 6.04.190 to Require That Dogs be On A Leash On Certain Specified Public Properties; Adding Section 6.04.201 Prohibiting Tethering of Dogs on Public Places or Ways
1978- 9 Emergency Ordinance Repealing and Reenacting Section 8.24.080 of the Vail Municipal Code "Ice and Snow Overhangs" to Provide That Property Owners are Prohibited from Allowing Dangerous Ice and Snow Overhangs or Snow Accumulations
1978-10 Repealing and Reenacting Chapter 2.24 of the Vail Municipal Code Relation to the Planning Commission; The Reenactment to Provide for the Creation of a Planning and Environmental Commission
1978-11 Making Supplemental Appropriations From the General Fund and the Open Space/Capital Improvements Fund of the 1978 Budget and Financial Plan
1978-12 Amending Title 18 of the Vail Municipal Code Relating to Zoning; Providing New or Amended Definitions Pertaining to Buildable Site Area
1978-13 Amending Title 18 of the Vail Municipal Code Relating to Zoning and Land Use Requirements
1978-14 Establishing Pedestrian Malls on Bridge Street, Gore Creek Drive from Willow Bridge Road to A Line, Vail Village Fifth Filing Across Gore Creek Drive, East Meadow Drive from Gore Creek Road to Vail Road, and Hanson Ranch Road
1978-15 Making A Supplemental Appropriation from the Generail Fund of the 1978 Budget and Financial Plan for the Town of Vail
1978-16 Amending Title 18 "Zoning" of the Vail Municipal Code to Provide General Amendments to the Hearing Procedures; Specifically, Providing A Definition of "Planning Commission"
1978-17 Amending Title 6 of the Vail Municipal Code Relating to Dogs; Amending the References Therein from Police Officer to Animal Control Officer; And Authorizing the Town Manager to Appoint an Animal Control Officer and Establish a Pound
1978-18 Amending Title 5 of the Vail Municipal Code Relating to the Registration of Contractors
1978-19 Amending Title 9 of the Vail Municipal Code by the Addition of a New Chapter 9.54 "Camping - Prohibited" which Prohibits the Residing on a Temporary Basis Upon Any Property Within the Town of Vail Not Specifically Designated Therefor
1978-20 Amending Chapter 18.30 of the Vail Municipal Code to Require That All Existing Uses in Heavy Service Zone Districts That Have or Will Have Outside Storage Shall Fence or Landscape to Shied from View From Any Public Road
1978-21 Providing for Financing the Construction and Equipping of a Transportation Facilities Project For the Town of Vail
1978-22 Granting to Steve Jones the Right to Use the Public Rights of Vail for a Horse Drawn Vehicle and Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement Between the Town of Vail and Steve Jones
1978-23 Rezoning Lot 3, Block A, Vail Lionsridge Filing No. 1 From Agricultural Zone to Residential Cluster Zone
1978-24 Amending Title 18 of the Vail Municipal Code by the Addition of Section 18.66.180 to Provide that All Real Property Acquired by the Town of Vail From Vail Associates In Any Manner Shall Be Subject to the Zoning Ordinances of the Town of Vail
1978-25 Amending Ordinance No. 14, Series of 1978, to Prohibit Vehicular Traffic Within the Pedestrian Mall Consisting of Gore Creek Drive from Willow Bridge Road East to the Easterly Boundary Line of Tract G, Vail Village Fifth Filing, and Bridge Street
1978-26 Annexing to the Town of Vail a Parcel of Property Located in the W 1/2 of Section 12, T5S, R81W of the 6th P.M. Presently Owned By Vail City Corporation and Elmore And Associates
1978-26 Annexation Map
1978-26 Recorded Copy
1978-27 For the Regulation of Traffic by the Town of Vail for the Purpose of Providing a System of Traffic Regulations Consistent with State Law and Generally Conforming to Similar Regulations Throughout the State and Nation
1978-28 Amending Title 17 of the Vail Municipal Code By the Addition of a Chapter 17.40 Relating to Condominiums, Conversion of Rental Units to Condominiums or Non-Rental Units
1978-29 Making A Supplemental Appropriation from the General Fund of the 1978 Budget and Financial Plan for the Town of Vail
1978-30 Amending Title 18 of the Vail Municipal Code by the Amendment of Chapters 18.6, 18.62, and 18.66
1978-31 Amending Chapter 46 of Title 18 of the Vail Municipal Code, Relating to Special Development District 4 (SDD4)
1978-32 Amending Chapter 18.44 Relating to Special Development District 3 of Title 18 "Zoning"; Establishing a Special Development District 3 and Its Purpose
1978-33 Amending Chapter 18.48 Relating to Special Development District 5 of Title 18 "Zoning"; Providing for the Ownership of Units in Development Area B an Interval Ownership Fee Interests and Increasing the Number of Employee Housing Units
1978-34 Adopting By Reference the Colorado Model Energy Efficiency Construction and Renovation Standards FRO Nonresidential Buildings of the State of Colorado
1978-35 Amending Title 9 of the Vail Municipal Code by the Repeal of Section 9.52.030 and the Amendment of Chapter 9.54 As Adopted by Ordinance No. 19 to Prohibit Overnight Camping on Any Public Street, Way, Sidewalk, or Place Within the Town
1978-36 Adopting By Reference the Uniform Building Code, 1976 Edition
1978-37 For the Regulation of Traffic by the Town of Vail For the Purpose of Providing a System of Traffic Regulations
1978-38 To Contract a Special and Limited Obligation on Behalf of the Town of Vail By Issuing Its Short-Term Notes for the Purpose of Defraying Current Expenses and Meeting Current Contractual Obligations of the Town
1978-39 Amending Chapter 10.24 "Transportation Center" to Limit the Maximum Duration of Continuous Parking in the Vail Transportation Center to Fourteen Days
1978-40 Making Supplemental Appropriation From the Open Space/Capital Improvements Fund of the 1978 Budget and Financial Plan
1978-41 Amending the Vail Municipal Code by the Addition of a New Chapter 8.28 Relating to Fireplaces
1978-42 Amending Chapter 3.28 of the Vail Municipal Code Entitled "Policemen's Pension Fund"; Repealing Said Chapter 3.28 and Reenacting the Same to Provide for a Policemen's Pension Fund
1978-43 Amending Chapter 12.04 of the Vail Municipal Code, Relating to Excavation and Street Cut Permits; Providing that Public Works is Substituted for Building Official
1978-44 Imposing Zoning Districts on Parcel B of the Elmore Parcels, Property Located in the W 1/2 of Section 12, T5S, P81W of the 6th P.M. Presently Owned by Vail City Corporation and Elmore and Associates
1978-45 Making Supplemental Appropriations from the General Fund, the Open Space/Capital Improvements Fund, the Transportation Center Operating Fund, the Ford Park Development Fund, The Overpass Construction Fund, and the Dobson Arena Bond Fund
1978-46 Annual Appropriation Ordinance: Adopting a Budget and Financial Plan and Making Appropriations to Pay the Costs, Expenses, and Liabilities of the Town of Vail for 1979
1978-47 Establishing a Debt Service Contingency Fund; Stating the Purpose of Such Fund; Providing for Council Procedure to Use Said Fund: Specifying the Use of Interest From Said Fund
1978-48 Concerning Revenue and Imposing an Occupation Tax on All Electric Utilities Operating Within the Town of Vail
1978-49 Granting a Franchise by the Town of Vail to Holy Cross Electric Association, Its Successors and Assigns, to Locate, Build, Construct, Acquire, Purchase, Maintain, and Operate Into, Within and Through the Town of Vail
1978-50 Amending Title 18 of the Vail Municipal Code Relating to Zoning; Eliminating Building Bulk and Open Space Sections; Amending Various Requirements as to Setbacks and Heights
1978-51 Amending Title 16 of the Vail Municipal Code Relating to Signs; Providing New or Amended Procedure for Application and Approval of Signs